The Brussels Post, 1907-11-28, Page 51. �G•��r=al�� al" �L�i�i��'i� g Largest{andpppBest t3E Tf4AL STRATFORD. ONT. atBy Mlug tlhe beet tufa School has bu00100 the largest lemur s tralolug taboo) la Weslorn Ontario, Our en- ,�tF roeuent again .used that of y, "tY" ego. Wily y bemuse our 0051(00 urn "° iJ tuoroO4h. and practical with epeelal- lets lit merge 01 our Commercial, Tel 9),earn oily unit8hort0aud departmonta. All our gradnatee obtain good poei- gtwits. You may ruler NOW. Write ler aur tree 01lilega0, CI 141L1U1'i',1 ai0LAOB1.:AN, `(' Q14 1'tnuipaie, t 8d' a.:43 `JpfG 3rrel 'rte.:: BUSINESS CAROL WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER or MARRIAGE LICENSES lice 11n 111e Post Llllce, Ethel. 00.4 ICRTHA C. ARMSTRONG 1s prepared to give lueaoae o1 Piano er Reed Urgau. 'Terme on appheat(uu Puotonloe address -Brussels. 2100.40080- 11018,00u.10, Grey. Pupilo may have their lessens at their own homes 1, prefer(ed. MISS LAURA SPENCE Teacher of Piano or Organ ETHEL, ONT. MISS MARGARET M'LAUCHLIN TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared for the Toronto Conservatory of Music. JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Company Office and Roeitlemoe- WAL.TON, ONT, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM; 12280HAN0R, FIRE ND A MARINE, GUELPH. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM PROPERTY Rate of Interest 5i par cent per annum, first Mortgage LIFE AND FIRE iNS. AGENT Excelsior (Me Insurance Company The Equity Fire Insurance Company All business attended to promptly. H. R. BREWER, J. P. Clerk 41E. Division Court. AUCTIONEERS. t S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- . 1.i • ERR, win Bell for better prices, to better mon, In lees time and les chargee Mau any other Auoti0aeer in East Huron Or he won't (Marge auytuieg. Dottie and orders eau always be arranged at tale office or by pummel application. ROBT. H. GARNiSS BLIIIOVALE - 0NT, Auctioneer for Huron County. 'terms reasonable. Sales amused for at the (Moe of Ten Poem, Bruseele, 2211 VETERINARY. /Z. A, CUNNINGHAM— V m Honor draduu.e of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis- eases of domesticated animate In a oompet- mit manner. Parlioular attention paid to 4'eterivary Dentistry and bink Paver. Calls promptly attended to. Chloe and Infirmary -Four doors North of bridge, Turnberryy et„ Brueeeln, Ehoue 441r • LEGAL AND CONYEYANCINQI. -a 1� A B.IvIAODONALD— li.• Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, 1110, Ouooeeoor to U. F. Blair. Oltloe over Stan- dard Bunk. Brusoole. 20110itor for Metro- politan leak, SINCLAIR- 1 • Barrister, Solloitor,' Ooureyeamer, Notary Public, &a, Oilloo-Stewer/'e Block 1 door Nor to 01 Central Hotel. Solicitor's tor,the Standard 13 auk. lytOUDFOOT, HAYS at BLAIR- SAIDAI8TEIi8, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIU, 1600. W. Pa00iIOOT,Ii,O, R, 0.1110x8 q. F, BLAia. OIIl000-Those formerly occupiedby Messrs Oalner0u& Holt, 0ODRRuOi, •ONTARIO. DENTISTRY. D.R. R P.. FBIL_D. 1088(8810 • • Ora,gg__iatb of the Royal college. of boatel Bureeene of Ontario and First•olase Ilbnor Graduate of Toronto 1'fuivereit . Omar next to Brower's Photegrapb Gallery,. BRUSSELS. '0l3usiness .Knowledge''` a and "Everlasting Push" 21.10 two eSBOntlal9 td P( 01200005. -Attend S9 ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. ' and prepare for Bret -01000 business peeitiouo such ae are epee t0 our (tee. auto, Hundreds of our etPP.pp dl udeubs aro gg0fug into Lmg00d1p071' tcue eWerq yadro wl it right. Whiter term opens Jnnu- 9f airy dt1). Write for catalogue and neo bi 1wheiom x0 +we' 001 ordinary Buslueee it .Ou g IlO OB. 11) ion 112 (.3t,10 10a1,IOINT, Prinaipal. ) y L�Oslt, YOiidli ANn A1NAAND1R gaga, t CENTRAL BUSINESS LOLL GE of Toronto bee started tlt0120and0 of young igen mud women oil the easy way to independence and Buoy COBB. Lot us give you the right start. Write for Uotologpo and plan to spend the next slit mantle with us, Enter ally time, .Address W. H. SHAW, Principal Yong° at Gerrard sta., Toronto ,pzstrIrt .c S, Peleda1B desiring ,•ale bills printed Ou short amine interim do natter than have them printed at Tim POST. Notwl1b8taed- .fug the inareiteed coot of raw material' and labor ourpricefor sale bills remains. the same ae before, including a Hoffer of the sale in the paper. TRIAL Uatarrrb treatmeute are being maned out free, on requeot, by Dr. Scoop, Rennie, Wie. Tubas teem are proving to the people -without a .pen uy's u0at-the great value of Ibis 00300- 11fi0 preeoriptiou knowu to druggiete everywhere as Dr, Shoop'° (0104411 Remedy, Sold by all dealers: Tomfohuwiug parIioul0re • (mummies the Regiolry Ofliuee for the Pruviuoe were taken from the iumpactor's report for 1906. Number of instruments reg(e- tered at Gudetich during 1906, 4,195 ; this reepeot Huron stones lib AN the promos. The gro0y amount of Ines earn ed for the year was 95,916, of thio 91,521 was sarned, bet nut reueivBd. Depu.y ltegtet.104 reamed 9800 for bis eel vices ; 91,066 was paid out for other 'Arvind. The county reoeived 91,460, and the ant amount received by the regiotror wan 92,589. When the Sternlieb, Heart, or Kidney nerves get weak, then tb000 organ always; fail. Don't drag the nomad), nor 81)02. elate the Heart or Kidueye. That In simply s makeshift. Get a pree0riptiou knowu to druggists everywhere se Dr. •lion a Restorative The restorative is k3 p prepared expresoly for the weak inside uervea Strengthen these nerves, build them up with Dr. Shoop's Reetorative- tabiete or liquid -and see bow -quickly help will Dome. Free 'temple Wel Bent on request by Dr, Shoop, Rooine, Was. Your health ie eurely worth this simple )net. Bold by all dealoro. Tun CANADIAN PICTORIAL FOR NOVsuuoR. -The November Items 'phone the eeucu10 volume of this populardlluetrated month• ly. It continue the usual delightfnl- seleolion of pictures -many of them line (ull•pess ones -making up in all about o0e thousand egaare inches of illuetra• tions. Amoug the more uotable p101040e. are "An English thatobed cottage" (prize - picture) and n epleudid eeleotion from the tenet photo competition; the new Minister ot Public Works, the ion. Wm. Pugsley : 0 flue portrait ot Mrs. Pogeley ; the seven Canadian Premiere educe Con- federation . a page of snapshots of Alber- to Indiana ; pioturea of airships, balloon• mg and wireless telegraph thea are worth 0olumue of deaorlpuou ; the Prince of Wales on the grouse moors ; a *puma Algerian war picture ; and a Hue fun page portrait of Sir Thomas Lipton, the famous yoahlsmin. Numerous other timely 1)1olaree,toehiono, patterns news of the month, hints on Christmas gilt mak. ing and other intermitting teatareo go to make tip a meet entertaining number. Annual subooriptiou, 91.00 ; eingl0 copies ten. nuts. Next issue (the Christman member)ll probably contain about 1,500egtt a inches of floe etohmgs. '1IIR PICTORIAL PUBLISHING 00., - 142 St, Peter St„ Montreal. Gros'. DRAT() os' Mute 111011100. -Atter sit illness of about ten mouths, Mho Margaret Byers, daughter of Daniel and Mre, Byere, 2nd eon., passed away on Buuday evening, November 171h, at the family residente,In her 80tH year. The deoeao- ed was an estimable young lady cud be- loved by many trisects. She bore her p401400ted dowse with Christian forti- tude and waa ready to enter upon the newer and better life wbeu the °immune Dame. The fnueral took plane ou Wed- nesday afternoon and Was attended by a very large number of eympethiemg trieuds. A funeral aer0t00 was beld ill Christ Ohnroh, Lietowel, on the arrival of the cortege an that town, oouduoted by Rev, Mr, Bourne, reciter, Iwamoto took plane at Fairview cemetery. De. oeaeod will be muob mused by her parents, she having been lie only Mete- ber of the family at home. Two mar- ried sisters, Mre, Blowee. and Pare. .Kit. patriok, of Noepawa, Mau., and two brotbere reside in the West. Yo2tr Painful Corn Whet ft waste Is theeuothiug intention of Puluom's Lion Extractor, which hila out the very root and branch in short order. No pain, no after effeoi, jut oleau w1101000me core -that's Putuam'0, l iea,rort;h.` Mime Ingloe, of North Dakota, are spending the Winter with their aunt, Mee. Thee. Pattou, Robert Bell, manager of the Engine and Thresher Company, returned Monday from a two menthe' Wahine 'trip to the West. While driving home from town James McConnell, of Oonceseiou 7,'1Itokeremith, had the miefortuue to break hie leg. He was gutting down out of the wagon and o0 0000001 of the darkness of the night miaoed his footing and fell to 1110 ground with the above result, Tdeoday everting Master Pearson` Grieve had the misfortune to, have one of the bones of Ins right arm fractured by a kink from a ooiI. He wag trying to put the halter on it when a mieohievoua Idea aeons to have natured to it, and it wheeled and Molted him with the. above r00alt. Tho hnntera have all .10terned from their outing in Muskoka and repor0 0. most enjoyable and edoaoeoful trip. Geo. E. Henderson, of the Commercial, hrought home two deer ; Ones, Stile, two ; John Turner, two ; B. Alleb,two ; Rad Major Anderson, one. Mr. Ander. eonv0 health wee not what It wittily 'lb •••••• •,.� epd for oeverat days he wee compelled to forego hie favorite peatimo. A very intensities maeloal and literary' , nt004101:flan& wag given In the b0,0850909 of the Presbyterian phuroh, The feature of the evening wee a debate, the egbjeot of which was ...Resolved that our anoint - ors are better than we." The affirmative woe upheld by Venn, Fergueoa and Uendereop, the negative by Misers. Mo. 1.ean and Whittaker. At the oon0lueion u: the debate the audience was asked to i Dido the contest by a thew of haude, the majority voted the victory to the oeg0tiv0. Tbe egbjeot woe well handled by both tildes, many good pointe being brought up, which were valuable both fn referen0e to the geeetl901 and in putting before the aodiouoe the etrengah and aloe the weakness of present tendencies. To cheek a cold quickly, get from your uruk,int mune Candy ColdTablets called Preventies. Druggtete everywhere are now diepeneing Preveulios, for they are not only safe, bat decidedly 0ertait2 and prompt, Preventiao Oout0i1 no Quinine, u0 laxative, nothing harsh nor ..,atoning, Taken at the "sneeze stage" Preventtoo will prevent Pneumonia, Bronchitis, La Gripes, eta. Hence the name, Preveutioe. Good for feverish Aitken, 48 Prevention 25 cents. Trial Boxer 5 eta. Sold by all dealers. 10. I. ot8A. A new woodshed hoe been erected to the rear at the Mothodiet par0unage. Jamie Donaldeou, jr., puruhaeed the Nichol farm from Waiter Hamilton, 8th eon. Dr. Murrey, who acid his pr00ti00 to Dr. 0. MaMaue, two moubhe' ago, has uougbt a pr00110e 10 Bhelbourne and left for that pi000.. 0. H• I'ultorloo, of New Liekard, Spent A few days in town. He brought F'rauoee with him who will spend the Winter with her acted parental. E40001 Turnbull, 6th oouoeeeiou West, dlepoued of hie line 150 0040 farm for the eaude0me num of 98,200, to R. J. Farrell, 81(1 00120010/01 Beet. Fred W. Thomas, the travelling Seore• Lary of the Brutharhuod of St, Andrew, held a ounfereuoe for melt in 8t. Alban'° (March on Monday, Nov. 25th, at 8 p. m. odes -lets. Tbe Deoember Beeston of the County Oouuoil will commence on Tuesday, Srd pros. Col. Young hes brought the matter be- fore the Ooauoii of bringing the neat temp of bpetruotiou to Goderioh. The 0. P. R. has put on a special freight oar on the evening train from Toronto to Goderioh, which will equ01 express delivery on partials from that city. The Y, M. 0. A. olob recently organ- ized by Mr. Outlaws beide weekly meet- ings for Bible etody. The K. 0. Y. M. A, will probably merge into the Y. M. 0. A. olnb atter New Yearn. Jae. Johnston, drayman, was serious- ly hurt while uploading a piano at the West street rink. The Paulo slipped and be fell partly under it and reoeived a bad. garb on the aide of lie head. Wong Yong May, the Chinese laundry• 02002 oil East street, has become the owner of the property he was oaoapying, having pnrohaaed it at the eao110u sale of Mrs. Lynn's property. The ()doe was "'its 000(484110.1 for the outside break- water has bait a large shed for the storage of oemeut and outage needed for his work. It is built on the river end of the North pier, and the outfit for the work ie being put iu order fur a atart. The members of the Knox 0hurob Young Men's Club are gaining experience el the way things are done fn an interesting sort of way. They prooneded to sleet a town commit and tenders ars now being asked for the discharging of the duties of dere, - ae000eor, 001(8010.1, 000. Colin Finglaud has beau elected to the Mayor's oh0ir 1 Hector McKenzie was appointed Reeve; Kenneth Boyd, Deputy Reeve ; and the following are councillors :-111 Clark, D. OlarO, Roswell Rutherford, Leslie Inkster and Harry Reid. lien Bute By Force, Women By Charm Aud yet became they ave lees soon. nearly, women neglect the early evidences of failing vigor. The wise woman wilt net permit her oharme to be robbed by ilt•bealth. When she feels appetite fail• fug, nerves getting oil edge, color failing she tskee Ferrozoae. Sow it eharpeue the appetite! How gamkly rich blood is available to restore =or to the cheek°, buoyenoy to the step. Better try Ferro noun. You'll feel tike a new being,with new vigor and ability to ooutront la n's. turiou11100. Yon are ears to 'Wee the day you commenced Ferrozono. Sold everywhere in 50e boxes. t7 f In tall. The Olintousalt workswill soon be in operation again with a bread new outfit. Jacob Taylor's. new Delon are being Wailed forward by the manna, 0leo the new addition to Clinton Knitting Go, and Walton Threshing 00. Ed. Johnoun, who has been ruuoi0g a harness shop in Blyth, will open up for bueiueee 0u Dee, let 111 the store now oc- cupied by A. MuKown. The Wesley Sunday Sobool held very eatiefadtery anniversary Dentine. Rev. 8.1'. Bartlett, of Saukville, N, tai„ woe the preacher of the day, In the violent windstorm that pseud 0004 )hie district the large .ohimney on the House of Refuge was blown over, do- ing considerable damage to the roof. W. R. {bunter, our local jeweler, had the misfortune to step unit nail in his yard, which passed through hie foot. The hail was rusty one and although no intricate reeolte are anticipated Mr, Counter will be laid up for some time. Brakeman. John Renton of London, city, was caught bebweeu a oar and the libation platform at (Anton and bait1 thigh° were badly brained, He was taken to London and floe Dat yet been able to report Lor duty. It has been decided that a new ''8t, Joseph's church will be built next Sum- mer to replace the one, in which the 000- gregation,bee been worebiping•for many years. 'Itwill beemoted upon the present alto. II'Or thio object thine is al- ready on hand 98,600 in cash and as well M the neighborhood of $6,000 eubeeribed. Two lade of about fourteen years of age, Jaoll Lawson and Harold, eon of Peter Ountelbn, were out shooting and when on the railway Croon near Da A. Forreeter'e, Harold woe 000ideulty shot' in the thigh by hie companion who was about fifty yards dietunt from him, lois 0048 he aimed at a laird and that the bullet etrgak a atone And glanced. A. R. Morrison, of Berala,'(Provipoiol Inspector wee making a tour of the betide in Swab Huron, a000mpaniod by,. Ioopeolor 'Torraooa and 09)09 visited Went Huron botele in company with In- speoler Aeyuith, • Ail;.Pt* Mcg. Wm, Campbell attended the Herttaaitural Show et Toronto, `l'a col oto Westlake x In r Wu !aka rioter that etre taxa are coming invery slowly ao lax t iio year, Thio00ation anter 940 Wrote of apples have been pegkdd from the orchard of A. W, Sloan. lbs 6ieotrio ligbto are being run in the morning, which le no doubt appreoioted by the more who ries early in the morn - tug, Tile Methodietohurob Sunday Snbool will hold their Oarlolmaa entertainment and tea on Wedeeeday evening, 1s h. Owing to the removal of J. S. Golden from town the public Library is closed till some person can be found to take charge of it. Fred. B, Anderson arrived from Wooleely, Bask., on Tuesday of last week and will spend the Winter visiting around Blyth. The Sabbath School of St. Andrew's church volt hold their manual entertain- ment in loduetry ntertainment.inloduetry Hall on Friday even.. ing, Deo. 18th. Joe Irwin lett Blyth for Rudyard, Mich., where it le said he will drive a mail rig this Walter for J. Lawlor, for- merly of this toothy. R, H, Robineou, barueoemaker from Londeaboro, who parabaeed the harness bueiueoe ot the tate J. W. Bell, has been busy arranging hue stook, etc., in the premiere. The store has been painted and eeveral changes made which adds greatly to the shop; A meeting was bald in the Commercial Hotel to decide whether Horse Faire would be bead 1u towiyhte- year or not. Atter a dleouesian it was deoided to hold a fair the Friday after Breath' 'Horse Faire, and the old 0180840 were re•eleot- ed :-President, A. W. Sloan ; Vice•Preei• dent, Wm. Jackson ; Secretary, J. L. Herr. • A tinkling 0oug11, from any cause, is quiokly cupped by Dr. Shoop'° . Cough Cure. And itis eo hermlete . and safe 111211 Dr. Shoop tells mothers everywhere se give it without hesitation even to very young babes. The wholesome green leaves and tender slams of a lung•heal- in thrills, g mountainous oil hub, tnr02ieh the curative properties to Dr. Shoop's Cough Ogre. It oaime the Dough, and heals the sore and eeneitive bronchial membraoee. No opiate, no chloroform, nothing hareb used to injure or enpprese. Simply a resinous plant Batton, that helps to heal aching langs. Tbe Spaniards call this shrub which the doctor uses "The Sacred Herb." Demand Dr. Shoop's. Take no other. Bold by all dealers. Lionto A daughter of Henry Horn was operat- ed o0 for appeadioitis at her home here. Rev. J. 13. Oliver, a former pastor, will preaoh the anniversary alarmone fn the Methodiat obaroh on Sunday, Deo. lat. The 0, P. R. paeaenger station is being pushed ahead rapidly. A large farce of brioklayere are working on it, and it the weather eontinne0 open the walla will Boon be up. Dr. Clarence Thompson, eon of Robt. Thompson,, merchant, town, and grand- son of Dr, Philip, hag encoesefully passed the examivabione of the Medical Board of California, wbiob qualifies him to prao- tine in that State. Arrangements are about oompleted for the Laymen's Miseiouary banquet to be held at 6 p. m. on the 18th of Deoember, lit the Methodist aharoh here. After the banquet addressee will be given by N. W, Rowell, of Toronto, W. J. Forenoon, of Stratford, and Mr. Keenleyeide, of Lon- don, which with musical eeleotion° will make up the pf'ogram. Delegates will be present at the banquet from Lietowel, Atwood, Moukton, Milverton, Trowbridge and Wallace and the attendance outride of these will be by invitation. The reale are laid on the Listowel brauoh of the 0, P. R. to about a mile West of Tralee. Nearly a hundred men are at work laying ties and rails and battening and Saturday night about two- thirds of the distance was oovered be- tween Linwood and this town. The grading Westward to the Gordon out ie nearly all limbed, and it is now milli dimity exported that the raffle will be laid' to Listowel before Ohriatmes. A tot of filling will be required at the station gronada in town wbiob may delay the opening of the road somewhat, AooIDRNT.-Peder N'Idholeon, eub-oon• tremor on the Lastowel-Linwood brunch of the Guelph & Goderioh Railway, woo severely Injured by au exploaioo of dyne mite on Wednesday morning of leer week while overseeing the work at the Gordon ant 1n Rims, about two miles Reel of the town. Mr, Nioholeon has the eon - treat for taking down the hill there, and was 088100ing hie men in breaking up the frozen earth with dynamite. He . had laid a chargeand pat le lighted match to the fuee, and retired beyond the danger Hue. No explosion resulted, and atter waiting for a time be went to investigate. He had barely r000hod the spot andwas bending over when the dynamite went .old. He was hurled to the ground' by the ooa0110eiop and was struck in the face by the earth, being blinded and the upper part of his hoe badly out and burned. Rig bat woe blown to ehrede, ehowiug that be had barely tamped being killed outright.. He was picked rip lneenelble and borne by the workmen to the Damp, and A party woe immediately diepatohed to town' for medical .assistance. Dr. Moore, who was summoned, reports M1. Nicholson ae being alightly better and that he could the a little, which given good ground for hope that hie ' eight ie not injured. He woo able to be removed to hie home in Logan, 0. Aro You .losing' Looks or strength Once you were robust, bright sod happy. Today you are dell, worried, failing in vitality and appearance. Joot when you ehoald bo at your beat you're played out and need a oleabsing, bracing tonic, Your blood will Loon redden, y008 vivaoioue spirit will soon return, you'll be.yoarenit again it you regulate the 0yetem with Dr. Hemillon'e Pine. A truly wonderful medicine, It senr0f100 out dieea0oi punitively drives away head- ache, weariness Mod leets of vital toroe. Give youreolf a Mimeos, Use Dr, Rama. tone and watch the moult. Sold every. Where in 250 hotels, � E W110111$,E8 HYOMEIE? > 'tTil0 )lost People in Brusilltlf.gial Uuarantood In Catarrhal Troubles, No other remedy or medicinal treat- ment has been els popular or made 80 many remarkable owns in Brunie es Hyomei. e • • Thbeat pecple attest its curative vir- tues. The fair way ir, which Hyomei woe aoid, to refund the money unfoos it gave eatisfeotiou, 10)00 the beet proof when it woe'hitroduoed that it posoeeeed unusual curative powere. Later when Hyomei was need and recommended by our well known phyei- alone cud boeineee men and their wives as a treatment that absolutely oared catarrh, no matter bow 88rio0ely or long Handing, the salsa rapidly grew and to- day there is no other remedy y that has such a large and staple Bele, The first breath of Hyomei'° healing air kills all catarrhal poison. There's nothing else that give° such gniok curative results ib catarrhal conditions. We positively guarantee Hyomei, for should you bay a oomplote outfit, price $1,00, and be dissatisfied with results your money will be refunded. Hyomei is sold by druggiete everywhere. Write tor literature. Booth's Hyomei Go., Buffalo, N. Y. The 0. P. R. will ebortly put on a new night train between Ottawa and Turooto. After a northing inveetigotion, Coron- er (Dr.) MaoLaren deoided that au in- quest 1000 nnneoeeaary in the Daae of Mrs. Addie Robertson, the young widow of Fireman Robertson, of London, who died edddenly on Thursday evening, 1411s host., as the reealt, the meaner believes, of extreme grief. Tbe theory of death from ptomaine poieoning from eating potted chicken was discarded after Dr. Seaborn and the coroner had thoroughly probed the matter. Mrs, Robertson bad bean in a highly nervous state 811oe the tragic death of her husband which 0e a remit of the injariee received inthe ex• plosion of a locomotive boiler at New. bury. She brooded oonetaotly and the coroner believes that snob a 000ditioo might have brought about the convulsions • which milted death, It ie not believed that death could have been canoed so goiokly by ptomaine poieoning. AO no tateroet could have been nerved a poet - mortem axaminative woe not oondnotod, The funeral woe held Saturday afternoon at 8,80 o'aleek from her late reoidOuoe, Ontario 0)8801i100 Mount P)0seent ceme- tery, AN ODD Wnar,.-Ab pestle with the world and 111neighbors, e ria hbvr William Bat, Gerebull, of. Elhoe towunhdp, Perth county, peened to the great beyond, Now bio will, ae (triage a document ae was ever drawn up by lawyer, 000100 00 the high court for interpretation. The trouble 18 that the testator left more be. (peen than moony to meet them, and. the court is asked to Day how the money shall be dietribatod. Re left 94,000 to provide daite of olothee for ohildren be. (ween rix and eleven y00re of age, whore parents were poor butnot paupers. The clothes were 10 be oheap and good, and their purpose wee to enable their recipients to attend Sunday school. The clothes were to be dietribnted an. nuttily en the anniversary of the test- ator's birth, end if after r000iving the clothes the ohildren did Dot attend Bun. day school they were to Lotleit the right to partake of next year's distribution, Tbe olothee were for all .()reeds or .those who have none. The atones revoked by a.eodieile provided $2,000 to be ie. vested for population Quietin00 die- tribulioD of bread and beef to the poor of Stratford, I direct the mayor of the said city," says the will, "when dietribut. fog the said bread and beef, to give the beet oats to the oldest people." A be. gent of $500 was to provide newspapers for inmates of the hospital, rotdge and. jail. 5500 was to be invent- ed to provide prizes at the North Perth Agriooltaral Fair, one for the beet de- veloped boy of one year, one for the beat developed boy of six, and one for the beat developed boy of ten, Other be.; quests were : Sane of England, Strat- ford Lodge, 9150 ; bo my oldest neigh. bor, James Stevenson, 950 ; for a peal of belle for 80, James' abnroh, $500 Sauday school books for St. James' church, $250. Bert. Day, of St. Tbomee, and William Tawrenoe, of Stratford, were named as execatore. Do you. end • y Kid e Trouble ? It looks as if some people really enjoyed suffering with their 7Oid. neys. Because they wont take 8n -Jar when .they know It will cure them. YOU 1 Row about nt You KNOW fu'.Ju will take away the pain, soothe the irrita- ted nerves, neutralize uric acid, and make the l'Sidneye well and strong. YOU KNOW T13IS. Then why don't YOU take Bu -Ju Tie G entleKiny d e � ill P 52 Shirley Street, Toronto, Ont., Feb, zo, r • "I have used five boxes of your Bit -Jar and find it has done me a great deal of good. My Kidneys have troubled me for a long time -have been forced to get up as many as ten times in the night before I could go to sleep. My first box of 13u -Jos convinced me that it was just the medicine for me. You may use my name as recommend- ing Bu..Ju,for I cannot say enough for it for troubles like mine." Yours truly, Ar,sox., BRODIH.. You can cure yourself easily at home. Simply take Bi -Ju regularly and faith- fully, and a cure is certain. Moreover, it IS guaranteed. Por if Bu -Ju does not relieve and clue you, we will prompt• ly refund the money, se a box. At druggists, or sent direct. THE CLAFLIN CHEMICAL CO., LIMITED WINDAOR, ONT. 70 64 Kingly 99 EARL GREY'S APPE A L On behalf of Needy C,s:nsu , ptives strong words of Canada's Governor-General At the official opening of the King Edward Sanatorium for Consumptives, near Toronto, His Excellency delivered an address that must have an important bearing on the future of the sanatorium movement in Canada. We quote :— " The -"The proceedings this afternoon commenced with a beautiful and reverent prayer from your old friend, 1]r. Potts. He prayed that the light of the Lord might shine upon us. That prayer is abundantly *answered. He also prayed that the White Plague might be removed. Wolf, whether that prayer will be answered or not depends upon yourselves." "Is it not a standing shame and reproach to the govern- ments and individuals that there is not more care taken by the people of Canada to protect themselves against the curse of consumption?" On his way out to the King Edward Sanatorium,—so named by permission of His Majesty King Edward VII—the Gov- ernor -General's car was stopped in its progress outside the Canada Cycle & Motor Co. by a large crowd of its employees. A contribution of one hundred dol- lars was handed the Governor- General, a donation to the Toronto Free Hospital for Con- sumptives. "'Twas a kingly gift" said His Excellency in making acknow- ledgment. "./ will tell the King." Addressing the large audience that Earl Grey said a "Ladies. and gentlemen, when the workingmen of Canada are setting an example of this character, I hope you will not be slow to follow, and l trust that the example of the Canada Cycle & Motor Co. may be followed, as 1 am sura it will, in every factory and manufacturing industry throughout the land." We carry these words to the people of Canada in our appeal to -day on behalf of the FREE OSPITAL FOR CONSUMPTIVE NEAR GRAVEN ONTARIO attended these opening exercises, referring to this event Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives An institution that has never refused a single applicant admission, because of his or her inability to pay. Seventy-five t. -five patients can be cared for to -day. Accommodat's11 could' be provided for three hundred if the required money were forthcoming. To make this possible,: our appeal is for $Sa,000, to be used in extension of buildings' and maintenance of patients. • Where will your money do nnoP'e good? Every community and every individual is intetested. His Exeelleney Earl Cray has shown his interest and syoflpathy in the work at Muskoka for needy acceptingt le position of Honorary President of the National•Sanitariuln Association. consumptives, by 1 p Contributions 'may be sent to Sir Wm. R. Meredith, Kt., Chief Justine, Osgoodo Hall, Toronto; W. J. Gage, Esq., 84 Spadina Ave., or S. Robertson, Sec'y-Treas., stational Sanitarium Assoeiatien1 847 King Street .West, Toronto, Canada.