The Brussels Post, 1907-11-28, Page 4• the eeraoger in the next pew: all these things �l�y •� �( hv�N r3 f� t4�Yt �•r �• may kern]. to you Go be little things, but jueo D FJ ti 3�ip k•Vtir'piv4•tn .V•4•r I euoh little things as these, are rho taste of Sour ftdthrnlneas as a Christian Eladeavor buamber and servimnb of Jesus Ohrfsb, Wo m - cannot do rhes: things of oursblvea, Life in ' ff U ti' S 0 4 ' , U {'. 2S, 1907. this world la not. easy. It lana iia struggles, airength,'henco the nasi]. coutinuntly to go to A LiVE ENDEAVOR - WHAT CONSTITUTES IT ? The following: helpful paper wee given by Mies Allots Danas,.et-Sahel, At the recent lune cleaver Convention held et 1'u0OWuter kVlljls minty U1uletieu Endeavor eooiatles are tlourishmg there are also many Mut •. are struggling to live,.: 10 .is au' unpleasant feet but We ].Mint solutowledge tt, 10 ms nal-bhetthe need of the organization is 000 us greet 00 lte0e1• wale' nor that there is anything to blame in the fundsmentel plea, -Wherehes the fauna Penelope there is no definite ,object in view, or the fault may he with te lnd,vmnal members of the Society' 'There must be some epeoal effort ; to areata enthutea0m and (told our interest, Unless each Society ilei such an aria it will become simply a prayer -meeting, and sooner or haler dwindle. The. main purpose of the Society ehodld be to give a religious training to the young people; to lead them to Christ 01111 Ffia rllurch, and to set them at work for Rini. There is something. Wrong if the old people lute the Young People's So*fety better Ilion i the young people du. If the Society i8 net reaoliIug the young people who are not' fehr1eG10as, : who lave 10 - the families for which that 0hureh furnishes spu.'1Gua1 nom•- ishment; if the soolale and other spemal meetings of the Society are not used Its u means to this and, however many other good things It may be doing it is not ful- filling its mieolon. It should be conducted by and for the young people, their pastors and denominations being friends and guides but not ruler% it should hold up a standard of work and aooemphshutent, as is the pledge, and at should hold the yotung people to 18 as by the Consecration maiming and the Lookout Committee. There mst be no loosely organizedanized Soo - sets where membership carries with it cense oeontitan) can be no suc- cessful work xonpb as responsibility is lad upon the young people. The striae prayer_. to pledge, honest]. inter reted is meat g p g, y P al. to the continued aucoes0 of the essential ers Munk A good meso tract, o EMutt it ars thinkderpledge i tau a nieli and that b- istoo hard 0 perinea teach the one ob- ject jecb ow*l1* Snooty m to de thi aha r Christ. t0 be Willing to . I hard o 0(ooi for Christ. It has been Sound that the Societies which have been formed 'without the pledge, or with the pledge weakened, did not live long. Domes lower the standard by making the way easy; make sure that every bun Who joilla fully understunde his or her duties andobhg0tions and fo willing in Christ's etlength to undertake then. Glory in yobr pledge) 10 is your badge of honor. The boreety of Christian Endeavor centres around the weekly prayer -meeting, and the Consecration meeting (whish each active member pledges himself or herself to at- tend.) The Uoneecration meeting should be the crown and climax. of our Christian Endeavor services. 11 should be a very im- pressive and helpful meeting. The two- fold purpose of tate meeting is t0 review the progress made in the Christian life dur•- ing.tbe past 01011011 and to renew our vows for the coming month. :these two thoughts should always belnvolved in the Oonseora- Leon meeting. If these are nut lost sight of the meeting cannot be otherwise than a genuine 00u008 or inspiration. The keyword of Christian Endeavor is Training. The Consecration meetings aretraining eeh0o18 in the expression of religious We. The young Chrlatfan has the privilege of expres- sing his love for Wirlst, an expression which is of need as education. More than any- thing else today, the church needs Christ- ians who are not ashamed to say Ho and it is m our meetings that they should receive this training. Our weekly prayer -meetings must be the very best we can possibly make. The ecriptnre reading and prayer should be deemed even more important than the ad- dress which follow. The eingmg, whether there belittle or much, should be as care- fully planned for as the address. Have the singing of a hymn thatwilt stir the hear; of the audience, that will help the devotion- al spirit in the meeting, that will arouse to action or stimulate to new devotion. AMMO touches the heart uta-tlmea when words have failed, Also when the meeting is open for die0o0sion let it be plainly seen that it is. open. We have sometimes attended meet- ings where this announcement has been followed by dead silence, or we should say "live" silence, for it makes itself fait in a 'most uncomfortable way. Every minute Seems like ten minutes long. Take part the first instant you have the chance. If you begin at the same time as 80m0 one 0180 do not be embarrassed, be glad of it, such double starts give life to a meeting, Leap in s aiu as soon as the others are through. The leader is unimportant factor in a sueeee8ful meeting. Brit -He roust be a. Christian. One cannot teach what he has never experienced. Second -The leader must make a thorough preparation for the meeting. The leader's work UM draw out and. give but. He cannot giveout what he has nob taken in. Preparation must con- sist of four things, 1st, Prayer asking God for wisdom; end, Reading tine Bible and everything • which relatoa to the subject; 8rd Planning -many a meeting has been dull and dead wanting that which stirs and blesses because no plana were made for it; 4th Relying upon the Hol Spirit to guide and direct. Put away all thought .of self, of whether or not you speak well, prepare well, attempt wee, and. then though you stammer, forget, break down, be sure God will not let your effort result in anything but a glorious success. Many herd hearts ' have{ been broken by speakers breaking down. Good Committee -work is ne0av80ry to the success of a Young People's Society.. This - affords excellent training in service. Some- timesthis part of the Work is neglected, i ' and sometimes t comes in for severe crit- 1ci0m, on the ground that it le mere routine andmochinery A' good Committee is lice good manibinery • it affords a way 00 ser- vice to a grewdeal of spiritual power, which otherwise could not be used. The Lookout Cominitt00 is perhaps the most important. The work of this Committee requires tact,courage, wisdom, patience, penever8rloe. It must bring new members into the Society and introduce them to the work; reclaim those who hexa grown lax and indifferent to their vows; sober the carelooe; encourage the timid; • direct the awkward• The duty of the Prayer -meeting Committee is also important. This Com- mittee should Hee that a. -topic Is assigned and a leader appointed for overt' meeeingr The Social Committee must promote the. eoofal interests of the Society by welcoming strangers to the meeting, end providing for the malum acquaintance of the members by appropriate Ontertainments.of which the .Miura. approves. The Missionary Oominit• tea is the door by which the YoungPeople's 'Soddy enters into the field, which is the world. There lea great deal of Missionary enthusiasm among the young people, but 1000 enough. The mission Selde could utilize ten times the manner of harvestere now 1n them. The work of this Committee is to create genuine interest in ;Missions in the hedrte of the young people. Other Commit- tees may be8dded. The PloWer and Mosso Committees might bring comfort and cheer to many homes. The uplifting meetings planned .for; the bouts won; • the masse thatthen's; the sanctuaries that are .beaux' fled; the sick who are visited; the prisons timbers -entered; the chitdrenwhoaeemade happy; the sailors who are cheered; the pee ora Who are encouraged; the mission- aries W110 are edpported-alt tame things are being aoabmp;lehed through the efforts of faithful, earnest Committee workers. lint, after all, tf our Society isto ' lives, eac. - individual member must 'be Rli will have in himself the life of • Christ and that life will permeate all his aotivltfes, all hie powers and possessions. Bring ovary grace • and gift into Chrit's o0rvice. Not only IMO well the gifts you have employed already, but develop what you have into greater skill and power. Strive to excel, grow by Work - Ing Every young Christian who is alive steaks to de BOUM aueoi10 Work for Christ, Those especially who ere in Christian En. ..deavorend other lice Societies are pledgeod11, tr their bands end, to do. Th Gl', ministry' to dos They, will. be fafreate in also little tiringsaswallas is the greater teaks.. You luny regard Vgane presence) at, Or p1)a0hee from the tveeltly-prayer meeting at a 116110 thing; your fait fit prayer meeting at the meet• in iyeti' ere a a of the eomnm tttlesbf• whiob g member; your being. 'preeentproinptly et too hour for ,the meeting Of the . Young Peo le'e Variety.; yy'our taking part in. the mee0ireg; the ulna that you know you should pay the member of your Sudety who,]. has boon absent; your Bemiring, coediatly to 1 its duties itN 8e1.1'Owa which exhaust our God in prayer, and have oar grace renewed. Weoonnot.live 10•dayon yesterday's food, nor mut we be faithful, strong, happy Christiane on yesterday: s supply of maim. Woneed to pray daily, for prayer is the Oluletiun'a vital breath, Oar souls will soon wither, if we neglect this. Ilay we value life as God values it, and live it for mint bravely, patiently, cheerfully. In the morning Row thy seed, nor May thy hand at evening hour. Hever Asking which shall prosper -both may yield the fruit and Amer; Thou shalt reap of that thou eewest; though thy grain lee smell and bare God shun alothe it as he pleases, for the bars vest full and fair; Though it sink in turbid waters, hidden from thy yearning eight, It shall spring: in strength and beauty, ripen- ing• in celestial light; Ever springing, ever ripening; ;-not alone 1n earthly soil, Not alone moue the shadows, where the weary workers toil; Gracious rivet fruits there may meet thee of the reaping time begun; But upon the Hill of Zion heath the Aacremt- ed San, First the fulness of the blessing shall the faithful labourer see,. Gathering fruit to life eternal, harvest of Eternity, THINGS TO FORGET. I[ you see a tall tallow ahead in a crowd, A leader of 1400 marohiog fearless and proud, And you keow a tele whose mere telling aloud Would renis his proud head to in. Regaith be bowed, It's a pretty good plan to forget it, If you know of a skeleton bidden away In a oluaet, and guarded, and kept t from the day In the dark ; and whose showing, whose sudden display Would cause grief and sorrow and life• long dismay, It's a pretty good plan to forget it. If you know of a thing that will darken the joy Ola man or woman,a girl or a boy, That will wipe out a smile, or the least way annoy, Don't mix it with pleasure, We s filthy alloy ; It's a pretty good plan to forget it. A NATIONAL LIVE STOCK CONVENTION. A meeting of the Exeoutive Committee of the National Live Stook Aeeoontiiou was held on Tjlureday, November 7th, at the office of the Live Stook COMMf0- oioner, Ottawa, to consider the oaliing of the next Conveotiou of that body, The meeting was attended by the President, Hon. John Dryden, Toronto, Ont, ; the Vmoe President Robert ; Nese, Howiok, Que. ; G. A. Giganit, Quebec ; Arthur Johnston, Greenwood, Ont. ; and J. G. Rutherford, live stook Commissioner. Owing to filoee0 the Setuntery, Mr. West- ervelt, was unable to be present. The Hon. Sydney Fisher attended the meet- ing daring the early part of the day. Arrangements were made for the hold- ing Of the next Convention at Ottawa, on February 6th, 6th, and 7tb, next. There dates were eelmoted so se to permit the breeders from Western Canada and also from the Maritime provisoes to attend the meetings of the Cattle, Sheep and Swine Aesoniatious, moat of whiob will be held at the end of January and during the fiat few days in February, as also the Horse Show and meettege of the Horse Breeders' Aeeooiatioos which are ar. ranged for the week following. A program for the Oonveution was in- formally discussed bat not definitely ar- ranged. A number of subjeots will prob- ably be dealt with, but it is likely that the prinoipal dieeuesion will, be on the advisability of amending thregulations governing the admission to Canada of pore bred stock, To ie also proposed to take up and dieouse the beet means of retaining for oar Canadian breeders the Canadian market for pore bred stook and itis probable that a number of specially prepared papers on this subject will be submitted, The future of bar export trade i0 pare bred stook will also be die. attend, while it se expeoted that consider able light will be thrown on our export trade in rattle and sheep for slaughter se deo our export trade in meats and meat food products. The fact that a majority of the live stook meetings are to ne beldimmediately prior to the Convention will render it possible for these bodies to definitely in (Benet their delegates se to the etond they are to take on the vorioae eabjeabe likely to tome up for dieonreion. While this advantage will not be ehared by a num. her of the horse breeders' aesooiatioos, it is to be hoped that the latter will hold special executive meetings for the par pose of inetruotiog their delegabe8 to the Convention. I Stet T11e Stonuteh moue You claret cure catarrh by dosing the etomaoh. The disease is in the throat, nose and bronchial tabes, Iohele Oetarrhozone to the spot where the dis- ease really ie, -it olear8 away foul Beare - Mons, sopa disobargee at opoe, patifiee and Beale the passages, literally anni bltates every trace of catarrh, Nothing des is to direct and 0er18in as 1'oatarrh- 000110." Reenite guaranteed. Two sizes 25o and $1.00 at all dealers, Et. o. Philpott, of Toronto, dropptd dead et Galt, Jamie Fewinge, formerly Chiaf of. Pollee of St. Timone, is 'dead, The seven men killed in the explosion near Dryden' were all Austrians. Dietrich Judges for Alberta and Sag- katobewan have been appointed. G. T.R. yardmen and mita/twat have 11000 granted a 12% inereaee of pay", The Church of Our Lady at Gdelph' wae re.opened. Mgr. Bharattl was greet eat at the 00rem00y. A Coroner's vary at Peulbroko found Engineer laendry responsible for the Northlako wreak. The . Governmeflt are toneidering a measnre to add m members to the mem Railway tlemmieeian, ,Detective Smith, of Winnipeg,,.wae ac' (pitted of uaanefanghtor le 000nbeti00 with the :booting of Carat Gans, ;nage Piche, of Montreal fined atheatre employee $10 for ejecting a Women be, 003150 0he world not tette her hat off, Pr bdndred feet of the wetorworke tunnel under the bay at- Soronte have• bee Oompletod..., - • Widism B. Ryna, injured in en mite, m(biin aeofdeut at Outboree, died at St, Mioitael's I3oepital Toronto. Four motormen Were diemiesed by the street railway mldagemeut Toronto 100 refusing to take out opsit oars. Bev.D. A. D. McLaren BAYS the partial failure of orope in' the West wilt alfsot the Home Minion Fund, The 1y10nar0h Bank of Canada will oeae0 to exist and the money paid by the ehareholdero be returned to them. The Greed 'frank has renewed he lease of the Northwest corner of Wog and Youge etreete, Toronto, for about $12,000 a year, Grey Oounoil Meeting. Collodi mei, pursuant to order, in Long's Ball, Oranbrook, Monday, Nov, 18th, at 10 a. m. Membere ail preoea(, Reeve 1n the 0hair. MM rites of last meeting read and passed. Moved by Jobe Brown, smutted by John Grout that the Olerlt notify A. 13. MacDonald, Barrister of Brussels, that the Engineer and Louie L. Immo, way, ooutr00(ur on the 6th Oou, Munloi- pat Drain, will have to settle re the oonl. plsbion of amid droiu, and that the Connell will not pay any more money to the eo0traotor until the Engineer ()edifies in writing that ibe entreat is completed to pis eatiefaotian, a000rdiog to opeoilloit• liras, plan and profile, unleee oompelled by We 00 'do so,--Oarried. Moved by Jae. Moh'adzean, eeoouded by Juc. Brown that thee °ouuolk offer a reward of $20.00 for the apprehension and 000vfotiou of any person or 9800000 who may be found guilty c stealing fowl or rain m the k 1Y f 8 g Towuehi of 'Gra .-Carried. Moved b John Wit,eeoonded by John Grant that Jae. MoFadzeau see that the draltwood is removed from the Beauoliamp Drain o lot 22,n. 18 - a otod. Oa p anileeon. 0 rr P- motton of John Brown, mended by Jno. Grant the following 80000068 were ordered to be paid :-- Neil -Neil MoTaggart, deeming MoTag gart drain $ 30 00 Peter Tarr, tile per L. L. Loop way's order, Silver °ornere' Improvement Drain 45 00 Robb. Rose, jr„ bal. on gravelling 1 rioontraot, S. R. 5, ooh. 7 60 95 b. No. 15 and 8 coupons, old Sliver corners' Drain 198 60 R. 4F. Livingston, repairing two culverts, 0. R. 6, ton. 15.,2 60 A. Hill & Go,, balance on bridges- 020 00 George McDonald, gravel 8 20 Jas. Ludt'', Award Draiu S. R. 6, eon. 7 4 00 Geo, "{ranter & Go., coal oil and lantern greases 186 W. Blake, refana on Ewan dr0iu 88 00 T. AIcook, " " " 60 00 H. Alouok, ' et 6 00 W.Duuoanson,�filling Beauchamp bridge approaches 21 00 George MoDouald, gravel 2 64 Alfred Cole, &weed Drain, lot 16, cone. 7 & 8 28 40 Allred Cole, oulvert, lot 80, coos. 7 & 8, and exteneioue to cul- verts Mill Road 2 75 W. Strath, 0alvert, lot 17, eon, 16 1. 00 Wm. Forbes, meaning Gov. Drain No. 1, lot 22, din. 15 3 00 E. Juneau, sewer pipe and draw'g Same, Grey and Morris bdy., 89 25 Jas. Tarnbult,wood for hire. °err 5 00 Rmhard Johaetou, farm bridge Lamont drain............., 18 00 D. Johnston, on contract Fulton ;a4r, drain 582 00 D. Johnston, ealverte on Fulton drain. .,.. 50 00 John Cott, 100900ting farm bridge Lamont drain 75 Argas Oarmtob8el, farm bridge MoLean drain ,.,,. 10 00 Wm, Ahnotl, gravelling and, puii'g willows, Grey, & Elms bdy,, paid by Grey 10 foil 18 00 D, Mnlilnuou, tile drein and otuok Munn S. 1L. 1, 00u.7.,.,..,6 00 Anthony MoDouald, spikes 60 Walter Pennington, eurnieg log heaps 1o113, eon. 18 .,,,..,, 2 00 Robert Campbell, fighting fire S. R B, con. 14 1 00 Jae, Pariah, repairing oulvert, Int 10, oon..14 2 49 John Cougblin, culvert Wallaoo bdH. Smith, lean2 25 cleaning Award dr, lot 65 Wnllttoe bdy , Grey's share 3 es Francis Balfour, two ootverte 001*, 2, lots 16 & 18..,4 00 Geo. Coats, eppeoaobea at Duke's bridge 49 60 Ohme. Comm, coal oil and lantern 91 Wm, Menerel', grading lot 18, cone. 17 & 18 ..... 10 00 Peter Tarr, cement tile 16 25 Harry Dungan, gravel 10 88 Wm, Sellers, gravelling Grey & Morrie bdy 67 70 W. Sellers, Twp. and oontraator's portion inepeotiug gravelling 811, Grey & Morris bdy 5 00 John MuIutoel, Board of Health re small pox 5 00 Jae, MoFadzeau, inepeobiog farm bridge, MoLeau drain60 W. H Fraser, 0100uiug drain lot 41, con, 1. ,,,. 1 00 Robb, Dougherty, repair'g culvert lot 80, eon. 14 4 00 W. H. Kerr, balance of ooutraot forriutingfor 1907 30 00 John Ewen, on°entreat Ewen dr, 120 00 Wm. Stevenson, bal. an ooutraot Oox drain 295 00 G. T. Rs; rental on Lamont drain Morrie townebip 25 Conrad ?Mabel, on ooutraot, Michel drain 225 00 Jobe Ferris Boirnee, bal. on eon tr0ot McDonald drain 270 00 Rlob8rd Jaoltito, on ooutraot Jooklin drain 360 00 aMoved, seconded and carried that the Commit do now adjourn to meet on Mon• day, December 16th, at Township Hall, JoON MoINToeB, Clerk. Doubted With cramps Stomata feels like an infernal maohine and you want relief mighty quick. Nothing does the work half so soon as Po(eon's Nerviline. Why it kills the pain restent•y. Nerviline keeps the doctor bill small braouee it cares little ilia be- fore they grow big. Nothing for indigee. tion, heartburn end °ramps like Poison's Nerviline. Large bottles for 25o. John Stewart was killed by a fall while deoorating the ohuroh of our Lady 01 Guelph. John Boyd (colored) was eenteuoed to be banged on January 8 for the murder of E. F. Wandle. Samuel Dutton, a Hamilton football player, was fined $50 for kicking another player's teeth out during a match, see0hief of Polon Gfbmau, of Verdun woe fined $20 by Judge Ohoquet at Montreal for not interfering in a fight in hie town. CO TC S T A A F P R Ladies' Fur 0 is E have now in stock a large range of Ladies' Fur Omits and are prepared to supply you with a warm and comfortable Jacket for the cold weather. -Plain Astrachan Jaokets. -Astrachan with Alaska Coon Collar and Revers. -Astrachan with Alaska Sable Collar and Revere, -Canada Seal Blouse with Mink Rat Dollar and Revere. -Also a few epeoial large sizes in beet quality Plain Astrachan Jackets. Ladies' Furzlined eoats Fur Scarfs, Ruffs and eaperines Prices are the very lowest possible for Reliable Garments. A. eieteeteeweeseesetewareeserwtiewaewte STRACHAN NATIONAL t .. � oiler Flour ills ].i very good house -wife knows hoiv'necessary itis to have good Flour to make her Bread and Pastry_ palatable i a re Loaf Flour possesses all the qualities that go to make a nice, white, spongy loaf. Untie you have used this brand you will want none older, CHOPPING INC" 5 OEWT$ • F' 'f " BAG • t -d"A11 kinds of Feed kept eotlatantly on head. . . & R. A. ameemeasemassualtammiummo ave tiv r ne Doctor No sense in running from one doctor to another. Select the best one, then stand by him. Do not delay, but consult him in time when you are sick. Ask his opinion of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for coughs and colds. Then use it or not, just as he says. Wo publish our formulae 'iWo banleh alcohol - from uurrnedlomaa ur¢ayon to dootgr ,Always keep a box of Ayer's Pills in the house. Just one pill at bedtime, now and then, will ward off many an attack of biliousness, indigestion, sick headache. How many years has your doctor known these pills? Ask him all about them. .---,15.000b7210 J. 0. llyer Oo., I owell, The Grand 'Trunk operator at Btevons-� vine was robbed of 621 by a stranger who entered the office and covered him with a revolver, A E Baeteda w appointed a oom• wart o ted pp missiouer Lo examine into the olafine of Nova Scotia eharebolders of the York'' County Loan. WATCH YOUR TONGUE If Flurrod and Coated, it is a Warn- ing of 'Trouble to Come. When it is the morning after the night'1 before, you do not have to look at : your '1 tongue to know that the etomaah ie up -11 set, the head ie oohing with. a dull rythm, and that all the world Iooke blank until dreary. It may have been lobster Newburg,i1 Welsh rarebit or acme other tasty dish • that looked moob better at night then the morning niter. There is no need to look at the tongue thermometer then for eymptome of trouble.. You naturally go to your box of Mi-o.na stomach tablets, and with one of the little rehevere bring joy and gladoeee to the physical oyetsin. The real time to watoh the tongue is all of the time. It it ie coated with a white fur, even though the etomaah dose not tell you by sante pains of indigestion that it needs help, yet the (Dating ebowe that you are getting into a bad way and there ie need of Mt 0-ua• Heed at the Ant symptoms of a coat. ed tongue, dtetreeo after eating, head- aches, dull and lifeless feeling, or any other of the early symptoms of indigee- tion, Mi'o•ua will etreogthen the etomaoh muscle so that they will take (are of all the load that is eaten without the slight- est pain or discomfort. It will immense the flow of g0etrio juice so that the food digests as nature 'mended it should, ex- tracting the nourishment and strength and expelling the waste from the system without further aid. Mi•o-ne is Bold by druggists every. where for 50 (mete, and we positively guarantee to refund your money ehonid you purobaso a box and be dseoaliefied with resume. Write for free sample, addressing Booth's Mi•o.na, Box 977, Buffalo, N. Y. Henri Bouraeea is reported to he ser. lonely ill• Crawford Corbett, of Bell's Corners was killed at a crossing at Britannia. It 10 reported 0t Montreal that the Quebec and 'Onion Banks will amalgam- ate, Winnipeg milling companies have re. dated the price of all grader of flout ten rents a sack. The Eastern Canada paper and pulp manufacturers, meeting at Guelph decid- ed to ask for ao export duty on Pulpwood. Dr. 0. K. Clarke, Superintendent of Toronto Avylum, has been appointed professor of psychiatry in the University of Toronto. Bon, George A, Cox retired as Proof. dent of the Orow's Ned Pees Coal Com. pang, being succeeded. by G. G. S. Lind. say, K. C. A pastoral from Arohbisbop Brooheie was read in the Roman Catholic oborob- ea at Montreal, forbidding marriages be- tween Oetho(ioe and Protestants. BodmilLime Works, BELGRAVE Is headquarters for First-class Lime. Write or Telephone A. Nicholson & Sons PROPRIETORS r�Will meet teams from e. diet0nce at Central Rotel, Brussels. Cough Caution Never,poslttVelyneverpb1000yom'lunge, If yds,' cough -even front a simple cold only -you should' nitvey0 heal, soothe and tease the irritated bron . , *l81 llama • Dont blindly suppress 11 with al stupefying Pelson Its strange how Como things; linully 0011( about.Dor Monte 58(11:0 Dr: 8(1009. hes l'onvtently warned temple nett0 take dough mixtures nr' m'eui,ptirms centttt3idng Opium,. Chloroform, or she Purpois0its. An 1103'-8 litblo. Mee (hough Cnngu s 01154 "rut it On the tale]. 1t poioone or •its vom Cough Winner." doom Very geed! 1fermi .ft•r for tld0VoryreatgOnmethere, and others, shb1ild iueist oil havhl( Dr. Shoop'0 Celia*, Cure, No poison marks on Dr. Shoob'a labels -and none in th0 medicine, else it most by law be on the had. Aud'it's not only safe, but i/• is said to be by those that lame, it bast, 8 truly re.'' markable cough remedy,' Take no chador then, 1art1rutarly 0011(1 your chlhlron. Theist on having . Dr, elfeepel COMM l:ur6, Compare efi'olully the Dr, shoo» Nkokago with tailors rind note the difference. No polson marks them) You can always bo cru the safe side by doinanding 'fib . op "' ,k1, r,6 ls Cong. Cure "AIL, DEALERS" Best 11111/11. 11111111.110.man a. S u�ft 0 ns `-, IMPORTANT NOTICES N*0 DURLIAM BULL CALVES nod a 0.,rknitire hog for Belo, Lot 80, (ion. 6, Morris, or Mamie P. 0, JAMB.)SPELL rii N 0 HEAV)' DBAUGBT Foals -a Filly au,1 Goldlug-for sale, A100 8 pigs roady for wo 1ulug, 1401 8, Con, 10, Gley. or Burnside P. G. 10.11 L, HULLINGEIt. 11_1 OUSE AND i 11solo-Albert aro available with renewal ofindus- trial' aotiv(tles (u early SPRING. If you desire one you must enter NOW. Short, sharp, snappy courses for those whose time or .money le 1in11t• • ad,. and the broadest and moat cmh. prehonoive curriculum for those who would attain more than ordinary 8uc0080, MAIL 00IIa8118 la commercial, . Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil tiers vioe,30atrioulation, Penm0nship,otce Write for partioulare, Wingham College Business �, Guo. SPOTTON, Principal =T E= Good heavy `Tile of all sizes elul be had at the Henfryn Brick and y Tile yards at the following. prices: 2} inch....$ 9 00 per thousand 8 " 11 00 " " 4 ' 16 00 6 " 30 00 7 .... 40 00 8 " .. 50.00 10 " .... 80 00 11 ,1 11 .1 BRICK Anyone building will find it to their ad- vantage to see the Heofryn Brick. This is the beet standing red brick in the coun- try -does not fade but gets brighter. Prices right. S. Sr COLE, 19-8 ETIlEL. Foreman in the yard, Henfryn. INGER SEWING MACHINES ARE THE BEST! Machines nifty be seen at 14iaKAY Sz SHAW'S Hardware Store, Brussels. Easy payment system may be arranged for. Laino handle the Nordheim- er Piano. • S. CARTER, AGENT MONTHLY HORSE FAIRS J3RUSSELS The Regular Monthly Horse Faire will be held for the seaeou as foliates :. THURSDAY, ........DEO. 6th, 1907 JAN. 2nd, 1908 " FEB. 6111, 1908 MAR, 6th, 1908 APRIL 2n1,1008 Leading Loral and Outside Buyers will be Present. Xmasa n d XMAS GIFTS THE popular idea of the day is to send your Photograph to your frioude. for Xmas. We are all pleased to receive a nice Photo. of our friends at any time and mote eepeoiolly at this Beason of the year.. We have some Dice assortments of Photo. mounts suitable and most artfetjo. 'Don't fail to pall at my studio and look over my samples. T will give you an ex- tra finish in the most up-to-date style. Post Oard and Sunbeam Phobos. until after Xmas season, 100 each. Other eize8 in proportion, Picture., Frames 'made on shortest notice. Prices reasonable: Always welcome at our Studio. H.R.. BREWER ALT Farmers or Storekeepers by' coming to • the Brussels l u sem Salt Works can get any lliu(1 of 'Salt they,•require. GCsrdon Mooney, Foreman, - . 13i'ussels, • A.C11 i LOT forstreet, comfortable borne in good repair. Small e*ablo, 0000 wa0, oletorn, &e. Possession any time. For furnace, partlottlore apply on the primites to 8, O1bAWMUD, Bruesels, 48.61 I�RICK STOKE TO BENT BY 1Pebruery eat -part of Smith Bleak, 22x88 feet; eut1 door from Amoriouu Hotel ; h, tell tread n0 Mitering and gouts' furnitb- ug eetablishmeut. For farther partloulars apply to D11,. tloBeILVNIY, Bruaaoes HOUSE AND } ACRE OF land for 0010, 0omfor1able dwell. fug'; hard end soft writer under cover; ap- ple, plum tied cherry trees, &o, Po00eesinu 008 be Riven at 0800. For pram, terms, &o, calf at T14le POlT, 11 O'UND PUP FOUND.- TI1B nudarsianod nae in his possession a bound pup, utterly white in color, which creme tr him on 'or about November 1114. The owner is (00,1051,41 to prove property and pay for tide notice. W. 10. DON,/AN, 10-4 • Benuuels, ' ,' C7`CRAYED ON THEPRL112- iL) 18100 of the uedersll(,nod, Lot h, 0on. 5, Corey, on or ebout Oet0Uor 20111, one red hepar Bering 0011. OW100 le requeetod tO away p0108E8,DUyLL, pollees and a P.O. 101t take bar 10 .j,•HEAVY ,DRAUGHT GHT COL TS them ire rising 2 E.1 nun three fie 0 of a ole. Two a MYaan d gelds g) are 1 d y 1 MY and d gelding) are Brod by].lova] Park ; a env and gelding by BOntlaudti8'0 Bone, and a Ally by Smear. Apply ou 1 Lot 30 (.mu. 4, ?ileitis, to ALEX. MOLAUuBLIN pro•. prletOr, or Brussels Y. 0, J7 tf K. 0. T. M. Brussels Tent of the Maccabees, No, 24 hold their regular meetings le the Lodge Room, Backer Block, on the let and 8rd Tuesday evenings of oaob month Vlatture al waya weloomo, A, S011ERS, Dom. A. aMoGUIRS, R. E. (;TRA'YED FROM THE PREM. L...7 mess of the enders geed, Lot 28, (lou. 11, Grey, on or about .Nov. 41.11, 8 head of yearling cattle, 3 of teem are steers and 5 heifers In the number ie ablack and white steer, 8 brindle heifer and others ere Spot• ted red and white, Any information load- ing to thole recovery will be thankfully re- aeived. RICHARD 001, Oraobrook 2.0. Huron County Council Tho 0ounoi1 Of the corporation of Om Oounty of Buren wIll meat lu the Council Chamber l u the To W u of Goderiob, on 'Mon- day, the and day of December neat, at 1 o'clock p m, All enemata against the Oran' ty, requirieg settlement, moat be placed with tee Clerk by Deeembor mud. W. LANE, Clerk. Goderioh, Nov. 18 th,1007. U'IOR SALE OR TO RENT. - The undersigned offers her 100 Rare farm, being Lot 20, eon. 7,(*roe. for aide or to rent. Comfortable bowie, batik bare, orabard, wells, due Farm is only 1 of a mile from the stir"iog villageof Athol, For fur- ther particulars apply to F, 8, Boot1, Brue- eels, or AIRS. EATS HOLLAND, 7 Peter Sheet, Toronto, 17-8m 1.i'ARM FOR SALE.-TfiE UN. Dnnel053» often les 160 aero farm for sale, being but 20, 7,h Liae, .uorrle. Thera l5 a frame house, bank barn 111,8 hay house, 8 orchards mud 8 new -lofting spring. Farm will ea Buhl to one or two parte to suit put - Monier. ?menden could be given thus Fall. Four aures of Fall twistable. Farm i0 grass oxoeet 10 acme. Will be 0018 on easy terms. For further pnrtics.are as to price, terms, &e., apply 0u the premises to ALF. BUTTON, or Brussels P. 0, 10.10 ].ARM LABOURORS 11 AND DOMESTIOS- Ihove been appointed by the Dominion Government to place Immfgraets from the Hutted Kingdom ill p methane ea farm lab- onrere or domestic aorvanto in this violuity. Any person requirlug such help should not. ly me by letter 0101(0(1 fully the Mud of help required, when wanted and wages offered, The uumbere arriving may not bo Rude:den 1 to supply all requests but every effort will be blade to provide each applioant with help required, P. 8, 8002'1', Canadian Government Employment Agent 82-ly Brussels P. U. Synopsis o f Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS: ANY even uumbered notion of Dominion Laude in Maultoha;easkatobewan and xc Alberto.,oepttee 8• and 00, not reserved, may be hemoeteaded by any personwho is the solo head of a family, or any. male over 18 years of ago, to the extent of one-quarter notion of MO aeon more or lase 01lnmeeor0th11011tiyy wbthe 08eID for the 0oin the laud 10 situate, The homesteader is required to perform the eon ditto ue oomule led bee rowith und88 sus of the foltowleg pleas (1) At leant six months' 0e8,88nee aped and outtivabiou of the laud in each year for three years, (2) If the father (01 mother, if the father is deceased) of the homesteader resides 120031 a farm In the violuity of the -laud entered for the requfremonte as to resi- dence may be 1340166ml by nab person re - Minim with' the father or mother, (8) If the Battler. hall Il'le' perutaneutreel. demo epee 'terming laud owned. (1.y: nim ih th0 vadat), of „bin howeetead, the ,10- qqurromeuteas to reeideuce rally - be mtie- eled•by residouoo upon amnia fend.. tis months' unties inwriting should be tI1f Dominion nds aO Ottawa f in tea(01 to apply patent. W.W.00RY. Deputy of lb a Mlnietor of Interior. el, B, Ubaathorized publication of 61110 ad- vertisement will not be pard for. ALLAN BELL LINE Roduood Idol'now is :Feat SAILINGS TO LIVERPOOL • Brom-8t,John Halifax Tnnialau Bat, Nbv, DO Vie torten Prf, Deo, D Sat, Dee, 7 Ionian - Bat, Dee. 14 -- SAILINGS TO GLASGOW aerie theta from Portland , .Door 7th Naini; ben from Huston � .Doo1.l2d1tb1ll Gramfnton from Beaton. l .Por oalliuge, lists 'and' f411 informatiol gpilly to rv, ii; Vault, Agent Allan plus, -,Hratsole it us1►, e. nate. io