The Brussels Post, 1907-11-21, Page 5fl Largest and Best it
f,t a By beteg the b. at Mile School heli qt
b000rno the lurgoot business trufulug Ct
school In Western Ontario, Our on-
trolutent again es000ds that of a year
ago, Why? Because our combos aro
tbox u h and ,5000loal with 01,00101 -
g 1 } YY
lbt" in unarge of per Cuulmu[olul, Tel.
L�ogranny and Sborthoud departments, li
All our graduatou obtain good cosi-
• oleue, You may enter NOW. Write j
At for our free Catalogue. 5.
%LL1OP'1'. it MaLA0HLAN, i•
� Prineipalu,
�Y • Issuer o1 Marriage Lioensos, OL
nee at Gr000ry, Turuberry street, Brussels,
ince in Om rest Office, Ethel. 90.4
Is prepared to five lea000e on Piano
or Need Orgau. Terme on application
P00lnlao0 address -Brussels. Boeiuonue-
Lot 8, Con. 10, Otey, Pupils may have their
- les80n%at their own homes 11 preferred.
Teacher o/ Piano or Organ
Pupils prepared for the Toronto
Conservatory of Music.
Agent Howick Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
Oihce and Residenoo-
Rate of interest 54 per cent per annum, first
Excelsior Life Insurance Company
The Equtty Piro Insurance Company
All bueiueee attended to promptly.
Clerk 4th Diviolou Court.
• flan, will sell for better prices, to
better men, In less time and lees charges
than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or
be won't (Marge anything. Dotes and orders
eau alwaye be arranged at tble office or by
p orsonnl application,
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reasonable, Sales arranged for
at the office of TEE Pon', Brussels, 5201
Vf • Honor Ornduate of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, ie prepared to treat all die -
MUMS of domesticated animate in a compet-
ent manner, Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry and 13110 Fever. Onlle
promptly attended to. 011100 and Infirmary
-Four doors North of bridge, Turnberry et.,
Braooele. 'Phone 47 k
. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eta,
Suoeeeeor to 0. F. Blair. Mee over Stan-
dard Sauk, Brussels. Solioi1m• for Metro-
politan Beak,
• Barrister, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer,
Notary Public, &a, OlBoa-Stewart's )hook
1 door North of 0eutrul Hotel,
901101tol• for rho Standard Bank,
PUBLIC, 1510.
W. Paep:glo .,1i, O. R. 0. HAYo
G. P. Brous.
Ofttoee-Those formerly mounted by Messrs
Cameron & Holt,
00Daa1111, ONTAMO.
Royal College a of Dental
of the g
ue of Outarlo and t'h•eastas0 Honor
Graduate of Toronto Uuiverelt , Office
next to Brewor'o Photograph Gallery,
Etis i-
4b t,
AtlLehd the Popular & logressiye
1,1 end be 'ugau1ouwr educated for Tb
butfness lite. All graduates of this1.1 Q,i
eohool are absolutely euro of gutting �`
poeltie.le. The demand Isoeuolder•
ably' greater thee tee Supply Now
11 le an excellent time to outer, Write
for Catalogue, Qt
W. J, ELLIO'PT, Prtoolpal, 1f.
Con. YOnda AND ALBBUANnaa lige.
of Toronto, ham started tltoumande
of young men and women on the
easy way toiudependenoe and sue-
ee00, Let us give you the right
0tart, Write for Catalogue and
plan to spend the next six months
with no. Enter any time, tAddree0
W. ti, SHAW, Principal
Yonge & Gerrard ate., 'Toronto
.RiStritt ,CDJS.
Webster Brae. butobere, have sold Dieu
bueiueee to L+'urie Molharleo,
W. Mitobell, lateiy jeweler here, bee
taken a poei0100 as traveler for the fanny
; oode house of Wm. Bryce, Toruuto.
G. MoNormau, et Victoria, B. 0 , who
bee beeu vicious hie aged father bete,
lett fur home oil 'Tuesday of luso week.
Mre. L. Bryan, wile of Jambe Bryan,
bee returned from Cornwall where ebe
wee s delegate to the W. 0. T. U. 10110
wee elected a vice president.
Wm. Allin fres urahaaed the build
W k
at present occupied by the Sentinel "o Mr.
McGregor will move his printing eoteb
.i,130leut to the ouruer lately vacated by
R. Moody.
Rev. D. W. Collies attended the
Masonic banquet at Kooardine.
Bax'uruipe grown by Matt. Runtly,
of Uoborue towuehip, weighed 73 pouuue
Ladies Guiid•of the Trivitt Memorial
onrush r 'mend holdidg their annus
Bazaar friday, December 6th.
Miaeea Wiume and Martha Carling,
who are attoudiug the Model School et
Goderiah, have beeu engaged for the
Dashwood 00hoo1 for the oomtug year.
The Anniversary servioes of the Matt.
Street Methodist ohnroh will be nein
Sunday, December leo and Auuiveroarl
eervioee of the James Street Methodist
eburoh will be held o0 Deo. 1501). -
A m0ntiug of the curlers wan held it,
the Town Hall for the purpose of ur.
511111idg for the Doming. Winter. The
following oaicere ware elected : Hon.
P res., John Farmer ; Pres:, Samuel
Sweet ; Vioe•Pree„ B. E. Buetuu ;
Chap., Rev. D. W. Collins I Seo'y•
Tread., Geo. Audereon.
TnrAL 00110rrrh treatmeute are being
mailed out free, on request, by Dr.
Shoop, Racine, Wis. 'Thane reale are
proving to the people -without et pet,
ny's coot -the great value of this smeu-
tific preecriptiou known to druggist,
everywhere se Dr.- Bhoop'e Catarrh
Remedy. Bold by all dealers.
Peter S. Liuklater has been seriously
Boottieh concert on Friday evening,
Deaember 131h.
Mile Edith Walker lett for Toronto
where she has secured a situation.
Work on the uew Bauk ut Commerce
building is being rnehed along rapldiy.
Thirty workmen in the Wiugham
faotoriee of the Canadian Furniture
Manulaaiurere were laid off.
A. E. England has Bold his general
store bueiueee in W iugham and Rivers•
town, to W. J. Lear, of Brigbtou.
The Bret baud oonoert ot the season
by the Wiugham Citizens' Band will be
held in the opera house on Friday even-
ing, November 29th.
W. J, Fluety, of the Oakville Record,
a000mpauied by his two BOOB and Relit.
J. Fluety of the Southampton Beacon,
were visaing with their parents, Jae. 4110
Mre. Fluety,
Mre. H, 0. Bell and children left for
their new home iu S00tbampton, where
Thos. Bell and his two eerie, H, 0. ane
Chas. Bell have purchased a large furni-
ture fernery. H. 0. Bell has traded hie
dwelling house here for S. Mr Kneohtel'e
house in Southamptom and Mr. Kueohtei
ie moving bis faintly to town.
When Women Suffer
Look out for weakueee or disease. See
if there is not a oideauhe, beadauhe, reek.
1000nee.and the "blues," Them symp•
toms iudioate that you need the gentle
assistance of Dr, Hamillou'0 P111e. They
are women's greeteet relief, payout
functional derangements, renew the lite
of the blood, purity and clean the myetem
throtigbout. No tooio so potent, no re:
sults so marked se follow the use of Dr.
Hamilton's Pills: Prise 250 per box at
all dealers.
131' 3.100.
C. P. R. Station Agent Spafford is
away on hie holidays, shooting in Es.
000 uoudty.
The annual Xmas tree entertainment
of Trinity church 8 8. will be hold in
Industry Had on Deo. 20th.
The driving abed which belonged to
the old Mason Hum on the main street
w.eo moved to King street, oppoeite the
hotel baro,
Ed. Wilford, who hair been in the
Toronto Hospital for the past two
months with typhoid fever, wan able to
retaru home,
G. M. Ohambere left for Winnipeg
where he will close up the estate of hie
brother, who died about tour woekg ago.
He expeolo to be away 0 couple of weeks.
Nicholas Gaming Bold the property
kuowu ea the Plummer property to
Wm. Scott, of town, for a cam exceed.
ins $15001 Mr. Scott and family will
move to the property shortly,
The following are the officers of the
A. Y. P. A, of Trinity, ahoroh for the
current year :-President, S. Buchanan ;
Vree•Prooideut, Mine W. 'Thompson ;
Trenottror, Mre. (Rev.) Hartley ; Seo
rotary, Mien Metoelf ; Organist, Mre,
The toltowing letter was forwarded
to Hugh' and Mre, MoQuarrie by the
artesian ot St. Androw'e (Murch :-The
Dungen of St, Andrew's (thereto, Blyth;
tot their meeting on Moldy evening,
Nov. 401, noted with deep tntereet the
very pleasing taut that Mr, Hngn Mo.
Quante .the. Demur member Of the
erosion, Dud hie worthy partner in life
Shad recently celebrated the .iittioth au,
nlveroary of their marriage, and on
matien duly eeoocided it woe moot qor
dirtily agreed that the Moderator and
Glerlt extend to Mr, and Mrs, 1Y1oQttar•
ria the heartiest good wither; of the gee
elan and aeoare them of the eoeelon'e
eerneet prayer that the Divine favor
and loving kludn0ua may aouti0ne with
them throughout life'e journey and give
them at last an abundant entrance into
the everlasting kingdom,
A large number of ladies and gentle-
men or town called on J. S. and Mrs.
Golden and spent to pleasant evening
before they departed from town. Mr.
Golden disposed of bis boot and shoe
buninee) to a firm in Welland to 'unapt
0 poeitioo 00 bookkeeper for a large
lumber company with headquarters et
K000ra. Mre. Golden and children
will visit for the present with her mother
in Melbourne.
To check a cold gaieltly, get from your
druggist some little Candy Cold Tablets
called Preventioe. Druggists everywhere
are now dispensing Preventioe, for they
are not only safe, but deoidedly pertain
and prompt. Preventies contain no
Quiniue, 110 laxative, nothing harsh nor
anokening. Taken at the "lineage stage"
Prevoutioe will prevent Pneumonia,
Bronchi tie, La Grippe, eta. Hence the
name, Prevention. Good for feverish
ohildren. 48 Preventioe 25 cents,
Trial Boxes 5 ore. Sold by all dealers.
(3 odericla.
:The interior woodwork of the Court
House ie being repainted.
His many town and country Mende
wilt be pleased to learn that Wm.
Aoheson is able to be out and on bosineee
duty again.
Lorne Todd was in town lest week
visiting at the parental reeideuoe. Mr.
Todd 10 now circulation manager of the
Woodstock Expreee,
Deputy Reeve Elliott enelained a lose
in the burning of the Londesboro' G. T
R. freight shed toeing several hundred
doIlare' worth of apples which were
awaiting ehipmenb.
Dr. J. L. Turnbull arrived in town on
Monday from the Paoifio Coast, having
uorne for hie wife and family. Dr. Torn
buil has located at Vancouver and like°
his now location well.
J. A. Holman, the new leasee of
Victoria Opera House, has already made
great ohanges and Improveme010 in the
house and f0 planniug others that will
almost transform the plane.
The Woman's Missionary Sooiety of
North street Methodist ahoroh have se.
uored Rev. Dr. Egerton Ryerson Young
to give one of his inimitable lectures on
the 13011 of December next.
Patti Turnbull, eon of the rector of
St. George's abnroh, has been appointed
Manager of the Metropolitan Bank at
Sutton, near Toronto. Mr. Turnbull,
who has been aoo0netaot in the Petrolia
bra00h of the game bank left last week
to take over his new appointment.
Major and Mre, Beak, of Toronto, were
in town, the latter having been called
here by the 009000 illness of her father,
John Keriughan, who for the past two
weeks hue been laid ap with iofiamma
tory rheumatism. He 1e now Out of
danger and able to get out,
The Daughters of the Empire an-
uoau0e that a bazaar will be held on
December 3rd in the Town Hall on be.
half of the Alexandria hospital. At 6
p. w. of that day a birthday supper will
be served in honor of the first 10n11iver
eery of the hospital's opening.
Ernest Jordon Aft lest week for
Montreal to visit hie mother before pro-
ceeding to China to join Masers. Harris
and Hutton in survey work on the
Uantun Heehaw Railway, Redmond
MuDonald and Messrs. Bnrneide and
Baby, who also are'going to China lett
haat week for the Coast, being joined on
the way by Mr. Jordan, and the party
will Bail on the 25t1).
At a meeting of the quarterly board
of North Street Methodist Church,
Goderloh, Thursday night, it wee nn•
animouely decided to extend a call to
Rev Hugh Dougall, B. A., B. D., of
Walkerton, Hamilton Conference, to be
some the paalor of the North Street
Chetah for the next Conference year.
The present pastor of the church here
is Rev. G. N. Hezeo, who will have com-
pleted a four•yeare' pastorate et the
oonolueion of the Conference year next
Ttireday night of last week wee a night
of big doings in the lodge rooms of Mait-
land Lodge, No. 33, A. F. & A. M. A
large number of the brethren from Morn.
fug Star Lodge, Carlow, were present
mud the gathering included oleo brethren
from Chicago, Beafortb, Sault Ste Marie
and New Hamburg. In all there were
about one hundred members of the oraft
preeeut and the eveuing'e proceedings
were thoroughly enjoyed by all. The
ooaaeion woe the presentation to Right
Worshipful Brothere Joseph Beok and
W. D. Tye of Grand Lodge regalia.
OBr'oeao.-The [uneral of 0310 of Ibe
pioneer settlers of the Townebip of
Weer Wawanooh took plaoe Friday
meriting from the Grand Trunk Station
o0 the arrival of the 11,35 train, the
deoeaeed, Hogb MoMath, pearling away
at Detroit, where he had been living
the past six or seven yeare with hie
daughter, Mre. Beamioh, Rev. Jaren
Hamilton conducted the services at the
grave and the pallbearers were : Thee.
Jobneton and William Nevin, of God.
erioh, and .John Graham and William
Andrews, of Goderiah Township, Mr.
MoMath wee born A the County Down,
Ireland, and came to thi5 country with
hie.parente and, their family io 1832,
settling un Amherst I°land, near King-
ston, He was married there to Mien
Margaret Scott, a native of County
'Pyrone, Ireland, and after living there
for about thirteen years be moved with
hie wife, shortly after their marriage,
to the Towuebip of West Wawauoeh,
near Dunganuou, of whieb he had been
a resident ever eines until going to live
with hie daughter in Detroit. Mr. Ma.
Math Dame of a long-lived family, hie
father being 82 yeare of age when he
.died, and his mother in her 90th year,
and he himself passed bis 880 mileetene
last January, He Wag veteran militia
man, wag engaged in the MaKenzio re
belnon in '37, and in the delenoe of hie
country in the Fenian raid, and wee
the first eerge1001 in No, 9 Company of
the tbirty.third Hurod regiment when
it was formed at Dungannon. To him
belongs also the hotter of being the
first poetmaeter at Dungannon,
wlbieh wag the Ant poet office in that
"notion of the &runty, and at the mama
time he wax the mail carrier between
Godarmh and Dungannon, He hold
thio position for three years. Mr. Mo.
Math was prominently anointed with
the Orange order anis Waal en elder in
the old kirk under the late Rev. Alex.
MuRidd and the late Rev. Mr, Barr,
He ie eurvived by a family of live
children ; Mre, Beamioh, of Detroit;
blre. Blight, of 111aniteba ; Scott Mo.
Math, of Uoderich l Ja01e5 MoMath,
of Colborne, and Mre, Harris, of Binh
time, Mich. HA wife predeeeeteed him
by abuut'23 yeero, and hie rematne were
laid at rest beagle rheas of hie partner
to life Friday A Maitland cemetery,
Au early wedding took pleoe Thursday
morui0g at St, George's Ohoreh, when
Ethel Altretta, Beyond daughter of Wm.
and Mre, Craig was united in the bonde
of holy matrimony to Harry Oswald
Sturdy, eon of 0. F. and Mre, Sturdy,
Charon etreel. The event took plane at
6.30 a. m„ the rooter of tbo ohnroh, Rev.
M. Turnbull, oiltoiitting. The bride wore
n travelling suit of navy blue Freuoh
broadcloth and a becoming hat of brown,
and was attended by her Gisler, Mies
Laura, Fred Sturdy, brother of the
groom, was best man. Mr, and Mrs.
Sturdy left on the the 7.10 a, ne, train on
a honeymoon trip to Detroit, Port
dnron, Buffalo and other pointe, and Of/
their return will take up their reeidenee
on West street. They have the best
wiahes of all for a happy and proeperoue
Another great Discovery
A welt ktluwn gentleman 00 Black Bay,
Out , John Cowan has dieoovered an
abeolnte speotfio for Rheumatism, and
writes : ' I was affected with ealati00
and ahrouio rheomatiam whtoh 1 con-
tracted yearn ago. The dinette had a
great hold in my blood, and it was bard
t make any I ren oil n i. a die
o 'k y cop et o t R n k
of Ferrozoue I was aonviuoed of its merit
and We oertainly the beet I have ever
tried. Why it just drove away the
rueumattem. Eveu stiffened old sufferers
will experience quick results. The menu
ie that Ferrozone sole through the blood
and thereby destroys the canoe of the
disease. Prise 50o per box at ail dealers.
Elms Commit mat on Saturday Nov.
16th in the Agricultural Hail.
The 21st anniversary of the opening ot
Alban',. chard' 0003es on Dee. 1211).
Tne brink work en the Fullerton
property, Ring street, ie finished and
makes another neat appearing reeidenoe
uu that otreet.
Everett Coghlin, who spent the peat
two mouths eterking in a drug store in
'reroute, hue resumed hie former situa-
tion with 0. H. McFarlane, Main street.
Auunal meeting of the Maple Beef
Ring was held at the home of W. G.
Inglis, 8111. eon., on Ttureday night
October 24. Tbere were 34 shareholders
present, The number of heaves killed
during the season were 22. The quality
of the beet during the Sommer woe
considered to be the beet for years, and
the butcher W, G. Inglis, gave enthe
satisfaction. After winding up the
00elne06 of the peat year the followiug
°Macre were elected for 1908: Preeideut
Thee. Dtokeon ; Iuspeatore, R. S. Bellao•
tyue and A. Baker and W. G. Ioglie was
re engaged as botoher. Twenty abates
were taken at the meeting. Atter the
bummers was over Mee. Iaglie and the
iadiee served the sbareholdere with a
lueob after which all repaired to their
tomer] wail pleased with the past eeasoo'e
Never slit Your Boots
That daeeu't cure the Dorn. Josh apply
the old, standby, Putnam's Corn Ex
tremor. It mite like magic. Kills the
pain, puree the corn, does it without
burn or soar. Get the bast, it's "Put•
L.iei to vtv
A. B. Deleon, of Winnipeg, who has
been t00ri0g the Continent and the
8ritiett blonde, ie the guest ot hie aunt,
Mre, Bruce. ,
Lorne Roberta, who has been workiug
with J. W. Scott & Son, private bankers,
has resigned his position here to accept a
pooition at North Bay,
The dedication of the new aburob at
Rurtzville has been postponed to Deoem•
bar 8th, on account of the workmen be.
fug unable to fulfil the°entreat.
The Morrie Piano Co. le preparing to
inetai a new and np•ho•dete dry kiln.
When the alterations are completed and
the new eyetem in operation it will enable
them to dry three times tee quantity of
,umber that 01 present passes through
their kilurl.
Normau Stewart, who has been with
the Morris Piano Co. for the past few
years, lett town for Charlotte, Minh.,
where he has secured a good position.
Friday evening prior to hie departure, the
Oddfellows assembled in their lodge room
to wish Mr. Stewart goodbye, F. R.
Blewelt, in a neat epeeoh gave mime lime.
ly adobes to young men leaving home,
also expressing his regret, at Norman's
departure, be being a valued member of
Liotowel Oddtellows, John Gabel on be.
halt of the lodge presented Mr. Stewart
with a gold looket with the Oddfellowe'
emblem engraved thereon. Norman in a
brief reply thauksd his brethren for their
ltiadneee to him.
W. L. Hells, a resident of Liobowel for
04 yeare and a naturalist of national
reputation, nae daring a life time made
an extensive 0olleotion of neturel history
epeoimene, and one that watt epeoially
rich in bird° eggs. Through the general).
icy of Mr. Hello and of hie eon, R. A.
Belle, of New York, Listowel citizen°
will, i6 to hoped, soon have an opporten
try of seeing thio collection properly die..
played. Au offer was made to the
Pub i
fo Library r Board at their last meet.
fug of what is for all practical parposee a
gift of the oolleotian 10 the town. The
offer wee made on ,behalf of hie father
and himself by R. A. Rolle, of New York,
who is home on a visit. Hie father has
not' been well of late and it was hie wish
to have his collection (baptised of whore
it will be available to the public and be
taken Dare of. He left the matter to hie
sou to deal with, and together they cleoid•
ed to offer it to the Pnblio Library.
Nioholae Clegg, one of Lietowel'e beet
known and most reopeoted young .men,
Willi to have been married on Wedneeday
of lent week but that night he lay dead
ae the result of but a few days' illness
from appendioitio. Mr. Clegg, who wee
en employee of the Morrie Piano Com•
parry, worked till Saturday night. On
Sunday he wee taken with what
roeembled'°ramps and had to be helped
into Hunter's drag store. A dootor was
called and the weer) tg Med, wee remelt.
ed to the reeidenoe of J. F. Lawraeole
where death r40oted at 8.80 Wednoedny
evening. The doctor had hoped to be
i able to operate Taeaday, bat iia patient
Rheumatics alt tell
the same story
Do you live near Picton, Ont., or know
anyone wlto does? Then find out for
yourself how Mr. Mills feels about Bu -Ju.
Is it any wonder he thinks Bu -Ju is a life-
I have used )30-30 with great benefit to my
self, and cheerfully recominetid it to all who
are suffering from Rheumatism and Kidney
Trouble. I think itis the b �aremsedMyr mode.'
After you have tried Bu -Ju, seen how
quickly it relieves the pain, and how com-
pletely it cures you of Rheumatism, you
will gladly recommend Bu -Ju to your
friends, just as Mrs. Kidd, of Young's
Point, Oat., does :
Have found Bu -30 very beneficial for Rheu-
matism. They are certainly a blessing. My
husband is also receiving great benefit from
Bu•Ju. He has had great pain in the =all of
his back, but is so much better now,"
Mits. A. C. Kobe,
Mr. J. H. Cairneross, of Toronto, urges
everyone to give Bu -Ju a fair trial. In a
signed statement he says, after telling
how Bu -Ju cured hint:
"In my own case I had taken three boxes be.
fore I felt I was receiving any benefit."
Bu -Ju must cure you of Kidney and
Bladder Troubles and Rheumatism, or
your money will be promptly refunded.
5oc. a large box. Sent on receipt of price
if your druggist does not have A. y7
The Chan Chemical Co., Ltd., Windsor, Ont.
was too weak. The deoeaeed young man
was a member of Listowel hookey team
and popular in social °iroles. Hie
father ie dead butlri0 mother reeidee in
town. He was engaged to be married to
a Listowel young lady and had not death
stepped between them they would have
been married Wedneeday.
Few People in Brussels Really
Knew flow.
This is not an essay on table manners.
It ie simply a little good odvioe about
one of the great American detente -too
rapid eating.
Nothing makes life so miserable, or
interferes so widely with the neefoloees
of the average American, as indigestion.
The goiok•Inuoh minters and the
great majority of restaurants, even the
home dining rooms, are simply mans•
butteries of etomaoh troubles.
Slow eating will Solve one•half the
problen of i11 health. Those who Buffer
already with indigestion and weak stow.
'ash man with °are and the nae of Mi.o na
atomaoh tablets restore their digestion to
a healthy condition, so that they 000 eat
what they want at any time without fear
of distress or suffering.
I Atter a few daysuse of Mi•o na
etomaoh tablete, the headaobe, dizzy
,feeling, drowsiness, bad taste in the
mouth, coated tongue, 'servooeneee,sleep.
leeeneee, distress after eating -ell these
symptoms of a weak etomaob-will dis-
appear, and perfect digeetion and a good
will show that the vital machinery
is once more running smoothly.
Take a little Mi o no. tablet before eaoh
meal so that it will stimulate the diges-
stive jubilee and give etreugth to the
'Ammon, and then it will take Imre of
the food that is eaten, without indigestion
and the unpieaeant full feeling with
which so many suffer after meals.
Mi•o-na is eold by druggists every-
where for 50 omits, and we poeitively
guarantee to refnnd.yonr money should
you purohaee a box and be diaeatiefied
with reunite. Write for free Sample,
addressing Booth's Mi-o•na, Box 977,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Poultry Show in the Town Hall, on
Thursday, Friday and Saturday. of thio
Mre. John Corcoran, of Ottawa, ie
visiting her brother in-law, Rev. P. Oor•
oor10n, at the Presbytery.
W. J. Hamilton, who has been oonduot-
ing the Grip Hotel for the past three
months, has sold out to Harry Oarnoah•
Jamee Hayes er., who has been staying
with his eon, James Hayes, Goderiah
street, hap gone to Orillia where be will
make hie home with hie daughter, Mre.
Mil loon,
Oardno Bros. have workmen engaged
in renovating their premiere recently
vacated by 0. Aber -hart. The store will
be occupied by I. M. Fear asBoon as the
neoeeeary alterations tore completed.
The Canada Furniture Company's fac-
tory which has been running only eight
hours per day for the past four weeks,
nae made a farther 'change and Aid off
Nth In the head -pain anywhere, has its cause
Pain %congest(on. mitt fa blood pressure-nothh'e
else usually. At least, so says Dr. Shoop, and kr
Drove it he has created a 111010 pink tablet. That
tablet -balled Dr. Shoop's headache Tablet -
coaxes blood pressure away from pain centers.
Its effect la charming, pleasingly, delightful.Oently,
though safely, it surely eaualikes the blood etre*
Ii you have a p headache, , it's blood pramero. '
If it's painful plass, 5 with women, same blood
If 700111110 sleepless, restless, nervous, it's blood
Cti tion -^blood pressure. Tint surely is a
cerertainty, for Dr, and
theShoop'e Headache Tablets stop
it In 20 minbtes, and the tnhlete simply di5tributa
the unnatural blood pressure, '
Bruise your finger, and ,looan't it get red. and.
swell. and pain you? 0f comer, it ,does. It's eon.
ostioa, blood pressure. You'll finit where pain'
7e -always. It's simply.Common Sense.
WO sell at 25 cents. and cheerfully recommend,
Dr. Shoop's
,T Mets)
over twenty of ire employees, Some of
thorn laid off have already secured peel.
lions in and out of town,
An interesting entertainment wag given
in the Praobyterian ohnroh On 1.'neodtty
evening. Beeidee 0100(00) eelootions
there woe a debate on the aubjeot, "Re.
solved thatu r n
o r g o dtathera were batter
than we."
Pentameter Dlokeon bad the mlefor.
Moe to fall while walking down Main,
'Are0t. Aa a result of the fall hie left
arm WAS injured. NO booed were broken
but hie wrist and hand were badly swot.
len from the effects,
Dr, T. Wilson, who Ilse just completed
a oo0ree of study in deutiotr'y ab Gbioago,
wee in town on a short visit. He left for
Toronto where he will remain for a few
days visiting relativeo. He expected to
Fb51"for India on the Met of the month,
OMT. -Another of the early reeideute
of Ibis vicinity departed thio life on
Toeeday of last week in the person of
Mre. Alex, Wilson, er, The deoeaeed,
whoee maiden name was Margaret Soott
Goveulook, wee the relict of the late
Alex. Wilson, er., and had attained the
advanced age o! 85 yearn and 7 menthe.
She bad been in failing health for some
time and during the latter part of her ill:
oeee was a great care to tboae who at.
tended her. Her husband predeceased
her several years ago. Elbe ie eurvived
by a family of eons and daughters, also a
brother, Robert Goveulook of thio town.
The children are Alex. and Robert Wil•
eon, of town ; John Wilson, of Bintaluta
Mrs. Bletodol, at British Columbia ; and
Mrs, A, Young, of town, 104 whoee borne
the deceased had been living and where
her domino took elope. The funeral took
place en Friday tram the residenoo of her
daughter, Mrs. A. Young, to interment in
the Harporhey 0001etory,
Ooloheoter Liberate nominated Chao.
Hill for the vacant seat in the Oommone
and the Coneervativee nominated John
Alberta bee over five hundred mites of
long distance telephone lines and severe)
loon) exchanges operating, all owned by
the Government,
Farmers or Storekeepers
by coming to the
Brussels Salt Works
can get any kind of Salt
they require.
Gordon Mooney,
Foreman, Brussels.
Thirly gals
Beginning Saturday, Nov. 2nd, we will, to cash buyers, reduce the
prices on the following lines of Goods
-Single Harness reduced for cash.
-Blankets reduced for Dash.
- Robes reduced for cash.
- Whips reduoed for cash:
-Trunks reduced for cash.
-Satchels and Grips reduced for cash.
-Merge Pebbled Leather Leggings, regu-
lar price $1.75 and $2.00, reduced to
$1.50 cash.
-Men's Leggings, split leather, regular
price 31.50, reduced to $1.35 per
pair each.
l'Ploase remember the prioes are reduced on the lines
mentioned here only -and for cash.
Three Sets Second-hand Single Harness
for sale at the following prices :-One Set at $3.25 ; One Set
extra value at $3.75 ; One Set, great bargain at $4.50.
I® C. Richards
Roller Flour Mills
Every good house -wife knows how necessary
it is to have good Flour to make her Bread
and Pastry palatable -.-
White Loaf Flour
possesses all the qualities that go to make
a nice, white, spongy loaf. Once you have
used this brand you will want none other,
11A1l kinds of Feed kept constantly on hand.
W M . R. A• P R i i Ea.
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h end of the Year 1908 for
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