The Brussels Post, 1907-11-14, Page 8We Are Prep lx ed. to .liopl , Fluid Extract of pitbdeti0 3. oz. Compound Karam 1 oz. Syrup Sar'eaparilla Compound 3 oz, Only the very best ingredients supplied, You will probably have seen the recipe published iu the daily papers. PRATT'S STOCK PREPARATIONS IDolnding Pratt's Food, Prett's Animal Regulator, Pratt'a Louse Killer, Pratt's COW Toufo, Pratt's Heave Cure, Pratt's Egg Producer, The worth of Pratte Preparations i6 so well knowu that they need no further reaor uaendatiou from us. MENTHOLATUM-.The great Japanese Salve This Salve le giving splendid eatiefaotion where a preparation of Ellie hind is desired. It is an external application for the relief and oure of all akin diseases, burns, chapped hands, cbo, Put up in opal jars at 260. DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN. BRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. 0. & 8, Trains teethe Bruesele Station, North and South, as follows; GOING Bottom GOING NORTH. Mail 7:06 a.m.1 Express 10.66 a,m Express......11am:25 aMatl ..,1:44 a.m Express 5:02 p.m 16xprese 8:61p.m CANADIAN PACIFIC R. R. Following is the O. P. R. Time Table at Walton: - To Toronto To Goderlch Express 7:46 a).D35 re Express ...... a m E%preee 6:95 p m I Express 9:86p m focal Reths Jtents A Wel' a among ye takir' notes, An' faith he'll print it. BOOST BRUSSELS. THE Pose telephone le No. 20. ti;RABBIT hunting is on the program. HAND I'uE POST the name and address of your visitor. Wmr, we have Indian Summer after tbi8 egaaw Winter 7 los formed on the Maitland above the dam last Saturday for the Bret this 085008. THE shoppers of B1.n8e8le mills bave been kept very busy during the past few weeks. BR08oEL8 Evaporator is still busy and aaoepting applee. They have had a good ran this Beason. • Tins lady's comb advertised last week was claimed ou Toeeday. It pays to advertise 1e THE POST. Mamma Horse Fair will be held on Tkureday, Deo. 5th. Looal and oateide buyers will be in attendauoe. °animas is rapidly approaohing and already the shrewd holiday buyer is baby. Watch out for the bargain an. nounaement6 in Tem Poem. THE first real snow storm arrived last Saturday night and continued intermit. tingly for a few days following. Wed. needay the ground was nicely covered. The putting of cement floors in the Fire Hall was a big improvement, Thera is room for other ohangee that would prove beneficial in Elie same de. partment. TUESDAY afternoon the Fire Bogies Was taken to the river end a beat made. Everything worked well, The air valve of the hydrant opposite Hugh Ramsay's etnok and was set to right'', This is one of the benefits of periodic testa. A COPY of the plane for a library build. lig approved of by Teeswater vUlage cannel' and library board and agreed to by Mr. Carnegie, heti been hong in the P006 Offioe in that village Bo that all may have an opportunity to examine them. Tare week D. A. Lowry and staff oom- m0noed work tin the brinkbuilding to be added to the furniture store of Messrs. Walker & Bleak. It will be 20x31 feet one story high and will be finished thio Fell if the weather keeps open another week. The property belongs to Reeve Leckie. AUOTION SALE.—The executors of the late Tboa. eloLtnolin have iaetrnated F, S. Sootb, a0otioneer, to sell by public) auction, on the premises, Tnreberry street, North, Braesele, on Saturday, 23rd inst., the oomfortable reeide0oe and lot attached, a well built stable sod 5 mores of land, horses, cow, household furniture, &o., the property of the said Mr. MoLanoblio, to (loge ap the estate. BIG TURNIP.—Monday T. R. Bennett, of the North Grey Boundary, brought to Tam Pose a sample Greystone turnip that plumped down the melee et 16 poande, au extra good weight fora bad year 10 the root crop line. Mr. Bennett, who farms along modern linea, sowed one pound of seed 04 a half 00x8 plot and borveated 510 buebele of good turnips. The one on exhibition at Tam Foo has sweated no small attention. FROM THE BAR Roots TO THE PuLPIT,— Thie to the title of a lectureto be given in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Wedneo• day eee0ing, 27th lent., by Rev. A, H. Banton, of Toronto. He comes under the anepiose of the Ioeoi branch of the W. 0. T. U. and hie testimonials certify to the ability with wbioh he dieoneoee the g0e6llon. Leoture will oommen08 at 8 o'alook. A silver offering will be taken to defray expensee. There wilt no doubt be a large andienae to hear Rev. Mr. Renton Tam REv, IRL 14, Blom 1909 Alaimo 18 ready for delivery end excels all torm- er editioue in beauty and value. The cover le a beautiful design in colors, the entire book is full of fine half tone'', • a0Eronbmieal engrovinge and interesting matter. It oontaiOO the Bioko weather foreoaete complete for Ibe whole year, finely illustrated. The pride by mail be 85 (entre, on ITeweetaode 80 Cents, Word and Works, the Rev, Irl R, Eloise fide monthly magazine, eontaine all hie weather tor0068t8 from month to month tegothtr with a vast amount of the beet fancily reading. The prise f6 $1 a year And one Wenanao goes With ea011 sub eoription. Addr868 Word and Works Pnbadhing Co, 2201 Loott0t 0trest, St. Louie, Minoan. Write tot rate on elm renes iu quantities, Agents wanted: THE news is always welcome at Tom POST. MONTHLY Horse Fair in Brussels On Thareday, Deo. 6th, No better in the 0o00ty. Lame gnentitiee of dressed poultry are being packed and shipped by R. Thomson, NONE AFTER SATURDAY-Br000el8, Evaporator will not take anymore applee after Saturday of this week, 16th inst. They will be sooepted however on that date. A 000IAL evening will be 'peat next Monday by the Epworth Leaguers of the Methodist aborob. A unique program will be presented, one feature of wbiob will be an old fasbioued spelung motoh. SPEARING of the Londeeaoro' Tea meeting the Olfeton New Era segs ;- Mies MuGnire, of Brueseio, and G. Beaton teacher, both gave abaraoter reoitattoue that found cordial aoeeptanoe, 80017 reoitation being rendered "tree to lite " Bauman Creamery has closed dotvo until next Spring after a a000e8efui season. Proprietor Harris deserves credit for the improvement he has made in the emotion of hie new leOtory anti its belongings. Tam Tilbury Time' of November 7111 Saye;-"Looal butchers mane eploodra diopiaye fur Tbankegiviog, that of R. P. Adams., under the management of D McDonald, being especially creditable." Mr. M.oDonald referred to is a former Braeeelite and learned hie trade in town. TEE Militia Department has gramteel the request tor the holding of a provieton al oobeot of military iOetraatiou fu God• oriel], to allow officers living in distrait to quality without going to one of the city salaams. The course will be mix weeks. Date of opening has not yet been decided. Tax COLLECTOR OLIVER is looking np ail male residents from 21 to 60 years who are net taxed otberwi.e for $100 apiece poll tax. Io rural districts per. sone of this olaem have to pub in 2 doye statute labor eo considering the rube of wages now $1.00 is not a very heavy fee for all the advantages enjoyed. DIED or His INaonise,-Postmaster John Davie, Of Alton, died at 9 o'elook Friday morning from the effects of in juries reoeived at Kelly's railway oro'. slug Monday night, October 28th, Bs had suffered ioteueely. Deceased wee 05 pare of age, o Liberal, a Methodist, a civil engineer and Provincial land surveyor. He was highly reepeoted, and leaves a widow and two sone -John, of the Trader'0 Bank, Grand Vevey, and Stanley, of the Staudard Bank, Photon ; and one daughter, klieg Mar jorie, at home. The fetters' took plaae on Monday at 2 o'clock to the Alton cemetery. Stanley Davis referred to was a member of _ the Standard Bank staff, Bruesele, for some time and was very recently promoted to Pioton, His numerous friends here will sympathise with him in the demise of bis father. JOINED IN Loe ANGELES, CAL,-Wedneo• day evening, Oat. 9th 1907, 9 p. m. at the First Presbyterian ohuroh, Lo' Angeles, by the Rev. F. Dewitt Talmage, Mies E. M. Jackson, of Toronto, Oauada, was joined iu wedlock to Wm. George Logan, Plum B., late of London, Oauada. Only the immediate friends of the bride and groom were present. After the ceremony a bounteous wedding feast was enjoyed in Dateb Room at Leuy't oafe, Mre. Logan was gowned iu a beautiful (frees of a pale bine silk aryetalline and Iriab point leas with large blank picture hat aid carried a bridal bogoet of Lily of the Valley and Maiden Heir Fern, Mr, Logan is a graduate of 1904 (lass Ontario College Pbermaoy bat bae bean on the mast mince Jetty, 1004. He is now a partner in Oehbral Park Pharmaoy in Los Angels. After the wedding supper Mr, and Mrs. Logan left on their houey• moon aaoompenied with ekowere of ries and beat wiehee of their many friends. Ou their return they will be At Home to them friends at Hotel Bellevue Terrane 6th -and Figueroa etreete, Lo' Angeles. The matey old Iriendo of the bride in Dements and 100elity are a unit in ex tending hearty oungratalatione to Mre. Logan and her hneband. A FINE Oomatgz,-'-The Kioaardine Reporter 'aye :-The Francis Firth Operetta On, made ism Stat appearatme in Kincardine on Wedueeday and Thum day, Nov. 0th and 7111, playing ilDOyla, The Tea Girl," a Japanese Operetta, and "Beggar•Stedent," a Spaniels Operetta. It is quite within the boende to say that, title company present the moat refined and high•Olaoe entertainment ever given in Kluoardine, Both Operettas were moat obarmingly staged, and that gave a 0meat0008 of t.ffe01 to the scene, We womd'maks epeoial -mention of the Japanese play (Doyle, The Tea Girl,) It i8 exoepttonally well written, both from point of the plot, and the' beautiful mode, Ws fall of °needy of -the re- fitted order, bet, euah that caused the heartiest tanghter that has been beard here in many a.day, A better balanced oompany would be hard to find, for both the noting and Dinging woo of on exceptional order, Shoo d Mr. Firth again Dae fit to visit our town with his company, the mere mention 01 their doming Wonld Regime a fall Image," Hear them in the Town Hell Bruedeio, on'I'bnreday of next ween, 0nd0e the a0spi0e6 of the Foot Bail team, • A USINESS CHANCE Is often missed when it might have been easily embraced by SYSTEMATIC SAVING Begin now to prepare for the day of opportunity by depositing your savings in The Metropolitan Bank. In the Savings Depart- ment $1.00 or upwards opens an account, Interest is allowed from date of deposit, and compounded four times a year. No delay in withdrawal. Capital Paid Up $1,000,000.00 THE Metropolitan Bank Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits $1,183,713.23 BRUSSELS BRANCH, W. 3, FAWCETT, Manager MESSRS. BATEOIAN & JEWITT forwarded a deck of hogs to the East this week. THE first jingle of sleigh belle was heard Tbnreday morning and a few cotters were oat just to polish up the ehoing. Hugh Ferber and family, old residents 'of the 10'h con. of GIey, bays takeu up residence in Bruesele muviug in ou Toes. day from their farm wbiob has been rent ed to Mr. Moelg.,mery, of Morrie. We bid them welcome. Now that snow has made its appear. fume It would be well for property owners or t1•n60to on the Matinees part of Main street to know that the Snow By Law makes it imperative that they should keep the eidewalk opposite their properties clear of the "beautiful." King Edward's Birthday was nom. memorated by Edwin Hill Bumble, eon of T. I. Bumble, and Mies Henrietta Keppen, all of Ohiaage, entering matrl. monis' eliianoe. The groom is a o00Bin to Mrs W. H Kerr, of Bruesele, and mise Kay, of Winnipeg, now 84814103 here, May their joys be many. Bre Horton JUDGE HOLT bald Court at Brussel. on Theroaey of last week. The Duly aatf00 tried was brought by R best Ritohie against David Milne for $74 66 for wages and damages for wrongful die. unmet. Judgment was given for the plaintiff for $25 00. J. M. Oarthew, of Listowel appeared for plaintiff and A, B. M-oDouaid for defendant, LARGE quantities of ear'h were hauled to the pt mime of D. A. Luwry and R'bl. Oliver, Queeu street, iu levelling up their Iota. The work will make quite an improvement next season, Mr. L.wry and faml'y are in poseeesion of �tbeir new home and we treat the comfort and oonvenieuoe it affords may be enjoy. .6 by them for many years, melees Mr. Lowry finds a parohaser who will give him a chance to build another recidenoe. Be is now in the fourth and all on the eome street. He is a good typeof a citizen. 530. RANSFORD, of Clinton, who OW120 Brame's-Salt Works, Wae in town on Tuesday. He i8 threatened with a gait by John Grainger, whose Poem ad. joins the works, for damages owing to the aotion of the escaping brine on a portion of the farm. As the iutereeted parties are fair and reasonable men there Should be a way of Doming to terms that would be satisfactory to both gentlemen. The salt well has been in operation here far over 27 yeore, being started by the late F. 0. Rogers who was a merchant in town. A prime article in the Saone line is turned out, Bruesele dairy and table salt being considered A 1. G NE To WINOHAM.-Thie week W. Henry, who bas an faithfully and einem modatingly dieobarged his duties as Station Agent at the Grand Trunk Rail. way at Bruesele fur the past 33 years, was promoted to a 01101 ar poet 0.1 Wong. ham andis now in ()barge. He will move bis family sat soon as be smarm a house to suit, The Wingham people will find Mr. Henry prompt, obliging and genial doing hie work in first Mess style. Mr. and Mre. Henry leave many friends here who will regret their removal even if the dietanoe intervening is um great, The stew agent hare i8 Mr. Lye who comes with good reoommendatione and Tact PoeT bids him welcome to Bruesele, He will take poseeesion of Mr. Henry's reel deuoe, Princess street, as soon as it i0 vacated. Braeeela has been very lortnn• ate in the men who have been tent here oo G. T. R. agents and we believe Mr. Lye will be no exception to the rale, A bus LAME Exnemm.--For years there has been uo sidewalk from Tu,nberry street to the G. T. R depot aoroee the latter's property. When the walk was put down o0 Main street ft was made extra wide,thelratepayere agreeing to Eton amount of it being the leading thorough faro to the depot. The G. T. R. agreed then to pat down o walk and did haat eome looms of gravel (the old plank sidewalk being peat repair) bat the pledge bas not- been redeemed to this day. Last Spring the town Council called the attention of the Oompeuy to their neglect and the neoeaeity of a Dement walk and it was offioially stated that the work would be done during the Summer. A couple of our anima aide. walk contractors were naked for eetimtttoe but there the matter re.ted. Reeve Leokie jogged the memory of the General Transportation manager nn the tardiness exhibited and urging the( the work be done at once, Here 10 the reply ;- MR. J LEMUR, Reeve, Breseelo, Ont., DEAR Ste, - In reply to your letter of September 4111 and of Ootober 24th, oonaeruing new (mutant sidewalk of Br1e8ele ; I regret to say that owing to the emo01t of work this oompauy has oodertakea thio year, it will be impoeelble to lay the cement wally 50 proposed at prevent, The side- walk jrrat Southerly of the looation for the proposed walk should, 1 think, meet the needs of the pnblio until scab time as the new walk can be eonotrnoted. Yoram truly, W. G. BRO0NL10, Genf Trane, Mgr, Montreal, Nov. 2nd, 1907. It is really too bad that "owing to the amount of work thio Oompoher has ande- taken this year" that a piece of sidewalk norm one block 000id not be put down, The railroad people need not have turned a hand toward the building of it unlace they shoos ao the work could have been done 10 a few Jaye by sidewalk oon- traOtore here. It hi a childish axonee for a corporation like the Grand Malik to offer after giving their word that the walk would be put down, Business 'Acta . OVERCOAT found. Owner may have it by provtpg property and paying for thie nottoe. Tan PoaT, Bruesele. - De. BUTLER'S VISIT: De, Butler, the London Eye Specialist, will be at the Amerioan Hotel, Brneeele, on Wedoeo- day, Nov. 27th. Gla6eee supplied. A RHEUM Shop iu a good town offers to take a partner with $600 to $6,000, nue 48 a rare uhauoo so do not delay and ae I have a large (amber of new choice models made and tested in my Sue your (Maness are doubled. T. •MaUn000n, saw gammer and doer, and improver on saw tools and maabiuee, corner Mill and Main 00re018, Bruesele. People We Talk About. Lawyer Sinclair was in Goderioh' (1110 week on bueioeee Mise Myrtle Wilson was visiting irieude in Listowel. Mre. George Brown and Russell were visitors at Blyth over Sunday, Mrs. John Cardiff was the guest of her dangbter, Mrs. Harry Bartiiff, of Clinton, Mrs. Walter Jackson has returned to Ottawa where she ie making her home with her eon, L. F. Mrs. Neil MoLauohlin was at Lon• don nursing the mother of R. G. Wil. son, of that city, formerly of Brume e, wh ' passed away to her reward last week. Remelt Lowry, who wag borne from St. Tbomae (ming to an attack of typhoid fever, hila returned to hie position as baker having regained his aoonetomed health. Alfred Lowry, who received a very severe shaking up by falling oat of an apple tree last week, is able to move about although not yet able to attend to business regularly yet, Robert Work, who filled a position in Druggist Fox's store iu Brns.ela and re moved t0 St. Catharines some time ago bas gone.to Toronto where he has a good situation. He's on the ries and we with him thanes. Peter Stewart is away in Dakota where he went 'tome time ago to look after his interests in oonueatron with the past harvest. Although a resident of Brne- eele Mr. St wart still owns hie valuable farms in the West. W. A. and Mre. Crich and baby, of Seafortb, were renewing old friendships in Brunie and locality for a few days. Mr. Oricb met with au aooideut by fall. ing into the cellar of his store resent• ly, somebody having usg'eobod to (lose down the hatob,. He had several ribs dieauled bob we bope he will soca be o. k. UIIURCI1 (MIMES Tbere will be divine 0ervfoe in Brag• eels Oatholio ohuxob 61811 Sunday at 10.30 a. m. Rev. Mr. Burnett, of Moleewortb, will preach iu Melville oburoh next Sabbath the pastor taking anntaereary 00rv6000 at Mieeeworth. Rev. E. G. Powell is holding a aeries of evaugehetio services in the Methodist ohuroh, Oraubrook; for a few weeks, Monday evening -was the fleet. - At a meeting- under the auspices of the Laymen's Mieeiouory movement at Torouto it was agreed that the Protest. ant (hurdles of Toronto should raise $600,000 this year,for foreign missions, At theEpworth League Monday even- ing Ed Nioholeon took the topio, Mre. R. Durk leading the meeting, The topic was The greed for gold." A duet was nicely eurigby Misses Hazel Rozell and Belle Dark, with Mrs. W: E. Dauoau BS a000mpauiot. "Let not your heart be truabled, &a" was Rev. E. G. BOwell'e-text for hie am propriate semen at the quarterly Com muoion teat Sabbath morning in the Methodist. church, A large pamber per. took of the merriment. Bt, Jobnle Gospel, ohaptor 4 and verse 49 was the Soriptore epoken from in the evening. An interesting testimony meeting follow• ed the sermon. Last Sabbath morning Rev. A. 0. Wishart, B. A„ preaohod the first of a aeries of sermons on the Lettere to the seven churches in Melville thumb, The teat was "Nevertheleee I have somewhat ogaiuet thee because thou haat left thy first love." At the evening eerviee the topic wa0 "Periebing in the wildernes for laok of bread," from whlob a good sermon was preached. Thursday evening of last week a Com- mittee that had been appointed some weeks ago, 0o08ieting of Rev. A. 0. Wishart, B, A., Alex, Stewart, Queen street Beet, Peter Watson and A. M. Mo Kay, of Melvin° Aural, and Rev. 17, G. Powell, B. perry, T. Farrow and W, H, Herr representing the Methodist oburoh, met at TAE POST and dieonoeed the adVieibility of holding union 68301000 with a view of promoting the spiritual life of both congregations. After talking over ways and means it was unanimously carried that eaob eervioee be held to.00m• Menu On the evening of Monday, January 6011, and to be held on alternate evenings in the 0110r0hee named nom• men01ig at 7.45 ('aloes and. to 00001 16 for a few weeks. The drafting of a program and the Vario00 outer detaile were left in tho hands of the pastors to work out, Servfee of maim Will bo lead by the 0hoir of the church in Which tate service is being heid, familiar hymns to 1 ESTABLISHED 1873 11 I` STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Head Office - - - - Toronto The Standard Bank pays interest four times a year on all Savings Bank deposits. Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. 79 BBJJSSELS BRANCH J. F. Rowland, Manager be need so that hearty singing may be a feature of the aeries. Faller aunoniae• merit will be made as the date of starting draws Dearer. Thursday evening, 28th inot„ Rev. W. E. 13a0eard, 13, A., B, D , of Toronto, District Secretary of the Upper Canada Bible Society, will deliver an Maturated address in the 100080010 of Bruseelo Branoh. Mtetiog will be held in the Methodist ohuroh, commencing at 7.30 o'clock, Rev. Mr. Haeoard is a good speaker and everybody interested in due work should bear him. The reverend gentleman will also addreee meetings at Belgrave on the 2511; Biuevale, 28th ; Walton, 27th, and Atwood 017 the 29th. Canadian Newer. An old resident of Toronto, James Pea, book, died of heart Whore. Jebel Rubinson, ex M, P., died at hie residences near St. Tbomaa, Wentworth Liberals nominated W. 0. Sealey, for the Commons. Three 0ampaniee are doing a weather ineurauoe Mishima in Ontario. There is a rumor that J. R. L. Starr will ran for Mayor in Toronto. The grand stand al the Montreal base, ball grounds was destroyed by fire. The licit train over the 0. P. R. bridge at.Parry Sound was run o0 Saturday, Daring the year ending Augnoblest the trade of ['fascia amounted to $640,358,. 167. J. G, Torriff, M. P., was renominated for the Commons by the Liberals of Aeoiniboia. Lewie A, Howard was re•eleoted Preei• dent of the Oomtneroial Travellers; As. eooiation of ()evade. It ie said the Government hue deoided upon obanges in the Soperintendinaiee of several of the asylums. Eigbty•seven thousand dollars' damage was done by -a fire at 76 Bay etreef, Tor. onto, on Saturday night. A memorial window to the late Stapleton Oaldeoott was dedioated at St. Paul's 'harsh, Toronto. Mackenzie King annonneee that he had adjusted ell Ibe Japanese maims seining oat of the rime at Vanonnver, rind the tote' amount to be paid is $10,775. A franchise has been granted by the municipalities for an electric railway from ()cobalt to Halevbnry. M. Forsyth, of 8 Whiteside place, Tor• 0onto, committed suicide by drinking carbolic acid and laudanum. Ottawa ministers are oritloizing the gamb ing devisee in oonneottou with the "St,eete 111 Paris" bazaar, George Butler hoe issued a writ against the airy for the deeth of his daughter at the Isolation Hospital, Toronto. While attending service in Batboret Street Methodist Oharoh, Toronto, Johnathan Niven suddenly expired. The Drummond Mining Company of Montreal bee moored a lease of the Glon:heater, N. B., iron minae, said to be very rich, The Medicine Hat Council bee decided to mortgage the waterworks and gas planta in preference to selling debentures at this time of tight money, Two men were arrested at Sault Ste. Marie with burglars' property in their possession, who are believed to be the authors of the Black Hand lettere that have been circulated there of late. James A. Pattison, of St. Catharines, was injured in a street fight eorne time ago and is dead. George Vance has been arrested and will be held until a Coronar'a jury prononnoe on the oaaee of death. A report of the Trade and Commerce Department from W. A. MeoKiunon, agent at Bristol, shows that Canadian apples are oommaoding a higher pride in the English market than Amerioan prodnoe. Amerioan Bald wine bring from 16 to 18 shillings, Canadian 17 to 20 ebillinge ; American greeninge 14 to 15 shillings, Canadian 16 to 18 ; Amerioan Hinge 18 to 21,, Canadian 19 to 28 shillings. Wliliam Oo08s, of Peterboro', is lying in a dangerous condition in St. Joseph's 'Smite' as a result of beim; shot by his cousin, Bay Oonee, while hunting in Harvey township. The latter heard a oraokling in some thfok bush, and think• ing it woe a deer, fired. The ball entered jest back of the left hip and passed through the rear of the body. The in. jured man was conveyed to camp, the wound bleeding freely. It is thought that he will 8800002, Skip the Baps ! Don't have (humped or ronghoned e1t10-no need of it bocauoe our taltaraiaatat oirr nlaire6 ell':pping impossible if used regularly Delos the hands and face are bathed. Delicately perfumed ; delightful to use ; dries quickly ; and ooste bill 6 cents per ounoe —AT— v. S DRUG STORE LoeAN—JAmteoi.—In the First Froehy teri,u, church, Los Angeles, 0al., on Dot, 9111, be Rev. H. Dewitt Tel. mage, Mr. Wm. George L»goo, Phm. B., of Los Angeles, to Mies Elide M Jaoheoo, of; Toronto, form- erly of Brneeele. Avc'x'IOZT SATURDAY, Nov. 23nD.-Souse, stable Janda, ive stook, rigs end household furniture, Toroberry street, North, Brnsele, Sale at 1 p. m, Peter Scott and Alex. Stewart, jr., exeootore of late Thos. MaLanoblin. F. 8. Boort, Auo- tioieer. BRVSS=T,N S2A.72.Sc:ErrS. Pall Wheat 88 90 Barley 60 70 Peas 80 80 Cate 45 48 Butter, tube and rolls21 23 Eggs per dozen 21 23 Hay per ton 14 00 15 00 Floor, per bbl 4 60 5 20 'loge, Live 5 60 0 60 Apples. (per bbl.) 1 60 1 75 Potatoes per bus 50 60 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. HOUND PUP FOUND,—THE uedereigae,l ban In hie po'1oeaeion a hound pup, nearly wbito in Oslo?, Which came 80 him ou or about November 11101. Tae owner is requested to prove Property and pay for this notice. W. E.DIINUAN 18,4 Brussels, .TRAYDD ON THE PREM- L.J MS 01 the undersigned, tot O, 00n 6, Grey, on or about October 10160, one red yearling steer ; also about Ootoaer 20th nue red holler seethe (alt. Owners are request. ed to property, pay expenses and take them away, MO0E8 DULL., Brume a P.O. 1011 M0LA ill'llr'll'!II''l1141'nllll'li Ili I'li Ili Ili Ili II'lr'I,11 Ili 111'111111,11"( 614,114!who oho, soihism 'llI I'il'lll'11111N,'llr'4116'lI, ll1'1,1'l,l'1'1l'1'lli Ili hr Ie4rr'l141,11i 11'llr'lli 1011,1,1,01.11,4%i 11'lu'1u411'lrl LADIES' ����Fl COATS At Reduced Prices We will make a big cut in the prices of all the Ladies' and Children's Cloth Coate that we have left. Right now in the beginning of November we are will- ing to sacrifice profits. They are all iu the height of fashion and for most people will be jnat as acceptable now as earlier in the season. Come in and see the Prices they are Marked at, Mos' and Boys' overcoats Mediums and heavy weights in Tweeds, Beavers, Meltous and Heather Mixtures, in Chesterfield and Ureter stylF s ; well made good linings right styles and perfect fitting. Prices range from $8.75 to $15.00. We in- vite inspection and oomparison of our goods and prices. The New, Fall Petticoats We have a range in which there are varieties find styles to satisfy any Fall Petti- coat need. In Black sateen, always a most satisfactory material, we are offering three special values :— At 890 Women's Black Sateen Pettiooato, regular,.t1 26 At 98o 11 " i' 1 85 A1$1.96 " " if 1! 1.50 ea 3. 76 Boots, Shoes and Rubbers We carry a full line for Ladies', Men, Boys, Girls and Children of the Celebrated Granby Rubbers, all sizes and widths. At $1,60 -Woman's good quality Dangola Kid Boots, Blether style with patent tip, heavy clip sole, all 01000 8 to 7. Exceptionally good value -At $2,00 -Women's ohoico Dongola Kid Boots, Lace and Blather styles, single and slip soles, with self and patent tip, all sizes 23 to 7. Winter e Tinderclothinff and Hosiery Winter stocks are now complete. You will find all the wanted kinds for Men, Wom- en and Children at the very lowest prices. Produce is very high at present. .You may depend upon it we always pay the highest prises. Goods night or your .,� n -.,.. �Oi t . .r Money Back. 4J4tWtia4A010"Aereta""AfotOwn"tkeeetel 4 tf :r. 14