The Brussels Post, 1907-11-14, Page 513 Largest and Best
/� t,e�l9T
e By being the best this Bohool has yl
i,t become the largest Unsluess trululug
sohOUI in Western Ontario. Our env,
rolnient aeaht o owls that of a year
ago., Why? Battens° our courses aro
Q'[ thorough uud praottoal with special- Qj''�V➢
7a , Ui
lute in ahur'e of our OowmorolAl Tel
••t, nod hurt Laud divertimento,i
O 1, h H L
All uryRradnntos obtain ood eosi-
400000, Yon may Outer NOW. Write
for uurfreo outs logue.
Primal villa
Y issuer of alarrloge Liaoneee. 01
ice lit 6rooery,'Puruherry street, Brussels,
0111co lit the Post Office, Ethel. 80.4
Is prepared to givelessons on Pians
or Ruud Organ, Terms on npplioatiou.
P ottnlfi°e address -130000018. ROW ouue—
Lot 8,Cou.10, Carey. Pupils may bavo their
lessons at their own homes if proferred.
Teacher of Piano or Organ
Pupils prepared for the Toronto
Conservatory of Music.
Agent Howick Mutual
Vire Insurance Company
Cllleo and ltosidence--
Rate of Interest of per cent per annum, first
Exoelsiir Life Insurance Oompany
'rho Equity Piro In0Oranee Company
All business attended to promptly.
Clerk 4th Divf0loa Court.
9• Wan, will sell for better prices, to
U. tter wen, in less time and lees charges
tuau any other Auctioneer in East Huron or
bo won't charge anything. Dates and orders
eau always he arranged at thin oMioe or by
p .'oJual application,
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reasonable. Bales arranged for
at the Mace of Tau POET, Brussels. 0200
Vt • Honor tiraduaoO of the Ontario 'Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domesticated animals to a oompet•
out manner. eartioular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentletry and Milk Fever. Calle
promptly attended to, Office and Infirmary
—Four doors North of bridge, TUrnberry at.
Brussels, 'Phone 4710
• Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eto.
90gee00or to O, F. Blair. OWoe over Stan-
dard Bunk, Brgeeele. Solicitor for Metro-
politan Batik.
yBarrir'HSrsHlokNot Public, &a, Solicitor,
I door North of 0ootrai Hotel.
001101torfor the Standard Bank,
W. 1'aounrool,30. O.
BLem It, 0. Here
CWoee—Those formerly occupied by Messrs
Cameron et•Holt. ()MAXIM.
. .
of Toronto, hal started thousenfle
of young men and .women on the
easy way to independence and suo.
one. Let us give You the
r atalo Uo and
plan Write for U to spend the next six gmonths
With us. Enter any time, Addroes
W. H, SHAW, Principal
Yonge & Gerrard eta., Toronto
gag gthas gums
Miesiouory lutere6t is on the rise.
How ie your pulite beating gentle reader?
Rev. Mr, Laug•Ford was at Fordwioh
Wrduseday evening of loot week westing
in the organization. 01 a Young People's
Bert. Trainor is uow performing the
duties of Superintendent in St. Johne
Sunday Bohool, Dr. Feild'continues us
Bible clase teaoher.
The pastor of Melvilio church is preach•
tug o serfs, of mamma on "The Letters
to the eeveu ohurnbee," as recorded 00
the Revelation of Bt. John.
91.851N 10dVRO0e Be00ree'ltlit Pm and
Weekly Globe, with itlustratel magazine
emotion, from now to Jun. let 1909.
Phis ie eerteinly a Dinah you should nut
TRIAL Uatarrrh treatments are being
mailed ant free, on remise, by Dr.
Shoop, Racine, Wig. These tette .are
proving to the peop'e—without a Pen-
ny's 000t—the great valve of this Bolen.
Who prescription known to druggiotr
everywhere au Dr. Sboop'o Catarrh
Remedy. Sold by all dealers.
"DolyR the Tea Girl" is a brand new
musical proda1tiun whioh some of the
leading aritioe have passed on as being
the cleverest operetta produced in year,.
They speak of it an follows :—"'The
latest Japeueee operetta (D.,yla the Teu•
Giro) is the 01000 e01 operetta that has
been written for some yeoro. The story
le cleverly written uud full of situations
that give great eoope to the swore in
both comedy and dramatic work while
the music is dooidedty catchy, tomato'
and full of dash, the kind that one 0atriee
away with tbem never to forget. Unlike
must plays the plot of "Dolga the Teo—
Girt" is easy to follow although many
uomptieatioue arise which are decedenly
funny and mum intense interest Witt
many it laugh." 'Towu Ball, Bruaoels,
Phuredtty, Nov, 21et, under euspioee of
Foot Bail Ulub. Plan of hall at PDX'a
Drug Store.
A. tickling oougb,from any cause, it
quickly snipped by Dr. Sboop'e sough
Cure. And it is eo harmeae sod safe
that Dr. Shoop tette mothers everywher,
to give It without hesitation even to very
young babes, The wholesome glean
'leaves and tender atoms et a iung•heat—
ing mountainous ehrnb, turuieb the
curative properties to Dr. Shoop'e sough
Cure, It palms the cough, and haste the
sore and eeueitive bronchial mombrauoe.
No opium, no chloroform, nothing harsh
used to injure or suppress. Simply a
reeinoue plant extract, that helps to heal
a0hlug lungs. The Spaniards call thio
shrub which the doctor ores ,'The Scored
Herb," Demoud Dr. Shoop's, fake no
other, Sold by all dealers.
At the Monthly Missionary eervioe in
the Metholiet Sabbath School Sun
day Mies Poeeie Mitchell read iulereet
ing extracts oovoeroing the work in
China. Vera Aiulay and Stella Gerry
Bang "Was that somebody you ;" Rev,
E. G. Powell gave a short address ;
Misses Pearl Leatberdale and Alta
Pune contributed to well eu0g duet;
Mrs. MoCau.ey's class of girls banded
over to the 'Tre00orer a special Mis—
sionary plate offering of $18.48 and each
member was presented with a souvenir
photo. of Rev. G. H. Raley, Mieeionary
at Port Simpson, by the Superintendent
for their zeal ; Mies] Tburea Gerry gave
a choice solo. The collection for the
afternoon was $7.22, making a total of
$47 54 for the aohool in the peat 7
menthe in the reenter monthly offering.
$104'00 hi the sum aimed et for the year.
Mieeionary Interest le on the in0rea0O
is the sahuol to both adult and 3nveoile,
This yeat'e 510009e go toward the cup
port of Rev. Mr. Raley who is laboring
among the ludlaue in British Columbia,
Graduate of the Royal College of Deutan
SurgeoueofCoterie and Fire •olaes Ronor
Graduate of Toronto UolvereiG , (Mee
next to Brewer's Photograph Ga110YV,
8G =11. 1t6=a 1:
Attend the Pepuler Se PrngressIVe
and bo 'enosione0'0 oduantod for Ti
buoiaeso lite, ill groduatos of this Q,`
a•s 0810001 aro abeoluIMO a of getting i4
Qj poettio as. The demand is 8on0idee.
ilably granif
tor titan tea supply, Now le un excellent limo. to outer, Wrlto
for Catalogue,
W. J, ELLIOTT, Principal.
„�yy non Y0ti011 AND ALaxANnitn 0010. in
•...••,.. ...._..�..• ...*.•. a ry
T. J. Vfdeau has moved hie flour and i The many frleodo of Mire. Jacob lay, I
feud store from East e1r00t tet Hamilton for will be pleaeod to know that the le
street in the More lately 000uplori by W. I now gaining etrongth et Viotorie Hoapi—
Nivina, who moves to the noxi afore to WV, London, and le in u fair wet' to re. '
the Heel, The store vacated by Mir, oovery, •Tbo LadiesAid Society of
Videalt is befog fitted up for W. E. Mo. Ontario BO. church of whioh Mre, Taylor
Late, who will open a meat market, le Treaeureo' o, very kindly remembered
her by sending a beautiful boquet of
The drug ,bore has again changed
halide, Lorne Shier le again in charge
R. it, Carter, who boa been In oberge
Of the drug store here for the poet eix
molithe left on Saturdayouzo.
f r
or To
Wm, andMr
e. e. Evons and Samuel
and Mrs, Ferguson were in Cartwright
attending the funeral of the latter
000ple'e mother.
No eervioe wag held in the Methodist
ohproh On Sunday evening owing to the
Bible Society meeting being held in the
Presbyterian church.
.lumping With Nerve Palet
That's bow you feel with neuralgia.
But why lie awake at night, grumble or
oomplain—got buoy with a bottle of
Nerviline. 10 dope not like magic, snake
ant the pain and destroy' it. Barmleee
and pertain, instant in effect, uotbing is
eo popular fie Nerviline for aches and
pine of all kiode, Try it for lumbago,
Leet it in rheumatism, prove it in aeoral—
gie, pleurisy or colds. You'll Boon
acknowledge that Polsou'e Nerviline beats
'bene all. Sold everywhere in large 25o
Ed. Haggitt, jr. had the misfortune to
get his left hand naught in a separator
olid received teeny cute. •
The new briok reeidenoe being erected
by Wm Staekhouee on Drummond street
is being pulled along as rapidly fie
During the Thanksgiving holiday 49
tickets wore sold at the O. P. 1i, station.
and J. Moltfurobie al the op town office
sold 58 a total of 107 tiokete.
Rev. 14; Doogideoo, M. A, of Verna,
conducted the pervaoe0 in St, Andrewe
church on Sunday. Me. Small was in
Varna preaching anniversary sermons'.
Frank Metcalf shipped the fruit he
bad oolleoted to goderi01 loot week and
from there it wae taken to Toronto for
the Huron 00, exhibit at the Provincial
$ortioultural Exhibition held from the
1211 to the 18th of November. •
tr odee-iota.
Milk le now eight meta a 9ntttt, a
pretty 0tiff price.
The freight staff at the G. 1'.11, moved
from the old office to the new one.
The medical firm of Dre, Whitely its
GRllow has been dieoolved by mutual
consent, taking effect December 81st.
James Holland was up towel Thnreday
after being oonfued to hie house for
oeveral days, from Muriel) caused by
slipping off a ladder.
Perch fishing had been good 0000ntly,
some very tine barring were taken and
sumo opleudid trout were nutted the last
few rave.
The Wbeele Rigs Co's, building it get.
ting on, the otuolte amok being neatly
finished, and the greater part of the ghoul
A flight of stops has boort built leading
down the hill from the batik of W. L, reoefved the oontraot b, ins awarded to
Morton`s property on the ()reactant aid Hill dr Co. Mitclh u, at $9,998 It is to
under the C. P, R. trestle Work. be completed by the fleet of ,April
Fee rdvvleh.
Mise Cora Tuck, of Clifford, wag spend
lag a couple of weeks with her Bieber Dire.
J. H. Wade.
Mrs. Abbot and Mise Mitohell, of Tor
onto, visited their sister, Mr.. F. Lowick
over Thanksgiving,
John Schaefer, of Mayne, who has
had a very sore hand from .blood poison.
ing is improving nicely.
Ohne. Roadhouse, who fell from a
peer tree a few weeks ago and injured
his ankle,.ie able to move around again.
A union Thanksgiving servi0e was held
in the Preebyterian church on Thanks
giving nay. Revde. Jae.Hueeer, M. A ,
eh. D. and T. H. Farr, B. A., gave ex
inherit addressee and the pastor, Rev. A.
B. Dnbeon hood ohorge of the eervioe.
Ube offering wae devoted to the M netsuke
Free Hospital for Consumptives.
1.1 veto w ool.
Police Magistrate Terbune has been
oonfiued to hie house with an attack of
toflummation on the lunge.
Adam Gabel, who bee been 000daoting
a butcher ehop on Main,etreet Weet, has
.old hie business to A. Walter,
The Evangelical Lutheran Trinity
Cherub of "(artzville, will dedicate their
taw churoh on Sunday, November 24th.
Norman Stewart, who ha. been the
organist in Christ 0lturah etnoe U. Eel
at lett town, has resigned hie position,
end is moving from town.
The cement foundation for the new
0. P. R. stetson hoe been completed, and
the belano° Of the construction is being
rasped forward as quickly as poeeible.
The anniversary eervioe, of the Baptist
churoh, Listowel, will be held on Sun
lay, Nov. 1701. Rev. W. T. Graham, of
Sarnia, who is an able speaker, will
Robert Cochrane, an old and respected
farmer, who resides in Wallace not far
from Listowel, had the misfortune to
have a runaway while delivering some
barrele of apples. The horse was in hie
Charge and ran op Main street, spilling
the apples along the street and be him
self was hurt, but nothing seriously, in
being dragged for some distance.
The annwal meeting of the Listowel
Curling Club was held recently. Finan•
odaletabemeot allowed that the new rink
building and lot had been all paid for ex
ceps a balanoe of $400. The new oSioers
e robed were Hon, Presidents, A. F. Mo—
LareU, M. P., and Pad Pres. J. 0. Hay ;
Pres , H. B. Morphy ; Vioe Pres., J. S.
Heyere , Buoy Treas., J. M. Campbell.
Phe proepeote for the Doming eoaeoo are
good, with a considerable inureas0 in
membership. The playing fee for the
00ae0n was fixed at $5.
To cheek a cold quickly, get from your
druggist eome little sandy Oold Tablete
called Pr000000os. Druggiete everywhere
are now dispensing Preveotioe, for they
are not only safe, but decidedly pertain
end prompt. Prevention uoutain no
Quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh nor
wakening. Taken at the "eneeze stege"
Prevention will prevent Pneumonia,
Bronchitis, La Grippe, eta. Hence Ole
name, Prevention. Good for feverish
children. 48 Preventioe 25 ante,
Trial Bone 5 ote. Sold by all dealers.
4)1111 tO*t.
E. Bleaker has bought out the milk
beeiueee of J. Churchill.
R. Graham has appealed from his
eonviotion for selling liquor after home.
Hiram Hill bee the contract for Jeoob
Taylor's building, next to the New Bra
,ffioe. The front will be red pressed
S. Deets bee sold hie ooltag0 on Huron
street to Geo. David, motion foreman annelaut bad taste fn my month, I oleo
Io . le for uoe, o. 7t is hfloe nom. had u gnawing teneetion in the stomach.
PonSunday School
.well worth the price. g g.
t relief, and I
Ferroznne ave me Pea
h S Rev, S. T. Bartlerytt,
0, .mEitto late also used oatorrbozone whioh to good for
Nov. 17th, Run a T. hoof aA p otatb oatarrb. Although it took a number of
Secretary of Sunday Sohaol and Epworth g
Leagues will preuoh lit Wselay ohurob, boa;es of Ferrozone, I got book my health
A boy who ie old enough to know and to day am quite well. For stomach
better open'd a 6000001 at the ebebion and catarrh, indigeelion and kindred dip•
had it not heed discovered just at the orders nothing excel' Ferrozoue. In a
opportune moment a Bermes aooideol thousand oases it hoe proved a wonderful
might have been the result. enoaeee. Try it yourself, 50c per box at
John West, who has been a member of all dealers,
the lire brigade for sixteen years, the VPlyatcl<n�ra.
laet six Re stoker or aoeietent engtueer,
lute resigned. Daring that long period Dr. 1, P. Kennedy of this town bag
be only mit'sed attending one fire, been appointed 0. P. R. surgeon for
It wag expected that W. A. Gifford Ohio dietriob.
would be sent to Weet China by the John Rudolph, who recently par.
Methodiet Mission Board bet the Board ohaeed the Qneen'e hotel has Bold the
felt that It would be unwise for him to go bueineee to 4.E. Swarte, who took pos.
for the present, and sent kine to New amnion on Friday,
Denver, B. C., wheels he will spend Ole The annual Soottieb concert, under
Winter in minion work, He likes the the empanel of Ganep Caledonia, Bone
country there floe, of Sootlaod, will be held on Friday even.
A Mr. Hula wee brought to the Hoapi• ing, Deoember 18th.
hal here from Zurich, eaffering with 'Sunday was a unique ocoaeian et Bt,
route ,kidney trouble. Be • was on. Paul's abnroh, being the twenty.flfth
conscious at the time, and never re anniversary of Mimi Houghton's ap.
covered ooneoirmeneee,'though everything potntmenb as organist,
poeeible wasdone for him and he died a Robert A, Currie has purchased the
wapiti of dayo. later. He wee a widowee. blacksmith booking from Thos, L. Lobb,
aged about 05 ytare. and will continue the business in the
The County Road and Bridge Com- game stand, on Diagonal Road, oppoelte
mitten with Warden Currie, met at the Boothe', livery,
Commoroial Hotel, Clinton to diepo0e of Wm. Nicholson, builder. and contract.
tenders ter the steeleouetrnotlon of 'Cho or of this town, hoe been awarded the
Bayfield bridge. Font tehdere were oonbraot by the Dominion Government
for the emotion of the new poetoiliee
end amain boaae at Kincardine, Mr,
Nioholeon will nob likely do any of the
R. Walsh laid information agelnet J,
A. flewiltoe, opal dealer, for violation of
a town bylaw, whioh providee a6 fol•
lows ;—"That no person having males
and weights for their own nee, shall
weigh orsoff r
a to be weighed wit h s
any !l le Wha B Br
sonic, or weights, y a is C t o e
for any other person or penman what—
soever." Tue case came up before P. M.
Andrewe, who reeerv04 deoisiou nntil
last week. Mr. Hamilton was defended
by Mr. Blair, of Goderioh. Mr. Andrewe
hag diemieeed the notion on the ground
that a municipality hoe no power to
create a monoply fie this by law does,
SolfooL RaroeT.—Thefollowing is the
Ethel school report for the month of
Oot. Names in order of merit :—Sr.
Dept, Form V-Jamee Bremner, Irene
Heath, Roy Eokmier, Lavine McLeod,
Alvin Moliee, Elvin Thompson. Form
IV—Rose Praetor, Oherlie Haneeld,
Agnea Tbompeon, Pieria Freeman, .Irene
Eugler,Floreuoe MoOallum, Alice Barr,
Barris Eokmier, Lizzie McIntosh, Annie
Cooper, Luella Henry, Vera Mo0RII,
Wilfredlilokmier. Form III or, -0001
ford Dunbar, Harvey Smith, Lizzie
Thompson, Pearl McKee, Robert Lanae,
Edmund McLeod, James' Cooper, Spence
Hemeworth. Form III jr.—Pearl Bete—
Lyall McAllister, Noble Mo"(ee,
Orietle Engler, Olive Cooper, Norman
Addy, Elwin Dobson, Verda Pollard,
Stanley Strsohen, Cecil Balmier.
a.. H. MA000mi:o, Principal. JoNIOR
DRrtRTMoNT,—Br. II --Geo. Cole, Roes
Goatee, Grape Balmier, Edith Fer
guson, Reggie Hemeworth, Edith
Heath, Wilfrid Tbompeon, Jr. II—
Pearl Dnbeon, Luoinda MuNeelaod,
Della McKee, Roy Dunbar, Minnie
Martin. Pt. II—Harold Freeman,
toggle Goatee, Stuart McDonald, Floe -
.ie Sanders, Clara MoOeilom, Look.
hart Dane, Stanley Gill, Lydia Thib•
ideas,. Ps. I (a)—Louie Marten, Laura
Hemeworth, George Pollard, Harold
Love, Willie ()ale, Edith Eokmier,
Pt. I (b)—Lillian Davidson, James
LUoao, Evelyn McIntosh, Marian
Thompson, John Heath, Unmet Mo•
Noelaed, Steven Thibideaa. Pt. I (o)—
Myrtle Lamont, David McKee, Harold
MoAllieter, Bertha Cole, Russel "(ranter,
Pearl Love, Qneet Dobson, Gladys
Heath, Florence Molntoeh.
Emus M. POMEROY, Assistant.
When the Stomach, Heart, or Kidney
nerves get weak, then these organa always
fail. Don't drug the etomeob, nor aline•
elate the Heart or Kidneys. That is
simply a makeshift. Get a prescription
known to druggists everywhere as Dr.
Shoop's Restorative. The reotorative is
prepared expreaely for the weak inside
nerves. Strengthen these nerves, build
them up with Dr. Shoop's Reetorative—
tabtete or liquid—and sae bow quickly
help will.00me. Free sample teat sent
on regent by Dr. Shoop, Raoine, Wis.
Your health is surely worth tole simple,
teat. Sold by all dealers.
Robert Sanders has returned bome
atter au extended trip through the Weet.
Rev, and Dire. E. A. Fear were in
Stratford attending the golden wedding
of the latter's parente.
Lorne Soot', who for. Borne time has
been a000ubtant of the Sovereign Beek
branch here, remixed word that he had
been appointed manager of the bank at
Mime Mae Wood, who left eome time
ago to take up nursing in Harper's Hos-
pital, Detroit Mich,, hae enooeeefully
paeeed the examination and will eon-
tinne the work there.
Art. Wood, eon of John Wood, who
for some time was employed in the Lon-
don brauoh of the Sovereign Bank
wee promoted as ledger keeper at the
main offioe at Montreal.
,.Mrs. Oltae. Birney met with a painful
eooident on Monday of last week. While
oroobeting she had the misfortune to run
the hook into tbp fliehy part of her
thumb inflicting a deep wound.
A reward of 926 ie offered by the
Goan&il of the township of 'Osborne for
the arrest and conviotioo of any person
or persons guilty of stealing fowl, grain
or other commodity from any resident
of the municipality.
The Epworth League of the Jaynes
Street Oltoroh, vieited the Heueall
League Monday evening of last week.
The Exeter League took Marge of the
program and spent an enjoyable evening
as the petite of their Heooall brethren.
Great 9per,►ellats In Stomach Catarrh
Though often they fail to give even
temporary relief, W. Seymour, of Bunts.
villa, Ont., cured himeelt with Ferrozono.
"My trouble" he eaye "wae ohmic)
catarrh of the stomach. There was
iNGER (gyp a
Machines may bo seep at
MaKAY & SHAW'S Hardware
t r Brussels,.
asYpayment system may
be arranged for.
I also handle the Nordheinl-
er Piano,
wont thio Fall, bat will get hie material
in ebape (0r an early start in the Spring.
°entrant prion was 917,700.
The old Oongregaiiooal aborob has
been pnrobaeed by the young men of St.
Paul's oharoh and will be turned into
a club house, The Club will be nude.
nominational, and its purpose will be
to afford wholesome and moral reorea•
Hon and iuetruotion to he members.
A bowling alley, reading room, gym.
ossium and shower bath will be fitted up.
A library of popular scientific works
will be added. The main auditorium
will be ueed ea a Leoture Hall.
ll'ew People in Brussels Really
Know Row.
This] ie not an essay on table manners.
It ie simply a little good advioe about
one of the great Amerioan detente—too
rapid eating.
Nothing makes life eo miserable, or
interferes so widely with the usefulness
of the average American, se indigestion.
The quiokduooh counters and the
great majority of restaurants, even the
home dining rooms, are simply imam.
!eateries of etomaub troabiee.
Sow eating will solve oue•halt the
problen of ill health. Those who Buffer
already with indigestion and weak atom•
aoh pan with oare and the nee of Mi.o na
stomach tablets restore their digestion to
a healthy condition, Bo that they can eat
what they want at any time without fear
of dietreee or suffering.
Atter a few days' nee of 140.0 na
stomach labiate, the headache, dizzy
feeling, droweioeee, bad taste in the
month, coated tongue, oervou0oees,sleep.
lateness, distress after eating—all these
symptom' of a weak etomach—will dis-
appear, and perfect digestion and a good
skin will show that the vital maohinery
is 000e more running smoothly,
Take e little Mi o na tablet before each
meal ea that it will stimulate the diges—
tive jaieee and give strength to the
stomach, and then it will take care of
the food that is eaten, without iodigeetiou
and the onpleueont -full feeling with
whioh eo many eater after meals.
Mi•o—na is gold by drnggi0Ee every
where for 50 dente, and we positively
guarantee to refund your money should
you purohaee a box and be dissatisfied
with reunite. Write for free sample,
addressing Booth's Ml.o•aa, Box 977,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Toronto grain men oomplain of short-
age of oars.
Biscuit manufacturers] in Toronto have
inoreaeed prioee,
Arthur Remelt, of Montreal, was found
dead in the woode near Moose Lake.
Two hundred and fifty men have been
laid off by the Grand Trunk in Point Bt.
The Provinoial Board of Health baa
received notice of an outbreak of typhoid
in Almonte.
From Whom are
You Going to Buy ?
From it reliable firm where you see
What you are getting or from some
agent who don't know cue kind of
Granite from another and oaree only
ionAs sgent? We
ti tnnnae
employ no agents and guarantee all
our work for five years.
Thirty Days
Beginning Saturday, Nov. 2nd, we will, to cash buyers, reduce the
prices on the following lines of Goods :-
-Single Harness reduced for oath.
—Blankets reduced for cash,
—Robes redlined for melt.
—Whips reduced for cash.
—Trunks ;educed for cash.
—Satchels and Gripe reduced for oaeh.
—Men's Pebbled Leather Logginge, regi.
Jar price $1.75 and 92.110, reduoed to;
$1,50 melt.
—Men's Leggings, split leather, regular
price $1.50, reduced to 91.85 per
pair cash.
tM'Please remember the prices are reduoed ou the lines
tneutioued here only—and for cash.
Three Sets Second-hand Single Harness
for Bale at the following prices o—One Set at 98.25 ; One Set
extra value at $8,76 ; One Set, great bargain at $4.50.
I C•
Wilson SG i-ui.ter
It It 11 B SE LS
To weak and ailing women, there le at least one
.way to help. But With that way, two treatments,
must bo combined. Ono is local, one Is consdtu.
Itional but both are Important, both essential,
Dr. §hoop's. Night Cure is the Local
Dr. Shoop'e Restorative, the Constitutional.
The former—Dr. Shoop'sNight Curo—Is a topical
mucous membrane suppository remedy, while Dr.
,Shoop', Rostnrative f0 wholly an internal trate
meet. The ltostoratlVO reaches throughout the
'entire system seeking the repair of all nerve,
,a11 tissue and all blood ailments.
The "Night cure", as its name implies, does its
merle while you sleep. It so0thos sore and Inflam-
mlmucous sitrfnces, heats local 0001010000000 and
/discharges, while the Restorative, 010000 norvou0
,ex(titemout, givo9 renewed vigor and ambition
Wilds up Wasted tissues, bringing About renewed
woman . vigor, and energy. Take Dr. Sltoop'e
Restorative—Tablets or Liquid—as a general kink)
;to the system. For poait1Ve local help, use ns] tvon
Night i. t Cure
2nd -hand Buggies
A. .few First-class Second-hand' Buggies,
both Light and Heavy, for sale cheap at
our Show Rooms — Some Real Bargains.
New Buggies
Rubber Tire Rigs, both Cushion and Pneu-
matic. Must be sold to make room for
our large display of Cutters and Sleighs
Ewan & Co.
..t_...- t.,
r Flour l
Every good house -wife knows how necessary
it is to have good Flour to make her Bread
and Pastry palatable -•
White Loaf Flow
possesses all the qualities that go to make
a nice, white, spongy loaf. Once you have
used this brand you will want none other.
f All kinds of Feed kept constantly on hand.
WM. M. R. A. -•a-- E
00 Cents per Bap^
willpaid for Good.
� a
Peeling' Apples
and 15o for Small ones
J. CUNNINGHAM, Proprietor