The Brussels Post, 1907-11-14, Page 4THURSDAY, NOY, 14, 1907, MognAY, Nov. 4th, Dr. Moluuie, Pro. vinaial Seoretary of the Manitoba Geb• inat died from perforationof the bowels,. Se had been operated upon for appeudi• titfa on Saturdey but no hope were then held out. St, Johu'e N, B,, wee his birthplace and he was 42 years of age, He were a popular and able minister and hie demise will be e wee to bath the party and the Provinne, P. S. BowDea, M. P. P. for Emit gent, was again the nominee of the Ooueerva• tires for that riding ou the 4th inet, Mr. Bowyer is the Editor and proprietor of the Ridgetown Dominion and was a former eeatmate of the Editor of Tna Poter in the Ridgetown public school years ego. Barring his polities Phil, ie o, 0. and even iu hie politica he strikes au independent attitude on various oc- casions that makes both parties eit up. ZION. A. 0oeouon was elected Novem- ber 410, in Belleobaeee, Quebec, over Henri Burseea the well known ex -51, P., by a majority of over 800. The wiener had been charged with improperly hand• ling hie portfolio in the Provinoial Government as minister of Laude and Mines and resigned hie seat and appeared before his ooustitoenle for their ratifioa• thou or rejeo0ion, They certainly said Hurrah: for Turgeou. The seat Mr. Bermes gave op returned him at the lest general Election in 1904 by over 1400 mut some think he may be a oaudidate now that Monday's contest went agaiuet him. THE 24th Auuaal Ontario Provincial Winter Fair wilt be held in the oity of Guelph Dec. 9111 to 13111. Program will anent of ataeeityiog and awarding ot prizes for Beef and Dairy cattle, Sheep Swine, live and dressed Poaltry, judging Live stook and Grain, 810,000 being offer. ed in prizes for the various competitions, Lectures will be delivered eaoh May by experts relating to the Fair, Single fare tickets will be Lamed on the railways and all holders of membership tiakete to Farmers' Iusottutes fur 1907 will be ad. milted to the various aeeeione free on presentation of a memeerehip ticket whioh only :met 25 cents. Those ioteud- ing to go to Guelph ehonld not forget this. Quite a number from tbie locality talk of attending the Winter Fair this year. It is 0good spot to aogaire prao- tfcal information and instrna1ion along the lines covered by the program. The young men particularly ehonld be inter- ested. FRIDAY, December 6111 is the date of a promised visit of Hou. A. G. MacKay, the popular leader of the Opposition in the Ontario Legieleture, to the East Riding of Huron. The meeting will be held in the Town Hall, Brussels, oommenoing at 1.00 o'clock when the auuual eleotion of officers and other matters of business will be dealt with, Addressee will follow by Hon, A. G. MaoSay, F. G. Inwood, Geuerel Snore - tarp of the Ontario Reform Aeeooiation, Arch. Hislop, M. P. P., De. MacDonald, ex•1tI. P., and others. There aheald be a large representation from the varione Uaniaipalitiee in the Riding. A public meeting will be held in the evening boo• menoing at 8 o'clock, in the Towu Hall, to accommodate those who omenet at- tend a day meeting, Seats will be reser- ved for ladies. The addreeeee will be in• terapereed with vocal and inetromental musical seleotioue. W. M. Sinolair as the President of the Riding Aeeoeietiot. Hon. Mr. MacKay will addrees a meeting et Goderioh the day previone to hie ap- pearing at Brussels, Seep the date in mind, Friday, Deo. 6th, TEE Poar 1O pleased to notice annoanae• manta for organization of Debating Clubs and Literary Societies looking forward to a Beason of fnetraotfo0, acquirement of public address and the development of literary and musical talent. In connec- tion with the Farmers' In0titntee there le a department of the work that eaglets in the opening up of Farmers' Clabe in the varioae Bo11ool motions for the di000eoion of topica of interest and importance to agricultural life. This ie a good idea as it not only helps in carrying on ot suooeeetul tarnoworkby theinterohange of experienoe and experiments but it tends to develop• ing and renewing the gonial element of the neighborhood and the frequent en. eembling of the people of the looality, an object most worthy in itself. P. A. Mo. Arthur, Secretary of Bent Buten Far - mere' Inetitue, will be glad to tarnish information couoerning these clubs and we feel euro he would willingly attend any of the organization meetinge and aid in the opening op of the Work if he were invited. There is little 0r 110 ex - pause in connection with them and a share of that will be borne by the In. stitute 11 the proper course is followed, hire, W. F. Morontz, of Mltobell, bad the miefortone to run a awing metalline needle through one of her fingers, The resale of the 0011gi000 08n0ne of Stratford, 'thief) wee taken Tueeday afternoon of lest week, ehowe the total population e.0 taken on Taeeday to be 18,072. The eeesoeor'e 0810000 thew a population of 14,u62. Thie disparity of AO ie easily imeouuted tor, aethe residents of one • or ewe inetftatione are 1101 in. eluded, while ft' is known that several Warden are Omit108 from the Het. The Bet et people who preferred no :thumb fe 698, Following 1e the population aueord. ing to denominetioue t—Preebyteriaus, 3,080 ; Ohareh at England, 2,909 ; Meth: maul, '2,155 1 Roman Oethalio, 2,977 ; Lutheran, 704; Baptist, 083; Evapgellusl, 602; Congregatioua', 337 ; Salvation Army, 160 ; various dellomihatione, 137 i no preferonee, 550 ; total, 18,072. PROVINCIAL W. O. T. U. • OFFICERS FOR YEAR. The Previuolal W. 0. T. U., whioh met'at Cornwell, eleotod the tollowiug ulliuere :— Preeideet—Mr'e, MoKee, Barrie. Yioe•Preeideut—Mea. May R. 'Thorn. ley, London. Correepouding Seoretary—Miss Flora M)Uar, London. lieeormog secretary—Mrs. Irwiu, Wes. ton, Treaeurer—Mrs. 8, 0. Britton, GBuan ogee. X Seoretary—Mies Lottie Harris, Tor- onto. The report of the Y. eeoretary showed 300 members in 10 unions, whioh hove raised 81,500 during the year. Among the r00omm0mlationa re0Om• mended to the report are : 1—The divieeou of the Prcyi80e into two diatriote fur the 0arryiug an of the work, 2—The eppeai to the magistrates of the proviuoe for thesuppressing of the sale of immoral poet Dards. 3—Au appeal to the local ,members of the legislature and to the Minister of Education for the ce.introduotion of the etudy of soieuttfia temperance in the schools of the proviuoe, 4—Au appeal to the proviooial Hoeune boerde for the ouppreee10n of the sale of brandy 011ocols180. 5—The agitation for a federal govern. went oaaatment for the prohibition of the manufacture and sale of cigarettes, the inforooment to be left with the proviuoe. 6—Against the government control of lioeueea. Tboy Gave Wonderful Ilcoellh None are 00 healthy, so bauyaut and felt ot life as those who regulate with Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Even In our utght they work wonders. Fur and coating they take from the tongue, heedeobee they regulate to the pant, belioneoeee and stomach disorders they prevent and absolutely onto. Think what it meals to have the system absolutely oleaneed and purified by Dr. Uamilton'e Phial A true laxative it perfect tonic, 11arm1080 and wholly vegetable in oompoaitiou, they will de you good. To feel end look your beet nee Dr. Hamillou'e Pills, 25e at any dealers. Logging Bees Of Long Ago. A Motherwell (Perth Go.) correspond• 0011 writes entertainingly on the loggfn,e bees ot long ago and oleo of the cheap - peering old log buildings. His (emerge are in pleasant vein and should vividly recall old eo0ne8 to our lingering and venerated pioneers. They should alae serve to impress the younger generation with some idea of what pioneering meout Atter getting the first aorta or two obopped and a abauty up, the pioneer's work was to clear up his lot, chop at, many acres so be could in Winter, and get it logged in Summer. To get a good "burn" was a great belp. A good burn meant to have 0811 the broth, rot. ten wood and leaves consumed in the bueb burning, which was always auder. taken when a strong wind was blowiug— away from the chanty. One man with a yoke of oxen could do some logging but it was it slow prboees and changing work with neighbors was the plan gen orally adopted. All felt the necessity of helping eaoh other, and, we think, that "man to man" was mach nearer to being "britbere" then than they are now. Five men and a yoke of oxen were %logging party. To do a good day's work good oxen and a te0meter were a prime neceeeity. To be a good manager of horses was a gift, We have seen the driver adjust the yoke on the nook of the off ox, then holo up the other end of the yoke with his lett hand, and the bow in hie right, signal and command the or to come under—and he name, Tide may seem quite easy, but when you ooneider that the driver had hie 10000000 °hew of tobacco and the bow -key in his month, the performanoe looks more formidable. An expert driver wan au advautoge even to the team ; one who knew the over•the•under and the rolling hitches, and could take every advent - age of the "lay" of the ground in drawing his loge and planning hie pile, Rivets and Linke were kept on hand to mend broken amine and in an tomer. gently a "togte" was used, A togle wee made by puebing one liuk through another and insertiog a piece of wood to keep ft there, Neaeeeity was the moth. er—and mother -in law—ot inveutiou. Atter the logging came the burning of the log heaps and the saving of the tabes—whioh were valuable—and were kept dry if possible till they were put in the "Ieaobee," made Into lye, then into potash, whioh was about the only thing that money could be had for in the earlier days, A barrel of potash, A No, 1, was worth sbont $40. Nut very many now remember the raking of the aehee, drawing them in a Dart to the leached, and thea running off the leaches and boiling the lye in the potash kettle till it reaobed the potaab et0ge, and the "melting" of it, whioh very mut% resembled the "eug0rimg off" of the maple syrup. In later dayo when men end oxen be. Dame more plentiful legging been were oommon. The fallow to be logged was etaked off into "tbroughe" of an care eaoh, whioh were eeledted by lot or the "drawing of mate," as it was then palled. All the Maras with their aomplimeut of rollers started at the same time and it was a rate from the word go—whioh would get through first. When Leven or eight teams were at work the excite• mint was equal to that of a baseball tournament. The work teas very often finished quite early in the day and the remainder wee spent in playing ball, pitching queite, jumping, running, vault ing with the po10, Oto, Athletics were just 0e much indulged in then 08 naw, and a 00mman thing Lor an native young mem to do was to' pat hie handy on a 01% Dangerous coughs. Extremely perilous coughs. Coughs that rasp and tear the throat and lungs. Coughs that shake the whole body. You need a regu- lar medicine, a doctor's medi- cine, for such a cough. Ask your doctor about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Wo publish our formulae .9 Wem bourmodlochoe tiers Woonuyoura ieo you to anit doctor Any good doctor will tell you that a medi- cine like Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cannot do its best work if the bowels are con- stipated. Ask your doctor if he knows anything better than Ayer's Pills for cor- recting this sluggishness of the liver. --2t.do by the T. 0. dyer Co., Lowell, iiaae.—, rail fence and vault it without touching it with hie iroueere. The loggiug bee often ended up with a dame in the eveuiog, and the merry strains of the fiddle drove doll Dare away. Bees were very helpful in many oases. It a man was not getting on very well—no matter whab the o0uee wae— aiaknses in the family, the. Iowa of au 0x, or perhaps the only caw they had— the neighbore turned out and gave him a att. It was the way they had of pray• ing for a man in those old fashioned times. 1 may tell later of the hooking bees—paring bees --and quilting bees. But I most now proceed to raise a log barn, eceu if the neighbors may not be all through with the maugolde and fur. nips and the raising may mean a oall for baude. The old log barns are not all gone yet. One on the farm of 0. Baird, ono on J. R. Roger's, Doe on Hume Bare'e, one on O. Heat's and one on H. Morrison's. 1111 the other's in this part of Fullerton have supplied a Winter's fuel some years ago. Caoaeiouelly, however you will and a little log building, well plaetered- and kept, and used for hang—but they were not built in the early days. We have been told by pioneers, that notwithstanding the bard work of clear- ing and building, timer were the happiest days of their livee ; eaoh year adding a few aoree to the clearing, raising more crop, putting up an addition or "lean to" to t11e buildiug, and in n100t 015100tea, a large email family growing up around thorn. "We have help oomfug on." Due old settler told ue that he was far prouder of his first log hoose than he ever woe of the costly stone house whiob enooeeded it. The settler's eeaond battle in land. °leering was with the stumps. He ooutd admire a tree, but there wee no beauty in a stump. The oak and the cherry was the most etubborn. It did not do to apply fire too soon to the stumps ; they bad to react!) n pertain stage of decay to get a goad burn. The smeller ones were pulled, and piled against the large one. A Held of stamps burning at night w08 a very beaotful sight ; "like R thousand Damp fires burning," and it was with pardonable pride the farmer of those days told you, that he had 40 aures "akar of etump•," and Gould plough a straight farrow from and to end. When we think of the danger attending chopping, logging and building, there were not many fatal tooidente. A Mr Davidson near Fullerton Gornere, bled to death from a oat toot, and a Mr. -Fair, born, of Bianabard, father of Councillor Fairborn, of Blanchard, was killed by a falling tree or limb Bot the slipping of a foot, an overhead limb, or the glancing of an axe, laid up many a men for weeks, mud caused him. to Barry the nark of the axe for the rest of hie life. We have been asked bow did the people dress in theee days 7 They dram - ed well and warmly. .Sheep were early introduced and at Arab they were marded by band earth., spun with the spinning wheel, and woven by the band looms. Many of of our pio0eere were old country weovere, John Molntyre. er., Robert Roger, John Parker, Robert Molutoeh BC., and Janne Nairn, sr., were "Knights of the ehubtle." The cloth was fulled by hand, and dyed by the bailee of butternut bark, end the home made flannel made exoelleut shirts for meta, and dreesee for the women. Nearly all the weavers I have named were fairly good eboemokere, Thee woe the working Mottling ' provided. And for the "Sunday Brews,' many floe shawls and art10150 of dress name imam the ee0 in the big "kiets" whioh the pioneers brought with them. Where DeesConsumptionBegin? That first little Settle homes a Cough the dough grows 0evere,10 negleo0ed and travels down to the lunge, Treat throat trouble before it gate severe, Catarrh• ozone heals allays inflammation, ogres throat and bronchial trouble quiokly. A marvel worker is oatarrhozooe whioh prevenha bhoueonde of catarrh viotime from oontraating ocnenmption. Reo• owmended by 8001000, proved by time to be anfaiiing. Catsrrbozone fe met what you need. 25o and 81 00, eold every. where. Funnel,'s evaporator at Trenton was burned, Moose Jaw Liberals nominated S. J. Jaolteon, their present members for the Commons. Vioe-President Bosworth of the 0, P. R. announoee a redaotion in freight tabs( to points West of Winnipeg, Slime the end of Maroh lard immi- grants have been pouring into Ooeoda at the rate of a thousand a day. The Government 010r Vigilant ran into a tag, the Nettie 13, at Port Stanley and injured ber so ;008 ehe had to be benolled, Two old and respected residents of Mitchell paned away to their reward early Saturday evening, Oct. 26th. That of Mre, Woodley, er„ aged 90 yeare, on St. David's etreet, and Wtn. Mo. Dollen, of Wellington street South, In hie 70th year, Doth have been in deolini09 health for some time, and their death wag not nnexpeoted. Tbomea Fenno, jr,, while at work Ie a grain mow at threshing bee, bed the misfortune to have the tine of a fork thrust through hie toot and oleo narrowly eeoaped beiug thrown into the mouth et the eapara100. The Piddle Is Often raked Unoorapulou• dealers enboeted by large profit', often reoornmenrtpd (torn 00000 "0018 good ev l'utnaw'o " There ie poly one gamine (I•,rn Extretotor and ;het le Pubnem's Painless which is a miracle of efllolenoy and promptlleee. Use no other. Perth, Qounty. Miss Annie Ooppiu, of Mitohell, had the misfortune to allow a hot Darling tong to pierce. her eye. Richard Talbot, of Avonbank, while attending to a horse woe euddenly bitten in the Nee by the vioions animal, Editor WiPioton, of the Toronto Newt:, Is to address the newly organized Canadian Club of Stratford on the even• fog of Friday, November 16th, Mies Maggie Huggins, who for the peat six yeare has been earlier teacher iu the Moukton eohoole, has banded in her resignation to take effect at the end of the year. Bt. Marys has asked the Hydro Eleotrfo Power O,mmiseion to fnrnuh the munioipnlity with estimates of coat of distribution of eleotrio -power within the municipality. The employees of the Mitchell woolen mills ere having a oonple of weeke' holidays while the company are adding a third story to their mill, The wort is being rapidly imbed forward. Stratford wi I be in line for the. 0. H A. series end the '01050io City will he 0tro5g this year. The beet of loot yeat'a men will be on the ice and new blood will probably be injected in 0 oonple of peal, Hone. Eddy Dunemore. who has been em• ployed in the office of Trainmaeter Bowker, Stratford, has been transferred to Loudon, where he beoomee private secretary 10 A, A. Nikon, G. T. R. super - intendant. Market Officer Duneeith paid a visit of inspection to the Stratford market Sat• urday morning weighing all better on hand. Only one lot of 28 -pounds wits found light, and the owner was uudoubt• edly unaware of the feet. John Diehl VCRs fined $40 and $10 °nate at the polios ootlrt, Stratford, for 9oiog abusive language and acting in a disorderly manner. The offence was committed In an Beet end resident's home, which Diehl had entered on the pretext of buying the house. Mies Caroline Little, of Toronto, has Oomm000edan motion against the execs tore of the late John O'Doenghae, of Stratford, for $5,000. The claim is for board end lodging provided deceased and hie two infant children during seven years by the pleintiff. An attempt was made to rob Mo. Dermoid d' Kyle's hardware store, Stria ford, thieves having broken in the bank window in an effort to reach the Rafe. Entrance, however, was only gaiued to the tinehop and the marauders bad to depart without anything for their trouble. • A report was current that several hour dred men 13,41 been laid off at the G. T. R. ehope st Stretford but amid not be verified in reepeot to the number, Master Meohauio Patterson etated, how. ever, that some employees were being laid off Passes are being given to the men to all pointe on the middle divioion. St. Joseph's Y. M. A. of Stratford, elected officers for the ensuing year as follows :—Pree., W. P. Finnegan 1 first -vioe•pree., Thos. Clonoy; emend viae pree., Dr. Qutnlin ; reoording secretary, L. K. Kt:Horan ; s-'oy-tree: , A. J. Pigeon ; executive oom , W. J. Hanley, Frank O'Flaherty, E, ()ember, D. Al. O'Briee. Toeeday, 000. 28th, was an nnleoky day for Wm. Mareolee, of the Huron Road. Four of his colts, two yearlings and two 1 year olds, had found their way to the street end from there to the railway becks. As the 3 65 express was approaching they were noticed by John Waker's hired mag, who at o00e tried to remove them. Re etooeeded in saving the two yearlings but the other two were hit by the engine and killed, The animals were valued of $150 each. The irate George Qu'•rengeseer, who passed away on the 29th nit. and was baried on Thanksgiving Dat', bad reach• ed the good old age of 80 years. He moved to Logan from Germany fifty yearn ago. Logan was then pretty much all forest, but he cleared a home for him self and family. His wife .predeceased him 85years ago. He retained remark able vigor till the last, when 0 o01d, fol. lowed by pneumonia, ended hie life. He leaves two sone, Ferdinand and Charles, both reepeoted reeidanle of Logan. He 1808 a lite•long and 000010tent member of the Lutheran oharoh. MitelteIt delivery men are farming a anion and objeotlna to anyj dollvoriug al'tr 7 80 Saturday nights, Capt. W. J. 1lawly,of the all•Oanadiaa lacrosse team, arrived in Stratford on Wedueedey of Inst week and was tender. ed an informal reception at the armory. OeoDewfy will give a deeoription of hie trip in the form of an address before the Y. M, A in the near future, The major porteo) of the external wort; at the uew Normal Sehool at Stratford, hue been completed and attention will now be dimmed towards the Mil:thing of the ineidn work, of whioh there in 11 tremedoua amount to do, The builders are engaged at the present -time in eon etrnoting the handsome tower, whioh adde ouneiderably to the beauty of the building. The oantraotore are unable to give an idea as to the time when the work will be entirely completed and the eouool ready for oeoapatiou. A joint meeting of the Mitchell town oounoil and the board of trade was held in She oounoil chamber on 'Thursday evening for the purpose of dieoneeing mattere concerning the welfare of the town, The members of the different boarde expressed their views freely on things whioh would tend to promote the intereete of the 10w0 and they all seemed to be very entbueinebio in what they hod to say. It was deoided to call a more geuer0l meeting in the near future to re. organize the board of trade, and all ratepoyere who attend will have the abauoe of raying openly what they think would add to the welfare of the town. Something Should Be Done Whailis Causing; the Increase 01' — tatarrh,111 Ilruesels 4 In spite of the beee efforts of medioel men, ootarrh troubles are inoreaeing not only in Brussels, but all over the noon• try. Oatarrh is a germ disease, and to ours it germ life in the breathing organs ehonld be destroyed, and to do this no other treatment'hae snob' positive and beneliofal aotion as Hyomei. Winn the mune membrane is ir- ritated end raw and the tissue weakened, there ie an ideal lodging place for oatorrbalgerin0. Breathe Hyomei and gee how quiokly it soothes the mem brawn, vitalises the tiaeuee and 'destroys all t11e-disease eerme, rendering oataeda no louger possible. There is no dangerous etomaah drug• ging when 13yomei ie used ; no tablets or 1121018 In xturea, whereby the digestion is often destroyed and intestinal trophies added to the horrors of catarrh. Breathed through the neat pnoket in- haler that tomes with every Hyomei oat - fit, the healing balsams penetrate to the most remote air cella at the throat, nose and Innge, destroying the catarrhal germs so that quick recovery follows. We positively guarantee Hyomei, for should you buy a oomplete outfit, pride $1.00, and be diem:tiefied with reunite your money will be refunded. Hyomei is Bold by drupgiets everywhere. Write for literature. Booth's Hyomei GO., Buffalo, N. Y. Xmas and XMAS GIFTS r1111E popular idea of the day ie to eaud yont Photograph to your friends for X11191, We are all pleased to receive a Mee Photo. of 0110 friends at any time and More especially et this season of the year. We have some nice assortments of P, oto. mounts suitable and most artistic. Don't fail to call at my studio mud look over my samples. I will give you au ex- tra finish in the most up-to-date style. Post (lard and Sunbeam Photos. until after Xmas season, loo each, Other vices in proportf u. Picture Freres made on shortest notim, Prices reasonable. Always welcome at our Studio. H.R. BREWER Bodmiti Lime Works, BELGRAVE Is headquarters for rirst-class . Lime. Write or Telephone A. Nicholson & Sony' PROPRIETORS aWill meet teams from a distance at Central Hotel, Broesele. et Ali t ews Local and General cru.'t.'tr't'u,at'wauvavrin,ar�wli�'�n YOU CAN HAVE THE BRUSSELS POST Contltitung nil the Local News, and the TORONTO GLOBE: Containing the News of the World and Npecial harm News Both from now to the end of the Year 1908 for 1.R 5 CASH ` Two Good Papers for 14 Months Each Any other Paper you want at Cheap Clubbing Rates. ... R TO—DAY L.EAVE YOUR OFc'®,._ � '4V. 1-I, KEII,11, - T3>tx tul,s MONTHLY RSE FAR3: R1USS JI. S The Regular Monthly Horse leeks will be held for the season as follows : '1'IIUitSDAY, DEO, 5611, 1907 JAN, 2n1 1008 PE13. 6th, 1008 MAR, 0th, 1008 APRIL 2nd, 1008 Leading Local and Outside Buyers will be Present, ENTER ANY DAY Commardinl Oon•espoudonee muting our. students at Whagabatn. 0liutnu, Walkortun, Oraugevflle ,tad. Gatto. 'lob, Wo .have TWELVE rated tin eoenoele of our WIDELY 1ROADLY EDUCATED. WIDELY E GreggShort- baudOED TEAUHE83. gg 81,ort- baud taught by a graduate of the Author, Jobu R. Gregg, Iudividoal lnetruobion. Wolnvt15 eemparlson and clone leveoblgatiou. Our Mall Coursee Tench You In Your lawn 11/,ore. Write for particulars.. Wingham Business College e Giro. SPOTION, Principal Notice to'Creditors In the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron. In the matter of the estate of A)exapder McDonald, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, farmer, deceased. Net15e ie hereby given pnrtuent fo "The Revised Rtatutee of Outarin," 1807, and amendments thereto , that all creditors and others baying claims against Vie estate of the said A1ex"ndor ideDouuld, who died nn or about the Fifteenth day ul October, 1007, are required on or before the Sixteenth day of November. A.13 1907. to end by poet, prepaid, or deliver to W M %enta1l., of the Vllbege of Brussels, in the County of Huron, Solicitor for the Itxsoutrtx and the Exam. tor, Ann Jane McDonald and Duncan A. Me - Donald, their Christian and euruamee, ad. dresses and descriptions, the full pardon e of lar their claims the statement of their i n a0ctin0te and the nature of the securities (if acv) held by them. And further take notice tont after such last mentioned date the Bald Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the sold deceased amenge1 the parties entitled thereto, havlug regard only to the Glenne of whioh they shall then have natio() and that the said h saauters will not be liable for the said assets, or any part thereof, to any per son or parsons of whose Claim notice shall not have been received by them at the time , of eaoh distribution, D17-9 ated this 28tH dttY`V. M.t8INt 110110, Solicitor for the said Exeou0Ore, Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Thomas MoLauohlin, late of the Village of Bruesele, in the County of Huron, gentleman, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to "The Revised Statutes of Ontario," 1807, and amendments thereto that all oreditnre curt others bovine claims agatoet the estate ot the said Thome Ma1auohlin, who died on or about the 17011 day of October, 1007, are required en or before the 20th day of Nov- ember, 1007. to send by poet, prepaid, or de. liver to 4,, 13, kbiedoaalb, of the Village of B. ruesels, Solicitor for Peter Sentt and Ales. - antler Rtewart, j r., Exeoutore o1 the estate, their Cbrlotiau and surnames, addresses and desoriptione, the full particulars of their olaiwe,the ebatemeut of their az- counts and the nature of the eoouritiee (if any) held by them. And further take notice that after snob last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased nmongat the parties entitled thereto, baylug regard only to the Maims of which theyshall tinea have notice, and that •the said Executors will not bo liable for the said a06et0, or any part thereof. to any her. son or pare0ne Of. when claim n01i00 shall not have been received by them at the time of eeeh dietribatfon, Dated this 201111 day of October, 1007, A. B, MA000NAL1>, 17.8 Solicitor for Executors. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Joel Sellers,, late of the Township of Morris, in the Oounty.of Huron, retired farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Rayls. ed Statutes of °u term, 1807, Chap. 120, and amending • Acts, that all creditors and others having any claimn against tbo estate of tbo said Joel Sellers, win died on or about the 8th day of ootober, 1007, are required au or before the SOtb day of November, 1907, to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to A. B. lafaodonald, of the Village of Bruesele, aol- idlto' for Jo eepb Sellers and JoOeph B. 801- lers, Bhtevale P. 0 , Exeentore of the said estate, their names and addresses with full pertaining in writing of their claims, the statement of their accounts god the nature of the BOolerit,ea (if any) bald by them., Aud notice is further gine that niter the said lest mentioned date the Exeoutore will proceed to distribute the asset of the deceased amongst tthepartiee eutltled thorn. bo, having regard only to the eliding of whioh they shall then have nottl1eo and thot the Exeoubore Will not be Ilal31b, for the inmate, or any part thereof, to any .person of whose claim they obeli not thou nave uotlee and all persona of whose elating they shall not then buve notion shall bo (deluded from the Innate or gala dtetributlon. Dated this Stn day of November 1007,. A. B, MACDONALD,. 18.8' tlolioltor forlxooutorO, STOCK FOR' SERVICE, . 11.4`011 • SD+RVICE,—W'HE UN— 1 Dowaeann will keenfor 8orviae On Lot 17, (.ou.9 Grey, o thrn' bred • Tam- worth bog, lLe00ne 81.00,18 bo paid at time of 00rvio1, with privilege of rataruing if noeo06ary, 200131,.MODONAIM, Prop, 10.1 T Farmers or Sto1•nlieepers 1)3' coming to the Brussels Salt works ('00 get Illly hind of Halt they require. Gordon FOrenlno, Mooney, Brussels. IMPORTANT NOTICES Two DTJBEIAlvi BULL OALV.CS L ,cad a Ydrluu,Fre hoe for sale, Lot 80, Coe, 0, Morrie, or Brussels P. 0, JAMES SPEIR, 10.0f rel W 0 HEAVY ])TAUGHT L Fogle—a Filly and ,fielding—for sale, Alen 8 pigs ready for warming, 1,01 0, 0ou. 10, Grey, or Brussels P, 0. 15.11 L. BOLLINGER. HOUSE AND } ACRE LOT for sate—Albort street, comfortable home in good repair. Small stable, good well, eiateru, 4,0 Possession any time. For further t`,art,0nbtr0 apply ou .the premises to S. ORA, WFORD, )iruseols, 48.0f �•. IUOK STORE TO BENT ]3X l.J February let --part of 9111i01 Block. 22x85 feet ; Oud door from Am00000a Hotel ; lately used us tattering and gouts' furofeh- 7t g oatabllshmeut. For further Portioning apply to Dit. ,vloli.NLVEY, Brussels. HOUSE AND } ACRE OF laud for sale. Comfortable dwell. Ing; herd and 8016 water under clover ; ap- ple, plum cud entry braes, tta. Pueseea,ot 0a0 b0 glean at 01,00. lbs' price, terind, ,t.0, Dull ab 1'1105 PO8T, HEAVY DRAUGHT COLTS cy Pun eALm.—Tire of them are rielug 2 Years and three mein 1 your old. Two (a airy and a 801d09) ate bt'ed. by Royal Park' a ally and gelding by Sootlaud's .Roue, sad a Oily by Bursar, Apply on 1a Lot SO Con. 4, Monts, to ALEX. MOLA0UHLIN, Pro- prietor, or Brussels P. 0. 17.11 K. O. T. M. - Brueeels Tent of the Rw0aboo0, No, 24 bold their regular meetings in the Lodge Room, Seeker Block, ou the let and Ord Tuoaday eveniugs of oasio month. Visitors ulwaye welcome. A. BO al flow. A. McGUI11E, R. K. L� ARAI 1'0B, SALE—BEING L Let94,000.12, Grey, containing 100 none. 45 mires cleared and balance hard wood bush and swamp. Good brink home with kitoheu driving shod and Stable , good. well, orehaerl,d;o, on in emise9. Placa well. ttuoed. Poslss•iou could be given alter Drop to Off. &or lurtber p001icular0 as to p, ice. ttrnaa, Ito. Apply 10 Juu. D M0Nn11e, Let 24, Con. 14,Grey. or Motioned P. U. 100R SALE OR TO RENT.— The uudereigned offers her 100 auto farm, being Lot 20, (200,7 600y, for aide or to rant. Comfortable house, bunk baro, orchard, wells, 80, Farm le only 1 of a mile from the ettr'ing village of ihbel. Fox fur- ther purtioulara apply to F. S. Scott, Brea - sole, or huts. HATE HOLLAND, 7 Peter street, Toronto, 37-8w WARM FOR SALE.—TSE UN• • nanelaxnn offers Ida 150 00/0 farm for Hale, being Lot 20, 7,h Li tie, Norrie. There le a frame lions°, bank barnand bay bouae, 8 orobarde Dud allover -tailing spring. Farm will n0 sold in 000 or two parte to suit pur- chaser, Eoaaeaolou wind 00 giver, tins Fall. Four acres of Fall we eat in. Farm to grass except 10 mires, Will bo sold on easy berme. For further paruou.0nl as to prion, terms, dm, apply on the premieo9 to ALL BUTTON, or Brussels P. 0. 11.tt FARM LABOURERS L� AND DOMESTIOS— I have been appointed by the Demi: dog Government to plan Immigrants from the United Kingdom In positions as farm lab- ourers or domestio servants in this vicinity. Any person requiring eaah help should noti- fy me by letter statteg fully the kind of help required, whoa tvauted and wages offered, The uumbere arriving may not be sul8oieu t to cup ply all requeeta but ovary effort will b0 wat0o to pprovide each applicant with help regnirod, F. S. 8001"1!, Canadian Goverumeut l8mploymeut Agent 80.1y Brussels P, 0, Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIQNS; ANY even numbered 500110n of Dominicq Lauds in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta exoeptiug 8 and 20, not reserved, may be homesteaded by ace person who is the sola lead of a family, or itny male over 18 years of age, to the extent of ono -quarter section of 180 acres more or lose. Entry may be made personably at the local laud Men for the district in which the laud is situate. . The homesteader is required to parterre the eotditione animated therewith under one Of the following plops; (1) 8.0 least edit, months' residence upon and cultivation of the laud in Oath year for three years,. (2) If the tether (for mother, If the father ie donned) Of the homesteader residde ppou a farm. in the vloleity 8t the land enteredfor the requlremente, as to- reel. douse uoyYbe pageant by , snob . person n- ettling with the father or anther, ' denee aeons iarenlee ,laud• owned 0117 bolo to thevoefuity of his homestead, .the re- 901eomouts AS to resideuoe 'may be satis- fied by residence upon the sald land. 800mont11a' notloe in writing should be given to the Commlesiouer of Dominion Laude at Ottawa of iuteublon to apply for patent. Deputy oft.heMiuiot00o Interior. N. B. Unauthorized pubiloatlou of tide ad- vertisement will not be paid tor, • ALLANMAIL LINE &iAI J Reduced Rates now in :float MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL Vietorial, - nallgTboredaY Noy, 7,10 a m Ooreioan - - sails Friday, kov. 15, 0 a m Virginian .... .,.,8atis Frt00yl Nov, 21, 10 a to MONTREAL:- TO.GLASGOW Preteriau 'Salle Thursday, Nov, 7 Grampian (u0W) Palle Tborlday, Nov, 14 8ioillau Salle'1'bnradoy, Nov, 21•. Nor 4001(0ga, lista and full information at to IV. It, 10118010, Akiant Allan Line, Btueeels, - dam.tu ,.a ri `.•!,r r i�te