The Brussels Post, 1907-11-14, Page 3tOE' • weir e1. ;' HEALTII 00104.eleeeteeliete.0.34o5)4102/040.34 1/.0MA IN -PO ISON IN( This Is the Mem troinlly employed to denote any ori 01 el/el-poisoning, leel as a mutter of feet there ere very few rodsonous pleilleins, and 100(1..flolsOn U4. in general is teeny more like a itTY acute iiifeetiotte dieetise. It is (mimed ley the preeence of virulent bucleele and their kixins, seldomly the Meies of p itrefa el , and 1lI5ItIilty never be the lieu of copper (making utensils. There is no guarioilee of safely In the absence of putrefactive odor In the Pent. for some of the poisonous beelerin give 110 SliCh, warning of their nreSenee. Neither Is theiough evoking an Oe0. tete protection, for eertain of the !noel donjon/ems forms of bacteria 5011 Sill pas/mous substance which is met de - Mimeo(' by the temperature of honing water, and even sevvral degrees above It, The symptoms vary both in the time of their occurrence end in their eluiree- ter. The most outman symptoms are nausea and vomiting, dizziness, admit, and profuse diarrhoo. Sometimes a (Mill is the fleet symptom, and there may he very severe colicky pains. The pu- pae alm often dilated, muscular twitch - Ings are common, tune the pulse is ra- pid. There is frequently a rash of some kind, either a simple red ereptIon, like that of semeet fever or measles, Or ac- tual hives. In mussel -poisoning the symptoms may be referable to inelatton of the in - kennel Mart, resembling cholera mor - Les, or they may indicate depression lbit nervous system, consisting In extreme muscular weakness or even paealyeis, Itching, burning, or creeping eenstitlons !n the elcin, headache, short- ness of breath, blueness of the face, dulness, or even inomesciousnese. The symptoms of roushroom-poieon- log vary according to the species of mushroom eaten. and may be grouped under the cerebral and the intestinal forms. In the cerebral there are signs of nervous depression alternating with delirium, sometimes cramps in the mitscles, dilation of the pupils and col - tepee. In the intestinal form the symp- tolfl,. reeernble those of cholera—violent, purging, severe colic, muscular cramps in the calves of the legs, Intense thirst/ end clammy eoldnese of the skin. In some CW4,7: there is snlivation, with slew weak pulse, contraction of the pupils instead of dilation, and collapse alleennting with violeol. The treatment of ptomain -poisoning wnl he considered in a later issues — Youth's Companion. HINTS FOR TIIE NURSE. Keep the patient in a quiet, sunny roue() If possible, with an open window or n fireplace in the room. Remove all Leavy curtains, tabie-covees, hangings; keep the temperature just bele'' 70 deg. Have, as far us pooeible. .no vesible evidence of medicine abbut the room, to giving medieme roll the child in a blanket, with 11e hands well inside; 11150 its head upon your left knee and t,old its small nose quite gently with Wr left (Inger and thumb. Put the moon containing the medicine vis far over the longue as possible, and the fluid ,will go down. Pour slowly, so as not to choke the child. Rentember that the excitement, which is nothing Is an adult, is every/1111(m L o a child, that all preparations must lie completed before washing or bed - Making, and that fresh air is essential to recovery. Encourage young children to walk aione and not depend upon being led by the hand, as, if this is aliveys done, they are apt to become high -shouldered. Do net permit a child to use more than one .pillow unless there is seine medal reason. The child gets more complete rest with the head low, the strain on n11 the muscles being relaxed. High pillows push the shoulders for- ward amtemrevene the chest. Moth being properly 'expanded, If a child's fingers have been slightly berried, the pain con be relieved by holding them in Cold water for a few in:mites, quits five, or even ten. No truitrible er nervousmerson should ever nurse a child; it requires endless pritience, cheerfulness, arid tact, and is Very fatiguing woelc. EGG -LAYING CONTEST. • Competition for Poultry Keepers 10 Last a Whole Year. The !Int egg -laying competition in Englend to extend over n whole Year liegan on October 1, and greet interest is being roused /treeing poultry keepers, who have hitherto had only the winter feu' months onefielition. to:know. The competitkotebne-been arranged by the Utility Poultry Club, whose honor- ary secretary, Mr. E. W. Ilichardeon, 10 looking after the birds al his farm at Rayne, near Braintree, in Essex. Twenty pens, each containing etc- pull- lels, are competing, until the varieties represented .are: While Wyandelies, eight. pens; 'While Leghoens, four; fie0 Plymouth 'Rooks three; and Ileuelans, in Biesse, Revved Plymopth Reeks, one pen 'each. Tito Weds are penned in separete houses, with Iwo grass runs Lo can, te be Used allernativoly. No spices, proe prielary or patent feeds will be given. Cash prizes Pee &creme, and; In midi- medels and °Wit -leeks oi the club km those pens that roach a eniticiontly standard, It does not f011ew that the pen of birds laying the most eggs len,wili, beenese in viow 01 the great elesiraellily of encournging winter lay- ing when eggs ore so eearee, and therm fore fetch much higher pekes, the mom ket value of .the metre wil be taken into account each week, The pens proving the 111081, profitable will carry off the Mon speculation Is rife as le the probable number of eggs laid by a pen, In tho Attstealian competition an average of 171 eggs per bird was reached, but it Is net eepeeted Deal this high ,figure will bo leeched in a °Gentry not iso invertible foe poeltry-keeping. The tallies will, however, be sent out °nett Meanie, and at the (me 11 111/1 tailed repent Will be published • SUFFERING WOMEN. Made Well and Strong by Dr, Williantee Pink Pills, leveey doee of Dr, Wil11111115' HMSinlIne new blood. Every drop 01 Pure blood brings the Hi dishearientet women norm' lei health and tenpin ness. Dr. Williams' Pink Pins hoe beenliall the gl(iw c,f Health lo thousaiel, .1 sofferers Wii0 glielly bear testimony lo 111111 &Mee One of Those is kliee. Bezel elii Duolituti, of WellanTh.d/ °" who sees: "For more than a year 1 15II5 "IIHY VII 0 down, 1 had sickening lionlaellee and my bort would Pend- inte so violently that tit limes 1 Mitred (Math wits near. 1 wns under the enre of n (Meter, but instead of improving / lest strength tool my weight decreased from one hundred and Rely to musty Peillids. I was discouraged, but 1111. :My decided to glee up the doetors' limitt»ent and try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I urn glad I did so, for lifter us- ing the Pills a few weeks I Could see emnarked improvement in my condi- lion. The headaches left nue; 1 regained strength; the distressing heed palpita- tion ceased end at the and of two months 1 was fully restored ileu health end felt betkir than 1 had for the pest twenty years. 1)r. WilliamsPinIc Pilhe ere truly a marvelloes medielne and 1 cannot praise them enough." Heart •palpitation, annonia, head- aches, loss of appetite, general weak, items, backaches, weariness and 4 )1041 of other troubles are all the outcome of line blond. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills make new. tech red blood—the pure bkmil does the rest, 'Filet is why these pills cure all troubles due to watery bleod or weak, shaky oerveo. There is not n nook or corner hi Canada where you will not find some grateful person who hai been cured by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. On the word of your neighbor we ask you to ivy this medicine if you are weak, ail- ing or run down, The pills are sold lit 151 cents a box or six boxes for $2.60 et n11 medicine dealers or from The Dr. Williums' hiedicine Co., Brockville, On t, MARRIAGE AGE. II is Very Low in Some European Countries. In Austria a "man' end a "'Amnion" are considered to be capable of con- ducting a loom of their own from the ages of 14—o fact which accounts in no smell degree for the spirit of "child- Ritherhood of the Man" so prevalent in Austria. In Germany a men must be 18 years or age; but the age of the bride -elect is left to popular discretion. In France the man must be 18 and the woman 15, while .In Belgium the same standard prevail,s. In Spain the intending husband must have passed UM 14th year, and the woolen her 12th. These figures, in connection with the admitted poverty o' S,plitn, socially consklered, are full of the deepest meaning, 111 Hungary, for Ronuan Catholics. ne. man must be 14 yoars old, nod the woman 12; for Pitetestants (bit' man must be 18 and the woman 15. This speaks well for Protestant common. *sense In this particular matter. he Greece the man must have seen at lost. 14 summers, and the woman 12. 10 Portugal a boy 01 14 is consider- ed marriageable, and A woman of 12. In Russia end Saxony they are a II - lie more senelble, for in both countries a youth timid refrain from inntrimony ell he can count 18 years, and the wo- man 111 the on count 16. In Switzerland the men, Mom the age of 14, and the women, from the ego of 12, are allowed to marry. nee a—a...—. SURE AND SAFE. , Baby's Own Tablets is. the hest me- dicliie In the world for the minor ail- ments of little ones, and the safest, We. do not ask you to take our word for this—we -Aye you the goglialatee- of• Government' analyst that:VIM medicine contains no opiate or harmful drug. It is equally good kr the new born babe or the well grown child, It es n eat euro for all the minor eilenenis r childhood. Mrs. Andre Tremblay, Sayabec, Que., says; Of have ,proveri th value of Baby's Own Tablets as Me for several of the troubles that et- fliet young children, including skin ease, indigestion and teething troubles." Sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 25 cents n box from the Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Go., Beeclieille, Ont. THE IMPORTANCE OF PURE AIR, Nature provides the greateet -of bleed purifiers—pure eir. Deep breathing of pure cold air. will have the effect of heulthfully chiceleting the blood. It Is a greet mistake to keep the house 'too werm—rt ho(-bouse atmosphere will notice any one sensitive to the least breath of cold alt', end it dries the skin, too, Keep !he windows open iron: the Ice to draw out the bad air, and from the bottom lo O11bov fresh eo replace if. Nothing is more assuring of n fresh, healthy complexion then pure air and surislene, Roll tip the blinds end allow every 'ray of sun to enter the Mom that stakes your whicloWs during the day, "TREE INFORMATION," This is what, one of the most promin, ent physteieris of tooley says: That one ounce of sweet eptiels of titre, ono oulice of compound vimosa, rind four ountes of syrup of rhubarb mixed together, and taken itt dessert - Spoonful doses after meals and at bede lime 111 water will effect a permanent enee for the tnoet severe cages of I•del-. ney, liver, bladder, and urinary trou- bles. Ile claims that, a few theses will positively ore the worst onses of hack - ache and rhetimettsin nt•Ising from ale - ordered ItidneyS (11111 inipere These drugs are of purely vegetable yi gum end .inexpensive, and can te Obtained at any ding store and mixed tegethee at hem. .,„ POPULAR MARRVLNU AGE. 11(ei 25 and eVomseinlo‘2,,1 London Returns Prom a return just issued by the Lon - Mo (Englend) enmity council it would •11 mom that the (nest popular Marrying 440 among .111e» is INventy-live, for dur ing the 11311 year 12,958 men who had eeeeliod tile guilder century entered the eintrimoniel slats while they were otiosely rein by 12,735 at the age 4•1 Immosoffle, With women twenty-one -is the favor- ite period, for 15,e48 went. to the 1111111' tit HMI age, unil itt, Iwen.iy-live there wi't's i1.5015, while two girlie of 11(teen end two <,1 sixteen each Married »len 01 firly•live. One girl of WWII married a beehelor of twenty-five, ane another one of thirty. AL the age of sixteen, 111111,(11111 girls met 100 boys entered mn 10 matter/luny 10 seventeen the llgures were 122 end els; reopc.elively. Al sixty, five :spinsters took husbunds, while there Were two hec11010es al, tied, age and two al sixty - No who got Initerled. Altogether there were 34,931 marriages between spinsters erid bachelors. The unions of bachelors and widows totalled .1,477, widowers and spinster/3 2,090, widowers and widows 1,151, Melo Mg a grand total of 30.058 inarriegee. Of the ceremonies 26.343 took place In the. Established Chereh, 1,529 in the Ro- man Catholic, 1,807 in Nanconforinisl (Impels, 15,371 in register offices, seven were Qualm., and 1,521 Jewish. Other interesting feels in 1•he return aro t•hat, In 1905. the births in the county of !Amino -totalled 125,550, of Ilimm 64,- 110 being moles and 62,410 females, Stepney heading the lest with 20,744 births, end Stoke Newtnglon being hurt with 1,078. Based on the increases or decreases in population between 18101 and 1001, 11 te estimatedthe present population of Greater Meriden is 7.217,938. and of the administrative eounly 4,785,217, com- pared with 606,163 Mid 4,544,870 respec- tively at the census 011001. Deaths for tt. year totalled 16,629, Drink killed 498, there were 513 suicides and e3 homickles, but only oven exeeu- Llons. SMALL CHIPS. There are women masons in Vienna. In Smith Africa 'baboons 1111 sheep. The English do noL much like toma- toes. A good pack of hounds is worth $15,000. Tendon averages but eighteen mur- ders0 year. Pario eats 90,000 pounds et snails a day. The racoon washes les food before hating it. Saint Joseph., Mo., is the healthiest town in the world. Cannibal rho not like civilized flesh— it is km ealty. The thumb is stronger than all the other augers together. The thin, on an average, it seven year/ longer than the fat. Kite day. a Chinese national holiday, occurred Met month. An expert Chinese kite flyer will easily keep six or eight lake gong on one strMg, —0. HANDS TERRIBLY CRACKED. leles. Yellen, of Portland, says; "My hands \vele so sore end cracked that I could not put them near water. I seemed quite unabk to get relief from einything. I put on them until I tried Znni-Bulc. 11 closed the big cracks, tome me ease, and in a very shot time iny hoods completely." Zam-Bulc heals all skin Injuries and diseases Of all stores and druggists at 50 cents, or from Mani-Bulc Co., Toron- te, for price. 3 loxes for $L25. PLENTY OF ASSURANCE. "Do you really mean it, Mt'. Spooner, when you 61131 1 am the best girl in the world?" uslced Miss Flypp, after the young man had suggested that she should become Mrs. Spooner. "Indeed, I do, Miss lelypp," asseverated the, young man. "I say it /main—you are the best girl in the world." "And the leioliest. I think' you said?" "The, loveliest. without doubt." 'q thine you said knelling about my accomplishments, 1,00 ?" did. 1 said they excelled those of any other girl." "I believe you salted me sweet ?" "'A sweeter woman neer drew breath,'" quoted the 10ve1'. 'You need the word 'perfect,' too, did you not?" "I did. I also pronounced you theepink of perketien, propriety, and mollesty, the empress of my heed, the peerless one among the beauteous ereeturce of your sex, s maiden adorable, enehant- ing, and worthy of the hand et the hest man or eart.h. Say the word that will make Inc the happiest man; my own 1)°"01:10 l" efore I give you frn answer, Mr. Spooner, 1 should like to ask yon one question." "A dozen' it you like." "Ono wiltbe omega Don't yout think you lieee n good deal e..1 assurance to expect a woman with allthose excellent gumlike to matem you?" Then Mr. Spooner went home. • Ma.ontge, oontagiousrirrtlril l SearhatienlibeshuNnivace4. ern or (animals cured In 80 minutes y fercl's Sanitary Lotion, IL never falls, Sold by all druggists, RICHEST QUEEN IN THE WORLD, No Etwopean Queen is so rich In Jew- elry as the Supreme Queen of Siam: Slue hem a huge safe, Or casket, the handicraft of a London firm, in which impose mervelous necklets, pendant.% bracelele, anklets of diarreendis, rubies, etnerald,s and pearls galiore. The em coed Queen 0005 13 scarcely inferior Musket, and each of the other wive tnine it hi eirewoewiene shpaVaal eihnonadetdn.g orTdh:r %ton; $500,000 worth of jewelry to be dello, ered to the King every Year, much of Which is distributed nmong the favor- ites 0( his heron, Anthropology Instruotori "What effect has the climate on the Eskimo 1" Stile dent; e'Cold feet," Many a blessing in dieguleo is a blese- ing only UMW it IS disguised: CIITITHH OF STI1111CH DELON PE-R1J-Nit. MOO. JOSEPH BEAUDOIN. hide. Joseph Beaudoin, 59 Rue SI. Olivir, Quebec, P. Q., Can., writes: "Perna M wonderful for indigestion. I eat whatever 1 want and no longer feel any oppression, "Having had dyspepsia for a long Time and having tried various other remedies, I decided to try Peruna and with the fourth bottle of it 1 was perfectly cured. "For this_ lemon 1 recommend it to ell those who are suffereng with that terrible malady, dyspepsia. "1 hope that all who are afflicted 111 this way will take Peruna as 1 did." The experience of Mcle. Beaudoin might to be sufficient proof to any one of the value of Peruna In cases of ca- tarrhal dyspepsia. If you suffer from stomach calarrh in any of its various forms. give Perna a fair trial, avoid- ing in the meantime all such indiscre- tions In diet as would tend to retard a cure, and you will soon be rewarded by taionnorinal appetite and healthy diges- Customer (al department store): "Where M your complaint department ?" New Saleegirl: "Complain? Guess you've come M the wrong place, mister, This ain't nc hospital." The Ivies( Popular Pill.—The pill is the most popular of all forms of medi- cine, and of pills the most popular aro parmemes Vegetable Pills, because they do what 11 M assorted they can do. and are not put forward on any fictitious claims te excellence. They are compact and portable, they are easily Olken, they do not, nauseate nor gripe, and they give relief in the most stubborn cases. A monument has been erected In the graveyard at Belisha), Tipperary, to Darby Ryan, author of the famous song, "The Peeler and lhe Goat," and other ballade, DO NOT ALLOW yournat to beowne alarmed Imam. you have lost your Appetite and aro losing !loth,ut bcontinent:10 taking appetite the best tonic. It will build you up quickly. Benson: "I say, old man, did I ever tell you /Aleut the awful bight I get on my wedding day?" Heiken: "Shl No man should speak like that about his wife." It Noe& No Testimonial. -1i is a guar - mike in itself. II testimonluls were re- quired they could be furnished in. thou- sanels from all outs and conditions of men in widely different places. Many medicines are put Iorih every year which have but. an ephemeral existence end • then are heard•of no more.. De. Thomas' Eelectrie 011 has •grown in re- •putation every day since it first meek its appearance. Mrs, Newrichm "And who is this by?" Picture Dealer: "This Is a ehromo, ma- dam." Mos. Newriche: "Oh, yes, of course it is. Now that you mention it I recognize his style." mss MEAT :BMWS with saaema, ,and 1 teetered-v(11h bruptirms that dithearge a thin huld, ;may be made, aralooih and nightly with Weaver's Wtrrte 2353 Odd daternal mimed, should bo used lin erhaihniMitth tilt Weaver'n Syrup. "I sem" said a bridegroom to hie father -Meow directly after Die cere- mony, "will you see the minister for me? 1-1 quito forgot the wedding fee," "Young Inati," was the stern enswer, "you ere beginning early. 1 at least ex- pected you bock from your honeymoon before this began," DOGLIKE. As usual, he compleined that )ho buck - Wheat o1015 vere heavy, the toffee weak, the bacon burnt, and so forth, tat wife, he the end, looked mi 0511013' from her loiters. "Don't growl so over your breakfast," she said, smiling. "Nobody is going to take it away from you." 6050111 No, 45-07. Teething I.abie are saved suffering—and mottle given rest—when One uses urses'..a Mothers' Treasure Quickly relievee—regulates the bowels — prevents convuleione. Used so years. Absolutely safe, at armee/terve, tiro. 0 ballet, UM. National I)riiOSa Chmulta I Co., Limited, note Proprietors, Montreal, 41 LIKED 111111 MEDICINIe. "Let me ides those Mime away?" he begged, tenderly. Sim agreed to it, and he was busy for 1110 next fifteen Minuirr, And yet the [ears »<mod on. "Can nothing stop them?" he asked, breathlessly sad. "Nope," she murmured. "11's llny fever, you encw, Bud go od with the Mee trnerit." Mother Grates Worm Exterminator has no Noel for destroying worms in ceildren and /Mulls. Sep that you get Ihr geniline when purehaeing. Many it young nom is eoery 110 spoke utter ;mending a day pricing furniture. it's what you do IMO eounts—not what you are going to do M. -morrow. ^ • MONTH AFTER MONTII a cold Woke, mad morns to Mar helot In your throat. Are you aware that emu a stubborn and long-neglooted cold 14 OUbod with ALung .Iletee Balsam ? (lough and worry no longer. "it's a shame!" cried the young wife. "Not a thing in the house 111, to eat! I'm gelng borne to paper "11 you don't mind, dear," salt the husband, "Iell go with you," Do not let a cold settle on your lungs. Resort to Sickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup at the first intimation of irrita- tion in the throat and prevent disease front lodging in the pulenonery organic Neglected.colds are the cause 01 untold stalering throughout the country, all of which ould have been prevented 'y the appliention of this slicipk but pow- erful medicine. The price, 25 cents, beings 11 within the reach of all. SECOND-HAND ENGLISH. Swede (to Englishman, at Cataract° Springs, noting that the Englishman's accent was unlike that of the other in- habitants): "blow long you bane in dam country ?" Englishman : "Nine months." Swede: "You bane spake de language putty gcoL already. Yen you bane in dose country two years you vitt spake ss vell es de people here." Englishman fannih(latingly): "Man alive ! 1 um from the country where this language is manufactured. What you aLt learning to speak is second-hand English.' Poet.: "So you think I should put fire into my VOWS 0" Wier: "My dear sir. cmite the reverser CHENILLE CURTAINSI and ell kbals of boom. i1onlog,, 01,. LACE CURTAINS D MI!!15 011105EAN Wrlto to ua about your. serresa thunuortu eyEtSO 011. hex 1F0. a00000aaj Get a bottle to -day from your druggist. If it doesn't cure you QUICKER than anything you ever tried he'll give you your money back Shiloh's is the best, surest, surest and quickest medicine for your chlldren's coughs and colds. It has been curing coughs and colds for 3s. years. All druggists - 25c., sec., and 81.eo a bottle. 6,4 FOODS THAT AGE ONE. "Milk and eggs, after you are 30, should be dropped born your food !Me" said a chemise. "They oge you mote then grief or work," "Age you?" "Yee, indeed, Milk and egge, you see, net struciure formers. They mice bone. 'They harden, stiffen, strengthen. Hence 1,,e Imbies and ellielren they tire the imst possible food, "But when one's structure is signet- milly formed, then milk and eggs do ne harm. They ell/erten the breath, they Mice eitedicily atui eupple- toms, they herder! arteries. "You, may dear 1111, frankly, get- ting 011 131 yea*. end you find 'it 110- fle1111 lo run. upstairs, Well. drop eggs end milk a month, and I warrant you'll Mid yourself skipping to your lietionm, two steps atalime, like a very boy again." Signets of Dunger.—Have you lost your appetite? Have you a coated longue? Have you an unpleasant taste lit the mouth? Does your head item and have you dizzimiss? If so. your sttenuch is out of order and you need medicine. But you do not liko 111"(11- 011I0. 110 that prefers sickness ki inedie eine must suffer, but under the circum- stances the 0/180 nun would procure e lox of PermeteMe Vegetable Pills and epeedily get himself in 104111, and strive to keep iso. KNEW WHAT WAS COMING. Wife: "Well, I declare. Ilere's an old school friend of mine who has just made a fortune." Husband: "All right, my dear. no ahead. Tell Me that you might have Inarried him," THE :APS did 11. They oupplied 0.0Menthol found in the "D oli L" Mrouthol"Plalter, wide), re. instantly backache, headache, neuralgia, rhoumatient and ociatlea, C,Ionmel rural council is appealing from the decision of Judge Filzgerald, who gave Lord Ashlown 8700 end hoes Pt' damages sustained in Gleneaghry bomb explosion. Thos. Sabin, of Egiington. says: "1 have removed ten corns from my feet with Helloway's Corn Cure." Reader, go thou and do likewise. reaameaasea.<44•44<eaaatea*.aaaa<40.........4'.4.<4.0. BEER" IS GOOD 1O ENRICH THE B LO DEOPLE who drink good beer with their mole Can't bo aenemic—thin-bloodett. Because beer, eo drank, actually supplies the food ale. Monts that make tic blood rich. Also beer assists the stomach in getting all the wood poentble of all the food that enters it. Put aside prejudice and learn just how good for almost every adult good beer really is. DEN: '11110144"lortr();ItrVat:104faitgrITAI"sgriti 1416 .0 Und.must tagarado omulltIon50,010 0Illeti 0 PkrI417 (511:iff 1/01.i woo malt, bore sad ;t50,0oe, 0e0er, • - r- •" 011 SALE — mount' AND PUMP business—en the village of Jarvis; first -mess business •, the 00/1101' wishes reere. L. Miller, Jarvis. MACHINERY RIR SAL. DYNAMO WO lights, first-class order. WIII be sold cheap and must be gotten out of the way owing to 600 -light machine taking its place. S. leranIc Wilson, 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto, FAN BLOWER Buffalo make, number four, 9 -inch vete tient discharge, 24 inches high; perfect condition. Superintendent, Truth lead- ing, 78 Adelaide SL West, Toronto, IveluiftrzzamgrA..-- -.5411,..13S00.N50t'antalebotee5eati 450,104a5. lek113 lal,babaUbittOtae aaa,AitUa4411.1.45eltu55ao'55'6tOalteai7,104,4.1,1 S I .1"MUZMUMESSYM *Q, the c coudh 02c cold U E EEEMMEIZElleilleale=e ‘inElaleeeeelineer eataesirt44:411,71. 411.34.114.37thellarthriblePrt "MaSMARMI '1•4'•ak4g" k Ile can't utt away tautus El, • NEWHOUSE TRAP. flu *1 aatool bra • Hawk.. Too–. ear, 0007 are,...aaaa ONEIDA C077/41110tla teie Power, Heat,, Electric tight, to Lease for a Term of Years. Central location. About ten thousand square foot In four floors and basement. Excellent shipp og faculties Standard Fire Sprinkler System. Low insuranoe raton MURRAY F. WILSON, S1 Ade]aida St. Wert, Toren 1:o qa .147_,Attl5T-WAWN-4LAFtrtit,WikiA <45..;Vern"..11WA4,1-401.0.<1WoAliti.. 315 Ea.sy Work At:7er, -,, Salvanizad ret Put them on with no tools but a hammer and tinner's shears, —can't go wrong. They look on all four sides, are self -.draining and water - shedding on any roof with three or more inches pitch to the foot. Make buildings fire -proof, weatherproof and proof against lightning. Cost least in the long run. Made of 28 - gauge toughened sheet teel—only one quality used and that the best— bent cold and double-gotranixed. Last lova with no painting than any other metal shingles heavily The PE al a, Pia apl t s painted. Guaranteed in every way until 1932, Ought to last a century. Chelap ami wood shingles in first cost; far cheaper in the long run. " Oshaw.s " Galvanized Steel Shin- gles cost only 4150 a square, 10 ft. x 10 ft. Tell us th e area of any roof and hear our tempting °ger for covering it with the cheapest roof you can really afford to buy. L e t U8 said you FREE booklet about this roofing question—tells sorae things you may not know. Oshawa Galvanized Steel Shingles are GUAI3.ANTE4D i141 every way for Twenty -Five Years Ought to bract a Century 14121041T4S1 Seed Sor /Aft 404:46—'4100014g ,RItIht" Get Our Offer tisane You Ned a Itilag lel AildreseLiig MONTREAL TORONTO OrrAwA torbos vatoruto nearest W °meow -sql,404 w coltooin oat ODLso st. torairini iimiiiiiiieniiiimoommummimmistozowAmostokitztituip.-&pittioAksigokiiig 113E1, el El,