The Brussels Post, 1907-11-14, Page 1ro
Vol., € 6. No, 19
New Advertisements
Tile -S, S. Cole,
Local -T. McGregor.
Strayed -Moses Doll.
Skip the chaps -Jas. Fox,
• Overcoat found -Tile Pos'r,
Ladies' Fur Coats -A, Straeban,
Hound pap found -W, E. Duuoau.
Centeal Bus. College'+ -W, H. Shaw,
31BYstx xt 46 s.
ANNlviticSARy SeevIcEs.-Next Sab-
bath anniversary sermons will he
preached in S. Andrew's church,
Molesworth, by, Rev, A. C. Wishart,
B. A„ of Brussels, Monday evening
Rev. T, D. McCullough, will give his
fine lecture entitled "rhe wonders of
the world," illustrated by lime light
views. Rev; J. Burnett is the pastor
and G. Elliott, chairman of Committee,
Evangelistic services are in progress
at the Methodist church, Mr. Minnis is
aiding the pastor.
The work of filling in at the station
yard here goes ou apace, Itis a big
job but when finished and the stock
pens built. &c, it will be a great im-
Wednesday evening, 27th inst., Rev,
Mr. blassard, the new District Sec-
retary, will give au illustrated address
on Bible Society work here to which
all are invited, 'Phe reverend gentle-
man isa pleasing speaker and should
be heard on the occasion of his first
visit to Walton.
This week R. H. Cutt, the well
known grocer of Goderich, was here
ou a brief visit with relatives and old
Wm. Wright, who recently sold bis
farm North of Jamestown to his son
Frank, has bought the 45 acre property
adjoining Wroxeter from Mrs, George
Harris, paying $3,250. There is a
comfortable brick house, bank barn,
&c, on the new purchase. Mr,
'Wright has been a resident of this
community for many years and while
regretting his removal we wish him
and his many comforts in their new
home. We are glad that Freak will
now become a permanent resident.
The taxes for Elowiek Township this
year is $27.575.51 on an assessment of
$2,882.682, an increase of over $2,000
over that of 1907.
Miss M, Roadhouse bas been re-
engaged as teacher of the junior de-
partment of Fordwich public school
for tea, salary $35o.
'rheLocalOption petition has been
filed In the Clerk's office, Gerrie, and
will be formally presented to Howick
Township Council on Wednesday,
November 20. The petition contains
453 names, only 287 being required.
mgesa "Nre IL E NINE
Good heavy Tile of all eizee can
be had at the Iienfryn Brick and
Tile,yarde at the following prices:
2e inch,$ 9 00 per thousand
e 11 00 „
4 " 18 00
5 " .,,, 22 00
6 " ,,80 00
7, " 40 00
8 " 60 00
10 a ,,....80 00
Aeyoue building will find it to their ad-
vantage te see the Heafryn Brick. This
is the best standing red brick in the coun-
try -does not fade but gets brighter.
Prices right.
19-8- ETHEL.
Foreman in the yard, Henfryn.
Dr, E. T. Foster will install a Siebe
acetylene gas plant to light his olfiee,
drug store and residence. He is also
erecting a private telephone line to
A branch of the Anglican Young
People's Association bas been organ-
ized in connection with Trinity Cburob
and will meet every Friday evening.
Rev. Mr. Lang -Ford, of Brussels, was
present and gave an Interesting ad-
dress on the aims and objects of the
A.•Y, P. A.
Miss Mamie McEwao is enjoying a
visit with Friends in Toronto,
The Leadbury school is conpleted
and the children of the section are en-
joying the benefit of a comfortable and
commodious school house,
Tile apple packers are finishing up
the work for the season in this locality.
Although the quality was not up to
other years a large quantity has been
disposed of.
Wm. Knecbtel is home from Souris,
Man., where he spent the last two
months superintending the harvesting
and thrashing on his brother's large
farm, He says crops were fair and the
wheat graded good and only for the
tightness of money farmers would
have a very good year in that part,
The Bethel 'Union Sunday School
has closed for the season after a very
profitable and encouraging Summer.
This very commendable work for the
Master is not done only, by the very
few we hear of but many a silent
soldier of the cross is using his talent
not for the praises of men but for the
honor and glory of the Redeemer.
Grey Council will meet next Monday
at Cranbrook.
The saw mill is running, this week
This will wiud up the sawing now un
til Spring.
Don't forget the organization meet.
Ing Saturday evening, in the Gibson
Hall, to'see about the Literary Society
for this Winter.
Mrs. Jho. Williams, Mrs. Cole's
mother, is going to spend a few weeks
at her daughter's, Mrs. (Rev.) J, El -
ford's, near Listowel.
Rev. J. T. LeGear, of Jackson,
Mich., and at one time pastor of
Ethel Methodist circuit, has removed
to Lansing, Mich., where he is pastor
of the Central M. E. church, a church
of toot members.
The lawsuit over a question of
wages -Ritchie vs. D. Milne -was
heard at the Division Court at Brus-
sels, the amount claimed being $74.65
for wages and wrongful dismissal.
After hearing the case Judge Holt
awarded the plaintiff $25.
R. C. Davies has accepted a posi-
tion as traveller with the well known
Gordon McKay wholesale of Toronto,
Tie will visit the cities and large
towns of Southerly Ontario. Mr,
Davies will still be able to spend his
Sundays at the parental home at Ethel
UNDERTAKING. --Prompt and care-
ful attention given to all orders for
Undertaking. Our telephone No. is
28a and a call will have our im-
mediate response. Our prices are
reasonable and satisfaction always as
'mired, Special attention paid to
cavity and arterial embalming £ot
which we hold diplomas.
Last Sabbath afternoon the metn-
bers of Ethel Orange Lodge, together
with visitors from Brussels, Walton,
Bluevale and other points, attended
service in the Methodist church here
when Rev, John Henderson preached
to thein from and Cor., x6th chapter
and 13th verse, "Stand fast in the-
heFaith ; quit you like men ; Be strong,"
The discourse was full of helpful
thoughts -and should do good, Ethel
Lodge was a strong one some years
ego but latterly has not been as active.
A•livening up of the old time interest
is looked for.
Ferns, GATENBY DEAD. -A letter
from Mrs. Dresser, of Popcliffe, Eng-
land, says that Thomas Gateeby, who
was a former resident of this locality
for a number 08 years, died on October
22nd, aged 86 years. -He lived quite
near Topcliffe, his sister, Mrs. Weldon,
keeping house for him. Deceased was
i11 for a few weeks and was uncons-
F t7 R
aa. is
Fur wJ
Lad eC
-UTE have now in Stook a large range of Ladies' Fut
Y V Coate and are prepared to supply yeti with a warts
and comfortable Jaeltet for the cold weather,
-Plain Astrachan Jackets.
-Astrachan with Alaska Coon Collar and Revers,
-Astrachan with Alaska Sable Collar and Revers.
-Canada Seal Blouse with Mink Rat Collar and Revers.
--Also a few special Large sizes in best quality Plain Astrachan
Ladies' Fur:1i eoats
fand .La crlliles
Fur scarfs, Ruffs s p
the o ei le for Reliable Garments.
I'tteofa are very lowest l> s b e fo 1te 1 G
eious nearly all the time, There was
no appareut disease, just a breaking
up of the syetem. Mrs. Dresser used
to call on them occasionally, The
letter also says that the weather has
been bad owing to so much rain,
numerous farmers braving their corn
out and some to cut at the time of
writing (October 28th,) Big yield of
plums but not many apples. Every-
thing is very dear and there will be
hard times for the poor people. The
writer says she and ber husband -are
well and longing for the time to come
to take another trip to Canada,
Early Monday morning the Grand
Trunk depot, at Loodesboro a station
ou the London, Huron & Bruce
branch was burned down and although
the company did not lose heavily,
private individuals were hit hard,
rhe agent, Percy Carlisle lett every-
thing all right Saturday night and paid
the office a visit Sunday morning.
Early Monday morning one of the resi-
dents who lives close to the station was
awakened by the glare of the flames,
and hastily arising he gave the alarm,
but before anything could be done the
wooden structure was in ashes. Mr.
Carlisle acted as cashier for Messrs,
Steep, Cantelon & Elliott, apple buy
ers, of Clinton, and in the company's
safe he had deposited vouchers, Cash
and receipts were also stored. In
addition to the valuables in the
safe, three carloads of apples
were stored in the freight
shed ready for shipping and they were
a total loss.. Thecause of the fire is
unknown, and it is not thought that
any one would have any cause for in-
Last Sunday evening the
wardens had a task to find seats for all
the visitors who were anxious to hear
the service in the English church. The
choir gave their annual musical service
and that brought out hundreds that
filled the chttroll to the doors. The
choir sang excellently the difficult
music they rendered, Miss Florence
Lee excelled herself in a beautiful solo
with flute andorgan accompaniment bt'
the rector and organist. It was a rare
treat for the people of Listowel.
Mrs. Wm. Farrell died very sudden
ly last Sunday morning while the
family were at church, Mrs. Farrell
had not been feeling any loo well of
late, but the family were not alarmed
as she always was cheerful and hope-
ful but last Sunday morning died of
heart failure in her 64th vear, The
funeral took place on Wednesday,
November 13th at 7.15 a. m. from their
residence for the Grand Trunk to New
Hatnburg where she was laid to rest.
She will be much missed by her family
and friends of Listowel.
. The trustee board of the Goderiob
Collegiate Institute have made an all
round increase to the members of the
teaching staff, to take ettect from the
beginning of the present school term.
Phe new rate is as follows :-Principal
$1,500 ; classical master, 41,200 ;
mathematical and science mestere,
$1,100 each ; commercial teacher,
$goo. The board are losing all their
female teachers at Christmas. Miss
Parlee, the commercial teacher, and
Miss Fessenden having resigued and
Miss Delmage, who is at present taking
the mathematical work, being appoint-
ed only temporarily. F. H. Frost, M.
A., of Perth, has been appointed to take
the position at New Year's
The first of the craft to go into Win-
ter quarters here is the tug Ariadne,
captained by Alex. McDean, which
arrived from Port Huron Monday'
night. :,Phe tug . Evelyn which has
been fishing is the Georgian Bay is on
the wee. to Goderich to lay up for the
Winter. The Evelyn 11 owned by the
Murray boys and left'Pobermoray last
Thursday. The tug Onward. ot Kin-
cardine, is being hauled up on th$
harbor Island for repairs here this
Winter. Contractor Birmingham, who
has the contract for part of the new
breakwater, is having his scows and
barges pumped out and overhauled for
the opening of the season next Spring.
The cheese factory at Molesworth
closed for the season last Friday.
The anction sale at Henry
Cattipbell's last week was well attend-
ed. Cows brought from $23 to $35.
Miss Jennie Stewart returned home
last week after undergoing an opera-
tion at Guelph hospital, Her mother,
Mrs. Stewart, is very ill at present also,
who had his le am'
Jas. Menzies, s g
putated on Tuesday of last week is
very low at present, He had it broken
by the kick of a cow last June and it
did not heal owing to a diseased con-
dition of the bone.
The case of Thos. Smith against
Samuel Burke re damage done to
pasture tend and timber by bash fire
has been arbitration. T, T.
Currie, of Wawanosh, who is Warden
of the county, and Thos. R. Bennett,
of Grey, met et the scene of the fire
and after gbing ovet the ground' care -
luny assessed the damage at $135,
although the amount claimed was
$500, , This sum Mr. Smith agreed to
accept, each party paying his own
costs and rebuiltlitlg his own fence,
This is a much better way of settling
such disputes that going to law with
the consequent heat/ costs entailed.
Turnip pulling is almost completed.
They hey are not nearly so good as in Fortn-
er years owing to the dry season and
511e turnip apicis. Farmers might do
Web to grow more mangolcls and now
alt sero of Greystone turnips instead of
Swedes. '8', R. Bennett sowed t
pound of wh its tnreip seed oh I acre
of ground and took off slo
W. H. KERR, Prop
bus. of large smooth roots intending
to feed them first as they do not keep
web atter New Years. He sold a load
in Wroxeter on Saturday last at 8 cents
per bushel, Five of these turnips
were shown at Brussels Fair and took
ret prize, One of them weighing 36
pounds ie on exhibition in 'nth Pose'
window at Brussels.
Mrs, Snider. of Berlin, visited her
brother, Jim. Brethauer, last week.
Russel Sage, of Washington Ty., is a
visitor at the hone of his parents,
Thos. and Mrs, Sage,
Rev, W, G, Howson, of Winghani,
will occupy the pulpit in the Methodist
church next Sunday evening.
T. B. and Mrs. Sanders, of Van-
couver, are tbe guests of the latter's
parents, Chas. and Mrs. Simmons,
A Concert under the auspices of the
Public Library, will be beld In tbe
Town Hall on Friday, Nov, and.
The entertainers for the evening are
Jas, Fax, comic'; Miss Mabel Manley,
vocalist ; and Miss Lucy jelly, High-
land dancer. Mr, Pickard,, of Tor-
onto, will be accompanist,
Mest'rs, Bateman & Jewitt shipped a
car of hogs from this station this week.
The new bridge is now in use, much
to the comfort of those who have bad
to drive through the river.
Rev, Mr, Hassard, the recently ap-
pointed District Secretary of the Upper
Canada Bible Society for this Province
will deliver an illustrated lecture on
this great and good work on the even-
ing of Tuesday, Nov, 26th. As Blue -
vale and locality have long been iden-
tified with this work there will no
doubt be a good rally to hear Rev.
Mr. Hassard.
CONDOLENCE. -At the meeting of the
Quarterly Official Board of the Blue -
vale Circuit, on Nov, 4t11, a letter of
condolence was sent to Mrs, W. F.
Smith and family expressing heartfelt
sympathy at the loss that both they and
the church have been called upon to
suffer in the death of Mr, Smith, The
following motion was moved and car-
ried by the Board :-"That wa, the
members of this Quarterly Official
Board, do most sincerely express our
deep sorrow at the death of our beloved
brother, W. F. Smith, who, for many
years was an official member of this
church, filling the office of class -leader,
trustee of the church, and for a while
superintendent of the Sunday School.
He was faithful in his christian calling,
a lover of the House of God, and reg-
ular in his attendance upon the divine
services, His end was peace, We
cordially extend our sincere sympathy
to his sorrowing wife and family.'
R. E. Cresswell, who has spent the
last four months in the West, arrived
home last week.
H, W. Brown, representative of
the Sabbath School Association, was
here tor a few days,
William Ament has jtist returned
from New York, where he has sold a
carload of turkeys and geese.
W. Hay, of the Bank of Commerce
staff, has been transferred to Winnipeg
and left for the West last Friday.
Mrs. McKay, Goderich street, re-
turned from a pleasant visit with her
son, W, C. McKay, barrister of Tor-
Memorial services were held in the
First Presbyterian church Sunday
morning in memory of the late Rev.
Matthew Barr.
A large number of the ladies of the
Presbyterian church drove to Hensall
Tuesday . morning to attend the
Presbyterial meeting there.
At a meeting of the Seaforth Hor-
ticultural Society held in the council
chamber Robert Govenlock, sr., was
appointed a delegate to attend the
Provincial meeting in Toronto next
Owing to the depression in trade
and the tightness of the money'
market, the Canada Furniture Com-
pany's factory is now yenning only
eight hours per day. In addition to
this a number of bands have been laid
off until times become better.
There passed away at his home in
McKillop township Monday afternoon,
one of its oldest residents in the person
of George Wheatly, aged 72 years and
10 months. Deceased had been in
failing health for some time. The
funeral takes place from bis late home,
lot 5, con, g, McKillop, on Thursday,
at 1.3o p. m., to Clinton cemetery.
The officers of the Hockey Club
for the year are as follows :-Hon.
Presideht, Dr, C, Mackay ; Hon,
Vice -President, O. Neill President,
A. E. • Colson ; Vice -President, H.
Brown Jackson ; Secretary -Treasurer.
H. Batty ; Committee, S. Jackson,
J. Willis, J. McKenzie, J. Case, W.
Smithera ; Trainer, H. Scott.
H. .and Mrs, Ferguson, of Van-
couver, who have been visiting with
D. and Mrs, Moore, of Egmondville,
left last week for their home on the
Pacifio coast. While here Mr. and
Mrs. Ferguson renewed acquaintances
with friends they have not seen for
thirty years, and, needless to any, they
greatly enjoyed their visit.
DEATH bP MRS, MAscua.-A tele -
grain was received of the sudden
death on the 7th inst, of Mrs. Robert
Marcos, mother of Mrs:` E, A. Taylor,
of Ridgetown, and Mrs. Rev. •N
Shaw, of llgtnondyilie. She went
last Spring tie visit her son, Alfred
Marcors of the Salem IrnWorks
Salem, Oregon, She Was spending
a fewweeks at Oregon,
w ks Bay City, O g
of the Pacific coast, when the suddet,
Call came. Her manyfriends in Ere-
naondvllle, Ridgetown and Bothwell
will hear the salt new4 with deep re-
gret, 1-Ier life for many years was
filled with good works, which showed
her sterling Cliristiati character,
The dispute between R, Scott anti
H. Marshall about the ownership of a
bicycle was aired in eonrt Tuesday
morning before Justice of the Peace
Frank Holmsted. Mr, Scott had sold
his bicycle business to Mr. Maraball,
but the latter failed to make the neces-
sary payments and the business fell
back on Mr. Scott's heeds. In taking
over the business again the plaintiff
ciaimed'that Mr. Scott took a bicycle
that did not belong to the stock, Mr.
Scott nor his witness were neither of
them able to be present, both being out
of town, Judgment was given in
favor of the plaintiff,
Evangelistic services are being held
each evening in the Methodist church
here by Rev, Mr. Powell,
Last Saturday James McLaueblan's
household effects were hauled to Brus-
sels for shipment to Portage la Prairie
Man., where the family purpose mak-
ing their home,
We are pleased to report favorable
progress in the case of Percy Mitchell,
firth con., who has been ailing for the
past 6 or 8 months. He is able to sit
up now and we hope will continue to
Municipal Council will meet next
Monday at Crnnbrook.
Miss Kate Young was visiting Miss
Martha Smith, 7th con.
Mrs. John Engle and daughter, who
were visiting at Chas. Rozell's 9th
con., returned to their home at Paw
Paw„ k,
Stewart Grantwee, the sou of Alex, D.
Grant, 8th con., had one of the fingers
of his right hand badly pinched in the
cogs of a fanning mill one day recent -
Lamont Bros. loth con„ who are
attending the Normal School at Lon-
don, are well pleased with the work.
They made a short visit to the parental
home for Thanksgiving.
John Clark, who has been a visitor
at James Armstrong's, roth con., for
tbe past 5 weeks, has returned to
Auburn, Mrs, Armstrong is his
The Christmas Tree Entertainment
in connectioo with Moncrieff Sabbath
School will be held on Friday evening
December zotb A choice program of
musical and literary selections will be
rendered of which further particulars
will be given. -
Robert and Percy Armstrong, of
Kenilworth, were here on a holiday,
visit, They are nephews of James
Armstrong, xoth con. The young
men also enjoyed a visit with relatives
in Auburn and locality before return-
ing to their home.
An exhibit of choice sheep will be
made by Oliver Turnbull, 15th con.,
at the Provincial Winter Fair at
Guelph next month. Grey should be
more largely represented at this Fair
and we hope a livelier interest will be
manifested this season.
Thursday of last week Hugh Porter's
auction sale was held, Mr. Porter and
family have removed to Brussels where
they Wive -taken up residence on John
street in the house formerly occupi-
ed by W. H. Kerr. Tbeir many old
friends in Grey wish them well.
Miss Jennie Rands, who is now
training the budding genius near
Wiarton, has been engaged as teacher
at Moncrieff school for rgo8. Miss
Ballantyne, the present teacher, who
bas become such a favorite, will as-
sume the care of a school nearer home
for next year. Miss Rands possesses
the qualifications to do good work.
Last week W. T. Hemingway, loth
con„ had the misfortune to lose one
of bis well known prize winning brood
mares by inflammation. She weighed
1,68o lbs., had splendid action and was
seldom beaten in the show ring, He
refused $300 for her. Mr. Hemingway
has apair of 4mouths old colts that will
attract attention wherever they go.
The trustees of School Section No.
8, commonly called "Fulton's," have
secured the services of Miss Olive Mc-
Gillivray, who is now teacher in the
Whitfield school, for the coming term,
duties commencing after Christmas.
Miss Telfer, the present teacher, who
has so many friends here will not con-
tinue teaching, The school is small
but the pupils are bright. • While we
will have to say Good-bye to the
present instructor we will bid her suc-
cessor welcome,
Scizoos. REPORT. -Report for S. S,
No, 6, Grey, for month of October ;-
Jr, IV-Gertie Stephenson, Wesley
Brewer. Sr. ' III --Roy Hall, Joe
Jacklm, EVa Mitchell Tr.' III-
uella Jacklio, Sarah Hutchinson,
Sr, II -Annie Ward, Wesley Yeo,
Willie Mitchell, Reuben Brewer.
Jr. II -George Hall, Bert. Vodden,
Lela Vodden. Pt, II -Gertrude
Ames, Earl Lotve, Hazel Rose. Sr.
Pt. I -Bernice Flood, Lily Jacklin,
Mary Rose, Russel Yeo, Lottie Ward.
Tr. Pt. I --Stanley Halle Robert Jack -
lib, Lawrence Lowe.
SMIDOL REPORT. -Report of S. S.
No. so Grey for the month of October,
examinedlin Literature, History, Arith,
and Composition. Names in order of
merit. Sr. IV, -Katie Denman, Aima
Speiran, Ivsh Speiran, George Evans.
r, II, -Mary Machan, Margat•ette
utohinson, Myrtle • Speiran. Sr. III.
Delle Whitfield, Herman Pickrell,
Tr. IIT. -Gertrude Speiran, Margaret
Love, Gordon Whitfield, Henrietta
Denman, Edith Pickrell, Fred. Cox,
Hart Speiran, Stanley Meehan, Sr,
TI, -Fred. Hallenbeck, Ben, Hallen•
beck, Lorne Pratt, jr. II, -Ernie
Hutchinson, Stanley Speiran, Glydns
Hollenbeck, Gt-ozert Tnglis, Jennie
Ward, Carrie Ward, Pt, II. -Leslie
Lake. Ise Class. -Colwell Speiran,
Evelyn Halter, loan Love, Lawrence
Whit$eld, Eddie Ward,
H, O. MAcGtstrvnAv, Teacher,
This Fail James Botz, nth con„ had
30 or 4o bns els of wheat and a quan-
tity of mixed grain stolen from the
granary in his barn, The thieves are
supposed to have carried it across the
river from the barn so as not to pass
the house on the way to the road.
Suspicion points to certain parties and
the truth may be brought out.
Township Council will be held next
Monday, 08111 inst,
Sunday shooting is all tbe go in
Morris, November the loth four
young men were seen going South
across the 6511 line with two hounds
one white and black the other white
and yellow. 13e careful boys.
Dan, Denman, 5th line, had a visit
paid his premises this Fall by some
bold intruder who helped himself to a
quantity of grain in the barn after
nightfall. It is a pity snob characters
could not be nabbed and sent to Winter
at Goderiob or Kingston,
Revival services have been com-
menced by the pastor at the Ebenezer
appointment, Bluevale circuit. Rev.
W. W. Rivers, will assist this week.
The services will be continued next
week also when Rev. W. A. Finlay, of
Wbiteeburch, is expected to be present
to help.
It is reported that Miss Ida, daugh-
ter of Henry Mooney, of Weyburn,
formerly of the 5th line, Morris, and
Allen Spafford, of the first mentioned
locality. were united in marriage on
the nth inst, The many old friends
of the bride here will with her many
joys ineher new home.
Adam Maguire returned from Mani-
toba last week.
East Wawanosh Council met in Bel -
grave on Monday.
Chas. Lawrence, of Buffalo, is visit-
ing at his brother in law's, R. J. Clegg.
Miss Mina Beogough bas returned
after an extended visit to friends at a
Mr. and Mrs. Rigglesworth, of Hal-
ton county, were visiting the Messrs
Walsh last week.
Chas. Johnston and Duncan McCal-
lum are after the fleet -footed deer in
the wilds of Muskoka.
Mr, and Mrs. Turnbull, Miss Carr,
Mrs. Hogg, of Grey, and Mrs. Cox,
of Stratford, were guests of Mrs. Bates
last week.
Next Sunday Eli Smith, of Brussels,
will preach at Sunshine in the after-
noon and Belgrave in the evening in
the Methodist church.
Rev. J. J. Hastie, of Belgrave, oc-
cupied the pulpit of Knox church,
Teeswater, on Sunday, Mr. Tait tak-
iug the work at Belgrave.
Rev. Mr. Rivers, B. D., has been as-
sisting Rev, Mr. Baker in evaugelistio
services being held at Ebenezer
church, Bluevale circuit, this week.
On Monday, 25th inst.. Rev. W, E.
Hassard, B. D., District Bible Society
agent, will give an address here on the
work of the society. Pie will illustrate �
bis lecture by a number of lantern
slides that should impress the points
placed upon the canvas.
Robt. Maguire has been making ex-
tensive improvements, He has erect-
ed a new windmill for pumping water,
which is conveyed by galvanized iron
pipes to a large tank, and from thence
the house. barns and stables are sup-
plied. Small iron boxes are placed in
front of each stall, so that cattle horses
or hogs can be watered without leav-
ing the stable. When completed it
will be most convenient. Mr. Maguire
likes to have things handy, and is a
good stockman.
Next Sabbath the re -opening ser-
vices will be held in the Brick church,
East Wawanosh, when Rev. T. E.
Sawyer, of Lucknow, will be the
preacher, Monday evening an en-
tertainment will be held at which an
A x program will be given. The
church has been painted and decorat-
ed, costing about $300. Rev. G. W.
Rivers, B. D.. of Belgrave, is the en-
ergetic pastor,
Model School Examinations
The closing examinations of the
County Model school will begin on Tnea
day, December 10th. The examination
in praotioal tesobing and in reading will
be held after the close of the written ex
aminatione oommenoing Friday at 9 a,
The following is the time table whish
fire been placed In the hands of Inepeot-
or, This will be of interest to the teeth -
ere of the ooanty who may have to write
off these examinations for renewals 1-
Tuesday, December 10th.
M.-8 45 -9
-Reeding -Readint g
fl 00-11 80 -Methods ; Arithmetic and
P. 51,-100-8.80-Methode, Literature
and Spelling.
8.40-410-Sobool law and regalatione,
Az Wednesday, December 111h.
A. M.-9.00-11 80-Seienoe of Maw
P. M.-1.00-8,80-Methode, History
and Geography.
Thursday, December 12111.
A. M, -9.00 -11.80 -Methods, Grammar
and Composition,
P. 114,-1.00-2:80-Sohool Mabagement.
Inepeotor Robb will be in obarge at
ethical) Model where 48 pupile are en
rolled and J. H. Cameron, of Brussels,
will the teething,
gage park in g
Inspector Tom ' and W. 3, Moffett,
of Be5Eorth, wilt took after the 85 oande
dates at Goderiob. Although there are
78 model pupils it is doubtful is they will
enpply the nnmeroae Vaoanoiee as eeveral
are ander age.
A etranger, in the ant of robbing the
Buekborn, Ont., poeboffios, was seized by
the arm by the pnatmaaterte daughter,
He drew a tcvolvor, terrified tbe girl and
The imprieonmeot of Capella, ' the
Parry BOnud murderer, have beau 00m•
muted to imprisonment for life,
0. Tbompeou, Raid to belong to Tor.
onto, was killed at Sault Ste. Marie in
attempting to board a street oar.'
Hon. H. A, b eKeown, Attorney Gen.
eral of New Branswiek, was sleeted in
St. John County by aoolamatioa.
David Mil.igan, of Milbrook, was 55-
oidentally killed by the dienharge of bis
ride wider bunting en Otter Take.
The Oanadian Bank of Commerce has
bought the business of 8'. J. Bolton &
Co., private bankers, of Windsor.
Ermlee Zareke, until recently a fore.
man of the Comedian Lake & Ocean
Navigation Company, was seutenosd to
two years' imprtsoumsnt, lees one day,
for theft.
Brussels School lathed.
Regular meeting of the Brussels Public)
School Board wee held in the Board
Room on Friday evening of last Week,
Members present, D. 0. Rose, M. H.
Moore, R..heatherdele and J. •. Skene.
Moved Gy R. Leatberdale, seconded by
D. 0, Ross, that M. H. Moore be Obair.
man. Carried.
The School report from Inspector
Robb was read. Moved by R. Leather.
dale, seconded by D. 0. Rose that the
report be printed. Carried.
Both then adjourned. J. G. Smoot,
I beg leave to report that1. visited
your school on Nov. 5th, Gth sad 7th.
The playground and out buildings were
nest and clean. The school rooms and
balls were wenn, well ventilated and
comfortable. The kalaomining taeal
greatly improved the internappear-
ance of the school rooms. A few framed
Oconee of hieberio subjects and re-
prodootione of famous works of art would
make the rooms more homelike and at
the same time foster the love for the.
beautiful and iuealabe patriotism and
love of eouutry. The High f3ohool de-
partmentein charge of Principal Cam-
eron and Mies Ford are in a very pros-
perous condition. If the work done in
these departments were done under e.
High Sahooi Board it would that at hetet
twtoe ae much as it now does, Mies
Ford's present salary is math too low for
the excellent work the does; The Tesoh-
ere in the Pnblfo School Departments
are all_ doing faitbfal, enthnsiaetie and
euooesefal work 1 and while soma or
them are above adveree criticism, all
ere wottby of the fall oonfldenee
of the Board. The people of
Beneath have every reason to be proud
of their, school, and owe a. debt of
gratitude to the School Board - that so
efficiently looke atter the welfare of the.
edooetional interests of the village. I
sincerely hope that the ideal of Br0eesle
School Board may always be an efficient
sobool,.whether the school tax be 8 mills
or 10 mills on the dollar. 1 em,
Your Obedient Servant,
D. Rona,
Nov. 8th. 1907.
Perth -C nay.
A new route was instituted in Strat-
ford mail delivery and Wm. MoDonald,
Water street, receives the appointment.
His territory is South of the G. T. R.
Dr. J, D. Monteith of Stratford, has
reoeived an appointment ne ennuty
coroner from the Provincial Government.
The oonoty will now have three coroners
within its limits. Dr. J.P. Rankin and
Dr. Devlin already occupying the poen.
Wm. Nichol, of Victoria, B. C., visited
hie sister, Mrs. Sam, Leather, in Sebring.
vine. Tbie ie the that meeting between
Mr, Nicboi and Mrs. Saetner in twenty.
eight years, when he loft Brantford,
where the family was reaiding . at ibe
time, for the West.
Ou Thursday bbe town Oouooil 81.
Marys advertised a by-law to loan S. L.
Doolittle, formerly of Berlin, 95,000 to
assist in tbe establishment of a hockey
stick and handle taotory. The Stone
town ie not well anpplied with small
The death of Gordon Stewart, of
Mitchell, aged 85. occurred Sunday after
a brief illness. He was an old reepeoted
resident of Fullerton Township, aid for
some years had been living in Mitchell,
The funeral took place Tuesday from the
home of Mrs. Jos. Graham, South ward
to the Presbyterian cemetery.
At the annual reorganization meeting
of the Stratford Y. M. O. A. leaders'
corps offioare were cleated as follows 3 --
-President, H. H. Ward ; vies president,
Atf, Neal ; seeretery.breaeurer, 3, Prise.
ton ; executive, Charles Beamer, Lorne
MuBebb, Robb, Molnnes The meeting
was addressed by Thos. McGillicuddy, of
Nearly all tbe grading on the new St.
Marge & Western Ontario Railway which
is to oonnesb that town with Barbra
and the 0. P. R. is completed, The
lugs subway under the Grand Trunk
near the town bee proven a obnsidereble
task. The exaavation was completed
BOMB time ago and the erection of the
aemeub etruotare is how under. way.
Monday morning while Jobe Cameron,
of Brown & Oe e. planing mill, Elle
Mary's was Stepping onto a load of
lumber the bores became frigbteied an8
pteoipitated him to the ground. Hs threw
oat his hands to save himself. Mr.
Cameron is a heavy man and the weight
proved too great a strain, Both arms
were Matured at the wrist and the left
arm esverely sprained,
Cn Saturday syeoipg 5 ' otlmmittes of
St. Mary's eitizene waited upon W. 0.
Montzembert, who wee • leaving for Grace
Bay, N. S„ to take over the manageulenI
of the Bank of Montreal there said pre.
canted him with a puree of gold. The
presentation was made by Dr, Matheson
and IL Fred. Sharp. (Mere present
Were : admire. Poole, Stevenson, Maio
Vbeli, Cannata, Huston, Maoltlia and