The Brussels Post, 1907-11-7, Page 8Ma"a''""aa1""aaa"aaaooataanteraesaaaeasaistateratoesnateaseaatatetataa.........teseaa We Axe Prepa e a to F. upply Fluid Extent of Daudelion oz, Oompoond Kargon 1 oz. Syrup Sareaparilla Compound, ........ OH, Only the very best ingredients supplied. Yon will probably have seen the recipe published in the daily papers, PRATT'S STOOK PREPARATIONS Including Pratt's Food, Pratt's Animal Regulator, Pratt's Louse Killer, Pratt's Caw Tonio, Pratt's Heave Cure, Pratt's Egg Proaucer. The worth of Pratt's Preparatioas is Bo well /mown that they need no further recommendation from 08, .01011¢•••••,./.1611.•••••••••1.1.10. MENTHOLATUM-The great Japanese Salve 'hie Salve is giving splendid eatiefaotion where a preparation of this kind ie desired. It is an external application for the relief and ours of all akin diseases, burns, chapped hands, &o. Put up in opal jars at 25o. DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 8001058.8 551168108 W. G. & B. Trains lease Brunelle Station, North and South, to follows: Bono Sanwa Gomo HoRwri• 7:058,01MaU I F.xprese 10:55 8,01 Exp raise 11.15 0,05 01 ail 8448.01 Exprese ......8102 p.m I Express__ Ban p.m CANADIAN PACIFIC R. R. Following is the O. F. B. Time Table at Walton :- To Toronto To Goderian Exprees 7:40 a xn I Express no am Exprese 6185 p 05I Express... 5:550 in rAcat ti Items A obiel's among ye takir ' notes, An' faith he'll prent i. Novatinza. BOACieL Board will meet Friday evening. Now is the time to pint the Fail ad- vertieing to win trade. Ir ie unlucky to meet thirteen of your coeditors on a Friday. 1'. .HATENT'S tectnis have been hauling home isome great Inds of hay from Mo. Kale!). 15 CENTS So ItrIVittioe gets THE POST to January let 1908. Don't borrow any longer. THE eize of the baker's loaf of bread in town beat been reduced and the price put at 5 cents. THE ladies of the Maccabees have ap- pointed Mies Margaret MoArter record keeper of Riverside Hive. "Boon E0080500" would be a good motto foe everybody belouging to tbe town to adopt and work at. Ban litntott License Commiesinners bend a meeting at the Queenie Hotel B0088818,on Tuesday of Clue week, line xe advertisiug column and nye money thereby. Try it and 882 51050 well it works. Don't forget to tell the bue inese man where you read the advt. tbe list of Militia changes gazetted Ian Saturday appears the following :- 33rd (Huron) Beginaent-To be provisiou• al lieutenant, Sergeant Jamee Dennison. MESSRS EWAN & Co. have a line display of enters on exhibition said for sale al their show rooms. Intending purahariers ehould see them and seoure pekoe before investing. THE Women's Christian Temperance Union have snared the servine of Rev, A. 11. Renton to deliver8 lecture here on November 27th in the intonate of Temperance. ON a dwarf pear tree in Postmeater Farrow's garden were counted no len than 87 pears. One of them weighed 11 ()anon and numerous others were not far behind. Not bad for a backward fruit 880800. BRUSSELS Foot Ball Club have made an eugagement to have "Dalya, tbs Tea girl," a new musical operetta, promoted in the Town Ball, Brussels, Tbursday, Nov. net. The boys ehould have a bumper boon on that oconsion. Tim financial returns from the Farmers' exeuraion to Guelph last June from points along the W. G. & B. from Kincardine to Henfryn inoloeive were the emallen yeb received. Date Wee too near Dominion Dey for one thing and so many other exourelons were on the pro- gram the people could not untied every- thing. It's a trip that should be patron- ized from so ageioultural educational etandpoiot, The diffetent Institutes and Agricultural Sooleties interested have reeeived their proportionate share of the fuode RS per Arrangement, 13noxior ARAL-Mrs. Gordon, of God. eriob, who is a guest of her daughter Mts. Rae. Salton, at Stratford, bad a tall Thareday of Wit week down one of the [stain in the pareonage as R remit of whioh be leftarm was broken and her right wrist eprainecat besides wbioh she eastitined some bruises. The aged lady is the aubjeot of moob sympathy owing to her mishap, but there te satiefanion that injuriee are more inconvenient than parlous and that she is likely in due omen to be quite herself again. Mre. Gordon Wee 00 onasioual vieitor to Bruseels when Rev, Mr. Salton wail stationed here. BAD AOMMINT.-I01111 Davie, davit engineer and postmaster at Alton, reoeived terrible and poesibly fetal in• juries about 7 o'olook Monday evening af hot week. fle wee • drivieg from Meivale neon to Alton in 0, livery rtg driven by Bert, MeLellan, when the bone banana feightened at tbe head• light 91 00 approaching 0. P. R. train for Teeewater. Davis jomped, but fell, big feet not cleating the teen, The left leg wag mangled below tbe knee, and the ode of the rigi) loot climbed off. Hie non and fan were also in. jored. The acne of the ttooident ie lament to Kellyas Orossitig and ie any danuerone. Devi& leg wag abnpntated At 10 o'olotat by It donor Of Orangeville aoeioted by the donee of Alton. Davis 10 58 yeare Old, and his injariee, owing to big 8(18, 808 any iterione, McLellan wee 8nhtirt. Mr. Ihnie is father Of S. Davie, fotranly of the Standard Ben's, Brosselta, .0.1a610131311¢026,9111012 FOURTH Division Court was bald on Tbureday of this week before Smige Holt, Scauspaz will be the Birthday of King Ed ward -the penemaker. Long live the Ring. THERE Will be 68 Sundays in, this year, 851 CeoUrreilee that will Lot happen Natio for 110 years. Sous members of Brussels Orange Lodge will attend services on Sabbath afternoon, in the Methodist church, Ethel, with their brethren there if the weather is favorable. SAHUEL CARTER bee ooneiderably iro• proved the houee on Mill street Bennie, reoently purobaeed from Fred Adams, of Fordwioh, by a new root and a dress of paint. Ws win them oomfort iu their new home. CELRBILITED Nov. STK.-Tuesday eiren• ing tbe anusl celebration of November 5th wee obeerved by Brussels L. 0 L No. 774. A varied, well rendered and pleaeing 'program was preeented which inoluded abort addreeees by 13. Gerry, Rev. E. G. rowel), Rev. A. 0. Wiehart, B. A.„ and Dr. Obasholm, M. P. for East Huron; readings, by Moen -Minnie MoNaughton and Josie Boohatian and Mrs. 5, Janson ; solos by Mies Cerro Hingston and Menne. 01ort0100 sod Potion ; duet by. Ada and Stella Moore ; instrumental Woe by Mies and Jas. Bowman and W. Griffith ; 'sedate Quartette. Rev. H. M. Lang•Ford oe. oupied the obair. A tasty lunch was served, The Hall was decorated with flags and bunting. Tim antics played ou Thursday evening by the Hallowe'en jokers bore a One resemblance to the tomfoolery of other years awing the line of destroying fenoee, (tarrying off gates, overturning small buildings and generally making 000188098 of themselves. This year one oontingent made it their business to saw and pull dewy a telegraph pole on Victoria park that had done service years ago far a tight rope welker, while these or others elevated a buggy and road oarb to the peak 05 9518 roof of the wagon ebop of R. Francis & Co. A. Hallowe'en tin. tack may be innocent amusement but when it comes to tbe deetruotion of property and the owners are put to trouble and expense to make repairs it ie time for the aritboritiee to iuterfere and promptly and empbatioally say this must not be done. BLIPPED ON TRH WALIC.-TlIe Owen Sonud paper says :-The bylaw against spitting on the eidewalk ie not en forced - in fact it ie one of thoee bylaw book decorations that are only evidences of good intentions on tbe part of the town anthoritiee. They say that the road material of the lower regions is made of eh:oiler atoll', ail the same old habit of ewattering great gobs of greeehoppet jnioe continuo with unfailing muttony. Au unpleasant inoident now empbasizes the non observance of thin famed oroa meat to the munioipal ordinanoe beak. Sanctity morning of last week as Mee. (Dr.} Cavanaga way going to church she slipped ou one of then unsanitary and illegal street deooratione and broke a small bone in her foot, The result is that in ail probability she will uot be able to walk for a temple of months. It is in order now that tbie practical demonstration of the tiongerouenese of this practice bee been painfully inn pressed upon one 29 6558 town'e citizens, that a 50088009ton of a dozen or eo of the perpetrators of thie dirty habit ahould follow in quick nocienion. • Manotoinata-St. John's English church was 1568 80808 of another pretty wedding on Wednesday afternoon of Ian week when 0. T. Keffer, of Ethel, and Miss V. P. Jaoklie, of Toronto, daughter of E. and aire, Jaaklin, of Jamestown, were united in marriage. At 1.80 the wedding parties entered the Wird) to the strains of the Wedding Marob by the organist, Mies 115cLauehltin, The °bah were present and opened the aervin with the hymn, "The voioe that breathed o'er Eden." The oereraony was pen formed by tbe reotor, Rev, H. M. Lang. Ford, in the pregame of a large 000008. 9489100, While tbe tegieter was being eigned 1, Oa Jones, St, John's popular tenor, delighted with a solo. The bride !coked charming in a wedding gown of dream voile with ulider biotin of cream leoe, She wore a wedding veil with a wreath of lily of the valley. A shower briquet of white roses wain earned. She 5008 06998111585 by Mise Limner, of Hernia ton, dreseed In white palate de eprite net over pink eilk with white bat. She carried a shower baguet of pink ea natione, while A. holain, of iTarneetoron, bentiner of tbe bride, eappotted the groom, The bappy cioople left on the attempt train tot e. week In Toronto and pulite East after which they will take by tbeir residence cm the grooneas farm nen Ethel. Tbey have the good wishes 05 many relatine and friends for a long bappy and prosperous married lite. The bride's going away tiontime 'was a dark wine military suit broadcloth with white vaodylot hat trimmed with !anthers and tabling. Grooms gift to the bride was it gold nethertole bracelet eat with amethyot ; to the bridesmaid a handecitin pent ring ; the groomemito renived 85015 of gold euff links and alias Mehemet -tilt 5088 6325158 the Xectiathot of a eminent of petarita The .Best Servant of the Farmer --- a Strong ConservaziPz' Chartered Vaak THE METROPOLITAN SANK makes a specialty of the business of Farmers, and emends to them MOST REASONA13LE TERMS. Every department of Oinking is conducted. Best service and absolute safety guaranteed, IN 7510 SAVINGS DEPARTMENT deposits of $1 00 and upwards received, and interest allowed from date of deposit, COMPOUNDED FOUR TIMES A YEAR, Capital Paid Up - $1,000,000.0e Reserve fund and Undivided Profits, $1,183.713.23 The Metropolitan Bani. BRUSSELS BRANCH, W. J. FAWCETT, Manager 66111.•19, 51.35 IN advance wane Too POST and Weekly Globe, witb illustrated magezine 8801900, from now to Jan. let 1909. This ie oertaioly ciooh you eboald not A Bon lam -While picking amain in W. H. Kerres orchard last Monday fore' .0,00» Alfred J. Lowry got a bad fall. The lime the ladder wto resting upon broke 05 9015 ladder and Mr.Lowry name to the ground. He bad 8808001 rite frac tared, bte ebotilder injured and received a bad blow Do the side of tbe head. It was feared concussion of the brain would have to be added to the list of injuries brit the wino ie making favorable pro. gross now and we hope be will non be all tight. The fall two about 20 feet. ILVORTEMED LEOTIIRS.-TO813dRY even' init a lecture ititated "The flower of Empire," was given by Rev. W. J. Spence, of Milverton, in the Town Hall here under the auspicies of the Public Seim& and was a wane of CIO email interest. It dealt with the lauds eon- stituting the Britiala Bonaire, the great battles, publio men, naval fleets, cached role, &c. 50., being all:nitrated by many fine lantern elides produced under eit- oellent light and management. Tha reverend gentleman ie a free, easy, terse epeaker, possessing a good voice and gave many points) of iotormatiots and ita etruotion. The Merest wee increased by the well nog baritooe aoloe of E. A. Webster, of Loudon, who sang "The Vetere's," "The Brave Seutioel," "Daddy" and 'There's a Land," illus. trated by nunneriais beautiful views. Bruseelitee will be glad to bear Mr. Webster nein. Min Jean MoLituohlin, played the m000mpaniments ou the 0500101:or oeual competent maner. This cease of entertainment ebould be eueouragod as they cannot fail to be be pful from an edocational standpoint and at the non time will inttill patriotic, principlee that co Canadians oloaely allied to tbe Motherland we cannot af ford to forget. The emphasis is pat on the right plaoe by Rev. Mr. Speen. The publics eaboot's share of the proceeds will likely be applied in the purithaee of a good flag for the eohool. Easiness Locals. Lawn' beak oonab totted.' Owner may have it by payiug for this notioe at TOE POST. WANTED.-Citoioe tub butter, 27o, fresh egga, 250. Also large quautitiee dried apples and feathers. Gm. 33. IC/Nei, Wingham. Da. BUTLER'S Voit.-Dr. Butler, the London Eye Specialist, will be at the American Hotel, Bruseele, on Wednes... day, Nov. 27th. Glenn supplied. An headquarters for BOMB and can ex. oltange or sail for cash 00 lowest prices. Yours, T. McGregor, filer and improver on lows, toole and COLL0131.081.. Corner Mill and Main fit., Brunel's, Out, People We Know. Miee Lily Sharpe le bome for a holiday from London. Mo. (J. Richards enjoyed a holiday in the Queen city. Miro Pearl Lowry way a Thanksgiving vieitor with Toronto friends. Mies Hellen D. Ford, towbar, enjoyed a few days with Toronto friende. Mo. H. L. Janson took advantage of the holiday and visited at Hardaton. G. A. and Mu Deadman and Truie were visitors with Delaware friends, Mrs 3. T. Roto vieited her blether, 300 Priendehip ed family at Detroit. Mies Edna Howell, ot New Elatnberg, was a visitor with her moan, Mies Ruby Pium. Mies Aggie Donoantion has returned to Path after a sojourn of nevem' weeks in town. Miee Eno Avery, of Toronto, VMS 510028 500 a few daye duriug the past week. &lieu Glazier, milliner, spent the Thankagiving holiday with friends at Guelph. Misses Hughes, of Blnevale spent a day or ao with Jno. and Mre. &tenon, Brunets, Thos, and hire, Aiolay, of Listowel, visited at Watson &inlay's during the pan week, W. J. Fawcett oalled on relatives at Harriaton end Mount Fereat on Thanks• giving Day. Will. Antall spent the Thanksgiving holiday with relatives and friends Clandeboye, Mee, Fletcher Sperling and Wyman 50801 90 81. Marys to vieit relatives duo ing the boliclay, Malone BIaok WM on the eiok list for a, few days but is bone again we are pleased to state. Mrs. W. II, Kerr vieited during the pest week at her bonitee's, Postmaster Kay, of Strattord. Mrs, Berry and Mrs. Wateon, of Kin. Loraine, were the poste of Vire. George Thomson thie week, Mies Maggie Brown bag been visiting for 818900, Mre, J. Leelie Kerr, of 131y151, daring the paet• week, Roy Ptigh Wee here for a few daye nod ee the parental roof. He returned to Peterboto en Monday. Mies Emma Colvin took a holiday hip to Orediton where her salter, Mies Mabel bolde a, millinery peeition, Harry and Kre, jeans attended the funeral of the late J. W. Bela harness maker at Blyth, on 111011day, Mite Maggie Waiter Watt a elicitor with her sister, Mre. 13 R. Dearer, 'Per. otstO, los Tbatiltegieing Day, VOW. N11111. Ja01e0 Stewart 8.68 550018 from Seaforth for Thanksgiving, Mre. Geoege Cardiff iment Thankagiv• ing day with Mre, T. Watson, Ethel, 5, D. and Mrs. Ronald were MIMICS. giving holiday visitors with Detroit friends. B. and Mee. Gerry holidayed with their daughter, Mrs. W. EL Willie, &Worth, for a ample of daye Int week. Miee Mend Querin 5088 laid up during tbe week with tonsilitis bat IS better again we are pleased to state. Mies Elara Mitchell, of Toronto, took Et 000 up to Brussels and spent a short hell. day with her mother 01101 Mater. Misses Tillie Zimmer and Mina El - limn, were tome from the Medal Sohool, Moon, for the holiday. Lorne Pringle, of Toronto, and hie Meter were Tbaokegiving visitore with Mre, Thomas Maxwell, John street, Charlie, eldest eon of Rev. W. E. Kerr, of Clinton, spent the Tbanksgiving holiday with relativee in Brunei& Rev. David Perm, of Winghem, vale B. niter in town on Tueeday. He 90 an old Grey boy and ie a oredit to the oommuu- ity. Rev. E, G, Powell was oalled to Dot - too, an old obarge 01 5110, not to bury the dead bot to perform a marriage wire. tinny. Clifford, eon of Jas. Pugh, Wingbein, hae been re engaged as Principal of Lica wood eobool at a salary of 5500, an in. oreicse of 560, Druggist Fred. and Mre. Wilson, of Toronto, tvere 01859008 50 Brunetti at Mrs. James Wilson's, Elizabeth street, tbe fornierie mother. Samuel and Mre. &skin, of reeetvater, were renewing old friendships 50 Brute eels acid looality. They were former reeidente of thia vicinity. Mo. R. McKenzie and daughters, Mee E. McKenzie, and Mrs. Colvin, all of Teeeweter, spent Taankegiving with Mr°. A. McKenzie, Mill street. Mien Joan Ross, of Toronto, and Mre. 11, Mc:Alpine, of Luoknow, were home for a brief vieit with their parents, Wm. and Mrs. Ron, William onset. Division Court Clerk Brewer wae ab Stratford on Tuesday as 0 witness in tbe 8016 01 Ellen Ballantyne ve. Patterson before the non jury sittings. George Roes, who is a student at the Dentel College ate hie Thanicegivima turkey aud oranberry none at the ran- dom of hie (1900018 1,2 town, Robert Roes, maolithiet, ie in the Stratford hospital where be underwent an operation a few weeke ago. He will eoon be able to be about as usual we hope. Mrs, R. W. Jewitt and baby daughter, of Warwick, were holiday visitors at Wm. Jewitt's during the poet week. Mrs. Jewitt went from line to vieh bar slater Mrs. Britton. Mrs, R. Crone was away to Canning - to n to vieit her parente, neither of whom Lave been real smart for the past month but we are pleased to bear they are mak. iug favorable progress now. Harold Riebards, youngest son of I. 0. and Mrs. Riobards, Brune's, bee taken a position in the Crown Bank, Toronto, and appears to be well pleased with hie work. We wish him 0000808. Arthur and Mre. McGuire visited at Wingham on Thanksgiving. Min Win- nie visited at Wingham and Londeeboro' and took part in 800,20805 in the latter place on Thanksgiving evening, E. P. and Mre. Paulin, of Goderioh, and Miseee Clara and Edith aloLean, of Lucknow, were welonme vieitore 0.0 Druggist Fox's. Mr. Paulin and Mr. Fax were boyhood echoolmates. Will. Burke, who eoguired the art tonsorial in W. E Dutioan'e shop Bruit - eels, has taken a position in Henna. The people of that village will find him to be "all wool and a yard wide." Una T, Friendship wee a vieitor ea Teeawater. -She went 50 808 her brother John who Ian been seriously ill with typhoid fever for five weeks bat 20130 ie recovering flinty now we are pleased to ben The many old friends in Brussels of Nita, Harry Dennie, of Chatham, were well pleased to see her in town lora few daye. She mune specially to vieit her parents, Capt. and M. Kirk, well known resideote. J. T. Wood, of Brussels Knitting Ifaatory, 10 05003/ on a basinese trip to the lantern marlins. He was a000mpanied by big eon Freddie. We hope the visit will keep the factory on the baba far the year to come. Mrs. Arent and datighter, Lizzie, of Owen Sound, Mot. Peters, of Kincardine, and Miss Olara Hunter, ot Clinton, were Visitors at ano, inter% John street. The Odin ate daughters of Mr. and Mee. Hunter, Jno. Emigh has taken a (1001 1,1 W. E. Duncanie and it making good orogen& Thoe. Frindehip ie ettulying the nate 0.16 85 Jno. Remittal, Brussels hi keeping ap he quota of (Raul manipulating and oapilliary abridging artiste, Min Janet Soon, of Guild Mill, near Hawiak, Bamboo:a:hire, Scotland, wee visiting Mee. Robert Fox leat week, The visitor num from Mre. Fox's old home end is an old friend. It is 11 tone shoe they 0501 80 there woe much to nonveree abcitn, Miee 80011 hae an mint in Galt, 4. welookne calla on Tag Pon on Wednesday Was Alby Robinson, of Wood. stook, the well Inown representative of Iticbartia Pare Soap. 35 its a good Many jinn eine be fleet put in an appearatioe in Brussels in eonueotion With Caledonian pane. Mr. Robinson wee an Old time erwinter aticl could make the boat Of then bottle, • tealtr...a.vomaralr=i190MIEL.W.... ESTABLISHED 1873 TIE STAND BANK OF CANADA Head Office . Toronto $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT In our Savings Department. Deposits of Sr and upwards are received, on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed. No Delays in making Withdrawals Interest added four times a year Savings Dank Department in Connection with all Branches. 1110101105013.092110 BRUSSELS iRANCH J. F. latowlairalit Mareager Min Lizzie MoArthur, of Cargill, and Miss Annie, ot Berlin, were Tbanke. giving visitors at John MoArtbners, their father, Bruseele South, Mre, Varooe, of Orangeville, and Mrs. Gray and children, of Laurel, were visit. ing Mrs. IL Paul and Miss Gordoo over Ithaulogiving holiday, The first men tioned lady is a (deter to the Brunetti !adieu mentioned and Mrs. Gray ie Mre. Varooe'e daughter. Brussels Council. The regular meeting of Branale Ooon. oil was held on Monday evening. Pronto Reeve Leckie end Ommoillore Graben), Plum sod Bellantyne, Commit. lor Beaker being absent in the West, Minato of loot meeting read and paned. The following anciouts were presented for payment :- IL Handereon, roads 0 8 15 0. Pollard, eand for Towu Hall2 00 16. Oliver, salary 98 88 N. M alto lay, made 95 86 Wm, Sellers, Town Hall ..... 10 68 P. MoQuarrie, Town Hall 2 75 Jas. F x, miscellaneous 18 00 THE POST, printing 80 50 Moved by El, T. PIUM, seocinded by Jas. Ballantyne that tbe above accounts be paid, Carried. Moved by R. Graham, seoonded by S. T. Plum that the accounte of the fire brigade be paid at the first meeting following a fire if tbey are presented and properly unified to by Chief, Captain and Seciretary. Carried. Inquiry was made as to whether the newly organized 0o. bad held a pectin yet and what the melte were. The Reeve was to oall on the Chief for the information, Weighmaeter Oliver rationed the receipts of the goatee for October to be 580.00, The 10 year franohiee held by the Electric, Light Co. from the town having expired Mr. Moore, now owner of the plant, and Barrister EthoDonald appear, ed before the Connoil relative to a new contract for the 9 aro lights on the street. Comparisone were made as to prim in neighboring town. After 0 lengthy disouesion of the various plume of the question the matter was laid over antic next meeting 80 08 to make further an00503/,• Council then adjourned. 0111,116011 0111151155 Next Sabbath morning the Quarterly Communion will be obeerved in the Methodist olthroh e9 the close of the Hermon. The Fellowship eervioe will follow the evening discourse. "Chrietian Liberty" wait Rev. 13. G. It lakes Blood. ! Good E3lood Lots of it F'OX'S Beef, Iron & Wine The Invigorating Tonio that gives etrangth to worn-out peo- ple. Yonwill 53925 nothing ber. Y it- ±r - AT- 9 S DRUG STORE eswvwen.n.vvhaNweNdaelofit ra , Fall Wheat Pen Powell e theme last Sabbath morning Oats 13arley '55 th8: et :od: :7nollee even lng 1thatytee,tabeau d rolls.text wee Et, John's :oepel 6th obapter Eggs per dozen and28vra:51.bi:aibein0,,Eowalnrto,, to do the worke of God." Flour, per bbl Thursday afternoon at tbe annual Hogs, aa„ Thanksgiving eervioe in Melville oburoh Apples (par bbl) 90 90 60 70 78 80 46 47 24 24 22 24 14 00 1500 4 60 520 650 8 70 1 50 1 75 60 60 the 1380tOr was [misted by Be,. H. M. hang Ford, of Bt. John's oburoh. The Potatoes per bus latter preached a very euitable able:turn from Cierle818 8th obapter, end 9th verae. Rey. Mr. Wiebart addreseed the con - negation afterward on the great Mission- ary advance required and desired The offering for Minion totalled 585,82 Zsd.a.MSZ7B/3:). BOYD-Mumn.-In Etna on On, 80111, by Rev. John Henderson, Mr. J. Wesley Boyd, of Atwood, to Mies Linda Edaughter of Mr. and Mre. David Milne, Ethel. TAYLOR -Comm -At Eetevan, San., on Oat, 80th, at the residence Of Mr. and Mrs. H. MoNeil, by Rev. 13. Glover, Mr, Lorne Stanley Taylor to Mrs. S. B. Dobson, both of Elania ole, Mao. MORN Bantuato-In Wroxeter, on On. 28th, to Mr. and Mre. E. Barnard, a data Oise. Mon. -In Bonen, on October 23rd, to Mr. and 36168, Geo. M000, e deoghter. aDseataza Blyth, on Nov. let, Jno. W. Ball, aged 60 years. OODE,--In Trowbridge, on ()debar 29(15, Jean Young, beloved wife of Thomas Oode, aged 74 years. SNELL.-Ig Hallett, on Ootobar 28th, George Snell, aged 84 yeare and 4 month% _ • -riwo DURHAM BULL CALVES -L and a 'V treubire hog for sale, Lot 30, 080, 0, Morris, or Brussels P. 0. JAMES 8980102, 16.11 Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Joel Sellers, late of the Township of Morrie, in the County of Huron, retired farmer, demand. Necklets bereby given, pursuant to Bevis. ed Statutes 00 Ontario, 1897, Chap. 329, and amending Acts, that all creditors and others having any elahne against the estate of the paid Joel Sellers, who died on or about the 8th day of October, 1007, are required on or before the 80th day of November, 1007, to send by poet, prepaid, or deliver to A. B. 'Macdonald, of the Village of Brownie, Sol- icitor 100 50(5006 Sellers and Joseph B. sel- lers, Binevale F, 0, Exeoutors of the said estate, their 008288 0015 addresses with full partioulare in writing of their Maims, the statement of their gem:unto and the nature of the securities (if anyl held by them, eland uotioe is forum given that after the said last mentioned date the Exeoutors will proceed to distribute the asset, of the deceased amongst the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to the Malin of wbioh they shall then have notice and that the Executors will not be liable for the a80008, 00 Roy part thereof, to airy person of whose claim they shall not then have natio° and all persona of whose claims they shall not then have notate *Mall be excluded from the benefits 0( 88101 distribution, Dated this 0612 day of November, 1007. 8.30. BAODONALL), 18-8 Solicitor to r itheoutors. Clokeintr4AvNovNobraeokonnoovebegnevknowtWove Riaras.=La 40147-ERICCUIT ST OR= n11.11..111.1.1411.1.1,1.111.410111.1.0111110,1,...4,111,.11,1.1 LAMES' al_E COATS At Reduced Prices We will make a big out iu the prices of all the Ladies' and Children's Cloth Coats that we have left. Right now iu the beginning of November we are will- ing to sacrifice profits. They are all in the height of fashion and for most people will be just as acceptable now as earlier in the season. Come in and see the Prices they are Marked at Mansand. Boys' Overcoats Mediums and heavy weights in Tweeds, Beavers, Meltons and Heather Mixtures, in Chesterfield and Ulster stylts ; well made ; good linings ; right styles and perfect fitting. Prices range from $8.75 to $15.00. We in- vite inspection and comparison of our goods and prices. he New Fall Petticoats We have a range in which there are varieties and styles to satisfy any Fall Petti- coat need. In Black Sateen, always a most' satisfactory material, we are offering three special values :- Al 890 WoMen'e Black Sateen Pettiooate, 0050185. .51 25 At 98o " 1 gg At 51.25 " 1.50 & 1 75 Boots, Shoes and Rubbers We carry a full line for Ladies', Men, Boys, Girls and Children of the Celebrated Granby Rubbers, all sizes and widths, At 01.60 -Women's $ood quality Dongola Kid Boots, Bluoher style with patent tip, heavy slip sole, all sizes 8 to 7. Eneptionally Mood value -it $2.00-Wornen's ohoicie Dongole, KO Boots, Lao° and Bloater dylee, eingle and slip Bolo, with self and patent tip, all sizes 2a to 7. Magraarammermeisoweseme** Winter lInderclothio2 and Hosiery Winter stocks are now complete. You will find all the wanted kinds for 1VIenj Wom- en and Children at the very lowest prices. Produce is very high at present. You may depend upon it We always pa31 the Highest prices. Goods Right or your Money Back. G. N. IVIcL.A. 1 vialervittotnoniNiNei~ioNowtiartoe"AimennosAi IsWealieWwww~catowaiwal"i0Ww00,0114~401~0~00