HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-11-7, Page 7losecesee004>ekeele-n-0.0.0-00liece00,
Of course one girl renders Snow lobs
and lots of things lo do on line dnys,
and, ta feel, lin s o trouble only in Unsl-
ing 04400 (WIWI in the dity to do them
But on (Tiny (Wye, 'when one ciumot
go out to ilo what one has been looking
reward to, 01041 one coma 111
norvo hours tand in rows bieween
eleekthis end leaullme, then a new some
for hatio ars is looet welcome,
The next time too or three or
go:18 ere shut ireloors on rainy days,
lal them try ithit paelbee.
Move the furniture Leek against, the
wells, Relying Mire es Woo a space as
ti can in the centre of the floor. Gel
Oak' or a large plate of Mlle
9,Y111., end place lit 111 the centre of this
Lan' einem.
Sow gnt a piece of tissue paper, and
from 11, 'tear 0 strip about three inches
long end an hull wide. 'OM a. knot In
the emir° of this Penis', sPeeadIng oul
the ends Oil bail Ships of tho lenoe. If
you clasp ehis whisp of paper with the
knot hi Hs Centre, ft wilt not, flell (11 -
redly to the ftler, but vIll zigzag from
side to side 'bekre bt conics lo rcsl 11
the carpet,
We will It this whisp of paper a
"bu4itertly," and, indeed, et will very
much re.eemble one, too, Bath gliq
provtdee herself with o ,fan; the broad
pelmlear cmes are best. One girl
stands as tar as possible from the cers
tie of the roam, toeses ,the "butterfly"
In the air and fetes ea blow It with
eyelets of her fon to the pinta in the
centno of the room. lier object is to
have ft fleet down end land in the pinto,
.tut it is by no means an easy Ming
to do th:s, and the very firat, wavo of
lid, fan will probubly blow the butter-
fly deer across the room, where it will
tall to Um floor.
When the "butterfly" has come in
rest, probably In some remote corner
or lender a chair, its lending place is
marked by a card beaming the name ef
the player 8010 blew it there, and the
acoond player, and so on till all have
had a turn.
If five girls are play:ng, the girl who
fans the butIeetly nearest to the plate
scores five imints, the second four, the
thiid them points, and the fourth two,
find the fifth does not score anything.
If Have are playing, the first .scores
three points, etc. if a player should
land the butterfly in the plate, that
player scores lea points, aod besides
has another turn.
When nil of tihe players have had a
lay at getting the betlerfly he the plate,
their scores are written down, and then
the first one lakes. mother turn, follow-
ed by the rest es before.
The game is fifty .poinits, and it it
eurprising whot a slical, time it takes
10 sore that number.
l'he butterfly will do the mast amaz-
ing, the most, provoking and the most
leughlable things. Sometimes a gentle
were of the fan will make it fly madly
oewaill the ceiling, and then, with a
sudden dive, it will fly directly behind
ellair in *the farthcrinoet C01'380 (1
the room, Somellines, when it has a)
811081 driven lo despair the girl who is
pursulog it With a Rm. it w111 Sail 'sun -
illy away on a long slant, hoedpro-
vokingly over the wiry centre of the
piste end sink to rest somewheee else.
The fun you cam get out Dt the genie
is altogether out, of propontIon to the
veey little trouble of preparing for IL.
'Well, well --well!' 11 was Un,cle
Terri's jovial voice. "Neit conquered, I
hope, hy a pile of—wood!"
' Don looked up dismally 11'0111 WS
neat on the wheelbarrow. "But just
$ (8 haw mart—there isl I'll never get
It all into the shed!"
"Not ifs'you attempt to wheel it all on
one load, laughed tencle Tom. Then,
quickly, "If you'd use elm magic rule
Would he—oh, so very easyl"
"efogie—rukda and Don looked up
with a curious expreselon cm his Mile
sunburnt face "I--1 don't know what
that is; I never heard of that rules"
"That's a pity," re,plied Uncle Tom.
"Let me explain, Here's o pile of wood
which mist be wheeled into the shed.
It coniains—lot me see—tevenly haerow-
loads, I should sey—the size of the ones
you Mice. Nov, It looks herd as n
wihole; good deal of a j(bl"
"And IL ist" insisted 1)01 stoutly.
"Ilia, let's see how it looks in parts.
Thal, end contains one—two—three —
four; I shall say n dozen sticks—enough
foe' one good load, NdW, the megic
rule says to you, "Don, that's all there
le to put in the shed—at one thne.".
And IE. 111e8118 you mustn't, think
o f i»e rest of it, while you're whe.clin,g
, this in. So, really, for the timeebeing.
tote only one Med to do—and that
isn't hard; not in the least,"
"I—I see,"
"And when thait's clone—why, take
1100111111' load—just, met"
"IL lc des casy—tha WaY a" and tho
rind expression on Don's little face
scampered off in a Wry.
"And it Is," replied Uncle Tom, "if
emu apply the 1)111 p10 rule,"
Don did; ond the task wesna halt as
herd se he itione,ht at would be.
I! Is evident that there 8110 80010 per,
eons who eegard diselpline as an and
'and not es a means. Not even the seed
of instibierdiriallen had a chance tinder
the eye nf Sergeant Gay,
it "rotation I" 'he eeled to. his squad.
"Quick marehl Lea wheel! 1)0111 maks
Murphy's mime for bilking in the
"that he wasn't IA/Icing," rincaested 11
corporal. 88)18 wne slandirig near.
"Wnsii't lie?" roared ,Sergeant Day,
'then cross it out mill P111 111111 in 1110
guard -room tier deceiving me."'
111 8v1mnn would slop to think when
sIi e Is. leaking she might think to Slop,
Weak, Worn and Almost in Despair
When Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Came
to We Beadle.
"My streogth was ahoost gone, my
breath verY Abort ancl 1 ecnaki beefily
wells 1 ueed many remedies, but they
dhl not help me, Finally a friend ad-
vieed luke De, Williams' Pink
Pint. I did so end losloy, thanks to
the 11i118, I 11111 11 perfectly Well min,"
This very emplintic statement is
made by Mr, 0, L. Porter, of Maitland,
N. .S. Mr. Porte' Is a fisherman, and
luau:Ally a. Oast working min, subject
Li midi exposure. He further sive: "1
wns in a elate of debility and blood-
lessness. Somelimes 1 could attend to
tee work, but often was too weak and
mieerable lo 110 Mt I 005 wakeful anti
males.: at night, and could not eat in
elei morning. I wits troubled with
pains lo my back and sheukters, some-
times 1 could hardly straighten up.
Then Indigestion eaane to add to my
misery, end my condition 1808. 0110 that
110g10 ntn 81210.841 hopeless. I tried sev-
east mettioines—but In vein. Then one
flay a friend said, 'Why don't you ley
Dr, Williams' Plnic Pills?' 1 tried them
end I 8111411 dways be grateful for Mein,
111 a ehort 111110 1 begfIrl Itt regillfi Illy
health. I souk] eat better, end could
est anY kind of food. My steength l'e-
turnN.I. I could attend to my work,
wee in feat perfectly well eosin, and
this le actually due to Dr. Willfilnis'
Pink Pills."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pins build up the
steength and drive out disease M just
one way—they actually make new red
blood, That Is an they So, but they
tie it well, They don't act onthe
howels—they don't purge and weaken
like 0,7111111411 pills, They don't holSer
with more symptoms, they go rIght to
the slot of the teouble In the blood.
Thal, is why they eure anaemia, with
all its heaeleches and backaches, ana
dizziness and heart palpitation. That
Is why they eure indigestion, rheuma-
tism, munalgia, St. Vitus dance, general
weakness and the e,pecial ailments that
growing girls and women do not like
to talk about, eV011 10 their dootors.
BM you must insist on getting the
.genuine pills with the fun Marne, Mr.
Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People,"
on the wrapper around ench box.
Sold by all medicine (11101088. 120 by mail
at 50c. a box or six boxes foe $2.50
from The Da Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Beautiful Irish Home of Lord and Lady
While there are two residencee for
the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, D01)1111
Cestie and Phoenix Park Lodge, the
Abeedeens prefer the home Ln Phoenix
Park, and only live at the Castle dur-
ing the six weeks' social season pre-
eeding St. Patrick's Day, The view
trout the windows of Lady Aberdeen's
study is superb, for it overlooks the
volley in which Dublin lies, with a
glimpse of the lovely 111110 on the other
side, writes a correspondent.
It wos at the lodge that Queen Vic-
toria made her visit in 1900. I was
shown into the small drawing rooms
at the end of the suite of the reception
rooms which the late Queen used es
her private dining room. Opening off
this room is a large drawing -room wan
insh marble in old design, over one of
lit% wide firepleces of exquisite white
8111011 hangs a life-size painting of the
late Queen, and over the other one of
her consort, Prince Albert.
The most interesting room of all is
Lady Aberdeen's boudoir, It is surely
the mem that, a woman whose happi-
ness consists 111 work would possess.
There are great desks filled with leL
lees and papers and book uses full et
reports arst looks dealing with the
movements in which she is interested,
The general color tone of the room is
glean, with meets and hangings in
that restful veer. There are no pia-
-tures on the walls, but e shelf runs
about above a white daulo 012 whicii
ere numerous 'water odor drawings,
smelly all of which have been bought
et MIA exliibiltons by the Viceriene.,
One of the feW exeeptions is It sketch
of Cromse, the .Aberdeen's Scottish re-
treat in Deeside, done by the ('.01011
ess' niece, Miss Grace Ridley, whom
1 also met and who is a delightful
young girl who hes mole horne
with the Coontess since the death of
her parents.
Some people are oflon licensed of he.
1116 thoughtless, but better that should
'happen sometimes than Always being
regarded as too thoughtful. The habit
of thinicleg too deeply on every item
has en immense amount of failure at
the beacon. Whether it WAS 14 learn
shorthand or a language perplexed ooe
Individual for seven months, lie could
not made op lele mind as to which be
would claim the most advantage from.
Ho might have learned . any one cf
those accomplishments in the time he
triek te think about.11. This is the case
Wail ninny people, and Fortuna has am
awkward habit of crushing the too
11 I tf I • b 1 1
louga u les as m as 1le thought-
'Ibis le what one of the most promin-
sent phyasichnis of to -day snot;
That one ounce of sweet nAI;ila 01
nitre, 0110 ounce of compound vimosa,
and 1051 0011805 of syrup of rhubarb
mixed together end taken in doeserl-
spoonful doses after male and at bed-
time in water will effect 0, permanent
core for the mast severe eases of Ickl-
ney, liver, bladder, old urinary iron.
bits. ife cleimS that a few &sae will
positively cure the wenst 050015 01 baoks
lithe and rhemendism orising from dia.
ordered kidneys and impure blood.
These chews are of purely vegetable
Wittig Mid inexpensive, and can be
obtained at erly drug More and mixed
together at hOMO.
Joinot's 'Victory at Tsushima Due to
Powerful Explosives, not
Heavy Guns.
Admiral Oerntinet, the -newly ap-
pointed commingles of the French Me-
diterraneen fleet, has mado 28sensel'on-
al snack 411 MC Pilideney 01 the Dread-
nolight type of battleship, lie declares
that Orval Britain hes been misled re-
garding the reel cause of the Japanese
navel victories in the Far East.
The Ordeal said recently that A(1'
12111111 Tojses succees Was due to high
explosive shells rather than to Um large
canto of his guns,
"Ilad this been known a few months
ego," Ile added, "the British Admiralty
would have undoubtedly modified the
arinernent of the Dreadnought.
"1 consider the Dreadnought a great
mistake in navel construction. France,
profiting by this feet, should arm her
bettleships with guns of a smaller cali-
bre than the 12-111. guns used on the
Dreadnought, and they should use high
explosive shells. The main avornament
must be Increased, but the guns be
amble ot rapid handling. Moreover,
the ammunitton must not be costly."
Admiral Germinal, declares that lut
has seen ollicial documents which ef-
fectually disprove the theory that the
Possian warships were beaten solely
because of the heaviest Japanese guns.
During the earner naval engagements
the Japanese used 12 -in. shells, strnilav
81 those used by France and Great levi-
tate, and charged with a smell quanti-
ty of explosives. These shells were in-
tended mainly to pierce the armor of
thc enemy's ships.
The Japanese soon realized, however.
that the results did not justify the
enormous expense involved, and they
began manufacturing high explosive
4s11e115. All the ships in Admiral To-
go's fleet 'used these shells at the battle
of Tsushima.
The shells exploded al the least con-
tact, and sent out tremendous heat,
similar to thee which followed the ex-
plosions on the French battleship Jena]
at Toulon some months ego, The hard.
est metals Were Melted, end produced
an enormous volume of desiructive gas-
es—carbonic. acid and bioxide of oileo-
gen—which :suffocated every one who
breathed them.
These gases, penetrating the Russian
ships through the ventilators and other
inlets, usphyxiatect the men on the low-
est deck.
"In the official reports which furnish-
ed me with. 11110 infOrmation," 00.0'
timid Admiral Genminet, "I found two
significant facts. On a certain Russian
ship lwo of the heavy guns had ceased
are. The mechaniem was inspected
and found intact, but all the memhers
of the gun crews 'were lying dead in the
turrele, Waving been asphyxiated.
"llie other fact was even snore die-
geteting, During the engagement the
«101111 le light on the same ship, failed.
The wires end dynamos were found to
he in perfect order, but the electricians
\IWO lying clonal beside the dynamos.
Teey, 100, were espbyxiated by the
gases arising froim these high explosive
'The explosion of the shells had
mused fissures in the hull of the ship,
and through these fissures the gas pene-
Select everywhere, putting two 12-111012
guns out. of action anal plunging the
entire ship in darkness,
"One should not $ay that the Japan-
ese inerknianship "Welt 'marvelous. 11
wes good, but their success was malty
due to the high explosive nature of this
shells, although some of 1110111 C1111 1741
much their destination, is the
8814018 secret of the Japanese pietiortee.
"There is some emer es to the dis-
fences at which the Sapenese and Rus-
sian warships Were engaged. In most
inetances the Japanese opened flre 1,1
from two miles to three-quarters or a
"During the engagoment at Tsushima
the distance between the opposingships
was at times only half a mile, It was
de.dared originelly that the engagement
was fought et a cilstame 01 1100) 888013
to eight Idles.
ewe elmuld profit by these lessons.
The French navy should 1)8 equipped
with guns firing high expeosive shells
of the kind described. Obviously, 11
would be impossible to do this with
guns of the Deeednought type, because
of the dangerous pressure which would
be exerted by a shell of this calibre,"
New York Impotting IBM -a -dozen From
Six Belgian sheep dogs, for which the
City of 18100, YOrle paid eech, are 00
their way from Ghent to do pollee duly
in out lying terriMry in New York,
Deputy Commissioner Arthur Weeds
and the other othelels who are interested
in setting imported dogs to work SG
aUxillarles of &motile and imported
polieemen contemi that 1110 sheep deep
will do high-class week after sunset.
111 chose reeeepeen cities In which they
at' 4 of Insist service they are liberated in
the residential districts at night. Prom
wiliest, youth they have been taught to
regard a police uniform as a symbol of
innocence. Not one of thorn will Inter.
fere with a policeman. But they halm
also been led to believe that any person
who is not in uniform will bear ecru-
iiny. The dogs nose in and out of does.
ways, basetnentS, vacant lots and other
spots whioh supply a hiding /Ando for
WilYIS,Yerg 01 11)14 night. As soon as they
find at Muniformed person they bark.
They keep on barking till 84 p011eemen
appears. If their quarry tries tie run
awasr they run With hbn. They are the
practitioners of a neat little Wok of get,
ting between the flying feet 01 1(114 Mgt-
tive and tripping him neatly, so that he
lags tipen his Moo.
After a Sumptuous Life ist the Orient,
III Fortune Overtook film and
Never 1,01 Go,
Once commander-in-chief of the fon"
n; Burundi, Burmese secretary of slate
ktrelgn affairs, and English gentle-
man by birth and education, one more
mine with a past has just ended his days
at the lefilleld (Sngland) poorhouse. 11
Is the Old story of how greatnese comes
te nothing, and nobody knows why.
Major Robert Adeane Barlow was the
grandson of :. —Aral Sir Masai Barlow
and °ended Robert Acleane, member of
Parliament for Cameridgesiiire and an
equerry of King George 1V.—that, 88115
what, he came from. Rugby school, un-
der Ole famous Dr. Arnold, and Saint
John's College, Cambridge, where he
was a classmate of [met! Derby anti Sir
Williatn ilareourt—that 8908 what he
went lc,
Atter college he eel out for Breen to
manage a big business coneeen at Rio
de hillier°. In six years lie was back in
England again, only to be sent out to
India und Ceylon to persuade the man-
&mins to allow the opening 01 11 railroad
through 13urimill to Chine. When he
5:1 as far as Burnish, the King took a
great fancy to 11101-80 great a fancy
Met he made him commander -in -elder
of hit
ARMY OF 12,000 MEN.
Then the major suddenly became the
great man al thermals. fie ems made
seeretaey of state for Medina affairs, he
was given a gorgeous palace to live in,
fitted up with all the splendors of the
East, he was given two elephants to take
turns carrying him, end Ma position de-
manded that three geld umbrellas
should be carried beton him whenever
he went forth in state.
The Klieg offered, him also the: felicity
et 500 wives, an offer which the major
was always careful to 'mention that he
refused. He was the first man, the King
said, who had ever been so silly. But he
did take a salary of $20,000 a year, and
he was commissioned to value the royal
treasury, which he assessed at $10,000,-
But the mese soon got tired of this
particular splendor end sought, fresh
fields. So he Locved away; and before he
knew it he was major -general mn the
Abyssinian deny, Then ho was captured
and imprisoned in Egypt, and his me°
was the subject of questions in the
House of Cominons.
That was in the '790. In IMO he went
home to the little English village of En-
field, where the poet Keats once
He asked permission to go cut with
General Gordon to IChartatim, but the
general refused. That was the begin-
ning of all lies troubles. Everythiog
went wrong after that. His family cited,
and al last in 1$05 he entered the shelter
of 1,11e poorhouse, which he never lett,
eecept 10 drive with old friends.
To the master of the poorhouse, who
knew soinething of his amazing career,
he WaS, always a polithed, courteous old
man, who rarely referred to his past,
bit whose education, manners and
breeding told their own story. His cider
recreations were backgammon and
chess. Ile nover gave the slightest
nvuble, never grumbled cr seemed dis-
conlentee. On special nights he used
to wear some order on his coat, which
he called the Star of India,*
Two pictures he always carried in his
pocket, one a portrait of himself, seated
011 a white elephant in full state regalia,
the other of a handsome woman, 8912001
he spoke of as his daughter who; he
Raid, 11041 Married a prince of the house
of 13onaparte,
11 )0111' little one Is restless and cross
at, is more than likely the trouble is
clue to seam derangement of the sto-
mach 01. bowels, and if Baby's Own
Tablets is given the child will mon be
!might and cheerful, and edam the
mether gives her child this medicine
elle has the guarantee of the govern-
ment analyst MO it contains 714 opi-
ate or poisonous drug. Mrs. J. 5,
Loney, Allenfoial, One, salys:—"1 have
used Baby's Own Tablets tam constipa-
tion and other ailments of children and
have found lbern more satisfactory
than any dime form of medicine."
Sold by medielne dealers or by men
at 25e, a box from 'rho Dr, Williams'
Medicine Co;_li_ro_ceic:_ille, Ont
Roy Refused ConfIrntation at "Junkets"
An extraordinaryTsittgoroythoefr edeneyte Liar:
!Hence and narrowness Is repealed from
81v110121114 0co0trintlarrallia'llon service at the old
garrison church, wbich is largely a1.
11711(1051 by the aristocratic or eo-called
"JunIcer" classes, and the candidates for
confirmation were twelve lade %the
Could write "Von" before their mimes
ag11,011111,00 caritoryorwalmclowoialscee0ong 1.b1
Ministry «1 11180115, named Ahleit.
There was a crowded congregation,
end the pastor filled his address with
reflections on the duty of the higher
cheeses, and how they were best to ex-
ercise their privileges. 501 1110 thirteenth
candidate there wins never a word. Two
by two the Orkstocratie cabdialates knell,
before the altar and 0011018201 11)0 pastor's
1)1Yomng088105, Ahleit was ignored and es..
matted widest, and left the church On
confirmed. Mimi the service, when Ab.
lett% father asked the pastor for nil ex-
planation, was inforined that his (an-
tlers was in consequence of °lidera from
"high authertty." tittle Ahleit rushed
home in tears, asked the servaid, for
three merles, and disappeared, 110 has
not since been beard or.
When out to aenquer in the strife
And 89111 yoliti way Up le the stare,
Gen% dodge the beerier& Of lite,
BA dodge the "bars."
For Dusiness Bulldinds
'rho only cleanly, the only fireproof,
coWnit,--theceilins1Ast.ssyr As /pi word
in decorative Moutihtt-tito ceilinit that Mows
an Muer-4st will outlast the building Mel!
Cott no moot than 8.
commenterl, lintlookthnce
at Gee, Oyer 2,000 claim., to Nit anytime
or rtruchuo. $48-srolls to match. Ste
eur neiVett detiens—nothins like them in
Conada, nithot in beauty Of variety.
Requegt therms book that allow. the whole
ceiling tory, Send for to.day. 120
The PEDLAR People
°maws Montreal Ottaaro
Toronto London ltOnolro;
The Anchor Liner Ethiopia Was Saved,
From Sinking by a Flour
Probably the largest loaf of bread
klirdrieLl WAS I11111 made by Capt.
Wilson, of the Anchor finer Ethiopia,
which hes just been sold for the junk
heap. The announcement of the sale
to "foreign account:" ot the famous AL
lentie packet begios the last chapter
in the history of a vessel Una has out-
lived many a targer and more preten-
tious ship built of steel.
Few ships have survived atter such
O dose call as the stuedy little half -
round -stern steamship had when she
collided with an iceberg no big as an
acre lot, The vessel had in her cargo
a lot of flour in sacks.
The Ethiopia had lett New York on
Tune 2, 1804, bound for Glasgow. On
the afternoon of June 6, while going
ttl three-quarier speed through a dense
fag, she hit an Iceberg, the shock
'throwing everyleody off bus feet. The
passengers rushed for the lifeboats,
and Capt. Wilson, then believing the
ship could not stay afloat, ordered the
boats swung out.
Her bows liad been crushed deer to
the. collision bulkhead, which held.
On receiving this report from his of-
ficers, Capt. Wilson assembled the Pas-
sengers in the main saloon and assur-
ea them there WEIS no immediate dan-
ger. The caepenter reported, however,
that water sins coming thmugh the
bulkhead et an alarming rale. Capt.
according to Shipping Illus-
trated, remembered how ho had often
watched Ills mother 11110 bread and how
st.cky the dough became.
He called all Minds, ordered them to
leeve off praying and fall to. Bag
after bag of flour was turned out of
the main hatch and carried forward by
both crew and pastengers, Abaft the
bulkhead the sacks were piled ira tiers
IS closely as passible. The bulkhead
was completely reinforced by a well a
flour. When the (lour became saturat-
e.? :sale the sea water the result was a
bulwark as firm as cement.
The Ethl4P18 WAS put ahead at one-
quarter speed. Then for two days
1110181 the ereW WOrked shifting the car-
go aft so es to lift the broken bows
out of water, She was then forced
ahead at three-quarter speed, She eves
due in the Clyde on June 18, but did
not get there until June 17. Those
who saW her coming In marvelled that
she kept niloat.
Capt. Wilson received 0 gold medal;
a watch and a purse for hts good work.
Tile passengers divided $1,350 among
the members of the crew.
1811 ARM ALL. A$1 ILIAR with the
doop, hoarse bark, grimly called "8.
grave -yard cough." Take Allon's Lung
:Balsam, a remedy tor pulmonary trou-
g=leMaYges1".1m8TtItI4tre8a1,1 711 th°
— —
1:3121 the average man insn't half so
anxious to bet on a sure thing as those
behind the garne_m_s_to have him,
Dr. 3. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial
ig 4 speedy cure for dysentery, ditty -
liven, cholera, summer complaint, -ea
sickness ond complaints Incidental to
children teething, 11 gives immeallids
81111171 10 those suffering from the effects
o° Indlaretion in cettng iinripe fruit,
cucumbers, etc. It acts with wonderful
rapidity and never fails to conquer the
disease, No one need fear cholera if
they have a bottle of this medicine eon-
venien L.
"The trouble with all of 115." Mr,
P11051' oins saying, "is that we don't live
olie,,sledoar salginhpptoodnii11118.urweffie, 4,1 haven'
had a new dress for six years!"
Mrs. Genlnista: "Wilfred, you must
never 50y C011'1, IAA always say cannoL"
Wilfred "Then, if I want, a musk-
melon, must I ask tor a cannoteloope?"
Lady Docttor Gives Advice to Medical
The London (England) press ie seek-
ing interviews from members of the
medical profession on certain passages
in an address recently delivered by Dr.
Sarah Grey. before the London School
of Medicine for Women, The paesages
ulion widell comment is made read az
"It is legitimate t,tt pay reasonable tat-
lontion to the opinions of patients he.
muse the profession exisLs not, indeed,
holed !Slough, et lend, al the first visit.
Ns matter how much beteer We know or
we know than elle ekes what is
wrong, she feels that the most salient
feels have been missed if we do not,
"Do something, if possible. To evince
a scientific interest may show learning,
Ina the patent and her friends want re-
‘1 a cheering verdict can he given,
neeer fall to give it, and in plain Eng-
"Doctors should know where and
whim) to frighten. Sometimes 111s en
important to alarm friends; sometimes
41111001 crimlnal to do so.
"Nolbing excuses betrayal of panic on
doetor's part. For the patient's sake
fl demeanor c,f cabal courage must be as-
sured in the wee1)1 emergencies.
"we are expected to distinguish with
certainly between real and imaginary
"Pelients are mostly nol idiots, and
WY help them best when we respect
The following remarkable cures are
convincing proof (hat. Zam-liuk is the
most wonderiul skin ctnse known- Zorn -
Buie sticceeds when all else fails, and
no home is complete without it.
ECZENIA.—Twents-five long years Mr.
T. AL Marsh, 101 Delorimier Ave. Mont-
real, wore gimes day and nteiht—his
bands were qa bad with Eczema. Five
Sodom failed to cure him, but Zam-Buk
triumphed. Ask bim bout it,
CHRONIC ULCERS.—Forly years' suf-
ftring from Ulcers which covered her
lody made Mrs, Jane Beers of L'Ories
nal (Ont.). fear for death. A few weeks'
trial of Zeneleuk brought complete re-
storation. 11 you suffered like afes.
Deers and received such a wonderful
healing, you, Ma, would sey as she
did:— "The like of Zam-Buk has net been
neen since the Great Healer left the
meth." 50 cents a box of all druggists
and stores, po.sipaid on receipt of
mike from Zanstauk Co., Toronto. 3
boxes for $1.25.
lini—"Have you stopped calling on the
girl with the plaid blouse?" Tom --
"Yes; it's all over there." lial—"elthe?
nattier object?" Tom --"Bless you, no!
And I had nerve enough to dodge all
her hints about popping the question
also, but the last thee I celled she had
the sing, To lt Now' stuck on the cen-
ire table. That ()cored me, and I've
Much distress end sickness in children
ie caused by worms. Mother Graves'
Worm Exterminator gives relief by re-
moving the cause. Give it a trial end
be convinced.
This Visitor: "flow old are you, Tom?"
The Roy: "Aw I Ma says I'm too young
to at the things I like, an' Frn too old
to cry when I don't. get 'em
ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches end
every form of contagious Itch In human
or animals cured in 30 minutes by \Vol.
terd's Sanitary Union. it, never falls.
Sold by all druggists.
Tielative—"Well, 1 sincerely hope you
will be haPPY with lilln, Mandy. Is be
a steady young man?" Miss Ahtn113'---
"Steady! My goodness, Aunt ludy.
he's been corning to 8001 8180 for more
than eleven yeas's."
Holloway's Corn Cure, destroys an
kinds of corns end welds, rent and
branoh. Who, then would endure them
with such a cheap and effectual remedy
within reach?
A story is told of a &Meal house
38111101' who resigned because he 5588
written on the board, "Find the least
common multiple," and after a search
of ell the buildings WEIS unable to lo-
cate it.
r.Lieasie PrAll. IN blIND that what
is called a aklh disease ntay be bait a
nyniptOm of bad blood. ln that 11iLlt0.
Weaver's Corea., eXtornally applied,
sheutd be supplemented with Weaver'S
Syrup, taken daily.
"There go the Spicer Wileoxes, mam-
mal l'm told theyire dying to know
us. Hadn't, we better call?" "C.ertelnly
eot, dear. If theere dying to know us,
they're not worth knowing. The only
people worth our knowing are the peo,
ple who don't want io know us."
One Peet la Better than Ten Hearsays.—
Mk Dr, Bargess, Stmt. Meatiest for Insane. Mon.
trent for his opinion of "The I) rtr Menthol
raster, Yard rolls $1, also 06o. tins.
iiwpnt, was the happiest moment et
your life?" asked the sweet girl. "The
happiest moment of my life," answered
nu; old bachelor, "was when the jeweller
took buck an engagement -ring end gave
me sleeve -links in exchange."
"By Medicine Life Masi be Prolonged."
—So wrote Shakespeare nearly Throe
hundred .(ears ago, It is to -clay. Mo -
(116)118 will prolong life, hot he sure of
the qualities of the medicine, Life is
prolonged by keeping the body free
from disease. Thotnes' neleerrie
Oil 'used internally will cure coughs;
and colds' eradicate Asthma, overcome
mop andgive strength to the respira-
tory organs. Give it a trial,
"Mabel," asked 1180 ,11651' girl's another,
"what time did that- young, .mati 'leave
%SI 11101.?"
"Why," repliod kinbel, 11 believe it
was nearly 11 o'clock."
"Whet? I'm suro (1. '19(28 later than
litt," said She Mother,
"IlOw stranger" vernarkra. Mabel,
teeenilly, "We both 11111115111 11 cotildn't
possibly be that late,"
fs A mild appolsing pre.
aita pf malt isea /sees
vim 1mi alcohol than
sweet cider, which can,
mot ferment In tho Mom.
lad, 114 %menially suited
,f8 women as 0dinner
O 500110110 Ontario Aro
,no rich in tho food olo.
meets of malt 150( 1110)'
rank 'above milk as an
Item of dint, and arn far
purer than most milk 10
Whoneity-dwellers get it.
Alters from ale in that
pa...tt 1,. wotee Oka
coffee) in Ma brewing
prances, and this makes
porter no nourishing that
ft is n real apocifie for
anaemic and run-down
Is (Ito rieltent and most
Atrongthening of mak
)aes; it contains nearly
Po much noutiohntent as
ITV., nod digests e001e1.
Thin peopie will find it
Wilds healthy flesh.
ERR*, need
w 4/a meals
and before
bedtime, inereases
digestive pc/we 1,
gets you 01001 5001(8
out of the food you
eat—and is itilttif a
41, Beer does not
contain enough al -
Cobol to react upon
the system— Just
enough to induce
the stomach to do
its -work better.
CI, Deer is not an
intoxicant—it is a
beverage wt.* deli-
almoet every
grown person,
As41, k yoitr own
doctor .-svhetlier it
wouldn't be good
for you and the
adults of your
*MOM le ..term vitticIt (Wren logot. otos, sorter, and ;teat;
ta tbo arson. or names Browors, MO. 40,511nor104
When a girl under 18 uses powder,
the effect it Very unpleasant. Powder
and paint seem to belong tc women who
have either had trooble or are looking
for it.
Prevent Dtscarcler,—At the first symp-
toms of internal disorder, Parmelee's
Vogetable sisould be resorted to
immediately. Two or three of these
salutary pellets, taken before going 10
led, followed by doses of one or two
pills for Iwo or three nights in sueces-
Sion. will serve as a preventive of at.
tucks of dyspepsia and all the discom-
k cis which follow in the train of that
fell dieorder. The means aro simple
when the way is known.
Give a little more than you promise—
ben don't promise too much.
STIM ULA NT to the stomach, thereby
aiding digestion. As a tonic foy
patients recovering from fevers gtnd alt
diseases lowering the vitality, It Is
Without a rival. At drug and gen.
Oral stores.
Few who ply the quill for a living
succeed in feathering their nest well.
Do Not Delay.—When. (enough de-
bilitated digestive organs, poison finds
it, way into the blood. the prime tors
slderat1on ie to get the poison out as
rapidly and as thoroughly as possible.
Delay may mean disaster. Parmeleds
Vegetable Pills will 1.4e found n most
valimble end eflective medicine to is.
sail the intruder with. They never
fen. They go nt once to the seat of
the tnmble and work a permanent cure,
Beni: Cashier—"This etheque, madam,
isn't filled in," madarn—"Isn't evalet?"
Bank Cashier—"It hes your husband's
name signed to it, but it does not state
how—"ohneli0110011,28,luisthatal?"‘IIVe11111,nIt'cl taMdaicaoamll
there is."
Quick ease for the worst cough—quick
relief to the heaviest cold—and SAFE
to take, even for a cbiid, gas
That is Shiloh's Cure. "1-4ure18
Sold under a guarantee egadhs
to cure colds and coughsisk, -colds
quicker than any other wo
medicine—or your money hack. 34 years
of success commend Shilob's Cure. 2510.,
50c., $1. 310
RE SktaatliatOLDIZTL coti•
nocial with a Stook einspatty in its book.
Keeping or business nanagemetit If BO, yoU
Should 5030008 7.110 Shareholders' and Dirootovr
itiantal,lapproyed of by the blinIster of Justice
and several Attorney Generals' tand for des-
erlasetre painselet. krleo 54.00, &howls, Rail Way
Nowelthunpany, 'Union Station, Terooto.
Teamed by any man ori boy at Irma Smait cost.
BS id to -day *020 .t wup for partioniam and proof,
U. A, 1.181411, lticon 616, MO linesville Aye,
ltriejAVIZ"11":77"11ttklgrItIrt 811
300 lights, first-class ceder. W111 be sole
cheap and must be gotten out 01 1110 suy
owing to 600-1ig11t machine taking its
place. S. Frank Wilson, 73 Adelaide
Street Wegl, Toronto'.
Buffalo melee, number tome 0-111111 Yee -
heel discharge, 24 inches high; perfect
condition. Superintendent, Tr11111 11011110
irag, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto.
Every bllernalol
l,1010500104 end +Mead know
atone the wonderrel
116 5
5* I'TliclWtsnatettii
lent I
MIt your druggist fog,
A retT11.81ggort,
05081811141817 8417,05
0( 0011 11184t10118
wi...6.Anr, one.
reenesu agents toe connote.