HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-11-7, Page 511 Largest and Best g eCENTRAL ,iTRAL f(//dWII, STRATFORD. ONT. llybeing the beet this School Into a !meanie alio largos business training Pelmet lu Western Ontario, Our en13 - ruluivnt again omuds that of a year ago, Why Y r t 1r am use our o c u sae 0 re tner1mlsheuofron 0 rboloal'Tu. 1;001Alt our grudnales obtain good post. ug nYhad Shorthand departments. toms. You mar enter NOW. Write 1,0 for our 1100 Oatclu6'ue. ELLIO1'T As MCLAOHL0N, O7. Principals. BUSINESS CARDS, r• Fl. McOBACKEN- V V leerier of Marriage Lioenoos. Of. Sae ut Gt0oery, Turuburry street, Brussels, WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES twee in the Post 01nce, Ethel. 804 CR,THA. C. ARMMSTRO 4G Io prepared to give lessons on Plano or Beed Organ. 'Perms on applioatioe. Pootollloe addross-llraseele. Reeidenee- Lot 0, Don. 18, Gray. Pupils may have Choir lessens at their own homes 11 preferred. MISS LAURA SPENCE Teacher of Piano or Organ ETHEL, ONT. MISS MARGARET M'LAUCHLIN TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared for the Toronto Conservatory of 1VIasic.. JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Company 011loe mud Residence - W.41 -TON, ONT, ROBERT CUNNINGHAMI 10489041100, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH, MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM PROPERTY Rate ot Interest 131 lortpar gaae oaut per annum, first h LIFE AND FIRE INS. AGENT Excelsior Life I»surance Company The Equity Fire Iusurauee Company All bueiuess attended to promptly, H. R. BREWER, J. P. OIork 4111 Divi Bion Court. AUCTIONEERS. 1..1'1 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • non, will sell for bettor prices, to bettor men, In lees time and loss obargee than any other Auctioneer in Emit Heron or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders Dau alwayabe arranged at this °lice or by personal application. ROBT. H. GARN!SS BLUJ4 VALE - ONT, • Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for at the oidoe of Tse Poem, Brussels. 22tf VETERINARY. A. CUNNING17AN1- k.A • Honor Graduaco of the Ontario Vet- erinary O011ege, is prepared to treat all die - 00000 of domeetloated annuals in a compet- ent1teauner. Particular attention pale to Veterinary Den Wary and 11101k Fever. Wills promptly attended to. Whim and Infirmary -Four doors North nt bridge, luruberry et., Bruoeele, 'Phone 4711 LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. A B. MACDONALD- t9.. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, late. Successor to O. F. Blair. Olne0 over Stan- dard Bank, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro. politer) Bank, 1'UT M. SINCLAIR- 1' o Barrleter, S0noitor, iOonveyavicer, Notary Public, &o, O1Soe-Stewart's Moult 1 boor North of Central lintel. 110110 for for the Standard Bank. ptiOUDF00'li, HAYS & BLAIR- BARRISTERS, BOTOI1iOl , NOTARIES PUBLIC, W. Pltomnsuo'r, R. 0. 11. 0, hero G, P. Ewan. 011loeu-1'beee formerly ououpiotl by Messrs Cameron& Bolt, OongnXOn, ON''Ailo. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD. DENTIST Graduate of .the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Fh'et•olaee BonOr Graduate of 'Toronto Univer1lty, 0010e 0011 to -Brewer% Photograph: Gallery, BRUSSELS, yLy�. GET THE BEST: IT PAYS a a Attend the Popular & PregregeiNe ELLIOTT TORONTO1 ONT. and b0 mnoa09611LY otlttaatad far 7t eehool00lilo. All gRradnatos of 11118 4,` soleal are obehe dem euro• ofielegetting 41 poOltio.,o, The demand 1B oonofder• t ably greater than the supply, Now 13 is an oxeolleut time to untol. Writs 11 far Catalogue, qt W.a en. flunLLIOT'P, Principal. by Con, YoNo v Annetatonn 8x00. , e Howson, on behalf of her iriende, with a beautiful ansa of elx inetrumonte, in stashes silver, ouob ae are used by nnf400 In their work. Mies 11011001 woo taken by eurprieo, but expressed per appreciation ot their Itinthy re- msmbraoeee. After refreshments had boo served, the ni0atiag broke up, with men), prayerful wishes for Mice How - 40100 0100000. and on Saturday ev0ning at midnight ells started on her long journey ot over 8,000 miles by land and 0000, Bella Bella ire 1100 miles North of coq u.v er Va P , A Situalion at tt good salary awaite every graduate of no Central Ninon CoIlaga Experience proves this positively, Enter ally time. Catalogue free, Write W, H, SHAW, Principal Yonge & Gerrard ate„ Toronto z tx�x:t aeras. lilteevealte. Rev, W. J. West M. A., hoe been build• in a cottage at the Lakeside. Mies Mabel Oliver is very low and her relatives have been summoned, L. and Mrs. Rattan have removed from Jamestown to Bluevale, We W010041e them. Mies Myrtle Denman, daughter of J. J. Denman, formerly of Bluevale, but ow of Edmonton, hag OOme t0 spend the Winter with ilaevale relatives. Edward Leech, who, 8100e leaving Bluevale hoe resided with hie daughters, Mrs. Pieklord, Waohiugtou, D. 0. and Mrs. J. Code, Trowbridge, is now ou a visit to Bluevale trieude, Mro, el. Blasters hod to be taken to London hospital and an operation per formed. Her many triennia will be pleased to bear that it woe su00eselni and there are proapeots of her recovery. 'Pialgrrx4ve. R. (lorley, stook breeder, chipped 21 thoroughbred sheep to L, H, Nell, of Loon. 0. W. Lawrence and hie daughter, Mre. Miller Proctor, were spending 'Phaokegiviog among friends in Buffalo. James Nichol has sold hie 100 ores, 7th 00n, Of Emit W0.wenomll, to John Pelle for $4,900. The farm is a very wood one. Mr. Niohol hoe parobosed the Wm. Palter farm, on the lot eon. of ,Morrie, near Bluevale station. It is a fleet -Mass property. The Ladies' Aid of the Belgrave Meth- odiet ohuroli met and appointed new of - firms whioh are ae follows :-Pres., Mre. Ohms. Granby t bee., Min Pearl Proctor ; Treas., Mre, 0. Wilkinson ; Additore, Mre. Thos. Prootor and Mre. Wm'. Clark. They have about $176 on hand. Mt. Wilkinson, who hoe been in the employ of R. Oorley for a couple of years, has engaged with L. H. Nell, of Loan, broader of thoroughbred stook, where he will be in charge. Mr. aim Mre. Wilkinson and family left on Moo. day 0f last week for their new home. About two yore ago they came direct from England to Mr. Corley's. To cheek a cold quiakiy, get from your druggist some little Gaudy Oold T'ablety cailedPreventioe. Druggists everywhere are now dispensing Preventiae, for they are not only aide, bet doeidedly certain and prompt. Prevention ooutain no Winne, no laxative, nothing harsh nor swttening. Taken at the "sneeze stage" Prevention will prevent Pneuwonitt, Bronchitis, La Grippe, eta._ Herm the name, Preventioe, Good for feverieb ahildren, 48 Prevention 26 Dente. Trial Boxes 6 ate. Sold by ail dealers, bic1 illop There are three or four ogee mention- ed for the doming Quarter Sessions at Goderioh. Thomas Leeming had a bee on hauling aloy to raise theground around hie new et:Odeon. Gardiaer'e hay press le on the rounds pressing both bay and straw. They do the work by steam power. George Riohardeon is retiring from the farm and sold his stook and obattels ou Wednesday of fast week. He intends going to work in the pork factory in Stratford. The Ladies' Aid Sooiety of Bethel &hnroll gave an enjoyable evening. Tho program ooneieted of vocal and metra mental meta, recitations and- epochal', and an autograph guilt was gold by auo• tion. Total prooaede were nearly $20. There was a vary fair Drop in MoKillop this tmeon, wheat event about 80 bushels to the core, and Data, pare and barley about the same ; bay yielded over a ton to the more ; potatoes are very good and mangulde exoellent4 turnips are poor, Vi 1110h 1e about the only failure, Virlyttzloanl• Wiogham Flour Mille ate ruuuing day awl night, and ere 1200 barrels be. hind orders. Dr. Chisholm, M. P„ returned from Pie trip to the Woo6, ou Monday of last week, looking well. Mise Lorne Gordon has gone to Tor. onto, where she enters Grace Hospital for a coarse of training ae peoloselonal 1ar00. The EEeetltive of the Literary Society have obo.en the staff for the High Sohool Journal, whiob is to be edited weekly, and read at each meeting. The staff is as follows :-Editorin.ohief- Gordo n Dolman ' useiat001 t 7 our liete- Mise 0. CruiltehanitMiee R. Olegg, Roy Gallagher and J. Mitoheli. Min Bale, daughter ut Rev. W. G. and Mre. Howe,,n, left for the Mission Mede,, est 1301 a Belie, 13. 0., where she goes rle representative of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Sooiety of the Methodist Chords. Mies Howson goes prepared for her work by a fine course of training, She hoegraduated as a Daa00000s, and in addition i0 a proles. sioe el noree, having won the Gold model in the bourse, On her way, Mime How. con tarried a day or two in Toronto, taking leave of her many friends, She was invited to on informal gathering of leaders and niemboro of the Broadway Taberuaole, of which ehutoh else had C three A pro been a member ort syars. n gram of considerable variety was rendered, several short addressee by the S. S. Superintendent, President of League and others, recitations and 1110810 filling op the intervals, Mies Howaon Was invited to Mime forward, when Rev, P. W. Hill, pastor of the church, in a ( few well chosen remarks presented Mies MieH.lortee . The Thankagiying dinner in the Meth• odiet oburah Thursday evening was in every way a grand soon. The attend ante wad larger than on any previ.+013 o0 Oadletl Dud everything passed off very ppleaeanbly, Dinner was served in the basement of the church from 6 o'olook to 8 to about six hundred people, The menu included fowl, mettle of all kinds, salads and everything good. The pro gram whleh followed ooneietod at speech ee by Rev, Joliffe, of Olintoa ; N. Shaw, of Egmondvllle ; F, H. Larkin, D Rogers, pastor of the church, who ales Oiled the chair, and B. B. Gunn, M, P. Recitations by Mise Bart, elooutiouist of Gleuooe ; mote by the Imperial Male Quartette and by the Moir of the ollnroh A Bolo by Roy Wilks wee very well re oeived, and Mise 0 are Pickard gave an rxoeedingly pretty solo, being atcompan• 'ed by Mims Edna Pickard, violinist, The people of the ohuralt are to be con emulated on the exoellenoe of their en- tertainment. Ill' OIr&tips Lint A SERPENT. Steals through the system like a thief in the night. That's how catarrh ante Don't trifle with soh a scourge. Don't experiment with a doubtful treatment, Time and experience prove tbet Catarrh oso0e does mare, that it gives quick re• lief and go thoroughly deatroye the disease that it dies forever. Get Catarrh ozone in the Bret plaoe, and your ogre ie mewed. In 25e and $1 00 sizes at ail dealers and guaranteed in every case. Exeter. Richard Snell has purchased a lot from Mrs. Oboe, Snell on Andrew fittest and will build a residence thereon. Robert Sanders has returned (ram an extended trip through Western (Moeda to the Ooae6. He enjoyed the trip very much and i0 f0 exoet,ent stealth. Rev. S. Oleaver, M. A , D. D., ham baso noted to preuoh and Immure on the occasion of the James street Methodiet ollnroh onoivereary ou Deoember 16th and 16111. Hugh Speakman moved to the honse on Andrew street reosntly vacated by J. D. Atkinson, while Mre. F. Fisher has moved. into Mr. Speaknlan's house whiob she purchased some ten months ago. The needle woo suooemelully taken from the hand of Olifford Mellott. It woe found that the needle bad entered the hand eye first and had broken in halves the eye part remaining deeply imbedded in the flesh. John Salter unfortunately met with an ao:idera Monday Of lust week by whioh he euebaiuod_a broken collar bone. He wee standing on a ladder plotting apples et the home of hie ran, Martin, when the high wind amused him to lose his balance and fall to the ground, with ream! as above etoled. When the Stomeob,-Heart, or Kidney nerves get weak, then these organsalwoye tail. Don't drug the etomaob, nor stim• slate the Heart or Kidneys, That is simply a makeshift. Get a preeoription known to druggkete everywhere me Dr. Shoop'0 Restorative. The restorative is prepared expressly for the weak inside nerves. Strengthen these nerves, build them up with Dr. Bhaop'e-Reetorative- tablete or liquid -and see how quickly help will oome. Free sample test sent on regoeet by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Your health is surely worth thie simple teat. Sold by all dealers. t lin ton. Mre. Hillough and two children have removed to Glen Ewan, Sask. Rev. 0. 13. Gonne, ,during hie six yore" resideooe in town, bee oflkoi0ted at nearly one hundred Intimate. The 17th annual Olinton Gun Club Tournament took place here on Thnes• day and Friday of last week. Mre. R. Irwin and her slater, Mists Rkppey, will leave (shortly for California where they, propose to spend the Winter. D. Garvie met with a painful 0001 dent and it wee fortunate he was not eerionely injured. Ho woe pinking oppleo on the Sbanbury farm, Lender) Road, and fell nearly 25 feet, hurting himself internally, and severely sprain - tug hie ankle. Ghia! Wheatley has concluded hie duties ae foreman of street mod side- want9onelsuotion. In addition to the one-third mile macadam laid by hie staff, they laid down 18,740 feet of oemeut walk, maktog about thirteen miles of soh walks in Clinton. The Ladies' Aid of Wesley ahuroh will hold a "Fair of Nations" in the Tofu Hall on Thursday Nov, 21st. England fico 1 Ireland, nada Japan mid Sro t d, d, Ua p a United States will be represented by n00tioued ammo= and dishes, also a time 01aee program of national eongs, reading°, eta. The 'Young men's Bible Clan of On. bario Street Sunday School held their memi•annual oleotion of oifiuoro whiob reeultod ae follows: -Pres. Ed. Welsh Secy. trees„ Hartley Watts ; Convenor of Lookout Committee, P Ph m0t eel ' Convenor of Entertainment Committee, Oharlie Nem. The Clinton Thresher Co, are rushing to completion the new buildings and the machinery will aeon be in plaoe, The Iron Working Department is 54v76. --The Woodworkere 76x78, -The Boiler coon 40x124. -'Che Moulding room 40x 84. There etre akeo rooms for painting and storing in addition to several large sleds, The interest in lawn bowling is not dying out in spite of the lateness of the noon a game being played last Friday between a rink from Tor. MAO and it looal rink. A. 3, Taylor, president of the Vietbria Olub ; W. Bt Smith, enotlior member of the frame Dinh end thigh Martin, of the Thistle ()lob, were In town spending Thanks- giving Day, and the result wa0 a keenly retite:fed game and was ale. follow° 1 Termite, Clinton, J. L. bonrnie°, Br, Shaw, H, Martin, W. 3, Stevenson, W, B, Smlth, C. E. Dowding, A, J, Taylor, sli,.11 W. Jaokeon, ek,.14 iniINGER SEWING MACHINES ARE THE BEST i Machines may be seen at iMMCKAY & SHAW'S Hardware 1' S IH. �1U a 131 t1 Se , Easy payment H tlt(m may be arranged for. I also Handle the Nordheinl- er Piano. S. CARTER, AGENT The tonal poultry ae000iation i0 erring fug for a debate for the near future, sob• jeot to be "Reoolved that thorn' bred tows give more returns for money expend• ed than do neougr016." The 17th animal tournament of the (Muton Gnu Olub closed 00 Friday with target events. There was a good attend- ano0, en inoreaee over previous years, lbs trade wee represeuted by E. G. White of Dupont Powder Company, Wilmington, Delaware ; H. Holford, Dominion Oartridge Company, Montreal ; H. H. Stevens, V. M. 0. Company, New York ; Mr. Johnuot Dominic% Oartridge Oompeny, Montreal ; W. A. Smith, Sampville, representing Rod and Gun wee also present. The programoousietod ot 10 eveute of 20 targets each, high average among the professionals was won by H. H. Stevene, with 176: Among the amateurs Fred Galbraith, Ridgetowo, won bigb average with 177. The follow Ing ars the total 0coree of those who shot through more than seven events. F. Galbraith, 177 ; W. A. Smith, 161 ; R. Day, 163 ; H. H. Stevens, 178 ; 11. G. White, 175: J. E. Oanlelon, 150 1 J. E. Hovey, 163 ; Mallory, 162 ; Morrison, 1.65 ; Kerr, 157 ; Hartliob, 168 ; Raiford, 94 ; J. Trtbuer, 142 ; W. Holmes, 148 ; b`. Tribuer, 180 ; J. Dodds, 126. Term Oatarrrh treatments are being mailed out free, on request, by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wie. These tests are proving to the people -without a pen• uy's coot -the great value of thie 0oieu- titin prescription known to draggiets everywhere ae Dr. Shoop'e Catarrh Remedy. Bold by all dealers. 1,1..110 w el - N. R. Bamford, whose health has been impaired of late, underwent an operation for appendioitie on Tuesday morning of last week, the operation being euooeeetol. ly performed by three ot the local pby tfiafane. He ie now progressing favor. ably. R. R. Hay has booght Mre. U. Stook- tou'e 16 0orea at the Eaet end of the town whioh now gives him 150 &area in the block. Mr. Hay's farm is one of the finest in this section, the buildings, wire fencing and everything about it being right up•to-date. • Ellsworth Bolton, D. L. S., and his assistant have returned home from the Clay Belt in New Ontario, where they spent the peat season surveying the townships of Hanna and Reanme. Mr. Bolton Paye the season was an normally wet one in Northern Ontario ; however, they completed their survey, whioh OOv- ered 4,600 aures, and - included 11 small lakes. He speaks highly of the future prospeote of that section as an agrioul• rural dietriot and gays there are a good cony settlers already in there and doi0g well. The Listowel and Atwood deer hunting party lett on Wednesday of last week to spend a fortnight in the Parry Sound distriot, in the vioinity of Ahmia Lake on the Magaoetawau. The party ie larger than usual this year, and should bring home a good number of deer. The following oinerode have gone :-J. Living atone J. A. Hooking, A. St. G. Hawkins, P. J. stone, A. Daum, W. Morris, G. Bait!), T. Haddow, T. Mayberry, J. Sanders, 13, Graham, R. Walker, S. Peebles and J. $lamp. "SI11000" FOR YOUR IIEAD,l011 E. Aeoertain its cause and the core isn't hard to find. Look to the Romani' and bowels. Aren't you constipated, isn't your liver sluggish, isn't the etomaob tailing in Pte mission 7 What you need le the cleaning tonic 1dfiaeloe of Dr. Hamilton's Pille. Their effect is last. tug because they aid all the ailing or- gana, flush ant all unhealthy matter, and tone op the stomach. With Dr. Hamilton's Pille your etamaob gate a ohanoe to recuperate, and dose 6o quiok• ly. For real buoyant health use Dr. Hamilton's Pills regularly. 26e per box at all dealers. odorioh. Mr, Holman, of Monotou, N. B., has leased Victoria Opera House. The Ladies' Aid of the'Beptiet ohuroh will hold a birthday party on Thuredoy, Nov. 14th, Dr, Emmerson ltao removed to the hadaome roeidenoe he purchased trom Mrs. Halls, opposite Se. George's church. Wm. Acheson happened with an au• fortunate accident at one of hie now hone. He tripped and in tailing ebruek the kneeoap end irootured it. F. Davis, Thoe. Roney and John Galt have returned from their boating trip in the Rainy River Dietriot. The 'shooting grounds were about 850 milts N orth waeb from Fort rt William,two whi h wag cove d t' hundred of o w re by rain, the rest by steam lauuoh and canoe. This is supposed to be 0118 of the best moose counties in Oanada. The party shot two fine bulla, bringing home nearly 1600 pounds of meat. A deputation from the town of Gode. yield which went to Ottawa on glaeeday. of 'Peet week -to interview the Hon, Wm, Pugsley, the new minister of public works, with reference to the need of the approaohee to the Goderi011 harbor being pub in better slaps, re- turned to town on Thursday afternoon, The deputation oonsieted of Mayor Elliott, Reeve MoLeau, W. L. Horton, W. Proudfoot, i1. 0., and they were a000mpenked by Robert Reims°, of Olinton, the Liberal etandord•bearer for Wort Huron, and by Preoidonl hell, of the Guelph Junction Railway. The deputation interviewed both the minister of public works and the cluketer of railways and urged the ineooaoity of put. ting the submerged outside breakwater in shape and extending it 90 58 60 Mahe the harbor more in reality what it is in name, a harbor of refuge, and ciao '0 matte it a better harbor for the a000ne• modalion of the inerea0ing 0m0uut of commerce, more oopeoially lit the trane• obrpu,ent of groin, whioh to gamier.; thio way, or which ie likely to Dome thio way on a00ourtt of 1110 0. P. R oonneotion. The melnbere 01 the deputation feel sali0Bed that their interview will bear fruit, A me' tint; of the direotora of 018 Goderkth i3orlioulbarul Society wag held at which farther delallo were or. ranged in 0onneotion with the County e lk kbit. Fran Met alt 0 y Bl t 1100 e eleoted as oneof 01000who will 0r• range the exhibits of fruits here and et the Provincial show, and Oleo have charge of the display there, and Sore - tory Lane or some other member of the local society will ueeiet him on the several deem of the exhibition. The Seator1b Horliaultnrtol Sooiety ie being asked to °cleot one of their number who will moist in the work -al assorting and preparing the display. The Star says ;-The Attrill estate being offered for sale i0 the ethane of a lite time for the 0. P. 11., or some 00m. pally or private individual, to mob out and more the park porton or the whole of the property. There is not a better location in the Dominion for a Sommer resort than at thie point. Easy of armee, well wooded, eloping books, exoellent bathing bottom, and everything that goes to make it impeller to many seashore reeoree. The plane would prove a valaable annex to God oriels, and the investment could barely be otherwiee than a paying one to the 0. P. R. They have some others that we oonfidentiy ammo do not pay 80 well as this proposed one would. SAYS IT 1S 1A(y ). The Post Confirms Guarantee on Hymnal, Cure For Catarrh, The question having been raised ae to whether or not the money will be refund ed it a Hyomei outfit does not do all that ,ie olaimed for it in airing catarrh, Taz Posy wants to state positively that this guarantee i0 an absolute fact. A guarantee like this f0 the beet proof that can be offered as to the onrative powers of Hyomei in all catarrhal troubles, Yon d0 not riale a cent in test. ins ite healing virtues. It you have catarrh, try this wonderful medioobed ale of Hyomei. It does nob drug or derange the etomaob, but ie breathed through a neat pocket inhaler that comes with every outfit, so that its medication reaches the most remote air cella in the nose, throat and -lunge, where any catarrhal germs may be larking. It quickly destroys them, heals and soothes the irritated mutinous membrane and vitalizes the tissues fro that catarrh ie no Iooger possible, You can lose nothing by giving Hyomei a trial, nothing but the catarrh and thatisa good riddance. We positively guarantee Hyomei, for should you buy a complete oo00l, priors 91.00, and be dissatisfied with results your money will be refunded. Hyomei is sold by druggists everywhere. Write for literature. Booth's Hyomei Oo., Buffalo, N. Y. Miles Yoko states that be will remake in the field as a Mayoralty oandidate in Toronto. The City Oonnoii deoided to ask the Government to iaveetigate the coal alma• time in Toronto, Mr. Barmen hats resigned hie seat for Labelle and will contest Belleahaeee fur the Quebec Legislature. The R. Leader & Sou planing mills on Bartlett avenue, Torooto, were dee. troyed by Bre Monday morning, F. B. Polson, Preeideot of the Polson Iron Woke, died suddenly at bie reef. donee, 0 Beaumont road, Toronto. From Whom are You Going to Buy ? From a reliable Bern where yon 000 what you are getting or from some agent who don't know one kind of Granite from another and cares only for his aomenissiou ae agent 7 We employ no agents and guarantee all our work for five years, u il`1 neer 01 11 5 5 IC e Heart Strength e��Ce�P11CCS Beginxling Saturday, Nov. 20d, we will, to cash buyers, reduce the prices on the following lines of Goods ;-- -Single Harness reduced for cash. -Men's Pebbled Loather Leggings, raga- --Blankets reduced for cash. Jae price $1.75 and 92.00, roduoed to --Robes reduced for eaeh. $1.50 cash. -Whips reduced for cash. -Men's Leggings, split leather, regulsr -Trunks reduced for anal. prior $1.50, rednoed to 91.86 per --Satchels and Gripe reduced for Dash. pear cash. t'Please remember the prices are reduced on the lines mentioned here only -and for cash. Three Sets Second-hand Single Harness for Bale at the following prides :-One Set at $3,26 ; One Set extra value at $3.76 ; One Set, great bargain at 94.50, Boort Strength, or Boort Weakness, me400 Nerve t9treugth, or Nerve Weakness --nothing more, Pos. 'ttiyely, not one weak heart inn Hundred 10, Mit. moll, actually diseased. It is almost always a hidden tiny little nerve that really is ell at fault. 'This obseuro nerve -the Oardlao, or Heart NOrvo •-sssmply needs„and must have, more power, morn istability, more oontrolling morn governing Istrengtit, without that the tioart must continuo to fail, and the stomach and kidneys also have these same controlling nerves, This eloarly explains why,os a medicine, Dr. IShoop's Restorative has in thpast done so numb' :for weak and aitingllemrts. Dr. Shoop Orstsonght the ca040 of all 1111s painful, polpltetting, Ba tarot. Ing heart distress. Dr. 9hoop's Restorative -thio :polder pro3erlptloll-is alone dir0Oted to these 'weak and wasting nerve centers, It builds; ;It.otrengthons; !betrays rent, genuine heart help, R YOU would hays strong hearts, strong' els 's*,strengthen dgten these :nerves - re-establish ut o Dr. how s estorative ,v"tia. v''�,,,sr, "ALL DEALERS" L C. 1 chards DON'T f}t !SS Th E CHANCE 2nd -hand Buggies A few First-class Second-hand Buggies, both Light and Heavy, fur sale cheap at our Show Rooms - Some Real Bargains. New Buggies Rubber Tire Rigs, both Cushion and Pnieu- matic Must be sold to make room for our large display of °utters and Sleighs. Ewan NATIONAL ' . �'yi ur Mills Roller F Every good house -wife knows how necessary it is to have good Flour to`lnake her Bread and Pastry palatable .- White Loaf Flour possesses all the qualities that go to make a nice, white, spongy loaf. Once you have used this brand you will want none other, CHOPPING 5 CENTS PER BAG t� All kinds of Feed kept constantly on baud. f ♦ J..7 -SL.. R. A. P,..FY. l!Y NE BRUSSELS PPI n mmtenumainsemnurenninanionsmaimennissittio te BRU SELS EIIAPBATOR 30 Cents per Bad willbe paid. for Good 1. reelinglee pP for m 0110$aid 15o �' ll oa Small CUNNINGHAM, P oppriotor