The Brussels Post, 1907-11-7, Page 4iatteetioned. Angola will have to iotro. (Titre trit$5,4P V•1 -1:41i deer) new era of Government menage - merit auct prove to its eubjeoto their pur pose and desire to make arneude anti thereby tiouniliate and ooneeptrate the.' widely diverse (nOtions and endeavor to blend them lute a nation of freemen rather than eerie who have ouly been held lo subjeation by ootiroion. "Whet - waver a men soweth Wet shall he also reap" hats beau very forcibly and terribly repreeented in Resale. THURSDAY, NOV, 7, 1907. IV the Poatofilee Department can pile up oredit Warms the way it has beau doing it le ahem time the postage wee etruek off the newspapers of the Dons. 0011110/1M11 election rebates in the 000868 bye election in North Weliing• ton gives Mr. Martin, the Liberal can, didate, a majority of 863. He is a brother to the late member. THE New Yoekers' nosegay -the trial of Harry Thaw -is set for December 2n6. His new Attorney hes climbed the family tree and will attempt to prove, and may auooeed, that there is a crazy etreak that Harry Thaw comes by honestly. If he had not been a millionaire he would like- ly have been in hie oofda months ago. PSOPLE who are aapposed to know say it is reseinte to tell the time of day by the eye of a oat, watching the contraction and expansion. We are not sure about that but the hour of the night is some. Smell demonstrated by the voioe of the feline and not a few are known to take it as a pall to arise from their downy oonob, at least long 1000813 to shy the bootjack at this It OW0100018 alerts ()look. "TEDDY" ROOSIYVELT, the well known President of the United States, will have a large following if he will aooept the uomination for another term 18 the White House. His methods of dealing with crooked things are demooratio, draetio and often dynamic). The world requires more men of 1218 type as leaders. He may have his faults' and failures but he is aleo poeseesed of virtues not easily superseded. A DRAMNBTRATION le being arranged for Opposition Leader Borden, who has returned from his trip to the Weet. 18 will be bald in Ottawa on Nov. 27112, be amount of enthusiern enkindled on his reoent tour will not cat mnah of a fierce at the cleat general election 17/8 trow. lila Borden ie 88 very nioe map but he is Inking to a large degree in the very eesential qualifioation in a a leader of making people cheer. P88228 million bushels of wheat is the estimate for the Province of Sae. katobewan for the past harvest. There wee nearly two million aoree under crop so the average yield is baSed on about 15 bushels to the aore. Last year the yield was plaoed at 21 boaliele to the sore and a return of thirty five million bushels. Bad weather ie held reopens. ible for the demease but the inoreaeed price on the market is looked forward to as a means of rectifying the drop in quantity. 80,000,000 is en anemone orop for Saskatehewito to handle. THE Dominion Parliamentary arena will lose oeoeiderabie 08 118 puguaoity by the going out of Ur. 1311ra08e. who ie eseking entrains to Quebec, Provinoial Liielitture. 01 000088 there are a few notables left yet who will be able to pat oil the fireworks in his absence) bot they may not reoeive et) much newspaper attention. Men are not elected to Parliament to agnate valuable and ooebly hours but rather to advanoe the eornmon weal of the Dominion. Canada ie bigger than any of the petty equabblee that sometimes weepy weeks of a session. TIM word dynamite will be written indellibly on the memory as well as the bank aocoont of the Michigan Central railway as Judge Riddell maimed them the tidy stun of 025,000 for .366818880888 In handling the oar et dynamite which reoently exploded at Essex town in Essex Oo„ Ont., ;musing suoh deetrue- kion. The elop8 eum is outside the large Rune paid or to be banded over as damagee for loss of lite and property. It was an expermive oar toed to the M. 0.11. The Co, have followed a very manly, amass eines the tiooldent end thereby roads many friende. QUITS a number in East Huron talk of attending the Fat Stook Shove and Winter Fait at Guelph early in Deoem. ber, The return trip ie Ocimpaosed (81 single tare on the railways and a nnett• berebip ticket from Eaat Huron Femurs' Inetitute, which (mete 25o, will admit the holder to the 'marine 888810120 ot the Fair free. The instruotiort imparted, bath theoretioal and preatioel, is of great value and ie of a abaraoter that may be utilized in every day life. Meek down the deka; and arrange to go to Guelph for one day at least. If you oan make an exhibit of live stook all the better. Pope old Russia, her cup of bitterness ie still hell, Lest week a nontiogent of bee ballots mutinied at Vladivostok and turned the gene of their ehipe on the forte, The mutineers waived their death Otero in reepones from the shore. If ever a hation 6906 ealled Rion to reap the whiilWind the ()zee oould likely name it without doing =eh gueasing. Retribu- tion may goinetitnes appear lotig delayed tent its oertainty of arrival need not be „Telex play Imola a streunotte type of football in Illinois that the deen of the Kankakee Co. Bar IMO aeked for an in- junction prohibiting the game ae 128 denominatea it prize fighting. It would not require a big etretab of imagination 80 88880028 that the Rngby variety was properly named by the dean. As soon es auy kiud of athlettes develops bite brutality 18 18 time for the prohibition of such sport. "Out for blood" often means treaty all that eau be rea.d iu-t0 the 88- pres8iou and 'the rougher some of the games are the better pleased appear some of the unlookere. The Ten Oommandments Of The Blisiness World. Firet-Thou shalt not wait for Ronne. thing to turn up, but thou shalt pail off thy coat and go to work that thou =yet prosper in thy affairs and make he word "failure' spell "stmeges." Seeond-Thou ebalt not be content to go about thy Imeinese lookiug like it bum, for thou ahoulddt know that thy personal appearauce is better them a letter of recommendation, Tbird-Thou shalt not try to melte ex. 00880, nor shalt then say to those who obide thee, "I didn't think." Fourtb-Tbou shaltnot wait to be told what thou shalt do, nor in wbat manner thou shalt do it, for thug nuty thy days be long in the job whiob fortune betb given thee. Fifth -Thou shalt not fail to maintain thine own iutegrity, nor shalt thou be guilty of anything that will lessen thy good respect for thyteit Sixth -Then shalt not covet the other fellow's job, nor bie ealary, nor the post. thin that he bath gained by 1218 0698 bard labor. Seventh -Thou shalt not fail to live within thy incense, tier shalt thou °en- treat any debts when thou tenet not see thy way clear to pay them. Eighth -Thou shalt not be afraid to blow thine owe burn, for he who faileth to blow his owu horn 68 8888 proper owe• don findeth nobody etaudiug ready, to blow it Inc him. Ninth -Thou shalt not hesitate to Bay "No" when thou meanest "No" nor shalt thou fail to remember that there are times when it ie athlete to biud thyself by a hasty judgment. '38u113-Thua shalt give every man a eqaara deal. This ie the last and great oommendment, and there is no other like unto it. Upon this oommandment Ming all the law and the profits of the Matthew, world. 1T IMPARTS STRENGTH, jest think of the enormorm etrengtben ing power Ferrozone puesessea,-oom eider what it did fur H. V. Potter, well known in Kingstou 1-"I wan sebjeat to spells ot clizziueee. For eight months I had intense pain iu nay right side be %wean the aboulders. I wee almost in. curable with weakness and look of vigor. Often I scarcely ate any break fast and felt miserable all day. Mery one, easily exotted, troubled with bean weakness, 1 was in bad shape. Fee rezone restored and uonriehed me back to bealtit in short order." Whatever your weakness may be Ferronne will oure, Pelee 50o per box at all dealers. NOVEMBER FORECASTS. A regular etorm period, whiob is oen teal on (hitcher 81st will have 118 0016210 acing stages ou and tonabitig the and and 8rd of November, The storm diegram shows that a Mercury period oovere the first week iu the month and teat 9. regular Valoan period elende with the Mercury period np to the 4th. The aeroary iniluenoe will dominate weather oonditiona up to about the 8th, so the% dieturbed, oloarly and disagreeeble weather will be natural even after the close of the regular Vulcan period. General autumnal rain atorme with toutibes of lightning sod thauder to the Soethward 8,111 oeotre on the 8rd, pos. eibly touolaing the 2nd and 4th in their formation and progreee from Weet to Best. The barometer will most likely remain low and the temperature high as we pans into the next storm period, A reaotionary etorm period ie central ou 8138 5812, 83181 and 7112, having 69 80 aci- ditiouttl camas of acorme end other die- turbanees tbe conjunotion of the Moon with Earth and Sun on the 611) to the 7th -that mine will turn to eleet and snow, generally, to the Northward, with rising barometer, obange to polder end very stiff to dangerous gales from the Northwest, especially in all 'the regions of the gteet lakes. Mark this warning. Tendency to seletnie perturbatione, generally will be at it maximum for ti period of five deya central on the 5th. The Moon is at extreme South declination on the 9th, and this fest will oanse a oontinuanos of Oold atmospheric eorrente from the North until we mime under the infinenoe of the test etorm period. A regular etorm period le tumbrel on the 12ili, extending from the 10th to the lath. This period will pase its orisie from Tuesday the 12th to Friday the letb. Change to warmer, falling bai- ometee and olotuliness will appear in Western seotione by the loth and llth, followed promptly by Autumnal storms, bat thet88 attains will grow in extent and intensity as they page ovtir the country from 'Weet to Beat, reaching thole climax in central to Besteen mations trots the 12012 80 15112, There is little room for doubt that the tionjunotion of any &met with the earth aucl enn exeitee the mag. natio and eleotrio etrain or bond between the stm end planete, but alio ie etipeoial- ly true when Venue er Mercury le pegg- ing between earth and Bun, Hence the inferior ootionotIon of Meronry et ft traneit node on the 14th, it le reannable 10 68002188, will add to the porturbatione -az:tea:es Cur?o czndruff Why? Because it is annoying, untidy. And mostly, because it almost Invariably leads to baldness. Cure it, and save your hair. Get more, too, at the same time. All easily done with Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved formula. Stop this formation of dandruff I Does not change the refer of the hair, worinulo with 000k bottle y 41::28your tiers doh him obont it, then do /mho .7. The new Ayer's Hair Vigor will certainly do this work, because, first of all, it de- stroys the germs which are the original cause of dandruff. Having given this aid, nature completes the cure. The scalp is restored to a perfectly healthy condition. —Undo by the 6.0. darey 00. Iowan, Meas.-. of earth and toilet/rug Thursday tbe 14112, Tbe Moon being on the celestial equator on the 19th, the probabilities are that storm conditione may be prolonged over 11186 (1918, with only moderate obange to temperate mid barometio preseure, 4. reaotionary atoms period falls on the 1803,19th aud 20113, embracing moon in oppoeition, or fall Moen on the 19th. This period will bring falling barometer, with corresponding ties of temperature, followed promptly by oloudinese, rah) and possibly snow. The full 63oon periode,and those of the new moon As well, are tiroes when eeiamio shakes are far more frequent. They are also timee when gales are more certain and severe on the lakes and North Atlantio. All this le eepecially trne about the month of November. Change:to much oolder will rush down from the Northwest about the 19th to 22nd. All who have observed eloeely have seen that maximum of rough and stormy weather over all the great lakes ie reached almost invariably in November. .A. regular storm period extends from Friday the 22nd, to Tneaday the 26th. Is is central on the 25rd, the moon being at the same time at extreme North de. &illation. Daring this period look for marked depression of the harometir, higher temperature and more rain, turn• ing to ...now Nprtb and West about the 23rd, 24181 and 25th. But for the p000881. 88 of Jupiter aud Saturn periods, thie atom period, and in fact all the periods io November, are comparatively free from combinations of etorm canna, Notwithstanding it will be the part of prudence to anticipate thine disagreeable, if not foroefel. Autumnal storms be- tween the 28rd and 25112, High barom• etar and change to wider, frost and freezing will follow the dieturbanoe of this period. 4. reaotionary storm period ie oentral on the laet •three days in the month. Thie period will reach its crisis on the 50881, the date upon whioll the moon uremia the milestittl equator, going South. ward. Atmoepherio tides, like ocean tides, will follow the moon io its dealing - trona North and South. Hence the storm periods in whiob the MOOD is moving South of the equator, are much more liable to be followed by ohange to oold, boreal conditions, ae the atmospher. itt ourrente tend from North to South brioging 'the, Oold oat of the North," As a rule the tempera. tare of etorm periode does not change to colder with the moon on the equator. Eleetrioal Ammo, even in Winter, are much more liable in storm periods at snob times. Hence November will go out with rain, abd poeeibly lightning and thunder in many places (deathward, with rising barometer and rapid ohmage to much oolder heading down from the Northward with the inooming of Deoem bar. Upon the whole, November promis- ee to be an average month for all ex- posed and out -door imerests. Mnoh fair aud open weather will alternate with storm periods. The rainfall will be light. TREF A.11,8 FAILED. Many have tried to deivee a corn onre equal to Putnam's, but after fifty years nothing has 00111e upon the market that so painlessly aurae corns and warts. Don't experiment, nee the beg!) and that's "Putnam's." kiivete. Mrs, J. G. Ereigh spent Thankegiving with he daughter, Mre. A. E. Bradwin, at Galt. Mre, (Rev.) MOLean, of Goderiob, was visiting with Mts. Alex. Elder, and pal. ling on bee old friends. St. Andrew'e Lthuroh Anniversary was held on Sunday, Nov, Brd, with Rey. D. Peoria, of Wolgham, as the special preaoher. The Franeis Firth Co., who gave One Of the best entertainments avec listened to by a Blyth audience'will appear bore again on Nov, 26th, under the anapioes of the T. 0. 0. F. As Councillor John Barr, of Hallett, was driving into town eome boys were shooting with an air gen at the South end of the village when a shot etrnok Mr. Barr on the ohin, wl,ioh oeoeed It to bleed quite freely. Gomm Witnnrso.-Tneeday ot last week was the 50th or Golden wedding anniversary of our old friends, Hugh and Mrs MoQuareie, o Blytb, of whit% 47 yeare have been spent in the village. Mr. MeQuarrie wee born in Perthshire but spent Inie younger years and learned the trade of blitekemith In SterlIngebire. He eatne 00 thio otnantry when about twenty yeere of age and raided in Halton County, near Milton, where he Weenie acqueinted with Aliso Sarah MaCtowen, his partner through life. They were married in the Beene' Presby. tering manee on Oct, 29th, 1857, by Rev. M, Geikie, The fleet trip to Blyth to visit the bride's beothere, the MeGowan boya, was mode by tide. ibfii bat/ when than oame to 881118, these yams litter in 1860, the train ten to Clinton. Mr, McQuarrie bought the fawner lot where the Bank of Handl ton and S. H. Gidley's 158008 6069 stenda, and the Mime adjoined, where tte the VIltage einithy be lived for Molly yeers, 6612810 1802117 conarete of 4 sons, (201388 PO 311 11108 111 ItlitIneften ; 11obt, to Olantvilliana and Ambit. in Wirmi, peg), and two deughtere (Mrs. Dunber of 'roam, hlre. Babb, of Teedweter.) Maggie and Mary, two daughters,died tedne yews ago, Mr, MeQuarrie 1578 was 88 Coonoillor and neld office the followitig year ; he wee also See, eatery of the Agrioultnral Sooiety for over 20 years. Li 'Auguio be linseed 40 years as Treethrer of the Ulnae Canada Bible Sooiety, end over 26 years as Superiutendent of St. Andrew's Ohurob Sunday Hohool. 14 yeare ago lie retired from native work. Owing to the family being tio far away only Mts. Babb wao peueent at the anniversary. WIIEN CHILDREN Alta; SICK. They eat something that disagrees, oatell oold, have orampe or collo. It there ie pain jost apply Nerviline-it's good to rub on, and for the inside it's most eoniforting. Effeotive and pleasant, you, emelt. Bud 0. houetibold pentmea to equal Polaoitai Narviline. Bead with satisfaction for half a century and 18 better demend every day beeauee it doee stop pain, ease suffering and more the 11308388606 and one ills that constantly arise in the family. Dirge bottles at all dealers for 25o, Biollera w or LB . Weenie° 13E1,w-4.t twelve Q'o'ook noon, Thursday, Oot, 81st, at the reel drone of the bride's parente, James and Mre. Elliott, lelolesteorth, the mar riage took place of Mae Mary Elliott to Allan Mitchell, both men:there of 69811 8880590 familise of the distriot The ceremony wae performed by Rev Mr, Burnett under a beautifully deourat ed Groh of evergreens aud l tbe preemies of over one huudred and twenty guests, nearly ell relatithe of the ()entreating parties. The bride's gown 8668 of white Panama, daintily trinamed, and her going.e.way stilt was of brown chiffon broadoloth. 16138 oarried a bouquet of aregM roses, blies Nellie Elliott, sister oi the bride, was bridesmaid and car- ried pink roses and smilax. A. niece 02 8138 bride, Miee Ethel Sangeter, wee flower girl. 161188 338188 E. McRae played Mendelesolan's Wedding Maroh at the oeremony. The groom was supported by hie brother, Edward Macbeth Lunoheon was Reeved to the gueete the dining room, and after reooiving hearty congratulations and good wishes Mr, and Mre. alitobell left for a short wedding toot. On their return they will take op boneekeeping in Molesworth. -- NOTABLE MEDICAL DISCOVERY. Of Special 'Value to Many Here 111 Brussels. The progeesa made in medicine during the lest few plate has been ae a whole general rattier then speoifie. Ona of the most notable dithoveries and one that undoubtedly appeals more than auytbing elee to many people here in Brueeels ie the oombinetion of stomaela remedies in the Mi o na treatment. This preeeription has worked wonders, and there now is no excuse for anyone ant. faring with indigestion or weak etoinaoh. It note specilioally upon the mneoles of the etornaoh and bowels, strengthening and stimulating them so that they readily take oars of tbe food that is eaten. It also itioreiteee the flow of gastric juices, thus getting from the food the uouriehment that is necessary for health end energy. The symptoms of indigeetion are num (moue, nub as distreee after entitle, flatulenoe, beart•burn, shalt headaches, dizziness and irritebility. Theee are all dispelled by 4 few d, sea of 88110 08 when the trouble is reeent, but just as surely as in tong standing and °brow& ammo if the treatment is followed for a reasonable length of time. Do not think betianee of the glad; benefits derived from the nee of 1i o•ne that it ie merely a temporary agetil, 11 ia a remedy diet onres by making over the weak etomaoh into a strong one. Mi o-na is sold by druggists every- where for 50 Dents, and we poeitively guarantee to refund pier money should you pure/lase a box and be dissatisfied with remits. Write for free sample, addressing Booth'e Box 977, Buffalo, N, Y. The death rate in Ontario during Sep' tember was 12 9 per 100. Boat York Conservatives nominated Alex. hieClowen for the Legislature. Two storehousee of the Grenadier Ioe Oompany, Totonto, were destroyed by fire. An Indle,n, his wile and son were found murdered near Fifteen mile L,ke Alberta. aseaage • 19586809 Riddell t 8 judgment ordered ztret, that the Miolligan Centrel ReitrOail pity a fine of 026,000 111 emineetion with the recent explosion at ldaerx. Itiagietrete Lowden deolded to send the moos of Rev. 0Ierenoe and Mre, Howland, Samuel mei Mre, Ryntx, elleged spieitualiate, to a higher oourt. Mrs. aphis Adam of Pattun, Wee fatelly blamed by tbe explosion of a lump and Mrs. Weltere, of East Whitby, aged 88 years, leetther by her ()lobbing Brussels Salt Works baking are, :Verniers or Storcheepeis by coming to the A Riesling (mulch, from any 011.006, te quickly °topped by Dr, Shoop'e Oougb tGliaarteDr. ASnahoiotpi8te19100 mhoat'hnie erenevT:df ywii8oRr to 5160 11 without hesitation even to very young babes. The wholesome green loathe and bander ateme of a lung•heal- ing mounteinous ahrub, furnish the ourative properties to Dr. iShoop's Cough Onre. It oalma the .30003, and heels the eore and seneitive bronchial membranes. No opium, no chloroform, nothing bezels used to injure or eupprese, Simply a reeinoue plent extract, that helps to heal aollitig lungs. The Spaniarde call this throb whioli the doctor twee "The Sacred Herb." Demand Dr, Shoop's. Take no other. Sold by all dealere, 3. D. Cholwill, a well-known Toronto hotel mem, is dead. Eight Toronto bakers have been suna• mooed for working on the Lord's Day. Firemau Robertson died at London from injnriee reoeleed in the exploeion at Newbury. Sidney Vinoenb, of Toronto, bad two fingers shot off at the sham fight in the Dundee valley, Harvey Graham aegistant manager of the Nova Sootin Steel Company, died at New Glasgow, N. S. Five new wireless etatione will be opened ontbe Pacitlio orient in January. Victoria station is reedy to work now. The French Treaty will be submitted to s Parliament of France an Nov. 28, the day for opening the Dominion Parliament, Mr, Bourses/Me resignation ot the seat for Labelle bee been received by the' speaker, and a writ for a new 81901100 is• sued. Horace Leadley was killed and Burton Dyes eariously hurt by the fall of a brink stack on the Mewville, N. S. Lum• her Oonspany's Tbe mail train from Petethoro' to Belleville was saved from going through a burning bridge by a b3), named Keegan who stopped the train within a few yards of the bridge. In view 01 1128 etringermy in the money market, Messrs. Mackenzie te Mann may not take immediate etepe to oarry through their proposition for a smelter at Ashbridge Bey, Rev, W. Nichol, B. A„ hes aooepted a 08811 80 Knox 'thumb, St. Marys, and was indetoted to the charge On 1.4tesday. The new ;stator is a reoent graduate of Tor onto University and Knox Oollege. He eneosede the late Rev. Alex. Grant, BC • MONTHLY ORSE FAIRS 3E3 RJIJ SS EI.S The Regular Monthly Horse Fairs will be held for the season ag foltowe: THURSDAY, It DEO. 5th, 1907 JAN. 2nd, 1908 6611, 1908 MAR. 5th, 1908 APRIL 2116,1908 Leading Local and Outside Buyers will be Present ^-• LiMe Tor Sale Just received a ear load of No. 1 White Lime. D. A. LOWRY BRUSSEL S. 1,f• 44. t .44 11 the Local and General 101/01/0101eileit'liMi'114,1Olirtititi1igi, • YOU ON HAVE ews THF BRUSSELS POST Containing all the Local News, and the TORONTO GLOBE Conluinil,g the News of the World anti tTecial Farm News Both from now to the end of the Year 1908 for $1.35 CASH El..,,,Iwsgswesayassalsrsamse•met Two Good Papers for 14 Months Each Any other Paper yon want at Cheap Clubbing Rates. LEAVE' )(OUP ORDER TO -DAY W. PI. IMRE, Banssfms can get any kind of It they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, Brussels. • Bodmin Lime Works, BELGRAVE Is headquarters for First -elm Lime. Write or Telephone A. Nicholson & Sons PROPRIETORS meet teems from lc dietance at Centre! Hotel, Brussels. ENTER ANY DAY Commerdial Correapondence among our students at Meehan), Clinton, Walkerton, Orangeville and Grade - rich. We have theorporated the counsels of our TWELVE BROADLY EDTIOATED, WIDELY EXPERIEN- CED TICAOHERS. Gregg Short- hand taught by a graduate of the Author, Zohu It, Gregg, Iudividual instruction, We invite comparison and close investigation. Our Mall Courses Tench You in Totir Own Homo. Write for partioulars., Wingham Business College Guo. SPOTTON, Principal Notice to Creditors In the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron, In the matter of the estate of Alexander McDonald, late of the Township of Grey, in the Comity of Huron, farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant le "The Revised Statuteof 013tario," ism, and amendments thereto all creditors and others haying elaima against the estate of the said Alexander MeDonald, who died en or abOnt the Fifteenth day of Oetober, 1007, are required on or before the Sixteenth day of November, A. D 1907, to send by poet, prepaid, or deliver to IV M. Stinnett., of the Village of Bromide, in the County of Huron, Solicitor for the PIxeentrix and the Execu- tor, A en Zama McDonald and Delman A. Mc- Donald, their Ohriettan and surnames, ad- dreuees and descriptions, the full pardon. Mrs of their claims, 6130 statement of their accounts and the nature 01 the securities (if any) held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Exeoutore 69111 proceed to distribute the asseta of the said deceased 002( 0031 the parties entitled thereto, having reaard only to the Maims of which 111183' shall then have notioe and that the said xecutors will not be liable for the said moats, or any part thereof, to 807 8581' eon or persons of whoee claim notic) aball not have beau reeetved by them at the time of such distribution. Dated this 28th day oi Ootoberos07. 17-3 W. M. SINCLAIR, Solioltor for the said Exentora. Notice to Creditors In the matter of 888 888888 of Thomas McLanehlin, late of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, gentleman, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to "The Revised Statintes of Ontario," 1897, and amendments therete that all creditors and others MMus claims agalnst the estate of the said Thome morxmoblia, wbo died on or about the 17813 day of October. 1907, are required on or before the 0011, day of Nov- ember, 1907. tit gond by poet, prepaid, or de aver to A. /3, lifitorloneld, of the Village of Brussels, Solicitor for Pater Suitt and Alex- ander Stewart jr„ Exeoutors of the estate, their Chriatian and surnitmes, addreesee and deaoriptione, the full partioulora of their Maims, the statemege of their ao- counts and the nature of the thouritden (if an)') bold by them, And further take notice that after mob lent mentioned date the mid Exeoutors wIll proceed to di etribut e the asseta of the said deeeased amongst the ',wetter; entitled thereto, having regard only to the Matting of which they Elba 1 thou have notice, and that the said lexecutore will nob be liable for the said astieta, or any 9901 8128,801. to any pot: eon or persous of whose claire notice shall not have been received by them at the time 01 613012 distribution, Dated 11310 09113 day of °debar, 19071 4 (3,018000800,8,0, 179 Solicitor for Executors, Notice to Creditors In the matter of the eetate of Alexander McIntosh, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Harem and Province of Ontario, farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given,pursuant to Revis- ed Statutes of Ontario, 3897, Chap. 129, and amending Acta that all oreditera and others having 8686 01861008 04111886 the comae of the said 'Alexander Montreal), who died on or anent the 7th day of Ootober, 1907, are re- quired on or before the 10th (ley of Novem- ber, 1907, to amid by pont, p1e98id,085 deliver to William Fraeer, of the 1 fetid Towethip of Grey, Mologworth Poet OfBee, one of the tht• 028888(8 of the eaid wants, their names end addreeses with 5m1 particulars 1, writing of their claims, the etatemeut of theit no - collets and the neture Of the aeon tit,e8 Of ,966) 1301,3 by them duly verified by ittlitlitylt, And notice is further given that atter the said last mentioned date the E.Xeoutore will 9000895 00 diatributo the assets of the deeeased absonget the parties ontttled there- to, baying regard only to the claims of which they shall then bay.) notioe and that the elimoutors win not be liable for the 8880t8,or aoy part tboreor, to awe 'imam) of whoth Mahn they, shall not then base notion mud all pergen 8 of whose el alma they than nob 0611 have 1108440 shall be exeluded ftom the benats of gaid.dlotribution Date0 tyle 8088 day of Ootober, 1007, ThlitERINN, of the Town of Lietowel, fu the County of 981813, 001101889 teethe lexecaterral Wi Ilan/ Frager, Jobe IftEWen and 101111 11-4 STOCK FOR SERVICE, 1.41033 SERVICII-THE UN— A: 1/1111810141111 will lump for serviee oil bot 17, Con. 0, Grey, a thoro' bred Tem - worth hog, Torino $1,00, to be paid at time of sundae, with privilege of refusing if incemittry. 11018111, MoDUNALD, Prop. 18-4 IMPORTANT NOTICES pUR E B.RED LEICESTER .J-101ora Lambs for sale, 181 89, Oen, 7, Grey. NOlital A. MILNE, 1481,81 18,0, 15 .1 rtOLT FOR SALE.—A GOO» N...) colt rising 3 vete aired by Texas Goy. Apply 80 81113014 It, ELLIOTT, box 81/, Bins. 8688, 80 Urabitin'e 6nrvy, 30011888389, 10,24 riwo HEAVY DRAUGHT Foals -a Pilly mini ;cialdiug-for sole. .0.8808 pigs ready for weaning. Lot 9, 000, 10, Gray, or Brussels P. 0. 19-11 L. BOLLINGER, rrEACHER WANTED FOR UN. _I_ ION S. B. No,11, Walton ; male or fe. male ; duties to 00111 1.8 01100 08 0808105 of gram' in loos, applieasions reeeived ue to 8009601b00 0111. dnutioants 80 Mate salary 88980880, Apply to THOS. FL BOLGER, Seeeretary, Walton P, 0, 15-4 CIUS ACRE LOT for sale-Alberb street,' comfortable home iu good repair. Small stable, good welt, *sixteen, die. Possession l00 time. For further partioulana apply on the premises bo fi. CRAWFORD, 13008081s. 48.11 pRICR STORE TO BENT BY February 1st -part of Smith Bleak. 22885 feet ; 2ed door from atnerioan Betel ; lately ',tied as tailoring and gent& furnish- ltg estublishment. For further partioulitre apply to DN. moliNLYNY, Brussels R01.T83E AND ACRE OF land ior sale. Comfortable dwell. Ing; hare and soft water 1111,180 008580 • top- ple, plum and 013 8107 trees, Ste. Posaeasinn can be Myth 81 0808, Vor 90180, 8801014, .818. call at ran POST. 5 HEAVY DRAUGHT COLTS 102 8AL8.-TW0 08 them are rising years and three ruling 1. year old, Two (a filly and a gelding) are bred by /loyal Park ; a, filly mut gelding by Seetland'e }lope, and 011y by Bursar. Apply oe .4 Lot 30, Con. 4, Morrie, to ALEX. MoL4ti1116L1N, Pro- prietor, or Brussels P. 0, 17-t1 1‹. 0. T. M. Brussels Tont of tbu glitcoabees; No. 24 hold their regular meetings in the Lodge Boom, klaoker Blook, on the let and. $rd ftilidlay evenings of each month Visitors always welcome. A, 13011N48, 00,,,, 8,88108811811101, 33.10, AI3M .IYOR SALE—BEING Lot 24, Coo. 10. Grey, containing 100 amps. 45 auras cleared and balance bard wood Math and Swamp. Good bolok Meuse with kitchen, driving abed and stable , good 198(1,tehard, So, plemises. Plano well feinted. Posses -Lou could be givuu niter crop is oft', For mailer pertimilars ex to Lot 24, Con. 14,Grey, or atheerieff .P. 0. price, giants, /40. 8991y 4No. 0. 1:40:101, 1.41OR SALE OR TO RENT.,--• A. 3128 006808388801 offers her 100 eon farm, being 1,01 20, Con, 7, Grey, for sale or to rent. Comiortuble Louth, bank barn, orchard, wells, Ike. Farm loonly 1018 mile from the stirring village of Ethel. For fur- ther partieumrs pply to P. S. Soot:, Brim - milk or &WS. RATE 1.1.01,LAND, 7 Peter Stt eat, Toronto, 87-31.1 WARM FOR SALE. -THE UN - 01111810N151) offere 111e180 acre farm for Bale, being 1,98 20, 701 Line, .8000010, There is 8 home hoine, batik bern aud bay house, 3 orchards and a never -tailing apring. Farm wilt ue sold lu one or two parte to suit pur- thaser. ftdeegaton Orditii be given this Pall. 901,0 (00088 of Fell W11 oa M. Farm in grass exeept 10 armee. Will be sold on easy terms. For further partteumrs as to price, 480028, 82,, apply on the prettileee to ALF.. BUTTON, or 80011818189.0. 11-01 FARM LABOURERS AND DOMESTICS - /have been appointed by the Dominion Government to Mime Immigrants from the 'United Kingdom to 1108101088 as farm lab- ourero or domestie ear/ante in this vicinity. Any persou requirlug snob bele should noti- fy me by letter Stating fully the Mud of help required, when wanted and wages offered, The uumbers arriving may not be sufnefeut to supply alt requeets but every effort will 118 1.3850 to provide each applicant with help required. F. B. SCOTT, Canadian Government Employment Agent 82-1y Brussels P.O. 1,14116,, Synopsisof Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGLILATIONSI A NY even numbered section of Dominion Lends in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, exoepting 8 aud 20, not regerved, may be homesteaded by any person who is the sole head or u. family, 00 1803' mete over 19yeare 03 888, to the 8X888t of one-quarter 800(1011 of 100 mires mom or les8. Dntry may be made personally at the looal lend office for the distriot in which the land is situate, The 108831888010080 18 required to perform the condition conuooted therewith under one of the following plant (I) 40 )0886 six months, eesidehee upon and etativatton 01 1128 lame to eite(l year for three years, (2) If the hither 1o85 mother, if the father is &Messe(1) of the homesteader reeides upou a term 1 the Adults, 01 the land entered for the requirements as to resi- dence may bo satisfied by that poreou re- siding with tbe father or mother. 111 If the eettter haa Ms permanent rod - donee upoli lartnitig land owned by him in the 7101081y of We homestead, the re- quirements as to residence may bo setae - bed by 1381480.38 upon the said land, itixmouths'netioe in writing ehould be given to the Commissioner of Doinitdon. Lands 08 01010599 01 intention to apply for 96881)0., Mr. W. CORY, 110118181 01 tit 0 Minister of Interior. N. B, tinenthericed oablioatien of this adi- vertieemant will not be paid for. ALLAN '122.,'" LINI Mod Lim DOW ill Zia MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL Vletorian sails Thursday, Nov, 7, 10 a na Chaldean sena Paden Nov. 17, 0 it ni • Vieginten Salle Friday, Nov. 21, 10 m MONTREAL TO GLASGOW Prothrian Belle Thursday, /401,, 7 Gramplaa Olovv) Fells TburatleY, Nov. 14 Sietlien Hails Thursday, 2187. 21 Roe wrings, listMut full informatien apply to A W. 10, 110116 4.1180 Lbw, Bremeles .15 =it A. c$,A. 1'