HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-10-31, Page 8Check that Cold
By Using
' Blood Root coilzh Cure
There is no better Cough Remedy to be had than this
With the change of the season there are sure to be
colds going the rounds, Better• be an the safe side
and keep a bottle of BLOOD ROOT COUGH CURE
in the house and eommeuee tatting it when the first
symptoms appear and find. & speedy cure. Blood
Root Cough Cure is no new preparation but a safe
and reliable remedy, carefully prepared by ourselves.,
and has been on sale from our Drug Store for years.
.Price 26o per bottle.
Thanksgiving Picture Post Cards 2 for 5c
HOOTBRRIi m1TENBia5i W. 0. & H.
Trains taave Brands Station, North
and South, ae follows:
Gongs SOIITn GOING Sown.
Stat; 7:06 a.m f Express 10:55. a.m
Es prees....•,11:26 a.niMail-•1!44 a.m
Express 3:02 p.m I express 8:81.0.1n
Following is the 0, P. 12.. Time. Table at
Walton :-
To Qo(erich
To Toronto
Express 7:46 a m I Exprene 11;69 am
Esurese ...... 6:86 p m Express 9:S0p nl
acai .CLUB l.ants
A oilier s among ye takit' notes,
An' faith he'll prentis.
OouNobT. meeting next Monday evening.
NEXT Tuesday will be the eventful 503,
ot November.
'Swoon Board will meet Friday even-
ing of next week.
Xuso EDWARD'S birthday fads on Sat.
urday of next week Nov, 9th.
TBANX'GI01N0 Day is a Statutory boll..
day consequently the bueineee piccolos will
be closed in town.
Poamovexo8 will be open on Thanksgiv-
ing Day from 9 to 10 a. m. and from 4 to
6 p. m. for the distribution of mail,
A can of nut 0056! was received by
Messrs. Wilton & Gillespie that weighed
48 tone. This is au unusually large load.
BRDSSELS Public School Will not re.
open after Tbankegiviug Day until Mon-
day moroiog, friday being !noluded in
the holiday.
WR seldom know what's to happen
and should be prepared for the worst.
You may be the next to get married.
Who knows 7
A Now dynamo from which aro eleotrio
light on the street ate ran was installed
by Electric Ligbtowuer Moore. It made
quite an improvement.
Tim upper flat of the Graham blook,
formerly occupied by the Odd Fallows,
nes been`leaned by a company of young.
people to he utilized for assembly pur.
Plum Go Ur. -Owing to the large in-
oraeae in the price of hay and nate the
batellteepere have pub ap the rates to the
following :-Hay, one horse 15o ; team
26o ; bay and oats, one 110888 250 ; team,
GEORGE EDwARDe bas purchased from
Thomas Garniee, of Morris, the hone
and lotson Mill street East, known as
the Wilsons property. They will tette np.
residence there next week, having rented
their lament house on Thomas street.
PitOMIesORY Nom STOLEN -In 00n.
meditate with the recent burglary at Brum
sale poetoffioe 4 promissory notes drawn
in favor of T. and Mre, Farrow, were
stolen from the eats. Amounts retire.
Rented in the notes were $150 ; $50 and
650. Tbe public is warned against
negotiating the above Be payment has
been atopped. T. FARROW,
Tan FLowoa,or EauxRR.-Thio is the
title of an illustrated Lemma to be given
in the Town Hall, Brussels, Tuesday
evening of next week, ander the 608918es
of the pubic Sohool, by Rev. W. J.
Spence. 180 fine lantern elides are used
in the interesting and instructive 2hoar
trip. E. Arnolde Webster will also ap-
pear and contrionbe several solos wbiols
will be illustrated by beautiful views.
Entertainment will eommen0e, at '8
o'olook. There will no doubt be a large
attendance as it cannot 056;l to have an
educative influence along the right line:
MARK TWAIN ON ADvanxis:No.!'Ib pays
to advertise," said Mark -Twain , tie a
regent banquet. "When I was editing
the Virgfaia 0ity Enterprise, writing
oopy one day and mining the next, I'tried
to force this truth home in many ways,
One day 1 reoeived a letter from a nab-
. •aariber saying he had found a spider
preened bebwen the te56vee of hie paper,
and he wanted to know was bhie good or
bad look 7 I replied to him in oar Ana
were to Correspondents oolamn as fol•
lows :-"Old Subscriber,-Tbe finding of
a spider 10 your oopy of the Enterprise
was neither good luck nor bad. The
spider was merely !coking over our pages
to tied out what merchant was not ad.
vertieing, so that it ooeldspin it:e web,
nonose bis door and lend a free and un-
disturbed exletenae forever otter."
"Dolya the Tea Girl" is a brand new
musket pcodnotio wbfob some of the
leading otiti0e have passed on as beteg
the elevereet operetta prodaaed In years.
They speak of it as follows :-"The Rennes, Libble and Hannah) who will
latest Japanese operetta (Doyle. the Tea• hold in loving remembrance the life and
Girl) is the oleveroet operetta that has ohmmeter of a true husband and a good
READ tile advertfeing co amus an
money thereby, Try it and see how well
ie works. Don't forget to tell the bus
inane man where yon readthe advt..
AT BoIIR.-Tbe annual. At Home,
under the euspieee of Brussels Orange
Lodge, No. 774; will be held on the even
lug of Tuesday, Nov. 5th et the Lodge
room, 0orner of Thomas and Alexander
streets. A musical and literary program -
will be presented.
THE Grand Trunk gravel trains and
steam ehavel, which have been at work
in the Duman -Barr gravel pit for the
past 2t months, have oea5ed their labors
until uext Spring. They moved a pile
of gravel while they were at 10-110 oars a
day -end yet it would hardly be missed
from the pit to a menet onlooker so ex.
tensive is the property.
A MERoEA farmer bought a couple of
big boxes at a local store and on opeOiug
one of them be found four good fur coats
The omits had been overlooked in the
unpacking of the goods and bad been
dumped with the box into the bank yard
where they had Iain for weeks. Tbe
Goats were returned to the rightful
Tam Watford Guide Advaoete nye :
"Ie the year 1900 a young lady of the
12th a •0„ Bomngaet, visited London
fair. During her trip through the ex
hibtte some boys were throwing beetle
which mischief Maya are always into
One of the beaus lodged in the lady's hat
and she found it -there when she got
home. She planted the beau and her
vested 10 beans 1s 1902; wet season 1909.
good res0-te 1904, sold $1 00 worth ; 1906
sold 64.00 1 1906 sold 210.00 ; 1907
threshed 15 buehe:e.
DeILY Patriot, Libson, (Ohio )-"E.
Arnolde Webster, London, °auede, op
peered here for his first time and will
always receive a hearty reception from
a Lisboa audience. His full, rich, base
voice interpreted reelections from 'Han•
del's Messiah" and Ooloott's "Primed of
the Brave" in snob a manner as to place
him in the front rank of 0000ert Etiolate.
Mr. Webster also gave a few lighter
tlnmbere during the evening wbioh
demonstrated his ability as an entertain
en" Town Hall, 18raeeele, Tuesday
evening Nov, 5511.
Pam. Fenn Nomas. -AI! pergolas having
minified a00000te agaiuet.East Huron
Agrioaltaral Saofety are asked to hand
them to W. H. Kerr, Secretary Treasur.
er,at once so that the year's bueinees
may be squared off. -Prize money has
been remitted to all prize winners at a
dietauoe. The few who have not drawn
their money In bhie locality should axil
and- get ib. -Among the large prize win.
nem at East Huron Fair this year were
the following 25, only two of whom were
ander $10.00 :--
David Milne, Ethel $ 32 00
W. H. M00raokeu, Brussels 27 26
Wm. Armstrong,: Grey , 25 95
James Bpeir, Morrie 24 80
Wm. Bryane, Morris 22 00
Mrs. Hanson, Wingham 18 50
Mon. M. P. Zoellner, Mt. Forest18 B0
J. K. Wise, Clinton 17 25
Mrs, E. Stewart, Grey 17 00
James Evans, Morrie
R, Corley, East Wawanoeh
A. Stevenson, Einem
Diokeon Brae., Elmo.
Thomas Davidson, .Grey
Mrs. Stevenson, London
Oliver Tomball, Grey
Geo. Chapman, Atwood
J. S. 0ow56n, Elma
Wm, Holman, Elmo
Geo. W. Irwid, Beetorth 10 86
Mice L. B. ['fisher, Newmarket 110 26
0 00
J. M. Knight, Grey , .
B. Zion, Wallows 10 00
W. J. Hemingway, Grey ,,8 50
D. Ewan & 00. Brussels 8 26
15 00
18 60
18 60
12 76
12 85
10 60
The Metropolitan
Capital Paid Up
Reserve Fund and
Undivided Profits
Every Reparttnent of Banking Conducted with Satisfaction and
Absolute Security.
Accounts of lndividunls, -Firms and Corporations Solicited,
Savings Department
$1,00 or more -opens an account, Interest allowed from date of
• deposit and compounded FOUR times a year.
No delay in withdrawal,
41 T1ORUT5 were cold Wednesday worm
mg et the G. T.•R, here to Thanksgiving
viaitor& -
"Tun Flower , of Empire" it lusbrated
Leoture in the Town Rall next Tuesday
three deoks of hogs no Wednesday com-
passing Blneyale, Brussels and Ethel.
Their shipmente for 'October totalled
1,000 hogs.
TuuseuAY ot lest week Mrs. Joseph
Qeeriu underwent a medical operation
stud is making favorable progress we ars
please to state, Her numerous friends
cruet she will emu remain her customary
good health;
Tim London Adverbieer, Jan. 28, 1907.
-"The London and Middlesex Bt,borioal
Booisby were treated to a moat interest.
ing and edifying entertainment Int night
at the Normal School, • Rev. W. J.
Spawn, of Milvertou, delivered an illus.
Crated lecture. eulitled "The Flower of
Empire" Tbe lantern slides were of the
very beat and Mr, Spence's review of the
growth of British power during the past
century, beginning with the scenes of
the victories of Neleoo attd Wellington,
and coming down to the sobievemeute
of Lor&Roberts, sustained the keenest in
teres! of the audience throughout."
Benumb]. Town Hall, Tuesday eve0ing,
Nov. 6th. --
AMONG the shipments - from Brunie
G. T. R. this week were the following :-
A. O. Dames, 2 oars cattle ; R. Tbomsou,
8 oars apples to Griswold, Man., Baloar
ries and-Ronauville, Baskatobewau ; Mr,
Tbomsou also shipped a oar of eggs to
Liverpool ; Jewitt & Bateman, 2 oars of
hogs to 0ollingwood ; Geo. A. Best, oar
ofoatbleto-Buffalo,aud oar of bogs to
Palmerston ; AIL Beaker, oar of peas for
export ; Juo. Raneford, 3 oars of salt ;
1) Oemtelon, oar of apples to Da10th.
15 care in all. Inwards there wag a
oar of cement for Gerry & Walker ; a oar
t lumber for P. Amsut ; car of Ooal for
Wlltoo & Gillespie and a the of Manitoba
wheat for Pryne & Son.
HENRY BULL PAH800 AwAX,-The demise'
0f a former well known resident of this
locality in the person of Henry Bail, took
place atbis home in Wingham on Wed•
ueeday of last week. It did not come un.
expectedly ae Mr. Bali bad been failing
for some bane. Be was in his Blsb year,
Deceased acme with hie family from
Bataan' Ontario to the 10th oon., Carey
townebip about 80 years ago and oonbin-
nd to reside there until removal to
Wiogham wbere two sone had porahased
a Furniture and Uedertaking bueioees.
Deoeaeed was of a quietdisposition, kind.
ly in hie m560nerand had many friends.
Poe Manyyears be ooeupied ofloial poet•
50005 in the Methodist ohurob end demised
liberal' things 11nansially toward the
various tuode. In addition to Mre, Bail,
whose health has not been very rugged
of late, Mr. Ball is survived by 4 . eine
(Thos., of B. 0. ; Dr. G, L., of Toronto,
and Jno, and Lethee, of Fort William)
and 4 daughters (Mre. Copp and Misses
been written for 001'ne years, The story
x 10 olevsrly written and fall of sitnabian0
that give great scope to the actors in
both comedy and dramabio week while
the Maeda le deoidedly oatoby, tuneful
and tall at dat1,,the kind that one carries
away withthun never to forget. Unlike
most playa the plat of "Dolyu' the Tea -
Girl" is easy` to follow although many.
oomplieatioae ar150 which are deoidedly
fanny unit cause intones interest and
many it length" 'Down Brat, Brassele,
Nov. 21st, under auspices of Foot Ball
hither. Funeral took plane to ,the
Wingbam oemetery Sunday afternoon
atter a eoibable eervioe had been 000dnot
ed at the family home, oorner of Patriok
and Edward streets, byRov, Mr. How-
son, dea556084 6 Langton The family Will
shore largely in the sympathy of many
old friends in this Iooality who were no -
able to personally express theireympathy
to Mee. Ball and family. Ii, and W. L.
LeRtberdale, of town, were in obarge of
the funeral, Inc.,and Mre. Meoney, of
Morrie, attended, the former being a
Business Locals.
WANTRD,-Steady boy t0 learn harness
trade. Apply to I. 0. R1oRAoDe.
W4TED.-0l1 woe tub butter, 27o,
fresh eggs, 25a. Also large quantities
dried apples and feathers.
Gm. E. KING, Wingham,
DR. BuTLER'e VISIT. -De. Butler, the
London Eye Speoialisb, will be at the
American Hotel, Broeaele, on Wedaea•
day, Nov, 27th. Glasses supplied.
011()10011 OxI9IES
The regular Qoarterly Communion
will not be held in the Methodietoburob
mail Sabbath November 10th.
Thanksgiving service will be held in
Melville oharah on Thursday afternoon
of this week at 2.80 o'clock. Rev. H. 111.
Lang Ford, of St, John's Mauch, will be
the preaober.
In Melville church Rev. A. 0, Wishart,
B. A., took as his text Sabbath morning
...Be still and know that I am Gad."
Rev. D. 13. McRae, of Oraubrook, preemie.
ed in the evening from the words "This
in a faithful saying and worthy of all
acceptation that Christ Josue oame into
the world to save sinuere of whom I am
The ofiloers of the London Conference
League eleoted for the ensuing year
were :-Hon. President, Rev. W. 3,
Ford, president London Conference ;
President, Rev. W. E. Milleon, $tugs
villa; 1St .Viae President, Rev.. A, J.
Langford, Dresden ; 2nd Vioe•Preei-
dent, B. Alway, Bb. Thomas; mrd Vice -
President, Mies Seats, Bigbgete ; 4th
Vtoe•President, Rev. A. J. Thorne.,
Brigdeu ; 5th V1ae•Peeeident, Mies
M. Smith, St. Thomas ; Seoretary,
Rev, 3. E. J. Millyard, Bier ; Treas.,
Mies Powell, London ; representative
to the general Epworth League boxed,
T. B. Bhilliugton, Blenheim.
3073ILRR -Monday was the anniversary
of an important event in the history of
the church of England in this part of
Ontario, On this day 50 years ago the
Right Reverend Benjemm0ronyn, D. D„
was eonee0rated 'first bishop of the
Di00e8e of Enron by the Archbishop of
Canterbury,' Restated by other biebops, in
Lambeth Palette, London, England,
Dr. °roayn had been elected bishop by
the synod of the Diocese of Enron in
July of thatsame year, but wee not
00ne0rat58 notil October 28 1851. Pre•
v;o0s to this time the. Diocese of Huron
formed part of the Diocese of Toronto,
and was presided over by the bishop or
that theorise. There were then but 42
olergy of the church of England in what
10 now known se the Diooeae ot Huron,
with 50 obnrob edifioos. Since then the
number of clergy has iuoreaeed to about
160 sad the number of churches to about
250. The area neared i0 large, eoneiet.
ing of 18 oOuntiee, with the oonubiee of
Grey, Brune; Perth, Waterloo, Brant
and Norfolk no the Emit and including
the 600551ee to the West and involves son
inlmeuse-amount of travel on the part of
the bishop. Thera have been four
$tehope of Harrill in all, the first,
Bishop Dr, Oronyn, bolding the offi_oe
until the year 1871, the time of hie death.
He wad eucoeeded by Bishop Hollssuth
in that same pear, and Bishop Heilniuth
having reoignod the position hi 1888 he
wee 500oe050d by the fate Bishop Baldwin
in that year. On the oac56eion of his
death le 1004 be war enameled by iiia
present bishop the RiglitReverend David
D. D, A fund known as the
jubilee thud was started 4b the beginning
Machines may be seen at
MaT -AY & SHAW'S Hardware
Store, Brussels.
Easy payment system may
be arranged for.
I also handle the Nordheim-
of the jubilee year, and the greater part
of the churches have already responded.
to the call cud those not yet oemvaeeed
are expected to have the work oomeletod
at an early data. The total oontribmione
of the Diocese ot Huron for religious
purposes last year was $221 605 66, and
'it is expeoted that the present year 'will
exoeed that timount,
Sabbath morning last Rev. E. G.
Powell .preached u speoiel dieoouree to the
members of the Sabbath School in the
Methodist obar0h using a large diagram
of a railway train from which a number
of useful lessaue were drawn, The dif-
ferent oars were made to represent the
different denominations, The Sabbath
Sokool Orohestea lead the service of
praise. Micas Pearl Leetherdale and
Alta Pryne sang a duct very acceptably.
At the evening service Rev. W. H. Ellie,
late of Saskatoon, presobed to a large
uudienee. Es gave a good dieoouree
from the text "What mneb I do to be
saeen7" Mr. Ellie left on Monday for
McMaster Baptist College, Toronto,
followed by the good wishes of many old
Mends in Brua,ele and locality.
5iSTA84181iED 1673
Head Office - - - - Toronto.
The Steridard Bank pays interest
four times a year on all Savings
Bank.depoS tsa
Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches.
3. F. Rowland, Manager
ting in culvert and digging ditph, $81.45 ;
R. Youill; part psymeat on contract
7th line, $25 00.
Mr. Procter preeenbed his bond as
Oofleotor of taxa and on motion of
Campbell and 1100utobeon the same
WPM 000epbed ae eatiefa0t0ry,
On motion of Shaw and Taylor the
Council then adjourned to meet aeeln
Nov. 18th, W. CLARx,
Morris Council Meeting.
The Commit men pennant to adjourn-
ment in the Council room on Oat. 14th,
the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last
meeting read and confirmed. A com•
muuioation was reoeived from A. H.
McDonald, Solioitor for the Gnslpb &
Goderieh Railway Co., stating that the
railway was now completed aud ready
for operation in acordanoe with Seaton
No. 6 of the Township of Morrie Bylaw,
which entities them to the payment of
the $8,500 bonus granted' in aid of said
A deputation of ratepayers from the
Southern part of the township inter•
viewed the Council complaining ot the
ansatiefaotory aud 556ugerou8 state of
the railway (ironing East of the village
at Blybb and urging that the Railway
Oooamission be llrotabt on with a view
to baviug a satisfactory adjustment of
the matter.
On motion of Admire. Shaw and Tay-
lor the Reeve and Clerk were iustruoted.
bo interview our eolioibor in reepeot to
having a proper discharge in connection
with the paymentof the railway bonne,
also to attend to the matter complained
of in 000neetioo with the railway Oros.
el ug. derfZeve elan n Ate3
Oa mobiontof MoOuteheon and Camp
bell the Clerk was inetruoted to 8011015
teudere for the Bale of -the Cole Drain
debeutaree, amotlntiug to about 61563,
tandem to be opened at our next meet-
ing, Nov. 18th.
Accounts were ordered to be paid ns
follows :-Duff & Stewart, work nod
material at Forbes' and -Sunshine
bridges, 6193.70 ; J. Smith, gravel,
61.01 ; J. Hopper, work on eideroad,
641.00 i M. Healy, attending to tights
aud Meaning ditch, 84 50 ; R. Nesbitt,
drawing Mound fining at entree, $15 00 ;
W. ()foie, dsvia ion road, 6870; - R.
Brown, repairing Shell's bridge, 61,00;
Mr. Hetherington, putting in culvert,
$2.00; A..Oampbell, gravelling, $800;
R. Maguire, repairing culvert, 50o, ;
A. Venlig, dement, $2 10 ; Geo. John.
ebon, tilling washout, $10 26 ; H, Bos-
nian, oean1Og ditoh, 75o, ; Geo. Meth
ere, oleatliug aitch, $100; Wm. Ooab•
roue, gravelling, $20 ; A. Cochrane,
digging ditoh, 68,00; Wm, Sotinb,
drawing tile and putting in culvert,
$8 25 ; R. Youill, drawing tile and put.
slug in culvert, $7 76; Wm. Riley, dig•
ging ditch, $6 60 ; A, Olookey, gravel,
$2.00 ; E. '13aggitt, digging Award
drain, $28 00 ; S. Vannorman, inspect
Ing on Weet boandery,918 50 ; Procter
and Jordan, repairing culvert, $200;
Wm. Armiroug, putting in salvers,
$o Schou $g 0Gee r1 Win Riley, dir, oil and nging
K i digging
ditch aud, uudesbrushiog, $6800; A.
Proctor, .gravel, 61 80 ; A, McEwen,
gravel, $5.04 D• Sommerville, gravel,
$8 00 ) Jae. Gulley, sravel, $2;80 ; H,
Dunoan, gravel, $5,32 ; Jas. Phyno,
gravel, 770,; : bloElunon Bros., gravel-
ling on Weal boundary, $56.50 ; 0. Ji.
Taylor, drawing tile tend putting in cul-
vert, $15.00; Thee. Clark, work with
grader, $8.00 ; Mae. Pollard, ' gravel.
BPA]:LINo -At Oranbrook, on Oat. 20tb,
to Mr. and Mre. George Sperling a
sake taws,
KaYral-350aiAN.-Io Bt. John's ahuroh,
Bruesele, on Oot. 30th, by Rev. H.
M. Lang Ford, Mr. Chanes Telford
Hoffer to Miss Vine Pearl, youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mre. Elijah
Joakiin, both of Grey township.
Mont -Gomm -Ab the home of the
brlda's mother, Oat. 23rd, by Rev.
John Rare, of Heneall, Mr. Arnold
°anred Muir, of Uno Park, Ontario,
to Wee Nellie, daughter of ibe late
John Gonid, of Hay.
October 29th, at high noon, by Bev.
D N Malamas, Mr. Arch, L. Me..
Deltoid, of Grey township, to Mies
Maud Bartle; of Listowel.
PuttnssLt-(#LAss.-In New Westminster,
B. C., on Ontober Bch, by Rev. Dr.
Rugg, Mr. James Pummel!, of New
Weetmineter, B. 0., to Mre. Lucy
Glue., of Vanoouver, B. O., formerly
of eloKillop and Wingham.
ling on ,East boundary, $61,02; Jae.
Bolger, 1nepeoting 011 Beet boundary,
$8,10 ; A. Taylor, drawing tile and
putting in culvert, 97.76 i , selectors of
jurors aaah, $4 00 ; W, °lark, fere and
pubiiehing Ewen drain Bylaw, $10.00 ; NFXT
Jno, J. Mo°anghay, repairing road,
98.00 R, 7o1i1, oiling at arch, put• i AMER/CAN
BALL. -In Wingham, on October 23rd.
Henry Ball, formerly of Grey tawo•
ship, aged 80 years and 5 months.
Damn -At Brown City, Michigan, on
Oat. 20th, Ozias Dudley, aged 70
WEDNESDAY, Nov. 6TB.-Farm stook,
implements, 80, Lot. 14, Gth line, Morris.
Bale uaresetved at 1 p. m. Peter Cant.
los, Proprietor ; F. S. Boost, Auotioneer.
' Tgouen&X, Nov 7th, -Farm stook,
implements, &o., Lot 13, Oon. 10, Grey.
Sic's uoreeerved, at 1 p. on. Hugh Purser
Proprietor, F, S SOME, Auotioneer,
mR J'^c,seem,e3 T6Af^v=0:e r'
Fall Wheat 96 95
Barley •- GO 76
Peas - 78 80
Oats....... 48 60
Butter, tubs and cells21 22
Eggs per dozen 20 21
Hay penton 14 00 15 00
Floor, per bbl - 4 50 5 20
Hogs, Live 5 90 5 90
Apples (per bbl.) 1 60 1 75
Potatoes per bee 60 60
Wool (washed) 20 22
Sa t, per bbl.! reboil1 26 1 25
Notice to Creditors
In the Surrogate Ooart of the County of
Huron. In the matter of the estate
of Alexander McDonald, late of the
Township of Grey, in the County of
Huron, farmer, deceased.
Notice is hereby given psreuaot to "The
Revised statutes of Ontario," 1897, aud
ameudmente thereto, that all creditors and
otbere having claims against the estate of
the said Alexaoder MoOonald, who died on
or about the Fifteenth day of October: 1907,
are required on or before the.Sixtee''lth day
of November, A. D 1907. to send by poet,
Prepaid, or deliver to W M Sinclair, of the
',allege of Brusaele,10 the County of Buren,
Solicitor for the I4xeoutris and tin Execu-
tor, A un Jane McDonald and Doman A. Mo-
Donald,their Christian and euruame, a,1
dresses and deecriptinns, the full portion.
Mrs of their &!aline, the statement of their
accounts and the nature of the seourittos
(If any) held by them,
And further take notice that after such
last mentioned date the said Executors will
proceed to distribute the assets of the said
deceased amongst the parties entitled
thereto, having regard only to the ohtime of
whish they shell then have notice and that
the said N xeoutors will not be liable for the
said meets, or anyl'art thereof, toany per
eon or poreooe of whose 0!x;01 notice shall
not have been received by them at the time
of such (Retribution.
Dated this 28th day of October, 1907.
17.8 W. M. SINCLAIR,
Solicitor fertile said Executors.
It lillak�s Blood !
Good Blood
Lots of it }
Beef, Iron & Wine
Tho Invigorating Tonle that
gives strength to worn-out pea
pis. You will fled nothing bet-
tor. Try it- '
and a V,rksbira I,og for Bale, Lot 80
Oon. 0 Morris, or Brussels P. 0. Jl98'
85EIR. • 10.1f
V colt rising H yours sired by Texaa-Guy.
Apply to E17,341 15 ELLIOTT, box 80, Brus-
sels, et Graham's Survey, Brussels 5, 16.2+
sun BALE, Two of them are rising 2
venni end three rising 3. year old. Two (a.
ally and a gelding) are bred by Royal Park •'
a ally and gelding by Sentleod'e Bose, and
a ally by Burner. Apply ad Lot 80. Oon.
4, Morris, to ALES. MoLA13OBLIN, Pro-
prietor, or Breeeele P. O. 17.50
Notice to Creditors
Iu the matter of the estate of Thomas
Motauobliu, late of the Village of
Brussels, in the County of Huron,
gentleman, deceased.
Notice is hereby elven 11nrsuant to "Tbe
Revised Statutes of Ontario," 1097, and
amendments thereto that all ar51111, a and
others having olahus against the estate of
tin said Thom n4 MOLttlmhlin, who died ou
or about the 17th day of October, 1907. are
required on or before the 80th day of Nov-
ovember, 1907, to send by post prepaid. or de-
liver to A. B, Mno•Ioualt„ of the Village of
13 rueeele, Solicitor for Peter Soobt and Alex-
ander Stewart .jr,Fomenters of the estate,
their Christian and surnames, addressee
aud descriptions, the full particulars Of
their claims, the statement of their ao•
counts and the nature of the securities (if
any) held by them,
And further take nottoe that after such
!net mentioned data 5110 raid Executors will
proceed to distribute the assets of the said
deceased moonlit the earti09 entitled
thereto, having regard only to the claims of
which they shall then have notice, and that
the said Executors will not be liable for the
said assets, or any part thereof. to any per-
son or persona of whose claim notice shall
not have been received by them at the time
of each distribution.
Dated this 29th day of October, 1907.
178 Solicitor for Executors.
Mbhp +o ' ' MEW" ]C . v .fir L.. T to . v .fit, 'LAN ,sY, r
G. N. M A L A Ft E N
Ladies' Cloth Coats
Just received, special lines in Ladies' Cloth Coats -Dark Tweeds, Black Kersey, Beaver and
Frieze Cloths -correct styles and perfect fitting ; bought away below regular prices, and these are to
be sold just as they were bought-
$ 8 00 Coats for $ 6 60
12 50 Coats for 10.00
There is only a limited number of these lines and
they will go quickly at these prices.
$10 00 Coats for $ 8 00
15 00 Coats for 12.50
We want ion to• See Them
We are showing a very complete range in Ladies' and Girls' Pur Ruffs, Stoles and Ties with Muffs
to watch. Good stiles, nicely made and well lined- - .
Special Values at $5.00, $7.50, $10.00 and $12.00
'Ne areshowing
the Best Values in Ladies' Fur Coats to be. had -
See them and Compare Prices
position we have ever been to supply ,you with Overcoats for Men .and Boys.
We are inthebest P Y
Largest Stooks, Best Styles and the B'.st Values we have ever offered: We want you to see them,
whether you buy or not, just to compare prices.
We 'carry a full line- all sizes and widths,
Ladies Men, Boys, Girls and: Children. Rubbers have advanced in price but we are selling all lines
at last season's prices.
A Large Stock of Good Boots to choose from.
Goads .11i ht or your Money back.
Highest Prices for Produce.
cLA`' :, : N