The Brussels Post, 1907-10-31, Page 7cuRRuNT TOPICS, Too many young mon milking e start in life wreck theft opportunities ill un- wiete futile protest owlet:ft eonditiene whieli, In the nature of things, thee! Ilree duty is to ectiept, Often, too, IL is lite young inan of the highest ptomlso who thes becomes a victim to hie own Intemperance:. This type of man nettle - :illy ls of the nervous temperament, Ile knows pla quelifientions for his week. lie is eottscious of et least a thorough grounding itt the basic peinciplee of els Ile enter; busineee Ille pre- pared lo do his best ilk -mg the line of hie ideals. But suddenly he finds that 1111.41E1PS:1 iS !Mt ideallsill, Ile ultimate °Noel, is the ottainnient of results. lf by chance idealism uttehes Ilas objeetIve end, so gontl; if ideitlisin \vill not de so, how- e.`"l'. materialism mese "Drive a nail where it will ge" is the philosophy of the empic.yer. Title is the lilted condi- tion against which so many young men find themselves at War, TIteee are young men protestitig• eguinst the in- _evitable ;n their bueiness almesphere, !talking intemperately to fellow employes and perhaps spreading their dissatisfac- tion where ft might othelevise never have -clopped out,. who, if Molted by a deport- ment head to express in private what thole feelings are regarding their work, would shirk the opportunity. Thou - _sends of these young men as likely week! consider thrusting hand in the [no as voluntarily to °MT a suggestion to chief as to better ways and better means In business cenuluel. . What Is it, unless cowardice. which aceitunts for the posbinne Theee nno- ther phase of the situatien, The impul- -eive one may be so Mlle regnedful of his pluee ae to see., bluntly, "I won't de thie i't that way." Perhaps the young man has made himself personally so well liked by his employer us to escape diss &halve 00 the spot. The einployer nut. tii 1 even press him for renson why he refuses. al least he is entitled lo e answer to his que0lion, "Well how weuld you do it und acoompliell the de- eired end?" Can that young man an. sWer the question intelligently end !sells- faclorily? Ites he ever consideeed the steno possibility of doing it Mother \.ay? 11 ts something -to tiP done.. Ile I,a,, been elmsen to do it end cannot ex- plain why he fans Of thc, duly. E-pecially that yOung 'Mall who has 1,1,1 Mennen' preached to him as a him ental iliwtrirm 'Inds in enierIng Mad- ness life lhal he is mitelt in the stmr o as is the erab which has drop - p, -,1 its shell, There is no sbeltering seen. 'melee uhich he may hide earth, 0 'pee armor gr- nvs. 1 1e must accept and go to work. under them. Nol reit/teem his own untried and tm. trained Wolk. his Iled. Impulse k to pro- mo agninel ,-mitothing which may have n the 0.01\ Mg growth of a genera - Iter. 01' 111010`. tilesatistieetion grows mem hts disentisfeclien, likely he ,eit; say lo• himself 1 "Woll, I guess I ca,1 got [Mice somewhere else." BM voider \vital condilkme? Ile does 1101 Know. it' ,odoi tnivloo al all il Is lu lei the edvito cf these who he know" win sympathize with him with- olt knowing Ilio 0,1011110115. (LE11'44111 judgment might show him Iltat in his th-st venture he hos the host of oppor- hmities. 111011 111 Alle11 11 1110V5 110 is throwing tiv.ny for life. The whole troolde may be willt mot within himself, If young men. ere kicking eettinst the prielcs, fled out authorita- tively whether or "VA ymt tire in tile eeoft shell" state. , PITIII, I.OINT AND rxruos. elerringe le a mighty good settee! in wlecit to take a course in diploinney. if the \wield cannot, bent you down it \eel turn emend and heti you tis ge110.,4. The proof of a. fool 11M 10 the consts- leeey of his refusal lo change his (min - The entailer the fish that is caught the lope! the one that managed to gel The nom who boasts always of his mice:dry, admits that his merits have hero buried, Soule men move their coutiage by eleying twee from home; some by go- itome late. A behy in the house helps' swell the entitle of the gas find electric light com- peilies, 1 101110 n Piece where Yee cell be comlortable If you haven't got company • viseting yott. ' flontance received its severeet shock , \Wien Cupid started around enrryleg .' blink book, Immediately afleo lho arrival of Eve the etrgument, ns to who ovined Edon n1'01)01313? begun; The tragedY of existence is nololn hoeing lo die so much as in the neces- 611Y of "eie0Wing up."' No woman ever died really happy, be - 051180 8110 11/15/ no way of learithrg what ! her epitaph will say. One advantlige in having children is that Ihey help you make an unwelcome eallee anxious to leave. . A women will here the last word in any argunienti even if She hes to wait until you am asleep to sey 'She Suceessful men iS One W110 is not -onler sure (het he is going to eat, bUt \elle elweys knows when end where, 'When you 1neet a Men who lute feseley the bank 11 IS a pretty sure sigtt eltat-lee Is noe r4itlei, - ++++++++++t++++++++++± TERRY'S" TEMPTATION 4+++++++++++++++++++++ "I should, like to kill her -I should! IL may be wicked -a may be awful - oven to think such a thing, but 1 don't care, doti't r Temwt ourrey, or, as her Intimates culled her, "Teery"-.--who, :mite 01 hor Spanish mune, woe true British-1mm- slopped in her Wolk 10 stamp vehemently, "Sloes u flirt -and a thief; she's stolen Lon's Mee ju:a us wrre getting tO understand each other se nicely. And she's int utter fraud go Well, sure of II. She's 110 1110re a countess--poolt a countess I - than I am And -and I wish she VMS deed 1" Out of breath, menially, the glie's thoughts ceased to torment lire as she stead still-ilushed, indignant, told punting. Not only were her trust in betrayed, her love deepised and flatilett as of nothing worth, and jea- lousy, that most cruel of self-inflicted torturee, aroused; 13ut her sense of fair play revolted agetnet the despicable cowardice of het' widloni lover and er- rant knight, eennoe Clive, who, in the iery height of tient ecstatic bliss which crowns, us' With a 111110, the triumphant cease et true love, had hatiled,down hie flag and surrendered the citadel 411 his tweet at the first. challenge of the bettuti- ful eyes of the self-styled Countess Vera %selloff, formerly of Petersburg, and new (of Pile's. "Drained that this supple nter 15 love- ly," mused Teresa, regainlit g inellial 11g01. as 0110 recovers physical breath, ''sc ant 1-0, least, I am not absolutely hideeus to lite sight •,--thet she Is talen- led-neithee EMI 1 quite a hail, though tvi doubt a weak fond idiot to look on tamely while the man I love is wheedled from my very arms by the wiles of this foreign strait ; that she can talk and sing, and play the piano divinely -I, too, can do all these things, Not quite s 1 well, Peellaps, but more than pass- ably, as feminine accomplishments go ilowadays. , know what it is." Again Tereaft ettiod still, this lime to exeogitate deeply. "Sho's unecrupulous; that's her charm. Men. being naturally selfish toid-and so 00, appreciate a woman who looks offal her own intheests and doesn't cure two straws about Ihe feeli»gs of other people. Unscrupulous, yes! Terry was thinicing hard. From laelc of scruple to downright criminality is. only a step. and that a short one. "Why, now 1 see il clearly, Thal. wasn't. an accident yes- terday; it was intentional, 'done on per - ;wee seriettsly injure, if not to kill mu. 011, the base villainy of it, 1 Dill" - with Ihe tragic despair of conscious hie piilence-"t can't prove it." That brief. thrilling scone of the pre- 01t,n14 aftermam passed swiftly through 'Ferry's mind. She and the Comiless Vera had had been sealed side by side on the sinitiviil JohnSon's Groyne, the Flussien sketching, she heNelf making pretence lo reed a novel. Preeently. el,ipping jeunlity over the beeakwaters. with tho gaiety of ti frolloonne lamb. canto Lennox Clive, the handsome,. de - Foreign Office clerk for whose Mem. these Rya 3•oung Indies were eon - tending. Al imee both girls starter] to ritunbee down the high gropie that was composed of huge poles, like the rungs of sonic giant's ladder, nailed lo (Alters 111111 deseended, perpendieularly, to the sf,r)tttlitd. fleieelown:p. ai',1Litsiv‘see riem eos,,,elrlexcei ell peel:0005r with a green, slippery sea -weed; and, in Lim deep cavils! beneath, sharp -edged eorks formed the groyne that stoutly withstood the never-resling erosion of the sea. Suddenly Tolle! fell a violent push. stumbled, and only recovered her indance. with 0 supreme effort, Looking up, Iter companion's white hive alarmed lite English gel. "Oh eliss Garvey," she exclaimed, "I not die- troseed, Did 1 terrify you? lely shoe caught, in a nail and 1 slipped. I fenred had thrown you down,' Teresa ncrepted the implied apology evitheut heeitetion, hut now suspicion possessed her mind that this "slip'' was no accident, but a curefully premeditated doSign. "She tins robbed me of the man I love," thought the girl fiercely; "does s111 want to take my life, too? OM if 1 Leicietstletelvoesn_lythpeuni(svIlicklinede, man 1" She trudged on slowly. Thirty feet be- low her rising Ude, whipped by an off -shore breeze. broke In huge rollers ngaitist the wall that every year, in one place or !mother, crashed down, costing Sir Henry Weleombe a small fortune lc re -build, Luckily. he was a millionelee. rind a tnun ot indomitable will. Other me11 would have given up the unequal sieuggle ages ego in sheer despair, bul Sit! !tenet', whose imperieus temper lieled nothing so 1110011 aS opposition, 00'011 from the forces of Nature herself, swore that he woUld never yield to this reletillees onslaught of the 805/ 1 11S wounds -aye! llie house itself -would soon lie swallowed op by the hungry mouths of ihnusend billmm were he otot tit11110an\cylomn1. foi;our y6ect(ne.nolille,1!;,,,1.,11elierepilealdr waged this 0110 -skied warfare, and be was wont to declare, will) 0 grim /841 .34 defiance, Mal, ho would stick to eer emitter seven and them if the English Chalenel didn't give in, by (Ind, sir, he'd built a, solid wall of steel, 10 feel (Mole II 11 cost effen every penny he had in the world." Ilear-Admival Sir lienry Weleombe had not long retired from active sat, Viee„and Clfief oCelefffIlion IOW W0y, of repelling the el - the expensive oue! tacit, Whieh throughout 'the year, but especially duriteg the winter moolhe, ilie 800 \vaged upon his SuSsex heme--Ald- wick Orange, An old bachelOr, be de- lighted ite the coMpany of young NILS of both sexes, and, ad he was an ideal hest, 11101111one to his telebraled Itentee- parties were eagerly 00cepted. Teresa Hervey, a distent, relation, One of her great-atmle itt bygone days married a greatomele, speet 1110S1 of her time the Grange, and, thongh no one linew ite Was heiress ,to the old man's entire foritme, The Whole perty, led by Sir Henry, held gone in It body 1.0 Artiedel;!'remer herself, on the plee Of a bad beitelaehe, being the only ltheentele• Earlier in the dee tide exeltse wits genuine miongh, noW hey liehrt end Ad !heti head eeemed full of pain almost. unbeareble, "lien has no they like a woman stemm- ed." wrote Conglove [we hundeed. years ago, 11111,1 the bailie le equaity true Ia. day, Teetisa, regarding het! erstwhile loyer as a perjured Lynette, foist, Mike to every code nf honor, ignoring delve. tiOR tltut CO111E0110 whieit [Inds its bitterest exprossirm in silence; but. upon thls alien temptress, who had enticted from hie allegience, Terry would gladly havo Inflicted dire punishment lied ojmortuldly afforded. If she oneld only have eevenge, she cried, elenching he: little !fists passionately-1ov her 1114.11d wag 011 11PA, and slin felt in that clungerou$ mod when an injured vero men eeeks at all cost to rigin her wrongs. Then impulse, or 50105 unaccountable premonition, 1)0r0 1100 lOW/10115 1110 sea - well al a spot where a reheat inoutiel turf enabled pussers-by to I.,ok over the top. see &need, down Idly end uttered cey. Prone on the .eitiogle was u. \vo- ltam, motionless 11S though dead. Terry recognized the light gaoy CIANH, 0111y Bun morning had touched Vera Zalin- off from -so she said -Parts. But what W115 1110 doing here, on the beech at Aldwielc, when tthe ought to have been al Artlildel Park, with. Lennax, a willing omelette, (lancing ready attendence on her, subject lo her lightest, whim ? Tito tide was rising rapidly, and, owing 10 the formation !of tha shingle at! that point, had already cut off her escnpe either side; !in a few minutes waye$ would be beating fiercely egainst, the stoneworic beneath whose shadow the Gountess ley.. Not a dozen gums from bee a flight of Melee led up to a gate !in the wail, but between her ielend of shingle and these steps was deep water, l'eery gazed down es If spellbound. This false friend lay senseless, ut the very mercy of the wayes even now breaking within a few feel of her. Then a sudden, awful temptation (testified Um English girl; "11cre is the. \Try chance you seek.' Involuntarily 'forest]. glanced over her shoulder, believing a human voice had spoken. "Y4,ur enemy's life 1.IAS in your pOwer.4 W1141 1110re C1111 you want Why not continue y001' jOartley to the end ot the path, then, on your return you will Ilnd nothiug but a life- less body buffeted ity the wavee? Mere accident --the uncalled-for intermeddling of Pale 11111 ShOW11 yOU this woman's peril. But no one knows you are mato et It, Take no notice. Do on, your stroll, and trust 1110. I will leach you how to forget." She who hesitates is lost. 'leery. rea- lizing this. wavered hut, for an Institut. err mind rent by conflieling thoughts ; then, \vitt! eob, slut east out the temp - 11111011 and resolved at all cost. even al the sacrifice of her Ilitikmg happiness, eqive, not only this helpless woman, but her own honor. But what could she do? At that hour el the aftelinoon most, of the men em- ployed ationt (he Oran& were abseol. at their homes. Not a moment might be wasted in quest of other help. From her name could it room, and lied swiftly to be of tiny avail. She looked ithout frantic haste. and sew n long stout ropc etiled up behind lee well, Nene by stood n roller, uld and rusty. and s-, heavy lliat °Veil a horse Conk! seurcely il. Teresa seized the rope. lied 0110 end Minty round the hendle of the roller. mid flung the other over the well. find- ing to her relief that it reached lhe eitingle below. Again end again slie called vehement- ly In the still (01111, blit in vain. Etom childhood Terry had been trained in athletic exercises, and her muscles were hard as a man's. She hod captained the train of hockey enthusiasts at Norfolk elouse "Seminary ter Young Ladies," who had been woid to hold their con- leste every \N'ednesday afternoon on the broad. hard sands, of Bognor, eight, op - pi elle the town, to the keen enjoyment of the visitors who regularly assembled lo witness these encounters. Past train- ing would stand her in good stead now. She threw off her sailor hal end, climb- ing upon the well. gripped the tope and closcendet1 hand over hand. Al oiler: she leosened the uneopecious woman's enl. ler and sprinkled the white feee with sea -water which she obtained with great difficulty 'because or the strong yowl! 01 tho waves. At last the liussian opened hee eyes. "What is it?" she muttered; then, tie recognition came, "You-'revry 7" • "Como, \'era, get Ie." said the yoting llicly, in a peremptory Moe. l'he situa- tion was loo critical to admit. or con- Ventional court:051es, though hitherto see. heel elweys eddressed her level Be "countess!" 11111. now they were 1081 kv0 women facing certain, death. while The roar of the breakers. !writhe Ile sun beamed radiantly Open them a$ theiigit in mockery. themselves in a flood -of foam against Inc wail on each side of them, terrified Ilie Coutitess. She teltuddered and 811111 her eyes. "I-1 cane !eland," gesPed. Fee broken my ankle, I think. Olt, what ean d"go?"1" eeltoed brusqUelV. "Just whet I tell you, then WO ithall lie ell right." She fastened 1110 rope round her (0111. panion'e slender waist. "Now, l'in going Mel, and then lei pull you up after me, Catch hold of the rope -and foe Heaven's sake." she add ed. with !some impatience, "don't faint „wit yen!, wits eee., 1 rue eel again. Tithl won't help things a WI, yon, e'era." 'She ethebell the ropy as nimbly as a sailor, then began to lune her bleat up slowly; 001 n moment loo soon, foe 111- V101(ly one- wave, al) hlsignifteant pio- neer, had swept up the beach (wee Veril'S shoeS. end evashed have- with A 11010'Y' 01:11101' Of rolling shingle to meet and spend Ile rem/lining tome agninel other waves following tenet! behind, T0.1.0811 W4.16 trembling with excitement. Would her strength peeve equel lo the leek? :the wondeeed, eneiolisly. huh by filth the Iteevy weigh( ro^e. rettli illonte111 6r0wing heavier. She 801 her teeth end t.8411,inosotrciotiti\L\legyi.oltify-e(01gertill,1'.e01111000.1,11,e41)ft!,,,(U1117.1. log sight. Willer 00111.ely covered the rdnee where they had stood a 111111111p two before. It her grip 01106 relaxed Very would drop down 'to inevitable dooni, Even powertel men could not long Maintain foothold in that ewIteltig Sere Again the Inemoey of her Wrongs attacked Terry, "eellti Mee' done your best,' 'Whispered the 'eentpler, "Who men do more? Let go for 511 instant end eee'ere tree of This weteed woman wee lute stolen yolle loeee and yestercley eetighe your oWn Me, NO one Manes you-- Are 1101, your arms almost WW1 ont Of theft' sockeiS .W11,11 this there! tile strain? it la not Your fault if Pair 4,+++++++++++.4+ -++f++++1 - strength hill you now." 4 - But Terry's determinutioll never weakened. Nay, 11 grew stronger. She 1110g0011 0101111 W1111 a slrange, fierce ex- ultation, as, making a last desperate effort, she dragged ber burden within reach of the lop of the wall, Vera elotelied 11 and, clambering over, fell in 11 heap on the ground, while fled that 1103' part W118 (10110/ l'll/1 Wildly 11010S5 1110 10 $1101111011 011101' 1111. • • • "Vern -1 mean the Countess Zalinuffe- asked 1110 10 WV(' y011 Terry, with lot apologies for net being able to bid 'Aillell' ill person." leennox Clive, looking distInelly un- comfortable, stood lieskte the sofa on which Teresa lay. ills dart( eye!) wore that look of dumb upset!! cm. mos In those of a dog that has been glint}, Of some offenee for whieh he ,ireadd sm ere ahuslisement, The girl, imme- diately on giving the alarm, had stue combed lo the terrible strain upon her nerves and (athlete a thing she lied mem. done before, she refloated regent. telly ue soon as she recovered con- scl'°V\ti,shnaets,s.hen; do•el, understand, Has Verti-gone?" "She left the foonge half an hour ago ipbrfiljgg'isggst4'17:1, si IL;11..11111I'Aeln114'd1:110.8 I j'i•11,1114"1:)s• riddance." lie added, mentally. "She eel:Mined that she wits suddenly called nway on urgent. business," "Urgent business? What urgent 111111- noss could she have -a countess " "130101, read her tettee and see," sug- gested Clive, aceording le the masculine method of solving such a problem. No man 18 al all times wise, but most melt aeo practical. Terry tom open the dainty, violet- seaberritilpetly :_enVeklpe. The note begen "l'ou have speed my life, y1)11 braes English glee aud 8110W y011 (101 1101 1111g0011[1./1 1 ton going away al Cince, out of your life forever. I do not. love feinnox CliVe. neve!! !Hive loved Mtn. re wa.S. 0»ly pawn in ti blg genre hal 1 have been playing, but 1 have fulled. At least, I do not wish to pursue it, 140. ill the barberOUS phrtiiie or perfide Al- bion. I attack up the sponge, and :violet', I am 1101 %vital, you think me, tt eounte-es, but the serval representativt -what, you would perhaps call spy -- of athertuth Government 11 will not you which) on special oervice. 1 W11.5 sent to Englund to discover thy term. 1110 private treaty which your countr) Is about to make with. another great l'OWer. Mr. Clive, 1 was instructed. know these terms, and I set myself 111, task of winning his low, so some unguarded moineni, ho might di- vulge part, if not all, of what, he knew, flut you English are 1101 0011VAVS1111011111. Yoe do no1 like elrengers to lake an intereel 111 y0111' affairs. It is different In Franco. .Mr. nivn would never talk poli- ties with 1110, 11101101 (.11 1311111141 01114011.1. 'Its would COM*Pr$0 freely enough. But - unlit what happenect a few hours ago -- I bed saill hope of being elite to win his conadenee, and I should twee ultinielete succeeded. 1 know 11, No wan has evei yel-but I must not speak of that. \\Mal 1 1101S dOing Ihe beech °Weide tie wall [mist remain my seeret. It ie Moth fee yoll (0 1(110W 1.1011 no Muni :end ever come to elr. Clive or ymirseli 11.1'01101 her Whom y011 once knew as V0111 Seth -toff. ii.s.-15 it necessary lo -inform you that is not my real name?" 'reriy gazed at ceve. long and stead- fastly, Ilion burst into a storm of pas. sionele weeping. Even the teeeible ten sion of the cloy could not exeuse sttee egb 111.(v11s11 ntit,Te 1k,lel,t1'sne0,xs, 111001110olealDipmehtsreolli. disconcerted than his past conduct war. ranted, smiled gravely al t11:14 unprove. dented sight. Terry, of all prople tears 1 'Yel, it seemed a propel' punish. mein for lieu readiness to accopl Ids tip. MINIM disloYaltY PaesivelY and without giving 111111 a (thane° to defend himself. At length he spoke, "Fortunately.' his lone \ens cheerful and brisk, "I anticipated events a lime, and took the precaution -a wese 01A`. am inclined to think now -of efIrryillt uty suspicions. to a reliable quarter, lc 110 leSS per5011, 111 fact, than Sir llenr) himself, W110 wIII Confirm eVery ‘001.11 what I say. Directly I W115 I/11801110d 10 the -11.111-00/1111055 Z11111101T/ I re cognized her as someone I had seen be- fore urider other circumstances, 1 toid eet Henry all Mout le and, 011 11'1'1 Ad vtoe, played u part that to you, dear. must Inlet, appeared mean' and despie able. 1 was fileYbiff w1111 nee told 1 knew there was every !quince of My (IngerS. hut I knew also that Sit tlenry could at any moment, co1.ie for ‘171.11T1 and hack toe me eVety else should I linve made him my falher-cimfessor? I suspected tier Countess-shtp from Itir first. though I had no idea whet, nee chief she had in view. It seems end or 118 was trying lo pump the other However. the bubbleet burst et last. 0511 glie,is Ihe contents of lied f 1, pointed lo 11 with a quite smile, "lie - member this, darling, I have neVer 01101 wavered 111 111y tout elleglance 10 you. however black things mayeieve looked -- though," he Meshed, remote:Molly. "I 1111181 say you ',Ponied willing to bellevt 1,1 iny--Pr--pernity." "Vorgive 1110, Len," will:moved Ilit girl. ;is she dried lier rye,. "Bin yell 01,E4111 10 linVe lold Ille, lo: y011 might. mein!, 'You !keel know whatoiteil.03f1,1 estisernionces might lino!! helm And Hutt 011111700 1'0111111'1, wm, the onI3 linsicel ever mnde, either by Teresa Gervey or etre, Leenox Clive. I,. "Tevry's lemplalion."-leoulon T11-13ils, 111.11.1,'S -EST, Tno se111611 are never seeeee, New 'teepee melte Ilte new 'ego. ene ever regeelled inlying 41 slim, There 1101110 L5 11111011 gotta in "good e11°,1111,1giltli."tietels bell mere then the New 1st bumps of elierneter. Nelity of people wlio inik of iennp,L\ n gooll policy fell to pey Ille premi. unk. Iffeee; 1311,1,S. (1113 Mlle birds. with your beetle s 105011 101 10 al no ,-,nrie toe y011 (1, (Means' tor111 hi • (lei !month! bright! with yeur 01110 little MN 4:1 ovoi dew. About the House 1++44-4++++++++444++++++ pin in cold water enough to covet' it, mid a lableeponful of eel], 1111d lot 11 kill half int hotir. Take out, remove fish hoin the eloth, and lot the 11,11 'Main an strstiw.v1111 fried or rAewed nyntor tinueo. Cupful of 'lean!. liquor of half a pinto( eysiers, tableepeonful butter, ft plinth of cayenne, liring to a boil, add a tubleepouriful 01 Ikele, mix ilia nom, smeetilly 111 a little null:. stir curefully so a will len be Millie; 1,111 the oysters in a v, ire! burette end hied them bell a minute In builiug water. Put them them, sere, one joie itt a saucelmat end pew! tie• eence over. flelatiit Pudding.- Soak n half -box gela- lio ill 11 lialf-peil of ridd wider. thil 011C pint millc in !Melee 101Ier end when hot add yolk8 of 111 two-thirds of s cup of Huger, n little salt and \ taste, and soaked gelatin, Cook until a smooth custard, then ,-,e1 on ice to cool. Befitru IL begins to thielom add a vol. <,f seeded and chopped 1111801.4, 111104 1,4101h ot a pound of macaroons Mat lime Reim rolled lino, three lidoespoons blanched and choppod almonds, and the whiles of live eggs beaten stiff. Stir the elto)otli,delwS11)-4' whipped cretin'. Angel Food Calce.-lese eleven whiles of t!ggs; one mei (militia tumblers of sifted granulated ;segue; one lumblee, men full, of sifted 11.1ur, 10 whi011 add ono rounded It -rasp -4n of cream of tar- tar, and. sift several times, Beat whites of eggs stiff, slowly sin in sugar. Wen sift in flour; mid one teaspoon of tortilla. Pot in ungreased pan and bake f.ir forty minules in a moderate °Yen. Invert when removing from oven and out out when cot.d. \\illt boiled ft:iv:Wig. using one while Lif egg and One clip of greniettled eugae. Cold Meat Salad,--Tuke either cold. perk or lamb roast, cut into pieces. place Iti dish 011 150 11 5110A1 while, then lo one heaping eup or the chopped meal mkt one cup of boiled potatoes white) 11150 have been cui into small ',frees. then add n small pie, -.P of finely ...hopped onion, utri celery if desired. Over 1111 pour a salad dressing made of one egg beaten light, one Itospnonful of mus- tard. two tenspoonfuls sugtoe half teespoon eneh of salt and pepper, small Moto of butler. Slit* together well, then odd one theicup of vineger. Plill'e 011 lire and cook until stiff, steering constantly, Stuffed Peppors,-Cul the lop, friun green peppers awl remove the seeds. Pin 11 bowl and pcur \valet 0\111' Mem and lot stand milli the water 14 cold. Drain this orr and (vine otd tlic PPPPers. Iet it pound td good beef and Moo the butcher run il through the ellotifleri season it like Hamburg; flli poppers; put. in pan. Take two or three tomatoes, one onion, peel. eut up, put n rowel peppers. with n lit Ile m alert scan( ImIter, salt, and pepper; haste often nun bake unlit tender. Tula. up peppers. pui on platter, thicken graVy. put around peppers and gernieh with pubils u! teaeled bretel. Prune Wthip, that will not folls-Slew OW' pourid of petmee through n oceauder. or 41114111 tine. 130111 onc eup of sugar. lival the 18 or row ,sees light; slie into tlw prunes and heal all together unIll exceedingly light. Set pudding dish in a pan or hoi ‘‘iitor ond bake tett minutes or until 111540.11. Use no cream of tartar. ;-7,4erf t hol or cold. Stowed ('ettl 'fongue.,-Scakl and pee' 1s111%.11,!sguot l'4,i;v-v<1.1711 in hot lard, end edit elieed corrols and iiiiirms. n spoonful of floor, a hash 01 parsley, 111111 $1111. awl pepper to taste. Pill in enough water In l'ilVee 1110 WIlUIL MI 1)011 SIOWly roo ih000 lents. Grehant Puildiog,. hike of half cup molasses, quarter cup hulf cep ee eel, milk, one egg. hell top raisins. half cup curlew's, belt eup graham [lour. one leespoon soda, enll and epic( et taste, aud Aeon three loom. SCrll hut with hard (11' 80111' 8111100. rd'0111115.--TC 0111) tlien mgar, Iard and hailer. Mixed, add Or! teens inolassee and cold water. one ten ipoon of :oda. one tablespoon ginger. int, teaspoon :Summon'. 1\1'0 0,0',11/, am) 11011A it< make a ton roil. Spread on, flat pan, one inch Mick, and Niko 111 cool oven. Have ready 0110 Clip or Infivoo- ized sugar, moistened with milk. Spread 011 W11110 1101. \'.‘1.1./ABI•E 111NT14, Polato ter 1'0110.- \Viten your lam Or. leelee with Ink. slick in n \v potato e08 teed limes. win make your pen tii(Suotite'"d. Nulls Easily 1)1,1\ pm -Saw f•etir strength whon dri\ lug mine lauelwood lo soaping MOM milt Itrst. :4011p is equally holpfol on i.eri-\\ Salt Softens Woollens,- Before beeline alty W0011011 W11111E111 nth! Ihe watts nandrui or SVC 111O‘ 11111011 -01101' li motets the gement. For the Home eltleitlen,- -An exeeneni phut lo keep sheet meet!! togethei! I to ;Melt il n11 Machine in 1,00k -halm One row or All:long [Mont an Melt rroin 0dsg!"10. Leer in Clit'illins...--Whon milling up curtains draw small sized rubber nipMe nver Ilio end of lbo roll 111111 11 Will 011p through without (-Melting end Ithr- ii1gleoirl'u'llInIt(i't1:: larlotio acid 1111e1:Nisvdiir 8,11:sttg*:1:) Ihem slay naltile in the \filler In insure Aid. Starch. Put n lea• eenonfel temsone in the sereit horns; elther keeps me irons fern elielc- end Telex \\ 111 ;the while things ;hal limy nod \-1,rv notwartince, ttlyverin sit \ os Tubs., 1 pin. lobs and pnils lo pipers whim nol in 11,04 FY all inside coaling of et\ ellen fuel you wil, 111111 them, together with pair tem- perfeelb eves:med. move theitee room 1•10,0-. • Ton woo111 oville ncid 11 NI quart id 1 oling \\ \\ ill ;eke oil darns from ft nom'. ,kfli 1-\\ v,a.,1, \\ ell With soda mill soap and -eater, To ilea), W'indovv SI I I+ ye m !tally soiled whitlow shales, Thee lee thee ere sponged \etre c10111 ; kereeene and i'llideed drY with a !clean 014.111, they will oome out like ofev, To iron Button Watste-elo iron blitz'', \valet with buttons ln beets, fold towel three 101,11" [MU'S, lay hutton,s, iron over back; [Ito buttons will sink te tee towel, making a, smooth surfeee beTtsoveeN111 alleheelnimnieg Easler.-To 01010 hon etin smoothly, get some leaves bun evergreen trees, Bub hel terms tot them and they will iron without stiebing sierehed clot -hue 'rhis ie osed in old Virginia, 1.eaves may be dried for 1100. Utilize Oil Papers.- Sere the papers that you get pew boiled ham or lard In, `rime 'will come iu useful on ironing days. If the iron ie rlibbed over the grensy paper every lime it ie taken from Inn stove it will keep the iron pliant and smooth. l'ableclothe Instile.-Tublectollis sheeted never be liu»g mil Of &OM. TheY should he folded front itte wrhiger sod rolled in shoots used Potirely for this 'expose, allowed to lay from Iwo 10 011,1.101.1eleplctsourT,,,, 1111:.1,1inexitrir!ant,i\d„;,r1tilte rPsult, will '1'0 Dry 110111es Properly.- In longing clothes out to dry find. hang up the thickest part. waist or neolthands, etc., because if hung by Ilio thinner purl the wilier Will run info the thick part, lodge there and lake longer to dry, Second, 1114j:tag n011131, intiguiclillsrildtioniuge as if it appeared on the Leto cortains tensely Wilehed,---To tawnier hies euelains without elrelebers. spread newspapers uyer Ilie (teepee and swl.,r,01.111 f ,1111teciitil sNi;111110ipa. Me seam of Ihe carpet, and 1110 next cur- tain will go over the other and 5111'0 W(.4 -1'k. Use ne0' larks to prevent rust. You curtail's will look like neer, and your fingers will rot be blistered with Owing each one din\ n. flow lo NN'tash Illankets.-Pdankets and other heavy woollen articles ean he washed hesi. in this manner, and with 11111e lator. icuro a large new cedar block, and bore about 15 inch size holes throtigli llw block. into the centre hole drive a broom handle. Prepare the warm water in a large 1111), W1111 bOiled soap find 111111111.11111. 1111.0 Dail place the blankets end slump willi the block. l'urn artieles every 111110 \Viten clean wring. Then place in. lukewarm ater and wring. AN EVENING iiaTtf1K. Harry De Windt Tells of en Experience in the Balkans. 13alkans can boast of r.illes which arc ininieture reptile:is ot London and !igloos insanity. and so on, and if the Parise, declares tele Harry lte 'Windt, sourer of visitation ie removed the ex- cited faculty is reduced to its normal activity. , "There are a great many ceses on re- cord nf Mows ,on Ow parietal eminence that have been followed by such mor- bid that the ictim has com- mitted suicide. when a posisnorlem ex- amination has revealed the resales cf past hinammation in the suites 111511111- w and adjacent convolutions. 'Thus Dr. (1'. Gallus Mollie mentions 1110 ense of a soldier who had Leon struck by a rifle ball on -the head and lay insensible for several days. gol \vell and gained promotion. Then flurries and anxieties overwhelmed hint and be became depressed and melan. el o ly and gradually went mad and died. 111(1,S RESULTS PROOFS. "The le -d proof lhal localizattion theory is right Ls furnished by these rtiSt45 of trumalic 1041011 in Whiell Op- erations have been undertaken and the patients cored in mental functions of the brain. I have published !twenty- eigld siteli 041$04.3 011(1 recovery from me- lancholia, "10 a case three months ago I was eensulted by a man who had been hit with great violence by 0 billiard ball c,ver the loft 0y(1. 1 10 $111Tered such. ex- cruciating pain that sometimes he lost consciousness. Ile had been in an ass-. lune, but received no relief. I kept this man under observation, and during his ncrroat interval. diseovered that the ether mental faculties which had suf- eired era those ot sense, distance, ap- ptheintion, size nnd weight. The petit t believed, was due to orbital neural- gia. • "That my diagnosis was correct was shown by the complete recovery which followed my treatment. That a surgicul oheritIlion iWas unneresaary itt this ease emphasizes the fact Mal there arc many injuries even of this kind- that ean Le cured without trephining, but With 00r- loCalization we shall be justified 'txt attempting operative measures tor in - enmity in ils cooly stages." OF ItECEN'e 0111(31N. FANATICS ARE AIADE SANE NIENT.eL DISTAIMele eeleeelklat Rif OPERATIONS ON SKULL, ewe Who Stole end Wed Reetored Morality by BerawJal Of Strip of Bone, Can insanity be Cured by hurgieni operallous? woe tile subject of 4'0.1114 t!cliveced' reeently 'before the theoepore ated British Phrenological SOelely by Dr, Barnard Hollander, A well-MU/WA physician for mental diseases, who eurly this your caused a 5011:011i011 ey the publication in the Lancet and office loathed. joureats of E1 report. of a eue- (mint cure of mental denAgements by trephining, Dr. Hollander created another sense - Lon in the course of Ms lecture by de - seething the ease of a boy, aged 16, who was 1101' and a thief, but who, atter the. removal of a strip of bona from las 1(k1111, W118 re51.0red to a state k perfeet morality, This boy had to be con:Madly watch- ed to keep him front !destroying things, from thraehing itis fellow pupils and throwing Mones. He told falsehoodS and had a tendency to cereel; be had no sense of deceitey and grew more dangerous the older he got, unlit his deeds brought him befOre the police court. REMOVES STRIP OF BONE. Dr. Hollander proposed %he removal of a strip of bone frOni the centre line of the bead, This was carried out, An itleisfon was made from the toe Or the bead vertically down to each ear, when the tissues above! the right ear revealed signs of an old injury. Alter several trenhinings had Loon made the bone mos cut away on the right side, when the membrane of the bruin showed signs of an old hemorrhage. "Careful observation of all recorded eases," says Dr. Hollander, "has shown 111(. that whenever an injury affeeLs-Alie same locality, the same mental power suffers, and to this nlanner I have ar- il\ ed at the localization theory. "Theee is 100 case more (Murton than than of lucidly developed in cense- quetwe of a wouthl to a degree net manifested lo health. Thus blowf on the temple have caused kleptomania, Blows on the parietal eminence. me- tem:holy: on the l'ortex of the head, re - 111f, R1111101' Of '"I hrough. Savage F.-u- m•pe•" 111,ese aro civilized centres, Rut the 1'4'111010r CliS1111018 (We. 05 or yore- Itclbede of Outlawry end brigandage, where you must Ouvel with a revolver 111 on011 tocket and your life in your eir. De Win4lt In the ilistriet Called Militia an !old - <Hy Turk urged us to pass -the night lit a equIld .inti where our driver had 111011 116. Fulling to persuade us, the 4,1i1 villain disappeared, and so eff(04- Feely plied our Meyer with eliwowitz that he could not sil tm on the liox milli sunset. It waa therefore dark be, e4,1111i ,set out, tilimg narmw road. Llmiugh dense pine forest But tho game little ham dashed along and must have covered about 0 mite, when there 001110 11 riOlent lurch. rot, lowod 1.Ki* craste and I found tio self in the dusty road within en ineh or so of unpleasantly °olive iron hook,. The driver hail been hurled by the stmek rJean over his horses' heads, mid lay Fortutinlely. ene• companion. like my - erne \\ 1111111j111.(5.1, and we sot to work to repair this damage and assist the ro11111ging and !emitted ponies to regain 111.'kqr plivigi::-.1veri 'which had fallen neross Mark wns the pair,o of lho disaster. hut 1110 carriage was luckily intact, end onty a hnee was Ineattel. which I hastened to repair with the aid of fope mid a ittek-linife, Then ti curiolis thing happened, "Look bellitel you!" suddenly ex- claimed my friend, iind 1 turned hastily. 1:i'1:111tesreeci.v:vras1):117:iiii"rl‘rintiorn:yileonti: 1,41Wy [firms. which had apparently sprung 0111 of the earth around us. lifer' business about -this strange latnil, 1-01 ils methods were 1111110 AS Onclual. "Von will give us two Initalred"diimrs.' -insult eight poundse-"andi wiel help you. shift Mud tree." said the si.okesman. lo Servinn; end ireehmtly 1i:cognized the voter es ono I had brined Mut afternoon in the inn. liesistance 11111.3.411 ("01.1r$V. use!ees, for a match wits hindled 'the speaker r1,;a0011i1111111I1(111 gt.ligeini171 110°1. 1111111'el ilpr171; 111 eVery Inall's holt. l'hey nutfibered moor! limo twenty, we only three. find ne al out! member haieslupeeed with drink end terror; There wee nothing for il Intl to pay to anti Icok pleasant; and having ro. them: liy 111one-wives. Ihe robbece moved Itho 01T1 .1)1111:ed islved as rapidly and ellently es they lied et:peeled on the $00110. 1I1S CONVINCING NIA.NNE11, tiverythIng lids tav- ern 14 111,1 rhiss, Whnt's 1111, reason grumbling about e,itnellting the letme -see ieeeees i • .1 f , I kirk, 711,. 1/11/1/1 01'01;01,0(iy'll 11111* 11,p've pleased bore 110•01150 'VW ain't used lo he\ 11110 -!!• elleTtrli, \Visit. A eertein elever auletorcee ewe nehed by 11 \evert! or the opi)thnie, .m1.0 1, 11,1 1'01011 rtialily for otvility:-.: "l1 ouldill you 111:e 141 1 a 011017" thie the lady, readily replied le "Seeeribel yoirr VElle "John." "hal, 1" IrroWted, "*NVIlett 1100'111'rt KII)101g wrote Dint eni 1110111 a 1:01 l' that walks like n reett /keel you 1111010 Ite must teed! het] itt "111111111" .%. Hundred Years Ago Methodists Thought Them immoral, The modern teelont of wearing trou- sers Was taken frOm the military dress introdured into the army by the Duke cf \N'ollingion during the Peninsular War, seys the Tailor nnd (tidier, In early days theSe Were known as Wellington Intl - 500<, after the Duke. \nee they woo, coining Into genera!, use 61 1110 commencement of 1110 nine. leen111 century, the religious \frorld and the feshionable world were Most delete alined in their opposition. A 'clause in the original trust deed, dated 1820, of a Sheffield Nonconformist! eltnnel, provided that "under no elebunistancees whatever sloth nny peel/eller be allowed to occupy Ilto pulpit who Weans trousers." nut this wits uot all. Some double were exprossed he many quarters cote. evening the queetkm whether e man could be 'religious and anpear in tient- $ sees. One of the fottedeee of the prime, live Metluoliet hOdy remarked to a Cols leetete in the ministry "l11111 troulers wearing, beet' drinking so atal So Will Devoe get to heaven," • Pallor Boom, a lemons Method'st minister, twice peceident of 1h6 Cordite, epee (born in Ff(113,,die41 1.8e6), could nol be behteed lo adopt trOtisers, And 0111011g the Melhodiels woe the lest Ctiv fellow popUlar fashion In this respeet: ow theepiefinted the tverneo matt MuSi. feel every Rine he lookailet a tribe Mee