HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-10-31, Page 6THE &REA
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I .......
Christ's Life Is Worth So Much to Us
Because He Was So 1\raoh. Like Us..
"Leaving us an extutiple Mat we
should follow his igleps."--I. peter 21.
Christideity is distinguished and doted -
Mated by the ieeel of the life and charms.
ter (if Jesus of !Nazareth; it is a philosee
pits und a system of individual and
eocial ethics muter the inspiration of tt.
glowing ideal. No matter how greatly
1is people may differ on eth)r all
ere agreed 10 recognizing in Jestm the
fairest, of the 80119 Of moll -
There neVer wilei a time Ashen the
thought of this life was more nntent thao
it is toeiny. Men think as A PA.,
1.4.1W being. one who weal nbout doing
good, who toelied oht en life with the
windows •of his soul unsullied mid who
lived out PVer the holiest 'end highest
that came lo
The thought of ,such a one has become
.ss real to /11ell. 11111i they .cle, not slop 05
arglle abeut his existence ns Ilrey onee
11 it were possible indisputably to
disprOve the historic Christ, men sti•11
would cherish, as highly As ever. the
:deal, the vision of sueli..a lite, and In
•their hearts would know ilmt such a pic-
ture -only have been born of eneh
a person.
'Otis goodly. glorious men no longer is
O 111: 110W 5118 1110 ihr0110 of hea-
ven. Men are not virlicularly CO10(311011
-HS to whether he is artificially glorified
;Ind Perilentoled by some divine •deeree.
lle has erowned himself :in the glory of
0 Pose and
has perpetuated himself in human
loves and admiration.
Because be once showed hirneelf as
the friend of all, the pure, bigh-souled
friend of the downtrodden and the out-
cast, the strong, invigorating friend of
. the rich and successful, he to -day walks
by many a simn as hie unseen friend,
and in busy mart or oftlee men feel the
presence of se heavenly gweel.
Once men Made that life the centre ,tsf
dispute: they sought. to prove his divinity
•by Ins unlikeness to easlinary humanity.
• But the filets defeated them. This man
whom men so learned to love Mat they
became willing Io (lie for him was
respects a man.
11 has coino as reveletion to the
world that the supreme religkus soul of
the rigt..s should be so tenderly, naturally
human. We ery "Pallier r with a new
settee uf relationship when we see the
likeness of the father in the ftwe 4of eat)
0. son.
We me coming to believe Mal just
\shut the great friend of niankhut -was
se is the great father of hs all to us all,
thut just as the sell of the oust high
moved anh opt, tutm seeking helP,
cheering, reniforIbig, loving. so I.. the
4.11vriml spirit moviog in our world, go-
ing ithout deing good,
Onee every effort of the 11100k1g1011
Wilts mit te, setting this inMestie figure
apart from mankind, to secure' hitn
sovereignly mer us by separation from
u s How differenlly that from the
simple pictures drawn of hen, from the
naltunineee of his life. from Me love
which ho had for homes and bnman
friendships, from the life which eorned
Me illuminating rebuke of being ,:alled
11 is a wed thing for Ile all often to
remember that there hus been shell
Mat one born In poverty and un-
known. far removed from centres of
culture and wealth. living the linrd
of a peasant, knowing all our tempta-
tions and wealine'.ses, yet should open
his life so fully end eompletely to spirt:
tual Influences us to become to all the
nges the greatest of all spiritual leaders.
What, one has done another may do.
W hat. he has been we may be. lie but
Ghows the possibility of any life. Ile
bad no advantage over us; we know no
disadvantages aguinst which he did not
have to strive. The divine heights have
been scaled by human feel; his foot-
prints beckon us on.
It. 31711,9 j11.91 nett a life as we n11 have
to live, not separated from mom not that
of the monk or cloistered philosophor,
but jug that of the pIaM man amongst
his friends and his loil. The lowliest
places give opportunity for the expres-
sion of the highest graces and for the
development of the most glorious traits
of character. Let but a 1000 live wholly
for the right. he wholly true to the hest,
seek to be o friend to his God and his
brother, and he shall know the power
4.'1 the life from above.
NOV. .3.
I.esson 1'. 'The -Cifies of Reiner. Golilen
noised on the texl of the 11,,\ 1,0,1 \ er-
Asylum. 'rho Right of. -Our English
magi "asylum" comes front a (meek
word II10111.1111g "hivi,thk1,1e," Ile original
inseming WAS that (.4 All in.r101111110 place
4,1 refuge and looter -tem for sieves,
del-,14.rs. political offenders, and 199111i -
mils. The right id asylum was one of
the earliest soeittl reeognizeti
among primitive people. it found to.
day ilninng very low tribes in Australia
unel elseu here. but renalwil its niglie,t
ileveluprnonl 111111.111g the uneient I Ie..
brews fIllti Greeks. 11 wag only gradual -
1,, superseded by modern jurisprudence
111111 Shrlived in a modified form 'even
among chrisliati nations of Europe un-
til a bite dale. Usunlly the plume set
apart was 1111 altar, sanctums., Or OliA9'
;..10.1991 14p(11 111.(40.11.011 by the presence of
s,.,110 doily or dime supernainral being
nod stinting its lin Mobility. l'.ven
1\ anima's that clamped 1..4. 81ray
ill 111P 1VatIld, 4.r Me sacred preeinek
shit/4-d its prot..ction. arid 1.11111(1 11,1i be
put to death while Ihey remained there.
The right of neylimi Wt.111 Of especial 1171-
liortance with tle,se peoples among
vt tom the primitive Inv,' of likod ven-
geance wa.: inosl persistently mein.
Mined. lit Israel the custom seems to
exishsd from (arliosl Hutto, and,
doiihne,„:„ ',1 nest \ ety shrine and
samMiary \\ its ',twit no WM, Tile
(9119411.1 legkiation regarding rtlit's of
refuge bonel in Pout, 19 and Josh. 20,
lel Letts! 11) t„, a
later period ot Hebrew his14.ry. Front
fhb. meaning or the sweet
"neybint' the sense of the word was
teltu0 enlorged un111 11)., s‘leel rem
lo moult 1111y geellre pla (li rthigo. re-
treat, prolectrin. Since in modern
times Chrislitm. nations movide shelter
mat supls.et to vitri,ms unfortunate end
cle.sses Itionimily in benevo-
lent institutions specially erected for
that mirpose. and sine, Ihr ehedont of
persolial revonge has given wi* anemg
• iighleitod gooples to \‘''l
system of ,iii,11,4111 Proectlnye it"' w'11."
"asylum" hos mine hi he 1111110Si
PX1911.-ii‘lly 1,, hislitulions such as have
just boon referred to. It Its of interest
his,torieally to tale,' discovered the rola-
Ron of 1104-; ‘1'511,11 10 HILL L1111'10111 i 14(10(W
iih411111101) (01 1/10 '11.1M4 41 1 11(111g.LL.
N'orse (employs Inlervelling ho -
An eon Iles mid our Inst. loss.,11 give 1111
1101911/111, 1,1 the dislrilaaloa Ihe land
of Cannon lunette the (fillet...111 tribes.
(1.11, wril(q. 01 [LA( ILILL(1,11(fVe ,c1(1(111, (11
111,..s distribution as litoing rem-
pleted in 3iselltin's time, tisaigh from
Ilse intrialives of the book of Judges 11
ie evident 111:11 1111.` conquest \vas not
completed 01100 (111(1 for alb lett wns
rniliel. neltiPlqi very giattiatIR Miring 11
long period of years. The neeettol be -
fere us presupposes ti well-established
order ref things \\biol. ovule ft potssible
essign to rile LOViillS (1 gr001 1111111i)(111
of special eillm of rcsidelin0 ;00111p..1,1.411,
211. T1)14 portket of the record i,vs. 1-0)
therefore belongs to n biter period of
Hebrew history,
Cities of refrige,--hicle Itecossary
the peetill,Nr <,f crimitird
Inse, itinoist the ancient Itehrows, which
Mkt Mem She person noNt of kin to tho
01ht TY170 140 beett thtirtierect ,10111
accidentally. the duty of avenging his
relative's th,a111. 'nits cushmt of blood
revenge. \\inch still exists. SO11111
111e 11111(ing 1A9l11111,1 ill 1111 early
stage 4,1 social develmetnent, 131`1,4 1111i -
/tinkly tat Iwo finitlanteinal prineiples,
11111110Y. 1110 sacredness of 1111111mi life.
and tite sense ef selidarily e.1 fetidly,
01111 Or tribe. lit the more el\ 1111-
11i111,1 11111 hili(11.111111'11111g the rights cif
the eomintinIty hns passed from the
howls ef individuals I., hie state. mid
hence among civilized minims Me cos -
/0111 1,1 Hood ri•vigige ItuS be,itite
\Vherfs,f I spoke unto you --For the
(gtelicr conitliatalment 111.40111991 i 1, 19(111-
[(01•0 Nino. 35. (1-34; Imut, i. .1 1: 19. 2.
The entire narrative in .roquoi ems 10
pre..alm)ost 1110 existent'', of the 1YMa-
lcuch. including 1)euterononly.
3. islinisla,\ erseltietingulshed fisnit
murderer tiki U110 11111i. iii110111 tiny 11C1,(111
unwillingl.y. that is. liecitlentally.
Niuy floe litilltet•--T., front 1110
avenger of 111".111. or fioei• 1111,
was known in Hebrew law. The 'tulles
4if (loot 111(1111d0.11 HAW the iiveng-
lily. of (leant of a near relaMe. 1:A-
C11V 1111'. 19111 law 11 tri91111111 1111. (1111y (,1
this porson under evrInip ,r1rvilin,1;1000s
to redeem by 'mealiest, that winch. his
brother had sold 4!‘",, 25. 251; mid Si11110-
111110.9 1.0 1991(0'111 1101 0111:1 1110 11091-
porly but person of Ids kinsman.
me event or the latter la‘Ing "'motioned
1)Y PoverlY to sell hinist,11 into shivery
I.) 0 foreigner "ev. 25. 47-411). On Ilte
other lunitl. an oblignthm or debt doe
the tlecoaseil became payabli• lo
4. Verses t -ti are ind found iu
Septuagint. Ilse Greek translation ef 1411.1
1)1,1 Tesionieni (emu about ihe
third coniury, 13, C. The detailed pro-
visions which those versos ,01111111 thug
upper( illty liolong (5 11 1111. r period 4,1
legislation. having 1)1v11 111,,,r(et1 et
point Mr the saki' comnieltlies'' th'e
wrg,a. ,a. \\Tito., 11.11,1 iwilingod nu, mo..
relive 4.1 .10:41tun itt its present piens
.St this entrance of of Mal
cily-, 134,hire the fin:Hive could la" se -
(girded the protection of city he wits
1,, 1,,, solemnly [Nett !whin+ the '0091i
magistrate of the Once,
0, (letith of the high Prie$1-
'Ile, (Mice Una nelson of lite high priest
mere regarded et such iimairtini-t,
w hen died the it, all, of every
Other pers+.11 was, so to speak. forgoing'.
n generni W;111 griiiii0d 10 till
guilty of neeielenlut mansinitgliter
tog his lifetime.
7, S.4 01111.. 1 1
1.tis Mien been ir-illited ord. in our lesrmat
ONf111111411friTIS that 11W 1',1'11 "1,1 ,1111011i3
11,00 01 1111. (114.1 1110r -
011y, "10 set Nand," that is, for some
speeini ',tiered pimp's'', we have ma.,
10: ,illustration that tr,e or ihe verb
ip origlind sense.
lecl-sh flalllec-srlte most W1111'141
Ot 1110 (c.rsIvrit ((ties, Somelinms tolled
(v,Itlip. 21. lie),
Sheriestr The evolruf \vest ,,r
11,0 1001110.1 Ilie 1,01w0010
l',1011 1111(1 heriZilli, Ill Ille 1101.1101.y
1 111e 401211!-
.10wirm Die three
4",,Inp. Research and 1111,1 Shan' De-
partment. (1,14.1,er smalay School ,fotir-
8. Bezel- Fuel id Jortinn in (101
S1(11111 os Jerietto, crobably no(
rron le,ifhon ;comp, 1 10,11. 4.
nat»,ili (mead. .\ caned lin.
13, 2th. Tilt, hnvil
nit. Olf,' (11 Hie greii I forlresees on 1he
last Iti lite 11 te,ststp,,,,d 1,0
111. S1/01 11111T 3(1••iii1 11111(111 eill19111111
W1111 1.111111» 111. 1114:1% 11 Is mom.
nomai 1 11.111 I lin,
,1 ion!, 1, 131 15. 17-22; 2 'Kings
tt I 1),
Colin) Nlost northerly 'if
11.1(.1. dh.friet was once tien,ely
populated, lint is now almost a desert,
the tineient site uf the 4.11) having (Jinni.
9 For the strtinger that solourneth
111111ing 1111911-B(411131/1# 141 (111v,s of
"ontmenized Mseigners' in Israel, Their
preseiwo one 'ng the 1,0,'Ide is Iwo Anikti
joy .,(9,v001 NVItyl, 14;111,111`,, 1.110
.011Nod lb( vtinto 11110 !s-
mite out of 1,40 le ilisod, 12. 3:9 formed.
one :element. oldie unemiquered Cu-
muntiles met 4.11.01. native ii1
1110 101111141 itilolnen, 1, possible
01'4 Iluil• foreign c.aptIves. fugitives,
hard servants, and 11101401111111. Werc
W111 i.iotivor ki110111 any prrsoll- III
Inter tines the regained 11in Me
roade leading lo the elite, of refuge be
[Ma 111 Iliorough retain' and free Item
obstructions: also that evcry turning
p, lin in the mad guideposts bearing the
word "refuge" be erected ossist thc
unfortunate timuslayer In his night. to
There Is Always Som- e One Worse Off
Than Yotu•self.
Thanksgiving was notinatching. and
father. mother and tnyself 111011'11 /11%/111111
with joyful hearts. for we 11111 swots
thing to mato, us thankful. writes Betty
Niuggins. our darling Margery had lain
for long month, tit deaths door, nod
now elle wee convalescent. "131.41 luck"
had roihm,ti us since the Itvd Thanks-
giving. when we [tad lost heavily 4.11
large shipment 4.f turkeys. ,k tine cow
had died, find then a pretty yearling cell
hnel been crippled end nflerward died.
The (•1.0 011110s1 11 fililltre. told 1110
<MIAs contracted from Mingery's king
I heavy.
1111t we forgo( all our failures and
los.ses WO gilille1.191 1.114110111 (1 NIA -
Pit ot days before Thanksgbing and
ntoel Iho flush of returning health 011
margpvf „hock a, \\,,, tistemxt to hail"
lelling of his trip 10 town Mal afternoon.
"Some people are worse otr 111:111 1011'
110 said to mollies. "You. cement -
bet. 1 told yoti it month ago Mann, Jones,
that fIllilitUrC Minkel', being in needy
eirehnishinees. Well. his wife is laid
up Mill rheumatism, and all four of Ids
ettildren have tlie grip. Ito hns no
elinnee al his work. for he can't loare
hi; famil)-. tont it's n pity for hini. for
St.01111, 11 190\ TentlW, ik/111 w11111 I've
seen rif hitti."
"Let's send them u Thankionving lox."
showery sngesoless sours., fen tri
with her plan, only 01 11131t W(.111(101119.1
W11111 Wl‘ (1(31.111.1 1111(1 10 go in 11.
"Nothing is impossible 'to it strong
rather quoted. "And willing
hearts," mother added.
We went 10 weal( ul (Ince. so as lo
100 11()X Tlt'Xi day in father's WO-
gnn. as he \vent to mill. .1 will give
S(0111( (if i10/1.10111S, While ..401110 1 have
There NVI1r0 11.11.\9101 11411111i/CS,
In0/11. 1111111P1ii111(. npples. mange. tine
Moe, hiesory nuts und walnuts. some
otitgrowa clothes of klitrgory's tuut
male in good condition, antl sonte of.
moth, r's nevi* yarn. On lop lay a huge
turkey all ready kir cooking, flanked 01I
either sido IT tw u huge long.'s of "light
bread.- n jog ef spicy eider iind o
of huller. All sinmle unpretentious
itml yet Iv 'polo from NP•s. •
lettri• father brought 'auk. "The gins
nets. 11 real :kat seed In time or oven. -
At chrmmas 51r. Jones walked
eighl miles to see us, bringing with him
.1 lovely willow 19.041110 (l'i All 0X1.1199.1141011
,.! his Ileinks for our "Titanic offerinse."
ns he mill. (I it. "11 ettnie in lime of need.
and heaven 11101)0 can reward ydit n11 ita
you ilteerve." he said, hi saying good-
bye, Fttiir bine pissed since ibis
tempt:nem and i•very Thanksgiving wo
aim di, something to make soniemie
haPP.1 • elweY, selecting those whose
m 6add,t,
A New 1)00011. Is Threatening Ow.
- 1 "Ivillaallan good for anyhow,
yon have lo 1'1111 Oral' by 11 at
the railroad crossings. blewn tip by it
the forts. In Ma turrets. in the gas
v.,orks rind in the, PON111Pr factory,
knockei out of ell recognition by its
aulotneltiles. cooked to a turd 'by its
etepleiont testefintions, nervously pros -
It tiled by ils rag -lime and variety shows,
•:11\yeltal Into pessimism Ity iln plays,
manglod ils sports, done ley its
trusts end corporations and poiettned
hs canned goods? is not the.
1.1,11 things were 1» 1)1»g Arthur's time.
1, And hove Tomes Mong Ihe plea -
sunt plinse of the soled() business.
We are le "ale hogs." Every-
body linowe the mild hog. moulded on
te, mesele or whizzing in his oubeno-
lily or bouncing in his buggy or tran-
quilly occupying cutlet) highway on
11', buy WfIggon-for 11/1' farmer is the
‘‘orst matt hog there Is; but the Oil' hog
is ',noon!. Fmginnil Is the first In coin -
plain about him. 11 appears that gen-
Genial rending in hie gnioleile-Tngland
1„,h,g of UM feW NV( 0 y611 elm
,1111 11"141.-wns
disturbed oy n sscover mirth. Lsolo
hip: Ens eo soon ir; lle could gel Mc sluff
out of his oyes and hair, he saw a btd.
Icon passing <werhead. 11 bad dis-
charged Wiliest, and he got ft.
Noss. Give en !Awes
1.).0,1(11 leaf -scent In the air-
hu'ellso sv,"cl• heY4ind co1111111n`;
N1/1`i 11 droppi»g, ono by 1114,--.
Sl[1111.1.01,' 1111M,1 111h, Legim.
Gusset leaf, end purples gold,
'Owning iplo fragrant niould ;
1110 vagrant breezes clime
NMIlled sound 711 phensaill's (11mm.
ln ihe bin the ovellard's hoard,
thaltly treasnee lionp-Is stored ;
In the mow the gulden grain
Fruits 4,1 summotis S1111 1111(1 1.11114
Fi, Ids that hilevests rich 11111-a blessed
Nev\ dismantled. lake their Test;
Brown Ihe stubble, Late Me hill;
Nom give Monks and OA
The Culninit Winter Will See Everything
Away Vp ilie Big city
or Gotham.
New York r:ity will pay metre for its
feed this winter nein (wee before in Its
history. From beef to prunes the
householder witt cowl/Mica hi ex,'
licnit rrom 13 per cent, to AO per emu.
leime for S111111111' articles than he did
last yclir, elld ileCording 10 di1111(17.1,
0,111ilegfile nod retail, lite cud is nowhere
itt sight.
The eily is bid approaching a fam-
ine standard, and unlit many
luent. and general, aro changed
there can be J/il falling in prices. For
every brunch of the food supply trade
there is a different explattatket, and
with the exception of beef and eggs
inereases are ascribed to natural or
generul causes.
For 11101 there is only tho ono rea-
son given -the Beef Trust has raised lie
prices, es it has. the power to do, and
against that neither Individual nor com-
munity has any chance. To the 5117110
1111111111100 is ilSerlbed the Meccas,: in the
priee of eggs. The packet's have we-
ltered Me W'estcrti °Mind, upon which
NoW York primarily 41epeildS, and Wi1.11
Illis great supply in stooge mail-
ing the limo when Increused prices \vitt
peruse, them to dispose of their hold-
ings et enormous monis.
The wholesale price or Intik set rorth
In trade eirettlars hns increased about
tittee-uurtrters of a rent SIIICC A:11g. 7.
?Ole raise has not been reflected in the
1191111 price of lhe majority of the deal -
eve: Only one Min lats announced nu
heyease of Nom eight. cents lo nine
'erns a quart. but 11 is thought the
others will ael, soon.
Cliuses nssigneel for this are a bad
season and the rigid enforeemeot Of
new rules by the Board of Health.
CANNISI) G001)8 ANI) FfillITS.
For the inevensed price In cunnell
:gest') Iwo MINN are blamed by the
trade. One is-lbe rigid enforcement f
lin. 1101V fOild IOW and Ihe other is a
shortness of crop in certain tirlieles.
The pure food law has withdrawn
from the market almost entirety the
(Reaper canned goods, which. depend -
<el Ms their price on adulterants and
proservn Live i tigred lents.
1 11 119 (1110 thing hits the operation of
the law leen felt 1114)111 than in the 1:1111-
ii(1911(1 1119011 1.19.114ii Whidl formed 84:1
large 0 part of the niinual simply. To
SlIpply the trade the fruit was dried
will) Die nkt of chemicals in whieli sul-
phur formed the principal Ingredient.
wits a Insk of a very short thno to
dry and blends fruit with sulphur
Sulphur has been put on 1he bannk,d
list, mid the California trade huts been
eul In two.
The wholesale price of Linter has in -
messed from 25 le an MIN a 110111111
since Aug. I.. imil Mat means retail
price 4...1 from 35 In 40, according 141 the
merchant and the district in which he
does business. Tile high c 381. r1 (:‹1111940.
is WA' $001191y of milk, and Ihe °thee
the oleomargarine law. Before the
oh, 'margarine law went into force n
substitute for LH:ler amid 110 purchnsoil,
Since Inc law in New York has put 1!
ul of the market. butter Ims been Um
only thing,
Great Frenchmen • -Who Got Lost in
Apropos of the extraotelinary -absent.
Mindedness of M. 'Mooched, the seien-
Ust, wli0 was on the vaege of starvation
while three yenes' arrears of pension
awaited . him undawno the
tells some good stories of slmilur in-
stenees ninong grent men.
Sturm, the was once
1.111:111e1111Ctiti:g yonleonuigailheelisteVi;lt,L1sis,p1.1‘,‘I:hclenin 14.
uotieed a van slop close by. Ile at 0111P
drew out a 'piece of elinlic loom his pock
et, and proceeded to cover the back o'
111.11::t1 hiligsligresa(;ds \lichepnroleiclecticrItlirolenr
his nay, end Sturm follinved, still add.
Ing and subtrecting, wholly onnwnre
eit his eceentric conduct. On neollter
oension. when speeking of a great mob -
lent \\Mich his confreres had named after
Pim. he commenced his discourse by
Inhaling to "the problem of which 1 have
the honor to. bear Ilie n•ame."
Ampere, when eleeted to the Institute.
was asked to n. dinner 1110 laras-e
Ventanes. Chancellor -of Utsiversity,
end for a joke Ills colleagtiee told hint
1t3 nnist nppenr in lite -liniment or an
Academician. Naturally he was the -only
ohe preeen1 so alined, and being very
einblirrasSed lild beneath Me
cushions of -a settee- ids sword, which
was constantly threatening lo trIp• hint
mi. After dinner he hecume so 'abscess]
in his ()Wit thoughts that he did not no-
liee 011 lhe !mesh; litut gone. Only Mine.
F4 11 111110 10 1110(1, eu .er rasped for
her distinguished •guesl. \Viten Ampese
/motif: from his -reverie he 1001011 for 111.9
sword., but Was nonpinssed at gliding
madame silting . on Ilia very' ctishions
whieh ponce:tied it, tind she was. ins!
Belot-m..11e went down on his lomee, intd.
le- dint or much perseslerance managed
1,, secure the sword without disiurbieg
ledy, bul it aline owny minus 1.110
settles:id ! just Men Fonlanes
niveke, eml seelng n man
soss..1 before hoe shrieked Mildly. Tiu3
Chnticellor arrived on the scene In his
night. ollire. Ampere, otter "expInna-
lions, retired covered with confusion.
W'011f.D 11E EASIF(11 -FOB -111.k1,
"That 11011,1) solo was inagithlectil.,*
r.,\ 'domed n 11111,te 1ovrn, who bud. 101,
Fiitidoil mule lo him le
it class:fent con .orl, "Y, tr.1 e is., Idea
bevy (11111mill •Il
"P"Illetta t's •10111..(1 ..1.11, hinityr,d
1111e1c. W;s1.1 .1t,WaS linpossibie,"
f"++++++++++++++++++.1 MANY FORTUNES LOST'
Time Works Great !Unties in the For -
tunes of Some People.
'wheels nee now at the very hollow,
Wile, formerly at Ihe top of fortune's
The nunnier of well-known peoPle 11111 111(8( 1111
I [II 1
'seems lo be annormally hole lust et. o
present, judging helm the newspaper
'reports. says Peursoles WeeklY. +
willun the. ja,i /numb alone, news t+++++++++++++4+++++++
1111s ro1111' OT thlida starving lit n herds-
Itiall'.s cottage, of 11 Oriii-11010 wealth.? Li; modern cooks in.:4, a covered toasty ,
Instead of basting Itte turkey freation •
'1'":14-'r"lwr i-l'ing re'be:c'd to witstIllig whet performs buslipg aolomatically by
tg,k file a living in 3 eitY IllY"cn' 1111,1 Ilte condensation of the sto0111, All Ilie
if the dmighlerof a bish,p oarning bar rich juice., are mu, ‘,1,00,1, enhancing
'bread as a \\ nitress in a Lea shop. lho navor of the porfeelly cooked fowl.
Q./posit," Kennington Church, again op.m.dide solia,...mo four pound, of
illicre may be sOcil any day in the week beef Hee' 103011 19iV(11'0(1 with 2 (pilule of
a ..nee poplin' musie-liall star, engine, colil willies sem:oiled NV1111 IX, tensptions
ea hi drawing picturee 00 the pavement of still. It) peptice04.rits, 4 cloves, tontr-
in order to maintain Ms \vile 11.11d A wier of u sweet pepper, Ill', leaspouns
IMPIngelY-erIPPILS1 chittl. belit cd whom sweet. )11,11,1 iininiorom, thyme, vio.), 1
InT beoit, him to ebeer and encourap; 1.:ny tem, 1 m inbiespc.ns voch. (tin•roi,
wlino n..t. Mr wily a man sem speaks (Mil 111 anti eolory. Alice long shimmy-
,i,i,:lsil ty1 LI,,allitigjoulisig. es, nod is a graduate ,-„f ing, 1111A1111 19111(111111{.( the bailing latilli,
three universities, tends eat) heves t,,,,, strain, the semi. 0 ita next morning re-
move the cake of int formed cm lop and
mord" ha, re,eated to um „.,,,,,kt IN, whito of 1111 egg nod 1,110 elle4111a1 $11011,
Tben, too,. the Monte C.11110 119.1n0 clear it by adding the slightly -Meilen
filet 1111.1 1 Lite eighth!' representative of 'lent' "11'4'1'111Y sliming, until the
one si 0,, oid„,t Brlikh baramote., ,s Itiould bolls. Lel. 11, boll vigorously ti foni,
miinent:4, add Ie cup.of cold water toe
111• A4n1cynkillIVNa3p',51,"<'01.ell' 11..,10,‘,01"' remove to bark of range foe 5 :001111104,
no, .,,00 01 pool, of ifs'o. 1:11',1,Yd Skim curehilly, and strain through
cheesecloth spread twee a sieve or colon-
111111',elf out n after booing der. A "flutes la,k,re serving 0,3,1
w•orke 1 his pw.,.slige tiemnits. tile Allan• .
taidespoons tapioca previously soaked
:,111°1111,15,(11111,,,,\11„,"Iiv,."11°(1)1 the gills° 9' n 1111Ie eold water, let boil nod serve.
10 1110 glow 001sitie 0110 of 1110 beut. St,c1m)kvf,orhtinli,titiys whim:several courses
4010wil we...,t End vorivi. ibentres is 11 jo u{pnytet(iitienerely refresh nod Winn -
Indy, the wife of a well-known civil P11- P4,1111.0 and sytiltml. Stelling,-This 00 -
Omer, engngtel 111 selling matches. A 'wises (ming oppeopriete fot. either
ye:ism:Ws nephew sweeps a erossing in lurkey or goose. TWo cups hot Mashed
'Eensington. In WhileellePel mid Senn potato, 1 teaspoon onion Mice.or grated
espt are. mimeos who are also onion, 3e cup sliced 'Anima meals, Se
Pedlars; while the handles of barrel- teaspoon while pepper. 1 teaspoon sell.
organs nee being turned In various parts 4 iableepoons MILLY111( 1 teetToon
-of the country by no fewer than three butter, yolks of 2 (WW1, 10119Ponn sw501
abillIt'otioletns,11 lesva41).idkonn1;ghts, and one elaitn. herbs, if desired. locrease Ibis tine. arlY
serene following sufficient. 0) needs
thoee served. Let. there be an abitn-
TIOW TO GET A SEITATION. Mince inflamed,
Prune and Apple Theseing.-Thts, de,
saccesstni Shopiseeprr Gives Ilints to liellitt:gti'ler')Idares:ohl.)•gellfyo.r tr(.1 ti\jerrilYnsis
Applicants. tc,olecl to it Mink both fowl and dressing
„ itiferfor when bread is used. They claim
"When rt nian '‘PI)lies 1.° rn`l mai the hiller ithsesies the juices front
1\v6 gre"t tbi"g's- which Me meat„ while ihis makes it more juicy.
lelluence My lodgment are his tidiness
and intelligence," says one of London's Pnre nod cut apples as for pies. Wash
most euccessfol shopkeepers. ' ftne, soft pennes und stone them, Mix
"An unshaven face, a 'dirty collar. uncouked. half and huff, Sluff
carelessness In dress al once cendenin Linfiloce).Y1;11.7)1..st°ta'ui.bVite".._°N111ted,qaullarigroe(,(11ullr,eict
an applicnnt here. 1)ress does not 1311SiE1, and with 11 line a .tleep pudding
1115110 1110 Mani bid a eavera all hut big dish. One of etirthenwave is besl. Doll
Lands and Ids face, and a slovenly :Mother piece of pastry nettles, half an
dresser will be a corelees worker. loch thick end cut it little larger
"There is one 'type or appliennt I am around Mao the top of the digh. Duller
Nery short with, and Mill is the man the edges of ther dish, which fill with
\she is to a position het winos bo cruets of dry bread. Over 11 luy lightly
change, Ile is neither one thing nor LIM 1'0111111 of pastry and place in the
the other. He hasn't the nerve to leave, oven. \\line it is cooking place in a
tun Is drawing his full salary for half- saucepan 2 tublespoons bullet- and 2
'hearted w.,,ru whne he is looking iss, 1.enping tablespoons flour. Cook both
another job, Ile goes sneaking behind higrther until they bubble, and pour
his own eonsctence.and his employer's nimn them y cup of oyster liquor end
back, thinking only '47f 111S own conv'eni- j enD 'll.if sw..eet eream. I -Sir Imtil sniesdh.
sure and enring slot a etrnw how much Grop in me oysters. iy., pints in lids
menu. or four 'or five el -mice oysters lo
'trouble and loss he may cause his em- each person. Cook until the oysters he-
ployer. go lo milito and plump, then add 2 eggs,
"Introductions are of no use. They grndtta I ly end en ref til ly, stirring con -
are a delusion lo me and a snare lo Ihe „1„„11y. s„ „„„ „s they sse an el, ses.,
opplIcant, for Ise is siniP13 entilne 1110 son the stew with a sena teaspoon of
grrelnd front under his feet.
"Jones comes to me With A 111110r
Introduction from n. good customer
yews named Smith, We take Jones on;
11.3 turns out to be no good; he goes --
end lit) gnes Also .,:41111ii with his tali?
tif woe. Smith only hears one stde
the 131140, becomes annoyed, and, ten
chances to one, W0 10S(1 trade.
"Jones might lurn out all right, but
I cannot :Ilford to risk it. 1 want an
applicant lo stand or fell upon himself
eand 1115 merits.'
Ilenections of a Prbion Warder Whose
Wife Ilad Taken a Prisoner's Cake.
Rather All origMal story comes from
11)1, celmlnal prison at \Varsaw, Russia.
A bookkeeper, named Selmelder, wn
itts hint, being charged will
trine!. As his Iwnith was bad lila family
sold him many Mile dell0neira unknown
111n11111.he prison fa.re, delicacies which, no
doubt, the head warder shaved with
'filo) ether tiny. among Miler things. ft
huge iced, coke oppeared. The warder's
ellibleen woe Mild of mike. and so 1.\110
111$ \vire.. They thcrerore (10101'011110d 10
keep half of it for themselves. Their
surprise wns groat W11011, 11poll implying
a knife In the itninly. it stuck just, below
the lelog niul reinsert lo go any furling,.
"It must he belted 0, 11 0111der." !Said
\Yarclee. Ilut her good man, sus-
pecting thut something \\311.50 111(111 (.911`12-
10:111, 1.111%111g W111 1101)011S11110 !Dr 1110
0111(0.0 111.11911111S8. eul round the sides,
tmd wa, rewarded hy aiming n eseoleoe.
mul :soon etirtritiges busied in the paste,
\\lien brought up more ihn authori-
ties Schneider confessed !hal he 1121(1 4)-
1011(10d 141 811001. his gunrdinns and oectme
from prison before his Irbil. "After all,"
skudii(11 11111;s' ‘SVir:111;1!,11;q1lowl:Pl's'il‘!1(lis.' 11 01v11111'111.1walY1s0
the best policy. If nty wife 'mil tiol
into Mat ratio 1 shonld have 110(111 11 dotal
ion ILY 1101V, 101' 1 sleep hard,"
'111AVEI,1.1,,I) 1 IANDA,
. the room, of our snys the
rillitough wo write ninny
letiens, we have nee Ilit) remoleel Men
dislitnee hund eovees \191110
I/1,0111'1g over tho paper, AccoNling lo
lion, the average plan oe o/initin writes
el 4.111 flinty words n minute, whires
o.111) the 111i mei down elrold)'s mid
(miles. represent. something like rico
yards, or 300 yards, an liour. A person
Ilit,ri,fore 'using his 10g1 ror, stly, lwo
111.5 n NO his !VII
111111(1 11;1, ji Ilirne:Ved a dist:awe of 1211
toilee, An41 1111s, 11 shmild 110 V011111111.
Itered, litifors Only lo those who 11111e,
ronnintedively spenicing, \\ben
We vollin 10 1110 liroirssk111111 v101110111.
jo1.11111111s1s, 011,110, 010., \VIM 11.01.1 •
oe seven honk a day. Itie figures beentue
"1"ill, ;10.0 0111' 0111111'ing11 (SO
• "\V0'1, We tan tii‘lde Hp' pre.
WINNING 0500,1100 AT A avax. grr-•
Enormous Stints Won at a Single.
(Mine and All Lost ttt the
Next, •
eenrig Amorlcan millionaire who
is reported hi have h'Sl. half a million.
dollars at poker within twenty -roue
hones may derivo whin salisfitetion lie
0101 1110 1410Wiedgli 111111, Ill Ike
l'islory cif gambling, fcw men have over
squandered so 11111011 money in 11111O13
11 lime.
colonel Nh'Illsh, one of the greatest,
plungers of last century, Is peehaps
01, Ileurest rival; for it ig. 911141 that he
was known to have won $300.0011 a
single silli»g anti lo have lost 11 nt.
110 11,rX11 Witi11.‘ 11/0 climax of his gands
!mg tundliese WAS reflehi91 when he
slaked $200.000 upon a single them), or'
dlee, and lost.
colonel meoisli, whose boast was
Int never opened hie 010111h in the
belling -ring nuclei. 42,500, Inheri1ed Ma-
ine his minority one of Ihe Inegest, for -
times in England; hut so prodigal and
re kless \vas he Mtn within a few years
lie had nothing left out ri vast es-
tates but one MAI 1 in rm, I lotisack
Priory, lo which he retired, und 010.
whieh he died, a Mail, 111 the
early age ef thirty-seven, At his ances-
tral seat of Blythe is still preserved a
cited -table 111, which IN- hist $2011,000 at
one sitting to Prince
Foe mote limit fifty yenrs mr, George
Payne spent more nights at ihe card--
MI:1e Mart any man who ever cut a
r aek. During one tilitioSt, cont11100110,
twonty-six hours be lost.
4100.00.0. and within a Week
On anoMor OcCabion 110 and Lord Albert
Den:son sat up alt night, at Liminer's
llotel, anti only separated in the !norm
ing when Lord Albert, who had lost,
4150,000, was due at Um altar or St,
George's. Hanover Square, where
bride was awaiting hint; while. IL is
said, the same pale once set out to-
gether In conch le the New Fornst
nod played enrds nil day nud far Mb)
the night, with 4500 staked on ettch.
T1111Se Were indeed days of high play
when at Almneles, ns Widpole says,
"the young men of the ego lose 450,000,
$75.010 and 4100,001) in un evening."
The play at this famoue club was only
fee Aiuleaux of 4250 each, and generally
Sheri: was al ream 45o,00n'on the table.
-rile gamesters." to quote Mr. C. W.
lieckellseva. "began by pulling off their
embloidered clothes, and put on frieze
garments. oe turned their .conis inst(P.
out for leek. They put 4,11 pieces (.1 -
leather snve theie Ince runiee, and
to guard their oyes from the light, nmi
le prevent tumbling their hair worst
high -crowned hats with brond brims,
and somelintee masks 10 conceal their -
Walpole tells a rommeinhle story of
'Mr. 011iene, Irish gamester, who
still and teaspoon or pepper. T. ime 'Iwo wort $500,000 ra,,,,„ yo„g,
your oysters so they will be done snuut- 'Harvey, Chigwell, who had just, come'
lanemisly milli the crust, 11 nnything ,11110 r; large ml te On his oder bro..
11:or's death. "loll can never pay nte,
O'Birms said. "I can," soid the youths
"ins esliste will sell for the debt." "No,'"
Sold OTilene, will win 450,000; you
'Alan Throw ior 111 odd 4411,000."
At \\Idle's Generni Scott, cautious,
player, \von $1.000.000 1, cards, ntid
0111 of his winning:3 wits able do dower
itis daughtee 3..annu, with $500,000.
'when she married George Canntitg.
Such an inveterate gnmbler, too, N13151
L•319.1 Sall(1N19191 11101, Whell Ile 113914. ()ilea
OP [WIC(' week to hunt tvilh the Dolor
.of Cumberland he raveled a lo)c and
(flee In his pocket; "and so they threw'
a nintri whenevee the hounds were at
▪ upon every green hill and under
/eery green tree." .
' Granville, 'who died eisly years
'ago, was One of 'four noblemen who
lest 4500.000 in one night of cord -play-
ing nt crockfard's• infamous club. hoes
'slesuen, ihe "Squire of Halstead," who
declared that "he wouldn't give a straw
• Ot r,a0000 no slle:,11()) AcTi0rdfst nYielda rciieSeTt111111(ild Cel;e1;11-t
• 1/IS days in the letttg's pet -
Son; Sir John 111;11)(1 lost $100,090 in 3
'NAV 11011194 ill n London gambling club;
land Lord ..rhenet's cord losses nee stild
'0. Moe aver:Igor! about B250,000 year
to many years; Wilik` 11:11'. Ernest Den -
Mn lost 413(1,000 cords to one night
111 Desochvend. tind 450,000 in ten minutes
C1O01' el111Yeling-t(titel;thilfilg Lord Granville It is
gold that one niternoon he ordered his
'carringe at n rah am's, in I ending lo st n rt,
tit once for Poris, Whets the earrings)
'came round, however, he was
Snit ord re'l the carriage to wnit for nil
1 (Oar 41/1 1\1141. SiX hours passed, then
ittnel. won lel it be Me crust rather than
tlte oysters. Lift the lop erust Carefully,
my 11 4,vm. hot plate, remove the hived
crusts and pour in the opders. Replace
the top crust and serve at once.
t package of highly -flavored apples, 2
poundts of raisins and curratits, 1 penile!
0` citron, g pound of suet. 3 pointds of
sugar.. 1 tablespoon of powdered china-
11-111ter'gil', ildotNe•teL;Pun°111(11. 01P1121°re",*(1c461-,PrCel laltuuti
chop Me apples'. Plump Me raisins In
boiling water anti the seedn Cull he
Cagily removed. NN'asti currants through
several waterS, 1911/bilig well, then
sprencl to dry. 'Illese should be pre-
pared n day in ado:Ince. Stir Mese In-
gredients well together, moistening with
elder. Pack down and keep covered
Closely in n cool place. When filling the
crust, and not befot•e, add rt. teaspoon a
good fresh Miller lo enell pie. Tlits
mince may liave ad:10.1 lo 11 from lime
tinge small portions of preserves, Milt
.i.ellies S00 111111 1110 mlnee,,tneat
Is well packed down after each using,
Thanksgiving Pudcling.-Pour 4 cups
of hot, Sealdad mill: cver 1 34 clips of
emninon crackers and let eland until
tool, Add I cup' sugar, 4 eggs. slightly
beaten. 34 it stinted nutmeg, 1 teaspoon
ef salt and ;14', eup of melted butler.
Piwboil I% cups rniSillM 111111i soft, seed
and add to 1111) mixture. TU1'11 Into a
Ineliwed pudding dish :Ind 00110 slowly
1141111(8, sliming after the first luta
Niue In nerverit anishis from settling.
This may mnde n day or two In ad-
vance and re -110111Q3 for serving. .
Colonial Sn1100.--C1.011111 0111) of tatt-
ler, rind add very ,islowly 4 ogg y011(8,
lpT1C51.‘1.0T(1\lvtie(1111, mILLIlleirts1 11%1,11,111110y .1/411.a11111(Lii411111.07,4111.(1 jUkl.
<VI( Im1 HMI unlil the mixthre thieltens
a: a etistilit, then pour over the whites
4.f 4 ewe beaten stiff.
Delirious Squash Pics.--Choose n fine
groin 1 ItiklAirci scplasli of good flavor. tto,r,lher six, tmil another, the liorse$
1 eine changed at the end cif eneh; nntt
tic" sillui811" cut cuthcc (111(1 1111° 'olliraftst. he had sill Coililnuniis1v for
steno' 1111111 perfectly tender, keeping
Meson' tgivero(1. Press lheongh a sieve
\\•hile W1111111 sentove all string:4, For
lee delectable plies 11114e 214 eupei sift-
ed stionsh. add 1 scant teaspoon of snit.
I heaping teacup of granulated sugar,
gralinge of nutmeg, 1 801111i 111111 tea-
:,1.0on of eitinamon, I saltspoon or gin -
sew, the grated yellow skiu (melt. of half
:t tenant nod half on orange; mix Ilsse-
oughts,. Lel. 2 imps of sweet milk eons)
I() a boil hi a double bollee, tuld n level
ii)einastrptenelt1 41.11111‘,‘11111yleit 111110(ii4(1/01is`rh,
‘1‘.011:15.,m2111111rctieting 10,g41g11,41,11181111;,11.11.S1111,1g%
W1191 1110 S(1101011 1111‘i (90111.9i 1111“,..
11110 PO11011119104 W11011 111191(1011
11/111111''''01.11`11'11.0111.11). 110 11.111ilos 41)1)1•1e'l'id i\i‘nitithil.;:11;s0(1.1Y0
The leiliperalure should 1,e
,eullaide foe bilking bread. The 1111111
touch of novelly lo mitten(' 1110 pies,
just before seven -Gs with sirolited hones.,
end tulti n 5110 mint 01 ‘Abippeli
yolf 11 00 apt to gel 1 slinging eeoroo'
11 You 1171:1"0 Wilt the LItt.J' ll'116 'hoc
1.wenty-four hohrs did the Mnbussedor
home the table 10 sleet on his journey,
4511,000 poorer for lits delay.
And as far thick as the records ef
leird-pinylng go, Me story 19 always Ilia
1-11111e. 111 le1111-8 ['MN's wnole: "I wes
0.1d tomight my Lady Castleinalne
1, so 1.trent n gemester its to linve won
415,1100 10 one inght, and lost B125.001
Itt preilher night. nt play, nod hits Illity.
eo. fie.1100 mid $7,500 nt ctisl." Tito
news (.:11)11i11,11 iSinsnrin nem 07.00e st
1 essel off Nell Gwyn at n eilfing; end
P.(11,0(10 fr4un Ilte Duchess of Portsmouth,
"iii doing"which she exerted her til-
letoet emitting, mid had the grentesT
Solisfeet ton, beentise they wave rivals. in
11,1y0 I favor."
"1.3ml Lauderdale," says t;enkor.
form,d Mal 51r. 1,0x. '141111 him that.
Cie e.04 play he hod ITN'
'Ohs itlylut Ibis perhal (1772). Lord
Landerdale insIgneod ti.12.5.0(10 1 41111
idnleed ot) Y.Ing1e card fitel, 11 1
he Inllosl of te,350.1100 le,t and won hi
1111401." \1.11i1i1 f01i' Y0111'14. 011191011
oe. 17 Ts 1)1).1' 8:1 110 11( 1.1';,` neMeltv
1 S nun() livres 'rot" fr..111