HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-10-31, Page 5at I r
its ole.1f lam` 1$tPot 4,g=
Largest and Best
By beteg tiig best thin School has
beenme the htrgont bi ,uoen trolling it ise110u1 in Wellborn Ontario, Our on-
rolmen1 again e, coeds that 01 a guar a
Iago, Wily y Been use our 0041000 ere v,
tb,x,na4 end p000lloul with opeaiil- 1W
la be In 000080 of our Oommoruiel, 'Tel
1 ogre pity and HIturth end depar4rnou be, li
All nue _graduates obtain good 4wel•
ntains. ou tiler Outer NOW. Write r
lof• our free Uulaluguo.il L/C
ay Prloutpals,
gttf It":.11:,-a lar-.1c>=.t:= 11
'1jj LI. MoCRACK.EN—
r• leaner of Marriage ',Meows. Of.
nee at Grouory, Turauurry ['treat, Brussels,
011ico in. the Post Office, Ethel. 10-4
1� to prepared to give lessons on Piano
or Heed Organ. 'Terme 017 upplicataoe.
P ententes addreea—Bruooele, Rebid once—
Dot e, Oou.10, Oroy. Pupils may have their
lessens at their own Mimeo It preferred.
Teacher of Piano or Organ
Pupils prepared for the Toronto
Conservatory of Music.
+t► Agent Howick Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
OWcu and Reetdenee—
Rate of Merest 01 per cent par annum, first
RS001e1O7• Life Insurance Company
The Equity Fire Iueuranee Company
All buoiuoss attended to promptly,
Olork Ott, Division Court
• BEE, 1011 sell for better prides, tt
b;atoroou, In lose time and lose charges
tutu auy other -Auctioneer in East Huron Or
1141 won't ubarge anything. Dates and order*
eau always bo arranged at this oWoo or by
p,.esoaal application.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
'Perms reasonable. Sales arranged for
atthe othee of 'Pan Poem, Bruesele. 201f
V1 • Honor Iiradusie of the Ontario Vet -
emery College, it prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domeetloatod animals in a compet-
ent manner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry and Milk Never. Calle
promptly attended to. 0ilioo and infirmary
—Four doors North at bridge, '1'urnberry at.,
Brussels, Piloue 47 le
1-1...• B. MA0DONALD—
Barrleter, Solicitor, Notary, Eto.
Sueseoaor to 4*. F. Blair. °Mee over 8tau-
dnrd Sauk. Brunets. Solicitor for Metro-
politan Bank.
1 • Barrister;=; Solloitor, l0u0veyauaer,
Notary Public, &o. OfNoo-8 tewart'e Stook
1 door North of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
W. Pnpun100T, R. C. 1t. 0. Mire
G. F. Bt,AIR.
Ofifueo—Those formerly occupied by Messrs
Cutuorou & Holt,
Gtnnnlon, ON'ramo.
DR. R. • P. PEILD.
Oruduato of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario and Fitet•olaeo Honor
Graduate .of Toronto Uulvorelty. Omoe
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery.
€'as==t=cS6 $tl�ai
' r & Progressive
�� Attend 1110 1 apuleu g Y
11 and be mnomottoins odoontod for la
41 buoiuoeslifo. All graduate* of this y1
qy tohvul taro eboolutoly e1700 of gettiva it
4b posltio.,t. The demand f0 ool*Ider-
ably grottier than the *apply. Now I/
le an OXOotlout time to buten.. Write
46 for' Catalogue,
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
Con, Yo0011 ANP ALEX0Nn1ta tee.
---'---"'^'— BToorson troablee, heart and kidney S. Oopnolly ; rip, dom., L. B. Yti)e, S. ailments, Dari bu quiokly oorreoted with 'i'hompeon and B. J3amford ; General He w do you know !Dotlpreeorlption Iiown to druggists every• Pnrpout) Com , 0. Rooker, W, ILeretene l"�. sw
A SiInation
at a good eatery awaits every
graduate of
The Central Cusinell College
Expsrioneo provers this positively.
Enter auy time. Catalogue free.
W. H. SHAW, Principal
Yonge & Gerrard As., Toronto
ax�iz Itebus gums
Pets of Onterto'e leading Oowmeroia.
aali,,ols has a ahaege of ad. in thie issue.
We refer to that of the Wingham Buai
nests College on page 4 This popular in
etit8lion has added mail wanes.
Bnuee0LO Foot Ball Club have made au
engagement to have "Dolya, the Ten
girl," a new muoioal operetta, presented
1., the Town Hull, Bruesele, Thuredat,
Nov 21st. The boys should have a
atlmper house an that 00caelou,
The mutual meeting of the Cuterio
Lord's Day Alliance will meet in St.
•Inmeo Pariah Hall, ohuroh *treat, Tor
onto, on Theroday Nov. 28th, at 2 p. m.
Criennial Convention of the Lord's. Day
Alliance of Oauada. 00nvene0 in Toronto
on friday, Nov. 29th.
Tlubcanoe epinnore were bauquetled
at IYIoOonkey'e restaurant, Toronto, by
representatives of the Canadian Mann ,
(tenures Association. Tbo toss:maker
of the evening wee J. S. IliiKtnnou, son
of D. B. Molimen, Blyth, and well
kuowu as a former Huronian.
Tema Catatrrh treatments are being
mailed out tree, on request, by Dr,
Shoop, Raoine, Wie. These tests are
proving 40 the people—without a pen
ny's coot—the greet value of thie Bolen -
tido preaoriptioo kuowu to druggist.
everywhere ars Dr. Shoop's Catarrh
Remedy. Sold by all dealers.
TEE Sloth Standard of lest week
Heys:—Durtrg the past week George
l3allay, of Brussels, has been here with
hie gasoline engine and Dement mixer,
mixing the oeme04 for the new sidewalk
oreaied ou Weetm Ireland street, as Mt
Garter, who has the ountraat, found ft
difficult to get men 10 do the work. A
good job was done.
J. D. Stewart, of Rueseldale,Fuller
ton Township, has been loft a legacy by
relatives in Scotland, and will go to abet
country to spend the rest of hie days.
Mr. Stewart is 'mown to many through
this locality, he having visited thevuriooe
4owne for yoare to a oommeroial traveller
and they will be a mill in extending Door
gratulationo on hie good fortune and wish
him mach happiness in its eujnyment.
PAIN anywhere, pain in the head, pain.
tul periods, neuralgia, toothache, a•
pains oa0 be promptly stopped by a
,horoughly safe little Bink ()nutty Tablet,
known by dritggiete everywhere an Dr
Shoop'e Headaohe Tebiete. Palo simply
meaue oongeotiou—ondne blood pressure
,.t the point where pain exiete. Dr.
Shoop's • Headache Tablets quickly
equalize this unnatural blood preseure,
and pain immediately departs. Write
Dr. Shoop, R.,oine; Wis., and get a trial
package. Large box 25 ate,—Druggists.
"The Canadian government ie now in•
peotiug grain in Snperwr, Wieaouain,
operations having been begun on Oot,
3rd by Inepaotor Wm. Crawford, item
here from Winnipeg. The inspection
is done let the Great Northern elevator
"A," where bonded bins have been es-
tablished to handle all Canadian grain
reoeived in trade." The gentleman re
,erred to is an old Brussels boy, 118ine a
eon of Samuel and Mrs. Crawford, Al
but street. He is a good man being
counted one of the beet in the baeineet.
To oheok a cold quiokly, get from your
druggist some little Candy Cold Tablets.
called Preventioe. Drnggiste everywhere
are now diepenaing Prevention, for they
are nob only safe, bat dooidedly certain
and prompt. Prevonties ooutain no
Quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh nor
teokening. Taken at the "sneeze stage"
Preveutioe will prevent Pueomouia,
Bronchitis, Lit Grippe, etc. Renee the
name, Prevention. Good for feverish
ohildren. 48 Prevention 25 Dente.
Trial Boxes 5 ore. Sold by ail dealers,
To fill the office of the late Rev. John
Potts as 8eoret:my of Ednoation the
Education Board of the Methodist ohuroh
has decided to appoint Rev. W. J.
Graham for the time being.. At the
next General Conference an appointment
will be made by election. Hitherto Mr.
Graham has acted as Assistant Secretary
of the Booiety. He has beau in the
Mrthodiet miniotry for about fifteen
years and first attained promtue00e tie a
pastor of Ibe ohuroh at York, Beet 'Tor-
onto. Latterly he noted as pastor (Welt,
Jamts' ohatch, Montreal, and tor two
years was in the First Methodist ohuroh
at London, Ont.
BaUooELlt FAIo,—The B.•mforth Expoei•
for offers the following gom030010 upon
Brunel(' Fall Fair Noowlthstoading
rather anfavorab'e weather conditions,
the Fall Fair at Brussels, on Thu, edgy
end Friday of laet week, was a 000aeae.
The rain did not Dome in time Thursday
morning to prevent the bringing out of a
large array of stuff for the indoor &tow,
whiob wee se usual, ' a good one, l0
some departments it was hardly up to
last year, whiob may be accounted for
by the laolt of fruit, Yet it was on the
Whole, ao good an indoor Dhow 0248 you
will nee tiny plate, Friday was eloudy
and cool, just a little too 0001 but that did
not preventa very large crowd trona
turning out in the afteruooh, The gate
reeetpt•, Willett amounted to over $700,
wits an indication of the a410ndanoe.
The stow in 411e field wan a good one.
Iu the different almeaee there wait a good
list of entries. This wee partioulariy
true of both heavy and light bor*oo,
'rule part of the &how was an exoeptiou•
ally good One, bettor auto usual, and ae
a general thing there i0 a good bone
ehow at Brussels, The 91st Highland--
ere Band, of Hamilton, in full Highland
costume, Were preeett and provided ex•
'oellentmuska, and were undoubtedly a
good drawing card, They alto gave it
oonoert in the evening, The traolt wee
too heavy for feet races, but the finishes
were 01ot1&,
where as Dr, sit op'0 Restorative. The and J. Scott.
prompt end eurprioing relief whiob this --
remedy immediately brings ie entirely
due lo ifs Restorative action upon the
controlling nerves of the stomach, eta,
Poland or ale
A rather bad saneeh op 000urred ou
Jamas arrest Monday afternoon to' Mre.
Baron, of Moliillop townehfp, and her
two •itt a girls, who wore drying along
Lha etrt•et on their Puy twine from town.
The Lorre booeine irightuitod and run
away'. All three wore thrown out and
nue of Ira girls teas quite seriously in
aired. The horse freed itself b.( tri the
buggy mud almost all the herne.o and
found Its way home.
W it it at) et.
Untended for last week,l
Porter Brun , liverymen of this village,
are busily engaged laytug the fuuudatlun
for their uew livery bare,
The outgoing eblpineate during the
week were at follows :—Cudmore &
Archibald, 2 dare of hay ; Jno. A, tae.
Cunard, 1 oar, heading ; Fer,iueon &
Watt, 2 oars huge ; Moore & Little, l
ear of hogs.
The books, magaz neo, etc„ be:ouging
',o the Public Library lath be removed
from the Workman's hall to the Manse,
'he change will take plea • eome time in
November when Rey, Mr. MacNab wit,
take charge as Librarion.
Jf.-](e1aWttl i,
Our curlers do not intend to organize
tine season.
There la tick of our skating rink being
tarried into a hennery:
Mrs.Coxworth, who broke her arm
about two weeks ago, is steadily recover..
'lLIiburn Mileou while et play was
-toed out of hie wheelbarrow and broke
nig arm near the wrist.
As W. Moir wan picking apples the
adder slipped and he wee thrown to
thegroand with oonaiderab.e foroe.
A lady . (1004 utter Seaforth brought
,ter 001008 to Benson and from 15 lbs.
at seed she had $111 over all expenses,
Steel Knife In The Flesh
Tha4'e the elueation experienced by
Robert Price, of Heotou, Out. He knew
n watt solation and of oouree used Ner
Mine. line. As usual it oared and he says
"No liniment can excel) Poleoa'o Nur
Mine. Severe pains made my side lame.
Ls wall like a steel knife running ihrongh
she flesh. I rubbed in Iota of Nerviline
sad was completely cured." A regular
'leap for Nerviline to ease soiatioa and
rheumatism, It sinks luso the core of
the pain, cures it in abort order. Large
25o bottles at all dealers.
%V1 oto ham.
Jae. Walker added thirty ,tet to tie
furniture store,
H. Bugg had the mlefortane to atop on
a rusty nail at the rear of hie store, and
as a ooneegnertoe ie going about by the
aid of a (untold.
Mise M. Hemmed viae in etttendanoe
at the Loudon Conference Epworth
League Convention, which waw held at
St Thome Katt week.
Mies Howsou,,who ilea been spending
she Summer with her brother, Rev. W.
J. Howson, oommenoed her return jour
ney to ber home in England last week,
Wiugham Lawn Bowling Club intend
e t it en the opera
t bold Iwo o eda tad 4s m
house on November 28rd and 24th. On
the 23rd the play, "Dolya, the Tea Girl,"
will be put on, and on the 24th. "The
Beggar Student" will be presented.
The results of the election for the High
Sobool Literary Society were aa follows :
Hon. Pres.—Dr. J. Wilson, (atm) ; Preei•
den).—T, E. Robinson ; let Vice Prae,—
Mie't E. Moegrove ; and Veda Pres. -11.
Moffatt ; Secretary,—dies N. Gordon ;
Treasurer—H. Mutton ; Praia Reporters,
—Mies M. Rose, B. Green. 1t1 eoutive
Committee:—Form IV—Mise V. David
eon, E Currie ; Form III—Mise B.
demise, W. alarm); Form II—Mise
L. Green, W. Earagey ; Form I—Mies
E. Tipllug, G. Treleaven.
ilolps Mon '1'o WOVE Iinrd
That's what Ferrozone does; it sup
plies the additional strength that enables
a men to maintain health ander difficul-
ties. "Last Spring I wee so completely
tagged out I oould not work" writes J
W. McNichol, of Turnbull, Man. "In
the morning I mut tired—limbs aohed all
over, Had no appetite, was sleeping,
nervous cud uuhappy. Ferrozone put
new life into me. Now I eat heartily,
nerves are strong, I sleep well, I know
the joy of health." It's by supplying
nourishment end good blood that Ferro
zone builds up ; try it -504 per box at all
IL.inito w ol.
Listowel etoroe awl other places de-
pending upon gas for lighting were in
semi darkness last week owiug to burulug
out of the generator at the gee works.
Oontraotor Fraser has finished the
bridges on Weirton and Main (streets, and
ie at work on the Elme street bridge, the
oonerete walls of which are now beteg
Philip Nickel has sold his hotel at
Gowanetown to Rudolph ]Clever, of
Monkton, poeseeeion to be given on the
first of Maroh next. Mr. Nickel wt11
probably remove to town.
Dr. Moore has returned to town from
New York, where he has spent two or
three weeks visiting the hoapilale there.
Dr. Murray, late of Atwood, looked after
hie praetige during his absence.
About 70 members and adherent° of
the United Brethren (thumb palled upou
?eater and kire. St. Clair at their reel.
denoe, Main etreet Emit, bringing with
them a goodly supply of groceries and
vegetable°. A very enjoyable evening
vat passed, and ata late hour, after the
0orvioe of a substantial luuoheoa, they
A well attended and euthesiastio meet-
ing watt held in the basement of the
Public Library to re organize the junior
0. E. A, team for the owning 08seon..
The;following ranee were eleoted:—
Hou. Pres., John Watson; Hon. let Vloe
Free., A. Hermiston ; Hon. 2nd The
Pree„ H. B. Murphy ; lion. 3rd Vioe
Pratt., Dr, Moore; Hon, Ott Voce Pro.,
W. C. Kidd • Pros„ Wm. Rameny ; Let
Vice Pres, J. S. Meyers; 2nd Vita Prot„
D. A. Loo ; 8rd Vice Eters., J, Boehmer
4th VicePree„ R. S. Pant; Mange., D.
T. Stuart ; Capt , 0. Reebok. ; Treat., B.
ThOmpeon 1 Boo , B. Bamford ; Mang.
Com., Wtn, Ramsay, E, V, Stuart and P.
Emit Uounoll met on Saturday for
general bueineee in the Penal place.
Rev. Mr. Bond woo attending a meet.
ing of the Wesleyan 'Theological College
iu tolontroallast week,
Co Saturday au D. 0, Anaereo4 was
reeving for 81, Marys be was met by
several of the young people of the Pres•
bylerian gleurth and presented with a
beautiful gold watch and au addreea.
The Lietowol-Atwood hooting party
are changing their hunting ground title
year, and intend going down the Mag•
anetwan from Burke Falls and vial hunt
In the vicinity of Ahmia Leila, where
the red deer are reported to be plentiful.
The 1, 0. 0. F. ort and presented
Bro. D. G, Anderson, who is leaving for
8t, Marys, one of the chartered mem
berg of the Order, with a beautiful $20
book case end a kindly worded addreea.
4. A, Turnbull wee appointed seo.-
Treee, of the Emu Chem and Butter
Mfg. Co, to fill the place left vacant by
Mr, Anderson's removal..
T. G. Ratoliffe wea the choice of the
trustee's of Atwood Public Babool.
Mr. Ratoliffe has not been teaobiog for
it few years, bot he le well and favor•
ably known in this looality and taught
the Atwood eohool eome years ago, end
MU for number of yearn one ol Don-
egal'a moat succeeaful teachers, He
entered upon hie duties on Monday.
11 Kanas In Your Ears
That game aongh ie everywhere you go
deep and hollow because ons0mptive.
First it wee oeterrb which oould have
omen cured by Oatarrhozoue. Moral,
rover neglect a word, never trifle with
catarrh, go to your druggist and get
tlatarrbozoue. It's instant death to
cords, auras them in a few minutes.
Throat trouble and &starrb disappear as
by adagio. Catarrhazoue le the great
throat, doe, std bronchial remedy to.
nay. Thousands use it, doctors preearibe
it,—why, beoauoe it does -relieve quiokly
and aura thoroughly. Two sizes, 26o
and $100 at all dealers,
84. Andrew'e Sabbath School will
be held i0 the afternoon instead of the
morning, begmniug on November 8rd.
Mrs. Johnstone, of Melville, Michigan,
was visiting with bee slater, Odra, Rioh•
and Bomare. The two ladies have 0101
'leen each other for forty years.
The Ladies' Aid of the Blyth Metho•
diet ohuroh have engaged Rev. Egerton
Ltyereoo Yoaug to deliver one of his
popular lectures Thursday, Deo. 12th.
The Anniversary of St Andrew's
oheath will be held o0 Sabbetb, Nov-
ember 3rd, this year, and the serviette
will be conducted by Rev. D. Perris, B,
A„ of Wingham.
E. 0. Wilford who has been danger.
Dandy ill with typhoid fever at Toronto,
0e doing as well to ooald be expeoted. He
to expeoted to be able to return home in
a couple oI weeks.
Monday morning of last week G. M.
Chambers received the sad Dewe that
his only brother had passed away in
Winnipeg having only been ill two weeks
with typhoid fever,
Dr. J. M, Sloan and wife, of Nome,
Alaska, are here visiting the former's
parents, A. W. and Mre. Sloan. The
Dr. and hie wife Dame through the Weet,
after landing at Seattle, and be wee
surprised at the growth of the ooautry
out Were and the way Winnipeg had
become snob a large city. They will
visit with relatives and friends till
Spring as navfgat1on is now gloiled in
the North eouutry. 'Is in 14 years since
the Dr. hoe been home.
(i o(lerielr.
. The' Council bave declined to have the
town bylaws printed. The last onee•were
Maned in 1874.
An employee at the orgen factory had
his hand seriously out while working at
one oI the machines.
The freight shed at the (4. T. R. is now
ready for business, and the office ie near.
ly ready for 000upatio0.
J. F. Lawr, who reoently porohaeed
the old ilwaeon reaideooe ou Quebec
street is having It thoroughly refitted and
Oraigie Broil. have built au extensive
addition to their Jae bailee, and expect to
store one of the largeetharvest° on record
for 1908.
The town oogoail hoe takers steps for
the sending of a deputation to Ottawa to
prase upon the Government the urgent
neoeasity of improving our harbor.
The roller skating rink baa changed
hands, the Craigie Bros. having pureha0•
ed the plant and good will from Mr.
Sunday the anoivereary 00001000 of
Victoria street were held, the pastor
preaching in the morning on "The Cry of
the Boa',' and in the evening ou "The
World's Preservative,"
Three earn loaded with wheat were de-
railed near the G. T. R. paeeewgee station
on sanctity of Nat week. The auxiliary
from Stratford wag ',taught up to replace
them and the Creak woe repaired on Mon.
day. A broken wing rail wee the canoe
of the aooidonl,
A Thanksgiving service will be held
in North etreot Mtthodiet ohuroh on the
morning of Thankogiving Day, There•
day, Oot. 310, commencing at 11 o'olook.
It is expeoted that Rev. J. 0. Reid, of
Nile, will deliver an appropriate sermon
on that oaoaeion. '
Lake A Now Disease
New to the man who never had corns
ie the pain relieved by Pntnam'e Corn
Extractor. Old tonne and new ones
cored guiokly by "Putnam's." Sold
Dr. Guetavne Davie, of Cayuga, le
suing the Ontario Lumbar Company for
$2,000 damages fur alleged wrongful die.
The Liberal Conservative Aeeootation
of Mitohell are talking of opening a club
room, where young men dau spend their
•n to s n r
evam gs in a u ems be of different
R. Frank Gild, of St, Marys, met with
a painful miehep. While hie band was
slaked in gasoline be otepped near to a
lighted lamp, The gaeoh0e ignited and
in a moment inflicted a nasty burn.
The finauoiai statement presented by
Secretary Oarmale at the annual meeting
of the South Perth Agriouiturel 8o0iety
ehowod the reoeipte for the year to be
$1,060 Of whiob a net ,balance of $60
wan Telt after paying all expenses,
you d.•i of need
If there is pain in the bacic and
through the hips, you need Bu -Ju.
If the hands and an kles are swollen,
yoti need Bu -Ju. If there are head-
aches or neuralgia, you needBu-Ju.
If you are nervous and do not sleep
well at night, you need Bu -Ju. If
there is aconstantdesiretourinate,.
you need Bu -Ju. If the urine is
reddish, cloudy, milky, hot and
scalding, you need Bu -Ju. Espec-
ially if you are tortured vvith In-
fliunmatory or Muscular Rheumat-
ism, Sciatica, Lumbago, you cer-
tainly do need Bu -Ju.
If you have any of the above symp-
toms, don't hesitate; don't delay.
Take Bu -Ju. and cure yourself.
I am anxious that 3 a shoulr d know the relief
and benefit I have derived from taking Bu.30.
The effect has been marvellous. I had suffered
severely for years with pain in the back, espec-
ially on rising In the morning, audI am pleased
to say that the painhas completely disappeared.
Before using Bo -Ju, Z had tried every remedy I
heard of for Kidney Trouble, without even re-
ceiving relief. I would strongly advise anyone
suffering from Kidney Trouble to take Bo -Jo
without delay. Cats. li. hours.
It costs only 3c. a day to take Bu -Ju,
and your money refunded if they fail to
cure. 5oc. a large box. At druggists, or
sent on receipt of price.
On account of being cramped for room
Dr. Burritt, of Mitohell, is having an
addition built to the knittiug factory,
The Post Confirms Guarantee
on Hyomei, Cure For Catarrh,
The question having been raised as to
whether or not the money will be refund•
ed if a Hyomei outfit does not do all that
ie claimed for it in curing catarrh, Tao
PoeTwant° to stere positively that this
guarantee ie an absolute faot.
A guarantee like Ibis is the beet proof
that can be offered ma do the oarative
powers of Hyomei in all catarrhal
troubles. You do not risk a cent in sest-
ina its healing virtues.
If you have oatarch,try ibis wonderful
mediaated air of Hyomei. It dose nob
drug or derange the etomaoh, bat is
breathed through a neat pooket inhaler
that comae with every outfit, 0o that its
madioation reaches the most remote -air
cells in the nose, throat and lunge, where
any oatarrhal germs may be lurking. It
quickly deetroye them, heals and 000theo
the Irritated muo0000 membrane and
vitalizes the tissoea so that catarrh de no
longer possible. Yoa can lose notbiug by
giving Hyomei a trial, nothing but the
catarrh and that is a good riddance.
We positively gnarentee Hyomei, for
should you buy a complete outfit, price
$1.00, and be dissatisfied with results
yoor money will be refunded. Hyomei
is add by druggiete everywhere. Write
for literature. Booth's Hyomei Go.,
Buffalo, N. Y.
From Whom are
You Going to Buy ?
From a reliable firm where you see
what you are gsttiug or from some
agent who don't know one hind of
Granite from another and cares only
tor his oommieekin 68 agent ? We
employ ho agents and guarantee all
our work for five years.
Wilson & Eunter
11 10 41 9 24 01 t,8
I I have found a tried and tested erre for Rbeti.
matient I Not n remedy that will Straighten the
'distoI my
limbs of chronic again. 210 s nor tern ibny
But I 0 now o,iro 1y 1hThat is 0,13 Impossible.
But loan now surely kill the coins and punas of
,thIo dGermany with o.
In Germany—with n e last
In the City of
'which Dr Sit found the gnat Remedy
'which Dr. Sheep's Rda le prey Romon. tuW made
is perfected, diet, 51 u o ofullytt re d many,
,that last ingredient, I successfully , treated many.
1Martycasesof l curable e;butnow,at lest, Wont.
artue, read all curable chess ea d-ls e granular or
MuchdfoundI Rheumatic
icBlo sand-liketo dissolve
;wnate4 found undert e a tio0 o this re edyl00
and yats away under the kation of this reedy 00
suis when heSep to none waste.
Andyh•ikondithe sy,thesendle1,o00me of
;Smolt' pap from the forever,
and the *naso 10
;Rheumatism need—nt actual gone forever. Thom n now no
rent apt o 011,a excuse to suffer longer with.
,out map. Wo Ball, had 111 smtfideuce racommoud
Dr. Shoop's
Rheumatic Renledy
2nd -hand Buggies
A few First-class Second-hand Huggies,
both Light and Heavy, for Bale ,cheap at
Ot14' Show Room — Some Real Bargains.
New Buggies
Rubber Tire Rigs, both Cushion and Pneu-
matic Must be sold to make room for
our large display of Cutters and Sleighs.
wan & Co.
A full line of Granileware at prices
greatly Reduoed—
Dippers 13o and 15a.
Dish Pans, panel bottom, OOa.
Other articles too uumerone to men-
tion at correspondingly low prices
during October.
The Knoll, Gold Medal at World's
Fair, $7.50.
One Minute Washer, ball bearing,
$10,00. The latest improved Mach-
ine of the kind.
A new line at new prices. Gabe that
usually eel' at from $10.00 to $15.00
can be had during the month of Octo-
ber at from $7.75 to $12.00. Yon
can best appreciate the value of these
Guns by seeing them•
17; tone of Coil Spring Wire and a
quantity of Woven Wire at very
close prices for the,month of October
On this table are a variety of articles
at a Special Bargain. We cordially
invite you to this table this month.
E beg to announce to our Customers that our
y Y Style and Display Room is in readiness for
We have gathered together from the leading Fashion
'centres the handiwork of the most skilled Designers
and Fashion Creators which we are showing in con-
junction with clever and practical ideas from our own
Trimming Room.
We will be very glad indeed to have you call and see
our lines as we believe we have the very BEST Styles
and Merchandise obtainable and desire an opportun-
to show you.
We thank our many customers for past favors and
solicit their continuance.
30 Cents per ' Pay
will�a b a as
for Good.
Peeling Apples
and 15o for Small ones
J. 0 U N N I N HAM, Proprietor