HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-10-31, Page 1TU
VoJ., 36. No. 17
New Advertisements,
Reduced prices—I. C. Richards.
Colts for sale ---Alex, McLauehlin.
Notice to creditors—A, B. Macdonald,
Notice to creditors—W. tel, Sinclair,
ihstrui, .011$,
A fine baby daughter bas come to
gladden the home of Edward and Mrs.
Bareard, Wroxeter,
Monday forenoon R. F. Brook,
woollen manufacturer, was picking
apples, when a limb on which he was
standing broke and he fell to the
ground, breaking one of bis arms,
aleo several ribs,
Re -opening services of 13rick
Church, East Wawanosh, will be held
on Sunday and Monday; Nov. 17th
and i5th.
The revival services at Sunshine,
which have been in progress for the
past 2 or 3 weeks, will close with the
Sacramental service on Sunday next,
The regular Quarterly Saerameutal
service for Belytrave Circuit will be
held at Sunshine ou Sunday next,
Nov. 3rd, at (0.30 a. m. All are in-
vited to this service. The Quarterly
Official Board will sleet in Belgrave
Methodist church on Monday. Nov,
4th, at 2 p. in.
J. W. Sangster took a- dying trip
to Toronto on business last week.
The apple crop seems to have suf-
fered from recent frosts in this section.
Steps are being taken to form a
joint stock Company for the purpose
of erecting a telephone line from
Molesworth to Listowel. First the
trunk line and after side lines will be
erected. Molescvorth is very much
in need of a connection of this kind.
HYMENEAL. —Tuesday of this week,
at the home of the bride, in Listowel,
at high noon, Rey. D. N. McCamus
performed the marriage ceremony
between Arch. L, IvlcDouald, a well
known young gentleman of end con.
Grey, and Miss Maud Bartley, of
Listowel The happy couple took the
4 p. m. Express on a wedding trip to
Toronto, Buffalo and other points.
Mr. and fabs. McDonald enter upon
their married life with the hearty good
wishes df many relatives and friends
in which TInt Pon, joins.
Rev. Mr. Henderson attended the
Provincial Sunday School Convention
at Brampton last week.
Thanksgiving service will be held
in the Methodist church Thanksgiving
morning at 10,30, by the pastor.
CoMnoRTnnLEresidence to rent, with
stable and all conveniences. For
further particulars apply to Amax
'the Ethel Epworth League visited
Union League on Tuesday evening
and took charge of the program, after
which a social time was eujoyed by
Quarterly meeting will be held in
the Methodist church here on Sunday
next at ro.3o. After the public service
the Lovefteest will be held and the
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper ad-
ministered by the pastor,
Wednesday of tbis week Telford
Keller, a young man well known in
this community, and Miss Vine Jack -
lin, of the zed con. of Grey were -
united in marriage by Rev.- H. M.
Lang -Ford, in St. John's church,
'Brussels, They will reside on the
groom's farm West of Ethel. We
wish them many joys and successes.
UNDERTAKING.—Prompt and care-
ful attention given to all orders for
Undertaking. Our telephone No. is
a8tt and at call will have our im-
mediate response. Our prices are
reasonable and satisfaction always as-
sured. Special attention paid to
cavity and arterial embalming lot
which we hold diplomas.
On Thanksgiving Day Rev. D. B.
McRae will preach in the Presbyterial)
church at 2.3o o'clock, Contributions
will go to Home Missions..
Chas. Hinde visited relatives in
Blyth last week,
Editor Carr spent several days of
this week iu Toronto.
C: O. Stuart, of Woodbridge, is
spending a week in the village, •
Harry Brawn leaves this •week fol• a
few weeks' hunting in Muskoka.
Robert Black is in Ayr this week
attending the funeral of a relative.
John Rutledge has returned from
the West where he has spent several
In on Lbs.
Merton Howe has returned from
Souris, Man., where be hes spent two
Two new cement crossings have
been placed on the Main street during
J. W. Sanclerson, of Cobalt, spent
several days with his parents, J, and
Mr". Sanderson.
George Paulin bas lnoveci to the
residence he lately purchased from
his brother, Jas. Paulin, -
Miss Mary Sanderson, who for a
number of years bits ably assisted her
father in the postoffice, from which
position Mr, Sanderson has retired,
was presented with a handsome gold
watch on Friday evening by a number
of her friends,
WRacKlau: 'file Government fishing
cruiser Laurine, in milking shelter to
this harbor last Saturday night, -about
7 o'clock, ran hard'and fast on the sub-
merged breakwater, which is in coarse
of construction at the mouth of the
harbor here. Local tugs tried to get
her off but without success. The
Reid Wrecking Co.'s tugs were wired
for, but were unable to reach her in
time to be of any assistance, The
furnishings were taken off Sunday and
the boat abandoned. The boat was
recently purchased from Hiram
Walker, of Walkerville, and fitted up
for a fishing cruiser, and was on • the
way to Gorgian Bay ports. Fier
captain did not know of the break-
of a compli0atiou has developed over
the closing up of certain streets at the
dock here, made necessary to find
room for the C. P. R. yards. There
seems to have been something in the
way of an understanding between the
town council and the railway company
last year that the streets found neces•
sary to be closed would be closed, but
the legal steps were not taken at the
time to reach tbat understanding and
in the meantime the construction of
the station and tracks was proceeded
with so that certain of the streets re-
ferred to are still legal streets though
the tracks of the C, P. R. run over
them. Notice was given in the legal
form that the by-laws to close the
streets would be proceeded with at the
council meeting last night and so the
matter had to come up, but there was
a manifest disinclination to deal with
the question, and a motion was made
to leave the matter over, but this was
later withdrawn, The question of
claims for damages owing to the clos-
ing up of the streets seems to be the
bugbear, The town council agreed a
short time ego to accept the sum of
X760 from the railway company as
compensation for the closing of the
streets, but a motion was made at the
last council meeting to reconsider this
and Friday night the Reeve moved to
give the streets to the railway company
gratia,. the company to assume respon-
sibility for any actions for damages,
but the insertion ot such a clause in
the by-laws, it seems would invalidate
them. There are complatuts from
three parties, who claim they would be
injured by the closing of the streets—
Capt. Babb, proprietor of the Ocean
House, who says the closing of one
street would prevent easy access from
the C. P. R. station to his hotel ;
Percy Walton, who owns a mineral
spring lot, which he says he would be
unable to reach if the streets were
closed l and tYlrs. Evaugelia Hawley,
the owner of a large amount of land
at the dock who says the closing of the
B edilcedpiiices
Beginning Saturday, Nov 2tiri, we will, to oatb buyers,
prices on the following lines of (Goods
Single Harness radon
ed for cash--Meu'e Pebbled Leather Leggings,regu-
-•Blanketsredueedfor cash. lar price , 1.76aud$2,00, reduood 10
Robes rednoed for dash. $1.60 cash,
streets proposed to be closed, however
in most eases have never been used as
streets in the ordinary sense of the
word, The whole property around has
bean open to anyone to go where he
wished, Both Col, McDonald, solicitor
for the railway company, aorl E. L,
Dickinson, town solicitor, were present
at the.,meeting Friday night and Col,
McDonald pointed out that the griev-
ance of some of those objecting was
mors imaginery than real. Three by-
laws in this connection were given
their first and second readings, and
the question will conic up again at the
next meeting, thougb it may not be
finally disposed of then. One of the
by-laws is to close up certain portions
or streets which are now used by the
railway, a secoud is to close up a street
leading to the water front, and the
third is to open a street iu place of this
last the new street being /El a more
convenient place than the one propos-
ed to be closed.
GALT Wo,r HOUGH CUP,—The first
game for the famous Hough Cup was
played here Saturday of last week be-
tween teams representing the Galt and
Clinton Collegiate Institutes, the form-
er winning by the score of 3 to 2. The
Galt buys Were very much disappoint-
ed at not being allowed to take the
cup with them, as Clinton protested
the game. Their ground for protest
is based on the second goal for Galt,
which was not snored in accordance
with the rules governing the. cup.
The teams:—Galt—Goal, McCallum ;
backs, Gourley, Ferrel ; half backs,
Dandeao, Ross, Burgess ; forwards -
Calvin, Tilt. McDonald. Todd, Bison-
ett. Clinton—Goal, J. McKenzie ;
hacks, Swan, McEwen ; half backs, R
McKenzie, L. Copp, L. Manning ;
forwards, McPherson, H. W, Mao.
ning, Rumball Stewart, Johnsou.
Referee, Ward, of Stratford,
Donald McDougall is back from a
visit with relatives at Hensel,, Cllu-
ton and Seaforth, He bad an enjoy-
able time.
Service will be held in the Presby-
terian church on the morning of
Tbamksgiving Day commencing at
10.30 o'clock.
Evangelistic services will be held in
the Methodist church here commencing
next week. They will be couducted
by the pastor assisted by neighboring
The auction sale of James Mc-
Lauchlan last Friday went off very
well considering the somewhat slow-
ing down owing to shortness of feed
and high prices. F. 5, Scott was the
Miss Lib. McLauchlan intends leav-
eaving the end of next week for
Portage -la -Prairie, Manitoba, where
she will make her home. Tames Mc-
Lauchlan will not get away until
the school here closes. The people of
this community will be sorry to see
Miss and Mr. McLauchlan ,hove away
as they are held in high esteem but
will wish them happiness and prosper-
ity in the West.
redUoe the
--Whips rednoed•for cash, —Man's Leggings,' split leather, regular
—Teutrke roamed for &Isla price 01.80, reduced to $1.36 per
—Satcbale and Gripe reduood for mall. poi* oath, '
la -Please remembr tire prices are reduced on the lime)
mentioned here only -and for cast,
nd-hand Single Harness
i h i~ee �:ets,.Seata �
woo at the followibg prioes :--One Set at ;.3,20 ; One
extra value at $$.75 ; One Bet, groat bargain at $4,80.
Miss Mamie Cardiff has gone this
Week on a visit with relatives and
friends at St, Marys and Stratford.
SCHOOL REPORT,—Following is the
report of S. S. No. 3 Grey, for the
mouth of October. Marks given for
examinations in Arith., Lit., Geo„
Conip., and class work, Sr,. IV,—
Hugh Smith, 547 ; Russell Wilbee,
474, Tr. IV,—Ernie Cardiff, 429;
Juneve Taylor, 323 ; Cecil MciKnnon,
303 ; Tom McDonald, 183 ; Burnet
Smith, 7i. Sr III.—Jean Smith,
536 ; Oliver Doll, 386. Jr. III. --Jim
Oliver 362 ; Austin Gransden, 305 ;
Fred, Cole, s o ; Katie McDonald,
toz. Sr, II—Bessie Smith, 232 ;
Marion Smith, 192 ; Millie McFarlane,
113 ; Joe Smith, 65. Pt. II,—Stuart
Grant, 0.3. Sr. Pt. I.—Jim McFarlane,
33. Ir. Pt. L—Harold Cardiff, 32 ;
Albert Cardiff. M. ZtntMER, Teacher.
On Thanksgiving Day afternoon a
shouting match for ducks, geese and
turkeys will be held here,
Porter Bros. liverymen, are pushing
the work in connection with their new
livery barn. They are looking atten-
tively after business.
Louis McDonald, who was home on
a visit, bus gone to Nelson, British
Columbia, where he expects to assume
a position, We wish him well.
A manure bee was held at the farm
of Elijah Pease, last Saturday after-
noon and 40 loads hauled out,
Richard Armstrong, 3rd line, lett on
Wednesday for the Northland bunting
ground for his annual deer hunt.
Monday of this week Dan. Denman,
5th line, hauled 31 barrels of apples at
one load to Brussels G. T. R. It was
a big load that will not often be beaten.
We are sorry to hear that Miss
Mabel McCall has been seriously ill
with peritonitis in the hospital at Tor-
onto. Her mother left for the Queen
city last Saturday. Miss McCall's
many friends hope she will soon he
The trustees of S. S. No. to have
re-engaged Miss , Belle Henderson, of
Brussels, as teacher for 1908 at a salary
of $425.00. This speaks well for the
satisfaction Miss Henderson is giving
in the section. Several improvements
will be made at the school such as a
well, &c.
A couple of deer have been feeding
on the farm of A, T. Cole, 6t11 line,
during the past few weeks, being seen
with Mr. Cole's cattle on various oc-
casions. They evidently knew the
close season was on. They had better
be careful between Nov, ist and 15th
and sleep with nae eye open.
Owing to ill health Peter Cantlon,
6th line. has decided to quit farming
and consequently has authorized F. S.
Scott, of Brussels, to sell his farm
stock, implements, &o„ by auction
sale on Wednesday afternoon of next
week, Nov. 6th, Mr. Cantlon is 79
years of age so is well entitled to a
On Friday evening last, death claim-
ed another of the oldest residents of
McKillop township iu the person of
Alexander Barron. Deceased had
reached the ripe age of 84 years. The
funeral took place from bis late horse.
lot 16, eon. 7. McKillop, to the Malt -
landbank cemetery.
The attention of the township
Council has been called to the danger-
ous railway crossing where the C. P.
R. line passes the 9th line near Blyth.
Not only does the railway run diagon-
ally over the road but a large bank of
earth obsecures the view so that a
person has to get almost on tate cross -
mg before a train could he seen.
A FORMER MORRIsire,—The Lord's
Day Advocate for October has the fol-
lowing' personal sketch, accompanied
by a portrait. of Rev. W. G, Hanna, B.
A., £ormerely of this township, being
the only son ofthe late George Jeanne,
6th line :—We are delighted to be able
to announce that Rev. W. G. Hanna,
B. A., who has been elected Secretary
of the Ontario Lord's Day Alliance and
Associate Secretary for Eastern Can-
ada of the Lord's Day Alliance of Can-
ada, iu succession to Mr, Moore, who
becomes General Sec9,etary, has, with
the consent of his Presbytery, agreed
to accept the appointment and will
enter upon his new duties on the 1st of
November, Alliance is to be con-
gratulated on securing the services of
so able an edvouate to take up its
work. Mr. Hanna is a native of
Huron Co
nty. being
born at
le. and growing to manhood near
Brussels. He prepared for thehi-
versity in Clintonp High School and
Hamilton Collegiate Institute, where
he gave promise of the success in
scholarship afterwards 'achieved, He
took his college training in arts at
Toronto University. At the close of
his first year he stood first ip general
proficiency, carrying off the scholar-
ship. He g Bachelor of Arts
in 188e, with hogoCS in classics. He
continued for another year in post-
graduate study id modern languages
and philosophy. He then proceeded
to Princeton, N. J., Theological Sem-
inary, where he took the toll course
sed graduated in Theology, being giv-
ritl special mention iu apologetics and
systematic theology. At the death
of Prof, Douglas, the Board of Knox
Cottage, Torotito, invited hien to con-
duct the class ie senior apologetics.
Mr. Hands was in 1886 ordained and
inducted as pastor. of Knox church,
Tara, where he labored with much an-
ceptanee until August, s889, when he
was called to Chambers' Church, He.
bridge. His successful pastorate in
thttt important charge 'terminated in
October, 1897, when lie was called Awl
settled in Westminster Church, Mount
Forest wbieh be has served with signal
success for exactly tett years, Mr,
Hands is a persevering And peiustttk-
fug student,' There are few miuistet'g
Grey Council minutes may be read
on page 4 of this issue.
Messrs. Armstrong have'been visitors
at James Armstrong's, loth con..
Rev. Mr. Henderson preached
Thanksgiving sermons last Sabbath at
Roe's and Union.
Owing to the Quarterly meeting
at Ethel next Sabbath there will be
uo service at Roe's. The service at
Union will be in the evening.
Saturday of last week, Mrs. John
Engler and daughter, Eva Vivlan, of
Paw Paw, Michigan, arrived on a visit
to the former's parents, Charles and
Mrs. Rozell,
Last week Miss Laura Cardiff, left
for a holiday visit at Winnipeg,
Cypress River and other points to
Manitoba with relatives and friends,
We hope she may have an enjoyable
ACCIDENT —Saturday oflast week
Miss Eva Bryans waaassisting in pick-
ing apples. She stepped on a limb
that was somewhat weak and suddenly
came in contact with terra firma and
experienced quite a shaking up. It
was not the fall but the stop that
hurt, Her many friends wish her a
speedy recovery,
Invitations are out for the marriage
r Battle -
of ort, a
of Di'.J, H. eels N B
aud Miss Ida H
amt o
ford, Sask,, s y
Bagshaw, of Toronto,
on Nov. 6th at
2 p. m , at their residence, 477 Marian
st, Dr, Jackson and bride will spend
a few days visiting - -the • former's
patents, 'Jno. and Mrs. Jackson, 6th
line, Grey, before leaving for their
'borne in the West. The,many friends
of Dr, Jackson will be glad to meet
him and his bride.
—'Che too sore
Pima NT&p•
Hugh Porter, loth eon
leased £oraSYear term to Crash
of Morris, who gets puss'essi oa at once,
Mr.:Porter has announced an auction
sale of farm stock, implenleuts, &c,
for Thursday November 7111 and will
remove to Brussels for a time. They
are old residents of Grey, Mr,. Porter
having lived there 33 years a•¢ 4 will
carry with them the good wishes of the
community, • -
'rhis weep Mrs, Marsden Smith,
Miss Martha and Ell are at Toronto
attending the marriage of Miss Gussie
Smith, formerly ot Grey to Percy H.
Robert, manager of the carpet
department 'In ' the Simpson Co.
departmental store, . Ceremony takes
, place at 4 p. tn. en 'Thanksgiving Day
at the home of Loftus T. Stark, 290
Grace' street, the bride's brother -in
The many old friends of the bridein
this locality will be a chit in extending
to herself and husband the heartiest
congratulations for a happy and pros•
perous sail over the reatrimodial sea,
Last Sunday St. john's ebureh was
reopened after being in the hands of
decorators for the two previous weeks.
Rev, H. M. Lang -Ford, the energetic
rector, conducted the morning service,
preaching a sermon very suitable to
the occasion from Hebrews loth chap.
and 05111 verse, ".Forsaking not the
assembling of yourselves together."
Reference was made to the improve.
meats in the church and commendatory
words spoken of the zeal aad interest
manifested by the young people in
having the work undertaken, '
decorations principally in white, with
hand painted border iu 4 or 5 colors.
On the West wall is a Bream colored
baud epee which is an inscription in
Greek, "Forsaking not the assembling
of yourselves together." Over the
arch in the alcove is neatly lettered
0! Worship the Lord in the beauty of
Holiness. The walls of the chancel
are done in bronze green with gothic
finish and have gold ornaments rep-
resenting the cross and crown.
The ceiling is painted a pale green.
East wall of chancel is painted in
W. H. KER R, Prop
ane. The eleatloa of etagere for the
current year resulted as followe : T.'reei•
dent, Mies Renate . let vioe•pree,. Wire,
Grant, St. Marys ; and aloe, Mre. Elision,
o• Stratford ; 8rd vice, Mrs, Chalmers,
of Poole ; dth vice, Mrs, Stewart, Moth•
erwel; Norr,•Som, alias Hamilton, Strat-
ford ; Mission Band Sao., Miee Jean
Galbraith, Bt. Mary's ; Reoording•Sea„
Mies Aggie Bell, Downie ; Supply -See.,
Mies Maderwell, of Stratford ; Baebtered
Helper Sao., Mine Irene Fraser, Strut.
ford ; Treasurer, Mise Diokeon, Strut.
There is a possibility that St. Marys
Collegiate may lose the earvioee of Prin-
aipal 8. Martin, B. A, Mr, Martin has
been offered the position of mathematical
meter at the London Collegiate In.
etitnte at a big advance over hie preeent
eatery. Hie initial ealary would be
$1,600 advaooing to $1,900. At preeent
bie eatery le 01,360.
In the evening the rector was assist- crimson with gold Fleur delis. Two
ed by Rev. Mr. Farr, of Gerrie, who gothic panels in dark blue have in -
chose as the foundation of a thought- scribed on tient "I am the Bread of
Eel discourse the 8th verse of Psalm Life," and "1 em the True Vine,"
ee, "Lord I have loved the habitation while above the communion table is
of Thy house and the place where the appropriate Scripture "This do in
Thine honor dwelleth." remembrance of Me." The painted
Good anthems were rendered by the wainscotting in the chancel gives a
choir, with bliss Jettu McLauchlan as very neat finish.
organist, and at the evening service Many compliments have been paid
Jas. G. Jones sang a fine solo. the Young People's society who took
The decorative work was done in the work in band, and the artists who
first-class style by Messrs. Walthew & did it so well. If the wooden ceiling
Welter, of St. Thomas, and establishes received a coat or two of light colored
a fine' testimonial lo their ability as paint it would not be easy to fiud a'
painters and artistic decorators. neater interior in any church in the
Auditorium is in French grey with adjacent community.
as widely read as he. So extensive a
library as bis is rarely seen and none
of his books are merely ornamental.
He is one of the ablest preachers in his
church. A distinguished Senator.
Hon. Jas. McMullen, who has been a
hearer of his for ten years, said to the
writer recently that Mr. H. was head
and shoulders above most other
preachers he had heard, and he has
heard many. ,He gave early evidence
of his exceptional gifts as a speaker,
carrying off the first prize for oratory
when he graduated in Toronto Univer-
sity. Mr, Hanna is a broad-minded
patriot and catholic in his sympathies.
He has shown himself a moral reform-
er of wisdom, zeal and strength in
every community where be has served.
He has for some years been a member.
of the Executiye Board of the Ontario
L. D. A., and four years ago becatne
chairman of its Committee on organi-
zation and Education, which honored
position be held at the time of his ap-
pointment as Secretary. It was the
unvarying success which attended his
efforts in this honorary, but somewhat
laborious, position that brought him
specially to the notice of the Board
when a new Secretary had to be chos-
en. May God so signally bless his
future work for Lord's Day presenta-
tion as He has graciously blessed the
labors of those already in the Alliance.
Miss Elsie Wilton, of Brussels has
been secured as teacher in S. S. No. 3
(Miller School) for the next year as suc-
cessor to Miss Ker. The salary will be
$375.00, Miss Wilton is teaching at
present at Coldwater, Simeoe Co.
She is a daughter of Samuel Wilton,
of the carpet town sad attended the
Normal School at London last year.
Miss Wilton should make an A x
A LD ROYAL P ] GE —Mrs. Gilbert Speir
� n O
with 1 het' son
who makes v
her home
Allan, 4111 line, has attained her 87th
year and has been a wonderfully activee
woman who enjoys a good degree of
health and the use of bei faculties.
Mr. Spelr died in January 1870. ivlra,
William Shedden, who is Mrs. Spear's
sister and a well known resident of
the same /the will be 83 if she lives to
next February while her partner in
life will be So in January, This worthy
oldP journey
couple have travelled hFe'sof
trne u
i Y
fbr many a year bud if spared Aced to
December will be entitled to
celebrate their
a both wedding anniver-
sary. We hope they may. Tho
Shedden and Speir families' settled in
Morris township in 1854 and knew
much about the hardships and toils of
pioneer life and the recounting of these
tncideuts is not only very interesting
but proves they were well entitled to
the oomforts and successes that attend-
ed their industry and thrift,
'rime bye elections, for the Com-
mons were held on Tuesday the result
being as follows :—Loudon Col.
Beattie, Conservative, defeated a
Labor candidate ; in North Welling•
ton, Mr, .Martin, of ,Mount Forest,
Liberal ; East Northumberland re.
elected a Conservative, C. L. Owen
being the winner•,
"IT is a good thing to give thanks
unto the Lord and to sing praises unto
Tby Name O! Most High."
* M *
"PRAtsE God from whom all blessings
Praise Him all creatures here below,
Praise Him above ye heavenly host
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost."
"Cotner your blessings! name them
one by one
Count your blessings I see what God
hath done
Cortnt your blessiugs ! name them one
by one
And it will surprise you what the Lord
bath done."
MAYORALTY candidates will be neith-
er few nor far between in Toronto by
the way the list of aspirants is growing,
It takes a good man to properly fill the
bill in a city with as maty important
questions to deal with as is now on the
hands of the civic authorities in Tor-
* * *
5o calm a dozen for rats, Lead or
alive, has been decided as the fee
Vancouver, B. C., will pay in the hope
of exterminating the rodents, The
Board of Health is afraid of these ani-
mals spreading bubonic plague and
are therefore bent upon their destruc•
tion, Vancouver should be A t hunt-
ing active feline
in round tors or a
g g
bustling lin pack of rat terriers,
Tam Grand Trunk,in common with
a number of other railways do not take
kindly to the proposal of a 2 cent a
mile passenger rate and just now there
is an appeal before the Supreme Court
of Canada bythe G, T
R. regarding
b' g
accommodationommodatfon for 3rd classPa
believe ri We
at a z ceut tariff, v to in-
creased traffic on the reduced rate
would soon make up for the apparent
loss at the initiation of thenew method.
8, B. Swale is in town from. Toronto.
Miss Mary McClure is visiting Moil•
lop friends.
Mies Mary Ross le home from Monkton
for a few days.
J. and Mre. Leckie are Tbankegiving
visitors with Stratford friends.
Anglia Kerr is home from the West
after a sojourn of several months.
Mre. (Dr,) Holmes is visiting in Toron-
to daring the Thanksgiving holiday.
Mise Maggie MoNanghton, qt Clinton,
was home for a abort vieit laet week. '
Ira Parker, of Wingbam, was calling
on old friends in Brussels over Sunday.
Will, and Mrs. Lowry and daughter,
of London, are vieitore with relatives in
J. L. and Mee. Kerr, of Blytb, were
vieitore with Bruseele relatives Suter.
day and Sunday.
Wm. and Mre, Diokeon, of McKillop,
were vieitore with Jamee and Mra. Bal.
labtyne ibis week.
Mies Jessie Ford, of Laoknow, spent a'
few daye with her sister, Mies Helen
D. Ford, title week.
Joo. and Mre. Walker, of Teeewater,
were visitors with relatives in Bruseele
daring the peat week.
J. H. Cameron will spend the Thanks•
giving holiday in Toronto, oombining
baeioess and pleaeore,
Mre. Harris er. is making a 'Menke -
giving holiday visit with her daughter,
Mre. R. H. Green, at Cayuga, Haidimand
Mre. Robert Kerr has been on the eiok
fiat witb pleurisy and pneumonia bot is
somewhat improved now we are pleased
t0 state.
Chao. Stuart was in town on Tuesday.
He ie a brother-ia•law to Drnggiet Fox
and has a large number of old friends in
Horan Co.
N. F. and Mrs. Gerry will eat their
Thanksgiving turkey at Guelph with W,
F, and Mre. Stewart, Mre. Gerry's
parents, formerly of Brussels.
Mies Emylene MeQuarrie, wbo hae
teoebtly returned from a trip to England,
was the guest of her eieter, Mrs. W. F.
Stratton, Brussels, during the past week.
Mre. Brown er. hae gone to Hamilton
to visit her eon. George Brown, of Bene.
eels, with whom the old lady bag been
living, a000mpanied her to bbe Ambitione
Mre, W. Newsom arrived home on
Thursday of last week from a very pleas.
ant time vieittng her daoghtere in
Ohioego. She was well pleased with her
Rev. Kenneth J. Beaton, formerly of
Whiteohorob, and well known to many of
our readere,'bae been appointed as aeafat-
ant paetor of Elm Street Methodieb
Church at Toronto.
Miss Josie Baohanan ie ' the guest of
Mre. (Dr.) Armstrong, at Harriston,
The 'leiter takes part in the program of
a Methodiet oberoh Tea meeting on
Herbert Cooningbam, of Palmereton,
was a visitor nuder the parental roof for
a abort time last week. He fg doing well
in the boesorial bnsinees in the jnootion.
town we are glad bo bear.
Last week Mise Sadie Forbes, who bas
been visiting at her motherte in Brussels,
for eome time, returned to Winnipeg.
She was a000mpanied by her little
nepbew,Stewart Ferguson, 800.01 D, D.
5l'ergaeon, of Winnipeg.
Robert Frannie was laid up during the
past week from a sprained ankle but is
able to be abonb again bow we are glad
to state. He says THE Pose was inoor-
rest in stating that the postaffiee burglars
"borrowed" chisels from his shop ae"they
broke open the door and stole them Sat•
utiles:night or early Sooday morning.
We did not suppose for a eeeoud that
the borrowing u wasdone with ith Mr,
Fraooie' knowledge or concent.
Percy Moir end wife, ifs of Bttseele,
da et week.
in Haman, for a few days la
They went down to attend the marriage
of hie brother Colin toadies Gould which
took ptaee Wednesday, The tollowing 18
a report of the wedding, clipped from the
Exeter Advocate :-The resideoee of
Mre, John Gould, 4th con. Hay, was aft
astir an Wednesday, the 000aeion being
of h daughter, Mise Nellie
the marriageer u ht
to Arnold onrad Moir, of Uno Park
Station. At high noon the wineomo
bride appearedY arra. i ed n A b e
creation of cream cloth, with handsome
trimmings. Exquisite taste and dainti.
neer was alsoexhibited in the eoetnnie of
the brideem&id, Mise Corte Gould,
sister of the bide. Wm. Bell, of Ben.
gall, did the duties of best man, while
Rev. Janet, of Heneall, securely tied the
knot ie the pregame of neatly one
handrsd guests, When vowe were taken
and oongretnlatione over all eat cloven to
n enmptuone and inviting wedding feaet
after whlob the bride, gowned is a
handsome travelling snit, left with bet
bneband, on theevening train for a
honeymoon trip to Toronto and other
point° East. Tito Mende evidently ep•
preaiabed bighty both bride and groom
judging by the dumber, - the value and
the beauty of the gifte presented on the
00025lon. They butte the beat Wight% of
a large chole of Monde aad aegneint'
!those for their fettles ltappine2o and
Betobnutblag by lantern light le the
latest tad at Mitobell.
The Sontb Perth Liberals will meet in
convention at St, Mary'e Tueeday Nov
lath for the purpose of nominating
oandidateefon the Legislature and the
House of Commons.
The twenty•tourth mutual meeting of
the Stratford Presbyterial Society --W,
F M. 8, ---was held in Knox eburob, St,
Marge, on Tueeday; Oot. 22nd, An ata•,
dregs et weloome was given to the dole.
al g ebEneacnggwIeogivnY1MiGrant.
a, Addresses
dht, Rev. 4V. H, Grant on the work in
Bonen and otbere, Lnnoheon was served
at noon and owning, Altogether the
5555100 wag as intereating-attd insbieetive prosperity, .