HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-10-24, Page 8Check that (J cid By Using -441Blood. Toot Cou,p^h Cure There is no better Cough Remedy to be had than this With the change of the season there are sure to be golds going the rounds. Batter be on the safe side and keep a bottle of BLOOD ROOT COUGH CUBE in the house and commence taking it when the first symptoms appear and find a speedy cure. Blood Root Cough Cure is no new preparation but a safe and reliable remedy, carefully prepared by ourselves, and has been on sale from our Drug Store for years. Price 25e per bottle. Thanksgiving Picture Post Cards 2 for 5c DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN, BRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 80333ma6 erramsI06 13. 0. & 3, Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follow8 t GoIOa Souwo 4otoo No6T0. litafl 7:05 8.m i Express 10:55 axe Express 11:55 a.m81a,1 .....^......1:44 a.m Expram 0:02 p.m I Ox06868 8:51p.m CANADIAN PACIFIC R. R. Following is the 0.P. R. Time Table at Walton: - To Toronto To Goderiob Express 7:40 a mExpress 11:53 a m Express 0:55 p m l Express 056 p m rag .AA% Puts A ohiel's among ye tattle' notes, An' faith he'll mut Gam tidied np for Winter. Oaenu160 moonlight nights, Tate ie the season ot the sear and yel. low leaf. Bean frost last Sunday night, the tightest this season, Realm bunting i8 at hand and bunny has to take the worst of it. Mmeeae. Jawrer & Banta; shipped a double deck of hogs this week. Mosa8Oou hunters have been about as .51 8 0 110 01 ae the toothsome artiale sought, A. T. Cu8arm, butcher, Shipped to J. M. Broadfoot, Aotigouish, N. S., 125 pounds of ohoioe beef on Wednesday. Jimlfke8 good beet. Jam. H. GALDB.nTO has disposed of hie speedy driver "Fleet Sight," at a tall prise, to Mr. MoDouald, of Exeter, The beast seas a good One. Semen (LATER is pelting the sale of the Singer sewing mrobine and the Nordbeimer piano. See hie advt. in this wesk'e 18838 of Tse Pon. He memo' badness. Tam to8t hammer advertised in Tos PM belonging to George Colvin, Brae - sale, wee found by Jobe Mitobell, of Grey township, and on Wednesday was restored to its owner. It pays to adver- tise in a paper the people read THE electric light plant was Cao of baeine08 for a good share of the peat week owing to a break in the machinery and a long delay in waiting for repairs from Toronto. Mr. Moore contemplates a cumber of improvements whiob will put everything in good ebape. Timm to a change in the morning expre'e bound for Kincardine from 10.05 to 10.55 at, B6ae0868 depot. The other trains run on the same schedule as far the past few menthe, The afternoon mail and the night train are almost al - wale late, sometimes over an hour. T8 aUteerVIN0 Day will be a stRtetOry holiday and the banks and other pieces of business will be closed. Tam Pon will be publiebed on Wednesday, Oor- reepandentc are asked to send their budgets a day earlier and advertisers will also oblige by banding in changes having regard to the holiday. FELL INTO 1108386 EL/MS.-Lad Sat- urday afternoon Mre. R. A. Fairbairn, of California, who sea( in Brae8ele with relatives from Grey, pinked up a lady's puree on the street containing bilis end silver. She brought it to Tea Poem and. ineide of en hour the loser called to ad• vertlee her lose end was made real happy by the return of her lost treasure, FREIGaT BBzPAxENTa-•During the pest week Robert Thomson shipped a ear of egg8 to Toronto and a oar to Glasgow. He alto forwarded 2 oars of apples to Winnipeg. D. Cantefon, of Clinton, shipped a oar of apples to Dnloth. A oar of oattie was sent to Buffet. by Geo. A. Beet and a car of wheat went to Lind• gay from Alf. Beaker's 81008.120638, Seven Dare in all. Freight will begin t0 move at a mote lively rate, now that grain, fruit, bay and other marketable produce is being delivered, GENERAL RIME AMONG DM H0N3058 - Thoae who .soapy pay a visit to the North lend on deer bunting quest8 are up in arms at new regulation aompelliog the buntem8n to forward the following deolaretioo (which ie on the beak ot the 1,158nee) to Chief Game Warden, Toren. to, within two week(' after the ohne 00 the open eea8an :-"I hereby declare that I bested in the (0o. or District) ot ---- during the legal open season oOly, and that I killed in all --deer, hooka--- doe8---•, and I make We solemn &telex. alien doaeoletti0u81y believing it to be *toe and knowing that 11 i8 of the BEM throe and deet as if made under the Canada Evidence Act," A penalty of $50 ie a3teohable for failure to comply with this law, The unf3irne89 0008iete in 338 expression "in ell," whiffle debars an honorable sport belonging to a party to assist an aninoky friend who has been tumble to 8(0068 hie tixuota of two denizen8 of the forest. This i8 not square, not that the fair banteman wants to overstep the law butto aid a man who hail paid big good money for his teil133y ticket and inantred other neeeeeery 8xpen888 to have. 8Om0 18turn far hie eependttare. The 043Braneent 880altl take 0o0io11110e Of this ]sick act it is felt to be an inja9tiee by Tories at Avail as Grits and Mole of the fernier, partit01ar1y, May it will do the Gtoterntuent no good Ualeee thelaw is amended" T B. R. BREWER'S photo, gallery will be open on Thankegiviog Day. READ the advertisements in TUE POST and teat the bargains offered. A WEDDIN0 will take pisoe in St. John's aharoh, Brussels, next Wodneeday after. noon. Tbepriuoipalo are 688ident8 of the township of Grey. Two or three weddings are yet on the t8pfe. Some of the brides will reside iu other towns but please don't ask as for the names just yet RB we can't tell, Tan Howiok Mutual Farmers' Fire Ineuraooe Oo'e, direotore will meet an Gerrie on Saturday of this week in their monthly meeting to attend to bueieees. A LARGE number from Bruseele at- tended the funeral of the late Joaeph Olegg, of Morrie, on Tuesday. Mr. Clegg watt a familiar $gure in town and had many warm friends, TRAIDISorviNo Day will be here Thera - day of next week. Single fare tickets will be honed on the tail13050, good going on Wednesday and valid to Morn on the following Monday. Tex CmouerOR OLIvoot is palling on the ratepayers apprising them of the am0001 of their taxes and eel dug attention to the noeeeity of settlement not later thea Deo. 14th or else 5% will be added, THANES -The thanks of Tat Pon ie due to a goodly number of our enbeorib- ere for settlements of arrears end bala08. ing'nbsoriptio0s up to January let 1908, Several have already renewed for the nest year. APPLES WANTED.-arneeel8 Evaporator will pay 80 units a bag for good peeling apple+. Parties having apples to diepaee of eboald make early d811386iee as the Evaporator will .lose down it the stook is not sepplied. BS388EL0 FOOL Ball Club have made au engagement to 13838 "Dolga, the To, girl," a new m0Bioel operetta, presented in the Town Hall, Brunie, Th868day, Nov. 21st. The boyo ehoeld have a bumper house on that 00008100. SECOND Cnoo,-Last Saturday afternoon M188 Maggie Stewart, Queen street, brought to Tam Pose a branch from a blaokberry bneb containing mond growth fruit the larger part of it well ripened. This ie an re menet oo006renoe for the latter part of Oalober but speaks well for the 0limate of this part of Huron Co. Naw RoAvi DEM. -Last week Mul- doon & Galbraith, the wall -known horse. men, puroha'ed the Clydesdale 0411400 "Kilnhfll Prinoe"-13549-vol., 29, from Bawdeo & MaDonall, of Exeter, who im ported the animal last Fall. The horse ie 4 years oldie brown in color with white hied feet and oomee of a family difficult to beat, THE holies and lot belonging to Fred. Adams, hardware merchant, now of Fordwiob, oor0er of 51111 and Elizabeth streets, ler088868, b1113 been purchased by Sameel Carter. H8 will mate into pos. session at once end will take up reeideaoe there. Mr. Carter also bought the yen - ant lot aortae the street where Mr, Ademe' pomp works etood before their destrootion by fire a few years ago. THE Peer bad hoped that Mr. Adams and family might return to Brueeale but the building of a fine new reeideaoe at Ford wiob and the Rale of hie real estate here rather says the opposite. HIGHER APPRECIATED.-Tbureday 01 Net week J. H. Galbraith was agreeably 8065618811 to fled at tie Mime two elegant upholstered, plash parlor 8baire a wad ding 5688808 from the following coleus of tie OOmeron8 Iriende.-Robb. Thom• eon, Alt, Seeker, W. Emigb, Gordon McDonald, Th08, Ritchie, Wm. Amens, Cleve Beaker and A. B. McDonald, The re0ipient was delighted with the choice gifts 8nd see8 8838n ways he may be tibia to return the compliment following a matrimonial 81113008, Mr, Galbraith appreciates very highly the anexpeote1 kindness and gratefully wept(' the Rome. K 112PR071000NT8.-In addition t0 the m0der0 now residence of D. A. Lowry other improvements have been in pro. grass this season. P. Ament hes built an addition to the rear of his reeidenae and IMO fitted op a modern bath room, &0. W. A. Grewal, Queen street, elevated the roof of hie dining room and kitchen and hoe pet in en np•to date bath and a000m. paying fixtures. -Reeve Leckie has bad the wooden shed torn down at the rear Of his block tenanted by W. E. Duncan, Mise Roes and Mies SioKinlay and will erecta Web bnilding to be utilized es war8600m and hearse hope for Meagre. Walker & Bleck who have Mr. Leokie'e Southerly premi808 leaned. -Leet week George Barkley olid family moved into their oo1)101316b10 new Dement reeiden0e. The eligible other 10 mush improved by the new home. We hope they Will en joy enemy happyp6100pero08 years in it,--- A new blink veneer stable with metailfo roof has been oompleted on the premi8e8 of Fred Mo0r80ken that would be plenty good eooagb for a bodge, -The stable on the premien of W. H: Kerr hes been moved from its former location Burl place: 8d upon Dement foundation on the bank of the Maitland intent the Mese, In• terior hoe been modernized. -David Walker is adding a driving hou88 to hie property corner of 1'arg110rry and Wil Ilam Amato, which will supply 00asid0r- able additional room for vehicio8, &o. -A 08ment kitchen hat been added to the comfortable Wok reddened of John Grainger, Mill 8ireet, Mr. Grainger hag a !tide property, IF YOU SAVE ""THOUGH it be only $1,00 a week, you will soon be on the 1 way to independence and wealth. In the Savings Department of the METROPOLITAN BANK $1.00 opens an account. Interest is allowed from date of deposit and compounded every three months, We'll gladly handle your account and serve you with the same courtesy and efficiency as if you were a large depositor, THE METROPOLITAN BANK Capital Paid Up, Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits, $l,000,000.00 ,$1,/83,713.25 lllwssELS BRANCH, W, J. FAWCETT, Manager Tam regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held ou Friday evening at their roome. Tata G, T: R. sidewalk bas not materialized yet. Who is to blime for the long and tiresome delay 1 We uotioe that Obariie, eideet eon of Rev. W. E. Kerr, of Clinton, wag die. tingni813log himself in the athletic games at Clinton Collegiate. Longboat will b%va to look alter hie laurels Or long WOW will tramp ou hie heels. BUN/MAY-As Fred. McCracken, of town, was driving to Bluevale tacit Son. day, accompanied by Mrs. MoOraoken, cue aide of the boggy pole got loose and the horses decided to 601 away. Mr,14o- Crookeo was hurriedly thrown to the ground and was shaken np considerably bat Mre. MaOraskeu stooped by lumping from the tie. The team wee captured some miles away. Leer Sunday Oziss Dudley, brother to James Dudley, Brunetti, pawed away et hie home in Brown Oily, Michigan. He was it former resident of 8t. Mary's Perth Go., and want to Miobigon 8 or 10 years ago. Mr. Dudley is survived by h'e wife and 88veral obildreo. Mr. Dudley, of town, left on Monday to tttEeud the funeral ou Wednesday.Da• mooed was a floe man, Freak Double, V, S., of Midland, Michigan, was rearming old friendships iu and adjoining Brneeel8 last week while en route to Toronto where be ie lecturer in the Ontario Veterinary Ooi. lege ou Disease and Treatment. This is Dr. Lembie'8 second Wiuoer in the position and we have it on good author. ity that be would be hard to beat. Mre. Lambie and daughter are continuing their 888iden00 at Midland at present. ANo3)RR PIONEER Gotem,-In the de. miss of Thos. MoLanohliu, whose spirit passed pesoefolly away at the Lanny r881denoe on Thursday, 17th inst., there removes from the active- apnea of this life one of those sturdy old pioneers who have helped to make hie tory in East Huron, One by one they are paesiug away, the men whom the present generation should honor; the men wlio have made life liveable and 88)0yable for the reek of ns, and the men who 11%38 made the foundation of our oo0utry'e real and substantial valve. Mr. MoLaoonlin was born in the Comity of Reo[rew, Out., in the month of May, 1886. To the month of Jane, 1858, to gather with a widowed mother, brothers and 0686010, he moved to the upper country coming to what was theu known sae the "Queen's Muth," and locating on lot 2, 6,000.Grey,when this country o Y was donee forest and the population of Grey, consisted of not a dozen tam thee, Here be lived and from 'nob email beginning as his axe, with a stoat heart, sbrewd (tense and 111d08166006 bands be amassed a /urge portion of this world'e goods. A quiet nn0eenm• Mg man he never sought peblio oflroes but was always a supporter of whatever tended to the pnblio good. In the days when the Bast Boron Agri001taa1 Society was in its infenoy Mr. MuLanohlia gave bis loyal support in time and money and until his death 00ntiuned to take a promioe0t pert in all that pertained to the advancement of live stook intonate in this ooenmunity, At all times a lover of the horse and a judge whose authority was tally teoognized we feel it would not be too mph to say he hoe done perhaps more to advance the ittere'te of 1138 heavy horse induotry than any other single individual in this 00130200• ity. Several time8 has be imported from the Old Land h0680$eeh that has done credit to his own judgment and tallied the standard of horse stook as well. fie wase good neighbor, a kind Mathew, and father and perhaps nothing gave him greater pleasure then to relate in hie later years to hie family and Mende stories from the experienoea of the emelt( days ; tales of the times when be with other 881t10re carried /lour on their back from Harparhey, following the road by means of blazed marks on the trees and from that time on till the advent of more modem means and ways, alweye trying to impress the tact that today, as in the poet, "Labor is the price we must pay for anything that le really worth having.". 131r. McLauchlan wee twine married tie first wile being Mies Ann Stewart, eieter of Elder Alex. Stewart, jun , 131008018, In the month of November, 1872 ebe was called from things earthly to the Home above leaving him with 5 children, Daniel Alexander and Neil, of B1688el8, Thos. of Griswold, Man., and Mre. Alex. 210• Donald, of Grey. Four years atter he married Mies Mary McIntosh, of Glen• parry, niece of the late Rev, John Fer peon, Atter a lingering tllneee ot some month' be wait again bereft of a true friend and helpmate, hie second wife peeing to the House of mem/ M31381008 On the 25th day of April 1898, leaving 4 children, Mieees L,2zie, ,lassie and Dan• eau, of Brueeels and Mrs. Alia, D. Grant, of Gtoy. 18 year8 ago he gold the old homestead and retired to spend the evening of hie We in 1161088818, Mr, Mo. Lanohlin was a Liberal in polities, a regular attender and eupportet of the 261088ytetian Charon, Br63ee18, and per. baps One of the Oldest members in 0013. natation with thee 0har0b at the time of Wsdeath, A wan of sterling ammeter and honest, epright prinofpie0 he was held in the higheot esteem by all who knew him, 'Mr. MoLaaohlin'e funeral took pla68 Sunday afternoon, the in. ferment, being delayed in 0xpeotetiod that hie eon, Thr 0, wouid possibly 00m8 from Manitoba lent he did not, S8rviO3 wag eendaoted at the family miaow by INGER SEWING MACHINES ARE THE BEST/ Machines may be seeu at ItIoKAY & SHAW'S Hardware Store, Brussels. Easy payment system may be arranged for. • I also handle the Nordbeinl- er Piano. S. CARTER, AGENT Rev. A. U. Wishart, B. A„ after wbioh the remains were interred in Brussels oemetery. The pall bearers were, Alex. Stewart, Jr. and sr., Geo. Thomson, Peter Sot tt, Joe. Ferguson, Jno. Smith. Oat of a Lundy of 6 brothers only one survives, Alex, MgLa00him, awohl known resident of town. The members of the bereaved tamiiy have the eympatby of the oommu0ity in their irreparable lose, Business Locals. WANmmn.-Steady boy to learn 18611888 trade. Apply to I. 0. RICHARDS. WANTED.-Ol'Dloe tub 1.1.11,1136, 27o, fresh egg8, 25o. Also large geautitie8 dried apples and feathers. GEC. E. BIN), Wingbam. Da, BUTLER'S VISIT. -Dr. Butler, the London Eye 8580ialiet, will be at the American Hotel, Brunets, on Wednes- day, Nov, 27th. Gleam supplied. Ant headquarters for saws and can ex. change or sell for oath at lowest prices, Yours, T. btoGregor, filer and improver on cows, tools and macbioee. Omer and Main St., Brussels, Ool, 01IUItell CHISIIES Service will be held in Melville and 81. Johu'e (Menthes on the morning of Thanksgiving day, Thursday of nest week. Next Sabbath morning the pastor will petition a epeeist proton to the mem here of the Met13odiet Sabbath Sebool. The pupils are asked to sit in the centre pews. At the peeper meeting Wednesday evening Rev. E. G. Powell, the pastor, gave a number of views on "The fire of Christ,' interepereed with explanatory remarks and appropriate hymns and 8eeeone of prayer. It wile a good service. Rev. J. E. Millyard, of Birr, occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church, Brue eels, last Sabbath .and gave two fine sermons. The morning Sermon woe batted on "The second coming of Christ" and the evening topic wee "Bailding and Battling" and was brimfull of counsel, in• oitement to aggressiveness and en00ar8ge- went as to the final outcome, Mr. Mill• yard's visit to Brustele was mann -enjoy ed and the congregation will he pleased to hear him again. Rev. Mr, Powell was at Ilderbon, on the Bice circuit, oondeoting anniversary eervi000, MIS610N BAND, --Last Saturday after- noon the Little Stare Mieeion Band held their Tbank•offering meeting, In the absence of Mise Lizzie Rose, the indefoti• gable President, Mise Jean Habkirk, her able 8seiet8nt took oharge of the proceed lugs. A abort program wee given a8 fol- lows t-Truie Deadman a recitation ; Mrs. J. Kerr a reading ; Thanksgiving hymn by 6 little girls , addrese by Mrs. Deadman ; opening of Thank offering envelopes from which $11,65 wae000nted, A contention• ery treat was given the children.. Last Friday efter800n Rev. Me. Bram• oar, of Ripley, preached a very Imitable sermon in Melville church preparatory to the Communion. Hie theme was "The potter mod the clay," The pastor demonstrated the Troth Sabbath worn. ing from 8130 text "Let your light so shine, &o" and in the evening the words .boson were "If ye love Me ye will keep My oommendmente." The new individ naloommunion imps 13868 used for the Arse time end were considered 8 great improvement on the former natant. The condition of General William Booth, of the Salvation Army, who ie at Ohioago, remained 000ha5ged Mon• day, A oonsaltation of several phyei• Diane was held, 8135 Dr. Oscar Cleff an, pounced that unless naexpeo1011 0063• plioatiml8 arose General Booth would be able to oontinne hie trip in about a week. On a800dnt of his advanced age pr30303ious are being lakon to pre• vont the oold from whieb he is coffering turning to pneumonia. The gen. eral remained in bed all day at the home Of Commissioner G. A. Kilbey, who is in command of the Western territory of the army, W. F. M. B, P111,30 038011180 M6 stale,-- The minuet Thank -offering servlce in oonnection with the W. 1'. Its. S. of Melville ohnrah wa8 held on Thursday. evening, 1018 lust„ Ibre. Deadman, President, prodding, An interotting program wag provided the following taking part :-'-words of 'minute to the lady vleitore from the sinter Miettionary Societies in Brunets; Atm. Alfred Lawry conveyed (;resting( from the Mothodiet ohareh 80d Mre, W, W. I1srrie from St. John's church • Woe by miss 1150K.inlay and Idro, S. U. Wilson 1 duet,by Um, R, ESTABI-ISHED 1873 THF ST. " r BANK OF CANADA Head Office . - - Toronto $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT' In our Savings Department. Deposits of Sr and upwards are received, on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed. No Delays in making Withdrawals Interest added four times a year Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. 0. BKUSSE.Lts BRANCH J. i. Rowland, Hartager W, M33heeouend Mee Jean Habkirlt 1 reading by Mise Lizzie Rose, Lunch was served at the .lose, The Thank - offering amounted to about 840,00. On Sunday next there will be apeoial servioee fu Bt. John's church, Breesele, it being the 000aeion of the re ope0iug of the abarob. The A. Y. 2, A. have had the inside wane of the bnilding decorated at the bands of Mr. Walthew, the St. Thomae abarch decorator, and the resent is highly gratifying to both the Young People's Aeeooiatioo and the artist him Bell. At the moraine service there will be the celebration of Holy Communion and in the evening servitor' the rentor, Rev. Mr. Langford will be aeeisied by Rev. Mr, Farr, of Gerrie, Special mash) by the oboir is being prepared for the 00088io0. The Obrietian Eadeevorere of the Province will hold a Convention in Oook'a aharoh, Toronto, on Wednesday and Thursday next week. Special in- terest attaches to thie from the foot that the founder of the movement, Rev, Francis E. Clark, D. D., will be present and (peek at the Openf63 mason on Mon day evening. Dr. Clark has given op hie whole time to travelling organization work allover the be world and hoe from the first been president of the World's Y. P. 8. 0. E., called the United Society of Christian Endeavor. On Thursday see• Mona will be held in the mottling, afternoon and evening. The last 0onve0• tier was held iu Toronto two years ago. Arrangements may be made thie year for holding annual 0onventio0s, as wan done for a number of pare after the Movement was introduced into Canada. The Grand Truck freight shade at Toronto Juretion were destroyed by fire. M. Tradeau swallowed a piece of wire while doing some trioke, and died in the Hotel Dieu at Montreal. The jury at Sherbrooke, Que.,acquitted Mre. Sharpe of the oharge of m.13010 gh ter in oonnection with the shooting of Harold 00atea, Horace Aluu0teiu, a oolleotor of mail, Toronto, wee found guilty of robbing letter boxes and sentenced to four years i0 the penitentiary. Parliament has been oalled to meek November 28th at Ottawa, 08861ee Tomer died from boort fait - are while shooting near St. Oalharines. Thomas A. Riobardson, Owen Sound's alleged bigamist, was captured at Lon. don, Ont, John A. Johnson, near Uxbridge. was dragged by a runaway horse sod fatally inland. The Braeside blook at Brandon was damaged by fire to the amount of ten t130neend dollars. Railway men at Montreal are ogitatiug for the loangaration of a twenty tear hour day on Eastern railways. A fire at Edmaneton, N. B., destroyed Herberts Hotel and Murobie & Borpee'e More and a number of dwellings. Lose 820,000, Thirty five bodies have been taken from the river et Montreal in the het six months, moat of them bearing marks of death by violenoe, The report ot the Foreign Missions Committee, preeeuted to the Baptist convention at Woodstock, i8 a (Wrong arraignment of the opium treffio, Health authorities at Winnipeg seized fiand ttcondemned about tour thousand poenda of impure to od mostly (tanned scoff, and the dealer, Samuel Shore, was ed, The Advisory Union of Algoma Muni, mpaliti8e met at Blind River and passed reeolutioue favoring the petrol of public lande by the muoioipalities in wbiah the laude aro eitaated. A woman giving the name of Ellen Webb wee tweeted at O•hawtt on the charge of stealing jewellery worth $800 from Mrs. Woodruff, wife of ahoteLkeep• et. She oonteeeed and gave op the jewellery. zsa.a.xaxaxEa- Maffei -Ham mett-In Biytb, 00 00i. 16tb, by Rev. 1, L. Small, 13, A., Mr. R. el, McKay to Mies Etelko, only daughter of Mr. James Ham ilton, all of Blyth. soxZE:77. OL1too.-In Morrie, on October 19161, Joseph Clegg, iu hie 68th year. lakes Blood ! Good Blood �., —Lot; of it F'©X's Beef, Iron. & Wine The Invigorotiug Tonic tilat gives strength to worn-out peo- ple. Yon will.flnd nothing bet- ter. Try it- ' —AT— y DRUG STORE &fcLADcsytN in Brueeale, on Ootob r 17th, Thomae M01,800lio, aged 71 years. McCamruwr -1n Blyth, on October 14th, Ann Nesbit, belov.d wife of Alex. Mo0reight, aged 71 years, 2 months and 14 days. .e.•rTCT2ON' FRIDAY, Oox. 2533 -Farm stook, [m. j " ro plemeuts, &o., Lot 11, Con. 12, Grey. Bale unreserved at 1 O'olooa. Jae. A. MoLeohlan, Prop. F. S. Boott, Amo. 733se•r.TSmmz,ma p2 3RK=7'm, Fall Wheat 1 00 1 00 Barley 60 75 Peau,.., 80 82 Oats ., 48 60 Batter, tubs and rolls.... 20 21 Eggs pa- dozen 20 21 Hey per too 15 00 15 00 Flour, per bbl 4 60 6 20 Hogs, Live 0 00 6 00 Apples (per bbl.) 1 50 1 75 Potatoee per tae 50 60 Wool (washed) 20 22 Sa 1, per b1,1., retell1 25 1 25 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. TWO DURHAM BULL CALVES A. and a Y,rksbire bog for Bale, Lot 80 Goo. 8.Morris. or Brussels P. 0. JAbla 85E111. 30.31 N.(1OLT FOB SALE. -A GOOD .) Dolt tieing 5 years aired by Texas any. Apply to RII,#H R. ELLIOTT, box 80, Brus- sels. or Graham's Survey, Brussels s. 10.00 VOR SERVICE. -THE UN- mmn8lGNnn will keep for eerv100 on Lot 17, Con 0, Grey, a thorn' bred Tam. worth hog, Terms 51,00, to bo paid ab time of service, with privilege of 3 tarutog if necessary. ROST. 1tfoDONALD, Prop, 10.4 NW 31ELAVYLICA3iirr STIOINt= N. Ladies' Cloth Coats Juetreceived, special lines in Ladies' Cloth Frieze Cloths -correct styles and perfect fitting ; be sold just as they were bought- $ 8 00 Chats for $ 6 50 12 60 Coats for 10.00 There is only a limited number of these lines and they will go quickly at these prices. Coats -Dark Tweeds, Black Kersey, Beaver and bought away below regular prices, and these are to $10 00 Coats for $ 8 00 15 00 Coats for 12.50. We want You to See Them FUR RUFFS AND MUFFS We are showing a very complete range in Ladies' and Girls' Fur Ruffs, Stoles and Ties with Muffs to match. Good styles, nicely made and well lined— Speeial Values at $5 00, $7.50, $10 00 and $12.00 We are showing the Best Values in Ladies' Fur Coats to be had— See them and Compare Prices MEN'S AND BOYS' OVERCOATS We are in the best position we have ever been to supply you with Overcoats for Men and Boys. Largest Stocks, Best Styles and the Bost Values we have ever offered. We want you to see them, whether you buy or not, just to compare prices, RUBBEFS AND OVERSHOES We carry a full line, all sizes and widths, in the CELEBRATED GRANBY RUBBERS for Ladies, Men, Boys, Girls and Children: Rubbers have advanced in price but we are selling all lines at last season's prices. A Large Stock of Good Boots to choose from, Goods alight of your Money back. Highest Prices for Produce, NEXT' 600R Tri IC `. N OU$'e`' `�M, �. `� .. All/I�'it' A it V1 dl rite N e 4