The Brussels Post, 1907-10-24, Page 6til.:414',144:44:004,44.4.<41.449.liattaSI :k A 4 HEALTH ....04044.14440444(414414, OPSONINS, 'In a Werner article It was sail that Pe Of nature's ways of preventing dis- Mee is to deatroy the germs by means of a defensive army of cells, the so- called phagocytes, which eilyelon microbes in theftsubstance end digest thern-eat, them up, in other words. But this does not alwaya take place. Either the microbes me in too greet nuntbees for the pliagoeytes, and so iriumple over them, or else the rens, al- Almaage present in suilleittnt numbers, appear not to relish the microees, mei fall to attack they's, Then the germs lesultiply without molestation. Beeteriologiats were for a long time guzzled to account foe the fact that the white blood -cells would sometimes re- fuse this feast of microbes, and many saw in it reason to doubt that the Oa- greytes had any real part in the preven- tion or cure 4-).( disease. 13u1 recently Doctor Wright. an linglisliscientist. has advanced a plaueiblo explanation cf Ibis occurrence. He says that the pha- geeyles will not attack bacteria until the inner have been acted upon liy a certain substance contained hi the fluid portion et the blood, %%bleb in some way snakes them altraetive lo Ula white blood-corpmems. In other words, the cells of the organiem will not eat raw bacteria, but must have them served in a palatable form. The sul shame which thus prepares them for ingeetion is cancel opsonin, from a Greek word meaning to prepare food. Tbe quantity of this opsonin in the blood itt not always the same, whirl' explains why a person may be resitg- lug to a disease at one time, and yet later, when again exposed, may suc- cumb, It impears, also, Hint opsonin is not ning1a definite substance, but that tech variety of microbe must be acted upon by a separate subetance, the op- .winin for the typhoid-lacilli, for ex- ample, having no effect upon the germ of tuberculosis, This explains why a person may re- sist nue CliN'ase anti readily fall a vie - Om to another. There are many details in lists theory not yet worked out, but enough is known to enable it to be employed in the treatment of some diseases. \Viten craze, and bridegeomn and bride and all a person is eufferiag from typhoid te- their attendants rode to and from the ver, lei us say, an examination is made Ouch on wheels completely hidden to aecertain the potency of his blood with flowers. The bride's weeel was ail In typhoid opsnnin: and If it is found bclow what il s.hould be. as determined by a comparison with the blood from a minder of healthy individuals, steps are taken to increase it. This is done Is giving en inieetion of a culture of typhoid germs witteli have been killed elaborately, The whole show cost by heat. •The result of this injection I. after a temporary &erotism te raise' ,l-tetiot leriormous sums are spent On the very nmikeity Use quantity of typhoid, oesonin in the blood, and so to livMg wIttiM tire causing Um '"'1"'at (be P"1"oe 1liti Elase.e. Felix flusal decorations for the Presidential , Faure invariably had (he inbtes at his disease., more vulnerable to the Meeles State dinners decorated wile orchuls. of the phageseyles.-louths Companion. It is in Bussin that the dinner table -• decorations reach their climax. There 15 TONICS. a different floral garniture for every A great deal of bum is done by self- , comets, 13eglaning with violets with the drugging for the relief of various real etotIP- they will chenge to lilies of the valley with the fish. Then come hon- er imaginary ills. ()hoes or pates with hyacinths. a eeleve Every man, 01 course, believes him - with cornflowers, pinks with tbe she:a eel; a doelor, and often thinks be is i bet. roses with Ole yeset mei orchids 9r better able to attack a cough or it ease) of rhe,,er sweet peas with the sweets. rheumatism 01' a et oea-acI a -tt, whetn• 0, be his own .or another's than those A FAVOIUTE DECORATION nho make Ihe eine of disease a special study. Alt be has to do is to make up the table In Pari s Is a serpentine mile hes mind what the trouble is -end any ror, which meanders about the table one Can tell a cough when ho has Roe I like a river between bents of moss and then to lake &opening that is "good for is cough." There is nothing easier. Tile only. objeelion to the plan is, that What is good for the cough may be bad for the cougheet. So itis with a headaehe. Almoet any pain 11 the head not due to actual l•ratil discaeo sneer be moderated, if not • rclieved temporarily, by some form of headache powder"; bet a trequenl re- course to thio means of cure may fatally weaken the heart. When this slops Leeting the headaches tense to tremble, Int the Wien( is not in condition to ltnow or care. Less ettrious, but not mut% so, is the ;mime of lollies. A true tonic is any- thing that promotes the nutrition of the leafy. This may be done by inereaeing the rippeble end miproving digestion, which is the funetion of the Miler toniee; , the decoration ot a suPPec room. To or by improving the condition of the this a Hollander contered with tulips imported hem Amsterdam to decorate a banquet hall. A Parisian woman entertaining tash- benably will have to eel. aside at tenet eit,e00 Mr flowers tor (Inc decoration of he! table Mid ber drawing rooms dur- EUROPE LOVES FLOWERS MILLIONSAIRE SPENT ON TIMM DV BICH AND P0011. Weddfng and 'Funeral Tributes -Courses of Flowers at Russian . Dinners. Europe spend$ millions every year kir newel's,. Flowers are an ittdispensable ft.:1litre of every social occasion, and the Frenah Government has 1,sed them ex- navagently of late as adornments of public festivities. One of the most expensive features of gelling merrier' in France is the florist's bill. 'Olz . men its the case celebrates his engagement by sending a basket decor- ated wah lace and riblons to his fiance, 11 he does not pose 00 wealthy he may geo out oi obligation for $20 or so, but the ease is cited of the son of a inaneier oho spent $3,500 Tor an or- chid as a centropieco and grouped around it four othersat $1,200 °Piece, There is also a legend of an Austral- ia': Of vast wealth Who spent $8,000 on a basket 4,1 orchids mid piehs for his en- gagement gift, and nnolher of a girl of tlsti Ilungariun nobility whoreceived a kismet made up entirely of Alpine flowers whicb cost $4,000. One flower in it had cost a search at five weeks through the higher valleys of. Use moun- tains. Ater (Inc iniroduetory corbeillee, (Inc eitgaged num must send a bouquet every :ley. These bouquets are suPPoscd to bit more modest. The devotionof the sender is to be expressed rather in rarity and beauty than in cost. Or Inc May fall back on the language of flow - cis and send orehids to express ro- mance, narcissus blooms, while Illaes and jasmine tor tenderness, while car- nellons for innocence Or crimson ones Itt typety. HIS OWN ARDENT PASSION. It is obligatory that the wedding bou- quet shell be of white roses and or- chids, wilh.the traditionul orange blos- soms, fuel it must be hunted with myr- tle leaves. 0 is not necessarily expen- sive, but of course a man may go as far as Inc liRes in the decoration of the church. In this item it is doubtful if European extravagance (antes anyWheee near that of fashionable American marriages. There Was remarriage in elarseilles in len, though, which made a reeord. It was in the 'height of the bicycle to orange blossoms with white ribbons. The bridegroom's was adwined whit greenery brightened up- with crimson ruses and pinks. The eyeles of the bridesmaids matched their dresses. The men rode on wheels rigged like me bridegroom's, but less through which wild flowers nee dolled. Clusters of orchids suspended over tbe table are reflected In the glass. At one floral dinner, the bill tor which sae into live figures, screens of vines, apparently growing. surrounded the table and formed a canopy over it on wire irellisework dotted over with tiny electric lamps of every imaginable hue. Miniature fruit trees were grouped on the tables abont fish ponds full of real sasix iallielt.rwills real live gold nail swimming Then there was a famous entertain- ment given at zi noted restaurant in Paris by a London man. In 1800 to forty et his friends. It lives in local triolition as the supper of roses, The florist's bill wits 75.000 ft.ancs, or $15,000, An American is said to note spent $4,000 on huge ehrysalithemems, which suspended singly nom the ceiling, were blood by adding to it the iron it has lest; or by .supplying the system will] some marled substanee, such as fut 111 ced-liver oil; or tinnily by stimulating the tissnes to increased abearption, an aelion which is ascribed to enema, Mar. ing pie three months of the Parts San - 51 l'Y, and others of (Inc mineral tonic". I son. In England much greeter stuns aro BM these are not the 'tonics" fo spent. It $ said that he Duke of Port - which people ore apt to resort when they run down. They take to elanulanls. otenhol ueually, and think they are gel- ling strong because they feel better at - ter mon dose. The eleohol in the "Ionic" ie often disguised, and the veer, perhaps a conscientious teetotal - or, would tot shoelced to learn that what Ile was takiug to give him strength had more alcohol In it than lois (Inc etrongest whiskey, 0 the sysfen seriously run &on, e physicistn should be eensulled, who will Inc able to give what is needed, whether iron, or hark, or gentian, or cod-liver oil, to correct the underlying condition that etiliSes the debility. Soino people laini fault with a bad num because lie isn't worse. It's (Inc easiest thing in the world for a widower to marry a widow. Speaiting of dogs, a pointer should hove tabre than one god point. • Theee Is .someiningewrong with at WO - Mali Ma; ien't jealous or eoniebody "I wonder why a dog abases his nil?" ea. sense et me/misty." "IitIonetity?" "Yee. • 4.".an't you feee he is trying to Mahe LODI Olds Inear lend spent 814,060 on draperies and 810,- 00 on flowers for a ball which be gave I n honor of the Duke of 'York in 1808. The bougnet that is passed over (Inc !et:Alights to the thentrical star et greet welt to the florist bas en odd sort of Dinette] in the hunch of flowers which it IS ilow the ettelom for some pretty ohm ea. blooming girl lo present to the Presi- dent of (he liepublie or ony member of the etnisti.y who happens to make au official visit In e provincial town or via lage. This tribute is useally Made up 111 rod, white and blue to dieplay THE NATIONAL COLORS. Onormous sums: are spent on the flow- es.feslivals, which are now a tealure of Ille tillMiller gayety in ovary groat Euro- pean city and pleasure 1'0801 1, Ite eh -tiniest decoration of a victoria costs trete 810 to $60. Those on which 11 couple of hundred dollars have beet, sive, are not rare. In 1004, in Perls, the carriage of Mine. Olt Gael, was hidden under $800 worth 01 °rends. M Luelion, hi 1003, the hit was made with an oxcart [Odder% in Held flowers. It itad cost a small fortune. Flowers hnve their pelitical cane() in Preece. Twenty years ago the ftllowere of Gem Boulanger adopted tilt red carmine no theft embiern, Gossip records nog Mlle. Mare, the femetts utn tress, was 11155541 ott the stage one night is Paris in the Ilestoration period bc• 1180 8110 WON, 11 bllITCh Of violets, Vin. telv 111`1, Ole BOOS 11{1E1 110Wer, When a 1,1e11e1l btilly IS born his eradie Is apt to be eut.t•otinclect with blooms, when n • Frenchman dies his bier and Inc grave vtL1 be laVishly coraled willt Meyers. The sum spent tin Me graves runs into the millions mutually in Pere -Me :Raise alone, The tow), of the Worins de 11tfllilly family ie. kept CO \ peed WW1 fee811 110Wel'S 11.1 11 Net tlf 3(1,1100 frimcs a year, \\ hat is spent alt (11•01' Europe for this aceerding ku 0110 1111- thorily,. support all the ca•plienagee alt the hospitals. In some eases the flowers that grow on graves ate distri- buted, in memoriam, to friends of the dellarted every summer. It wus in line with (Inc custom that Int widow of eat dramatist 11/Sett Sent the Iwo first blossoms that appeared on hi •; grave to leleonmetlause in Rome anti end lo Suzanne Despres its Paris in memory of his admiration of their por- trayal of the choraelers its his dramas. BADLY RUN DOWN. --- Through Ove' -work-- Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Restored Health and Strength. Badly run down is the condition of Umusands throughout Cautela - per - Imps you are one of them. You IMO work a burden. You are week; easily tered; out of tents; pule and thin, eemr steep Is re$1 11.,Z,Cq pillr appetite poor and ycal stak,r from beadnelle.S. All this suffering is eimeed by bell blood and nothing eon muke you well but good blood-notliing can nuike this good blood so quickly as Dr. \\ pink l'ilis for Pale People. These pills never fail to make rich, red, health -giving lived. Me. H. 11, Peed, Quebec city, says: "Alani twelve months ago 1 was rill run down as the resull of over- work. My doctor ordered me to take a complete rest, lea this del not help me. I had no appetite; my nerreS were uustrung and I was 5 weak I could seareely move. Nothing the doctior did helped nie and I began la think my MSC was incurable. 'While conlitted lo nty room heends eame to sec me and cne et them advised me to try Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. 1 did so and soon my appellee improved; my eotor came buck und in less then a month I was aele to leave my room. 1 continued (tic pills for another month 111111 they completely cured nu,. I atn now in the best ter health and able to do 11/1' WOrk W1111011 fatigue. I feel emit that all who ere weak will lind renewed 1.ealth and strength in Dr. \Villianise Pail: Pills. They certainly saved me from a life of 'misery. When Dr. Williams' Fink Pills inage new 1.1<00 they go right to (Inc rot of and cure annet»iii, rheninnlism, St. Vitus dance, kidney trouble, irelittes- lion, hendaebe and Nue:ache and those, ailments which make the iivesof s0 many women and growing f111.15 liiiSallb10. Sold by all niedieine (teat, ere or by snail at 50e. a lox or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' eleilieine Co., BroelLille._ ,Ont. PARENTS HAVE NO SHOW. Its Directing Marriage Affairs During These Modern Days, Are parents becoming mere nonenti- ties nowacleys as regateis exerefee or any control over their sons' and daugh- ters' marriages? According to a well-I:maul novelist, seen reeently by the London Dail Mir- ror, mothers have very little control over thole daughters In this particulate while fathers have none at all. "Jtist n century ago." be said, "the parents' decision as to whom their chil- dren should marry WIIS anal. 11 the daughter refu.eed to marry the man se- lected for her, there was trouble of a singularly unpleasant sort. "Coming down to modern clays, how- ever, we get a very different order of things. Austere, proud -minded parents ore seldom found, We see meek, agree- able little men, with soft-hearted sim- pering wives, who possess sons °ad daughters whose word is law in (Inc home. "In the suburbs there are bendreds of funnies of this order. When the daugh- ter -Say, Miss Jones,-reaehes the age when her dresses are let down and her hair is taken up, she begins io run the tome. "(Ie r parents are so fond at her that Ole)' let her follow preettcally her Own sweet will. As for them being authort- Wove and saying: 'Nosy, Clara, you muse Air. — because lie is so fond of you,' etc., they would never &pent of IL" Tills interesting opinion was plaeed before a celebrated wattlen writer on b."tieti%rens,"s icrilles1knish's said, "should not be ,scorned for their apparently lax con - (5'! over 111 Oil" sone and daughters. Otwli an attitude is a sign that we ata becoming more intelleelual and broad- minded than our forefathers. "'What is the inevitable result ot p111'- 01110 forcing their son or daughter to marry is certain peeson 1 Misery and disentisftiotion on both sidee "By letting their sone or deughter alone in respect of choosing a life.part- ner fathers and mothers aro adopting g led 1111 attitude." BABY AND MOTHER. A few doses ot Ilaby's Own Tablets I., Heves and cures constipation, indt- gesItnn, colic, dierrhoea and simple fevers, The Tablets break up colds, elect svornts and bring the Tittle teeth through painlessly. They bring health lo (Inc Milo on and comfort to the mother, And you have the germanize et a government analyst that this me. Mono does not contain onn particle of opiate or poisonous soothing stuff. Mrs. Kere, Olgin Ont., says; "Rally's Own Tablets is the beet me:g- enes I have ever ueed stOrnech and hOWel trOublee and destroying worms," Sold by all Medicine dollen or by mail at 25e, a box from The Dr. \Villierne' Medicine Coe Brockville, OM, 554 et a man can put a smailliag bell to sleep fte hae te right to feel Chesty, ()cid brick men like to Meet people whose neetto is "Seeing Lobeilevinge CASE OF IIIRAM BUR AN INSTANCE OV THE DEEAMS AVE DREAM. You Never Can Tell 'What Simms Pao - des Any Man May Have In Dis Watt "You never efm Wit Col. lealla per \I '11 Of the simplefe; and most matter ot fnet, exteriors may really :ferry about with them: all their 'tree. Mina imbeknown to theitt oeighbors, fancies stetinge buleed. "Wt- ball in Starkville Centre onee a sedate, methodical and orderly living eitieen named 111rtin, linger, Ilirem owned a smell Mem which lie tilled dili- gently, as ho had to do lo make it pay; be was at it reply and late. " \Vhere you saw Mr, Finger Mari mit in the early morning,in old irou.sers and e flannel shirt awl a sernewitel regged 25 cent chip hat, and with a hoe over his shoulder, re hoe his corn, you ettev biol. as you thought, in (Inc full com- pleteness of one aspect ot his lite; and when ('alt 81118 blin in his blank suit at chords on Sunday you thought Yakt saw him in the other. 'These !WO seemed lo letund Hiram in all his ideas and as- pirations, and no one would nave thought that he ever dreamed of aught beside. But yeti never can Ion. "An uncle of Ifirainie died aid left him a bigger a»d better farim and also mo light money In the bank, lliram worked tug as herd es ever after that. he bad 1110 real grit in him, but what Ile got from his uncle TOOK THE GRIND OUT OF ITIM. "Before that lir had been compelled to wes.k every minute to make both ends meet with lust a 10110 oNT1', end there conscious woman and summoned medi- bail been neither Lime nor mown' for cal assistance. Then he carried her to .gratifiention of such I5150105 as be the nearest house. Ho paid (Inc even& might, havo cheriebed. though his neigh- ing physician $25, and after Mrs. James l'ers "ever areemed 111"1 eh"Ishing had been taken to New York Inc sent any; he seemed juet staid, steady -going imam niiger, 55 in rad nireinnstnnens 11)niloln, esytatin.,1g0tbautmlelenicioly,Idsanidothsep,ar,;e1 had thus far alway.s compelled him to mewed 10 packet of papers end a jet_ phec.l'uleBnititmnaT, 1311illeg:OrSwilaisnpillyn ter from her lawyers stating that Airs. dent to ensile° him en gratify fen- James had died aml in her will bad es if Inc did have any; and that Inc 0(11ld I) I lleathed )1V IS 1 80,0°°. Through Um cies 11 of friends I plaeed the matter in honvreen`11.110, at least' was 000" me ad "'" the hands of a. J. Dunlop of Namens p "At 1m county fair. held Storkville lelter City. In January, 1006, I received a lime when heoeame inlo Use Mlle for- 11'5 "'"" ""'" fizill)buillop in New York asking cony; on the dale oext following the conventiomil &malty and holiday suit of reaL "I went 1:17' Sudbury by way of alont- There I met a man who gave tune, Hiram Finger flop:ere& not. in his meek, but In what, they raped 1„ loose the name of Meta:Meson. He had is let- dnys Fl Olney snit; 11 sole wills (1 light- ter of introduction to me. I refused le drink with him, but in my room he KIDNAPPED MO ROBBED -^ SIIIANGE S'11101W OF FRED, (1. D011. WAY, OF sunnuny, ONT. Ile Ilefriended a Wealthy New York Lofty in a Train Tercets Near Moose Saw. Berm:milled a fortune. 01 5180,000 bY 0 wealthy woman, whom he bad be - Mended In a train meek, kldnapped, shanghateit aboard a ship, held prison- er 111 its ilithy hold for menthe, estian- el only la Da MrOwn into a Alexican prison, and again held prisoner kir inciniths, leen to find that he bad been robhcd of his alleged inheritance, ie the Moly of Fred C, Dorway of Sudbury, Onl., who told it the other day at the Palmer House, Chicago, He is there with his wife, whom be says be has 1101 seen since janunry, 1000, when Inc was kidnapped in Montreal, Dorway 1. 1147W on his way to New York to lake oleos to recover the money f:f which Inc alleges Inc was defrauded. "It was lett to me by Mrs. J. II, James ef Fifth avenue, New York, who died $000 after the nein weeck," he said, Doevay is a telegraph operator and says Ile was stationed at Bush Lake Manitoba. on the Canadian Pacific Belt- way, In November, 1005. Ono bitter login in lhat month the eastbound Ca - Pacific Limited WAS eel in two and run in two sections. in the blind- ing snow the second section crashed into the Met, near Moose jaw. Ile went to the scene or (Iso wreck, and in the last sleeper Inc found Mrs. J. H. James, WII0 \VAS SEVERELY INJURED. He assisted in carrying her te a section :house, put his tur coat about, the un- ei.lorell Nutt and waistcoat and Miley strined irouSerS, Ilo bail always been cc itidereti 115 about the most mailer of fact man In Starkville; he had never be- fore been seen in anything but his old eic flies thal, he worked i» and his Mad: snit that Ise wore to church on Smolaye and yet Itere was Hiram linger in a fen- ce' ea, with striped trousers 1 And it merle about the greatest small 501180- 11011 that (Inc Centre Mid Peer }mown. Ole 'worked ewer thereafter just as steedlly as ever, and he 1)1)5 no Mel thrifty; be edeled all tbe time to what Inc had, and no men could say !hat IIE \VAS NOT A 1.0017 CITIZEN; but Ise did on ocension indulge himeelf, es he was now well able to de, in ilist, thif 0110 tency, WIrimir probebly Inc had been cherishing for mew, years. "As he had hoed the corn or ling (Inc potatoes, he iintl--Ihnugh Ile Wt18 never for a minute 0 shirking inan-lIghtened his labors with dreams of striped trou- sers. Steady going toad faithful es he had always been and as Inc always re- mained, and humdrum as Ile lied always seemed to he, yet Inc had carried willt him Illat desire for is pair of fancy striped trousers; and %viten the time had 001110 he turned his heart inside out and bought, them. "But really when you come to think snout it there was nothing so very ex- traordinary about that. I onee knew another man, and this one, too, as stoic( r man es ever plodded. who all his life desired to own a mar of black and while cheek trousers; the point of all thie being that yoo never eon tell what strange fancies any man you may Meet may have in his heart, though we all hold some. "Whether we carry the bed or draw the plans of the building; whether %viol measure ribbon or sit in the counting - 1.0010 and direct the business, we all dram dreams and you ,never can tell what those dreams limy be. Ateny a ntildonannered man is es pirate ln the inmost recesses of Ms bosom, and there is more than one perforce staid head of a family who would Inc by choice a tramp. "No doubt it is n good thing for most of us thet we have to work and keep OUP DOSS at the grindstone, else we might give scope to inclinations not, quite so harmless to us as a fancy tor striped trousers or trousers of black and white check," • C001(ING TIME -TABLE. Old potatoes require twenty-five mho Ides; new ones, fifteen. Oki cerrols lake an hour; young 01/0S, thirty minutes. 010 cabbege takes twenty-fiye min- utes; yotteg takes fifteen. Onions lake .forty 1111011 (P11. Poletoes, hotted, take twenty-five min - Mee, steamed, they take thirty -nye min - Mee. Perfoilpe take forty minntee, Selsify take Iwo hours, French tonna take thirty minutes, Coulaflower takes twenty-five minutes. Turnies !eke twenty minutes. T,amb, neon minutes for eneh pound. Pork, (linty minutes for ench pound. Clgelcen, weighing IMO pounds, lea Leers, Fish weighing live pounda, one hour. Turkey, weighing len meanie, three (101505. Veal, allow twenty minutes for Opel) pc end, Mutton, thirteen minutes tor each pound. Shares) of here rare, SeVeft mintstee ter ewes pound; well done. Allow eigio teen minutes to :melt pound, Reef fillet, twenty minutes for cnch pound. Corn, young, twelve minutee. POS; efghteen to (wonly minutes, Anterlean gave me some chocolate candy, which I ale. That is the 1551, I remember un- til I found myeelf aboard a ship in a dark, filthy space in the hold. I have aa indistinct recollection of riding on a train before I was put on the ship. I had lost all idea of time, my mind simply being held to one purpose, to eseape from that dungeon. "At Ilinee a hatchway would bp part- ly opened, and bread and Wafer 1111.11St tlt;WIl to ole, and 0000 in a great while A PIECE 01? IIAL1"-COOK.E1) allEA'a of some kind. I could hear men talk- ing, and one time 1 heard one Man say: AVe are going ashore to -eight, and will leave you and 13111 to watch the pris- oner. We are going on a sprre.' I made Up rny eand to escape, and when the man opened (Inc hatchway 0 shoved nay suspenders in the open Crack. They kept the hatch from closing tight, and Infer I made my wrest on deck. In the scuffle that followed I I:noel:eel e men overboard, and believe he was (Mown - ed. "When I escaped ashore I fountl I was ie. Vera Cruz, Mexico. 1 was blind teem my long oonfinement in (Inc ship's hold, was arrested end put in meson, te six weeks I again esraped to Zacate- cas, where I bonrclect the ship Presidio. I told niy story to Cuptuin Jenkins, an American, and he curried 1110 to San Francisco, where 1 tended on August 1411s last. I had been strepped of all smirks of identilication. 1 telegrephert my wife. The telegrtiph strike was on, but I bad to have money and was sent to Salt Lake to work. I did As- soeinted Prue work and saved my money. The first, pay day I telegraphed my wife to meet, me in Chicago on Oat, 4. 1 am going to sley bele a while end go1 money to take me to New York, Where I expect In begin a legal fight' for the 5180.000. 'rills story sounds 111:e a dream, but it is no dream to me," REST YETI - "Zam-lInk is lite best boUsebold balm ever brought mb 10 (some." Such is the opinion of Mrs, Small McDonald, of Bier, (One) She says, -"My Mils girl had a severe and obstinele vests on 1111. 'skin, I applied Yinin-Enk a few limes and the ,skin trouble which had defied all either remedies, went away like nut We." Zuni -lei& cures Emote, Ulcers, Scoy Oda, Poleoned wounds, Festering Sores end all SkIn Disenses. Bubbed Well'(11 11 Zem-llut: Is the finest embrocation for Rhoultellson, Sciatica, etc, Of rn &scree end druggists at 50 cents, or Nom Zinn -11M( Co., Toronto for price. 3 boxes for 51.25, PENCILS PROM POTATOES. --- Wooden Pencil May he Soon Driven Out of lite Morkei by New Produef. The fact that ceder wood sultehle toe Making leocl pencils is expensive end the supply geowing rapidly leas lots led exime German scietilist to invent, a pie- leal for snaking lend pencils. ancl it is said that in 11 hort lime lbe wooden pencil will be driven out of the melte. The new produci is islIghily heavier than the ceder wood article, but is the same Ili size, form end eppearrince, admits ot shorpening more easily, and can be mAn115co4n1n!ilonnyMnitjt015511)51)erill.°eiotinded 111 (3m'- 111 (0 the article, The Coat ol Inanuinettlre is estimated at 80.00028. The second ounilly pencil can be made "Aai elTtiti) i'l)ttflintlitPtlYle!la'p00ro5logiticilon of 48.000 perils a day, lite yearly pakten:in 1101110 he 11.050,000 pencils, Exports of Mose ponella front Gerinany to foreign Countries for a year Aignallad 15,i68 Iona, 00 a Wei Of 8,0115,200,000 SAM' WITHOUT AN OWNER, Two Thousand Tons Are Lying on Docks in Franco. Tile dock authorities al, Sfax, Frew', fire puzzled to know what to do with 2(1110 Ions of salt, Willett hay° been lying i their warehouses without an 'owner Se'' two and a hall The salt, which 18 ill 40,000 btigs, Wait IA by the Ninon of a sailing ves- sel, who said it, was purchased fcr the 111,55t011 Government, It WILS Olt 1111011ed Ins ship, hut a few days after be had It irunsferred In (Inc quay again, and Ms vesSol Salted a few hours aflerwinel. No elairn him ever been made for (Inc still, whieli Iran beefl gradually melting for the last two yeare, The Russian Grvernineril denies all knowledge of the p115-101ase, etre. Newlyriehe; "Weil, 01 041 10° irepudeneei" hir, Newlyriche: "Whet is R. Hannah?" Mrs. Newlyriche: "Them poor first cousins of • yours have gone and got thomSelves same identical uneestors that you've got!" Death Comes to AIL -But g Deet1 come preniaturely if proper precautions are taken. "An ounce of prevention •5 worth a pound of Mire," and to h0110 prevents)), at Mind and allow a Manse tu work Its will is wiekedness. Dr. Thomas' Eeleenie Off not only ellays pains when applied exiennally, but will Prevent hing ircaddes resulting [eons colds and coughs. Try it ancl be convinced. HARD UP "How frightfully bard up Jones is," remarked Smith. "He never seems to have any money." "Oh," said Brown, "has he been trying to borrow Mont you?" "No," said Smite, "I was trying to borrow from him," For Inflarnation of the Eyes. -Among the many good qualities which Parme- lee's Vegetable Pills jeassess, besides re- gulating the digestive organs, is their efficacy in reduebsg inflammation ot eyes. IL has called forth many letters recommendation Irons those who were afflicted with this complaint and found a cure in the pills, They affect the nerve centres and the blood in a surprisingly active way, and the result alinost immediately seen. . When a woman wants to overlook the nulls of her 'husband she tells the sleigh - hors Inc is broadminded. Host: "Why en earth did yea1 put prior Jenkins between two such eheller- boxee at (Inc table?" Hostess ; "My dear, you know he is so fond of tongue - sandwiches!" ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scro.tches and every torm of contagious Itch on human cr animals cured In 30 minutes by Watt ford's Sanitary LotIon. 11 nem fails. Sold by all druggists. Friend: "You've never been called in -ennsultalion, have your Young Doctor: "No; but I'd like to Inc. ll's nice to charge ten times. 115 much as the other doctor for saying that you don't know any more about the cape than he does." Cholera and all summer complaints ma so' quick in their aetion that the cold hand of death is upon the victims hsfore they are aware that danger is near. lf attacked do not delay in get- ting the propel: medicine. Try a dose of Dr. ). D: Kellogg's Dysentery Cr. 0101, and you will get immediate re- lief, It acts with wonderful rapidity and never falls to effect a cure. Where ignorance is bliss (hero is gen- erally MOM folly than wIsticm in evi- dence. -- A woman will 'honor her Imsband as king as Inc is willing to love and obey her Put out the. flro in a hot, itching, unhosith, tibia with Wearer's °orate. Use 10 for °mum, nettle rash, tetber anti salt rheum "He asked for her hapd in marriage," "\Vell, why didn't she give him (Inc one that is ohms in her father's pocket?" "Who %vas 11 said, 'Give me liberty or give MS death'?" "Some married man, wasn't, it?" 11 is harder to beat a poor ;stood then o good one. A lady %wiles: "I was enebled to re nave the corns, root encl branch, by the use of Holloway's C.0371 Cure." Cheers who have tried it have the same experience. QUESTIONAI3LE VERACITY. Green: "So Ifreggs tells a different tale, does be? Well, 1 guess any word is as good us his." nrown: "I should hope so. Bregge is a charter member of a fishing club." IMPRUDENT, Wben mother boxes Mury's cars, She &ends in leers and blubbers; • Oh, foolisb child, to Mend in tears . Without a pair ot rubbers. We feel sorry for a yOung men v110 IS n [Meted With the impression that he knows it all. ISSIM NO, 12-67. imm.agoppotympp.... BEER* STEADIES THE NERVES G00T, beer, used as a haver. ago with meals, makes eleadier, stronger nerves Inc. cense it helps the stomach do hs work better. Yam- own doctor will tell you that the right use of beer is good for almost every adult,.--, NVOMCII especially, The little alcohol in beer (less than there is in cider) helps digest rood. Get the right idea about bCdr, and Inc healthier for using it. *DANA k terra 515015 18010 low, alos,portenend sleets p1,, the practice of Ontario I, wimp, hapllopf bervages 114611,1 under meta hygienic conditions, (ruin Ontario WI., Sho bot 0 theararld1 malt bop 0101 pule water 150 linereicerriceecanrocarporeaecaremienimeascreenemenerapere ANGRY ..,..,E131). " \Viten my wife get's angry," remark. od !Veer, "she reminds me of a vessel just leaving port." 'What's the answer?" queried Pylatr. "She gels her rancor up," replied the party of the prelucie. They Drive Pimples Away. -A face covered wtth pimples is unsightly. It Oils of internal irregularities which should long since have been corrected. '1110 liver and the kidneys are not per - farming their functions in the.healthy way they should, and these 'pimples ale to let yea know that Me blood protests. Parmelee'a Vegetable Pills will. &fee tbern all away, 6111C1 wilt leave (Inc skin clear und clean. Try them, and there will be smother witness to their excellence. Johnnie: "Isn't a On horn made of• mamma?" Mamma; "Certainly it Jon-1nm "Then how is It that a fogni''' isn't made of fog?" ern Rotebin Veer Strength by taking 'Tarr:wit! „ It's the beat Mac ever compounded. It nouriSW, and strezigthena the whole SyStein„ Dense: "Knocker called me a :Map\ --- dated old mule. What shell 1 do'r, sense: "well, den.i come 10 mo about it I ans no vetteniary surgeon." -- Worms derange (Inc whole system, Mather Graves' \\*Orin Exterminator de. ranges WOVIllti. and gives rest to the suf. reser. It only costs 25 cents to try it and Inc convinced. Client (impatiently to clerk): "Leek Imre, I've been silting in Ibis cane for the last two hours!" Cleric: "Well, and live been sitting here for the last In enty-fiye years," 0E75 if hza St yRoofed. "OSHAWA" GALVANIZED STEEL SHINGLES Rain can't get through it in 25 yearn (guaranteed Ira Writi40 tor thnt long -good 1,r, century; really)-fiie can't bother such a roof -proof against all the elements -the cheapest GOOD roof there in. Write us and we'll show you why it costalcoaC to roof right. Just addms. .06 The PEDLAR People TV, Oshawa idontresi etiown TOTOnto London Winnipeg ossesagneosensessomeratcyeemegetateal PIACIIMERC FOR SALE. DYNAMO 800 lights, fIrsteelass order. Will 01 sold cheap and inust Inc gotten out of the way owing to 600-11ghe machine taking its place. S. Frank Wilson, 78 Adelaide Street West, Toronto, FAN B LOWER Buffalo make, number four, 9 -inch vet, tical discharge, 24 inches high ; perfect eonclition. Superintendent, Truitt Bell& 114, 73 Adelaide St. West Toronto. CARPET DYEINO and Cleaning Me la • apeolalty with the - SWISH AMRIOAN DVELNG OC. Seed psnloulare thrpoet and no 0(0 0000 to WM, Aggran IOz 'M. Montreal. we Wellowl le Interested and Sheltie know about the wondortnt ' MARVELWIltrUngSpray, Tha 1101, l'surf;aet kieisfau. ' nest—Moot conven• lent, 11 vlonnine • E.IN,t47,11;;PitbO I 0010551,10 4un1 015,1,, it stil oiiilir"" 0 00 11, 11 giotl 5111 11101110 0111 dtfsiti000" WYNDSOn .-.WWXMY GO,, 'Windsor, Ont., General Agents for cunadn, QUEIIECSTEAMSHIPCOWPItil LIMITED, Blue; and Golf of St, Lawrence Summer Oruises in Oool Latitudes Twth Sorely Iron FM. "Osimpana," with olootri1 sladrlo halls and all modorn omnforbi. SAIMI 11150111 MONTANA I. Oil MONTLA.V43-iii. 4 pas., 2ard Sontoinbor, 01, aud Slat Ootobes err fortnightly thereafter for Pictou, 8. S„ oath ng at Quebec, (hope, Mal Day, Porto, Orahl 'tutor, Biatanorside, P.14.0., mai Oharlott 0(004 BER DA 3unamer Tilkocreiemi, OS, by the now Twin Atorow $11, .145rrnadian," 5,000' Iona Sailing ll gaptotnhor, MA, l0th and 201,11 0o1ohot, 011). 0111 anti 271h November. l'emoerotitte OTOIed y Sett 'broncos seldom rlsos'ab wn tildogren The (Meet trips et the 400401 for health and tointork • AkflIIJID AllF,RN, Seeretnry, Club+ic, A, 8, OUTETIRTIIDiera h CU., townie., 1$9 Btowlortryl,Now Itl0e'