HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-10-24, Page 56-i'.. aIsc=.4 S'i;til
Largest and Best
the boat this Soho
ol h
iU become the largest business musa t1ai fpusbul In Yustocu Qutartp, (.418 e
Wilmot again o wile that of a your of
((0, Why? Domingo ono coursing ore �l
tnerougb and p880t10o1 with epeeist- v,1
tote (tA (Margo of our Ool io8rolul, Tel-
egrnpby and Shorthand departments..
All our graduates obtaingoodvosi-
tuba, You 18 My outer NOW,. Write
tor our (100Lat1(o@ire,
ybq Principals, y�
loouer of Marriage Lioenese, Of•
fico at Gro0ery,Turn0orry 81100), Jsruaeols.
oilfee is the Post UNIeo, Ethel, 80-4
le prepared to uivo lessons on Piano
or Reed Cirgen. %elms on applloatto0.
Poebo00 a address -Brussels. Bes3Uono0-
Lot 8,Uon.10, Corey. Pupils may have their
lei:Suns at their awn homes 11. preferred.
teaohar of Piano or Organ
Pupils prepared for the Toronto
Conservatory of Music.
a . Agent .Howiclt Mutual
ii Fire Insurance Company
Moe and Rosidonoe-
Sato of interest 04 per cent per annum, first
Exoeleior Life Inouranoe Company
The Equity Fire Insurance Company
A11 business attended to promptly.
Clerk 4th Division Oourt.
• Bun, w1)1 sell for better prices, to
b,•tter men, 10 Ieee 1.18ne cud, 1888 0b&rges
than any other Auctioneer in Past Boron or
won't obarie nn
thin Dates and order
coo always arranged t ole office or by
personal application,
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reasonable, Sales arranged for
at the office ot'1'HE PORT, Broaeols. ''2201
• Goner Uraduate of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domestloatod animals iu a oompet-
80t 100.000x. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary. Deutletry and M110 !'ever. Calle
promptly attended to. °Mee and infirmary
-Four doors North of bridge, Turnberry et.,
Brussels.'Phone 47 It
.• Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eto,
8uceeseor to U, F. Blair. Office over Stew.
dard Bank, Broseole, 8olioitor for Metro-
politan Bauk, -
V V . Barrister, Senator, l0oaveya0eer,
Notary Public, &c, tldiee--Stewart'e Block
1 door Norte of Central Rotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
W. Pa0nos0oa', B4O, R, O. Nears
G. P. Briars.
Onlaee-'rhoee formerly 08oup1011 by Metiers
0a10orou da Bolt,
O000nloI1, ONTARIO,
DENT' er
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario and Plrot•elaes Honor
Graduate of Toronto' University, Office
next to Brewor'0 Photograph Gallorv,
5t=.iiS $fpm=.r (>=afr"'`8.
Allem' the POjuthu' o frrogress(Ve
ft and bo Tn entron8Y odueeted for et
All r dnatee of this
School 0lila. 1a al
tt School Ore absolutelyleuro of neid e-
pn18' gtOs, The donned 1e oousidow
04 100 gr 001)0 01( tut o00181. Now M
3 a c Is t tlmc to enter, write �p
a 0 kohl u
f°r OatlLlOgl1D,
t1a/ W. J. ELLIOTT,1'rinetpni.
67Oo11, YONe3t AND4Llt3ann11» 000.
A Sitilation
1(ha good tindery awotfrite every
The Contra) Cttsinele Coll e
Experience proves tit's positively.
Enter any time, Catalogue free.
W, H. SHAW, Principal
Yongo a Gerrard 018., 'TM/AO
rstx c;t
441 %.
Wi n a: t assn.
A. revival oampaign wee opened in
Wingbam Metbo1iat ohoroh last Burnley.
H. R. and Mrs, Elliott spent a week
with rel0t3vee in Brantford and Inger
It is said that a new furniture More
will be opened in Wingham-iu Ibe near
Richard Rankin received a oat by an
tore he was using. The axe came off the
Muit,and Lodge L 0. 0. F. is arrang-
ing for a grants opeuiug of their new
hall in the Wtleon brook as woe as the
building Ie completed,
The morning 0. P. R. train for Toren
to now leaves at 7 08, instead of 6.53, and
the 0ftrr4oa0 train from Toronto arrives
at 107 p, no. instead of 117 ; the night
train time le not changed, but is due at
10 27 ae before,
'The Ladlee' Auxiliary of the Wing -
ham Hospital are doing their share in
the interests of that institution, Time
day; 24111 inst., they will give a Supper
In the Council Ohamber, to be followed
by a Concert in the Opera Hoose,
Willionl Squirrel), a brakeman on the
0. P. R., had We leg taken off while
ecapiing care at• Gienannon, He was
oolveyed by epeoial train to the Toronto
hospital and died as retina of the injury.
He vias 81 yore of age and leaves a
Stomaob trooblee, heart and kidney
aliments, on be 7niekly oorreoted with
a prescription known to druggists every
where tee Dr. Shoop's Reetorabive. The
prompt nod surprising relief whish this
remedy immediately bridge is entirely
doe to he Restorative notion upon the
oontroiling nerves of the etomaoh, oto.
Mrs. J. A. Retaking hoe re'urned to
town from Port Elgin, much improved in
John Keeoo, who bee (be °mitreat for
drilling the additional well at the water
works, had the misfortune to break off
his drill near the head The well is
down nearly 200 feet and it is doubtful
it the drill eau be got out, The Oom
mirsiouere have decided that he must
Mimic the jab or lose what he has fol•
ready done,
Large congregations were present at
8nnivereary services of Knox °borch.
Rev. J. A. McDonald, Toronto, editor of
the Globe wee the epeeist preacher. In
the morning his euble0t was, "Man end
the Church," and in the evening he
spoke an "Man and the Crowd." Both
oddraeeee, es the speaker tailed them
rather than sermons, were rich in thought
and olotbed in ohoioo language, and to
o8lved an appreoiative hearing, The
,•fferinge for the day am000ted to Boma.
thing over 5250.
The annuel Union Thanksgiving
eervioee will be bald this year in Kuox
ebnroh on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday
Oat Het, at 10.30 a. no., and will be an
der the direction of Rev. J. S. Hardie,
pastor of the oboroh. Rode. Masher,
Hardie and Mo0amna will conduct the
devotional eervioee, and addressee will be
delivered on "Toe 080080 for Thanks.
giving," to be found, first, "In our
National and 800ial Lite," by Bev. R.
Mann, and mooed, "In our Religious
Life," by Rev. N. A. F. Bourne. The
mneio0l part of the eervioee will be sou
doted by the choir of Knox ohnrah.
Collection in aid of the Bible and Treat
Do You peel The Mob
Not of poverty, bat of corse, aching
corns, that can be cured by Putnam',
Corn Extractor ? Don't suffer, nee
Polnam's-sold everywhere in 25e
John 8oarfett and eon Fred. were at
Ducar] attending the funeral of a friend.
Mims Mamie MoBwen left on Monday
of lash week for Teron(0 on s visit to
Mr, Boyd, of Merriokvlllp, accompanied.
by hie neloe, Miee Boyd, were visiting at
Edward Driscoll's, Mr, Boyd le a
brother of Mrs, Driscoll,
Donee 01101)04 Re mages ,--Sunday of
Ism week wee an eventful one in the
history of Duff's ohoroh, Mal3illop, it
being the re opening of the edifice which
had been olooed for a number of months
undergoing repair -e. A baoetnent has
been added to the ohurob and tate interior
throughout hue been painted and deoor
aced. The 0ongreeation now bove a neat
and oommo.lione plane wherein to
worship. The 000aeion was oleo the
IOurth anniversary of the induction of
Rev, D. Oarmwee aspastur of the °hurrah,
and under whose ministry the Ohur0h ie
steadily advancing. Large congregations
greeted the ministers who oondnotod• the
opening serving on Sunday. There were
three eervioee, morninc and evening ser.
vines conducted very ably by Rev. Ander.
son, of Goderioh, and afternoon eervlee
talion by Rev. D Rogers, of Beeforbh.
On Monday eventing following a fowl sup.
per was givott in the basement of the
ohuooh and the Indies of the oongregation
are to be congratulated on the ample
supply of refreshments 10)3(011 wee pr).
vided for the woolen. Following the
supper O Moaned and literary program
was given in the auditorium of the
°hatch whiob wee taxed to its utmost
espeeity by. people troth the community
and more disianEp Dints, The u 11 rrl ai aaF
part of the program woe supplied by the
°110'0 of the Preebyterian Minot),
8eotortlr, 60010(ed by Mro, J, U, Greig and
Mies 801101 Reid as elooutionielo, The
80100(1000 gaols -W(1 of three anthema by
the 01104, a 111e1t by John Scott and
Dere. W, W. Meredith, a 1114arl0tte by Mr.
and 14170, Olose, Min (doott tend T. lieu•
nedy, a duet by John Boot& and Mies
Duthie, and a solo by Semi Uays, Se
aides the pastor, Ray. Oarewelt, a nur04r
of v'o'ting olergym000 were present (1)111
mob gem) ad•iroseee, there being pre0eet
Rev, Urqultert, of Kipper, l4uv. SIAM
upd Rev. Deride, of 8eaforth, and Rev,
A, MoIritooh who is jolt hums from the
Weot, The latter gave an inlerestlee
opeeoh in Lvh oh he gears nn 50004116 Of rho
program t•1 the ohnroll during the phot
forty 70170. The evening throughout watt
a moot enjoyable one to all preeeut anti
wets brought to a olooe by the prolnou1(0
Ing of the benediction by ltev, Neil
Shaw, Tee proceeds of the mapper
amounted to ueerly 580, titre with the
amount already in 1110 treasury, leaves
only a small Whinge yet unpaid of the
expense(' iuourred by the renovation el
the ohnrah,
Mat ANNlviteeteY.-011 Friday even•
tug, 16th inch, a large 11 110108r of 31(9(104
,»nate assembled at the home of Jno. and
Nro, MoGovtii t0 e0 ebr,ite the 15th an.
eiversary of their wedding (toy, Abort
eighty were 41 700 0111 1torn Aruosele, Bea
forte sed other pewee. At 8 o'clock a
sumptuo0e rephot wee served, at the 004•
01081011 of winch a suitable prog,um pro
totted for the oeeeeien, was rendered, It
oous(eted of vocal and instrumental
Met(%, re0ltatio00, etc. Tbomes M0M(1.
eau, of Commence, made a very approp
teats epeeob. The reef of the evening
gas spent very piehoautty in various
,toys About 2 a. tn. tee goats deported
(ter a very enjoyable evening, voting
Melt genial boat and bootees the beet of
entertainers, and wishing them to live to
0010ur040 their "Diamond Wedding.".
Teen Uatarrrh treatments are beim;
melted out free, 011 regorot, by Dr.
Shoop, Rome, Wis. These taste are
310010(0 to the poop e -without a pen.
oy's coal -too great value of this 8018181-
4 180 presoriptiou known to druggiate
everywhere es Dr, Shoop',' Catarrh
Remedy. Bold by all dealers.
!#.L vvo0004I.
The lax rate for Blau for 1907,-
Oounty rate 111 20 mule, township rate,
2lr mlllo and general Bohool rete 1} mills,
Welter Pebbled left for Streatham where
he has scoured a position iu the oftioe of
the Globe Whrniok Co. Waiter for the
past year was employed as clerk in W.
Prioe'o hardware.
Fred. Llerolr, of Hamilton, bee taken a
dilnalion with A. Hammond harness
Maker. Mrs. /jamb (e at precept visit-
ing at the home of her parents, J. A. and
Mrs, Klump, of Ethel.
A meeting of the Directors of the Elmo
Mutual Fire Mannino was held on
Cneadoy Oot, 16.11, members of the
hoard all present, Otaime were present.
ad Jrom the following : David Nichol,
Elms, $14 00 lor heifer killed by ligbniog ;
U. B. Weber, Wallace, for damage to
chimney by lightning to the moot of
$3.67 ; Jobo Diok, Jaime, for $2000 for
'leer killed by 7:ghtoing • Wm. Mo
Pherson, Logan, for $400 damage to
home by Lightning I James McKee,
Sloreiugton, for $30.00 for damage to
earn cud horse by lightning, Applm&-
tiOUs for inooranoe were aooepted to the
amount of 522,450 00. A levy of 8% on
UI pteminw uotee iu force on Oot. 31st,
1907, was made to be oolleoted betweeu
November 16th 1007, and December 16th
1907. The meeting adjourned till Nov.
Wit' 'meet erode
Wily ee t Are Dangerous
They lead to ple0rtey and pneumonia.
Follow the advice of N". H. Powlee, of
Puwle'e Corners, Out., who says : I
used to be oubjeot to attacks and olthougb
I coed moat everything uothiug relieved
pinkly till I discovered Nervillae, I
nave used it for pleurisy and bore oheet
and found it just the proper thing, For
.umbago or neuralgia it's quick as light.
ring. I cheerfully reoommend Nerviline.
Strongest, cleanest, most polo destroying
'inimenl on earth is P018093 Nervil(oe,
25a bottles sold everywhere.
James MoMurohie is away on o trip
to Winnipeg attending the ticket ageute'
0roureio11, the annual outing of that
fraternity, Mrs. MoMarobie temompen.
led her husband on the trip.
Romer has it that the Fall Fair was a
mousy 10807 but at a meeting of the Dirt
eetore a few ev00ing0 ago Seoretary-
Treneuret Metcalf presented a report o!
the reoe(p(0 and expenditures when it
was found that, though it rained both
daye and as a ooneegnen0e the gate
re00ipts were not ail good as other years,
y01 they are able to pity the prizes in toll
and all other carrot expenses and still
have a email bhlonoe to the good.
Mumma Baas -The marriage of
Mise Etelka Hamilton, only daughter of
famoo Hamilton, druggist, to R. M, Mc-
Kay, jeweller, was solemnized at the
home of the bride at one o'olook Wednes-
day afternoon of tett week, the ceremony
being performed by Rey. 0. L. Small, B.
A Only the immediate relatives were
present. Owing to the recent bereave.
meat iu the bride's family the wedding
was very quiet, notwithstanding this the
bride's many friends availed thomeelvoe
of the opportunity of remembering her
wedding day In a tangible manner, and
tt large 0rray of handsome preeente
testified to their warm regard. The
bride, who was given away by her father,
wore s bend0ome cream silk oopium° and
entered the peeler as the Wedding March
was being played by Mee Elva Graoey, of
Wingham, After 0ongrstulatiobe were
over the Oo01pany retired to the 133ning
reom where a dainty Inoob was dorved,
The bride's going away costume was e
blank broadcloth with Meek hat to motob.
Mr. and Mrs, 1Salfsy lett on the 5.22 0,.
P. Ii train for Toronto mea short tour,
Duo -On Monday ultornonn of last
woelt the 'tome of Alex, MoOreight was
thrown into moorning when hie beloved)
wife, Ann MoUrefgbt was called to her'
home on high alter a abort illneee of a
week Deceased was hoop in Monaghan
County, In the North of Irolend, and
oame to this country about fifty years
ego, _fettling in the village of Clark,
oaf Pert Elope afterwards moving to
Morrie township. She woo married in
Blyth to her now bereft husband. A
family of 6 boys and -2 girls was born,
but only Mre, Giboon, of Evansville,
Indiana ; J0mas and Thomas at home,
and Alex., of Dresden, now enry3ve, De -
aimed wee a member of the Presbyterian
ohoroh, Two brothers are oleo left to
mourn the lose of a sister, 7ameo Ne.bit,
el town, and John Nesbit, near Port
Hope. The foneral tock place Wednes-
day atteru000, 08rvice0 at the house and
grave being conducted by Rev. J. L.
Small, 13. A„ pastor of 8t. Andretv'e
oh etch, Interment WHO made at the
Union cemetery.
V 11 encu.
A Hough Cup Football matchwill he
played here on Saturday Oot, 26th with
Galt 0. I. team.
Ontario St. Methodist choir will hold a
Elellowe'en medal in the eharoh on
Thanksgiving night.
George Mot/lobo has had a new stone
foundation built under hie South street
roeidr moa and other improvements are
being made there to.
D. Franca) returned on Monday from
the Coast, having taken advantage of the
excursion rate, to the New Westminster
Fair,-Wetaskiwin, Times, A bola.The drilling of the new salt well at
Stapleton is going ahead as rapidly as
postible. Two shifts are engaged and the
work go00 on day and. night. The drilla
are now down about one thousand feet.
The Poultry Club him leased the front
room over MOKowo'e barrios shop,
from T. Jookeou, er„ the first meeting of
the association, in the new room, woe
bald Tuesday evening when Minorco
and Leghorne were judged.
The euit`tor damages by Peter Lewis,
late proprietor at the Rotel Normandie,
against A. T. Cooper bong fire for many
menthe but hoe now been withdrawn,
Mr. Lewis is at preheat in the saloon
000ineee in the city of Boffeto.
H. T. Rance, the:popular manager of
Sovereign Bank Bank, had tendered his
res(goolion. He hoe been in poor health
for some time and he oonoluded that if
be wished to regain it be must give op
activities of business and govern himself
The Clinton Ono Club's annual toarns-
meal is to be held on October Slat and
November let. The Bret day will be
given up to live birds when 00010 700
will be shot at. The eeoond day will
be ail targets and about 1,000 will be
thrown. Several profeeeioual shooters
re expected and the club will add 550
to the high average money.
The new officers of the Y. P. Guild of
Willis Ohuroh for the nest three months
are as follawe :-President, Mies H.
MOKenzie ; viae pree., A. Cook ; let vine,
8. Agnew ; 2nd vioe.pres., 0. Lindsey ;
Reo. Seo., Miss I. Walkinshaw ; Treas.,
Kies L. Smith ; organist, G. Pearson ;
assistant organist, Mies H. O'Neil.
Byron Waldron, of the London Road,
leave in a few date on the return .trip to
Blueflelde, Nicaragua, Central Amerioo,
after a couple of months holidays at the
homestead sod visiting Mende in other
parte of the province. He has been in
theorem's for a couple of year], or so, but
has not yet grown to like the country
well enough to remain there any longer
than he °outhouse to do well. The bulk
of the people are a mixture of the
Spainsrd, Negro and Indian, but it does
not necessarily follow that only the good
qualities of each deeoend to the offspring.
The pare bred Indian when first brought
in from the boob end before he oome0
under pertain "civilizing influences" is
said to be the most reliable of them all.
"We keep good hours down there," hold
Mr. Waldron, "tee we rise about 4 80,
have dinner at 11 and sapper at 5., Ten
o'clock generally sees nn in bed. We are
near the equator yon knnow, and the
days are shorter then with you here in
the Summer time and they do not vary
very much. In climate we have all the
way from torrid to almost frigid."
Olinto11 Collegiate sports were run
off Oct. 16th on the park grounds before
a large crowd of Iooal opeobstore. The
school bee edpte splendid athletes both
among the girls. 0e well 0e the boys.
The football olnb ie still bolding the
Hough Cup. The fed owing are the
events end the winner() in each
Clarence Copp, eon of Joe. Oopp,
(e to be oongr0tuleted on securing the
moat points, wbioh gives him the sham.
tpionehip °up for a year.
ra811NTe MN TO 00110014.
Winner of championship -0: Oopp.
Running hop, step and jump -C. Copp,
A. Devidnon, D, Stewart.
Putting shot -0, Copp, W. Swann, R.
Bunning broad. jump --0. Copp, C.
Meophereon, 0. Andrews.
100 yard race -W. McQueen, 0. Oopp,
A, Davidson,
Running high jump -U. Copp and C.
Macpherson tied, W. Swann,
roils raoe-0. Macpherson, C. Copp,
A. Davidson.
)dile raoe-0. Oopp, W. McQueen, W.
Hurdle ra00-0. Oopp, A, Davidson,
W Swann,
Holey raoe--W, McQueen, A. David.
80n, W. Swann.
010011 TO V00010 1 and 2.
Bunning broad jomp-A. Triok, J. Mo.
Arthur, H, Wise,
100 yard 7000-0, Kerr,' J. MdArtbur,
A. Triok.
Running hop, et0p and jump -J, Me.
Arthur, 0. Kerr, 0, Archer.
440 yard r0oe-J, MoArthar,-A. Trick,
0. Kerr,
Potato roe -Dodds Holloway.
Relay race -0, herr, 0. MOAtlhdr, A.
Back raoe-W. Hall, H, MbAtbbor, D.
100 yard raoe-
Y tV. Elliott, W, Weir,
Hop, step and jump ---W, Elliott, 1i,
Maokonzie, T, Morrow.
02684 Te 0101,0 OF 001100L,
60 yard raoe--J. McTaggart, B, Kilty,
Pine ,i5t®rei C+ � raoe-J, Ohidl03', A, Gunn, 3,
Health Insurance
Special for Women.,
"Woman's work is never done." , FO
There is always something to do
---running nn and down stairs,
lifting, bending, straining no
wonder tete Kidneys become
affected. That is why so many
CI Cwomen f
ett euf er with
q w headache*,
lame back, dragging pains
through the hips, nervousness,
weak spells. When the Kidneys
are weakened or strained, the
delicate female organs Are die-
turbed and inflamed, bringing em
a train of female complaints.
Insures health to women who
work. Bu -J to keeps the Kid.
net's strong and' healthy, purifies
the blood supply, and acts as a
gentle, strengthening tonic on
the delicate female organs.
BZARR, 0Irp.
"I was not able to do my own work in
the house, and was barely able to dress
myself. My fingers and hands were all
swollen up with pain. 1 think there is
nothing hire Bu -Ju. Am able to do
my own work now with comfort, which I
was not able to do before taking Bu -J u.
MRS. Jas. MCI,TNCHlt7f,
Ba -Ju is invaluable daring preg-
nancy. All expectant mothers shonhi take
a Bu-Ja Pill at bedtime, to insure her
own health and that of the child. Soo, a
large box, At all druggists, or from
Thread lhe•needle raoe-B, Holmes, J.
Ohidley,'S. Oopp.
Genre of basket ball, oaptaioe, Sadie
Holmes and Butte Bitty, the former win•
ning, Referee, R. Mackenzie,
Football mato),-0. 0. I. ve, Model, a
tie, Referee, John Hartley.
Calarfll Mutterers Should Try
Hyohel on This Ututralllee
There is no otber treatment for catarrh
that in any way resembles Hymnal, none
8118.0 gives nolo 70(011 curative requite and
lasting eatiefsotion, no medicine that one
take its plane, none that oan be sold on a
guarantee like this, to refund the money
animus itonroe,
Catarrh le a germ disease and oan be
oured only by breathing Hyomei, eo that
the moat remote air Delle in the noes,
throat and lunge are reached by aatieep•
do healing powers. In 'this way all
catarrhal germs are killed, the irritated
m00oae membrane ie healed and catarrh
ie driven from the system.
This wonderful medionted air treat-
ment does not drug and derange the
etomaoh, bob ie breathed through a little
pocket inhaler p a er t 6at gees with every dol-
lar outfit.
We positively guarantee Hymnal', for
should you buy a complete outfit, pride
$1.00, and be dissatisfied with revolts
your money will be refunded. Hyomei
is Hold by drnggists everywhere. write
for literatoro, Booth's Hyomei Co„
Buffalo, N, Y.
From Whom are
You, Going to Buy ?
From a reliable firm where you see
what you are getting or iron' some
agent who don't know one kind of
Granite from another and nares only
for bis nommioeion as agent ? We
employ no agents and guarantee all
our wont for five year's.
Wilson 8 mounter
.It It 1183(10.84
Weak. Kidneys
Weak Kidneys, surely point to weak kidney
Nervus. mho Kidneys, like tmMoort, and the
Stomach, find their weakness, not in the organ
itself, but in the nerves that control and guide'
and strengthen them. Dr. Shoop's Restorative is,
a medicine specifically Prepared to reach these
controlling nerves. To doctor the Kidneys alone,,
is futile. 16 is a waste 0f limo, and of money as
your lack aches or Is weak, it the mine
scalds, or is dark and atrong 11YOub(tveeymptorot
Of $rights or other distressing or dangerous kid.
nay disea0e try Dr. 8boop's Restorative a nionth
foryou.LDruggglst: ecommlend it
enenand will
Res _r
A full line of Graniteware at prices
greatly Reduced -
Dippers 180 and 15o.
Dish Fos, panel bottom, 600.
Other ar1i01e0 too numerous to men-
tion at correspondingly low prices
during October,
The Knoll, Gold Medal at World's
Fair, $7.50.
A new line at new prieee. Guns that
ttnalt sell at510.00T
s y s I from to $ 6,04
nen he had during the month of Octo-
ber at from 57,76 to $12,00, Foo
oan beet appreciate the value of these
Guns by seeing them.
la tone of Coil' Spring Wire and a
quantity of Woven Wire at very close prima for the month of °etcher
One Minute Washer, ball bearing, . On tide table are a variety of art/clue
510.00. The latest improved Mach at a-Speoial Bargain. We cordially
hue of the kind. invite you to this table this month.
M Lid NE Y
E beg to announce to our Customers that our "
Style and Display Room is in readiness for
We have gathered together from the leading Fashion
centres the handiwork of the most skilled - Designers
and Fashion Creators which we are showing in con-
junction with clever and practical ideas from our own
Trimming Room.
We will be very glad indeed to have you call and see
our lines as we believe we have the very BEST Styles
and Merchandise obtainable and desire an opportun-
ity to show you.
We thank oar many customers for past favors and -
solicit their continuance.
25 Cents per Bag
will be paid for Good
Peeling Apples
and 15c for Small ones
J. CUNNINGHAM, Proprietor
E have an A 1 stock of Top Buggies,
manufactured by the R. McKie
Co., of Plattavil'le, and Wirt. Dore & Co.
of Wingham. The Workmanship through-
out is First-class and prices are right. Don't
fail to see them.
Repairing, Re -painting and Trimming at-
tended to in a workmanlike manner o11 short
notice and at very l'easonable rates,
R. - Francis & Co.
Shop next to T
Wo also lleop in stock tllo Peal Fleury Plow Points
and the Prost & Wood repairs. Call tt11d goo us.