HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-10-24, Page 4tt C 4 tmot moved far og ut forward for the Enat'
vela 1,1 61$ „ wheel Of the trout tau* to run off the
end of the rail aid that tide aauand the
TiWRSD,U, OCT.. 24, 1907.
Ten; North Pole hunter, Captain
Bernier, who hue been absent for nearly
1} years on the steamer Arctic, ie book
toOda country on a visit. While be
did not get a eight of the mash eooght
for pole he talks in a eery optimiatlo tone
tone of hie hopes and ambitions in long
desired dltoovery. Dap. bee our beet
wi hes but o the for ourselves Uo, of
Huron oat supply cool enough ozane to
suit ue,
Menem i8 $illg. His cobitvament of
trauemitting wireleee meseeges acroee the
Atlantic is now an established foot and
busineee le being done. Ie ie Reid the
cable rates of the old linea will be out in
two ae Mr. Marooni says 10 ovate a word
will be their olaarge ae againat 26 o ants a
word by the old line. Thee the pallia
will be sharers in this wonderful 20th
century invention and should not tail to
give credit to whom credit is due. The
world moves- and it would be ditlionit to
even oopjectare what may not be so.
oompiiehed before the century oloeee.
Lennox, the lees, bad a oampaigo on
for Sunday street oars, a petition being
presented to the City Cooaoil urging that
•alay-Lew he eobmitted. There was also e
large number of names' asking Chet a vote
be not token. The Counail's Committee
Bought the adobes]) of their Solioitor whose
opinion is that the gaeetioo oanoot be
submitted uuleee the Statute governing
the running of Sunday oars is amended.
We are skeptical that the chief reeeon
advanoed for (hie inroad on the Lord's
Day ie solely iu the ietereete of the work-
ing man, is the real one.
WornoiT mach flourish of trumpet'
Toronto, the prov(ooial capital, is moving
along le growth and development clearly
proving that there is a live aggreoeive
spirit abroad, Its population hae iv -
creased daring the past year by nearly
10,000 and is now given as 272,600. The
assessed value ie 8207,317,707, an in-
crease of over 622,000,000. Over 1000
new dwelliuge were ereuted during the
Year. With prudent al
a mann am
the strides of progreae should be
more positive and noticeable as the
Queen city hae now a awing that tendo to
eooentuate undertakings worthy of the
ooufidenee of the public.
Rnnrtin Rummel attack the right note
in a pablia addreee in Toronto recently
when he commended the strengthening of
the trade relatiune between the various
colonies in the British Empire sad a
colonization arrangement whereby the
tide of immigration to thie Dominion
would dome from lands' belonging to
Great Britain, Who would have oommon
objects in advancing the beet interests
of the Empire, rather than the bringing
to our shores alien tbousauda who have
no e1fftity with the Canadian born. As
members of the great family allied to
Great Britain there is ample room, no
doubt, for closer relationships and broad-
er acgoaintanoe with the possessions of
the variant]] aauntriee over whioh the
British flag floats and with a oonoerted
eff,rt a great advent* oould easily be er•
rived ab that would prove helpful and
healthful to all concerned. Jolla Bull'e
family is large and influential and in
their common interests have a great
future if wisdom, loyalty and brother.
hood characterize the forward movemenb
to knit the tiee oloeer,
8erer'al Interesting Cases BeforeChaa-
celier Boyd.
The Fall jury sittings of the High
Court for the Gooney of Huron opened on
Teeeday afternoon of last week at 1t30
o'olook before Ohenoellor Boyd.
She moot important Genes on the list
were two 0011008 ageing the Oaoada
Foundry Oompany, whioh bad the con.
lraat for the OOnetrnotiou Of the C. P. R.
bridge avroee the Maitland River at
Goderiah, The a0tip08 were for damagee
received In the accident 01 the bridge
lase Oetoher, when Emmanuel Meddelord
loot hie life and eaves! other workmen
engaged on the work were injured. The
it will be remembered, occurred
cu Oct. 12th 1900, Ehe oar wbiob wee
being used to telae the outfits]; used in
euntleetieu with the work toppling over
and tolling into the rivet. One of the
plaintiffs was John Pde, who brought
soden on bebalt of the widow and six
children of Mr. Meddaford, claiming
010,000 damages, Mr. Ede is adminietra.
tor of the estate of Mr, Medalord, who
was hie brotber•in law, The other *acme
wait brought by E. Lynn, who claimed
02,000 for his own iujuriee, By consent
of moaeoel the tae echoes were tried to
gather. W, Proodfoot, R. 0., for the
plaintiffs and I, HCMmuth for the de.
A jury for bheoe oaths was palled bee
owing to the proopeat of a eettlemeut
between the pertios the only non jury
°aee on the het wag gone on with le
the meantime. This was the caee of
0ardnoy Cooper whioh was an motion for
a detiaration that the plaintiff is entitled
to on easement or right of way over der.
rain lands in the town of Seaford], E.
L. Dickinson and R. S. Bays for plain.
tiff, W, k'randfoot, IL O., and F. Holm.
eted for the defendant,
The Mal of the aoti000 against the
Canada Foundry Company tock op alt
d'ay, Wednoeday, the jury retiring about
11.00 o'olock, The theory advanced by
the plaintiffs ae to how the accident
•000urred Wits that the derrick oar woe
oar to luroh over to that gide and 00
topp'e over. The evidenoe of certain of
the witnesses for the defendante, however
as to the position in whioh they were
outriding with reference to the ear would
intake ke hi im oaaible i eche v
seem t e p t e1100
of the aooident, if their e•videuro ie to be
believed. After theiujery had been out
a long time the judge oohed them back
to explain thee teu of them could brfug
in a verdict, if they oould not all agree,
but it waft a long time after (hie, about
10;80, velum the jury brought Ina verdict
t f the jurors (lamenting, two h o t for the
1 g.
pleintiffe, awarding 60,700 to Adminletr6
for Ede, and 0500 to Lynn. The jury
however, wee suable to gay iu what the
negligence of the defeudant company
emulated, The 62,700 awarded to Ede
were based on the wages one in similar
empluyment to Medmlord would earn for
three years, this being what the Work.
man's Compensation Aol allows as the
maximum, the larger sum of 310,000
being claimed under eotnmou haw, ruder
whioh, however, the judge ruled the
plaintiffs could not succeed. The 02,700
therefore ie the largest gum the jury
could award.
Collies v. Frost &"Wood did not aome
to trial, a eettlemeut having been ootno
to between the parties. The plaintiff
was Petrick Collins, a cigar maker re
aiding at the city of 6lratford, who
sought damagee for iujuriee received, as
alleged, from a orate of maobtnery of
the defeudaot'e falling against him and
breaking hie leg ae the orate was being
moved from the street into a warehouse
of the defendant's iu Stratford. Robert-
son & Ooogblin for plaintiff. DuVeroee,
Raymond, Jones, Roes & Ardagb for the
Bieeett v, the Guelph & Goder(ah
Railway Co. and M. A. Pigott & Co.
The plaintiff in this action it Samuel
Bieeett, the well•known dairyman, who
eiaime damages owing as alleged, to
being debarred from nee of certain pas-
ture lends owing to femme whioh were
taken down for the oouetrootion of the
railway not being ereuted • the following
Spring when he wanted to ase the pare
tore again ;else uwi0g to ocher feuaee
being down enabling hie own cattle to
get oat and other cattle to get in, Tbie
case was adjourned to the spring sittings
of the poirb, Proodfoot, Says & Blair
fur plafntlff- Macdonald & Draw, and
Diokiueou & Garrow for the defendants
The cath of Brcoe v, the Dominion
Fish Cu., whioh baa been so often au
journed already was given another poet
pouement, Proodfoot, Hays & Blair for
the plaintiff. A, D. Creaser for the
Does You Mart Flutter ?
Yoe know heortfluttering means you're
not as well as you should be. It'e an
evidenoe of impaired d ne rve and mneoniar
power, To obtain euro, tty Ferrozoae ;
it has a special action on the heart ae Beau
iu the ease of Thos. Grover, of Gale Her
bor, N, S„ who eaye : "If I,exerted my
self ib would bring on palpitation. To
carry any heavy weight or go gelokls'
upstairs completely knooked me Oat
Whee bad attacks mune on 1. lived in
tear of sodden death. Ferrozoue gave
my heart the very aasietanae it needed,
and now I am quite well. For heart or
nerves We hard to excel Ferrozone, 50o
per box at all dealers,
Neal or tit.
Mies alargaret A. Oaeh, oldest
daughter of Mr.. E. Clash, of Seaforth,
was married in Toronto, on the 5th
inst., to Jae. D'Aray Magee, of that City.
The Ladtee' Aid of the Methodist
church intend giving their annual
Thanksgiving dinner on the evening of
Thareday, Got, Slat, in the basement of
the eharon.
Fred. Cardno is here from Winnipeg
on a visit with hie father, A. Cardno.
Be is doing well la elle Wool and has a
good position with a hardware firm be
W. 1l1, Govenlook, mathematical
master of the London Collegiate Ineti
tate, and Con of Robert Govenlook, of
Seaford', has Cent in his resignation
to the Secretary of the Board of Eden
tion. The resignation, it ie understood,
will take piece 00 soon ae the vaeanoy
it will create oaa battled, Mr. Goven•
wok hae been a member of the teething
.teff at the Collegiate Institute in Lon.
don for some years, and the board will
regret hie leaving. It is underetood
that he has been appointed an actuary
of the Northern Life Iueuranoe Com
PAIN anywhere, pain in the head, pain.
fol periods, neuralgia, toothaobe, all
'mine oan be promptly stopped by a
thoroughly este little Piui Candy Tablet,
known by drnggiete everywhere as Dr,
Bboop'e Headache Tebiete. Pain simply
means congestion—undue blood premiere
et the point where pain esiete. Dr,
Shoop's Headache Tablets quichly
equalize this unnatural blood premiere,
and pain immediately departs, Write
Dr. Shoop, Ranine, Wis., and get a trial
package. Large box 25 ate.—Druggists.
A report of a ease of smallpox in town
le without foaudation. The trouble was
merely a light ease of Chickenpox,
F. 0, 1Senniake, of Buffalo, was in town
a eonple of days last week, looking over
the ground in oompeny with our bowies
man, H. W. Thomson, with the idea of
the establishment of a braes and iron
bedstead factory here.
Ae the retitle of a meeting addressed
by A. Onllene, of London, Y. M. 0, A.
organizer, an interdenomtnationel Young
Men's Bible Study Oluee has been form
ea, with the view altirnetely of forming a
Y. M.0. A. branch In Goderiah.
A special meeting of the Presbytery of
Huron was held to prosecute the call of
Auburn and Smith's HII1 000gregatione
to edr. Foote, of Varna. Mr. Foote, how•
ever, deolioed the pall, and the eongrogn-
tions will Matte another after hearing
further oehdidatee.
Ata meeting held of the temperance
workers of the town It was decided that
the work of edaonting the pnblio along
the line of looal option ehonld be cortin.
tied bol that the vote On the goeetion
eboold not be taken until au year from
next January. Taking 31110 in aonneotioo
with a 088010tion passed at the repent
enmity nouveotion of the W. 0. T. U., it
looks ae it there might have been a
general oompaign at that time for (noel
option throughout the dietriot, The
resolution adopted by the W. 0, T. U.
was as Wawa t—Raeoived that we would
earnestly regaeet that all oolong through-
out the county would urge the importan.
We may get through this world but
'twill be very Blow,
If we listen to all that is said 00 we
go ;
Weil be wearied and fretted and put
In a stew,
For nreddleeome tcngues must have
something to do.
Cho.—Fur poop'e will tells you kr ow
people will talk,
Oh 1 yes, they must talk you know,
If quiet and and modest they'll lave is
That your humble position to only 1113 -
Your a wolf in eheep'e clothing, or
aloe your a fool,
Bat don't get excited keep parfeotly
If your generoue end noble WW1
vent out their spleen,
You'll hear come loud hinte that yoor
eel0oh and menu ;
If upright and honest and fair ae the
They'l call you a rogue in 8 sly
tweaking way,
Then if you show the least boldoese
of heart,
Or a slight] buolintttion eo take yoor
own part,
They'll osll you au upstart, 0002
ceded end vain ;
Bub Beep straight ahead and don't
atop t0 explain
IE threadbere your coat or old fashion.
ed your hal,
Some one of °puree will take tie -
floe to that ;
They will !lint rather etrong that
you can't pay your way
Bat don't gee. excited whatever
they Bay.
It jyou dress in the fashion don't
think to eeaape,l
For they'll initioize then in a dif
Meant shape ;
Your ahead of your me006 or yoor
bills are unpaid,
But mind your own business there's
naught to be made.
If a fellow bat °heroes to wink at a
Theo the gossips will talk and their
vincula) unfurl;
They'd oauveea his wants and talk of
his means
And declares he's engaged to a obit
in her teens,
They will talk tine before you but
then at your beck
Of renown and Blander there's never
a lank
bind and polite fe in a!1 that
they say,
Bitter as gall when you're oat of the
Then the beet way to do ie to do ae
you please,
Aud your mind if you have one will
thea be at muse,
Of cotton you will meet with all aorta
of abuse
Bob don't think to atop it fie not any
For people will talk you know, people
will talk,
Oh I yea they will talk you know.
se of oommenoing local option oampeigne
in all the maieipaliti.e of Huron where
the law bas not already been pained,
with a view Of having the election take
piece fn Jaunury 1909, and would mak
tbat the twenties Of Grey and Boos be
aommsuioated with in order to secure
a000erted action tbroughontthe Northern
Facial Blemishes,
Blackheads, Eruptions
They Have Otto C'onuuon Cause.
Au Impure Condition. Of The Blood.
Make the blood normal and you ours
the pimples.
But unless elimination ie perfect the
blood can't be normal, ean't be anything
bat foul.
In elimination nothing playa a more
important part than the akin, end if ie
gate too much work it b000mee dieeaeed
and pimples, blotches and eruptions are
the result,
Not a bib of gee to try external applioa•
tisane. The fountain of life, the blood,
must be purified.
btbore than that, the blood meat be
supplied with the elements neoeaeary to
tureieb the organa with inoreaeed power
to do thele work.
Ferruzuee supplies exactly there con-
eliteente, and it does more.
It atimulabee through the nervone
system all the eliminative funotione of
the body,
By stimulating the hidneye abd liver
the akin is relieved of au exoeseive work,
and it soon reeumee its normal mode of
Ferrozone destroys the poi8o0a in the
blood, giv60 ie new and rich material
through the thorough digestion of food,
The skin resumes its normal, rieb
Every vestige of blotch, pimple or
eruption then dieappeare;
You see then tbat Ferrozone le not only
a blood purifier, but a blood fortifier, and
when your blood ie pure and etrong, not
only will the akin be freed from blemish
ee and pimplee, but the whole body will
be rejuvenated and fortified, and given
the power of endurance, vim, the natural
outcome of health, Ferrozone le eeld by
all dealere in 50o. bozo.
Roan Cganfatae DnenAe0n.-The fun•
eras of the late Hugh Obambere, ex Reeve
of Aehfleld, who died in Guelph Friday,
Oat. 11th, from the effeote of a stroke of
paralyoie, took place' on Monday to the
Pine River cemetery, Rev. A. Miller, of
Aehfleld, being the otfelating olergyman,
Mr. Chambers was a native of the
South of Ireland but Dame to Canada at
an early age. He .ret settled in the
tliivnehip of Branum, bob moved to Aeb'
field about the year 1868, }le married
Mtge Elizabeth MaAree, who pre-dooeae,
ed him about fifteen years. They bad a
o f moon van children, the surviving
member° of whioh are Dr, W. 6. Main -
bora, Sonora Ont,Mre. MoOenzle, ISto.
tall ; We, Telfor;d, Sault Ste. Marie,
air y
Ayer's Hair Vigor was good,
the best that was made. But
Ayer's Hair Vigor, new im-
proved formula, is better, It
is the one great specifieforfall-
ing hair. A new preparation in
every way. New bottle. New
contents, Ask your druggist to
show it to you, "the new kind."
Does not change the color of the hair.
Formula with 000h bottle
.9 Show it to your
,ask him about it,
thou do as ho says
As we now make our new }fair Vigor it
does not have the slightest effect upon
the color of the hair. You may use it
freelyand for any length of time with-
out ear of changing the color. Stops
falling hair, Cures dandruff.
--Made by the 0. 0, Ayer Co., Lowell, Mus.*
Ont, ; end Mien Martha, who 'mettles in
Guelph. Mr. Chambers eold bill farm in
Aehfleld some two year. ago and retnoved
to Guelph. About this time be married
Mre. Bmmerton, of Kincardine, who
survives him. Mr. Members was in
politioe an independent Coneervative and
for twenty years an elder in the Presby•
tertian obareh at Aehaeid. He filled
every municipal position iu the gift of
the people of Ashfield and wae County
Oommiaeioner for a uumber of years.
Go wan in hie 81st year,
tune f'Itls No tenger Ueer
When the eaolnaoh needs °leeneing,the
bowels increased activity, the liver ad•
diliooal power, don't use mercurial pills,
try Dr. Hamiltou'e Vegetable in oompoei•
tion, extremely mild yet sure to flush oat
911 impurities and wastes, n0 remedy is
so well adapted for family use. Positive
ly a cure for biliousness and sick heed•
aobe, unfailing in ounelipation and
bowel trouble, exoeptionaliy good for in•
tiigeetioa, no medicine is eo universally
needed in every home ae Dr. Hamilton's
Pills. Good for the young, the old, the
Rick, the well ones, the beneate of Dr.
Hamilton's Pills are manifold, Sold
everywhere in 25o boxes.
O m ex- kis oh
0 fofP 'e
o of
Vancouver, is a de ad.
Andrew McDonald was sentenced at
Chatham to two years in penitentiary
for forgery.
The stables at Maple OM( Farm, Ot-
tawa, were burned with six valuable
hereee and a large amount of other
To oheok a cold gaiolcly, get from your
druggist some little Oendy Oold Tablete
palled Prevention. Druggists everywhere
are now diepeaeing Preventive, for they
are nob only safe, lint decidedly certain
and prompt. Preventive ooutain no
Quinine, no laxative, nothing berth nor
etokeuing. Taken at the 'Mimes stage"
Preventive will prevent Pneumonia,
Bronohitie, La Grippe, eto. Hence the
name, Prevention. Good for feverieh
children, 48 Prevention 25 omits.
Trial Boxes 5 ate, Bold by all dealers.
Captain Bernier lice returned from the
Polar seas with the steamer Arotio.
London Liberate decided not to make
any nomination for the Oummona ve-
The M. 0, Railway has pleaded guilty
at Windsor In the matter of the Besse
Two men were arrested at Feeserton,
charged with setting fire to W. W. Car-
ter's Meth faotory.
Demers Clutnge Their embeds
Years ago they fought Catarrh by in•
termN dosing. They saw. tbie rained the
atomaoh and changed to the °zonated air
oure, better known as "Oatarrhozone."
This treatment hi sore to pure, It goes
to the source of the disease 1 16 deetroye
the oau•eo that maintain catarrh and
even in the worst cease permanent oure ie
guaranteed, radars with Catarrbozone
is impoeeible. Antiseptic, heeling and
fer-reaohiug, Pte, bound to pure every
time. Eodoreed by more then twenty
',hemmed phyeioiane, in Amerioe alone
and Bold in 25o and 01 00 eizee by all
0. R. Devlin, NI, P., and L. A. Ta0011.
erean, M.1'. P„ have been appointed to
the Quebec Cabinet.
Froneense Ooneervatfvee nominated
Dr, J. W. fdwerde for the Commons,
rejecting the preoent member, Mr. Avery.
Bothnia Lime Works,
Is headquarters foe First -glass
Lime. Write or Telephone
A. Nichoison & Sons
("Will meat teams from a distance at
Oeutral Holol,Brueaelt).
Tlfe undersigned is prepared In sup-
ply the public with lho boat in the above
Repairs promptly attended to,
Orders left with HALM! JAMBS,
American hotel, Brussels, will receive
our early attention,
Property exrmptlone in Montreal
amount to $54,000,000,
The 50111 elm/weary of Woodetook
Oo'lege wag celebrated Friday,
6oentlebury'e (alley poode stare al
Belleville was badly de nuged by lire.
John 0obnah was killed in a taloa at
Cobalt by an ore oar dropping down the
theft upon him.
The ferry boat Charmer oollided with
the 0. P, R, steamer Tartar on the Paaifl°
ooeet, Aro one was burl,
'Weakens the Tissues and Lessens
organic Vitality.
The Biretta and attain of the strenuone
life in both pity and 0o00try triode to•
words etomaob troubles.
The trantia rush for pleasure, money
and excitement ie bringing Barletta re
suite, Elaborate food, late enppere,
overeating and too much drinking are
some of the pauses of seamed" weakness
for whioh the individual ie responsible.
Five people eater to day where one did
ten years ago with giok headache, demi.
news, flatulence, dietreee after eating.
spooks before the eyes, bloating, nervous
Pers, eleeplesoness and the many other
symptoms of indigeetion.
All who ere suffering with stomach
troubles, and that means at least two
onto( three in Brussels and other•, towns,
should nee Mh•o ns- Btomaoh tablets.
Nothing else is as eafe, yet effective ;
nothing else can be so thorongbty relied
upon to relieve all trooblee from indiges
tion ae ail o•ne. It ie unlike any remedy
heretofore known, and is aotnally one of
the most valuable dieooveriee in modern
medical Balani°.
It is not a mere digsebive taken after
the food is eaten, but a true tonic, otimu.
!ant and etresgtheeer for tite mneoelar
walla of the elomeob, increoeing the flow
of digestive fluids and putting the atom
aob ince such condition that it does the
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of Alexander
lilolntoeh, late of the Township of
Grey, in the County of Huron and
Province of Ontario, farmer, deceased.
Notioe is hereby given, pursuant to Bevis.
ed Stafutoe of Ontario, 1897, Chap. 129, and
amending Acte, that all creditors and oteera
having any claims against the estate of the
said tAlexemder Molutoeh, who died on or
about the 7th day of October, 1907, are re-
quired on or before the 10th day of Nevem-
bee. 1907, to amid by poet, pre aid, or deliver
to William Fraser, of the 1 said Township of
Grey, Molesworth Poet Office, one of the Ex
ooutor of the said estate, their aamee and
uddroeaee with #011 parttoulare in writieg
of their olaime,-the statement of their no -
;meets and the nature the sour t
e it es f
any) held b them v
V duly verified af, after 1210
An notice lice i f
e uned ate e E atter the
said roc d to
date the Et, e t he
will 0eooand to sdistribute the titled h the
to, Laving
g re gar the parties the claims bavheg regard only to the alnd t at
whioh they shalt then have liable and that
the Ex0will not liable for the
asaele, orr any any hart thereof,
to env person
antnSimsthensed altpose ereoa wheats a y hall
1101 then leve notice than be excluded from
the beuedle of said dietribution
Dated this I6th day of Oetaber, 11107.
J. of the Town of Lietowell,, lin Etlie County
of Porth, Solicitor tor the Exeoutees,; Wil-
liam Fraser, Jobn Melweu and John
Molntoeb. 16-4
work Nature expecte of ft. It is an ; IMPORTANT NOTICES
absolute and lasting ante, for it han(ahes I
all weakness and debility from the'
etomeob and bowels.
MI•o-nn is sold by druggists every
where for 60 pmts, told we poeltitely
guarantee to refood your money 0)10111d
you purchase a box end be dleealieded
with resuibe, Write for free ample,
YB,oothe Mi•o,na, Box 077,
Buffalo, N,
more pupile attending the ono year
ago, Thia epeake eloquently Ito to
our past work.
We etluoate to meet tee living
demands of a progressive age.
Our Stenographers and Beok-
keepers delight the moat modern, ex-
acting city offiaas.
Day etodeata attend night Mitoses
free, Graduates planed in goo -0 sit-
uations. Now is the heat timo to ea-
ter the
Business College
t.�., GEO. SPOTTON, Principal
Farmers or $torelteepe''s
by corning to the
Brussels Salt Works
can get any liintl of Salt
they require,
Cordon Mooney,
.Foreujav, - Brussels.
for SPIE
Just received a car load
of No. 1 White Lime.
2nd -hand Buggies
A few First-class Second-hand Buggies,
both Light and Heavy, for sale cheap at
our Show Rooms — Some Real Bargains.
New Buggies
Rubber Tire Rigs, both Cushion and Pneu-
matic Must be sold to make room for
oar large display of Cutters and Sleighs.
an & Co.,
Roller Flour
Every good house -wife knows how necessary
it is to have good Flour to make her Bread
and Pastry palatable
ite Loaf
possesses all the qualities that go to make
a slice, white, spongy loaf. Once you have
used this brand you will want none other.
1a"All ltiuds of Feed kept constantly on hand.
e wli.l.
"lel U 11, Tl, . BRED LEICESTER
-•1- itam Lambe for Male. Lot 21, Con. 1,
Grey. AU,LE A. kl1LNn Ethel
16 0.
�: ORST0 li ORe, F$1AL,1ti '-A. Ca0U1)
driving mato, goutie ove4'y way, Wilt
)'o cold aurlisy tome. Apply to 0. 2E,
11LLI0'i'T, fireboat's Sprvoy, llroaeole S,
frt tit 0� HEAVY ))RAUGIHT
1 L'oate—a B
illy and ;Getdtug—tor onto.
Aleo 8 plea toady for iroaal, g, Lot 0, Coe,
10, Grey, or Smoak] P, O,
6.N BGo is
0, Grey, ditties 0000,18050 Oil
upsnf ugulf; f saiiocl ni ]AUO. �lpilontlone r°..
eoivod Eo Oot, 0011, ; ftpplioaute to °tete
Salary expected, Aptly to 1MD. FULTUN,,
00orottary, Oraubrook 1' 0 14.0
ton S. 8. No.11, Walbou ; mato or fir
ma'e ; dutu•a to commove° on °equine of
eohool iu 1009. ApppSlanefnns reaelved
Noyembot• Otu, Applionuta to state salary
50110030d, Apply to T1108, 12,250LGE10,
Seoeretery, Wetton P. 0, . 15.4 ,
for 0¢le—Aller( etre°t, aOmfortabta
bone 10 5000 repair. Small stable, good
wall, ciotoru, &o. Pooaemslou auy time. Poi`
further purtloulars apply on. the premieoe
to 0. ORAWb'0140, Brussels, 40.30
February 1st—part of smith Block.
20x96 feet ; Mid door from Awerioau Hotel ;
lately used as tauoriag aha gouts' furnish-
Itg eetublisbmmtt. For further parlioulore
ap ply to DN. aloKtlLVlu'Y, Brussels.
land MIS sale, Own forunble dwell.
lag; hart) fled soft water Under c0ver; ap•
plc, plum unci °berry treoe, &e, Possession
can be given at truth, For phos, terms, the.
earl at 11(31; POST,
—The uuderelgnodoffers for sale Iue'
buuae and lob on Turaberry street p102
eels.. Paseeeeiou could be given at true.
For prima, terms &e„ apply to klatch,
0H1103.0, Walton 11, 0., or to TUE POST." k',
K. O. T. M.
Brussels Tent of the Maccabees, No: -'Fr,-`
hold their regular meetiuge in the Lodr,
12m, Beaker !;look, on the let and 3rlimn,
Tuesday evenings of oath month, d
A, 80 AD18b,ttOan, ways 0.. AloGUDIE, R.1.
rest part of Lob 24, Con. 8, Grey, eon
lug 16 acres mora or late 0u the premises •
are two houses and a barn - also two tuella.
Laud in good «tato of ourtivatiou , very
conveniently sheeted to E that village. For
prior, and terms apply ou the premises to
4, GIIAMBEIEB, or to Ethel E. 0. 'Mt
Lot24, Oon, 10, Grey, containing 100
aures, 46 aures cleared and balauoo hard
U oft and
swum ,, Good i
L br ok bowie
en a i
will6 eh
stable 'g
well, rebind, &o at . PlaneWell
leveed. P°esestitn could begiven ateor
oft, For lw pviy p1010. 11.00 a L,
Let24, berms, &c. yp ply to Jam. U. MaN 102,
Lot 84, Uon, 14, Grey, or Alouurlelf P.O.
The undersigned offers bar 100 tore
farm, being Lot 00, Uun, 7, Grey, for sale or
to rent. Comfortable house, hank baro,
orchard, wells, Re. Farm le only i Of a mile
from the stiretag village of Ethel. Fur lur-
tber particulars apply to P, 8, Rooth, Brus-
sels, or 05110. NATE HOLLAND. 7 Peter
Street, Toronto, 27.30,
j_pARAI FOR SALE.—T1:11i1 UN.
80U 7trlaaiefalluoe
sale, 110 Let 0hli e,lrt. Tit
is a flame bowie, beak here and hay house,
A oro er e
h d turd
anever-failing sprigs.
OuBtpnwill 09 sold oour, Or two pr nin-
ehaeer. POsae'BYDn 00uid to given this
Pall. Four acres of Fa116r0eat iu, Farm in
grass exeopt 10 acres. Will be.sold 0u oaay
terms. For further partlou:ars ae t0 priue,
terms, &o., apply oti tits premien to Abe'.
BUTTON, or :Mussels P. 0, 11.11
Ibave boon appointed by the Dominion
Government to place Immigraate from the
United 'Kingdom in positions as farm lab-
ourers or domestic Servants in title violnial%
Anyttrequiting truth li letter eetat5ly hkd op
required, when wanted and wagoe offered.
The numbers arrivtog may not be eu(loieu t
to supply all regtoste but every effort will
be made to provide oath applicant with
help required. F. S. 8001"1',
Canadian Government lenlployme0t Agent
82-ly Bruesele P.0.
.sty #.tA
Synopsis o f Canadian Northwest
ANY even numbered petition of Dominion
Lands iu Manitoba, Saekatabewan and
Alberta, excepting 9 and 20, not reserved,
may e ole head of a family, homesteaded
orr• person
.19 years of age, to bbe extent of one-quarter
sedltoa of 100 aoree wore or lege,
Entry may bo made ppreonally at the
local oft nil aloe for the ciisErint fu whioh
the laud ill situate.
The homesteader is required to porfotm
the oouditioueaonneeted therewith Under+
one of the tollowiag plane :
(1) At least eix menthe' ra8tdenoe upon
and oultivsblou abbe land in eaoh year for
three yearn
(2) It the tethee (or mother, it the father
be deeensed) of the homesteader redden
upon a farm in the vioiolty of the land
entered for the requirements as to regi.
deuce may he satisfied by snob mime TO. '
siding tvltb the father or mother.
donee fland owned
fOparming e settler ebie u by him
it the vloinity of hie homestead, the 're-
quirements as to residence may bo eatis-..
had by reeidohoe upon the Bald land,
Sixmouthe'notioe 3. writing should be
OM to the Oommiteioner of Dom{uton
Lunde at Ottawa of intention to apply for
Deliu613 of (he 0Oiu atom1 Interior.
N. 2, Voatlthoriged pablioation of title ad.
vertieemoot will not be paid for.
Roduood Rates now in Mot
Virginian salts Friday, Chit. e6 Nov,. 21
pry, uisiue '' Nov. 1
Vlotoriau aall5Tliureday,'Nov, 7 {•—
Corsican saint Friday, Nov, 16 -•--
y, 05
1.2..yUorin6kiaiSallerblresley, Oot,alri�a1 ur 'ay'Nov7Gruopian not) ,,,..Hails Thnrada,Nov11
For ealllago, lists and full information
apply to
00!, it ittlitett,
Agent Allan: Liner I1refeo')e,