HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-10-17, Page 8V .A. 1._l� S 1 I O SODA Now is the time to make up your Winter's supply of Soap for cleaning purposes, You have a chance to use up grease that is standing around and with the aid of Caustic Soda you get a large quantity of the very best of Soap at a very small cost. We have Caustic Soda in granular form pnt up in 5 lb. tins -40c. a tin. More people are using it all the time. WALL PAPER Patterns to Suit Any Room. Perhaps there is a room that you did not get the chance to Paper in the Spring. If so, now is the next best time. We have a good stock of paper to choose from. Pretty patterns from 5e per roll up. S M I ` 9 I DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. eO0THEEN mxTENSION W. 0. & R. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows : Gonia SovTH Goma NORTE. Mail 7:06 a.m 'Express 10:05 a.m. Expreea.„...11:06 a.m Stall 1:44 a.m Express ......8:08 p,m Express...,.. 8:61 p.m CANADIAN PACIFIC R. R. Following Is the 0,P. R. Time Table at Walton :— To Toronto To Godericb Express 7:45 a In Express 11:87 a m Express 6:48 p m I Express Ode p m gag Retus gtems A otoiel's amang ye takir' notes, An' faith he'll print is. Is this Indian Bummer ? WEmao $I 02 on Brussels market. TEE PosT and Toronto Weekly Globe from now to Jan. 1st 1909 for the small Sum of $1.50. TEANE901VING Day will be held on Thursday, October Olet, this year and will be a pobiia holiday. DR. FRILD had a new Mason & Binh piano placed in his residenoe last week by Messrs. Walker & Biaak. A OONVENT20N will be held in Toronto on Oot. 22nd bo consolidate the various liquor interests of the province. Tan news ie always welcome at Tam Pose. Hand us in the names of your visitors or tell as of your trips away. TEE Wingham Advance Saye of former reeidenta of Ohio locality :—H. BaIt'u condition daring the past week has given his friends some anxiety. Mrs. Ball has also been in poor health but is improving. PRIZE P871N0.—Friday of this week, W. H. Kerr, Treasurer, will commence the payment of East Huron Fall Fair prizes at TEE POST Publishing Renee. Semen members of Court Princess Alexandria, 0. 0,2 , Braemar, were at Blyth last Sunday afternoon attending the C. 0. F. annual service in the Pres. byteriao oburob. Rev, Mr. Small was the preaober. AT the W. C. T. U. Convention at Clinton last week 0c. Superiotendente were appointed from Brussels as follows : —Um. Rands, in charge of work among Lambermen 1 Dirs. Leatherdale, System. atio giving and titre. Dark, Evangelistic. THE Voters' Liet Court for Brnesele was held on Thursday of last week before Judge Doyle. There were 85 appeals in all, the Oonrt resalting in a slight gain for the Liberals. Dudley Holmes, of Wingham, and A. B. MacDonald ooneti• toted the legal talent in dealing with. the appeal°. Ton report of the Postmaster -General eaggee10 that people writiog lettere should sign their fall name and address to their lettere and there never would be a letter bat whet could be returned if it failed to reach the person for whom it was intended. A better way still would be for each family to have envelopes with the Llama of the family printed on the corner, MATRIMONIAL.—Wednesday of last week Rev. Dr, Milligan, tied the hymeneal bow between John H. Galbraith, of Brussels, and Miss Ida, ee000d daughter of James and Mrs. Bowman, of Morris, the cere- mony being performed et the Manse, Toronto. Mr. Galbraith and bride ar• rived bank on Monday and ere now Dom• fortably settled in their new home on Mill street, lately vacated by Dr, Burns. We trust they may enjoy many happy, prosperous yeare. A Beane NEW MII°IOAL OyERmTTA.— "Dolya the Tea Girl," is a brand new musical prodnation which some of the leading critics have perused on as being the cleverest Operetta produced in yeare, They speak of it fie follows :— The latest Japanese Operetta "Dolya, the Tea Girl" is the cleverest musical production of any operetta written in yeare, The story is cleverly arranged and full of situations that give great eoope for acting both dramatic and comic, while the m115i4' ie deoidedly catchy, tuneful and ,all of dash. The plot is easy to follow although many oomplioatione arise whirl's are decidedly funny and cause many a laugh, The Operetta will be given tinder the anepioes of Braeeele Foot Ball Olob on Thoreday, Nov. Het in the Town Hall, Brueeele, Reserve the data. TEE °MHoers of the Provincial Edam— Hen Department are striving bard to earn their money. The latent eaheme evolved is one to maltoteaobers' examine Bions more eatiefaotory. Obangee have been made in regard to conducting essmipationt and the composition of the boards, The departmental board here— after will be wholly separate from the nuivereity. In future the Department will appoint lteowe boards. They will beoomposed of men eeleotod from the riormnl and medel eobouls, end faculty of edUOation f inapootors of highsahoble and ot Wino and separate sehoole. The names, Dietrfob.'Examination and JOn108 and Senior Toeohero' Exatninsti0ne will be abolished and the names a betitnted Will he Entrance Examinetio0e to the Normal and Model soboals end t0 the Faculty of Idduoatiota, GEORGE A. BEST is anxious to mourn severalloade of stook Beare, weighing from 800 pounds upward. UNITED STATES Suasoarnzne.—Bab soribers in the United States meet re. member that Tan Pose is $1.60 and nob $1.00, as the postage coats ea 60o a goer on eaoh paper. If only $1.00 is Bent we bays to deduct the postage and send the paper for the rest, so far as it goes. THE ladies who represented Brussels Branch ot the W. C. T. U., at the Oon- veution held at Clinton last week were : Mesdames Buchanan, McGuire, Powell, Mooney, Ainley, Griffith, Rands and Dark. A. little bird tells us that Some of the delegates are fleet footed Bud can stay at it. Tan NEW FIRE BRIGADE.—At the epeeist meeting of the town Connell to deal with the reorganization of the town Fire Brigade the following list of offioers was submitted by Chief N. F, Gerry cud aooepted by the Board :— J. T. Ross, let Lieutenant A. R. Onrrie, 2nd ” S. Welton, Ord " H. Merrier, Branohmen A, T. Ourrie, Silas Jaokeon. Jno. Meadows, P. MaQaerrie, S. T. Plum, Cart and Hose men D. C. Rose, A. Somers, " " " Robt. Oliver, Engineer Watson Ainley, Ant, ' W. Gordon, Any of the above members( it required to handle coal oart except those at the nozzles or one engineer and all members to help all fire equipment back in its place in the Fire Hall. A telephone has been placed in the home of Engineer Oliver and night connection kept from the American Hotel and Ramsay'° livery stable so that he may be rung ap at any boar in mase of fire. ENTERED INTO REBT.—Last Saturday evening the meseeueer called at the home of Postmaster Farrow, Tnroberry street, and beckoned the apirib of Mrs. Farrow away to her eternal home. Her demise wee nob unexpeoted as she had been gradually growing weaker under the insidious workings of diabetes for 50035 time despite the beet efforts of friends and physicians, Her maiden name was Elizabeth Purdy and elle was born in London township being a daughter of the late Samuel Purdy. She was united in marriage to John Quanoe, of that loaaliby by whom she had one eon, who died in childhood. On the decease of her partner the sob. jeot of this notioe made her home for several years with her sister, Mrs. Frank MoOraoken, 4th line Morris, where she was married t0 Mr. Farrow 18 yeare ago. They took up residenoe in Brussels where Mrs. Farrow not only retained her old friends but made many Sew ouee, She was an indomitable worker both in her home and the obaroh and soon found opportunity in we, caution with the latter to render val. Gable aid in various departments, notably in the Guild and Sabbath Boboot. Although realizing what the decease meant to her she resolutely con— tinued about her usual avocation as long as elle was able to keep up and talked familiarly of the approaobing end without fear. A short service was held at Mr. Farrow'° residenoe et 3 p. m. Tuesday ooudnoted by the pastor of deceased, Rev. E. M, Lang Ford, Revd°. E. G. Powell and A. 0. Wishart, B. A., ate° baking part, Wednesday morning by the early train the remains were taken to Thorndale and from there to Grana church, Ntssonri township, where the fnnored service wee held in the presumes of a large oongrogation, Rev. Mr. Lang—Ford preaobed a most appropriate sermon from the text "I shall not want," words from the 28rd Psalm, very dear to Mrs. Farrow. The pallbearers were Robert, John and Ward Farrow and Samuel, John and Milton Purdy. Sincere sympathy is Recorded Me. Farrow in his bereavement. Mies Purdy, Mrs. Fsrrow's notes, is looking after hie home in the meantime. Mrs. John and MCS, Frank MoOraoken, of Wingham end Morrie respeotiVely, are sisters of Kra, Farrow. She also has several brothers in Nieeoori tewnehip, Business Locals. WANTED.—steady boy to learn barnse5 trade. Apply to I, 0. RIOnARDB, Gents wanted at once to work in Brute sale Evaporator. Highest wages. WANTED —0110105 tub batter, 24a, fresh eggs, 22a. Also large quantities dried apples and feathers, GEo. JJ, HONG, Wingham, DR. B0TLER'e VISIT.—Dr. Butler, the London Eye Speoialiet, will be at the American Hotel, Brueeele, on Wednee. day, Oat, 28rd. Glasses enpplied. A xonna lad or maiden may 080076 private hoard fn a oomfortable borne by applying at ME Posy. LOST on' Thursday, Oot. 8rd,, between Brueeele and the 05m065ry a earpeetee'e Steel claw hammer, Finder please re. Wirt BO Win PoeT. ArrLEs,—Twenty five aebte a bag Will be psid at Brneseis Evaporator for good peeling applee and 15 oent5 a bag far the email once, Make Your Unused Funds armtermem bear interest at the highest current rates. Amounts of $1.00 and upwards are received in the SAVINGS DE- PARTMENT of THE METROPOLITAN BANK. Interest is allowed from date of deposit, and compounded every three months. No delay in withdrawal, ALL DEPARTMENTS OF BANKING ARE CONDUCTED WITH ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION AND SECURITY, The Metropolitan Bank Capital Paid Up, $1,000, 000,00. Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits, $1,183,713,23 BRUSSELS BRANCH, W, J. FAWCETT, Manager t 3TASILi8N5_O 1870 Am bsodgaarteeo for saws and °an ex- ohange or Ball for ouch ab lowest prides, Yours, T, McGregor, filer and improver On B6we, tools sad machines. Oorner Mill and Mein St., Brueeele, Oat, People We Talk About. Mies Sarah Heist waevisiting in Wing. ham on Wednesday. 15, and Mrs, Philip removed to Mount Forest last Saturday. B6rrioter Blnelair wee 51 Toronto this week on legal business. Mrs. J. L. Kerr, of Blytb, was n visitor in town for a 000ple of days. Mrs. Will. Gillespie was visiting rela. lives la Seafortb last week. Mrs, J. P. Brine, of Seeforth wits the pleat of her daughter, Mrs. P. Scoa. Mies Dare Wilbee, of Galt, is visiting her amine Katie and Corrie Ament, V. S. Campbell, of Hepworth, was a visitor at W. Pryne's daring the pant week. Miens Margaret Amenb and Nettie Brown spent Thursday et this week in Seafortb. R. E. and Mrs. Coates, of Seafortb, were visitors at John Coates', Mill street, last week. Mrs, E. Downing, of Godericb, is a visitor with Mrs. Jno. Downing, Flora street, Brnssele. Mrs. W. H. Kerr spent a few days in Blyth during•6he past week visiting her eon, J. L. Kerr, of the Blyth Standard. Mies Barton, who has been visiting relatives and friends for the past two weeks, bas returned to her home in Galt, Nelson and Mrs. Askin left for their home in Idaho on Friday of last week. We hope to see them beak again next year. Mies Beatrice Galbraith, of McKillop, is visiting Jum. H. and Mrs, Galbraith, Mill street. The visitor is a sister of Mr. Galbraith's. Mrs. Joseph Pugh, of Wingbam, has a quilt containing 2,585 pieoeo of geode. Mrs, Pugh is a daughter of the late Rev, R. Paul, of Brunets. T'be death took plaoe in Lmoknow of Mrs. (Dr,) Newton, who was a daughter of Samuel Rivers, a former resident ot Brnesele, She 13ae been an invalid for years. Robert Farrow, of Ottawa ; Martin, of Oolliugwood 1 John, of London ; and H, W., of Windsor, were here this week attending the funeral of the late Mrs, Farrow. Ohae. and Mrs. Fike, of Ashland, Wisconsin, formerly of Braeeele, an• notarise the marriage of their daagbter, Effie Abigail, to Brows') Alberb Scott on Oot. 9th. May their joys be many. Rev. H, W. Looks, of Kincardine, Chairman of the Wingham Dietriob, was a visitor for a aoapls of days this week at the Methodist Parsonage. He and Rev. Mr. Powell are old time friends. CHURCH ()FILMES "The Conquest of Jericho" will be the International Sabbath 8012001 lesson next Sunday. There will be service with sermon in the Oatholic church, Brussels, next San• day at 3.0.80. Rev, Mr. Lang•Fcrd gave an address at the Harvee0 Home at Heotryn on Tuesday evening. He had a busy week. Rev. E. G. Powell preaobed last Sala• bath morning from 'Ezekiel'° Vieion" and in the evening on "The Grace ot Giving." Sabbath morning Rev. A. C. Wishart, spoke on "How do I know I'm a Chris. Han." The evening sabjeot wee "Reasons for gratitude for remission of eine." Iu oonneotion with the preparatory ser. to Communion in Melville oboroh, Rev. Mr, Bremner, of Ripley, will preach on Friday at 2,80 o'otoak and the pastor will oonduot the Sabbath 'serving. The new individual communion sups will be used, The Provinoial Sabbath Sohool Con— vention will be held in the town of Brampton on Oat. 21-24. Program 'is first Mose and is a big indnuement to cause Sabbath workers to attend and get the good of it. This is the 42nd year of the Provincial aseooiation. The 7th bi•ennisl Epworth League Convention, London Oonferenae, will be held in the Centra) Methodist obaroh, St, Thomas on lameday and Wednesday of next week. A good program will be presented. Severed from Huron Co. will take part, among the number being Bev. J. 0. Reid, B, D„ of Nile ; Mies M, A. Bailie, of Nile and A.:1'. cooper, of Olin. ton. Rev, 1. E, Millyard, of Bier, will oo— enpy the pulpit of Brussels Methodist church next Sabbath in connection with the Connexional Fund day, The reverend gentleman is in the front rank of Bret plass preachers among the young. sr men of London Conterenoe and in Haim leaped is a worthy eon of an honored site. Hie tether is Ray, R. Millyard, now at Vioboria street ehurtb, Goderioh. Contribution's will be asked for the ferule massed ander the term oonnexioral, Last Sunday Rev. H, M. Lang Ford woe at Staffs preaobing Reeves[ Tlianite• giving 55rm000 morning and evening, He took the eervioe in Bt, Pee1'a ehnreh, Hensall, at 8 p, 01. on the same day, making a very bogy Sunday, Rev, Mr. Doherty, of Ronson, took Rev Mr. Lang. Ford's( seri/Mee at Brnosele and Walton on Sunday and gave good flieooureee, iho morning 'text being"0 1 women, great is thy Fatah" abd in the .evening ".Looking unto sacs," Committees have been appointed by Melville and the Methodist church Boards to dieeuss the question of a joint evangelistic S08 7105 during the coming Winter. Next October Brussels Methodist Sab• bath Sohool will celebrate its • Jubilee or 60th anniversary. The history of the sohaol bee been one of great encourage— Meat as to the pupils who promoted to the miuiebry, 9 in all ; the praotioal interest taken in Miesious parbionlarly in the pest 4 yeare. In 1904, $100 00 I 1905, $10100 ; 1900, 102 00 ; 1907, 103 00 ; and $104 00 as the point to be reached by May 1908. Only 4 Snperintendenbe have been iu charge fn 1115 life of the school namely : —13. Gerry, who served 19 yeare and is otitl a teacher ; Dr. Watson, of Brantford, 3 years ; Dr. Ball, Toronto, a year and W. H. Kerr, who has jnet aim plated hie 28th year. The golden an uiversery will be oelebratsd in a way be— fitting the historic occasion of which due notioe willhe given. Braeeele Sebum. hoard, The regular meeting of the Brussels Publics School Board was held in the Board Room on Friday evening last. Member° preeent, T. Farrow, Jas. Elliot8, R, Leatherdale, M. H. Moore and J. G. Skene, Minutes of last meet• ing read and adopted. Moved by R. Leatherdale, oeoonded by Jas. Elliott that J. H. Oameron procure the oeoe°oary supplies for Continuation Class. Carried. Board then adjourned. J. G. Blom, Beoretary. E3l11eve.ie- We are sorry to report the continued illness of Mrs. Masters. Miss MacPherson, of Detroit, is visiting her aunt, Mos. C. Brinker. Mrs. Scbnles, Mrs. Jno. King and little Florence have returned from the West. Misses Ina and Aggie Thomas are with their parents, P, and [+it's. Thomas. Rev. W. J. Howson, of Wingham, will preach at the Johnston appoint- ment next Sunday morning, Rev. W. J West, M. A., who was away for a short holiday, has returned home and occupied his own pulpit last Sabbath. His pulpit was supplied by Mr. Hutton and Rev. Mr. Perrin during his absence, The Ladies' Aid Society of the Pres- byterian church purpose holding au Irish social in the Foresters' Hall on Friday evening, Oct. 18th. An excel- lent program is being prepared and tea will be served during the evening. All are welcome. Robert Musgrove met with a serious accident last week, He was engaged putting iu a cement wall under the hotel, and while he was iu a stooping position, the bank of earth, about seven feet high, came down upon bim, crushing him under it, and burying bis face downwards under two feet of earth, Thos, Nesbitt, who was work- ing with him. was also held fast by the earth. Help soon ari1'ved and Mr, Musgrove was dug out. He was con- siderably sbuken up and bruised. but is recovering. He was almost smoth- ered before he was rescued and does trot want to repeat the experience, Perth County. Mrs. John Making, an esteemed resi— dent of Ellioe township, died Sunday. She was 64 yeare of age. While driving io front of hie residenoe on Ontario street. Stratford and in the sot of turning into the • driveway, Dr. Jas. Steel collided with a bioyole, with the result -that the Dr, wee thrown to the road and had tour ribe broken. His Injuries are of a painful nattier, and will coniine bim to hie borne for eome weeks. After a lingering Maass, John White, sr., originator of the White Packing Company, paused away at Mitoboll Sunday night, He was eigbty•five yeare of age at bhe time of hie death, and is survived by three sons and three daugh. tars. Deoeaeed wee one of the pioneer° of this county and was noted for hie honest and upright methods of doing beeinete, Mies Susie Little, 13. A., Dominion Secretary of the Y. W. 0. A. addressed a large gathering in Stratford City Hall Monday night on Y. W. C. A., work, There ie an agitation on for a Y. W. C. A. building, as,the requirements of the present building have been out grown. No doubt Monday's meeting, which was thoroughly enthoSiastio, will prove help— tut in bearing fruit toward° the acquire. mint of a new and oapaeioos building in the near future, Bart Grey book part in the spseob day prooeeding5 at Trinity College Bailee!, Port Hope, James Macdonald was arrested at Bydney, 0. B., on the charge ot stealing $8,400 from the poeboffoe. The appointment of W. L, Doran as Queen Vioteria Park Commissioner is very popular at Niagara Valle, Rev, Dr. Potts, the well known Methe— diet clergyman, died at Toronto Wednes— day morning at 6;80. lie had been in ,ailing health fora year or more. Major Thomas Beattie was nominated tar the Oom0On5 by the Conee1Vativoe of London, Oat„ and the Labor interests nominated John D. Jaoobe, BANK OF CANADA Head Office - - - - Toronto The Standard Bank pays interest four times a year on all Savings Bank deposits. SavinZs 'Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. 19 BRUSSELS :V' ANCH 3. F. IItowland, Manager George Ritz was killed et Stratford by touching an eleotrio wire. John Lamont, a railway watchman, was killed by the oars at London, Out. Judge Hamilton, a former resident of Kingston, died at rlifton Springs, N. Y. A package °anteing $8,500 was stolen from the postodlce at North Sydney, O B. A Guelph eyndioate has purohased a peat giant and will begin aperatioua at On0e. Employees of Penman's mills at Paris, Ont„ are on strike for a Satnrday half holiday, The Amelia Exalneion League of Vancouver has requested the aity's rep—' reseutativee iu Parliament and the Legis lature to resign as a method of testing pnblie feeling on the exclusion gneetion. Billion were Lound on the body of James Robinson, who was taken from Mimeo Asylum on Sunday thangh Dr, Beamer, Superinteodeet, elated that, after an iuveetigation, be woe satisfied there was no ill treatment. 80R 11T DovOLAS. In Turnberry, on Oalober 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Douglas, a BOP. - D6ARRI£07- GAL1311AITe—BowsoaN.—In Toronto, on Oot. 9th, by Rev. Dr. Milligan, Der. J. H. Galbraith, of Brunets, to Mise Ida, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Jae. Bowman, of Morrie township. RAPaeonTa—D000LAs: At the residence of the bride'e parents, on Oot. 14bb, by Rev. A. 0. Wishart, B. A., 181r. Vbebor G. Rapaporth, of Detroit, to Miss Sophia R., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Douglas, of Morris. alas. FARROW.—In Braeeele, on Oat. 12113, hl,izabebh Pardy, beloved wife of Thomas Farrow, postmaster, in her 68rd year. MoDoNALD —In Grey, on Ootober 16th, Alexander McDonald, aged 57 yeare. MoINTosa —In Grey, on October 7th, Alexander MOInto b, in his 86th year. Ro0EssoN.--I0 Hallett, on October 2nd,1, Mrs. Solomon Rogerson, in her 81st' year. — ..V OTIOSE' FEmex, Ocr, 26Ts —Farm stook, im• piements, Bo., Lot 11, Oon, 12, Grey. Sale aureeerved at 1 i'oloolf. Jas. A. MoLeohlan, Prop. F. S. Scott, Aao. D o,'SGEE033 S. ASAR1s a�•r 6. Fall Wheat 100 Barley 66 Peas 80 Oats 50 Butter, tuba and rolls19 Eggs per dozen 20 Hay per ton 14 OD Floor, per bbl 4 50 Hoge, Live 5 90 Apples (per bbl.) 1 26 Potatoes per bus90 Wool (washed)20 Sa•b, per bbl., retail 1 25 1 02 65 82 52 20 21 16 00 5 20 6 00 1 50 1 00 22 1 25 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. WANTED.— A GOOD KIT - MIEN girl. Apply at CENTRAL HOTEL, Brussels. PURE BRED LEICESTER Ram Lambe for Bole. Lot 22, 0on. 7, Grey. NOBLE A. MILNN, Ethel P.O. 164 f71 W 0 HEAVY DRAUGHT ..1. Foals—a Filly and ;Gelding—for sale. Also 8 pigs ready for weaning. Lot 9, Con, 10, Grey, or Brussels P. 0. 15.61 L. HOLLINGER. 91EACHER WANTED FOR S. A. 8 No. 8, Grey, duties to commence on opening of school in 3000. Applications re- ceived up to Oot. 80th ; applieaots to state salary expected. Apply to ED. MILTON, Geeretary, 0raubrook P. 0. 14-8 TEACHER WANTED FOR UN - row 8. S. No.11, Walton ; male or fe- mats ; dales to commence on opening o1 school in 1908 Applications received up to November 9th. Applicants to state salary expected. Apply to THOS, H. BOLGER,. Geoeretary, Walton P, 0. 16.4 For Polite INESIIMBREMBEI Uorrespondenee Stylise in Stationery vary with the years, what was cermet several years ago is out of place to -day. Everyone liltee to re- ceive a labor on Fashionable Paper. WE HAVE CORRECT STATIONERY 1 Correia': for every use and oc- nasion. The latest shapes and styles in nioely decorated boxes. A line aesortment at 25a per box { —AT— Ft',_„' X' DRUG STORE HORSE FOR SALE—A GOOD driving mars, gentle every way. Will ELLIOTT, Graham's Survey Ioruse to B R, T.i'OR SALE.—BEING THAT .L James Hall is laid up with a brOkon leg and cannot attend to h10 stool[ be 'wishes Inato comes IDcember, one January and the other the 1st of May. Will alio dispose of tour horses and a sucking oolt. Apply to 14111. HALL. 114 Lob 22, Con. 7, Morris, or Brussels P. 0. 04'2 Notice to Creditors In the matter of the eahate of Alexander McIntosh, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby -elven, pursuant to Ravin. ed Statntee of Ontario, 1887, Chap. 129, and amen ding Aats, that all creditors and others having any claims against the estate of the said 'Alexander McIn!oeh, who died on or about the 7th day of Ootober, 1807, are re- quired nn or before the 10th day 01 Novem- ber. 1007, to send bytost, prepaid, or deliver to William Eraser, of the: said, Township of Grey, afolesworth Post 0131oe, One of the Ex - seamy of the said estate, their names and addresses with full particulars In wrltlog of their claims, the statement of their ac- counts and the nature of tbo securities (i1 any) hold by them duly verified by athdavtt. Au notice is further given that after the will proceed to dist: butet the the a of the deceased amongst the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to Elm old me of which they sh5,11 thea have notioe and that the Exeeubore wilt not be liable for the assets, or any port thereof, to any person o1 whose al aim they aball not then have notioe and alt persona of whose 0161030 they shall notlthen have notice shall be exoluded from the beuests of said distribution. Dated this 15th day of October, 1807. J. 19. TERHIINE. of the Town of Listowel, In the County of Perth, Solicitor for the Executors; Wil- 11am Fraser, John Ma5weu and 'John McIntosh. 15.4 J 'Y.d1 list s j' '4T lawirLisackivir sTrooft= G. N. MALA E N Ladies* Cloth Coats Just received, special lines in Ladies' Cloth Coats—Dark Tweeds, Black Kersey, Beaver and Frieze Cloths—correct styles and perfect fitting ; bought away below regular prices, and these are to be sold just as they were bought— $ 8 00 Coats for $ 6 50 $10 00 Coats for $ 8.00 12 50 Coats for 10.00 15 00 Coats for 12.50 There is only a limited number of these lines and they will go quickly at these prices. We want You to See Them FUR RUFFS AND MUFFS We are showing a very complete range in Ladies' and Girls' Fur Buffs, Stoles and Ties with Muffs to match, Good styles, nicely made and well lined— Special Values at $5 00, $7.50, $10.00 and $12.00 We are showing the Best Values in,Ladies' Fur Coats to .be had— See them and Compare Prices MEN'S AND BOYS' OVERCOATS We are in the best position we have ever been to supply you with Overcoats for Men and Boys. Largest Stocks, Best Styles and the Best Values we have aver offered. We want' you to see them, whether you buy or not, just to compare prices. RUBBERS AND OVERSHOES We carry a full line, all sizes and widths, in the CELEBRATED GRANBY RUBBERS for Ladies, Men, Boys, Girls and Children. Rubbers have advanced in price but we ars selling all lines at last season's prices. A Large Stock of Good Boots to choose from. Goods Right or your Money back. Highest Prices for .Produce. NEXT DooR "Y"CO N AMERICA HO► S N11