HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-10-17, Page 7MAN WHO LIVES TO THE FULL Yields Himself to the Light and Leading of the Best He Knows. "Lord who shnli abide In thy tatter- einele? who shall dwell hi thy holy ea, ?.......timora x‘... \Vlio fs the religious man in our <lay? \\hat is to Le eefigint,•.? Why 110 111filly goon Men haste lit plead not :dultlY to the charge of tieing religious? If good men are aseamed of being known es religious ‘eily do we continue to maintain hislitotions of religleti und esse01 that reIlgton Is neeessuiry to full- ness of life? So long as we sontInee to Judge roll- glon by its exceptions, end 'Wow the weakling, the. commit, and the hypocrite to slim.] us the exponents and samples ef piety. the Woes!, inul worthy will re- fuse to be (destined with them. Alt,0 not afraid ol eclIgion; they honestly desire some fnith. But they ere afraid 41: seeming to be unreal or fostering the fa Ise. 1111100o simPly is a nour.> conception oi \viva is highest, noblesl, 0151 best. is Ilie summing up and living out of les ideals. The rellgtous porson simply is ilte one WhO lives by something gloater than the rule of thumb, who has start- -dents, funcinmenini principles, and who lifilee0 some visiori higher Man things. One's faith inay have crystallized itself into the person or memory of ideal per- sons; it 'tiny ,0010 up all ils Ideals and excellencies in a being who becomes sniweine, dominant, over character, de- termining by Me beauty and power of the ideal TUE LIFE OF TIIE WOIISTIIPER. Willi others mny be the Ideals and impressions, the hopes and visions, are lacking in form of personality; they are simply principles' of Hying. Religion be, eonies slick Ihe recognition of a higher law, not given from ‘vithout, but Springing hip within; not written on tables of stone, but clear rul in glowing visions of the beauty of ideal charneler. On the one side, in religion, n Ihe impressions nuale an the iiiInct ond con- science be these conceptions of the Ideal; rett the other will he the expression of these In conduct, in definite nets In daily living. On one side aspiration, on the •other plain morals. Whoever 1110s wetcomeS the higher visUms, whoever sees beyond Ihe things thal Ille heasis see, and, so seeing, Mils into Ins Me Ins eisfoll--•111} is a rallgiult8 mum fie may belong to no Nemo! in- stitutioil, but lie has joined the brother, hood of those who ere living up and therefore lifting up, The religious man yields himself to Die light and leading of the best lie knows; he Is true to Ids best self, Ile is tan afraid to 01iry consclenee, jle is only afraid of losing light by refusing obey 0. 1 le develops Irde fullness of Me because. be lives to the full the life he has. Here Is the geent difference between men, not lines of party or lines of Creed, but obedience 1,0 the lienvenly yislon, The open heart, the will that respends to the call (tom above, the selling of (he effeetions on things above.. 111;11.1111OUS MAN lives toward the best; tloe Irreligious, no Muller whet church name he inoy be, is he Who Is living toward the unworthy. It is ensy for a man then le test, him- self. Am 1 yielding to the good and 1110 true? Do T honestly seek out the best end honestly endeavor to realize it? It ensy ler us all to plck nut 1110 religious nen. lie Is known by his frulls; if his loots strike clown into eleenal good his frult. will riot be bad, Mil Will be. full of blessing. You can't hide that kind of religion and you do not'have ki advertise it. It eimnot imilnlvd, It needs eo livery 01, label. \Winn the church 00 W11.110111. it has a powee and an aroma of its own, Living up lo it lives forever. Death has no dominion over it, One does not have• to wait for councils er chinches to begin this religious life. Let 11110 move 0111 townrci all things good nnd true and pore and lovely. lf to him the thought of God moves to geothiess, if to him the fact .1 the ideal rfc of the man of Nazareth is an inspire - (tor lo lire the life above the cloy he him seek fellowship 01111 such noble souls, To seelc the. best, lo serve the best, to secure the best for all nonce is difileult nor a doubtful religion. HENRY I,. COPE, THES. S. LESSON li,,,,,,,,i,LetsuemevriTill 11)101 lAryneeilLnifileiii•seerriststl- [INTERNATIONAL LESSON, the place whore the priests bearing the tuili had stood while the people passed over. At (111gal southeast of Jericho the host of Israel is couniamded to pause before maeching on to the actual cent - OCT. 20. quest of the city. Mire the covenunt eircumoision, neglected during tho (m- itre forty years of desert sojourn, is re- establislml, and here Joshua ts greedy encouraged. by it inght vision of the prince of Ilw host of Jelewali. NVIttal Joshua lutd spoleen—The words of bistruction and exhortation reported io.verses 1-7 itionedialely preceding our lesson. Before. Jelmeall—Tila1 1"a, before the orle of the covenant which to !mewl re- presented the presenee of Jehovah (Mu- ster iumeig his preple. 9 Armed num wont before . . . reerwerd went ufter—The priests with their trumpets followed by 01111,1. pliiests benring the nit of 1110 covenant thus marched in the centre of tlw 00111010, protected before and behind hy 1110 armed men constituting the actual fight - Mg force of the inviellog tinny, 10. Neithee shell tiey weird proeeed out uf your mouth—Silenee on (lie pail of an advancing or attacking army in open comhat or attack on the strong- hold of FM enemy was practically im- krown aninng 1110 ancients, who seemed 1.. have gathered courage in peoputilloh ns theit. tunnel. and shouting wus ioudee 1111111 that of their enemies. • ft. Goink- about it once—Once on the fleet an/ on cue]) of the succeeding live cloys, until the seventh, on which the elty was compitssed not onee bud seven times (contp. vs. 14, 15). . The ennip—Al Gilgal. 15. COmpassee the city nfler lbo saine manner seven. limes—'rhe eiecumfeeence of !he walled elly may have been some- where between three and five nines, making a Iota! march for the last day of between twenty -live and thirty -live miles. 17. Devoted—Razed to the ground nnel utterly destroyed. 'rhe word 111 ori. glint] hits the sante sense as iha word Oienseernletl," the ullee destruetion meted oti1 to I he piece Iwing I he eon- sumln/ as of a sacrifice or offering 10 Lesson 111, Ilie (laphire jerielro. Golden Text: Ileb. 1 1. 3(1. THE 1.1i1sSON W0111) ST1.1.11ES. tinsil on the text of the noised. Ver - Atom Jerieho.--111 the long liktory of the - knver Jordan region (here haw been lloree different- Jerielios, occupying three -differeot ' The neelern leraneu er-1111111, is a miserable of ahout theee hundred swarthy inhabi- tants, situated nearer to the Jordan elver •nnil sotillienst of the site of the nnelent Canaanitish. city. The only remaining relic of antiquity \Mien ils Mulls is u -square towel* dating from the period of the Crusndes. Among filo fow modern buildings to be round heronries Et hotel Und Russian hospice fir 110., scconiniodo- lion of tourists and pilgrims' respeelive- 1,y. '1'110 site of the ancient city Is nwrked by a large, long mound, !known as "rell-es Sultan, on Itie western border sif 1110 plain about six Miles' 11.0111 1110 Jord1111, 11111 about Iwo plitee from the modern \lenge. Flom the cesteen hese of 11115 inotnel still issues the famous fountain "Aln es -Sultan" fidishe'e foun- . how supposed to be the same menlioned 111.2 Ithigs 2. 19-22, where 11101111 lo snid hnve miraculously healed the miters of 11 ,spring tit the inteeeessloir of the peinile of Jericho. Still.. another. site near the two alread.y mentioned marks the locallne of the Homan Jericho, \Melt — especially in lite time of' Iletect the Great. atul hts successor Ara,elaus was famous for its ningnilleence and splendor. It '15115, 151 11118 110111110 eily that ;FORM tarried kw a short. time on his last journo,Y to ..leruSalein, and it was 11000 IMO lie healed the two blind men ntot celled 7,accheus to los 111s disciple. The prince- ly revenues derived from this region during' Me Roman period 0vere at one Noe given otler by Nlarte Anlony to Cleopatra, but were a (know ids re- eoreved for himself by Mood the Great. Thee \vette deriVOil froill the sale of al- -. 1110tiI, p1.10010SS balsams end feagtent soiree produced in this region of tropi- cill fertility. The level of the Valley be- ing nine hundred feet - below the Medi- •Ierranean the pieducts of the soil differ largely from those of the rernaindee of paieeline, noproxininting more nenely 30 sumo instmines those of the Asiatic innd Aegean tropics. Bich patches of hatgaY 0111 wheat With 000E1810nel Well oultivaled lousier's still inchoate the- pos- oSiblfilies feefility which in former ` limes were so fully ecitilized. Anelent jerieho was a noted stronghold of the etanannites, Adel. the destruction of the city by Joslian this territory was 110- s,„, signed to 11(41j/1111in, but because of the ea) ottetto pronounced by Joshua epon -1110 men who shoulti rebuild the cily (losIttal Of thri Jordon (11 s ternmaed of Joel', -,LNy evolve men feoin Vie emply channel • "• Jericho, and the city was frequently' .• • ••• King Allah, one Mel, 1116 Bethelile, WI. The fin( of 1.`,1',..b was erected west perary honie of the prophets 101,0111 nntl • Of the 3erdali at N place. of the dest schools of the prophets wes located 111 \ erg' 11, The ("herders Intervening be- tween this mut oini hist lee000 needful rompased twelve [ergo stenos taken 5115110. . curse by undertaking the rebuilelhlg of limn of Samuel end later one of the Jericho's Wells ft Kings 111. 54). In the (1, 211) site remained for n long limo made the stopping place it not the tem - 111 erection of he° monuments, moth brought, upon himself nod house the elesolnie Li.ter, in the 1.1010 of Jam va linhnb the harlot—First mentioned in el.apter 2 in connection. With the Vial' of the two Spies •sent by Joshua. lo ns- ceetatil the strength end ;position of the besieged city. This woman. Eke many others of her unfortimate class In an- cient times, seems to linve carried on ilw itade of "lodging keeper for way- foring men." From the mention of the 01111110 of flax arratiged on the flat roof of her house for drying arid the further mentIon of (he scat -lel or arin1SOil thread o' yarn in her possession, it has been inferred that she wns engaged also in the manufacture of fine linen, and thnt. she practiced the art of dyeing, for which especially the Plicentelans were early fnmous. In Mall. 11 5, Ralinb's name oceurs in Ilio genealogy of Jesus. There she appenrs as the wife of Salmon, the son of Nilson. and dhe mother of Boaz grundIntlier of Jesse (comp. 111101 4. 2:', 21; 1 Citron. 13: 11, 51, 54). The ser- vice rendered. by Rehab to Israel in hid. ing and proteeling the spies called forth itation's sincere gratitude and se - '0111.01 for herself 01111 all of her family anti relatives the prolection of ihe Is- raelites necl admission into the cone tnimity of Israel doubtless On iernis of equality of eilize»ship. The narrative in the hook of joshua tells 11S nothing con- eenling her after life 'mei conduct, but faith in the Ged of isreel and ncloptIOn 101e the community or hie chosen people W1114 (10111111eSS necomplinied by 1rue con, version, New Testament estimates Of Ii111111WA W.01'111 1100 001'Y rentiwkable• Tlw author of epistle lo the Iles brews places ber nenw in the roll -of the Oceoes of 111111) Mt. II. 31),. while the aposile James spooks ot her ast being justified by•1101. works. ^ y youeselves fruit) Do /101. Op* )W0111'10111 10 yourself Ihe devoted iinit.11ege.tiesed.„ ['einem, edoe,,t,•,,,.. that la nt fur older (lost:Ileum,. as was 1110 eny or As.h.lio. .smcient Jericho, like Sodom 1,1111 Gomorrah nuil newt' nearby .ff the Mein, was mike•ithis for the then- tluesnese immorality of Ns intiabi- teeis, A sad eninne Mary on the stale ef ancient Jerielm 11... (simile -0n of the present elitupldaled village of er•Itilin, innabitunts 01 which still law OM ••11111111 Pepin:Oho% for looseness of new - Ms, nod 11115 tri nitirked v0'111'11,1. with the,1111111 newel slondimet of the sue- reending Bedouins, Ilet ell the silver and gold too yvssms hra•-,s mut iron \Odell could not ist desiroyed lag (411.0 room( 1,1111„. lied by fire, were lel Le, hilly unto Jelio- Nui1,11;Try man straight heron'. hint --With- . eti! the ne.s.ssily seelsing leway (11. ,,,thoe 111"11,, Int.,,,jog filo wan, Which 110W 110 lenge'. formed an 011- :1110'10 the alliteking The next, eeme 6.„0 1), (emefaxg,ings pm. perly wIllt 011r passage, 1'1,1018 'And 1110Y utlerly desteuyed all that was h. ow ells. lit_44....1.11 num and weinaii, both yf ung alai 01,1, and 05, and sheep, end ass, with the edge of the sword," • FOR POTATO GROWERS EXCELLENT PAPER ON TOE PLAN.Ir BY 5111 W. T. 1111ACOUN. • Extend, From die Last Annual Report of the Secretary of the Seed Growers' Associatioe. Dueing the past year very meted/11 Progress has been made by way of per- fecting our methods of Pedalo Improve, meld end In instituting 1410 application Ihrolighout the country. Al the last meeting of the Association FL very ex- eellent paper on Potato Improvement Was road 113' Mr. W. 'r. Maroun, Horti- culturist al floe Content 1,,epertmentn1 Farm. Upon the work which Mr. Ma - cowl arid many other authorities on the potato plant, hole tit home and abroad, have dota, a system of potato 1111pmvc- ment. bailable for use among Canadian glowers was drafted and is being np- plied by several this y0111'. 'she system nelopted Is simple and practical yet is founded on sekuilinc principles, the in- dividual pinnt, being taken as the basis for improvement. The luls.rs produced by each plant. are, Morphologically con- sidered, simply swedlen pertions the vegettitive and not of Ihe reproductive eystem. The quesilon has therefore been. Tittsed aS la Whether Or not. the prinel- pies of breeding whedi imply in the ense <it sexuni reproduelkm through the seed, oblnin in a sextuil leiproduction perpelualion through parts of the vegelatipw system. Ilia variation Ls, as a rule, mere narrow then is seed varlet - lien. and some InvesligaterS claim Mat a part of tiny clinnot ,possess qua• lilies which diner materially from those of another prirt of tbe same planl. The hest obtainable.evidenee nt the present time does not, support this view and Ila "individuality" of different purls is NOW GENERALLY RECOGNIZED. Since the tubers preduced by any single front tire all distinct parts 01 that plaid the possibility of eerie Ran In the pro- ductive capacity and in other qualities is recognized. The system drafted for use by this A...socialion enables the growee to plant the seed lubees taken from the different bills which wore especially 0110500 nor seed .purposes the yen(' previetis, so 111111 any promising vineation Which May re- sill1 may be seleeled and used in endea- vowing 10 build up 0 strong, healthy end productive type, 1,urthermore, In al• most ell parts of Canacia, no matter il,41\- suitable. may the 141110i1111118 111 ro aro 111011y 141511lSO e011(1111011$ W1111 Ihe potato has 10 content. Un- rititudely men himself is often the worst enemy of the potato end uncon- sciously, vevy 111(1101.1511y, ns - Jests in its dOwnfall. The using ( f small potatoes 1101151 degeneeale lens is (vamps ono of the most glaehig ex - emotes of this as far as the seed Is eon- eened. Tho prnetising of Improper eget- vultural methods Is another commoe er- tree Against these things 11115 515111. is cealinually struggling year after year, end while (here is a m1111111101 slimiest 14 Ow finest wherein a few 1,151110 5110- ,6001 111 rtsing above the prevailing dif- ip an endeavor to maintain the slander,' af tho race, yet unfortunately these are quictely gathered In and hue - tried off to trinekel leaving the smaller, less desirable and often degenerate tub - ors remaining to be' used for seed pur- poses. \V1.111 stieh a system is there any Weildee why ire:my of aim best varieties lieve suffered a rn 51(1 decline unfit thay tire now prictieelly worthless? What is needed among potato growers to -day IS sonle practical system tyllerehy it may le possible to select for seed pueposes those hills which have shown them. selves supertoe to others enjoying equal opporbmities. In this way seed tubers which rank aboVe the average would In chosen while those felling short, would be Ignored, hence nuking for an upward inslead A DOWNWARD TENDIF.NCY. 'The need of just such nn errangement lies berm 'met by the Association in 'Is system of PoInlo improvement already 'referred to, . In undertaking systematic work AC. Cording 10 Ihis system 11 is eecononend- ed in the nest ploce 111111 a gelod shoul- mei variety be ehosen and 11111 lho best possible seed of Mal. variety with which lo state be secured. 'me Me beginnee Is nclvised lo test leo or three lending anirielles the first year in small plols 11. side by side. lo keep the Ifills minaret., e when digging pod, flee having deck]. 111 e,1 which variely hns given the Ipost 1 esults, to soled nod keep seporate of the best hills of this variety tor /Moil- ing the }weeding plet of Ole toilette- ing yCar Perowdenee WO the 'mob lotions as (nettled, While the minimum size of Ow seiel plot recognized by the Assacialion ,1%, acre, yet. in the 00,:e of pot/does 11 wes thought advisable to depart, sOmewhal, from this vete and to retitle:0 the stZe Of the plot le oite con- sisting of 25 rowe with 8 hills In each row, both Mos 1111 hills to be nt leesi, ol 24 illeheS anart, A plot‘tr, this size, it rio. was thought, shot101 not require more than the average grower can well afford le expend and more enreful ',vett on the purl of the grneitee Sholltd be enetntillif- ed From caell of 110. 25 chosen hills of 1110 most uniform. eniouth, sound tubers aro. 11100. chosen and each Jed of 8 tubers so seleekel is used to walla 010, of the eiglit-hillod Millis, a single whole lilbee being used lo plane eli011 hill, At Iturvest time eueli row is dug sepneately unit the 111115 Will1111 the 1014.0 nre likewise kept sep- erste fur exioninetion. Tbis arrange- ment permits the grower to eletermille 11081. the best. rot's and secondle Top; eeere ;guy; IN golp:oe; 11/Avo• The required number of speeintly eble bilis elm then he Ink( may for plantlng on the plot the followitig spying oh urswe Speeitd 1411111( (01•111s are sent. naeh grower in duplicate in order that, he 11111y 00(110,1 eertain in- ferneeten regarding the performance <I ettell row lobirrIng espeeially to yield, motley end fiealoni trent diseaso. While 11 is urged thet the (rep on the Im- proved plot be .spruyed for blighl, yet the spraying of the Breeeling plot is left, lo the diserelion of the individual grow- er, Ili disteiels pybere disease Is trelible- some the desirability of &yoke/rig strains capable of withstanding thew maladies iS such that. spraying is ig• oored and these plants whielt have shown llte greatest power 111 iosisling glisonse are chosen. The differenee be - two.% 1.111.101IeS lit 11100 11111111de. toward blight and abet diseases asobeerved tit the different Experiment Stations io nolleetible that the development of (11s - ease -resistant sloain.s seems to offer great possibilities. Nele.—Potato growers looking tee; maxInium erelis arn reeninniended It lry the nbove System. While 011y0110 May carry on the work independent . the abeve Association, yet there are eve - Min advantages which conic Iheough. 'organized effoet, We advise ull, there - lore. who desire to know mere of this ve<ele communiente et ()nee with the eseiceetary, Canadian Seed Growers,. As- stociaLlon, Canadian Building, Ottneet, Ont., as the best Lime for selecting for next year's crop is.not far distant. l'rilined to Avoid the Customs Officials on Swiss Border. Willi reference to the dogs which Ihe French Finance Minister has ordered to be tridned for service with the Cus- ins officers, the Pitris T,iberte givis an interesting aticount of dogs employed contrnband work on the frontiers of Switzerland and Italy. Between. 1440 Nfaggfore and Lap di Lugnne, on the large tract of count ry Deluding Swiss and Italian Wrrituey, number of persons train dogs to assist el NI :11: o \11:111: gli°•111:11- en into Hely. Each animal Ls brought up on the 1111111111 stele. neer the frontier. 11. eell foil, well. haiked aftee, and receives op, it is taken aCroSS 10 the noure.1 Swiss There a nem dressed like un Italian Customs ()Meer 111-11.eitts it and torments It in. various WASS, 1.11- 1.1miing ils food, which. Is coarse and ad. Aflor to week ov two of this regime the dog's training is] completed. arid Otero is nothing left lo do boll to fasten a parcel of tobacco to its neek and set 11 free. When Ibis is done the animal immediately fOr 1110 place where it was so happy In Italy. lf, on arriv- al nt the reordiee. it perceives an Rah- Cuskens officer. it stands lo reason II.n( it will avoid him. few the sight of Mc uniform is sufficient to make 11 re- 11,ember the 111-tretiOnent it receieed in owieterialid, Contraband by menns of ilogs tem' mistiming Filch inieortnni. 'worm, lions Old the 1h1litin tkovernment has latd lo take serious steps to check it. In the wooded pails along the Italini) frontier a paltilatle IWO 111011'0S lias li0011 sol ttp. It is high enough. to pre- vent. the dogs from jumping over N. ThorO aro galos al regular inlervnis for tho convenience (if travellers. nod it is through those Ilea the animal ,passes. Many of lho dogs 100 every year. but that dues not prevent centra - 1 lind by this means. —=- 1)110 IVINS SONS TO SPITE NV11,11 Father nulls Two iloys Into Motif, then Boasts of Act. A revolting reline was 001110111101 re- eenlly nt the fortifications on the south- west, Nide or parte, prance, whets; a father drowned his Iwo boys, eged 7 and 9 yenrs, The niurderer is a eesternionget named Pierre Alfonso, Reboil, some mouths ngo his wife and children left him, owing lo IliS loutality. Then one day lie attacked his wife with a Mae and trirat In kill 1111.. She, In self-de- fence, Ilred at mut wounded him with a revolver. 1,or (his she Pens tried and no - emitted. Nline. Iloilo,/ recently l]egan (evolve proceedings against her hus- band. tail vonsented 14. his seeing Moir Iwo S0110 011(e Week. 1 te. Wended 10111 Wif0 10 l'00011S1(101` Iler (100181011 1111(1 go beck lo 11111), bul she refused. . lloliert then called 111 1110 house of lils wife's pnvents tord: iwo beys foe 11 They \vent to Sevres, flild 011 their way linelc lo Issy-les•ykilinemix he suggested welt: Mole the lop of Ihe forlitlealions. '1'111, link consented, Thera is a moat \vith water afoul len feet deep 111 this point. 110(1 when Ileer n1101111011 kvilS diStrachid fol. a moment, (110 inhomon tallier gave both bids V1011111. push. They fell tWenly-five feel Mk) Me wens, Mel wow disnviititl. After \veiling 111011 they lind sunk kw last liew. molly walked to Ills ife's home 11110 10111 114?1, WI1111 had ,118. Afterward fie milli. to the uptice,t 1.:',111.0 and gave himself up. ly [Time was prenictlilnled," 11e de - marvel. "1 Immd Illy Wife 111 11110 111110, noW 1 linhl her. 1 1(1104' Ilint killing my boys I woul<1 hreatt her boar% 'I ht.refere 1 did 11." TIW 1 \rrtili)rt, toi "itft for a Iwo weelks' prowl 111 PI, SI ,v("1,., oh?. lite first gutdr. 111:,' hey," in camp will tniss you, pricy," "ninnies," replied 1110 serond guide, of linty, "I holm Ihis 'mullein' limiter ph rn 111.1 city will (le, the sante," ' • -4- 141-444/14044,11,041440fr442,9449 sworttliiing, dry, .1i15 1110 salmon With n salmon and put in 1111 Ii1,1 Of ceekianul Boy ono leite etainaltitt. wash off Me C01101 roll 011 min 5100 or dough. ft -amount and Salmon Sithal.--Pick 111) GOOD 1:00lifNil Eggs ill Gravy.—Taloi eidelsen 1.14.'Tlvit',1111110411.(0111.CilitiliC.iltligdn411S111:1(111Z1:‘1:'',i:p‘111111:1 11 118 many eggs 11A Will 11111'1' 111, bol - Nan of Ihe dish. Sprinkle hread Over top 111I11 Italie ill a oil Slicils or toast, Baked Chit/ten Fricasee.—Seitiet nice (11111:1,•11;1.11'.1'eili11, .s11i1)111,117 butler end flour race piece thoroughly; (,,;11,1. \viol 1„,,ping vut 111 l'iry thisircit; Milo, Ili slow men. and serve hot baking powder biscuits. Sweet Potato Pone.- cam quart of grated sweet potatoes; one large table- spoonful of butter; one imp of sugar; ono cup of molasses; one-half pint of swoei ittilk; IWO tablespoonfuls (11 ground ginger; gilded par' of ono sweet Orange, 5.115 well and bake in bultered pan. in nuelernle oven. Apple sinew culce.—rous eep sugar, add one heaping cup green apple stin-!0, tme-111111 teaspoon cloves, one leastston cinnamon, one-loalf cup huller, me, and one -11511 cops Ilot.r, one ell() 0110 tenspoon soda, dissolved in ti little Warlil water, and 01151 nutmeg. Try sample in mutat tin and add more flour if !waled. Cheese Ontisiet.—usei from five to len eggs, [Fyne/ling to the size of the ben- ne. 01111 whisk [hem thornughly. to 11,0111 grilled cheese and stilt mid pepper lo taste. Dissolve In a small, (demi fry- ing pan two et three Melees of butler; pour in ingredients, and as sOon as floe k well risen and appears guile firm, slide it clirOfiltly oil to 11 hid dish 111.c! 1101, Unfa Mug Sponge Cake.-1,ive largo eggs, one level tonspoon cream of larlar, 011P alip gramilliknt s1,5111', 1n10Stl11111 cup flour and half a tonspenni of xanilla. sift both sugar and Item. Dem 00 (lye Mims. Beat whiles; whin) Mit beaten add the cream ot tartar and eon - Mete beatieg unlit (wry stiff; Ilion eare- fully fold in, In ieweession. the tower, ilultr, and well-boalen yolks. flake in moderate oven. Appetizing sauce for Meals,--Titke 00020 cup of tomato pulp. a green pep- per ;seeds excluded), one 01111)11. 11 few celery 1eavos finely mineed. Then add half a Clip of 10111011 or plirr iliegiir; boll till lender. 1111.11 1ttid a tablespoonful of seem' ned mei 41 ,sall (mil pepper (.1 lase.. Pse pienty (1, pepper. A. 111110 cornslar,1] dissolved eohl water gives firmness. lt to] dry add more tomato juice. 1,111.11,min rly g.0t1 with halced or Ivied chicken or fried 11.7.111-tgell'ilstil.';t. \\'eluut, one.. cup of brown sugar and 1111]] a cup oi Ingether. Iwo eggs, told tele-hulf cim sweet mine. two cups 111- (1,011', 1111(1 0110 largo teaspoon of linking flOW(100. 1111-11 rently Mill Clip I ..11g.,s,1 1‘11111U1s, (topped not too fine, and one cup seeded wItleh sheatti we; go I red hefere adding to peeveni sluicing le the belloin. A little gritted nutmeg muy 1,e lidded if desived. Bake hi a leaf in a slow ovon ithout one Mew. This eake 1110' 110 kept for 11 \\Tit 01' lew., Roston PeIntoes.—Put ling a pint of 1111111 11110 n Sniirepnn W1111 twit tin (Intim. a small blodie of mime. a few thin strips of lemon peel 11111 salt and pepper; let the millt 1111 and then simmer for twelve minutes. 51011 linlf an mince ot nour, Men add the which should be strained, and slir unlit Me' sauce has thielceneel. (311 four or five belled pulatoes into thiek slices and make them hot in the sump; when they are ready let the sauce boil up, then rilInnVe 1110 pan f00111 010 0101'0 and slir 11'. the yollc n11 egg whieli tins 110011 110/000 lin ‘\ icaspeourni or tenant 111100. 011,1 a desSt(cisitoonttit 01 parsley ;and arrange ilie potatoes neatly in a hot dish. i1000"so ECONcy.‘twil. Use Cork ror sceuriug.—Talie a cork instead of a cloth lo :wow' kiihws; it gels hIlo Ihe corners holler, 1111d :MATS yOlir Prevent Loss pf tceep buttons from pulling out en <litters waists, use cirehis cut out or kid gloves to mateli waist and pal on 1111,151' side or hand (Ind sow thread. throngh (»Id circle. Stein fiwce shi1d's siochil For mothers whose boys met girls \war on1 Ilic knees and lines of Mole shod/nes. Niko 0 pieee of strong muslin. mil .111 bine. met see, on Ihe fosideet letwes end heels as soon as 1101101. II also makes it easy for 11100 hildrim on dark 111i1c1f- ings to 111111 whielt is right and wrong Side or stockings. Bedroom Econolny.—old cotteit pan- no1 b1111111015 111111:1, sp1011010 1110110 and Sole) rags, end lest. surprisingly tvell, 'helm; smoolli and soft, and take up woke, readily. Pillow (moos made with open emis ani best. mot are lail 111110 W01.10. 111 this Way tliCy ,011 lie WOrn MI firma -al. and 110 lanns ruled lei made eit Mem, They iron belieti, nod, they ene lritnnted liked. NIA], Underskirt \Veer Tougo. buying o seersucker or black 0/110011 1111e1C0A101. 00 05111 11 Silk one. tiny -one taahos longer than 1111 41.11t, 1 granter that has two 11100c Hints oo the bottom, .NItike a lack one and a 111111 manes wide In the tipper porlien of the skir1 When the lower mane 1,e. comes (rayed. 1•111 tiEl; hem Ike op.• aenia +mil lid coil the hadc 111111 ynil laity hi skirl as good as new. Women's waists from Men's shirts,• • "N, mon's shirt fIrs1 emirs mil al 1 lie y< cuffs. down the eentre n11111 end am111111 lir collar.: then it eon be used tor one sn r Ihe 11110' plain sliiirlWflisls. l0s0 iron! ri.41;11, ror ha:(h. 1111.-0 1110 t or mos, nat1ern eNtreine end or lir) honole. nes I•idoes leest eon) lit ;mound mak. 1,0,1 bole, of shirt to dill 111 shirtwaist nallt r11 001 in centre tishig ihe remaining sld ip for 111 down front and cork. • 10011 1 hr(nv • .kway noxes,--Savo tin be tho boxes that you gel. for they all are eonvenient to use, 'she berry boxes are Us0tui for pulOug peelings and scraps to, thus saving Minty trips le the gar- 111,51,'111.01.11'1.111.111;ersh;iit'ull1)(t!Peal: 111.Kst',501(.1.11P'ete111111107, 'rho 111110 ro111111 Ilg ba.slcels make pretty 11111r lly lug ribbon 10 the baskets 10 hung them up, lion-isin boxes may 1» used foe veneer again, and leis while pasteboard 1.10X0S 01'0 g,0011 1.1 1011 1111'11Y 1111/1?, things, If Mere arii ohildren in the house, cigar boxes are 111t111:50 411111.111.11ce lillte leys und dolls' fund - WW1 Eeonomiee, pretty corset <levers how !eft ot or Neves of light lawns ;eel eeijoino, Thee aro sereiee. Mile 41' *Ten' dily 1` eel, and last longer Man the: thinner goods, besides having been poi, to a good 1150, They can be Irminied with left -over !two if desired. ow Mum handkerchiefs should be laid the neslieine 1.11A0, Wit.. ill 1.11.0 1/f Italy Will LP appre in Mile. <if need, (11(1 sash ouriains can les 410111111'11 11101 11,40t1 for .strionnig the jaeti-e fried from 1110111S, 11111A keeping the howl of fal ideim•looking and whole- some, A tumbler of wider idiots] 111 the cake (lox will aid in keeping the mike inelsi. Change tle• wider every two thole days. • V.‘11.1".A11-1,1..1 PAIti-711N4IS RUINED. • White Lead Among Piements l'royed Great Allenefion for Rills. The f..,111Vro Ls 1101 111e 0/11y p1,111 00 gni- 01.1 111 1.1411101. NV111,11 1111S fmni V1111,11111S111. F01' .011111fl ((flys Inc guar- dinlis the "sidle ,Ies ;11 Tele loese. 1011, 10.en rneliing their lirains find mil the misereants guilty of injur- li);, several of phitures eitlioslcd their coris. The injuries w -ere confined 10 sr...retches tie‘ canvases, till one. 101y 11 p11!IlICLt LI! Jean Paul 1.1411'011$. MlIS 101111d 11[111/10d novily. 10'11110 all examination of the pionire mai the preeinels was going on. ow; or the 1404,11000,,, 1„ 01o011i111, ill 1110 Words of Ilinehit: "How now ? A rat r acqualid (owe e the classics lind lo the solution of tbe \t‘alyas011].:.ritoitits,,x:1111,111111111,1511.10, by smung ti A waleli was set on the rodonts, wooden balustrade, Climbed along lel hey newhed their flivorile pieture, ll.eie inclusion inio the realms of art. It could be nanny surprising thal rats ,(1 this comity would. disdain. the "springer to ]•titch woodcock." and 10111, consequeully, fat and etwese intend- ed 10 lure Moot lo destruction were no - Fleeted 111 favor of a 110.1 of Joan Paul .alwous. 11111, what fat mid (lease failed 1., do 11 sprinkling, of ilmw round the traps finally needniplishrtl„ The last remaining mystery—the rat pretension for .101111 Lnurens, In i sett it sign of coninlendaliti? good 111010, 41171, 11"11.11.1o1Ylii S'411Tvfilinit:11:1111•14lsr,'"?n supplit'.11 with white lead among iis pig - monis, and. anhough dually fatal to the tali...ate <lige:slams ef the four -footed eonnoisseurs, il wits this. nliti 1101 1ln: 11"1111ISI itIC.le8111.Sslivilut'l:11, 1'i...7111)1111k:1. 1'41'1141k 00 when, \Oil a .11111111, they rea-lied 1 ledge beaee 11, now 11,,,y slur, STRIKES STARVE CITIES OUTPA TAKE$ IVA A TOWN 'To mcovir,n. A 14 011•11w Is Worse Than War In Ss I[ffeets ['poi) the Business ee, (leen- ivies and ' jove year; agf, Mare wkby y,11010,11100 strike in Southern Sweden, orgiteizeei .seeinsi universal suffrage, Slot*. holm suffered kelt). but the situation in Ifelsiligfors 111, Pp 19ruble. rhero tvas 110 gas, candles, ran out, food Manned 111 why, and the inithoeithis elesed 1.11 the publie-houses. Boats and Mane: ,s1opped running. So Mil 1114 IrMils mid cabs. Althougli this strike lasted barely a wook, mane melt -to-do peoph, were left .m11.1)0141 the bare eeces• Sllrieti Of life. Tile bitterest strike ladllos 1,111vc bron fought out in the L'Ilited Stales. 10 1903 rot the to des and cmilers ill the great town (4' Deliver, Colorado, stop- ped wale. The railwaymen were al- ready en strike. mai the result \vas that all the eating houses and most of the hotels wen, elosed. Thousands of Den - 004 people. are aceitstomed to taking' Moir meals in restaurants, Ilie system being hi purehase meal Octets by 1110 &veil. 11 W11•.: 1111 05(reqrdinnry ,sight to see men eel, money in their pockets ale seluiely unal,10 le buy food. Many pri- vate houses opinwd, 11111r 0001.5 to thOSO ponplo, but if Me strike had not been einuptannisecl at the end of a a•r011ght the situation eould have been VERY SERIOUS INDEED. The most dreudful strike scene of ',e- vent yeara Was witnessed in May, 118)5, 11/ British tourists, WI10. landed iron] ihe strainer Veal's, at Malagaoin Spain. An artny of 1,00u ragged, starving men ordered the town 00 Wednesday. the 21111 of the month. Thls starvatic.11 army came (rem small towns in neighbor- hood whieh had been ruined by tho agricullitral strike of the previous win - lee. Many of the peasants dropped in the streets from weakness, and their end their gaunt fares und bony frames proved that their sufferings were terribly real It is a grifil Dull Hint file death -rata a the district rose •to double the aver- 11:Te during that spring. and summer, 'rho French town of Nantes was re- duced In n Slate which would Imre been e/d1110 110,1 it tan 110011 by a min - billed strike of nursery gordeners and dairymen.. All tiw greengrocers and dairy SlitIpS N‘I'Ve CIOS011, ThIlre 15115 111.1t eablinge to be had for love or t- 111ancy. ancl il must he remembered filet Fomeh people 110c) on vegetables to a fat' greater extrn1 than NAT do. The worst of it was that the unfortu- nate ehildren tind the patients in the hospitals eould gel no milk. AL lesd. the Wer0 orcler0t1 to escort pielced detachment of xolunIcer milkmen to 1110 di.lry forme, and in this way milk was at last obtained, and soon afterwards NEW SIM` TO SAIL 10 MR. Pr De‘fseil by a 1,renelt Professor. An original aeroplane hits lwen de- vlsed by Professor Bided, of the Freneli Aendenly Oiediein k The machine, 0,1.1•11 is described LI a gyixmlane, 26 yalds squills,. wt•ig115 1.215 rounds. and is provided with a in -horse power 01,1er. 11 lies 11,1 rowel. than thitty.i.wo r 1/111,;, distributed ever fold, "gyros," ur eireuler systems. Professor 110;04 and Messrs, Ilveguel, emoslriwlors, 1•011- lhat ironi the great mensure of sueeess they hove attained with tt ige- spc Hwy may reasonably Lino grrillitti'l'ixje.h';'pli':1•Iii(i111e1srd a few days' no the tfllic:Isul'110.1pre minelinit., in which ono <1 the party wits seatint, rOsil reeetving the slight- est impulsion 10 a tlislinwe of two feel frc ihe ground. and 11`11111111Vd ill Me am for a period of ono minute, after what it ennie (Iowa again. \velem( the slightest shock. An expeelnient was Ilion made (1'1111 110hOdy in 1110 chair. 11110 Ilic Machille rasp and NOVVI*111 1/11111110S 111 Illt. 1111% Niessrs. liroguel maintain Ilini their experiments have given penelical proof that 1110 prIlleiple (V111C11 111O roplaite is built is an enormous 1111- axvement on all other aeroplanes, „wow tonuilmiod the patent -churn 101m, as the 'riling. 1.11.11SA MOM lore rapidly pitsl, smashing out iinlinabillatory S11111118 111l'S 1, "1110,0 fiilloWs aril pretty nearly 011 dead run; \Vila( makes them morel] At fast 't" '"Srytng 1(1 gill flWay from 1110 music, 1 guess, vilified the landlord .of the 11:11;18111.11.11Y1,11,"t 1g) to' '1.11\1I11,1111‘1131'0h101\V.11115 IMSSI" A W'AIIM 11ATI0 A young man went Into a restaurant inal ordered roast 1101'f, 011101. 11111 runs, 111 a 1.011' minutes a trim little waitress tripped up •wt111 the order. she turn- ed lo leave the young nein diseovered IMO the meal wns (Mout ns cold as re. Niger(' tor. "1 don't rime for veld beef." lie sni,l, I should like kr hate il hot, - The Young women loult the pinto, mid plug to Iles dumb -wailer shaft .sholikal dem), "Ilorteese, I wan< this meat lad; Pour e41110 Wur1I1 11-' 011 Ur TOR 081.1.11, If seemed to Robby that (twee was 110 1110 10 MO advice and instructions his mother gave him ‘‘ hen he wns skirling oil with his fallow for ri week's trip. Now I want to I» sure you 1111 1-0 aryllthit; n Slia sniff, opening s Lag in spite of his assureinces lhat held an a boy could possibly require. 11,y. nobby, whet.° ts your haeoeresh? al Morn foegelling "No, 1110110w. Wasn't forgetting il." id Roble.. looking despernle, "1 •eglit yet' said I was 0,1115 rut 0 1.0(.11. qt." 0 001) (IP 11A1O, NV111011? -1 tualorsiand he 1-, 1110 worst 11ar in n " "On the contrary, lie is perhaps the " tk THE STRIKE COLLAPsEr). The g,tient Ilallan labor strikes of 1905 had very sovietise consequences, Milan suffered w,,I.At or lin. Tn, loss to tho town mi., sot. $6,000,000, Provisions rose to treble !heir usual price. and Nosh meat wits absolutely unobtnimilile after first fortniget. At Naples the streets \vow hariNtilod. Nuples has lite largest 10,portion of opy poor el any luege city in Europe, and as it 0001111 of tho streets a groat numy unfortutiates starved outright. It was afterwards calculated that Iles loss (if life attributable direetly to the strike hIANIAP'11,eniti(s‘1.81.51tensetttir.illYes'2,s,01)11.");,e up the rail - and until food could be tonight in by sea, the elle was in a very serious slab\ For week, fresh fruit, vegeluldes, eggs, and milk were unob- tainable. There aro plenty of instances of 1311- "st. towns being completely ruirtod strikes. The most notorious is 11101 of the NN'elsh quarry village <1 Bethesda, e here the men renoahled out for the ml- peeeedenhid period of three years. No fewer than 1,8110 men loll llie place al- looelher. Ilappily, TIIE TROUBLE', IS NOW ENDED, end 1110 great l'inirhyn slate quarries onee nutro resound with drill and piek. Another W'elsii town, Illrestin, near .\berdaro, suffered even more seriously than did Bethesda. Mee 11 had a popu- lation of over it 111011sand sturdy colliers. These street< in September. 1903. When OW1101.0 decenred that the men is 11 s mie011.11ereyt they offered to resew work the repair the damage clone 10 the mine by the weeks of disi.se. The, Minors' Feder- alion It -fused to allow ibis, As a toSUlt, the iiWilers the colliery, and 1111, Wain was ruined. A simile', Incident ended the career of Meridian, in Mississippi. The heeds employed by Mr. Moss Graham, a Um- bcr struck, Mr. Graham wanted rerlain concessions. The Men, 1,1.1 content, asked more. Tired of 1111100 (notation, Mr. (William lolew up his mills (tint dynamite, burnt Ids yards, rinci lett the \\*realest vielirnot (If 'rrade Unam tyranny to slarve.--Pearson's W'ELT, EQUIPPED. Nnggs---"Mrs. Chal lerton certain- ly has a geed nose for scandol," . Noggs—"Yes, arid rt good mouth foe pulling 11 in circulation." NO STINT. Mrs, Chatterloo; "1 always weigh my rds before speitkin g." Ntr. Chullorton; "Well, my dein', no elm ran 11501100 you of giving short, weight," 4 ITIS ,10N13. Said Ile "Young men in reel life .1011 often go wild over blonde Iresseei fisSInlitlYS(11()te 1:11"111)(o"Iedts.1"hey 0" Said Ito ; "No. It's the black lockS they go (inert over." She--"Yeet said you W(eie 54,111g MI4kry on Artist, and MVO ;teltriel 'mote. el '1, n dentist." Flo—"M'ell, an *MO' 111 draws Ircint 'NAT ira,"