The Brussels Post, 1907-10-17, Page 6CURRENT TOPICS.
has:been only a yern's stave talb-
nutria's\ boats were coulomplitIcil seriotts•
ly and now Ihere are In exislence 1 17
veSsels_Of this type Bud ure mOre In' less
Praelical tinder water. Eighly-six no\\
befits are Process of building. \A hilt
11 large number are -01nel:whiled
d:rievent powers, Tile size or the Lunt,
has adonneed steadily from only a littli
Intim than duu Ions to an approximatu
. .
4.1.4o0 ions Tlw ptAVer
the .mtlehinery has incrensed, even it•
greater firoportioti, or from MO lc, kor
PoW0T. The elcelrik. 11101.0.0 liSed
for propulsion tinder Ille sill.fae0 now
have inore than 1.0111 !alike horse p0Wer,
1‘10S1 of the vessels Imo evolved fmn
the Holland type, which tins proved Lq11.
cient. The United Slides has eight res.
sols In commission, Ripon hus bum'
seten, France leads' the list will' fortr.
while Great Britain has thirty-seven
boats in commissimi and eleven on
electricity operates a small
lighting plant. '1110 windmill stands
a lower fifty feet high, nutt operates i:
force fulolP Of iwcIve-inch strelo\ with 11
eylinder threi.s and 4me.lialf hallos 11:.
diameter, The waMe is ptimpod to
regulator, situated in. tha basement 0:
Ito blinding. This regulator consists of
a cylinder in which heavily weighted
plunger IS filled. When the cylinder is
'filled with .water the rising piting.:0-
sltikes a Lille!), which evens a valve in
a pipe communicating directly with a
v, titer motor. The water tnedor e011.
!tooted to 11 dynamo. which in turn gen:
etrates the eleetri.:. power nec.0s,sary le
taergizeille lighting system. A storage
battery 1.1k provided to store any execs,
of current. or to. store, the entire ,intrail
of current \\lien the lights are hid h.
115e A.8 automatic s\vitch connects
41,\ Immo with tile storage Isittery so that
-when the dynamo stops tke runs shoat\
Myron! from the battery will
or crate isiek theehglt 1110 getsl'at,•i•
Owing lc, tho \veiWil of- 111,.. plunger
the regulalor Itto \later nmtor is undo'
At last: The upper half of his fnis•
.Okt W11.111, flti 1110 11100111114111. 011 the W
.i11,1 ibt! hulf eased al a bushy.
Mot beard, licrov grow 11 6y Nature.
Shad slid over balcony and
: iLk Within 11011161 1,11,11 of the great
'11 Ilse -1111d vongoalive. vengo.
Itsom that ho Mal 1,,-04,41eit upon and
Iv.isted inlo a. hundred shapes, in nis
/tow wnY. Maing near !is many long.
IligIlls it, WrY.-11celer 41111.
Ile had passoil the prison -ph s al
•lawn a week ago. No one bilov, where
.1 how he !wit spent Me interval, and
.1110 t`Ver WolIld !MOW. 111 55 pre.
g 1)ndi thOIT for the rettlaind-
s. (.1 his life 1,111 not until he bad ex-
hausted snred of ettnning and
•1111.». of 11111,4,10 in sonm parnlyzing
• 111 HP. 1111111 who. bad put him them,
..ent his ire and children far away,
-yid dm\ sl Min ever to return. to .111
le'ighls:ris.o,1 for a third pulley ponele
e..nvieti, 11. Atal hole 111111
\\51111.` d' Initifs man -
in and somewhere within, slri 16110,1
st his Isd of (hewn and linen. ti,y
man bans:L.11-f :,,Ionet llorttoy
use„I. P., rotired officer and rel'11101
1:,rerything eomes to the 1111111 wlei can
wail -especially rivenge. All Shad's
i.,torions plans Mut gone in a flash this
inni0 lamming. \vlien a freak had
..1".116,10.1 111111 10 plIrellase '1110 loe111
it. wspiiper at a ti•w11 near by. Ile
'0,as ,1111..06 to knot‘. whaf had happen-
,: round m'ryohoster during his Moir-
-oration; but ono column hnd
his faculties -he read no more,
Thrilled dully. he had slohn away
quiet ecumer. And as 1n. 5011
• ringers slowly closing around 1110
-11.•sl deadly %%Non, put \\ Man 11
,•motwful man's rezieh-a woman's
'it urn
1 tun asked to give my „precious giril in
3 fit, 115,111
"Akdttki11- 1110 .01110r eehoetl, \kith 1,11
uneasy laugh. "It is Into in Ilie day
lo talk of 111111, I should
nes, Spzii.ltin„vou thought it htle.,'''
lie Met inastercil the surge in Iln. sans\
Instartl. "But it is not loo laid! To -
111.1.08., if 1)ti spared •
(11(1 at tho fanlight and down hi th,
'5'11'1111 1111P.111.1 'awe sltiluting 811+11'11111
Aba•white's hatf-Intrned on.:1111. 1 to
Seelned 1+1 -rise, draw breath. 11161
(.11' the door,
tomight. 1 111ww 1 had onemies
has every snecessfin 5\ ell
y0111. suspleions ther,,ughly in
co .1 blisal after breaktnsl. 11. thal fads
V.1- 56111 1I'llre 5111 ilecisi.nt to Nora. 1110,
heart has lo 1, 0,11,1410reil, flood night!"
"55.4. will. "To.inorivw shall decide
an, Good -night!"
„dosed: 110 had .gon0 out --
g°110 4.:1111Y 1111 to his roonn. A 1110.
nientS sitenee, and Ham 1-u-dond
licuse had groped for the glass doors
snit Ihr.,55 111.0111 open, tips open-
oo, socincd 1.1 draw in a long
di aught of tho milk -warm alt.. Maybe
hini-elteekod some preellii-
101/ 1111/11ke. !It' turned. kick. Ile was
?nziting oul lia, ligul--no. it shot lip
again. Thrilled ;is it 110 \Vete watching
drama. Shad lward a disbud. tiny
Lon tinl:to. A second more, and it was
answer.41. •
"13r4,11:yr 1-.4.,10nel 5N-4.001.n:so said,
in a go-mt. different voice, "Find Miss
undersland. She
554.nt. 1,., room. she Is md
11slelv. Toll 1:er to c'olne doWli 10 me
imr•'..--olielly-Oo understands!" .
sneadity ki and fix, his refleeted
iimved the swcrd of light -••to find
fro. - salad '11;1116,11 had 11•14,..1 ..10 draw:
away, and could no!, His mind acted.
1:111 tad his limb:, And presently -- pre -
sonny be know that the itoorwa,r lie-
framisl No161. I 101' S1018. whis1der
Ito 6 :11.41 picture every
lino of 11,1. face and figure-.
"oh, 61.01 11111 T1,11 nu, 111 01150,--1
fan not hear 111 1 cannol 1.11. And the
quie1 voiee iinswered •
wmdd sooner bear what may
nrove Iffeliine of terrible dasilltzsion
Thevc 11 was. with all Me wealth 4.1 Batt man? Yes, I speak so
mat elaborate detail peen- lo-nighl-that man! Is hint eloquent
to 14,0111 news -sheets upon Ionics enough? Is ther..i nothing that will
oncorning lo•ntt gentry. Mis, Nora Joido y-:-,11 think again? N<Atillig?"
Nv,„:101,,,n,„,,.. ,.1,1,1101:1 „Ally eluid- She WZIN 'In a vcicc of iron.115
.11,1 111.• ,nily thing he was beliored to \loll 401:-
1, 106,12 Ulan Iiiinsolf-was about lo "II ag-iny enough to me; but 1
111 0.61 -rim.„ -0 to sizirian piths, lho ir0111. tied your taippiness,
011114,st emshint presslir0., \\*Mal " di'la111 r'1"1,1"11• ,w`y-1 11'11 ';11 ds' in 11'4' 5,5*“...rld• 11° nns• Pv"
plunger reaches thc t0•1M.o c,f ,.31111. .16maica. 1111“ 11101 11:1 an'wer- 13ei'we 1 La
vlmse (link, ince hrtil several sirmger step. 1 ask you -is it r.....alty
it $1,i1I-''" iriP wilii.11.,k'''''s11iPviltv( tones set a Mein in 1110 neiglilmr114,•-,.1 Ii -ye that litimls you 111 spite ot your -
111 pipe runithig to Me wider nrltor, in the hist 5,w years. sof.? if y -cur own heart 10 crying oul
The 11e1kk'11 45 the illotor 11111 vendereit that 111e engage- 1,, ki pauso and nlake sore, ev(11
int, ninth:tit, mint 1110 01104. betere been aniromecd, Nam!"
w.:1111,1 5411,6 she wIlispet,e(1.
Ihe "II would mince a bad
sif liim, when„ perhaps, my in.
•, I" Ile took. nu engor
"Nora. (lulling. I'll sisaik must:
T1110 itigitl--Itus night I haVo hild he -
,r0 him a rimis 1,, iny enliicgranis. ln
11,1,1 we Ile ecltes here 10 1'0 11.5
• 11-`00kd 51'11115. llis ,131zintali•iins are
mortgaged lo Elie hilt. N.,.
115101-- ymi shall defend him after-
wards! 1 bleak votir 115:11 I bare
Ilt. 111.e Thi, --this (loos not
160-06.. I e-181.1 nol see y.111 Wot11.1111-.1: '15
011- 'Ms ditimond -and put,
:ing 11 1, your 11,,s. 1 holt 11, Norzi•-.-
1 it fru: 111,, r0"611 111;51511'S. It 1,
g:eistly 111.-1111 iny g11.1.
'11.0... 1;',1 6 1.0/.•1111110 shire 11.11
I; lir+ lit'. 11101 dets.16.1/..1 111;151 still-
: 00. "shad IlailL01 0,1161 not haVe pre-
,. 1 10 100065 in. Ile snw
6, les lingers driwing back Ilie
tee s'n :hug deadly w11110, 11, r
:Mood s. s•eladhile..:
ole e:se •1:1‘.1 :\s
55. dell • :-..,rang. ho pal I:5,k .1is
"N n. rev, r Iso.leve an111---
It fiel-lied. 1.4a1 enti...111
1+ 1V: 11 11', 1.111111,
"11 111iiy 0!I; y 1. In e 1.1 11161
11-:••1v•• 11, 1 •mi•1 1 r..1..111,:,
1.0, 11m 1M111! 110 1:ri,vo. wliat•
5,5 U. 1.A Ilit, world think
6. hal 11 win. 1 , 11,9 11.1 11, 65•11 d„:
1,101-, Wk. 1.0 -night; aial you lopoff
ei slo\vIr 0111,
• s(eined ,11e rge 110 011 ;1 s1111.1.0W,V
M•• am. Ile 7-'111,i.1 areund. sbalien. tat.
11. .0.1,110,1 6, T11,-11 1,0 his oy,s-••
it: nigh; I long nights 111 11111.
scarcely 161100 int,t 111,11
.:e 101,1 111 :veil. he was mild 1113,04. glass
e.r, owl lying Ilal denealli the e..:11,11 0, Nlises loomed in 111,
n died ,,11:, tenting every Ilene 1,7"
1. • ti:.1 acute sholeh. Prv,phy Immo in,
Th.. pia 0s do .rs v. lolled. The lighl
1..01 +011. Brophy 1111.1
111ler 11 ;vs w;111 11111111cd king,
'ham silenco d ,w11,
(Ine.-1W i-1111.10.--110 kept 011 501111 1.;
ing 111111. Aloggod spells, It f•eenroil
that 1101 tw, hours 11:81 lieked by, Ile
nal endure it 16,1 another Ilthillle--•
slumbering devilment had oozed front
• ill. slruck a Intileh, 101elc those
.looi.-holls ill relidilless, 111n.1 callghl 11
i".1ht .150 + 5 Ilimself 11K! nary ,r. 11
hini. tail set his 100111
egainsl ills halved was
dislilleil es:, nee 1,1 numnlist fem.
ttils 41 tho 11,,mmti 0111y.
swout tits tmod, 14,11 A 11111+.1t
• the passage I'm tho Mick.
esi.peled stair he wont in his 11e:eking.
ed teel, only pinisIng once
11Y 1-1 111 the 1111511 al]
abmil 110 had beim 11ore 0611.1..
L.11:11. 15\1.1,11; 11111 1.;t01111,1gpii.ificeN V+1;(1.,11,tigne-1111.14)1111114111.11 1241
f• 1 ly years- to loww Mal fluve was
idy 4.1,0 wholow lo 4.11(1) r00111 111 1110
,, facing him. 110 had 11111 lo
11111 11 .1.06. for evory
v0,1,01,1,1, 0,,11111 fight his \vny 1,11,i1(
end \\ 1.1. another day. The 18\nril
11 ev,ryllting!
111. fionul lho l'0•181. 'rwiro
v.,011 back. hi be sure of it, 'There wns
carliiin draping Ilie then% 11111I 1110 oak
Ile .4-1110 porliore rings hroughl a 1:11gle
tii , 1,4,1 , 4-41 his 11111r. But tt ple-sed.
!Ili • was loekeil: lho
\hse.11:110,111 11111hailig,81111 Id111,1111.1,,(v:in,ric,f)141.11,-,
P. Vkils thilhellieed 000.10 ycars itgo
sunlight NV116 iierio••1 germieitte. Thal
and disease breetiiiig inicrobos
(1,:adit be killed by exie,sure lo 1110. ritys
of lite sun was proved ee,neinsively. rind
saulight cure for ec•vtain ainnents
Wfis luau 6-1i:011111C fillar.
101.s. 11111 ri.k exoorim•-•m, cif nr,
/11t1 11`:•10111 off for some Illyiderb.11, r•01-
,11 noN't,r. falIV,ItWd; 1011
I i; I, d is. T. 01 ly sili..press0L1 all refer.
10 1111 pust.
'1:0 he ma rrh! That 11..:,„ir • was
shad's Bogor. following
wood:. only 0114.04 as he proeeedcd.
li:veryone for miles around Iiief'd Miss
N•rzi, w:th her smiling 4. -yes and guild,
Ins only slop. 11,1,1 a stisson (.1 costly
wo,1,1111,-, Mils fro!, up!
hti.1 1,:011 idr:ving 1110 Irdise eVrr
senor have sle,\\11 1.0.mhmi rcsalls, 51111.- 111, 111,4 001,1111g 111, 1/11511,t,
1411' 11i11" ''11 1111' 11111,1`iII- 1/1 111... 111:gr,r1114.„ 1114ky ,•11..11011 forlilno
cal genus. tho-0 11:4,1 ladritually ,twell M 11-1'111`erves• 11.•0.-s 1111(11.1
1110 ni,.11. 1011 it Iris r chains, dialism,-.1 tiaras,
010 the pap,1' !usually elm -
11'"' ii1.111 in Aild.'1111S
'1"'" 11111'd 111 1114 .1;.41: ;1 ; V:tal 1,0111 V. Welt 1111g1.0
air. '1 he lea- n for dti:, u: 0 1 and 1 1. 5111 nr,\‘; 111itt -111 '
is Iv 11u.! la% 55mi.i !UT minomieed •11 had beeri set out
i chi f 0. a v.:04,1,11,m he'cl
1,' The g•rins Mat lit -• ,
iht tla- 1,ght. 0101 1., 10.10-.1 10 01.111k.k,
I, 1,1 .5:dkkkk 1!.11 111, kr ilt-'.1-.1,1;./1 1 y 11i. k, kli 111 1110 0,,(1.11 0k0,
, 1,1 hi 1', 111, i r1t• elk. 1 k• 0'1'1511 .r7i.• .1:1Y
1,:11 1. 'Par.,. _r N
• ;,o,1 I.
"rt0 11,, •• ,;„1,1 1,111 11,,,i
t111.S ir1 1110 1::„.;.1.1. ;15., 1,11,1,:y mem wt.:
v.-11,11 1, 1:', \1111, 11
ry,1 111,1 imra vi,„1„.t. hecl 1,m:rued 11 11-
, 11 I• lki W.k1511 1;1 151.
1".1 ""Hkd'k'• 1" !, 1111111 1110 v0111.1111 ‘10y.
Tao 01i. :1 +if smilh.:111. shad 11;.1.11,11, 11,1111he: 106 61,0....
lie. ,11\ of tilt' 111 511 0:1,k... 11:0 11 1110
h,-1 14.-1 1,11 i,•...111,1. 11,, 111•1 it 110 in iiiiman powor. lie
mai eurndie.. and Ihe darkness
ezoe,e,1 Me 1,.:01111wc. `The 11111•• 0•1,:.
an.1 mmoli••••• ••1 bon•11111 sofa.,
ami 1 •,1•111•1 '111.4111100,
dark110,,, 1.11.011y, 11111,1
ruifary. a1111 50110. 110.11n. of lighting
mi all of a 1,..-mn ,11t1111(1 114' lb,
1,Vc Balt a :31iition 1)01hIrs Worth
N•ear from 1sia Minor.
Licorice 1ssit g141WS W'1.1 11011'
(If ASia 11.11101'. nisi rev; anemias have
leen Inaile 11111s far liw.ard its 40,11.1va-
r11111 firIY 111.-111 11 w11s 1,1'111'111.1111Y
Th,. gr,,,wn oil the :1 101111+
plain., is Me best in Me world, be-
ing superior 14., nail 1411110 in Syrtu.
. Nies(,potainia, Onuessin, Siberin or
The exfsirlers of Me 1.,-,01 10as0 ljeor.
jet! bearing lands for 11 1101-1011 Man
tlire to live tagging nsnally be.
ions in October, and is 414,110 1,y pea-
sants, who .11,1 0114111 110.
'ii‘f.r she Ford ho ilernts and
10 the 11111111.
1.4 111,1 bring.
Th,, 14,11 15 piled up and exposi.d to
1110 1001 hy .11..1100. 11 11101
01.511,411,1 fk111Y 111111 115 11111[51 115
(ming 1, 1111' 111011 MO drying l`ri,r,,,s
1( W)111..1.1 11 111,. 1104111 611111NkItql. 1'011
Is 5051151 14 15/11111 die 11.11111111e0 klIk/W1
as "debris" and "Inigelle,' lioth 4,1 1,14.11
me highly vulued.
1,,,o1 is shinned 111 1011,0 ''"Ill.1*11"11'P "1
tt eighing 1,11.01 ;./.211 pr„,,,1 I hrsigh and ;1.0,./ 1 11.2...11 Shad 111111601
hydraiilie 111111.11h191.)1 111111 strapped 1:1« a drug. lie maned nedimiles.,
iron Land+, Th0 Uniled slides is "I shall stly /gain 11111, 0,11,5(10151111.
1110 n1511011/11 7,111,41.111114. i•1115, 1111, imsilion your conleinplimits allittale
61,1011 11„,1,0 111 ,..,,i,„,110,:g111. re Bum slraii;!:.„ I 1815
natural slide as taw inaterinl, Jed ask 01. is 11 11,ie?' .-1s man lo mom
111 is converted )111:i licorice No.1,, 111,5, ito4,1•1N. '\5•11,11 Arrilititt
otcdtotont porpo,,,,,, and k esp0,01,11.v PCIllify is Mir., 111,,sc 1.4,/sirts isnworn.
used for flarorillg 1111111 \ oar clunincler and. '1111' K1'114'1.11
tee root in its origin111 stale can als(i lie lemiliorlI7"
1081)11 in roly drug shim. ,,,11101 001110 160 0;6.1, cracicss
j, °Audi, .; iLey 11101.01y
roport,, Aio111.; ,H,Joo
111' :SA)+, unr,10, 011y don't you inn 11811
tily foot of yours through lho win-
ilo5V 7" "1307 Whall You young 1 as.
01111" "110(11111Se, you lonowomele, stilt!
`11aMilly, as ite 11111(16 pormaralicins for 11
StiCcoSsful rotrent.-"beeause, that, you
1(1100-1 the pane 001115 40 gone direcify,,
Mal or 10r.0, 1, 5614y mto Mal
r• 11•• 64,111,1 dolikmal••ly do,lr•y
1 401? 114-•••Pl• lm 4,011,1 nol
iekka\ ailit bury for ever all 111M
4.,1:1,1. Ile mIced 11.4
ti :Igen !ie.!, LI 05,1. litvro olti
10;,.1\11 V. -1,y ill 541111•11 1t, 111'al 111111 }AIM
.4.1114k kkki 11 1111111- kr.0101101 \\*05011•111,e k
1 1 IM•w. it lay Nora's 11,011-1.
Nov,! 11 11141 1111“11 111111 11111 1111 1/.01
111S 01 11Y 1110/1g11 1111k t\ 005,
1;,1 111" 1101 '11 pallihMil.
.11,15! 14' 141,1 156,161.` I,'e1,0
Ntis 1101 a 1111;5'1.10 541111.1; 111e 11411,k
:400111.41 15110 d by a world
itonien rubber slr,e5 sli,i-
i 401 iiff and 1, he fell 11h. 011:.:
icong 11,0 ,1 \-\ izinde
,, semi-eh:cud of 118, Ilis
ma, disuse:1 Inidesmen's 01.1116111+0.
+.11 the south side, Int la, liad Conte lids
way liecittise iif sleeping il,,gs 111 the
1iis 0110 101,11 0(16 grensed chis-
lb, hinl Wiled the wilt -corner. 110
drew op stiff, it hand to his mouth to
nrie-1 the gasp. 5511hin 11 few feet
yini a steady s\voril of timber Ugh!
stablest oul menacing kir. 1,4.,r
instinit he himself 111 11 Ivapt
them nem., at 111111 keen stvelch,
1 grasped that he liad merely 1naile :1
heslut,e 111 his reekonhig.
Filmy rings of cigar smoke Curled (ail
teem fanlight alio\ 1.: 1114. glass (haws.
14,114.1 Wotleholise sat ill 1110re with
ii1,4,11141, 11111n. llis measured voter, 11115.
1 oiling ils deliberaii4o1 - 1110
s..6.0 1111.1 soil...lived 111111 in 1114.
dt-cus, 16,011. striliii. int(' whish ell Me strength or
II,. ,1,1,.,r• 1,1, „AL." 111a 1110 h„.1,,
\-5 116 111111 1/101, ', ti,11111112.y 11:0 1111111e f I i„„i ,;‘,11 -Mail. dry s.nital
a 14)itg-.01c:111:1 0-ing 11,111,1,
'5\ 4414 house lind leaped , his fool, '1'110
glasses 1111111d. "Put 111111 eigar slo\\ 1).
Pe a limn Mr oncel. Ilie man lo 51,1001
111..• rouf.11. Ile sprang 111111
11 114i 11 wns Ihr. first nioniont 111
11:ch 'retilizeil lhal hi n ronn) .0111y
s:eiming the
w, man to whom till 1110 ll'elis11110 he.
f him belonged.:
loor lic could t.:00 it already ln yague
•••1111ines ••11 glint of mishit hero, the dull
rid or g1-0,01 g14.‘v 11, ,s14.110 11111.0,
'..11111111 4111111,, of moonlight came throlIgh
Ihe Venetian 1,1•11116. Pour long triblos
51 ore placed in a mum\ and sideboards
wore ranged at intervals 1111/1111 the
walls. At Ins vory side wms 41 slalely
epergne, sunk in a bed of vet \ 11
Awed 111111. lliS idelle. had 56114'11 far
slew! of the reality. Ile felt Mo. a man
:on Mono ink 111e (1111), 0111.0111,01 rrett',4,41:1
1-'01111 <kid inithedral. Lekeir 1111? 11rS1
lone throughout he 1110111.1111 C/f his \rife
111141 chIldren. 13111 me -11411 '1115
18:10 always sw1111gd •00 the 501110,
11,. felt. for his ma -Lobos mid 511111(13
110 had 11 1101Mo-sack 111016,01
in ids bell; il 01113 drugged feverishly
<11.1„ To do something! lie 11181 whip -
the epergne from ils was
111-114,1 Ile replaced it shakily, unit
spun 15.111111. 8:011(111611g 111111 rlIsh
1... the dikor and 110111 11. AS he (11(1 Ittl,
1.11kolet 01'01.105 0111 1111011 111111, 1•10
Mid honed no footsteps, but something
wits on the coley side of the door,
toniiiiing gently. The Noll/1010n Was as
if the arch of his 110:111 \yore
'The fumbling censed; he knew that
sm116 "ding 1111° Ill" 1"ek. 0111
wonl his or etunile- out 4,5 111111 went
tes last ...dived of resource. As his hand
fel.. bon) the door, 1111 10016 4116 blind
114 11115 tip100 11115 $50415 11111 beyond
sideboard piled 561111 mounds of china.
Someone sitinnbk,st sofIly in. Whoever
had (\Moved, shun] as If linable to rem.
why ihe (loco. had yieh.hd with such
ninnzing ease. 1 was inan; Slant
hcaii,1 the stifled ejaculalloil ns he
sloopcs1 to look al 1110 loek. A man!'
salmi saw hint steal suspiciously ticross
mid po.A. along the arrayed lades -peer
an round. Then, as if lime WOr0 100
,!,rootoug 10 be given lo the Insdile111.
..1.1 set down a valise 111 was enrrying.
!It n 111110r. 111111 plopped It against 1.
:Ise. Anil ram'. and only now, shad
Million took in that 1110. num wow a
Al. and n light dusl.coal with the col
11.1- lailloned arounti his chin.
Iris fingers were deft --bis brain quick.
• than Shad's. Not more thun a DA\
s emals could have gone betire the gap.
111011111 of the valise had When 21:
half the smaller valttables--bekwe
shad's stupefied brain, following thc
.111,111enlenls as In Ihe grip of it -night
Mar?, conkl grasp what it 81011111.
81111 working swiftly along the table,
there, his Mee evil and haggard in nu:
11 ok.:. ring taper -light
it may havo been the bubble in
Shad's 1111510 brolce audibly -be W+.111111
r&ver 16.100. For the moinent a Mist
s.,emed to blur overyllling--0werything
..zive that other loc.?. from whh:11 all the
d 11/111 -drained. leaving it a saffron -
Ina ,1 1,111111: in which the eyes AlOnt
1.418 01. T1L-1 111.0111vid passod-a monient
si Moiled Nom the Ihes of both. Then.
drawn by uncertain horror, Ihe other
man 1.0--,',11 a step, Shad Ballton 1(11,10
ene, tOzi. .H0 had 1.4-011 prepared -11w
Man had not, Over Shad 111141
T... 1110 11. adly coolnes:3, 1:•,rn of the roa.
11101 man could pluy two
‘14.1: soiltinkni ly d iyief'1,.,"
ihs!)11.1111,11. S1101 51.0111 the 011140..0 lips.
'1'0: I!" The Jiiick whisper, like
+,11 are:"
'I) tto1" Shad whispere.1 back, "Ditto
\fr. Spininit
.5041. hardly aware of the tirwer
yi115kk 111111,1,51, lltI 601,151 0111 111111 ,40,/,
155111 Ids back to Us doir.
Tlind Ai,:00,100 bail sprImg,
.1;a1 iterv,tis hands 4111 to elitell 111n.
I X" Ille 11;1.061 and sllenec AnyU11111..
111 ,00. T1111411 IL• \Von; reeling bni-is;
tos1101-1ilo, 1.1(Av hail clusliett the 111•511
.5 11:s :11!rl•frold, Ile stood panting:
Y.0 4 yes n 111W
111Ik 1'50, 011 1115 111,,
01-1111111kr 10.111yr 11 was a onrik.01). rat
pe "skint] away. ned you ear
hat par 16: (11ws
.11,416- ii. 01,1"
"I lin Slind said. lins",.;:y gri
thcy'11 wInd to its -1i you tons
Ito linmed 111$ tn• thottgM
•••••1 Mar.1 11 It .urol. [A.: a (01
‘v1.1te cam: agoin anal Ibis limo got 1
I, 1,1. told 11-4, ..,lagger.,1 • n 111.
▪ rnrot.i, straikling, crin(11110'. 0n16.11
111,..i.--1-1:1161 I 111111 171 ,i10111, 1111k
v‘h.10,1•ring 100011.4ciously. T110
frmii s1101's din\Vn
I▪ H,,e slim. despairing lingers; 1.111 111
111 111 arms araund the slighter
1.11111's \raist, anti \yrs erushing 1110
I ri,a11-1 mil of 11111). And then--
Thi,t litta. moan; ihe :,o1111i1 lhal
1,4111111 Shad's cays for loony (lay 14,
e,1110, The 110100 W110 W1+10 41);011.1 Nora
+01011.01, 51-01111 Ihere-Nocti, aue
Ilwreal spirit In her drossing robe, the
heir falling loos,-, aboul hov rigid fnel.,
.5 go, tit I:11011 110111 111511 stood
si+0110.0111, 11S hi 1111 paralysis ,of awe.
"Noral- 111111 strennous gnsp
lowld1,0 drew buck. pointing. Ills
subtle brain had grasped 1.11.51. 1110 4.1-11'
v. ay (ad. "I've saved you --your \red.
ding jewels! Ile was here -had forced
lb, stew -1001(r
Ills shalitlig 1111g,r veered to Mi. open
• lyirm !hero, 11111 she did not
11,,1 80,111 14, hone. Tho wid‹
• hod movod 114,111 shad's Nei..
"H41110)15' 11rs moved. -floitt,,or
.51.15 Shatt's lintel 61101 up kw 1115 (MM.
'The hoard \\-11-; gone. WaS
eleetrietil. 11 v.. as Miss Nt,rn \rho Intil
seed Ilie 111.611ey tirerrtly 11.1 111:I 40511'0111,1,1k
tt.15, 111111 (51115111111. 111S 111115 .111111t. 11e
vould only insl. muller it: "cs, Miss
Nora- Ms mei"
Taul \\Milo they 5.-01110,1
14, shoal 11,141111)g for l'inw"s beat hi
1,01100 ite sww rearh old lo
14 itch her hand. Mil ,sh.e shrank. 1 le
11„. /Imre sit wly hirward and k,ok
01 the vnilse. Ile widrhed in a
soirl coma. When at laSt She 1.+011161
110.11. 11 WAS 1.0 rettli.701. 111111 111ey 10+1
nlone In lhe mom. ALM:wink]
11,111 gor shod Knot! to ttio with
that Illick, llo 18111
ippod nrro--\rns 1001,111g 111001'11 '1 •
!ko 1110 1-1,111M1 "1.1I Min gO,
Miss Nova! Tlint's You lorow
vou roseer need tor
tl, d- she snit], in 11 strange, 1111s1s•
Hirto-s voleo, "st.)111( tn,\,
1 101.050.. 111 1 1115. 4:111s1, wok, rilkG
(.W11, And 1 knOtt 11/11. y011
`15.4.81.- lle 1111111e1.1111. 14,4,1,thg nway,
13seapc. was ensy, but gitve nevor
lb.:night lc) 111n1 now, "1 \vas n minute
niirad ot hin1--114) Nli,i4..WaS
vengc-Biat's the 0: ly diff.nence, ,
You'iN111 41.) what you like, Miss Nol.n.°
1 shiCtil more and I'll .noror 44100 my
Itio; agi111161 111111r
llis eye.: tlotikt1. '1111.1 11/101.10.11 hatl
0.111,k, 1/111 11/11.11 WtOi 110. It1/11111, 015Y
111-1110, ir N,,r11 11151 minr down
Imei,s, her 1111nd grinning las
pun). paw, 11g111111g 1110
light Mat a loving woman could
1,0 ended tipon boor, Ile knew- 111
ihut. 11111g 5111111p55 sh, was only 1.01:118
Ing that trery minute (smiled farthel
and ftn.111.1. beyond Inte-tual-cry tho 0110
hnil SO nearly won liet. hotirt-lo
And them \\*hen she rose she was
quit etilin-palnrully (film. ht !mem
that Iv. was na10-11101. Ihe Magedy 4 1
that night's work was never to Lc
known lo the world oulskle,
"'There's the doorl" she just whisper.
oil; "you can go. You Imre had your
revenger.-Lotidon 111.131113,
-+-f-4--f+++++++++++ ++++
* About the House
S131.1:11:17.1) 'RECIPES,
1-30,11 ".111,16, 401111011
beets; 1111 411411 with chopped eolery
111100,1 with mnyonnalse dressing. Serve
1e1.111c0 cid up with scissors,
Oyster 1:or11 Fritlers.--One pound
brown. sugar, one cup water, one -oiler.
le.. nound butle•r, si;; drops 10111011 ex -
Marl. 11011 lintil it sphts a long thriMd,
Limn' bito buttered tins.
Cventi) l'10. -::Mash. a (Tenni
:.1105.i:c; add IWO beaten eggs and a 1ml.
, up of while sugar; Intx all together 111101
10111. 1111.5 1111111g in a pie plate hued with
rilinary pie crust. 1.11y 011 1110 er01111
S1151/4 45 111.1 dough, lengthwise and
"rosswisc. nnd set In tic moderate oven.
Bullern1111t Cookies. --Two ClIps light
.01\.1".11 sagar• 01111 1,111101', (410 01W
'scant) bullarMilli, tWo eggs. one eul,
olsoppod raisins, one-third tenspoontul
5..8.1n, one teaspoonful buRing pcmsler.
pour ho mix very sofl. The 1, irikkr
-driulit be light and soft aml will kce,
weeks. The secret is 11) using 1.1w
--0,1 sligae.
S.101:iorn COrn 1:111. from nu -
011 -0 110Z1111 ears (11 coon 11-mt have
boon 1•••:•iled 111111111os. Chop flue 01lik
'Tad of cabbage, foul. green peppers.
.11111 1.WO red poppers. 'ro 11110 odd tW41
Mitts brewn sugar, (dlt? ItIbleSp04111-
ilt! celery seed. 0110 Lox of pro11161 111115-
11.161, and three pints vinegnr, salt to
fitsle; cook twenty minutes and bottle.
t'swn Cr limit os...-Brate tender green
,ern enoegh. to 4111150 11 pint. \\Mb
it half a greon pepper 11061y mincod
With a 1118111, tender onion. Salt to
Winint 11811 11 cup ot sumid-
01111y .10 Melt; tablespoon of butter in
Add n 1 eaten egg and half a cup
•tf. Maw. When perfeetly. cold Mold 11).
.4 form nnit fry in wire baiiket, first
g 1111.0 111c led. fat to prevent
K„..oucky warrics - 'those wallte''''
r,uched for as p.rfec1 n book of ram -
Mi. moipos, orilribuled liy•- des-
endanls of Minims ::11111141.11 iNolts, are
:nude 11; follows: iloat throe Pggs.
111/1 '4.111t.ktt $01/101115y. Add 10
1111k 1111..S Itkekd 1/11.116 41 sifted. flour, tine
j,11i1 6501, ,r000 stir w•011,
mike Ihe Miller very Ihin with sweol
culk, .5,141 three tablespoonfuls cd
in laid. a leaspolnIfyl Of soda dissoir-
i•L111141,• a mite cohl milk, then lastly the
Abdo: the eggs. Bake quickly In 11,1
Redito puff is deliclons willt ovenineti
3".0 0111k pint tkf 11,1 11111•11//1 )10.
:a1,1,5 add 0111`. 4,1 sail.
111: tospomful 4.:5 pepper. half lital
maillity of cid, ry 1111.1 Ind 111111t
k,s1,i-01111.11,411111,110t11,10141.111,111:11,11 itit11`1,111.,, Litlartl
oil. mid 1110 101-6,?. eggs. 110111,1.
-1Iff. 11 ten minutes in 11 hot ovinl-
-.11:111411111.1. comes out in a g.,111411 1,1,,w1)
way lo rye. old polakes that hat.
be Cat lip good don! in paring
noringue. 'rind is an .0,1,c1/11,5 good
Egg, for \\liner Use. -The best me -
14,11 of Iceouing eggs is lo dip ellen ogg
11 melted ptimillin. \Vhen it 1111 1.+1011•
11 1110 1011.6100 examine carefully and
mi a 11111c -extra ptittiflin on the spots
nip( rfeelly covered. Pack 1.5VO or 111ree
yers (1041). 118111 end (1,011. 111 11 0005-
.51 11001 1/111 111 0101, drY place, all I
:1,,ky will 14.1.011 / leing 111TILL Another
\eelloill way is 10 111.0.11S 116.111 small
II 1 down 111 a Ited of common sall.
When ono Myer is pinced 1111 1111
rimmtl earcfully wilh the salt and place
a second layer of eggs 111111 0011111111e 1111-,
111 1lLt lo 11116 Pross salt 10111-
y but firmly to excludo Ihe alr and tlwy
will Ice( 11* for months.
sweetbreads with t:auliflower.-Tako
Invg5 sweetbreads and two atoll -
[lowers. 011011 s\vvoll.vends and re -
more the grislle; souk them awhile ill
11111e Warin \voter. put them in a small
'an or bolting wolor, bolt ton mtnitles:
afierward lay 1110111 in Ll pen of cold
\tater to nuilie 11)0111 firm. The parboil-
ing is to Millen them. Wash, drain.
and quarlor the ctmlifrower, put in n
Inrge stewpan wi 1.1 the sweethreads, 800 -
Willi a lithe coyenno pepper nno
n 1111.1e imlineg, add waler lo cover
11a111„ Pill on the lid or tho 11011 and
Lon ono hour. Add Mitirter of pouncl
of fresh butter. Iwo taldespoonflils f
Pour, loncup of milk; give it one boil
up and remove; serVe hut 111 a deep dish.
pitheakes.-111th to a mom Iwo
lablesimonfills and four 1111310
spoonfuls of sugar. Add folir egg yolks,
110 n1 11 lime, beating letween cach
fiddition, Kitt together Iliven CupS of
hour, two leaspoonfuls of linking pow.'
nor, and a hillt lcnspoonful sall, and
14i Ihe butler nnit :algae mixture,
logelhor with whiles of Mc eggs.
whipped 1,, n dry froth. Mix Into
511141(1111 bnl'er, and bake in small enlos
on ti hol griddle, As soon as brown on
„,n0 sjde turn 10 the other. Ilave
a 1,11110red Oak% nnd as fast as brown -
lay on 11 and spread 01111 rus3)1,ierry
llepont Mk, cnIces 1110
Min the pile of mikes until yon have
used jam Iwieo (sic) pla., Sift pow-
dered sugnr ovsf Mont and serve hot,
.110DSB1101,1') 111Nirs.
LiSe Frozen CI enm In When
frozen will separate nial curdle when
used in hot coffee, If (Team is holden
briskly with lin egg boater it will re.,
turn to ils original state.
Egg Boulsr is Cook's Ilse 11
,11,011g \vire .vgg 10)1tIol. 111 place of 11.
5101011 14a:li mnking C0011111 01111Ce,
lira vie-, anti hill& of soil, 1111tlerS,
g,:f40110111111::: I jiiificleitiiiii1.1101111\dviliti111,11.,IsielSi
1111)11.1\\g."1 ILIfIstle‘0'11 Alit:P.-Pat a
whicll 11,11 Is Lolled lo make 11011 firm
and 01111e, A few drops 11115441 lc vim
while huffing blanches it and puffs the
Busy to Simi Jelly Classes. -11. is not
necessary 1.4) melt 11 quantity of paralln
poi. jolly or preserves. 1)r,u) a small
lump in the ginss 411111 pone hot jolly
on II, Whim the jelly is 111.111 it will
be covered with the pnrallIm
•i13011 Jelly 011iss with Chleken,-In
boiling a chicken BIM Is tough put 1.1
conninin jolly glass 111 the kettle nntl
boil. wilt) 1110 (Mickel). Not only chicken,
tad 1111 other fowl and lough meals will
be made tender in this way.
Save 1:11chen Table.-1(evp one 01. (wo
litocls of wood Or 1611.11.1reS of oilcloth
10 put on Me kitchen luble 51111141
saticeptins or linking tins on while their
cm -dents are receiving 1111011 Uoll, aS
1100e111111011 Will silVe L110 1111110 from be-
coming blnekened by 1116111.
Becalmed Fruit-- \V114111 canned fr1111
Irithbles over or-eozes ont, ennny the
Iwo -thirds of it clip of cold water, and
nun itito granite 1.61:1111111,1 111)11ite1Q11\1.1egre,111-1.
heat slowly, letting 11 s
bring lo a boil mid skin), then at tile
cmi of 1011 minUtes put /11 two-thirds a
ellp of Sagan AS :41011 HS 11 IS 0111
Itod pa in can, using 11 new ruhher,
nal it is as good as at Mist,
Saying Boller. -When the boiler
dried and ivatly lo awny atter
1.110. Nereleli WaS11, ,F01 11 on 1110 stove,
aml while hol rub it 1111 over the 1115ide
and around Ihe sonnis \\nil laundry
soap. It prevents rusling, mid the boil-
er will keep new mid lust much longer,
All the soap is nol lost, either. as it is
itiss-dred in Ule \rater for OW next
week's wash,
Berloviding Sillc.-015 AI( rent].
\ Med in this wily ils luslre
1:11(1 tool: us well ns when. new: Put
WO (11111.1.10 of alcohol, a tablesp<ionriii
se igxe,e,iilliusit r,airints:,(5111hosi,-1,(170, aisurscsAni,111 \do-
n small piece of. good quality ii1 wnler),
and tw-i cups of sort water in bottle.
and shake unlit \yell mixed. Sponge
the silk on boll). sides wilh the tnixture.
rubbing well. and then shake up and
di-wn in a tub .of cold or cool wider,
ruhIdng nor wringing. llohl
by the edge and Ilap off the wsler, pin
COULD 1101,11 IT IN mti,:tr or
nun tiAND,
And ft Weighs 0111y a 1,1111o.
7.1811) n Pound, hut 11 is Worth
A bit 4,1 pure end:on trait will Ills
-nearly inlo Ihe pidni of the a
lig sillily pod& 111111 00100 something;
oyer 1,31, pounds, mis-:
sae for a }sly to shy id 11 frog in a pond;.
a 1 tinble such ns sitrage woilid trnde
11. IleW knife 4,r a string.of brighter,
yot. w wth I, king's ransom. Sue!)
ts Wm (MMus diamond, glen 1, st
Munn, MINI 1110' 85(.111 11e0111n1 the pro-
pirly of Ilto king of 13tiglancl, a gift
Iron) the Tritlisvazil government. to Me.
mwe 1.31•11ish Empire,
The TI./111sV 11 Al WIshrs to show Hs
gratillIde IcAng Edward for gmniting
to the colony 11 reprosentalive gorcru.•
merit, and M. (level Botha, onee one of
the foremost the slruggle 5%1111 Ma -
11411s11 troops, has proposed lo the
011Y 111 buy the gvent gem for ling-
11s hIshiry is an unromantic title. No
datili-sk-oined (Inzzlid by hril-
Hance. gouged 11 from Ilie vy0 of a hea-
then idol, No desperate SW1,111qty.
NI 11 10 ek"k11 111 111,i plimder, MAN' 10 have
it cut front his. Imililated Icily, No
PII1Y kings 1111571 g1:110 lo woo over 11,
and SO 1111' 111,1 iS known nol 4,115 drop
of blood has ever been shed 11, 11.
Is merely (he richest 0111111k of crystal-
ized carbon lolowit lo exist, and the:
onty Seilliniriti 1,011110+6N Wall it Cen.
I 006 011011 the 11011.0 of the Boer pre-
mier ki lot it represent a lokln of
T00 y.•tirs ago, the ninnager of the:
Prembr mine, nein. 011S
Sis111;ifalsu.r"5110 luol his oyes .111 Ille ground,
Me veldt lowned one or the•
and when he saw sourelldng gloain
the earth, he stooped, kieked the object
loose fron) the mid picked up the
Cullimin diamond, And was all.
1163 i..0111.piihy held it, and 110W the
Transvaal is asked by Premier Botha tO-
ply $750.1100 for the gent in ils uncut
s100. Its presen1 weight (If 3.(12”:,'
OS WM. Of rOlirse, 'Tillie+ hy
lad it will be the 1:ing of ilia-
11141,1111,1(6,Ontrast 118. prOSide. pedigree
1110 Cullinan. stund the !brining 1110.
und 5611110 sun! 112114;4 of other Murals jewels. Take the
the edges to !he line,
•dainp troll between eloIlls oe t exinuplo, the splendid
with an Iron only moderately hot.
M.11 1 Old 13alcing l'ans.-Snittll round
1m1 s oflen come in baking ancl ronst-
mg pans, kettles, ele. mend those
get 011e of the Knoll 04..ppee rivoIs which
are used in mending harness and may
to 16-mghl at any lizirdware stove. Piave
Moro 11 veninined 1111111 1:101. A. I). In
1111111(di.,r11,\11,401011111, lah.1010 \l‘i.41.,11 jog, Nttilie11101ilitleerfl.(51611.s1 11,411 you
1,1„.., the par, le fell up,,t) the rajzitt of Mulwa, de-
1,mmeror of Del -
111,0 jOe I, through. Then
ou something, hard, such as buck foaled him and ler& away his prize
rango. nnil with a hammer ,pound Ihe Be did I101 iota) it long. 1101V-
..1 ,j0cling end Ilut. This will slop the 1 11.-14'. for all Ils,assiII had Win low and
11,10 perks:My, tuul at prnetwally no
tr knob,: to pol and pin lids come
,,11. put n serew through the 114.11e left.
1 5(1 dnwnwards, and thread it mirk 11P -
on 1110 projecting 051'40. T111.0, will nevor
1..x hot and will liisl a 1+.01g 11111e.
(biumind inelnded Me Brilish crown
c4.1147,0114,11. Tito lo1-1-1.-tionir (Ntouninin
oi Light) was Mist hoard of when india
W01 Will1 1110 151,05 cif rival dynas..
Cs. 5111, wore lighting for .sovereignly.
It tinnily fell Into 1110 hands of Ihe pow-
erful Halpin drillisly of Mtilwa and
Meters lllore Careful Nowadays Aliont
the Physical Training el Patients.
l'hysielzins are lieginning to write un
:',111101y new kind of proseriplion whieh
cannot he 11110:1 11 1110 01.1.1111rry drug
Mr0, and 110. 11 refe1111 111 111.W
',111.11 or 141111010y ini,,
,,,110,,k 11 is 111,10,. 1110 de.der's
leserhdion far a mixtme of this and
Ilio diantond \vent to the Ilirtiloo rajahs
t.5 Agra.
l'Arly in the sixhhi1111 eoulury,
ber, sixth in (10.secill. from 'Tamerlane,
loved: lialin and scl. up tts, mogul out -
bin\ til P.,01111., llis s, 11 ilefonLed the
rajah of :lgra in 1526 and took po.5ses-
sion of
Ttm: onEAT niAmoND
ill reiher's mune. 111 this manner
mogul onloorors of Dollii, inost
owerful oilers Italia Is tionl-
ittg td. Ill -disk got possesshai the
14.11-1-nreir. and il bosun, W.11) them a
s,:1011:11.11;:,fiesii.ld.,111;111. They kept. it ft:r two
Th. -01 in 1 7:19 None Nadir Shah. ruler
oi 1,, rda. . misled lite enirs14.1, rind
carried 441 plunder esti:Haled ill $6.:11. -
the 11115.k -11S ,111/10.41,216
Sit'lleS, and
Nadir Shnh MAL% 4$-
`Ilifuts Thell
Illl!t) (111,1 Inurch-T.
iMer, driven
ito the pimp:), v,ith
keul, 11 only
11 Indian potentate to
learn of itsi \\I:4,nm] 4,01s, 1N10 Bun-
jit Singh. ilien posses:cur of the. gem,
WAS 111.1.6:11 ill And died. On his death-
bed he implored those nhout him to lake
Ihe lo the shrine of Puree
of the S114115 by the British, and Ihe
11 the 4,1 Jugornaul.
litd. Ilw fltiven regell reflls.61 and kept
1114 g0111. n1011 .081-116 1110 suMligatt011
1(011-1-noor was surrender,:d to the Brit -
Somewhat linked with the hislory of
the Koh-imoor is the history of the Or.
1,rr, n gretil Russian crown diamond.
This gern. was shining ns an idol's eyo
11.8-11011 knuple unlil n. French sob
dna., the confidence of Ilia
priests on the plea that he was a con-
vert lit Bralininnisin, gouged the optic
from ils socket and escaped.
f .of physical 4.3,01-ise in jusl III .1 17111 1, inclu•ling
eteise is entirely dIffirent from I I
k:':11‘111.4I \\11".43'.'g111 11:11'X I (.11Z11;3.: \"15 Sr :11
n adNising exorcise Hie ntedioal man is. ,,,31„11 [i
gelling to Is: as definite as he is in in -0- 1 1,
drag0. 1 long 5114111,11 for
111 Inany 1110 physiciall8 have
iheillselres S111.1105 physioill training,
snil when they gel. through wilh nn
-1111inulkin they proseribe specific exer-
cises and combinations of exercises
which will strengliton ov that set
muselos 011(1 so 11011) the m1110111'8
halgs or heart rn, relieve cormin forms
stomach Iroulde or other organic
Often ono set of exercises will help
11m patient while anolher might he
hurtful kir him. A cerlaill innuller of
114 MS or nethily might. lie good, bul
longer lime bad. Consequently the phy-
skinn writes out n mem:111)110n and then
sends llio man 10 1118 110\1' Icind of 111Lor-
11105y, the physionl Mottling drug 8101,,
sel spenk, lo got 11 tilled, Such n pv0.
1111 1 11
.g.i.. we.. read 10 1,0150WIt
Fere Illeternle1110, light drill... lir.
1.ight chest weights for lawk,
log atul waisi mbsclos,
breathing 0001Thie 3et. 1111,
1150roalive ganies 11r,
Aqua in shoWer, graded
leinm, 75 F. to 50 F. 3 min.
nub down 5 min.
:\ lel. Sig. Take earl) after
notal nrid rest 34 how. be-
fore dinner,
1)r, Uplotlale.
The patient 111011 is advised to lalco
11,1i, proscriplion, or Ilie 1011er which
embodies II, lo gynninsiuni, provably merchant, w18.1 sold lt, to Count Orloff
MANI 01-11E115 11.5.1) PF,111SIIED
In .111.1emplIng the thefl. The fact that
the Kii11-1-noot, weighed twice no 1111101
contrirles ago as it dist when it
mono into the possession of the British
crown. and the foci thst b011i IL and
the Or114)55 tire sold lo have Idenlien1
idenvitgo marks on one side before they
were recut in liMrope is Med by 801110
pee,041110 as proofs Ihnt Ilwy nye halves
of the sninn stone. This 1105 never
nuthenlicated. The Orloff wiis•seld
1.r Mo. Frenchnum for $100,1100 10 n
one in charge of a medical num, pos.
r.r R115810,
fur $400.,000. Orloff gave 11 1.0 CO11\1,1110
The Begent Pilt dlairiond, also
said lo have bepn slolon 111(141, \VIM
the pig& of the crown jewels 0) vrealee
111ally ,V000.0. N016110.011 WOre it
41:t.(11,111'11riles1 0(.11; )111.1:101:8:;;I:o:11:110.11,1.1,,, 111.01{:11:11:11.111-10(011) 01:11:1..10611111;i'i!i:10•11111.)111i(;),:ra' giclioe:11\11.15:‘,1;111.111111:-.
nwnt. After the fall of Louis X\'I., 1112
The Salley (Unmoral first belcmged
1116 Duke of Burgundy, who sold It le
Ihr King of 1,0rhign1 in 1470. The lat.
,sold It lo 13nron do Simey, and
Stincy sc111 11 as a. gif1 to Henry
IN: servant who Carti:eil 11. ntloclo,
011 13y robbers, FO, in no di,ort. stiv,t,
11.,11.1 ‘5" t(11.1"d
11 '041'1 11' d111151111 111,3k fne hOop-sni.k,:t
to make both otitis Inc&
sibly prescrlbing physicitm
write privately lo the gyninnsiitin throe-
sh;,15 1111014 Ulla! 1111114111(1:: 1111(Int (111ti'0111151\:1015r1f`0011111d1.11%)
mild dose Of exercise indienled,
.rhe gymnasium man then lakes hold
Ille palitall and sees 111111. he gels just
Me sort orwork he needs 10 build him
up (111(1 to give Inin physical tone, From
lime lo lho physieal
lests 1110 effect of Me dnily medicino and
If indications tire wrong, consults with
the physleitm as 10 changes in the !real -
One day, wlillot wo boys were 10111ing
11,0111, .
s11:4:14111,1,1t,511;01,,1,111,01:11(11ini. 1\1{11,11,9,1101;1(.1,01p1111111;:00 (s\, \:11;i0111,,Aiiilworl.110ni110)16.11,1"
lion, lie said, "t/o you know 011111 1110
171ectl 411I;141:1111nlii kylo''11:\ 11'11:51111,,r'?V''
14 •