HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-10-17, Page 4bit trusuls,Qt
TI3•URSDAX, QCT. 17, 1907.
A. POSY time is promised is canneotial
With the winding up of the York Oo,
Loan and Savings Go, Thoueande of
Maims have been pat in and the prob.
are whatever eettlemente ere
made will be heavily dieocnnted. The
initial proposition of the Go, was very
rosy but in the grand finale there ap-
peers to be more thorn than ropes,
They promieod too much.
EDITOR MOONEY, of the Ripley Express,
moat be a real Spartan. At the Fall
Fair in that village he gave a gold ring
for the beat looking yoang lady at the
Show. The award went to Miss Annie
McCanlay, 51b con. Huron township,
Brer, Mooney dare not venture out on
such exploits it be were not a well season•
ed benediot having ae queen of his home
a buxom daughter-ot the same locality.
147 Eesae. Iele$EN'zIE MANN are
negotiating with Toronto for a portion of
Ashbridge Bay dietriot upon which to
erect large smelting works to handle the
ora from the Northern mines in which
this firm ie largely interested. Toronto
abould not take long to consider the
propoeitiou as they should be glad to get
anybody Co fill tip this long standing
swamp or marsh which is an eyesore in
addition to it possibly being a disease
JACOB $ELL&BNAN, of Dashwood, was
the unanimous oboioe of South. Huron
Liberals for the ooming eleotion to the
r at the nominating Conven-
tion at Heiman on Thursday of last
week, He is a young man of German
nationality, with a good business ex.
perieuoe and well and favorably known
and is the Deputy Reeve of Bay town-
ship, With a fair field and no favors be
will give the popular Harry Either, M.
P. P., or whoever the standard bearer
may be, a red hot battle with good
proepeote of placing the riding in the
Liberal oolamn.
Da. BEATTIE NESBITT, the irrepressible,
is making the travelling a bit "rooky'
for Premier Whitney and other mem.
berg of the Cabinet by the way he has
been shooting off and it leads us to
think of a verse of an old eahool book
poem long ago which ran :
"Birds in their little neat, agree
And 'tie a shameful eight
When ohildren of one family
Fall out, and quarrel and fight.
As if this squabble were not enough a
License Commissioner at Ottawa ie
entering a slander snit over statements
made oonoerning him. There are bade
with more roses than those upon wkiob
the Provincial Cabinet evidentlylie.
Tan exoellenoies of the Confederation
of the Dominion of Canada and the
happy relations existing between the
various Provinces have often been dilated
upou but better evidenoa of the way tbie
molter ie regarded in o$$teide circles ie
obtained jueb now from the fast that the
British government has a repreeentative
studying thee, oonditione with the pur-
pose of putting them into praotice in a
proposed confederation of various sections
of South Africa. Tnere will no doubt
need to be many alterations made to suit
the numerous differenoee theb exist in
ibe sitoatione. 11 the legielation
works ae eatisfaotorily in Atrioa as it has
done in Canada the former will have
reason to congratulate themeelvea over
the happy condition of affairs. Great
Britain is well euetaining the fame aagnir.
ed long years, ago, viz., that of being the
greatest known oolooiz+r and that with-
out the use of the sword.
TUE pastors, Young peoples' Sooietiee,
pubiio eohool and Sunday school teaobere
and the Public Library Board ehoald
individually and collectively nee their
beat efforts to organize and maintain a
good Literary and Debating Society in
Brueeele during the ooming Winter sea-
son. 10 would be a source of great profit
to the young people in the way of literary
and maeioal attainment and prove
valuable along the line of public addreae
and disoasoion. The old days of the
Iooal debating society should be revived
as many of the public men of today date
a good ebare of their e000ese to just such
institutions. In a place the size of Brus-
sels there ehoald not be much dimoulty
experienned in the formation and sue-
oeseful managing of a 'moiety of the kind
mentioned if all who should would lend a
helping hoed. Who will be the path•
finder 7
LAW, as often demonstrated by the
magiebraoy,lea decided uncertainty and
might properly be represented by x. In
Pittebnrg, Penneylvania, a fond papa,
bearing the name of Law, wee before the
beak at the incite -tide of his 85 year old
daughter, Paolino, beoauee he administer.
ed slipper exerolae to her in the old
faabioned way, on amount of the naughty
Polly'ekaying oat until after midnight,
Without his ooneeht The court
in favor of the 05 year old parent and in
addition to paddling Mise Pauline with
$10,00 ooate added inault to injury, in
her wet of looklgg.at it, by intimating
that "Your father hag te porfeot right to
spank you so long ae you remain under
hie roof it you are disobedient," The
objeot of our giving thie incident a plane
in our columns is to warn the young
McBee who keep late hours what might
happen at their "At home" animal they
t e n a different
have trained up their father r a a
line to Mx, Law. We think the dear old
gentleman of Pittsburg was within hie
rights and planed emphasis on the old
@tyle of parental authority.
Over ten thoneand dcllnre are offered
in arab prizes at the Ontario Provinatal
Winter Fair to be held at Guelph, Dro
ember 9th to 1311i, 1007.
The following are the different depart.
manta of ibe Pair and the amount ut
prize money allotted to each
Beef Cattle
Dairy Cattle,
Live Poultry.
Dressed Poultry t Speuiale
Judging Competition
$1400 00
1300 00
1850 00
1450 00
2350 00
900 00
550 00
220 00
Total 310020 00
There are onuses and prizes for all
the leading:pure breeds and also for
grades, mamas and dressed Daroaeee.
Iu addition to the eaeb prizes there
are epeoial prizes (mutilating of valuable
silver imps, medale, trophies and goods
for oompetitioue in the live stook, seed
and poultry departments. Thee° will
have a value of more than 32000.00.
The specials for the poultry depart-
ment will be published in a separate
.iet whish will be ready for dietributiou
about November lOth. Poultry ex
hibitore who wish to have their exhibits
in oompetition for these special, ehoald
amid their contribution to A. P. Wester.
vele, Secretary, Toronto, before October
150. The Secretary will furnish prize
lists and entry forme free of ober e to
any intending exhibitor.
To cheek a cold goiokly, get from your
druggist dome little Candy Cold Tabiete
called Preveutice. Druggists everywhere
are now dispensing Preveutioa, for they
are not only sate, but deoidedty certain
and prompt. Prevention ooutain no
Quinine, uo laxative, nothing harsh nor
wakening. Taken at the "sneeze stage"
Preveutioe will prevent Pneumonia,
Brouohitie, La Grippe, std. Hence the
name, Preventive, Good for feverish
children. 48 Preventioe 25 Dente.
Trial Boxes 5 ote. Sold by all dealers.
The custom prevailing among farm
era throughout Canada of slaughtering
animals, particularly ewiue, upon their
own premisee and Belling the dreeeed
carcases on the local market, is 0110
whioh entails more or lege lose to the
producer. Before the advent of packing
establishments, the domeetic trade woe
suppled by the local butchers, who were
neoeeearily oompelled to provide for
future supplies, and as a result, the local
markets were created. Conditions have
°banged however, the looal dealers no
longer supplying the domestic trade,
which has passed into the hands of the
peaking houses, whish are now the
dietribnbing 0800000 for meate. Packers
oan afford to, and actually do pay higher
prioee and sell at lower value, than the
loos) butohere for reasons whiob are
obvious when one ooneidere that profits
are represented by the by-produote;
again dressed carcases are imperfeobly
handled by the farmer, the meat in
many oases being braised and unsightly
this, as well as improper killing, being
deterrent to good prices, Animate ee•
peoially hogs require eoientifio chilling,
otherwise those parts whiob enter into
the prowess of oaring become sour and
unfit for market, Packers prefer to bay
their meats on the hoof, and for the
reasons eat forth above, are able to pay
higher prices for the same,
In view however, of the large trade
earriad on in some parts of Oanada, more
particularly during the Fall and Winter,
in dressed pork, ae well 08 in other
dressed meate, attention may be direoted
to one ot the regoiremente of the regula•
'ions 'mode under the new Meat In•
epeotion Act, which ie likely to have a
ooneiderable effect on the business above
referred to. The Department of Agri-
nalture at Ottawa having assumed the
reepooeibility of inspecting and pruotioal
ly guaranbesing the healthfulness of all
meats and meat produote sent out by the
peeking haoeee, mast of necessity, pro.
tent itself by making eare that no disarm-
ed animas are permitted to enter these
eebabliehmente. The most effective way
of preventing the entry of such diseased
meat is, of oourae, the careful ante mar -
tem inepeotion provided for by the regale -
dons, but in view of Sbe large trade
carried on in dressed oaroaeee and of the
foot that both farmers and packers have
been in the babib of handling meats iu
this way, the offioiale in charge of the
enforcement of the Aot have decided to
admit to the establishments under in•
epeotioo, dressed earnests under such
oonditione ae will enable them to judge
with reasonable certainty, as to whether
the animal, prior to slaughter, was free
from disease. Provision hae therefore
been made for the admission on inepeot•
ion, of dressed oareaeee with the bead
heart, lungs and liver held by their
natural abtaebmente, mob oaraasee to be
inspected before entering the establish
meat and it found fit for food to
be so marked and admitted for packing
parpoees, while if found to be dieeoeed,
to be condemned and tanked.
This being the oaee it is incumbent
upon every farmer bringing dressed hog,
or other animals to market to remember
that melees the oaroasoe are dressed
in a000rdance with the rtgulations
mentioned above, namely with these
organs left in their proper positions, it
will not be poesible for the representatives
of the poking houses to buy euoh oarcae•
ee for nee in any of the eebablisbmente
ooming ander the operation of the Meet
and Canned Fetid, Aot,
The preemie of the boyars or agents
of these establishments on our Moat
markets late always been, at least to
some extent, a eategnard against possible
attempts by local oombinatione of butoh•
ars and others to depress the price of
dressed smote, and it will be welt for
prodUoere 00 boar in mind tb» hely eou-
ditione and when for any mason, un-
able to market their stoop on the hoof
as they abaft d uudonbtediy du whenever
possible, dreee their }loge 08 web ae usher
animate In mai a way as to sleet the
r1, uirementn of. the new Aot,
Ottawa, Sept. 28th. 1007,
The Origin ( Gall Stone.
They are simply dried bite made up
of eryetatl,ne aunetitneute of that ilteid,
Very 001x0111000 is this disease among
=reams, elergymeo, gimp piris and
t0oee of sedentary habil,. Prevention
ormeiete in maintaining eorreot roti, u �!
the liver and bowels.. No person u-ing
this medioitle need fear gall atones nor
will they be bilious. S.'und digestion,
good appetite, a clear oolur will evtdeni e
the bsattb giving propirtiel' of Dr,
Humilton'e Pirie, whiab are the nafeet
and beat for general fatuity age. IDeiel
on having only llr, 13vmiltoe'a Piste 01
ill' andrttke and Butternut, 250 per box at
all dealers.
The Huron Oounty Convention of the
W. 0.'l'. U. was held iu Wes:ey ohuroh
Clinton, Thursday of lost week with a
good ,:epreeeutation of delegates from
the various anions of the wanly.
The reports of the year's work, es
read by the euperieteudents of the eev.
eral departments, were very auooaraging
acd showed that a great deal of praobinet
work had been a000mplietied, `I'be fol
lowing resolutions were paneded ;
Resolved that we would earnestly re-
quest that all the uuioue throughout the
county would urge the importance of
ooeomenoingloos) option campaigns in
all the mnuioipalitiee in Huron, where
the law has not already beau posed with
a view to having the election take place
in Jaoaery, 1900, and would ask that the
eniona of Grey end Brune be' eommui-
cated with in order to eeoure concerted
nation throughout the Northern k e n dietriot.
Reeolved that the Ooevontioo plane up.
on record its utter abhorrence bo ranee of opposi-
e e liquor Ellen t0 th I•
traffic as 5 'c
q ex
.eta in oar 9050800 Ilaenee system ; that
we would siuoerely express our thankful•
nese co God for the marked success in the
carrying of local option and for the en.
oouruging reports which coma from the
places where the law ie in operation;
that we rejoice in the foot that iu ,.Ver
eighty muuioipalitiee they are now en•
tering upon oampaigne to be voted on in
January next and we would most re-
epeotfutiy nod earnestly eek our Pro
0 110181 government to lake immediate
atop to expnvge from the License law
the tbree•filtbe °laase, which so 8801000
ly interfere@ with the progress of oar
work bud that a Dopy of this resolution
be forwarded to the government.
The following offioers were elected
President, Mrs. Paulin, Goderiob ;Vice
President, Mrs. Hooper, Exeter; Eupora -
fog Secretary, Mre. J. 0. Stoneman,
Hensel' ; Corresponding Secretory, rause
Buobanau, Brneeele ; Treaeurer, Mre.
Holland, Gaaerlob.
The Clinton onion prepared dinner
and tea for the delegates and served it in
the eobool room, the reeideut miuiebere
also being present.
Ou behalf of the local union Mre, W.
Harland gave a splendid addreae of
weloame, which was suitably replied to
in an intereeeing address by Mre. Hoop-
er, of Exeter.
Mre. Stevens gave en account of local
option in Henault and replied to state•
'cents in the press which attempted to
show that travellers could not get any
a000nimodation in the village. She said
that epleudid meals were served by a
toeal restaurant and that better and
cleaner beds were available for the public
Urea formerly under liana.
The President of the Braoe County
W. 0. T. U. Mrs. Bryema, of Luokoow,
gave valuable cannel during the oonven•
tion and o very praotloal and inetruative
address in the evening.
The Ontario street church quartette
and the Wesley choir eupplied natant dor-
ins the eouvention. The next 000ventioe
will be held iu Bruesele, Ootober 1908.
Bilious Paleness
Now Easily Cured.
It you are frequently bilious or have
feelings of naaeea, there is a minion.
When the liver action is normal the
bile is seorebed in the proportions necee-
eary to ensure the digestion of fats,
When liver action is irregular it is an
evidenoa of impairment of nerve force.
When these derangements oo0ar, an
undue amount of work is thrown upon
the liver and kidneys, they rebel -the
whole eyetem Buffers, and ill health
Another dangerous result of derange-
-mut of the biliary intuition ie c0oetipa-
tion. Deadly disease results from this
Tide is a hateful oondiblou beoanse
it theorem two reeulbe-heavy dark Huge
ander the eyes and a eallowneea that le
absolutely abhorrent,
These derangements it allowed t0 aon-
tinue excite the formation ot gall stones
muse jaundice, catarrhal inflammation
of the bowels, and indigestion.
If yoo wish to get better, the very
root of the trouble meet be reached.
This oan be acoompliehed only by
Ferrozone-a remedy that strengthens
the system, the blood, the liver and
Ferrozone ie a food for the nervous
It fortifies and etrengbbene it.
The nervone system oontrole all the
funobione of the body.
Its first tuition ie to fortify digeebion-
thie mecum nourishment and more build-
ing material.
Ferrozone makes viols, red blood -loot
of it, and this means the proper cation of
all the largo and vital organs of the
Quickly there oomee strength, vigor,
endnrauoe-that glow of feeling whiob we
all health.
You are sore of rebut health sure of
strong nerves, good appetite, sure to look
and feel yourbeet if you use Ferrozone ;
try this great tonie, sold everywhere in
50o. boxes.
elmnaih Medicine IN USOlaes
Impossible to sure catarrh in the nose
by dosing the etomaeb, Send the heal.
ing vopor of Catarrhozone after the
germe and you at once aoo0mplish good.
Any 01000 of catarrh is Durable, -1d1
that', neoeseary is to inhale Catarrhozone
Colds on
the Chest
Ask your doctor 0
d r mad a
name for a cold on the chest,
He will say, "Bronchitis.'
Ask Min if it is ever serious,
Lastly, ask him if he pre
scribes Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral for this disease. Keep
in close touch with your
family physician.
We publish our formulas
We banish alcohol
from our mallein.
Wo gree lou to
consult Tour
When you tell your doctor about the b
aste in your mouth, loss of appetite f
breakfast, and frequent headaches, an
when he sees your coated tongue, he wi
say, rr You are bilious." Ayer's P1l
work well in such cases.
..--,Colo by the J, 0. dyer co., Lowen. Maps.
-You stop hawking, nosbrile are cleared
throat ie healed and freed of phlegm.
every vestige of the trouble is forever
driven from the system. If you wan
permanent care for catarrh, throe.
trouble or bronchitis, 'Oatorrhozone ie
standby. Two eines, 25o and $1,00 a
all dealers.
Chicken tbievee ere again on thei
roundel ae usual this MUM 0,
It is said that a protest has bee
entered against the Waterworks bylaw
new 20 power home e po er boiler is bets
put in the Standard Elevator to furnis
power for hlndli
The bevob hands at the Organ Fac
tory are working overtime, four night
a week, to keep up with orders,
Boring for the new well at Stapleton
has reached a depth of 000 feet and th
drill is now working in very hard roost
eo much so that the drill has frequently
to be sharpened to do its work. Th
roof, brought ap by the drill is etrougly
G. D. MoTaggart met with a nasty
aooident that might easily have been
worse. He went down cellar to as the
office furnace, when the bottom step
moved out and threw him baokward.
He fell on the corner of the foundation,
eprikiug the book of hie head, and in.
filming a out that had to be eewn up.
The bueineee of the Jackson Mao•
afaoturing Go., at Goderiob, has in.
creased so rapidly that it has been found
necessary to get enlarged premises, and
a new fftotory is being built for its ea-
oomodotinu on Weeb street, almost dir-
ectly opposite the Poet Office. The
building will be 25x125 feet, one story
high, steam heated, and will be filled
with the very latest up•to•date maohin-
Weakens the Tissues end Lessens
Orgastic Vitality.
The areas and ,train of the etrenuoue
lite in both city and country tends to•
wards stomata troubles.
The frantic rush for pleasure, money
and excitement is bringing serione re
sults. Elaborate food, late sappers,
overeating and too moat drluking are
some of the omueee of stomach weakness
for which the individual ie responsible.
Five people suffer to daywhere one did
ten years ago with siok beedaohe, dizzi•
nese, fiatulenoe, distress' after eating.
spanks before the eyes, bloating, nervous.
Dees, sleeplessness and the many other
symptoms of indigestion.
All who are enfferiug with etnmaob
troubles, and that meate at leaeb two
out of three in Bruseele and other totvne,
ehoald nes Mi•o tut stomach tablets.
Nothing else is as safe, yet effective ;
nothing else oan be so thoroughly relied
upon to relieve all troubles from indiges
tion as Mi o.na. It is unlike any remedy
heretofore known, and is actually one of
the most valuable disooveriea in modern
mediae! potence.
It hi not a mere digestive taken after
the food ie eaten, but a true tanto, atimn•
lout and strengthener for the muscular
walls of the stomach, increasing the flow
of digestive finide and putting the stem
doh into euoh condition ,bat it does the
work Nature expecte of it. It le an
absolute and seating aura, for it banishes
all weakness and debility from the
ebomeoh and bowels.
Mi•o-na is sold by druggists every
where for 50 'mobs, and we positively
Bodmin Lime Works,
Is headquarters for First-class
Lime, Write or Telephone
A. Nicholson & Sons
,Will meet teams from a distance at
Central Hotel, Brussels,
The undersigned is p0690003 to sup-
ply the public with the best in the above
Repairs promptly attended to.
Orders left with IIARIOY JAMES,
Amorioan Hotel, Brussels, will receive
one early attention..
,u;., amme iv o-eeunu your 4105110 mow.'
y01I p0r011aee it box and be dissatisfied
will reels 10 1Vr1'e f,•r free attinnlo,
aildrreeiutt l3 rules Dili u till, Box 077
Buffalo, N. Y.
Farmers or Storekeepers
66 2Welt
more pupils atbeuding than ono year
ago, Tpls speaks eloquently as bo
our pa9twork.
We educate to meet the living
demands of a progressive age,
Our Stenographers and Boost-
keepers delight the most modern,ex.
acting city ()Meas.
Day students attend. night classes
free• Gnuluueos leeed to good alt-
uatiou a, Noti pp
V e the 0e
b t Ire. in:
ter the
coming to tine
gut any kind of i -41,1t
- 130118001
-_ _ _ _ _ _.__..._-..
Business College
Just received a car load
of No. I f
White Lime,
GEO. SPOTTON, Principal
D. A. L O I/ 47 R
t en
�Blanket - � r es�tr+1 `.,�-y..n ,,
is at hand and finds. us prepar-
1 r-
p spa
ed with a choice stock thew
in different styles n'
all at Lowest Prices. A=Aso alias tlli
wool and Plush Rugs Rubes Robber Rtigl
Mitts and 'hiving Gloves Halters and Rope Ties
IIax,aess both Single and Team
lSee our Rawhide Whips at 85t:—Great V'alut
Repairs in Harness and Collars promptly done
i'Bargaine in Trunks and Satchels.
L 0. •
i®i ,.si
--.**Pattern Hats and Millinery Novelties.,
HE iuvitation ie yours to come
and see everything that is cor-
rect and new iu Fall Millinery.
Nothing that has been accepted by
the Fashionable of Now York and Paris
has been neglected in our Styles.
No formal Opening this Season -
just drop in any time.
All are cordially invited.
Misses Habkirk
1MillsRoller Flour . i
�+very good house -wife knows how necessary
it is to have good Flour to make her Bread
and Pastry palatable -1-
h t rte Loaf Flour
possesses all the qualities that go to make
a nice, white, spongy loaf. Once you have
used this brand you will want none other. .
ta'All kinds of Feed kept constantly
W Mt R
mid a .
on hand.
- 7NE.
. for sale-Albot•t Week, oomfnrtublo
home in good- repair. emelt ,labia, 00011
won, ratan, 3 m, Pubeeseiuu any time, tear
further 11oartloulara apply on 1100 pramtimir
to 8, OICAWIO1tt, 111000dla. 05.00
Februarylet-part at Smith Bleak.
+2 x80 '' fillet • d doe from Ams to NOM' 10
2p 1 u i
13 lately abort aseo nob, lug and grata' lleobars
L'$ °stnblia10maut. For further particulars
apply t0 DB. Aia$t1LVEY, Bromide,
[.._] O(JS-E AND ;} AOBE O1i'
.Ll hand for sale, - Comfortable dwell-
ing; hard and soft water under cover ; Ip -
pin, pinm and oher0 braes, tee. Possession
Dan be g1Vo0 at 1400, Per tame, tor0la, km.
tall at THE POST.
The undersigned afore for Dale her
bauble and lot on 1'uruberry street, Brua-
eels. Possession could be given at ouoo,
For price, tennis, dm., apply to AM. F.
81110(L8, Walton 1, 0., or to T110 PoaT,
K. 0. T. M.
Brussels Tent of the Maccabees, No, 24
hold their regular meetings in' the Lodge
Room, Booker 0100, 0u the let and llyd
ruestlay eveoineo of each month.
Visitors ulwaye weleoule.
A, 8001E102, Com. A. MaG171ItE, R, K.
0170 part of Lot 24, 00n, 8, Grey, con -
lug 15 acres mono or less Go the Premieoe
are 0000 'Orales and a burn ; also two trolls.
Lund m 1,00,1 ,tato of cultivation ; vary
a on venieufly elb0ated to 0(01,01 village, For
'moo and tt•0111e apply 0o the promisee t0
8,. Cl•IAMBE1(0, 00 bo Ethel P, U. 7-11
L4424, Oou.1S, Grey, containing 100
acres. 40 agree cleared and balance -bard
wood bush and swamp. Good brick house
with kiteheu, driving eked and ,table , good
well, olehaid,&o. on mantises, Place Well
fovued. P esuee:fou could be given atter
crop le off, For further purbieulurs 0e to
price. term e, 30. Apply to 3N0. 0 MON1,00,,
Lot 24, Coo, 14,tirey, or ilouorielr P. 0.
jiiOR SALE 011 TO RENT.—
The undersigned offers her 108 mire
farm, being Lot 20, Con. 7, Grey, for Bale or
to rent. Comfortable
house book barn,
orchard,11 &
wells, c. Farm is only ofm
a fro
from th
stirring village of Ethel. SFor p 0 OARS.
Apply to F, B, Boost, Bruer
Sale, , ' orout BATA HOLLAND. 7 Peter
Street, Toronto, 13741m
0)niterONaD has for ease, on Lot 21,
Con, 12, Grey, three young brood sows with
litters at foot, It not Bold together will
sell. Mtge pigs separate. The latter are
MSS bred. A160 anti 90w, duo to furrow in
0 atelier, Parties wishing to buy pigs should
eel/ and get prices before buying elsewhere.
For further particulars apply to JOAN P.
M0INT0813, "Shady Nook Farm," Oran -
brook 2.0. 104f
Standard Bred Trotters
MIDNIGHT 0710-3 blank etallion two
years old, by Oro Wilkes (2,111, dam by
Young Slaney, Also the two year old filly,
11588 BARB. by Wuhan (2 Ili), dam by
Costumer. Both are thoroughly broken to
harness and will be Bold right for quick
Bale, For further particulars apply to D. J,
7d0LAUCHLIN, Brueeole P. 0. 10.00
0Ene0O:MD offers Ile 100 acre farm for
sate, being Lot 20, 7110 Lips, morxie. There
le a frame house, bauk barn and bay house,
8 °rollerde and a never.taidng spring. Farm
will 0e sold 112 moo or two parts to suit pur-
chaser, Possession (ould be given this
Fall. Four Flores of Fall wheat in. Farm lu
rase except 7
q o o throe, will,Bald on easy
terms. For further partlou.are as to price,
terme, dn.,apply on the promises to ALF.
BUTTON, or Brussels P. 0. 11.bt
I have been appointed by the Dominion
Government to plane Immigraote from the
United Kingdom in positions as form lab-
ourers or domestic servants in this vicinity,
Auy person requirlug such help should noti-
fy me by letter stating fully the kind of help
required, when wanted and wages offered.
The numbers arriving may not be snfhalen t
to eupply all requests but every effort will
be ,.lade to provide each apLnliaant with
help oequtred. F. 8, 8001T,
Canadian Government Employment Agent
82.1y Jimmie P.O.
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
ANY oven numbered section of DOminiogq
Lauda in Manitoba, Saekateliewau,'$aud
Alberta, excepting 8 and 20, not reserved,
may be homesteaded by guy person who is
the sole head of a family, or any male over
18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter
section o1130 acres more or lege.
Entry may be spade 900089ally at the
renal land Oise for the dietriot in whiolt
the laud is Minato,
The homesteader to required to perform
the conditions connected therewith under
sue of the following pinus:
(1) At least six months' Oesidonme upon
and cultivation of the laud iu euoh year for
three years,
(2) If the fatter (or mother, if the father
is deceased) of the homesteader resides
upon it farm in the viriluity of the land
entered for the requirements as to resi-
dence maybe satisfied by eh person re.
r.ding with the father or mother,
MI( the settler has his permanent reel.
donee upon fannies laud owned by .him'.
In the vicinity of his homestead, the re•
uiromeute as to residence may be Batt,-
fied dixm utile notupon
ce in the
should he
Deputy of Oar MWl i terOof Z00er0or.
N. B. Voaubhorized publication of tilts ad.
vortieerpent will vet bo paid for,
Rohm! Rats now in lifoot
Virginian .,....Salle Friday, Oct, 25 Nov. 21
Tunisian, Nov, 1 —
VIotorlau sails 1'bureday,Noy. 7 1,.
Ooreioan ,.,,,;;,emits Friday, Nov. 15 —
Ionian' Smile Thursday, Oct,24
Ooriutbian ,'.,mile q'hut'aday,, 000,31
PramOr i n Salle Thursday, Nov• 7
Grampian (new) „Saila Thursday, Nov, 14
Por sailing(, Bebe and full Information
apply to
IV. 11. 11181011,
Agent Allan Lino, ilrnesele.