The Brussels Post, 1907-10-17, Page 3l HEALTH sit` Cel 349@(Osse. 00 r 5®4A44, RESISTANCE TO DISEASE, 11 is a filet of e0110011 ol,gervatinn that not all per,o110 arc alike in Iheir p<:\vrr to least discus'. Far example, when typhoid fever or pueunlunla 0 prevalent, only 11 few. us compared with the Iola! populal!ou, acquire the disease, ailltuigh till ugly he living mi. Ori. 1110 sti100 au01il1. IT and be equally exposed to iho itlfection, l'hy'sic!funs say, in general Terms, that those who (0(((pe have gee:tier resisting pensee, \vied( means That they have 11(111'O\V. 01' \\'i01111 Thom to ((1elroy Me germs that get Into the body, and se to ,pre- vent 111010 multiplication and the luwm- faclm'e by !hent of the poisons which 0111101 the lesions and symptoms of liar 4:1311110 For n long Ifine it leas unknown how Mr system was enabled to destroy the n"eeetwe 0f disease or to neutralize them' effects. A 1.14111111011 of the problem Was, however, rots gulzed us 0,0senIiul i1 Ors/Hails were 00'e going to be able to treat infeellens diseuses in the oily ratting way--Iho1 to be say, by dlsireq'- hie the c' 1'(''; '10 01 prevent wllh crr- tnluly their aseerime., ill those who hid 1 ern exposed l., Ilse infection. T.lacterio- logrra Ill 0001 (he world dereled Mein- sel1es wilh gleu1 ussidtlily to the study u' this problem, with the a'esult Iliot. ti,ey 1100 new beginning to understand the subject, nith' ugh Were are stili oto settee points w•hicl1 must be cleared up tolore the fielllnenl of l'usteur0 pro- phecy that Ow time will come when it will be possible to exterminate 4111 In- let Ileus dLseases. There are Iwo theories regarding the way in which the l dy .resists an in- vasion of the bacteria of disease- the chemical, advnneed by Ehrlich, a Dor- man bacteriologist, and the mechanical, (i'seevOu•ecl by the Russian scientist, Ttelchuikeff, now al the Pastetu' Insti- tute in furls. Accord:lig to the first, when (he speci- e.. poison-OM:mutetl by the bacteria gets into the blood, this fluid at once eosins to lmtnufeciurc onetime sub - shoes. \Vltel acts us a. antidote, coin- 1'inhtg with the texln and forming an inert, flea -poisonous substance. The (hseo\0ly of the antitoxin used fn lire 11cnine111 of dtp1'1heria wns the result of Iles 1 heory. The 1111.1.11 threry Is (het certain cells among which lire sane0 of 11111 white. bind-c„rpu<eies, eel ns an army of (1,, ft. nee.seizing upon the bacteria and de- S;r, y'ieg ]heal. These Iwo theories are not really con- 11lldklo'y, although they oo.'ni so, 1111,1 leaf processes are probably al wont 111 piety eas0of successful resistance to nn 11(10 k of iilfeeliolis disease. Receul- I: it has been tumid that the white. 3.o:ul ecasel.-eh'$, called phagocytes „r "eating cells." teed Assistance to en - aide tical to 1ies1'oy the bacteria, and 11 this di5cov, ry is bounded the 01pso- bin theory, which will le discussed. ;n i future UIllt1 - Yulrlh's Companion. SCARLET FEVER AND \I11.K. Hull, I11 the ModicnrIii,cortl in a very !lilt -westing article. after an exb'nsiV(' review of the lilrr,rfuto, found that :'while wallet ftwer occurs in si'idennt 4,011 in those rclu(irie.e where 1' '0 0 milk isms a :duple article of food, rape,tulle among children, it dose net o ccnt' in countries where 14,\'05' milk is. stet 11 -ed 1111 11 food. 41' \0 here children air In s•d em nr1111 is intik only." ".ill,. is true of Japan. where caw 111110 18 mot tree( 11114 d,anrslie animals are s••are'. 11 Is hip ill India also (011.0.. tho11411 r,0)'': milk is used 1111' chihtl'en, tire nursed 1y 1(31(1' menu's 1111111 they 101 Iia•, 0 on' f ,tis' 'Or [Till 11111 pans of 1101''. \\ 1.il' 11111 immunity fr1 til servlet fev- er logi 111.‘p vcjlh lire nC-rncr e f coWs 11111k as 1111 to bole of 1,1.may le simply a rohlcul,nee 4 (h0rwk,' e xl,laill- al.1'. does it 11411 suggest possibility of hlecl.iun Ilrrorl4(1 lir' 4110110, -intestinal true( us perhaps the dile( 0411',0? A\C1TIIlbi COM CUBE. If the corn be hard wet a 111110 cob. Irit with raw linseed oil and put be- lveeen the toes, Renew this dully and the corn will soon disappear. If lite corn be suit apply a drop of (nolle acid 01111 \n1101 while Eine some- w hat blislel-like (4011(0 (110 faot in wa'nl water and with a dull instrument ('(1 cul. the corn, Or apply in the sumo way a drop of liquor 1101110811 Ili 'either ease after the 1'em0vnl c[ the cern epply every tiny some vaselinc o n the cotton between the toes, Fr'equrlt(ly if the persen persists for 101139 l!11ne in the use of vnseline 4n a Ville cotton without Iho use of Anything elite 0 cure will be consummated. M 1'ILVSW,IAN OUTWEI"I'ED i1O11141R, leached flim Out of Thr House \\'iih. an Empty Revolver. Prat Iiovaevslty, the Czars principal betty physician, was the Hera of a 'start- ling end curious adventure li few days ego nt 1(islev0dsk. Russia, where ee is spending his holiday. He WES sitting in the study walling for visitors when a 'sh'unge mat entered and presented hint with n,pnp01' which made a peremptory dcnenud for 30,000 roubles, The proles. ger handed the pepm bees , saying that money -lee would! 1 ' 1 he thenot had even 1 u give.11 to such a scoundrel, "We shall see about alta(, said the robber, cooliy, as ire leveled a revolver al the professee's bend. Shull we?" replied 1110 professor, thawing his pistol in ham. S0 the pair stood for nt least two min- utes, 'Then the 101)1)er slowly lowered 101, gun, smiled, and said graciously 01'13 de you no harm," as nue backed out ea the room mid the house, "111)1" asked a friend to wlloln the professor was relating the Story, "why die: you not accompany trim to the door and give the einem?" "I Would probably have One so," he reidii:rl, nenchnlantly, "had my revel. ver been loaded!' Vuleaniscd robber wheels Wer0 1oAi 'fid ler roller 40610 in 1St% AMBER DREYF US CASE MAN WRONGLY CONVIC'I'Lp.3rN NEW 410atLAND,. (thief 1\'hness Convicted 01 Perjury and Sent 40 Jail--Parllanent De- lays itedress, Everybody r01ne11tces the Dreyfus 01450 where- 011 innormll Preteen officer was rnmtict•d on false evidence in 1804 111111 lwhlsteted tweit'e years later. 111 404111114 there have leen Iwo case, 111111 of Adolf Reck, convicted by 0115- 11,0e. In 18(113 and again is 10(14, and re - 1c -used and compensated in 1005, 1111t1 'he case of tidal)! convected 0l cattle maiming unit recently released, Now from New ''Zealand comes a still 111111'1 fxadl0lllg dory of a 111All who WES wrongly convicted twenty years agog 00(1, who, though proven innocent hl 1a05, has so far failed to get redress. The core is hurt (11 John James Wilde who In 1887 was the o\vnet' of Et well -sleeked sheep farm of eight hun- dred neves In Soulhlund, new Zealand. There (:nd been neighbors' quarrels be- tween him and his adjoining neighbor 011 111e north, which was a mummy, the New ''/Zealand Aforlgnge and lnvesl- nnnl. Age -when -at, The company missed a ]urge number of sheep and were SU - 8(10(4 110 ((1 Mellcle. They set a man named Lambert,, a roustabout or farm lel ores. t, watch for the thief, and promised 11101 :1250 In addition to his wages if he caught the thief and se- emed a conviction. There were three convictions against Lambert himself, iwn for drunkenness and one for the (heti of a battle of whiskey, but the company WETS 11(11 aWnre of this. Tl1f: EVIDENCE GSVEN. ' hanhcrt after a few weeks clafnted he had evidence and Made was ar- rested on a charge of stealing by driv- ingt them been the company's ]lend Lo his Own. Lambert testified that on a certain night he sav Stacie's son driv- ing twx'11ty-eight sheep oft the com- pany's land; that he accompanied the I*'.y 11110 saw him and 1115 father count the sheep through a narrow gale, pica( 011' a fat one and kill 11 un11 turn tam mist on to their own land. Lambert, stria Meikle lanced freely to him and (•(market tient he could cut out the brands on the sheepskin so that Lice skin could not be recognized. Lambert's story was faulty and con- tradictory in several important plu'li- rulel:s upon his different exunlina1ens. Cher' he 011111 hr never saw the brands cal 1110 skin and another time he said le dict and hl' was also 10100lisfuctOry to dales. But the chief fact which t,ld ngains! Meekly was that the pollee 114011 mewling Slade found 27 of the company's sheep on his land and a skin bearing the OOntpany's brand in a betiding used as a smithy. These things were not insurmountable, but Meikle's defence wits poorly handled. An at- tempted alibi (which years tiller was proved a good one) went to pleas and 0"Ir'd as a 1oninerang against Slolicle, ('nil the defence totally flailed to lay. rmy adequate stress on the fact that on the nicht. before the nllegc(1 theft Lam - Is 0, carrying n bag wheel he said een- Inlned blankets, had visited 'Mendes smelly where. the skin was afterwards found. 1.11n4mrl (lilted (ire. smithy for lie sup.0os 11 purpose of sharpening his kitil0. 0111 palpably weak parols 111 1.1,11i(.•01,0 evidence seem to hove been beefell,y 4vorkceked by the defence law a 1, \icikle was convicted and sent. l0 jell for seven years. 11e appealed from the prisoner's clock 11110 fr0111 the jail neatest, the .sentence, only to have, a ropnrl sent by Ilse judge to the Allor- uev.(lenera vehemently supporting the vrrdicl, SEEKS \ iND1C,VrION. In NovenTher, 1802, .Meikle was dis- charged and asked the ,\lielsicr of 115- Itre to have Lambert. "prosecuted for perjury. This was refused and blench'. WILL) hal (*on warts .113,0110, but who was then penniless,. started in ler h(tn- self. After repealed attempts a true bill was found against Lambert and lu i>1)5 he was convicted of perjury aid 110nlencatl it four years i0) icheli 110111, wllch wns then 1110 maxiurula penally for Mils offence. aleihc's vIndlealion now appeared complete and he npprlached the New Zealand Perlianent with a petition for redress, r\ committee of (11e 1 -Souse recommended that he be eompe1sbled for iris losses in connection with his imprisonment and legal, Tho Govern- rslcut declined to do This, but paid 5feikle's costs 1(1011rred in prosecuting I ,nlhcrt. The next year the committee repeated its recommendation and the sum of ;11700 Wag pill in the estimates ('a1 ' n 1r 1 ik1C'S credit, For over C Ac1 Mc.tkle refused to touch this, but when Premier Seddon in reply to a taunt spirt that this was not compensation, bet n reward for bringing a perjurer to justice, \:leihle took the money. 13u1 In se doing he had to sign a receipt in full for claims against the colony, and this hos since barred litin from ap- pealing directly to Parliament. NOT GUILTY, BUT - Papular pressure, however, grow 50 silting that 111', Seddon, in 1005, grant, 0,1 a judicial inquiry into the whole business, which was held in May, 1000. In This Ivleikte, while unshaken in the fiefs at issue, became so hopelessly tangled in a cr'0ss-examinnton on an irrelevant matter -his relations with a certain woman -that the Commissioners said they must threat him as utterly un. worthy of credence on mutters, affect - Ig his o\wn interests. AL tile; same time the other evidence produced was more strongly than ever before' in Mendes ommi loners brought, favor, and the C ,ss n gh in a report that Wilde was not guilty; but they did not say a word as to whe- liter he, wns entitled to compensation, Thug, alter twenty years And repeated Trims, Meikle is still without compensa- tion for his lessee and injuries, but it is felt public opinion Le so aroused that he will'not have to Walt mud( tenger for What he seeks, "What's that line of ;people in front of your (louse?" "Oh, they're neighbors Rhq have heard our cook was going to lottvp, and they're waiting for a etlanee to engage her," TI1E STOMACH ON STitll(Ii, • The 'Ionic '.Treatment for Indigestion Is (11e dust Successful. Lass of appetite coaled to l)1nie, had taste in the ❑14)11111 hcaty, d1111 11e11(1' oche and a chill sluggish feeling -The e '1l1'I1'ev(hfemsly'n;lcleplu(t(ti0l0t1hes',uounelahelTl reinsd,t. strike, that !1 is iet longer furnishing In the 111oot1,ihe full 111101a of nourish- ment that the, body ch'w11ds, bailee e\ el'y organ suffers, There are twat 1001110,1.8 cif treatment, the old one by which flue sloulneh LS humored by the use of preelll;esled heels 111111 urllllclnl 1t. (1110111s, 11111 the new one -'('he Dr. \'(11(nnla' Pea!( pills 1110lho11-)ly moo, 1bo sb)ulnrh is toned up to do the wort, 11(11'11 intended of it. A recent eller by the Mole Treatment is titin of 5(rs, Jce,, W. 1laskcll, fort SIuillrtd, N. 4 She says: "For years 1 enjoyed perfect health, but suddenly Iendaehes arized 1110. 1 had 11 had task! 111 my 1011(1,: u,y longue was Mated; 1 grew tired and oppressed; my appetite left Inc, and such focal ns 1 did cut only caused dish'ess, 1 had severe pains in nay chest, 1 lost 011 Strength and war offal ,seized with vOmi11iig. At differ- ent limns 1 ions 11(91(ct by score of c,ur hest doctors, but althouglh 1 4,F ke'\ved their treatment carefully 1 did not get any better. One clay while muting a paper I cane across cr Ca1P smelter to mine whteh had been cured by 1)r, \Vill:anis' Pink fills, 1 hnmedi- M1h'ly purchased 11 111441y and it Wei n t long b'14,00 (Trey began to help me. I grew stongcr day by day 1111 novo I fn as 41(1(1hy ns I ever was. 1 have n good nlgr. (i L', 1110 strong and fictive and c•al attend to my household du- ties wilhnul fatigue. I have no hesi- tation it rccomineuding Dr. Williams' Pink Pills 11 all sufferees from indiges' ti,•n." till, un1111isn1, kidney trouble, neu- ral4in, sl. \'au.; dunce, 11elubirrhO and backache, palpitation, general weak- ness, and a host of other troubles, find their mot in bad blend just as 111 the case of sl0nllu'h hatuble. That is why lire Dr. Williams' fink fills treahnelal s al\vIys a sutrer15--they ere a 401'- 1'fnl blood builder and nerve, (onle. $o'd by all druggists or direct from The Dr. Williams' \lediohie Co., Brock- ville, Ont.. 111 50 cents a 1:ox or six 10 xis for $2.50. i3.Ut9'li -IS IiorLOW. Rhode island Professor Saris It Is Also Inhabited Inside Dr. Orville. Livingston f.eneh, scien- tist and investigator, of Auburn, llltode lslnna1, says the earth is-holl,w.. '1'o got to this place, which is a land of great beauty, you have but 10 sail lo one or the other of lire poles, and quite without knowing it, 40111. ship may go 11110 1111 opening es if into a gaslight globe and cultic upon a convex land. (31100 there It may he that you'll never Colne back. 'rho professor (loosll'', say much about that Arctic explorers who have nicer re- turned from the iand of ire, m0y'Itap, are now sailing arou11d fn the sea that lines the inner side of the earth. They may hove found a port and dropped anchor and gone ashore, "'L'lu' possibilities of it land inside the (91111 was 11rs1 broug:11 to my 01100(1(0 when I picked. Up a 400113 011 11111 s1101.e1 of the great lake. The is 11 spher- ical and uppetrlilly solid stone, but vvtien broken is found lo be 110(10w and mailed \vtllt cryshrly. 'l'bc earth is only a (111410 form of u geode 1111 the law that created the geode in its bellow form, undoubtedly' 'eshloned the earth 111 the 011111' wily. "Dr, times the .bell( explorer, found evidence of :mined life Mal could net be accounted for. '1'th'se, 1 and c0nefn(cil, 03(111 (•um the Unexplored Q0lI(ltly reached only from Ilse pair's, whence mew (111 Nnl'llietar lights." As it matter of fart, Ilei• inner world theory as exploited by l Poi. Leach Is 11'1 oil ono. It came info particular promlinenee (fatly in the present century, when a 11111 Maned Shan or Simms, 0 resident of Cancinunlil, publicly .nave. (111011 IL ,so persistently 1(1111 II came 10 be known and ridiculed us "Sims Hole." PAINi.ESS TIEETHINC. There is no ,period in boliyes life that mothers dread n:ore hunt teething trine. The Mlle guns 1'e tender and inflamed; the child suffcts 011 is sleep- less and (roes, and the tnolher is usu- ally worn out curing for the child. The use of Rally's Own 'Tnhlets allays the inflammation, softens the lender swol- len gums, and brings the teeth through painlessly. 'Mrs. N. Snu\'e, St. Rose d( Linea, Qnc„ snys: "When. my baby was culling (114- teeth he was feverish, cross and slid not take nourishment, After giving hint 13nby's Owns Tablets he cut six teeth without the least lroti- ❑c never used an !reti- tle. 1 /ewe 1 \ V medicine ice ch -101111 1 prize se highly as 111e Tablets," Solei by all medicine dealers 111 by mail at 25 cents a box from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. BRIBERY AN INSULT. Manager and Buyer of 110011(1 Factory Sentenced to Ileavy Fines. The manager and buyer of a large factory at Berlin, Germany, leave been Sentenced to heavy (lues for an attempt to bribe two railwoy officials, The fac- tory in question made n number of 1' - beteg used on the Prussian State 1%11- 50f14s, and the ra11Way otleiels had been entrusted with the dirty of examining the goods before they were received. They at once reported the matter to their superiors, and action \vas taken, the factory people being charged with in- sulting Government olilctals, The railway Minister at once issued A 0ireular to all railway employes ex- pressing anis belief tint none of them would accept presents 1(1 tiny shape, Acceptance would, of course, bring In - stent dismissal and imprisonment. and any firm attempting to bribe officials would not only bo heavily fined, but Weyer excluded from supplying the rallway,S. "Yes," boosted an overdressed indict. dual, "1 make my clothes last. Tilts hat t5 an example of my thrift, Relight it three years ago, had it blocked twice, and exchanged it once for a new (orae at a restaurant." COAL WILL BE EXHAUSTED I.,NOI:(111 131'1' MINO'I'S MOAT. TO LAST 200 YEARS, But Anthracitic Will Give 0111. Seventy Years Prom Now, So it is Said. After 011 there is coal enough in the &arttt'y, and the trust will he able to '1'ulhtue to put priers up for many a ."Ing year l(1 conte. Rcently a number of ndslending art!- elcs have been given out, apparently on lie. authority of the United Slates geolo- gical survey, predicting the early ex- Irtustion of the fuel supply. The 404). (1 glonl survey did say the bituminous '4 a) Melds might be exhausted in an- o ther century, but the statement was qualified in such a way it was evident (hero would be real enoug!'1 for many long years to come. Te correct these misleading Impres- sions, Director Smith of the survey has given out. an 0uihoritlilh'e statement prcpare'd by M. R, Campimll, who has (Marge of the division of economic eeo- lcgy and furls, and E. W. I'arlter, coal mining expert and statistician. The gusts are that the estilnn(e of the bituminous coal fields prepared by Mr. Campbell shows the (alai quantity (11 oral stored in the ground at about 0; d170,ono,ol0,000 short tons. From this (bare has been extracted, according t0 Sir Porker's statement, about 4.1125,- 0(10,000 short tans. Assuming for every len of coat )Wined there Is half a ton lost, Thi, repeesonts an exhaustion ( f nrarly 7,000,000,000 tons, or only al>aut orae -third of 1 per cent. of the total sup - ENOUGH TO LAST 200 YEARS. We produced and consumed in 1800, In round numbers, 343,000,000 short ions, wt11ci1 represented (bout 500,000,- 000 kens of exhaustion, since less coal !q lost per ton mined than formerly. At ibis rale, if no increase be allowed for the bituminous coal supply would last al'Out 4,000 year's, However, tatting in- to account the probable rate, first, of increase and later, decrease in produc- tion, experts of the gcolagicol bureau are of opinion the hulk of cheaply ruin- e d bituminlus coal will he exhausted within 200 more years. But when the period of decrease In production sets n, they say, file need for the fuel will dmlblless be supplied in a considerable degree by the utilization of other forces of nature, thus extending the life Of the bituminous coal fields still farther. So far as anthracite coal is concern- ed, predictions of exhaustion have herrn based almost entirely on the estimates by the Pennsylvania geological survey, strewing that there were originally in the ground about, :10,500,000,0011 long Ions of coal. For every ton of coaI milled one and ono -half tons was lost, '('his metals only 7,1100.000,000 tons, if the original supply were recoverable. ANTHRACITE FOR 70 YitA11S, Up to the close of 10011 production amounted uppr0ximaaely to 1.,050,000,- 1110 tons, twlifcli would leave 0.150,000,- (0.0. At the rale of almost 0ii,000,11170 tons a year this supply would lest about timely pears, Later estimates lade by William Griffith, of Scranton. Pa., placed We quantity of minable anthracite in the {1011114 at the close of Jp15 at 5,073,- 86,751) long tons, Since then a trine over ehn,0n11,11110 tons have been 1lthrt- nu, leaving about 4.471),01111,001) 10115 available. tinder this estimate, at the rate of 05,000.0u11 tons a year, the sup- ply would last only seventy yams. Against holt these estimates Hurst be set the filet (hat production will n.0 be maintained at the present rale until the coal is 4,110,'. t, v,d1 ctl,1n 0f atLl 1,10 t . exports The pt 1 o say, 11,111 about reechid 11, maximum, 1\ hen 11 does begin to decrease the rate probably will be slow, kl mover, with Improved mining methods and the In- creased price of coal, beds are now hy- ing worked wtiteh were not included in 1110 available reserves when the esti- mates were prepared. Ll:.`S COAL WASTED NOW, • 1n addition to ibis, miners now re- cover about 00 per cent., instead of 40 lies cent., of coal achtelly biokon out. 1.'hLe. sa'i11g alone, IL is explained, wool' extend the lite of the region one. half. Furthermore, the utilized 410401 - hen of shall sizes 01 anthracite for steaming purposes, which has increased rapidly within the Inst few years, has 1?: t only reduced the waste (n mining, but is 1n0khng possible the recovery 01 usable fuel front the great .Oulm banks that stood as artnnumenls 10 the \resle- 411 methods of former years. It will be a comfort t0 a great many people to know flat experts of tho b e - lenient survey say:- "To ay:"To what degree these factors will extend the 11To of the anthracite field is not possible to soy, lntt the condi liens now existing indicate no clanger of exhaustion during the present gen- eration. A conservative s(ntelnest is BIM soon the annual production and cOnsumplion of anthracite will decrease 4ladually so titnt the supply probably will last 150 or 200 years." ole DOUBTFUL. "flew about this young men who is paying attention to l;titel 7 Aro his con- neetions good?" "I don't know. 110 began lite as n plumber." "FREE INFOIRMMATiON," This is what one of the most promin- ent physicimts of to -day seysi That one ounce of sweet spirits of nitre. one ounce of compound vhnosa, and four ounces of syrup of rhubarb mixed together and taken in dessert- spoonful doses after meals and at bed- time 111 water will effect a permanent Miro for the 1081 severe cases of kti ley, liver, bladder, ancl' .if'ln0ry tr'ou- hies, Ile claims that a few doses will postlively e)Ire the worst enS4S of back. ache and t'hcumalism arising front dls- ordered kidneys and impure blood, These dregs nye of purely vegetable natureand inexpen.tVe, and, inn be obtained at any dt'alg store and mixed together at Home. A SHORT HISTORY Serious Case rf Chronic Catarrh Gradually Overcome By Ps-ru'osa, A REMARKABLE CASE. „N. Mr.ArthurTrembla NIR. ARTHUR TI EMiILAT, 8 M, ,lames street, 51014 Pleasant, Quo- Can., writes: A1:0111 three years ego, catarrh in lis most serious forma assailed 1(11', "1 consulted It speciai;t who pre- scribed medicines ns colls(ilul(onal beeline/IL and n liquid to use locully. "This gave me relief for a (hue, but soon afterwards the disease retueed. "1 was then suffering very much, my appetite had left me and 1 was 419150ng weaker. "1 had frequently read pamphlets re- garding Ibe cures made by Peruna, and although somewhat dubious us to. its d•,iug me tiny good, I decided lo try a few bottles. "1 had not taken Peruna for mare than two weeks before u intuited im- provement wits perceptible, "As I continued tubing the remedy, 1ne disease gradually disappeared nod in a few months 1 was entirely- rid of the nauseous malady:' Among the mishaps of a commercial career recalled by a retired merchant is lhls:-"In the eighties, 501100 the moustache cups were so popular that they were (1500 in the 1114110311 circles, 1 erder,.'d from Germany a great number (r gifts good for the Christmas trade, There were children's mugs, teneups, co1(0e cups, moustache cups, and so on, and 1 had them lettered in,sgald with inscriptions, "Co Fabler,' "To Brother; 're Mother, 'To Sister.' \Vhen 11543 con- signntent arrived, would you LtOlievo that 1 had on my hands 500 moustache cups labelled, 'To Sister'?" Cholera m,nlnno, er:uups and kindred eomphlinis lmnunlly aside Iheir impetus nece a1 the Slone time se the 1,01. wea- ther, green Crud, cuc11111"r.,, melon,, etc., awl many persons are debarred from eating These tempting Iltings, but (ery ureal it l ulsanin 1f ih(y 1110l0 Dr', J, 1), 4 11' gg'a Dyserlery Cordia1511,1 lake a few ,h,ps in water. 11 cures t,ragr 111 cha1yPa in a 0mk- u1101.e C untuucru1and fa euro to checrk everyar drs(urbanec of `llhehowelo. Tile country grocer w•a.a issuing in- sretions to h 1100 1 Isam"1f5 ,uhrliy by Inukingis r10. ly 111101l ,' t•Ifh•s, said the ,pro(1I1'lor', "111,11 n Imoran (e 111,14( !m (h, :0 days of doer' co111111p0(i- lon." "Y, 111111e 1101,1 Ill' isfy. "F,.t' example,- continued the gel u•lr, "W11.111 y+,u fuel( 1110 Hies 011 of ((4' -Volar (knit Iiu'ow (hum away, Put 'en! 111110114 . the currants." The Flagging linergre R wlvod. Cnn- sla11l npitlil.,lion to bu;lne111 is a lax 10,11 the energies. and 1f Haute be not relexali,lr. 1as-•itule: and depression ere sure to iu(r1Veu,, These ,,'1nr iron M0111a!:I1 Ir nd+les. The want of exer- 'rise brings on nervous irregularities, and the stomach Ceases to ,is..h hilate iced properly. In this condi) ton Pnr- tnelees Vegetable fills will he famed a rcrnl:erattve (he organs to 0lfen0l1nt1r1uponwclron1-,011d!1sp1exl4- ling depression, and reviving the nag- ging energies. WORSHIP OF '1113 RIVER. It is STAT Adhered io by the Orthodox Ilindus. The Times of 11101a prints an inter- esliug stmt' showing h0\mmo. that the worship 0f the river is still imperative to the orlhdox Hindu, and that the rite Ps senretinles employed for other than re- ligious t50posa5, it is related that some lime ago a well-known citizen appealed to o "parn- wellall" to protect an old num who was laid in the lapping waters of the river, to ,be washed away ns the fide rose, his cries meanwhile beim, shined with 111110. But the policeman objected to interfere, on the ground Chet it was a religious custom of the country, The papier goes on to say tint a short time Nitre the incident the pileous cries of a suffering indiml who \vas being borne unwilling- ly to the water's edge brOtlght himr European help, the ntnn eventually re- covering )lenitle in a hospital. Of course, The Times of India continues, these Doses a•e exoeptions to nn anci- ent and sacred belief 11101 death within sight of the river secures future peace crud happiness for the passing soul; hill of a certainty tint unalterable faith that the sick, once taken to the river, can never return to their homes is open to nutlh abuse. The leaders of Bengal, it is suggested, might surely find lec- turing space to teach their followers that It is a berhareus custom \vh(eh ex- penses those suffering the lungs of death to the open, and bins them Cry "t4era holo" and then die, llewitt. "Don't you believe that a than should practi10 what he preaches?" Jowlltt It depends upon what; he nreacheS,'4 • INFLUENZA AND DRY FEET, Recently a correspondent, \(hn staled 1 e s authority 11 n !l, was "something of au n 1 f y ,' t ' t r � 1C' n f,up, sent a otumuuiculkul t0 t„1 London ,n 7 hues. relying 111,11 the only suit() way t' avoid Miceli; 1110 disea50 10118 lu deep ()Jo fool drv, 111 corroboration of the. point lie mentioned that since lie had been careful to do this he had 1101 burl il; 11111„ before obscrciug the pre- caution he had it ford' 3011••s hi s11Vec'F- 01011 and got it '[.levy tilde through has feet," Whereupon, another corrl.- s((iudenll clines out with the staggering oto(rinettt that he knows a Iran 'Who has had grip the pars in succession: and fur has (\011 wooden legs. ORGANI141"S '1'RJR1'I'E TO ZA:11-131't{, if, E. Jlnner, overalls(. of Carman, 1\lan.), Writeat--"Stene little lime hg) I burned my thumb severely. I had some %o,u-Ruk Mindy rout applietl it, The 41111 -link took !lie lire telt of the wound tauno01 instantly and eased the pain, It penetrated lu the very .eat of the injury and gave quiet: relief. I wn; v-ny' glad of flus, because I lead an en- gagement to piny at an organ recital 8 few dav, later, 'Thanks to Lain -114114 1 was able to keep Ifo appotelment. ''/.am -little heals quickly all skill In- jnriea and 110 •uses, 0101 o-lcies 11d druggists fit .ie cents, or from Zuni. R111e C(1„ Toronto, lir price., 3 boxes for 71.25. +15 "Slop!" sire cried, when he attempted to kiss her. "Stop." The youth, being unmr'lstoteed to codices of lire kind. (Mew back abashed. "You were ruffl- ing my Mier," she said. noticing his tepidity. Then he resumed, but with nlar'e care. (lard and seal. corns cannot withstand Deneway's Corn Cure; 11 is effectual every line, Get a bottle at 0nee and Le happy. T00 LAZY TO \YORK. Little Willie -"luny, pa, what's ennui?" Pa -"Ennui, my son, is the feeling that tomes over It man when he gels leu lazy to work." (TCII, Mange, Prairie Scratches and every corm of contagious lieu on human cr animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- ford's Sanitary kation. It never fella. Sold by all druggists. Ethel: "What a finely -01115011M mouth vcu Have! iI ought() be on a gir'l's face." ,tack: "Well, I seldom miss an oppor- tunit y." One trial of '.Mother Graves' Worm Externlinrilor will convince you that 11 1111.. no equal as a worm medicine. Buy a bottle and see if it does not please you. Jones -"Thal was a scathing sermon 1111 mein men the. person (3(100 115 las( Sunday. Wonder \sited 411(11 thought ghoul f(?" Brtnn-"Singular! 1 nett Smith y'ester'day. and he said he'd eke to know your opinion on it." Attar Wasting Pevers imsten Teanvmy to l,enith by tha 11ea of "Formyl,,.,' It is tae 11,011 Louie. It muilds, st:esgtheus and gives new vitality, Try it, it will ntak0 you feel streak Jar9(s tri- "1T r,0ell bless 1111111 I(e slowed co1HOenee hh 1ue when the. rt tuts were dark and threatening.' 551ls.m--"In what way;" .Jackson - "Re lent 010 an uunbrrlili.,,, "511111 is Filled With Misery." -Thus es 11,1 110,1,' elf all mon. '1'1110 i\([t s Bund or lung. clear of eye, +°U rt and buoy- ant with health. are pots (1t„raie, w ieneve • to (10' s, Tial r, n,Ii11,11. ('0 be well is 1•:1 he happy, and w e am ail be well by 1e. tint and keeping 1,1in l edit s (n .I healthful iota!", 1)1,, Tis nlad Deeetris (vii will help 1111 L;, to (tris. The parson's \wlf, h'I, 'era 1111 -later get it leg 't mutton and1)511 111 re.. 1 iy til'' loll, wing 11,11o: R'01' \hl i un, - 1 lu,ve nal ki11e,1 Ints('(f hits w, , bill 0111',•1 ,1 119 .off (11y' bneiter. if \vil1 rdo, le:ur unecticu1(o butcher. Jcfn Sirloin," Tiny tubercles on the skin of scrninlnus peo- ple pmducc the hideous dis('aeo called 101101. Wearers (brute, need in time, will mime the akin front doslruclon. Appl • to all ua'ecied parts: C100,400 the bleed with \Vetiver's Syrup. -- "Waiter," railed the euslr,ruer in the 1est urrin1 wh.•rc an (10111)11ra 50011 (11'10 in4 "Yes, ars" "leindly let the (ender of the orchestra l0 play something sad and low while I dine. I w1111 to se0 if i; won't have a softening influence on this steak." Sleeplcssutrs:-_\\'len_ the 10'005 are unstrung ,and We 5011010 body given up to \vr9lchtl n)Ss,1011011 the mind 1s Tilled with gloom end (180(1al forebodings, the Tosu1L of derangement of the digestive organs, sleeplessness comes IO aid to 1111: distress, 1.4 only the stlIgee1 could steep, there would be 01,1100111 for a while and temporary t'clioL Parme- iee's Vegetable hills will 001 only tn. chiCO sleep, bol, Will net so beneficial- ly (fiat the subject will wake refreshed end restored W happiness, 1350101ors who aro looking for trouble should gel married, A gallon of writer ran be exactly con- tained in a rc1Opinele 0 Inches square end 7$(, inches deep, 1L weighs 10 lbs. ISSIUC NO, 41-07, SIand nit-Cwrauall 1 Sand boweldiaolden, Maker puny b- (ea CO(r plump and rosy, Proved by 50 ()ani aueca1ifu1 an' 6 your r ill u sky rdu for z•.- •-250,-6 heels $1,25. Maimed Deas h Chemical Co,, Lie! 40 Mostrael, 13110UG1IT '1'0 'PERMS. hl the Drayton household it is Said Bud the father of the family has a way of presenting alternatives to Ms chit- dren that never fails to bring 1110111 rots) line, I wish you twould speak to 133obhy'.r Mrs. Drayton said 1ton One night.. "I've load f y (0)51 to take leis medicine and then Pimp into bed, and he won't do It, lfa,just hops )round, and says 11e doesn't want to iulce the nlodieitie and he doesn't want ro go (o I Mr. 17roylobedn stepped to the door 0! /lobby's room, amt stood there, talk grave and impressive. "Bobby," he suid,'.firinly, "If you don't j(akaump yo11110ur edici44311 n1 atwiloncebe put t, ando thenbbedrn, l ed, do you hear me, put to :bed, without. Laving your medicine al all I" t'pon which Bobby, alarmed and Con fused, swallowed bis 1110110d portion and meekly retired for the ,night, For Churches and Schools int one Ceiling is ideal for churches and school., for its beauty, cleanliness, nomy- for it. .military pedeellee (no seems to catch dirt) for ft fire -proof qualities pEDL RC11II NGS Alio,. 2,009 modern designs in very style. f ponart-side-walls to match in harmony with 1,0rt0f scheme. -adapted to any color -scheme or n'rite-rural motive. Allow m to seed you illustrated details nod quote prices, Addles 101 The PEDLAR Peoples r1117.11 Oshawa Montreal Ottawa Toronto London w'1,001 0 Ready Made Show -Cards. The retailer a'lway's has •olte subject: cf suprc'ul,1 interest to 1)11(18''I1 -40w cull make 111010 511105? We can 11(111) by supplying you with aur ready-made. Aullslie Slew Cards. These cords are made on strung rardbeard, 11 by 1•i 11 0irs, with while letters on fa111ck.1'1110 00 red 1•ackgruund. We carry in steel( a- complete assortment of _over 500 f, rent designs, curds for any business, Catalogue and price list mailed on re- quest, 1ILISIN ISS SIGNS, Guelph, Onl, Fi..7ATHER DYEING cleaning and Curling null Aid Glove, de"nod Then. oat be neat by putt, 11180100. t1,, Icet plata ie • 81114)SHI AMERICAN DYEINC Gibe 1h0NT11L•SL. MAOHUF'iEFiC FOR SALE. DYNAMO 300 lights, first-class order. Will be sold cheap and must be gotten out of 111e way owing to 01#1-ii„h1 111aehine taking its place. • 11 410,10 Wilson, 73 Adelaide Streets West, Toronto. FAN BLOWER Buffalo 111(11(1', m11nhrr four, 0 -tach vete heel discharge, g ', 21 niches 11411 ; peri(: l ere -Mitten. $.1prr:rri,.ndeu1, T1111111 111614 tug, 73 Ad,laide tit. \.'est, Toronto, ar 4 , Wowea hof et mea lslntand of l na.Unlit 10 wonderful OARJELWhirlingSra Spray TIM pow wnnl.nl 0701000. n at-)loeniti00 1001. 1(L 01001,100 in0tanay: I(00 Corn ni051119(((10 ]aA nYGL 10,001 no 011ier, Int inn slump for 111, 0(eeterl hole-s5nle0, It ghee full Imr110n,nre and directions in - winnow, to I di0a WINDSOP.SUPPLY Agenl . Windsor Ont. General Avenel for eueede. lacan't sot away iwmun u•.. 5 NCWH 5- OU t TRAP. R , �f"..a.a„n.rs.o.'mu,wen.em."n,,,-s Prirktty ulna lww..w ae,u„n.n-, fT n wu,W •0 0 '- • 4.wneuw a wzN.n,4,. y 03015010MMUNITV, to. QUEIJESTEANISHIP COMPANY LIMITED. Mier ar and. Gul f of S fit La awrcuci Bummer Orliiees in Cool Latitudes • TWIn Soren, Iron S9, "Cnmpntta," with eleotrl4 lights, oloctrlobolls and allmodere eom(arts. SAILS 11tOM 11011TIL1 ,4j, 010 MONIAYs nI I pad„ S1rd se11tomboy, 710 and 11101 0447111 01111 fortnightly thereafter for ('ictoa, N. :,,, oi n at nuclide, Naso Mal 111 Poro r g a ela P 00 Y, lig Ifamntarsitte, F:7?:,I., and Chnrlotb otowly �.1t.1, BERMUDA • Bummer )tzoarsions, $55, by Oa now Twin 11 miff SS. nonnudlan," 0,00111 inns. Sailing Gbh Soptelnbor, 5th, 10th nitd Sdth 0utabor, Mu OM 07th S1ovornbor, lremporntdro 03,113(1 11) l y sO,ilroozoa salaam rrws'nllsvo 03 dogmas, Tho ()nest trips of the loamen fey 1011(1 ail comfort,. ARTHUR- Afll;i'7N, Secretary, Olieheea A. C. OITI'li munar. 4 CO., A011.4, 11¢0 tlrbadway, New York,