HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-10-17, Page 2' "0:4");f43:(•+*•0;(+A+):4-lli+lat+in-ti-X1 +/:(44:1•4•1:4/ati-K14-1:t+In+lat+ta`t+lat+knr.1
A+0+3at+)ati•A4 A +).-ca+ A -f*, 4-1a 4•31k4-1,n+la-P-1:1•4• t in+ la +la+ In -Han+
Cl I.A111.:11 11.
1 he :ale:moon dea 11 Main de:seated
nate Pagellger only al Ille line 55 avahle 1
, ,
S111.11011 of el. len toilet\ A slali art
.esiung man i 111fam hair alla 1Mind-
slams tanned fame, the appearance of i
whose loggege stamped hint at clue,' Is
ilil arlisl,
"IS there a esenforlattle inn lierr 1' lie
adted 4'4' We ateepy•loolong ttk.' 1.'
The man ehook ais head.
- 'There's au inn, Rut as tor caret -0M
1 10,,,,A t 1 liero',„,ih) 0.11 I 0,
But the le,1 lest it. nusees a moil; ,fle'
two back.
Putman S'neleir
"Just ;ay Meld" he exetaimed. "1
ought to have found :hal flImfore;
coming; Welt, !hanks. I'm going le
eotmottre, so III icave ttiy Miitgager•
" sna 1' ''i 0a111,
f.'11:0,10 1,0 had thalig,11.-
111111,\I 1110 r‘,..4\‘-. 11;s
11,0d11.a..1\ "Nh,..: Covell
hale .0oraT T.. 11,0 1.•0. :4110 11:ay put
you lir. aae .un1 S0a 10 l'tSit00, 01`0,
main wet tt is, Only a stray artist or
saa \ I' ''.L
"Alt the ante.: an inn wan., ;hen i
thia Nlise ince!: 115 eaa
"The fea: sottage on the right, fannet
the se., A immen am 0 sweet peas
and ealsaielss al front of it, end'
lee eeeeper 1 dm a an. 13,mig e
un ey,a y.m Way 110t00 it
11.111 11 -111r. -
"Your clesaren aboual realm me
tinmous to, antlotN, Thantis..
I shaa y,"1:
llo tamed o; the Sts'.1an and .
‘111`.;,0,1 at01111 the sleep, otiat:.,y, inetme
leadtlig to Me z'oa.i. W 4,a aalit, easnola
The village lay almat a 0,-.:a-fler of s
•• mf.le aV,At. r-M.rocied at. mann:, 110.S..',
Inng in a iove overtvarg 1.y. e'en's,
yenti it sir:Mated !he s' '\:g sea. a .
sheet of sumehece and geed fantod v. '
daneeig Imam, :alai meimme into lee fai•-:
nil late i '4y itt •," s•'si mem.'
Tee mai imered nereoles.ed en to the
straggena \stemr.t. or t:te :tad
:51114'01 Ir0,S 3'1'0:11 1:s .
it:ara. rites s"elre ase \--5•'•••i nt :
its Ismitets•sm eatima. Mgt ais mos.
Itc gar,,...1 La.-% in seat -h of the senor
that wes mert,"tit
feint hia melon, "Yoe nnm! allow me
: , .! • . . • a g
men knod, us,m0,1 ,inen: he tatted
:seemly, !misting Ian iname 1,1 Ihe
1,1 , ,Iti 1 I1Il4„ : ,tt"In
imreefelitig it, "Ins more than
the Mir I\ erne yeangster. 11la
letyine, Met 1 lea' triiimem, ITt mois-
t:oil. Me dog's mum, tio you lint': NMI
tirst ‘nte of yea I email ititreatintt.
ham or eity wr • -1•• '1 last • ths
tomei of my whin. Do yam hear.'
All aut
the' lithls whaa nearer.
Mto Ite‘ strun1-4's faee. .fte
glve. 1;) sa,k-‘. a
maralless niceigrets ale was worthy of
Mem:ma'am.: •
” \If l'10r the dam -niter of a ii•acel
k'it e man :-• they ,mtaniented spitefully.
Stinetair t.flaneel qtr. -.1.1y at Ms eclat,-
pmtien as the t‘orls fell on ',its •tar. But
Itcy,m.i a I ush she betrayed no
etas:am, met, rinsing shy eyes to Ins,
leman 10- Itta•tts
getid 1 a•aa ill lime: he answered.
env; , •iis to bring a smile to her face. •
\\ Itts had heard whOtteti llit
,ltralal'1v. 110 0011ta 1101 believe that she
CII APTEn. 111.
-A little. later Salved'. relurnial I,t 1110
lilittn Ms luggage. With a little
juilletotts natter) 110 hal pinwlattia Nliss
Ilreen into consenting IO reeeive him us
Inager, for an indefinite laine.
liar Mee, round . and comely,
beamed at his subtle eoniplimenta, and
she had al onee deeided that itilt 1 Rice
young man could gat* no troulile, and
etmlainly not intet•fere with any
domestic arraageintarts.
"1 expel. lny bealliee bona, Iran a
id ,
in his head, at times."
is.nolitii•, traumata', over her shoulder
al her niece foand hitnaelf ol•lated
•••55 tthow las mirth and peoinised to do
t,liti•••••1 1. eTticie himself at till 14110S,
rhen lee turned hia foot to I•lie silent
s!,adism and tietataeful tulle. Already .1110
aim had slefled and transformed the
seems late s,•arlet groups in the poppy.
stri"wn us:tablas had 10,1 their fiery
masa. The whole. eountry-side looked
modal:mt. him a gaily deetteit minden
aaeally reCeoting, at eventide, 011 lhal
1011•0111e,: 01 a day of iii••asure.
'When you return 111 have tea ready
for you," said Mma tncen, roue:wing him
dawn to. the gale, :mil ehading her eyes
milli her hand, elie washed Mtn stride
av,ay. tinW, turning the eerner, he was
• o sigIti,•
Math a sigh she returned lo lbit cot-
. tem'. `rhe girl still stood in Me little
front maim, 'rhe \\sultan itild her hand
gently ott her ehettidete
i Stml-eani, dayeirettinin' nit
!usital. I only hope I've deme right in
• say al yes,"
"Of cent's,' y011 have, auntie. We're
:not rieh enciugh io turn up our noses al
a lodger. and $11:,11 11 1l1ee 0110 104. -13e-
. st''Itc,•—s, -t't‘teia• is it besides," interrupted!
Ms other. "Your fedier mav be here
ally 1111111110 1101V, alid if he's wise hen
came straight home. If not, Heaven
icitoaS when we shall see him. tlis luek
has clean gone of late. If he Lemma and
aloe ti dlaato.. I,t titia
tiralWs vhat it'll lead to. Roth
'ttya there's matter for thought and
\cern", and nights ot warain. I don't for-
eet, if you do, that it's the last lodger
was a intim vinager and, as the giris
ead sneered, the daughter et a collates
"Ytte. stireiy ere lust going at "Moat the
cloga cm:Mimed, "I really shotad be
al•hged if you would take It, and—"
"Net you -bought a.
savo its life, win you tette seam',
of it am me? I may claim it scane day."
Tho anals earae as he spoke. Ilia eyes
sanwel amitsgaised admiration. she
Mapped her own.
"rhatik yott. I shall be glad Ittloak
after it.'
lie handed the quiveeing little animal
to her.
men be fultrnnared. "what V.-m.5e
girls it . is it , • 7 -
Ile atopped, oanfused, For amen Mina:
day had chased al; other este-Tees's:al I
let. one ei pained shame femn hee mete- '
ee fame The et -deny ef his miestien
street: 'an, in full tome. The eMor roes,.
le Inc bly.w. huzi men a vInage
emrs feelings was tutweetley et: ham:
tit•a. smelt alt onel
mee• be stammered. eDat---;
Iler face turned to Inc. fler lips,
timegh lemma:tag, smiled: •
grate tree Rae las lima txttt
g. mi le me. After an, lie is my tether:1
Thsre wee stem
it wamt, effnmem ;
tn tee 'Va:.:0 lta: 110 have a:eked j
Mat get him nabbed. Hew do we know
this one ain't got same aid seer:. to wipe
too, Oh. dear: While he spoke his
lame eyes melaal tut' to butter, led now
heat gene I certainly think 1-ve• done a
zatailmains ittee greW While,. The
taeught held ils terrom; for her also.
"01, no," she gasped. "1 den't be-
:,'ve hers that sort. Ileaelea, surety fa-
nner has repaid ail ole deeta a Dona
me Hai Mere still danger ahead
1. r ltiit,.tti1 Iletly. It would be toe
deeaaleil Indeed:
Deity Green looked solemnly into the
ganat velvet -eyes. An amused smile
masa:rig -ler rosy awe overfiewed into
liaghter, She threw been her hetul mut
ease !en vent to it
Sunteara \val.:bet her. pees:ed. Her'
own fear vantshisi enee. Treats, and
mirth were never linkea together.
• •
CAUSED oy Naos.
Not a Moment's Cossetion .-People
are Actually Killed by
the Noise.
\laud does the totol loss of It Oily s
eaaning power 111110111A 10 1/00i111,0 1
1,4tae? 1 11111'0 et -meanie mileulae
tit the
tto myself, Being paid by result,.
1 II I I
116 -111. 1111 e111,11 lWiee 1.1S 11111.'11
411Stalk 0110 11',..0k 111 a 0010110y 11011,:0
11,1111 ill 11 London hailso, wailOs ",1," 111
Pie London Daily Mail
I am tiwalanied In the morning ny
lay neighbors' dogs and cooks. if 1
atvep a/ the book of the house, atm lt
1 lake refuge in the fi•ont my sleep is
by• this milkman's mins, the
wlitellieg and lamming of gales le
lowsbeys, r Moot of the motsramani••
tus, the stiriek of the early Mein.
For a long time befoess uctually mete
ins my brain has been !male active Ity
these masea, told I carry Around witu
Me All day the waste producas that aught
to betas been removed.
While liroasing and breakfaa(ing
notch of ten 1100V011$ 0110110 in 10St
r-110 S011111.1, of whistling Imys, street
mates, shouting echos); children, and the
raw utsiquitsms clang of the motor.
ea -mains.
As ! travel to town 1 hare to stiffer
mit only the neees.sery noise of the rail,
way and street h•allie. but the horrid
Winging of nun cans. the shouting c.1th-evsboss, the frightful noises London.
ers make by way of whistling, the initi-
isit 4a.1 of fIcre'er arid vegetables .set-
ters, cat's -meat men, amebae's, dust-
faney any London medical man will
agree that in diminished output and
loivered quality brain -workers of every
kind, bueinees and profeSSional, lose
aue-tlfth of Omit, possible earnings. And
if we add the lass by Insanity, nervoue
timakdown. •injury to siek people, and
tatarded meant! development of eta,
dim, this :20 per cent. estimate would
arigy to all London.
The injury to seek people is immeti-
sitrable, and the noise in cities is one
of the most sera:ma faetors in causing
mental dascase. An eminent doctor.
\\Tiling in it medieal jourral, ath•ibutea
a great part of the insatiate athieh ts
it, rapidlyincreasing, to this cause. .
Every doetor, indeed, has siek pati-
ents frrin time 10 time to whom rest
means lite and noise death. The num-
ber i'teopte who are worsted in the
el sine agairst disease by the neighbor's
deg, the whistler for cabs, the shout-
ing Invoker, the &meal belle, is im-
nnonee. They are aetually killed by
ti,, epee esa mend tt there, imeitat : himself fer his stuMdity. Inatea.l. he. "flmamexcel-Irma Reim, mapping
liar in tile aregat ereen meadows tot:414,M t 0..mversatam adiva'Al.y. t ber eyes. 'Tea inimeent simet. If yoter
with iteataot, ana ereepaig, had no desire to earl wet her yeL and fcttier pt all he deserved anal a:me to
darkened in Inc. to tite ,Tested lttlt termissi her ;neve:nem la aesa an ens, !live two liandred s'imes in prison. Thars
Ile dr ,-\\ s'ea of mment. The
phtee a es aerte,•:. 11.s itt it -rese as ete
tholight ef tles • ess.maiees it af,'•edeel
britele The •••y of tisem enterea lee a.•aeneately.
"I eel le•taing Mr NI:ss sleeen's est:me:am'. ,1-41 t, want a.' itanlitan Yon- But
meas. Can yam direm. me. there be even 1.V'33 feel anntlY 'Nellt Wm. Yeal
„eel, tee tat, „„a am. neees, en the •••"Si re:reenter. nest of late what he's
eardea the porter had deserited. dere itaS -been tnr lave etr leatt.•to Odds-
; este emu as it laity„Sra. Its• gash. he's
being. 11; en, mimeo :0 mei ale For, in at reming. Inc) 17:1 There, atIll another to mina!
,\ 1,1:' eana, eamas .4 1,1 of ,11. !101'0, 0.1` for miles: amearai."
Inns Ile acosial ate mat inn. P tas men aa ,its 1 ems? them. a 'Oa. auntie,- I 101,-W. 11 was geed al
eertain y ns -e ef ter.••••,ne tiani•el. lIer neemaite in es a elened. eane. lain I wish he haenl. For, I
Sliagp -I-;owed mar sto tr. :"',e "M.ss tlieen's," ttyoss-. • :Mad: ii att wreng anl—"
wily ami to a5 Y.' a 117.• ,17,e ",lh, 11,?- 7 "ri:Jge. Ir I think like yen I aaft go -
«met, ms eam 1,,mietea mere:matey m :ems 'ranee, be, e.,,,ste land azia: sem- tc, cry dawn what was done far
Sean:a:as Mae t-- 1 is as to les :es- lie ime easenty neened Mese en !het :eve. Time was when I would
lamer as tee yeana man yeasid en, les ante, the hous. etronam.: ferater Man steno the same myself. rat cite's ideas
ten. ttneei ;;:ttr,;on maw !setingte There an:, many 111011 hIgher in
cstItages :Meal se,s a- their asimaitaras, er these tits land than 13e: what &es name lean •
•rhe heen.a wee, :.•,w, \Mete elat eassteg m 1,0ait . the peaekets at the rion. 'Temy strike
ntem\l, stss asked the M. hears. larer tatter has never &mar:
raais ateeled It: the In, of mamma that. Rear te.al mind. Some day yea
biro ea tee say. ease emese gecee. et • "Yes. I :mar arm has names to Mt and , ntaa ira•al ef atletranNa Rat delft
tn. It gartees. em seecittg acme." 'Ana mere nine ever Maas, Mr,
rhs mtes a:reet wits •tenerleal save !sr'erne; ta 1 'a7.10\‘be-Nmse I live` a'"-ttela,:- eat'n s'ean atni wn: want
tee. element. me„o, ere mann- : mem, see es ray aline we, perhaps • les tee I must make the vest of my '
etem, etama 1.4;11 11,:t 11,,a,. espeet • t• .tege.n. 11 liana it be trnsted, wei: and
leer: se• 110- ar.la 1110- t,s,;;;l0. f.$« m• eal. If no% tihners weal go teat tem
leen A men need iimentrg. ' Her lone dropped, and the rieli • Iltsread tti kaalana one sena ninen 1
Mem te tieetneig. nnets i ,aeae: nocesct her faee. meacmei !hen 'etar.7keel; T" i, al:. As foe Yana
1 iat tem" •.•,..may. mem Met tee nen Itarel eyis, v,•ete neeist arei Yant've been addiaaaad Illte lade' and
aot, rm. "rent :tame a ma, ; anume. and eet.ea.,sed tete; to ocene !nem : netat behave es sae's. You're to keep
sae" get, a ,a• .•••am. ter v.sa n ,;•••••••• fa'n' must ea:belay leave rteaces ot las 55•5Y. A tulananY arllal ain't
S-1; ,a tem , "I Mae ep very lane remit. 1 assere , tee Itang for yea."
Art"•s.nrl,1 sat,: 1 h., -1.-•-e "Oh. auntie:- la:VI:el the gl•L "Atil
Ctoi,I.s"e, r yeer a. have ...nn • aa, amage any, ana tan; „nag; p
terns rmeni sereese. Ile drew 'TM ria.'e :s jeaV.e, 1 el.:11' `aa'-iae1 of '•••eave man's
reet• ease tam fere. leen - etieeety in :cm met it-
lie eaw te..n. ...^.-.' ,,, :11, 1.,'Sa.,..%.1, ri,s•a teat , ilis ease -emit ,••e.es: 1...ai: teer even mr.re. '''', ne A*.t,r-l's ahar7ta ears asatght (he sad•
site seas 5eretng en ameeree•aa, ''i Neuree 11S $110 ll•tiS. 41te was V0.11 untiani,L0SS la the yeang yea:a, and she turned
"Ina ,..; ha: 51111 ysy.: Oie w..e. a l" esacel ; a, nee ler.anaaaa• ef re.c•te SAith a imagh : se intlignital Mee to har.
ems 4-',a nmaity. 1 wmeta smoke :acme sf Me wonten Man': 'De; they, the beasts!' Let me retch.
l.lril- a i'S '...'..i.l. .....'''n' , • , .7 pile ar..1 asentei Mete tee blaring ear- • sitiza, dean.; lieren. They airat .:11 10 b.e.
"Pm! 11 a: eat emme. se a0,1'0: Sro'-•:'.0,1,, del, ,:. year doe•rausi. I say it. so
aima,er, •••,i 'manes •,- see n.tie a,. ' ameentie 'a se -e eetea. mientecrs eta, yeem : "Oh, 1 dont tufted
.00!,4 ,t,.., N.-.1.at 1.,,, -,,...,,,s, o'.l.: ';,..,‘ ,., ri ...,,tg • :7,-0 ‘all:S!.10d It1:2` -.4:11 1ae -01.sen a,Vr,11 "0,1 00.1t,S0 yin: der. t. 1 cu re a queen
amesee ye.: .•••.eeleseem .- : leit.v.ng Strina.r $11:,3.1'.g litt,? aveylemas.: arnones them..a
Ilen es ea le ,t' 1. .;, Ile earned !its face to aim damaing aza.1 "Or:ly sonnatiine5 it r_s:n.5..." :or:Untied
"tit+ canm-t -,-.'• -1-..e,.. i 577.s.: 7, -.-.se? ,,,...e ',.1‘.:: Ilia eyes Wete ina. at' the a.etaall if :tae lair/. "Far Sail see. 1 thlrik re,aa that
den. 1 a•t•-• Sine '''"-. "":••' -""fa B., .,i'..,,nt ht,' l'a•••••• !it is not quite Inc way te :ism ty—"
f• •,'. Rat 1 ,,A,,, ,,\ .,,..,,...,F. yeate .m.winsity , "Ant, 1 \testae- se antat elm,ens, ay -as;
atao 1- eenfinuede
i•eal•reitt ite laiemr. 1..ia ottgle to Se :,- • 'tea taste slat,: +ie.:: ie. l'• le, eues'
ash:erne 1 et me.e.scaf. Sas seil it0'.i SP:: l''.:1•SeS Ill0 1 p. I: s'!.z. acsmata. ens, 7 .x. .
it 1..., lee ye,terSay. Nem le.: reeeins. 1 elnale I tarn ray beeas ,et• :lie ge..-ei i '
e.eteee. ^area, \era le ata e,...mda• ; .•.rgs the g55, -la offer lee. taia . . . ' his •
• Sere Mened ;tan teaste it ammentent to: gataare sialn!'-t Inc :allisaallar--' .and ' Glatt iNG- DIG PAY.. .
• te mr. vial' to te : f l ei'l — .
-ea e„,,,,i, !lapses an tin,- tuns jetaist ril the ,; Yl`.:•.!.,". A oermeet a clematater l Rat. , Two Yukon Miners Take Slat it Day
.. - 1.4,1.11,,,,, - Tok,,,n .ent,re.,y linaweree, ettec;10,'.i..11a0, 1 .ez,r011' Be:gat:S. Sae 03 0l.:`.y a .: From One Hole,
. aWaa•eol. alippee. atel tea •to nee .j.tremed, le'ai:d, la:ire-la ,:ialtleen. it lila:. Nataang
.1110 terrified doet rareing.fresin her grasp,: car. Amiss of •`. he hing et e a k••• I a, Jae lifilis ts lat ,7alt,a aaala sals .the DANT, -
, - A,- lead laiigit greeted am omeirrimem' eleat to ay Mem t.he cleitger et a Seven. ,ison Nett's. inatri tit11,..li l4,11.S. and.repOrtt.
a ecaiie ,aasa willient tiee ritig. elal•pitsi ii..r! fa -,e!' namies, there ..,., It 411 r.. -,y be- ,Cr•at ihe hew' disaas-eries on the .ereek
• I tented: fie mere, a shore .1auge, 0Z-i'rzy,l, e'reatarsbas aiin cwne•ra au Baal
' lianste,
•Sinotair sl.r.tug f,,,tavord. Ile oilught. ptesasete et auythsig lui det.ght. TI,ez,4t-vIT• ss::: le 11-tant, tatere go• to wark e.11.
. 11101 Inlay . by the arm and flung lean rater.rig amtstess turtred to lee door. 1 big sameat as tse:•st as the imeze.up .takees
"15.'on e'er• tainla:tto: maid. saa eiratrad "he naaset then:, inalS ati:, And As far you.
ail laerseif et halm Rlit tam hrst apeak-", .e .er • aa sena
ahle.. The others drew Imek lialf de. Toe glrl stled i..e.:Grz hint.
' feel. It00 0,yeS were fun 01 tears. Atintie Wit: $00 y11 ill a talarate. Ale I woe' '- ::::;•• 'hat ta'al ekeiai ne41.a.‘,43,.e.e7"-rng• edisie:
(1 ‚511 lien sheeresis. Vie mei 1,4Se le tem "aaan yolt eseme ma" she sa.d. : 'll:le. gnsur=3 rr'.1 Er'altrls 11":. tsaa's Mr•
"PM` Shame:. MIIItt'red the artist. lie ktf.:•v%ed. her nalo lite amall front 21.-'4.Yea-mlaatiei,7aer-saanse-''''sei.-1...,a1-7,..-4.1AY3s.:7fts
AtoPIVAlg tS WY, 5' ho s‘as sneaking off room. The daititiness of it :male Lin 1."-''''.'"'•a„..,,hae,"ter ae--..."'-areanasa,e--en ---
with the resetiert dog- "Oltie that aniteal nacre than eager to stay. It was so, 'M. q ''''''. ''" ' " i" ''''. ''"'"""""'..'
at eatInce most ladginge he had seen. aillitais". ' "The 1,ermess as ng it' ,:zons are a'a ,
. up en
' "It's mitts.. She beak it from me." nes furniture itself differed in no na-15. :;.'3' 1°41 Int? -1* 41? -1 ite ::=7':" is
"She 'bought it' train yen. or Sat:i She (rf tSIttttlStl itOOli!, •.„ , :11 91em al gincees.
71 Ilhve but 11 lit'
eamea latele with me rit ilo ",.• Inter.
"On dmismery Mc men iitt tint hcae
0 leach et rethantimal, it grareethl,ae.n, •emei n-emine. sree 3
anemone pieluras stsagunett tbe wItlIS. no. "DPC'Ver. Ntt".';' 411 t 1."4's
blending oi ornaments. arid eanora. Ne '
en 44.. '-''. itit! 1141" '. r
0.0S 0,Vt‘1,0,1 the brieht - -
tamest the gml, :hotel:sir glaneed at lier, Ventas„).' ..t!etnittlaaanass - - •-- -A - 't.ni-,!:1 eit lam 1a has ;',,,-‘,.3 1,11. ren.
Wendering Who stile Was, tier mariner eanniaaatio atlaneS. sante, as men. ......:,,.. 41:1; 5,, as per ceraa 10
nng amash eantaasted ao atronann with 1% raitasel hia eyes_ to UM Sati:ing gaz, T,az,
those of her temp:mow. Ile met Iter
astre:Ssed 140: ti reassuring amite.
"I will pay him now le get rid of
hun," Send, drawing a soVertign
Nt amen en 41 r:ny,
"1 hepa SIM Will have Iner" he Inurometaanam eant sae, 42 144
wired in n law yoke, • Ikea r1,:v ,s1340.1. 441
"I 'IWO 44/ toot" 0.10 NV* denlarali", dallar nugget • was : • .
Get from any mreseriptien pharma-
cist the folant-Mg:
Facet lex la, Dasdeeon, 010,15a41
ounce: Compound Kargen, one ounce;
Campaund Sarup Sarsaparitia, three
• Sttake well in it bottle crid (aim a
teasimonfol dame after each meal and
et beillinte.
- The abieve Is emusidereil by an -emin-
ent a:di:smite:a who .tv-rttes in a New
'fora deny paper, as IIte finnet prescrip-
tion ever written to relieve Backaehe.
Kidney Treuale. Weals Bladder and ail
Nerms Urinary silfficullies. This •inix-
:ere sots promptly on the eliminative
!issues of the Kidneys, enalaing them
le liner and sMaln the uric acid and
other waste matter from the blood
wen% ,:211:Ses Rheumatism.
Some persor.s who stiffer with the.
atni•niens may not fee: !animal 10plaem
seenneerate' itt Mat sinapie mixture.
ael. those who have tried it say the re-
sults are simply surprising. the .rellef
teing effeolial without the allightest in-
jury lei the sauna -eh or other organs.
Nta amine and give it a trial.- It eer-
taisly aminea ingetly recommended. It
is the preseription of an eminent alt-
lharey. verease entire reputation, a is
said, was est.:111;511st by it,
d'rumeast, here Si home when aslied
staled that ko menat either supply the
ingredients or mix Pm; preseription or
eur readers, a1so reeonnnenda it as
tlaceret 'Workshop in •the Wilds of Atholl
It :s it lac, no, g-eneraae known tha
after the British Secretary el War had
inepeeted Has ef 1-e neiv ttitlar,.'
shrigible balleon al- Farnborough lee
tee aired It tiai eslate of the Duke
Alann. in lae Badenneh, Sea-
lant:. where Waal= Dunn. Lieut. West-
nnd three onmer officers are experi-
menting wita a ateavier-lharaa.r"
• itt' aer1a1 weriare.
The mina, where the experiments are
tieng made 1c; situated in an almost tan-
pemeiree,le valley, and no stranger 45
permitted to appmaelt within half it
;rale iherteal. Even the postman Atte
walks the long miles halm Blair Athol!,
to, the camp is, not • permitted to ap-
poact stillt.a a e0r13.ill d1S181100.Alt
the is krK,wo cz the ariamterious •ma-
••eltine is due to observations ihat• have
1,7011 glade at the Blair Athofl station,
where the parts ea: llre mat -tine are 'be-
lie received and .31,0 1111:034 1111;0r1 10
0.1).111p U1111(.1.11 111VSZking.
Some ttI lbe packages delivered at .11.10
attee Highlend statical .are Avtloily shgio-
t4 arid, hriv.z. be.pelWly puzzled the 40.
a' tmlway voters, being etlar.ge semi
obviesmay of inetil,.ond very light. Work
on itte aerseplane wen be finished 'Iae-
Pere autumn is ever, as Operations 113
wind one snow swi•pl Olen TAI are out
id the questlen itt 1T:111•07. E1,017 day
teas an impravemeal 111 lam ineelianleat
eateilla. and the young oilitterit engaged
ere having their ws.,rk sapervised by
Col. Capper if the Aldershot ballOon
11 is to thiek wederaresal skin Of the
:awe. s.l meergeogeas taidell enables thera
Po - withstand frog.
HELPED '1'0 MAKE ,tosoyroo ontsjt,.-
oNO C0:111110N.
letrotteeed the Habit Into France, Where
It Quickly Spread to all
In the :kat days of the tratibles in
Nhiroceo a Mier despeteh said that Me
addiers of the Foreign Legion having
slIOW11 0 li1.110 100 111110I1 (111,41 they were
lo he replueed in the outposts Im Alger-
ian sharpshooters end that some of them
weak! Imre 1.0 $1111111 It route -martial. No
."1:hittsi t'\l
i'lsZ oglt'titi ns k\V1
anything of 1110 legion was surprieed at
tla• demi:1101a
The Foreign Legion is remposed ol
lW0 regiments of four bottalions meth;
a.., it battalion consists of it thousand
men, lilts means SAM men for active
services- Tile legion Is a relie of the
- In the Minolta days ett July. 1830, the
Swiss regiment which formed the pri-
vate guard of Charles. X, defended the
ruiteries tint -dust the people of Paris,
this unturally made them impopultua
'rho people clearta•d their dissolution es
a royal guard' and offered them the
,.•hotee between set free or enrying
at Algeria. Ntost of therm soldiers to the
Nee, elitist; Algerin.
The swiss soldiers formed the nil -
of lite French Foreign Legion, and
11 is to Iliem that the use of elisinthe Is
due in' large measure. They found -that
mosi of the wells in northern Africa
eanlainect water charged with
and bethought themaelves of the cordial
sf their collates', and look to mixing it
little absinthe with .the water,
This hubit was thought to be to bene -
:tele' that the army inatructions of the
linie directed thin melt company stimild
enri•y it bottle of absinthe for the men's
ase at halting places. cgileers after
leaving the SeCri00 11111`0(1110ed the ab-
einthe habit into France, where ft quick -
114 spread to all cleases.
:At the present Mite there is hardly one
Steiss in the Foreign Legion. lta Murk -
hone is aliened by men from Alsnee and
Is -amine, \vim thus seek to :avoid serv-
ing in the German army end to obtain
le•eneli naturalization, •whieli they ean
ciaini after service under the flag, Next
ti number aee Belgians, -whose object is
eimilar and who In:Ike as W0,1 S41t.li01'S
,1S the imen of Alsace and Lorraine.
The rest are of all races. (lemma,
Austrians, English. Trish, Polea,
Croats. Spaniards. Greeks; even a
\Inlay from Sumatra has: worn the uni-
form. Nobody asks who they are or
why they have enlisted.
Not long ago a simple private just la,
fore he died in hospilnl sent his papers
his Colonel. The Colonel forwarded
Mein by diplomatic channels to the
aovereign of it foreign nation. One day
11,...! men of Ore Foreign Legion Saw,
without muell stirprise for they know
Mat anything is possible in their corps,
with its flag at half mast, stop before
their camp, which watt by the Steditem
mann. A 'proce.ssion of officers landed
and lxere offthe coffin of their fellow -
:mistier. who had not even the wersted
steam of a corporal. with all the honors
thet could have been paid to it princes
For the stead man, who had fought mi-
ner the larenell flag. was the son of a
king. and his father had led armies
against. France. .
:knottier tale. though this num be only
a legend. says that one day a lieutenant
in iterate of a burying party said to his
men as they stood be -side the grave dug
al the African sand:
"It's disgusting all the same to bury a
comrade like a dog -no sereice, no
eaaplain, not even a prayer. Well, I
mast say I can't say a prayer. and lan
snre none of you can."
Then -one of the party stead out and
"Excuse me. lieutenant," he .said, "I
have been a bishop."
And one legionary at least had the
burial sereiee spoken over his grave.
During the Franeo-Prussian war the
Pontifical Zoutwes and the Foreign Le-
gion were ordered to cave.r ilie larencb
retreat after the battle of Orleans. Of
.370 Vetaves on the morning of October
tee 1670. there remained. 17; of 1,000
Legionaries, 36 aloae answered the roll
ma— _
Austrian Profes.sor Discovers &mole
Treatment for Disease.
metanne Is the latest weapon with
which medieal s:ience is attempting Ist
seenthat that hitherto incurable disease
0, mincer. the new treatment being the•
• alaeovery Proles:ear Franz Hauer. Of
llttdape. .
For many year.se Stay!: the Wesimin-
tier •tlazette, he has focused his scienti-
fic ability on obtaining a cure for tan-
cer, and suctems has at last crowned
has effects, a permanent cure having
teen effected in undoubted eases.
• The apparent simplicity of the me.
shod, which consists simply in iniee.
liens ot golatme. at first aroused criti-
cism itt acientifie eirelea; but medical
opinion is steadily inclining in the
reetion .outlined by Dr. Hauer.
4. •
Chernisra ASSIStanit "Good graCiOUS
haVe kept that woman waiting half an
Muir. 1 (ergot all about her preacrip-
' Heat" Chemist: 'You will have to thaege
hetit good tall price in order to Make
het think you 'had a lot of trouble in
nosing it up."
Merconigrams Are Now Every.Day Al-
tars on the Allanlie
Great interest, litm been evinced In
England in the S10101110111 Ulla a trans,
Antintie wireless telegreph s••rviee will
OPPI-10a by itte Murata! --Company this
month, says Me London Tribune. These
messages win be transmuted, it wile an.
naunced, fi•oni the stnatm nt Clifton,
Ireland, to Cape Breton, Canada, rind the
rides will Ito ria. a word, jails land
clitii•ges. TM' press rate will! las enel, a
weld, plus land charges,
NVIien the Irish Melton was finished a
month ago, Nlr, mareoni proceeded to
caninta. Bad the tests thal he made 1100
Slated tO 1111Ye beell highly successful.
'ow cahaalait station is mad to Le prac-
tically identical in design with that in
Ireland, alld it 1.9 DOW 011111110d 111111 What
liaA 1,000 1(110W11 11A 1110 "da,r1Ight, (ant*
catty" itt conneetion with wireless leas
gi•aphy has aeon stiemounted, and aid
under the worse conditions 11 is possible
to transmit messages across UteAllarilie.
.After the 1 'W1 end nanadien stations
have been prayed to be of commercial
mines the. idea is to increase the power
of the station ut Cape Cod and use it In.
cenneetion with that at and the
prcipoaala in regard to inland schemes
contemplated on the other side of lite
Atlanta,. include the. tanning of ti wire
from Cape Cod to New York. But in,.
bvest- Int' the lime being is centered in
the attempt to melte whieless telegraphy
a successful commercial rival with the
cable across the Atlantic.
The company are unable to give ri
at-thato dale for opening their S001'100;
bat they anticipate that, the Canadian
station will be ready.
NO LONGEB Until:1;11e
In view of what is about to be at-
tempted, it is interesting to remember
the early experiments carried out by
Mr. Slareoni in telegraphing without
cvlres between the Terrace of the Houma
of Commons and St. Thomas' Hospital.
Since that time wireless telegraphy has
revolutionized the means of maritime
communication, and toslay the mana-
gers of London hotels eve no more
•sueprised by the Ameriean traveller 011
beard it liner in the Atlantic than they
tire by the receipt of a sixpenny tele.
si,T\aetini if,iriihetliceomprpolvi•nhymoes'
t. thellienuensoli,enilacf,ef
words passing between ships nird ihe
Shore on their whole serviee it 1,280,000
Strenuous Efforts Being Made to Stamp
Out the Disease.
Nfestical men of San Francisce ere
exercised over the threatened aliment of
plague symptoms in certain portions of
the burned distriets; more partieularly
ne sanitary requirements are far front
perfect. lit fact the sanitary condition
grows worse, particularly whem num-
here 111'0 herded in (Tamped guineas,
l'he daily newspapers 811Y IV; 111110 aS
possible, ConiMent only ;Adding lo Ille
general uneasiness. (:011S0I'ValiV0
011110S give the 11111111,01' or yamenk itt
ek,so open too. The hospital talocangs
in that quarter are all to be or }UM?
been burned, and it is -mild thut an inin
eordon monad the premises' will cause
destruction of rats and other .vermin.
The hospital quarters were in a wretch-
edly condition, patients being
packed together and no isolation possi-
ble, Ntilitary surgeons and physicians
have been making careful investigations
et to the virulence of the disease, mat
MI mime that unless improvements aro
made in the system, Of isoletion and
drainage, grave Consequences luny
ewne... The secuiptoms known as "bu-
brine," couvulsiens, headaelle, dizziness,
ports in lite limbs, are observable in
mtiny of the eases treated; though in
modified forms. A general onslaught is -
being made upon the vast hordes of rills
and other veimin, hospital linen has
been burned. hospital appliances hurled
after use, and all the precautions pos.
slide under this eiretimslinama have been
taken. The viaitation is confined to the
Chinese and pauper istrict. A few days
ago, at a conference of patient men,
artilin'illittati;Idrilleseag11): differed., however. SI
shout," the disettse maim headway it will
undoubtedly be necessery lo adopt dens -
tie methods. The ardent of misery, the
calamities \\that aftlieted the icily alld
still aliens it, have in no degree weak-
li"sIttrits'tI «'111'
tlie‘ :aectgie;;;I:a
ati flot' ar et Iftee,v,,,tenty,iyloi
scarce, food expensh•e, building 10 per
segment upon financial stringeney In the
money markets of the world. work on
many of the big buildings lam been
slopped •or curteiled. and yel the bank
clearinge, lest month were itallisaientat
lucre than the ;Sagest preeeding the dis-
aster of April, 1006. This last anlietion,
if II proves io be the dreeded bulmnie
plague, and reaches the epidemic. stage,
will indeed hamper the progress of San
Francisco's regeneration.
The eye And ear doctor has nettling
10 do :with the potato end corn
• -
Wil011it Mall iS Salle lie dOeitlft know
the first thing about writing a love let.
ScottV Einutrion strengthens enfeebled
nursing mothers by increasing their flesh and
nerve force.
It provides baby with the necessary fat
and mineral food for healthy growth. 101
ALL DRUGGIST -St 50c. AND $1.00.
0.0.00-00-0-0 0,00-0-O-0.00042
, Titr, 11Altl1'tTha. f,
The twins were wishing lor things,
They often did that. and \ellen they
went- bad( to their ploy -things Some-
VVen'thillg w411 xv,',11g. The lOYs
Were not Mee and the dolts had ugly
canhis and the 10.,ks wera 1.aggvd, and
tu,llting was pleusanl, Mamma ;levee
liked te have 'Max and Stony begin a
'wishing game, the ehilditen played
that ni Arty every day. ,
"I wish Gtealtline:'MallItla had a long,
sill: and a trunk treill full ut
piv1ty 0141.110S," Said 410114.', taking tfie
poor 411111.011 Up with a jerk. "Geraldine
alatilrie you tire a perfect, fright," The
dolly was too othe Itt hint that. Molly
11 Mewed li• v tit slay 4.11li ill I I In rain,
storm and rtlin the only dreas tale and,
the num girl \vont on as ilIs her un.
".1 glass put you in
.110Xt Illi,sioaary Larval end send you
eft You avelal 10 fir anylaaly but
1..011.11i011 lo play WW1."
"AVIty don't you wish Pir snmething
Mee?" sald Nlax, "11 ho (Al l'O;; ItnsId
641 clothes? I wis'It we eould.
lain' as we Wells, ti i Timi wonld
bit fun, wouldn't a?"
"1'es, it would," sent hissleg
1110 p.000 old 11411 111(4 11 1•01.1lill., "Id
slay up lade in the evelthig and not go
to lied iill midnight. and 111--"
"Aml itt have candy and pop corn
and peanuts melee" interrupted Alex,
"And I'd play In the dirt without ham
ine te wash my hands. Waal u happy
tinywe'd haver
••\oeit, y,ni n IlaVe a happy clay if
5.4.11 suid Niminon‘ who had been
listening. "Of tsnirse, you cannot go
<Iowa [awn ya110$01V0S, but you may
have your MMus, granted as tint as poe-
Slide if you think you Will have a happy
"Gm -Idyl Mealy" sereamed the twins!.
"'Las go oul and paddle."
There lied lame It Mite shower, and
the gutters were 1:trimming with water.
The twins weri satin tuning a fine limo
',tabling in the mutt, with no one to
tio. on Me window And tell them lo itt
careful, Their clothes were soiled, and
they had mud in their hair, Mit ell ilte
time they were laughing and having a
good lime togellior.
"Now, let's have some candy and
es:tittles," said Molly, after it ling limn
:tam', in splashing end paving in Ito
water. "1.111 111111gry,"
"C01110, children," called Miss Ethel,
Minn aeross the gar len fenee. "You
know this is 1110 day We 111.0 to have
,thr long ride on the trolley and eat our
lunch al, that pretty 11011s0 out in the
eanntry where we pick latwera, Ithrry
up, for we want to start in half an
Tite twins lotted at each other and
then tit Miss Ethel. "We'll hove to get
:111111111M itt \ mb 113 up," said Molly.
"We forgot all about the ride."
"1 never could get toady in half
an hour," said their Nlattima. "Ton
said you Would he loppier if didn't
have la he Waslad. so can Mat have it
good time."
"IL lima a happy (lay al ell," solibial
Max, "The sand in my hair doesn't feei
mime and 1,1 rather have clean hands
to ent ttoOkies, I wish I had been a
good boy."
"•51a1 I wish I never had wished,'
• "AA -hat's rill tither' asked Nliss
"I'll get Molly reedy 11 101, lame wilt
attend to max. You can go \tallied
ur hats, end the bet atm wit soon drY
your hair. Don't cry.
stnil, turned out. to lie it happy (lay
after all, bul the twins did not fret
naiad the Mime: num had le give up to
go to the 11111e picnics And since that
time they never piny the wishing game
any more, 1101' 1011Se 10 (10 US they
please all day. Cam you guess why':
munnottEn REPRIEVED.
Storm of Indignation Arises in Paris
in Consequence.
The reprieve ot Soleilland, the t•rtintl
murderer of the little girl, elevate Er -
folding, has caused a storm of Indig.
tuition throughout Paris, France.
The Comlflission of Pardon, by three
vales to one, ectrised the eominuta-
lion of Ille death sentence to one nt
herd labor for life; tbe Minister of Jus-
tice signed his agreement and Pi•esi.
dent Fatheres made the (Tiler,
A storm of indignation swept over
Parts when It became Imaivn that a
num who had committed so terrible a
erillle 11,11S llot 1.0 be 0X0elltf'd.
1110 11181. 0101110M it was 1 clamed that
nasal, itt Falherea would undershilat
bow strongly the public .felt in tbe mat-
Pettliona from different clease.a of E.0-
01ely-barlieubir14.' from numbers
mohors tho 1,,,oror da,s-o,natiwa
10 he sent in to the President tip In
the last, begging him to have ne Inerey
• Soleilland, And .110W 11101 it l"
Min that the man will not be minim
lined the entire neighborhood
alld hist little victim lived and aev-
c•ral other of the poorer netglilmrhoods
are in a regular Mei-tient.
amelinga nec being held
4,4 wirm shops and cafes all over the
vily, and it is not imptotsible that Ft
Mass petition May hie sent to the Pre -
ski, nt begging aim to reeonsider• Itis sit.
S11011 it PO II i011 \VOIlki
togArin el', N.\ likely to ha NV
.an extra Miele ot pallets elms 1 yen
Mid off to patrol the tweeter of Me
It.1111 111 W111011 lItit 111110 'Vieth)) liVetl,
Sol' it iS 1111,00 that feeling., run el their
President Fallieree reeetved
land's lowyer, NI. Ilernstein, end in It
tew dims' Soleilland will be taken
item prisein before the Asshe CourtS,
1V1101.0 110 11,111 Oni'lally .111.1:00111ed 'Of
Ill( 1'0(111011011 01 his manatee.
Soleilland sent then be taken to ibe
P135011 ,or Pposhos whore he will lye Itept
for about 15 fortnight, ana he will .111013
be taken lo Rochelle by train Mid
tranaferred '10 the eonviel :prison al SI.
Martin de Re.
From SS Niarlat de his he will 31(3
h•ansferred itt Cre,tetItte, tIn board lae
eclitatt abiri :he will be lodged in a sort
tO large mtge. Ilia lot tfl the penal set-
tlement will riel be a parlieulatay Ilaad