HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-10-10, Page 8CAUSTIC WALL SODA PAPER Now is the time to make up your Winter's supply of Soap for cleaning purposes. Yon have a chance to use upgrease that is standing around and with the aid of Caustic Soda you get a large quantity of the very best of Soap at a very small cost. We have Caustic Soda in granular form put up in 5 lb. tins -40e. a tin. ' More people are using it all the time. Patterns to Suit Any Room, Perhaps there is a room that you did not get the chance to Paper in the Spring. If so, now is the next best time. We have a good stock of paper to Choose from. Pretty patterns from 5e per roll up. 46 DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, 80008888 817888008 w. 8, &E. Trains leave Brneaele Station, North and South, as hollows; GOING 800TH GOIN8 NORTH. Mail '7:05 a.m I Express 10:50 a,m Exprese.....•11:25. ems 141ail ... 1:44a.m Express 8:02 p,m Express " 8:51p.m CANADIAN PACIFIC. R. R. Following is the 0,P, R. Time Table at Walton :- To Toronto To Goaterieh Expreee 7:49 a m. 1511000 a 11:87 am Mennen 8:49-p m Express 9:lO p m ,acal Pins A ohiel'e among ye takir' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Gam ready for Winter. IT appears to rain very easy. Sohoor Board will meet on Friday evening of this week. Tn.nzservnoo Day will be the next holiday. It owns on Thursday, Oot. 31et. A NaMBER of young people from Wel. ton spent a 800181 evening at the Central Hotel Bruseele on Monday. Tan pews is always welcome at Tnz Posen. Hand as in the names of your vieitore or tell us 0f your tripe away. TRE W. 0. T.17 olaared shoot 025.00 on Fair day by serving meals in B. Gerry', building on Tornberry street. A load of W. 0. T. U. workers in town drove to Clinton on Thursday to attend tbe1W. 0. T,13.,0o. Oouvention in seeeian there. The Town Hall looks very neat with the new interior dreee, electric ligbtog, &o. It was an improvement badly needed. Yet will soon have to go up in a ball. 000 for either hay or oats if the prime keep soaring. Wheat ie getting aloes to the dollar mark. Lose on Thursday, Oat. 8rd., between Braeeele and the cemetery a carpenter's steel slaw hammer. Finder please re. turn it to THE Poem, Weak has been completed in repairing the damage done to the Methodist ohuroh, abed, &o., by the recent dee and things set to righbe generally. TWIN baby eons arrived on the night of the Fair at Robert Holmes', Alexander street. Mother and Bane are doing well we are pleased to bear. THE well 110000 monthly Horse Faire will be resumed in Brussels and held during the Fall and Winter. Dates will be announced shortly. As additional quire hag been added this week to THE POST Output. Adver. titers should take note of this as it means increased circulation for them. PosxnASTsR Demon, of Seatortb, bee purobased the let prize show buggy at Brussels Fair from Ewan & Co., of town. It bad the patent axle and other modern improvements. BauaoELe tax rate will be two cents on the dollar (leis year. Tbi2 is one mill less Wean last year. 6% will bb added to all taxes not paid before Deo, 15011. Constable Oliver will be the Tax Col- leotor same ae last year. The Leonel Fall Hunting Exonreion is announced. Molten at single tare are good going from Oot, Btle to Nov. 5111 and valid to return up to Dec. 7011. Season opeoe Wedueeday of next week, 18111 inst. A few are talking of taking in the sport from this locality. THE Poen bege leave to saggeet to the Coattail that the old bleachers in the Town Hall, never remarkable for their oomtort or beauty, be removed and a neat gallery be placed in the rear of the Hall and elevated enough to have the floor of the Hall raised and eeeted with chairs 80 ae t0 provide inoreaeed Beating a0a0mm0d0,ti0n a0d a more modern type than that at present in vogue. FARE OE' THE MAST WATER. -An ef� !ort hae been made to. operate in this locality the take letter patterning to come from the law aloe of Leonard B. Drum- mond, 608 Sixth avenue, New York, in- timating that on receipt of a counsel fee of five dollars the writer would forward obtuse of 0. P. 11. stook left to the re- cipient by a deceased relative. Jae. Fox, druggist, and J, J, Gilpin teoeived o0pie8 of the lettere, the name of a tie- oeased relative, enppoeedly, being in- serted. The "gems" is being looked in- to and the New York pollee hove been notified. It is almost too shallow a bluff to cetoh many people. Mae, 3070, ORIOH OALLEm AWAY. -Leet Saturday, after a severe illness from canoes, Mre. John Orieh, of Seaforth, passed away to her reward aged 58 years. Her heels ed pre dedeased iter 14 yeare. Font tone (Will. Bud Charlie, et Bea- Lart11 ; Eart of Heaney, Manitoba ; and John, ot Oammine, Minh,) and 4 d8bgh. tare, (litre. Poeta, of Olinto0 Mrs. Callender, Of Hartn'ey ; and genie and Beryl at home) enevive to hold ib loving r8mambeemo8 the lite ofa loving mother. Ona got ie dead, Deceased wee a mem. be of the Methodist oltnroh and had e wide eir018 of friends, Fonera1 toolt place Toeeday afternoon. The bereaved will be eympothized with by many old friende. GET ready for the Tax Oolleator. WEEN do you think the G. T. R. will build the Dement sidewalk from Main street to the depot and thereby keep faith with the town 7 Nen Monday evening a epeeist meet- ing of the Lady Maooabee Hive will be held, oommenoiag at 8 o'olook. A tall attendance requested, DOG 88te driving mit feet 0n Toeeday between Brunets and Seaforth. The loser will be greatly indebted to the finder if they will kindly Bend it to The Pon, Brussels, Mae. (Dr.) R. P. Feild, whose home is on Turuberry street, North, will re- ceive on Thursday afternoon and even ing and Friday afternoon of next week, Ootober 17th and 18th. Telles came nearly being a fire at Jae. Fox's drag store Ian Friday. A burn- ing matole that was used to light the gaeoline lamp fell into the °amain in the rear of the show wiudow and eoou had things ablaze. Prompt notion re- moved the danger. BRUSSELS Apple Evaporator1: & bury _ spot where 20 or more hands are busily employed. Some of the girls have peeled ae many ae 50 bushele of apples in a day, Tbe supply of fruit has beau large but the proprietor hi able to ao. conemodate all that comes. From 320 bushels a day upward ie manufactured. A LOAD of young people drove t0 Blyth on Wednesday to attend the Christian Endeavor Convention. In the number were Jas. and Mre. Fox and Mieeee Liz- zie Rose, Jean Habkirk, Joeie Baobsoau, Jennie Moore, Levies Sinclair, Grate Stewart, Kate Smith, Winnie McGuire end Mise Kate Smith, of Galt, It wee after midnight when they got home. GOLDEN WEDDING. -•Last Sunday, Ootober, 6111, wag the 50th or Golden Wedding anniversary of oar old friends Riobard and Mre. Roe, of Brussels South, and they went to the latter'e old home, now owned by Mre. Roe's Mother, L. Frain, 3rd con. Grey, where the ceremony was performed, for din ver in honor of the emersion. On that eventfal wedding day Rev. Immo Orane tied the nuptial bow, John Roe being the groomsman and Mre, James Sharp, of Brussels, slate to the bride, being the brideemeid• Tbe wedding wee also the date of the first Pall Fair ever held in Brussels. Up to five years ago Mr. and Mrs. Roe resided on their farm, ad• joining that of the bride'e pere0te, the late Joseph and Mre. Frain, when they sold out and reeved to the property they purchased. Although not poteeesing a8 mach vim as in the earlier yeare Mr. Roe and bie bride of 60 years enjoy comparatively good health and we trust they may be spared for a good many years to soma. Mr. Roe was born in Kilkenny 0o., Ireland, and Mrs. Roe's birthplace wee in the Co. of Leede, Ontario. Tbeir family consists of 4 eons (Samuel G., W, H. and Adam of Pioktord, Allah., and Alex., of Braeeele,) and 4 daughters (Mre, Bugle Oarr, of Radyard, Miele ; Mre. J. W. Mather,, of Whitewood, Seek, ; and Mre. Eueae Oriob, of Brussels.) Rachel, another daughter, died 16 yeare ago. The Bone and daughters are all married except Bandy and rumor has it that hie inten- tions are good, Tee Pon wishes Mr. and Mre. Roe a happy evening to this life and we feel snared we only voice the eentimente of many who have had the pleasure of the aogaaintauoe of this worthy 000ple for yeare in expressing our oongratalatione on the arrival of e0 important an event. Had there been a newspaper in Braeeele 60 yeare ago the notioe would have read se follows :- 08.1011100. Roz-F0A1N.-At the reeidenoe of the bride'e parents, on Oat. 6th, 1857, by Rev. Isaac Crane, Mr. Rioherd Roe, to Min Ellett, eldest daughter of Mr, and Mre. Joseph Frain, all of Gray township, CHURCH 011111ES Communion service will be hold in Melville oborob on Sabbath October 20th when the new individual Dope will be me ed. Rev. A. 0. Wishart, B. A., gave an ma- dmen at the Go. Endeavor Convention at Blyth Wednesday evening on "The Obaroh and Bootee Prob18018," The interior of 80. John'e 0110roh, Brussels, is to be decorated, Contract ie let to a London firm and work Will 00mme0oe next Monday it ie said. "Follow Ile" wag Rev. Mr, Wfehare'a teat last Sunday morning in Melville aharoh. In the evening he ohoee let Peter, Brd chapter and Ord verse. Last Sabbath Rev, Mr, Finley, of Whiteoharah, was the preaoh89 in the Methbdiet ,horde here. He gave two well thought oat diem:areee, the morning theme being "Oharaoter Building," and the evening eubjeot "Freedom." Mr, Finlay should promote in the work. Rally bey woe observed in the Metho. dial) Sabbath Bobool Iasi Bentley after- noon. A very intereoting prof ram Wet presented ooneietiug of ohorltees, class eespo0808, rsadtng by Miee Nora Mann• dere, duet by Minn Pearl Leatherdaie and Alta Pryne, Wrenn by Roe. Mr, Finlay and 13. Gerry. Although the eftertiden Wee webthere was an attend. endo ot over 200 and a eelleotlon of $0 40, Joint Deposit Jiccou is are a special convenience arranged for customers of THE METROPOLITAN BANK. Money can be deposited or with, drawn by husband or wife. Particularly valuable for farmers and town residents, q Money orders and drafts sold of lowest rates. q Farmers' Sale Notes collected and advances made thereon. q SAVINGS DEPARTMENT -51,00 or more opens an account, Interest allowed From date of deposit and compounded FOUR times a year. q You may deposit or withdraw money by mail. The Metropolitan Bank Capital Paid Up. 61,000,000.00. Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits, $1,183,713,23 BRUSSELS BRANCH, W. J. FAWCE'PT, Manager A weekly Teachers' Bible alas, foe the study of the Sabbath Sohool lessen has been arranged in oanneotlou with the Metbodiet eobool, Brussels, to meet Friday evenings. The pastor will take charge of it. Last Sunday very interesting Harvest Home eervioee were conducted by Rev. Mr. Bice, of DOrham, in Bt. John's (Maroh, Good music wee rendered by the choir anti Jenne Jonee contributed a choice solo. The offering totalled 692.00 whiob will likely be added to. A very oreditable ram. The inonmbeut etas et Durham on Seeder. Next Tuesday and Wednesday the Anneal Wiugbam Matelot Tenvor111 League Oonvention will he held i0 the Methodist ohurob, Brunets, 0omm880ing at 7.30 Tuesday. eveuiug. A good pro• gram bee been prepared. The local Dom• mines instead of Bending delegate: to the varion8 borne: will serve dinner and tea in the eobool room of the oltnroh on Wed• needay. A welcome for all. D. C. Tay- lor, of Lnoknow, le Preeident and Rev. G. W. Rivera, B. D., of Belgrave, Beare. taryTreaenrer. Business Locals. GIRLS wanted at once to work in Brne• eels Evaporator. Highest wages. WANTED -Mein tub butter, 24x, trent eggs, 22o, Also large quantities dried apples and feathers. Geo. E. KING, Wingbam. De, BoTLUR'e VISIT, -Dr. Butler, the London Eye Specialist, will be at the American Hotel, Brussels, on Wednes- day, Oot. 28rd, Glasses supplied. A rovNo lad or maiden may more private board in a comfortable home by applying at Tam Pose. AAI headquarters for eawe and can ex. obauge or sell for oath at: lowest prices, Pours, 0. McGregor, filer and improver on eawe, tools and tnaobines. Oorner Mill and Maio St., Braeeele, Ont. POUND in Brunets on Monday a fur ruff. Loser oau have the game by call- ing at I. 0. Rioharde' store, proving property and paying for this advertiee- meut. People We Know. Mies Kate Smith, of Galt, ie visiting relatives in Brussels. Mre. Will. Heist and children, of At- wood, are visiting at the home of David Heist. Mice Ella Hamilton, of Atwood, visited lilies Lavinia Edwards for a few days last week. Joe. Beattie, of Obseley, was renewing old feiendehipe in town for a day or two :est week, Mies Kate Harbottle, of Welland, is vieitiug her grandparents and old friends fu town for a mouth. Mre. R. D. Cameron, of Lnoknow, visited her eieter•io•law, Mre, J. H. Oam• exon, Brunets last week, Wm. and Mre. Scott, ot Fulton's Mille, were vieitore with George end Mre. Brown, Queen street, this week. Frank Miller, who lute apeut some time at Eepinola, was bore on a visit with bie. parents, Wm. and Mre. Miller, Wiliinm street. Leslie Bailey is bardly ae well ae aeual the wet oold weather being against him. We trust be will take a ohenge for the better. Noleon and Mre. Askin leave tbie week for Idaho after au enjoyable view with relatives and friende in Braeeele and looality. D. Bhaeter, of Seattle, Washington, left last Saturday for hie borne. He met many old friends and aogaaintanoee while here. B. Gerry and W. H. Kerr attended the do. Sabbath Bobool Convection at Blyth on Tuesday, The latter wee the Presi- dent for the past year, Thee, MoLanoblin is not making the progress toward recovery bie many old frieteda would desire but we hope a change for the better will soon ensue. The old friende of W. F. Booth were glad to see him bank to Brunets for a abort visit. He is a grednabe of 'Tee POST and now resides in Ottawa, Uhae, Wetter Mre, Watts and Mise Eva, of Brantford, were boliday vieitore with relatives hers daring the past week, They were former residents of Bruseele. We are sorry to bear that Mies Maggie Baekee is not making as rapid progrees toward recovery ae her many friende would wish but we bops she will soon be convalescent. Rev, D. and Mre, Parris of Wingham, were in Bruesele op Fair day and met many old friende wbo were pleased to eeo them. A good many yeare have lap- •eed since the reverend gentleman atteed- ed a Fair in town, Mae. Forester left for St. Mary8 last week where he has taken a 900111on, Be was in the employ of Moore. Welker de Blank for the past year and oonduoted himself in a gentlemanly manner leaving Many friends belonging to both sex, John A. Bishop, of Cobalt, wag visiting hie parente in Bruseele for a street time, be being a eon of Peter and Mre, 13fehop. It is 7 years since Mr. I3iebop Went to the Boo. He has pot in 8 menthe at Oobalt. The climate appears to agree With him. David M00a11, Who bee completed "hie 8 yeare apprentlosehip wish the Furni- ture and undertaking firm of R. Loather.. dale & $on, parpoeee..removing to Cal. gory. He 10 a steady going reliable young man and a good mechanic: 80110 should maned well wherever he goes. We wieb bine properly. hire. Will. Abney, of Toronto, who wee here attending the Oaee•MeUraoken 00901015, has returned to the Queen City. Dr. 11toNoeghtoo end Mise Florence, of Fordwicb, were calling on relatives and old friends in Brunets and locality on Tuesday. Robert Thuell is baolt from Waterloo and may opeudthe Winter here as m- 81130801 to the Mt:Iod8100 of the Eleotrio Light plant and °hopping mill. R. Philip and wile will remove to Mount Forest. The former may take a .trip to Caroline, 17. S. where be hae the offer of a good position. We wish him well. Wm. and Mre, Woods, of New Ham• burg, were visitors with Henry Woods and family, Albert street, daring the poet week. The gentlemen are brothers. Arthur Riohardeon, of Ammeter, was visiting his cousin, Mrs, James Jonee, Brussels. It l8 30 yeare 01[)00 he was here and noted many improvements of 8000rse. Among former reeidente who visited here during Fair time, were Mre. W. F. Stewart and Jno, Oober, Guelph ; John Ament wife and son, of Millbank ; Mre, Jae. Tnroboll and eon, of Listowel ; N. B. Gerry and family, end 3, L, Kerr and wife, of Blyth ; W. F. and Misses Van stone, R. Johnebou, Dewitt Holmes, of Wingbam ; Mre. A. J. Lowick and Alin Norma. of Fordwiob ; Mrs. R. eloAlpine, of Lnoknow; Percy Speiran, of Goderiob; and 0. H. Broadfoot, of Seaforth. Brussels Council. The regular monthly meeting of Brus- sels Council was herd last Monday even- ing, all the members present. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. Following ao0ouuts were presented and on motion of Oouuoillore Ballantyne and Graham were passed :- Mrs. Howard, work at Town Hall $ 3 00 R. Henderson, Fire department.. 1 50 A, Campbell, " 2 25 F. A. Moore, electric light 107 76 11, Oliver, salary 88 38 P. Ameut, Town Hall 2 60 S. T. Plum, miscellaneous 2 75 W. Sellers, Fire depru•tmenb 2 60 F, A, Moore, installing lights in Town Hall 21 20 W. J. McCracken, miscellaneous 1 60 By -Law No. 7, 1907, fixing the rates was read three times and passed. The rater are as follows :- County rate 1 1/10 mills Local rate 6 Consolidated rate ,5 8/10 Lookridge By -Law„ 4/10 " General Frontage 1/10 " General School ..,, 5 9/10 " School Loan 1 100 " Total 20 mills Last year's rate was 21 mills. Moved by S. T. Plum, emended by J, Ballantyne that the Fire Brigade be re- organized et 0008 as follows: --Otte Chief, 3 Lieutenants, 6 Nozzlemen, 2 coal part men ; that the Counoil appoiut the Chief et a fee of 65.00 for each lire, balance of Brigade to receive 568.00 each for a large fire and $2.00 fora small fire, the Coen - ell to decide wbiuh itis ; one practice to be held every 8 months, for whiob Chief will receive 52 and the men 8l each, Carried. Moved by R. Graham, seconded by A. Beaker that N. F. Gerry be .appointed Ohief of Brigade and that be select the other metnbere, the list to be submitted to the Council ou Friday evening next. - Carried, The Reeve reported he bad received a letter from the G. T. R. stating they were prepared to pub down a Oem9ut walk from Turuberry street to the G. T, R. deppb, work to be done this Fall. Council then adjourned. Canadian 14 e w*re. Marconi is sending witches menages aeon the Atlantio, Mre. Ball, of Weigh township, died from a dose of Parte green, The Ingersoll Board of Health line con- demned the John Street Bobool. Joseph Brossard, a oommeraial travel- ler, watt asphyxiated at Montreal John N. Riven, Singer Sewing maoblne agent at Kingston was fotind drowned, Florenoe MoKee, a little Kerwood girl, was eerie/telly injured in a rollaway ate aid ent. London, Ont„ mfllere advanoed the pride of wheat ten cents owing to the looal ecaroity, Neleon Biel!, whose lege ware ci•nehed by a Grand Trunk engine, died at Brook- ville from lockjaw, The matron (Dd tete nurses of the day nursery at Montreal have been summon- ed on a charge of malty to a baby. The Perk Board at Stratford paned a resolution objeoeingetrongly to the action of the Board of Health iu building en isolation bat for n emailpox patient in the Park. Premier Whitney bas asked A, E, Donovan, H. L. A., of Brookville, to aa - cert the honor of seoondietg the ad- dress in reply to the epeeoh from the throne at the opening of the legisla- ture. An nnnenally large orowd attended Thorold Fair when Tom Oeley,a resident Of St. Oatberiees, etedeavored to lower Longboat's Ov8.mfle mooed 0126 mient08 and 26 @eoon&e. The truck woe e5me- whet rough And Coley made the attempt, ender adverse Oironmetanoeo, the time of the moo being 27 mien -Wetland 20 mends, (ESTABLISHED 9873 THE STAND OF CANADA BANK Head Office r - - Toronto $1,00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT In our Savings Department. Deposits of $r and upwards are received, an which the highest current rate of interest is allowed No Delays in making Withdrawals interest added four times a year Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. a, .1116101191131010111.91. lt?RVSSELS AI'dC)idf ,�. Fe llt.owland, Manager W. H. Beal, oar inepeotor at St. Thom- as, is wanted on a oharge of robbing 0. 1'. l6. oare. A. W. Reid, the first of the Vancouver rioters to be tried, was found guilty and oenteooed to rix monthe in jail, Tbe eoboouere Erie Stewart and On. tario, from Ohatham, ware wreaked in trying to make Southampton harbor, Nearly forty miles of Grand Trunk Penile track have been laid Wen ot Fort William and trains are running daily. Engineer Murray Stephens was found guilty of manelangbter nt St. Thomas in 0001neolio0 with the diamond meeting wre0lt. The sentence of Edwards, the default. ing stook broker, of Winnipeg, hae been °banged by the Appeal Court from ten yeare t0 two. Preparations are being made at Ottawa for the opening of Parliement, which le expeot88 to take planeabout the third week in November. Rev. Dr. W. H. Heartz was appointed by the Methodist General Board of Mieeions local Superintendent of Mis- sions for New Brenewiok and Newfound- land. Wiliinm Blaokwell, a well.known Toronto traveller, while oat bunting 3 miles Beet of Lauadowne Ont., on Mon. day, had an exoitiug experience with a well. Mr. Blaeltwell was returning to We hotel along the railway traok, when something oame behind him. On look. ing around be saw a big wolf about thirty garde behind. He fired hie only remain. ing shot at the animal, bull unfortunately missed Iiia mark, Tine.eremed to make the wolf more deeperate, and it oame to wards Mr, Blackwell as a rapid pace. Mr. Blackwell bad to stand still, and when the approaching beast oame near enough he used the butt end of hie gen on the animal, After a bard straggle, in whiob Mr. Blaokwell received some very severe wounds from the wolf's claws, ha finally euooeeded in killing it. It ie the grab wolf seen in thie eeotion of the country for several yeare. Peitz, a well known guide of Lansdowne, no oompanied Mr. Blackwell on Tueeday, when they tried to find otbere, 8018.1 HoLmzs --In Brussels, on Friday, Oot, 4th, to Mr. rued Mre. Robert Holmes twin sone. MoEtame.-In Morrie, nn Sept. 20th, to Mr. end Mee. John McElroy, a daughter. MARRI=17- OAeE-MOORAORSY-In Morrie, an Oot. 2nd, by Rev. H. M. Lang -Ford, Mr John Case, of Nie.ouri, to blies Frank Edna B. P., youngest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank lklo. Orecken, of Morrie. FALLxe-SreN'oe.-In Newbridge, on 000. 2nd, by Rev. Dr. Honer, Mr. Bert, J. Fallie to Mise San J., yuungeet daagbtereot Mr. J. Spence. sexelme. Oxton. -In Seatortb, on October 51h, Mrs. John Oriob, aged 58 yeare. SeLLEne,-In Morrie, on Ootober 8011, Joel Sellers, aged 78 peace, 1 month and 5 days, • FRIDAY, OOT. 25TH -Feral ebook, im• plemente, &o., Lot 11, Oon. 12, Grey. Sale unreserved at 1 o'olouk. Jae. A, MaLeoblao, Prop. F. B. Scott, Auo. 1 FOP Polite Correspandenee aliBillOWINIMMENNEMIEMI Stylee he Stationery vary with the years. What was oerited several years ago is out of place to -clay. Everyone Wm to re - wive a letter OD Fashionable Paper, WE HAVE CORRECT STATIONERY Correct for every use and oc- casion.. The latest shapes and styles in nicely decorated boxes, A One aseorbmsnt at 26o per box ___.,A0— x' DRUG STORE vehrwv•okerw8ii � R 8.700 4i ST.' 0'5 1 S 41..x"2..11 F-. ^.050 . Fall Wheat Barley Pear Oats Butte, tube and Egge per dozen Hay per ton Flour, per bbl flogs, Live 95 50 79 47 19 18 14 00 4 50 6 00 98 65 80 48 20 20 16 00 5 20 8 00 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. � JANTBD.-- A G001) BIT— oHEN etr1. Apply at CENTRAL HOTEL, Brussels. WORSE FOR SALE -4. GOOD driving mare, gentle every way. Will be sold on easyy tame. Apply to H. R. ELLIOTT, Graham's Survey, Brussels 8. TEACHER WANTED FOR S. B ND. 8, Grey, dn ti es. to 0001800500 on opening of school in 1908, Applications re- ceived up to Oot. 80th; applicants to state salary expected. Apply to len. FULTON, Secretary, Oraebroolt P. 0. 14.8 'L'0B SALE.—BEING THAT A, James Hillis Indio with a broken leg and cannot abteud to nig stock he wishes to sell three good cows -one comes in in December, one fu January and the other 010 1st of May. Will also dispose of four horses and a sucking Dolt. Apply to Mil. HALL, N¢ Lot 22, Oon. 7, Morris or Brussels P. 0. 14,2 0 EXTRA SPECIAL F Olt Thursday, Friday, Saturday Oct, 10, 11, 12 Ladies' 12 DO, 11,00 86 10.00 New whiter Coats for 8.98 N • -Ladies' Black Kersey Cloth, Beaver Cloth and a big range of Choice Dark Tweed Coats, 45 to 52 inches long, all this season's latest styles well made and perfect fitting. Our regular prices $12.00, $11.00 and $10 00. EXTRA SPECIAL for the 8 Days nilly, October 10th, 11.tb and 12th—Your choice for 8.98 only... MEN'S OVERCOATS Men's 12.00, 11.00 and 1Q.00 Overcoats for 88.98 This season's best styles in Blacks, Blues, Dttrk Tweeds ; well tailored, with .heavy' shoulders 1 first-class canvass, haircloth and lining ; long length and • are perfect fitting ; all sizes in the lot. Our regular prices are $12.00, $11.00 and $110.00. EXTRA SPECIAL for the 8 • days Q 9v only—October 10th, 11th and 12th—your' choice for V elv BOYS' OVERCOATS Boys' 6.50, 6.00 and 5.50 Overcoats for $3.98 Choice assortment of Boys' Overcoats in Black, Blues and Tweeds made by the best Canadian makers. Our regular prieea aro $5.50 to $6,50. EXTRA SPECIAL for the 8 days only—October 10th. 11th and 12th- your choice for�vQQ WE HAVE IN STOOK A OOMPLErE RANGE OF The Celebrated Granby Rubbers and Overshoes. New Boots and Shoes --all sizes, A ohoicekarl a of Ladies' adieut S1nal1 Furs and Fur Coats. • ' The Best Values In Ladies' and Men's Winter Underclothing. New C=all and Winter Dress :goods Larger and Better Stock's than ever 'You are .cordially invited to call and see them. NEXT b0C4i' DGG NMCLAREN AIVIEPIOAN House' • M { �-.