HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-10-10, Page 6Siluaiion
i e
at a gaud soy overate every
graduate of
The Canthal 8tisinass Collas
Exparienoe proves this poeieively,
Enter any time, Cratelague tree,
W vibe
W. H, SHAW, Prinoipa(
Yonge & Gerrard els., Toronto
Y 1• a teener of Marriage Licenses. Of•
6 i at armory, Turnberry street, Brussels,
, ONT.
We have 9 deuartmsube t f)olrtteemen,
Bnanl'nAND sort einLeenIOOY, Wo
employ the best teaohen that money ►
can hire. One aouree' are thorough
and prs0ttoal aux tva aastst waylay p
students to positions. Those who wish n
to get a nroa,y.nutking Edfroatlan
should net the beet, Write lot our
new catalogue and got particulars,
This in bine beet time of year to eu-
for our ubli.,LI0'rT & MoLAOHLAN,
Principals, 6E
7b�m-a �d4��C'-'a IDLY
Un1eo in the Post 011100, Ethel. 00.4
Ie prepared to give leeeoan on Piano -
or Reed Organ. Terme on application.
Paetomae address -Brussels. Residence -
Lot 8,Oon.10, Grey. Pupils mayhave their
lessons at their own bowies 11 preferred.
Teacher of Piano or Organ
Pupils prepared for the Toronto
Conservatory of Music.
Agent Howiek Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
011loe and Residence-,
Rate of interest et per neat per annum, first
Excelsior Lite Insurance Company
The Equity Fire Insurance Company
All busineas attended to promptly.
Clerk 4th Division Court.
1- • Ban, will sell for better prices, to
better men in lege time and lees aharges
than any other Auctioneer in .Last Buren or
he won't °barge anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged at thin office or by
personal application,
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Torras reasonable. Bales arranged for
at the office of Tan Poe0, Brussels, 2201
• Honor Oraduato of the Ontario Vet.
ertnary College, is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domesticated auimale in a 0ompet•
ent manner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry and Milk Fever. Calle
promptly attended to. 011100 andinArmary
-Four doers North of bridge, Ternberry at.,
Brunetti. 'Phone 4111
• Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eta.
Successor to G. F. Blair. Office over Stan.
dant Bank, Brussels, 8olioitor for Metro-
politan Bank.
Y v e Barrister, BoIlettor, ,Oa00050neer,
Notary Pablic, ere.. OJfice--B tewart'e Block
I door North of Central Hotel.
Sulioitor for the Standard Bank.
W. FnorDmeow, I, 0.. BLarn. R. d. Maze
G.Olflooe-Those formerly oceupied by Masora
Oam0r0tt & 14010, GNTdRit,
Graduate of the Royal college of Dental
Bergamo of°Wario and Flrat•nlane Boner
Graduate of Toronto IJnivemity. oifce
nett to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
Hundreds of Students of the
Popular and Succeeefni
docks, 0 W Irwin, Dauhronit & Ander-
son, Gnu W Irwin ; ruueu ducks, J J
' X-X:!gGitb W Afnnti0Ig, J
; fowl, 0' W Irwin, J J Tial,gtEt, Uaubrouk
fowl any ether named
i w
l b Anderson
broad, G W Trivia, Dalibroolr .ft Art{lnr-
1 eon, G W Tewin', colleati,ut of !gooey
Pigeons, Harry Amont, D:tubrnolt ,4
Audersou, D DtoKiunon ; oolleotion of
rabbits, Bob Warwick,
Judge -J 1 Y
' Daley, Seatorth,
carriage:4, m N neulri Se
Patent Armwagon, a, S1Ilene 11%110,11
Gu •buggy duvurad, liwau ,>: uu, 1 and
cutter, Swim & Co, 1 and 2 ; set double -
trees and neokyoke, S T Plant, lewau ,r
Co ; farm gate, 11 Close, 1 aud 2 ; wlidbh
barrow, Ewan & Go.
Judge -W H Hempbriee, Walton;
White Sall wheat, T. R. Bennett, Sae.
Bargees, Jno. Broadfoot & Son ; rod
Fall wheat, 5.. Senili, Elea, 15, Stewart,
J. R. Wiee ; barley, 4 or 6 rowed, S.
Wise, J. K, Wiee, Jas. W. Edgar ; blaoh
nate, J. K, Wise, S• Wine; white oats,
J„K. Wiee, S. Wine, We, E. Stewart ;
email peas, J. K. Wise, S. Wise, Jae,
W. Edgar ; large peae, Jae. Spear, J.
K. Wiee, S. Wiee ; timothy seed, J, K.
Wise, Jae. Speir,
Judge -R. Graham, Dengue's.
Baldwins, Jan, Speir, W. Armetrong ;
lamaene, 0, Turnbull, Geo. Kerr ; King
of Tompkins Go, Joe Evens, Geo Gimp.
man ; Mann, Jae Speir ; Northern
Spies, S Dickson, Jae Speir ; R T
Geeenings, Jae Boone, J W Edgar ;
Goldeu Ruesets, 0 Turnbull, D Moliio•
non ; Steels, not known ; Blenheim
Pippins (Fall), 5 Diokeon, Jas Speir ;
Tolman Sweete, Geo Chapman, tV Arm'
strong ; Ontario, Jno Broadfoot & Son,
W drmetrong ; Wealthy,• Jno Broad.
tootSan, Geo Chapman man Ribetan
Pipping, Jae Evans, Jas Speir ; Ool•
verbs, Jae Evans, Mre J Leolcie ; 11ox-
bery Rusaete, 0 Turnbull, J W Edgar ;
Canada Reds, Jan Speir; 0ayuga Red.
streaks, R Carr, 21 MaKinnou 1 Graven•
stein, Jae Speir ; Maiden's Blush, an
Spate, A Stewart, Queen Be Bast;
Peeweekee, Ino Broadfoot & Ben, 0
Traball ; Ben Davis, Wm Armetrong,
Jae Evane ; Grebe, Thos Davidson,
Wrn Armetrong; Varieties of Winter
epplee, 5 of each, named, J W Edgar,
Jae Spate ; Varieties of Fall apples, 5
of nob named, Jae Speir, J W Edgar ;
apples, any named variety not in list,
Jae Speir, J W Edgar ; F tlI pears, Jas
Speir ; Winter pears, Geo. Cbepwan,
W Edgar ; plume, any variety, Alex
Stewart, Queen at Bast, W H MaUraak
en ; olneter of grapes, E Garvin, Alex
Stewart, Queen et Best ; varieties of
plume, 5 of each named, R H MOOenek•
Judge -A Sloan, Blyth.
Moots and 1108,8 Crops
Bnebel early potatoes, named, R Close,
Jno Orernr, Geo Chapman, TRBennett ;
Withal late potatoes, named, Inc) Orerar,
D. MoRionon, Jas Bargees, T. R. Ben-
nett ; oolleation of potatone, 1 peek at
eaob, named, W H Ma0raoken, T 11
Bennett ; evade turnips, Geo Chapman,
R Carr ; turnips any other variety, T R
Bennett, Geo Chapman ; white field
carrots, Geo. Cuapman, F B Scott ;
altringtlam 0,rrote, Geo Chapman, Jae
Bargees ; scarlet nantee, W H MoOreak•
en, Alex Stewart, Queen et East ; early
horn carrots, Geo Chapman, W H Doo•
Craokan ; long blood beets, W 13 Ma.
Oraaken, Geo. Chapman ; blood tnruip
beets, Geo Chapman, W I3 MoOraoken ;
parsnips, Geo Chapman, W H. MOOraok•
en ; Winter radisbee, W H McCracken,
Geo Chapman ; anger mangalds, FI
Armetrong, Geo Chapman ; white sugar
beets for faotnry, •Geo Chapman, Jno
Broadfoot & Soni mange) wurzele,long
red, W H MoOraoken, W Armetrong ;
yellow globe mangele, W H MoOraaken ;
red globe mongols, W E MoOraoltou ;
long yellow mangele, W •H MoOraaken,
W Armetrong.
Judge -R11 Blom, Blyth.
East Huron Fair
Still Leads
Boon nenured position 0110 year.
Demand fe for greater than the sup.
We, Educate for bedlam positions
and you will get them, bet the min. 'C
nation must he 0innT•aLAnn, Stud-
ents admitted at any time. Write 11
for Catalogue
Prize List.
Hzeve DeerenT.-Btolliou over three
yearn, Geo Muldoon ; Brood mare,
Jan Speir, J 3 Pollard, Joshua Pollard ;
Imported brood mare, Robb Scott, 1st
and 2nd ; horse colt, Jae Shurrie, W
1 Hemingway. £minae Pollard ; mare
colt, Daabrook & Andmeou, J 1 Pol-
lard, W Work ; Iwo year old filly, Jno
Bolger, Wm Bryane ; two year old
gelding, 11 Bone, 0 B Wilkinson ; year-
Iing.filly, Dickson Bros 1 and 2, Jae
; yearling. gelding, Jas p eir
Dale Bros ; heavy draft team, Dickson
Brae,D Nichol, Jno Denholm; stale
over 3 years with 4 of his progeny for
1907, Geo Muldoon ; best gelding tier
mare in any class, any age, Dickson
AonIC0LTDBAL,-Brood snare, W J
Hemingway 1 and 2, (3 B Wilkinson ;
horse oolt, Jae Duman, Thee McMichael,
Nelson Hayden ; mare colt, A Simp-
son, W J Hemingway, T H Bolger •,two year old filly, Dickson Bros, A
Steveuson, R Carr ; two year old geld-
ing, J M Knight ; one year old filly, Thos
McMichael ; one year old gelding, A
Yuill, Geo Kerr, A Yell} ; spun of
Agrionitual horses, T Bird, A Yaill, R
Scott ; best gelding or mare, any age
iu class, Dickson Bros.
Judges, John McDiarmid, Luoknow,
and Alex. Lines, Clinton.
RodnnTEne.-Brood mare, Won Hol -
Mau, .4. Weaver, C B Wilkinson ; horse
or mare colt, Wm Holman, A Weaver,
C B Wilkinson ; two year old filly or
gelding, A Weaver, H Zinn, L Wheeler ;
one year old filly or gelding, L Wheeler,
H Zion ; buggy horse, 15i hands high
aud over, W Holman, H Zinn ; boggy
horse under 155 honds high, T Coulter,
Joe Miller, 0 H Broadfoot ; roadster
team, Jno Watson, J D Merrifield, J M
Govenlock ; best gelding or mare, any
age in class, L Wheeler.
CAERrAGE.-two year old filly or geld-
ing, H Zinn ; one year old filly or geld-
ing, Wm Armstrong ; best gelding or
more, H Zino.
Judge. -Joseph Carter, Blyth.
Clod, YosonAND
Dunnetre.-33n11 3 years and over,
Thos Davidson, Jas Speir, Jno Greyer ;
bull one year old, J 5 Smith, T Miller,
Tao Speir ; miloh cow 4 years or over,
D Milne, 31 Robertson, D Milne ; milch
oow under 4 years, D Milne, 1, 2 and 8 ;
two year old heifer, D Milne 1 and 2
T Davidson •, one year old heifer, D
Milne land 2, D Robertson ; bull calf,
D Milne land 2 ; heifer calf, D Milne
land 2, J S Smith ; herd of Durham,
D Milne, Thos Davidson.
JEasees.-Bull over two years, Wm
Armstrong ; milch cow, G A Deadmau
3. and 2 ; yearling heifer, W Armetrong ;
heifer calf, W Armstrong.
GLADE CATTLE, -Cow, Joo Broadfoot &
Son 1 and 2, Wm Bryane ; two year old
heifer, T Davidson, Wm Bryane 2 and 3 ;
one year old heifer, Wni Bryane 1 and 2 ;
two year old steer, Wm Bryane 1 and 2
one year old steer, Wm Bryane 3, 2
and 3 ; steer calf, Ino Knight 1 and 2,
Wm Bryane ; heifer calf, Jno Knight, 1
and 2, Thos Davidson ; fat steer, Wm
Bryons 1, 2 and 3.
Judge-Jno Clancy, Cargill.
LEmeemans,-Aged ram, 0 Turnbull ;
ewe, 0 Turnbull, 3. and 2 • Shearling
ewe, 0 Turnbull ; ewe lamb, 0 Turn-
bull 1, 2 and 3 ; pen, 0 Turnbull.
Dowse.-Shearling ram, A Stevenson ;
ram lamb, A Stevenson, 1 and 2 ; ewe, A
Stevenson, 1 and 2 ; ahearling ewe, A
Stevenson, 1 aud 2 ; ewe lamb, A Stesen-
son, 1 and 2 ; pea, A Stevenson.
LINCOLN AND OoonwooD,-Shearling ram,
R Corley ; ram lamb R Corley, 1, 2 aud 3 ;
ewe, R Corley, 1 and 2; ehearling awe, R
Corley, 1 and 2 ; ewe lamb, R Corley, 1,
and 2 ; pen, R Corley.
Judge -N Coming, Blyth.
BEniconmu.-Boar, 1 year and over,
Wm Thuell, P A McArthur, J S Cowan ;
boar, under 1 year, J S Cowan, P A
McArthur, Wm Thuell ; sow, 1 year and
over, J S Cowan, Wm Thuell, 3 S Cowan;
sow, under 1 year, T S Cowan 3. and 2,
Wm Thuell.
Yemenite. -Boar, 1 year and over,
Jae Speir ; boar, antler 1 year, Jos Spate ;
sow, 1 year and over, Jas Speir ; sow,
under 1 year, Jas. Speir.
T,tlrwonTD.-boar, 1 y000 and over,
Wm Armstrong; best pen of pigs, J S
Gowan, P A McArthur, Wm Thuell.
Jndgea-Jas Dorranae, Beaforth ; R A
Govier, Clinton.
Orpingtons, J J fiaggitt, 1 and 2; dark
btahmae, G W Irwin ; light brahmas,
Denbrook & Anderson, 1 and 2 ; black
epauieh, Daabrook & Anderson, 1 and
2 ; barred rooks, J J IIaggitt, alae Speir,
G W Irwin ; white rooks, Geo W Trwiu,
J J Haggitt, G W Xrwin ; buff rooks,
Geo W Irwin 1, 2 and 8 ; whits legborne,
Cleo W Irwin, Daabrook & Anderson,
2 and 3 ; brown leghorno, Danbrook &
Anderson, 1, 2 and 9 ; buff leghorne,
Danbrook & Anderson, J J flaggitt,
Denbrook & Anderson I polaudn, G W
Irwin; bantams, G W Irwin, 1, 2 and 8 ;
dorkins, G W Irwin, 1, 2 and 8.; tang-
chane, G W Irwin ; 000116na, Daabrook &
Anderson, G W Trwiu, Daabrook &
Anderson ; white wyandottee, G W
Irwfne,1 04(12, J 3 Ha gift; black
rninoraaa, G W Irwin, 3 J IIaggitt, 2
and 8; turkeys, J J Haggis, G W Trwiu,
11, I 1 +`'i $i =1 & [.ti 0 Turnbull ; gonna, J 3 Tlaggitt ; pekiu
berry wine, flue W Wilke°, 1 1i Wise ;
tomato wine, Mrs W Wilbee, 3 1i Wigs 1
elderberry 1
' z[
Id rbetr wine,
A1re,W Wilbee, W
McCracken ; turn Mise tomato catsup, J 1i Wien,
Mrn V e
etron.,, Time 1) wide Je ; rhubarb jelly,
Jus Evelio, etre W Wilhea ; raspberry
jelly, Megglo D Shedden, Jae Beane ;
jelly from any other fruit named, 3 K
!Viso, Jae Evane; loaf home made bread,
witita, Then Williemeou, J W E agar ;
loaf home made brand, brown, Jan
vnes, be, Edger ar• keit oakNiJ
Evans, Wm Armstrong ;
Armatrous, l)nnit d Malt:anon , oattueal
oakee, D Mammon, W Armstrong ;
chert bend, ➢ire 3 benkie, 1) McKinnon 1
oolleotion of otteeed Iraite in glass f ere,
W Il MnCreolcen.
Judge, W M Robinson, Wroxeter,
Doable farm harness, I 0 R:oharda ;
Bingle boggy harness, A J Lowry, I 0
Richards ; nee handle,11 Close, 33 Gerry ;
aolleetiOn of tinware, 12 pines, Gerry &•
Walker ; oolleation of shelf hardware,
Gerry & Walker.
Judge, D Milne.
tell, Work
Tea nosy, worked iu silk, NIre Hanson,
Mrs Zoeliner ; tea 0oey, worked in eye,
let, Mre Zoeliner ; tea cloth worked in
silk, Mre Bteveueon, Mre ZWiner 1 tea
Moth, worked in oottoa, lure Hanson,
Mre Zoeliner ; tray cloth, worked in silly,
Mary Friendship, Mre Hanson l tray
WWII, worked iu cotton, Mre Stevenson,
Mre Zoelleer ; table oeutre piece worked
in silk, Mise L B Fisher, Miry Friend.
ship ; centre piece, worked in Cotton,
Mre Zoeliner, Mies Fisher ; centre piece
worked in bolting cloth, Mre Zoeliner.
Mre Stevenson ; mount melliak work,
Mrs Zielluer, !M'Iiee Fisher ; rope silk,
Mise Fieber, Dire Hanson ; roman em•
broidery, Mrs Zoeliner,Myrtle Living-
ston embroider I Mrs B
sten e , y
Stewart, Mary Friendehip; Waliaohran
embroidery, Mies Fisher, Mre Z tanner ;
eiik embroidery on drawn work, ;;Mrs E
Stewart, Mre Stevensou ; silk embroidery
on battenburg, Miss Flatter, Mre Ban•
non ; eyelet embroidery, Mre E Stewart,
Aire Hanson ; abadow embroidery, Mre
Zeiliaer, Mrs Hanson : embroidery, cot•
ton or muslin, Moe E Stewart, Mre Zoel•
leer ; embroidery, au worsted, Mre E
Stewart, Mrs Steveuson; embroidery on
silly, Mine. Fisher, Mrs Stevenson ; cote.
pillow, embroidered on silk, Mary
Frieudebip, Mre E Stewart ; sofa pillow,
shadow embroidery, Mary Friend-
ship, elyrtle Livingston ; Sofa pillow,
eyelet embroidery, Mrs J Leckie,
Mary Friendship ; eels pillow, batten•
burp, Mary Friendehip, Mre Stevenson ;
sofa pillow, bolting o ooh, Mre Stevenson,
Myrtle Livingston ; nota pillow,
patoh work, Mre J Leckie, Mre E
Stewart ; drawn work Moth, Mre
Bannon, Mre Steveneoo ; batten•
_berg cloth, Mre Hanson, &Ilse Fisher ;
paint laws, Mre Zoeliner, Mre Ranson ;
Inde, honiton, Mre Steveneoo, Mise
Fisher; teneriffe Inde, Myrt'e Livingston,
Mrs J D Warwick ; oroabet work, cotton,
Mre Stevenson, Mrs E Stewart ; aroobet
work, wool„Miea Fisher, Mrs Zoeliner
crochet he Bilk, Mrs Hanson, Myrtle
Livingston ; d' Ieys, A'Ire Z)elluer, Mre
Hannon ; oroohet table mate, Thee
Davidson ; fancy knitting in cotton, Mrs
E Stewart, Mre Stevenson ; fancy knit•
ting in wool, Mrs E. Stewart, Mre J
Leckie; fauoy toiletset, Mre Zoeliner,
Mien Fisher ; fancy pfu ouebion, Mise
Fieber, Mre Hannon ; bedroom slippers,
Niro Hanson, Mies Fisher ; whisk holder,
Mre Hanson, Mise Fisher ; toot stool,
Mre E Stewart ; photo Frame; Myrtle
Liviogeton, Mre Z ,elluer ; glove, band•
kerchief aud wilier and ouff apses, Mrs
Hanson, Mre Zoeliner; crochet quilt,
Mrs J D Warwick, Mre E Stewart ;
patchwork quilt, Mrs Zoelleer ; log
cabin quilt, Mrs E Stewart, W H Mc.
Oraokeu ; fanny quill, Mre Zoeliner, Mre
E Stewart ; knitted quilt, Mre E Stew.
art, Mies Fisher ; rag mat, Mre E
Stewart ; etookinge, woollen, W II Mo•
Oraaken, Mre Zoelleer ; etookinge, cot.
ton, Mrs E Stewart, Mre Zoeliner; gooks,
woollen, Mrs Stevenson, Mre Zoelleer;
sacks, cotton, Mre E Stewart, Mies Pith.
er ; woollen mite, W H 111o0raoken, Mise
Fisher ; woollen gloves, Mre Zoeliner, W
H Mo0raekeo; mat, booked, Mrs Han.
eon, Mee E Stewart ; mat, sewed, Mre
E Stewart ; beat aolleetion of ladies'
fanny work, Mre Haneon, Mre Zoeliner,
Mrs Stevenson.
Judges, Dtrn Robinson, of Wroxeter,
and Mre R D Cameron, Luoknow.
Fire Arte
Pyography , Dire. Hanson, 1 and 2 ;
pea aud Ink eketohee, Mre. Hannon, Bert.
Trainor ; peuoil drawing, Myrtle Living,.
sten, Mre. Stevenson ; water actor land.
scope oe marine, Mre. Hanson, Mre.
Stevenson ; water color figures, Myrtle
Liviogeton, Mre. Hanson ; oil painting
landeoape or marine, Mrs. Stevenson,
Mre. Hanson ; oil figures, Mre, 3, Leoltle,
Mre. Hanson ; blank orayon drawing,
Myrtle Livingston, Mre. Leolcie, ; oolor•
ed oreyou drawing, Mre. Stevenson ; paint-
ing on bolting cloth, Myrtle Livingston,
Mrs. Stevenson ; painting on pottery or
ohina, Mre. Stevenson]. and 2 ; painting
on eiik or velvet, Mre. Stevenson, Martha
A Smith ; painting an plaoquee or traye,
Mre Benison, Myrtle Livingston ;
painting on glees in oil, Mre Stevenson,
1 and 2 ; beet efhgle piece painted china,
Mre Hanson, Myrtle Livingston.
Judge -Mise Hiles, Kinottrdine.
1'toNere and ennuis
Table baguet, Jae Evans; hand boquet,
Mien Kelly, Jan Bvaaa ; button hole or
dress bogaet, Mre J Leckie; Mine Kelly ;
aolleution of out Sowers, Mien Kelly ;
oolleotion of dabliao, W JS Mo0raoken ;
pansies, Jae Blume, G A Deadman ;
phlox drummendi, Jae Evans, W Arm.
strong; nttere, Jae Evane, W Armetrong;
stooks, W J3 Ma0raoken, W. Armetrong;
petunias, Mies Kelly, W H 31o0raelcen;
African marigolds, W H MoOraaken,
Jae Evane; Frenah marigolds, wrong
entry ; dinnthu,, Jae Evans, W H Mo•
Oraoken ; balenme, Jae Evans, Mies
Kelly ; zinnias, W Armetrong, W H
McCracken ; gladiolas spikes, Jae
Evans. W II leioOraolcen ; verbenas, Jae
Evans, W Armetrong ; obryeanthemum,
Jae Evans, W H Mo0raoken ; perennial
phlox, W LI McCracken; doable holly.
hooks, Mies Kelly, Jae. Evans; cooks -
comb, Jae Evans, W Armetrong ; erne,
mental fruits, 'Thos Davidson, Jas
Dvane ; rosea, Mee Kelly, Jeri Evans ;
varieties of outdoor flowers not Opacified
in above !let Jae Evans, Mise Kelly
beet oolleotion o[ foliage plante, Mies
Kelly, Mre J Leckie ; beat oolleotion of
/erne, D. MaKinnan, Mise Kelly ; beet
floral novelty, Jas. Evane,
Jndgee-Mise Dora Smith and as,
Children's Corithelllletin
Boy's panmanehip, Willie Strachan,
Onion° from seed, red, W H Ma0raok•
en, Wan. Artontrong; onion, from seed,
yellow, W H Mo0raoken, Wm Arm•
strong ; onion, from seed, giant roues,
W H MoOraokeo, Geo Chapman ; oofone
from top sate, W H MaUrnoken ; onions
from dutch seta, W H Mc-
Oraoken, Geo 1 Chapman ; top onion
nets, W II MoOraoken ; dnteh Bete,
Geo Chapman, W H Mo0raaknn ;
potato 0n100a, Wm Armetrong, Jae
Evans ; corn yellow Canada, Geo. Ohnp•
man, 7,' R Bennett ; oorn. white flint,
Geo Chapman ; torn, yellow dent, Geo
Chapman, Wm. Armetrong ; oolleotion
of corn, named varieties, W H MoOraok•
en, Geo Chapman ; Winter cabbage,
W ft MoOraoken, Geo Chapman, ; curled
savoy, Geo Chapman, W H MOOraok•
en ; red pickling onbbage, Geo Obep•
man, W H MoOraoken; oanliSower,,Geo
Chapman, W H Mo0raoken ; pumpkin,
Yellow Field, Wm Armetrong, Geo
Ohepman ; Pompkio, Mammoth, W
H McCracken, Geo Chapman ; squash,
W H MnUraokeo, Geo Chapman ;
tomatoes, large, Mies Kelly, Jae Evans ;
Plum or Cherry tomatoes, R Oloee, no
number I Butter beans, T R Bennett,
Jas Spelt ; White beano, E Garvin,
J W Edgar ; any other variety of beans,
W H lvlcUraolten, E Garvin ; oitrone,
round striped, W H MoOraoken, Jae
Evane ; water melone, W H Mo.
Oracken, Won Armetrong; remelt.
melone, W H McCracken ; 000umbers,
W Armetrotlg, Jae Enos ; plants of
oelery, white, W H MoUraoken ; planta
of oelery, pink, W H 3100raoken ;
heads sunflower, F S Soon, W II Mo•
Uracken ; oolleation of garden prodae°,
W H MoOraoken.
Judge -11 R Sloan, Btyth,
Dairy Produce
Twenty.fivn pounds tab butter, home
made, Wm, Armetrong, Jas. Evans, T,
H Bolger ; table batter, W Armstrong,
Geo, Kerr, Jae. W. Edgar, D, McKinnon,
Mre, E, Stewart ; 50 pounds tsotary
ahetet, colored, J,K Brown ; home made
cheese, J. If, Wise, Thoe. Davidson.
Judge, Wm. Robinson, Wroxeter,
Ilottieelle 1lannntcteirea
Flannel, Mee. M, P. Zoelleer, 1, K,
Wiee ; pair blankets, Mre, E, Stewart, J.
K, Wise I rag oarpot and woollen warp,
3.12. Wise, Minh Belly ; coanterpaoe, J.
1'i, Wiee, B, Wiee ; yarn, home span, W.
EI. Mo0raoken, Mrs. Zoeliner ; spool.
men of darning, Mrs Zoellner,
Mrs Hemingway 1 maple 30500,
W H McCracken ; maple molanees, W
11 MoOraeken, W Armetrong ; honey
comb, G A Deadman ; honey, etrained
or extrnoted, W Armetrong, G A Dead.
matt ; one bottle grape wino, Mrs W
Wilbee, W II Me0 woken; rhubarb
wino, Kra P Boole, ,1 K Wiee; atom,
ice' _.._......
and :opining Towne, the handy 11010
1-11 Mi o u0 !oblate, eo ploaoenb be telco, yet
eo effeekiye, have given quick and lasting
, relief [r m indigestion and Omit
able fa
ll feeing after
f to every.
sad k d a e
Mi•o-nn is 1 k Y
where for 50 ciente, and ve poeitively
guarantee to refund your money should
you purobuee a boa and be dieentleffed
with results, Write for free sample,
addressing Booth's Mi•o.na, Box 977,
Buffalo, N, Y,
Moro pupils attending than 000 year
ago, Thie Speaks eloquently 0e to
0ttl• past work..
Wo patient° to meet the living
demands of a progressive ago,
Our Stonographere and Boolc-
ltoepere delight the ureet modern, ex"
acting oily 0111000.
Day students attend night classes
tree, Graduates piauett In good sit.
nations, Now is the host time 50 en•
ter the
Business College
GEo. SPOTTON,Principal
Jack Leckie, Paul Pugh ; girl's penman.
ship, Edith Deadman, Dora Watson,
Ellen Deane ; beet oolleotion of weeds
with oommon and botanical names,
Katie Deadman, Ellen Evans.
Special. Wizen
The Poultry Advocate, of Petrolea,
eyeeial for the beet trio of barred rook
chickens, Harry Ament ; Ryrie Broe'
epeoial, a fine silver medal for the largest
aud beet exhibit of cattle at the Fair, D
Woe ; Ryrie Broe' silver medal for the
speetiiast, aud t beet roadster cam exhibit.
ed, J D Merrifield ; the Standard Bank,
for the beat roadster, horse or mare,
hitched to a buggy, owned and driven by
a farmer ue farmer's son, 3 Miller, J Mm
Olymonb; Metropolitan Bank, for the
three best oolleotione of Winter apples,
five of each, J W Edgar, Jae Speir ; Geo
Thomson for roadster over 155 hands,
,1 Coulter, and ander 165 hands, J
1Liller ; J Leckie'e, for.i twenty five
pounds of tub butter, W Armetrong, and
Svc pounds of table butter, Wm Arm•
Moog ; W H MoOraoken-Swede
Turnipe, Wm Armetrong, Jag Speir ;
long red mongols, 0 Turnbull, W Arm•
strong ; and yellow giant intermediate
mangele, 0 Tomblin, Wm Armetrong ;
W II Kerr, for home made bread, Jae
W Edgar ; and far five pounds of butter,
Wm Armetrong,
Wealth Depends 0n Good Blood
Everyone who ueee Ferrozone bee
good color and great vitality. Reason
for this ie Ferrozone'e power to create
nourishing blood. "I woe broken down
had no strength end oouldu't eat" writes
Mre. Chao, Benaey, of Moyne, Ont.
"Aly nerves were irritable, I was thin
blooded and continually unhappy. I
tried Ferrozone. It gave me new energy
force and vim. It brought me etrength-
made me well." Greateet tonin and re•
builder ever known is Ferrozone.
Sold everywhere in 50o boxes,
Two Kingston eobool boys, who played
truant, were eentenoed to a whipping by
the Police Megiatrabe.
Oue headrest and fourteen thousand
claims, representing four million dollare,
have been filed with the ligaidatoro of
the York County Loan Company,
She Wen 1YIId With !gala
From Willow Creek, Ont., Mine E.
Diegel writes 1 "A few yeare ago I was
drenched with rain and got lumbago ; it
was like a steel rod piercing my back, I
also bad earaohe and was jest wild with
pain. I applied batting soaked with
Nerviline to my ear and robbed on Ner.
viline for the lumbago. That rubbing
relieved and in a few hours I was well,
No other liniment could do this." It's
the peuetratiug power of Nerviline that
makes it euperior to ell other Ifnimante,
Nothing hereto it, 26o at all dealers,
Narelese M. Oaotin, the wizard of St.
Joseph, the embryo Frenoh•Onnadiao
oity on the shone of Lake Huron, down
in the township of Hay, is still enthnei-
aetie as to the future of the eo•ealled pity
which bas been the puzzle and wonder
of reeidento of the neighborhood for the
past ten years.
At present Mr. Oantin is working up a
attuning factory for St. Joseph. He
states that he hes secured 'D. Gardiner,
manager for the past eeaeoo of the Ex.
eter Canning Factory at Bt. Joseph, and
that he is giving him what amonnte to a
straight bonne of 810,000. This eon-
eiets of the factory building, wbioh was
at first need an a flour mill and later as a
wine faot0ry, end also of the sawmill.
Mr, Gardiuer'e idea le to form a joint
stook oompany, and Mr. Cantin believes
the looatton to be au ideal one for such
an indaetry.
Mr Oantin has in his packet petitions
to the government for the completion of
the dook at 50. Joseph, both from Mr.
Gardiner and from a large number of
Chicago capitalists who are interested
finanoiatly in St. Joseph. At present
the dock endo in water five feet in depth,
and the petitions are for the government
to commit it with the land. Mr. Contin
wan In Goderiob recently in oonneotion
with a Bale by the sheriff of hie interest
in the hotel under an execution. Mr.
Contin statea that the Bale wan a mere
formality, that the judgment wag only
for 8400 end that his reason in allowing
the prcoeedinge to go on woe eimply for
the pnrpoee of having the title to the
property made olear,
Mr. Cantle denies the reports that the
hotel In falling into ruins and says ie fe in •
firet,olaes shape.
Science lids Now Firmed n True Way
to Cure Indigestion.
- _ t
A few years ago, when a sufferer from
indigestion went to a stomach specialist,
the result was a rigid diet fiat that al•
most menet starvation.
By dint of the most patient expert•
merits science has finally found oat that
to make euro of good digestion you
nhonld eat what year etomaob make for ;
of sous°, tieing moderation.
Bat the fleet thing to do in the ease
of indigestion or ebome,oh weakness ie to
strengthen the muscular walla of the
etomaoh and inteetieee, so that they will
ogre for the food that ie eaten, In no
other way clan this be done . an well
as by taking a Min na tablet be.
fore each meal. Thio reetoree strength
to the stomach munolee and stimulates
the pouring apt of ga0trio jaioee, so that
the food is digested readily and He
nourishment retained id the eyetem to
build up energy and vitality.
Do not think the sick headache, heart.
burn, bad tante in the month, coated
tongue, spots before the eyes, eleepleeo•
noes and the many other eyeepbome that
Ore the direct result of indigealion, will
go away of themsolveo, The etomaoh
mneb be built up and strengthened by
Minna, beloee yeti ran be well and
Meting, free from enffering and distress.
In many of the best home in Braeeele
Snow is reported in Lake St, John die•
triol, Quebeo.
Thomas Berko, of North Bay, oom-
mitted eeioide at Hnileybury by swallow-
ing carbolic acid.
Toronto will contribute 5500 towards
the erection of n memorial at Brantford
to Dr, Bell, the inventor of the telephone.
Do They Bother You ?
You find lite a miserable affair beoauee
you have beadaohea, but you have
neither nausea nor are you weak -you
know if you could only prevent headaobee
you would enjoy perfect health.
80011 headaabee indicate a general
lowered oondibiou, beoauee they arise
from a general decay of the nervous
This depressed condition of the nervous
eyetem has ite origin in the rednotion of
the quality and quantity of the blood.
The blood is thin, its coloring is redao•
ed, it oonteine no nourishment.
If you had used Ferrozone you would
know how powerfully all the digestive
and aeeimilative functions of the body
are stimulated.
Ferrozone does more -it °applies all
the elemente that are essential to the re.
building of the body -supplies the recon-
structive forces that contribute to the
formation of riot( red blood.
You see, Ferrozone doesn't treat a
symptom -it remedies a aeons -and
that'e why a month'e treatment will ab-
solutely remove every vestige of reoar.
ring nervous headache.
Nothing like Ferrozone to build you
np, togive the reeerve of force, that
happy health that oontribateeeo mnob to
happiness and oontentment.
Ferrozioe will make you feel like new,
try it -sold by all drnggiete In 500 boxes.
,,.,...anIle Friday,
Nov 81
Yieoran " 000,1Noy,
001.010n;HowlOct•18 NovI
Virginian " Oct 24 Nov. 21
Pretorian ,,,Saila Thurodny, Oet. 9 Oet,8/
Grampian..,, ' Thursday, 000,10 Nov, 7
Skelton ,. e.8aile'1'huredny, Oot, 17 Noy.14
Joulaa Saila Thursday, Oot, 24 -
For Battings, lista and 1011 information
apply to
W. 1/. 10Ellik,
Agent Allan Line, Brussels,
Bodmin Lime Works,
Is headquarters for First-claaa
Lime. Write or Telephone
A. Nicholson & Sons
!'Will meet teams from a distance at
Central Hotel, Brussels.
Lige for Sale
Just received a car load
of No. 1 White Lime.
Farmers or Storekeepers
by coining to the
Brussels Salt Works
can get any kind of Salt
they require.
Gordon Mooney,
Foreman, - Brussels.
Roller Flour Mills
Every good house -wife knows how necessary
it is to have good Flour to make her Bread
and Pastry palatable .
White Loaf Flour
possesses all the qualities that go to make
a nice, white, spongy loaf. Once you have
used this brand you will want none other,
!All kinds of Feed kept constantly on hand.
VUTE have an A 1 stock of Top Buggies,
manufactured by the R. McKie
Co., of Plattsville, and Wm. Dore & Co.
of Wingham. The Workmanship through-
out is First-class and prices are right, Don't
fail to see them.
Repairing, Re -painting and Trimming at-
tended to in a workmanlike manner on short
notice and at very reasonable rates.
R. Francis Co.
Shop next to Town Hall, Brussels
We also keep in stock the real Fleury Plow Points
and the Frost & Wood repairs. Call and see no.