The Brussels Post, 1907-10-10, Page 5; =1=e,Al? latib 1 Mee, King, an aged laity of Teren10, on I her tvay to vials her a(UKhtar ht Bntfulo, CEI' THE BEST • IT PAYS was tarnod bank at the bridgo by U, S. irnmigraldou andel') and lett (Arended at Anhui 1110 Popular &;L'rogrOssiee Niagara 1°al1', • ELLIOTT R ejdallYTORONTO. ON',I', �_ � and bit u'ueaonapnr educated for baleen the. All geminates of tele schoolare absolutely euro of getting pueltioua. The demand la oonaidet'• E ably greater thea Buu,eupply. Now 10 au 0xesalee1 time to cuter. Write fur detainee. \v, J. IeLLIGTT, Prinolpni, • OOR.TODDE AND ,1LaXANDEit 9118, q� gag geWs Jtcrs THE PooT and Toronto Weekly Globe from new to Jun. let 1009 fur the email sum of $1,60, THANKSGIVING Day will be held ou Tburedey, Oetuber Hot, this year and will be a public botiday, UNITED Hams StrnocainEne.—Sub Bomber., in tea United States meet re member that THE Poste is $1.60 and not $1 00, ns the postage oasts urs 60o u year on nub paper. If only $1.00 Is tient we have to deduct the postage and Hand the paper for the rent, eo far as A goon.. Sromaoh tronblee, heart and kidney stlmeute,:pan be quickly oorreuted with w preamiplion known to druggiem every- where as Dr, Shoop'( Reetorattvo, The prompt raid aur g lain roliet which this retnedy tmmedi188tely brings is entirely due to its Reiterative Ration upon the contrndiug *10rree 01. the etomooh, eta, To cheek a cold quiokly, get from your druggist Hone 111(18 (Jenny Cold 'Tablets galled Prevention. Druggists everywhere are now diepenaiog Preventio0, for they are not only safe, but decidedly certain and prompt. Preveutioo uoutain no Quiuiue, uo laxative, nothing harsh nor emkeuiug. Taken at the "sneeze amp" Preveutme will prevent Poeumoble, Bronchitis, Le Grippe, etc, Hence the name, Prevention. Good for reverie') u hildrec. 48 P188031ioe 25 onto. Trial Boxes 6 oto. Sold by all dealers. lents Tour Case Exactly Yen know how you fell,—blue, eiokly mut heavy. Eoob moruing you waken in a dull dopy 1ouditiou and wish it were night again. Yon* liver ie wrong and needs fixing with Dr. Hamiltoa'e Piile ; they do cure all liver tile. At cane the system is relieved of poisono, blood is e*ria1Ied and purified, appetite 800808008 Rud digestion picks up. Health and vigur return beosaeo Dr. Hamilton's Pills makes the body proof against weak. nese and (Barren. _Our your liver aid kidneys, your stomach, for the sake of your lune nud teenage, try Dr. Homil• tutee Pile, 26u per box at tiny dealers. NAUOu'Tx TWENTY CENT Pia0330.— The Halifax Board of Troue hue expressed approval of the present manage of °amine wish the oxoeptiou of the twouty cent mane, whin* they think ought to be called 181. Anybody who has any Orme. dial] twenty cent pieces in his p00880eion need not bother shout the Government taking them over. Any 0oi0 owleutor will give him more than their fen value for them. Uaiada does not have any ooiued,.aid those which are iu oiroulatiou nth usually of the 8800180 of the ofd prov• rouse or of N wfotndland. A real reform, which should be a eubjeot of oouferenue between Canude and Newtoundlaud, would be to get our neighbors a either arae the use of twenty.00118 oeiu0 ors have them wade tau different i0 appearauue that they 'renew be minutiae for our "ttven(y•five." Nowloundlaud'e Inset latency ie euexact reproduutiOn ot Can- ada', latest twenty•flve, and ie nothing Aunt of a uomm0rmol emanons in this aouutry. Barely Lived Through et A beertbio experience had Edw. J. O'Connor, of Sena Ste. Marie. "From beyhoud" he writes,. "I have been is o onettu* sufferer from asthma and oeterrb. My nose aud threat was always n apped up and S 818d droppioge in the throat. When ottaoke'oame an I thought I euudii't live through the night. I would sit up, gasp for breath and euduro great die*reee. Uetarrbozoue made rue entirely wen.' Nu stronger proof i0 re. quirod. Asthma le onrah.e, eu la catarrh. Ude "Uatarrboeme" aud your 180overy to guaranteed. Two sizes 25o and 9100 at ail (Malan. NEW P08TAL RATES —Those having correspondence with pereun0 iu the Old 0 /entry will be ietereeted in the fol lowing nate schedule ot poen' rates ieeuea by the department :—The poet. age on lettere to Cheat Britain, Eg y pt and all p8r1e of the British Em- pire, exoept Australia and • Rhodesia, which bee hitherto been two Dente p r half men, 'or Iraotion thereof, will be two menta per ounce" or frac. tion thereof. Since Anetrnita and Rhod8*ia: have not yet eigmfled their * dheoion to Ade o11ange, in the unit ill weight, the rate on, lettere to these ooloniee will be as hitherto, two aen10 per hell ounce or treason thereof The postage qn lettere to all postal anion 0ouutriee, with the exception of Great Beitain and the Britten Col. onioe,meekiohed li the foregoing par. agrapla, and of the United States, Max. lea and Egypt, will be five omits for each letter weighing one nun or lose, and three ciente for eaab additional ounce, PAIN anywhere, pain in the head, pain• fol periods, neuralgia, toothache, all veins ode be promptly stopped by a tharoeghly safe little 'Pink Oaudy Tablet, known by (10055(819 everywhere ne Dr. Shoop'( Heud8otte 'Fabian, Pain simply mattes aodgeetion—undue blood pressure ut 1110 point where pain exists. Dr, Shoop'e Headache Tablets wanly sgatthae this monaural blood pressure, rid pain inm edintely deports, Write Dr, Shoop, Rothe, Wig„ and get a trial linkage, Large box 25 one,—Druggiete, Looal option oampaigns are now being waged in 87 muuiaipltiiliee in Ontario. Victor liana, a youugFrenohmau,cum, knitted snici<le at Montreal one a die• appointment to love, Lottie Fisher & OoMpany, of Dryden, hen enured the contract to out timber to eight tlo bathe in the Rainy Elver 0 l0*ricl, The body of Nichoin Pautler, of Galt, vim found on the Grand River with a 1 atlas in the forehead and the revolver in his bend. Trowkrrstla o, The taxmen are now busy cutting Dorn and filling their sllO', titles E, Melvin ie reoovoring from bee inneon, Mian Mabel Tughon id spending a week er two with friends in Toruutu. Ed Canon end Mee Shannon visited A. and 114re. Morphy 81 Teviotdale. Fletcher and Mre, Colmar were at Winglmm tort week attending the wed- ding of their son, Gerald Ooeens, Wo'ley Molormolt hag gene to 'form] to to take u (mares in the Mothers' 001 lege. We wielt him every en()ogee, Goo. Leslie hoe euooeeefully moved the barn from his 50 waren, and had it planed on the home farm for a strew eked. PIA, VW cod. E'ma Council will meet on the 14th of October. alma Mutual Fire Iueuran00Oompony will meet iu the Agrioulturel Hall on the 15111 of ()Weber. The first half of September oliees8 wee shipped from the Dominion factory 00 Saturday, Sept 29113, The ember was 800 W. D. Gilehriet received 2nd prize for his flee driver "Gordon," at both Mitoh• ell anti Milverton Fairs. Charles Lune has purchased 80 agree, wbinh adjoins hie own property, from G, 0. 0oghltn, and he Hien bought the old sow mill from the Forrest estate and le having it taken down and plaoed ou hie property fur a barn. Lember ask, Mar ball o[ 8 W. J. s r Lemberg, wars sleeted forone of Ole first eounoillore for that town on September 9th. Mr. Marshall is well 'mown in this town and vloinily havtu1 carried on a hardware business for several years before going to Lemberg. Truth Caterer(' treatments are being mailed out free, on regent, by Dr, Shoop, Liao ne, Wio. These taste are proving to the people—without a pen• ny's cost—the event valet' of this scien- tific preaoription known to drnggietv everywhere ea Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. Sold by all dealers. Wiutlhoom. W. G. Paton sold the Wingham lauddry plant to 0. V. Hayden, of Walk erten. D. E. MoD0nald and Mies Mabel Me Donald filled engagements at the Luck. now and Parkhill Fall Faire last week. Beeville Griffin is home On a visit to hie pareota. He ham been for some time on the G. T. Poodle survey, North of Fort William. Dr. Geo. J. Musgrove, of Niagara Falls, brother to A. H. Musgrove, of town, been appointed a Linnet) Commiesionor for the county of Welland, It was found that the electric ohne• delier in the oentre-of St. Paul'0 ahurob did not afford enlfloiont light so it ie being replaced by two naw ones. At the Luokoow Fall Fair Levi Lott o8ptnred let prize for roadster, end 2e0 for gentleman's (00000*. V. VanNor man neared let for single driver and let for geutloman'e turnout. 0• M. Walker, while taking a • spin out into the country with hie automobile, met with an ao:ident that might have melted more seriously. A bolt or tome conueetiou of the body ot the motor with the wheels, gave way, and iu going over e little piton ho•e the auto was 0peet, throwlug the ()rampant° out. Mr. 81411' 0r fared the worst, for the auto fell over upon him and he was ooueider8bly ehak en up end bruises". Geo. Alvde, formerly clerk in Smith & Pethiok's hardware store here, was in town. Hu is now in busioeeo for him- self in his own home town, Drayton. Shortly atter leaving here, about six yang; ago, he received a eovore out on Due leg, below the knee, by •a piece of glass projecting from alma. It give him oonoiderablo trouble for some time, and finally gangrene set in, uo0eeeitating the amputation of the leg, between the knee end ankle. Many of Mr. Awde'd (riende bore had not heard of the0a0ideet and were much surprised to Bee him using a oratoh and eons. Hie trip here was chiefly to interview a man in Luck. now, who makes artificial limbs. The pupils of the High Sohoul held a large and enthUOiaetio meeting recently to organize the Wingham High 8ahool Athletic Association for the coming term and to arrange for a Field Day. The following ofl]oers were Bleated :—Honor. ery.Preeident, Dr. J. Wilson; Hon. Viae. Pres.—Mina J. MaoVannell, B. A. ; Provident, J. A. Taylor, B.4.; Secretary, J. 0. Smith, B. A.; Treasurer, Frank Howean ; Dir. of Athletioe, J. G. Work, man, 13. A. Commitee—Form IV, Miss M. Gordon, 'T. I7, Robinson ; Form III, Miers d. Bone, F. Howson ; Form II, Mite F. VanStoue, R. Moffatt ; Form I, Miss E, Tipling, Cecil Knox. It wee decided to hold a Field Day, weather permitting, on Friday, Out. 11111. 1VIo1 illop The farm of J. V. Ryan, in MoKillop, which was sold by auotiou, wee porches• ed by hie father, Timothy Ryan, for the BUM of 96,100. The sale ot the old Cavan church build. ing mid the old (wheel washeld on Mon. day of Iaet week. The Committee caner. ved the floor of the church and Bold the building to John ClaUallum for $100.00. The old echoed woe sold to Jae. Niohuleon for $100, and the woodshed to 1. Roes foe 920. Mise Cowan, sister of James Cowan, of MoKillop, and a former teoober in the Seatorth publio eahool, has been engaged for some yetre in epeolel work aonneeted with the Worneit's Christian Temperance Union in Toronto. Part of Mien Cowan'( duties are 80 meet Amine at the station tied aseietin one way and 8001her, girls arrivingin the city, From teporte given at Am W, 0. T. U. convention in 'Toren. to it ie stated that Mies Cowan met in the pact year 16,800 women end girls and aided them In some way, 'Thio le a great and geed Work and Mies Cowan t0 peculiarly well suited for it. °n0110i1 RE aeHNIk0.— During the Summer months the congregation of Duff's chetah have had extensive alter. 81101ne and impprovements made in their Wined). A biieement has been planet under it and it hes been otherwise ion. proved and mule more oomfortabie. On Sunday Oot. 18th reopening 80198000 will be hold, Rev, J, A. Andereoo, B, A„ of Goderioh, will preach at 11 k, m. and 7 p, m, end at $ in the afternoon the 801'r1000 will be uonduoted by Rev. D, pagers, 1. 4,08 Seaford]. On the Mon day evening tulinwin,l a fowl supper and suterteiutneut wit bo held. Supper will, be grieved from Ii to 8 O'olook, after width a good moeIoltl and literary pro gram will be giver). W. H. llloGevih'e family had gaito en exulting cloy recently. About two o'oloolt little Charlie roll beekwarda into the collar 010114ing hie head on the oement floor and nectarine him un 0008089u0 for same time, then a ouuplo el ]tours later Master Aldtn encs his father were putting up a wire fence when in some manner Aldi** ran agale01 the wird it entering hie brow and out, ting bins emcees the eye, The wooed bled e0 much that the family phyoioian had to be mal.ed to glop the flow of blood. The boy(' are new recovering 'Booty, alorrtre. Bonen Reroni,—The following i0 the report of 8. d. No 6 for Angnet and Sep tembor,—Sr. IV—Tena Yuill, 807 ; Margie Yui,l, 782. Jr. IV—Ethel Set tete, 598. 8r. III—Mabel Bone, '714 ; Russel Carrie, 038 ; Harvey Heedoreou, 320. Jr. I11-1tn0eel Bone, 706 ; John Riley, 171. Br, II—Sadie Riley, 706 ; Lila W illtiuoon, 895 ; Gertie Shaw, 888. Sr. Pt. II—Herold Currie, 467 { Ward Sol ere, 844, Jr. Pt. II—Isabel Shaw, 798 ; Juhuuy Yuill, 674 ; Charlie 1181. fere, 606 ; Ireuo Wilktneon, 555. Jr. Pt. I—Jim Riley, 532. A. C. MILLIGAN, Teacher. MATRIMONIAL. -011 Wednesday of feet week at 4 o'elook at the home ot Frank vloOraoken, 4th line, his youngest Omagh ter, Frank Edda B. P. wee united in marriage to John Orme, of Thorndale. The aerentony wee performed by Bev. D. M. Lang Ford,. under a well prepared throb of evergreens and flowers. About arty genie were pre8eut. The bride looked wine0m0 in *IBC wedding gown of point d'eoprit over white silk. She uarriod u bognet of white eariatione and lilies of the valley. Mies Ogee, Dieter of the groom, acted- as bridesmaid, wearing white with pink carnations. S. Mo• Deaner) was groomsman. At 5 o'olook ell eat down to a 00mptuo0s wedding dinner. The oflioiehug miuliner iu pro- poeiag the 008101 10 the bride, referred to her iu the highest tames, speaking other work in hie choir and church generally. Ra also humoro0ely referred to oompli• mentery rumors that had Dome to hand regarding the groom. The groom was equal to the 000818100 and flt0aigly re plied. Mr. and Mrs. Oase will reside near Thorudn:e. They are a000mpooied by many good wishes for their happinoeo end prosperity. The wedding gine be. spoke the popularity of the bride. • LAN toweld Rev, 0.'W. Sanders, of Luoknow, sou• duoted the services in Obriet chants on Sunday. i', Howes, hardware merchant, who hoe beeu 0000ued to his hotne for several weeks with fever, is progressing favor ably, and ie ewe able to be up. Anniversary eervie00 of Knox (larch will be held ou Sunday, Oat. 18th. Rev, J. A. MuoDouuld, editor of she Toronto Globe, will preach the apnivere0ry Der• moos. _G. S. lda0ormeok, teacher of moderns in Listowel high Sohool, has reeigoed hie position nod hue accepted a similar position In the Brookville Collegiate In 0880010 at a salary of $1,200 per annum At the Milverton Fuie Mayor Watson took fleet prize with hie roadster span, and .1. A. Kelly took fleet in the single driver olae8, beating a dozen competitors. 8loIutyre & Gobel'd Minutia Oolliue woe and money in the green race. Mrs. Wane'', wife of Mayor Watson, and em], George, has returned home after ependlog several months in the West, visiting her daughter, Mro, Geo Loroa, at Caron, Seek., also Mende in Mooeejiw. Winnipeg and other p8aoe0. Warren Harris, a young lad of about fourteen ye0r0, while uta his way home about halt past eight on a entree evening was Bet upon by a men by the name of John Price, who meek and kinked the lad uutil he wan bleak and blue, anti only desisted when overpowered by driveled men attracted to the scene by the noy'd cries. tut for their timely as. distance the buy would have been serious. .y hurt, in Not there is no telling where the matter would have ended. Prios was lodged in the look•op and received hie trial before Magistrate MaEwing on Monday morning. ele reserved hie do cedar till Tuesday morning, when he sentefOed the prisoner to 28 months in the Oeutrol Prison with herd labor. Price hue been working for the past two years for a farmer en the 12811 of Mary boroaglt. !tealorth. The improvements (0 the interior of the Methodist church are nearing Dom plosion. "Little Harry," owned by W, Cud more, of Settforth, won the free,foe•ali speeding contest ut St. Marys Fair. 14 new members were added to the Sea• teeth lodge of the Anotent Order of United Worttrneu, and more new recruits are expected thio mouth, Garold Broudfoot, eon of Mre. J. H. Broadfool,has been appointed manager of the Owlet's Fureitnre Oonspaiy'e factories at Wingham, as amooeeear to 'rhos. and Harry Bell, who have reeig0• ed, The J. 0. Grate Clothing Manufootor• ing Go. are opening out a new industry in Beaforth, They have acquired the building at the rear of the W. H. Willie oboe Notary and will manufacture boys' clothing. John Kennedy, of theatre of Kennedy Bros., had the mietortuee to get hie lag broken in two plane. He was partying a basket fell of ettn08500 into the cellar, and elipped on the obtir with the above reedit. Mice Norma Diokeon, Gretna Watson, and Pharma Oowau hove gone to 'Peron. to. Mies -Dickson goes to the Lilian Maeooy eabo0l of Domoetie Solemn, ; Mies' Woteou to the Normal College, and Mite Cowan reenmee her stealer at Toronto Univoroity, OBIT0011.7.—After an illness of several months, Mro, James Scott passed away Oil Friday morning, Sept. 27th, at her 800id0000 ou Louisa (treat. The deoeltsed, who wap formerly Mise Ella A. J. Will. 0)n, wee a most amiable woman and her death to deeply regretted by a large circle of friends. Her kindly diepooitiou en• denred her to an who had the 8)10/801100 of her aoglaintanOe. She wag a member of the Fleet Preebytori8n church and always took an active 80801008 in the work of Ile missionary and ala eeoletiee 00811 pre• rented by 111 health, The deepened wits in her 62nd year and Name to mourn her demise, her hueband, three eons (ft,bort W , Arable and Clarence)and one (laugh. ter (41re Welter Piokurd) all of HBotorth. The funeral 10911 plaoe from her late reelci enao on Monday to interment in the Maltlandbenk oemetory and was largely attend0d, After dietingniehhtg herself on the Canadian and Amorioan racing 0100uite, this season, D.'1, Pinkney, of thin town, ham dispoosd of Ilia trotting mare, Queen of Woodoltffe, to a gentlemnu in (h,uago, for the Bum of $2,600 Ile purohasod her about a year ego for 9300. Rev, Mr, Roger( was the representative from the London Oonforenoe on the Gen• scat Board of Missions rebirth convened in the Metropolitan ohuroh, Toronto, on Oat. 8rd, its 008eio00 ooutioaing fur 5 or 6 days, Rev. Mr. Greene, of 01108011, took the (tendon here on Sunday. Jrordwlcli. Thos, Walker, or , Lae sold hie farm to hie son Tbou, and will retire from farm. ieg this Fall, Itev. J. Horner, M. A , Ph, D., Ooduet. ed anniversary e0tvioee et the Methodist oharah, Holmeeville, on Sunday. It was a fo mer (Marge. Mrs, 4, MoKea and Mise Maggie 4, Mo. Kee left for the West on Tuesday, The letter is now oonvalesaent, reooveriug her former strength rapidly. Anniversary servioeo of Are Methodist church will be held Sunday and Monday, ()weber 20th and 2191. Rev. H. W. MOTavieb, et Gerrie, will oonduot the 8undey services, McLeod Bros. ohowed a fine Airing of night borne at Wingham Fall Fair winning seven pzse and rid a silver medal valued at 925 and offered by Ryrie Bros , of Toronto, for the beet string of horses exhibited. The bueimeos men of Fordwiob have deoided to change their early electing nights, On and after Monday evening, Oot, 21o1, they will (lose their bueineoe places at 6 o'olook on Monday, Wedneo• day and Friday evenings of each week. Oo Timidity and Thursday evenioge the bueineoe planes will be open netil 9 o'olook, and on Saturday as tonal. THE FALL FAia.—The day wan beim. 111111, the roads good, and the crowds large which witnessed the aloes of the Atwood Fall Fair Wednesday of last week. The number of eutriee for hones in every (lase was very large, and the judges, Metiers. MoDiarmid and Hunter, Luoknow, were kept busy until 6 o'olook. A number of farmers from this 100611ty exhibited home at Toronto and London, and scarcely et any township fair could there be a higher standard than here. The Durham and Holetei0 breeds of cattle seem to be the most popular in this oommnuity, and were well repro. minted, A number of flooke of Bbrop• ehire, Oxford and Leioeetor sheep were in the pens. There watt keen oompeti *ion for the red ticket in each of the following breeds of hogs :—Berksbire, Tamworth, Chester White and York. alike. The direolore are gene delighted with the emooeee of the Fair, eopeoially encouraging being the exhibit) of live stook. Only one accident marred the day's proceedings. Three boys were driving down the main street in a light wagon when the tugs -Dame unfastened, letting the ehafte drop onto the ground, 0aneing the horoe to run. After • ran• wing around two blocks the wagon upset and the bores gob away. One ot the boyo was badly braised, otherwise the 105001ee were alight. The concert in the music hall under the supine of the agricultural eooiety was well patronized. Bert. Harvey and O. Le Roy Kenny supplied the program. Gate receipts of Fair were 9180 and concert $88, Few W811 escape The torturing aobee of corse. Be pre- pared,—the only painless ogre ie Pol• name porn Extractor. Fifty years in use and obeolately guorenteed; W r oxeeceer. Mies Mande Stewart is visiting with Dire. E. Stewart, Nesbit Laing Wa8 on the eiok list for eeverot days this week. Mr. and Kra. North, of Wiarton, are g0ee1e of Mre, Henry Armstrong. Miseee Millie and Mary Harris visited with Wingham friends last week. Mre. J, Lookie hoe retorned from a visit with her daughter in London. Mrs. Henry, of Whlteoburoh, spent Sunday with her daughter, Miers E. Henry. Mre. Cunningham, of Neepaw'a, Man., is viei1i0g her parents, Wm. and Mre. Farrel, of Turnberry, W. S. and Mre. Sanderson, of How. ioh, entertained a number of their friends last Thursday night. ' Mre, W, M. Robinson and Mies Elda Hazlewood were judges at the Howiok Fair in Gerrie ou Saturday. Thursday of last week W, M, and Mrs. Robinson were et Brussels noting se judges at the Fall Fair. The former toots ()barge of the Dairy and Domeetio manufaotoriee and Mrs. Robinson and Ara, Oamero0, of Luokoow, judged the Ladies' work. Fran.—A dieeelroue Are aoourred here last Wednesday night when Reed Broe'. Evaporator weer completely destroyed by fire. The fire originated from one of the fermium, lint when dimmed by Alex.Oaoemore, who looked after the work at night, bad gained too mush headway to be overcome. Very little was saved outside of a few paring machines. There is acme insurance on the building and oontonte. • Mnah sympathy i0 expressed for Reed Bros. who had joet got the building fitted up Rud in good running order toe the 000e01I. Postmaster Robinson has taken oharge of the poet office here fie minnow to Mr. Sondereou, who filled the position for many ye8re. The new ofoial has been a resident of Wroxeter for 90 yeare so should have a wide aoquaint- anoe with the people and be able to 0,ter to their beat t0tereet0 in postal matters, Me. Robinson's store 11neine00 will be disposed of so Out he and Mille Zana eat give their time to the (lathes of the poetoflioe. We wish them en enjoyable incumbency. Oherles Nelson, from Sarnia, was killed on the railway at Regina, The ebonmar Motamora was burned ea Bhaw8nnen Bay, North of Parry Sound. The Government will send It Minister to Japan 10 deal with the immigration gnostion, Mr. Roadhouse was flood $50 and mete at Elailoybury for ming Waiting iso• gunge at a'publio meeting. oyouenjoy tie .pdn • y Trouble It looks as if some people reallyy enjoyed suffering with their Kid- nays, Because they wont take Bu -Ju when they know it will cure them. How about YOU? You KNOW Bu -Ju will take away the pain, soothe the irrita- ted nerves, neutralize uric acid, and snake the Kidneys well and strong. YOU KNOW x'13583• Then wlty dott't YOU take 52 Shirley Street, Toronto, Ont., Feb, ro, ipo6. "I have used five boxes of your Bu -Ju and find. it has done hie a great deal of good. My Kidneys have troubled me for a long tithe—have been forced to get np ea many as ten times in the night before I could go to sleep, My first box of Bu -Ju convinced me that it was just the medicine for me. You may use my name as recommend- ing Bu -.Ju, 80115 cannot say enough for it for troubles like mine." Yours truly, ALEX. BRODn$. You can cure yourself easily at borne. Simply take Bu -Ju regularly and faith- fully, and a cure is certain, Moreover, it is guaranteed. For if Bu -Ju does not relieve and cure you, we will prompt- ly refund the money. 5oc. a box. At druggists, or sent direct. THe cumin CHEMICAL CO.. LIMITED WINDSOR, oNT. 71 Duringanemotion sale in 18 Guelph dwelling the floor gave way and about 25 people, mostly women, dropped through into the miller, Fortunately, no one was *ninety hart. TO CATARRH SUFFERERS. , Geed Advice And Liberal Offer Front a Well Known First. We advise all who suffer from any of the symptoms of oabarrb, sluh 0e offen• sive breath, dryness of the noes, pain awns the eyee, 00oppege of the noes, die• (Merges and droppioge in the throat, oong11ing spasms and general weakens, and debitily, to use Hyomei. We go so far as to offer to refund the money to any neer of Hyomei who is not perfectly eatfofied with the rteults. Quick meanie follows the nee of Hyomei treatment ; the stoppage of the nose ie removed, the dropping messes, the breath beoomes pare and sweet, and the catarrhal germs are destroyed and their All you have to do ie to inhale a little owaeionally in the air yon breathe using the pocket inhaler that oomee with every outfit, when the symptoms of catarrh will qniokly disappear. Try it you willbe surprised and pleased at the results. We positively guarantee Hymnal, for ehoald you bay a complete oetfit, prioe $1.00, and be diesotfefied with rendes your money will be refunded. Hyomei ie eold by drupelets everywhere. Write for litoratnre. Booth's Hyomei Co., Buffalo, N. Y. 18 From Whom are You Going to Buy ? From it reliable firm where you see what you are getting or from some agent who dont know one kind ut Granite from another and aeras only for his commission its agent 7 We employ no agents and guarantee all our work for five years. ala, foR T GRANI TEWARE A full line of Granitewar0 at prices greatly Reduced— , Dippers 189 and 15e, Dish Pane, panel bottom, 60e. Other articles too numerous to men- tion at correspondingly low prices during October, WASHING MACHINES The Knoll, Gold Medal at World's Fair, $7.50. One Miuule Washer, ball hearing, 910.00. The latest improved Mach - the of the kind. GUNS A new line at now prices. Gane 11iab usually sell at from 910.00 to $15.00 earl be had during the month of Octo- ber at from 97.75 to $12.00, You Den beet appreciate the value of these . Guts by seeing them, CO/L SPRING WIRE J tone of Coil Spring Wire and a quantity of Woven Wire nt very (lose prices for the methofOctober only. BARGAIN TABLE On this table are a variety of ordain at a Special Bargain, We cordially invite you to thio table Ghia month. cKAY W FALL UBESS GOODS in all the Latest Materials and Leading Shades We are allowing a good range of Broadcloths, Venetians, Chiffon Amazons, Panamas, Satin Cloths, Poplins, Henriettas, Lustres, &c., ranging iu }mice IJ�C f $1 35 per iu:l from IJ I L 0 Z1 1 ll Also a large collection to choose from in Fancy Suitings in Plaids, Checks and Ombra Stripes. 'Filson 3t Ilianter R it 0 If, i,8 Stomas 1 tot bin 10 but a maniac n of, and not 4a itself a Una hsense. We think of Dyspepsia, Heartburn, and leellgostion is rat diseases, yet they are symptoms only oft menu tinea fle Nerve slaknose—nothing also, It wasthis tact that first correctly lad Dr. Shoop In the ercation of that now Vary pot alar Stomach Remedy—Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Going direct to the stomach nerves, alone broug 18 that emcees and favor to Dr. Spools end his Restorative, With. out that original rind highly vita principle, no nth testing nommen shin ems were aver to be had. For stontaoh distress, bloating, biliousness, had breath and sallow 00111810xioe, try Dr. Shoop's Restorative—'l1(tblets or Lieuid—and see for ME, self what it can and will do. We sell and cheer- fully recommend Dr. Shoop's Restorative "ALL DEALERS" DRESS—MAKING ROOMS Under the Management of MISS Ma9RTER, are now open for the Fall season where you may have your Dresses made up in the latest City Styles at reasonable prices. . IL'Standard Faehio0 Sheets, Catalogues and Patterns for October now to hand. The Standard are the Best and Cheapest Patterns on the market. A Fashion Sheet each month free to those who call for them. NO FANCY PRIOES, - EVERYTHING CHEAP, V, T RA C it d AN MISS S11N E beg to announce to our Customers that our v Style and Display Room is in readiness for y0n. We have gathered together from the leading Fashion centres the handiwork of the most skilled Designers and Fashion Creators which we are showing in con- junction with clever and practical ideas from our own Trimming Boom. We will be very glad indeed to have you call and see our lines as we believe we have the very BEST Styles and Merchandise obtainable .and desire an opportun- ity to show you. We thank our many customers for past favors and solicit their continuance. iS -BELLE STRAOHAN unisserimiimeseEDEMMIIIIIIRMIEMMill BRUSSELS EVAP —at— TOR On and after Friday, September 201h, 26c, per bag will be paid aid for Winter apples and 20c, for good paring Fall apples delivered at the Factory, No small or soft apples will be taken, J. CUNNINGHAM, P oprietor