HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-10-10, Page 464t 4rxtootig Vomt, THURSD4 1', OCT.10,1901, AT the Provincial election last Mon- day to all the seat at Brockville made vacant by the promotion of Hole G. W. Graham to the Dominion Cabinet, the Conservative nominee was elected by a good majority. We are not sure that the greatest wisdom was shown by the Liberals in Wishing for a contest when Mr. Graham bad been elected by acclamation but probably they know their own business best. Domisnot bye elections in London, North Wellington and East North- umberland constituencies will take place on Tuesday, Cot 29th. The first two of these have been Liberal and the third Conservative. Wellington and Northumberland vacancies are oe- casioned by the demise of the repre- sentatives, Thos. Martin and Edward Cochrane, respectively. Mr. Hyman resigned his seat at Louden owing to continued ill health. Now that the Fall Fairs are over THE Peer would like to express three thoughts concerning them, not refer - r ing to Brussels particularly but prov- ing equally tree of numerous other places where Agricultural Societies exist. Ist-A livelier interest will have to be manifested among the farm- ing commuulty in tbe matter of enter- ing more heartily and determinedly in- to the question of taking part as exhibitors if the Fall Fairs are to re- tain the prime object for which they were inaugurated. An agricultural Fair must be backed up by the agricul- turalist to succeed. end -The matter of taking prizes on all exhibits or feel- ing aggrieved over it if not is not the best spirit for either the exhibitor or forithe progress of the Fair. It is very natural to desire to win but coupled • with that there should be a purpose to promote the best interests oE the Society and accept the decision of the Judges with as good a grace as pos- sible when the prize tickets go else- where. All cannot get red tickets is a sure thing unless the Fair is a back number with'one entry in each class instead of a score. Then the question of making comparisons and noticing good or bad points is not without value nor should the display of good exhibits, particularly in stock, be over- looked along the good. to be derived in present or future sales. The spirit of emulation is a worthy qne and many a man bas made his mark by the entries he made at the large or small exhibi- tions. 3rd- Townspeople sbould limber up in cheerfully representing their business establishments at the Fair. Some places take hold of this feature with a zeal that counts big to the success of the Fair. A well filled, neatly arranged "Palace" is an asset to the tair nor easily estimated. Of course this work cannot be done without the expenditure of time and labor but if the tradespeople could understand how much the varied and tasty ex- hibits added to the pleasure of the spectators and strengthened the hands of the Directorate there would be little need of so much urging to have this important point carried to a successful issue. The business folk should buckle into this and give the Fair a boost. Some say it comes at the very busiest time. That is true but in Brussels for ex- ample where the Hall is a good. one and can be properly closed the exbibits could be placed a day or so earlier than the Fair and left a day later. Even if a reliable watchman were thought to he a necessity It would pay the Society to make the expenditure. We have no kick to make over Brus- selites sod their financial support of the Fair as the average subscription will total close to $thomo annually but we proffer the above suggestions at this time so as to give timely notice of what might be done to materially bene- fit the Fair it overcoming the notice- able droppug out ot exhibitors and the increasing tendency to give up the days of the Fair to holiday purposes simply or the display of a good road- ster hitched to a rubber tired buggy. The Board of Directors are not man- aging the Fair for the coin as there arc days of time lost and rattly petty an eoyances brought about by unkindly things done, unwise words spoken or a failure on the part of the community ut large to lend a helping band. A long pull, a strong pull and a p1111 altogether will overcome any :obstacle endereep East Huron Fair, which is and has been, we behove, deservedly popular, in the front rank, not losing sight of the best features that will tend to the pleasure and moral improvement of its many patrons. tea Fair will afford ample opportunity of proving the correctness of what we have said and no one will be better pleased than the 'nen or women who taking a broad • view of the situation do their level best to largely Support their own in- terests by aiding eVary way possible. lettifakeleleteteestiMeelidiete~iereesieeeser" ) 4Mteeeeleteleierieefreeti corrent runirira are to be relied Upon then the Whitney Government purpose entering upon and following out a gerrymander ot the Province that will be made to increase their chances of majority at the election next year. No fault can be found with a square redistribution at the proper time, Nor would we kick at the res. toration of menieipalities now sub- divided to their original solidarity lint when it comes to a concerted and de- termined action to carve up constituen- eels for purely party purposes then the much -to -be -desired fairness vanish- es and party achievement bolds sway. To offset the wrong by saying "the Grits did the same thing" is no answer. 11 it were wrong it should not be re, peated and if right no excuse need be offered. Hou' will the gerrymander effect Huron Co. is a query that is sure to :arise. While we have not positive proof of the following the in- formation comes from what is con- sidered good authority and states that East Huron will lose Howlek town- ship with its large Conservative major- ity, Turnberry township and the vil- lage of Wroxeter, these municipalities being attached to West.Huron, In ad- dition our Westerly neighbors will part with the half of Hullett township they have had and will pass it over to East Huron along with Blyth and possibly Clinton, making the West riding a supposedly safeC onservative constit- uency. The hall of Goderich town- ship in the West riding is to be sent to South Huron, the latter passing over the town of Seaforth to East Huron thereby greatly strengthening Harry Silber's hands as M. P.P. in the sunny South and making the East Riding practically a hive. Some say the name "East" will disappear and it will be denominated as Centre Huron and will consist of Grey, Morris, Brussels, Blyth, Hullett, McKillop and Seaforth. At the present time the Liberals hold the East and West ridings. West Huron under the new proposal would almost require an electric railway to conveniently cover the distance from the extreme of Colborne township to the Northeasterly boundary of Howick. If the above is literally brought to pass and other Counties similarly dealt with there will be more than one hot time in the next session of the Local Legislature, although the Liberal minority there can do little more than kick vigorously against such injustice. Local Option Campaign. From reports received at the offloe of the Ontario Brunet of the Dominion Allianoe in Toronto, it is learned that there is likely to be another tremeodous Looal Option oatnpaigu in the Provincie of Ontario this Pall and Winter, The Secretary of the Alliance, Rev. Ben. H. Spence, has handed out a list of eighty nine municipalities in which cam. patens are more or less advanced, and it is likely that this list will yet be added to. Daring tbe past few yeses there has beet: a greao acivenoe in the movement for barroom abolition by tbe Local Option methods in the Previt:el of On. tario. Wtthiu the peat six years 191 munioipaecies bate polled a majority for Local Option Be -Laws. Last year abs three.fitths requirement prevented oom- fug into tone 44 of OMB municipalities, and in some other places the By.Larve were Twitted in the warts, but there are itt present in the Provinoe 158 mnniei- palitiee in which the law is operative, and there are 133 other municipalities in the Province in whet no lieeuses are granted for variooe reaeous. A000rding to figures furnished by tbe Alliauce Seorete.ry, a etriking feature of the Local Option movement is that when Looal Option By -Laws are passed in it munioi• malty they etay passed. There seems to be an almost unanimous approval of the measure by munioipalities tbat bave adopted He Last year there were 34 municipalities where By -Laws had been in forma for three years or more, and where, therefore, a repeal vote could bave been brought on. In 8 places repeal was tried, bat in only oue inetance was it thalassic'', and there, (the town of Steel. ton), the temperance people claim that the otranmetanees were exceptional. Daring the past six years out of 130 oltanaee to repeal LOOKOption By -Laws by a simple majority vote, there has been only one encemesfal, end that Steelton. On the lane of it, there would therefore, seem to be good ground for a contention that the condition of Loral Option ie a mach more permanent one than that of license. The Altivenoe officials are mak iug preparations for s big campaign. There if, a big Muff of workers in the office, and the services of many very prominent speakers have been seemed. One feature of this fieil'a campaign is the large number of incorporated towns and villages in which a vote is being tsken. Of the 89 pines() in which campaigns are progreee, 35 are inoorporated towns or villages. There are at present 297 lioensee granted in these 89 =Memel - 'ties, neinefeltelle The cement work of the new Meth°. diet (Murata shed is Oompleted. A big ebipment of Retie to the Zarich Jam notary was taken from here. Arthur MoAlllater and Will. Geiger have returned 10 Toronto to take their second year in medicine. T, Heffernan and wife leave for Jarvis where the former bag perch:teed e hotel Imainees and intends locating. The oat orop of this eeotion it said, on good euthority, to be about tbe best in Ontario, though not nearly up to the tonal average. Lvaporator le now in 10111 running order and though ran apples are seam) quite a number have been brought in. With hie labor it convenieneee and eery effective etsff Mr. Jaynt, turns out re big quantity of fruit every day. Hie peelers average 75 bushels sash, one of e 1:11 Mies JODI/la 4141,00/1 frau peeled 0, Ae jemee ()lath wits shoeing a horse the animal struck ons with Re hind foot knooldue him senseless and infliet• log tt scalp weevil :nose to itis temple. His halal woe else hurt thougb not ser- iously, 411'11:11+1. P1. o, winiorne, of Bastrop, La„ and Will Tonne, ot New (Menne, are speed- ing a week visiting friends in town, The °ember meeting of the Women's 'esthete was held at the residence of Mu. G. W. Knowlson on Wednesday. Mrs, Jas, Mallhagh1111 and her two denghtere left for Ktmeaok, where elle will reside with her son, A A. Crawford, The Old Southland Sexette have beau engaged by the Publie Library to give ti eonoert in the town hall on the eveuing of Fridey, ()debar llth. et/elt<ONV 111. Jarnee Straohate of l'oronto, was home for a ehait visit, Mies Annie Strachan, of Flue River, ie visiting her parents here. A bores belonging to Samuel Burke got an overdoes el oats by helping itself. By promptly ceiling a veterinary bbe danger of losiug it was averted, Wiliam and Mte, Soott, of Falton'e Mills, Wellington 0o. have been visiting Jno. R, and Mrs. Miller, Morris bound• ary. They have been friends for many years, John T. Strachan left on Monday morning Inc Toronto University. He will be missed in thie locality where he has become so widely and favorably known but We have no doubt be will do well in his new posilion. 131v els . Dr. Sloan MA on a bueineeti trip to Ottawa. Clean op the 'rubbish on the vaoant lots on Mein street. The meat of the eleotrio light is badly felt. We hope to see it running shortly. A new roof hits been placed on the Watson block, occupied by the Bank of Hamilton and 13. H. Gidley. At Winghem Feir eat. Heffron secured first prize in the road horse rami and second in the driver class. James Den- holm 0.160 took first with his heavy - draught team. We are glad to report that E. 0. Wil ford, who hoe been live weeks in the Tor onto Hospital with typhoid fever, is somewhat improved and we trust be will soon be telly reotored. Wm. Scott, ty former prinoipal of our sobool bat who is now located at Roan- elile, Sask., was in town for a few days. He le in partnership with John Barrett, a former resident of town. f/W. Watson met with a bad accident recently while down near Londesboro' driving some sheep. He stepped on a nail which ran through hie shoe into bis foot, but he is about all right again, J130. Wilford was called to Toronto on ammunt of the Mune of his son, in the city hospital with typhoid fever, which he contraoted up in the Nipissing district where he spent the Sommer vacation. N. L. Muriel bee left for Stratford to (mums his new dories as Seoretary of tbe Y. M. 0. A. He has lived here for the pest three years and leaves many friends, having been for some time leader of the Methodist oboir, and be le a soloist of recoguized ability. Ou Sabbath, Oot. 20th the anniversary sermons of Blyth Metbodiet church will be preached by Rev. EL W. Locke, of Kincardine. The anniversary Tea Meet. tug will be hold Monday evening blow - Ing. Next Sunday Rev. G. W. Rivers, B. D., of Belgrave, will officiate as the pastor will be at Belgrave. Fram-The people of Blyth got a start at 3 a, m. Wednesday morning of last week when the fireball woke them out of their peaceful slumber. Ib was found out that the fire was at Elam Living- ston's power bowie and before it was under 000trol the engine room was bunt one Owing to the walla being solid brink the fire did nut get into the dynamo room nor break ont into the saw mill end handle works and saved Mr. Living mon from a very heavy toes, mit is a uew engine and boilers will have to be install- ed before the mill and eleotrio Hebei will be in running order again. How the fire etarted is a mystery, bat it ie thought it must bave nom:isnot))) in the root, The fire had made ooneiderable headway before tbe Mem was wended. A new eleotrician had just commenoed work thet morning. Crate rOGle. THE Pose gives the news. Miss Myrtle Sperling is home born Clinton for a few holidays. The older prees at George Siemon's has commenced operations. This week Garf. Long left for Listowel where be bas taken a position. Jno. Forrest disposed of his peeing horse to Mr. Horse of ?lma, and bits bought another, There was a large formed from • this Mottle}, at Brussels Fair last Friday. They say it was a good ane. Miss Minnie Oameron, who wee holidaying here for e month, returned to her position at St. Mary's on Monday. learto McKay who was visiting his mother here for the peat week bee re. turned to his home at Niagara Falls, U. S. A. A. Reymann is preparing to; raise the roof of bis pump shop and add another story 10 11. He does a large busineea and requires more room. Led Sunday afternoon Eli Smith book the gervioe iu the Methodist church here. Reit. Mr. Powell wee at Whit:Hemet] taking anniversary serving. Sarno Orme who was visiting rely, Lives and friends at hie old home at Pittsburg, has returned to Crembrook. Eie was absent for a week. Mrs. Jacob Long, who wag ili with an attack of bypboid lever'is able to re. nine ber household thitien although hardly motored to her old time vigor, A, J. and Mee. Henn have Moved to the former MoNair reeidetoe, morose the street from the °tore, where they wilt have a convenient and comfortable home, The home of George Baker hes been improved by brisk veneering end tbe vvood work peinted. He did the work himself. Nothing like being a handy Man. Janne A,. MoLattablin, who has Mope - ed of the berm farm to James Petrie, will bold an anotion lisle of farm Motet, im- plements, etre, on Friday, Wt. 25th. F, S. Scott, of Jimmie, will be the amnion - ear, Robert Tyerruen and bride ere beck from their wedding trip end ltttye Wien up houoelrefipine itt rho home 011 the Love farm, near hot e We wielt Mum nanny joys. We are pleased to see 1). MeOnerrie eble le be :Ilee kalll after his augeleut • Itt 1111154 from a trse, Athol MrQuerrie, who wee here fur a few mete, has re. ,urned to tioderieh. Last Saturday as Onoree 11.ker Mole taking (Men the seuffuld pot: 11 se les eeidenee his tittle itaueleer, level) n, wtts injured in the bank by being struck whyillotelosioonf btollearri.t4113111:ewleehaiipnep.roviug 11111 ta Baggegemsti Barrow, of the 0, T. R., had a haud urtishod at Toronto the other Mete L. 14. Deets in, K. 0., of Exeter, bite baso appointed to conduct the mown :mem) at the liediESe which open here on DuQ.l15h, Thu sew G. T. R. timetable makes the late imenniug train about tweuty•ave minutes later then before. It ie uow dos to arrive et 1135 9, m. blies Themes wee the winner, of the 35 silk umbrella :lend by the roller rink management as at prize for the most graoeful lady skater in the mutest, llotel Goderict aimed for the season at the end of September eo far ae reosiving guests were coneerned. but the proprietor rerenined bellied to settle op affairs. Mrs, Veallwood, of Wiugbam, who ie in town on a visit to her dangeter, Mts. J. 11. Tigert, sustained a iraotere of the leg on Tuesday evening of last week as she was miming dowu 'deka. Wright Martin says that hie flook of about 200 hens have laid during the past nine months 20,313 eggs, on wbioh he bas cleared about 3100, Ka promisee to beat this record next year. T. IBMs, of Parolee, has purohaeed the billiard parlor business and baba:monist's stook from Wee Tilt, Went street. Mr, Edict took possession Monday. Mr. Tilt has not yet decided where be will looate, Joeeph Taman, the man who had his head hurt by falling from at load of wood and having the wagon pass over him, as he Villa (Irwin into town from Benmiller euesday of last week, died Thursday night at the Goderieh hospital, where he was taken after tho eta:Admit and where an operation wee performed. The tom Bea took plane on banday afternoon, Mr, Taman was 45 years of age. OANALOAN CITIZONEe LEA0011.-A. brand' of the Canadian Citizen& League was formed in Goderioli ou Wednesday uigbb of last week at e meeting in Knox church addressed by Rev. Dr, 0. S. Eby. G. M. Elliott was appointed President and Jes. Meehan, secretary treasurer until the organization is completed. Four palate were asp:totally set forth as fiends of work to which the Canadian branch of the Luteruational fitreau should engage - the banishment of the public bar ; the repeal of the law whiob legalizes race track gambling ; to ask the civilized governments to onite iu measures for protecting the unuivilized lands from the ravages of tbe white nuth's brafBo iu tutor:Mantel and opium, and an appeal to Britain to release China from the treaty reqnirernents, whioh compel her to allow the bideous opium tranie. Dr. Eby preached Sundity moruing iu Victoria street Methodist aburoh, and iu the eveuing in Knox Church. Clifeetoree The Collegiate Field sports wilt be held here on the 110. JD. Clentelon hes received all order for WO thousand barrels of Oolverts to be shipped to France. We are sorry to note the illnees of D. B. Kennedy, who is suffering from a eligbt stroke of paralysis, and hope to hear of Ms epeeoy reeovery, Mise Rate McDougal', of the GU line, oays elle hue one of this year's pullets wbioh started to lay on the first day of September and is laying every day. the station Monday afternoon of last week, to bid farewell to Rev. Mr. Magee aud wife ou their deperture to the ei eat. The (Jeuttoms Department has decided that its officers should appear in an er- n:Het uniform, and makes It slight allow- ance to each offtoer for Mutt parpeee. As soma as curtain trimmings can be ee• cured, Mr. What:nate Clolleator se this point, will don Ms badge of uffioe, whish will distinguiela him from the ordinary citizen. The annual meeting of the W. C. T. U. sleeted the following officers :-Hon- orary President -Mrs. °rich ; President -Mre. W. 8. Harland ; First Vioe-Preei- dent-Mrs. B. P. Sibley ; Seeretary, Mrs. A, T. Cooper ; Corresponding Secretary Mrs. Biddiecombe ; Trettourer-Mrs, A., Seeley. A. presentation was made to the retiring seoretery, Mrs. W. D. Magee. The W. 0. T. U. oounty conveution is to be held iu Wesley °bomb, ()Buten, on Thursday, Oolober 10th, Division Court was held here ran Mon• day of last week, Jildge Holt presiding, Two oases of Interest were up fog hear- ing, the firet being 0 bone case. Isaac: Jones, Goderioli township, eold it home to Mr. Arobibaki, of Seaforth, who re. eold it to Mr, Johnetote of tilyth, When the latter got the horse it developed Itiolt• ing propensities, end he reamed it to Arelebald, who afterwards sold it for lees than it °est him, and he sued Jones toe the difference in prioe oleirning It bad been sold to bim teeter misrepresenta- lion. There was no evideuoe to 811007 that thio bad been the ease ; in feet, evidence to the contrary was given, and although the Judge did not, Ova bile deoieiou, he Mated that it would be for defendant, livereeme,i-The home of Mrs, W. Elolmee, Erin:apse area, was the soette of a pretty wedding an Wednesday of last water at MO noon, when her only daughter, Mien Minnie, hemline the bride of W. 0. Linder, of Toronto, te brother of Mrs. Delp, of town. The bride looked charmingly %emotive it: a dregs of white silk with overcirsee point d'erearit. Itev. W. J. Joliffe, of Wesley eburoh performed the oeremony. After it sumptuous wedding dinner they left on a trip to Quebec). On their eaten they tvIll make their home here for the present. Among the guests present from outside pointe were ; Mrs. Megaw, Seeforth ; S. A. and Megavt and wife, Goderioh ; Mies L. Russell and Mw. Ltueeell, of London ) J. and Mrs'. Archibald and A, Arehibred, Seaforth ; Mies Bauch, Belle. Bele ; Miss Wellwood, Risby; Mrs, 1, 0, Holmes, Whiteohtiroh, and elm. °Mani- Seaforth. • rine are Fine Hair It's fine care that makes fine hair! Use Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved formula, sys- tematically, conscientiously, and you will get results. We know it stops falling hair, cures dandruff, and is a most elegant dressing. Entirely new. New bottle. New contents. Does not change the color of the halt. f"9 VenInlewoinll/ oeaeeall batlehshow:7ot ersta Ayer's Hair Vigor, 55 0050 made from our new improved formula, is the latest, most scientific, and in every way the very best hair preparation ever placed upon the market. For falling hair and dandruff it is the one great medicine. —blade by the Z. 0. Ayer Ott,, Lowell, hrese....--, ;fan W, Morris was killed by a train Ib Sowmativilie. The Orangeville woollen mills and the Meeford Town Hall were destroyed by 11re. William Hanian was arrested on a (intro of swindling banks at Orangeville by forged °beaks. The Ontario Bank has mads a claim against G. B. R. Cockburn, the former President, for $87,599 50. Rev. A Margate of Oobourg, has ac- cepted the call to Hazleton Avenue Cork gregatIonal (thumb, Toronto. A party on Lake Joneph bagged an old bear uud three onbs, which were digeov. erect swimming near Mr. Moblurriohie island. Nova Scotia shareholders of the York County Loan Company are (taking to re. Woe a prefereooe in the distribution of assets. Winnipeg's September building per - mite were 186 ; value 9385,850, Lest September the number was 819 ; value, 41,226,900. , The blaoltsmith shop of William Hutobison, at Hamilton. Watl demolished by aril, Explosion of gasoline, and Mr. Eluichis• n badly burned. A report oornee from Hervey Junetion, Quebec, of the treacherotte murder of all Italite laborer by a fellow countryman in whose house he had sought shelter for the night. The alleged murderer was ar• rested. Rev. Dr. Sutherland at the anniversary meeting in connemion with tbe General Board of Missions ot the Methodist Clitwoh declared that the so °ailed pease conference was the greatest entire in the history of the world. QTRAYED FROM THD) FRIULI LJ Too of the Onfleralgned, Lot 24, Oen . 10, it ray teiwnthip, 00 011nrlay, Rept, 20th, Novell head of young eatile-5 hereto end a steer. All debernod, one beset gray turd °there roil in color, Any 1111010UrktlOu ooneething Will1hetlionkftilly moolited. Talophoou or write to Oreubrook 0.0, at n.10 exnanse. a.tt GDORGE MoTAGG ART. PIOS FOR SALE..—THE UN— PRIIIITONED bile tor sale, 015 Lot 21, Oen, 12, Grey, three young brood sows with littera at hot, 11 pot sold together will Oen little 10011 separate. The hitter are arose bred, Also elle sow, due to regrow in olObor. Partiee wishiug to bay plea should Oar/ 0811 get mines before buyiug eleewhere, For further particulars apply to JOHN P. MO117108E1, "Shady Nook Farm," Oran - brook P, 0. 10-tf Standard Bred Trotters (REGISTERED) FOR SALE MIDNIGHT 0110-A black atelliou two years old, hy Oro Wilkes (2,11), dam by Young Sidney. Also the two year old Lilly, 04I80 BARB, by members 12.114), dam by costumer Both are thoroughly broken 1.0 harness and will be eold right for quiet; sale, Poe tiarther particulars apply bo D.J. MoLAUCHLIN, Brussels P. O. 10-11 UMPS A N ID WINDMILLS The undersigned is prepared to sup - Fly the public with the best in the above Repairs promptly atteuded to. Orders left with HARRY JAMES, Amerioen Hotel, Brussels, will receive our early ettention. A. RAYMANN, CRANBROOK 4 -;int Follcw the Crowd and get your Photo, taken at rewers c on Fair Day • Studio will be open all day.m Coe early and avoid the reel). Photos, only I O eatoolti.mit'CtVbeezmaking our prio Family Groups a Speeielty. We have a full line of Mooldings. Frames made on short notice. Copying and Enlarging from anyPhoto. KR BREWER The a ket asori is at hand and finds us prepar- ed with a choice stock of them in different styles and makes all at Lowest Prices. Also Wool and 1.31a4lt Rugs Robes Rubber Rugs Mitts and Driving Gloves Halters and Rope Ties 119=050 both Single mid Team ISe8 our Rawhide Whips at 350—Great 'Value Repairs in Harness and Collars promptly done. l'''.Bargains in Trunks and Satchels. 116010,101,0111'118.1101i1,11,1110110101011011t ichards FALL MILLI ERY READY 'Rio -Pattern Hats and Millinery Noveltiesir THE invitation is yours to Como and see everything that is cor- rect and new in Fall Millinery. Nothing that has been accepted by the Fashionable of New York and Paris has been neglected in our Styles. No formal Opening this Season— just drop in any time. All are Cordially invited. iisses Habkirk keeelefiresetiereeeliteeeel IMPORTANT NOTICES riousg AND ACRE LOT, .1.1. for eitle-Allot street, iromforteble, 00nle 1 a000 repair. Iltit thl 11111h1e, 0000 well, sinter,, /kr. P0000119001 soy three For further partleidfire imply ou the promisee, to S. 011AWFORD, 48.11 RICK STORE TO RENT BY ttohynary let -014 Of tbsttl tlu 01001/. 00e80 foot ; 0,1 10,11 from Milorlelin 110(011 lately need im talioriug and gents' tenth*. tr5 establieleuent. For further poltiets 1015 apply to 1)11. blc131i11.V1iY, Brussele, 11,°F.,.8,4Elof RtANe.1) ACRII OF Com tenable d weak 105; hard aud sett water under °over ; atei pis, plum and :merry treee, 40. Neressiod 0011 be 01000 at 01100. Por pram, terms, 50, call atpuu TJ OUSICAND LOT FOR SALE 1 -The underaigned often for BuS her house and lot ou Turuborry sbs50b Brest - sole, 20131301191011 INUI(l bo given at ouee. For price, terms, 4c., apply to MRS. F. eBlerei, Walton 1.0,, or to Tzta Poste, K, 0. T. 114, Brussels Tent of the Maimabein, No, 21 bold their regular ineettuge in the Lodge 0uunl, Broker Block, au the 001 0114 8rd Plumley eventugs of eiteli month. Visitors always welcome. 4,80711111(5, Ootu, A, iloGIT101/1, 15,111, pROPERrY FOR SALE.—BE- -L. unitstbnf Lot Lnlf1, Oen, 8, Grey, son - lug 15 auras more Or lead Ou the premises 000 0500 houses IsOtit barn ; oleo twO write. Land 111 good state of cultivation ; very conveniently situated to Ethel village. For prnio and tonne apply on the promisee to 5, CRAM SEIM 00 bo Ethel 11,0. 740 ri1AR111 HOB SALE —B.E IN G Lot 24;Con. 18, Gray, containing 100 nurse. 45 acres Weaved and balance hard Wood bush and eiratep. Good brick holm with kitchen, driving shod mid stable , goal well, o robard, en p5011555. Place w011 fenced. Possessiou could he given alter crop is off. For turther particulars ite to price, tonna, dm. Apply to leo. 0.111oriene, 1)00 51, Con, 04,11)05, 01 Moneriell 0,0. 1410R SALE OR TO RENT. - 1. undersignet offers tun 100 sere farm, helm( 001 80, 0ou, 7, Grey, for sale or to rent. Comlortable house, bank barn, orchard, wells, dm. Farm ie Only 9oIa mile from the stirring village of tdtbst, For fur - tiler pastime:us apply to 1', 8.550(0, Brits. sals, or airs. Heel' HoLeeeLD, 7 Peter abreet, Torouto, 87.8na PROPERTY FOR SA.LE—THE 1 undersigned °gore hie Louth and lot, situate ou Atilt street, Brussels, for sale. It to well located, a oollyenlent au:10013310r. table borne. Possession 511.11 be given at once. Will also sell the vacant lot, corner of Mill mid blistibeth atroets, which would Make a fine building site. Iter further par. haulers its to price, terms, 50. smile 10 0.1.1111/. 41)4518. Hardware Des:ler, Ford. melt, 804 WARM FOR SALE.—THE UN. DimirGNED offers 1.10 100 acre farm for sale, being Lot 00, 7511 Li e, 10 00010, There is a frame Ihmee, beide been and boy house, 8 orchards and Keever -tailing spring. Farm will oe sold In one or two ports to atilt per - °baser. Poseessloa 0001 d 0 give,' this Fall. Four acres of Fall wrrent in Farm in grass except. tdnsres, Will 110 sold on easy Wine. For further particu 500 to prim, terms 55., apply ou the promises to 4100.1317.11i0 N, or Brusaels P. 0. 11-15 FARM L AB OTJ ARNEOR18)0MESTICS- I have been appointed by the Dominion Government to place Innulgrauto from the United Ringdom in positions as farm lab- ourers or domestic servants iu this vielnity. Any person loquirlug such help should noti- fy me by letter stating fully the kind of help required, whou wanted and wages offered. The umbers arriving may not be sufileien t bo supply all requests but every effort will be made to provide Guth applioaut with help i.e.:mired. F. 8. 80010, Clauathau (S05000sosob ItImployment Agent 82-ly !intestate P.O. Notice of Dissolution of Partnership. NOTICE is hereby given that tbe partner- ship heretofore subsisting between ue, the initlersiguerl, evaded on in the village of Jamestown, has this day boon dissolved by mutual consent. All debts owing to the said partnership are to be paid to MacDon- ald Bros., at Jamestown eremitic1 ou or before the 10th day of October, A. 1%1907, and all Maims against the said partnership are to be prooenled to the said hi itoDonald Bros by whom same shall be sowed. Dated at urn estowu this 10th day pi sop• toolbar, A. 11,0007, Witness : Arysx. 0,1,1401)015401), JAs. A. Einnitiox DDNCAN MAoDONALD. MORTGAGE SALE OF 100 aura farm1t, the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron. Under and by vie. tuo of the power of sale contained in a cier, tato Mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale time will be offered :for sale by Public Auction by Menotti Trow, Auotiow. ear, at Klump's Rotel iu the Village of Ethel, on FRIDAY, the lith DAY of 00- T0B15R, at the hour of twelve o'olook, noon, rho following property, namely :-.1.101 nuu1- her Thirty-two 180110 the Fourth 0011008Bi011 or the Townebip el Grey, in the County of Boron, The p011 10 clay loam and there are about eaventy•Ilve acres under eultivation. On the premises are a bank bare, driving shod and frame house. 'Perms of Bale -Teo PeefaCr' ennit0t10enlie fflell5r0eutilal11505Mrge0t etllY1001.ul'arcedialy0 one-thitd of the purchase Mousy witteu thirty days thereafter and the balanes may remain on Mortgage at six 050 005(0. or the purchaser may pity all oath, For further particulars apply to A. B,monomtnn, iBtoru.s.sels ; W. M. SINCLAIR, DK., Brufsels; W. some, EEO., Listowei; or GO Mernensoar DAvinsolr, Stratford P. 0,, Veudors' 8olio- Synopsisof Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS; A NY event numbered section of Dominion Lands lo Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, excepting 8 and 20, not refferved, May be homesteaded by any parson 1V110 it the awe heart of a family, or any male over 18 yeare of 1000, 10 the extent of one-quarter seeteou of es acres more or loss. ' Entry may be Made personally at the looal land office for the 111015101 151 which the land is situate. The homesteader le required to perform tbetionditionsoeunemed therewith ender :me of the following plane: (1) At least sit months' residence upon and oultivetion of the laud in earth year ter three Imam, (2) If the father for mother, if the father is deceased) of the homesteader resides upon a tarifa in the violulty of the laud mitered for the vequiromente as" to rest. donee may be satisfied by such person re - oldies with the father or mother. (8) If the settler hap bin permanent reel - donee uporisfanniug land owned by bins in the vicinity of his homestead, the re- quiremoute 045 te realcleime May be satis- fied by reeidenee Upon the mid land. kezmouths' notion in writleg should be given to the Conimisaionor 01 DominiOn Lauda at Ottawa of intention to apply for patent, W.W. 0 OUT, Deputy of fh °Minister ot Interior. 10,10, Onautherimed publioution of this ad - 1 Vortistnnotzb will not ha pled tor,