HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-10-10, Page 3e• '
y0 S•
Typhoid fever is a preventable ells -
ease; so absolutely preventable, indeed,
that it is Ito exaggeration to say that
asenehody is to blame Rn' every case
that occurs, although, so Sonans ere
•lite ways by which the germ la'avels
deem its <urcc to its destination, It is
Often very Milicult to piece the biome
Where it lxtoulgs, It te, broadly speak-
ing, a county disease; that is; dhe lu'sl
COM in an epldenlic In city ere al-
most uhvnys altelbutlble to s conlam-
inulion of the nllik-supply, Or of the
water -supply at its angio or along 1(5
course in Ilse count'y, After. the
euse has got well under nay it may
be spread ) rondoest by other- uloans—
ilies; 1, i' example. •
In crrtutn pails Of the country ll
usually prevails snare or less all the
1:mn in the form of isolated- cases, but
10 cities it often breaks out in epido.
lnlc form. Apart front the water or
milk cuutn rinulicn, typhoid fever is
not infrequently Carried lc the city on
salads and vogutubks that awe eaten
The disease begins to teem Io hyo
tveokc oder the inferring material Ions
]x en taken into the ,loteach, The first
symptoms are indellnile---hendnche, loss
of nppeUle, sometimes slight chills, and
a geuelul listlemsncss end less of
strength. 'Theon symptoms increase in
severity for a week, aerom'panied by
steadily rising fever, higher in the even-
ing than In the morning. Diarrhoea
is in:quoit; the headache is often ex-
ceedingly acute.
As the diseuse progresses (he physi-
cal forces are greully depressed. The
tongue and mouth are dry, (here is -0:-
passive thirst, and there slay be deliri-
um. In very severe cases the patient
her, on his back, tow in the bed, mut-
tering indistinctly and plueiring aim-
lessly at the bedclothes.
In favorable cases.imisrevement comes
b1 the third aP fourth week. The lever
declines, the tongue Lecunies moist, the
patient lakes an interest in his sur-
roundings, and us convnlescence is es
toplished, begins la clamor for food.
In no disease is careful nursTng6 mo
important, as in typhoid lever. indeed,
in many cases it may be said the pati-
ent owes his life "lore to the nurse
than to the doctor. although with equal
truth it may be said Ilial to no disease
is the ronstant watchfulness of the phy-
sician more needed.
But the duties of the nurse are not
confined le caring for the patten,!. She
has the grave responsibility upon her
or protecting others from contagion.
Tose poison thrown off in the discharges
from the bowels and bladder, -and these
should be kept for et least two hoat:s
in a vessel containing an equal amount
of some powerful disinfectant before be-
ing thrown may. They should never
be Mown on the ground in any place
where the rein would wash them •into
a stream or well or cistern. They had
better- be thrown into n hole in which
is put at the snore dime a quantify ''.f
copperas or unsluked lithe.
Locicjavv Relict. \Vo2'an 0 smell quan-
tity of &pelts of turpentine end pour
upon ,the wound, Relief will follow in
less than n minute.
For Cinder in the Eye.—When a cin-
der hies Into one eye immediately close
the other eye, put finger on it to keep
it closed. Then keep injured eye open
its Inc as possible, Don't give in, hal
keep 1.1 up.
Croup flelief.—\telt a small lump of
butler in. a. serving spoon over the
lamp. Add a lenspoonful of common
coal 011 and pour slowly down' the
throat. This gives instant feller.
To Cure Chapped !lends,—clave n
druggist prepare a solution from equal
Pacts of alcohol, glyecrin, and wit.eh
hare!. Keep the preparalion by the
!kitchen sink, and alter washing Me
hands and while they still are wet
pear a little of the mixture into one
palm. Rub over both hands and dry
on the towel as usual.
'Po ROrnCv0 Bug 11011 Ear.—Let pati-
ent lie down with bug side up. 'Then
drop in water, a drop at a 11010, slowly.
As the water rlses the bug will work
cut' unless firmly held by wax, In
which case a syringe. or forceps mny
be necessary.
help for illsolnxtfa,—Wet a cloth r r
hanelkerohief in cold water and hind
eion11<1 the wrist, lucking the loose end
in securely. The cold cools the blood
before Lt reaches the head and what
ever draws oe cools the blood will "e-
lieve (11e.braln.
Plaster for Burn.—Cover ,the burn.
with, sweet oil, Then apply cake of
dough, made of flour ,and water. 11
will drew out the Mc:
Home blade flair Tonic.—'Pato one
ounce sage, steep in boiling watea' for
half hour; strain and add two ounces
glycerine quarter ounce powdered bor.
1 )., quarter ounce lac sulphur, and a
lithe •perform.
An eminent doctor recommends '.the
following as 0 shire for sore fedi: Alun,
three ounces; tannin, one ounce; brown
someone, one pint; rosewnter, hilt a
{.int, Uix nod apply a 11111e as lollop
after washing the feet, -
1.1ot balks aro of great Use to those
seise stiffer ii'on1 Ilel'vens cxllauslton.
A warm hnllh al the close of a hard
ytayt0 mental work is productive s t
Bicep, bolt is wisest first to apply cold
,wake to the head, or al least to •the
brow. After severe physical Cxcetten,
such ns climbing, walking, bieyclh,g or
riding, IL is wise to take a hot taint bo -
fore swing to 1 td,,so els to relax the
muscles and prevent any seneatiOn e
stillness on the following dtfy.
rho most tying lime foe a sick per -
sell is between the hoot's of 1 and 4
. a.m. Vitality becomes diminished,
end the strength should therefore he
fortified as tar as possible, and with
same siwllgiltening fool), !'other Salle,
or egg or mill:, about midnight. Meals
- Li'
should bemule t0]�oltnstemp ng as
possible, sand the trey should bo lateen
away es soon ee the 1'ripnet is tinlslled,
To leave untested food by a person's
Leri: -'.<le to (tie trope that it may be oat•
en later on is simply enough le d15 -
gust the patient with food altogether,
A Severe ,Casa of Rheumatism Cured
1 by Dr. \Wiiltams' Pink Pills.
"Poe ninny weary months 1 suffered
untold agony, I could not walk, 1
could scarcely raise myself to it sitting
posture, 1 was under . nledlenl Dour,
CIL h1 vein. Finally 1 Ivied Dr, Wit -
Items' Pink Pills and they have re-
stored ale to my Weiner healthy condi-
Ilc n,"
Phos strong statement wee mode to
a reporter recently by MI'. Charles i,
lieddey, formerly of K11lgsl4311, N. fi„
hal now living at Port Maitland, Mr,
Ke hiey is a carpenter by trade, and
to naw able .lo work every clay. 11e
adds: "I cannot speak too highly et
Ur. \Vllliarn& Pink Pills, as they cured
n c after ether medicine failed, While
1 wits living at h(ingslon, N. S., I was
solved wills itemnatism in its mast
H. lent form, I was compelled to take
to my bed and foe months wes an 1n-
velkt. I was so '00(11 that IL was
Ilcuit for me to raise myself to a sit-
ting posture. It is impossible to tel
.tory much 1 suffered day and night,
weds In end weep alt. The pains were
like piercing swords. 1 had medical
attendance, but it felled. Then 1' tried
medicines advertised to cure rhetuna-
tient, but with the same result—money
wasted. One day when trope had a-
rrest gone a friend advised me to try
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. 1 told him
illy experiences with ether medicines.
int he assured me that these pills
would cure rheuntatisnl, so 1 sent for
a supply. After using a few boxes 1
was able to leave my bed, - and from
that on my restoration to health sons
rapid. I urn now ns well as ever 1
was. and twee not had the slightest
touch of rheumatism since. The change
they have wrought in my case is simp-
ly miraculous, and 1 can strongly re-
commend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to
any one suffering from any forst <f
Rheumatism is rooted in the blood.
flubbing the aching limbs with 11111
'vents and outward remedies cannot
possibly cure it. You must get the
actu»nllc acid out of the blood and
Dr. \VIllinuns' Pink Pills Is the one
sure medicine to do this, because they
0(1051ly mike new blood. That is
why these roils cure enmmin, h.endaches
and becknches, neuralgia, indigestion
and the secret ailments that make mis-
erable the lives of so many women and
growing g'ris. Sold by all medicine
dealers < r by mall olL IQ Orals a box
or six boxes for 142,50, irOm The Dr.
Williams' Alediclne Co., Brockville,
Ont. _ +
Many of the Cleverest of Men IIave
Been Great Punsters.
"What is the difference between a
mirror and a woman?" Napoleon asked
Mare. do Steel.. "You give it up, i see_
Lean then, that a mirror always re-
flects; a woman never:"
But "the only plan in France" was 1101
to he caught napping, even by Napo-
leon. "'cell line, Sire, she retorted in-
stantly, "what the difference Is between
to minor and yourself. You give 1L up,
I see. Learn, then, that a mirror is pol-
ished, and that you are not."
Many good pons have been recorded
In connection with medical men. A cer-
lain Dr. 'Thompson, to contemporary of
Garrick, was celebrated in his day for
two very slrttrigly marked peculiarities
--slovenliness and an absolute detesta-
tion of muffins. On one occasion the
doctor and Garrick were fellow -guests
al the breakfast table of a noble friend
of 1)01,4 when a largo discs of muffins
made its appearance. Dr, Thompson
Inst not an instant lin giving loud ex-
plessicn to his annoyance. "Take it
away instantly," he bawled to the ser-
vant. "No, no," put in. Garrick, quietly
laying hands on lite dish. "We shall
keep the muffins; rather put the raga-
muffin's out of the room."
Some of the ]nest puns, however, have
been in rhyme. There is the well-known
squib, cos instaice, written against Dr,
T. Letisom, a renowned London practi-
tioner of tihe eighteenth century ;—
When any stoic to me apply,
I physicks, bleeds, and sweats 'era
1f. after that, they choose to die,
What's that (0 010?
L Leltsom,
And lire answer, concocted by Lett-
soln's friend; Sir ht. Martin :—
Such swarms of patients do to me apply,
Diel I not practice, some would surely
'Cis true I purge some, bleed some,
sweat some,
Admit I expedite a fete, still many call.
I. LeLlsom.
Even Dr. Tomer, the promoter of vac-
cination Olid not, disdain a pun at times.
The Wllowhhg lines, penned by himself,
accompanied a present of a couple of
ch:cies he sent to the mother of a young
Indy patient who had recovered trent to
severe illness :—
I've dispatched, my dear madam, this
scrap of a letter
To say Miss hoary is very much better;
A regular doctor no longer sow .lacks,
And, therefore, I've sent her a couple of
Ono of the most eminent, London sur-
geons at the beginning of last century
✓ 1'
Q,1 'SE,
IDN .!--01.5f `IE.
OgIGNEL,is v+ EdiP;I
ttblp�C7ES 9a 0
q�tvp o4'La4 h1:M
1 Si]IL NO. 40-0/4
was a Mr. Ileavisldo, 11is industry was
phenomenal, enel so often were his ser.
vices requleitiomt 111111 the report of a
case in the 00007s of Justice hardly
complete imiees him mime was heard in
connection with it, "fogad 1' snid a dis-
tinguished legal luminary of the day,
"we never have to hcutieide, nor a sui-
cide, nor any outer nl4e 110W without a
Uca vishdu,"
When All Nations Have Atrehips, right-
ing Will he Difficult.
On the question of aerial frontiers,
Major Baden-Powell says: "Supposing
that ail nations have airships. Arc hies
la bo allowed to go over one another's
eums(•ies photographing strategical
peeilions In limes of peace 7 1f you say
'No,' 1 don't see how you can prevent
It is Impossible to fire al them, for
a, field guns are made al present they
have not got the elevation. You may
soy that 10W guns will be Invented for
firing upward, and I dare say they will
be. But then, if a vessel in the air of
neater county Is fired on, what of the
airship that has deified there by acci-
dent, or what of the private machines?
"Yon see the discussion leads one into
all sorts of complications. The whole
tiling is so dream-like, and yet one day
the droani will be realized. I think pro-
bnbly It will be an 'unwritten law' that
no air warship will be allowed in 'ter-
ritorial ah'.'
"Another possibility Is that if airships
become common, wars would be no
more. Land armies would be useless,
for what would be the good of men
starching over the counlry with the
enemy's airships hovering over theta,
seeing every stove on the other side?
And, supposing, for nrgumeni's sake,
Germany sent a fleet of airships over
here, we could simply retaliate by send-
ing oar air fleet to Germany. The whole
practice of warfare would have to be
11 is a great question," he concluded;
"one which France bus fully realized
end Genitally is realizing, I nm looking
le the time when the first ship of the
English ate fleet sails over oho land. We
must rule Use atmospheric waves as
touch as the waves of Use sea."
First African Ostrich Ever Born in
England Has Appeared.
Tho (lest Afrienn ostrich ever born in
England took his first walk on a recent
afternoon. The curtain across the
warmer half of his foster -house at the
Crystal Palace, London, was seen to
bulge, and backing through it gradually
appeared the forlorn but, famous chick.
lie struggled valiantly across the floor
and hack again, when he subsided in
a corner overcome with the effort. hl.
appearance he resembles a young mal-
lard mote nearly than any other animal,
loot already the patchy brown feathers
begin to lake dislincler hues.
\limy people In England, including the
authorities at Ilse, 7.00," have striven for
years to ren* an ostrich by help of the
incubator, but the manager of the os-
trich forum, transferred at the beginning
of the sem• from Fun City to Sydenham,
is the Jirsl to succeed, and there is lair
prospect phot several of the nine eggs
remaining in the incubator may break
through. The beak and one leg of
t,'Etoile—so named in compliment to Mr,
:lar, the l:rystal Palace manager—ap-
peared from lite opaque shell, fully on
the forly second day. . Thereupon the
manner liftec1 the Unbroken end and
out toppled L'i.;toile.
• The removal to the foster -house
agreed with !him and very delicately a
steal of powdered egg and bread crumbs
was iusericd into his duck -like beak. The
meal stimulnied his netivity and growth.
He is already nearly twice as big as he
teas a1 birth, In live months, if he can
face the wilder, he should be grown
from six inches to three or four feet.
Blood poison might have proved seri-
al], in the case of Mr, Thos. Coster cf
Kingston, had it not been for 'Lam-Bu1<.
Mr. Foster says:—
"Last tall I had a nasty sore on my
foot caused by the Irritation from a pro-
jecting eyelet in my shoe. Before T
was aware of it the colored Book I tvot'o
bcfd poisoned the flesh end I antlered
much in consequence. I t'iecl a good
many salves and ointments yet there
was no improvement until I began with
lane-Buk. This ointment drew out, all
the inflammation and poisonous mat-
ter and healed the sore in several days
after applying." '
All skin diseases quickly yield to
Zan-Buk. Sold by all stores and medi-
cine vendors at 5Oc. a box, or post free
from Lam-Buk Co., Toronto, 3 boxes
Poultry Breeder Was Sent to Prison for
At Sonneharg, Germany, the other
day a well known poultry breeder
named Morgeneoth, was sentenced to
sly weeks' imprisonment for having
inflicted terrible suffering on a num-
ber Of 14w1S exhibited by him et the
recent great Gerulnn Poultry Show held
to that, (own,
Mongennott hoped to secure firsts in
certain of the highest classes with his
birds, but the feathers of a number of
000155 Were not in accOrdance with the
regulations governing the exlrtbils in
those classes, tic accordingly pi.ucked
the birds, enol, halving procured a sut-
115103 quantity of the eorreet feathers
fastened them skilfully to the flesh of
the fowls With pins,
In order to keep the tail feathers of
other cocks In an upright position, Morn,
genrolh attached then to wire clamps,
driven Into the flesh of the birds.
So drtdignnnt were the judges that
they gave" Morgefroth a 6000141 thrash-
ing before handing l,lm over to the
WJmhrellas aro hive men ; usually the
pooro5t gel UM,
Underwear made-to-order, for you couldn't
polefbly excel in At nor equal
in 'calms
Guar r e. .
Can't shrink Cor stretch nor bind nor bulge; out.
lasts other kinds; and is sold with a guarantee
that insures you against any possible fault.
Trade -marked like this
in red as ure sign of
value. Made in many
fabrics and styles, at
various prices, in form-
fitting sizes for women,
men and children. Y,l) nyelt4u/1'jeeQrr
310 lights, first-class order. Will be sold
cheap and must be gotten out of the way
owing to 00o -light, machine tutting its
place. S. Frank Wilson, 73 Adelaide
Street West, 'Toronto. •
Buffalo make, number four, 0 -inch ver-
tieal discharge, 24 inches high; perfect
condition. Superintendent, 'Truth Bufid-
ir,g, 78 Adelaide St, West, 'Toronto.
E i y ` ' oras®
U lateree[ed nue shown know
about the wonderful
Tho now Vo Inst yr eno.
lcnt, It cleanses
Ass - your dreagletror 1t.
If ON cannot.supply the
rf rt d stampfo
ented hook—sewed.
It alien
ft l particulars and directions In
an to I Irls.
WINDSOR SUPPneral Y Agents WIncleofor Cour oat.
General Aaoala Cor Cauatlw.
River and Gulf of S11 lavireoco
Summer Cruises in Oool Latitudes
Twin Screw Irnu SS. "Carapata," with electric
Nitta, electric bells and all Modern comforts.
d p,m., 20ri1. September, 7th anti net October,
ud fortnightly thereafter for Pictou, N. 5., call
ngg at Qaobec, Gaapo, Mal Bay Yoroo, Grad
P•er 5ummeraide Y.G.I. and Zharlutt etowu
�r „
Egiti UDA
' Summer ilxaurslms , 53), by tho now Twin
Gorew 5S, Burmudlan," 5,500' 00,,9. Saving
5th September, 5th, 15111 and 20th Ocdebar, nth,
etb and 27th November, 'temperature cooled
`(I• en breezes seldom r[ es' Bove de
U a i! 8 0. 93 health
yTllc anent trips of the season for health sand
ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec.
A. E. OUTERBRIDGE & CO., Agents.
20 Broadway, New York,
A man was deeply in love with n
"lady lair." He met her one evening
at a crowded ball, and, as he could
not get an opportunity of talking to
her, he contrived to slip intoner hand
a pica of paper, with the two words,
"Will you " written upon it. Tho
reply was equally brief, "Won't 11"
To Those of Sedentary Occupation.—
Men who follow sedentary occupations,
which deprive them of fresh air and
exorcise, are more. prone to disorders
of the liver and kidneys than these
who lead active, outdoor lives, The
former will gad in Parmelee's Vege-
table Pills a restorative without ques-
tion the most efficacious on the mar-
ket They are easily procurable, easily
taken, not expeditiously, and they are
surprisingly cheap considering their
"You should never lake anything that
doesn't agree with you," the physician
told Mr. !darks. "If I had always fol-
lowed that rule, Maria," ho remarked
to his wife, "where would you be?"
You are right In regarding erysl ota9 as n
dangerous disease. Anneint the swollen, itching
akin with Weavor's aerate : And take Weaver's
Syrup internally.
Mr. I•lardup (entering the nursery)—
"Why, what are all you children hid-
ing for?" Small Boy—"Please, pupa,
Tommy's the bill collector, and he's
called with an account,"
Nearly all infants are mora or less
subject to dinrnthea and such com-
plaints while teething and as this ;period
their lives is the most critical, mo-
thers should not be without a bottle
of Dr. T. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cor-
dial. This medicine is a specific for
such complaints and is highly spoken
of by those who have used it. The
pro,prtetors claim it will cure any case
Cr •cholera or 50miner complaint.
Alia--"1 can't ser why, because a
woman mantles a man, she should take
h's name" He—"Just so. The ,poor
fellow ought to be allowed 10 keep
something he could call his own!!'
ITCIL, Mange, Prairie Scratches and
every (dein of contagious Itch In human
or animals cored in 30 minutes by Wel-
ford's Sanitary Lotion. It never fats.
Sold by all druggists,
"flow is it that a strong man like
you camlot get employment?" a lady
asked a tramp. The mendloant replied:
"Ah, mum, yet' see, people wants ref-
erences from my last 0tnplay'ier, an'
lie's been dead about twenty years("
A Good Medicine requites ]idle Ad-
vertising, Dr. 'Thomas' Eclectrlo Oil
gained the good name it 110W enjoys,
not through elaborate advertising, but
on its great merit a,s a remedy for hod -
fly pales find ailments of the respit'e-
tory organs. I1 has carried, its tame
With it wherever it ltns gone, and it is
banno Dosathe
sniall,podes eis effect sure. as at
Tam Smith was walling down the
street accompanied by his dog, whose
he had recently "bobbed," when
he met Will 5rudd. The latter, seeing
the stunted fail, pointed to it, and
laughingly snide— 'Why, Tom, 1 never
stow that Ixfore." "Of course not," re-
plied 'Tool; "dogs' tails ere always be-
A Sure Cure for headache,—Bllio;is
treedaclle, to which women are more
sullied than men, hecoines so mettle In
share sod: eels that they are utterly pros-
trateii. The stomach refuses food, and
there is a comte01 and distressing ef-
fort W free the stonlaoll from bite which
has become unduly secreted there. Par -
melee's Vegetable Pills are a speedy
altrative, and in neutralizing the effects
of the intruding bile relieves the pres-
sure on the nerves which cause the head-
ache. Try thein.
Customer, ---"Look here! All the hut -
tens came off Ibis gnat the first time
1 wore ]l." Auronheiiner (the lailot')--
"1es? Su many brople admire dal cont
sat you slrttveil mit pride and burst
dose buttons off,
Weak nod Sickly people envy Nose In robust
health. No need to stay Flick when by the use of
the best Conte, "Fermvim,",you CPA gut rich blood
and mowed strength mitt vigor,
Richie—"book at me! Twenty yeas
age, a poor lay, working like a dog,
end now—look at mel See what I have
made myself." Smarle---"Yes, sir. 1)o
yet)* Is this meant as' a warning
11 an example?"
You cannot be happy while you have
corns. Then do not delay In getting a
hottlo of Holloway's Corn Cure, It re-
moves all kinds of corns without !rain,
Failure with it Is unknown.
Tach—"11.0W did you make your ler-
Isaac --"On horse -raring,"
Juurb---"What) I never knew you
Isaac --"I didn't. I started a pawn*
shop just Opposite the entrance to the
racecourse, ter the accommodation of
people who wanted to geL home when
the races were over,"
Owing to the oonslantly increasing
srverily et the Ignition problem, the
vrland, Ohio, deemed It advisable W de-
sign a battery espeelallp for this class
of work, The (D,lembla Ignitor "lied
Top" Dry Cell which is the result of.
their experiments is without question
the highest type of ignition battery on
the morket to -day. 'These cells give a
hot snappy spark, recuperate rapidly
and have: long life. They are made In
three sizes. This company will Ie
p'cnned to send their booklet "Kinks,'
which treats on all Gas Engine thou -
Ides, free to owners of automobiles,
Launches, Gus Engines, etc,
A writer says that whipping a boy
may make him stupid. 11 may be, but
is is more likely to matte him smart.
1-1clp your children to grow strong
nod robust imy counteracting anything
that cad -es i11 -health. One great cause
of disease in children is worms. Iie-
inove them with Mother Grates' Worm
Exterminator. It never fails.
A crank Is a man who knows all about
a subject which you know nothing
Knitting Mach' ..
from head to toot on eur
Money Makers.
Free Illustrated Catalogues, L.M.N.O.
Address t
Dyeing I Cleaning !
!or the eery had Need your work to the
Leak for meat fa rear town, or mead 41rees.
M intreal,Toropto, Ottawa, Qualm!
Curtain lectures should he delivered
behind the scenes.
�.., "^"taz;ss�x•st..x,>marm.a•,rrl sestamef tiliawdra3/e5
i, SrnsIrnit
Ve Olde Firrie of f-Eeintzman & Co„ Limited. Established So Years.
Act on the Motto,,
r r i'P c. 0-!' .. i n s
6d Do it Now "
Tho stotelnent is plain and bold, because absolutely correct, that here we
offe,I bargains in fine well -made, good contrition upright dianos that cannot be
matched anywhere else.
MASON & RISCH—Upright Piano, with 7 octaves, hand -
carved panels in top door with nicely turned trusties, a
very nice piano in first-class condition, having been
thoroughly overhauled in our factory, fully guaranteed.
Regular price $375.00, special at $225,00
KILGOUR — Cabinet Grand, 3 panels 1n top door, swing
mein rack, full scale, rosewood case. This piano is in
A I condition and is an instrument that will give every
possible satisfaction, and is partienlarly good value at
STANDARD —Toronto, full sine Cabinet Grand, in wal-
nut case. Boston fall, beautifully decorated top door, 71-3
Octaves 3 pedalo, practically as good as new and thor-
oughly guaranteed. This is an elegant instrument, and
one that will give every possible satisfaction. Regular
prise $75.00, special at ... ...,. 0231.00
PRINCE — Beautiful walnut ease, with full-length
music rack, nioely doeorarsd top door, with 7 f-3 octaves,
Boston fall. 3 nodals. thoroughly overhauled and in
arst-olasa condition, fully guaranteed, sneetal at 8231.00
MENDELSSOHN, Toronto—Beautiful upright walnut rase,
with full-length music rack, nicely decorated top door,
handsome trusses and pilasters, 3 pedals, elegant piano
and while advertised ns second-hand is practically new,
being only slightly shopworn. Fully guaranteed, Reen-
Iar Arlon 5350,00, aneeial at $239.00
MENDELSSOHN, Toronto—Beautiful upright mahogany
ease, with full-length music) rack, nicely decorated top
door, handsome trusses and pilasters, 3 pedals: an ele-
gant piano, and while advertised as second-hand is
practically new, being only slightly shop-worn. Regu-
lar price 1375.00, special at ,,..,.,..,... . 5243.00
UXBRIDGE — Upright Cabinet Grand, boautiful mahog-
any case, with Beaton fall, handsomely carved music
rack, three panels, 7 1-3 octaves, 3 pedals. One of their
best instruments, in first-class condition, thoroughly
overhauled and fully guaranteed. Special at ..,5240.00
GOURLAY — Upright Cabinet Grand, with 7 1-3 octaves,
Boston fall, Mealy decorated top doe& used about one
Year, in first•class condition, and special at ..,...5205.00
WORMWITH & CO.—Cabinet Grand, 7 1.3 octavos, 3 pe-
dals, including orcheatsal attachment, susceptible to
banjo, maodolen and harp effects, nicely decorated top
door, in elegant condition, practically brand new, five.
year guarantee. Speeial at ... ..... ... .... 0267.00
NEWCOMBE & CO.—Parlor Grand Piano, in elegant con -
Edon and a piano that will give every satisfaction, 71.3
octaves, very suitable for a musician or concert hall.
Thoroughly guaranteed. Regular price 5000.00, special
nt .......... ,.... 6450.00
STEINWAY & 50N, Now York— Grand Piano, with beau-
tiful rosewood ease, handsomely carved legs and lyre,
overstrung scale, etc. Tho make of this piano is in it -
roll a guarantee that the article le first -plass. Ras been
thoroughly overhauled, and ,is in A I condition, fully
guaranteed. Regular price 51,200, epeotal at .,., $600.00
Pianos under 5250 00—S10.00 Cash and 16.00 per month. Grand pianos, 525,00 emelt and 510.00 per month. Quar-
terly or half -yearly payments Dan bo arrangod if desired. If special, term are required wire your selection, at
our expense, and the piano will be held until arrangements can be made by letter. A handsome stool accom-
panies oath instrument. Freight prepaid to any point in Ontario, and reasonable arrangements to other points.
Mei tz
rn bite
115-117 King St. West, Toronto, Canada.
attarilelMeal, 0115' Ga, 1eeeste ess.y5(10 see
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