HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-10-10, Page 1segsgamommo 05t. V o).., 36. NO, 14 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER'lO. 1907 u%or,Ma-•.wm,Pro. W„H,ICER R.Pro New Advertisements, MATaiMONiAL,—A pretty wedding took place at the home of Freak and McCracken, 4th line, on Wedges- clay afternoon of last week when Miss - clay Frank Edna 13. P., their youngest and esteemed daughter was united in mar- riage to John Case, a prosperous farm. er of Nissouri, near London, in the presence of e5o guests. Precisely at 4 o'clock Miss Nettie Kellington, of Morris, took her place at the piano and to the grilles of Mendelsshon's Wed- ding Ma•ob the party took their places under an evergreen arch from which a beautiful floral wedding bell was suspended, The bride looked charm• log as she entered the parlor, on the arta of her father. She wore a dress of white silk with over dress of point sprit, trimmed with lace and P orange blossoms and Carried a briquet o[ maiden hair ferias and white canna- tions• The bride was asssistedy Miss Louisa Cafe, sister of thegroom,wPon wore a dress of cream silk and •carried pink carnations, The groom was as- sister] by 5. F,•MeCranken, brother of bride. The bride's travelling suit g was pearl grey i-tdies' cloth. Care- nhony was performed by Rev, H, N5. Lang -Ford, of Brussels, After con- ratulations were over the company re- g P Y tired to the dining room• which was beautifully decorated with evergreens, and 0030 ed a su,ii tilou5 re iast which enjoyed p i was served by the estimable hostess. The toast to lh0 bode and groom was r Rev. m a few well l and words h} Rev. Mr. L Rug -Porti and the groats s o d. The even goad nattirediy re.p ode ng was spent in music and dancing. Wedding gifts were numerous and g costly bespeaking the pcbpularity of tba bride, The groan's gift to the bride waSagold brooch; to the bridesmuhe and bliss Reliitigton a gold pi and to e n the groomsman n pearl stick pie. The bride's gift from her father was a nice ,!river ; (cont her mother a piano and. from the groom's mother and father, a parlor suite and many other things too numerous to mention. The bride was a valued member at St, loon's church, Brussels, from which she received it baudsomepresent, The friends from a distance were, Mrs. Murray and sun from California ; Miss Kennedy, ot,Chicago ; Mrs. Wm. and Ra Ainlay, 'Toronto ; Mrs. Tames Constable, Mr. and Mrs. Henderson, London ; Mr. Brock sr: and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Brock, r,. of Kin- } enrdine, and many other friends from Nissouri and Thorudale. May the joys of the happy'twain far outweigh their sorrows and the successes greatly overbalance their defeats. Theywill make their home near Thrndsle where the commence married life y under most favorable circumstances THE POST throws an editorial slipper atter them, onsurrlAN ENDWAYOR DAV, The Fonrteouhh Session of the Chris- than Endeavor Committee, held on Weds needay, morning, was rich in good things, The devotional hour, led by Rey. B. E, Mien, of Wingharn, was a season of re- [melting ; the addresses stimulating and the whole spirit of the meeting was ex- waggly helpful and wholesome. An admirable address was given •by Rev. Mr. Merrill on "The Relation of our Yotmg People's Societies to S. S. Work.” This was followed by an equally inspiring nddrass by Rev. C. N, Hazen, of Gode- rich, on "Ultriatie.n Citizenship." The ]net hall hoar of the session wee, devoted to business which resulted lu carrying out the proposal of Tuesday in the uniting of the two Associations under one head. Tihe list of office bearers for nextyear is as follows :—Provident, Ray. .t V E. herr, Ulinien ; Pao-Preeidenba— Rev. H. E, Alh,u, Win ham •; Rev, D. SP.Urquhart, $, A., Kippan ; Mies Alberta Uorr, Blyth ; Chas. Girviu, Nfle. Sea- retsry, Mise Stevens, Clinton ; Treaaur- sr, Mlea Murray, Henan. Hewett will be the next place of meetiog a year Ileuce. Mr- U11 ens, Y. ill. U. A. Secretary, who is endeavoring to orgnni50 Huron Co, along t15 058 of the Important work of this body, led a Confereuoe on Young Peu le'a work from whish were elicited p many helpful hints and workable meth- ode. IIs was followed by A. T, Cooper, of Clinton, in n Temperance aui.e for Mr. Cooper has had n wick expoieuce fur a Young mat, 12 the w292 ami irgaite 'sanguine a the suoeessea of the forces that toad t the fo minable of the world. It would be well for ell if they pesseseed e enthuaine,u avd o deice „3 the the p epealcer iia biding in the tum al uplift, The •evening aH e•nce was attended b it Jur •a audience, Rev. 1L, Hartley welt chaiofthedevotinuneexeeMees. Th re go? were yltwo,Eddraeaes, nue I ?ars. Rntunur of Ceylon, o "Jinni ns haaea of U 1.1s- } p tine \t 0rk VI •/eylon," The pimple ei (Limit Oe. will talim e. (teepee interest ill that reieeiot field miter !tearing her in- soul, g woi'ile+, She 10- a gifted lady lo,d ads et the were of /ha many things people de -ire to know, "The t:hureh and the Social Problems" was the subject of a trenchant ,rod well painted address by flee. A. U. lyivhurE, 0, A., of lerueaets. It wee clearly ahuwa that the ahnrch of the 20th century has anormone work to cls iu putting dawn wro,g and lifting up the standard of righteousness, The Ilesolution Committee reported p and the Blyth people were heartily thanked for the generous hospitality aa. corded the delegates. It is Only fair to state.•that much of the enoceae of the Convention, from the date of the Reece- tive meeting arranging the program to the aloes 'of the Oonveution, was due to Rev, J. L. Small, B. A., Presby- berimn minister, of Bl th, who took a most active and iuveenable part in the business management• Miss Lily Carr, as Convenor of the Billetting committee, with her able assistantsBrussels performed their ppart admirably. The Methodist ohureh 'is maoey, tidy well arranged edifies and its pastor as big stooled as he is large bodied. A big Year's work should be lanced and with the united forces should win victories alt aloe the line in o Ibis grand ofd County of Hueco. The Presbyterian 'church .Choir supplied a fine musical program Wednesday even- iug• Fine was week the reporting fel slotv.uppur. soon Fair ltble de able sass" the work factures often There hibits side Walker show Messrs. several articles T. factory, good spectators firms advertising. Samuel machines their correctness samples before the uponbrook, loos ho very to tug. a the social listening well Mrs. son, The hallways ading. T. expected lenders' Thursday not East that WAS morning, very cultural thing the show, to roadsters cure worthyand prime tie by .Robertson, Wm, Armstrong, foot lent from were sheep ostial Tarnbttll, Corley in Thueli their handled were of and Nein usually and the ..,..:.e » Large Pi 1 Music—Packed ]last Huron Fall hell Tharsday is now a matter chronicler has it as one exhibitions Y of rain andevanmg. As stated In the the Interior was well exhibit. The p eminent suffered season for orchards yet no fault quality. The Fine Arts were really yaoq� g• ft qy l r� Still Leads. :J• Exhibit—Big Crowd— Hall for concert— Well Pleased Directors. • ' �w S. 5 his- on this a ve the in & Gal- & P. C. era roc So to by nigh the the were Pro• and sore and a an g" Y long to the the this by be the Tne Sec— D. Ewan & Co, had aoo worth of buggies and cutters at Brussels on ex, habit, The 1'Jnion Jack iloata€1 proadly (rote the flag staff of the Agricultural Hall. jamas Johnston, of Brussels, assisted Mr, Clancy, foreman of .the Cargill stock farm, Prize list may read on page 6 of this issue, Any errors or omissions stlould be reported at once, A number of entries on the Sec- retary's book did not materialize on account of Thursday evening's rain. The fat wotnan's race did not fill. coo avoirdupoise requires track in first class condition to make record time. Already plans are on foot on int- provetneuts for the next Fair on the first Thursday and Friday of October, tea. 9 When the electric lights went out at to o'clock Thursday night it was as dark as the proverbial "stack of black cats," P $for Thursday ni ht's rain and the cool -the Doss of Friday's atmosphere tended to reduce the customary crowd on the grand stand.' Tea biscuits, buns and a few other kinds of cake should be added to the list is the cooker department for an- other year. Y p Many compliments were paid the Directors over the new hail as to its modern arrangements, sustauGai cbaraeter mid its commodious dimes- tiions, 'rotal financial proceeds of Fair will reach about $1,000 to which will be lidded members' fees carried from last year and the Government and County grants. Y Wbere were the exbibits of manLestJ who Formerly were active in the tweed and butter line, Their name is legion in East Huron and we hope to see their handiwork on exhibition far igo8 East Huron Fair leads the van, Jt has a good prize list with more than ordinary awards both as to value and extent and its Board of Directors do their best to accommodate Query ex- hibitur, One exhibitor was caught in the act of chau iu entry tickets after beim placed on gexihibits, with a view no oubt of fariu better in the awards of red tickets. He got off with a warning this time, W. J McCracken and J. H. Kerney catered to the spectators in fruit, confectionery. Summer drinks, &c, An outside grape man declined to pay the license fee so sought greener fields for ria sho n, Two shooting galleries, an octopus shote, a wire name worker, an Indian and a dealer in fans, canes &c., lied their various arts during Frfd y afternoon and all appeared to be doing good business. would welcome the gist Reg. Band back again. The area gentlemanly well behaved company and largely constituted of comparative youths, Tiley play well and •' are no way penurious with it. The lad exhibitors who came from London, yBlyth, Win 1iam, Mount g Forest and New market, while they took numerous prizes did not outclass members of the fair sex nearerhome iia many lines as the prize list will show. Windmills are becoming so necessary an adjunct to the farmer that the one on exhibition by A. Reymann, of Cran- was well looked over Rnd several sales made to persons attending the Fair. It pays to exhibit outside of prAllize y the Inturned upin good • Judges tuna and attended to their duties with his etch and no doubt made the P .,,wards to the best o£ their ability. Everybody was not pleased but we never knew a Fair where entire Wis. faction was given, East Huron Directors will meet at the Council Chamber Saturday after - noon of this week at two o'clock to re - reeve the Secretary's and Treasurer's statement and dose up the business of the Friir. Prize paying will commence of next week at so P y The Pos'r Publishing ng House.a. m, at The steam merry-go-round, owned by Mr. Nelson; of Clinton, was the magnetic point to the youngsters and not a few adults also took a whirl, More nickles would have found their way into the treasury of the proprietor if the machine did not hitch and kick $° resolutely that day. The music box would also stavd a few new tunes, David Milne, the well known breed- er, of Durham cattle, al Ethel, was awarded the Ryrie Silver medal for the largest and best herd of cattle on exhibition. The Bronze medal also donated by the well known Ryrie firm of Torouto, event to J. D. Merrifield, of Palmerston, he beteg the possessor' of the best and speediest roadster team on'the grounds, Misses Annie Ross, Lizzie Dotvuln• g and Mary Friendship, assisted by the Directors George Robb and Thomas Archibald, had a busy tine of ;lin in:. the Ladies' work and get- arraug g tug it ready for the judges. It no Small job but those engaged in 1t had the advautege of several years' exper- jen°e so possessed tl?a necessRry "know bolus' The Fall Fairs are over for justanoth- er year, The biggest pumpkin, squash or beet will have to disappear ; The horses, cattle, sheep and pigs wiliet1 figured in the tin g g, Will take their places on the farm same as any other thing, But the Crazy quilt and doylie, std the slippers ors Eon. your feet, pp , Made by dainty,nnnble fingers, by the girl who looks so sweet 1 Will be svrttppori in scooted paper end folded up with ore, To Kopp tip all tlto prize5 w ten tlley're sirosnn at oast year s Fahr. Dungannon and Teeswt were held the same clays. a tboyhaving changed their would he better frit' the -tin' these dates slid not clash: There were several eutri for judging young thor stock but they dill not when the: judges were read them off hence the compete come off. The office bearers for t James Speir, president ; jot first vice.presideut ; James second vice-president; W. secretarytreasurer, Direol Stewart, C. ` Eck,nier, Th Robt, Nichol, P. Scott, 0- Gao. Robb, Robt, McDon .lthe Strachan. The honorary d James Ferguson, W. H. 1 D. Milne, R. Coble Thos. y' avd Geo, Thomson: _ Lost--'1'ttts Pone Lural—G. E. l iug. Fur sale—James Hall. Found --I, C. Richards, Wented—Central Hotel, Caustic Soda—F, R. Smith; Teacher wanted -Ed. Fulton. Wall paper, &c.—W, !i. Love. ' Get the best -Elliott Bus. College. y ��� �$ l erco, Fair for 5907 which and Friday of last of history but the satisfaction of of the most succes- et held, despite the on Thursday after- last issue of THE Department o£ the •filled with a most credit- Fruit and Root by the unfavar- and "garden could be found with displays of Ladies' and domestic mauu- excellent and not In a sale, Substantial lumber wagons were also shown by this firm and T. Plum. R. Close had it all to him- self in gates. There was no imple- meat exhibit even if there are 4 or agents in Brussels, The fine oust Highland Regimental Band, of Hamilton, in their natty uniform, arrived by Thursday nights train and played a short program down •town Friday morning and coursed both quantity •and quality thepark in the afternoon, Band- master Stares is conductor of well known musical organization. During the afternoon Master Platt Duncan, of the Ambitious city, g several Scotch and Irish dances on (telt„rave. Thea1h lltyer r sermons of Bel- yde grave Methodist church will be preach- ed next Sabbath by Rev. S, Anderson, of Blyth, at ro,3o a. m. and 7 p, m, Monday evening the annus! Tea meet- in will be bell at which a choice pro- g P ;rule of musical and literary selections will be given. W eel toitt. Miss Carrie Berry was at a few days visiting frien Mrs. Win, Neal was on of this week at Grand Bend the wedding of a mice, l Archie MCJ.eod and Amen left for Detroit 1 where they will remain for Rev, Mr. Bice, of sreh la !n'St, Georges wwnreb la afternoon dealing with the q •rhankgiving and the me blesSingS-received this year he C. P. R. station is a 1 this week as a number of ca and apples have bee0-sbi e pP pp several cars of coar have ben ed, W. H. Humphries & 501 a car and no. McDonald th vile we y eil bt Rav, tt rind wile were thrown ou buggy, near the Parsonage, run int,' by persons driving rate, The reverend gegtlen was injured and the buggy rlbl • Aitken tip. It was Cori resiltt were not worse. ° ' j,'D1Y'UIeIr1L NO .i --- e Fire E has beau monk the Fire Engine and if proye correct the party ma hadeattended solely to his p+ * e 0 BxussE Ls should have so al industries. Wby could n more of our tailors origins Company and manufacture clothing 3 Might not some up a small fritillary and ma attending to many repairs t out of town. Cement brick tile &c would find ready sal out in a workmanlike ma reasonable cost. Let us w. gety bus * Nino will constitute n Council and next year's SCl It is early yet, perhaps, -Municipal election affairs b P the best of wisdom to take forelock. Mee sflould be e very and useetheirabes`ttefft vance the interests of the t as economically as is cons having all necessary wo done. * * TT should be the duty of be put ie charge of the Ho der apparatus and master t puzzle of putting the ladde for use at fires and`then or more of the townsp citizens should look up ladders so that if an amen they could be found on t notice. There's nothing 1 ing reserve forces or bel addage is "In time of Pe for war." er,* A SECTION of macadam t• he put down on our Male way of making n start tow P feted roadbed of this desini The matter of hauling a gravel on the streets in tit and Fall and scraping it of Suring is a system lacki' - fundamentals of proper road staking. A block con each year and it 000e tried l be little danger of regret. g North of the bride to the s lendld u; world be a p macadam to the test and money well invested. *' As the Fall Season craws evenings lengthen,, the var1 and Church week evenihhg. , aiousieg reinewed interest, gooc time to mark colt sept ing for the oomlng Winter Public et m•u aces a 5t information and loasure p E posal of every citizen in. Br out •expense, barring the merliher Ui ticket which i=. s 17 t wh e o a cording to the number of represent,' Call on &Hee M tlhefaithfhl Librarian and t lop over the Library if yot secs it 1got rt ticket mid et r r, Al Ross and Miss Maggie McKay. of 'Tuctceremtth, were visiting their cousin, Wm, and Mrs. Bell, eth line, last week. Miss Florence Armstrong has been re•engaged as teacher of the Barker school for i o6 at a SRlat of 00, 9 Y I She is doing good work. Tuesdayno, Bishop and Miss Liz- v J p attending he eie were at Seaforth Atte li g t funeral of the late Mrs. no, Crich, J who was the farmer's notes, The trustees of Fulton's school, r5[lh con., are advertising for Atench- er for next year as successor to Mss Kate Telfer, the present tucumbent• Attendance is very small owing to tic" ]ark of children o£ school age in Lite section. Last Friday Isles, Robert Blair and daughter wee called to Aberdeenp r Out., t0 attend the funeral of Jnn. McArthur, a cousin of Mr. Blair's who died of cancer on Wednesday, aged 54 years. Deceased was a Scotcbmau and Presbyterian. Be leaves a wife and 4 children. Last week Angus Shaw, 5th con., arrived home from a very enjoyable visit of 3k months in Brittsh Columbia trod Wisconsin with his sons, Arthur and John G. respectively. The latter ran a nail into one of his feet last July and is still travelling ori crutches J Y but we hope be will aeon be o. k. Mr. Shaw came home via Chicago and salted on Wm. Bishop at Komoka• Ont, He will likely continue to make Iris home in Grey, where he still holds his farm. n s. ••• •1 ^ n 1 ;# ._ 4•• " y' it `•- ' nT v Ka r.•.- c r r, x . i��: ,�p ha ' ,r, *��x r r T. .: tx =; J �� $ t w� @ WN Lu - �� _ __-• tt � " i „" Rs ' ) °r.o neat l x` r x,, • M'' , r R '' ,e -;t ,` "• w s if r y ; �•: 1 ,r % yi F,�,, e. - �; � i - y;nsr- L?v, t;'o - �'w:; "',� ;: t: ; y • w ' " :f ' ^ �✓ t1.• ' , s }g� Es ',." i ' l I —•--- ' 1 r * }.. �a^v � y. g ti i vd l -" sl �e _, 4 , S� 7' s r .' ''.•, 4 '`c�' p <r K xy r r : - r :k w � :.. , " �i s +.. ;y�. = , ' °• t . Ua I {'"' ., r , � ",t� r !` � ^ i ""'1 rS:W R 1.$ " 4 b ; s'"" - r , t t ; 1, + sY £,' 1.. THE AGRICULTURAL outdone at the larger Fairs. wits a noticeable absence of ex• by the lot al business men out- of prize exhibits but Messrs. Black made a Y mroendable of Janos and fanc furniture ; Wilton & Gillespie showed coal and wood stoves and other pertaining to this line and J. Wood, of the Excelsior Knitting gave ample evidence of the work done in the mill, The paid compliments to these and will 00 doubt aid in their Thomas Moore and Carter -.hada display of sawing and extolled the merits of respective machines proving the of their , statements by of the work done. It was well toward 5.3o o'clock the judging was completed and red, blue and white tickets placed the various and varied merhtor- exhibits. Old Probs Was in a tearful mood a fashionver s that dthe ad nua o tttnakera 9Ctlnues s 11 encouraging to those whe desired visit the "Palace" Thursday even• Notwithstanding this drawback goodly number Fouad their way to Hall and sent a few hours in P chat, viewing the displays and to the pianoforte selections rendered Miss Gertie Duncan, (Dr_) Holmes, Mrs, George Thom- Mrs. C• E'l, Dodds and others, Hall with .its .two stories, wide and easy flights of stairs an admirable place for promen- Owing to'the fact that the G. R. train was over an hour late the program by the . gsst High- Band was not forthcoming night.. The directors were in fault however. The people came from North, South, and Wrist and {'n such numbers stabling accommodation for horses soon at a premium Friday Live stock arrived in large numbers at the Agri- park 0011 before noon every- was in order for the coining of judges. In the horse line there was a great from the heavy well built Clyde the .leek coated and clean limbed and the judges had no sine- in passing judgment on so man deserving a nines. A g q lot of tUoro'•bred and grade cat- Ovate in the ens., 'owned chiefly D. mune, 'Thos: Davidson, D. Jas. ,Spee•, 300. Crerar, Bryaus, G. A. Deadman, . Wm. g, J, M. Knight, John Broad & Son, and A. Hislop: The excel- herds usually on the rounds g breeders in Belgrave iooality Missed this year. The exhibit of and hogs was not as ' large as but were choice specftnaus. O. Thos, Stevenson, and R. swept their respective classes, sheep; and in hogs Jas, Speh', W. and Win Armstrong had it all oven Why 10 the respective breeds y p by them, Poultry metes numerous, George W. Irwin, Seaforth; e. J. Reggio, of Blyth, Danhrook & Anderson, of Etna, too lar est exhibitors, g g D, Ewan & Co, Made, as they do, a large display of buggies cutters Which did fail to catch eye of (WWII a a eetatoe and In y Y p 1t,,,., ,.,.., i„1.1•..,,.; ,..,t.,,in,;1.cn:r HALL. platform erected for that purpose that pleased more than those who came from the Highlands and the Emerald isle. Therewerethree speeding eventsbasketseller on the ro •ram which were close] contested, three horses starting each race with the fdllotwing results:— 2.5o trot or pace, est, Archibald Cudnaore, Seaf°nth ; end, John braith, Brussels ; 3rd, Archibald Cudmore, Seaforth. Green race:— ist, Geo. Henderson, Seaforth ; end, A. R. Currie, Brussels ; 3rd, Scott, Brussels. Breeders' stake race, est, Ernest Rozell ; znd, Miller Bros. ; 3rd. P, Scott, all of Brussels locality, The judges were A. Dames, A B. Macdonald and Geo. Cunnig lam, The s mild rack, usually first class, was very heavy, especially on the home .100 0h owing to .the Pelting was some lire! skirmishing y In the foot races and the winvers as follows : HRIE mils-Slanloy Ford, Glen Armstrong, William Jacklin, yards•—Jack Leckie, Russell Currie, Harry ,tt400aey, Irvine Ferguson• yards—Leslie Lowry, Wilfrid Lott George Colvin, Willie HRTTIS. Girls, zoo yds, -Florence Lowry, Ida Rands• Edith Toole. Girls, ,50 yards—Stella Geri. , Katie Finu, Florence Lowry, —.nuts Long. Obstacle race—Glen Armstrong, Stanley Ford, Thin Scar: let, Russell Alderson, At 4 -' m, the exhibitors began gather their respective exhibits sad 6 o'clock the grounds were well appearedpseed. The tepleas of visitors to be well pleased with be heartily c welcomed day and ywear back next yea• by the er directorate. 'the annual Concert came off in Town Hallus usual, Every reserved seat was taken and very few minutes Were necessary, after the doors opened, to fill all available space, many tieing unable 10 gain admission. gram was supplied by _the gist Regi- mental Band in which well played, high class selections were given warmly received. Miss Gertrude Stares, of Hamilton, aotwithstanding that she was suffering from a very throat, rendered two yodel solos Master Fiett Duncan danced the High- lan Fling and the Sailors' Hoh'upipe, respondingto the two hearty encores, "Robin Adair" was well sung by oontingent of the Band and for encore "All 00 , a Sunday morning" Y was given, 11 1505 after' z0 o'clock when the Nationale Anthem broughtg the concert to a conclusion, east Huron A ricelturat Sooiet g " will have a tidy surplus after the prize list is settled for but as tnay. use a slang expression, "went in hole" Inst year over the laW suit, debt cannot be entirely wiped out season, 1907 Fair was all right and the loyal eu port anti hearty co -opera- W tion of town and country it can duplicated a year hence with a nunhber P of flew and desirable features added. + I`ALL I Ara Post SCRIPS, No accident °cout•ract to • mar Fair, A couple of small purses sVetefoutid on Friday and await owners at • POST, •' Nobody winked harder on Thum- day and Friday than Vice -President Leckie. !Director Thos. Millar rendered •not efficient Service as assletantt to nn1.a,•i; lrnvr_ 1Ya weenie. Township Council will meet next wlonda y' Ex -Warden Bowman, 3rd line, was in Toronto o❑ a business trip last Tuesday, Morrisites captured a good share of the red tickets at Brussels Fall Fair Thursday and Friday of last week. George McGee, of Tacoma. Wash., i5 spending a few days visiting his uncles, Samuel and Duke Jordan, of the 5th line, It should be somebody's business to Tare the To leave them es bolesthe mud in penny wise and pound foolish. Revival services will open at Sun shins church on Thursday of next weelc, 17111 lust., commencing each evening at 7.3o o'clock, All are par- dnnllp invited to attend, We re sorry to hear that Robert Nichol, ditt line, had the misfortune W lose nue of the blacks belonging 'to' his matched team from indigestion.0 He could have taken a fancyrice fur p the span. Next Suuday auniversat;v sermons will be preached at Jackson's church, fhb line, by Rev. George Buggin, ofbyr SeaEortU ,former! of Blyth. Services y Y , at ro,3e i€, en: and 7 p, m. The many old friends of the preacher will be glad,.tu to hear him, Wm. Cunningham, 7th line, met with a serious accident last Monday which might have resulted fatally. 1Tis•team ran gway with a load of Jia •Y sed he was tltrewn under the wagon receiving Severe cuts on his bead and face. We hope he will soon be all right, It regolired 16 stitches to sew tip the cuts. He was at l?. I ellyts. Last Saturday afternoon Mrs, W. M. Thompson and her daughter, Miss Mable Nichol, left on their journey to Cripple Creek, Colorado, where the former resides. It is r7 years since she left •Morris. The visitor is a daughter of the late Frantz Mo- Cutcheon, 6th line, The ladies visited Mrs, W. H. Cloakey, a sister to Mrs. Thompson, at Toronto, while en route: Leet week James Anderson, V, S. left for Desboro', Bruce Co., where he will practice his calling- The people' of that 'apathy wile -find him an agreeable poison to c o Uusiuoss with, competent in his profession and h of competent -est "confidence. worthy et 1r b He purchased a .horse and rig before 1 going North and we expect to hear of Min doing well.. Brussels Foot Ball team lose their goal -keeper by his res niovah join. SRLL0RS PA55115 AWAse—Tues- clay of this week Joel' Sellers .aa old i and well known resident of the 3rd line Rssed awe, aged oars z p Y, g 73 } month aed 5 days, The cause of death wits dropsy with which ne had Been ill fpr the pest 4 months, Mr, Sellers teas a native of Yorkshire, England, and had resided iia Morris long48 ears, In 'atiditioii to Mrs. Y Sellers th era are live children • - Eli, in• SeSkat000 • ' Josen h, on the homestead slid MI's Ellett, Jane and Minnie !tome, Deceased was a Liber l ink" olltics, The funeral took ad fter ioo i Brussels P1000 Tums Ay a t t to cemetery, The baheaved have the ... .,-,-.._.... S. Heron County S.S and C. F.1. Convention _ The 35th Annual Convention of the Hon heldYn the MettliodieSabbath lt rile oils o stubo, Blyth, ou Tuesday afternoon and evening of this week. W. II: Bern, tai Bruseela, President, neoappied the chair. There was m good mtteadance and an excellent program. Afteruoou session opened at 1.80, Rev. S. Anderson, pastor, eovduct- iugthe devotional exercises. • After afew words from the president he called upon lieu. R. W. Mecrlll, B. A•, of Toronto, to oonditot a Conference O° Sabbath School Work, The revsrecd antileroan, who ie Cleaeral Suparfnte0d. gut le the fiuoda School Beard of the Come V° of Ontario, is epe°iat Baptise_.., } qualiPur this work and• after die- y'bubiu a ueetion Leufleb committing 50 queries, Qi about au flour •iia eoiving the muuy l[notty problems often presented bo the boiler in this im- onion de department of church work, portant �J, U. Reid, B. A., B. D., of the Nile• gave an iuterestfng and lusiruotive Writes to the children on the Spider, from which he drew many practical les- .eons of value to both young and old, The oleaing address was given by Mrs. Rutnam, formerly Mise Irwin, of Olin- ten, who with her husband, is engaged in Miiaiou work in tee island of Ceylon. Her topic wee "Ceylon -the island and its people" and abounded in intermalhon. The audience was sorry when Mre. But- nam rammed her Rotel. A choir of girls gave a good oborute After anaounss,oeute by Rev, J. L, Small, I3. A„ who acted as Secretary 1n the absence of James Mitchell, of Gods- rich, this futaras iug session was con°lud- ed ivftirtlis Doxology and ]3eued?ntnon. The 0 00(31 was neatly decorated with $°warn' aa0, session :was o ened at. The evening p •pg , Song •service a led by Ray. S. A0 5050ri, lieu, e. L, Small 0 baking Anderson, ebarge of the devot1011Rl exeroheea, Anotice t match tut to given se the 'effect that ft is thou'bt ranee ilial the S, S - • o s of the Co, be and U, D. 1a,00tath a . amalgamated under, one set of officers, the matter to be discussed at Wedoes. is. forenoon seeeion, day fo , , very cheer number. Thea N. sting i ry y Rev. M r; Gbisatord of Guelph, was the; ve a von. pe "estive lir16 speaker ,Moll f, y t166 and encouraging address 1511109 the rod ef'Mosee as hitt tq i°t Ib;was lieteued to with profit, p Re. Mr Merrill's 80b'e01 wee "The SundaySchool 'fenoher.'tl He :is tion- 'o yhlpracticed and set out clearly she eY Y,N relationsln of the teacher to the aatoh, p p the school and the Maga. Rev. Mr. Mer-. till well crib hearing undies evi•dent- 11 ns w l w g lyfound his peeper sphere of labor, The Meeting was oonalttded by the 'Vino "I want to be a worker for the Y Lord Rev, Mr, Allan, 0f Win am, -t..,. aa,., rie,,..a:II.in,, g l the1• Mrs. Morton; of Balmoral, Mani• • ns vtsltiug her daughter Nlrs. Noble Milne. ohs Uober, of Guel h J p was here last weak renewing old friendships. He was a worthy resident for many years. The average price • received fm cheese at Ethel. factory this season has been xz cents, a very satisfactory figure• Conti±o oraimaresidence to rent, with. stable and all 0onvenfences. For further prticulars apply 10 ALsx, M.ODONALD, Ethel, Miss Edith Colvin, who has been dressmale ' BO I for tna est few mouths, ht�s •returned •agent after an extended visit at her home in Brussels. Last week N. F. Milne was takingmakes in tea Full Fairs in W ellaud, Haldi. mand and lineal Counties as an ex- pert judge. This week he was in Dur- ham Co. We have just opened up a choice and attractive assortment of wall paper for the-Fa11 trade. We uow offering special prices in furniture. Try us for up to -date picture framing. Rooms to let over store, hard and soft water. 34.3 W. H. Lova. We are pleased to Bear that David Milne,, of this locality. was awarded the Ryrie Silver Medal at Brussels Fall Fair last Friday for the largest and best herd Ot cattle on . the grounds, Ethel is bound to keep to the front of the procession. 'e he'1 hanlc-offering meeting of the `7tomen's Foreign Missionary Society will be held in the Presbyterian church V on Tuesday evening• Oct, r51h a1 1 o'clock. Rev. Mn,Bremner,of Ripley, will give 'an address." He &meg highly recommended*" speak- e1•. S tidal music will also be furnish ed. Seal y welcome. UNDi€lar uci u, -Prompt and care- fel attention given to all orders for Undertaking. Oar telephone No, is aBa and a- ca•ll will have ottr Ilia- tneditite response: Our priceee are t•etisonable and sattSFRefion always as- ,sated,' Special Attention paid to cavity and arterial embalming frit which we hold diplomas, . ' LRn'ntaanamt & SON, --•-•-- -�- TIM POST would like to sec Brussels School Board and teaonlu ,Stall, ties g 1 anyothafs requited t0 assist, talcs !told , , . of tin afternoon s sports for the boys and gals in confection with the motion. It would do good, IE the weather were favorable on Thabksgiving' Day the initial series might be put on the 1 ..1,WeA 14.1.1. oftarn"„n Iter Fairs e 'Briteeeia, dates, It ea ,Fairs If eS by boys ough bred materialize y to start lion did not 307 are :-- Leckie, — D Leckie, Sheridan, 11. Kerr, - ors, Alex. os. Miller, 'Turnbull, ald, J. T. hectors are rliCrackeu, Archibald Mat•lcbam dc, Wednesday attending "Barney” rise week oma time. r, preached st Sunday uestion of mice and >esy place` rs of hay d out and u uinload- h reeenving ee cars. fr. Currie t of their by being Etta lively an's horse consider- unale the eying with suspicions wish - be vn affairs,. me addition- ot one or to a 'small a brand of man open china shop, hat now go or blocks, e if turned 110e1• at a eke up and ext year's boot Board? I • mention by it is often time by the lected who heir duties orfs to ad-` ownspeople istent with rk properly soma one to Hoc and Lad - he apparent rs together Posta score eople. Our their owe come • arose he shortest Inc possess- ps, An old Pe( prepare >ad should street by and a cam- tble quality, quantity et e Summer 155 next 15 in the permanent 13 be done Imre 15011141 The street G. T. R. 000 to put would be 0n and the ons Lodges Services are It is alto a trseof read. The 'fine nrehouse of at the dis- 'Uesela with- cost of : 50 or too. books tippy' alsaugbtotr,. lave a good I have never alta a start,