The Brussels Post, 1907-10-3, Page 8Gra ,& Showing iot.venir Oats F ONS Fall Fair Ween We have just received a very huge number kinds wlich we have never comprisingf new Carrie, hadbefore}. We keep in Olose toilet: with the market an this line and are constantly re00iving what is the latest and moat oatohy. Also Novelties in Burnt Leather, Aluminum, do. Colne in and see them. You are very welcome if only to look over them, How are Your Eyes ? The longer evenings are at Hand when more reading and close work ie done. It may perhaps bring to mind that your EYee do not give the service you would like, We Test Eyes and Supply Proper Glasses. PRICES ARE VERY MODERATE. 191 tgr DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 9OD2$EEN 19STRN8I08 W, 5. & 8. Trains leave Brands Station, North and South, ae follows: Going SonTH Gomel NORTE. Mail 7:05 a•m [Express 10:05 am Express.—..11:25 amt I Matt 1:44 eon m Express ......9:52 p.E xpreae 8:51 p.m CANADIAN PACIFIC R. R. Following is the 0. P.11, Time Table at Walton :— To Toronto To Goderich Express 7:49 e m l Expreee 11117 a m Express 5:49 p m Expr880...,,. Ode p m A chiefs among ye takfx' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. LIGET Iro818. THE hay market is scaring. ADVERTISE your strayed stook. Lou Dewe on page 6 of tin Bette. Read it. Dm yon see the Ryrie medals in THE POSIT window 7 Waal abont the G. T. R. oement side- walk to the depot That honey Drop has only been about a third of the usual yield this season. ANOTHER wedding is on the tapie and the home being gotten ready for the bride. SEVESAt from town attended the Case —MoOraoken wedding in Morrie on Wed- nesday. MARY people are bothered with bad colds owtag to the ohaogeable weather no doubt. "Brno" McEwEN has been doing a land office business at toe various Fall Faire in the sale of ribbon badges. Mess GERTRUDE STARES 1e a vooaliet wail worth hearing. She singe Friday evening at the Fall Fair Concert. 25 CANTS pays for THE Po82 to January 1st 1908. A number of people are send- ing it to relatives at a dietaries. PIANO TnNINo.—B. S. Shaw, Piano Tuner and Repairer is herefrom Toronto. Leave orders at Poet Mae, Brussels. Sae the Eyrie Silver and Bronze at Tax PoeT. They are allotted for largest herd of cattle and beet roadster team, reepeotively, at Brussels Fall Fair. Muses. PR400 have been busy oom• plating repairs and improvements to the mill dam and flame at their lion mitt. A new etorage rum for coal has oleo been pet op. MEALe SEaven.—Friday the W. C, T. U. will serve meals in the frame build- ing adjoining the Standard Bank. Dinner from 11 a, m. to 1 p. m. and supper from 6 to 7. 20 Bents a meal or loo for a lamb. A 011m01 Ons.—Last Saturday Ed• ward Niohol, of Morris townebtp, brought Tan Pon a small limb of a Tatman Sweet apple tree, a foot long, that had no lees than 18 apples on it. Talk 014008 a Drop, it was a dandy. Tam partnership exieting between Meaere. Philip & Moore, as proprietors of Brunets Eteotrio Light plant and chop— ping mill, has been dieeolved and the hi:whi ee will he rim by F. A. Moore. We have not learned what Mr. Philip p0rp0888 doing but we hope he will re. main in town. THE POST 002ALLY 01128 TEEN.—Dar- fag the past week three loot articles were restored to their owners through the ad— vertisements in TRE Powe. A silver peneil belonging to Miss Betty was found by John Mooney and brought to our office. W. H. MoOraoken'e valfee with some Fall Fair Ex14ibite was restored to his possession and a shawl foot by Mrs. W. Moffatt was banded to her last Bator. day. Nutt PAR80Ntae AT Goante.—Meeere, Stubbs & Mo&rter, of Braeeele, have the contract of the oerpenter work for the new two story brink Methodiet Parson• age to be built this Fall et Gorrie. P. Ame09 supplies the wood work material. Amos Willis, of Gerrie, will do the brick work and Henry Z+mmerm8n the stone fooudatton, Fred. McCracken, of town, will attend to the painting. The estimated Dost of the new building is 53000 toad it will be completed early in the new year. OBITUARY.—Afton a lingering illness the death 000urred Saturday, Sept. 2181, at 1.80 0. m. at his late reeidenoe 226 Dur• r110d et., Sarnia, Ont., of JAMBE Roach Hioke, aged 77 years and 10 months, Deoeaeed wail born in Cornwall, England, 1829, coming to Canada with hie parents when bat a child and settled near Whit. by, Ont, He and hie young wife were among the first settlers ot, Grey town• ship, Huron Co , moving to Owen Sound about eighteen year8 ago and later to Sarnia about 2 years ago, Death was due to arsenate poisoning, He i8 surviv- ed by hie aged wife, two gone, (Wm. E., 0f North Bay, and Joe. 8, Hicks, B., 0., of Marna, Alta.,) and two daughters, (Mre. 0. G. Martin, Buffalo, N. Y., and etre. 176, Ieonsidee, of Sarnia, Ont,) There fire 20 grandchildren and ono great grand child, 00ra Bell, who bee had her home with the doomed ie 000 of the Rrandohitdrem The children and H Sumer, bargains in hardware, &o„ at McKay & 81Aw'8. See their advt. Din you get your Beat for Friday even— ing's concert ? Plan at Fox's drug store. Tam Fall Millinery displays are elegant in their rich coloring, If you have not called on the three caterers to the latest and most fashionable goods it is not too late yet. Putt of reserved seats for Fall Fair Concert Friday evening ie at Fox's Drug Store. Seoure your net if you have not already dose so. Reserved seat tioket holders will enter ball at side door, Why not cleanse and purify the whole system, why not strengthen the stomach, enriub the blood and at'siet your overtax, ed digestive organa 7 Eaeily done with. Dr. Hamilton's Pills ; their aotioo is most gratifying. In every case they give the exact assistance the ailing organs require. You'll feel ilk and fine, eat with a relish, sleep like a top, have a olear color, and restful Bleep if you regulate your system with Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Prioe 26o per box at all dealers. STORE Bunn INTO.—Monday night some night prowler visited the store of Alex. Straehau, obtaining ingress at the side door in the hallway leading upstairs. A wide end a narrow chisel were found in the hall in the morning with which the store door had been pried open. Just whet was takes may not be easily deter- mined but articles of wearing apparel were among the number. The cellar was also visited. Tbie is the third time that Mr. Btraohan's store has been the scone of similar thefts. We hope the culprit may be found out eo that a serviceable lesson 000ld be taught him. FROM SONNY SLOPE, ALTA•—DE00 ED. xTott.—It bee been rainiug and eeowiug here einoe the 10th and no let-up by all appearance. I suppose there has been over a foot of snow fallen in that time. The low land will sutler coueiderably as it has been a Wet season all through. Harvest had j0et commenced before the storm and baying is only half over. It is the largest job of the season in this country as acme orate put Pp 5,000 to 6,000 tone and over. We expect to see the weather change for the better and the bright sunshine to come as it al. ways does in annoy Alberta. Yours truly, H. McEAce1BN, Sunny Mope. Alta., September 16th, OMT.—At noon on Wednesday of this week Mary Martin, wife of Samuel B. Swale, paid Nature'e debt after a hard battle for some menthe with dropsy and heart failure. Sbe wee 49 years of age and had been a resident of Braeeele for the peat 13 years, One eon, Harry Mercer survives. A daughter passed away a few years ago. Dire. 8male's funeral takes piece Thareday afternoon at 3 o'olook, eervioe at 2,30. The inter. meat will be made in Brussels cemetery. Dirs. Swale had been married to a Mr. Dieser prior to her marriage to Mr. Swale, moving here from Wingbam. Her eon will be accorded the sympathy of the community. DIED.—A fine woman passed away at her home in Orangeville, on September 18th, In the person of Sarah Roberts, be- loved wife of James Gordon, who after a battle for mouths with dropsy went to her reward, aged 65 yeere. Sbe had been a great yet patient sufferer, They have no family. The funeral took plane to Greenwood oemetery the service beiug ooudooted by Rev. Mr• Looks assisted by Revels. Meaere. Renard, Goodman and Hewitt. Mrs. Gordon was a faithful member of the Methodist ehuroh and eu• joyed the friendship and high esteem of a wide &irole of friends She was a sister-in-law to Mrs. R. Pant, of Bros sale, who attended the funeral. 91ex HIGBLANOoRe REOTNENTAL BAND. This line mnsi0ai organization from Hamilton has been engaged for Brussels Fall Fair Friday afternoon. They will preeent the following choice program :- 1 Mareb Gallrein'e Triumphal noble 2 Overture Poet and Peasant Supple 9 Waltz Hofbald Ta00e FOtrae 4 Highland Dancing Mn2tan Getman FL1012 5 Seleetion.,.Remiok's Hite No. 9 Lampe 0 Sootoh Patrol...Wee Macgregor Amre 7 Moroeau ..,.. Saint D'Amour.., Elr E, Elgar (Tats graceful and ohurmibglittle move- ment, originallyWritten as au °robes- tral "intermezzo" is from the pen of 810 Edward Edgar, the composer of the Light of Life" and "Qaracbaous" Who is now universally recognized as one of the greatest living English 0omposere. 8 Seleotion...Gemsof Bnglteh Song—Binding 9 Dance Trish Jig MasmE8 Ge1D00 FLATT 10 Fantasia Soottlss Song F. Godfrey BUSINESS CHANCE is often missed when it might have been easily embraced by SYSTEMATIC SAVING Begin now to prepare for the day of opportunity by depositing your savings in The Metropolitan Bank. In the Sowings Depart- ment $1.00 or upwards opens an account, Interest is allowed from date of deposit, and compounded four times a year. No delay in withdrawal. Capital Paid Up 51,000,000.00 THE Metropolitan Bank Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits 51,183,713.23 BRUSSELS BRANCH, W. J. FAWCETT, Manager Business Locals. GMLe wanted at once to work in Brus• sale I;voporator. Highest wages. Do, BUTLER'S VISIT.—Dr. Butler, the London Eye Speoialiet, will be at the Amnion Hotel, Brussels, on Wedoee• day, A 20205 )ad or maiden rocky nysecure private board in a comfortable home by applying at Tan POST. Vitae logit betweeu Brnesele and Lie. towel, Tuesday, 24th iuet„ oontaiuiug gains, &o. The finder will greatlly oblige by returning it to me at my ex. penee. W. H. MoOn0c1IEN, Brussels. AN hendg0artere for saws anal can ex - ohmage or Bell for cash at lowest prion. Yours, T. McGregor, filer end improver 013 saws, toole and maohice0, Corner Mill and Main St., Brunets, Out. DINNER ON FMB DAY.—The ladies of the W. O. T. U. will Serve dinner on Friday, Oat. 4th, the second day of the Fall Fair, in the frame building adjoin- ing the Standard Bank. Prioe will be 20 ants 0110RUI1 CHLOILS Reports of Maitland Presbytery and Young People's Society may be read on page 5 Next Sunday Harvest Home servioee will be held in St. John's ehuroh, Rev, Mr. Bioe, of Durham, will be in charge. The (Match will be appropriately decor. ord. Rev. Mr. Finlay, of Whiteohttrah, will ocoopy the pulpit of Brussels Methodist ehuroh next Sunday. The muster will conduct aouivereary services at White• ohurob. Wei6pesday evening of this week Rev. E. G. 'Powell gave a very interesting addreee at the weekly prayer meeting on "The Life of Obriet." It Wee illustrated by several fine stereopticon views. Co. Sunday 8013001 and Endeavor Oouveetinn will be held at Blyth ou Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. A good program will be presented whioh 8honld prove helpful to all who attend. The Mutiny Mieeionary day in the Metbodi9t Sabbath 8011001 wee last Sunday. A. M. McKay gave a very in. tereeting addreee and the oolleotion was 56.07, making a total of 540 32 for the peat six months. A specially helpful sermon was preach- ed in the Methodist ohurob last Sub— bath morning by the paetor on the subject of "Burden Bearing," The evening dieoonree was direoted along the line of elements in a eneoe88ful lite. Melville ahurah has given an order for 400 individual communion cups, trayt, &o, which will be used at the Pest Dom. MOOD 1011 eervl80 on Sabbath 18111 moat. A special offering woe taken a fpw weeks ago to defray the expense of the cape. At the obildrene' envies last Sabbath morning in Melville ohnr014 the prem. oribed program was followed the pastor giving an addreee on "Work." Iu the evening the text was Jeremiah 6 and 16, "8taud fast and think ; Ask for the old paths and walk therein, &o." Next Sabbath afternoon will be the 000asion of the annual Rally 08rviae i0 the Methodist Sabbath School. An in• tereeting program will be presented 000• sitting of responsive reading, reoitatioes, readings, epeeial music, class roll call and an addreee by Rev. Mr. Finlay, of W hiteohoroh. Service at 2 30 sharp. Archibald Cunene, of Toronto, one of the Provinoial Oonuty Secretaries in oonneotion with the Y. M. 0. A. work, was in town ou Monday. Be is in Hur- on with the expectation ot organizing it along the linea of the work in connection with their Aseooiation and in the further- 0noe of it called on a number of the ohureh workers in Brunets and also ad. dressed the Eplvorth League, whose weekly meeting was held in the evening of that day, The Y. M. 0. A. is doing a fine work in this and other lands and not only deserves recognition but the hearty eepport of all interested in the moral uplift of the young people. BTWORT0 LEAGUE CONVRNTION,--Tete 10th annual Convention of the Epworth Leagues of the Wingbam Di04rt01 will be held in tile Methodist ohurob, Brae. eels, Tuesday sed Wedneeday, Ootober 16th and 16th, D. 0, Taylor, of Luoknow, is Pres., and Buy. G. W. Rivers, of Belgrave, is Seo.•Treae. The program is ae follows ;—Tuesday even. ing—Song service I chorus by choir ; prayer; solo ; addreee of welcome from the town ; address of welcome from Braeeele League ; reply lo ad. dreesee of welcome, President Taylor ; mesio ; address, Rev. 11. W. MoWavieb, Gorrie ; solo and collection 1 address, Rev. Slugli Looke, Hlneardlue, Chair. man Wingbam District ; ohorne by choir, Wednesday morning—Senriee roayer•moeting led by Bev. G. W. Rivers, 8809.8tary ot Dletriot ; devo• tioual 028740008 led by President ; re• porta from Leagues ; solo; appoint. ment of Nominating Oommittee, buei• nes, &o. ; oolleotion I mttel0 ; ad. dregs on Junior League work, Mrs. H, Hum, Laokuow ; Discussion, Wed• needay afternoon—Opening exereise0, Rev, T. W. Blatchford ; reports of Nominating Committee and Resolution Committee; report of Saintlier 8013001 Committee ; "The Epworth League at an Evangelistic Agency," Bev, T. H. Sawyer; diooUsaion; solo; "How are oar MilOionary interests to be sae. tained, W. H. Bees ; dieooeeion, "How to develop our Young People along Lit. nary lines," Ibir, Stevens, Gorrie ; die. melon ; mole and oolleotion ; “Bow GOD 009331a10 MING Friday evening they take oharge of the Concert program in the Town Hell, aeeieted .by Mies Gertrude Stares, Soprano, and Master Gordon Platt, both of Hamilton. See the program and 800ar0 gone reserved Beate early. Plan. of Hall at Fox's drug store, PAIN anywhere, pain in the head, pain. ful periods, neuralgia, tootbaohe, all pains oan be promptly stopped by a bhoroaghly safe little Pink Candy Tablet, known by drnggiets everywhere as Dr. Stoop's Headanbo Toblete, Palasimply means eongeetion--undue blood pressure Miss Ada 5.11oke, of North Bay were at ' at the peint where rule exiete. Or, the home at the time of Mr, Hioke' death, Shoop'e Headeohs Tablets quickly The body 6900 taken to Owen Sound and equalize this unnatural blood pressure, plaited le the family plot gate, Deoeae. and pain immediately departo. Write ed and his family were one time re0fdente Dr, Shoop, Haoine, Wig., and get a trial o1 Braeeele. package. Large box 25 ote,—Druggists. tele Crowd anal get your Photo. taken at rewee on Fair Day Studio will be open all day. Oome early and avoid the rush, Photos. only (, each. We are making our price 1,ea 00 to suit the day, Family Grasps a Specialty. We have a full line of Mouldings. Frames made On short notice. Copying and Enlarging from any Photo. H.R. BREWER to enlist the Senior members of the S. S. in E. L. work," Miss Helen D. Ford, Brussels ; Temperance address, Local Option, Rev, M. J. Wilson, Teeswater ; closing exercises. People We Xnow. THE ST re8TABI,lr2iitilla i01'n BANK OF CANADA Head Office - - Toronto The Standard Bank pays Interest f.Itar times a year on all Savings Bank deposits, Savings Bard( Department in Connection with all Branches. to RAISSELS BRANCH Jo 7'. Rowland, Manager BO10T1T. Gauen -In Howlett, on Sept. 25111, to Mr. and Mrs. T, A, Gibson, a eon. MAnsa ]3nanco.—At the Church of the A00ompti0n, Bellingham, on Sept. 26th, by Rev. Fr. Farland, Mr. Ches. Edward Mareb, eon of Mr. and Dire. D.Mareh, of Grey, to Miea Katherine Violet, danghter of Mr, and Mee. Zeb. Braden, of Bellingham, Washington. At home after Dot. 13, at 1706 Iowa street. 'I1nOvOer—BHADRN.—On Sept, 2611, by Rev. Fr. Forinnd, at the Church of Assumption, 64r, Wm. Albert Pro - vast, to Mies Eva W., daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Zeb. Braden, of Bel. lingham, Wash. 9x831 - Gunn —in Orangeville, on Sept. 18th., Sarah Roberts, beloved wife of Jae. Gordon, need 65 years. Uooxo.—In Sarnia, on Sept. 21st, James Roman Rieke, formerly or Brnesele, aged 77 yeere and 10 months. i3NALE.—in Bennie, on Oot•nber 2nd, Mary Martin, wife of Samuel B. Swale, aged 49 years. Stoic.—In Biuevale, on September 28th, William T. Smith, aged 70 years. Rev. J. E. Ford, of Looknow, was a caller on Bennis friends for a day while enroute t0 Ethel where he was preaching anniversary sermons. Miee Helen 0, Ford, of Brussels Publio School stuff, is the reverend gentleman's daughter,—Bert Lott has returned to the Institute for the Blind at Brantford after au enjoyable vacation at hie home here. He is well pleased with the school and le makiug good program—Rev. A. 0. Wishart, B. A.. was away to Fugue to visit his Dialer who has not been enjoying as good health as maual. We hope a ohmage for the better will speedily ensue.—Mies Edith MoLanoblin, of Toronto, was home for a visit with her parents and many old friends. She is a daughter of Alex. and Dire, MaLauohlio, '1'urnberry street North.—Samuel and Dire. Carter and Miss Myrtle were visiting in Wingbam over Sunday.—Mise Maggie Brown fe :visiting her auut, Mrs. Reading in Wing- ham.—W. L. and Dire. Leatherdale were visiting the latter'e sister at Looknow for a day. -3. T. and Mre. Wood oelebrated the 25th anniversary of their marriage lust week. We extend congratulations.— Mise Josie Buohenau wase, visitor with Mre. Ham, of Lucknow, formerly of Brussels, for o few days,—W. H. Willis, wife and eon of Seafortb, were vleit0l•9 at B. Gerry's last Friday,—Miee Helen D. Ford epent Saturday and Sunday et her home in Looknow, Her twit' sisters lett for &allege on Monday of thie wcek.— Mre, J. F. Rowland and daughter, have arrived home from an extended and en• joyuble visit with relatives in the Euet. arty notion of the Province. Mr. Row. land met them at Toronto.—Rev, H. W. McTavish, of Gorrie, was a visitor at the Methodist Pareouage ou Tuesday.— J. G. and Mre. F,migh, of Blyth, are ependlug a few days in Brussels thio week.—N. I. Lowabion, of Millbank, North Dakota, was a visitor with his 00108, Mre. Geo, Rogers.—Mrs. Bull, of Peterboro', is the guest of Mrs. I. 0. Richards, al Tallahaeee,—Dr. and Dire. Fetid arrived home from their wedding trip ou Tuesday evening and went to their new home, Turnberry street, North where relatives andfriends awaited them with a genuine weloome.•—Tat Pon is sorry to hear that W. D. Conley, of Medioine Bat, has had three severe attache from eoiatioa eine going Wed. The last time he bad 32 fly blisters on. We are glad to hear he is recovering and hope be will soon be o. k. Mr. and Mrs. Ooueley were both former residents of this loottlity.—George Roee has gone to Toronto where he will attend the Dental College. We wish him 81100088 in the profession of hie ohoioe.—Miss Barbara DioFelvey returned to Toronto 0n Toeeday to r08nme her Uoivereity course in whioh She takes great delight.— W. 3. Boit, of Rooauville, Seek., woe visiting the Babkirk family in town,-- George Buohanan is home from the West where be hae been tesohiug, en route to the University at Toronto to continue his Arte coarse.—Masters Fred and Stanley Campbell are vlelting relatives and friends in London,—Barrister Sinclair 1)110 in the 00, town this week on legal baeineee.—Roy, son of Wm. Ainlay, of Toronto, is renewing old friendships in Brussels and looali(y,—Mrs. Hugh McMartin, of Heneall ;a Dire. John. sten, of 13008013 Heights, Quebec ; and little Alia 061810 McMartin, of Toronto, are visitors with 41x8, Wm. Wilton, who ie a daughter of the neat mentioned lady and a sister to 141re, Johnston. The ladies were Former residents of Brunets. —Don. MoGillionddy, eon of Thomas MoGillleuddy, of Toronto, and a nephew of Mrs. G. A. Deadman, Brunie, has boon appointed instructor of Physical Culture in connection with the Y. M. 0, A. at Stratford, DIGS FOR SALE.—THHE UN– JL natenemmn 1108 for sale, on Lot 21, Con. 12, Grey. three young broad sows with littera at foot. If not sold together will Bell little pigs separate. The latter are armee Lred, Also one BOW, due to furrow in 0 otobr. Parties wishing to buy pigs should call and get prices before buying elsewhere. For further particulars apply to JOHN P, MoINTOSH, "Shady Nook Farm," Oran - brook P. 0. 10.10 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN, }I ORSE FOR SALE—A GOOD driving mare, gentle every way. Will be sold on easyy terrors. Apply to E. R. ELLIOTT, Graham's Hervey, Bru0eele B. 1TRAYED/' FROM THE PREM. rens of the undereignod, Lot 24.00n. 10, Grey township, on Sunday, Sept. 29th, seven head of young cattle -0 heifers and a ether. All deborned, one beast gray and others red 10 Dolor. Any information concerning them will be thankfully reoeived. Telephone or write to Oranbrook P. 0. at 11.37 expense. 19-tt 0E0110E MOTAGGAl1T, T'ARM FOR SALE.—THE UN. LL'' amn0I080D offers hie 150 acre farm for sale, being Lot 20, 7th Line, Morris. There is a framehouse, bank barn and hay house, 9 orchards and a Far will 440 001d in oneeor rtwoliparts to ssrinuit purr -- chaser, Poeeeseton could be given this Puoof allwheatin math exopt 1d acres.wbeold ou 6y tonne. For further parties iarO as to price, SOTTO N, or Brussels P 0premlaee to 1 t( r Notice of Dissolution of Partnership. N0T1010 is hereby given that the partner- ship heretofore subsisting between us, the undersigned, carried ou in the village of Jamestown, has this day been dieeolved by mutual eensent. All debts owing to the said partnership are to be paid to MaoDoo- ald Bros., at Jamestown aforesaid, on or D 1007, and al the 15th day o1 October, of and all aolaimnr00 against the said partnership are to be presented to the said MacDonald Bros by whom same shall be settled, Dated at Jamestown this 1811 day of Sep - toolbar, A. D. 1007. With. as : ALEX. F. MOoDONALD, Jes A. 81112800 DUNOAN MAODONALD. 4 For Polite EillEInEarEeigratteell • CorresjJondeneo ticatexasEagitneseasmetr 8tylee in Stationery vary With the years. What was oorreot several years ago is out of place to -day. Everyone lilies to re. Oe1v8 a letter on Fashionable Paper. WE HAVE CORRECT iSTATIONERY Corroot for every use and u- ntil= The latest shape and styles in nicely decorated boxes. A line assortment at 260 per box —AT - 9 Q1 e DRUG STORE • Standard Br. &,Trotters (REGISTERED) FOR SALE MIDNIGHT OR0-0 black stallion two Years old, by Oro Wilkes (2,11), dam by Young Sidoey, Also the two vear old 1111y, MISS BARS, by Monbar8 (2.115), dam by 0001nmer Doth ere thoroughly broken to harness and will be sold right for qutelc sale. For furtherpartioulare apply to D. J. UoLAUGHLIN, Brussels I'', 0, 10•6t MORTGAGE SALE OF 100 care farm in the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron. (Mader and by vir- tue of thes power of mile contained in a oer- tain Mortgage which will be produced at the Mine of sale there will be offered :for male by Auction- eer, Klumpon ey Hotels In the Village of Ethel, cu FRIDAY, the 11911 •DAY o1 00- TOBER, at the hour of twelve o'clock, noon, the following property, namely :—Lot nun - bar ‚2111197.900(001 ial tb8Fo079)1 Oouooe.iou 0 of ro . The 1p of Groy, iu theOonuty re Huron, Tba poll is slay loam and there are ,bout seventy -ave acres under oultivatloo. On the premises are a bank barn, driving shed and frame house. Terme of Sale—Ten per cent. of the pureha00 money au the day of sale and enfhoiout therewith to Matte up cue -thine of the purchase money within thirty days thereafter and toe balance may remain on Mortgage at six per cent. or the purchaser may pay all melt. For further particulars apply to A B, MAonoNALD, Eetl., B t uesele ; W. M. NINOLAIa, Nag , Bru(801s ; J. W. nsox & 0e\1ne00. eratfcrd 49.'0., Vend4 a 801 0- iters. 01971503109. .01:.21 yyi.::o'%'7O, --- Fall Wheat 90 91 Barley ,..., 60 61 Peas 78 80 Oats42 db Bnttri tube and rolls..., 18 20 Eggs per dozen........, 18 19 Hay per ton 18 00 14 00 Float, per bbl ..,. 4 60 5 20 Hoge, Livo 5 8020 6 90 90 Wool (weehod) ea EXTRA SPECIAL FOR Thursday, Friday, 8aturday- ct• 3, _ Ladies' 12,001 MO 86 11100 New winter Coats for 8.98 —Ladies' Black Kersey Cloth; Beaver Cloth and a big range of Choice Dark Tweed Coats, 46 to 52 inches long, all this season's latest Styles ; well made and perfect fitting. Our regular prices $12.00, $11.00 and $10.00. EXTRA SPECIAL for the 8 Days only, October 3rd, 4th and 5th—Your choice for 8.98 one y— N'S OVERCOA TS Men's 12.00, 11.00 and 10.00 Overcoats for $8.9S This season's beet styles in Blacks, Blues, Dark Tweeds ; well tailored, with heavy shoulders ; first-class canvass, haircloth and lining ; long length and are perfect fitting ; all sizes in the lot.' Our regular prices are $12.00, $11.00 and $10.00. EXTRA SPECIAL for the $ days 8.98 only—October 315, 4th and 5th—your choice for... .,. BOYS' OVERCOA TS Boys' 6.50, 6.00 and 5.50 Overcoats for $3.98 Choice assortment of Boys' Overcoats in Black, Blues and Tweeds ; made by the best Canadian makers. Our regular prices are 85.50 to 86.50. EXTRA SPECIAL for the 3 days ��� only—October 3rd, 4th and 5th—your choice for .., .,. .,, . .., WE HAVE IN STOOK A COMPLETE RANGE OF The Celebrated Granby Rubbers and Overshoes. Now Boots and Shoes --all sizes. A choice range of Ladies' Small Furs and Fur Coats. The Best Values in Ladies' ancl. Men's Winter Underclothing. New Fall and Winter Dress Goods Larger and Fetter Stocks than ever you are cordially invited to call and see them. ,VEXD DOOR TO EAMERICAN HOUSE