HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-10-3, Page 7CURREiNT T01)1053. +++++++4++++++++++++++ The older leaders of the )y0111101 suf. et age moverneett had 'to suffer 110ki eeelous dieeppointments, but 111 New "Zeitlend women MINT had the full frau. oldso einee 1893. All the Australian states exiept Victoria have (metered tlitt stale reanchiSe on Wornert, and WO - 811(111 have full federal euffrage and the eight to sit in the federal parlitunent„ the summery on Australia we read: '"At eome elections not only a lerger titer/Tillage but actually a larger nuni. bee of women than of men 11111-0 voted. 1,ust yeer In Trismunia women out - cumbered 1110 inen al every sta. 10,11, 11 Is also everywhere apparent ilite they have nemstel the num to a (1011f 811180 01 their pollticul duty." the Danish *colony of Iceland midows and spinster, who are house- theldere or who maintran a family or thenteelves 111100 11 right lo Vote fov periell and (own COMiens and district boatels and vlat'orS and are eligible for eii /Mon te tee officee I ir which they col; WU,. in Vinland womon have the full frunchise end the office -holding rights of 111011, including the right to elt In parliement, In Norway Wolnen who poy taxes on properly to the value of $75 in the country aml IP in the cities wore nd- milted le the munietpal franchho '0 1901 and mile eligible to SC 000 WO 4011111111 11 councils. Later the paella - monkey fienchise was grunted to all who pay taxes 00 an income of Ssi the country and 0115 hi the cities. "Wives can vote on the husband's in- come, and even domestic servants will hove na income terge enough to entitle tram to vote." 11 Is expected that the cenceseions ulready made will soon reetilt In the aliolition of the property quellIkellen end the admission ut we - men to the polls on the smile terms with num. ln Sweden widews and single women and married women who 1YEq taxes un their own property have the municipal franchise on the same terms as men. Some form of women sufflage is enjoyed in all the provinces of Canada, 1111d in Great Britain women have the right to eartielpate In Meal .eiections. •— • This is a etalement of results echo accomplished, but it does. not fully indicate the pie greee of the movement, eince the campaigning is being carried on with great. vigor in the cliktf coun- tries iof the world and is making re - emits rapidly. prectricily's day is only diwiling. Mr. leibem thinks [het within 1110 next Len e ears the \weed -will see as many mar - 04 lous. developmente us during the last fifly. Before long, he prediels, science will enoble the !armee le timed). eis lands by 11101111$ of nitrogen from the eir. Ile expee's to see nt an early dale nu direct generation of ,tleelrielty from oral hy a cheap procesie. Locomotives will then le thrown lo the strap heap, eit trains will be ettn by eleekteity, no tenger will coal be transported ously tu there will be great power iikents estaleithed at the mouths of n111108, from \\Nell electricity will be sent out ever the country by wire. There wilt be no horses in the slreets, no stables, no Woe; wagons will be pro- --, pelted by electricity; houses will be lighted entirely by electricity, foe it win be so cheap tine it con be used by the humblest tetteniont dweller. Ships no longer will be driven by e"' seem). They will Cross the Atlantic in " [Mete days wilh electrielly as their mo- tor power. AL the present time eine- tenths of the power obtained from 0051 is lost by the use of boilers, wheels. and dynaMos. With the direct gene evellon of the eleetrie current, there. k re, 1110 World will have len times mere energy then now. S.SNTIP,14C:ti.,' SERMONS, Pain is the pnrent of power. Self-conceit is the child of sell-clecett. elarking timo leave3 no marks on time The proof of love is loving the un. Truth n.ever is found by twisting the tote. We Possees no knoWledge 111 We impart it. Wings come not to these who refuse to walk. Att ideal usually Is what \vo want the other man 10 be. There Is no righteousness without some self-respeet. You cannet lead men to the divine by crawling in the thist. Tho reel saints have no time to write their own autobiographies, Wheel a man boils over quickly you soon flnd out what le in him. True piety simply is the prosperity of eternal things in a nem. The best Way to soy "don't" 1.0 a effild hi to give him something 1,0 dot You have no busineee with religion until you have some religion in your businees. :e Many rt man who woUld make 0. first. cless lighthouse te wasting his life try - Leg to be a feghern. When a 1118n thinks of riothing but hla eine and faltUres he will hate) nething eetse to think of. • '" or people who Itilk 01 their liveee no Mile Are Only color blind ; they 01ther ere Veen or yelloW, -.1„4- .CONWAY HELD ++ t't OUT • • ++++++++++++++++++++44 It W115 01/1 W0141, The j111T bad retire 1 for tion8tilIntion prim' to twinging in Ilie yeeehe 11guillyu which wag ex peel ed of them. Ilitliving at 1111 seemed little more than tt hmee, foe, from begtuning te Nal of the. colse, the evidence had gone se steadily egninst the prisoner tInd , by• Ilte lime the last witness had been vaned there teas no maitner of doubt in the Pub - Ile mind that Rebell Sullivan had de- liberately, and hi cold biome murderecl .1101c end it needed tiot the vigorous speech of the prosecuting at- torney to convinee anyone to that effect. The evidenee, being hriefly summed up, ran us follows: eloberl, or as he \yes familiarly called, flob stithvan, had, while in a stem of intexical km. quer- relied with and lost Ids last otett, lo Jack \\ Utter, a professional sharpie.. Memo. 01,1119 the morniug after his delenteli to find himeelf beggared, he had sworn in the Presence of several witneeses 10 gel lee money back Or Mil the man whetted outwitted bine Accordingly he sot out to meet Wildee on his return from a neigh - lx ring town, and the Brad day the body er the talky was fnund on a lonely stretch of the rout with a knife elleicIng 10. li18 heart. Sullivun had been obliged to ration that he had met his enemy near this spot, and line they had a stonily inter- view, bet nutintained that they parted wi Mule blows, 08 Wilder promised him le restore his money, There was no little of circumstantial evidence wonting to 'confirm Me appearance of Sullivan's guile mid even the attorney for the de- fenee wus privately convinced of the falsity and absurdity of his client's plea of "not guilty." The judge, a large, pompom% num, having inetrueled Me jury in his most severe and autocratic manner, busied himself with some papere, and did not deign a glance at the nesemblage be - 10w. 11 was. as could readily be ob- sceved, a gathering of small tradespeople end farmers, Here and there the keen face of a lawyer or that of a skunger from the neighboritig city stood out boldly from the sett or houe.st vacitily whieh surrounded 11. The prisoner sat with his face buried in his hands, which hed lost their foment lan, and were pale and trembling. Near Mir was his wife, hugging a. sickly baby' ki her breast, and showing in' her wild eees. benching mouth; and every line of her meagre, stooping figure the (loud- ly terror thleh held her in iLs grasp. A brealhlees Celle: was upon Mot audi- enee in the shabby country court -room; even the baby had cedsed its fretful wailing and the buzz of a bluebottle fly, entengled in a spider's web ill the Will.. li0W, was the only sound that, broke the stillness. Five minutes pessed, len, twenty. and still Me jur3t had not come; a murmur <if impatience began to be hefted, and pvesently the judge heekoned the sheriff le 111111 and, whispering a few words in his ear, sow him depart through the &elle door which had apparently swal- lowed up the jurors. The sheriff made 11,1 \ten' through several gloomy pas- sages Into a lerge, light room, where the jury were assembled, nod where he in - retired of the foremen if they were yet agreed. "No, we eke!" gruffly responded that funetionary. "There's eleveti of us fee hungine but Conwny there won't hear of li, Ile wants to clear the feller out op' out, an' .says heel slay with us till king- dom come before he'll budge an inche Giles Conway, the mon whose obstin- acy was 50118109 such unnecessary de- Iny, was sealed rather amen, from the rest, and wore. the brown jeans' inn] soft hal which marked tem n fermer. Even laid not the absence of any ettempt foppiehness proclaimed hie easle, !twee was something ebout him which insert. slaty connected. itself in the observee's Mind with the freo winds 51111 .11111111111 1115110(1 S11115111110 01 1110 01111111'y. 1 te W01 1111/511 1he same color from 1118 head to Ms Net, foe eyes, skin, hair, and beard were alike broWn, and only the deep lines on his Chem squarely-eul ince ehowed that 110 10115 110 longer yetting, Just at present he seemed in no wise de nowerted by the wrathful imminence of his asSoefates; but pushing lits- felt hat further back oe ble head. anci set- tling himself more comfortably in his wooden chair, he saki, slowly e— "No, friends, you won't ever get me to lumd over a mail to the gallows on such evidence as that, ale there ain't no spe- cie! 115D Or cussite about it, for it won't 11) a blented 1)11 of good." "Olt, but thaes such drall.ed foolish- ri-ess I" livolce in one of the group. "Here's all this evidence, that no 111011 in his senses could doebt, a -going to peeve that, 13ob SUllivan killed seek Wilda, cold here you sit like a hump on a log and won't listen lo none of it." "That's just it," replied Conway. "You tbinIc that evidence like that oleo hang a man; but if you'd seen as much or rho Way that sort of thing weeks es I have, you'd think different. I ain't much of a talker, but maybe 3'011 WoUldn't mind listenhe to a case of thia kind 1 11599011 lo know about, an' maybe by the lime I'm done—an' it won't take me long 11 tell it—you'll see why I don't want, to hnng a young fellow I've known nearly all his life foe somethira that, very Iffiely he didn't do. "You all know how, 1011011 1 mnsn't over twenty, I went away ine-put all the money I could rake OW scrape inte Et ranch an' cattle. Well, the plaeo next to mine was owned by a rating fel- kw—we'll oat! him Jim Saunders, al- though that isn't his name—who'd como eut Illco me to make his fortune.. Wo took to enah other from the fleet, an' pretty soon Wo wero more like brothers than a good Many of the real, article I've seen since, "Alter a, while 31n1 told nee he was pin' to get nuirried, are a few week§ inlet. he beought home the prettiest thing YOU'd See in n, day's rlde. She had 1014 of yellote heir that was always hem blin' down over her shotilders, ale big bleo oyes, are 0. vOlee like a Wild bird ; an' 31111—well, ho theught there wasn't nobody like Milly in. all the 0011etry, , 'She seemed fond Of 111111) Mei tie fleet, hut it wasn't long Itefore eould 1.105 11131, it was a clear rase of misfit till round, There was lels of exeuse fer loge for, or eouree, 11 was a. hard life. me slut loved Ileery an' pretty things, ant Jim didn't have the money to give 'ein to 110r, 11101114h 111/ 'WOrk0(.1 1111d WV, 111111 did 1113 /0V51 h0St 11111k0 more than a Min!, "110y110 it would have turned out all right in eine) 11 Meisel. 1/01111 11811 one ,lim Went tO the 110000st tem' to buy 8ffine fatenlie implement.), nte fell in there effill a fellow he used lo know buck Immo, ute 110111111' W014111 (10 11111 110 Irust go Itome with Jim to See how he wag fixed, \\eel, lie mute it was a Meek (ley for Jim when he set fool en lite thresh/4d, fur Iron) the mimeo he saw Milly hadn't eyes fia, nethite else, ett' she belie II W111111111 was might- ily eeletp to thine a city man would set suet) store by her, "lie made hintstelt so pleasant en' so much at mane that they begged him lo slay ell Mehl, me"long Mout (We've o'clock 110 WIlS, Or pretended 10 1/0, took awful 111.4 They attended lo hint let he got better, and' wouldn't hear of hie tulle 10 go amity neel inornIne so he stayed on, stein' Ent rueldn' chair with 1/1110W 1)011111(1 111111 1111' hillthe to Maly, W11110 iiin was off at work. Ile didn't seem in rin particular hurry about gran', hid Jim never eiplekined for it mint& that enything was wrong, for he liked (he fellow Mel- ville, an' wouldn't no more have thought of dottlitin' Milly than he would 1110 Lord that made him. "One evenin' mune 111.151e, tired are hungry, an' found that his weree-his wife Reit he loved—had left him an' gone uway with the 011111 111E1 115 thought We 111$ fririld 1 1 10 Weld Wild rov a while. 11 seemed to him Inca every- thing was black &trowel him, ere there was great splotches of blend before 1110 mese an' he eould hear voices that kept n-laughin' at him an' cantle him a tool, 1111' 1115 only thing he held Mal to was that he must renew eini to the wood's cmt en' kill the man thel had torik nwny ali he had. So lls 11.11(!li.N1 '5111, 110W here, 110W there, but they doe - bled on him, till al hist, when Ills money \vas gone, he lost 'ent altogether. "Then he come to himself it Mlle, an' sold his ranch, an' went back to 1110 old home to" well—for he knewed somehow that one day, sooner or lake, Ihe Lord v,•ould gEve hlm his revenge. Ile worked while lie waited, an' made money tue got well orf, an' nobody knew runhite 'bout his ever belie married, so he had somethin' like peace. "At last, twenty years afterward. when he was getthe on in life, his lime came. Ile \vas viten' Meng, eot thinkhe uhout anythire in particular, when he happened to look up, there, contra' towards him roun' a bend in the road, an' refire on a big black horse, wag the man he'd welted Mr an these years. They knowed euch other the minute their eyes met, nn' the fellow got white aX chalk an' pulled ltis horse clean beck on his haunches, levee to _turn round an' make n run for il; but IL wasn't no good, for btu was off hishorse in Et 011n - tile and lind 111111 by the throat, ate In less time then it takes to tell it he had pulled. him down, eursin' and °Mein' at him. to the ground, Then, holdire him there, with his knee ort his breast, an' his knee Ett his throat, he says 1 -- II twIteret, milly Tell me, or p11 cut your fiendish heart out r "The fellow glued heck al. Mtn like ft rIt in a trap, and eeelie death in his eye, an' knowhe ewes no MO to Ile, snys "'She's dead; she was tool: ill when we got to New York, ate I 1011 her, tin' she Med fit a week.' • "'I orler kill you like enake, but l've always liVed Sq1111 00, 011' 1110 tetra helpin' 1115 1.11 die 11101 way, sa 111 give you on even. elninee. Get old yOur hnife MEW, an' remember Iltat one of us has g to die right here.' "Then he kt him up, an' 1.110y went at it. • They wile PreltY eteenlY malehed le. look at 'ern, hitt 31110 thought of Alitly dyin' all alone, ate fought like n. (Igoe, im pretty soon lie left. the man that had omit between 'en) stiff aud stank, with a knife in his' heart, ate his white face n-glerhe up at the sky. "Then comes in Me pert, of the story that I want you all lo take for a warnin' before you'll be so quick to 1111d any man guilty ort mitten" but circumstantial evi- dence. When the body was found no- body ever though of 'epticiontie .11111, but everything pointed to another man es Ihtt one who had clone the Icilitne lie'd sworn lo kill the dead num; on' lie couldn't prove no alibi. So they arrested him, an' the ileSt, Jen heard of it, lie \yes stimmoneed on the jury Met was lo Ivy him. Jim had never oven Iliougfit or &lie himself up for a murder, for he lognyed he'd royale an' killee his enemy fah and square, ate Ito was glad he'd done it. "He didn't. see MO ti Wes any blisiness of the, Inekes 10 111100(000 between one an' he didn't like to drag in 111113.'8 name eefore the judge ate jery an' all the people who wouldn't remeneter her, like lio did, when she was young and in- nocent, Even when he was summonsed he didn't have any notion but the pre. soner would lae cleared when they loolo eel into things soma, an' he noule up his mind not to say Main' if he could he'l'Pleitit,1, when he got (here everything went so dead against the prisener Mat if he hadn't Meowed he'd clone the killin' hin18011, he'd have thought sure he was guilty. Ile got kind o' dazed at laeL, an' didn't seem to know nothin' 1111 he foure himself in a room with the rest of the jury, an' n11 eleven of "ern watilira to hapg the man that 110 knowed wee cent, Then he come to his senses Enid voted agaiest 'em, an' when they asked 11101 for his yeasting he told tem the story I've been lellin' you." Giles Conway stopped and gazed steadily into tho eyes of his audience, who had gathered nroend him till they 110fiened him i» on every 01110, "An' what did ttte,v do with him?" Enticed the roreman al last, , "I don't enow," he enswered, slewly, "It 0111'1 clecided yet, fov flack Wilder WaS the man that run oft with 111113', 1111' it was 1110 that killed him," Many a man 18 wailing for 011 111A111r0" 11011 who W01114 1111d euneess at once if j 110 eves net afraid or a little perspire. ' ++++++++++++++++ ++++1* Abni filo House ;4+4+4"++++4+14-4-444-8-H. TobTosoNni 1)1s1w.s. Peanut Pudding,- -shell retested pea- nuts 1111. you eave um) lenempful. Lay eside ono dozen and put the reel theough Med chopper. Out of them) :431 three teeming' tublespeonfuie 1411. 1114.ringlia, 11 111 011(1 1)111 t With 101- ettering unlit thoroughly mixed. In thii, way the coffee will sot cluelle 'Usk, 111'. COVIT Or II' 011[S. - 1 1 El rt! en. ner leke a Piece tor shechion four 111;111..0 high Red \welly hing and litie et -1111 nithielos, Then eel i» circle. 'bating one Moll riin at top Mal a handle. Put over yeur flatiron when 0 11r 11•011, 1/1 thie way you can boil 'seer Iiin 113, rallit,,Vol• pill v.151) 411 111111101. your terms are on, 10 1,nd 1‘‘,, tio dishes will, '1110)' 101111 11 W11011 011 1,1111.114,p, 1.11, 110' 1111 Vigh 1 ill N4.1 in poll tr, 4.IWO VOg,'1,1111,-.$ and 1rOrN 1.W Oa Santo kW] 1 111"1.11 MIS VC, WI 1.- AVII v,-,/ Se50,n00 has !meta collected in ono year in leis manner. AWED BY 110YAf. FUND. Another great settee of income 10 111C Lund 111 IsripitalA, whiell ale+, 01‘,1,0,0 under the heed •of "0,411111aq 0011- tributiolie," are 'file 11111rt rattled by what ie kneels tis filing Edward's he/s- pied fund for Loedon, It is lo this fund that ftarnegio -has -just given his $500,001). Lest y0111. the total ineotne i•1 this fued Was $551,770.. This fund NV:1, founded by King Ed. V•0111 1011 years ago, ate. is one of his etteeelyet !nest jeabhiee. spa:infra of buttim and 1W0 1111/11Vi1/4/011- 'p,11 1111111, thoy do. pi,r unit princess% Of reyel sulk-crib- ire,4(rY InellibiT of Ilit• feem.1 Junius is .suppeeed cuntributi ;something lo aro ipsdiing peas beaus and they Mos Ile, 11111d. {.1.e” down lo the little prin. 1/11$ o•analarek 13"111: 011'" wh°1'' '14g 1'd ..(11111111. At dinner P.01 Witt 11,11 ere K.ing Edwutel gives 1111101ally $525; find yolks 411 tw.,, with, a, pinch of salt. boro„a ,lido.1 obi:online $125; the prince / f adding nye tublesp/tonfuls slifeir anti ...,,.fi,111N,n1,:o.::::,11.31;,..foy(rfl. will hear, "11Y, blit %Vales, $1,50J: Prince.", Vkluida. $25; the. ehopped nuts, Aelil Iles mixture Mlle Pelmet Edward, iti5.25; white 11111c le Het thickened milk after it Is site:Ill- Mr Muth lia3- Ilet Week:- Prime, Prineesi Vicleria f idYis101'1"(,\N11.11-V 10111111 111/114Y411111111711:':;'(115 1:11d11 -111-"11g1 1111114, butler and silt; nem tell Mt 01:0,440 (-mei give, $5.23. Tho toror soodsy steam, ins.•,,11; add Wales, Prince Holley and Prince „.1,111, Iwo 4.1.4g,,,, slimy, netting tee, %hes ;tie Niole,ily..„ieked vela- -(.11111111411S /ma'am!' t,) (chits 0 ms sugar and the S1110(1 0111.S. jatteels. Thesday -4'0,C 1775. Of "entre P. 111101L lif V1', Iii,011 ft SPIT:Id ()WV 11)11k ling nnd epriekle, end Iteke willt nst et beef, \\'ediaci- 111110 moro, f.011:4'idering that the loyel 111,, \v,,,tve nuts halved. Brown 4.14.111- pealoe.4. Thurolay ---! family England Mews frien the Brit. c411;e113:1:3, Griddle Calcee,—Take 'tette. steam. and SIT1', \%11.11.`, buries, or raspbervies, half a pint, and ono end one-half pints of Ilene, 5110 teaspoonful of salt, one, tablespion- fut of lirewn sugar, two teaspoonfuls.. of iniking powder, two eggs, and 000 001 of nrilk. Sift together flour, sugar, • . rod buldng powder, ade letaten eggs, milk, berries. elix into e. batter. Have the griddle hot enougle to form et'ust as soon ns the better touches it. in order to confine the juke of the liettles, Turn quickl)ein order to Fenn 0 crust on the under side. Turn once fmnegtro on each side to complete the -balk- Ileaborn'e Duet SatEld.—Wash. split. Century Old flospitals Conduetett on a snit bone a dozen anchovies 'end roll each. one up. 'Wash, spite 'nod bone Plan Storabisiegrercl,orsarereien one herrIng and cut it up. leto small piectee Cut up into dice and equal quantity of bologna or smoked ham and isausage, also an equal quenlity of Hie treast of a cold roast fowl or venl. Add likewise, -always. the same quantity 'and cue fnlo dice, beet roots, pickled cucumbers, cold poiatees, cut in larger thee, and in quantity aeording to taste, I u! at least three times ne tuuell pelo- lees as anything else. Add a talespoom et,: or capers, the yolks and whilea eome hard boiled eggs, minced sepor- ialely, and Et dozen stoned olives. MIX a', elle ingredients well together, leav- ing the olives end anchovies lo orna- Moot the tep of the bowl. Beat up to- gether oil and tarragon vinegar with white pepper and French mustard to atecfs‘t,eo;, P011r this over the ealact end Sovve Cottage Cheese.—I,ay a lel- --peel, cut Hen lengilmi-o, sprint:1c with popper and salt. and Iry 111 1)111101... their jackets, GREAT PALACES OF PAIN LONDON PlUeLIC, MUST CON17RIBETE S5,000,000 EVERY YEAR. Andrew Cernegle's recent gift a 0500.001) to the hoSpitith of London has come ne it veletable jettleenti 1.1 those telt peeple ever year /them $2.5therree as thoKing and the Prince of wake give their rOrS,,11111 i•4`1•Vit111. 10 1110 fund, the gener,,sily of Ihe subserlpthin sh:mthl 11 d, perhaps, ix, rviemt,m,,,I. or imo,(on ticispitals aro 1,,,,pwsk ono of the largest soure,es of witeith end Mft $(.250.oen to the fend: Alfred by will. Ileiently Mts. Lewleehti, wife ef the Inneme T,orh.Vrt pawnbrok,r, died ttleit Slete$10, while Geerge Inevieus lo death, had eon- elemoul Kieg Edward's fund. hi Ills will he loft to Hie Imepital fund n iarge stun. of 111.(1110y W111011 he had 1.):1110)1 the Salvation Army and also his splendid house in l'ary Lane, 1)ON.1.TIONS BUY 1 ION0118. To be mentioned as a heavy subscri- ber to the King liewerd fate! is consid- fund undergoes the Forsonal supper's- ered a groat 11011.A. in England. The P111 of the leng and the prince <I vast liet needy Wales. and the nanifs uf all (.10110r5 tbu biggest and ihn.bops th, imst 111:1111 $1.25-eare pvinted in halidsonte inelitutions. which are eeeren tho persins not sending more. rianarkable of their kind in 1110 mode. '•lookels which come under the direct leintem's hospHule are entirely “sup- 01 innl/sty. Nevertlielees, despite vale persons Me genera] public, whoee egged tisk, &elle donore aro eutnel. pennies -even are -acceptable, 1110..0 in. eptly seleabnegatime no1 to allow their were it net for Ore donatione of pre beef ment by appearing in Mese gilt- tle, temptation to si,k pet:sone' adver- ntioned. ReeeltRY an peeled tet.. voluntary centributkense' and 11 is owing to the fact mat "the peo. I enenernous contribution of 050,00n was sittutions would have 10 030tie 111). 511.11,04 10 be Iry ple" run -the great J,onclon leispilals eint Le the Klieg Edward fund, and -the the ihe hetet, neo oeeeetee en whet :name of the donor wee known to none nuts( bo rege-rded ratiter astonishing eonneeted with the administration of glionneffin0I1911 1.1hociorfititsnit,1110,11anceiinosnontlifoeslridut.12., the subscriptions. Censidering the extraordinary man - have fleCe.i1S to any hospital in the me- 1°1' 111, waira tatao tuathi raised' 11 Is. quite it marvel. that these great in- stitutions should bn able to keep going et .ttll. It is from this fact thal bas come to lee known us the most charitable city 011 earth. I.iving as the lospitnis do on the "volUrtlary cootributions- of the nailti- tude, it 1S 11(11 surprising to see great. signs plash:eve aeree the buildings nit - pealing for eltelinedinte aid." Neurly ell the buildings bear permanently the „DISTINGUISHED PflYeICIANS 0111.4.E, words, "Supported by 001110410v eon - Any poor man, Neiman, or child can get into 1.entlen hospital and 1.e at- -Ira-anions, mid each hoettitul has an '1011110(1 by the king's own physicians— nial:orate system appealing. which Thoms 13ariow, Frel,,riL.k cherge of a conunittee of pall - Considering that mulli'y 1:; meeet,ef ethme—ebe„tetely <1 'ways "urgottly reeded" eaeli ter the charge, opereeone wheat. in Arent Londen literal:the it is n wonder (9011leindon 110594111s by physicians Y.10.1•111111.41011g(1 rt.,.'1111141 [deo \'1/.91inie(lit ii"Ve0t111?;ac'cl.rit.setly- 71111.1..'4.:a 01‘:%ex)ijilledrft.itnriNneic\l'c. di! iTyjn$Itaimilllart,' .0.0000 ClIelrge less then 8500 us ft >1,...,1114)- 0 perpetual drain on ils recede, 1)0. asionally one 0•21‘,1 notices on out- leopolts, Of course. this rule istrieut Luce leaf on a plate. In the centre tethered to rigidly, but exceptitine 11/ place a round pile of salad dressing. If 11 tire comparatively rare, and axe intele ele salad deessing, use the yolk, of a only erer elaborate explanatione. '0115 hard boiled egg. Theo mix cheese with hesetints, in feet, tire regarded as re:hie:an: soft enough to hold the tone ef a teaspoon. With. the teaspoon my the 15 101' this reason thet they aro nble whit& Petals around the yellow centre. el beast, tueoug their attending physi- cians some of the gnatest prat:Litton- 8)010113' elun.lintiale institutions, rina it ';ens-Iss Ca odlonviiiillst; fccliari:°C.Modlecssi.g1-1. C1'.. -1.11:3:110a1 and eurgleat—in the world. -color frosting or candy: Lavender—Two Leaepoone of blackberry juice or jolly. Bluish. lavender—Two teaspoons or blue. terry juice, Pink—Beets, cherry. or A1111Wherry 10100. Ye110W-011111g5, mon, or yolk of egg. Brown—Ghetto. late, ceffee, tea, Green—Pion spin- ach or Swiss there, .then 151111e0Y.11 threugh cheesecloth. AIL these ore liarmlees, and tarter a little practice one becomes quite expert and can have many dainty effects. Fresh Rams in Winter.—Freeli beans in ithe winter .nro -easily obleinable. Alter cleaning fresh beaus (green or yellow) in the usmat way, holt in salt water until they are half done. Then drain them off in o. colander. After the water hes oneed to drip feint the benne, put them into a sieve lined with been I;durnt „1,4 „ny eille individual is found who, by a eMen paper mid set same 1st oven With 111001 11111 likely to ineelve setrietie ."11g1' nilinng°4' (It" 111) slow five, thus drying the beans show- of cour,c. leech needed were. p130, neaTnIciery, uosritsituf7nday s.folirift:oele6dynuf9:1 \Z'iltSti elle/11bn' recnal et'ilsisic' it4o) 01111V oll."11‘111ity GIANT "PALACES OF PAIN." lespitals. and their trellmont imels no. It is difficult f,11` Ilte realer to con- Ithlog. The 11M1010 (.10ss.0.4, llowervp, (vivo of lite 'oxlip!. of some of ilirse and r111013' W.011 1.10 1111151 he re- gloat London Irene,: of suffering. St. Berliedotnew's bospital, for instance vete consulletion fee, 11 is owing to the feet that England's finest aluck.rs and surgeons atteint 111e;o hospilitis for nothing that the interests of the pooe have 1) be safeguarded. DI order 10 do this most of the hoepilale 11110E: etiopted the :velem of requiring loiters sale of cerlent hospitals that wards have ben elo.stil for lack of toper:Mee fcepenses. Appeale of this kind ere iespendel to and 10;irt18 not aliowed te le closed f.,r any gri-.01 .length of 111110. If the general- pulite: ekes red rem,: the resette, some pri- paper or cloth bags for 1110ther use, When wanted soak Mani lit hot weler. They will assume Mete natural :Mime and wIll have lost none of their eelieb vette flame. THINOS WORTH KNOWING, - cummended by :unteotta who contri. turnis :direst a .entall village itself. IT lei les 1 1 the Iii S':)iitil runes. before itim- i,i,iiild r1n1 ns follOWS: `'.111'. and Mrs. Can rceeivc treatment. - ts situated ut one of the densest par - .1:(11; el Londen. between tbo genteol John Jones request the pleasure of elr, /es a. genotel rule outside of every ..,,,,,t- Iii,„ ,iiid s1„01111,,,id twirkt,i, t 001,1 :\ 11'0. :1,rthin• Hay's company at the r.oidott bps91'111 is poSted a c msidenotts l',,.."i'', .1,,,,,,1,:l 1 a, et,. bnee tee .e. re etee marriage 00 ilt"ir itcwated, Covers for ille frYiae Pau, os 1.1, nit is for the peer only. and vtivis- toy littyletre and ref/eluded by Henry' - will) Mr. Bede, on Toosdar, the :21s). at tiaughter lierolliy, Prevent ((lease e'prillering.—Have nem s,gn announcing the fact Mei tretM ` 1 HI. in 15W. Going Liack more limit St Mutes church, al 1Wo o'clock, and the gri`8.00 \\Pill not spatter on. the stove. bin' 1 , a le k‘ 110 elm nir,„ i I , „„ 1, 17111141 dlioolc.isiotalhlif\tyrylohref 1 eitfefulein floon(elserlaopi1;.1 .."-I'::-;n014s:'..1;:e1;1)1v1:0.giCICIIIII:111-11:';'111Y7...".:0:1:Na. n'it'l-''''-'ll'i.11:Y111:;a1.'' ;1.1(i)(1101::::111,1ANIF,'S11)0SIICCI:111(1.11:::1110::(11 1.7111p0aCti.! ;-1 the (bleat hospilnls in the world. St. browning. Any lid win fit• over the lee 11011 \\gelid reek to the husidlak ,,,,,, wlm fliv rdtmooft al.y 4.,111 nin,s4.,4f emit may • be ppeforated by mulching 111 (viler 1,-, (iblain ii,,Islalice trim 110 ' ' lattee In it with a, nail 00 ice ptek and famous doetors who give 111011' eerviee barrener. Easy Woy lo Ceean P11110,--11 a gyn. elle er enenteled pan is linieled, dune end without the. tigly ecratches that a haps $2.000 or mute) could be dono in ',Neel 1E, ,11.)lhaeralffe;f1(1111.11,e,f, it requites $335,000 a pun.. sLrape 11. Aficr Covering, the 13111010111M 111 • fatuity /teeter would 11(t1 seols wine cor•centrated lye and dainp- goIng lute the Diet Londen hospital. .leef000f of cases heeded a year Is miing with weler, let It remain over ill 1110 \\'11110ellapel dislciel, and la Mg 'night. effien the scorches easily Le, wiped orr, leaving the pan nice now eouht in private 1111101010 (,,t/Iil 111111 1/Cr• 111 11111 11.Vilk:'1 l'Y S:11' 11'''''I'll',1 TI.P1:V.:': 00.11,1‘ ,11‹,118 ta 1111 Sirk. klIOW11 1 110 W01111 i 1011411110r Of Loncinn's great Institut 'knife mnIces. a lentdon hospitel tor nothing. iter the peer. etunded 111. 1121 by Thee e'er. is "tiny's," the gnat lee:grad] ()leek Way Ito Peel Tomatoes.—Ilave Inns Guy. The upkeep or Guy's eequires on the SIAM') 0 VC9SC1 111 1.004+301.11IS (1111 of boiling water. Put the tomatoes in in, IoNr1:11_1ereloetENc'ill'eSol'irt0aglolCiliehtleBlgte,:nortli $I)05,0(10 a yttar unit the hospital Mettle n \etre bitsliel; immerse them in the 1.00,110 w take nu 111101,0st 1,1 1.1:6 twig._ armttally 132.000 pa lienti. , 1110 Loudon hospitnt in Ne'lliteetinpel belling wIlt,01` 005 Idi theirt remain three Los, various sums 1111, 11101111011.0.1 ,-,11 Pouts every year 182.1100 out petioles minutes. Trace 0311 arid they will skin Intl donation lisle which entitle gi,„,,, quickly end ensily, and leave the M- to certain .pi•Ivilages. Fur instance, Eat' end niend 15,000 in patients, and ils m 'payment of 815,0110 to a Mullion 11,,8‘1:1- ordinary income is $115000) a year, To !1010005E11‘10t11;g1100, lioles of San, Stinker.— lel the giver is, as a rule, Mettle/I to I"D Cu"' 13111411<*)111.e\v's' When the holes of a, salt stialwr nee hr,vo 0, ward nettled take hem while n 1.ondon hospital alone piing 10,11110es and the We small lake a ellen) po in Led file and <lc: na 1..M a of $5,000 en titles one le en. .it‘''iletiel1;)°,1111,,'6.,11)(1111,1e1111,:,:Y110:..,:in'vor;s1 111111P11{0111Ti'::'O'311,1*11e5I';1111117,5sIgiTilElniii'ls: or'lliaortgi'ot 111111\1111e Teliiirce"t101 bee5loct11'11ie i'llell':Icetlet.1.--Y: lows 1110 donor 10 name thrce or font' doW it Col. 1,1Vett payrni'mt of $25 al- , e, The linesekeeper should keep on hand 'alien's for (m117110111 al Me parlicu- •--11.. wilt be setoi thal, tile hospitals ele- o good supply of 1111 00115 or giu.s ions or 1.1,,sintiii k j much 11,0 Intiney it,L., ilqiefrtisdfsenfloifrfol31:venprIfi‘tonflfinIfififistNEtklifdinifsh.e lie- vvith tight covePs, mitt 151)elied, A0 alorm con Iribilled, The einn or $150 in. lt lies been roughly eetininted thnt teem ae 30111, gr000r108 nee deiteettee, (thee, tee weete,gt, 1„0 be,ing 11 11.10 g00. leodem lsosnitnis require 011 enneini cam 111 tide waY ererY111111ff 18 110111 meetings, and to rocommend (wilily - 0111913 elleh article 11110 its reePeetive ;ovum. to a liospttal, 1.0 suond „mum 1 sfollit,11(,,I fifiRf,nsien:fentihgiringlfdlil.neoffeeif,filtinit‘1100100)44 ok; free from duet end retrains Us 110.001,, 1011r 0111,-301101110 and Eine 111-P011011 1 11 .12•501•()(1) I'''0'11'° 111° brrwilt .(1 1 the tr'zlIti' 'and there is; nothing to (Maw mice into yeee, tient they efferte your etieboni%18 or pantry. Nuts, pop. 11y this ekhotiliki syskiin of (10111111110 00111, 1111d 50(111110a 111W5YS Sh0111,1 be the 1,011110h hespitale are kepi eiiing Lopt in liu leteee, es those !hinge del \v from ytter to ever, ()nee every 3 oar '111155. AV0141 0110101g 11111101'S 10 it ec11- two flays are :,-01 apart xvhell the wile,' Iltil.:1N'n'Illtiletalv.-1W Y1111 14°1 IS 6(1'16111 "r111 initiate in yoUr basement and Mlle. In of Minden is ;.01)11),.s.)(1 I., centrilule , --- aloe wordS, dial bl1ild A 1101110 101' (..:1'.4,111,,ng 1,,WiMil Hilt 1`41 Tr ii1 111,‘ ,A, Nti 1111111 '1'.: 1110r0 111111d 110111 110 W110 1111\50540h poffif.3.,s v1111 whisk 1.11,,,,mf...,. effin,:stspto.ticittis3e1.111111fr(ti,f31,Losp,i,11111 IStfi1e111,(.11;111.%;v2.11111::,1 l'io1.4111111C.,..,11411n1‘017 1.111,111`1.1‘..r01.11.1 1..30 d niter looking Put the polstom 111 il iarge Path rov.`r 4.(1 1110 Ilest mimed (ley give the major ----, them 0‘.,.0 with welter. end brush Ihem pertimis of Mier leeleetiotte 1,, n e mo. Friend; "fine or your meek:: lolls me ypitekly W1111 41 W1111411 br00111. An 1110 1 1 ,111,1i,.; (11..1 "II 110.111101 onituday 011. \eel I'llist`tt 111S S1110ry 111111 10111 1111/1 10 WIS11111111)1':(1("01.1111111\1.01,01;, Coffee,- .Eirsf pm the 11n 1 vont 's s,1 l'..10 Multitude 111`0 cin,er. charge," 1110.111c:is Nieto "YON; I do et:Bons 111'0 11111 1' 111 the streets,. Even p!. married, under penally of (Its - cream and num Ifieengar 01 34,10. :011) le onto -lel. On lie'nettel senility end met li, nli ley eleres whim they gel old vet „4.. meet) ns you ere in lie' hetet ,,f $31,H,1,y jo Toildon the ottleM , Ives eneugh to inerr3. 1 Moil want nny or Ikitog. stir tr 1111111 111e 811gar 1, ills. 1,4.11.,1,)11..q ...) 1110 310111 11011 9)..vs lo ,3.4.110 111)01041(1r111, Conee11.41 111111 111,0111 SOW011, petty in the coffee; 011t1 liccp !cal &It) the startling 1,0or. Illpearde of' tny 1111100." POINTERS FOR BRIDES 501111; HINTS org THE ETIQUITITE 017 WEDDINGS. Chanties Creep in NVItich Mark a Defier. lure From Tratlition8 of tbe Vast. Weddings are eiwit3e trill> us, and w() 01 0. 0.1)1 Jo think that the last word has been sai.1 int the sizb,e-I, but 110,111y WU'S. 10.11,4 big. 0 !Way.): ,,,1001214 141 hand as 10 Ilet wedding etiquette, eye wie hark beck for a menneet LE) the matter of en. gngenteels, Et en in Ihts litivis Inot'ed itway from 110 manners and euslemis E' 1 the last century, 111 jiver days, a •"'ciclY fdri us a inks, engaged for menthe and years, lee a evident maid muy "ximorq uuti m01.110E1 and a!" 1'011111 9111 SP111.1` (11 11 $11011. three weekS, S4'1"cr!ll reit-oats Cali be given for those 11 t, ire tronlip1 pr,001Vdillgs. 1 .1 re scaitis 11,/W 1,1 11101'0 111 a nuieker 111 10. dr5S13. 11111kerS WOrk at a griller speed, 1111d1 -chiefteel ull, Iniusseatix are entailer mid lee/ oomprithet The engage - men: i; first announced by 1110 bride's family. and ber parents ueitaln,' send me melee le the noyaspapeas, if die: - Mine peewees the 0V01111flge VIS/13, Dr1110;41,(10111S relatives should write a le1100 to his fiancee, expressing Moir ap. pewee and this ieleer sheuld be ail - seeped with. 1110 LEAST POSSIBLE DELAY. In inslan?es when the two families 511' not linewn to teeth other, the father, mother, or nearest relatives of We mu. ture bridegroom should at once call on I•let mother the Weide-eine, and their visit sit/Jule be returned with marked ' promptitude. In Huse limes nn engaged COliple are allowed much letitutle. A girl goes about alone with ber future husband, walks. rides, and motors with ben, but even 110W a chaperone appears upon the scenes at boils, races, and other places of 9111410 amusetnent, Every present, that arrive% entails a letter ie thanks, and a bride's lime is much. employed in writing these brief, neeessary acknowledgments. If on engagement is broken off, ertelt gift must be returned to the donor. and, in such a ease the note is more often written by the mother. Weddings, like everything else, ara Stalled I.4.1 the hew of evolution, and changes creep in which mark a depar. lure from. traditions of the paist. Several brides have of late adopted the new mode of an ivory Prayer Book, in .place of the orthodox bridal bouquet, and, in seme instances, the bridesmaids precede, instead of following, the bride up the :lisle. Another custom that hells from across the ene, AS FOR CARRIAGES, the bride's parents provide the carriage which conveys the britle and lier father the church; null also that of the mother, unmarried sietets, bridesneeds, and so On. The guests, of cemee, have their own. The bridegroom finds the otoriage in whielt he and his bride drive trent church, unit also 111111 in which they laler ell pekeed lo the elation. All the expenses connected with elturelt )01(1 lho ceremony aro 410f1'11Y0d 1110 brid0gr00111. T1100 1110111110 fees io tha oloch, eIsil'islen, and clergy- man, mad 211,0 110 cast of limed decent. eli!. A leo lo the officiating clergy - Mall 001108 from 02, the amount allowed by law. to $25, the average Meng $5, Ali steel doles are paid either hew or rater lite ceremony by the best man. and tepong other •iN:11':111508 S11011111 15' 111- (11410d the bride's and brelesnialds' bete /plots, and preeents rind gills the host Man and ushene. The beet 1111111, ey the way, should l,e baehelor. The ptiroule of the leek bout the entire cost Of the viedding receptien, WEDDING INVITATIONS sem lo cause same perplexity. When leentel by Mc panne.. of the bride, they rifory tho cause of eherity, .e luau 1111 appendicitis. fur inst.nice, Nyho hoglit mit Wive overmuch eon:Henn, el Ill.' 1108'11101 oeenples severs] hlocke, eurreunded by a huge wait, and forms, ne it were, attuned a town with- io a town, In order h) heel) this vnet afterwards 111 S11'00. 111 the ease of slepmittlier it shluld 1,0 welled thus: "Ile antl 1108. John. Jimes request itio pleat -env of Mr. and Mee Hush's company at the marringe of :\11'. 30110N' llatiglitev Joan, elm" If, on tho olher hand the bride's fn. thee ie dead, and her mether 1111e re. married, weld(' run, "nt the nine- ot etre. enies' daughter." Che it lho bride has Ito mothrr the 11101- 1411011, 1.1 ?he Wedding shotild De issuod Ihe father's eame only, To return to the subject of Werke- maide, a bride-eleet, would nsk one 01 the sisters Or etaishis of the bridegroem 10 not ne bridesmaid, as a gracciflil 00111.. p111115111 10 1115: fatuity of her fiancee.. 1:110 bridosmuids should pay Mr their own costumes. One seevet siteeess that a retiolle of bridesmaids should be tee same height and ot muell the semi) coloring, and Ittat their gowi s should ha troele by Iho same dressmaker, 'rho pretty fushion leen revived or biedesimaill8 \veuriug dresses of pure while, with a white tune veil mid a wreath of (Revers, wheel otitie much to tee (teem of the bridal parly \viten mouped around the alter. Honeynmens will soon become things of the past, 0.1: a few days or a week is now thought enough fint nee often over -rated solieele deux. 'Who that hos read Onithes C15. Vet' 1100k, ".S. Rainy June," will fnil to remember her vivid description of the drawbaeks end (Imagoes of a 'too pro- longed honeymoon? AanoNs vs. worms. "Actions speak louder than \vorde," quoted the moralizer. "Yes," rciO111,11 ihe demoralizer, "but. they don't speak so often by a whole 101." , 'Yea," said n ".1‘1 rno eeerything he linews. nod I toll him everything 1 know." "Indeed!" :0- 31i111011 110r CX4'1V111, W1i0 110(1 1h011 left al lite p081. "-The atiVIIre when you ure together must be opptessife,"