The Brussels Post, 1907-10-3, Page 6LACK OF FAIT Jr.\ T 111 UTII Why Should We Fear the Light of Inves- tigation on the Things of Religion? :"Ye stoat know tho truth and. the 31 ulli shall ineke yon .i3 MO age of the demi/lance el SC1011CO. When a man asks, Whet 4111111 I believe! only one unewer eun te, re- turned. lielieve things Met are. An eg._ iesw mist found it env [0 Settee+, Mut it leek:yea what it was tokl, even 11,.• Mingo trail it knew wete eset so. But dey id least has the herd 4.1 feeling no merit in that form of self- deceptien, The passten for absolute tenth mid rightness is on., of the uoblest that can spriog up in any breest; it is ripe fruit k,f reliffien. The scientist, by his devotion 10 (-.411,!! facts, to pine trolls Ine 1st:glees inan of our (thy. and Ole sehoets tweet,' religious educe:eq.:3 their powrr iustill primary Wye for Muth aml to Mt up ideals of "'Newt- ness and equity. When we translate religion into terms of life, into ectuality conlea$1,01 h huneination, we begin to descover thi. necessity fer folintlatioiss deeper . than legend or romance. So long n man's' religion consisted in what he •might oielure in glowing eolore of no- mination 'on the callous of foney [Mout Ids past Or future he did not need to lake his drsisms from .facts. 134 when religion becomes the science or right living. the process of seettring right soeittl relationships and diame- ter as the expression of ideal personal and INDIVIDUAL CIIABACTETt, it is evident that in :melt a work relig- ion must proceed on ascertained, in- 1,...ath to give them up tat' day's printing. 'She noel, di/rouging infidelity Is .he leek of feith in truth, De' fear that it :meld rad Se 'safe to es.e.,tv tot the facts to bo knewn. 110 whe in the mune of eeligiou e.e.oss to prevent tem sScing tom ,,e,„,pong tie, fun foes is retie. Isiee greatest t.oe, 1.11113 the NH 1111111. Van s..14. us folly tree. intellectually, epiritnally, There es more elterealll,SS ill 'chi. word also $4,111411111e6 th„, 40,reey. 1 were bellel' in hunting." though it is very for those of the 1 in any Mao forsalo, thee" dleb, 11, 5). compote /Also Deut, 31. 0, 8; 1„ Citron. 24. 21s 01.eerve to 110 aceordlog to all the law --The bor lo strielly carefully obset•ved if the great work to 'Well ,Rolitia 11114 Seen dated is 10 De suecees- fully u.s‘niplislitel, tS to "Pead, Maya, alai limitedly digest'. that law, twit teirry out its provistens to tilip Owe 7 I 111.4%. good sw.ress- 1.11., "deal wise]; Bare not I commended thee? For shutter emphasis en the per:ern/11 leader- ship of Jehovah, v0111511.1, Deut. 31. 7, g, 23. 141. T11,, 4 In'01.A. 1 1111:11VW, inetining 'I) "writer" or Sseriln,"; 12) ',overseer," au offieer Miring elnit•ge j11C111(iing (.1111111111011iS. ete.; Boot eivil und the wittiest. ellicers 4,1 the sore!, ure lore referred. le, 1 I. Whittle- -Meaning it, HO» conllee. ii‘ 11 ceptenitty "pro\ isems for it jean% 1,, 1,0 lost foodor eeekiitg truth nom. eattel eophislry. Itew foolish ts, 1.ttestipt to adjuet our live$ by laws MSS ,iett ef :meditation, to attempt to sivn a eumptese when there is no role of truth! 111 to-day'S changing titles of thought. ellen the old faillie seem slieping attee. fo (tiara ly Heed of food <tr any Idnd. Contest'', the no, of the word in Exml. I'. 39, "Neither lettl they pr.:purist ter imy victuals"; Judg. 7. "ss, 111,, people took victuals in their tends and 1.1,wir trunipets°; 1 Stun. 112. 1,1. "Stint le, tequired of Jehovah for him mot gave hint vieillats•" \then wo wondot• why WO have lost ltle \Villein three days -111 Josh t. 19 we of cor owll .1s'oth 0" ime odd that on Lilt' 1411111 (111Y .0i RH? felSerS, 1:eohing 101' 401110 he Mit •Niont) Ihe netutil eroseing of UP! leffiel GROUND 1,011 01.,11 FEET, .4( hi:111 Mel; Thi. order hor0 meo- w., do well to set them tlown on no. 11"'''eforo NO" als, to have LOP11 Maw but fads. to discriminate among gij`t° i1t11 15° I'v'n11"1"r C't 3310 11"11131), Hive (11 SpieS tquids, a time und the alltiviul de- 01-?titrsutelf tradition. till we firat the reek in th" '11"1)1" '"*C"Pi°11 1110 1.1111" AVM Me tffilt to Ihe eighth the 111C,tit1,,V les Ite, enetern Irieee 1,eing. sent during But -facing the facts we iilld (14.try- t, the $11111$. 15'44'1.401. wheve oee WrIt large, ever all one grea ---o• ----- principle. of unchonging luw, one greet T11E [WISEST CATASTROPHES purpose moving through all nature and • hietcwy, and what vee once only dereel to hope and dream, that back e-1 fill.000 Deaths a Week From the Plague all there thmbs infinite love mid there in India. rule, Mantle wisdom, 110W is attested • he the impreosive army ef the witnesses e )4,4 . Truth always is safe. The holiest or - disponible verities. rev must be born of hell. We can We nmy be satisfied with mythe make 110 111lAilk0 111 refusing to go be - la the ordering of the lirst family, end we may lenve to the play of fancy the specifintions of an ideal. heaven; Ma when We begin to order our own fame ilies and adjust out, seetal and eivie 1Mre WO 111'€' compelled to wait for prin- ciples based ou facts, for truth. Res ligion thus lecomes a science. Much eloquence was spilled over the conflict between religion and science. it W114 0111V conflict between the old religion end its now form. between the oo soon „ode jot, ot,,,ilte„y .0f jem grat, dawn fled the growing day. 04 and law; wo Atari kneo, toe fon trout Mat is religion; we shall know things us they are and be what we should be. HENRY E. COPE. yeald truth, and we will Intel that she loads to. the ordering of lire accordiug to eternal laws, to the doIng of duties (111d finding of sweet joys as old a$ the hills and .as unehfinging; ehe will lead In 1110 paths of rightness. Scene day our race will know all the elphalet neture and be able to read the story of the unchunging goodnese; 401110 lby We shall comprehend iile-W111*. ng handwriting of history; some day rather.: were not welfuny false, holding en to darkness when the light, came: but Uwe, so long had held sacred the plettme.s seen in twilight they were THE S. S. L1ESSON INTERNATIONAL LESSON, OCT. G. I.esson 1. .10,411.1a, IsracTs New Leader. Golden Text: Josh. I. 5. TIIE 1.1SeSSON WORD STUDIES. Tiasod on the text of the Revised Ver- sion. Purpose and contra or Joshua. -The 1444: Joshua forms the naturnl sequel to the Pentateuch. Without the aceount Pivine Spirit a strong and overwhelming , awful nem Si 11 ts, Is hut the prelude of which it emiltdits or the conquest. ond conviction that he should nt ence "arise"' worse to fel-dlow, settlement of Commit the narrative of the and "go over 11118 Jorilen," and lead the beginning of Ileerew natioual history people uf Isvitel unto the lend which would be incomplete. The arrangement 'Jehovah had promised them. God A TALE FROM MOROCCO. of the Old Testineent broths In the Ile- :Teaks to men toolny as truly and ns 1,rew text pInces the look of Joshua et 'clearly fts he (rat to Joshua; yet, we Ito Perfectly 'Flue Story Told hy Frtuth, it appears that Joshua. toek immediate eommund of all the achninisiralive of - Milo of the nation. Jehovah epake-lt is 1101 neceesary Mink of an audittle, emu/metiers non front Joe -well to Joshua in this dm- i'velSes Joshua had long Mtn eccond emionand as the essislunt of Sloses. unit ihe situation nalurelly demanded Hod lie lake up immediately the reins of telininistratiOn antl proceed to earry teet Ira, plans or Mosos which were very frontline to him. His duty therefore, was rues', Ciente and ns lie eontempluted the \tort: befoec, him, and hest means of eerrybig It out, he \vas conscious that 11,0 work Inti•usted Iran was pliwed upon him by Jehovah, and there was borne In on his heart, and mind by Ihe The greatest ciiintrophe the world ea„.eer known is in progress nt joie Ilmild Jelly with paraffin, as usual, and About 1.200,000 people eve always , , an . _le \\,,,r,,, i. ;,. ,,itt away lie wonted, s. few sours he- afloat on the t-eas of lite world. present mono nt, It tt 1 1 cots , tore serving lime bent Ihn jelly to the lt, Is estimated that there are 2,500,000 moo oe nothing of il. tablespoonful of dogs in Crest Britain, and that 85,000 go Thls i,s the plague epidemie in India. Ironing point. Add a gl. latin previously soaked 10 $1111100)11, astray In Me course of the ye.ar. which hns now been raging for more fietti ott„wing uny tml,,,ny 1,0 1111 01,1. jelly. It then will mould, and can be „,.„ t hose In opera liou on the Congo kcivs ,,teadily titemstng in indcaloity; 1 til;,u,t,liet,111a0untoein, perfect shape. IL must be 'Oboe. during the six weeks ending :tiny as it will not keep long. I oe 250 miles. '111is works out al nearly line, where $100 is chneged for a Journey 1 1111 Itiel. tel.102 persons perished from itruhain Slems..---Talee a pieee of but- 'el cents a mile. a tt eel:. 1 cup tioftillItiegnire.r(gnelre telginwa 11%1 Ni!.1 eigagn,pohilige-litenalf.1 ,,..... single Only of Indlannpolis luis just, it, or. /it the rate of over Rine° deaths! l'fly N. t hing approaching the appalling , • , eptenifuls c -if baking powder, (tiniest two t"sd• at' the ago °r 11111e1S-tive• Wilfl1 -mmiwbvi-P14 114,11sikilKefelieroloil,44 11,1g. 111(mm e A•AdialE.1611144Inff.V.,C•MAKIII.flelldE0 TOOT1ISOSIE Stuffed Primes. --Wash In Juke warm water half pound of large prunes, thin cover with cold water, und Jet stand MN' iiight, Chop tom:thee dates, citron, nuil Esiglish walnut . kernels, moisten with tewrant jelly. Cul a slit in e'en prune And retneve lite Reed. 1,111 Illie ettvily snit IlliNi1111., prees together, fled. roll in pulverized eitgate This is a dainly novelty to serve at lea. Maitognny Cake.- Use 0110 Mid One - hall cups sogni•, onedialf cup of butter, one-half eup of sweet ittilk, twe rut,s of in., three eggs Lenten, one leaspeon- ful soffit in, the milk, 1WO 1011910011S ^1111111 1,11'1111.. one-half ettp gritted chneo- Inle honed 111 one -1110f cup milli [ill Orals tool iind stir hi the vele, latter. Flavor to suit. Egg -Plaid !settles,- Boil one sound egg Muni till tender; remove shin and stem; mash through colander. .Add one egg, sell and tomer to Inete, huller size of an egg, aud two tablespoons of Moir. Boat well. Fry US Y011 would fritters, On a entail cpunitity of butter and lard; serve, Lol. Makes fifteen patties. Polak) Dumplingeo Peel six hoop po- tatoes, lel them lie in cold wider over nighl. Next morning grate [Mem lei 1110111 slend about one hour, then strain through cloth and Squeeze 0111 es tight as you can. Take heir cup cereal to one pint of milk, then out three slices of bread Into small squnres, Ihown them in holler, ink till together, Foul add salt to taste. Slake them Into hells and them int, Soiling, stilted water. Boil half hour, 1101 too lust. When Jelly Won't "Jell." -Cover the dry with Moan ehesseeloth. 'The 'Minn will look like new, Title is whut is used In piano stem, n01381, sauce, Boast Bonet Boast SAUCES 1:071 SIEA'OS. beef -001101 homer/MO:Is vent-Tutu/Ito or !Kootenai:di 1111111011- C11111)11, jelly, pOrk - Appil! 11111111-531111 stores 3401181 Ittileteseslliesinut. dressitig, eran- beery jelly, - Boost venison -11110i el/trent or grape jolly. Boast goosee•Timl apple sauee. Itoust quaibelettennt jelly, celery SUMP. 11,011S1i. C11111^11,3•Inivi( (Inck-Appitl 111.01111, Meek cm•rmil. jelly, theist eltickset-oliread outlets 11ried effielien--Creaut gravy, corn fritters. Motel duck -Orange snlod. Old boned tongue- •Sauce tertare or (dives stuffed with pippem. Veal sousage--Tonialo sautes gilded Permestui cheese, F'orl; sausage -Tart apple entice or fried apples, Frizzled beef--Ilerseradish. Pork croggelles Tranato sauce, Corned beef---Alustartl. ethreuil cutlet- Sauce beelnutiel, Reed birdse-Erled hominy, while eel- ory. larlare. Colt! boiled fleli--Sntice piquant. Broiled steak-elailre Witold Miller or mushrooms. Tripeo-Fried bacon and apple rings. needled fresh guteleerel..-Stewed goose- bet•ries, Fresh selmone-Cream suuce and green peaS. GENERAL. INFORNIATION. Bits of Useful Knowledge About Most Everything. than eleven tent's, and wheel, so far • cold water to cover, to a tumblerful of The highest railway fares in the world off Gifahom llottif, two eups sweet' faithless loves IShe swot. • weals, years old she was Oiled by a rror represented by these ngures host '11,10'1' 116‘01 to, milli; beat well. ever been recorded hefore, 'nu, nearest it was one wean, (luring ow leo, Tentaki and Cucumber Salad. -Peel week 111 Mur,•11, 115, ppid).1115., wus vp. lo1111110e5 81111 •W1111 spoon remove the in- spousaile for 57,702 deullts. I sides carefully. 10111 with chopped eu- No pestranee of anetent or modern reant,er, seasoned with salt, pepper, and bus elnin. eo tunny millions of month, as Messing and serve when cold on lettuce, he, this one, and the end of which, 1 •el 11,1ws ef wheel we onee any enowieege, Mlle vinegar. Cover them with salad leeves. Jellied Tongue.-13oll fresh tongue un - 111 tender and remove skim Peel and speak to a man again, and for seventy - Roe y•ears kept to hor resolve. The lurge.st telegraph pule in Englund, with one exception, has just been erect- ed over the post-011Ice al Cliorley, Lanes, It is over 70 feet high, and weighs 231, tons. diumeter is horn le to 20 Inehes. '1110 weight of the cross -arms and insulatoes Monte exceeds one ton. The "Great Plogue," or London, for One would Imagine coalmiloing to be jtae, slice 000 10111011 and place in a Mlle short. of a dewily occupation, what example, Mout. which everybody Iteurd. nt the ottistele 80.00n! Slice longue and piece over lemon. Dis- with coal -dust -laden Me cramped ro,1111, in „wet, tne1411114; or mono es solve lox of gelallue In one cup ef worm ra-silton. and the dump and confinement W111Cr and pour over 1110115 Pince in ice many us are dylne weekly in 'India from cookit,areern two nolo of whno ang„t. rheumatism, and other iliseases; yet the generally ever threatening consumplio», n disease which Ts identical with it in loe and serve in elices Muller. death -rate annually Is barely nine per exit t , Tile Detlih" saki 14.1 have snin add one cup of lard and butter mixed ; one-third of the Mon revolution of Eng- one eup of sour cream. one lenspotelful litnil-say ,5110,00() pifrf.ons: hut nee is ench of cloves, 015111.1111o0, 1111(1 altsplce, tio., males doubtless ts that employed by detiblful. EV011 admitting the correct- oue heaping teaspoon soda, one cup of mes 01 the estimate, however, now. chopped raisins, und iloor to 1110110 seft eloomers passing the islands of • the Tinge group in lhe Pueffic. On neSount. tidily or the present epidemic to Incite dough; roll thin, sprinkle with sugnr, • , ,f- 1 e 1' 't '0 .1 • dan- . . The most unusual method of defied'. has 11140'111y ntore than clot:1MA fills Mtge total. Whitt will be the end no 1111111 r(111 101T - safely. Ilita has gone oeforet nue nu IWO-thirds the wood amount of shorten - rile highest price core given for a mai le Impporang now, ineepaesstio, ing used, and add a scant one-third ten- „ spoonful of buldng powder lostend, and f•LoR10 1,,0111P t110,373, Which SUM WaS yoll Wilt have a whit'', ,11111(Y Frusf that Paid by the German Isostal M1154;11111 i/1 wit' be more healthful Man omen made 19°2 for a specimen of the 2d. blue 'Mauls ilths. In 1004 the Prince of Wales los/gilt at auction another specimen of thie rare stamp for $7,250. The senecest stamp iti the world is the one -cent, Bei - O.:11 Guiana. 1850, of whiell only ono and Sulo. in a (track oven. Pie Esononty.-In making pi0 einest, geruhs, tind Hut fewletters to be dello- erect ure ittlaelied tome shy -rockets when a Mlle short of lard, 1.r. et hen F11:0 Med and 'Tech the S1101.0 15 S.N, Or venture 10 forecasl. 11. muy be tweeting to economize, try taldng about tlw.b,sginning of a group td de- net expect the 10.11111)11?, re1.1.111 (y0111015111- Sendamoisi. eignitted "The Earlier Prophele," and eation now-oue. need w):. 11111111 01 ;4411611 romprisinef Joshua, Judges, the looke communientiim here. That the In :dor:teen, the 13eled-el-Maglyrab (the of Samuel. and those of Kings. 1 heso gunge of thal sacred historian is figura- 1n1161 of the settliig sun of 1110 Arabs), eonlain the history of the Israel- live find authropomorphie. Mies not 110- tho Lex Tnlionic is Rs much tin integre] ial system as ts Me and itee is) during the period of conquest and Mad nom the vrilue of his narrative, imp Pall nu? s'w immediately afterward; (2) timing the 111111(0 11 nny Me less trustwerthy. On (Meth. TM:, Moors IL luny be said. ere independent Itingdorn ; C3) during the the centrary. 11 /olds much lo its fords frankly brutel, They have a certain period of foreign invasions. The lee& of fulness tool beauty and gives n new end rude code of honor to which lhey adhere Joshua renIV forms the, weintoilng 111111 between the narrative of the Pentatench tool that of the books In this group of "earlier prophets." IL was phseed by the 31A1 W1111 the taller rather than will' pieeeding books of "the law," metal - me 1 ecauee with. very few exeeptiens g. 20. 1.0, it cenleine 114) 11 I1(1 1.)44111.11))) 11184 34'41111,e 11 yens not, associ- . , „, „ moo wee ute nano, of Um great, law- giver, Mosee. us mere the floe hooks a tho peani,ueh. Aloilerle :scholars have, 1.1iwet er, recognized the cf.i-fe ship f,‘ hich the hofile Ifears to lieNe which preceile, and have stIggesteil 111if regrouping eif looks fitisht111 life Iasi of the group of slx sometimes elution t„)1 as the Ilexaleuelt. The hoole of Joshua fells istiturally Int" ilitee divist in. 1,1) 1110 kaalaeSt Canaan (V1 laPlOrS 1-12); ,S) Don 11151 804110111e111 Of 1.15^ 1.111111 ),5 344$11110.$ rarewt,11 Atldrossos (23,234, of (Mee, dit ieiene traees the events of the Metope-, nerintive from ilie time Mat the lertelites 1011 the Pii$1, $51), of J0111)111 111111 (111el'ot1 1110 1,0151 t.f Pre - tithes they NN ere 11%:[11111 Tellsier,i of caliaiin, group deserffies the territory assigned 1,, the diffeetnt o•11110. the Piet division commie, two ..,.perale end la ninny re - specie 11111ci1.111 ,a Joshua's fluso•en etddr,..e, to the eation, perhaps ineel eiguira eleireeicrielie nf Ihe jeok of J.olma es a lielif the fffolleit ▪ in 14 il unfolds of irir wolfs 1,441N -hip of I-racl Ilwough the medium - ship of Josloos io whom 441101. hafril i,ounriiiiiii.atiotis of en- erenateenicni from .telet ni" on the ,..ve of' his ',renew, emindlen wsit- filled to remind Mose 0,lie too ouplig,)1 )11 1111, W1,1'1( of Ile, kinedein tied Mal they nee eueluined 1,11.1 helped their tot by «most 4151111, 10411. 111,1,00 eery Note le Leesen Word Sludee (seek r 111. • . See's, 1. After 111.7 Iliql:!! rf .11W. Isra01110, arc, s1.01 in lila 53,41,. i.4-3 or ur. Jordati. 1 1 Th.111. S. tee aye 10SI Mai elm, e lffidion .or wort. f00 in 11," Mem, ne Isive: for hilie.,eif 111,111 seitt, 1,51ine of Meet. illeye," tater which) %tell in nu wise foil thee, le-itte,r sem- colwenient, bid anteing them - more en:luring ineatting and value lo , „ , this untient 'record. , selves iney 00V.se every posehne excuse Joshila son of Nun-Seenpure in-' So not engagements with the to,duelory, juirograpli to 1,,,semi \St.,rd Similes for elober 13. Sloses' ininisler-For forty yeers, ever shwa the departure of flie Israelites frein 1.,shua 1111(1 been 111(' principal tosielaul and ativiser Steses. 3. Every place to you hare I given 11-A supreme challenge to colon/est anti fun. As smiler, inito 'Moses -The promise io,fertell to is found 111 lieut. I 1. 24, which "EverY 1).11°-.1 "l'ere('" '4.10 °I Ms ill -fortune to cannon agitmst n fool '..41"11 1'11°1 '1m13 Idind old wonum, who, lo the Il'"1" lb° Wihk'rn"S' and 1,2/110"11, Ir°111 grotmd. trete" (.,11 two /if lier 10,113 teeth. 11,". th," 1.14,"r 1,!'llPhrlde,s•,(;\,e11 "lc' Englishmen carrot] 111, 1111100r een eon," Yolle resupeneatiom WEIS refused, and. the injured woomn, before the local Enid, demanded Mit her Imo -went aggressor should lintel 1140 teeth lenocked eid In selribulton for lier injury. protest followed on preilel 8/4115'151 1111$ 1,11114)11 oil the north, 1110 5r00). rivt.r, 1110 eXiltlio» 1111111 Itnally Ile, matter was rer- ev Euphrates. on the fees, end me , 10 the Sultan Ithoself. 51,01 11'.) 5"1"g '1"\\*11 "f 111,1' That potentate Out lids Instance is sun. that Is, the Modileertmeni" t111 150 given to show the fereefulnese ontive west. ler other specifle dcelgnititone 01 „totem) togged tee entojeon,„ tj, ern. Mese loinolaries. et -omen -1, alst, ilie _fol.. no with the old weentuee and 1'w•ing 11,11, 15. 1:3-2 pohlicty sasvithe, his il1riStirS, in retort' 2L 31; Num. 31. 1-12. r which 01,1Rthin he granted him 1.0n- 1111(1 of 111., 1 Nertheru t:e•odens which lutve made (hal Engli$11 :4y1.111, .•.x101111111g W0S1W111,1 11110 A$111 1501'0110111 011.f 1115 5.111111y fni'01110$1 5154,1., The 1 1111110A W..r.‘ 14.1110.1. 10114111g Ilte tteellitY foreigners 111 Mor - miles raw :eremite, led eta's. gentiles tt tont they roetenbled 111o51 110111.1;,' 04414110111y 1111d 1111,s, 'I'li011. fir'1111 Ifl1t) $111,1 $1111 lo 1,..1,1$1 in the jea,santry of Cnittoliem. Their Most or,,sjorens pati. mid iieried was 111,111 11:10 1'15 11.18. 1154.1' 11 11101 5.1)1' .1010 1,114.y 1,t1,1). d 1,y 1110 A-st rian vim rare. 1" :S. AS. I ',Va.', is, .1 iv' 11111111- Thi41 1.01313iitd for n few 111111 - live is (boleti, d le 311,3440,s 11),1,11 , ttiale Ha^ ((:11,I101,' st0a1111( (I 11at rat:ea i'vlidoi• 1110 '1,10,0 Eittli 15, wailinuily et' jo jos ej.);,,,ojt.s, the seen jelte Ite 1141,,..1 end of its high poepto, wits outset ,s,„, 1, my of duwning 111nett. itolemeeteil 4,r, o11,3 1,1,40,1 1,3', 11 ,11 ohe ‘,1 them, 01,0110, 110, 11,1..441 of 111,' eder. "Yes Teminy'."' le• eagerly to ," , 1 ‘‘ill 't Cad 111"'"' 11131,- Oleo lelding 111, his hund, "Den't .1 01,10,0 ,eiolsi by Mc teitrae, 1,,, 531v, g,)1,)))...11y 14144.! 1111 (1.1,50 111,. "fl) 31,,o; (:01111!, 81/1.11ii: 11P1- 1t,4'v av.11..vz 0(411,111 1111 01101 1,14 a•a! .o;1d 'WM all - 30.1.11 soiled, nos "divers' dissons,. sealer on the brainl" "glibtour. 011 tho otber band, they are extremely punctilious in exacting full measure and watiplement of execution hoin Euro- peans with whom they have dealings, 1,11,1 ninny stories might be told showing how etorish judges mele out jusliee to their oWn people to the detriment, of the alien. For Inelance, it is not very long since Mai a British subject riding through the (ot• markel place) nt Marnkesh Iiild leorder." 3. The Sonoleries of the T.nnil of Pre- mise, tra, new home ef the rr•tteerned nation, wo, it, Is. the oral,- ruess 4111 the smee, 11,,. motintein reoges 1.,, - tido. AN AQUATIC A1TSMENT. "Nsw,' :odd the school.leacher, glanc- ing ro1111)1 1114. $111)111 (111iSS of 1110re or oking boys during n rend. is-les:eel, "can any 01 y,)11 toll me ‘117,1) is 11111 II t 'ming of 'divers dls- in Ihe old way. Pencil Stones Substitute for Almonds. --I: housekeepers save their peach stones they cen use them instend of almonds for cakes, 0N -tides puddings, de. 'Nice specinte" Is kiloton to eels!. 111$ iS the stones, wash 'them and put them in the possession of Al. Le Bendier() von a basket to dry until ready for use. Ferrary of Purls. There is ti large hold Colormlo which has a notable feature of Interest in lim fact that a trout stream runs right through ils dining-roortil A guest is al- lowed to take rod and line and angle for the fish, which, when caught, tire When rendy to use crack them open, lake out the nuts that ore inside, \\*nett Mem, and chop finely. Put it, with bat- he• of the cake and stir well. (oven Tomato Pie.-Dreen lomMo pie, etionl to tipple, is made by slicing large green tomatoes. lolling in flour, pineIng ettio,d and aaryad to him at, the next, in crust, und adding a cup of sugar for , meal, and it Is quite a regular custom eaeh Pie a "'ruling of nutmeg' 'w° h a. visitor to catch trout for his own bt•enldast. The wetee collies from a gen- uine mosnialn brook, and everyllitng (Mout the portion of it, Willett 1101110 through. the hotel is kept as [rue to Na- ltw as poeeible. /t. well-known American inillionaire Is reported to have expended $100,1100 on n dell's This is thought le be Ihe recoeil 111 thls form of post-mortem exteava- game, Oeveral collIns, however, have 1,00) known to cost over $5,000, and not, ninny pews ago a lady buried her bus- t:end In a coffin mode of elaborately moved maluignny, with gold fillings and sill, lining, the whole costing $20,000. In ni.01110, ease a Indy directed the', an eletirie light should be kept burning in her tomb, and 01103110r inside her coffin, tit nti mutual cost, of $500. 53 flung Chnng's coffin is said to linve cost $05,- 000, mut to hove been profusely embel- lished with gold figures and clusters of precious stones. ` tablespoonfuls of lemon juice, noel some btls of butter. l'ut on upper crust and bake. To Prevent 'Crystals FormIngo-ok tablespoonful nI glycerin to six ghts.ses of grape juice, in maldog jelly, will keep the eugar from c.ryelnffising nod jelly Wilt keep perfeeit condition for yeers. USEFUL ITINTS. Slop Squealing Shoes. -Drive n peg in the eale. Ione of Egg Removes Spots. -To take spots from wush gonde, rub 1110n with the yolk of egg before washing. 1)Ings• 13Inek Oloves.-Ilenew black 1,111 gloves Sy• adding few (trope' cif ink to a lablespomi of olive nil. Apply with n feather and dry in the Still, tieletonot seelie,_jetwor jojetiteok.k with while eflii011 OW Width of lhdl on carefully, Pin lop and hot- ttni, S1.01111 ovee boiling water, They will Itok like new. ne• Slains,--if n 10,11 stein appears loran yom• table limn or on [lie rhildroOs clothes. euturnte tes Ifiirifei 111.:04i1110 With alcohol, and the slain will dleappear with the first washing, of the tivtiele, • • Itlacte Goods 1Sressing.-11011 10 cents' u.01.331 or 105wood hart( 1W41 011111.18 wilier. \Viten coal 'old Itto quarts of stele beer. Add water suffirlent lo cover goods.; lift stir goods 0,•eneionally 1111111 of an ieSei bluets ,Thin rinse, pid•Ily dry, ond prosit, eagf-lealf ghltim raw ell, ore, pinl. tmpenline. one - loaf pint alcohol, one-half pint benzines meolitilf pint aqua ammonia. First re.. Inovo all drol from twliele 1.1 be polish- ed. then sub with a innien Hamel (Soft, (lipped in the lob:loos \ono, the ohm,- tt 11011 v,,m4 leeks dell nod dingy, (tont Muth en 11,o1v polish, 1413 eimply t411,11 Tido! Iiig the man, pot kralw. 1,,,y goed 11111.0 4011)1, pref015bly Wili10 11,1110, and thakif hither Willi tepid (Norge,. set Hee. emirates] gerillertom rultiweltr. \\emit iditrat enrefully pi,k lee etemo titt,1 then f.,1114.f.; 1111 11511114 11 p14'1•1‘ Of :ea leen," N,t1-- "Tilers wfint tey to do; cheesecloth or clew) cheinole, and led, Lut tailor Won't 14 me.' ON TIIE SAFE SIDE, Counsell (addressing the magistrate, after he has got his client, n thief, ab- sented In the Mee or strong attVer$0 evitleuee)--"YoUr 1101101', 1 W0111(1 be 01.1tged if you would orchn• that this num be not released from custody until to-morrew." NIngistenteo."Cortillnly. But what Is petty reit$01)?" (8,00,01,_iiweii, mad near my home Is ration. lonely, nod es tits client keows (mite well that 1 shall l's.ve 11101103' 011 Me, he might possilely !ay in wall foe me." NOT AT ALI, CUTHOUS, "She eltvitys reminds me of a trebile (thee." "ThaVe eimOttis." v. t•y, She's eonttnnelly CURIOUS ROWING ACCIDENTS. Nine Times In 'Een they ore Cnneed by CarelessneSs. A very cold tweldent happened some you's ago at a regatta nt Teddirialon. Englund, A Small steam Monett, whirl' was proceeding up s irootn at a good puce, suddenly 'refused 10 answer her helm and simply run innek Illi• crowded rixer, TWO boteliff cleared hey by a yard; a third, a andel), W114 1101 8.) forlialate. 'Ile Mullett struck her nod toso °wily her .1.10W. (if course the rate dun sunk, but her passengers Wel') 11111'21(1Y re6Calll. UK' S101101 111111a:11 111011 hafarIll agallIE I, a plug, sW111111thig ff. Mut after one or two olher narrow es- capes charged the bunt< with :melt fore.' as to run het, bows (key lido the dolls It is, or used 10 be, toonteen peat, 111'.• during fireworks ul Henley ne- gallo for livelj, young undergradualee le tenet! their own 1•oals and make l'N• (5,1,40118 1161'050 1114 Craft W111011 lie 'awls, 041 11ka sardines MI over the river. One melting an Oxefett nem jumped 011 143 lout' whose °WIWI', a 41'11813 1(11111i9111111, strongly oteected. The young fellent niede u spring for another bout a yard away. Eor some reason lids cent! had no holloin board Iti the bow, The under- graduate mune plump on the 111101o1e01.111 1)0110111 end put his feet clean through. loneking a huge Itole through which the water spouted. The oceutoutts had lure- ty lime 10 clamber into the next, isnil before theirs sank. Playing the foot in a I. oat IS rui amusement whist' lins 1.1•014111 111011y 1111 oarsman to grief. Iteceittly two young e'idichinen, named Joly end 1)ethorey. mole 11 11013' 101. 11 roW 011 1 Ile Si?,1110, 0(.11r Nency. For a joke they Ivied to see how mow they could ge edge of the melte The current wee etrong, and they found thetuseive,s being swept down. 'Non, pulled with all their strength, 1111d might. linve got clear had not a their - pin broken. Next moment. the boat wns swept 01 or Ilie Weii. (111d both the melt 1‘01.0 (IA/Wiled. The lady floated, nod wits rescued by 11 S110(111101'. An accident ludicreue but for its dan- gerous consequences happeneil some years ago at a 1(0111 waterhig-place. wer_ ceugs. ey ..to _se and Pour people ( n 1 I 1 II li 1 lesok refbge oit a widow ledge of rock belew the cliffs. Three boatmen, seeing their plight, at 01160 set to work lei launch an 'indent boat which hung from davits at the end a the pier. 11 is said that she had' never touched the water for thirty yeats. Anyhow, she WO: hardly afloat, before she went. le pieces like a craft of cardboard, aro) her crew had to swim foe mew lives, For. tunately they were n11 saved. Sonic years ego it small yncht wns moiety wrecteed oft Ilfracombe hy liege (telt of the whale varlets., 14 fret inches in length, whiell jump() right aboard her. A somewhat .similtn• acci- dent. oceurred to a party in 11 smell towing -bout in Kingston Ilarlow, fitionlen, two years ago. The party, who wore all Olsiters, had gone out for a moonlight row W110)1 they done upon n school or mullet, and without the slightest werning the fish began to jump high out of Ow wider In every direelion. Duff a dozen hig scaly fellows came in10 the bout. One landed right in the lap of one of the Indies. frighten - Mg het, so badly that she made 11 spring to one side and fell overboard, They had the greateet difficulty in gelling her In the hout nguln.-London Tit -Bits. — WIRELESS Itse DAYLIGHT. ' -- Prof. Fessenden Announces the Dbeov- ery of a New Impulse, In a recent communication to the Electrician of London, Not. 11. A. Fes- senden states that lie 116 developed a new method of sending wireless tele- geaphic messages during the daytime hy means of a different type of de:Orient impulse from that which he Mot pre- viously employed. This 511pulS0 rale made it possible to cut down the ab- sorbing power of daylight to a smell fraction of its previous amount, syetem hus been tried from Brant flock, Mass„, to the West Indies, the dos tunce being approximately the slime as that from Newfoundland lo Ireland, The success is so notice/1111e that Prof. -Fes- .senden believes that hemsallentle Wire- kss telegraphy during daylight is us - suf;e1" 1 ow impulses ore less efficient hde. (teeing nighttime than the old ones, but they give vesults which are equally good by night, and 1:1t, clny. A comparison be- tween the effectiveness of transmission obtained through [bete use nticl 1110 use of the office typo Is about as follows, the clislenee being ft•oni Brant Rock to Washington, D. C. When the old impulse produces im effect equivalent to 1,200 between the Ilcuriff of 10 nod 12 night, the some im- pulse weatild give n sh'ength of elgita1 between 12 and 12.30 al noon of only thirty. '17110 110W impulse under the same teddillons will produce an effect al, the receiving station of nixed eighty he - 1140011 10 and 12 al, night nod of 500001Y - sit. between '12 end 12.30 at noen. The fact that the newer signets nee winker in daytime than the old is thought to be of 330 e.onsequenee, 11111111 more inipOrtant Dint 111eIT sk 111(1 be no masked difference between the tratientission during the daytime and at night. Bough monsuremenis over disInnees seem to slimy that the lype of impulse does fall off eome- \\Soil, W11011 lennsmilling 1500 nilles oi• move, lett that, the rale of falling off tines rail compere with ihnt of the old type of impulse, so IMO the signals received are prrssirig wireless prohli.111 au,iiiiIng solution,' says the mectroul Review, end 111 at 1.5 the.elifY01- 05111011. of comilieweally praelienble (sii,•11(1,e. saidun rtsflr,n,fil,r,11:gs (tie another 1110 lbse tor the new stolem is0(1;lelnelalliiillelin1,1,111Sit'S'41.111e Atlantic will not kg111 to hataile the ineeenges tollite111 111111,,e, tronsmitted daily. nod lint wirelwei system calf handte ik., th stone minder of mossegee the vette evel..11) has oolliing In Mote (Avon scleclit 1155$1111s,,,,111,. n11 (memo. ( 11 will tireoliii. preento :'11(..171111:'1'11'11111i1INitefll'i:11,1'1'i, st. 1111)111::1:: Suber.iillate position, OUGHT PEOPLE TO SMOKE Two GROUNDS 1.,PON IT IS. CONDEMNED. • \Veit K11015'11 Doctor Site's the Moderato, Use 01 Tobacco Is Nut Injurious. Smokers are frequently tempted tO in- ' dense [twit' consumption of tobacco, in, proportion lo the extension of leisure at command. Stocking excels n spedat Instillation when it met' lye indulged every moment throughout the day. Tho (3.1.; i swttliehiri ityt slut:4:4(.314i dmi,131110- cei heliday hone The mere absence of restyle:ions letole holed, pleasure-. seekers to Is, move free than other- wise vvould, writes Dr. ,10s01111 COM' 111 l'4,11r-,(111'S Week ly, eignitel.euct,illteviititvfle17 11111 \q',,-ettait;t1mS.ortrtibhtty7 oe serious conselerallon, are the poison- ous arlion of the nleoline. and the useless. 17.1titeerntoliblujorcen,enniti Let us take the That tohnece is neressily for health heppiness 110 $0110 pereon would ever contend. All that Its most devoted friends eim dello Is, that smokhig ts Eul inexpenelve luxury. A luxury. 111 that /1110111,1 1111 11111011111 of enjoyment out. ,yr all itiopertion to its trifling coet. •Ntore seri.oue loom results from luck of self-eontrot with regard to dietary than 0401 likely to follow float -even 011 oN011SSire use of tobacco. Indeed, there - is not a single thing \NI! enjoy, though It be perfectly right anti lawful in Mat is nolo equally open to some shnItar• ol.jection. ALTERED BEATING OE TUE IlEAllT. Portions the strongest argument sup-• posed to tell against tio, smoker ls bused. upon tile toilsoitous nollon of nicotine when It tuts enteved the circulatory sys- hen. This intoxicntion has never beets. disputed, for it inevitably 10110A's a WO - extravagant C011511111111100 of tobacco. Yet 11 is only when the smoking is ex- ,esstve 111111 any Minoru! influence is eevrted on the healthy body. Exactly the 5111110 kind Of IONIC pro- perties that non-smokers [(seethe to 10 - batty) attach to vegetable groWths- conotion und daily use. N•Stv, what Ilre• 1110 (10111.111.5111s SO fre- quently. described as the direct oilleoine. 1: excessive smoking? 'they 1111' but two in number. (1) An altered rhythm in the beating of the heart; and t2) ail impairment. of vision, which reduces lite - power of distinguishing eolors. These conditions ure bnffight tthout unlese the smoking hes Son ear - vied to unwarrantable excess. When eillirr of them ie ueleeled, whether l'y the physician or the emeker lit/Itself, there is ample wanting to put a num 011 Ills guard. If Ile is 1.1'01111)101 10 1.0(15:0. 0,)11s11115111011 Of 105114T», Or to nban-• dol. 511,,sing altogether, the trouble. Soon (.1010'S 111), 011(1 11.) pet.manent. Ins jury is the least likely to ensue. The Ink Professor Huxley oneo wrote,. ''Shere is no more harm in a pipe than there is in a cup of Mii. You may poi- youreelf by eating too ninny beef- steaks." Dr. Lard:ester said, "I dare not as a. 1,11y:doh-mist or h list 3011 yett that there exists Rny ',roof of an injurious hithieuee air toliaiatot whorl used in moderaltoit. The first symptoms of gid-• palpitutien, indolenre, 01. imeasiness whtlst smoking should In- duce you to lay it aside. 11. SMOKING DISAGREES WMI YOU. Of course, whether at home or on a. holiday, if a stubbornly persists in strati:log after it shows signs of disa- greement, he must -expect to have to pay foe It. If a men who ordinarily stool:es, say, Iwo ounces a week doubles or bottles this quantity os a holidny plea - Aire, then his smoking lays him open 10 serious risks. Some constitutions' are less 10141%4 of lohneeti num others; just as there aro some who cannot snout the "cold tub." 1.01 such persons there can be hut one sensible course to follow, and Mat Is to give up smoking altogether, however ginetelatparovdee.nrivallon its abandonment; The opponents of smoking base th.eir arguments on evidence c011ected from cases of abuse, the ineviluble conse- quence of which is, that. their allegations evevy smoker were being slowly poison - fall to accord with established facts. If se death woud take place at an earlier nge, and fatalities' would gradually in- t:settee till thole number reediest an Marming figure. The few practice' hints that follow 1ng SP:T011.:°11-1\etv0svilile151.11°d1 511.001teliscontinued once, if the slightest illsegreeable effect is. produced on the smoker. (2) Whether using 1.1 pipe. cigar, or cigarette, cense before the tobacco Is en- tirely awed up, because the accumulated products of combeestion are q1111.0 as Imienful as 1131011110 114011. 13) lf smoking induces the habil of ex- pectorating, It may be preferable to give 1111.'1113•11f111TeN1111,v5I'e. often asked whether pipe, eigur, or 'cigarette is least injurious, arid no. only rational reply to be given is, them is little if 1111y difference. Far greater imporlmice ellachee to the goal - of 1110 article consunt.ed, Use only lhe best materiel, foe a good article proves serest, and cheapest in Me cral. ---.-...-'s.----..- PIDLESS 1.1EITAIN. Eggs' altel litiNin tieing the ern) pale 111(1111111 of liberty, 1,:rr rew ;wit. mi.:peeling Englishmen eoneider their Itenkfitsi compli•le without teem, 11, Nally sevimio news to Ilene that the if,upply of native pigs Is falling off, s•ii marked ie the ililleieney thal llie botch - and pork ottoot,,,,o, Too, Atit,ojtta„ Coe of Birmingham tool have Ilvaight noyesory 10 issue spreial i,iretilar ratting allentien le iffrottl foff w,, that. 1,,e (he ic11,10,1 .111110, 10115, was if docri iit 1115 nooller of pigs in the Untied, lOing, dem 41 101.1131). 111111 H1111 11411) 111111W1'11 1141.1I/1'1. 111 1.11111.' 1,11 1111111.0 Man $1,1)1111, ‘41111'11 VV1'111111 it {welder 1013 -0' all itwifelte,if 1111)1•0 111011 51051 sle,