HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-10-3, Page 5O. t. • l WB NAN TBIZABBY I g l ll� 1011 CENTRAL et a good calory owatte every graduate of The Central Business. Collage Experience )hrovee thio positively. linter (wy time. Catalogue tree, Write W. H. SHAW, Principal 'rouge &'Gerrard eta., Toronto BUSINESS CARDS, iff:1. MoORACREN— Issuer of Marriage Licenses, of. I�r ut Grocory,Turuberry street, brussels. WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES 011111e In the Post OHlee, E11101. 10.4 BERTHA C. ARMSTRONG Is prepared to give lemons on Piano or Heed Organ, Terms ou application. Puttottioe address -Brussels. Eminence - Lot 8, Con. 10, minence- Lot8,Cou.10, (trey. Puplle may have their lessons at Moir own homes 11 proferred. MISS LAURA SPENCE Teacher of Plano or Organ ETHEL, ONT. MISS MARGARET M'LAUCHLIN TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared for the 'Toronto Conservatory of Music. JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Company Oaluo and lteeldenee- W Af.T ON. ONT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM1 18001ANca, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. MONEY TO WAN ON FARM PROPERTY Rate of intermit 54 per coot par annum, first 1001(110 LIFE ANO FIRE INS. AGENT I:moister Life Insurance Company The Equity Fire Iueura0mo Company All buniunee attended to promptly. H. R. BREWER, J. P. Clark 4111 Division Court. AUCTIONEERS. (' S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - 1• HRR, will Bell for butter prices, to 0, ter luau, In lose time tied lees chargee tban any other Auctioneer in least Huron or hu W0n't charge anything. Dates and orders ccu nlwnye be arranged at this 011100 or by p-rsoual application. ROBT. H. GARNISS 13LUEVALE - ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the offio0 of THE POST, Brussels. 2111 VETERINARY. A. CUNNINGHAM— VI • Honor ,iradua:0 of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all Ma- mma of domesticated animals in a compet- ent manner, Par1loular attention paid to Veterinary Ueut1Otry and Milk Fever. 00.118 promptly attended to. Otfiae and infirmary -Four doors North of bridge, 'Mulberry et., Brussels. 'Phone 4110 LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. AB. MACDONALD— • Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, BM. Successor to ti. F. Blair, 00100 over Stan- dard Sauk, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro- politan Back, A 1 M. SINCLAIR- - , V • Barrister, Solioltor,.OooVoyao0e0, h,,tury Public, 010, O111oo-Stewart's Block 1 door North Of Contral lintel, Solicitor for the Standard Bank. pLtO'UDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR- 23ANLtI5TNR YUBLISOLICITORS, NOTARIES W. 1'a0euhruoT, K. 0. N. 0. 111y8 G. F'. Brant. OMoes-Teo0e formerly 000upiod by Lle0er0 Uamarpu & 11012. QNTARIO, GODER100, DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD. DENTIST (iradualo of Ibe Royal college of Mutat Surgeons of Ontario and Pilat•ela80 Honor Graduate of Toronto Uulvereity. Onloe next tO Brewer'B Pbot0graph Oel10ry, BRUSSELS. sYt i il= t4:�a tYBt a Q f ,ppp Hundreds of Students of the Ip 4b Popular and Successful n ELL/OTT TORONTO( ONS'. ty Have scoured positions this year. PR • Demand is for greater than the sup. 14 ply, Edueato for b slitete poBitioila end yeti will got them, but the Ode- cation Must bo FutsT•OLAes. s"tad• ante admitted at any limo, Write IS for dotatogue, LIW. 3, nnra00T, Principal,' don, YoNon atm 01121ANnen Sa'o. silly tit l li STRATFORD, ONT. aWo have 0 deuertmente 1 Oostmeno1AL, fl Nn0IvrrUND and Tango -APRT. We t` employ leu best teuuhurn that moony . oau hire, our courses aro thorough and practical and We assist worthy students t0 positions. Those who wish to get a monoywantkiug Education should gut the butt. Write ler our �, new catalogue and get partiomlurs. Tills le 1(18 best time of year to ea- ' tor our classes, ELL10PT dt MoLACHLAN, Principals. • =El m'at" _1 Bo Sam' tgC.etUS 1t.Cin OOTOBEn Coco weather, GET ready for Winter. Ooit'Pelephone is No 21. Became Council next Monday even• ing. SoaooD Board Friday evening of next Werk. BUTTER and eggs keep at top notch prices. HowroE Township Fall Fair will be held at Gorrie on Saturday of tine week. THE Poop and Toronto Weekly Globe front now to Jan, let 1909 for the small sum of 91.60. THANKSGIVING Day will be held On Thurodey,Outober31e6, tide year and will be a paella holiday. SUBSCRIPTION pries to all United Staten subeoriberoie $1.50 a year, pay able strictly in advance. VOTERS' Liet Court for Brussels will be held on Tuesday, Cot. 8th, et 10 o'clock, Judge Doyle will preside. PLAN of reserved Beet.' for Full Fair Ouuoert, Oot. 4111 at Fox's Drug Store. Same your Beat early. Tile program will be a choice one. Toe 91st Regimental Baud are Sand• tee, 21 of them will Dorno to Brussel' Thursday awning Oot. 3rd for the Fall Fair. People 'Mould not miss this op portunity of hearing them. 'AUT.Ootarrrh treatments are being mailed out free, on request, by Dr. Shoop, Buoine, Wie. These teats are proving to the peepe-Without a pan• ny'0 oost-the great value of thio eoien- ti6o presoriplion known to druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. Sold by all deelem. TnAT meningitis le a disease easily contracted and highly contegione, and that the Provincial and local Boards of Health should locate all tutees and report the same, wee the eubelanoe of a resole tion adopted by the Canadian Medical Aeeooiotioo at their 010015g eessiotl in Montreal. Thorne In The Mien Even worse ie the agony of corns, Why suffer -core ie waiting in every drug store in the form of Putnam's Corn Extraotor Which relieves et once, mires thoroughly and without pain, For good results tree only "Putuam'e," UNIT= 202000 SBBSooxnono -Sub °orittent in the United States must re member that Tun POST is $150 and not onfie paper. octets ne 0o a up n91.00 eaoh Itonlys tient we have to deduce) the postage and send the paper for the rest, so fee es it goes. Stomach troubles, heart and kidney allmento, can be quickly oorreoted with a prescription (mown to druggists every- where verywhere as Dr. Shoop'. Reetorativs. The prompt andonrprioing relief whish thin remedy immediately brings is euttrely due to its Restorative action upon the controlling nerves of the etomaah, eto. THE General solicitors of the Michigan Central Railway have notified J. H Rodd, County Crown Attorney, Windsor, that they aooept liability for the damage done in Essex by the repent explosion of a oar of dynamite on their tracks and the claims will be BetUed as x00(1 as they eau be adjusted without litigation. Tho claims have all been filed with the town clerk of Essex and total about $50,000. This does not inolads the personal Sum - ages for those who were killed and injur• ed in explosion. The company's prop. erty lose ie estimated at about $50,000. The company's decision p:a000 them in a favorable light with the publio, Rosy Cheeps For Pale tllris Don't be debarred troro atraugth and spirit, don't give. In to illness and despair, Ferrozone supplies tette and vigor through which all 1808tion8 of womanly life are maintained and fortified, From Now Riohmond, Que., oomee the follow ing etabement trom sire, Isidore Boieeon exult ; "I lake deep pleasure in testify- ing to the powerful iufluenoe of Ferro. zone. For years my daughter Into been pole nod sickly -showed signs of ad vauoed anaemia. Her lips got e0 white nod her ehoeke 00 devoid of Dolor 1 feared 0oneumption. I can certify Fermenta made an exoollent ogre, and today my daugeter'o health is the best." 50o per box at ell dealers, AN EDITOR WHO WENT TO JAIL -TOrOn to Saturday Night of teat week Gaye :-- A. H. N. Jenkins, formerly well known as a joarooliel in Grey, Bruoe and Huron counties, was in Toronto this Week, atter an absence of eighteen ysare. He baa resided for Boma years in Grand Rapids, Mich., where be is editor and publisher of The Time', an intereeti0g weekly paper. Mr. Jenkins wag the ebormy petrol of local jour0aliem in the Ontario counties where be wielded his pen, and tnany will remember that when he was editing a paper in Brussels damag00 were aseeooed against him in a libel snit, but ae he flatly refused to pay, and declared he would go to prieo0 to vindicate the right of the press to exer oieo freedom of epeeoh-to jail he was tiotnmitted, and for weeks wrote burning editorisle in his more or lege anoomfort• able cell. The mase made quite a Mir at the time, Mr. Jenkins, now grown stoat and proeperoue,looke bank on the events pt that period with genial amassment. To °hook a oold quickly, get from your druggtet some little Candy Cold Tablets marled Preventing. Deuggiote everywhere aro now dispensing P,eventipe, for they are not only safe, but decidedly oertafo and prompt. Twenties ooetain no Quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh nor etokening, 'Yukon at the "sneeze stage" Prevention will prevent Pneumonia, Brondhitie, La Grippe, eto. Renee tiro name, Twenties. Good for feverish ohildren. 48 Prevsntice 25 cents. 1J.'rial. 130500 5 els, Sold by all dealers, lam 2*EliVAMEVJEAtiitretwISEiriatETEIBrItStElitelititteliM026611AfeeistiterfttiNtlefte•9 .9E) Balihxw eear,t Stall Pain '1'hilrellay and prim 1 1110 settlement of Vaaenelee Was referred day of this week. to the Committee on Remits, to be (gn•- Pr HEAP tho Slot Higblaudero Regimental eldered and reported on et the Deoember Band from fletniltne at Bhtesele Fall meeting, The Aoeenbl)'o Olmmlttee report 00 Ohnroh Uulon wait referred to eo omomittee °ornpused of Dr. Murray, Marrero, Perrle and Mo'lferrpil mitteut pules, allvaye mane weak atom• with inelruetione to present ash nerves or weals heart cereal. , the whole question to the court for die - Strengthen Ihooe Weide or controlling MOM= ai Ilse December meeting. On nerves with Dr. 8hoop'o Restorative motion of Mr, Tait 11 was agreed to and neo how gciolsly these ailments die tender the thanks of the Presbytery to appear. Dr. Shoop. of Beanie, Wie , the O5loiel Board of the Methodist will mall eamp'ee free, Write for them. Ohureli fpr their kindness is granting the A. lest will tell. Your health Is certain- 000 of their Obaroh .building for the ly worth this simple trial, Sold by all present meeting, The Presbytery ad - dealers, learned to meet et Wingham on the third Tuesday In Deoembor at 11 a. m , by the d'1 rot -rt.. Moderator pronouncing the Benediction. ANpnaw MooNAB, Olerk. Walton, Sept. 22nd, 1907. Fair. A weals otomaoh, omitting dyepepeia, a week heart with palpitation ur tutor. Sonora. REPonT-Following ie the report basest on general proficiency of the eohoiare of el S. No, 8, Morrie, lot August and September, Numee are in order of merit, An asterisk alter a name denote. an examination missed :- V• -Dora Waloon. Jr. IV. -Lillian Watson, Mary Speir, Ella Clark"•. Jr. IIT. Aggie Brodehaw, Harold Kerney, Myrtle Wheeler•"• Janie Al000k•, Kenzie Sherrie"', John Paoemoro'•, Bezel Nichol•"". -Sr. I[. -Maggie Speir, Janet Confute, Willie Cannon". Jr, 1I - Erneet Michie, Andrew Nichol, Willie Clark E sie Gorman, Eueaell Bradshaw, Gladys McNeil"•, Sam A'000k". Po, II, -Norman Speir and Violet Me0raoken (equal), John McNeil, Ivan MOArtei". Br. Pt, 1. -Barbaro Bradshaw and Rena Oloakey (ague-). Jr. Pt, 1. -Russel ,Merits, Ansi° Al000k. Beet epelle,s, Lillian Watson, Ivan MoArter, Ernest Miobie. 91, L. Keen, Tenohee. Shake iliums With Asthma Awfully distreeeing ie asthma. But worse if possible when oombined with Bronchitis. Relieved quicker by Catarrh• ozone than anything else -cured err thoroughly by Cutarrbozooe that it doesn't return. Cvlarrhozone'o healing vapor to breathed right into the lunge, destroying the oa0ee of Asthma and enooeede in the most chronic oases. Try it. Two aims 25o end $1 00 at all deal ere. Presbytery of Maitland. The Presbytery of Maitland met in Teeewater on Tueedey, 17th 1net„ with the Moderator, Rev. John Radford in the affair, Mr. Smith reported that owing to anti gration to the West the North Kinloss charge had become considerably redacted in the Dumber of families of late, and found itdimoole to meet obligotione, He bad been authorized to ask on behalf of thecherge thee the Presbytery make op• plication to the Augmentation Committee for help to the extent of $75 for the our - rent quer. Atter consideration of the malt,r it was decided to appoint Messrs. fait, MaKerrotl and Bremner, with their representative Eldora, a committee to visit the charge, consider the matter, and report to the next meeting of the Presby. tory, Rev. Alexander Ester, of 0ooke'8 Church, Toronto, being present was i0• vited to est as a oorreeponding member. Meaera. Wishart and McRae were ap- pointed auditors for the preeeut year. The Young Peoples' Sooietioe report was given by Mr. Radford. This allowed that while the oumerieal etr0ug1h had (thereto ed there wee a .tight inurea80 its ootltriba• flout for the sohemeo of the church, and a total increase for all purp0eee of $40. Mr. West reported for the Home Mission Oommittee, stating that to meet the obli• gallons of the Home suasion Committee 6,r the current year, $20,000 more than Inez year are required, or $170.000 ae against $150,000 last year. This will in volve greater effort ou the part of the oocgregatious, it the year is not to end with a deficit, Mr. Burnet reported for the Foreign Mission Committee, referring eapeoially to the recent visit of some of the congregation within the bounds by Bev. J. T. Taylor,. of Mhow, India. These reports Were all received, and the oonvenere and committees thanked, KaE.'re. Darman sod Tait were appointed members of the exeoutive of the Young Peoples' Presbyterial Association. Meese. Perris and Craw report ed their attendance at the General Ae- trembly. Mr. Burnet moved in a000rdao- oe v(ith notion given at the previous meeting that the Moderator be appointed for six mouths instead of for twelve mouths as at present. The motion was seconded by Inspector Chisholm and oar. ried. It wait thereupon moved by Mr. MacNab, eeoonded by Mr. MoLeod and carried that Rev. D. B. McRae be Moder mot for the ensuing nix mouths. Mr, Barnet moved in 0aoordenoe with notice previously given, amended by Mr. West, that at the devotional examinee on the opening of Presbytery meetiuee the Moderator, or one prevtonely appointed by him give an oddrese or Bible talk oo• onpying abont 15 or 20 minutes, Tbie was carried. Mr, MaoNab read the re. port of the Committe ou Standing Oom• mitteee, This contained the re0ommen. dation that cuuvener0 ut committees be appointed for three years in en00eaoion, and that wheu o oonvener has served three year., on any committee, he be not then eligible for the same oonvenerehip until anntber hair expired. The report with its reoommendation was adopted. The Standing Committees for the ease, tug year tie follows :-Home Minions, Mr. West, Dr. Murray, Mr. Miller, and their Eldora, Foreign Missions, Meagre, Burnet, Perrin, Radford and Elders. Augmentation, Megan. Multi°, Porde, McLeod and their Elders. Sabbath Sohoole, Meagre: MoKerroll, Duncan, Smith and their Enders. Young Peoplee' Sealable°, Messrs, Radford, Ruth- erford, Bremner and their Elders. Aged and Infirm Mi0ietero, Masora, Mc. Rae, Wishart, West and their Elders. Ohnrob Lite and Work, Moser°, Craw, MaoLe0nan, Hestia and their Elders. Systematio Beuefloenoe, Meier.. Perrin, Burnet, Tait and their Elders, Stelie• tine, Meagre. Maimed, Bremner, Smith end tide Elders. Finance, Meeere, Wishart, Naito, MacNab and their Eidetic, Examination of 8budenis, Meters. Perris, Tait, West and their Eldere. Remits, Meagre, Miller; Mao. Lotman, Craw and their Elders. Tem. peraupe and Moral and Social Reform, Mum, Dnnoan, MoTierroil, MaoNab-and their Elders. The first named in each cane is Convener. Mr. Heade reported for the Augmentation onimittoe and lO stated that 42o per family is the oontri- Mabion required to meet the eemmittee'e requiremeate foe the year, or 22o per Grey Council Meeting. The Council met pertinent to order Monday, Sept. 28rd, et 10 it, m., in the Township Holl, Ethel. Members all present, Reeve iu the chair, Minutes of last meeting read and passed. Moved by John Grant, seeoaded by John Oott, that John Brown attend to the requisition of Adam Turnbull re °leaning out of a portion of the Hall Drain, on lot 15, sou, 7, also examine the the on lot 14, coo. 7, Carried. Moved by J. hn 0u11, mended by John Brown List Jen. MoFadzean at. tend to requisition of Arch. McLean re cleaning portion of Mo'!'aggart Drain on mare of Int 28, oon 17. Carried. Moved by John Brown, seconded by Jae. MoFadzean and oorried that the following ao°oante be paid :- Jno. McLeod, 8 culverts on Mill Bead and 1 at lot 28, eon. 7..$ 6 90 A. McInnes, shovelling gravel.. '2 60 John Lowe, gravel 34 90 John Lowe, fence viewere Award (W. Buttery and R. Cox 2 00 Arthur Denman, rep'g culvert, S. R. 6, ono. 12 1 00 Jae, D. McNair, rep'g culvert, 8. R, 4, con. 13 1 60 David lnglie, shovelling grovel4 00 Peter Tarr, clement tile.,,54 18 Wm. Fraser, gravel 4 00 Don. Neabel, filling oolver0, S. R. 5, con. 15 2 50 Cuthbert Hatohineoo, filling waehoub, B. R. 5, con, 6 2 50 Cuthbert Hutchinson, farm bridge, 6101 eon. Drain 10 00 A. Hill & Go„ part payment ou bridges 1000 00 Thos. Chapman, rep'g •oloeete, spouts and fence at Hall3 00 Henry Smith, cleaning Award Drain, bdy Grey and E!ma Grey's abase 5 00 George Elliott, filling woahoot Grey and Waltooe bdy., Grey's share 7'6 Joo. Coughlin, oolvert on Grey and Elms bdy. Grey's share2 60 Amos Smith, shovelling gravel1 25 Henry Felker, planing cement tile, Wallace bdy., Grey'sebare 3 75 Jacob Gane, Award Drain on Wallace bdy„ Grey's share5 00 T. Nolan, drawing plank and rep'g culvert, S, R. 1, eon. 17 3 00 John McDonald, elm plank65 Humphrey & Sone, use of jaok for rep'g oolvert 25 Thomas Alcock, farm bridge, Ewen Drain 15 00 Jae, McFadden, inepeoting farm bridge, Eweo Drain 50 Neil McTaggart, pt. payment om oon,raol, S. R 5,. eon. 16. 20 00 Robs. Oloee, gravel 4 88 Samuel Burke, gravel 8 00 Arthur Smith, tile drain morose road at lot 5, eon, 61 50 Walter Yoill, wood, board, draw• ing wood, nee of Cole's engine, Grey & Morrie bdy 12 00 John R. Williamson, inepeoting! Boauuhoenp bridge abatment0 6 00 John R. Williamson, placing' plank on Clark's bridge, 8. R. 3,0o0.17 4 50 8. S. Cole, Beauchamp bridge, abutment° 818 45 John McFadden, gravel 6 24 Dan. McKinnon, rep'g 0nivert, 8.R.1,00n,9 500 Louis Hollinger, rep'g Wean,. lot 9. con. 9 3. 50 8. Miller, gravel and gravelling tot 4. eon, 1R •9 12 John Huffman, gravel 1 36 David Milne, farm bridge Love'. Drain _ '15 00 H. R. Elliott, pt. Oommotation' Statute Labor, 1906 4 00 Council then adjourned to meat on October 21et, at 10 e. m. JOHN MOINTORH, Olerk. MAITLAND PRESBYTERIAL. The Prebyterial Union of Y. P. S. 0. H. held two see0ion0,'one in the afternoon and the other in the 'evening, in Teee• water on Tuesday of Sept 17th Bev. L. Perrin, of Wroxeter, President of the Union, presided at both meebin,0e. Ow. ing to the meeting in the attelbodiet Uharob, the nttendanoo at the afternoon session wag not eo large as miglvo be ex pooled but there was a splendid and tip- preoiaNve attendance in the evening. The afternoon program oonerieted of devotional exeroieee, aondnoled by the president, a paper by Mime Alice L. Davies, of Ethel, enbjeol ;-"A Live En. deavor-What aonetitntee it?" An ad• addreee by Rev. W. A. Bremnee : "How the Paotcr may help the Christian En - cleaver" ; A paper by Dr, Michell, Wroxeler, on 'Enthusiasm." (Io the abeenoe of Dr. Mitchell Mr, Fermis road this paper) ; A paper by Mine Alioe Little, Teeewater, ''What does Okrielian Endeavor Mean ?" 'Address by Rev. Mr. Craw : "The influence of the Study of Scripture Doctrine on the Formation of Oheraater." The address and papers were, with out exception, appropriate and good and each was followed by a brief dieouoelon. At the evening 0000(0n Rev. L. Perrin again 000npied the °hair. Bev. Mr, Week presented the report of the troaenrer, A000rding,to it the Union iso in it good condition littanoially though. the surplus le slightly lees than a year. ago. The eleatlon of diners for the coming! year vaulted as totlowe :-Pres„ Rev.. J, J. Beetle, Boigrove ; Viae Pres„ G. P. Donato, Whileohuroh ; Roe, 8eo'y.,, dl t Correa. Mise Alice Little, Teeewn er 0 r ponding Hedy,, Rev.. A. 0. Wishart„ member. It wee deoided that we ask, t Brendle ;'Treae., Rev. W, 3. Weer, Bine. member of the General Agoembly'o Om' vale ; Councillors -Rev. Limit) P.'rrtn,, miltee to addro00 the Presbytery al the Wroxeter ; Mdes Rate McDonald, Teoe• Deaelnbor meeting. A aommmtleatioa re water ; Mise loggia Barclay, Wlugbani 66 PER R CG / V/ . more poplin attending than one year ago, This speaks eloquently as to our peat work. We educate to meet tee living demands of a progressive age, Our Stenographers and Book- keepers delight the moot modern, ex- acting city ouiooe. Day students attend night olatees free. °manatee plumed to good alt. uatlone, .Now ie the beat time to 0n• for the Wingham Business College GEo. SPOTTON, Principal Miss Alioe Davies, Ethel ; P. McArthur, Brussels, The ohief feature of the evening's pro• gram wag an addrree by Rev. Alex, Ester, of Gook's Church, Toronto. Mr. Ester, who to a worthy Bummer of Mr. Patter. eon, ranks among the beet pulpit orators of the country, and es might be expeoted, his address was eloquent and ieopiring fu a high degree. Other numbers on the evening's pro gram were eeleetione by the oboir and Bolos by Mise Zetta Ferguson and Mies Helen Little. EAT WHAT YOU WANT. Science ties Now Found a 'Prue Way to cure Indigestion. A few years ago, when a eofferer from lodigeetioa 010(11020 stomach specialist, the reeult was a rigid diet Ila( that al. most meant starvation. By dint of the moot patient experi• meote valence has finally found out that to make sure of good digestion you ehonld eat what your etomaob aeks for ; of coarse, oeing moderation. Bat the Bret thing to do in the case of indigestion or stomach weakoeae is to strengthen the moonier walla of the etomaob and intestines, so that they will care for the food that le eaten, In no other way ciao this be done se well as by taking a 1111 na tablet be. fore eaoh meal. Thio restores strength to the otomaoh muscles and stimulates the pouring onl of gastric lnioee, e0 that the food is digested readily and its nourishment retained in the system to build op energy and vitality. Do not think the eiolt boadaohe, heart born, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, Epote before Ibe eyes, sleepless. neve and the many other symptoms that are the direct reenit of indigestion, will go away of themselves. The stomach mast be built up and slrengtheoed by MI o•na before you can be well and strong, free from suffering and distress, In many of the beet homes in Brussels and adjoining towns, the handy little Mi•o•na tablets, so pleasant to take, yet e0 effective, have give8 quick and lasting relief from iudigeotion andthatdisagree- able full feeling after eating. Mint -ria is sold by drnggiete every• where for 50 cents, and we positively gnerantee to refund your money ehonld you purab0ee a box and be dlseatiefled with re°nite. Write for tree sample, addreeoing Booth's Mkt na, Box 977, Boffolo, N. Y. FAIL DRESS GOODS in all the Latest Materials and Leading Shades We are showing a good range of Broadcloths, Venetians, Chiffon Amazons, Panarnas, Platin Cloths, Poplins, Henl'iettas, Lustros, &c,, ranging in price 6 o to $135per yd. from U From Whom are You .Going to Buy ? From a reliable firm where you erre what you are getting 0r front some agent who don't itnow one kind of Granite from another and cares only for his commieeiou as agent ? We employ no egente and gnarautee all our work for five years. Wilson & Ilunter Ic 011109,1L6 1 Stoma° t trout to is but a symptom of, and not !nitwit a true disease. . Wo think of Dyspepsia, Hearth= 1, anti Indigestion as r0it1 diseases, yet they are symptoms 0(117 of a certain spociflo Nerve sickness -nothing also. It wast lis fact that first correctly led Dr. Shoop In the creation of that now very popular Stomach Remedy -Dr. 8hoop's Restorative, Cuing (fired to the stomach nerves, alone brought that success and favor to Dr, Shoop and his Restorative, With- out that original and highly vital principle, no such tastier/ accomplishments wore ever to belted. For stomach distress, bloating, biliousness, bad breath and sallow cooploalon, try Dr. Snoop's Restorative -Tablets or Liquid-athd see for 0001'. reef what it can and w111 do. Wo sell and cheer - tour recommend )r. hoop's Restorative "ALL DEALERS" Also a large collection to choose from in Fancy Suitings in Plaids, Checks and Ombre Stripes. DRESS—MAKING ROOMS Under the Management of MISS MOARTER, are now open for the Fall season where you may have your Dresses made up in the latest City Styles at reasonable prices. t'Ste ldm•d Faehion Sheets, Catalogues and Patterns for Ootober now to hand. The Standard are the Beet and Cheapest Patterns on the market. A Faehion Sheet each month free to those who pall for them. NO FANCY PRICES, - EVERYTHING CHEAP. ALEX. ACRAL! MI LINEllY MISS ST RACHAN WE beg to announce to our Customers that our Style and Display Room is in readiness for you. We have gathered together from the leading Fashion centres the handiwork of the moat skilled Designers and Fashion Creators which we are showing in con- junction with clever and practical ideas from our own Trimming Room. We will be very glad indeed to have you call and see our lines as we believe we have -the very BEST Styles and Merchandise obtaivable and desire an opportun- ity to show you. We thank our many customers for past favors and solicit their continuance. ISA: BELLE STRACH \N BRUSSELSEVAPORATOR On and after !Friday, September 20th, 25c. per bag will be paid for Winter apples and 20c for good paring Fall apples delivered at time Factory. No smlt11 or soft apples will be taken. J. CUNNINGHAM, Proprietor NATIONAL Roller. lour 1 Ills Every good house -wife knows how necessary it is to have good Flour to snake her Bread and Pastry palatable White Loaf Flour possesses all the qualities that go to make a nice, white, spongy loaf. Once you have want none other. this brand you will CHOPPING IgG CENT' PER BAG V'�o/�- I�-/iR147 � CENTS BAG t'�s All kinds of Fed kept constantly on band. . A. PRYNE BRUSSELS