HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-10-3, Page 4Zee trtustts gust, 71.137 RSD.4Y, 001'.3, 1907, 13LYTH FALL FAIR. Ivlondey and Tnesday of last week were the clave of Blyth Fall Fair and could not easily have been more un- favorable and as a result the atteudanco Was poor compared with the crowds of 'ether years end the gate receipts cor- respondingly lessened, Music was supplied by the Clinton Fife and Drum Band, The prize list was as follows Horses,- Heavy Draught: - Brood mare, Laidlaw Bros„ G. T. Dale ; foal, Joseph Shipley, Laidlaw Bros. ; two year old gelding or filly, John Scott, Laidlaw Bros. ; year old gelding or filly, G, T. Dale ; team mares or geld- ings, John Denholm, James Leiper ; best four colts, Wm, Morrison, Wm, Johnston, Agricultural. -Brood mare, A, Mc- Leod, A. W. Sloan ; foal, A, McLeod, W. 3, MoBrien ; two year old gelding or filly, Laidlaw Bros., 8, Don ; year old gelding or filly, Laidlaw Bros., John Brown ; team, John Fells, Jas. Forster, General Purpose. --Brood mare, W, 3, 111oBrien, 11, Godkin jr. ; foal, C. W. Taylor, S. Don ; two year old gelding or filly, M, Lockhart, W. G. Ross ; year old gelding or filly, John Brown, Al. Lockhart ; team, 0. W. Taylor, Ai. Lockhart. Carriage. -Brood mare, Adam El- liott ; foal, Adam Elliott. Roadster. -Brood mare, Thos. Black, Thoinas Archer ; foal, Thomas Archer, David Cook ; two year old gelding or filly. Lorne E. Butt ; year old gelding or filly, John Lockhart ; saddle horse, James Tierney ; best four colts, John Scott, Special Prizes. -Single driver, Levi Lott, Robert King, Van VanNorman ; team roadsters, 16 hands or under, S. Don, Al. MoVitrie ; carriage team, I6 hands or over, Charles Welker. Cattle -Pure-BredDurhams.-Milch cow, John Barr, A. W. Sloan ; two year old heifer, John Barr, T. H. Tay- lor ; year old heifer, T. H. Taylor, John Barr ; heifer calf, John Herr, J. L. Scott ; year old steer, John Barr 1 and 2 ; aged bull, John Barr, R. 0. McGowan ; bull 2 years and under, T. H. Taylor, John Barr ; bull calf, David Cook, A. W. Sloan ; herd, John Barr, Aberdeen-Angus.-Milcla cow Wm. Collinson, Adam Elliott ; aged bull, Adam Elliott ; bull, two years and un- der, Win, Colinson, R. G. McGowan. Grade.-Mileh cow, John Barr, R. B, Laidlaw; two year old heifer, John Barr, J. L. Scott ; year old heifer, Jno. Barr, R, B. Laidlaw ; heifer calf, John Barr, J. L. Scott ; steer calf, J. L. Soott 1 and 2 ; two year old steer, J. L. Scott, A. W. Sloan ; year old steer, R. 13. Laidlaw, James Tierney ; herd, John Barr ; fat ox or steer, John Barr Land ; fat cow or heifer, R. B. Laid- law, John Barr. Sheep. -Cotswold. -John Barr took lst for ewe lambs and shearling ewes. Leicester. John Barr took first for aged ram, shearling ram, ram lamb, shearling ewes, aged ewes and ewe lambs, Shropshiredown.-Aged ram, James Alton, D. Laidlaw ; shearling ram, D. Laidlaw, James Alton ; Duncan Laid- law took first for ram lamb, aged cid ewes shearling ewes and ewe lambs. Any Other Breed Not Named. -Aged ram, James Chisholm ; shearling ram, James Chisholm, R. Corley ; ram lamb, R. Corley 1 and 2 ; ewes, James Chisholm, R. Corley ; shearling ewes, R. Corley • ewe lambs, James Chis- holm, R. Corley ; fat sheep, ewe or wether, John Barr, R. Corley. Pigs. -Yorkshire -Aged boar, James Alton ; brood sow, James Alton, Ed. Maggitt sr. ; J907 boar, James Alton ; 1907 sow, James Alton, Ed. Haggitt sr, Berkshire, -Aged boe.r, Thuell & Nichol, James Alton ; brood sow, Thuell & Nichol 1 and 2 ; 1907 boar, Thuell & Nichol, Adam Elliott; 1.907 sow, Thuell & Nichol, James Alton. Poultry. -Bronze turkeys, E. Hag- gitt ; geese, W. Carter, E. Haggitt ; Rouen ducks, W. Carter 1 and 2 ; any other ducks E. Haggitt, G. W. Irwin ; orpingtons,'L+'. Haggitt, A. C. Ley y ; white leghorns, E. Heggitt, G. W. Irwin ; brown leghorns, E. Haggitt, John Fairseryice ; houdans, W. Car- ter 1 and 2 ; brahmas, G. W. Irwin, A, C. Levy ; black Spanish, Airs. How - le° ; minorcas, E. Merritt 1 and 2 • spangled harnburgs, W. Carter 1 and 2 ; pencilled homburgs, W. Carter 1 end 2 ; langshans, G. W. Irwin, A. 0, Levy ; dorkings, G. W. Irwin, W. Carter ' silver wyandottes, G. W. Ir- win, Jin Fairservioe ; any other wy- ,tndottes. G. W. Irwin, E. Haggitt ; itnclalnsians, Mrs. Howrie, E. Maggitt; black breasted red game, G. W. Irwin, E. Haggitt ; buff eochins, G. W. Ir- win 1 and 2 ; bantams, E. Haggitt, W. Carter ; polands, G. W. Irwin ; berred rocks, John I"airserviee, E. Hageit• ; white rooks, E. Haggitt, G. W. Irwin ; guinea fowl, John Barr, A. W. Sloan ; pigeons E. Hagg;tt. Grains. -Red fall wheat, T. H. Tay- im•, J. K. Wise ; white fall wheat, J. K. Wise Wm. MOGowan ; red spring wheat, i, K. Wise ; six -rowed barley, 0, W. Taylor, 3, K, Wise ; white oats, J. K. Wise, 0, W. Taylor ; black oats, J. K. Wise ; small peas, 0. W. Taylor, J.K. Wise ; large peas, J, K, Wise ; timothy seed, J. I{, Wise, Roots, -Collection garden produce, W. H. McOreeksn ; early potatoes, Philip Willows; late potatoes, Philip 'Willows, J. J. Mason ; collection of potatoes, Philip Willows, W. H, Mc- Cracken ; field oarrots, W. H. Me. Cracken ; garden carrots, D. W. Ram-, ilton, Laidlaw Bros. ; Swede turnips, john Barr, W, H. MtCraeken ; any other variety of turnips, John Barr, W. H. Mo0raakcn ; six beets, W. R. McCracken, John Barr ; sugar heets Laidlaw Bros., T. H, Taylor ; mangel wurzels, long, W, H, McCracken, Bd. Itaggitt sr., mensal wurzels, globe, W. H. McCracken ; ine_ngol wurzels, yel- low intermediate, W. Ti. McCracken, J, J, Mason pumpkin, W. n,Mc- Oraniton, Ed. Merritt Sr. ; squash, W, H. McCraeken; red onions, W. H, McCracken ; yellow onions, W. H. llioCraoken i ellver pleltling onions W, H, McCracken; held corn, W. If Alo0raolten ; citrons, D, W. Hamilton W, II, McCracken ; named cabbage W. II, A'lcUreeken, Philip Willows pickling oabbage, W. F1, McCracken oauliilower, W. H. MCOraeken ; celery W, 1i. McCracken. Dairy and Provistods.--Crook but. ter, Adana Elliott, Win. Pluukett buttalin 2 -panni rolls, Wm,Pluukett Adam .Elliott ; butter in 1 -pound prints Adam Elliott, Wm. Plunkett ; cheese, J, 1i, Wise ; extracted honey, Alfred Our ; honey in comb, Allred Carr ; home-made bread, D. W. Hamilton, Wm. Plunkett L tea biscuits, Adttin Elliott, James Potter ; maple syrup, A. W. Sloan, Laidlaw Bros, ; camel or preserved fruit, D. W. Hamilton, W. H, McCracken ; grape wine, W. H. McCracken, Aliss Myrtle Living- ston ; tomato catsup, Win, Plunkel.t, J. K. Wise ; mixed p)ekles, Miss Liv- iugston, D, \ti 4 Hamilton ; any other kind of pickles, \Vm. Plunkett, .D, W. Hamilton. Fruit, -Winter apples, A. W. Sloan, Jamas Potter ; fall apples, James Put- ter, A. W, Sloan ; Baldwin, A. H. Jacobs, R. G. McGowan,. King of Tompkins, A. W. Sloan, R. G. Al e- Gowau ; Northern Spy, A. W. Sloan, 1t. G. McGowan ; Rhode Island Green- ing, A. W. Sloan, A. id, Jacobs ; Rib- ston Pippin, A. W, Sloan, John Scott ; Russet Golden, A. W. Sloan, R. G. McGowan ; Russet Roxboro, A. W. Sloan, R. G. McGowan ; Seek -No - Percher, R. G. McGowan, A, W. Sloan ; Warner, Win. McGowan, A. W. Sloan ; Beudavis, A. H. Jacobs, Wm. McGowan ; Gravestein, A, H. Jacobs, A, W. Sloan ; Mammoth Pip- pin, A. W. Sloan ; Sweet, Wm. McGowan, R. G. McGowan; Malin, 11, G. McGowan, A. W. Sloan ; Maiden Blush, A. W. Sloan ; Snow, A. W. Sloan, James Potter ; Ontario, R. G. McGowan, A. W. Sloan ; Pewaukee, John Scott, R, G. McGowan ; Canada Red, R. G. McGowan, James Potter ; Calverts, John Scott, James Potter; Alexander, James Potter, Alfred Carr ; 20 -oz. Pippins, A. W: Sloan, James Potter ; any other named variety, A. II, Jacobs, Alfred Carr ; crab apples, T. H. Taylor, John Scott ; collection of apples, R. G. McGowan, A. W. Sloan ; winter pears, Ed, Haggett sl'., John Fells ; fall pears, Frank Met- calf, Ed. Haggitt sr. ; plums, Frank Metcalf, W.11, Mu0raehen ; tomatoes, Frank Metcalf, J. A. Anderson ; grapes, Miss D. Symington, Hiss P. Nott" Wooden pump, Philip Willows. Manufactures. -Wool flannel, Miss H. Wise ; union flannel, Miss Nott, Miss Wises wool blankets, James Pot. ter, Miss Nott ; union blankets, Miss Wise, J. K. Wise ; coverlet, James Potter ; rag mat, Miss Nott, Aiiss Sym- ington ; yarn mat, Miss Wise, Mrs. L. W. Hanson ; rag carpet, J K, Wise, Miss Wise ; stocking yarn, Miss Nott, J. K. Wise, Ladies' Work. -Lace handkerchiefs, Mrs. Hanson :bliss Symington • button holes on different materials, i\irs. R. Stevenson, Wm, Plunkett ; pato ing, D. W. Hamilton ; gents' mitts, Mrs. St venson, Mrs. H. E, W. Tamlyn ; pillow shams, Mrs. Stevenson, Miss Nott ; patch quilt in cotton, Miss Nott, Airs. Tamlyn ; patch quilt in cloth, Miss Nott, Miss Wise ; silk quilt, Mrs. Stevenson, Mrs. Tamlyn ; crochet quilt, W. H. :McCracken, Mrs. Howrie ; knitted quilt, Miss Nott, Miss Sym- ington : woplen socks or stockings, Miss O s N tt Mrs. Stevenson ; arascene work, Mrs.1' Steveson, Aiss.Nott ; embroidery on bolting clot', Mrs. Stevenson, Miss Symington ; embroid- ery on silk or satin, Mrs. Stevenson, Mrs, Tamlyn; kensington embroid- ery, Mrs. Stevenson, Mrs, Tamlyn ; Roman embroidery, Mise Livingston, Mrs. Hanson ; parlor screen, Miss Nott ; sofa cushion, Mrs. Hanson, W. A. Carter ; fancy panel, Miss Wise, Mrs. Stevenson ; piano or tab.e scarf, Mrs. Howrie, bliss Nott ; drawn work, Mrs. Hanson, W. A. Carter ; honiton or point lace, Mrs. Hanson, Airs, Tamlyn ; novelty in fanoy work, W. A. Carter, Miss Symington ; crochet work in silk. Mrs. Hanson, Mrs. Stev- enson crochet work in cotton Miss Symington, Mrs. Hanson ; bedroom slippers, Mrs. Tamlyn, Mrs. Hanson ; fancy toilet set, Mrs. Stevenson, Miss Nott ; footstool, Miss Wise, Miss Nott ; applique work, Miss Livingston, Miss Nott ; fancy pin cushion, Mrs, Hanson, Miss Livingston ; fanoy hand- kerchief case, Miss Nott, Miss. Howrie; mould. work, Airs. Stevenson, Miss Symington ; knitted lace in cotton, Mrs, Stevenson, Miss Symington; knitted or crochet fancy wool shawl, Mrs. Hansom Miss Wise ; crochet table mats, Mrs. Howrie, Miss Sym- ington ; d'oylies, lvliss Nott, Mrs. Tam- lyn ; batten burg lace, Mrs. Hanson, J. A. Anderson ; glove case, Mrs. Han- son, Miss Livingston ; tatting, Mrs. Stevenson, Airs, Howrie ; fancy net- ting, Mrs. Hanson, Ars. Tamlyn ; Queen Ann darning, Mrs, Hanson, Mrs. -Stevenson ; gentlemen's collar and cuff case, Miss Nott ; table centre piece, Mrs. Hanson, Mrs, Stevenson ; table covor, Mrs. Hanson, Mrs. How- rie ; tray cloth, Mrs. Stevenson, Mrs. Hanson ; tea oosey, Miss Nott, Mrs. Hanson ; picture throw, Miss Nott, Miss Symington ; lamp screen, Mists Symington, Miss Livingston ; laundry bag, Miss Symington, Mrs. Hanson ; shopping bag, Mrs. Hanson, Maes, Stevenson ; etching, W. A. Carter, Mrs. Tamlyn knotted bed spread, Mrs. Howrie, Miss Symington ; mantle drape, Miss Nott, Aliss Symington ; slumber robe, Miss Nott, Mrs, How- rie ;. teneriffe lace, 3, A, Anderson, Mrs. Tamlyn ; braiding, Mrs. Howe e, Miss Nott ; couching, Mrti. Stevenson Mrs, Howrie ; collection of ladies' work, Mrs. Stevenson, Mrs, Hanson. Ohildren's Department,- Work by child under 18 years of age, R. G. Mc- Gowan; croohet work in wool, R. G. AloGowen : plain or ornamented work, Be G. McGowan. PineArts,-ornament or vase, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Stevenson; hand painted plaque in oil, Mrs, Stevenson, Mrs, Hanson ; piece of burnt work on leather, Mrs. Stevenson, Miss Living- ston ;_pieeo of burnt work on wood Mrs. Hanson, Mrs. Hewrie ; picture cf Huron county scenery, Mrs.dowri.e, Mrs, Hanson ; . painting on bolting eloth, Mrs, Hanson, NM. Stevenson ; hand painted cups and saucers, Mrs. tl , henYou Take old One way is to pay no attention to it; at least not until it de- velops into pneumonia, or bronchitis, or pleurisy. An- other way is to ask your doc- tor about Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral. If he says, ie The best thing for colds," then take it. Do as he says, anyway. Wo publish our formula,, oma bnulel 1 ho] tiers froom our m dnefuea wcg ugyon o doctor When the bowels are constipated, po'- sonous substances are absorbed into the blood i nstead of being daily removed from the body as nature intended. Knowing this danger, doctors always inquire about the condition of the bowels. Ayer's Pills. —Ewa by the J. 0. Ayer Oc., Lowell, Hese,- Hanson, Mrs, '1'anllyn.; Bend painted plates, Mrs. Stevenson, Mrs, Hanson ; 00118011011 oil paintings, Miss Agnew, Airs Stevenson; collection water color paintings, Sirs. Stevenson, Miss Liv- ingston ; figure painting in oil, Mrs, Hanson, Mrs, Howrie; figure paint- ing- in water color, Mrs. Hanson, bliss Livingston ; animals in oil, Miss Ag- new, Sirs. Hanson ; animals in water color, Miss Livingston, Airs. Hanson ; landscape in oil, Miss Agnew, Airs. Stevenson ; landscape in water color, Mrs. Stevenson, Mrs. Howrie ; crayon drawing, Mrs, Tamlyn, Airs, Steven- son ; )Snell drawing, Miss Livingston, Mrs. cowrie ; collection of pen and ink sketches, Mrs, Hanson, Miss Liv- ingston ; speoimen china painting, Mrs, Hanson, Mrs. Stevenson ; hand painting on sills, satin or plush, Mrs. Stevenson, Miss Livingston ; painting on glass in oil, Miss Symington, Miss Livingston. Plants and Flowers. -Collection of foliage, Mrs, W. Fenwick ; geraniums iu bloom, J, G. Moser, Airs. W. Fen- wick ; fuchias in bloom, Mrs. W. Fen- wick, J. G. Moser ; hanging basket, J. G. Moser, Mrs. W. Fen wick ; die play of plants in flower, J. G. Moser, Win. Mason ; table boquet, J. G. Mos- er, Mrs. W. Fenwick ; dahlias, Airs. W. Fenwick, ;Hiss Livingston. School Children's Competition. -(a) Rebecca McGowan, Mary McGowan ; (b) Had Kaiser, Rhea Ronatt ; (c) Clara McGregor, Mable Swan, Special Prizes. -By J. M. Hamilton : for grade cattle John Barr, for Der- ham cattle John Barr ; by Stone & Wellington : 10 largest apples, A. W. Sloan ; collection of apples for county exhibit, A. W. Sloan ; general store display, Poplestone & Gardiner ; furni- ture display, J. H. Chellew ; hardware display, McPherson Bros. ; naming apples by person under 18 years. offer- ed by Frank .Metcalf ; Bell Potter, Maggie McGowan, Walter McGowan, Mona M. Potter ; by McMillan & Co. most first prises for butter, Adam El- liott ; by J, Leslie Kerr ; best home- made bread D. W, Hamilton, hest butter, Laidlaw Bros, ; by Blyth Per- °hei'on Association : best colt sired by Gervais, H. Godkin jr., T. H. Taylor 2 and 8 ; by Wm, Hugill : hest colt by Hackard, Thos. Archer. Mothers, Here It le d. friend and comforter, an nnoeasing aid in every lienee for the hundred and one ailments that do turn ep. If some. thing eaten ceases trouble, Ii it is cramps, indigestion or headache, Nerviline curt s. For cold on the oheet, moping limbs or lame bask rub on Nerviline and get ease at onoe. As a family safeguard nothing is known to exael Poloon's Nerviline. Get the large 25o bottle from your deal- er, Fruit Growers' Association Of Ontario, To the Editor of Tan Poem 1 DEA, Sm, -I am enclosing herewith a copy of speolal oonnty prize list for the Prov;noial Horticultural Exhibition in Toronto, November 12 10. Will you kindly Dail the attention of your readers to the prizes annouuoed therein for your own county, also to the rnlee on the in. aids book cover governing the oompeti• tion. Owing to the eoaroity of apples both in Europe and the United States many buyers will be in the oonntry this year looking after our apple orchards, We are extremely anxious to impress upon them the splendid quality of the apple as raised in Ontario and with this end in view wish to make the country display more than ever a leading feature of the show, To do this it will be necessary for the growers in Geary county to take ep the matter in earnest and get together a display which will do oredit to their owe county. We find that we men beet reach the fruit growers through the columns of your paper. Very truly yours, P, W, Honor'Te, Followio is the prize list for the county of Enron : let 2nd 1. Baldwin 21 60 61 00 2. Ben Davit 1.60 1 00 3. Canada Red. 1 60 1 00 4. Fameuee (Snow) 1 50 1 00 5. Golden Rnseett 1 60 1 00 0. Greening (Rhode Island) 1 60 1 00 7. Ring 1 50 1 00 8. Northern Spy-- 1 50 1 00 0, Ontario 1 50 1 00 10, Any other desirable variety 160 1.00 PUNIC MsTOAra, Blyth. Special rules for county exhibits I 1. No entry fees will be oharged. 2, Oompetitien will be limited to grow, ere in the pertioalar ooanty offering the prize. 8. Vivo speoimens of each varieby, oorreotly named, meet be shown. 4, The Ontario Fruit-Grewere' As' sooiabion will peg the transportation chargee to Toronto on all exhibits and Roe !al Thut sday and Friday October 3rd and 4th .; "G r �r ` 1 FAIR 1 FALL � ' n IM!OI T_ANT i DTIC C GUNS A new line at new prices. Gane that usually sell at front 210.00 to 216,00 can bo bed ou the above mentioned Gaye at from 67,75 to $12,00. Yon win beet oppreciate the value of these Gans by seeing theta, LOADED SHELLS Special for Fair Day only 45c. WHIPS Before buying a Whip on the Fair Ground see unrSolid One-piece Raw- hide from tip to butt at 36o. GRANITEWARE A hell lined Granitewaee at prime greatly Reduced— Dippers lBo and 10o. Dish Pane, panel bottom, 00o. Other articles too numerous to men- tion at correspondingly low prices on Fair Day, E3ARGAIN TABLE On this table are a variety of articles at a Rpooiel Bargain. We cordially invite you to this table on Fair Day. Please Bewember the place and date - OCT. 3 & 4 will look tiler staging of same. Send parcels collect to P. W. Hodg, tts, care of Toronto Gold Storage 0o, 13e etre to pingo your mime on the package. 6. Entries may be cent hi by post card to P. W. Hodgebts, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, or to the luoal directors named in the list. Add,esses will be given at the con. vent ion by the beet hortioultutiste on the continent. Programa may be had on application to the eeeretary, P, W. Hodgette, Parliament Buildings, Tor. onto. Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Sept, 17t13, 1907. Life iiepetids Uta .Healthy Blood. IS YOURS RICH AND PURE.? Blood is the soul of life. Check its formation, reduce its quality, leonen its red oells-you rat onoe sap strength and vitality -you peril life it self. When you strengthen the blood, make it richer in red delle, increase he sold constituents, you supply the materials beat rebuild -you furnish that disease re- aieting element called strength. When you ere weak and ailing -When appetite is poor -when mental effort seems impossible, sleep hard to get, be sure your b.00d has grown poor end your nervous system in ooneegnenoe is impair- ed. Nothing so quickly stimulates the for• matins of Holt, red blood as Ferrozone. Ferrozone'e lotion upon the digestive power is immediate -everything you eat is converted into nourishment and build• ing material. Ferrozone forifiee the action of the kidneys, liver and stomach, inoresees oiroalation and bythese means throws into the blood a vast store of material to build up and to strengthen. Ferrozone by inaking blood and stimu- lating vital notion, tranemite to the debititatedr brain owls, exhuusted by toil, by anxiety or by sickness, the streugbu they need. Tea benifioent notion of Ferrozone on the brain is transmitted through the nervous system, a..d all powers of the body are enormously inoreased. Ferrozone enables the body to perform all its functions in a normal and natural way, and with an absolute freedom from reaction, which ie the most positive as. auraooe that the body ie strengthened —not stimulated. Whether the weakr 1 seeoa suffer is profound or of long standing, whatever the conditions are—if the blood is Im. paired, if its redness is rednoed, if its activity is lessened—Ferrizone i0 an absolute and rspid remedy. For auy oondition of weakness, de• bility or iii health in men, women and ohhdren, yon can't find so nourishing and strengthening a tout° as Ferrozme ; try it, sold everywhere iu 60o. boxes. W11311 ]'on Eat Too Fast You have indigestion, perbapr cramps, or iu any Dasa the system is overloaded with matter that should be eliminated. Breath gets bad, eyes look dully headaches are frequent. AW FAiR DAYS STRAYED -0N TIIE C. P. if, train botwoon Elmira and wane it, a King's Choice Spaniel, Owner may dud It in Brussels by paying for tole notice, A lr. ply at Time roar, Brunets, 10.4 J. OUSE ANI) 1 ACRE LOT for Bale -Albert 'Area, oomfortn bo home 1u good repair. Smull stable, good to. me, well, er m111, ala Papply on auy pro For 10 0113 Wi°ulars apply on the promises to 5, ORA WFOaD, liraseols, 48.11 ]RICK STOIUiI TO RENT BY 1J' February let -part of Smith Stook. 22386 feet ; 2nd door from Amerioau Hotel ; lately need as tattering mut south' furnish- lrgestablisbment, For further particulars apply to D14. afoKELVEY, Brueeele, HOUSE AND ACRE OF land for sale, Comfortable dwell Ing; hard end soft water under cover ; ap• pie, plum and oberry trees, &c. Possession eau be given at 0nee, iior pnoo, terms, &e. oall at THE 205T. ri OUSE ANI) LOT. FOR SALE —Tao undersigned offers for sale her buuee and lot on Tnreberry street, - 11ru0. eels. Possession could be giveu ab onoe, For pries,terms &o apply to MRS. F. SWIMS,alton 11 0 or t0 Tan P osv. TWO YORKSHIRE YOUNG hoge,9 weeks old, for sale; bred Prow A 1 imported stook ou both sides, "Worse - ley Duke" 921890=+ and "I4'uwuhonee 01,1" 22176.,, will also dispose of a few tholo'- bred Yorkshire young Bows. JAB. SHUR. RIE, "Maple Grove Farm," Lot 26, Con, 4, Morris, or Brussels P. U. 1.b1 K. O. T. M. Brussels Tent of the Maccabees, No. 24 bold their regular meetiuge ,o the Lodge Room, Booker 1110011, on aha let and 9rd ruoaday evenings of each month. TO CATARRH SUFFERERS. Visitors always weluou,e. A, BORERS, Com. A. MoGIIII2E, R. K. Gond Advice And Liberal Offer From a Well Known Firm. We advise all who suffer from any of the sywptume of aatarrb, eooh as offers sive breath, dryness of the nose, pain across the eyes, stoppage of the nose, die - chargee and droppings in the throat, soughing spume and general weakness and deb)tity, to gee Hyomei, We go so far as to nffer to refund the money to any neer 01 Hyomei who is not perfectly settafir•d with the rrsnits. Quick results follows the use of Hyomei treatment ; the stoppage of the nose is removed, the dropping °saeee, the breath becomes pure and sweet, sod the oatarrltal germs are destroyed and their growth prevented. Hyomei Is the surest, eimplest, quick est, easiest and cheapest way to cure catarrh. It does not drop and derange the stomeob, it goes right to the seat of the trouble, deetroyisg the catarrhal germs and healing andvitalizing the tissues. All you have to do is to inhale a little oeoaeionally in the air you breathe, using the pocket inhaler that oomee with every outfit, when the symptoms of oaterrh will quickly disappear. Try it, you will be surprised and pleased et the results. We positively guarantee Hyomei, for ehonld you buy a oomplete outfit, price 51.00, and he dissatisfied with resolte your money will be refunded. Hymned is snld by druegiste everywhere. Write for literature. Booth's Hyomei Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Botmie. Lime Works, BELGRAVE • Is headquarters for First-class Lime. Write or Telephone A. Nicholson & Sons PROPRIETORS t WMII meet teams from a distance at Central Hotel, Brussels. UMPS AND WINDMILLS The undersigned is prepared to sup- ply the public with the beet in the above lines. Repairs promptly attended to. Orders left with HARRY JAMES, American Hotel, Brussels, will receive our early attention. A. a AYMANN. ORANBBO0K 4.3m FALL MILLUIERY READY 'Pattern Hats and Millinery Novelties."`' HE invitation is yours to come and see everything that is cor- rect and new in Fall Mlxillinery. Nothing that has been accepted by the Fashionable of New York and Paris has been neglected in our Styles. No formal Opening this Season - just drop in any time. All ate cordially invited. isses abkirk PROPERTY FOR SALE.-BE- IN0 part of Lot 24, Oen. 8 Grey, con- ing 15 agree more or lees 011 the premises are two houses and u bane ; oleo two w0118. Laud in good ttats oft Ethel cultivation vary conprig eu0,1 ter situated ton the vp emu For 6. CICAM Ll 8 ort 10 Ethel Po u rem? 41 to I.1ARM .FOR SALE -BITING Lot 24, Cort. 19, Grey, containing 100 acres. 46 acres tutored and balance bard wood bush and ewaren. Good brick house with kitoheu, driving shed and stable , good well, orchard,do, on mewing. Plane well Mimed. Posaessiou could be giveu alter crop ie off, For further particulars as to price, terms, As. Apply to Jieo. 0. MONx1L, Lot 24, 000, I4, Grey, or elonorreff P. 0. NOTICE Any portion wiebiug to have their tots at- tended to will god me at the Cemetery ou Thursday, Friday and Saturday of each week during the Bummer mouths. 1 am Woo Ageut for the mitotic!! Marble and uranito arm. Come and inspect our Work and get prices before buying elsewhere, 110BER•rG, DARK, 40.4 Oaretaker. iLilOR SALE OR TO RENT. - Thu undersigned offers hot 100 acre farm, being Lot 20, Con. 7, Corey, for sale or to root, Comlortable bowie, bunk burn. orchard, wells, &o. Farm is only 4 of a mile from the stir"lug village of Elthal. For fur- ther particulars apply to F. S. Scott, Bius. sole, or Mita. KATE HOLLAND. 7 Peter Stl eat, Toronto. 07 -Out PROPERTY FOR SALE -THE uudereigued offers his house and lot, situate on Mill street, Brussels, for Bale, It 15 well located, a convenient and °orator. table home. Pooeoasiou can be giveu at once, Will oleo soli the vacant lot, corner of Mill and Elizabeth streets, which would make a ane building site. For further par - Mouton as to pnloe, terms, &o., apply to FRED. ADAmfe, Hardware Dealer, Ford- wlch. 00.4 IRM FORE A SALE -BEING Lac 1e INE Si end Lot ,e, Con. 18, Grey, The farno4m ,o nts01 go00od aeras, 140 acres cleared and 6 agree of good hardwood bush. There 111 a gond frame house, bank barn 46x100 ft., eutbulldi. Windmill on barn and waterworkloss ay system iu house and stable ; 2 orchard° • 10u some of farm now in grass. Only & tulle to school and es miles to village of Orasbroolt ; 91 wiles to railway depot on C. P. R. Possession for plowing as soon as Drop is off. For further part'eulare, as to price, terms, &o. apply on the premises to JAMF18 PER11I51, or Cranbrook 2, C. 401 Voters' List Court. NOTICE la hereby given that a court wi11 be held pursnaut to the Ontario Voters' List Aot, by B15 Honour the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, at tbo Town Hall Brussels, on Tueoday, the 8111 day of October, 1517, at nine o'oloolt in the fore. noon, to hear aud determine, oomplaints of errors and omissionsiu the Voters' List of the Municipality of Brunets tor1007; Dated at Brussels this 11th day ul Septem- ber, 1007. F. B. SCOTT, Clerk of Brussels. FARM LABOURERS AND DOMESTICS— ' have been appointed by the Dominion Government to place Immigrants froom the rutted Kingdom in position, as farm lab- ourers or domestic servants 10 tide vicinity. Any person requiring suck help should noti- fy me by letter stating fully the kind of bein required, when wanted and wages offered. The numbers arrivlug may not bo su0lotel t to supply all requests but every effort will be glade bo provide each apppltoaut with help required. F. 8, SCOTT, Canadian Government Employment Agent 32.1y Brussels P, 0. Notice to Creditors and Debtors. In the estate of Joseph Oster, late of the Village of Brussels, agent, 670000ed, Notloo is hereby given rttrsuant to the Statutes 1u flint behalf, that all creditors braving nay clnlme against the od0ato of th for, a Ile m , Joao u who died about t t , he Thirtieth 1112 0 111 A,9: f i1e s i l7 aro Y,re, 10 4. t, sand nswe, ou o eoe,ls u maid date, to A. 11, particulars 0, their 01 vos13s, tquq, with flue ties Is ul rte of Choir Huttua, And. is bb infurthorgiv°n that after the nein date tile Adrnlnl(0Ilt ix will distribute the estate according to law, having regard only to those claims of which notice ban been given. Aud notice 1e further given that ell per- sons indebted to the estate of Joseph Oster are hereby required to pay their aocouubs Rt 0nee to A.B. hfae,lollltl,l at Breseals, or R0ohe1 Oster, Adrnlu,stratrix, Gerrie Po14- 00100, Dated at Brun/sole this 10th day of Bop. Comber. a, D„ 1007. A, B. MtonoNoLn, Solicitor for Admlulotratrla, Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS' ANY even numbered section of Domioiou Lauda in Moultohe, Saskatchewan and Alberta, excepting 8 and 28, not reserved, may ho homesteaded by auy perenu who is the sole head of a Iamb y, or auy nolo over 18 years of age, to the extent of ons-quartor section of 100 aurae more or leas. Entry may be made personally at the tonal laud ofllce for hue district bl which the laud iotb The l,omosiatsa,uale,ee i0 required to perform the 0dtttons tod therewith under of one of 0110 fcilowieg wiug plans 1 (1) At least six menthe' residence upon acid oultivatiou of the loud in each year for three )'sate, (2) If tea tether (or mother, if the father is d000uaer) of the homesteader resides upon a farm in the viclulty of the laud entered for the iequfromoute as to reel - donee may be Battened by auob parson re- siding wan the father or mother, (8) It the settler has his permanent rest - denim upon farmluit land owned by him is the viaiuiby of 010 homestead, the re- quirements u0 to reoidesoe may be satte- ned by resldeues upon the said land, Blx menthe' notice in writing should be giveu to the Commissioner of Dominion Lauda at Ottawa of intention to apply for pato tit. . W. . Deputy of the WMinisterCO1tYof interior. N. B,t IIuu thorluube paidfor. ioa of this ad- vertiaeeut will out paid tor. .ALLAN M.IL LINE TURBINE STEAMERS MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL Coreioan(new)Salls Friday, Bept,20 Oot,18 Virgiufau ' Sent. 27 001. 26 't uuieiau" Oct. 4 Nov. 1 Victorian " " 001.11 Nov. 8 MONTREAL TO GLASGOW Corinthian Sails Thursday, Pep, 26 002,31 P,•0toriau ...Saila Thursday, 001. a Oo0.81 Grampian ... ' Thursday, 001,10 Nov, 7 Stallion • Bails Thursday, Oet. 17 Noy,14 For endings, lists and lull information apply to \V. 11. KM1103. Agent Ailau Llue, Brussels, Lige for Sale Just received a car load of No. 1 White Lime. D. A. LO W1l�R Y BRUSSELS. LT Farmers or Storekeepers by coining to the Brussels Salt Works can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, - Brussels. A DANDY STOCK. OF MITO-Cri a METE have an A 1 stock of Top Buggies, Iry manufactured by the R. McKie Co., of Platteville, and Wm. Dore & Co. of Wingham. The Workmanship through- out is Firstaelass and prices are right. Don't fail to see them. Repairing, Re -painting and Trimming at. ' tended to in a workmanlike manner on short notice and at very reasonable rates. R. Francis & Co. Shop next to Town Hall, Brussels We also keep in stock the real Fleury Plow Points and the Frost tot Wood repairs. Call and see 08, velar