HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-9-26, Page 8,.eetaCA,a tol
Gran& Sholxring
Souvenir Cards
FOR ®'••••---
Fa11 Fair Week
We have just reoeived a very large
number of new Oarda, aomprieiog many
kinds which we have never bad before.
We keep in close touch with the market
in tithe line and are oonetantly receiving
What ie the latest and most Catchy. Also
Novelties in Burnt Leather,
Aluminum, do.
Come in and see them. Yon are very
welcome if only to look over them.
How are
Your Eyes
The longer eveniuge are ab hand
when more reading' and close work is
done, It may perhape bring to mind
that your Eyes de not give the service
yon would like.
We Test Eyes and Supply
Proper Glasses.
rant' Rd% PUTS
A ohiel'e among ye takir 'notes,
An' faith he'll prent is.
Oen Telephone is No, 21.
ALL the weddings are not over yet.
GARDEN saes le having a reeurreotion.
SEND in yonr entries for the Fall Fair.
Tom weather this week looked like the
Equiooxial storms.
Da. GRAHAM has returned from the
Weet and hae rammed practice as usual,
BRusELe 'Evaporator ie at work and
ready to handle large quantities of apples.
READ the list of epeeial prizes, attreo-
tions, &o, of Broseele Fall Fair on page 4.
Da. FEILD's Dental office will be olosed
from Sept 25th to Oot. 2nd, both days in.
TEE POST and Toronto Weekly Globe
from now to Jan. let 1909 for the email
cum of $1.50.
TRANIxeexvxNG Day will be held on
Thareday, October 30th, this year and will
be a public. holiday.
Voreas' List Court for Braeeele will be
held on Taeeday, Oat. 8th, at 10 o'clock.
Judge Doyle will preside.
PIANO TUNING.—R. S. Shaw, Piano
Tuner and Repairer is here from Toronto,
Leave orders at Post Office, Brussels.
MORTGAGE sale of 60 a000e 10 Morrie
township, at the Central Hotel, Brussels
on Saturday of .hie week, at 1.80 p. m,
DESPITE the somewhat unfavorable day
a goodly number from Emaciate and
eurroundinge attended Blyth Fail Fair
last Tuesday.
FLAN of reserved agate for Fall Fair
Concert, Out. 4th at Fax's Drug Store.
Secure yonr Beat early, The program
will be aohoice one.
Ix wag nearly midnight before the even
ing train arrived from the East on Mon.
day. The engine went wroug at Atwood
and another had to be eeoured to haul the
TRE mason for wood000kkIpened Moe,
day of last week. Quail and black
sgnirrel may be killed daring November
only. The deer regulations are the came
ae last year.
Two 91st Regimental Baud are Band -
lea, 21 of them Will come to Brussels
Thursday evening Oot. 3rd for the Fan
Fair. People should not miss this op•
portunity of hearing them.
TUESDAY night's train partied the 48th
Highlanders' Baud, of Toronto, to Ripley
to play at their Fall Fair on Wednesday,
The Kilbiee did not perspire much while
attending to their work we'll gnarantee.
SDooESSouL medioal operations were
performed last week Mies Maggie Baeker
and Mre, (nares) Thompson being the
patients. Favorable progress ie being
made and we trust they will soon enjoy
the best of health.
THE Winona—In the local bowling
oompetltion the awards were won by the
following ;-1st, D. 0. Rose, chair ; 2ud,
Jno. Ferguson, umbrella ; 8rd, Jno. Hab•
kirk, scarf pin. This praotioally winds
tip a very enjoyable and enooeaeful bowl-
ing season.
!alas. Mamma holds her Fall Milli.
nery Openioge on Friday and Saturday
of this week. Mise Strachan and Mies
Habkirk are not holding formal openings
bat their dieplaye ere on exhibition oleo,
The ladies should not overlook seeing
the latest and meet fashionable etylee.
A Moven=NT is on foot to erect a skate
ing and ourling riok in Brussels and
have it built tide Fall, The intention is
to circulate a subscription list and it
8nfiIoieat stook am bosomed to proceed
ab once with the building. It )e a great
lose to Brussels to be without modern
faeillitiee for skating, curling and haokey
matches. A cement building of regula-
tion eine would probably be erected if the
proposal le eapported 08 It Mould be,
WEDNESDAY of this week 4th Division
Court was field in Brussels before Judge
Holt. The dooket was ae follows :—
Bitable VS. Milne—notion for wages ad•
jouroed until next Ooart. Gerry vs.
Doonioon—action on amount, verdict
for plaintiff. Moffett ve. Thompson—
notion on warranty of horse Bold, verdict
for plaintiff. Exoeleior Life vs. Riley,
verdiot for plaintiff. A number of
judgment Summons were heard and the
nenel ordere made, B.arriebere Vanotone,
Maodonald and Sinclair were present on
behalf of the different oliente.
SotoraxD PROMPTLY,—J, N. MOKendriok,
of Gait, inspector for the Gore Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.'was here on Wednee•
day adjusbing the damages done to the
Methodist obuoob. In addition to the
root on the Met aide of the ohnroh he
allowed $50.00 ter kaleoming and minor
incidentals. Mr. McRendriok has been
in the inspectorial business for years and
has on more than one 000aeion been
called upon to visit Brunets. He is
gehtlemanly and fair yet shrewd and
avaoNEAL.—The home al Geniand Mre,
Crooke, Atwood,'was the scene of a very
pretty wedding r0oently, when their only
Nanghtee, Mies Effie, was united he hely
matrimony to Erueet H. Swing, editor
of the Atwood Bee, The 0eremeny wee
performed by Rev. Mr, flood, pester of
the Metbodiet Murrill, in the presen00
01 the imMedinte relativae and a few in-
n timate friends. Trim POST extends 0018.
grttbalatioos and hopes the Bee ander
its pew doable header menagemenb wjll
swing along proeperouely.
Ger ready for East Huron Fall Fair,
Oot. $ and 4,
ESTATES are rolling in for Brussels
Fall Fair, Times who have not forward•
ed theirs to the Seoretary Should do so
at once.
Now that Englishmen are to be per-
mitted to marry a deceased wife's Sister,
they eau avoid the annoyance of getting
used to the ways of a new mother in law.
RESERVED seat pias of the Town Hall
for Fall Pair Oonoert will open at Fox's
Drug Store Saturday of thio week at 10
a, m. Get your Beate early and be Bare,
TRE following is a list of Fall lairs.---
Goderioh Sept. 25-26-27
Wingbam Sept. 26-27
Looknow Sept. 30-0ob.1
Atwood Oot. 1-2
Teeewaber Oot. 3-4
Tiverton........001. 2-3
Brueeele Cot. 3-4
'Lane August report on the Canadian
fruit crop iesoed by the Department of
Agriculture, says, that apples show e
continued decline in quantity over July.
The crop has been eerionely affected. by
drought and bot winds. Some carnes.
pendants place the damage in the Lake
Erie anomies at 30 %. The damage will
be nearly 20 % in Shrinkage alone, The
quality iu the Maritime Provinces prom-
ises to be good both in size and color.
The mane conditions which are affecting
the apple crops are reducing the pros.
peers for pears, and not more than half
the venal crop will be marketed. The
aommeraial peach orop will aleo be light.
Grapes will be light on Bandy soils, with
many failures, but almost an average
Drop on well onitivated May laude,
This nue maeioal organization from
Hamilton flee been engaged for Brussels
Fall Fair Friday afternoon, They will
present the following ohoioe program :-
1 March Gallrein's Triumphal Duffle
2 Overture .Poet and Peasant Supple
8 Waltz Hofbold Tanze Potreo
4 Highland Dancing
6 Be]eotion...Remick's Hite No, 8 Lampe
8 Scotch Patrol...Wee MaogrogorAmore
7 Moroeau Salut D'Amour.., 6ir;E. Eiger
(This graceful and oharmibgltttle move-
ment. originally written as an orobes-
tral "intermezzo" is from the pen of Sir
Edward Edgar, the composer of the
Light of Life" and "Oaractaous" who is
now nniveleally recognized as one of the
greatest living English nom -boors.
8 SeleotionGems of English Bong,..Binding
9 Davos Irish Jig
18 Fantasia Scottish Song F. Godfrey
Friday evening they take Marge of
the Uooaert program in the Town Hall,
assisted by Mise Gertrude Stares,
Soprano, and Mneter Gordon Flett, both
of Hamilton, See the program and
some year reserved Beate early. Plan
of Hall at Fox's drag store.
DIRzorona Monza —A meeting of the
Fall Fair Direotora was held on Saturday
21st Sept. in the Council Chamber
Braeeele. President Speir in the chair.
Other members of the Board present
were Viae President Leckie and Direotora
R. Nichol, R. MoDoonld, 0. Eokmier,
Thos; Miller, Geo. Robb, J, T. Straohan,
Alex. Stewart, D. Milne and W. E•
Kerr. Minutes of last meeting read,
discounted and passed. The various de-
partments of the coming Fair were son•
sidered and the work to be doue out.
lined. Committees were etruok for the
day as follows :—Foot raoes,—Geo.
Thomson, N. F. Gerry and W. M. Sin.
Clair. Speeding.—A, 0. Dames, A. B.
MoDonald and Geo. Ouneingham, Re -
porta from Judges were read and Direct -
ore assigned to accompany them as fol-
lows :—Heavy horses, J. T. Straoban ;
Light boreee, Robt. McDonald; Cattle,
Oliver Turnbull ; Sheep, RebaN'lohol ;
Hogs, Jae. Ferguson ; Pdultry, Jno,
Leckie ; Implements, &o, A. Stewart ;
Grain, Jae. Shedden ; Fruit, A. Stewart,
Roots and Vegetables, D, Milne; Dairy
and Domestic Mfg., Jas. Speir; Ladies
work, Geo. Robb and T. Archibald
Flue Arts, 3. Leckie ; Flowers and
Plants, J. H, Cameron and Mies Dora
Smith ; Doorkeepers at Palaoe,—Jae;
Speir and T. Miller, let evening ; Tialtet
sellers at ofade, F. S. Scott and T.
Miller; Tioket Oolleetor Ob gate, Geo.
Robb; Alex, Stewart was asked to take
charge of the Fruit Exhibit and Geo.
Robb and Thee. Archibald deputized to
assist Mistier] Rose and Downing in
plaoing the Ladies' work. J. Leckie to
arrange program with Band and plaoe
the various booths &o on ground. Board
adjourned deoiding to meet at the
"Palace" 0u Monday 80th that. t0 attend
to any neeeoeary work there prior to
opening of the Fair,
Business Locals.
Glandwantedat once to work in Brno.
eels Evaporator, Highest wages.
ARm your gluing right ? Vision.
changes es all things do. Donoult Tanbe
& Son at Fox's Drug Store, Emaciate, 00
Tbureday and Friday, 0 tober 3rd and
Dm, BUTLER'S VISIT.—DP, Bailer, tie
London Eye Speoialiet, will be at the
American Hotel, Brussels, on Wedno.
day, Oct, 28rd. Glaeeea supplied.
WREN Taube & Son attend to your
eyes, you get the benefit of over 85 years
experience. Call and oonsult them 6,t
Iltox't Deng store on Tbureday and Fri.
day, ()Mbar $rd and 4th,
The Best Ser vc,nt
of the Farmerr
Is a Strong
makes a specialty of the business of Farmers, and extends
to them
Every department of banking is conducted. sEest service
and absolute safety guaranteed.
deposits of $1,00 and upwards received, and interest
allowed from date of deposit, COMPOUNDED FOUR
Capital Paid Up - 51,000,000.00
Reserve Fund end
Undivided Profits, $1,183,713.23
Metropolitan Bank
W, J. FAWCETT, Manager
A 700N0 lad or maiden may stature
private board in a comfortable home by
applying at Tun Poem,
VALISE loot between Broseele and Lis•
bowel, Tuesday, 24th inst.'
gailbe, &a. The finder will greatlly
oblige by returning it to me at my ex -
pollee. W. H. MaOEAOEEN, Braeeele.
AM headquartere for sews and oan ex.
change or sell for oaeh at lowest prices.
Yours, T. McGregor, filer and improver
on Saws, tools and mealtime. Corner
Mill and Main St„ Brueeele, Ouh,
GEAR woolen shawl with brown border
loot on Sunday, Sept let, between Bros•
eels and George Riohardson'e, MoKillop.
The owner will be greatly obliged if find-
er will return it to THE Peer.
REtroussa the date of Taube & Son's
visit to Brussels and if your .eyes bother
yon in any way,make it a point to con-
sult them at Fox's Drag store, on Thurs-
day and Friday,Oobober 3rd and 4th.
DINNER ON FAIR DAY.—The ladies of
the W, 0. T. U. will serve dinner on
Friday, Oct. 4th, the seoond day of the
Fall Fair, in the frame building adjoin-
ing the Standard Bank. Price will be
20 cents.
83% or headaches are the remit of eye.
etrnie. Properly fitted glasses will give
permanent relief, If you are troubled
that way, consult Tenho & Son at Fax's
Drug afore on Thursday and Friday,
October 3rd and 4th.
Ronald Sinclair, eon of Barrister Sin -
&air, of Braeeele, has been promoted to
the position of ledger keeper in the Bank
of Commerce and has been moved from
Brantford to Dresden. He is doing well.
—Mies Jean Habkirk hes been visiting at
Goderioh, Clinton and Blyth during the
past week with relatives and old friends.
—James B. Wilkinson and wife, of
Escanaba, Miob., were renewing old
friendships in Brneeete and locality.
They are always welcome.—Mies J, J.
Allin, the eight epeoialiet was in Brnesele
on Taeeday on her professional visit.—
Mrs, James MaLaucblin, of New York,
has been revisiting old scenes and calling
on relatives and acquainbnn0ee, She was
a former resident of Bremen .—W. J.
Fawcett spent a few days in Mount
Forest this week —Mise Nina Rogers, of
Mount Forest, ie visiting in Chioago.—
Mrs, Robt. Fox was visiting old friends
in Wroxeter.—R. Leatherdale and Mies
Laura arrived home on Taeeday from en
extended and very enjoyable visit to
Winnipeg and the Weet.—Robs, Mc.
Kenzie, who was home on a visit from
Idaho where he hae been employed tor
some time on the Goatee sheep ranch,
returned to the West on Friday. The
job is evidently agreeing with Rob.—I.
W., Mre. Kingswood and Roy, of Lon.
don, are here for a short visit at the
home of Jae. Sharpe, Mrs, Kingewood'e
father, The vioibors are just bank from
a delightful trip in the Old Country
occupying about two months in which
relatives and friends were visited, They
enjoyed their visit very maob giving
glowing amounts of the Old Land.—
Mre, A. G. English and sou, Willie, who
have been visiting relatives and friends
here for the past three months, left for
their home at Harding Manitoba, last
week. Mrs• Geo. Colvin, mother of Mre.
Englsh, aoobmpanied them to Drayton
where they visited while enroute to the
West,—Mre. W. Henry and baby are
making a visit with Stratford relatives,—
We are pleased to see Russell Lowry able
to be about after his attack of typhoid
fever and hope be will Boon regain hie
usual good health.—Mrs. Ohne. Bartliff-
and Mies Jolla, of Clinton, were in town
on Tuesday attending the wedding of the
former's eon, Harry, to Miss Vinie Car-
diff. Mr, Bartliff was unable to come
owing to illness from which we trust be
will Boon recover.—Mre. W. Pryne hoe
gone to Newbury, Middlesest 00., for a
Follow the Crow
and got your Photo.
taken at
on Fair Day
Studio will be open all day. Come
early and avoid the rush. Photos. only
``�� each. We are making our prise
1. V C to suit the day.
Family Groups a Specialty.
We have a full line of Mouldings.
Frames made on short notion.
Oopyiug and Enlarging front any Photo.
visit.—The older residents of Brnesele
will be sorry to learn that Rev. James
Harris, of Guelph, formerly peeler of tae
Methodist church here, has been taken to
the General hospital Guelph, suffering
from paralysis.—David Strobb, of
Berlin, bas been vieibing old friends in
town this week. He spent 6 years in
Brueeele blackemitbing and has been
away 8 years. Last year Mr. Strubb had
a severe illness occasioned by a bad kick
received from 8 horse in the cheat. He
is baoll to work again however. Kamer.
nae changes are noticed by the visitor.
—The Misses Feild, of Hamilton, were
here tbie week ae guests at the wedding
et their brother, Dr. Feild and Mies
Bryans.—Constable Oliver has had a
eons hand the trouble being 000aeioned by
a thorn running into it from •a tree.—
This week station agent Militarism, of
Walkerton, dropped in on his old friends
here and spent a day or so quite enjoy-
ably. He bad a severe wrestle with an
attack of appendioitie bot has regained
his old time vitality and is as genial se
ever. It ie 2 years eines be removed
frum town. Mrs. Milhaheen and child•
ren are visiting relatives at Trowbridge,
the unpleasant weather barring their
visiting Brussels this time.—Mre. Joe,
Pugh is visiting at Mitobell.—David
Moore, eon of D. B. Moore, be here from
Rainy River on a betidey visit with bis
parents and other relatives and friends.—
Nelson Askin, who has been engaged in
sheep ranching in Idaho, is here on a
visit for a few weeks, Hie wife name
several months ago. Mr. Askin is an cid
Grey township boy. He likes ebe Went.
—Mien Jean Evelyn McNeil, of Braeeele,
bas gone to Aneta, North Dakota, to
visit her sister, Mrs. Maedaok Mo-
Kenzie.—D. C. Sohaefer, of Seattle, Waal,
who was a former reeideut of this locality,
is renewing old friendships, It is 36
years since be removed from here. Ho
will return the close of next month,—
Rex. Wade and bride, of Chicago, were
visitors in Brunie last week. The
groom is a eon of Barrister E. E. Wade,
formerly of Bruueels.—Mies Florence
Boohanan le attending the Normal
School et London. She bas taught eta.
orientally for a few years,—Jos. Thomp•
son, of Montreal, is visiting bis motber
and brothers iu Brussels.
mom N.
OARnIYE.—In Grey, on Sept 14th, to Mr.
and Mrs, Rioh. A. Cardiff, a daugh•
Fneixs.—Is Grey, on Sept. 15011, to Mr.
and Mrs. L. Frain, a daughter.
Jameson—In Panetta, Alberta, on Aug.
28th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Jackson,'
a son, (James Tudor.)
Mo15sszrs,—At Aneta, North Dakota, on
Sept. 15th, to Mr, and Mrs. Mnrdook
McKenzie, a daughter.
MITORELL,—Ie Saobomieh, Wash, U. S.,
0o Sept. 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. 11,
Mitobell, a daughter.
"'rsPattern Hats and Millinery Novelties'-'.
HE invitation is yours to come
and see everything that is cos
rest and new in Fall Millinery.
Nothing that has been accepted by
the Fashionable of New York and Paris
has been neglected in our Stypes.
No formal Opening this Season—
just drop in any time.
All are cordially invited.
. iss s .... a . ....irk.
[STAi3LISHL0 1070
Head Office - ; - - Toronto
In our Savings Department. Deposits of Si and upwards are received,
on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed,
No Delays in making Withdrawals
Interest added four times a year
Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches.
3. F. Rowland, Manager
PENNINGTON.—In Groy, on Sept. 22nd, to
Mr, and Mre, Walter Pennington, a
BAnTLIPP-OARnIFP.-1n 81.,John'e March,
Brussels, an Sept. 24th, by Rev. H.
Al. Lang Ford, Mr. Harry Bartliff,
of C'intoo, to Miss Vinie, daughter
of Mr. John Oardiff, of Brussels'.
Cnss0R—MoARmsos.—At the residence of
the bride's parente, Brussels, on
Sept. 25th, by Rev, A. 0. Wishart,
B. A„ Mr. S. R. Orerar, B. 8. 0., O.
L. 5 , Toronto, to Mies Jennie, daagh
ter of Mr. and Mre, Jas. MoArter.
FSILD—BRYANe. —At the home of the
bride, Grey township, on Sept. 25th,
by Rev. H. M. Lang Ford, Dr. R.
Percy Feild, of Brussels, to Mine
Olara E., daughter of Mr. and Mre.
Edward Bryene,
Gourn—Sxroo.—Ia Guelph, on Sept. 11,
by Rev, R W. Rose, Mr. John Gould
to Miss Katie, daughter of Mre. 0.
Smith, of Gnelph.
HAINST OK—LYNN—At the residence of
the bride'e parents, Howidk, ou
Sept. 18th, by Rev. A. B. Dobson,
Mr, Walter Hainetook to Mies Liz-
zie, youngest daughter of Mr. and
Mre Jas. Lynn.
MOIR—FDLmoN,—In Walton, 'on Sept.
21st, by Rev, A. MaoNab, M. A„ Mr.
Percy Meir to Mise Mary Fulton,
both of Braman.
Tenon—Ron.—On Sept. 25th by Rev. G.
Baker, at the residence of the bride's
father, Mr. John Roe, Morrie, Mies
babel 0. Roe to Mr. F. C. Taylor,
of Howiok.
XR-irSea .5 0 ..O.aR•==-"S•s3,
Fall Wheat 85
Barley 48
Peas 74
Oats 40
Butter, tubs and nolle18
Eggs per dozen 17
Hay per ton 10 00
Flour, per bbl 4 50
Hogs, Live 5 80
Wool (washed) ... 20
Potatoes per bus........ 90
Apples (per bbl.) 1 25
SR t, per bbl., retell 1 25
11 00
5 20
5 90
1 00
1 60
1 25
OLAnX.—At Nelson, B. O•, on Sept. 181b,
Charles Olork, formerly of Grey,
township, mad 58 yearn,
Looxnrnas—In Seaforth, oo Sept. 171b,
infant eon of Mr. and Mrs. Wm,
signed Ni Lot 1s. the
8 Morrie. the
August lsb. Owner is requested to prove
property, pay expenses and take them
away. WM. 8000H,Brussele P. 0. 8.4
oEneooNED offers his 160 core farm for
sale, being Lot 20, 7'h Line, Morris. There
is a frame house, bauk barn and bay booth,
8 orchards and a never -failing spring. Farm
will ne sold in ohs or two parts to suit pur-
chaser. Poseesslon could be given this
Pall. Four nares of Fall wheat in Farm in
grass except 10 aoree. Will be gold on easy
terms. For further particulars as to price,
terms, &a., apply on the premises to ALF.
BUTTON, or Brussels P. 0, 1141
Standard Bred Trotters
MIDNIGHT 0120—A black stallion two
years old, by Oro Wilkes (2.11), dam by
Young Sidney. Also the two veer old filly,
MIS8 BARS. by Monbare (2.115), dam by
Ooetumer Both are thoroughly broken to
barnese and will be Bold right for quick
sale. For further parliculare apply to D. J.
McLAUGHLIN, Brussels P.O. 10.01
Notice of Dissolution
of Partnership.
NOTION ie hereby given that the partner-
ship heretofore subsisting. between ue, the
undersigned, carried on rn the village of
Jamestown, has this day been diseolved by
mutual 5050501. All debts owing to the
said partnership are to be paid to MacDon-
ald Bros., at Jamestown aforesaid, on or
before the 16th day of October, A. D.1907,
and all claims against the said partnership
are to be presented to the said MacDonald
Bros by whom same shall be settled.
Dated at Jamestown this 19th day of Sep.
temher,A D. 1907.
Witness: ALEX. F, MAoDONALD,
Jet]. A, 50MPeo1 - DUNOAN MAODONALp.
Taube &Son
Manutaeturing Opticians and Eyeefght
Speoialiets, of Toronto, will be at
October 3&4
If their is anything whatever wrong
with your Eyesight we will be pleased to
have you oonsult them. All work absol-
utely guaranteed.
Druggist and Stationer.
DERar0HED beefor, ea1e, on Lob 21,
Con. 12, Grey, three young brood sows with
littera et foot. If not Bold together will
sell little pigs separate. The latter are
o rose bred. Also one sow, due to furrow in
O Molter. Parties' wishing to buy pigs should
oat/ and get prices before buying elsewhere.
For further particulars apply to JOHN P,
MOINTOSB, "Shady Nooit Farm;". tCran-
brookP. 0. 10-tf
MPEOPltn0Y •-1711der and by Viz tee of
the powers aontaiued in two Mortgagee
which will be produced at the time of pale,
there Nlll be offered for sale by Publics auc-
tion on Saturday, September 28th, 1007, at
the hour. of 1.00 o'clock 1n the salerooms, at
the Central 'Rotel In the Village of Brussels,
in the County of Huron, by F. 8, Scott, auc-
tioneer, the following property, namely
B Bing the Ea et Half of the South Half of Lot
number Twenty-seven in the Seventh Con-
cession of the Township • of Morris, in the
County of Huron, containing Pif by scree of
land, more or less. This property is situate
about -three miles from Brnesele. About
thirty varus are cleared the rept being bash
lands. There is a oomiortable frame house
and small barn on the lauds. Terms of sale
—Ten per centof the purchase money to b e
paid at the time of sale-. to Mortgagee's So1-
leitor, and the balance in thirty days. For
further particulars andconditions of Bale
apply t0 F. 8, Sooro, Auotlonoer, o0 to A,
B, MAODONALD, 8ollaitor for Mortgagee,
acre farm iu the 'Township of Grey,
in the County of Huron. !Under and by vir-
tue of Wel power of e,0e oontained in a Ger.
lain Mortgage whish will be produced et the
time of ealle there will be offered :for sale by
Public Auction by Thomas Trow, Auction-
eer, at Xlump's Hotel 1n the Village of
Ethel, on FRIDAY, the lltb .DAY o1 00-
TOBER,at the hour of twelve o'clock,noon,
the following property, namely Lot num-
ber Thirty-two (92) in tit Fourth Conoeetion
of the -Township of Grey, in the Comity of
Huron, The roll ie oluy loam and there are
about seventy -live acres uuder cultivation.
On the premises are a bank barn, driving
shod andframe house. Terms of Sale—Ten
per cant, of the purchase money you the day
of sale and ste0 icieub therewith to make up
ane-tuitd of the purotlaee money within
thirty days thereafter and the balance may
remain 011 Mortgage at 'six per cent, or the
purchaser may pay all oath, For further
particulars apply to A B, Ma0nosALD, stag.,
Broseele; W. M. Brxanexn,E5R., Brufsels; J.
W • ouTT, Es4•, Listowe, ; ,or to MOPnaneoN
& Detonates, Stratford P• 0„ Veudore' Solto-
Ladies', Misses' and Children's
Fall and -Winter Coats
We want you to see our new stock of Fall and Winter Coats for Ladies,
Misses and -Children. - We are showing a large assortment and our prices' ,
are the very lowest. Garments made by the best Canadian makers in the ,
business, as well as some German and English makes.
We Invite You to Call and See them
Fur Ruffs, Muffs, Coats' and. Fur Lined Coats
Just, received.. -
Men's, Bovs' & Children's Overcoats
We also want you to see our new stock of Fall' and Winter Overcoats for
Men, Boys and Children. The largest stock we have ever shown. PER-
FECT FITTING—?EBFEOT IN STYLES—and the prices are very rea-
Boys' - and Men's New Fall Suits
We want you to see -them,
Goods Right or your Money Bach
Next door to American Hotel G. IVIclAarVQQ.