HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-9-26, Page 5A Sitilalion at it good salary awaits every graduate of Tho Contra! Buoinool Collage Experience mamma Ole positively. Enter any time, catalogue free, Write W, H, SHAW, Principal Yonge & Gerrard ate„ Toronto BUSMESS CARDS, YYH, MoOBAOKEN— • Issuer of Marriage Licensee, Of. flee at Grooery, Turnberry street, Brussels, WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER or MARRIAGE LICENSES unite In the Post Olttoe. Ethel. 30.4 -I�I+RTIIA C. ARMSTRONG ..1.) Is prepared to give lessons on Piano or Reed Organ. Terme on applioatlou. Postoflroe add ruse -Brussels. Reside0ae- Lot 8, Con. 10, Grey. Pupils may have their lessons at their own homes if proferred. MISS LAURA SPENCE Teacher of Piano or Organ ETHEL, ONT. MISS MARGARET M'LAUCHLIN. TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared for the 'Toronto Conservatory of Music. JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howick Mutual i'ire Insurance Company Office and Reoldenoo-. WALTON, ONT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM! INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM PROPERTY Rate of interest e} per cent per annum, drat Mortgage LIFE AND FIRE INS, AGENT Exeeleior• Life Insurance company The Equity Flre In euruuce company All bushman attended to promptly. H. R. BREWER, J. P. Clerk Ali Division court. AUCTIONEERS. 141 1• S. SOOTT AS AN AUCTION - i • BER, will sell for butter pri000, to better men, in lose time and leas charges than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or he won't charge anything, Dates and orders oon always be arranged at this office or by p arsenal application. ROBT. H. GARNISS IILUEVALE - ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reasonable, Bales arranged for at the °Mae of Tis Posm, Brussels, 2261 VETERINARY. GA. CTJNNINGHAM— . Boner Graduate of the Ontario Vet- erindry College, is prepared to treat all ills - 0000B of domesticated animals in a compet- ant manner, Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry and Milk Fever. Calls promptly attended to. Ofloe and Infirmary -Four doors North of bridge, Tur berryet., Brussels. 'Phone 47 LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. AB. MACDONALD— • Barrister, Soliettor, Notary, Etc, dard Bath, o Rru 0010. Blair. Solioitor for over Stan- dard Bath. Brune's. Solioitor for Metro- polit Metro- politan Sank. M. SINCLAIR- • Barriete0, Holloltor, .Oonveyau0er, NotaryPublia, 410. Ulnae -Stewart's Illook 1 door North of Central Hotel, Ho lieltor for the standard Bank. 1,LOOUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR- _ ' SOLICITORS, NOTARIES BA1i1t1S'lE RH PUBLIC, ETC. W. Pnounlroom,Q. OF. BLAm R. 0, RAxe Dittoes -Those formerly occupied by Mssero 00maron & Holt, Otranto.Oonanioa, DENTISTRY g WE ' II }I TELEGEAPiX /44 STRATFORD. ONT. DR. R. P. FEILD, mairriBT 0 ruduatu of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Piret•otase Reiter Graduate of Toronto University. ()Mae belt to. Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BIRUSSELS. 11 11nndr0(10 of Stndonts of the I'ep011tr and 4nccetlsfut ELLIOTT' TORONTO, ONT. 17 nave 08oured posibiOne this year. 0Tf r Dornand le far greater than the sup, n ply. Ednesto for business positions Qd and you will get thorn, but the odu> cation meet be L'rnem•00,400, Studs mita admitted dimly time, Write for Catelo20o, ,« W. J. ELLIOTT, Prinotpal, qqry•p Goa, YoNOE AND ALExANn11(0 Bot. yt j� We have 3 donurtmeote ; (loMttanar0L, 1� Bnon•enANn and Tatao0Apu0. Wo /employ the bust teauhere that moue 13 can hire. Oar poltroon are teerou1i1 and prantloul (011(0 we asolot worthy students to positions, Thooe who wish to gut a nurneylntntring tMueslloa ._ should get mu bent. Write for our slew catalogue aud g01 particulars. 'Ebia ie the best time of your to en- ter Our classes, ELLIO'1''1' 41 MIaLACHLAN, Prim:deem, 1.''01 itstlrit6i Ct>1sa,_ tett its. A gang has been here repainting the G T. R. station, grams being the Dolor. The County Sunday School and Young People's Sooloty convention will b0 h•ld here on Oat. 8th and 9111, T. W. Soot., manager of the Bonk of Hamilton bete, after a holiday of six months le ogee more in charge of the branch here. Judge Doyle held a Voters' List -Court here. F. Haggitt for the Conservatives had 10 names added, 8 etruok all and 2 changed from Part 1 to 2. A. Carr for the Liberals had 4 names etruok off 2 added and 2 °hanged from Part 1 to 2. Lawyers Holmes and MaoDonsld looked after the reepeotive parties. C'e tarries. Annual harvest Thanksgiving Barging will be held iu Rt. Stephen's church on Sunday, Sept. 29th at 8 30 p. m. Itlt's. Kemp left for Petersburg, N. D. o visit her sun. Her daughter, Mre, Wm. Hervey accompanied her to Winni• peg. While working around Ouse. Kiug'e breshiug machine ou Wednesday of last week Jrtes Harriatou had the mis- fortune to have hie arm broken by a belt flying off end striking him, Robb, R. Leslie, who hoe been em. pioyed with James Bros. here for some rime, has 'moored a good position with the Brunewiok Blake Callender Co. of Toronto. Jae. Beswitheriok who is suffering from an attack of typhoid fever, ie some- what improved. That Dry Bough Is Itronebllta It neglected it will weaken the throat and finally reach the lunge. Nothing simpler than inhailing the healing vapor of Calarrhozone, Its 100ti011 10 like m0gio, °o helpful, so easy to apply. Be done with Bronohial trouble for all time! Oatarrhozone does aura the worst oases, will cure you too, Sold everywhere, 25o and $1.00 ander absolute guarantee of satisfaction. Fo rdwlela. Howick Fair will be held in Gerrie on Satnrdey, Oot. 5th. W. P. Dobeou had charge of the junior department oI our school last week. Sunday, Sept 291h, Harvest Home ger. vice(' will be held in 'Trinity church at the usual flour, Benj. Gibson, who recently sold hie farm to C.+ Walker, hoe purahoeed a house and lot in Ethel and will retire from farming this Fall, The Truatees of Fordwioh Public School heve accepted Mr. MoQuibben'e resignation and have engaged Mies A. Jr. Edward°, of Glenalieo, ae Principal for the balanoe of the year, commencing on Oot. let. After nearly a quarter of a re:n sty of faithful service with the Maeeey•Har• tie company and one of its oonetiuent Companies, our townsman and ex•reeve A, 0. Statham', hag retired from the im• plement bneineee. We mldetstand ib fe hie intention to reset a while se the con tinaal driving was not agreeing with hie health. The lawsuit, brought ou by John Dar• rook, of Lekelet, against Fred. Mahood for abaeive language, oame off in the Albion Hotel, A. O. Hutchinson,. J. P., presiding, After the court was opened, the oharge woe °hanged to emelt. Several witaeseee were arose exsmined by lawyere Spotton for Mahood and Irwin for Darroch. The defendant pleaded guilty and the magistrate imposed a fine, the defendant also paying the ousts of the Court. TRIAL Uetarrrh treatment(' are being mailed out tree, ou retitled, by Dr. Shoop, Raoiue, Wirt. These teete are proving to the peop'e-without a pen• ny'a oost-the great vaine of .hie scion - tido preeoription known to druggist. everywhere as Dr. Shoop's catarrh Remedy. Sold by all dealers. illxietea•. Thee, Hartsell waa in Ottawaud lu i g g fat cattle at the fair. Ardath Rollins bad sixteen turkeys killed by the train 0080i0g intotheflock. Samuel0admoro, el Hurondale, hag imported seven fine Dorset Horned sheep for breeding purpoeee. David HMI, 12 yearn old, eon of Iaeiah Hall, Exeter North, while bedding a oolt in the stable received nations injuries by being kiokod and trampled upon. He was kinked in the jaw and it was broken in two plaoee. The blow knocked him down and the oolt trampled 'upon him, The young ladle now in a critical condi• Mon and recovery is doubtful. Bon. 0. 0aes, principal of the Thermal. on pyblie 0011001, formerly of Exeter, and a Brother of Thos. Case, London Road North bae been made the reoipieut of a handsome reeking chair, acoompsuied by ltll atlllre08 of a very flattering nature, expressive of .hair kindly love and high approoiation of hid painstaking eff0rte, by a number of hie pupile who have gauged into a higher olaee tide term, A record broabiug ordwd, ideal weather, long Mete of fine exhibits in all classes, and good reame made Exeter Fair for 1907 ono of the beet in the hie. tory of the 0001813. The grouod and buildiage were fairly packed with people, over 4000 being in attendance, The heavy rain Monday night follow- ed by a bright 8nn0y day Tuesday laid the duet and made the atmosphere de. Ugh till I fresh and pleeea11. All ola0eoe of exhibits wore tvell filled a0d of fine quality, the horses, oattlo and ladfee' work bobog specially good. The (ate receipts were 9017 86, which with The memberships wilt total about $1,000. Three good rime were run. The sad news reached bore an Suter. day morning 14th loot. of Me douth that day in Weep of it former resident of Exeter, Annie Brooke, wife of G. 13. Nord, and daughter of the late Wm. Breaks, at the age of 84 years, 9 months and 0 days, She bad been iu falling health for about pix mon`b0 but had only been confined to her room for two weeks and a half. Lung trouble wee the 001100 of death, Har mother, Mtn. Brooke and brother, W. J•, of Orystal 0019,. Mau„ had been at the bodeidofor about a week previous to death. Dire. Nord had been a resident of Olnoogo for nix years. A ittle eon two yearn of ago' survives, be- sides the haoband, brother and mother who aoaompaniad the remains here, arriving Monday morning, the funeral sating plane from the home of 0. T. Brooke, William ctreet, that afternoon to the Exeter cemetery. Me1» Nene At (land Ie what, yon want when sickness bappene at night. Oan you possibly and the equal of Nerviline 7 No for it atande unequalled in oaring pain, in• ternal or local, Earache, toothache and headache and neuralgia. disappear iu a jiffy. Rnbit on and away time the pain. For cramps, vomiting or indigos tion all you need ie ten drupe in sweeten• ad water. Siok or well you'll find Poison's Nerviline invaluable in your homee. Get a large 26c bottle to day, 13e1grave Raising of the new Metbodiet ehedv took glee° on Tuesday of last week. One shed ie 501100 feet and the other 50x70. Rev. Mr. Wishart, of Bruarele, mu - pied the pulpit in the Presbyterian eburoh last Suudey. Rev, Mr. Haotie preached at 13rusoele. Dr. Bamilton has gone to ()bingo to tete a worse in a hospital. During hie absenee hie praotioe ie being attended to by Dr. Boyer, of Kincardine. His Honor Judge Doyle will hold Voters' List court for the Township of Fleet wawauoeh in the Foreatere' Hall at Belgrave, ou Saturday, September 2801. A happy event took place 8.1 00011 on Wednesday of last week at the home of Jas. Wilkinson, when hie daughter, Mies Caroline Al., was united in marriage to Robt. J. Moerea. May their joys be many, The happy oouple went on a wedding lour to Demons, Grand Rapids and o,her pointe. They will oonli0ae to make their home in Be grave. To check a cold quickly, get from your druggist some little Oeody Cold Tablet. celled Preveutioe, Druggist° everywhere are now diepe00ing Prevention, for they Are not only safe, but decidedly certain and prompt. Prevemi0e oo0tain no Quinine, no laxative, nothing bereft nor etokeaing. Taken at the "sneeze stage" Preventiae will prevent Pueuwouis, Brouohitie, Lu Grippe, etc. Hence the name, Preventioe. Good for feverish ,hlldron. 48 Prevention 25 Dente, Trial Boxes 5 oto. Sold by all dealers. 14eaUortit. George Grubb hoe beau engaged 0e engineer with the Seeforth Eleotrio Light Co. The annual show of the Huron Poultry Aseooiation will be held at Seaforth on November 21st, 22nd and 23rd, John Foliated, who makes his home at Mre. Wm. Pinkney'e, bad his head badly out as the resnit of being thrown from a rig. Thursday, the 10th of Oatober, is the date of the Vetere' List court for the Munioipality of the Town of Soaforth. OloHd'op court will be held here oe Oct. 9th. P. Dill, late of the Maple Leaf Grocery, has purohared the general store business of the latus Jemee Oen ging at Dublin. Mr. Dill will move hie family to Dublin. Edger Hargan, of Ingersoll, nephew of Mre. M. A. Coulter and Mise Horgan, of Seeforth, was united in marriage on Tuesday, Sept. 171(3, to Miss Annie Jones, daughter of W. H. and Mre. Jooee, of Ingersoll. Mr, Eaton is Sup erioteudent of the John Morrow Screw Works, Limited, Ingersoll. Aboot twenty Ave gentlemen of the town met iu the counotl. room for the purpose of dimming the organization •of a Club for social am0eeme0t daring the ensuing Winter months. The fob. lowing ',facers were eleatedi-President, G. E. Parses ; let Vigo Pres., John Rankin ; and Vtoo Proe., W. M. Mo Kay ; Sea.•Treae W. H. James ; Committee, F. Lip000mbe, 0. Sills, J. L, Killoran, 17d. Bright and B. Wpode. Why Remain Thin And Pale? Pale people have pale blood. The ntomaoh ire wrong, assimilation ie poor and food is not changed into blood. The eget m laoke vitality and reoouetruotive power which can be supplied by Ferro zone. It bracts the appetite, digeetie0 is stimulated, what you eat is transformed into the Bind of hatriment your system requires. Vital life-giving blood Ihat nutria; may cheeks,strengthtithat defies weariness, spirit ad ambition all Dome from Ferrozone. Try a 60o box. Sold everywhere. Blue vole. Tuounuanr 000NOIL.-Minntoe of Council meeting held in the Clerk's office, Biuevale, Monday, Sept. 16th. Nordberg all present ; Reeve iu the ohair. Minutes of last meeting read and ad- opted on motion of Meseta. Moffatt and Kelly, Moved by Mr. MoMiohael, eco• Gulled byMr. Moffatt that the clerk be iuotruoted to enter all pupaid Drain 0eeeeemeute on Colleotor'e roll for the entrant year, Carried. The following accounts were passed and ohequenieeued; -John Bargees, Revision Vetere' List, $35.80; John MoTavieb, Revision Vetere' List, $2.40 ; Wm. F. Smith, Revision Voters' List, $1 50 ; Wm. P. Smith, rent Foresters' Hall, $2.00 ; Arthur Wheeler, gravel and damages, $5 96 ; John W. King, Morrie Boundary, 99 641 John Marshall, gravel, $8,12; John Mo. Naughton, gravel and damages, 97.06 1 John MoBnruey,ravel and damages, $2501 James McDougall, gravel end damages, $2,00 ; Johu A, McLean, lumber„tor oulvert, 915.801 Hugh Mo. Kinnon, gravelling and stone, $16.58 ; John Fulton, inepeotfng gravelling, $2,25; John Yoe, flooring oulvert, $3.00 i A. Miller, cement oulvert, $980'; Richard Wilton, inepeoting McDougall drain, $25.50 ; Jae, Moffatt, work ouivert Morris Bdy., $10.00 l Lattimore & cook, McDougall Drain, $00,00 ; CV, aid W. 13, Bhllott, tile McDougall Drain, $800,001 I MAKE OTHERS HAPPY Duff &Stewart, lumber, $20 91; 1Lobt. Do not eonlpol someone to rub your Hogg, repairing oulvert $4 60 ; Joe Iaching'back or limbs this winter, but start Lovell, purvey 0. line, con. 2, 9200 ; ri 01031 and takeBaht. Leatborn,0nrv031 0, line, eon. 2, g $2 00 ; Jataev Elliott, survey 0.1 line, eon, 2, $2,00, Moved' by Mr. l Kelly, seconded by Mr. Rutherford that this meeting do now adjourn to meet in Sleeve's', Monday October 21st at 10 o'oloak a. no. Carried, JOHN Buneiioa, (Merit. rilorr•t... Many of our readers will .•prat to learn of the death of Mrs, Ohas. Barrett on Sunday morning Sept, let, Mrs Barrett was the youngest daughter of the late Jae. Diok, 9131 oon. of Morrie, where elle was bore, spent her eobool days and grew up into beautiful young womanhood. On the death of her father she with her mother and two slaters', want to Blyth. A few yeure later death again brake up the home by taking away her mother, and she wee married to her now bereaved husband at .the horne of her sister 10 Taokeremith,and ei00e then she has resided in Blyth -three short years of married life About six menthe ago it became evident to her friends that eousumption had etriokau her, and all that loving care and nursing oonid do wee done to ward off the disease but in vain. A heavy blow fell upon her whets her dear little baby boy woe taken to the better land. His death broke one link which bound her to the earth and ebe bowed in recognition of the Master's will. A quiet gentle unassuming nature, else made many friend° who deeply respected her, but among her relatives she was greatly beloved for her intense earnest .nese and genuine piety. Her blameless life was a living lassoo to all who knew her that else faithfully tried to tread in the lootetep0 of her Saviour. During her long illness no murmur ever 000aped her lips and although suffering from wearineee and pain alwayo had a bright word and pleasant smile for all. Her hneboud and little two year old sou with lour slaters enrvive her. Her eietere are lire. Geo. Minima, of Arden Manitoba ; Mre. W• 0. Landeeboro, of Tnokeremith ; Mrs. John Jaokaon, of Henfryn, and Mies Aggie Diok, of Neepowo, Manitoba. The remains were laid to met in the Union cemetery on Tuesday afternoon in the aura bepe of a glariooe reeurreebion. NO MORE CATARRH. COl111li0n Sense Will not Allow It to Exist in Brussels. There will be no more oetarrah in Brnaeele nnleoe people fail to follow the taw of common sense. The truth of this statement is shown by the great eno0000 that hes fol'owed the use of Hyomei in oatarrhal troubles. Bo positive is this treatment in quick relief and permanent cure that it is 0old under an absolute guarautee to refund the money if it does not do all that is claim• ed for it. There is no other treatment or medi• eine for catarrhal troubles that in at all like Hyomei. It follows Nature's plan in airing dioeaees of the throat and lunge by bringing healing medication rightto she very spot where the dinette germs exist. With this treatment, health• giving oils and baleame are breathed through a neat pooket inhaler that mimeo with every outfit, so that every breath you take while using Hyomei ie a breath of healing air. It kills all oatarrhal germs and prevents their•growth, so that the ogre le thorough and permanent. We positively guarantee Hymnal, for abould you bay a complete outfit, prioe $1.00, and be dissatisfied with respite your money will be refunded, Hyomel is sold by druggists everywhere. Write for. literature. Booth's' Hyomei Co., Buffalo, N. Y• u od erficln . Edward Armstrong left on a visit to hie eon, Rev. Egerton Armetroug, at Charing Crow, Mise Bert Yale° left for Chicago, where eke will visit relatives' and possibly re- main for the Winter. 'Phomas Burrows sold 15 hesitate of plume off five tree° in his garden, a pretty good indication of a plentiful orop. Reid & Go. have a wing of men build ing the addition to the Registry office, ueoeeeilated by the requirements for more room in the building. Rev. R. Hobbit, of Toronto; will give one of hie famous leoturea iu North street Methodist oburab Mouday evening, the 80th inst., under the auspices of the Epworth League. Owing to the increase in business the Doty Engine Werke Co. are increasing their oapit0l stook from $40,600 to $100,' 000. The Company contemplate making extensive additions to their plant in the near future. While Wm, and Mre. Aoheson were driving round the Square, their boggy oollided with another, and the wheels' looking the vehicle stopped suddenly, throwing both the occupant° out. Mr, and Mre. Acheson have injuredehouldere, bat both doing well. The fences along the embankment at the foot of Harbor hill are beiug oompiot ed. Gravel ie 'till being brought to fill up between the embankment and the main tracks of the 0. P. R. preparatory to laying ewitobee. The interior of the freight abed and offioee is being complet- ed. KILLEn ON HONErttoo0 Tara. -Frederick A. Reid, of Goderiob, and hie young wife, who were spending their honeymoon in Gnelph and the vicinity, were fatally injured in a Droning aooident on the G. T. R. Friday morning at a point about three miles North of Heepeler. hired Mr. and Mrs Reid a buggy at Palmer's' livery in G110Ip0, where they had been etayilg at the Oommeroial Hotel and started t0 drive to Heepeler to visit MID, T. Clemens. An eye witn0e5 of the tragic ooeurrenee was a young lad named Brent Higdon, son of a nearby farmer, He was creasing air” field about 200 yenta from the Beene of the accident end naw the buggy going along the road. The train was then doming along, and it to probable the horse became unmaoage• able and bolted ae the orosei0g wag hot ooneidored a dangerous ono. The horne (neared the track, but the buggy was Amok, and when young Hind's reached the spot Mre. Reid was lying an°onnotone thirty five feet from tvbore the engine skulk her, while Mr. Reid was moo very badly injured. conductor °amoral at once had the train stopped and booked up, and the injured 00Up10 were taken On board. At Galt Station the ambulance, met the train and Mr. and Mrs, Reid It will clear yonr system of Rheumatism and all other Kidney diseases, making you happy, consequently others. 500. aim( at Drug • Stores or by Mall, 92 The CL8FLIN CHEMICAL CO. Limited. WINDSOR, Out. were taken to boepital. Mrs, Reid 000 Dumbed to her injuries before the hospital was reached and Mr Reid expired about 1 o'clock. The eooldeot 000(10010r Oam• Bron tbiuke, may have been doe to the high wind, which may have prevented the couple from bearing the engine whistle for the araeefng, Fred, A. Reid and wife, who were the vi0time of a moat dietreseleg 000000013 fatality near Heepeler were meet eotimabloreeidenle of Goderioh. The partioularly sad feature of the incident ie that they had just been married on Wedueedsy morning,. and were epending their honeymoon 10 the locality where the 000ident 'marred. Mr. Reid woe a young man of about 30 years, and war' in the employ of the Goderioh Elevator & Traueit Company as dock foreman, Hie young bride was formerly Mies Etta MoDowell, and she had lived in Goderioh for a good number of yearn with her mother at the "Lake. view," a popular Summer resort. The news of the fatality Dame as a aback to everyone in town. Tiny were hurried at Goderioh on Sunday. The McDowell family formerly lived ease Westfield, but moved to town some years ago, their old• pet 0011 Harvey marrying and settling on the Wmeetead,owned by Mrs. MoDowell about the Same time, "Lakeview House," wee to have been Bold by auction Saturday afternoon but the sad 0000rem- 0e upset all arrangements. Mise Me Dower was the only daughter of E. and and Mre. MoDowell and was a very estimable young lady. She was promin- entin church work in 000neoti00 with Victoria Street Methodist oharab, being Sunday eohool timber and former mem- ber of the choir. What ,about Your K(daoys Your back aches and fairly groans with the disarming pains of kidney trouble. You're discouraged but you mnetn't give up The battle eau be quickly won when Dr. Hamiltoo'e Pills get to work. These kidney specialists bring new health and vitality to young and old alike. Even one box proves their msrveloue potion Continue this great healer, and your kidneys will become se strong, as vigorous, as able to work as new ones. Remember thio Dr. Hamilton's Pills are purely vegetable ; they do aura liver, bladder and kidney trouble. They will cure you or your money baok. Prioe 26o per box at all dealers. ime for Salz Just received a car load of No. 1 White Lime. D. A. LOWRY BRUSSELS. From Whom are You Going to Buy ? From a reliable firm where you see what you are getting or from some agent who don't know ono kind of from another and cares 01 Granite 0 Y forks t commission as agent 7 We etttploy no agents and guarantee all our work for five years. Wilson & YIuntor Itrtit89ELS Cough Caution Nevnlr, p0+! tl vely ne,or poison your Hangs, Hyatt cough -,ren front a shoal° roll 0111Y-yo0 should, 0001,1138111111, soothe (rod ease 111(0 irritated boon. .'dal tubes, Don't blindly suppress It with a' stupefying poison. it's ah•anga ]holy some things, filially come ab011t, Tor twenty years 1 1, Shoop. hna emnsnurtiy wonted people not to take cough mixtures or 1)11' Ilidlono containing Opium,; Chloroform, or similarnoicnn,. And 101v-011tt18 Into nif poisonslare,ius31)0(10 ough odf Very good 1 11leroe ttni•lorthleve'yreesonmetlor0, and °them, sboted Insist on havinebr. Shomee Cough Cerro. Nn Dolsmn marks on Dr, 8(1001I)t 0 lobells-and none to the inedioine, e.ls0itmu0lby law be on the label, awl ire not only sato, but it is said to be by those that know it best a 111117 re.. mmrhn bin cough renm(ly. Patio uaehnnc0 mar1101(10rly 1111h ,your ehililvert 1,101(81015 having Pr. Shoop's Cough (Are Compare carefully the Dr, Shoop package with ethers and note the dlf(arumee, No 1,01001, marks there! You can always be on the sofa side by demanding Dr Shoop's Cowl?h C . re, "ALL DEALERS" MISS STRACHAN V Y E beg to auuounee to our Customers that onr Y v Style and Display Room is in readiness for you. We have gathered together from the loading Fashion centres the handiwork of the most skilled Designers and Fashion Creators which we are showing in con- junction With clever and practical ideas from our own Trimming Room. We will bo very glad indeed to have you call and see our lines as we believe we have the very BEST Styles and Merchandise obtainable and desire an opportun- ity to show you. W. thank our many customers for past favors and solicit their continuance. ISABELLE STRACHAN HEAVY HARNESS Although we make a specialty of Single Harness we also claim to give you extra value in Heavy Harness, as we use nothing but the best of material combined with good workmanship. Mee our 'trunks and Valises. They are great value. Fly Nets Reduced to Aetual Cost to clear out balance. Repairs iu Harness or Collars promptly done. I 'We also have a man who attends to all kinds of repairs in Boots and Shoes. 1. C Richards Ppm EINDIESENZIEMIIESINEISIGINEZESINECOISEENEC BRUSSEL'u' R On and after Friday, September 20th, 25e. per bag will be paid for Winter apples and 20e. for good paring Fall apples delivered at the Factory. No small or soft apples will be taken. J. CUNNINGHAM, 1roprietor Naliolial Roller P101111 Good Bread and Pastry are essential to good health. To obtain good Bread and Pastry it is necessary to have good Flour. White Ltaf ." Flour possesses all the qualities that go to make theseessentials. Try this, our special prts� duet and it will please you. 1y ta"All kinds of Feed kept constantly .on hand. Bing tip Telephone No 4 if you desire anything in our line and have not time to eail. WM. I I 13i LISSELS