HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-9-26, Page 4IT.e 5.6rax5stts ,a$t,
THURSDit X, SEP. 26, 1907.
Wilke abouh au Old Boys' re•colou in
Brussels next year/ We WW be tail
eudere in the preemie* if we don't
look out. 01 image there is ooneiderable
of the fad in these gatheringe and eome
towns have learned the diffloulty of fin-
anaiog thein but notwltbstanding they
afford many pleaeant re•unione and the
remiuie0auoee are pb0ekbly worth the
IT is said a lady ,e going to Java On an
enquiry exoureion t0 eeoore epeolmene of
the "missing link," said to be possibly
obtained there. It the dear body would
borrow a step ladder and climb he own
family brae she might get pointers nearer
lame and besides the exercise would be
all the more enjoyable reminding her of
haw her a0oeatore performed in the days
of aeld long eyrie.
Hos. A. G. McKee, of Owen Sound,
has been chosen leader of the Opposition
in the Ontario Legislature as 80000000[ to
Hon. Geo. P. Grabem, who has gone
into the Oabinet of the Commons.
Alexauder Grant MoKay, one of the
fighting band of Liberals in the Ontario
Legieletture, was born in Sydenham
township, Grey county, in 1860, of High,
land Scotch parents. Io hie oratory
and method of thought he is ae purely
Oeltie as hie forbear° were. He was
ertnoated at Owen Sound Collegiate and
at the Uuivereity of Toronto, graduating
in 1883. For four yeare he was Prinoipat
of Port Rowan High Sobel, and during
the next' four years be studied law. Mr.
Matey was oalled to the 13or in 1891,
after a brillant course, and so speedily
did he make himself known as a pleader
that in 1894 he was appointed Crown
Attorney for Grey, an office held by him
till 1001, when he resigned to enter
politica. Mr. McKay was first returned
to the Legislature in May 1902 and io
November 1904, joined the Rose Ad•
ministration ae Commissioner of crown
Lands, During eve short term in of$oe
he was a most efficient administrator,
Iu opposition he he been a keen and no -
sparing critic of the Whitney Govern-
ment. Mr. Kelley 800Bpt8 the leader.
ebip on condition that the appointment
be submitted to the County organizations
Morris Council Meeting.
Morrie township Oounail met
aoiording to adjournment in the Council
room on Sept. 2nd. Members all present
Reeve in the obair. Minutes of last
meotiug readend confirmed. The
Treaeorer'a half a f yearly statement was
examined end ou motion of Teylor and
Shaw wee s0oepbed as eatiefactory. On
motion of Campbell and MoOutoheon
the Reeve was Untreated to have the
Sunshine bridge put in a proper state of
roper. On motion of MoOateheon and
Campbell bhe Olerk was instructed to
mall fee sealed teudere for the oo0etrnolion
00 the Cole Deane, tendere to be opened
et the Town Hall Sept. 17th at 4 o'clock
p. m., drain to be completed by Outober
1.c 1908. Oe motion of Shaw and Mo•
Juteheou the offer of Robt. Vint ,for the
a0netroctioa of a cement arch 09900108
lot 8, moo. 7, for the sum of 9180 was am
aepced and the clerk in0trn00013 to draw
apeaifiaetione, deo, for the same. On
motion of Taylor and Oampbell the
following rates were atrnok for the
onrrent year, namely:-Oo0nty rate, 2
mile ; Townebip rate, 2 2/10 mills and
for General Soho d rate 1 6(100 mills in
the $. Bylaws Noe. 9 and 10, for the
oolieobion of the foregoing rates, were
duly read end passed. A0000nte were
ordered to be paid as toilowe ;-Sae.
N,oboleon putting in oulvert $2.00 ; Geo.
W, Proctor inspecting 00ment work,
97 00 ; Jno. Vauoamp deviation road and
attending to lights $4,00 ; MoKinnon Bros.
gravelling on North Boundary 94400;
R. 2laxwell, inspecting on Nortb Bound-
ary, $5,00 ; for gravel, Spews and Mo.
Ewan, $2.94 ; H. LGrkby, 91.50 ; R. Mo.
Gowan, 9140 ; Wm. Wilkinson, 53.60 ;
M. Bleak, 12o ; Geo. +11oDooald, 912 60
Wm, Salter, 58 15 ; Jae. Oroikouauk,
$1.50. D. Somenervtlle,9426; Jun. Bert,
$2 81 ; R. Newcombe, 9267 ; Joo. Dusk.
eft, $2,24 ; W. J. Henderson, $100 ; R.
Jnhuebon, 91.80 ; H, Boemau 92 94 ; W.
Skelton, 92.16 ; W. 5, Sonob, 98 30) J.
13 Sedate, 93 24 ; Geo. Pieroe, 97 07 ; E.
L'taudy, 91,19 ; Jae. Farquhareon, 98.60 ;
Wm. Taylor, 9196 1 D. Agar, $8 42 ; D.
Jewett, 94 60 ; Joo. Barr, 91.68 ; 1i,.
Oookeriine, $5 20 ; Jno. Soott, 923.20 ;
Wm, Millar, repairing bridge work with
grader, $6.60 ; W. J. Geddes, lumber,
92 75 ; A. Oempb.11, wkdeuiug embank•
meet, fencing uud patting in cement
culvert, $45001 P. Kelly, ebovelling
gravel 94 00 ; Wm, Craig, ohovelling
gravel, $4 00 ( R. Vint, drawing Dement
and making tile, 525.40 ; R. Vint, in.
spearing mavens, 912 00 ; R. Nesbitt,
moving cement moulds, 92 50; R. Brown,
repairing bridge, 92.00 ; Mr. McPherson,
element 926 37 ; li. Irvine. gravel, $2 75 ;
B',jeb Higgins, drain tomes road, $4.50.;
Won. Coalee, registering Cole drain By-
law, $2.00 ; Wm. °Melte, fee, re Cole
drain By-law, 920.00 ; Geo. Taylor, es
tim.etee on Keay end Ellison drains,
95 00 ; Neil TttylOr, eetimetee
on Belly and Elliman drains, 94 00.
On motkou of Campbell Rud
Taylor the Centel then adjourned to
moot again on Oat, 14th, W, OLaak,
Sbomaoh troubles, heart and kidney
aklmente, eau be quiokly corrected with
a preeoription known to druggists every-
verywhere 0.0 Dr, Shoop's lteetarative. The
prompt and eueprlskug relief which thin
remedy immediately brings le entirely
due to ite Reeborative action upon the
controlling nerves 01 the stomach, eta.
A Weak etetnooh, oaoeing dyepepaia, a
weak heart With palpitation er inter.
mittent pulse, always m08n0 weak eon).
arlr nerves Or Weak heart uervee,
Strengthen those inside or controlling
nerve with Dr. Shoop'e Reetot'etive
and see how quickly these ailments die•
o t
a car, Dx. Shoop. , of R4ome Wie,,
mall eamplee free. Write for them,
A toot will tell, Yoe health is oerten•
ly worth We simple trial. Sold by all
Mies Mary Hobkirk took and 00190 ae
lady driver et Exeter ]Bair, She drove
Jack Ireland's outfit.
Wm, Glenn was fined $10,00, and
bound over to keep the peace for ROOM It-
ing his amain, George Glenn.
Mr, Nesbit, who wee needed on the
feat white working in the hour mill bee
been Buffering from blood poisoning,
eedle very poorly.
Frank Marshall and eon Johnnie lett
on Monday evening of last week for Bel.
leville where the latter will enter the
provinoial Instituto for the deaf and
Oar eeteemad townsman, R. 3. Drys.
dale has a eta ouilection of postage
stamps numbering 12,848, including
Canadian and Foreign, taken from letters
and papers addreeeed to the postmaster
duriug bis term of 32 years in that poli•
lion at Drysdale.
Kenneth White who has been on the
Sovereigh Bank staff for some time left
for New Liekord where he joins the staff.
Previous to leaving he was presented
with a haudeome meereohanm pipe, by
his friends among the boys.
Look Out For mi. Mau
If he offers eomeohing "better" than
Putnam'- Corn Extractor, it's the ad-
ditieual profit or inferior goods that
temple him. Putnam'- is the one sure
and painless cure. Use no other.
Lam coIvy Gil.
Will Zilliex, of Toronto, is spending a
week in town.
J. 0. Hay and F. W. Hey are in Win.
nipeg on a bueineee trip.
H. J. Bamford, formerly of town, baa
etereed a tailotiug buei0080 in Boehm,
Jemee Torrance, M, P. P , lett on a
bueineee trip to the Peaitio closet, 00
which he will be absent three or four
F. R. Blewitt was in at8eodanoe last
week at the Sovereign Grand Lodge I. 0
0. F., meeting at St. Paul Minn, He he
one of the two representatives from the
Grand Lodge of Ontario,
Parties are going through this oeatiou
securing options from the farmers for
boring for oil and gas, The options cover
seventy feet square on any part of the
ferule not adjutant to buildings.
The family of Jacob Ierael have moved
to town from Seaforth, end have taken up
their reaidenoe on Iokerman street Elet.
Mr, Israel has been employed at the
Furniture factory for some months.
Abe special meeting of the High eohpel
board, Miss Ethel A, Preston, of Nap-
anee, was 0n48ged as fourth teacher at a
salary of $600. She takee the Junior
Soieoce, Commercial and Aro depart.
menta et the eobool.
Jobe Scott, the well known cattle man
of town, had his arm badly oraehed and
was otherwise injured by being streak by
a trolley oar while in Toronto Sunday
night of last week. Se had a narrow
escape from being killed.
No Self Control
Start At "Trifles."
No Control of Your Nerves. e,
The uervee are the great 0ontrolliog
force of the body.
Tbey govern every notion, every tune
tion. Upon tbeir vitality hiuge your
energy, your power to think and not.
But alae, your nerves are weak ;
Yon have burnt tip your nerve forme,
used up that reserve you so badly need
just one way to win it bank.
Baild up with Ferrozone.
It 000100-8 wor0.out nerves, benne it
enppliee them with nutriment and build,
mg morale!.
Ferrozone gives you "gtip" and
courage -makes the blood ting e through
your veins-fille you with that feeling
that a powerful and strengthening media
clue is winning you book to health,
Mr. 0. R, Ziok; a prominent oitizen of
Lauenburg, N. S., proved Ferrozone was
a marvelous tonic and says ;-"Nothing
I ever ailed gave snob prompt, strength.
ening etfeot a0 Ferrozone, I we run
down, quite nervous, no appetite and in a
generally used up condition. Ferrozone
gave me a wonderful amount of new
etreugth, quite reetored my nerves and
made nee well. I eau reoommend Fera.
0ZJ00 to every men who works hard and
ueede a tonic,"
By supplying nourishment and vital
foroe to the nervee, by euriohing the
blood, etreugtbeoing. the heart -Farr•
ozone is sure to help any man, woman or
child in iil•healih ; try it -50o, per box
at ell druggists.
'VPialr; Ilttn,l.
Riob, Barrett returned to Brandon on
Tuesday of last week after a two weeks
visit with hie family in town,
Hotel Brunswick ie to be heated with
steam. Boiler aod radiators will be in.
stalled, to make au op•lo•date heating
Thee, Ball and H. 0. Bell have re•
signed their positions in connection with
the Wieghem factorise of the Canada
Furnftore Manufactures.
Sunday Court Maitland, No. 25,
Canadian Foresters, attended service; in
the Baptiet ohurcb, and were addreooed
by Pastor Allen, on the subjeot of
Rev, Dr. Eby preaohed in the Metho-
dist ohuroh Sunday morning. Dr. Eby
was tortneriy a mie0konary in Japan, boo
bas recently been appokoted International
Secretary of the Citizens' League,
The finale in the eerie of bowling
doublee played foe Iwo umbrellae, given
by McGee ee Campbell hes been played.
Mayor Helmet and Ira Parker won over
0. Kneohtel and 0. G. Vanden' by 6
Geo. Spotton, of the well established
Wingham Business College le making
arrangements for the opening of a
college in Goderioh, . Mr, Spotton baa
new well egoiped oollegee in Wingham,
Orangeville, Clinton and Walkerton.
1'be carmen elect of the Beptiet Young
People's Union are a0 follotve ;-tion.
Prom, -Rev, H, Alien ; Preefde01, J.
Mitaheil ; Viet•Prea,-Mre, Allen ( See
Trane,--•Miee Beer ; Oor.-Soo.-Mise
Kelly; Organist -Mrs, All ; 800101801-.
Miss Baer.
more ptt pile atteediva than ono year
ago, T},Ie epeake eloquently as to
Our past. work,
Wo educate to meet the living,
demands of a progressive age.
Our Stenographers nod 110olt.
keepers delight the moot modern, e0 -
noting city ollicee.
Day etedenta attend night clones
free, Graduates pined in good sit.
uati0ne. Now is the hoot time to en-
ter the
Business College
GEO. SPOTTON, Principal
Councillor Nloholeon was in Kincardine
looking over the plane and epeoifioatioee
for the new poet office building to be
ereeted in that town. Mr. Nicholson
iutende put'ing ina tender for the work,
Stephen Pelton, of California, is visit•
ing hie sister, Mre, J. B. Ferguson, and
old friends in Wineham and district,
This ie Mr. Pelton'- first vieit to Wing.
hem eine leaving hare some yeare ago.
Para anywhere, pain in the head, pain•
ful periods, nenralgia, taotbaobe, all
pains can be promptly etopped by a
thoroughly Bete little Pink candy Tablet,
known by droggiete everywhere as Dr.
Shoop's Headaobe Tablets, Pain simply
meaoe congestion -undue blood pressure
et the point where pain exists, Dr,
Shoop'e Headache Tablete quiokly
equalize this nnuatnral blood preee0re,
and pain immediately departs. Write
Dr, Shoop, Ranine, Wis., and get a trial
package. Large box 25 ate, -Druggists,
/it W OA(1.
Elora Fall Fair, Tuesday and Wednes-
day, October let and 202.
The Methodist Anniversary 080010es
will be held ou Pother 6th and 71,13,
James Longmire is able to get around
again after his severe sneak of typhoid
J. A. MoBain left on Monday of last
week for his trip to Vancouver. He ie
engaged with the firm of Niokelborough
& Muldrew, Toronto.
The Grand Trunk Railway Co. of
Canada, has begun an notion against the
Western Ontario Portland Gement Co.,
of the villein of Atwood, Perth County,
Maiming $411 61 under a certain agree
mint between the parties.
Fibs, Alex, Simpson, of the Gravel
Road, moored seeond prize in the Butter
Making °pone at Western
eArtiHertawh0 eat' epee' the past 6
woeke with hie a tandparente, Mr. and
Mre Doualdeoo, of thea village, bne re•
Weed to Brandon.
D. G. Anderson, Principal of Atwood
Public) 8011001 nod Mise Magris BodgiP•n,
aeoieletit teeoher, were In Stratford on
Thursday and Friday attending the
Teel), rt. Ono' en l ion.
Geo, and Mre, Longmire returned to
their home in Winnipeg on elopday
of lest write after spending a mouth's
holiday with the fra'mer's parents, Jae,
sat Mr,.. Longrniro.
The members of the Sone of Sootland,
Clamp Melrose, No. 78, Atwood, ohnwed
their appreoiation of the eervicee of It,
Common as a worthy member and also
as nu eeteetned °aNzen by presenting him
with p gold Inetooh and fonntain pen,
the p+oeentation being brought ebo04 as
n sarpriee. Mr, Oommon replied in very
teeing tenni,
t. lloiton,
J. Torrence, eon of Inepeotor Tor-
rance, of town, bee joined the staff of
the Edmonton Bulletin.
The Flower Show held in - the town
ball on Tueedoy and Wednesday of last
week was a great enooe08,
A 5, Grieg made an exhibit of six
Games and Game Bantams at the Tor•
Onto Fair and won four prizes,
A reception 0068 given to the Mod.
elites by the Epworth Lego() of Wee•
ley ohuroh on Monday evening of last
About the first week in October Rev,
Fr. McMenamin will deliver a lecture
here entitled "Five yeare' experience in
Nova Bootie."
Dr. John Gunn has returned from the
continent, where be has been taking up
special courses of 810dy. He leaves for
the West and will probably [emote either
in Winnipeg or Venoonver.
The many friends of Wm. Grigg,
(father of A, J. Grigg,) will regret to
learn that he is laid up by a alight stroke
of paralyeie. He ie one of the oldest
ae well as one of the most highly reepeob-
ed reeideote of the town, and hae hither-
to engaged good health.
The Ruri Deaoonal chapter of the
County of Huron met 10:011nton on Fri•
day, I3112 inst. Holy communion was
celebrated at 11 a. m. in St. Paul's
Church. The Ohapter opened for busk
nese at 2 p. m and after the 00ual de-
votional exeroieee Rev, John Berry,
Reotor of Sea(orth, read a oarefally pre.
pared and most nonnative paper on the
"Supply and Training of the Clergy."
It 000aeioned an interesting diesueeion.
The second paper was given by John
Rensford on the "Churob and Temperon,
oe Reform" The paper W88 in Mr,
Ran0ford'a olear•ant and forcible style
and a thorongh dieonseion followed. The
advantare of being able to say to a young
man "Be a total abstainer with nee for
one or two yeare" was advanced by eome
of the speakers and the methods of the
church of England Temperance Sooiety,
East Huron Fall Fair
& Friday, Friday,3
East Huron Fall Fair will be held at Brussels on Thursday and Friday, Oct,
8rd and 4th, and promises to eclipse all its predecessors.. The prize list was al-
ways good but it has been extended and prizes increased in a number of 01680es.
The well known
91st Highlanders
Regimental Band.
has beau engaged and will play at the Exhibition Hall on Thursday .evening and
Speeding events will be put on Friday afternoon to inolude a Green Trot or
Pace with three towards -$25, $15 and 910 ; a 2,60 Trot or Pace for similar sums ;
end a Breeders' Puree for 8 -year-olds, with prizes of 910 and 95.
P00'1 RACE, e mile, boys under 18 years.. lab, $2.00 ; 2nd, 51.00 ; 8rd, 75o ;
4th, 50o ; 6111, 25o.
BOYS' RACE, under 14 years, 100 yards. lot, 75e; and, 50o ; 8rd, 25c; 4th, 25o.
BOYS' RA0E, under 10 years, 50 yards. let, 50e ; 2112, 25c ; 8r8, 25o ; 4812, 250.
GIRLS' RACE, under 15 yeare, 100 yds. let, 75o; 2nd, 60o ; 8rd, 25e ; 4th, 25o.
GIRLS' RALE, under 10 years, 50 yards, 1st, 60o ; 2od, 25o ; 3rd, 25c ;° 4th, 26o.
OBSTACLE RACE, 200 yarde, for boys under 18 years, let, 51,00 ; 2nd, 75e ;
3rd, 50o ; 4th, 25o,
FAT WOMAN'S RAGA, 50 yards, Contestants meet weigh at least 200 lbs. let,
52.00 ; 2nd, 91.00 ; 8rd, 60o.
THE POULTRY ADVOCATE, of Parolee, offers a year's oubsoription to that
Journal for the beet trio of Andalusian Poultry, and a year's subscription for
the beet trio of Barred Rock Chioltene,
RYRIE BROS., the well known "Diamond Hall" Jewellers, of Toronbo, donate a
flue Silver Medal for the largest and best exhibit of cattle at the Fair.
-The same firm offer a Bronze Medal for the speediest and beet roadster team
exhibited. ,
THE STANDARD BANK offers 510,00 for the best Roadster, horse or mare
labelled to a buggy, owned and driven by a farmer or a farmer's son. Style
and speed to be taken into oonefderation, let, 96.00 ; 2000, 54.00,
THE METROPOLITAN BANK will give three prizes, viz, : let, $8.00 ; 208,
92.00 ; 3rd, 91,00, for the three best collections of Winter Apple, five of each.
GEO. 'THOMSON, grocer, offers $2.50 for the best Single Buggy Horse in Road-
ster alas, over 14 hands ; and 92,50 for the best Single Buggy Horse, under
1671 hands, Roadster olase.
J. LEOKIE, Brussels, effete 96.00 for The beet 25 pounds of 'Pub Butter, and
92.00 for the beet 6 pentode Table Butter, the boner to become the property of
the doneter.
W, H. MoORACKEN offers 10 pertinent of seed from him as follows;- u Swede
Turnips, let 60o, 2nd 25o ; 6 Long Red MBngele, let 50o, 2nd 250 ; 5 Yellow
Giant Intermediate Mangels, lob 60o, 2nd 25o.
W. H. KERR will give Tog POST for a year for the beet two loaves of home made
bread ; and Tun Poo for a year for the boat 6 pounds of boner, both articles
to become hie property.
THE FOLLOWING prizes will be offered to boyo 16 years and under for beet
judging of two year olds or yearlings in exhibit of thoro'-bred 'cattle on
grounds. Judging to be done at 1 p, m. sharp on Friday. No entrance fee,
let, $2,00' 2nd, 51,50 ; 3rd, 91,00, Competitors must hand in names to the
Soorotary before 10 a, m., and must not have been prize winners at former
East Huron Fairs,
The well known 9181 Highland Regimental Band, of Hamilton, will put on an
A 1 program at the Coneert to be held in the Town Hall on Friday evening, and
will be aoeietod by Miss Gertrude Stare, a well known Soprano, of Hamilton, and
Master Flett Duncan, of the sante oity, an expert Highland dancer, flan of 00-
served seats at Fex'e Drug Store, Don't mfe0 it,
Not a drop
Doctors prescribe very little, if
any, alcohol these days. They
prefer strong tonics and altera-
tives. This is all in keeping
with modern medical science.
It explains why Ayer's Sar-
saparilla is now made entirely
free from alcohol. Ask your
doctor. Follow his advice.
Wo publtah our [annulus
�°'f ambo Otolo 8100001
eI1 V fr odfolaoe
Wa urg�e you to
makeup year
Unless there is daily action of the bow-
els, poisonous products are absorbed,
causing headache, biliousness nausea,
dyspepsia. We wish you would ask your
doctor about correcting your constipation
by taking laxative doses of Ayer's Pills.
—Made by the J. O. Ayer Oe.. Lowell, mate.—,
ea in nee in England were explained and
the entices of the movement pointed out.
After the usual business was traneaated
and an informed disouseion of the
Diocesan Jubilee and of the oanditione in
Bayfield Parieb the meeting oloeed with
the Benediolion pronounced by the
doral Dean,
John Leslie, eon of J. Leslie, is bome
on a visit. He has been reeding at Oak.
land, Oat., for the last five yeare, This
916oe is just four miles from San Fran•
aksoo acres the bay, and eine the earth.
quake it hae more than doabied its pope•
latiou, while ire volume of bueineee hats
inoreaead enormously.
W. B. Taylor, eon of Jacob Taylor
of this town hae as it result of the reeent
matriculation examination in connection
with the University of Toronto been
awarded the Bishop Strachan Soholar,
ship in claeai00 whiob is tenable at Trin•
icy College and is worth $184. He took
Houar-elauding •in renthemotioe, Eng•
lith and the other aobjeote ao well as in
ohteeioe. He prepared for hie examina•
tion at the Clinton Oollegiate and ie
to be congratulated on hie well.merited
honor. He will commence his studies
in Trinity College this term,
Our National Danger
Tione to Cry a Halt Before A
Panic Cornett.
The business spirit ie crushing out the
sweeter element of home life. We are in
danger of a great oommeroial decline,
because men as a whole, thick only of
getting wealth.
There are thousands, both men and
women, who do not take time to eat
properly. They rush through life, and
as a result we have an age of indigestion,
nervousneee, irritabk'ily, sleepless nights
and morose disposition. There is not
moob difference between downright epi•
aide and the way some people disregard
unmistakeable signs of stomach trouble.
With the grant advance in the know-
ledge of digestion and nutrition, revolting
in the diecovery of Mi•o•ua tablets, there
is no longer any exonee for one to have
ill health from stomach weakness,
Mi n•na strengthens the walls of the
stomach, stimulates secretion of the
digestive jnioee,regalates the liver and
restore muscular oontraotion to the in•
tontines and bowels, so no laxative ie
Siok headaches, palpitation, bad teen
in the mouth, yellow skin, irritability
coated tongue and melanoboly are a few
of the many distressing results of in.
digestion, Mk o n6 never fails to dispel
all thie trouble. It is a scientific pre.
paration guaranteed ander the Pure
Food Law by No. 1418.
Mi•o-na is sold by druggiet8 every-
verywhere for 50 cenhs, and we positively
guarantee to refund your money ehoald
you purchase a box and be diseatiefled
with reen:be. Write for free sample,
addressing Booth's Mi•o na, Box 977,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Oharlee Hunter, of Fenelon Falle, an
inmate of Mimioo Asylum °soaped,
F. H. McGuigan, late of the Grand
Trunk, has been seriously i11 at Portland,
Mies Minnie Hatch and Geo. Hinkle
lost their lives in a fire that broke out on
the steamer Platen.
Notice to Creditors
and Debtors.
Ili the estate of Joseph Oster, late of the
Village of Brussels, agent, deceased.
Notioe 10 hereby given pnre0ant to the
Statutes in that behalf, that all creditors
havtug nay claims against the estate of
Joseph Oster, who died on or about ' the
Thirtieth day of July, A. D„ 1907, are re-
quired to send mama, onorbeforo said date,
to A. B. MacDonald, Brussels poet.sellae,
with the parttoulars of their claims,
And ootioe is further given that after the
said slate the Adminietratrix will distribute
the estate according to law, having regard
may to thee Mann Of which notice has
been given.
And notice is further given that all per-
sons indebted to the estate of Joseph Oster
aro hereby required to pay their accounts
at one to A,13. Macdonald at Brussels, or
Indite enter, Adminlotratrix, 0000le. Poet-
Dated at Bruesole this 19011 day of Sep.
Comber. A. D„ 1007,
A. B. Me000NAnt,
eolioltor for Admiulstratrla,
''The undersigned is prepared to sup-
ply the publio with the boob 10 the above
Repairs promptly atboviled to.
0rdere left with BARRY JAMES,
,American '13otol, Brussels, will reeeivo
ea seely atton8100,
CI5ANBROOli 4-3m
train between L;itera and Wa'tto, 0.
IItug'o 0110100. Spaniel, ()woe may n,l01 it
in Brneoels by paying for tee outioo, 51'
ply at `Pan Po81, Brnosolea 104
for sale -Albert otroet, comfortable
.home to good repair. Small atablo, 110000
well, Mature, So, Possession an time. Pm*further ppavtloulare apply on th0 pr0mioo0
to S. OfiAWFORD, Emote.48.1f
Februarylet-part of Smith Block.
22x85 feet ; gad door from Amerloan Hotel ;
lately Used ae tailoring aid onto' furnish.
oetablishmeat, For further partioelare
apply toD10.McKELVEY, Brussels.
land for sale, dumlortahlo dwell
lug; hard and soft water Ruder cover ; ap•
en given and t one, ary trees, &rloo, 6 1tmeesi&o0,
eel at TEM POST,
-Tho undersigned offore for sale hot
house anti lot on R`urnberry -treat, Brea.
eels, Poeooeaion would be glvou at mule
For prioo, term- 50., apply to MRS, F.
SHIELB, Walton 11, 0., or to Tan Poor,
1 bogs, 0 weeks old, tor Bate ; bred from
A 1 imported stook onboth sides, "Worse -
ley Duke" .=21820® and "I3roombouee Girl"
22175=. Will also dispose of alew there'.
bred Yorkshire youug sows. 348. SNUB.
ttIE, "Maple Grove Farm," Lot' 20, 000,4,
Morrie, or Bruseele L, 0, 8 -ti,
K,. O. T, M,
Brussels Tent of the Maceabeeo, No. 24
hold their regular meetluge lu the Lodge
Room, Beaker Block, 0u the 1st and Ord
Tuesday eveaiuge of each month.
Visitors always welcome.
A, SOMERS, Com, A. 0100DItOE,
010 pert of Lot 24, Con. 8, Grey, con-
ing 15 acres mo00 or less. On the premises
aro two houses and a barn ; also two wells,
Laud in good state of cultivation ; vary
conveniently oftuatod to Ethel villag. For
1. Ioo CHAMMBErRS ome r toy Ethel to.7 premises to
IL: eon. 10, Gray, oontafning 100
momma, 45 Rorie cleared and balance bard
wood bush and swamp. Good briok house
with kitchen, driving shed and stable , good
well, o robot d, &o, on moraine. Plane Well
fenced, Posseesiou could be given alter
crop is off. For lurcher particulars 08 to
priors, terms, A•0. Apply to Jim. D MONaln,
Let 24, Con, 14,Grey, or Mouorleff P. 0.
Any person wishing to have their lots at-
tended to will and me at tbo cemetery o0
'1'bureday, Friday bud Saturday of snob
week during the Summer mouths. lum
also Agent for the Mitoholl Marble end
Granite arm. eome and inspeot our work
and get prises before buying elsewhere.
40.4 Caretaker.
The undersigned undersigned offers her 100 note
farm, being Lot 20, Oon. 7, Gray, for sale or
to rout. Oomlortable bowie, .bank barn,
orchard, wells, dm, Farm in only 4 of a collo
from the stirring village of Ethel, For Eur•
ther particulars apply to F, S. [Scott, Brus-
sels, or MRB. KATE HOLLAND, 7 Peter
Street, Toronto, 87.8m
underalgned offers his bougie and lot,
Ili: to ou 10111 010084, Brueoela, for gale,
It , el
o w Iloouted a eou s
veuentu dgomt t
n Or
table home. PtiaO11 Mis one be 6i000 at
of ee,Mi Will also bell the streets,
lot, cornoer
m ko and Elizabeth tussle, further
would anus buildiug site. For lurcher ver-
titulars as to prime, terms, &0,, apply to
FRED. ADAMS, Hardware Dealer, Ford.
wlob, 00.4
Lot 16 and Got 17, Oen. 15, Grey. The
farm eon tains 100 acres, 140 eons cleared
and 5 aores of good hardwood bush. There
ie a good frame house, bank burn 40x100 It„
outbuildluge, &o. Windmill on barn and
waterworks system in house and stable ;
orchards ; 100 aoree elfarm now is grass.
Orau brook school9 oiloe to ramiles
waytdepot village
0, P. It, Possession for plowing as soon as
crop is off. For further parttonlars, as to
!price, terms, &a, apply ou the premises to
JAMES PE1110I10, or 0ranbrook P.O. 481
Voters' List Court.
NOTICE is hereby givon that a Court will
be held pureuautto the Ontario Voters'Liet
Act, by His Honour the Judge of the county
(Runt of the County or Huron, at the Town
Hall, Bra00ele, on Tuesday, the 811 clay of
October, 1027, at bine o'clock in the fore-
noon, to hear and determine. complaints of
errors and omissions in the Voters' List of
tho Muuleipulity of Brussels for 1007,
Dated at Brueoela thin 1111 day of Septem-
ber, 1007. F, S. 8001'1
Clerk o1 Brussels,
Ibave been appointed by the 'Dominion
Government to plaoo 'meth/routs from the
United Kingdom iu noontime as farm lab-
ourers or domestic servants iu tbieAvtoluity,
fynme by on letter
letter stating fully the kind of help
required, when wanted and wages offered.
The unbars arriving may not be eulOoleut
to supply all requests but every effort will
be mate torovide each appplioaut with
help required, F. S. 800IT,
Canadian Goyernment Employment Agent
93-57 Brussels P.O.
Notice to Creditor
I he meteor of
u t G the estate of Francis
111oOatohoon, late of the Townohip of
Morris, in the County of Huron,
retired farmer, deceased,
'Batten beroby given, pennant t0 11000o -
e4 8tatut00 0' Gear!, 3807, Chap, 820, and
amending Ains, that all creditors and olhere
baring Any olefins against the estate of Ilia
•aid b'ranole MaUutoh,On, who died ou or
Shoat the 4th day of 8epl0mber,1007 are re•
quirt() on or before the Otb day of Ootobar.
1007, to send bypoet, pren8dd, or deliver to
8,B, Maodouall, of the Village of Brueoela,
Bethany for David Walker, llrnesete P, O.,
the Llxeootor of the .00,1 ,loeeaeed, their
tlhrfeLhu, and nuroam4e and uddrees0e with
Lull partt0uiars In writing of their elaime,
the otatemeut of their memento and the not -
um of the eOmltlltoe of any) bald by them.
And potion is further given that after the
saki lust moutloned date the mad Executor
will proceed to distribute the Rosati, 01 the
loeeaoed amongst the parties entitled there-
to, having regard only to the claims of
which he shall then have notlae and that
Jae sae Lxeoutor will nut be liable for the
,ce0ele, Or any part thereof, to any person Or
persons of whose Maims notice shall not
wave been received by him ut the time of
such distribution.
Dated at Brussels, September 1160, 1007.
Solicitor for Executor.
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
ANY oven numbered section of Dominion
Laude in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and
Alberta, excepting 8 and 90, not reserved,
may bo homesteaded b any person Who is
the sole head of a family, or any mule over
18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter
motion of 1150 scree more 0r 1088,
Entry may be made personally at the
local land oi8ee for rho dts0rio1.in tvhlolt
the laud ie eltnate,
The homesteader ie required to perform
the conditions connected therewith under
one of the following plane :
(1) At least six months' residence upon
and cultivation of the laud in eaob year for
three yeare,
(2) If the lather (or mother, t! the father
is deceased) of the homesteader residee
epee a farm in the vicinity of the land
entered for the requirements as to rd8i-
deuce may be sada/led by snob person re-
siding with the lather or mother.
(Siff the settler bee his permanent resi-
dences upon far,niug laud owned by biro
1n the vicinity of his homestead, the re-
quirements ae to reaidenoe may be eatie-
lied by rosideooe upon the eahl land.
Six months' notice in writing should 110
given to the Oolumiseioner of Dominion
Lauds at Ottawa of intention to apply for
Deputy of Iho Minister of Interior.
N.13, Unauthorised pubiioatiou of this ad-
vertisement will not be paid for,
Ooreloaa(new)8sile Friday, Sept 20 001,18
Virginian Sept. 27 Oct. 25
'1'uuielan " Oct. 4 Nov 1
Victorian " Oot, 11 Noy. 8
Corinthian Sails
Thursday, Sep,, 20 Oot.81
Pru ...Sails Thursday, 001.0 Oot37Grampian ... Thursday,
001.10 Nov. 7
Sicilian Smile Thursday, mot. 17 Noy, 14
For sailings, lists and lull information
apply to
W. 11. KURIL,
Agent A11au Liue, Brussels,
Bodmi Lime Works,
Is headquarters for First-class
Lime. Write or Telephone
A. Nicholson & Sons
t� Will meet teams from a distance at
Caere Hotel, Brueeets,
Farmers or Storekeepers
by coming to the
Brussels Salt 'Works
man get any kind of Salt
they require.
Gordon Mooney,
Foreman, Brussels.
WE have an A. 1 stock of Top Buggies,
7{i manufactured
by the R. McKie
Co., of Platteville, and Wm. Dore & Co.
of Wingham. The Workmanship through-
out ib First-class and prices are right. Don't
fail to see "them.
Repairing, lie -painting and Trimming at-
tended to in a workmanlike manner on short
notice and at very reasonable rates.
R. Francis & C
Shop next to Town Hall, Brussels
We also keep in stock the real Fleury Plow Points
and the Frost St Wood repairs.. Curl and flee 118.