HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-9-26, Page 3IlEALTII .QC�tY�•atlttNDAid>.'i@?+@d4 CHILDREN AND 1ilL11. ill a general consideration of lin rear- Jnl' of ehildeell one of 110 most impels taut points Is the mod question, It can- not bo contested that the physical *on- -d tet of adult lifts may be made or mar- red ns this mutter le properly under- steotl; or not, A good heredity is Me first great gift that parents eau bequeath to their off- ,spring, and here It is difficult not to re- peat epeat the oft -quoted ren ark of that wise physician, Oliver \Wendell -Mohacs, that n child's trailing must be begun en hI0 grandparents. This is true in a physi- cal as well no moral sense, and it is for- tttenaLo for generations yet unborn that we of to -day should bo more and more tltleresled in the establishment and care of physical well-being. AL the same time, so all important is this question of sight feeding at the outset of l(fo, that, given two children, one of irreproachable physical ancestry, but led wrong Irons (110 start, and the other of a poor hered- ity, but fed with scientific knowledge of the needs of the case, Ile liter would Leland the better chance of overcoming the dangers of infancy and growing up info heathy adult life, The great sceret for aIle (lest year is, of course, the .proper 2011k supply; first, lust and all the time, pure. clean, cor- a'eolly handled milk. Breast-fed babies are lho luckiest, batt where they 111101 be bottle-fed, then this ,whole matter of mltk supply, front the cow to the baby, tslnouId be of pa'ulnount interest to the mother. Do you know where the milk comes Item? Is it a properly inspected dairy 7 .Me the'eows free from tuberculosis? IS the milk taken caro of after it leaves Lhe dairy? No amount of white tiling and :glittering nickel and fuss and feathers will help if the milk is carelessly looked ;after behind tho scenes by sono i1.00 silonsible ignoramus alter it reaches the roily; and the utmost care on the part of tall concerned may be undone by your own carelessness 00 that of your 800 - 'vents if, when talo milk reaches you, int is allowed to stand uncovered 10 hat I'.dichens, oo110cling duel or buzzed over lb; files. The question of the milk supply is of the greatest importance, not only to fine fl1,1110 babies, but all through infancy. it is a wise plan to hent all milk for 'ehilircn.s use -to bring it just Lo the boiling point, but not to !roil it; it -may -afterward be cooled to an agreeable "lempe'niu'e; With its second year a .child should ile gradually accustomed to ' pdiiulc'd nlillc, and although its diet army be gradually increased, milk stilt T0100115 the staple. A frequent mistake is giving children. .a drink of milk at add lours, when thirst. 18 complained of. aline Ls distinct - ay a Cued, and not a Leverage, and should be given at regular meal -times. 'TLlrst belweee steals is better quenched 'with pure Water. -Youth's Companion. HINTS ABOUT YOUR TEETH, if you wish to have benut.iful teeth, 'you Hurst remember lirat enell line yatl seat you should thoroughly clean them, mut do it at once. as to (cave particles :4)t food about your teeth anti. Um gums :iso to invite malignant, bncleria, YOU 00111101 aC"alilpllell aseptic clean- liness with an old, !valor -soaked LoOih- 10011011, nor with ono used constantly. avllen you have used a brush Iwo days 111 should bo washed in carbolic water, and lald'in the sun and air for a few days. This, of course, uccessilttes two :brushes. Keep carbolic water at hand. 171 is made by putting two chops of ca' - belie acid into a pint of boiled water. '\aero your brush becomes discolored 011 1th: beck throw it away. A brush, that is rfrequently used is alive with bacteria, and each time the mouth is touched with it the germs are brushed into the mouth. `if the teeth are close together use dental gloss. When you Have carefully cleaned end 5rinsed your teeth, tutee a mouthful of a ,good antiseptic wash, and, holding u. part 0f it, massage t110 gums \viii the ' 'boll of your finger fraIn Lhe root up- •wLlrils to the crown• This keeps lire •guns in a ihealthy condition, and it they nee Inclined to recede prevents further trouble. , In 1110 East Inches, where tine teed aro the rule, charcoal: 01 I,he areal, or betel - mut, which is holh smooth and alkales- •coat, is used for cleaning the teeth. As sou cann01 easily obtain this, the MI. is a very good substitute. Pre- ,pered chane, one-fourth poem]. It should .be pure precipitated carbonate of 11111e.. Add .le this one-eighth of a pound .o( starch flour; the sante amount of powdered orris-00ot; one-tenth of an '01,1100 of sulphate of quinine, and eight 'grains of oil of wintergreen or pepper. tndnt. 'These ingredients should bo very' !thoroughly mixed, and put into a bottle land corked. JUST TIIE OPPOSITE. "They cail the town you 'live in a wo- tnan's'pnredIse, do they?" said the man twiLii the pointed nose. "aconite() 111e l/ vomen:.outnumber the men live or nix ;t0 ogle?" "Not at all," answered the man with 1110 bulging brow. "Beosulse• 1,110 Merl •0111n11mbcl' Ihe women five or six to sone." ENGLISH WEDDING CUSTOM. A very ancient custom marked a re, -cant wedding al Wht1burn-by-Lhe-Sen, Hear Sunderland, England. At the .011111011 door, as Cho brldnl perry lett, the villagers presented a 1101 -pot, 0. mix - \50 of eggs and ginger, 1udo very hot. The presentation is considered a great compliment. NICE, THING, R nice thing about losing yeur money in an investment Is the Way your fam- ily ans--tIy cltn'1 nag ,you to give it to them, 111018un1---'l want agood revolver," `Healer-- A six-shooter?" ,pllndstnn - .c'lietee 1(111(0011 a nine•s11001er, it's for .eat next ,loori„ HUNTING BY SUBMARINE EFFORT '1'O RECOVER BULLION 0.11 LOS'1.' WARSHIP, When Vessel Went Down She iiad 82,500,000 on Board.--Su00,006 Recovered, The latest invention 1s a submarine fl.r salving wrecks, and It will be used In an attempt to salve 11. M. S. 11114ne, wlileh was wrecked off 'i'crscllclling Is- land, on the coast of holland, in 1700. 'The submarine is Riled with a spe- cial Internal apparatus," says J. Gar- ner Flood, of Landon, Englund, who will be engaged In the work, "IL has regulators, by the aid of hitch the op- erator 0111 0011 1001 the pressure of the 1lie inside, and t50 make It the sante as Iltat of the water. The 1X111011'1 can then 1'e opened with perfect safely, and the 20100le examined with ease, "I have just returned from the wrack and 1 think Mot we shall be success- ful in our efforts, IT IS WELL MARKLyl, nod 10 guarded by the local authorities, "Thera are, naturally, matey difficul- ties to be overcome, one of the greatest being the continual shifting of the sand around the vessel. Al, some tinges 1110 wreck is completely covered, and then our work Is twice as hard. "The Luling now lies right in the centre of a number of dangerous sand- banks, and some of the operations, which have been frequent during tha last century, have been attended with CURE FOR SEA SICKNESS AN OLD SAILOR Pl11dSCRIBES NEW i111MJI7)7 k'011 EVIL, Voeket Looking Class, Steadily Regard- ed, Will Remove All Feeling of Nausea. A 1101v ren1rr17 has !,teen dieroyeeed fol' sea sickness. An old sailor has proved Mel a pocket lUoking•glnss is tut Infallible clue, The Stoking -glues cure must be taken 111 )1cdiela•ly lite sufferer steps on hoard ship, The prc;,rliption directs 111. 1,0110111, when Ute 115>l. ildescl[i- able feeling comes on, to lake out the pocket looking-glnss end luutc himself fair and square In the eyes. '1'll0 result Ls alleged to be Uult the rolling of the ship, nod even the smell of Lite engines, will puss unnoticed. and A LITJ'f.E P1II SE\ I1HANC.E win transform a bad sailor lido is good one, 11 la a very 01101'1110 feet, and one fee which fl is difficult to account," said a noted L'udun physician recent- ly, "(1101 a casual glance in the look- ing -glass may arrest sea sickness, 11 may be that the woe -begone coup ten - mice Is responsible for Introducing n veil of humor, and the suffs:Tr resolves to ',cheer alp: "I'ersonelly I think (here Ls a more scientific reason. 11 Ls !yell Ialown entoug sailers. the1 Ihe rise end fall of lin, horizon is responsible for 1110 enriy less of life, singes of tits clislresetng malady. Phv- 11 is staled that when the vessel sielnns it censlquence often recent - went down there was bullion on board mend their patients to try to fix Their to the value of $2,500,010, but so far 0700 01) s41110 immovable abject, Such only $500,000 has been recovered, and ns a ring 011 their Unger 00 a hook held WO era now going to try to recover the firmly on the knee, The looking -gloss rennhlder, "Unfortunately, the weather handi- caps us considerably, and during the whole of this year we have not had one Nally favorable <lay. As con be 08(311y Imagined, when the sea is rough 1110 work Is very difficult to carry out. and on one occasion, when an attempt was being made with. the aid of a div- ine bell, the 200018 almost overturned It. DANGER AT A MiNi\IU\i. "\\'illi. submarines the danger will be removed, but, neverilieles, on a rough day, the shoals of continually locoing sand interfere will. Dur work to a groat extent, and prevent our gets ling et the wreck. "On one day, for instance, the sand is all removed from above the wreck, tut by the next IL is frequently covered 11( again, and the work hos to be be- gun all over again. "The Lulin.e now helongs to Lloyd's end ave have already pieced lho order for the building of the necessary ap- paratus, so that we shall begin saly- irg operations very shortly. I think they will be successful, and that with Ihe submarine coo shall recover all the bullion still remaining 1n the hold c[ the ship." WEAK, SICKLY PEOPLE. Will hind New Strength Through the Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. A great Irony young men and wo- meu are suddenly seized with weak- ness. 'Their appetite fells them; they lire on the least exertion, and become pole and thin. They do not feel any specific pain -just weakness. But that weakness is dangerous. It Is a sign that 1110 blood is thin. Oriel watery; that it needs building up. Dr, Wil- liams' Pink Pills Avill restore lost etrengli because they actually slake new, rich blood -they will Help you, Concerning them Ah'. Alfred Lepage, of St Seroma, Que., says: "For several years I have been empioyed in a gro- cery and up 10 tlne age of seventeen 1 had always enjoyed the best of health. Rut suddenly my strength began to leave me; 1 grew pate, thin and ex- tremely weak. Our family doctor or- dered a complete rest and advised 1110 to remain out of doors as muc11 as pos- Bible, s0 1 went to spend several weeks with an uncle who lived 111 the Lauren- tides. I was In Ihe hope that the brnc- (11. Ino1ntain. 1111 would llelp me, but It didn't, taxi I returned bottle in a de- plorable. stale. • 1 twos subject to dizzi- ness, indigestion and general weak - hoses One day I read of a case very simllnr to my own cured through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I decided to gave• them a trial. Alla' taking Mtn' loxes of the pills I felt greatly improved, so continued their use for some time longer and they fitly cured me. 1 am now able to go about my work as well as ever I din and have nothing but the greatest praise fm' Dr. Williams' Pink Pills," Tho blood -good blood is the secret of health. if the bleed is not pure the. be cly becomes diseased or the 21010es shattered. Keep the blood pure and) disease cannot exist, Dr, Williams' PJnle Pills make rich, rod blood -that is why fey 0000 anaemia, rhoulnal.ism, indigestion, headache, backache, kidney trouble and the secret aihnenis or girl- hood and womanhood. Sold at. 50 cents a .box or six boxes for 932.50, by e'I meilieine dealers 'or by mel.! from Tho Dr. \Williams' Medicine Co;, Brock- ville, On ' • HAIL NOT DIS-SIPA'1ED 131 GUNS. For several yea's past, in some of 1,110 vinagl'0wing districts of Franco and Italy, persistent attempts have been made to dissipate gathering hat'storrns by the systematic firing of guns at the clouds. Many vine -growers believe that filo method_ 18 elto0t1ve, so their vile - yards have escaped threatened hail- storms when the guns were fired. Are - Doctor Blas sent report by erns of the results sea long series of experiments, under sefentifo control, shows that the supposed effects ot the gun -firing are iflnsory, and that hail cannot bo dlssi- .pajed by firing 101 the air any more than rain 'can be induced by a similar method, Doctor "Do you eat well thy 11,ttle matt?" Little Man; "I ought to; I've been practising slnde 1 was two days 01d1" NOT LOVE BUT MAMMON 1'110te. JOAN GRAHAM BROOKS 'SAYS S031111 SCATHING' THINGS. Denunciation of Present Day Marriages --Books 'Mich 'fill of Money Marriages. "Tho ricin do not wed; they buy part- ners," Such Ls Ihe. sweeping remark Made by Professor John Graham brooks, 110 Harvard instructor, who wrote "Buttal Unrest," and who has now set nil New Ycrk by the ears by suyl1g various seething !lungs about ;,llua eunneulion between 11)110riag0 and nlmhey. Otto of them Is that "a rich woman eon buy a man next to the Icing --lits grave the guttered Duke -us she would it 1111 ot blue ribbon over the counter," and. another that she can "buy a lord, or a whole shoal of dapper counts and seedy borons, and gal into society." Lie gees on to say [hinge much more 8011himg about the lower the moneyed faun flus willt women, "because money has the singular power of purchasing tnlylhl11g a elan wants, Money has Nome In to disturb the ennobled passion of love." Opinion in England as to the truth of Professor Brooks remarks seems to be pretty equally divided, CHARACTER FROM LIFE. "I must say I. e.gree with the Ameri- cans," said Mr. lloraco \\'yndinnnt, whose lutes! novel, "Reginald Auberon, (11' Autobiography of a Selfish Alan,' was reviewed the other day in the !.on, dun 1)uily Sihror. "IL "L5 the appalling lack of romance in the present-day courtships that gave mo the ground- work for 'Reginald Auberon. In that 15 pfabably 1110 sank kind 01 entdoll' beak there are three 'money' marriages; to the movement of the ship. (hat of the hei'otne, and the two raa'- "lt would be .necessary. of course, to hold the glass fiivnly end fix the gaze steadily ON TIIE 11EFLECTPfD "Tile looking -glass remedy luny be something in the nature of a faith cure. If the 1110nll011 can be absolute- ly eoneontenied on the linoge in the glass and all thought o1 1111100s banish - t et there is an excellent chance that the ✓ oyage will have no bad eftecl5. "Wills regnrd to the length of time required for the cure; it is n general fact that if sickness can be successful - warded oft for several hours the symptoms are not likely to recur, ex- afpt in oases where no 00m04 will -0- Ilove the unfortunate sufferer, and sen and !mein slekoess are interchangeable terms." THE STlU1' l: IN J'IIE (=IUIICI1 A'1. MILLVILLE. There's a cloud on the church at NMI- ville, There's a frown on the Deacon's foe, '1'110re's a cyelone a -flitting areuud tate I ews And filling WM. gloom the place. Foe the Parson had rend a nolibe From the W. C. T. U.- 'I'lia) a woman would speak in 1110 distrait that night, And added, he taped every pew Would be tilled, for a treat so rare lied seldom come to the people dere. Then up rose th0 Deacon et once, And said, growing red in 111e face, "There eau'. s,10011iing be done to keep The esimmen Into Their place, This dreadful perverlbn' of Scelp'lcr 1''111: strtuoming over the hand, This melte' the sisters uneasy like This tryin' to speak like Il man - 1 tell ye 1117'10 getting too uppish, , 13eie.' as they're only a rib, Their place is et hotnle With the clhtltlet, A-000khl' and jeggin' the crib." There rues blank ' o'er 1110 Church in A1111010, As nn army of ribs arose, 5t00oh0(1 down the aisle, out the church - door. • Lilco women in Sunday clothes, Leaving behind in '011110 surprise, Just seventeen pairs of masculine eyes. "Prayer meeting 05 USllal on Wednesday night, ' A cordial welcome to all," • And each !nen thought off -the crowd of men, '(hot responded to such a call, "Tho Sabbath school after church, For old and 3,0ling alike," And them in ilio house sat seventeen men, With only one teacher in sight. A smile quivered over the Parson, As 'he glanced at Deacon Rose, Arid announced The Laches Aid will meet At the house of-, no one knows." "Phe Y. P. 5, C. E. tonight, At six o'clock will meet And be led by Miss---," the speaker, paused, And the Deacon blinked at his feet. "Tie Woman's Ildnne Mission Society Will pack Its barrels-" but no, Tile women had struck, the society's gone, And the barrels cannot go. "We'll open The service by number six," And he glanced at the chole around, 1301 for choir, and organist, leader and all Only one bass singerwas found. Tanen up rose the 000(012 again, "1 ndver store seed the like, I :lever afore heard a sermon through Without a woman In sight, And if that air woman wants ter speak, 1 tnovo We. (near her to -night." There's a senile on the church at Mill- ThareiS a gleam on the Deacon's face, O art's prayers b \ n7 'There's a Cyalan of v p y. and songs, Filling with joy the 1110ce. THE WISE PATHER, "But I 011 live properly on en al. lowauco of $10 a weak; • protested the "0f course yea eau;" roplted the frt.,. Chet. 'You Want en increase so you Cat! live 3mpcopOr'1y,." eines of the hero (i1 one may so dignify him), who allows himself to go to 1)10 highest bidder. He is for sale through- out the entire volume, and 1 may as well say. in my Own defence, that I Look the character Isom real life." Miss Rhoda Broughton, than whom !hero was no more popular story teller le our youthful days, maintains, how- ever, that there is no more buying and selling in the marriage market to -day than there was when she gave les "lied as a Bose Is 5110" and "Good-bye, Sweet- heart, Good-bye," as typical episodes of Me life around us. "0f course !hero are instances here and 111ere of a man ar a woman marry- ing for money," she said, "but if you take English people, at any rale, 1 nm certain you will find more nlarringes aid r f pure affection than for any sordid reason, WORSE LN UPPER CLASSES. "I 1100 in Oxford, and my awn know- ledge of human nature and belief in my ft:llow-ei'e0lures forbids any thinking I1101 every bright -faced, clean -limbed, alhleile un100rslly youth whom one meet; la the streets or on the elver \would so falsify himself as 10 sell his natural birthright -love," Again.: "There is a great deal of truth in Professor Brooks' condemna- tion," a London 'West End clergymen said. •"I inn aL times called upon to offi- ciate al ceretnoniae which are practically nothing more than the surrender of youthful loveliness for gold, or the pra'- chese of money with a title. I do not think the stale of things is as bad in the lower and middle classes as among the upper ten thousand, and then I think aha inert aro chief offenders." "1: 11111 thankful to say that these .re- marks do not apply to Lhe East End of London," said a Detllnal Green mission- ary, "\\'e may have separation orders, desertions, appeals, summonses for cruelty, but we have no buying and sell- ing in our marriages," TO THE DISCOURAGED. 'Sleet your problems With 011 effort of the mind. Meet your diflteulties, your sorrows, your disappointments with an effort of the Wilt -which Is a struggle of the bruin. Devote your energies to meIntai11 ng mental alertness, Ilerneoese be, that that brain inside your skull tem - tains all your hope for the [aloe. all your possibilities of usefulness as well as pleasure, since there alone sensation and real activity exists. Use your brain to succeed,, and, above all, use your Froin to counteract the depressing, dis- oouraging effects of failure, Remember that 1f you do as well as you 0011 5101' have d000 ell that you ought to do. !Ain't worry about the superior aehiet's- ntonls of others, You have no cause fol woe*, unless your li10 falls to brinig you up to your highest possible degree er mental development. ONE CHILD IN TWO D1ES. Dr. Francis J. Allan, medical Oflicer of health for Waleslnliaster, Eugl01 I nd,78 cslateshil- 111 his tlnnureport ( 1101 0 X dren horn iu 303 families during the past three years, 630--exaelly one in every two-dled before reaching the age of ono. year' 11 1011T. L1lile Miliic-Cronddad, what a sten always give a woman 111011(1 engagement .ring? Gratdinther-Tho woman, slakes a dia- "I thought I roust' go on snf1eriu ham plleo until I died; but Zsm• rink. cured me," sayys hitt, EL Reed, of Steen_ Van bit SO 11 t.5nd dtl8i-"I a1.! eO weak . i y� Mruiy mere abdu ono_ 11 w .3oti a me 8000 bratty. Tl,on Abe Of . ` thoslttul to a d ad I In { t E bM. t!ilk y�s. n 19 N_ AItR 04 1 CIjrl bard! brfrcw Ittfeu to 1111th, tore (A+1, 101,0 rid skin 0 os, oad (1,041nuAn, D8g51.' 1 Ede,.1, aro; 0r raanao0 'roroatd .. ,. o Just send up your 118:00 and address on a post -card and we'll mail you a Painting Book for the little folks and a quarter -pound pack- age of Celluloid Starch, That means fun for the children and satisfactory starching for you. Celluloid Starch requires no boiling„gives a perfect finish to the clothes and never makes the irons stick. Write to -day for this free book and sample. Tho Brantford Starch works, Limped Brantford, Ontario soil LOST FOR THREE WEEKS SWISS LADY'S TERRIBLE EAPERI- ENCh IN ALPINE GORGE. She Lost Her Way \]'Lilo Mountain - climbing, u11d Slipped Into a Fissure, Ntnlo Schopfer, the intrepid S1'i0 lady who had the remarkable expert- eece of surviving twenty-one flays' im- prisonment. in an Alpine gorge, is now recove1'ifg. Thirty-seven years old, in excellent health and -spirits, she left her hotel in 1110 vilingo of Leech -les -hails Swit- zerland, for a stroll into the mountains. For tial three weeks she W118 lost 10 1101' friends, and nnrrowly escaped death. \Viten she had recovered 001111" \Vlul 1101]1 the effects of the strain she had undergone, she described her ex- serlenco as folloys:- "0n the morning of August 1 1 walk- ed along the bank of the River Dela, tut, penetrated loo far into tate gorge fold lost any way. While rettmeing my steps 1 felt -I don't know how many feel -into a cave, and toes horrified 10 find that, OW1110 to its steep and slip- pery sides, I WAS UNABLE TO CLIMB 0131. i shouted all that day and night for IMP until my v0i•,e gave out and my [Moat was so inflamed that 110110 W1- 01)10 to cat my lust two pieces of cho-' NCE DI PSS CEREMONY. Peter had been hastily bidden to Sob1 by jhint's party, end his [nether was "rounding 11111 up" In front of tile \vesh- slnlld, O mother," Ile said, "do I have to have a whole bulb?" "Certainly," Peter nlnmlbled something, and 111s mother asked 111111 wh01 it Ives. "1 11o111 were y011 0ur0 it wasn't Just your idea, replied Peter, 01'x11 certain 1 heard hobby',, mother' fell you over Ih0 klephone that lite party was very informal." I CAUSED 171 KISSING, Eva -"00 you ee1181der kissing dele- terious to the health!" Jack -"1 don't know. I kisser! a girl 0114) time and black spots canis bet0re 111)' 01'08,' f 2 u--'Urac':ious- Was It !heart <i,'is- oaue?" Jacks -"No, she wore. a veil." There aro a number of varieties of ad'ns. 11 10wuy's (;1111 Cure Will re - 81000 any of theta. call on your drug- gist end get a bottle at 00015, Knieker•-"\Vilat Is n e'tvnnde :ran?" Mrs, Kn6'ker-"One whose wife doesn't have to wear a self -/heft Intl." {lose -colored spots on the bodies' of children Are eeblutimes miatakmt for measles. The trouble may be roseate, a local disease of the skin: Promptly cured with Weaver's Cerate, Fathers who lliudc they have lire 4..riglldest child in thri world should keep the thought le themselves.. A mon is fodislt lo go round Joking fee tlUble Unless he 1s steenuous eiuough to lake ua tall out of it. A Pill for Generous (sato:,-Tlucre are many persons of hcallhy appetite and poor digestion who, tiller n hearty 111<1111, are subj+rel l0 much suffering. The. feed of which they have partaken lle3 ince lead bl their stomachs. Bead aehe, depression, a smothering feeling fall,}w. One 0+.l ufticted is unfit for business or work of any kind. In this cl.ndilion Pa'mele 's Vegetable Pills will lacing relief, They will assist the aesimiletiOn of the ailment, and 114,011 ne.cording to direction will restart healthy digestion. Malrhn0ny makes a man awfully res11080 a little while before and for- c.ver after. Askin -"\Vial is Ihe quotation about '.1 friend in need'" Noilt-"A friend in need keeps a :mal broke." (011510; I continually dl'ank water, Overworked Persons, Maher mentally or 0171017 trickled through the moles. An- phy9f0au , should try "lrorrovtm,' rho world renowned nerve and blood tonic and ahoy will other flay came and went, and yet an- �ticicly rernvor strength and health otte1-1 forgot how atony, because 1 must have became delirious. "Tile steeple of the village church was vis(1110 from my prison., and on Sun- day 1 could hear the tells pealing and Uhs choir singing, practically within a stenc:'s threw of the spot, Where till the Tourist -"\Vint da the propla raund while, as it seemed to ale, 1 lay dying IIOS(OSS-"7)0. Litewayte is going to sing a comic song." Gu1s1--"I knew something would happen. I overturn - et a salt -Mho' at the dinner -table." i`y inches. "1 ennnot (11811ibe my hunger. I often decanted abcat bread and bis- cuits, 2vvh1e11 Solueliules seemed to he dnneing in the air before my eyes. I n'e grass, moss, and my leather 611oes. Gumdually I became a skeleton, and my clothes fell from ale. I had plenty cf money in my purse, which i would have willingly exchanged for a piece of breed. On two nights rain leaked me, here live on, Put?" Jarvey-"l'15, sorr, 111 1110 10(18105, and tourists in. the sum- mer."Its Power (Ir1Ws W'1111 Age.-Row ninny medicines Iuudly blazoned as 1 ltunrett fol' till human ills little emit end 5010 01110" 00. 'Phomas Plelec111,: C'il was first put upon the 111111)1. Yet it remeins,dein gmere gohuman - and le hnum- 1 e d I fly 111011 'many .a pr. p.Iralt011 1)1011 Ihigh- nnd on several days the !heat 11 ns so ay yaw -get' and oxl"udiug its 01040,.. great lint I sons glad to Wel my head 'wider and lvid,'1' and in n lager ritcle and sprinkle my 0101hes, \1y voice be - gen to return gradually, and I took much mire 01 11, CRYING SOFTLY AT INTER\'ALS during tho day when I thought people night be passing my tomb. "Slowly nay' strength failed, until I was tumble to stand without resting my hands on do ruck. Toward the end 1 became desperate and wanted to dash my head against the 11Cle-nay hind was willing, but my flesh was lee weak. Then Cud sena darkness, I remember no morel' in the meantime the missing \vonian's husband and guides were searching the overlooking mountains, inquiring in every village. On August :2 a peasant mod Adolphe Grand. heard groaning while he was Walking on the bank of the Data River. Ile• rescued \hue. Schopier, whom he carried like a baby, insensible, to the hospital. aline Schott - fee recovered her senses thirty hours later. During her ordeal her hair turn- ed front bled: to grey. liecoeds kept, show that since the Middle of January hist, tine Alps claimed seventy-four victims, some of whom were WO then. Good Digestion, Should Wail' on Ap- petite, -Te have the stomach well Is to have the nervous system well, 'Very. delicate arc the digestive' organs. In sumo so sensitive are they that atmos• plente changes affect Iheu, \\'lien they kcconte disarranged no better regulator is procurable than Parnleler:s Vege- table Pill. They will asist Ihe diges- tion .so that the hearty eater \till suf- fer no inconvenience and will thrive 011, the benefits of his food. Only a fool takes experience for a rand instead of 01)01(10. ITOII, Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious itch in human or animals cured in 30 minutes by \Vol - ford's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by all druggists. DIFFICULT. A teacher in a certain Eastern .school asked her class to draw a picture of flan! which (hey wd 0 1 , ‘s(,1111101151,01111110177 grew up. 'Pile 1111)116ishe120e1nt lo- 2vorti 201112 paper end pencil, some drawing pictures of soldiers, policemen, mid One Ioclios, Mc, They all worked hard, but one little girl, who sat quiet- ly holding her pad end pencil in head, The leacher observing her, 05kcd: "Don't you know what you want 10 be when you grow up, Alma?" "Yes, I know," replied 1110 111I10 girl. "1 know 1 Went lb be nla1t'ied, but I don't 10110W flow to draw 1l, 1liisbnirci-- "Youu0henld be more eco- 1•omlettl. my •clepr, and snvo.somelhtng for a rahty {lay," Wite-•.-"What;$ the use? 1 can't go shopping Illid Spent! 0 011 a refry day." e\"ly year- 11. is the nletheine of the Ufm.es. BEES FASTED THAN PIGEONS. It Is not generally known that bees I are swifter in flight than plgeons-that '., Loa' short distances. Soule years ago a pigeon fancier of Hanuue, West- phalia, laid a wager that a dozen bees liberated three 0111100 from their dives would reach 1101115 in less line Man a I dozen pigeons. 'rhe competitors were given wing at R;'born, a village neatly .a 100500 from Monroe, and the first bee reached the hive a quarter of a minute 111 advance of 1110 first pigeon. Three oilier bees reached the goal before the second pigeon. The Lees were also .81glhlly handicapped, having been roll- ed in flour before starling for purposes of idenLifreatien. Site -"Did you ever slop to figure out hely 11111117' hats in a year you Cellld buy with tato money you throw away on Ogees?" Ile -"1 have, clear. I could buy about flfiy for myself, but only about twee for you." No person should go from home ,with- out a 1101111 of Dr. 1. D. Kellogg's Dy- sentery Cordial in their possession, as change of watt', cooking, climate, eta., frequently brIngs on scummy complaint, and there Is nothing like being ready with a sure tweedy at !Maud, which) oftentimes saves great suffering and frequently 1'1100110 lives. '('lois Cordial has .gained for itself n Widespread re- pulatton for affording miiet from all sin11n11er cemplaillf8, it leen were In write their own epi- taphs marble cutlers would be r:om- peIled to work overtime. Ater celebrating 1110 )wooly -fifth en- niversery of her ,birth, the average woman's chief aim in life is to not look her ago. ISSUE N0, t$--117,, One kind of underwear, and only ane, fits right, Wsnra out slowest, and sobs' bas you from the day you bug. That kind fe trade- marked (as above) in red, and guaranieed to yo'L by stoles that sell it and the people who make it. Made in many fabrics and styles, at various prices, in form -fitting sizes for wamoa. mea and children, Look for the PEN -ANGLE. 200 DO NOT DE UNKIND! To 11fnn who talkclh tommyrot 011 do not be unkind; 'think of the burden did he not Get such things off his anlnd. Do not. delay In gelling relief for the tittle folks. Mother Graves' Worriv Exterminator is a pleasant and sure ei;re, 11 you love you.:child why do you let it suffer when a remedy is so near at 'hand? A DANIEL. "Cnn any little boy in the class tell me why the lions did not hurt Da111011" asked the Sunday ,school teacher. "I guess 31 W115 'rause he belonged to the circus," answered a bright youngster. O(5 Thal StkyRoofeci. Tho strongest wind tint. evrr blew can't rip away a roof covered with eelflo0ldng "OSHAWA'e GALVANIZE STEEL SHINGLES Rain can'tct through it in 25 years (,roar ated in writing for that tong good fora century. really) --firs can't bother such n roof -proof a toot ail rho elements -the cheapest GOOI) roof There is. write as and well show you why it costs least to roof right. Just address 006 Ir,rd The PEDLAR People fete. Oalurr0 Moatr0nl Ottawa Toronto London 20(001505 CHENILLE CURTAIINIS mad all kinds of house liangiaas, s1sc LAO2 CURTAINS DYCLI E NEWNEO Write to shout yours. 340301611 AS231630AN 0YRINa CO., Box 150, MontrSlO bevy Viowoolt 1e lut0rmad and ehonld lour about the wonderful MARVELWhirling Spray The now Tuelnnl err ,co. B( 11 conven- ient, 11 0100nu40 lnsuu tly Mt your dronalsttorht, It Ile cannot mtppiy rho at A n V 11 I. 3101001 no other, but 1000 Otnmpp for Illastrntri beak-sun0d. I101009 fall able to lure and SlreOtlo a in- valuable to ladies. 'WINDSOR Agent'. for 0nmule at. WILSON'S atilt them a11. No dead ftico lying about when tuned au directed. - SOLD Vr'1Y - BRUOOISTS, 0100005 Ann OENERAL STORES 10c. par packet, or s packotO for 261, wilt last a whole) ooason. ■ OR $2.50 O We will mall Immediately a magnificent pair of mons' $5.00 UNTLET DRIVING GLOVES Perfect in PIT, FINISH and FASHION The Swellest Gloves Obtainable in 11115 Country. THE PARK®ALE GLOME WORKS TORONTO, QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY LIMITED. RIM and Gulf of St, Lawrance Bummer Oruillea in Cool Latitudes Twin Sorely Iron. 3S. "Campana;" witholoctrle lights, biootrift bolls and all modern comforts. SAILS MOM 2rLb;0'rn A.T. 010 MONDAYS at 1 p.m., 010 end 8nrd Septotnbor, and 30181011 hp thereafter for Pintou, )Y. S., calling at, Quaboo. Gupo, 11(1 Day Pomo, 00140 (4)v., Grand kivov. f nnunereldo, 1'.ALI., and Oharlottotown, 111.7, Sammor Pieurs31onr $85, by aha how 'rwlS Scrota AS. "Bermudian," 6,500 tons. 181131011 411, 1481t bud 20th September, 6th, 111th and 20111 00' tobor, dth, 1011, and 27th Novomhor, Tempera. taro cooled by 008 bro6Les seldom rhino above '01 doQ ree3. Tho finest trips of, the ooason for 11641111 500 0,0111)011.. AlITl1U11_AHERN, Secretary, Quebeen A, F. OUTEJ1L1R1Dd11 10 i;0., Agan141 29 Tlroodlwayr Novi York.