HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-9-26, Page 2THE EVERYDAY 'HEAVEN Ile Is Truly Godly Who Sees God In All Things of Life, • 's "The Earth Is full ef the loving kind- time must, have its own Meng food, • ewes of We Lord." -Ps. xxxiii., 5. Lies poverty is due. not to what we litwo had mid lost, not to iwhat has . been withhold or taken from us, but to the good twhieli we might have had 'Which We carelessly have passed by. No others kleepoll us es we despoil our- eelyes be our blindness and inctiffer. ence to the wealth of our .bW11 lives and the beauty ever close et hand. We :who scurry over land and son, 'who dig. and toil, and feet lo find hale piaess, come beck at last to learn that the sweet faced guest has beea wait- ing close by our door all the lime. He perishes in We pitilees enowe- .who, lilted to the good and the glory in every valley and billside. heeds only the Im- pulse to climb and find 'the good in some remote heitght. Ambition and pride 1111 ever new peaks abend only to mock bint when at last, worn, spent and empty in heart, he falls by the way. Tho old theology talked much of a heaven far away, to lie attained in the remote future: tho new theology often seems inclined to ignore any heaven, tut whet the hearts of men need is the sense of the heaven that is all about them. the God who ever is near, and the blessedness even now attainable. SOME LIVE IN THE PAST, ecnIplacently contemplating the glories that once were theirs or their ances- tor's; some live in the future, dreaming of feljeities yet W be; but they are evise only who live to the full in the present, who catch the richness and beauty, all ehe wealth that the passing hour or Inc . present opportunity may have. He is truly godly who sees God in all ihe .affairs of this day, in the faces of living men, in the flowers and fields, who ,sees all the divine wonder and beauty of life, and not he who sees We Most High only in .some legendary pasi or in a strange, Imaginary future, No man beemes strong by eeminis- canoe of his breekinst or dreaming of Ids next meal alone; each portion of The soul of man never can find ite full- ness Ihmugh either history or prophecy; it needs We sense of the spirituel in tills living, pulsating, matter of fact present. This world le slovenly, sinful, and evli beceueet so tunny of us ere content with the pest or the future, with myth or IwiUi imeginetkin, and fail to de- mand the development of the goed that is our heritage to -day. The better day cones not by dreams, but by melt ninn (Wing We best he can and securing all the, good he etla for his Own day. WO need to give up the plan of sav- ing the world by the piety ef postponed piensures and to find the fullness of life in the present to get below the sur- face of things end DISCOVER LIFE'S REAL RICHES to interpret this daily toil and struggle, end all this world of ours, iii terniS of. the divine and infinite. How much it would mean to our lives if We might learn, 'Mead of sigh - leg tor the impoesible. to get all the sweetness and joy that Is in the things We have, how Heil We would end the ceerunon lot to be, how many things thee now seem dreary and empty would bloom into new benuty. In a .child's senile. a wild flower's fragrance, a glint of sunlight, things possible to ell, we `would flnd joys unspeakable and full of glory. This dees not mean dull content with things as they are; it does mean the de- velopment of the faculties of apprecia- tion:the growtte of the life in power to see, tho development of the dull earth with the glory of the Ideal. Some day, when eve look back over cur lives, how keen will be our regret es we realize what we, have missed, hew We have spurned the substance c life's lasting treasures, human loves, frienceshiPs, everyday beauties, end happiness, while chasing the shadows imaginary joys. HENRY F. COPE, THE S. S. LESSON INTERNATIONAL LESSON, SEPT. 29. A Comprehensive Quarterly Review. Golden Text: Ps. rili., 8. Lesson feeds Isrnel in the wil- derness (Ex. xvi„ 1-111). Golden Text. eche vi„ 51, "1 am the Living Bread which eame down from heaven." 110 whn redeemed them from Egypt hy 1111 own right baud witheut any assitance whatever from Wein gave them breed and flesh lo the full without any labor on their part, end in the discourse or our Lord In John vi. Ile Widely (taught that the manner wee typieel of Himself. Lesson IL -The Ten Commandments; duties toward God (Ps .ex, 1-11). Gold- ( "ea Text. ]tout. ve, 5, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart and with all thy sod and with all thy might." He who loved them enough to eedeem them and whese love lo Nen was an everlasting love, an unchanging Wye (Dent. vil,, 0-0; Jer. xxxl.. 3; Mal. I., 2; 111., 6). asked WM they should love Him in return for such great love. Leeson 111. -The Ten Commandments; duties toward men (Ex. xx, 12-17). Gold- en Text, Lev. xix., 18, "Thou shalt love thy ueighbor as thyself." It is only by our love to our fellows that we elm prove or manifest our love lo God, for "he WM loreth not his brother, whom ho heel seen, how enn he hive God, eelinin lie heel not cern?" (l. John 20), Leeson IV.-Thegolden calf (Ex. teexii., 1-8, 30-15. Golden Text, I John y., 21, "Little childeee, keep yourselves from idols." The pimple who promised 10 do 311 that feel said could not keep it six weeks, could we keep their pro- mise at all, hut hey made a show of obedience foe it litee while. Lesion V. -The tabernacle (Ex. xl, Indian Rajah's Luxurinus Caravan Inc 1-13 34-38. Golden Text, Ex. xi, 11, Bunting in the Jungle, Then a cloud emeeed the lent of the congregation, and the glory of the Lord filled the tebernerle." A dwelling place for God in the midst of Israel erected by Spirit filled men from Ihe wiling offer - Inge of the people, who bud to be re- strained from bringing. U3, fear Wein not." Under sun pecu- lirwly bleseqd eircutnstancce and with suelt essurances from the living Clod le 11111< or sending spies to see 11 11 was as God had said was surely sinful unbelief, and yet Mose% fell into line with it, and God in gracious compassion for their weeeness permitted iL that those who weuld not believe His word might learn ie their own harder wily. Leeson X. -The linen serpent (Num. 1-1)), Golden Text, Jain W., 14, 15, 'A.4 Moses lifted up the serpent in We wilderness, even ea meet the Son of Man be lifted up, that whosoever be - le -vont In Hire should not perish, but Woe, eternal life,' Not liking God's wey and speaking against Clod brought a tee uf trouble, and yet it Is the ordinary wily of all Men since Wet old serpent caused. Adam and Eve to fall in with hie plan of :geting cm in deem= of (lcd. Leeson XL -Moses pleading welt Is- 11Iel (Dell!. ye, 145). Golden Text, Deut. vt., 12, "Beware, lestthou forget We Lest." In the end of the fortieth year elute, they left Egypt (Detle L. 3) Mosee rehearsed all the Lard's dealings with them, reminding 1115111 of all the 'ways diet the Lord had led them, of les 1111 - changing love end manietel niereies, and he may be said to sum up his ex- horthien 10 •thern in the words, "Itemern- lcr, forget not the Lott; love and obey • Lesson X1L-The death of Moses (Dent. xxxiv., 1-12). (14olden Text, Ps. exyl., 15, et recious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints," In joint eve., 24, Ile said to Ills Felber that lee longed to have them with flitil Wet they might see His glory. In Peil, i.. 21, 23, we rend Wet "lo die- is gnin, "-` to de- part end be with Christ, is far better." Moro eternity the lest IWO words should be "very fur belles" ,14 SHOOTING -BOX ON WHEELS. Leeson VI. -The sin of Nadeb and Allem (Loy. te., 1-11). Golden Text, Prey. xx., 1, "Wine is n inert:et., strung drink s raging, and whoeoevet, is deceived thereby is 1101 wise." The sin of these ne11 was the Wimp fire they offered before the lewd. renieing n willing oho - :hence and preemiling to do as they "thoUght best. Vorse 11 may possibly im- ply wet the C1111,1_, 11f their sin was 1StrOlig drink. Leesen 11 1- The dey of elonenwill tLevxvi1. ee. Golden Text, Mee vie, 25, "Whertecire Ile is able to Save 1110111 10 the tillermose. that 1.411110 1111t,1 God by Him." Gotes provision for We pulling aevey of the sins of 151111.1 once ayear faintly lypilbel the eleven redemption Which, wd liar° in Ch(is) Jesus 1.1y liis One offering up of Illaiself, onre for all. AS in Isreets ewe. so in ouee-the priest die It all; we 111:01Ve Ilia hi.110111. Lewin 111.---Isvitel journeying to Canaan Pun, x., 11-13, 29.:(14). Goden 'Pox', lix, xlti., el, "And the Lord went berere them hy tiny In it teller of a 411010, to lend 1110111 the Way. alld by night in a pillar or Me, to give 1110111 tight," Delivered from their enemies, their Deliverer even with them, (lwa. ing in Illeir 1111d51; prollsion for 1111 We letieney 585111.011 dny by day, the good land before them. and alt We wey their 1511111(01 guide to loll them When to go end \then lo Mese . . • 14188011 IN. ---The Iwo reporee of the aMee (Nem, 8111., 1)-201 23-311, (Widen Teel, Nthee xiy., "Tho Ieere With "T11,1 laosl luxurious corneae of mod - ere Wiles" Such is the claim put for- tyard by n London) then on bebelf of (1 vehicle, the Iola] cost of which emounts lo consiclerably over 15,000, which they terve hist constructed. Ten weeks ago lite erdel, Ives placed by MI 1ndiati rajah 11 1043 ill 1(1111011 it IS to UM? the Yelliele as 'nevem° eheeling box. It is lalW leady fcr exportation. to Bombay. Between the wind -owe -strongly bar- red without, so 111111 they may Le left open in eafely, wilt, no tone or john. 1.5111 from We wild liens!» of LW, jungle -len portholes met liet,rseteeed. The roof ie curved slightly in the winner n querbeedecic. The wells are built of We sheingest leak -the nly weed capable of \vine shuttling Ilie hill onslinight Or We In- dian sim-lined with light :elk. 'I he Caravan, whiali Ls elaborately tilted, weigh; 1,11 Ions in all, mid will lo con- veyed linerugh 1111, jungle by eight lint. bees. while on emergency (elepletrile nee( be employed. The Lotly of the alaliVall Will be 11114'! ti Or( ft trolley, sprltigs CI whieli have boon so Mehemet] line me the ten will be exte theiced by the sports- men, --te---- lie Met gives en he seen would eve relieve a nem in the clinic, elisery loves contently. 'flint is why some beehelors end epineters 41111111- 5 Serne men never miss lee water hil throats get dry, A phi jA alv,ays sato 1.115 te ILi ewe wig) mynus. num, (won eee eme 801115 les up to the epinster to learn. hote Whieb mall he 10. I lo strike a enalch. "IroWls your wife?" "Sheet having I Three ere sermons hi :donee end kW mistime tremble with her bend." "Carel I e110111 1511 the doctor lu.111 her?" '`No-nolcily but Every nem lies his pile°, MA In nine. Lite milliner," eases out, of tele be isn't Worth IL ANTI -TOXIN FOR FATIGUE -- ABILITY T() RESIST FATIGUE CAN 1131 INCREASED. Experiments Made With Mlee-Give Slime Periods of Woek to Cltild. In a paper by Professor Burnham, Weed by Dr. Gulick, of New Y1)11(, 10 the 10ter111111011a1 Congress on Shoot Hygiene, the professor ;said Wet with- eu certain li1lijt 1 tie ebitily to resist feligue eau be Incensed. It wits tip- paritally proved that toxic preeluets re - Pulling from We funclionel activity of 'irk. muscles aro ihe chief cause of W- eigel,. euys the London Doily Exproes. "Thus, when the blood of it tired dog Wan injected into tho veins ef a 1101'- qiial ono." eaye the pie.feescr, "t•he lat. ehowst eymploms of fatigue." Nor 15 this all. There are certain things, the pr.:Se:4,4-er staled, that 11411 tia un one I., Retie, and Weieherilt cialitte .e have ieelated the fatigue tox- in. end le, -have prodta,x1 an anti -toxin hi the 11S1111 I 11111110er, •EXPEllielENTS WITH AlICE. The net et( set may not only be pro- duced erelieiely, but is pentuctel der - Mg normal funeliet til eetivity. Weem piorierne, qua:di:tee ef the products sir .fatefue nee nhslueeil in n heartily or- ganism, flee, is an 10(.ronsed formation fule seta() oils or melted butter, 11111(111IC f the specie , :elle-teen; 49stavt.15,5141hihilieitsflolt.0,4411,4041 4,44 Th fitiotne le ilmlialit44#14•16aragNIWZICATATSAWM.0 COOleING RECIPES. Beef Omelet, - Ono and one-half peinids of vowel sleek mound, Iwo eggs, , one-fourth cupful of millt, two sliees 111 breed crumbed, salt and popper to taste, Tomato Fritters. -Pere ripe tomatoes, chop line, season with salt and pepper and eli'. in flour cuntaining a teaspoon- ful of 101151, 10 1111 tit' a thin battee, Drop til spuonfuls tut hot rut, bruwe and servo at once, Cheese Salute -ante oneetalf pound oi cheese, inix with enough cream to bind together, shape Into small bulls end arrange fur individual serving on crisp settee. tesk es. Garnish with weed emery end rings cut from hard-boiled eggs, anti dress with mayonnaise. Stuffed Peppers.-litinced ehrimps and breed crumbs in equel parts, Worces- tershire sauee, Jolliet) juice, anchovy same, salt, pepper, und butter to taste. 1.0 n smooth paete end shirr illte Clean peppen5. Strew the top with bread crumbs and butter. Bake to a light erewn in a (110011 OVen, place a poached egg on top, and serve at once, Crepe Frillers.-One heaping cupful of lieu. yolks of two eggs, two tablespoon - 01 1-11" Is 1') of spice and salt, one cupful of water. IsaY.ttwt "1"."3:s 11 11 "d'nleY 14' de' When Mixed smoothly add the beaten whiles. Dip little clusters of grapes in the halter aud fry. Take up and lay on brow» paper for a minute to free (rem fat. Duel, with powdered sugar and serve 511115i' hot or cold, es a dessert. Peach Meringue Puckling.-Stew Me peuelies it syrup or slime. and wider until tender; remove and boil the Syrup until thiek, then pour ewer tile peaches, itleke a eornstarch custard of the yolks of (WO or three eggs, about a pint of mill:, two teaspoonfuls of cernstereh (wet in cold milk), sugar, and ranee. Make a meringue of the utiles of the eggs end sugar, and spread over the peaches. Use the custard as sauce. velop inuninely to fatigue. • Experiments with meet have proved tilos. White a motto, WM is glyen n Urge dose of the toxin rime's decrees - cd -ability to wink. aqui eoeti dies, mice which teferehited have Men rendered Immune by treatment with the ante auxin of felivuo 111115' Is given a largo dose of the toxin, and yel ix:ninth° to Work Willi unabaied efficieney. SMALL DOSES (1001). IL is much the saire wee men mid lW0111011, the proreSSOr started. Small doses of antefeligue toxin have elimm lab(' •them lo work, and reedered them 'temporarily fteieueepreof. Large deses, .Newever, ditereeett the nbility to work, and may do term -anent Injury. "The way le develop pow.ee to resist fatigue in children," says the mores - See, IS by 1.41.014 fartudS of intotee %wok, follew-el by periods .ef rest. pro- longed wieods of werk should be look- ed tieon wlit grave _suspicion an likely injure permanently the ability to work.' PrfOSK.tr Burnham elected authere Iie lo .show that physical energy is at. a 1011' elei in Match and April, and that there is a ditpreesion in We curve et psychic energy in April. WAGE SLAVES OF LONDON. Secatelthe Wasos for 5laking Trousers -Parents Cannot Support Family. Emneinted end poorly -clad, Edward Apple Calcip.-Peel and quarter it dezen tart (coking apples, slew see: In Wet utiough wider lo keep them front leaningthen rub through it 1180e. To 51505' 111.4111, of the apple int M add 11. cup of semis a teaspoonful of pepper. One afiell el,,JVN 11 ltd 11111slard, IWO of ell, - 110 111011 ulld Iso IllediUM-S11;ed• olii0116 Niix rill thoroughly, adding it lideespoonful cif see and 0. pint of best Meer vinegar. Boil gently for un home and tweet while hot and seal. Potato Puffe.-For serving with after- noon ten, polato puffs are perlieulerly geed. Take three melees cif nom, three ounees of sugar. three large bulled eota- toes, a pimp of Niece. Ilet size of e nut- meg, two egge and a little .grated nut meg. Pui all the ingredients together, Wilke to a Mee paste end fry n delicate brown with plenty of butter. Scree on eepnper doily and keep them as led es Dennice meet 32, eppeered in the doelc ts.uslbIC. if you wish them foe a couree• et the C11[11.511101 Pollee Court recently, they rue very nice with white sauce. eays The London Deily Clutontele to Preserved Pears. -Pare lhe. fruit with answer a eluirge of logging \vith his (we childven, noel 9 and 5 years, IL -was a pitiful story WM was disclosed. The live children, who were brought a .slivet. knife and drop into a bowl of cold water ID preserve the color. When n11 ere pared, put into n pan of clear, cued writer, and Loll until almost, ten- ieto court, leteked half starved and were I der. A111:1 a syrup of the water in which wearing no mulerelothing. Mr. Wills, tee toms were honed, allowing one the L.G.C. officer. eellThilled that le -1111 pelted of sugar to 01101 11111f.pIrd uf wa- IVIllliti and his Wirt. I.V1 tallenes Incee- I ler Drop the peers inlo the syrup end ere, end ferinerly Wed 1 Ild W.C1Pked Orr 1\111W -011d 114111. TheY 1012I1.' very poor, Tile wife teas ill, end what would Le - 1701111? 4',,f Ilia eialren WIWI) Ale was laid up if the authorities did not look Mier them, lie did not totem*. in meter lo provide Wed and Menem for !leer children the parcnts had been 11 to helf the night Mesh- ing IMINcr8.• fOr Wliteli they were peel et the handsome rate of 1 k11. pm, pair. They lind drifted ink, the 8111111s 1,f Spileleelds. and itt last were forced to beg. A Indy visitor cerrobureted this eiell% 11 " " 14 ParliealrlY snit ease, she said. elle 111141 to help the wenum. An ceder was made for We adiniseion if the children to the Homan Catholic Ii4411151e:41 &hoots al Whitstable. The man was discharged, and assist. mice 10111 giveo him from the pope - bee. - KINC1 TOOK T1113 111'NCII. Amu...semi and Expensive Jetta on the Emperor of Gernieny. KaLser \VI:lielin Inc had an 11111118 - ITT and expensive experience in re- member:mg 11111 King of tilain's teeth - day, The Icing, while We Icelser's guest, expressed atiminition for the 31111151 51 Inc in 111115, desehunds, Wat Itioir intssice everywhere. When We king went to Hemburg he 4txpress- 01 wish lo possess a similar petit lo Inky \OW 11111? lo Slum. This remark woe comitinnicided to Ile, kaiser, loge - Wer WI the Met WM We Icing's birth- day ivtittil [wear in ft few (lays and he gee., orders lo procure inintl•eti. of the best spealmalls of the breed and (ert»nii,ie von (wee for the lo cheese The ruler of 14111111 Wag NO overcome with the Itheinees of 1.11,4 Maser that 1.1, accepted ell 14 doge, which he will lido( home with him only when a wither, official, who he(1 Item) enteueled with the de. liVery tf We dogs, returned WM the Leiser teemed lbit cost or We gift. Ile leolc the situation good-humoredly as e joke itt Illinself. Nei 11)1111(.1, term leg n 1114111 IS, he can- not 811 111 lo belittle others. There is some hope for the fool who <Ices not boast of his wisdom 5111115' a itimily tree has a bed branch end a shady reputation. creek them slowly until they can be pierced with n silver fork. PM the fruit 111 hot Jam and cover with the bolting syrup. Seal tightly. Tapioca Soup with Tomatoes. -Have six cemees of tapioca end put into a saucepan with two quarts of fairly rich while stock. Let intil up for a minute, then simmer for two boleti. In another saucepan rook buff a dozen large toma- toes, tin onion, a small hay leaf, and snit end pepper. When the tomatoes aro quite cooked, strain through a fine sieve and add to the tapioca. Straill all then through a sieveset over the fire to re- heat and add two' ounces of melted but. Lemon Pie. -Ono large cupful of boil- ing water, 1111 bo which stir onedtelf vett- ed of sugar, piece of butler size of a. widnut, Iwo tablespoonfuls of corn- sterch -dissolved in a little eald Water; let 11118 C001C Well. Juice of one lemon (t. about two tablespoonfuls of juice), some of the grated rind (I do not like iIii whole), one cup of Sligar lidded to the jtitee; pour the acked thickening into thl 5 and add the beaten piece of hvo eggs, Bake in custard pia plate until it bubbles In the tniddle well; cool and frost. Wee end Apple PuddIng.-A cupful of rice, six apples, a little (Wormed lemon peel, Iwo cloves, sugar. Boil the rice Mr Id ininbles; strain 11 thicugh it heir sieve until quite dry. Put n cloth into n pudding bnsin and lay the rice round it like a crust. Cut the apples into quar- ters and lily Wein In tho middle of the rice well a 1111.1e chopped lemon peel, el+ yes and some sugar. fewer Me fine with rice, Ile up tight and boil for (551 hoar. Serve WI111 Melted butter, sweet - iced end Poured OVer IL. Veel end Bice Pie.--Beil a Macbeth) or vice in boiling water len minutes, Strain it quite dry, peel a Spanish onion, chop fine wil» n bunch or paisley, n little lenem thyme, pepper end .sall, CItt four resheis or yeller Mt bacon, line pie dish well the bapon, Wert the rice and cmfon; cut (11) heo pounde of the breast of reel in smell pieces, My those on tho siensoned ries Three pines 1111 the dish with guile boiling water, weer with a nicely mashed potato crest, end bake in n moderately hot, oven ono hour and n. Im1111: 3oiled Oyfilers.-Select for this large oyeters. Drain them on cloth or Wel- kin, turning them from side to side to nielce them ns dry es pos.sible, M(1m- while soften eome better tind Attlee]) imme ceneker CrWirthS 1111111 salt and pep- per. Then, holding mut oyster on a leek, dip 11 into lhe ceitmles•then into the Melted butter, and agein IMO 1110 'eremite. Amigo them ie an oyster broiler (which differs from orditlary beetles( by 'teeing We \levee closer to- gether) end broil oyer led fire tor dont two minuets, Wetting the broiler eVery few seconds', They should net be shrivelled, but plunm, soft, tender and Juicy. USEFUL HINTS. Make potatoes look white and floury by boiling In 08 Wile water as possible, Menlo, and take al one° In an open deur, Give the poletoes a vigorous shale) 111 the saucepan, and let it remain un- covered at Itis side of tho eloye fur flee minetes before serving. Furniture Deeds Moulting as much 518 Other woottworlc. IL rimy be witelled with warm sonpstele (wieldy, wiped dvy, and Won villibed en oily Moth. To Polish it Putt with rutienestone and sweet oil. Clean off the ell, and polish \Yell eliemois shin. Oranges end lemons should inyaviably be washed and the 1'111113 brushed with n soft brush, Apart front the certainty that the fruit bus passed Ihrouge ninny deubtfully clean hunds and receptacles, tIol speeks often seen on the fruit are staled to be of a parasitic nature. Three hot dinners can he served up from a A11.1(1111 of beef. Cut the Ilene off and either sell it or epiee 11, then boil with fresh. vegetables. The undercut may be removed and either larded and roasted, or served as fillet slealce. The prime cut, which 01011e remains can be toasted In the U811211 way, For Flavoring Calces.--Nielie 5W0et spice for flavoring cakes as follows : Two ounces eaeli of cloves, chine:num mace, and nutmeg, 1 oz, of ginger alld 3 oz. of sugar. These ingredients shuttle 1to finely powdered, mixed well, and passed twice through a wive sieve. Place in air -tight canistees for use. A Good Uso toy Old leant:Ms.-When blankets have become Win und unsignl- le from long use, have Wein washed, put two or three logethee, and cover them with pretty sateen to make quilts. But- ton down the quilts here and them, mat- tress fashion, to keep them in proper shape, and finish eft with a nice frill of sateen. To restore faded upholstery, beat the died out, then hicsh. Apply a strong lather of Castile soap with 0 hard brush, wash off \Oh clear =dee, then west) with alum -wilier. On becoming dry the colors will 10011 11,8 Well 118 0111% Whell colors ave faded beyond recovery they may be touched up with a pencil dipped In waler-eolois of suitable shade, mixed with gum -water. Witelehazel, mucli diluted with Water, has often been tried with considerable success, as a means of preventing the dark circles under the eyes, which ere so (Reneging to the appearance. These are usually We sign of wealeness ill - belittle and while external treatment Ls always helpful, the root of the matter Melted also be /Mucked, and the syetem strengthened by taking a tonie, going lo I ed early, and by indulging in as TillICII fre811 air alld moderate exercise us pus- SaCiri've meet be taken to avoid opening the oven dace 'for 5 111111111e8 after the mike tins been placed in it, whilst on re- tnonhlig11 • it livel(11-11g1151blankge5111eyloentllyie tifiteDil'et.to est, jer must, be avoided, or the lightness or the cake will be interfered with. When lemon -peel is used for making buns or cakes it should be pared as thinly as possible or grated haely. In order to mix IL easily with the other ingredients, it in 0 geed plan to moisten it first with .1 little or the mill; or eggs which ere used 111 (tie recipe. The vorrect method in which to line n round enice-tin eveh pawn. is that of first cuttleg mi deuble 1111014 Send of We pep& 1111OUL 2% to 3% Mate wider than We depth of We lin itself, end semewlial longer Wan its girlie The band should then he folded over for Mend 1 inCh, and Ihen (paned out, when a eerie; et notches should be cut out aL even distances, so that the 1/11Per band, when laid 11 the bottom of the tin, will lie flue the "hein" eovering the space between (be outer band end termini, piece of paper to cover the botkon, which is ineerted Ins.tof all. _—a—_ CONCERNING OCEAN. Some Curious Facts and Figures About the Sen. Tho oceans occupy three-fourths of the surface uf the earth. A mile clown in the Sall 1.110 Water 111IS a pressure of a tee. to every square inch. if a box 11 feet deep was filled with ftea weler, which wes then allowed 1.0 elle- ("cede, Mere would be 2 Inelies of salt lefl the bottom of the box. Taking the average depth of the Oetlfla to be three utiles, there would be a layer of sell, 440 feet thick covering the bottom, in case at lb° Water should evapoeate. In many places, eseeciney in the Fee North, the water freezee front the botlom upward. Wilees aro deceptive things. To look fit them one would gathee Itt 'tepees - S1011 that, We whole water travelled. This. however, is not .no. The wider stays in We same pleee, but the motion goes on. In great storms WaVeS (WC sometimes 40 feet high, and their creels travel fifty utiles nn hour. The base of 11 01a00 (1110 difttallee front valley to val- ley) is usually cousidered es 'being tette dines the height of the wave. Therefore, a wave 25 fed high would have it base extendleg 375 feet. The force of waves breaking 011 the shove is seventeen tons to the stelae° inch. SOON CURED. "I was cured of en ennoying pee perteily lo eleep 111 the wweig lime 111 lather ID orighiel wity," said 011100017. "S nee time ngo Were were a ninither of nights when 1 could not sleep until itlid 11140111 It was the lo Asti in the Morning. Timm of (3entree, 11 W11$ herd to mile, Nly frionds. advised ell sorbs of remediete, led my 'wile set her wile 141 Wart< end found We eight one. The next, night J fell into a light daze lifter 1 got into hed, hol in less than twenty minutes I wee es wide awake aS ever, pitching end tosetng, ancl unable to ele,o inS eeee. my Wire got up, struck a 111/4leh, and pretended lo leolc et her welch. Then she snide. - • wouldn't try to go lo sloop, dons as It will soon be time lor yoe to get up metre 111111. stetted 11, in llinert minutes 1 Wes esleep end slept Hite it log. l'his 10e14 repented mice er 'whet, am) now I get my regliler sleep MT PY night. The test 4,1 11. wee dint 1 dellel lolow for n number or day's; the 11111e leise flint Mid Lee.n. employed 10 Send 4110 id eleep."' WOODEN -LEGGED TERROR MEN WII0 OWE TIM POLICE Wrill THE TIMBER. ^ Wooden Leg Used tis a Munvy Box -- Cork Leg Cleared a Mini From Robin Fined. Pouts have not written epfes ou the wienten log, llor 1111Ve ph1los1plle111 ON^ batiste(' Rs glories, yet Ile, Munoriet eus extracted much fun from this vote 101 artiele. There Is a Indy who, when she wielles te keep her peel man at Jenne, has but lu hitte his cork leg. Still, the wouden leg is it dangerous weapon, Teem Is a beggar at Norte- wich who Ltt described as We "wooden-. legged (error" by the eoli,ece lle has a habit of ineserowing hie leg end using 11 as a weapon to bat the C0u13118 of the ounstablee. , eeve hue le Luke eie hie wooden lege SILVER WIRE SAVED HUYI; UOILOW NEEDLE , PLUNGED INTO AORTA WPM WIRE. One of the Most Remarkable Operallions, Enown lo Surrfery Performed Iii Illilladelp-Ma. Fred Williams of Philadelphia, had a slivex wire twenty fee1 long' thrust, into his chest, loft there 1110• ;months and taken kaa again, with the. stelae. WM lie Is <nee More a well man. Dr Joules P. elann,, of the Metlice- Thicurgieul 111311111 1a1 Philettelphla, thuS- IdiS We honor of haying pule:Jellied One, ler Wel inest remarkable operate:me. known to surgery, The operation wee for aneurism or the aorta. Williams, WhO Is thirty - s01110, 11 barber and of immense vitality,. noticed a swelling a11 his breast. Ile, went to a hospital and Were was place 015 eeme, before we „me „wet wee., 1,1 unon the operating table without. was the beginning of the evidence( dtherina. A lallidw "Petit° d/"S" eenstiible al West fluith This. was wIlli tPlunged into the aorta end a silvelr reference to 41 oncelegged prisoner who 1 iu.1 violently resisted the officer, This 1/11111 la Well 1;110\111 LIS It terrOr bo efal- Slablea 11501 to thc (Retrial., mite they Were the trielc of disarming him by taking off his leg. There Is allOther cripple who is dreaded by the eolice; but has lost ledit legs and an .arm in addition. Oils Man was arrested recently lie resisted lustily, with the reetilt that the herassed pollee lied to take hint to ea it in fifteen pieces. A woolen -legged gentleman Was tecelding up Battersea Rise when his tenlee leg somehow caught in u gene i(1e and 1)0011110 11X.0(1, lie tiled lo wrench it outwith the result that the 1041 simpord in two, and the mon fell lbe pavement, To Me astonishment of' Mei people who witnessed the Mel- -dent, a nuitibet, of geld and ;silver coins veiled clown lee pavement WOODEN LEGS AS NIONEV BOXES. The gentleman explained lhat he luiel used his wooden leg as a money toe, In the Wettest, part of it, a cun- ningly devised cavity had been node, the _aperture being closed by a entail door. frie savings were collected for 11010 veelluill,11(10. tf11.0was placed in a cab and People Who uSe wooden legs often utilize Open as money bexes, usually putting, their wealth in a Icid glove, and tin ex -military num recently seeped el Wei coneection. Ilo placed les money en aperture, in one 01 bin woeden legs, an11 then went to drew his pen - leen, adding thel also. Next he went 16,,:„.411.ine \yell 01111115' acqud aintance, an d1111101011 hineself forte, wthks after (tea - When he toyeke, his acquaintance lied yantelied. "\e'llet I expected," the captain said tis 1110 nodded hisimed end fen in his rocket, Ille purse had yen - !shed also. "I expected that, :tom" he chc"sixpence in, it." ukled; therekis, wire eves fed from a spool. The thick- ness of the wire wns about that. of it. No. 60 cotton thread. The bloccl pressure 11511 been previ- ously reduced lo In minimum by a long: slay in bed and steevation diet, I3LOOD FORelleD OVER WIRE. As the wire Wan fed into the blood' vessel II, colIrd itself closely in the., form of a cylinder, which fitted the M- imi surface of the affected parts. Then. the needle 10118withdrawn and the. wound made Ily 11 was dressed. The muse set up in 1110 weakened (earl, Wen DIM the blood clotted over. 145' wires end "organized "a new wall strengthening WM which lied been weakened by rheumatics. The eMcacy of this "organization" depends on the. generul conditien of the patient and the. quality of his blood. The operation upoli Williams 5015 performed two months ego. Last week" Io e came into the hospital with blood trickling from a pin hole in his cites:. Again Williams wae placed upon the. %orating table. The. blood Was found to be coming from a wound from which protruded the tip of We 5151105.1'51105.1'wire Wel had been coiled inside his oorte. Willi care We whole strand 10115 taken cut, rind then, to the amazement ef everybedy, the bleeding stopped. There. ts every indication that We barber is - Dew well end that the 11CW coating of' (('1'aorta is suMeiently stvong to rein- force the wealcened tissue thtil, lies. outside it.. "I feel its well as I ever did In my life inul welt every day without fate jelle," said Williams. — 1 1101 1 BORN FIREMAN. Brother of Cie Bari or Letren Ships: on the SI. Louis as Stoker. Nothing °Mild prove better the quality wo' of Itis rk of the Hon, Founds Putriele ed <lown beeeme t1"11141"Clentents, bth roer end leer 54 Loyd 111(011104', eorrerestricken, for his leg.s had gone, ', " ("I til° 61. L')uis' (114 an eMoutttl mit, 111111 the 1101100 101110. than I", f"ct 111,111 wus direre'd eel:Med. arrival 11 4 NI W 110114 a permenent jou, Afterwerde The eeomen bees woe 12 the etolceleild, says 'rho London Daily leound up an Miry, where the lIm, 1 lied 1Int Shipping Gazette eays that 110. 'Lukeil thein in order to prevent his vic- din giving chase. The old soldier rev- 0111)111-111' (114' job !.'"'••'111111111111)1'141 I'd oxplaired his twee renee for a iteck neneefeltlypuledoutthesionriills savings bex, and to his delight diecoy- but 111"r" 'were 11° vililuilI7Id'14. ingly he strapped on Me lege end Jew. 'dal offered a berth in the etokoluie, he les mune:Meese, however, We ole- ored that Iris; savings Ware intact. Slue- • . lantly 11311relled home, Thiq 'the young men accepted. lie 1011 .1 a green ittnAd, but he was earnest, Ulla B1300e1STIC11. TO TIIE RESCUE. hie centhict ri»d tellaviour during Gee, A Brialfeed policeman arrested 15 11)111 '),T.yage out attracte101 the attention 01 !Llie leading fireman. So 'well did Im for being drunk and disorderly, hut Iwork, and so marked was his attention 11, appealed that the charge Mut 110 'hay!. Rifilidulion than „(114 log, m to Ids duties, thet et the end of Wm Ins ddenc, it Was „howl, met lex! wee. voynge the eum. in charge tapped Mei eiling was caused by the vagovies of a -timber leg. The solicitor for the de- elentlatet, .51111111Hk-id that, Ili e otan 105.1 not re.sponsible for the acts of his leg, iso the one -legged men got off in lilts ease. 11 10118 <hieing 0 fog in I.orelon that seventeen people crowded Into 4 Lon - dee and South -Western compartment. Then another endenvoiett to end voonl, Sae failed. "e'en get ttny further," fetid a men leside the ,pompartment. eThere's mail here with n weoden log blockleg the Way," "Aid" sseld 1110 4110'11411' Of the WOOd511 leg, "excuse me half a moment." lie obligingly 1.1/1- fter00'ed 111S leg, and put It on We Mg - ' gage rack, A pollceinan vv110 ' lied lust pegged through the St. John embulance clessee was able to render Hest nid le a wood- en leg. An elderly men wee crossing the roadway at Vieloria Staten, Lon- don, when he waseknocked down by a hensoin cab. The wheels went ove0 Me wooden leg and broke IL. 11 was then Wet WA: policeman suitably proved himself equnt lo Wit emergency. By the assistance of 0 new broom- stick, ourchtesed by n sympathetic on- lookor, 111, resourceful policemen took the needful measurements. In the pets - once of a bighlyennusee cnowd, and woe 11 leveewed sew 111111 other tools, ehe cenetablo impinged to repair the dainnged 1111(1) k effectively that the owner wits able to go Mime, delellning nil other assistance,-Petusines Werecly, KEEP tel. "Hang it all, my I! 1 ga 18 gone mil,' he said, "It swills n ciente 110 mettle, how west it my bo, if you let it. go "A Meer," she observed, "is, in that matter, not unlike a men." FINAL APPE.Me. 'The. rellaal 1 mull gel along wilh my wife is Mel elm wines le submit itil 0114. cllifeeetives .,141 arliltealien." erbi lee ion?" "Yee She 111Wiles 10111118 le rarer MS. pules to her mother." TIM REASON, (1101.111400711 l' yens; 111-3 dity, 341111) oItl yon nie rue wis mei, Het, enel WM lini° \ve'Ve .110V0r yinee (Marvel r 11051111 I1d.-"I rfittim W111111er 111 Mal, rflY SVlllllli1illl4. "1-'0111' that 1.‘e 8)111 II Weal, lelaper,;” KAI the ehoulder and eted, "Look here, 3e tmg num, if yo11 are preptupd to sifee ltD ptvinintently in this ship you must, pay se end tIm thing is dune." oeose tee \wee] renown New nipb(3. in detective trent Scotland Yard, 11(3(30511- p packet by 0 Peer, was in Southampton enateng Inquiries about a lost cutlet or a noble house. The Anietecen Embeesy' was communicated with, and, as it ves 011111 41 111111111108, it was learned that. 1114' yOlillg 1111111' Waa 1111d011btedly thal brother of Ilia Earl, who wile very anx- ious to ilnd what had become of him.. The impelling force behind his extra- orrilnary conduct, adds The Shipping' Gazette, was the belie( Mint he ought, lo be earning Ids daily break]. Of empire Aniline good education, and endowed with ail thto quelities which are con-. einered essenliel in the first ranks of eoelety, the young men wont to 010013? 11411511011 determined to seek congental 'work if he coule gell, 11, but still. wOr1C. ,whiCli 10.111111 provide for him his daily evante. Ile cheerfully went into the stolcehold and proved himself to be by ,rei• the best worker of the bunch. Ono eveuld 'have thought Mat, a xveek 111 the inferno of nn Atlantic steamship 'would have disilltisioned Wm. 11111 in New York he has tonna eniployment, which he WW1 holds, EXTI—IA0-11D-Ig'NA-RY FEAT. One -legged Men Walk Eight tRindred Miles. IvAl, 1108111 and Cartier, two ono., legged men, mired in Paris the othee clay, linving \yolked ell We way ficet Me:settles-SOO niece. They met the lending epirile 111 the receetly knelled 1111101) or Cripples, °net Mine mine to see M. Cllemenceen end emleavor to obtain from lent recognition of Ilio 11111o11, A Memel of Oil cripples went outside Ws, Vineennee Wile le meet them. There, were (Tipples of every pessiblo kind- there wov(1 men with 0115 111111 11511.1 111111 (Ma leg; 1110r0 Were 111011 end ‘rvil''1:111(11;1 v 110 111(115 rnb111111511mei 1d‘Viin tlicinK51 1 12(033.. mon end fin51 every cripple of Went oll, except some heti-dozen who \\tor,' deur and 0v111 Weilly, Mei, Resin mitt Cartier revived Wet 11111111g11, 11111 they looked tvontlerfulle well a fler 111011 toile \vette They tenet Itt nn hotel in the Rue de Grecirelles which Ls herd by one of Weir emitter., I( rury-e NI, Domeinotill, Who lost both lt,ge tit a vaile,cy netident, le ewe ithelose Lrotel Of the itgelly with weeee lie will e leblet;