HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-9-19, Page 8ousehold Requirement
Not to be Overlooked
Pure Pickling Spices
Bobh Ground and Whole, We keep
all the commoner ones as well as
those that are but seldom asked for,
Bottle Wax
For sealing bottles, &o, Comes in a
tin dish -limply requires heating and
is ready for use,
All Sizes of Corks
for Pickle and Catsup Bottles, &o.
Rubber Icings
for Scalers.
Fresh Baking Powder
If you ever use our Baking Powder
you will want to nee it again,
26o per lb.
Fly Poison
To secure comfort get rid of the flies
by using Lightning Fly Pads, 60 and
10o pkgs., or Tanglefoot, 4 sheets 50.
For a Good Disinfectant Try
in 26o bottles and 60o cane, Qoee a
long way. Also Lave Ohloride of
Lime la metal oontainere at 10o.
Trains leave Brueeele Station, North
and South, as follows:
Goma &Oman GOING NOTA.
Mail 7:05 a.m 1 Expreoa 10:08 a.m
Expreto 11:25 a.m Meal 1:44 a.m
Express 8:02 p.m Express 8:51 p,m
y,Eat Pius Items
A obiel'e among ye takir' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
GET ready for East Huron Fall Fair,
Oot. 3 and 4.
Dn. FEli,D'S Dental oMoe will be closed
from Sept 26th to Ont. god, both days in.
fine Heintzman piano planed in abs
Central Hotel.
Raman the date, Tuesday, Sept..
24t1s, at the American Hotel, and eon.
stilt with Mise J. J. Allan in regard to
your eyes.
WESTERN ExovaeioN,—The venal ex•
outdone to western Amerioon pointe
take place on Sepb. 19, 20, 21, and are
good till Oot. 7.
DR. BUTLER'S VISIT.—Dr. Butler, th
Landon Eye Specialist, will be at th
American Hotel, Brussels, on Widnes
day, Sept. 25th. Glasses eupplied.
READ the list of Spools' Prime, toot
races and speeding events on page 4 of
this iseae in connection with Broesele
Fall Fair. Entries have beau made
already for some of the foot rause.
TUE lost boggy daeter which was
advertised in TEE PosT, also the eilver
watch in last weok's issue, have been
restored to their respective owners. It
pays to advertise.
BRUSSELS Junior Bea Ballistic went to
Blyth last Saturday and played a game
with the local lade. The soon was 7 to
5 in favor of Blyth. This is the third
match for the boys during the past
Tax Grand Trunk Railway has put up
a water tank West of the Main street to
enpply their engines with the necessary
aqua pure.. Water ie pumped from the
Maitland river, an engine bones being
erected in which the power is looated, 'on
George Kerr's farm.
FALL Fara Draso:one.—A meeting of
Best Heron Fall Fair Directors will be
held in tine Council Chamber, Brunets,
Saturday afternoon, 21st ,net., at 2
o'olook, to deal with some matters in
oonneotion with the ooming Fair on Oot.
3 and 4, There should be a big tarn
A GENTLEMAN who beard the 91st
Regimental Band eays they are not only
dandy players bat cam Sing in A 1 style
and are well wortb going miles to hear.
This Band will play at. Brussels Fair and
provide the program for the Concert
Friday night.
Samara grain market ie once more
'open for the Fall oampaign. With two
good buyers, R. Graham and Alf. Beaker,
whose storehouses are oared for by Flet-
cher Roe and Ad. Somers, genie se last
year, the public should be well served.
Top notch prides will be paid,
Moms township Voters' List Oonrt
was held in the Ooanoil chamber
here on Wednesday forenoon be-
fore His Honor Judge Doyle, A. B.
MacDonald represented the LIberals and
Dudley Holmes, of Wiogham, looked
after the interests of the Conservatives.
SATURDAY afternoon of next week, at
1,80 o'clock, the 50 mare farm, East half
of South half of lot 27,, oon. 7, Morrie,
will be offered for sale by pablio Enation
at the Central Hotel, Brunets. F. S.
Soot': will be the aootioneer. It ie a
mortgage sale. Advt, may be read in
another column.
Suomi) Nos BE DIS0ONTINDED There
Is a rumor that the mail route per stage
from Braeeels to Seeforth may be die.
oontinued when the mail isoerried on the
0, 1'. R. to Walton. This should not be
as the stage is a great oonvenienoe in
many ways and can probably carry the
mail to Leadbury and Winthrop se cheap
ly as new 00ntraot0, minas the parcels
and light freight business transacted by
the through stage route. The poetoffiae
department should pay a reesouable fig.
ore for mail carrying on this route so
that the stage wilt be continued. The
public is well pleased with the service,
SRonv,oae.—The (tunnel inopeationof
the arms, clothing, &o, of the Broesele
Company, took place on Sept. 6111 and
the report ig just published, By the re.
port ib seems that the company is short
in the'.00aut to a very great extent
viz :-13 red asrgeo, 19 pais of troaeern,
30 5025100 gape and 11 herniate, The
shortage RI evidently caused by careless•
nese amonget the men who were at the
last camp in not turtling in their Webbing
in the proper time. We hope none at
the boyo will get into trouble but it is a
serious offence for a peroan to harbor
Government property without permie)ion,
We understand the. Inepeoting Officer,
Major Shannon, will visit here again
trust our bravo soldier
bete will be cleared of any blooms in the
Matter and that their clothing will be in
the proper place,
Dn. GRAHAM has returned from the
West and has resumed praotiae ae usual.
SILVER pencil loaf in Brueeele on MoD -
day. The finder will greatly oblige the
owner by leaving it at Tux POST,
Mies 3. J. ALLAN, eyesight specialist
will visit Braseale professionally on
Tuesday of next week and may be seen
at the American Hotel.
FROM 27 to 29 loaded flat oars are haul-
ed on eaoh trip by the two engines on the
G. T.R. from thoDanoan.Barrgravel pit.
Another engine attends to the switching
at the pit. A telegraph operator ie kept
there also ao Re to avoid accidents by eel.
I Isiono.
W. 0. T. U.—At the last meeting of
the W, 0. T. U. the following ofioe
bearers were elated :—President, Mre.
A. McGuire ; 1st vioe•Preaident, hire. W.
Rands ' 2nd vice President, Mre, R.
Leatberda)e ; Rea.-Seoretary, Mrs, A. J.
Lowry; Oor.•Searetary, MiesJoeie Boob•
a0an ; Treasurer, Mre, G. Beaker ; Asa,
Treasurer, Mrs. R. Dark ; Preto Supt.,
Mre, M. Inohaosn. Praotioal linea have
been pursued by this organization and an
interesting campaign is being marked out
for the Fall and Winter. The next
regular meeting will be bald in their
rooms on Friday evening of next week,
27th inst., commencing at 8 o'elook,
that evoked wide sympathy took plaoe at
Mount Forest int Friday when Elsie
Gertrude, beloved wife of H. E, Fawcett,
brother to W. J. Fawoett, of Brussels,
was called away to her eternal home, at
the age of 36 years. A baby boy 2 weeks
old and 4 little girls ace left in addition
to the husband. The faunal took plane
Monday afternoon Rev, D. W. Snider
speaking comfortioge words to the be.
raved relatives, Dammed was a fine
spirited woman who, enjoyed the good
will of a large oirole of friends. Mr. and.
Mrs. Fawoett and Mise Mary attended
the funeral from town, Mre. Fawoett
continuing her stay for a week.
KITTY HoNTERsi Two Sinks from the
town Bowling Club went to Blyth on
Taeeday and enjoyed a friendly boat
with the sharpshooters of that village.
Broesele was 2 up on the total, The
soore was as follows
Bnoessns. Brava,
Jae. Ballantyne, A. W. Sloan,
A. B. Macdonald, F. W. Scott,
E. Kerley, Dr. Milne,
J. T. Rosa,
skip 13
F, A, Anderson,
skip 17
Alf. Baeker, Joe.,Oocmbes,
Robt. Thomson, Joe. Carter,
Wm. Emigb, Dr. Long,
R. T. Downing, Jas. MoMurohie,
skip 19 skip 13
82 80
Blyth Bowlers make great hoots eo our
residents say.
OBIT.—At Trout Creek on Aug. 30th,
Mary Ano Newsome beloved wife of Jae.
Molntoeh passed away at the age of 50
years, 11 months and 26 days. The
deceased was born in the vioinity of
Brussels, Heron County on the 4th deg
of Sept., 1856, being a daughter of Mre.
Wm, Newsome, a resident of this place.
Sbe leaves a husband and 9 children to
mourn her demise. Mre. W. Woode, of
South River ; William of Callender ;
Ida, James, Margaret, Arthur and
Herbert at home ; Peter (address um
known) Thomas of Callander. The
subject of this notice had been ill for 2
years with dropsy and heart weakness
bat she bore ber pain and dllneee sheer.
fully to tbs end. She was a loving wife
and mother and always lent a willing
hand to those who were in need. Mre.
Molotoeh was a member of the Meths•
diet church and a faithful worker, Sbe
also knew ber end was nearing and told
her family not to bury ber on B Sunday
eo the funeral took plass on Aug, 8115
and was largely attended showing the
esteem in which Ole was held. Sym.
pithy is extended to the bereaved hue.
hand and family, Mr. Molatoeb was a
former readmit of Grey township.
Brussels School BOrtrd,
The regular meeting of the Brueeele
Palma Sabool Board wag held in the
Board Room Friday evening. Members
present, T. Farrow, Jae, Elliott, M, H,
Moore and J. G. Skene, Minutes of )set
meeting read and adopted.
Moved by Jae. Elliott, n000050, by
M. H. Moore that the following aoo0ante
be Reid :—D, Robb, presiding at Ex.
emanations, 580.15; Joe. Murr, supplies,
34.141 Geo. Barkley, building ciente
and fixing approach, 5101.00 ; Roee Stubbs
approached at closets, $2.00 ; Wilton &
Gillespie, Dade Of crayons 518,50 ; F, S.
Scott, Ioenranoe, 547.00 ; J. G. Shane,
applies, $2,00 ; F. McOraoken, kaleomim
ing upper rooms of school, 527.00,
Moved by J. G, Skene, 00000ded by;
Jae, Elliott that T, Farrow interview
Miss H. D. Ford, in regard to salary,
Moved by J. G, Skebe, seconded by M.
U. Moore that ,IoW. Murr, be paid 55,00
1oe.extra work about the eebool. Carried.
Moved by rd. H. Moore, seconded by
Jae, Elliott (1) That a year's free buitiOe
in High Sobooi Departlnottt be gives to
the pupil from Brueeele 13011001 ob.
leining',tbe highest merls at Lntranee
Examination, (2) That a year's free to.
1010n, under similar bondltions, be grant -
The Metro
Capital Paid Up
Reserve Fund and
Undivided Profits
Every Department of Banking Conducted with Satisfaction and
Absolute Security,
Accounts of individuals, Firms and Corporations Solicited.
Savings Department
$1.00 or more opens an account. Interest allowed from date of
deposit and compounded FOUR times a year.
No delay in withdrawal.
ed to pupil who obtains highest marks
at Entrains Examination from any out-
side eabool, Carried, Board then ad-
Ijoarned. J. G. Mama, Seoretary.
Geo. Howe, of Wroxeter, Was in town
on Tuesday.
Mrs. W. H, Kerr spent a few days in
Blyth leet week.
Alex, Mo$elvey, of Toronto Medieal
College, ie hometor a week.
Mise Lizzie Brown in visiting her
sister, Mrs. J. L. Kerr, of Blyth.
0, H. Semis, of Grafton, Out., was in
town renewing old friendebipe last week.
Robert Dark was a visitor at the West.
ern Fair, London, for a few days last
Mra. George Brown and Russell are
sway to Shelburne on a visit with rola•
Mies Mary Rose returned to. Monkton
last Monday to resume her millinery
R. and Mre. Patterson and ohildren
were vlaftiO4 friends at Seaforbh for a
day or eo.
Mre, John Long was in London laet
week visiting friends and atteodiug the
Western Fair.
Mrs, Henry has been quite ill daring
the past week but we hope she will soon
be oonvaleeaeot.
Mise Pearl Lowry returned with her
cocain, Mies Anna Swollom to spend a
week in Mildmay.
Rev. Mr. Column, of Toronto, was
visiting with the family of John Hunter
dnring the past week,
A. A. Werliok, manager of the Mer.
obant'e Bank, Mildmay, was a visitor at
D. A, Lowry's on Sunday.
Mies Dolly MoKenzie, John street, is
ill with typhoid fever but we hope she
will soon be fully restored.
Mrs. Wm, Parker, of Fenton, Mich.,
Wal visiting her brother, Jeo. Wright, of
town, and her mother, Mre. Wright, of
Mre. J. L. Kerr and Mrs. 0. E. Turn-
bull are bank from an eoloyable visit
with W. A. and Mre. Matthews at
J. J. and Mre. Gilpin have taken ad.
vantage of the Western exoureion and
gone to Michigan Oity, Indiana, to visit
their son and his wife.
Mre. Robb, MoAlpine left town on
Tuesday to join her husband at Lnokuow
where he ie saeooiated with the new
Clothing 0o. Luoknow people will find
them A 1 residents.
Mies Mildred Scott is away on a
holiday outing at Toronto and Hamilton,
Some of her friends were ready to wish
ber much joy thinking a matrimonial
alliance bad been consummated but were
asked to wait. "Coming events oast
their shadows before,"
After a serious illness during the last
six months, Mre. George Zwioker pained
away Thursday of last week at ber home,
London, Ont. She was a daughter
of the late Robert Sample, of Brueeele,
and was of a kind and pleasant diepoei•
Bon wbioh won her many Mende and a
large oirole of acquaintances. '
She bore her long and trying illoeee
with greet fortitude and was never
known to oamplain at any time.
She leaves a husband, a six months
old daughter, three brothers, two eletere,
and a mother to mooru her loan, The
brothers are Anthony and John Sample,
of Wolseley, Saakatabewan ; her mother
Mre, Robert Sample, and deter, Mrs,
R. T. Carroll, of the same plaoe ; W m,
Sample, brother, of Sault Ste. Marie,
and two aunts at 650 Dundee street,
London, the Misses E. and M. Roddiolt,
For a number of years Mrs. Zwioker
was aloha at the Memorial ohurab,
The funeral aervioes were eondaoted
by the Rev. E, B. Lauoeley, of Dundee
Centre Methodist church, • at the reel
deuoe, Friday evening at 8 p. m, aeeisted
by Rev, Mr. Wiobett, of London, and
Rev. S. J. Allin, of Parkhill, The latter
performed the marriage ceremony be.
Sween Me. and Mre. Zwioker, tour years
Saturday forenoon the remains ar-
rived at Brueeele, The service
was held in the Methodist obnrab,
oondaabed by Rev. 8. J. Alin,
of Parkhill, assisted by the Rev. E. G.
Powell, of town. Mra. Zwioker wee
a former member of the Methodist
church, Brussels, a member of the choir
for many years and a zealous worker
in the Sabbath School and League.
The funeral Was largely attended by
old friende and acquaint0uaee of the de•
aeaged, who folowed her to ber last
resting plane.
The floral tributes wore many and
beautiful, among them being a sheaf,
Mise May Gordon ; spray, Miss Agnea
Balliday ; wreath, Mien Katharine
Moore ; spray, Mre. Boyle ; harp, 0.
0. F. Court Middlesex; sheaf, Mos. J.
13. MsKlllop ; pillow,, Methodist (thumb
choir, Broesele ; spray, Mre, Pirie.
The pallbearers were M. G. 0Olgrove,
0. F. Zwioker, London : W. J. Treve.
thick, Detroit ; O. H. Zwioker, Ord.
iron W. H, Kerr and W. J. Maaraok.
en, Breese's. The ehurob was draped
for the service,.
Many regrets were expressed Over
the early demise of Mre. Zwielter (better
known here ss Mise Lizzie Sample)
who wag only 29 yearn, The mane of
rI.L•�L'S1 t•'9J '!,!
Eyesight Specialist
Tuesday, Sept, 24th, '07
American 1iote1
All Errors of Refraction Corrected, Glas-
ses prescribed only when required.
Royal Hotel, Ethel, Sept. 25th.
demise was pernicious anaemia, She
bad been ill for nearly 6 months. Dow.
ered with a smiling loos and a winning
way she made many friends wherever
she went and watt always a weloome
member of any Company.
The sympathy of the entire Common.
ity is extended to the family in their
sad bereavement.
methodist Chnroh has a Giese Call.
Leet Tuesday night, shortly after mid•
night, the alarm of fire was rung as a
bright light illumined the Eaebsrly side
of the village. The old flax mill was
in flames and as the contents aoeaieted
largely of hay, ease, and tow it burned
with a fury and oraokle that bade de.
fiance to fire fighting apparatus bad it
been immediately on band. Meanwhile
the Easterly end of thk Methodist church
horse shed, had caught and the burning
shingles and oinders were whirled near
and far from the mill, threatening a big
oonfiagation, but by alertness and the
frequent applioatione of pails of water
on the roofs and other infismable matter
the danger wan removed. While this
wee eatisfa0tory the ay was raised that
the Methodist oh0rah WAS on fire.
Sparks had lodged on the roof until
nearly a score of boles ware burned
through the shingles and abeeting. The
fire engine was slow in getting to work
and ladders were few and short to reach
the root of the obnrab. Both were se-
cured eventually end the destroyer
stayed, tba good work being largely sup-
plemented by the aativity and industry
of Rev. E. G. Powell who was the first
to reach the root and drench the in.
oipient blazes. It ie not unlikely if be
had not done eo the large edifice might
have been in ruing. It was nearly 8
o'clock before the had remains of fire
was extinguished and people breathed.
easier. The damage oonaieted of the
boles burned in the roof, a disabled win•
dow by a ladder, the ceiling and seats
flooded with water in some planes and
the general mnes•ap from a fire. The
front fence was destroyed. Ohurob was
insured in the Gore Mutual, Guelph,
the 0o. on notification instructing P.
Ament to make building as good as be-
fore the fire. The metallic roots on the
horse shed and Parsonage stable proved
their worth and possibly resulted in
their being saved. There wag a very ;
large crowd present, some driving miles
to ascertain where the fire Wae,
The fire wee no doubt of incendiary
origin as the mill has nob been in use
for years, A boiler and engine and
other maabinery were in the mill, be,
longing to the Livingstone firm.—There
is not =eh doubt but that the Fire
Brigade needs reorganization and a bet.
ter system instituted, one (sardine' point
being abetter defined management and
introduction of more modern methods.
These things are alwsye talked about
after a fire bat result in little more than
talk, The system badly needs remodel.
ling and extension,—Part of the Par.
aonege belongings were peaked up think.
ins the house might burn,—Something
went wrong with the fire engine as the
fire was oonuered. It was sot to rights
however and a suooessftl test made on
Wednseday,—The bucket brigade 10
still a good old standby.—Somebody
should study out the hook and ladder
puzzle and give the gelation to the pub•
iia.—It there is beak pay dee the fire.
men they should get it —Additional
hose is •needed,—A midnight fire is a
good plane to nee the latest noveltice in
ooatume9,—The Trustee Board of the
church desires to very heartily thank
all who so willingly aided in saving their
edifice. The last of the debt was only
paid off last Deosmbee and the Board
had no desire to start building again,—
There seen wont be any flax mills in
the oountr the e b be wa the
y Y y y are being
wiped out during the past year.—How
many oitizene know where the fire alarm
ig located and how to ring it ?—Brueeele
should have et waterworks system jest
Head Office - - - Toronto
The Standard Bank pays interest
four times a year on all Savings
Bank deposits.
Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Brandies.
J. F. Rowland, Manager
as soon ae the Sre proteatio0 debenenres
are paid off or sooner if possible,—'The THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN.
telephone alarm to the Ohfef'e house
waa forgotten Tuesday night but he Wall
soon on itis eoene.—A publics meeting
addressed by some good live praotioal
Ofhoer of an outside Fire Brigade would
do good in town.
at the reeidenoe of Mre. R. D. Laid-
law 408,} Baker et., Detroit, sister of
the bride, by Rev. D. J. Sutherland,
Calvary, Preedyterian obnroh, Mr.
John Grlmehaw, of Detroit, to Dila
Jean McKeroher, daughter of Mr.
and Mre, George Gibean, Con, 0.
Bowiok, Ont. •
TYEaMAN—CAMERON.—At the renidenee
of the bride's father, on Sept. 18013,
by Rev. E. G. Powell, Mr. Robert
Tyerman, to Miss Lizzie, daughter
of Mr. James Cameron, all of Grey.
WADE—Tuox,•—Io (Milord, on Sept. 11th,
by Rev. Mr. Young, Mr. Joe. Wade,
of Fordwioh, to Mies Mabel Tuok,
of Clifford.
FAwoRTT,—In Mount Forest, on Sept.
13th, Elsie Gertrude, beloved wife
of H. E Fawaatt, aged 86 years.
MoINTosu.—At Trout Oreek, on August
30th, Mary Ann Newsom, beloved
wife of Janine Mointoeb, aged 60
years, 11 months and 26 days.
Zwroxnn.—In London, on Sept. 12th,
Lizzie Sample, beloved wife of Geo.
H. Zwioker, aged 29 years.
3+Z- VS�RS.S ACAR1C£'1S,
Fall Wheat 88
Barley 46
Peas 73
Oats 40
Butter, tube and rolls17
Eggs per dozen 17
Harper, ton . 10 00
per bbl 4 50
Hogs, Live 6 25
Wool (washed).. 20
Potatoes per bue� 90
Apples (per bbl.) 1 25
Salt, per bbl., retail 1 25
11 00
6 20
1 00
1 50
1 25
atrayed on the premiers; of the tinder.
signed NI Lot 19, Oon, 8, Morrie, on or about
August'. 1st. Owner is requested to prove
prOperty, pay expenses and take them
away. WN1.. S0UGH,Brussels P. O.' 8.4
DEnsroNED offers hie 160 acre farm for
sale, being Lot 20, 701 Lino, Morrie. There
is a frame house, bank barn and hay house,
8 orehardo and a never -falling spring. Farm
will 0e sold in one or two parts to suit pur-
chaser. Possession Could be given„ybre
Fall. Four acres of Fall wheat in Farm in
grass except 10 aoree, Will be sold on easy
terms. For further partloulare as to prioe,'
terms, &c„ apply ou the premises to ALP.
BUTTON, 0r Brussels P, 0. 11.51
Notice of Dissolution
of Partnership.
NOTICE is hereby given that the partner.
ship heretofore substation between 0e, the
undersigned, carried on in the village of
Jamestown, has this day 'been diseolved by
mutual consent. A11 debts owing to the
said partnership aro to be paid to MacDon-
ald Bros., at Jamestown aforesaid, on or
before the 15th clay of October, A. D.1007,
and all claims against the Bald partnereh ip
are to be presented to the said MacDonald
Brosby whom same shall bo settled.
Dated at Jamestown this 10th clay of Sap-
tember, A. D. 1007,
Jas, A. Bltasooe DUNCAN MA0D0NALD,
PROPERTY. -Under and by Virtue of
the powere contained in two Mortgagee
wbioh win be produced at tbo time of sale,
there will be offeredforRale by Publlo emo-
tion on Saturday, September 28th, 1007, at
the hour of 1.00 o'clock In the afternoon, at
the Central Hotel in the Village of Brussels,
in the County of Baron, by F. B. Scott, auc-
tioneer, she following property, namely :—
B sing ibe Ea st Half of the South Half of Lot
number Twentv-Bevan hi the Seventh Oen-
cession of the Township of Morris, in the
County of Huron, 008251ning Fifty aoree of
land, more or less, This property is situate
about three miles from- Brussels. About
thirty acres are cleared, the rest being Wish
lands. There Is a comfortable frame holies
and small barn on the lands Terme of sale
—Ten per cent. of the purohaee money to b e
paid at the time of male to Mortgagee's Sol-
icitor, and the balance in thirty days. For
further particulars and conditions of Gale
applyy to F, 8, SCOTT, AOotioneer, or to A,
B. MAODONALD, 8olloitorfor Mortgagee,
For whatever
Purpose wanted
Rioli Clil Glass
will meet the call.
The Best for the Home,
—Best for the new home in e
Wedding Gift,
—Best for a present or a gift of
any kind—
Good enough to adorn the palace of a
Bing—Every article and'at all times the
best. Oar stook is well assorted and wo
kuow our prioee will please—
F oX '
DERSI0NI01, has for Oalo, on Lot 21,
Ooa, 12, Grey, three young brood sows with
littera at foot, It not sold together will
sell little pigs separate. The latter aro
05000 bred. Also one sow, due to farrow in •
O el0L'er. Parties wiabing to buy pigs should
o all and get prioee before buylagg elsewhere.
For further particulars apply to JOHN P.
MoINTOBH, ',Shady Nook Farm," Crau-
brook P, 0. 10-tf
Standard Bred Trotters
MIDNIGHT 0100—A blank stallion two
yearn Old, by Oro Wilkes (2,11), dam by
Young Sidney. Also the two year old filly,
MI88 BAITS, by Mennen (2,117), dam by
Costumer Both are thoroughly broken to
harness and will be sold right for quick
sale. For further partloulare apply to D. J.
M°LAUGHLIN, Brussels 3, 0. 10-tt
Notice to Creditors
and Debtors.
In the estate of Joseph Oster, late of the
Village of Brussels, agent, deceased.
Notion is hereby given pursuant to the
Statutes in that behalf, that all oreditore
having any claims against the Legate of
Joseph Gator, vino died on or anent 1 the
Thirtieth day of July, A. D. 1007, are re.
quired to Band acme, on or before said date,
to A. B, MacDonald, Braseelo post -office,
with the particulars of their claims.'
And notice is further given that af' r the
said date the Adtniaietratrix will ditbute
the estate according to law, having gaud
only to those claims of wbioh notice has
been given.
And notice ie further given that all per-
sons indebted to the oatate of Joseph Oster
are hereby required to pay their aeco0ute
at ones to A. B, Macdonald at a russele, or
Raehel Oster, AdmiolOtretrix, Gerrie Post-
Dated at Brussel/JUIN 10th day Of Sep-
tember, A. D., 1007.
A, B. MA0DoNA7.D,
Soliottor for Admialsbratrls,
. www+n
Ladies', Misses' ' and Children's
Fall and, Winter Coats
We want you to see our new stock of Fall and Winter ' Coate for Ladies,
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ER-FECT FITTING -PERFECT IN STYES—and the prices are very rea-
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