HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-9-19, Page 5A S!tualioii
lite, geed sal n•y awniti every
gradnate of
fib Central 8usinass Co11ege
Experinii o proves tide poeitiveiy.
lemur tiny tante. Catalogue free:
W. H. SHAW, Principal
Yong° & Gerrard ate., Toronto
011300 In the Post *Mee, Ethel. - 80.4
10 prepared to give litmus on Piano
or heed Organ. Terms on appnoatiou.
Poetoillao address-Bruss4els. Besidonee-
Lot 9, 0011.10, (trey. Pupilo may have their
lessens at their own homes it preferred.
Teacher of Piano or Organ
Pupils prepared for the Toronto
Conservatory of Music.
Agent Howick Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
omoe and Residence-
Bate at Interest ai pergademont per annum, first
Excelsior Lifedneurauoo Company
The Equity Fire Insurance 0ompany
All buet0000 attended to promptly.
01e& 4th Division Court.
1` •
tan, 30311 melt for batter .prices, to
Lotter men, in lees 41810 and lass charges
than any other Auctioneer In bast Huron or
he won't charge anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged at this office or by
personal application.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Tarma reasonable. Salle arranged for
at tI10 o(lee of TEN P ooT, Brnoeele,' 2200.
• Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet --
tamely College, le prepared to treat all die -
eases of domesticated animate Ina minuet -
ant manner. Partioular attention paid to
Veteriuory Dentletry and Milk Fever. Calls
promptly attended to, Oaloo and infirmary
-Four doors North of bridge, '1'urnberry at.,
Broseele, Thane 47 k
• Barriat00, Solicitor, Notary, Eto.
Suoaeoeor to G. F, Blair, OBioe over Stan-
dard Bank, Brussels.. Solicitor for Metro-
politanBaak, - -
1 v • Burrfet0r, solicitor, 10onvoyouoer,
Notary Publio, &t, Olsaa-8 towart'6. Block
1 door North of Central Hotel.
Bolioitor for the Standard Bank,
W. PRovDPooT,K.0. R. 0. HATS
0. F. BLAIN,
OOioes-'boas tormeely 000upied.by Messrs
Oamoron 31 30030.
30D11NI013, ONTARIO.
DR. R. P. fEILD,
Graduate of We Royal College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario and Piret.olaes Honor
Graduate of 'Toronto University. Ocoee
next to Brower•'° Photograph Gallery,
WO have a dopartmoute 1 ooetlm110180,
1-4101iTIANIi sad 'rn8N0NAPRY. We
I/ .employ the boat teachers that. money
eau hire. Our oeuraea ate thorough
and practical and the assist worthy
t to position!). Thom) who
tondou e
to got .money-nmking RtlUcntlon
31 should net too beet, Write lot our
noir n0,talogoa anal got pttrtlealn0O,
This is the beet time of year to en,.
Lb. for our 0180800,
��D 'rinoipale, Q�r''
Hefter gat "(nonunion" Eitalllr00
Education new then wlsh Yeti
tui n a ' ru•t rde. rte t
Fall Term from Sept. Brd
and yyalt Will undoubtedly got egoista
Ina" bn01n000 training -not the 9mI•
• talion" hind. Ont of two hundred and
ookh to ora h.
ere onl, for b oo ra.eteu
a 1 g
poolt on , 00010hiled only a oleo of the
when .fled o one oleo ready
whateud were Boal -1t oub,itpays
to attend this school -It doubly page,
',u Catalogue free.
W, J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
Con. Tonna AND ALaxANDxa 81.0.
XA'.Ca1 Itztus lions
68000111PTr0N price to all United
States eub0onbere is $1 50 a year, pay
able straitly in advance.
Tna Wroxeter Star nays :-Dan. and
Wm. KOake went to Brnoeele this week,
where they will makebarrels' for Thos.
Hemphill. We nnderetand that Mr.
Hemphill bas an order for 2500 barrels
at the above place:
TRIAL 00000101l treatments are being
mailed out free, on 0030011, by .Dr.
Shoop, Racine, Wie. These testa are
proving to the peop'e-without a pen.
ny's ooet-the great valbe of 'this eaieo•
tific prosoription known to ''druggist.
everywhere as Dr. Shoop'. Catarrh
Remedy. Sold by all denten.
EMIT 0011111in in a newspaper con
tains from 10,000 to 80,000 dietinot
pieoee of metal, the di -placement of
any of whioh 000sea a blander or
typographioal error. Yet tome people
lay olaim to a phenomenally brilliant
mind if they can dieobver an error in
a newspaper.
PAIN anywhere, pain in the head, pain.
ful period°, neuralgia, toothache, all
pains oat be promptly stopped by a
thoroughly safe little Pink Candy Tablet,
known by drnggiate everywhere as Dr.
Shoop's Headaobe Tablets. Pain simply
means aongeotion-undue blood presence
.,t the point where pain Wets, Dr,
dhopp's Eleadaohe Tablets 30iekly
equalize this unnatural blood p000018re,
and pain immediately departs, Write
Dr. Shoop, 1 00ioe, Wis., and get a trial
package. Large 10x 25 ate -Druggists.
FALL AncTloNe.-When arranging
for your farm stook sale make it a point
to have your bilis printed at Ten Poor.
Your bills will be attractively printed,
and with every sale bill printed at this
oflioe you will receive free a notice of
the eale in this paper, wbieb ie 'read„
every week by thouaaude of people in
this locality and makes your sale known
to m.oy who may never have the op.
portanity of seeing your bills:
To cheek aimold quickly, get from your
druggist some little Candy Cold Tablets
called Prevention, Druggiete everywhere
are now diapeneiug Preventioe, for they
are not only safe, bet decidedly oertafu
and prompt. Preventioe cautain no
Quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh nor
etokening. Taken at the "sneeze et0ge"
Preventive will prevent Pneumonia,
Bronohitia, La Grippe, eta. Hence the
name, Preventioe. Good for feveriab
ohildren. 48 Preventioe 25 vents.
Trial Boxes 5 ate, Sold by all dealers.
HYet8NEAL,-Ontario street Church,
Clinton, on Wednesday, Sept. 4th, at
10 o'clock, was the 'teem of a quiet wed
ding when Mee Elizabeth Jane, only
daughter of Enea° Oriob, of Brnoeele,
was matrimonially joined to Samuel
Cassels, of Clinton. Rev. Mr. Kerr
performed the ceremony, the bridal
party being unattended. The happy
young couple Dame to Bewails, where
n receptieu wee given them on Wartime.
day evening. The bride's gown wee a
pretty bine poplin.
TUN following is a list of Full p'nire.-
Walkerton Sept, 19-20
Seatorth .. Sept. 19-20
Blyth Sept. 28-24
Mildmay ....Sept. 28-24
Ripley ,.. ..Sept. 24-25
Goderioh Sept. 25-26-27
Wiogham Sept. 26-27
Lnoknow Sept. 80-Oab.1
Atwood Oot. 1-2
Terto0er ...Oct.1-2
vertoo 000. 2-8
Stomata Oot. 8-4
9180-HI00LAND B000010NT BAND. --,The
Committee ou Attractions for Brussels
Fall Fair has closed a 000traot with the
celebrated 910 Higblaud Regiment Band
of Hamilton to supply the mule at the
Fair on Oot 8 and 4, They will also, an
silted by well known vocalists and
Scottish dealer, take charge of the pro.
gram mottle annual Concert in the Town
Hall on the Nab evening of the Fair.
While the expense is heavy the Directors
never do anything by halves and aro de-
termined to provide tbe beet to be had
for the plasmas of the tboueande wbo
attend the Feir. This well known Baud
ander the leadership. of Bsndmaeter
Stares. a talented mosioien, ie worth go.
ing many miles to hear. Ilea the Fair
lithograph paten'.
B0omaob troublesheart and kidney
ailments, can be g0iekiy oorreoted with
a prescription known to drngglels eery
where to Dr, Sftoop's Restorative. The
prompt and surprising relief whioh thio
remedy immediately brings is entirely
due to its Restorative notion upon the
oontrolling nerves of the stomach, eta.
A. weak 0tomeo1, causing dyspepsia, a
weak heart with palpitation or inter•
mits nt palae,a1 s e tneone weak atom.
aoh nerves or weak heart nerves.
Strengthen those inside or controlling
name with Dr. Shoop'o Roetoretive
end nee how gniokly these ailments die.
appear, Dr. Shoop. of Ranine, Wis.,
will mail enmities free. Write for thorn.
A test will tell. Your health is certain•
ly worth this simple trial. Bold by all
P08010 TO ne oynnIND,-The list of
eeleotione from English poste to be
studied in the high schools and collegiate
Institutes of the Province has been pre.
pared by the Department of Eddoation,
For candidates for district aertifioatee
it is es follows :-'Pennyeon-,"The
Poet," "The Lady of Sbalotl," "Oenone,"
"The Epio" end "Morin d'Arthttr,'
"fit. Agnes Eve," "The Voyage,"
"Brame, Bteak, Break," "lo the Valley
of • the Caateretz" Browning --"My
Last Dnohano, ',The Ride from Ghent
to Aix," "LOve Among Ratan," "Home
Tilpugbte from Abroad," "up et a
Ville, "'Andrea del Barth," "The Guar
than Angel," "Proepioo," "An Epiatlo
of liarellieh, "Caviller Lulea" Per
lase ea
roll taenia e l l s rem "Mae.
0C Cr M e
i ,
"• P
Both is added and for enntor teaoher9
Another addition f0 made, namely, "Ae
You Like It." The poems to bo mom.
orizod by mind Wales for entranoo to the
high sohoole are the sante ea let year,
l'ny spore And (net The Blest
A cheap deal burning eons remedy le
never eatiofaot0ry. Tee best le Put
uam's Painless Corn Exreutor, a tate . but
a quarter, and ie guaranteed
to are
thoroughly, Use only Put name.
Mrs, Batee visited friend's in Brnoeele.
There was a lot from Belgravo attend•
ing Loudon Fair last week,
Eddie Molten') has gone e to Toronto
where he has secured a poeitio0,
Mies Minn Beogough ,a attending her
eie0or, Mrs. Hugh MoBaruey, who 30
seriously i11.
Waal). and Mre, Wi itineon, of the So",
were visiting Mr. and Mrs, Whaley and
other relatives.
Mrs, Moore, of Guelph Hospital, is
spending a few days with her uncle, Wm,
MoOrae,and other relatives,
Mrs. Wm. Clark lane returned home
atter e,pendhlg a oaople of months with
her mother at Delorairie,Man. .
John Rolerteon, of Edmonton, is
visiting hie father, Duncan Roborteoo,
and other relative° for a few weeks.
Jae. Knox, of M000elaw writes hie-
father, Wm. Knox,: that their wheat is a
toll orop, and that the cutting promos is
almost completed.
Dr. Hamiltoo, of Belgravo, left -for a
elm weeks' worse in May Bros; surgery,
mod also a trip to Chicago for poet grad•
nate o„aree. Dr. Boyer, of the 8iok
Children's Hoopital, Toraoto, will take
oharge of Dr. Hamilton's praotioe until
hie return.
Jae. Forenoon, on the gravel road
North of Belgrave, has two 0ie(er0 visit-
ing him from •Meoeaohasette, This ie
the first time they have met in fifty
years, and naturally they feel overjoyed
at such a meeting, having parted when
they were quite young.
It ie said there are a oouple of eases of
typhoid fever and scarlet fever of a mild
form in town.
S. Plummer wise called away to attend
the funeral of hie youngest brother, who
died near 001lingwaod.
J. L. Ooartioe hae kindly donated a
gold watch to the Bowling Olnba for a
rink competition and .this contest will
keep the bowlers buoy for the. bulanoe of
tbe month.
The Woman's Aeeooiation Of Willie
ohuroh intend bolding a bazaar in the
'town Hall Thareday Ootober Brd. One
the apeoial attraotione will be a Ceylon
Restaurant oondnoted by Mre. Roman).
The. Collegiate Institute football team
reorganized on Tuesday evening of last
week with the following (Moen :-Hon.
Pres., Rev. 0. R. Gunne ; Hon. Viae, W.
Constantine ; President, A. P. Gundry i
Viae, J. W. Treleaven ; Captain and
Manager, R. W. Mackenzie ; Sec,-Treas.,
E. E. Ball ; Curator, Bert Johnstone
Committee, W. 11. McQueen, L. V.
Jon Grimes hae had to lay off work
for a week 00 00, 00 the result of poison.
lug. He was iayiog a cement walk on
Saturday, and (thrice the day had hie
band out. When finiobing op in washing
the pails, he got a lot of Dement and
other 0:aff in the out, whioh immediately
began to give him trouble. The swelling
ountiuued until the hand was almost
double ire size,
The Clinton Poultry Association bee
planed au order for two handsome silver
onpv, whioh are to be competed for
among the members, as follows :-Earth
month one or two varieties of fowl will be
exhibited and judged by pointe, highest
soaring bird of either sex, to win and
hold the oup for one month, Thia will
be oontinned until all v0rietiee represent•
ed in the association have been judged,
when a grand sweepstake allow will be
held the owner of the highest eo"riug
birds to permanently hold the onp.
Ribbons will Mao be given at the sweep.
stake allow. W. Carterwill act ae judge
at monthly meetings, and an A P. A
judge at the eweepetakea. The first
event will be Tuesday evening, Oat.- let,
when all Wyandotte° are called,
When Your (tack Mures
Of course it's bard to work. Stooping
over baste, lifting is tedious, and you
wonder what to do. Ever try Nerviiine 2
Nothing like it tor weak or lame
book. It penetrates to the core of the
pale, eaaee from the first application,
brings cure that defies a relapse. No
liniment is 00. clean, 90 soothing, eo
certain to 18011 maeoalar, rheumatic or
00i00io panne. Your dealer °elle Pal
eon's Nerviline in large 25o bottles.
Why not try it 7
W iue•hatton.
Wiugham Fail Fair on 26th and 27th
of September. .,
O. Hanna's fine store is nearing
completion. The metallic ceilingie in
piaoe, eleotrio wiring done, and ainters
are commencing their work,
R. Barrett, of Brandon, Man„ ie spend•
ing a week or so with hie family in town.
Mr. Barrett's health has greatly ion.
proved since going West, and hie family
will likely romobe there next. Spring.
Dr. John Agnew, of Oreebliue, Ohio, ie
on visit to hie parents here at present.
The trip ie an exceedingly happy one
beoanee he is accompanied by hie bride,
formerly Mies Smith, of Wattotd, Out.
Tho happy event was oonsummated on
Tueeday of last week.
Meister Louie Harold, eon of L. Harold
met with a painful aooident. Ho was
maiming Wm. Nicholson in Unloading
este and waft in the loft and in e
tail,through the bole to the been dooe
Hie head was badly oat rendering the
boy unoonsoloua for some time.
Wtn. Elliott met with a painful acct.
dent on Tneoday of last week while at
worst In his brickyard near Belmore. He
was working at the brisk machine
and one of the Dugers 011 hie
left baud naught in the machinery and a
portion of the fingers wore taken off. Mr,
Elliott will be off duty for several weeko.
The Anglican Young People's 4e.
eooiatlon of 51, Panf'9 ohnreh met to
organize for the Winter. The following
of eere were elected 1-X'roeident-•'Mise
E, Porter I let Viee•Pres.-M140 Letitia
Robinson; 2hd Vied Pros. -F, 0. Gfaloe ;
Seerotery, Mase Lingle Plenty ; 'Presto. -
3, E,13loGaire 1 illxeeittive Committee --
5 .1•Y.+bc.s a s° — ... - per, .a. auxWWWui+•Sa",e',i,!
Misner 0. Wantons end A, Kerr, slid' /�
E,N•aeh, W. Bowen, H. Payne, and the �w1r1C'+
The oval/
0110410 n sl
BV 1f 4 0 t
a a mmll seof n
k Wing
hameMe1hediot oburah hae made 00.
memento with Rive A. H. Ran1011, of
Toronto, to oonduot revival oerviooe here,
commencing about Ootober 151,h, and
continuing for two weeko. J. A. Morton
hae obarge of the singing and a largo
6 k
umber are Eakiog an interim' in be
earning acquainted with the Ocoee whioh
are nearly all now. `l'ho book used will
be "The Khlg'o prelim," arid w111 be
purobaoable at 10e Imola,
Rev. Jno. Henderson, of Ethel, preaoh•
ed bare last Snnday•
Howiok Fele will be held on Viotoria
Park, Gerrie, on Saturday 001. 5th,
We are sorry W eo hear ear e '
of the a to e
Y k n
illness of Jae, 0 it e I
s e w h r ok who is laid
up with an attack of typhoid fever,
J. H. and Mee. Keller were palled to
Mitchell to attend the bedolde of the
former's lather who is -seriously ill.
The oontraat for filling in and building
a now Dement culvert along the death
trey South of the C. P.R. traoke wise let.
Geo. Edgar who has been speeding his
holidays with hie parent° here left for
hie borne in Montreal where he is teacher
In the Manual Training eohool.
The Methodist poop'° of Gorrie and
Orange Hill have decided to ereot a
new, up to date parsonage with modern
oonvenieuoe. Members of the Trustee
Board are soliciting subeariptio0e and
are meeting with encouraging tue0000,
Iu St. Slepben'e ohuroh on Wednesday
morning Sept. 6th at 6 o'olaok Rev. T,
H. Farr, B. A. spoke the myetio works
which made Robs; Bpotton and Mies
Melissa Hicks, o ,two popular young people
'Atha 6th eon., husband and wife. They
will reside on the Spotter' 'homestead ou
the 6th eon.
Lie+to w eel.
Lawrence Bernie hue rimmed hie
position in the Imperial Blink, baying
tally reooyered from hie late illness.
Mrs. Yale, wife of Andrew Yale, met
with a rather painful accident. While
standing on a obair pioking plume elm
fell and alighted on a pall, traolnring
soma of her ribs.
New turneries are being installed in
Knox ohuroh by the Peace Fornaoe Co.
of Toronto, with extra registers for beat.
ing the lecture and B. S. rooms and
front vestibule as well aa the body of the
Mise Lillywhite, the talented eoloiet
and choir ioetruabrees, has resigned bar
position in the Methadiet ohuroh here,
to take effect the 1st Ootober. the in-
tends going out West for the benefit of
her health. '
B. B. Beryls has bought the old frame
building adjoining the obair faotory on
Main street Emit, from D. Hiboer & Co.
He intends taking it down and will
probably nee some of the lumber in
building a Bummer cottage al the lake.
aide. The building is one of the old
landmarks of the town, and served for
many years as warern=m and 0!8089 Of
the Hees grog, furniture factory.
8tabloe in the Weet part of the town,
owned by 0. Zillimx and S. Brinker, were
burned at an early hoar on Saturday
morning 7th that. The fire started is
Mr. Elitism's stable, anti spread to Mr.
Brioker's which adjoined at the back of
hie lot. The fire brigade gaiokly rae
ponded to the alarm, and had the file
under 000trol before Mr. Brioker'e stable
was eotirefy consumed. W. Hamilton
had a quantity of hay in Mr. Zilliox's
°table, whioh was burned. 'Chars was
325 insurance on Mr. Ziliiax'o and $200
on Mr. Bricker'° stable whioh will be
coneiderebly abort of covering the loeeea,
The fire is thought to have been started
by some one Bleeping iu Mr. Zillisx'e
stable which was a handy plane, being
Mose to the street.
Tuesday afternoon of lest week, Mee.
Kay, beloved wife of Andrew Kay passed
away at the family reoideuee,
Main street West, her death being "due
to 0000000, from whioh she bad suffered
for over a year. The deceased Mary E.
Ohmpala°, was a daughter of the late
Thos. Chapman, of town, and was born
on the 17th of February, 1868, at Glen.
williama, Ont., and was married iu
Listowel to Andrew Kay in 1888. The
husband and is family of five obildren
survive. Tbey are T, H. Kay, of tbe
Spectator, Palmerston, and Freak,
David, Mildred, and Lydia, living at
home, Mrs. Kay wme blessed with a
most kindly disposition and wan devoted
to her borne. She bore her suffering
with great fortitude and Christian
resignation, The family wereall present
at the last.
Life's Pleasures Rest
on Nourishing Blood.
Is Yours Rloh or Weak?
It your Dolor ie poor, your blood f°
If you kook strength, aan'1 get tat,
can't do your work, it'e because yone
blood ie to nourish th f t thin o body.
Your condition is like an expiring tire.
Fuel meet be added or the fire goes out.
Nutriment, new bnilding material,
must be instantly leaned into the blood
-the vital stream meet be quickened
and enriched. Do thio and your health
ie awned.
Simply take Ferrozone.
Ile marvellously etimulatiog influence
upon the appetite, upon the formation
of riob, red blood makes available for
building up of the system the very nntri•
went It requires.
The Heart strengthenedthe iavreae•
, 13 by
ad nutrition Ferrozone euppliee, is more
regular in he action, and imparts an
impetus to the oiroulation that emirates
the proper dieobarge of all the function('
of the body.
There very quickly sweeps lbroogh
the whole body a stream of vitalized,
Quickly color ie teetered to the.cheek9.
Elasticity, enduronoe and vigor come
to the macular 9yelem.
In brief,the old time strength and
vigor are teetered, and those ineetlmabte
charms that opting from good health,
high a trite and a duranee, &re gained by
even a abort nee of Ferrozone.
A true, uplifting tonio, a medlaine that
goes to the r000 of things --cue that
makes the weak strong, makes the afak
well -makes the despondent ones happy
--that le T'errogone. Truly a wonderful
remedy, try il, Geo. per box al all drug•
at home for
3 cents a day.
7f o have or Bladder
e li
Trouble, the greatest h s c au
u t
in the world can do no mon; than
euro you. And you night have
to pay Lim $400 or $300 for a
single examination.
Btt-Ju will etre you of every
trace of Bladder Irritation and
Kidney. Disease for 3c. a day.
h� G�lltle KzdnQ ila
No physician will promise to cure
you, and they all send in their
bills„whether they cure or not.
TORONTO, OrrT., June 4, x904.
Having caught a severe chill an my
back, and my Kidneys appearing to be
affected thereby, I was induced, through
seeing your advertisements in one of the
daily papers, to try a box of your Bu -Ju
Fills, and am pleased to tell you that after
taking only two boxes of them the trouble
entirely disappeared, and I have not been
troubled since. ALFRED CARTER,
Sit -Ju is guaranteed to make the
Kidneys well andstrong. If you honestly
think, after a fair trial, that Ba-Ja.has
not helped you, return the box and we
will refund your money.
5oc. a large box. At druggists, or sent
on receipt of price.
The 0. P. R. turntable has been pat in
plane and was used for the first time on
Tuesday of last week.
We are ple0eed to see G. F, Blair up
town again, his illness not proving ae
eerioue ae at first reported.
The new addition to the Keneington
furniture factory ie oompleted, the new
maohioery hae' been installed, and the
enlarged faotory is now in running order.
J. D. Campbell, a fourth year student
of Toronto University, has been engaged
0e mathematical meter et the Collegiate
Institute until a permanent teacher 'Ie
At the meeting of the Oauadian Em
balmers' Aseooiation at Toronto our
townsman, H. B. Beakeet was eleoted to
the position of first vloe•proeideot of the
Good progress is being made on the
brickwork of the G. T. R. freight shed.
A ohemfmdly hardened briok made in
Illinois -le being need and the building
will be a handsome one. A large bay
window io front will make the freight
offioae very light,
Ora1INO-Tho formal openi0g of the
new Guelph and Goderioh branoh of the
0. P. R. was celebrated at Goderioh on
Thursday and a peculiar ooiuoidenoe is
that it was just three' 'ears ego when the
turning of the first sod was marked by a
ami•formal gathering an the Colborne
bank of the Maitland River, when the
C. P. R. engineers and prominent men
of the town gathered to see one of Coo.
tractor Pigott's big 'steam shovels start
to work. The official part of Thursday's
program consisted of a eoriee of epeeohee
in the afternoon and a grand banquet at
From Whom are
You Going to Buy ?
From a reliable firm where you see
what you are getting or from tome
agent who don't know one kind of
Gratite from another and cares ea onl
for his commission ns agent 7 We
employ no Monte and guarantee all
our work for live years,
Filson & mounter
n n vli re has its cause
do rho bead -pain n e e
PaiFain n �
else a ya usually,
Al. pat, Is sob oodsays r Dr.((hoop, and oleo veit he 0 created eased 8. says inthole, and of
.tabl a it Inc o I ,Sa--tittl0 park tablet. (8 Thal
blood laments 8aW88 Headache p Thblea-
'coaxoe tteebareig,plaway from pain country,
,Ins ugh l tobarmiurely ogoa8ilydollghbloo drew
'though °atony, it surely equalizes the blood drew
Ifyou MVO a eriod0 lit'sMoonpressure. I
If We painful periods with women, sumo cause.
If yeti are sleepless, magma000.nervous, de's blood
cetainty, -blood ,0rde I. That timely is s
;certainty, 8htop's Flesimply
Tablets inbute
n minutes, b ood the tablets simply dtetrlbute
aka ruise your Mood,pressure.„o(
011, 0 your you?, wad doesn't it sot. rod, and
'static and oaln pressure.
Of You'll it does. Ile con,
'Swoon, blood S eine 11 0nunOlind ffiwhero Dain.
is o col e, IPS d 01100 03' re
140 sellat25 softie, and:choorfully recommend
Dir. Shoop's
Ta ^•:'lets
night, The addressee 0 the afternoon,
Ware given in the harbor Park, overleaf.
lug the Harbor, trod the 0 P. It. peeeodg•
er oteti n ight shade o , 'retti h de &o, Dr, Magic.
Ile, obairmoo of the reooption committee
of tt:o (own 0utineil, pr. ended. and ep000li•
ea •were given by Ool, McDonald, of
Guelph, aolleit00 for the Gaeipb Junction
Rahway ; Donald Guthrie, of Guelph,
lane h r-
t roti the I
, for Booth Wellington;
Wm Boll, of Guelph, president of Gh
Guelph Junction Railway, •and Rev.
Joaopb Elliott, mayor Of Goderieb, The
banquet was held at the Brilieh lax
change Hotel, the dit,ing•room being
deort r9
doorated ed t •r i d and grant for the oo
(meton. The room wee crowded to iso
oapaoity, After tbe good Lbi0g0 of the
table bud been done justice to Mayor
Elliott, of Goderioh, took charge of the
toast lieb, the tomato being reeponded to
as follows :-"The Kong," Dr. A H.
lid '
Macklin, a t Go erioh
les Empire,"
W. 1 ouudloot, K. U , of p
Gaderloh , "The
Army and Navy," Dr, Bolmoa, of God.
erioh ; "Canada," Hugh Guthrie, M.
P. of Guelph ; "Outarfo," Hon, J.O.
Reoume, M. P. P., Minister of Publio
works and M. G. Cameron, 51. P. P., of
Goderioh ; "Guelph." Mayor Newetead
and obnirmen Struthers, of the reception
aomanatee of the Guelph 0i0y mutton;
"Goderioh," James Mitohell, ae000te131
of the Goderioh Board of Trade rind
G. F. Blair • Other Municipalities,"
mayors of Blyob and Elmira ; Agri.
culture," President Creelmau, of the
Guelph Agrioultoral College ; "The 0.
P. R.," J. G. Sullivan, manager of the
Uonetrnotiou, Toronto; 0, B. Footer,
dialriet paosenger 8343111, Toronto, and
Geo.,17. BaM, from preeldant'a oklloe,
itlootreaf l '"T1s Oonetrhotion 0f the
aaGsiaxlah Tial1
Nelsen, JuO, Kennony, Jim, Hewer
lr a[Iu:l,
John 11, Hamilton, ex mayors, of
Guh "Be0rin" V1k1Rbeto
divisioelpnai l ot,ngingineor ofg,'1110,Ga. olphoarnd,
Goderlob Railway," Eleotrical Devel
ment n Aid. L one�of Guelph"Mese
Jae. Moctoehpre+id,nt of the
Musket Seamy ; "Mercantile lubereete,"
'Jas, Belabor, president of the Guelph
Bawd of Trade. The Guelph 01ty
Council and' raliofal0 arrived an the first
train that morning travelling in 8 eBinial
private ear. They were met et 131311
Maor 31111001, Dr, Muoiin
anbyd Jyae. Mitob011 and 8000k0
presented with haodeome souvenir pipe
me mement000 of the omission. While
io Goderioh they were the gnesto of Ole
town at the Bummer hotel. 'Thee
Guelph Musical Booioty made the
day the oaoaiden of a Moueter exo0refon
from the Royal City and stations along
the new railway, three opeoial trains ar•
riving that morning. The.oteamor Grey
hound, of bee White Star Line, ran an
excursion up from Detroit, arriving Wed•
needay night, and in spite of rough
weather brought up it large number of
persona. The Greyhound took out ex•.
our010ne ou the lake in the afternoon
and evening end returned to Detroit on
Saturday. The streets of the town were
ablaze with flags and batting and
streamer's, with words of weloame. The
population of the town was practically
doubled Thursday.
1 anted
On and after -Friday, September
20111, 25c. per bag will be paid for.
Winter apples and 20x, for good
paring Fall apples delivered at the
Factory. No small or soft apples
will be taken.
J. CUNNINGHAM, Proprietor
our Single Harness has be-
come so popular is that it
possesses the four distin-
guishing qualities to make it a general favorite :-
let—Good Material
2nd—Good Workmanship
We may add that it is the greatest value for your dollars that
is obtainable. -
The balance of our Dusters at Reduced rates.
Your horse requires a Fly Net—we have them in loather or cotton.
Trunks and Satchels at Lowest Prices.
Repairs in Harness or Collard promptly done.
Dwelling rooms to let above store. Also comfortable dwelling
and acre of land for sale.
i1 a Sa�I{t ��j�/ �� iJ �,t r `i
L C. , wL1, �l✓ d4 ai:�irs
Naliollal Roller {lour Mi115
Good Bread and Pastry are essential to good
health. To obtain good. Bread and Pastry it
is necessary to have good Flour.
d Iwaf Flour
possesses all the qualities that go to make
these essentials. Try this, our special pro-
duct, and it will please you.
l All 1linds of Feed kept constantly: on hand.
Ring pp Telephone No. 4 if you desire ' anything in
our line and have not time to' call. g
M .