HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-9-19, Page 3+ .0,e4.04.04.04,0.4.0,0,0.4,04,04.0+04.04.04,04,04.04.0+0,404.0.0.0+0, nerd. tenderly anel reveroutly to pardon ; She looks at Min, and eeee his wosted ; fere flushing with fatigue and wcwry and nienial Stifforing. 011, what a biller 4 wave of desolakiness rolls over her I but mho 1 "1 StAll do not. understand whet, I am ' tit forgive you for. I suppose that you mild no more help having 011oe 1110111.1111 pal loved nee then yeu can help"- she slops abruptiy i» compassion for ilia It!ok 01 nelde regret.. Shaine and remorse that misses his sharp fon IUMS, and, in her mercy hi 111111, gives a tlifforont close ! 10 her phouse from lent wheel lie bogie- , ring Mut seemed to iiespeak-ellian jelli 1 van help having been so ill.' 1 ler lone, quite uneoliellously to her- ; 1401self, iineepressibly touching; 11411 -'04'04 04 4>40+04.(>4.04-0+4!*+04.04-04-04-0-4-04-04-04-0+0+ inets t t • ' • Weil rents. iy n0ss, urns le, OR, A SAD LIFE, STORY C1IAPTE11 X141. flue film] the pillow, and breaks iute violent weeping, Ills maw,. told 0140(1 leo. It si,e4118 to be in 1110 bunny, She ham ORM- Whe 1 Turtlior is there for hey to slily for ?--and rimers quietly el, his side tilt the pueoxysin Is pest. Het standing posture tells ben that, she 10, going, and he eonsequenny struggles to reeover 'dowel( in SOtna degree; -but 'laving tierce cultivated self-e.ontrol when be woe in health, it declines to come nt his enfeebled bidding now. "Forgive me I forgive Mel" Is all he can stammer. She looks down upon him with a strange and tender smile, in which for the moment the selfless, pitying sweet- ness has swallowed up the nesery, 'Which am 1 10 forgive you for -for Jawing laved Me? or for baying ceasml In love 100? • For having been mad? or fo: being sena? Yrs, cif femme r forgive from the very bottom of ray heart I God bless you 1, Make haste and get welf She wallcs cheer/idly to the door, and, leeiehing it, lUril,S, Still wearing thet smile, that he may see how perfectly friendly is her last look ; bol e he does 001 sec 11,. Ile has rolled °vet, on Ms ewe, and the whole sofa is shaking with his sobs. (To be continued). _ Ellzrthelles 44040 tee at, 11311(48 door is instantly aneweriel by 11111 0U0541, who, opening 11 smilingly lo admit. her, the ecixt moment, evidently in 0(000- 1101)1(0 (1111) Clianlions Neolvetl, fiti4ses (1141herself end shuts it heir% diseern the first rent? After all, she may have need for her arener--that, air - 1101r Which, SO far, has oriented tin Pal* fully needless, "I know that 11 would be no use ask- ing leave to send for you any sweet.' they wattle ltuVe Mat me 1 WeS 1101 1111 NI/Antal, ecipetec,e of the ,C [1, p,011 11 -would have put me off with some 0. her eap and apron, end left stranded ('0 1(54' 0115; so 1 keen, a "141111 sough.' 1)0 Pat Id II 11I0 threshold, has no resource but know that I never mimitoned your name awn lo -day 7 But has been Intrd work, 1 elm tell you; for the lied two days I hum scarcely been able to bear it, 1 hue so hungered to see you." ller eyelids tremble, and She Instinc- tively puts up her hand 1.0 Cover hor tide leil- nioui(i. Surely 11114' Is the old lan- memo. Suety there Is, at all events, a snalch of 11111 his last words; and again that pre* ofillogical joy quickens the beats of her Minting heurt, though she tries to -chide it away, nsicing herself why she should be In any measum glad that the love which sha has emee here for 310 011101' purpose thau le renounce sup Imes end sues, "You may think I am exaggerating, len in point of fuel, I cannot by any ex- pression lass strong Man the gnaw of dewnright hunger eanvey the knigIng I have had to see 3•011." pausee with a momentary failure of Ms 81111 feeble powers. 5110 CalCIWS lic4 breath. Now is the lime frm ber to strike*in, to arrest Pim before be has. lime to, say anything move definite . Now is the limo for her Lc. fulfil her promise, ber inhuman pro- mise, whieli yet never for (me instent strikes her us anything but iorevocably lending, Does he see her bile! 1 i 10 n that he plunges, in order to anticipate it, 80 hurried a resumption of his in - tet reeled 5411114)41004 'To sac you in order to beg -to sup - pupate you to forgive me fer my conduct to you.' She gives an almost imperceptible start. This ending is not what she hnd cepeeted, not tho one to 'defend herself (wait -let which Alla lies been fastening oil her buckler and grasping her shield. The words that it demands in answer an: 1101 those with which sho bits been furnishing herself, and it is a moment IWO before she Can supply herself with others. Ile must be referring, of couese, to his last meeting with her- tlint one so violently brolcen off by (he sealastrophe of his collapse. "I do not know What 1 am to forgive," she seys, half bewildered. "You were nu1 necountable for youv actions. You were too 111 to kpow wilat you were do- ing." "Oh, you think I am alluding to that last Lime," cries he, preeipilately cor- recting her. "No, no ; you are right. 1 was red accountable then. You migtit ri; well have rensoned with a W1111 beaS1 clia or 11 incoeigeete, 1 was a putout thellainite then. No" -going on very rapidly, as if in desperate anxiety to make liev comprehend with the least prisisible delay -'W11411 1 am asking you -iielcing you en iny knees -to forgive me em, 114 my whole ,conduct to you fman the beginning." 'Pile two white faces are looking te'ealblessly into each other, end though (if line he has been tussling with death on a bed, and she has been walking ntinut, and plying flee embroidery, and. dining at a public inbIc, hers is fur the Whiter of the two. IL must be the un - \vented exertion of talking so much that makes him bring out his next epeech in jerks end gasps. "I leveed my acquaintance mien ye a af 1110 verY hoginning; 1 watelled •Ycat lik.1 it detective; I beset you wherever you went ; I pestered you with my vis- its. arm atways tow pio that 11 was not UM conduct of 11 gentleman, but I would nol believe him -not even .when" -how cliflicult it is 1 ho finds it almost as hard work os his 010111e1' had done- upon the Mole --"not even when, by my impoe. Muffles, 1 bad driven 4'011 away. -- obligee you to rush ammy almost by night Irani a place you liked --n. place yott were 1' appy eseape me. And 1 have 110 excuse to °tree you-norto; unless, indeed, as I sometimes think, my mind was MI its bitlance even then, I express myself terelcheilly 1" -in a kme of reel distress -"but you will overlook thee will nol, you 7 eicee understand whnl. 1 menn ?" elm makes an assenting motion with he., head. At this moment she cannot speak : she will be able le dp so again directly, but she n lust have Kist a Minute er tux). Yet she 1l1051 110( leave him for in instant in doubt that sho enderetands him. Oh, yes, she understands Min - understands that he is apologizing for hieing Val' loved 'her ; (bat ho is awk- wardly trying to draw the mantle of insanity 0Ve0 08411 the VallallbrOS(111 wood, 11 IS UPC that he does it with every ragn of discomfort_ and pain ; and lie looks nway riont hor, as Mrs. T3yng, too, had found 11 pleasmilev to do, 'Do you remember whet Schiller said when be was (lying? 'Many thingsare g1 0Wing Clearer In Me.' I thought n good deill of IlinSo Word:ems I thy. over there -glancing towards the now nerds Iv -arranged and empty bed, ''01(4. 1(1(4111 they 1(1,1(4 111 (4 0,114, all up with nte-1 heard them sny 00. They did met think I wits conscious, hut / was; and it did strike me that 1 Mel (mule a poor thing 01 11, and tlint if ever 1 was given the chnrice I would tnake a new start." Again that little assenting moventent of bee tale head. How perfectly coin- prehensible he 61,111 is 1 How well silo undarettinds that he is eencemeing her ee unspeakably -to see you, to speak to among the other follies of' bls "salad you?' cleys"-eollege bear -fights, Music-lialla, She sits immOVable, listening, whit° a gambling etubs. Well, why 'should not tey of somethinge-ean 11 1)11 hope? WhY he? 11118 not she come here on purpose should IL he hope e-derie across bee 14, reneunco him 1 Can alio quarrel with heart. Alter all, 111114 may be Ilyng-her hint ler haVing steed her the trouble? lly»g Iles strange new manner May be "And I thought that I could not begin Mily 1110 (4111150(11 1)1 W111011 141611058 haS halal Mall by falling On My knees to dressed Ills passion -a Wormed garreent yell 1"-4-W1111 l nomentery expressioe of Aeon to drop away trent him III rags and extreme, impatience at Ms own bodily lettere, and in Willeb 011001, alle already weaknesSe-Pand eSIC you Inost humbly to cross the Veen as steadily 1114 a most trembling pure af logs will let her. Tim room is a squai•e one'Iwo of ils thick walls peeved by M0011511 whitlows. Drown up to one of those windows- ill,: one through which 31111 lind caught hi; first glimpse of Mize iieth on the night of Ids arrival-ts the eielc nian'e sofa. At the side of that sofa lee visitor has, col too soon, arrived. She had prepared a ffitle set speech to deliver lit onee--a speech which will give the keynote to the after -Interview : blii, tilati 1 evevy word of it hes gone out of her lirticl. Unable to syllable', she stands beside hial, 51101 11 an40110 IS tO give the loynote, IL must' he be. "This is vevy, 'very good of you. 11 gems a slinme to ask you to come here, h all Iles horrid pemphernalia of pliesic about; but 1 ',catty mull not tvalt until they lel, me the moved into another room." "She luts not yet (limed to lift her eyes lo his face, in terror Met the 4.ighl of the change in IL shall oversel, her most un- sure composuroe Already, indeed, she has grecidny asked and obtained every &Mil of the alteration wrought M him. She knowe tha1 his hend is shaved,' (bet hi, features ave 8111011, and that Ms voice 1; faint; and, when as he CegSCS speak- ing, she at last wins resolution enough hi look at 111(11, sho sers that she has been tolci the truth. His head Is shaven, his nose is as slump ne a pee, and les voice is faint. She has been told all this; but what Is there that she hos nc1 heen told ? What is his WACO be- sides cairn? ',Will not you sit down? tt writs monstrous that I should bo lying here letting you wait upon yourself. Will you try that oiler pointing to the chair which Is figuring al. the mune Marrient in ;lime; lornienliel fancy. "1 am afraid you will not find it very comfortable. I have not tried it yet, but It leaks as bent as a letard." She sits down meekly as he bids her, glad lo 10 no longer :obliged to (Pieced upon kr eliaky Mulls 101,1 answers ; "e•linnIc you ; it is quite comfortable." "Would not ii be better if you had a Clishion r-luelring all around the 100111 for ene. Ills voice is courteous, tender almost, in its, solicited', kr her vise. But is she asleep 411; /1W111ie ? 01111 this be the Sallie Vince that poured the honey of its heart-rending adjurations into her enr scarce a mouth ngo? Cart this long, eerie white saint -be looks somewhat eke a young saint in his emaciation nee his scull-eap-be the stanuneving reunite: who, when last she eaw him, crashed clown nigh dead a1 ber feet, stale by three words from her mouth? At the stupefaction engendered by these questions, her own brain seems turning, but she feebly tries to recover herself. "1-1 am so glad yeti ime better." Monk you so much. Yes IL is nice e niee to be "'Not burnt with thirsting, Nor with hot flogere, nor with temples bursting: Do you remember Keels?" Alter all, there is semething of the original Ryng left, and the ghost cif his old spouting voice in which he recites the above couplet gives her hack 11 gyeatee measure of eomposure than weld almost anything else. "It is nice, only one would like to be able le jump, not. 'lite Hie to come-lia! be I -but the convalescence Lo come. ely mother is even umee impatient than I PM. Sha has made tip her Mincldhali wo are to be 011 141 three days, oven if I am earvied on boarcl on a shulior." 0110 Can 511111008 11101 be is very moch embanessed-11011, Ills fluency is but the uneney cover of SCanC einollen- and the discovery enables her yet further to re- gain possesSion 01 11415011. "I'sliould 111101r," 8117 says in her gentle voice, "that you would be very glad' to gel out of this room whem-where you have suffered so numb," "Well, yes; one does grow. a Mee tired of seeing "'The citsement slowly grow a glim- mering 5111I0 00 bub"-wilh a lather forced latigh-"at least, 1 have 111111 cause lo be thanlaul ilea there le no well -pupil, to voila the P1111c111 or. 1 linve blessod Ihe white wall for Ils teatitreles,s lace." „. She times a n little i, her Wale, as if 18 nssure herself that 8110 is rrally awnkr. That stupefaction Is beginning 111111(1) ber rignin-thnt hazy feeling 11101 this Is nol Byng 4 all, this polite in - vend, lealcMg 811011 civil corlvevsa 11011 foe her ;" this is 801111,li14ay else. "lint. I must nel five myself out before T have said what I want to say lo you," 1)0 ColitiMICS, his embariassment pereep- 1 118 13' d vim enin g, while his transparent Mind fidgets nrionsily \v1111 the border of the eriverlet thrown owe, him, "oe- toughing 0g41i11-"1 • ellen have that tyrant of •ft intrse down upon 1110, end -- mid 1 do wish -»l have wished so much -- LITTLE BITS OF INFORAIATION. -- Iriteresting Items of Knowledge Which 11 Might Be Well to Know. There are over 12,000 shops for the sale of milk in London, at the 51,001) breweries estimated to be in the world, 20,000 are in Germany. A bridge between England and France would, 11 10 estimated, cost 1)070,000,000• Women, bemuse they eat so much less, only pay half rates in the more elibeishioned of Sweden's hotels. The 1111ge50 1311J1C-ClaSS in Great. 13rilain Is at All-Sainls' Church, Sheffield. The average uttendance is LOOM The cheapest municipal tenements are those owned by Dublin, where tem moms min 144 114(1(0(1 for 51) cents it week. Miss Merrough, sixty-one years old, outward 111 the different directions on and Mr. Crissitiger, sixty-six, of Pills - e the lines of least reststnnee, but 11 burg, have just 11(811 married after " gimes striving lo reach, the greatest 0000181111) of twenty-six years. pepulation and the heaviest [rattle. The French Comedic Franealso is the only theatre which pensions its actors The work sheltie be placed in charge end adreSSEIS. After twenty years' ser- °I a man ovho widerstmids 1''°11d build' vice they are 'entitled to 51,000 a year. ting and road repair, The statement 10 IL is a custom in the Belgian parties 'equally true whether there be much or flint, when a inundate is milking a long little money available for the work. The speech, to be supplied with brandy as u systeni which permits the appointment beverage, at the expense of the Govern- of men as road supervisors regardless ment, of their for the position is ae- There is only one clay in the year on ceuntable in a great, measttre ler poor which the inhabitants of Monte Carlo !roads and for the feeble interest in road are allowed to gamble at the Casino improvernenti. Probably there IS no tables. 'fled day is the Prince of Mona- 'more mad work in many countries nem ene teeth:lay. 'mulct he superintended by one men, 'rho famous log cabin which belonged and lhat man could be selected with an te President Lincoln has been bought eye to his qualifications for the work by Mrs. Russell Sage for $25,000. 11 15 to be clene, which would result 1101 only bo placed in a glass mese, and thus in better loads but also in greater effi- eresevved forever, ciency and economy. A bird -dealer in Paris raises canaries of an orange -red tint by !meting the par- erit birds on eayenep pepper. In time he LIVE STOCK NOTES, expects that the eggs will produce birds of a bright, red 11(40. Do not forget. the old hens and old Italians of the poorer class noted corks. If they are worth keeping tor fay their general gond healthare. This is breeders, they may need special care le 801114' extent attributed to the fact that dtkrnee.,lb0a I le, fall mowto ult. the working people of fluty cal, lessn nicat "`"e'' ,„ eus mlte' yiars as 6. f ethan the took till they were of niatuie those of any- other Europeana- 6 ' age before fattening them. NOW the Lion. Army and Novy offirers 111 Germany bfficher anci ehipper deinund young ant - ire obliged to make a deposit of $7,500 *teals and light weight. The fanner M111 1',01'4('01110111 before they 111,0 must meet this demand, end it ts far permitted le marry. 'friis draws an 10- neore Profitable to ,(10 111,1111._10110"' come .of 8 per cent., and at death is re- the old way. Early meturity es now fended to the family 01 1(10 heirs, the keynote with breeders of cattle, A curious linrometer used in Gamely hogs and molten sheep. find Switzerland consists of a jar of The practice of giving additional lead water with ci bog and a little step -lad- to COWS when pastures 41111 511015 is 1141 - dor le 11,. When the frog comes out of the -water and e•itS on the elope 111s said infallibly to foretell rain. Mean has an avenue of trees fifty miles in length.The trees are the cryp- teeters, and 14801. '('3 one is a peered speci- men, mete straight, from 18a feet to 150 feet in height, mut 12 feet lo 15 feet in eimumference. 17110 0Ve11110 extends from the town ol Nanianda to Nikko. 'rho most expensive piece of railway 11110 111 the world Is that of the North British Tleilway which runs over the Forth Bridge.' This portion of the line, including approaches, is about four metes tong, and cost £8110,000 per 111110 1.0 WM11'1101, The women of the iffinnd of Yen° letve a very peculier custom of reeking up their faces to look as though they have inotieteches. These women am called Ainus, and upon the uppeerellp of entil belle is lettonecl 84'mething that re- sembles long, flowing moustache. One of the principel cigar nuelefaeler- les 01 Monne 11e8 lately been milking some enormous cigars .which 11105111113 114 11101101 1051g 11114 1401105 in decent- 1erence, They 1410 11O1 very heavy, as they 08410 only nliout 4 ounces, but they cost 55 a piece in Ilayana and 5600 n benched in 'London. Peee'AieieeAAfeAeRieeeee"Novv: ON THE FAR Weeceileeseeet~PitiWeeleeseeeeeretee0 WHY INCUBATOR CHICKS 13113 IN T1113 SHELL., There seems to be' wide and varied iopinions 115 to why cleeks die In Ill:' Meth. Many eleini, Which LS 11110 111 11 (sense, that the germ Is week, eauseil by loo dose inbrei•ding. It is Irue rdso Wel there may It- weak gems 111 Ulna's ;84114111 the paemit stool; Is nut celnled. Tee close confinement, with little or no exercise, or inipeoper wilt else muse chicks ki We in the shell, lee germ not, effing strong enough lo withstand lIro V111i011$ changes during 'incubation. • The writer le fully eenvineed eller many careful demonstrations that while tho above causes are partially true that the Main cause is linpropor veme 'lateen, that, chicks suffocate from insuf- ficient air, The ventilation of almost all makes of inetibutors remilin practi- cally the seine nom the beginning to the end of the Mitch, und that while the ventilutton luay bo hist right at some elage of the hatch, it certainly Is not right all the wny through, 11 1110 pro- per amount of ale plisses through et the beginning of the hateh, the venilla- krs being of a given mid stationary eine then asthe clikec grows it must heve a greater -amount or air, and es 11 is not forthcoming, suffocation fol - 'ewe. 'the system of ventilation in !nob°, tees of to-dny Ls such as to cause a cheught, drying the eggs too fast, eauS- Mg the membrane 01' lining leeneutli the shell of the egg to become tough, 00 muall so thal at hatching thee the chick is unable to break through, many even tieing in the shell after being pipped, Whereas if this membrane should he kept soft and brittle, ris when flesh 'laid,. Vie chick would easily have pleicee its way out BETTER ROADS. Good reads are inciteffilve of a high state of civilization. The improvement In the condition of the common high- eveys proclaims, in mute yet Inures- takable language, the advancement in the civilization of the country. Ifighly apecialized Industries, which usually al' 1011(1 upon the high slate of cultivation among the people, seldom flourish where means is unprovided for a quick ex- change of commodities. As the stand - Mel of living in a community rises, it soon finds expression in a demand for better roads. , The most natural. eystem to follow tit road building is to begin the iinpreve- Men', in the eity or village, working DOCTOR'S QI•1311313 011D1311S. Breakfast el Cheese and Binger Beer are Prescription (liven. A somewhat eacanivie physician Who recently died would order pallenls to Mc walks, Say. daily, on the left side ol 1110 etreet, returning by the other side, (Medico Ito ‚0700)1(10 1(101' to arise eech 1114c111111g.i1a 'certain tmer owl ant eheese well ginger beer, another to tithe SU(415)1' precisely et Inklffight, end 001, only apples, cie he would instruct the pnLient eo put .just so many groins of see, en the egg he \Yes to eat, and part his hair in edifferent way each (ley, ells ohjent Was lo (4111 11(0 minci 01 110 (44111(01 On Sentrothing else trent symptems, and this plait worked well in manes ollees, especially when the DeWitt Was suffer- frole Coining more general of tele years, yet them are still a great many tele] clo 'not comment hls age, that they were monstrous excrescences, the deformity of whieb made the sterile plains seem mined without noting the effect upon leie elem. A TitICK OF MEMORY, Experience of a Certain leontan nd Ifee 'Box of Valuables. Memory Is ono Of tho mos1 useM1 aces leust trustworthy of 0110 lanultiee, "I mind it Wool, Mit 1 'lam ma (loofa o' ma mind 1" fisid eanny Seoletiniati In the witness -181x, A WholeSeine charity for na! mhitakes rif others WaS 1011.11101 1,y 11 4405111 W01111111 from her own 451i1.1. - 101S:1'... 51141 W11S 111/0111 cross the toie (Mont for 11 three months' visit. on the 11113 of her departure she W0111 te the safety (lemma vinet where she kept her valuables. Mal Seal to the nomegor tIrat elm wanted to hike lee- leix, with its contents, to her lawyer's ',Mee for lilt hour, ho eremite- that for her? The manager•assented, rind wraPPed the box in newspaper That it might. make an inconspicuous liundle, The day passed and the woman (Itil nel return. 'The next morning, inquiry revealed the Met 11110, she had gene on her journey. 'fhe manatee' was curious enough to ask her lawyer if he knew anything (thole the lox, "She left here intending In take 11 directly to you," said the hiwyee. That wits enough to justify a telegrem. a; semi tiS (1.0 WOUlan reaelsN1 11711 destination, six days 1111.1`1', Telegram . "Whore did you put your safety deposit box ?" Answee: "In the emelt where it belonged." Telegram: "11 Is not there. Return at once]." Another weelc passed in wretched sus, penso.for -every one concerned. When 1110 WOMen arrived, she was in a stale of nervous rage, and ready to accuse the officials of every ciente in the calendar. She declared she bad driven straight from her lawyer 10 the vault. The man- ager had himself lel her in, and Witold with her. Her story Wail complete in all detaile. 13M. the recerde of lhe de, pc.sit company did not substantiate it. That cast doubt enough on it so that it seemed worth wbile to look up the cab- mari who bad driven the woman on fat fatefulwaxf,dlualyn.1. Ho remembeted the eirceinstence well. Had he any recollection ef skipping anyehere else? Seratching hie grizzled head, ho slowly retraced the course, end then said, "Why, yes 1 We slopped at the bakeehop on the corner of Third Slirieeorte, ‘avtlads yueipu cw1,1eine.t 10 asty visit 10 leo bakery revealed the newspaper bun- dle tucked away on a high shell. web Its preckius contents undisturbed. There it had stood for a fortnight, V,-hile a woman and a half-dozen men were staying awake by night and !rolling by day, accusing each other of lying and seeding, all bemuse one womates In- tentien got ahead of her performance end imprinted a lie on the tablets of her MeruclirrnY•um Love F011 NATTellE. 4- • Rs Enjoyment is Due to Long Training and Education. "1 often wonder," raid the Iligh school PrInellull, "how many of the people W110 are trevelling across our continent mid the sea to view nature at her wildest appreciate the fact that their enjoyment of her handiwork in (5 most awesome aspects Is a result due meter to long truining and educatien than ki any innate sense of the beetle - fel and the nesthetic. There was ta time, and net so many centuries ago, when 1110 attitude of cultivated 711011 and wOinell toward natere was quite dif- ferent to what, it is to -day. The eigh- teenth century looked askence iit what the nineteenth and twentieth go to no end of trouble, inconventenee anct ex- pense to poy the warmest sort of tri- bute and the highest, admiration. "Willieut being able to lay my hands en the passage, I remember that Ad- dison speaks somewhere, I believe in hi; letters, about the barbaenis and abhorrent scenery et the Alps. elneau- lay writing about the Celtic wilds of Scotland, tells us that it exceed teething but contempt and loathing. \Vouch water nuil crag, he observes, 48000 in 00 W1SC different then from what they are 1101,V, alien they are eeing Ntsilrd by no end of Those who come to sketch or merely 10 praise and see, "In 1730 Capt. Burt, an English trav- eller of intelligence ante cellivoilon, wrote of the mountnies of Inverness, with the feeling and the sentiment clo it. Men who make a bueiness of dairying know thee their profits depend upon the COWS having enough to eat, but, those farmers who keep but a few cows -just •enough mitke butter with which to buy groccrles-vy very 1t 1'' attention to It. If the cows shrink milk, they will complain and tell you they don't get enough le pay for minc- ing, but eay not n word about feeding 111001 anything extre. The Ohio experiment station made some cereful experimenle with ordin- my leached barnyard manure, and enrelully saved unlenched maritime and Carlin 10 Ibo 001141IIISM11 that the leached mantue beneethel the crop so little that it barely 'peel 1110 cost of tile applica- tion, Never leave your tools and imple- ments exposed le the sun in sunintyr ime longer than is absolutely necessary bectinse they are injured morc 111011 they would be by the inclement weather iit oilier seasons, The worelen portions, la canting very dry. shrink, crack and warp, and .441011 the !entire implement becomes loose anil shnicy. The fact Is, the hurry of lumvest should not be an excuse for leaving nny implement in the field. When they aro left unpro- tected in this way it will cost 11101'0 le meaty the eegleel, than one will eern I,y having a little Move time al, his dis- posal. EINvelliP• 11111110 varies vory widely in fertilizing 1011511111r11 8, S01110111108 1115 itelo better leim oriline03• soil, and then ngain it is mete valuable. 'The Ina- terini shmild be thrown nut during the fffil ruel wittier where it 'will wealner and freeze, 11' ‚011(4' then be eprend up. cri glass lends or need by sprending :et Pm surface of plowed lands, I3y dig- ging it and ellowing 14 10 dry out only half ne much weight will have •le be moved ne if drawn (levelly upen the lancl, Then, too, most, meek ts sour, and reptsr be exposed to (he nle before Lite plant, toed is Available, 1115 tiStt- ally best applied on 1110 enrinee 10 geese lands, 110111 twenty be 50 loads per saw. Ils real, yak* cannot. be deko lonely by con1Par18041• In line weenier le bound them still more disagreeable, for the clearee_the day the more dis- agreeably did these misshapen messes of gloomy' brown and dirty purple affect the eye. 'rho tame nrid etibdued beau- ties of Richmond Hill he found admit'. eble by contrast, "Even Oliver Goldsmith, poet, though lie was and alive to the beauties olXin- ii'e. when Lame tincl subdued, was re- pelled by the scenery 01 11(41 highlands and declared that llo found infinitely more pleasing the conventional and so- ber beauties of the cultivated country around Leyden. Ttle, town council of a small German community met to inspect a new site for o hell. They assembled at a, 0.1101)- 01, nnd as it was a untrin_flay a mem- ber euggested that they should leave. their coals there. "Someone can stay behind and watch them," suggested an- other. "What for?" demanded II ihirit "if we nve 011 going out together, wleit need is there for minim to watch the clothes?" A girl generally p103e with 01 man's lime (net nbout ns carefully ns a baby leys with a Watch, HE WANTS HIS WIFE 13ACK AN IMPASSIONED AND LONESOME RUSSIAN. Daily Inserting Long Appeals in 111 Personal Column 01 a Peels Newspaper. In vivid limping» in. the Paris pulffic press 11 mysk.ricam man, believed lie he a rich Hussain, is ealling (0 his rinuiway wife le wen, to 141111. Gay 1,nris. for the itiv111,1ge,111•;:ii11,f-13. fovs, 04147711 (44 .in the tem 1111103' daye the pereonul and ether Cohlinlis of Le Journal have contained unsigmel ineselige;; 11ltlre14441 to "Made leen!, my adored, one." As the days paesed they have grown more Meted, era Una11i118,111 in hoping itrIligattieplremdaellse,ine will anewer the \tenni,: lsy piecing together the varkeis pera- graphs 10 tbe "egeny" column one gets almost the complete story of this ro- euineiri.n FA tly the French wife of a Rus- sian Mee left hint and journeyed • to Paris. Frein here she htie eummunicated with him. Ile has followed, but she aP- pears le have vanished. The man, pre.sinTiutily, is rich, for per- &mai iiiivertisciments cosi one frane 75 cenlenee a 11110 in Le Journal and al - reedy hundrede of lines hum been used. During the last rew (lie's, too, the num lute not been sulisIled with the personal column, but has spread Ids Cry of agony ALL OVER TrIE PAPER, from the eeilorial to the sporting page. Madeleine, if she is a reality end alive and in Paris must surely have received the message ere this. Here is a translation of some of the advertisements, wbich tells the story ; "Madeleine, my adored (mei YOur only fault in the past was clue to my miserable cliaraeler. Seven yenrs I have tormentel you, injured you -but never deceived you. Forgive, forgetehe past- lleVer think of It again. "I have suffered only to() mull\ by my wrelehed chltracter. Imaeing back 1 understand now that 1 never knew how to Much your good heart, so full of sen - lenient. I hurried to Vieliy, my only wish being to adore, to caress and shel- ter you. I cannot live without you. The moor is that I have lost all my strength. I 1109(1 11000' been in bed nine days, all alone in Paris. where one sees all the world. You win find here a legal will fee Yell, as I shall clie here if you do not come bacic to me. "eludeleine, loved one! I cannot live ,°,11•1le.1 'whe1llciYmlse t,h° apart from you. In 3em I havewife-e,\1MgSlowbylid-eid funiiiy-joy-(werythingPapa earne th:"11,:(1m(:11y "ill, 1' lo 4,)it ,011hc3—i,u1(itoa4aigi11g!1110 s11ciL114 147 i ! ho r laughed dainty 11111e ThirSa Thrifty, in her thin, petite little NOiCe. 71i40511 was the lady of the family. and wi.re two gold rings and neiveit with. laeguid grime that was very beemning. SM. wag nut ns entiable 1414 the other IIIT'Pfs mentioned, but she WaS 00 unich 4],icelittly"stylish" I They all petted her 14 "I'm 1101 going to laugh a. eiegle once!" oiled the Thrifty baby, indignantly. "I pity 'inn, 1 dal 1 can't (lo niecel of any- thing, either, SO 1 litkOW IsAV 11 fi lo. if the rest of you didn't help nus 1 slimild bc just as helpless as 1110y are. unit W110 1010W8 but I would be tie( e siewbey child myself, so there 1" she endiel. And then or course they all laughed. They most always laughed at lite "Lally's" speeches. "Let's go across the street an' help 'one" he \vent on . "Celine 451, do lyre 1 be such fun-ste I guess you'd like to be helped If yell wns bitekward, hat 1 Can't do much, but 1'11 try linters I ca" "Corne then eried Tom Thumb, end off they scempered acrese Me Way. Alai 11004" they helped 11i,' little SIOlVb0y$ 1 And hew 1110 lilIlo Slowlg,ys enjoyed 11, 111111 41011! vcry five littie bests le be Thrillys, the I After that the two families usually' werled oisl pl,yed together. and wore the best or g4.,0 comrades; and the Thrtfle children were alwuys gled lhey took the Thrifty lieby's advice. You NM guess whether the Slowhoys were glad, too 1 And white you am about 11, you can guess -if ymi like -who are ULM Thrifiys and their little neighbor Slow - toys are, 1 am sure you will end them all near 01 111141111, 047 elee YOUNG FOLKS cee00-acete01(50-oetece0eete0ciee BEDTIME, As A was sitting feet Asleep, 4, eft's time for Bed," saki 11 ; 4(80(41 10114) es Wile Cut, To Dreamland tiff 04.,111 0. 13 cloeed its Eyl`ti, lerelfel grew, "Good -night," 11 softly said ; If buret, 0 up the eeeeien. I1i11, 1 pia Itself to bed. I :lumped few Joy when bedtime came le Kiesed gooth»ight all round O esked fer Light, 31 101411(1 the Matehi 'rile Lund of Nua N found. 0 Owned that it vats Overtired, To Pillowlund P ?reseed; Q Queried why it was so Quiet When 11 Retired to Rest. s went in Seurell of Stumberland, m. Tired was T slily : II went, Upslaite, V Vaniehed, tuo, And W led 1.1.W WaY• 14V114/1 X 'xetalawd, "Bow Y does yawn," With Zeet 1e:94041711 7_ "Dear me! it 1'111 last of all," And tumbled into beil. AC,TIOSS THE STRIeET, They lived opposite each other, and, cmeerly enough, the five ebildren in Thrifty College WPI'o nemeeffices of the live at Slowboy House, linit that WaS the end-exciept ter leoks-of their ree sembling each other. The Thief tys were so lively and capa- ble 1 They cmild do so many things be. iween them end betwixt them! They could sew and write, with Mlle neat stitches end straight little pO and V that 01114' ran i108441.11111 ur elimbeid 11(4.14(31 occasionally, when they were very tired. They (yield draw little ;aware boxes and three -cornered figures that the teacher at school put on the blackboard, U, my, the Iittle Thriflys meld do SO) many things that the little Slowboys could not They were bilking about, It one after. nem], nemss the street at. the . Slowkiy childriel trying to write their mimes on the sidewalk with blue chalk. "Huh I" snit] Torn Thumb, scorlifunti "Took at. 'ern, will you 1 . Tom Thumb Slewboy 4311111 1)1141(1' a capital. T to save his boots 1" "Merey, no I" eselnimed the middle one ollier day and left me crying, his (mly wish is to seo us logether beetle bis death. Poor old man I Have pity ort• him. 1141 Inves you SO netele If yon do leave ine you will get your desire, liber- ty without divorce. 'Vim needn't come baek•to our old abode if you don't 84111,1 to. We ean alweys gn and live in St. Petersburg or T1'0110110. There I will live for you only and arrange for you a 11111e nest, full of happiness and care mid you will he HAPPIER TIIEBE WITII BABY, as with my fortune and position I am sere lo .suecced, having you near me. Tuere you will be my adored wife, my adviser, and my banker(. "in Iluseia your departure is un- known. I have travelled thirteen dnys und passed twenty days in Paris with- out sleep. Knowing nobody hero I have not once lieen at the theatre or concert. My only reSt has been to read over and over day and night ye= letter of Muy Ist from Paris when you wrffie you would only be too happy if I would come and get you. Come back lo me. We will go and stay a month ai Trotiville or Ostend 10 ilivert you. You will show me Paris. and your 1,e1011if01 oeuntry. "Suffering. terribly knowing you have no money. Beg uf you to come and get what you want; it is all yintra. Conle back even if you dn not love me any more. You have the right, as you have suffered through 01,14 Tho love will come back by and by. The last, 111114 yali tele- graphed me you said that yon loved me sincerely. ' "Madeleine, adored one in heaven's name, in the eame of all that has been cleat' to you In the last seven years, have pity on your husband who loved you all the time, but by his way of ['cling never proved it to yom Seven years 1111111 311110 you loved MO and that 18118 My strength, happiness and incentive to work. 1 have spent 21,00e francs to try to see my be- loved Madeleine. Without hope my nutrtyrdom is insupportable. Have pity and communicate with me." '54 - OUR 017-1) Many ot Our Customs Dale Back to Dark Ages. etnny of 0110 customs date back 10 the dark ages, and are based on imp- erettlion. We sit up with our dead be- cause long ago our ancestors kept watch by night lest evil spirits come und bear Itiethody awny. We shake hands with the right hand alive to the sharks surreuraling the lbecauee that is (he right Mond ena Skinner. and (twee wits an nwful scene • means 111111 WO disarm ourselves in tpe presopee 411 11 friend. 10(1)1(5,!41111'ancestors were wont to Wo bow our hotel in passing others bow before the real yoke of lite oppres- eer. Mon earn their bends bee:Anse they hall to unmask in the days of chiv.alry liefore the queen .41 beauty. 41, THRONI'N TO TUE SHARKS, Women Flung Screaming Into the Sea by Turks. Discharged Turkish eoldiers who ar- rived at Hodieetnli front the hilend part or Ycown, but WorC prevented from go' 115(4 home immediately by the lack e stearners, have been cffinmitting 98100- 1.05 of the groesest Icied. When oee steamer did errive 2,000 soldiers em- barked !hereon, ,severtil with their sweethearts. Terrible quarrels broke cut on board. and 110 people were 10111- 411(41)' (80(111(1011. INl.‘4)d "1,011t/11100111) Wore thrown tverboard 4)4400 0414440400440,1444 That hacking cough continues CO Because your system is eldla.usted atm 0, your powers of resistance weakened. Take ,Soot ErrItitca012. 85) It builds up a e s you nd str ngthen r ent're system It contains Cocl Liver Oil and Hypophosphites so 420, prepared that it is easy to take and easy to digest. 10 Alt blktIGG1STS: Soc. AND WO 4106549494"54441440 006:410.04:00444140 as 1110 lig, vs of the Seel 501Zed' their serentning, etruggling prey. Then mine 1.841 more discharged men eiho, 1101. lindieg any traneports, cut ihe wrilorpipos. attacked the shops amt eleeirey, (1 everything within reach. They ((13.7the general' in command of ill !limes 001(1 111,11(4(1(1. lent aboe1 ineldst cameo insult:, gee, illsehar•eel solilt•ers 000 (151)5411801, vim therefore the lewn is greatly exeth eie 'rho have aslced the Gov - erten of 141e three, to 8511411(1 4111111, 1111ci 13111101 841541141 .expeeted, at Hodeldah. Diner -"You have Wailed upon nett very imeeptiffily, and I have \enjoyed( rey meal thoreughly. • You linve be, halted like a gentleman, lout it gentle. Iran. you certainly ore, nolwfiledendine ,voer humble (1l'438415110(),"hepo, ,2511', that 1 a/11 a minimum. 1 always try lo he one." Diner --"It is as I Slispeeleth And being 0. gentlemen, Shell not Ileneit you by eftering you money. Pethees at 801110 future time may he tilde to reelpreente your court* 013'. Till than, rs.i+vell."