HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-9-19, Page 2_ _ 4sOsiteolsOsesse-4-cmitec>4esseee-s-0+6+64-ca+o+tes.4.04ese•4-0-4.04-0-siseestee, of hiM, ne if unable lo wall- for him to join 'tee, -Minos!, runs le meet hine "1 Was coming to eall upon you," snys stet eitgerly. "Olt r -with a laugh- "leelay 1 really einmet sley to think of the immtlettes, and yeu have 110 been lo see us for suelt venturies I" "I have been eurshig Ityng." "Oh, yes; poor man I How dreadfully ill he inuet MVO been! I wus so glad to hear lie wee better." • There is suit a flat tepidity in the tone of these expeeseions of comndsertilion, semethieg so different Mom the kettles alertness of Cexiiiiies Sooner interest In Ude objeel, that An, rowel out of les own refleellons to regard her mere ul- Mntively than he lute y,•L done, sets that eice luseetimpied by some subjeet, quite alien lo lbe invalid. "I 1i:tete u piece of news to toll you" - with a eorl of angry elnichle, "Such a pins of news ! 1 tun 81100 you will 170 &lighted at it." AA her worsts a wonder as idle and stuck as his late thought about the reels oi entfon erosses han as to what. posed - lett piece of news, to be told him by the itissom :mei excited pere'm befere him coull give 111111 the faintest pleacsure, 1Th.al wonder *ends up his eyebrows, and ihrotes a mild animation into voles. "Indeed?" "Do you elmeleling--"to be tole a Mote of news Or to geess "I like to be teld it." "Well, then,"-willi a dramatic pauee -"we nre going to have a wedding in the nullity 1" OR, A SAD LIFE STORY ? +0+04-04 0-1.-es+0+0.4-0-0--0-1-04-0:04-0-1-0-e-o4-0-4.04.esets-04-04-04-0+ .CHAPTE,11 XL. -(Continued). yew quite, quite misunderstand me . Much chance there 'would - win, 1 wrelthect •stuDieti laugh -"of getting him away without a sight or you! lime yeu know 111111 Elizabeth doe0 net diepule the Mel of her Weal of acquaintances with. !Vries churaelee, nor does elle help his lloun doting parent by any euggestion. She merely goes on listeuing lier with that elvii white beek, whilst the sportive sect - mews still play al hide-and-seek with tm• surerays on 1110 wide blue helds of heaven. "tit ie dreadful that I should have to shy these thing's to you," teseve Ntre. Bsolg, in a voice of Bus strengest revolt and -ire against her destirty--"in,ult. yoe 111 thiS unprevoked way ; but-, m poud of feet. you. are the only peeson the world who elm Pont•inee hen that -that -it is impossibleg-that. it cannot be. Of course he will be very urgent, and prees- nig. end I knew how persuasive he is. Do not you suppose that 1, his own mo- ther, know how hard 11 is to refuse him anythine? and, of coltrse in his present Weak . stale it must be very careful)), done. lie coidd, not stand any violent conisathetion, You weuld have to be gentle; dem me 1" -with fessh tiecese Gf angry remorse -"as if .you ever ceuld be anything else." This compliment also its pale -object receives 1n &fleece. "Yon lolow onss hue always heard that. there are •two kinde of No, goes on etre. elyng onolleer dwarfish laugh, which has a beet of the hysterie in 11- "e women's 'No," as it is called, that means 'Yes' ; and a 'No' whieth anyone --wheel even he-mest understand to 1,0 final. If vou could -4 dareeay I am asks ing you an impossibility -but if you ceuid makes him understand that this tinue it ie Una' 1' There is n silence between them. An unrulier bilIcAv than usual, yet more niii$lerless in its Titan play, is hurling itself with a coressal thud and. hang al.7ainst the causeway ; and Elizabeth W1)118 ils cbanior Is subsided before. she speaks, anstvers slowly, "I under- stand. ileuile you for telling ine What you wish. I think I may promise Iluit 1 sleet le able te- thie I shall melse him tmelerstane that it 18 Mine" A umment ttto tater they are on their way Niels to the Amirriote. 'rhe ocean is et its glorious ptilitno'S all cinema them ; the hill -climbing, ehining Awn smile: upon thorn from its slOpe; but 111;:iel Loth has. fallen a blindness. The feelings of Mrs, tlyng ere perhaps the least onvial,lo d7,1 11,0 two., They nro nearly leek al the beginning et the levaltwitter, w hen she ekes short. PrMall,iy when cool rMIcMion • 111," 10 r, moved fivitn the charrn mid palbos of Elixithellis Meek. While and thireproachful, she ru-r work ; but the poet nt. moment el. impulse and remorse •-1.•• A els ns if the (twinging of Iles lest led:Avow weed las eti,mply pueellesed the ,11trrillee six ratontits of her re- niatuMg efts, el eel...pose it Is net the least use my asking you to tey end fergive ne 1)1111,7, 1111.:,W1111.11 -S 111,11' W W1 1111,0,114 (0111 tumidity ; "oh 11,"ov 1»» • ino 1 If case Were re. • 1O,l1,' 1 ,li..)11111 y011 HOW yor ,V101 ow all rim' tiro. rilEtig 41,wn her clie,ks, 1:11,1 in an instant: Elizabeth's hand le18 1.l1o1.• ,1111 ller. AA 11 (lio prn. 1147,..frel Oder W,1111111S 111l11.1 (112/1 4niy ;Vine daughter- irt-1,11V Imre \vie let irtest untitiely to itie lite roses sw of sett hand. • elleuld 1 hate, you.? you elm - 14 11,1K -wiling snide - think me netts, untiesnable nem 1 do myself ; and 11Vi.n if le were no! so, I do 1101 think it is in nee le hate implies very emcee" on their drive leene they meet with ens er Iwo lietiihule quite as funny es the old .ToWs kissing errAt othor ; lent this time they eici not move soor ttlists Le etas...time te any laughter, Iler delicate euffering !sleuth quivers, bid she is perfectly "011, bill of course you mud eee him beside her, Molting up over her head itt th lull teree 111101'0. 1lor, fr0111 (011101 1111- Iltorn-,o gest:mils of ivy are hanging and swinging 111 !he warm breeze, Thin po. tont 11)I 11115 1c,,,,Od 0119 tree altogether. She glances up al him mutely, know- ing that lits hus not come uteroty ta • het, ilea the day is line. "We ean lewdly keep him on his enfa ; he ie. virtuntly 1111110:11 WO11, SO well that he is quite up to :seeing people. Ile - would likc-he hos been asking -to $(4) yi as" Ile,had. thought her nearly ae paM as 11 wee possible Mr her to be When he had fiest come upon hoe Ile now realizes how many &glees; of color she then bad left • in loess. While he sleeks 1410 1111S been mechanically Mr [Mead thiough, sml as he eeas,,s, ber efled hand slops us if paealyzed, and minuets holding her needle. in ilk, ails. It line come then. For all bee two days' bracing, is she ready for it? "Now?' 'rhe whisper in which this monosylla- bite Is. Metalled is so stamped with a -fear that bercters on terror, that his 0110 LIS- lonished thouglit how best to reassure her "Nat if you do not feel inclined, of course -not unties you Mee. It earl per- fectly Well be pal off la) another time. I can tell him -there will not be the least. difficulty in making him understand - that you do -net feel up to it (hie liken- ing; that you would rattier lune more notice." ".13111. weed nol," she -says, standing up suddenly, and with trembling bands Ir*ing her work down 11p011 ille three., end beginning from .dniiity habit. to pin Up ill its protevting white cloth. "What good would more netice-a year's notices -el° me?" She turns away from him foul fixes her unsMng eyes, Messy and dilated, upon a poplar trea thal, is hanging las- selled eutkins out against the sky. Then onee again she facie him, and he sees nue there are essld beads of agony upon bee foeehead. gage in 811Y occupation nearer ekin to "Wish for sue," she says hueldly- the ordinary avecatMns of life than en- shoulel 1101 secrets from me. 1 was "wish very hard for me.. that 1 may gel, through it -that wc may both bildng kinks through tubes and eating older thim she was, not handsome, and yory well off, and -well, I felt that through it -olive beef essonf..es nut of curs. 1,1. 'oil:. MIT ,-1011111011‘sinnhient!,,s sts1)11,111‘1191a11.3111101iieciitillyi a 114e).1. 1 t?::Ikk111,1)11,111(71.111)4T'X'gale;11:. 8'y4))1u1110-1g, onfrolthinss0einoillilinetg•, iann7 plogiodiLlormia sahellee wp11 Opel, or hpr torp,xio, girls had married for money before now. winds the hotel. It is bripossible 11110 to slay quiet. '`When she lold hither, shte said that he And so in a few moments, to cleiye Ile wanders resilesslY 11(08N', straying he had saved lee lffe, and that the Was', She in3 doubts away, I said -in an airy man - knows ese whither. The ilemesse flee estuld do WEIS 1.0 (IrdieUltt POrtr re- ner, that si,erned le me just he thing :- out charmingly 111 the gardens. sending nee:niter of it to hini. She felts other "Cot, a letter, my deer?' delielotis whiffs of peefunie son, 1,0410 111111 she is marrying him because She Meshed scarlet. yellow fluff of their flowers. Ile. almotubirees are out too, hut not till long allarwards does ho know If.. cliAPTER Xt.!, Teel days later she Is called upon in perform the tests she has meissealsen. l'IsliseblY she has slwil!' those Rvo daYs, end else 111,3 appertuining nights, in heeling 11.‘r niind to fer 11111 Can plainly see the Marks of that etruggle. Biome). he is not. aware of its existence, grayed upon her fodt, on the third morn- ing lifter the teetursien lo the elnle. Ile does net find her in her aueusinined CA rile/. ‘,1 tho 101'110'0, 11111, beekInct (i0er 1119 balustrade, 1.1leS 1100 ,sitting Mw end demi n small treteshadiel pedeau that seems to have been leveled for town-terints 1,1. betels. Peobably giegling and (Mattering el the girls nn the terrace, lied the ri spent ful lod per- sisient impertunites ef the Ornars and Aleectis to buy thele eolorfol out - (,(1)..,1111 nn Hie hot fitigs, hare oppre,h:d lu'r Fritz iins carried down for hor an Orin- cludr, ‘.'inet table, mai a Persian rug e.i. Mr feel, end slit, looks ri$ if elle were estublislied for the flay. • Sheet llyng hus leen out or (tenger Effsabeth lins returned lo her embroi- dery. She is eine re these women to tvliorn meridiem's); is unoffeetedly deer, else nue 4,11101. ;sweet semen) 11W110 W118 er delicate with her needle," Relbre 5110 (tattles sight- of hjrn waleleee for a, few moments her bright be.nt head and flying Man ihigens, and is ablo to perceive hew many sighs she 114 elesving inlet flee slattern, "Whet mernine,',1" he saya, running down ihe :steps seid joining lier, "No One line arc/ 4XellSa tOr being an ,1114111k1 (o. day, llita he VI - Thom Its esesend seat, sO hi stands ^ ++++++++4-++++++++++++ Mrs. Palmer's ± Pink Envelope - f+++++++++++++++++++±+ 1 wee forly NV11011 made up my mind to marry. I had never thought MYsel1 lunelsome, bul, having amassed a 10 Im 10110, nod having decided to settle down a a married man, 1 was lucky enoug 1 e. win the offeclions of ilia fixtrest of her see, Miss Phoeles Pearl, and, having 01-101'ed 111Yeelf 14) 1144', WaS accented. 1 Mid previously interviewed her father, who approved of our union, tine I had gone through the courting phase aed WRS really inctrrled. Oue carelagee were setting up one by one 10 Mr. Pearl's deor, while the crowd of Mlle girls, boys, nursery nia1d.e, und beggars col- lected ouleicto tittered loud "Ohs" and "Ails" whenever a more than usually regents train swept the (MA 1110111 the striped carpel, spread upon the front door step and vanished under the. fringe of the awning. WEIS uncomfortable, as bridegrooms alWayS When Making part. of Ilhe Wedding ShOW ; blIt I eximeted le he very happy wheel I got my wife to my- self ; and after the hincle or dinner, or breakfasts -I really don't know what IslY "Nly dear girl 1" cries he smiling very vespecied mother-in-law celled the feast, goodsmituredly, and with a, sensation that, though not violent, is the reverse of annoyauee. I so hst has come. at last 1 \l'ho Ls he? How dark you have keel him 1" Cecina studies her head and gives' short and rosy laugh, - "Oh, it is not 11 You are wide'of the mark." "Your father r -In n elliteked vokte. ilit has n confused reel II/ogles! feeling that a seemul marriage on the rart or Mr, Wilson would be 0 slight ripen Amelia's memory. "Father I" with an aenent that plainly shows him ho is still further afield (hail An his thst, conjeolure--"poor father 1 Ne. indeed ; Heaven forbid! Fancy Inc with a stepmother I" Sho pausee to give a sbudder nt the idea, while Jim gapes blankly at her, wondering whether she has gone off her head. "Ole ; it is neither father 1101' 1! No WAltler you look mystified. It is- Sybilla "Sybilla ! I '' Although 'Mr. Burgoyne has not got it on his oonscienre he has ever Other expreSsed or fon anything hut the most strenuous and entire disbelief in Sybil - la's maladies, yet it 1111S lleVer occurred to him as possible that she should en- -WO were going off to spend a month at Scarborougle Even 111 that baleyon hotel was were that we were not well acquainted yet. However, I knew 1 WfIS El good sort of fellow, and had greet. confidence in Phoebe. in feels I bad jos', repeated this to myself Men a postinan's knock sounded, and I saw Phoebe's own maid exchange a. glance with my wife as site slipped a pink envelope into her pocket. 901.1.5 N14)11,' foolish idea, 1 knew, but I took it into my hetet that the leiter had seMething in it that iny newly-wedeled Phoebe wished to leteep from me. 1 flat- ter myself that f apt a good 'ender of expression on 'the human enuntenaence, and thet is Wila I thought I sow In the glences those &is exehanged. How- eveiS, I really wanted to kick myself for harbering the thought. Rut afterwards, when the congratula- liens were over and we were going clown to beeakfast, 1 snw Betsy Jane, under pretense of adjusting her nestrese's dress, slip this pink envelope into lee white satin, lace-lrhumed pocket that, was pinned by n. bunch of owing° blos- soms of her belt. And saw Phoebe dart a warning look at me. This lime I was sure, and a memory of certain bean.% Who bad caused mo pain in their time did creep tido my mind. '1'0 be sure, Phoebe wns mine. but she we wish II you know tha' ilea" was "No ; only a little note," she an- W1B'S her waY.' "Svbilla I 1" fly -and -by he finds himself slrolimm "I thought that there mest be some - unhindered by a. gardener Placidly dig. thing in the wind, as since the begin - 01g., 11,0.11101 the gmlines or a eilla 10, ning of the month she. has never once lee Gigantic violets eout 1119ir im.-4-ages mo good-bye.; and 1:11ci house - to litE nostrils, 1.1,10 hig and maid upset the Mk bottle oy,s. ho4410 blue. Fredmiiinating ,i1ver the •..): W1111481 Ilf1r 1,VOr finding leav,,s, which in Englund have 1.0 be so (811; 081 1110 arlielti thotulemeter carefully reerolied for them. Super- 1111," 11.4 tlitileumil Lel' 14 Week 1" llletn,13»1 oranges tumble about his Melt '''';Y1-'1118 1 1" arm), n), „1„1„ "1 thought I sliould stittpris.e you ; slitisteienti 1 11'11;_al wri.9 :1111.18i(1:11ghiesit.ensi:sitate;n1 fl I 1.si nsit a: ne111 iell(instgints11, l'11a1111,01, icc1centinooftgininife- bett of lax,iel beans 'points out' tim con'''1111,111 iliat I -do nol care now if I notnewn of her February Bowel's to ' .110er 1111101'3'. Mailer 011t1 1 got on -coign him. lie see.,4 31)(1 smells noth1 of thc,ni. 109,1'11Y 1,,i,7011f(T and OM IS \Yell ese.e hi, eq.'s, stolen sway 9, ph his .41, ono eim really he very fairly rout in heart Into ileng's elitentsm? Thoy must in a einglesetale; and, at all events, I have einem or he eoulti not see e 1111 ate eine 1 all 110l envy Sybilla." so '11 e01111(4,l1R1.11'y 0it'llille.4.14 1110 Seolle "NO1' 1 Cr1111111"--Willl CI1p1111Sig ::11)3,1Mg 1110.0. 1111,4 111111.0 pto`c 111 i1;1.iii,hing reality be- fell:. himself. Does not he tolow thee ex - 01111111 WO', 1,i 0141 11110 11 laugh of a inore genuiee character than any sho has yot in. not. position of ihe chair Elio is to 4io. You will 11800 .1,-) Pre her away! Ehe cupy 1 Ind not ha pine," il for lier iTles, as s,i,o11 as she cap spcalc distinctly. 11, wont to fetch 11,T? eu.11 111, 1,11., "F11111"1' Will Marry her. -of cowrie, /11111 • pre01.911 1117: dislorled 1111ley fietin pre- Y.'(.11 must give nett away. 1 am suro ego stetting the interview 1,, 1,,,h‘g„,„ perey and donitesse.1 io9"trs. Even the rell011eC1111-111 her fttalures. glia.slts. end O boles ef agony dewing them, can- not rOlreel llol pi _dare of his mind os, he peeldently sees if. Teat :she meant., will 111.-ds1 11.," "5110 will have le 1114111.10 ill1S10, then:" rehires he, recovering enough from his first sluperaelism to 'jean Ceellin in hes mirth; "for I shall not be hero much \'‘ hell he parted Mom her, 19 re/101.1)1P0 "You ere gelng nway et-reileing her ilyng, lcts no 1m111111q. of 410111,1. ntp 11,VOLIIVIWR. f11141 Willl 11 lillge of meaning. (1•3^; not lte 1(now the phancy of her na- ture.? Is 11o1 00111'11Irtd lhal the watt: on which her life has sr 111 is her inability ever to refuse anyone anything that they Pik With seifficient urgently or wife enough pinusiletily lo posuncle her 111111 elet can do them a kindless by yield- ing? miuM mere, then, will stet be in - mettles; of resieling the inipertimate passion of hie 0,011 01111, freshly risen from tt boil of death? Pre- seetly Ms restless feel, curry him awny out (11' the villa grounds again. Ile finde himself on the Bnillevard elustaplin, and sils down on the low wall by the Mad- sele, searing absently et a broken line or duslcy slone-pines, cutting the ardoni bluo of the African sky on the hin op- posite, and at 1111 111.011d0d ennipague ilnoned high nis antOrur !lie Venhlre. lie knows that 11, belongs te an Englislinum elle matte reals or cotton, and tho idle thltught entinfers thoross his mind how strange it 1S that, reels of colton :should wind onyone into such 34, lolly while Edoll ! flin1 the inierVb'W bo lusting all this while? Is no1 it yet ended ? ittny lett his tormentisl Mousy seet the choir by Ilyng's sera once again empty or oenes pfed hy nurse or mother? WM not Mrs'. Ilyng, will not Elizabeth herself, have .eten the militnese of taxing lho sick num's Mint potvers by so extheme a strain upon them? But no sooner has lies suggested Mite shed a ray of light mem bet derkness than sin opposing one etenes and blows it one line not Ilyng wilt of 1118 own ? Will he be likely Go seon to let lier go? Nay, having onee res.:tittered her, will he ever Mt her out se hie sight ngain ? The thought restoreA Min to CesliesS ROAM, and, although with Sedulous „slowness, he begins to re- trace Ms steps towards Due hotel. At a point about quarter of a ento 111511m1 from 11,, the lane which lends to the Villa Wilson debouches Info the road, end dehouching also into the wind he gees 1110 fignre peatlittk W110, &Itching sight noes in her tones which vaguely trete him. "Why slinithl not 1 go ?" lee neks irri- tably, les sheet nue joyless merriment mete quenched, "What 18 them for a 111)111 10 Ile here? I have slnyed already much longer Mum I 'meant. I am en- gaged lo meet a friend at Tunis -the 1111111. W1111 W110111 I• went ie the Ilimalayas throe yistie sign; We tire going to make exelirsion into Ihe interior. 1 am only \smiling for Anne guns smel things. Why slimed not 1 gor `'Thoec is no earthly reason," replIeS sho denntrely ; "only tho I, 1 did net know you had eny such intention. 13ut then, te SlIre, 11 iS not sso long stnee hnve seen yoll.--not. I think," lemming el. him for ennernet lion of her glalement rather too innocently, "sheet the lovers -ha_ 1 ha l- and I met you and Nile& Marchent. driving on the quay." (ro he centinued). SMATes-TALK. flailesad fares are cheapest tn. India. Nien tailors sew much better than wo- 1.11'1111' Rieland it Is considered wicked le whTishetle*Tasmnrelans breW tea from 100 di nevem t plants. In India pens are made of banthoo. They write pretty well, Medieval, physicians preeeribed danc- ing as a cure for many 1112. The Viennese eop must understand, telegraphy, stvlinming and rowing, A, Inpariese cnok never tenches any arthile et Mod tvith his fingers. The peerage StriglIshwonuni is two inehee Miler then lier Alfieri= cousite The 8unda lel/meters 'sleeken ell but the two Mont upper teeth, Willett they glie, The blreh belie liteed in tanning 18 whet gives Ithesla leather Its delightful odor', - meted. "Who ream ?" I asked. "Oh, I'm not a clairvoyant, Pellmni," she replied. "I can't tend through sealed ent-elopee." "Open it, then," said I. "I couldn't. would be bad mari- ners," said she, "Whom•do you While it is from?" said. 1 "Some belated bridesmaid, perhaps,' 61141 slip. "miss Smith, Miss BrOW11, and Miss Rebinson ore all here," said I. "01, well, fisoin 111y Aunt needle - ton, te sae elne C11111. COI 11e, wishes me. jos end sends it soup "acne. She_ uhveys sends a. soup hullo to brides in the fam- es.," 141001111. 'then I think you ought 1.0 read 11. at OrICO, 111IL Or teemed to the old lady." "What a tepee you are I" she eried, and pulled her handlserehlef -from her le eleet. Tbe Mete. canto willi it rind fell le the &op, 1 seemed to piek if. ep. so did elle, Our lietele (trashed furiously together. I got the ler. "1 14 -me I've not hurt you, my dear," sniel I. "You have, horribly,' ssed ehe; end snalehed the letter, but not before I had glanced at it. "Your nunt writes a very fine mascu- line hand," said I. "Is she a. strong- minded lady ?" "Very," she answered, and stemmed the pink envelope late bee porket, and began to Mils to a lady who had known hes from a child. 'There Ore 111w837.4 sneer Me ladles id wedding parties, and it is more ogreeable to meet 1110111 when you nee young then when you aro nee 1 footed she intght have Isnown nio also, aed had tethered fuur years off the tag - end of my age, Somehow, thirty-six sounds so much better and younger than forty. When she bad gone away to get ready fees the joureey, and it WIIS little for mo also to go, I hurried to the room ape ponited for 1110, and, knowing 11 was next to hers, softly opened the eons - trim -dealing door and peeped in, menning to kiss her, atiel tell her that she should. altvays have esTrything she tvarited after this, The room, hewever, was empty, tier weddIng-dress lay on the bccl, and a ghostly veil -and a wreath floated in the air ; hut pa.per, pens, ancl ink were on a, desk, and 1 satv 1.3111l. eVell ill this hurried moment, she had taken time to Write a letter. IL lay finished, but not felded, beside an Unaddressed envelope, and I tipect engerly aerces the room, and read OBS ;- "Indeed, sfr, you aro right, shall suffer miserably through all ley honey - Innen, and it Is your fault, not, mine,. "I eould 'hardly keep my tears back at the niter for. the pain. My luieband must tot know, but I 819011 be a Martyr fill I get boels, On the very dey of my return 813111 Ace yOU 1 MIL SS for forgivfng ymi-eever , rolled on yOri 11T/p110113Y, Now could you?' Row could you/ Phoebe Palmer." T glanced about the room loolcMg wildly for Ihe Idler lo which this was a reply. I saw a wisp of pink paper on. lho floor end enught it up, The patter 01 little boot-lieele \VIM 011 1110 11001! of the hall, and I dosed the door behind me just, in 1/1110. Trembling wHo wt./1(11_00.d not pee. S011 If00 1 I. 1"---1 unfolded the paper. was only u small Meese of the tette ; but 1, reild Mint it contained Over and over, Is was Wes "I dttl not think 11, would give you pain ; but 1 oin hardly expeet you lo forgive 1110 for breaking my engagement, NvIth yOb. 1 ain So sorry that 1 cannot see you before you go, but your There the fragment ended, and left mo .0, slate of mind 111111 threatened GOO- gesliou or the brain, to put myself info e needling sun and start on 111Y wed- ding journey with a bride believed titt. ready false to me. Yet wind, 001111.1 I do? elaice a SCOne hef0110 the wedding party'? etel, into the "Nn," 1 saal 10 'myself, "111 have re- partees, peislaps? iTillyg.e"' dfli8eggruinTrirYPIti'llor 11111111; peel:et-hook. Betsy Jane line been the childecies nureery-inald. I heel promoted hes to be Phoebe's own waiting -maid, nnd she was to go with us. There she WIIS (111e0C1Y, and 1 thought of all the diabolleal maims in French hooks as 1 loeked at bee We got Melds) the CE111- rialto and rattled furiously away to- Wnra the railway elution, for 'we W0119 late. Phoebe WM in tears "at lenving home," she said. I made 110 01191111)1 to console her. I sat stiffly on My seat, witli a. hand on ectch knee, Betsy 311110; 001111d Mile 171111018 of eyes staring hard al me, as though she saw something was the matter. My heart burst and my head ached. I wonder 1 was 1101 seized web. apop- lexy, being of such a fun habil, We got 11110 the train at lost, and Phoebe lsiolced n' me in_ her clove -like way as I stood. be- side her, looking Heaven only knows how. ' • 'You mustn't be angry at me. Ws so Mud to leave Illfill1111(1," she eaid, plead- ingly. "I won't dry tiny 11101'0." "You are at liber13, ',Leery RS 1111101 SS y011 111tO, incelain." &lid. "I ehould think you would feel Mee shedding many bitter teats." With this I turned away and relapsed into a state of somnolence for a cOuple f•I.1\h‘'1111Tris.we reached 01111 destination, and after I had ordered rooms, I had an in- terview with 13.eisy Jane alone. "young women,' SRld sternly, "1 an1 going to give you a month's meets and discharge you, I will also poy your fuse home." "My goodness I" cried Betsy. Jane. "Don't nessus tvent, me? Is she so double-dealing as that ?" "lt is I stem don't want True I said; 'you've helped to deceive me." "Abont what?" irked Betsy Jane. "You gavo your mistress EL letter to- dniv‘. es110,Ldsalitl Betsy Taste, "do you thinIc I'd oiler keep a letter directed to mis- t su's4o"u prevaricate," snkl I. elf tilers French for sMal, I don't," said Tielsy June. "You gave it to her slyly," said I, "Well, she said net to let you see A," sold Betsy Jane. "I lenow the contents of that letter," 8a`i'dritTe're now," said Betsy :lane, "1 told her you'd find nut. But you don't mind, de you? 11's a great, deal commener than yoted think, and slues only got Iwo. Some young ladies has a whole lel." "Twn 1" I gasped. "Unhappy girl 1 I onle. knetv of one." "WhY, I've got route"' said Betsy Sane, "and lel tell anybody." "Hardened yoeng woman 1" said_ I. "But I am. no longer deceived, that is ono comfort. I will Send woman back to her parents With y011." 1101:13' Jane stared at me. "I think you're crazy, Mr. Palmor," she said. "So much better loolcieg and yeunger its elm Is llinn you. now. And you've got wholes upper eel, 1 bellove. Sr. there, now," she slopped and laugh- ed. "1 believe you ant misled :minium,' sha said, "You don't think that feller was from one of missus's eld sweet- lworts 9" "1 Wive read a portion of the letter," I said, fiercely, "I 110.1'0 it hese." "Ole" said Beley Jane, "I've got the Miler two bits 111 my poeicel. I Werra 1110111 0111 Of 340111' way 1111r17.1 111 8110lV you the whole logethei. here." She look feint her poolset Iwo pieces of pink paper. "Yeu'll feel better when you have pieced that cut," she said, with a mali- cious grim "old bacheloes do bent ell." 1 snt <tom in a table with on empty ilsksb1111, Pieeed the letter together, mut read thus ' "My Deer Miss Peare-I was called awny le extract a tooth from the mouth of a gentleman too ill lo leave bis lentse. I [bought. I Should be back in time. I am sorry Ihe plate does not 111, I did not think it would give you pain; but I cm havens/ expect you to forgive me for breaking my engagement with you, I rue so sorry that. cannot see you before you go, bet your itusband east eestainly 1111d 001110 good dentist who will do iho Milo that is necessary. Why need you *make two false teeth a SeCed? Every- Ixtdy bas them novvadayS.-Yours re- gretfully, Tho -epistle ended with the 'name of the ole. family dentist, "You thought it, was sweethearts, (nei- n you?" asked Betsy Jane. "It only shows what fools gentlemen is. Well, shall pack up and go? "rwasn't advice not, to tell you. I'said, 'Tell, and We with it.'" "Betsy," said I, "I retain your services, Bore Is a little present," And I offered Iv, a sovereign. "Don't mention this to M'Ir'sbeijO'nlintlyceri•i"t may to make pence with my poor, snubbed, heart -broken 1111le wife, wile was erying bitterly ; and registered a votv that I never again would bo jealous. --q.- - Smith's yarns were always welcomed. "Did I ever tell you ,the tale of ftvo wells?" he asked. "No, never hoard it; let's have ft," chorused the IfstenetS. "Well, well," replied Smith, dryly. • Tramp -"After all, it payS le be pardner." Soeond Tramp - "Not altvays, The other day I was act- in' deaf arid dumb tyliert a man gava me ten cods. I says 'Thank you,' sir,' and be bad me a____rrested, Don't. forget that it Is MI impossibit. to Make good butter. from Old, &nth cream. RAISING PALL CALVES. Not so many fall calves aro ralsel Umoughout the country us there ehould be. There niet, pereaps, Lwo 11)11.111 SOOS foit this, Fuet, those who do not have succulent food for their cotes in itnireifititar stoprliniagt:epollitellsr kejetuvlsred ijohres fresh eowss nn opportunity to go on PISS, that, being the best feed for 1(0e1) - Ing Up a good flow of mine Second, it Is 1000 dilletult to seise spring calves than those dropped in the full of the year. 1.0olsing at the proposition only from 11418 istandpoint, IL is preferable 10 leave the CAWS calve in the epring. There is anonier Elide to this queetion, liewever. Dining the 811)1(1.1sliistio.1:\.,1,1r111,1; 1,11111e) Mos are bad. These cows a great deal and Ilits (otitis lo re- duce the flow of milk. The farmer has also 111110b 11101T general farm work lo do during the summer mouths than daring winter, and beskies, 311 kinds or dairy prodeets al better prices during the latter posted. These are S01130 Of the factors that influence many peogressive fanners to have quite a number of ealves dropped in tho fail the year, and it is,to 111001 WS 10.1S11 10 Say 11. tr.11V WOWS about full calf breed - fug. To ralse tall CE1100S suceesseully, it 13 necessaey in the first place to pro- vide warm quartees for thop. A box stall whom they can run loose after re- ceiving thesis milk allowance both in lite morning ond evening is preferable to a stall in which Ittey must le tied 1111 the time. Some mon ns of tying them while 1110y tlile drinking iholo milk find eating their grain, -however, should be provided in order to !seep them from sucking each other, as this lo an 11111101- oui Small stanchions are very sttlisfac- tory for this purpese, Those stimuli - lone should be along one ship of !he box shell and a manger 8110111fl. be ec- ciessable nom the ouleide of the sten. Calves, like cows, soon learn whore their own shill ls and will go into their places when feeeing time arrives. While they ure drinkine the stenchions niae- be locked witheul any trouble, and then the grain thrown into the manger after the mils has been censumed. After the grain has been eaten and the calves heve stood in the stunelliens for an hour or E0 they may be untied and again given freedom. They will not suck earth other ender such conditions. Sisim milk is the most eeenemical kma for calves and since the advent the hand sepesalor, this ieny he fed without 0193, trouble whatsoever, pro- vided it is always fed at. a eertaie Mem temperature very 'nearly that of cshly drnwn mills. It is not neets.sary 10 NM. warule Milk 10 a calf longer Until tl Week or ten elms; after that time sknn Orly gradually he suhslitut- ed for whole milk until et the end of eve weeks the calf is gelling nothing bet skint mills. As 80011 EIS this pOint has been reached, add nbnut ntspoon- fee of ground flex (not flaxseedeeneal) from which the on lms been extracted, in suet) feed. Max, being stet in Mt, semplies the Mt removed Loin the mills by the separator, and,- as fitis fat has the saine feed value os the butler fat, it is ((molly vnlunble OS a Calf food. 48,101ittioi 0(1(.14111)1p 171,eafeir 0t3o, 11101011e1ekititIggrilte 1\001111 water and then adding this genet the nells. The Noising, however, acids lo the value of the flax need end is open to the ubjection that 11 14,011 le - gins 'to Sour; even in the hands stf can,- ful men, this wilt sometimes happen, end the result is it calf with SC'911rS. WO have used the sew geound flax with. ex- cellent success for initny years and Meow 11. lo be an cseeellent feed. A len- spoonful 'of Mix mete cacti food is ample for se young ralf and Ione than R tablespoonful :should never be fed eyes to large 0111 1, 5. Wheil 111010 grain is needed, Reel dry oats. PAI1M NOTES. Ee^p the golden ciente. Use the teen mewer frce13'. Cultivate 10 111llke 1110 corn grow. (mit smoking 0r01111/.1 1,110 porn, Plow deep, but cultivate shellow. Fes up the sehoel house and yard. Dmet be a "haven't -lime" fernier, Plant a 10W 11011/00 bedS on the lewn. No farm stuck pays if poorly man- aged, 0111 up that stagnant peol In the fleki end -also the ling wallow in Me lone. The horse Ituti eentraeblso lirtoudighllabutIles irleinedily. is one thatt can most useful trails with the least item. II, is a greet mistake to suppose time geod fruit of ens' kind can be raised upon poor soil without the use of fee - Units. SOME CREAM DON'TS. Don't fail to keep the cream cans in cold water summer and winter. Don't rail to Wash the 01.00111 separa- tor' each Unit it is used with a brush and wnehing powder. Don't averleok the necessity for Fins- ine with clean, hot water. Don't mix cold end wnrm cream. The 100819 cream ishould be cooled to the temperature of the ()ream to winch it is lo be added before mixing. Done put the Oreatti In a cellar Ont is not absolutely free of vegetate° or other bad odors. Cronin will absorb tho odor of ally substance that is tear it, Disease takes no summer vacation. - If you need flesh and strength Use Scott's Ennision summer as in Winter. Sand for free sespla. SCOTT & 13011,1ni Cholohlits, Toronto, OM& ton,AndSLool ail cloigshis, HEALTH I- qP t/Httettfl•t1/4tektp404:14).0.444fMed 80135 EYES. Conjunctivitis, which IA the (11051 00111 - WOO 1011111 Of ,S01.1.1 eyo, is im ‘1,14 1,01111 g11141311011111111‘1,11tta;?0)41teentormitu)j)eibi('),Iyiele. vereleilea of this di•saasei the s3T111)101115 of 101011 very greatly in intensity, e'llere truly be merely a bloodshot ctinenion, duo to the enlargement of the bloeclosessels to such a size that they become visible, 111001O. panted by an Belling end a foelieg as if there were dust in the eyes, with per- haps a 11111e stioky discharge which glues the lids together 111 the morning. 'rho eves um also sensiliee bo fight, Mei sometimes ache slietelse 111 111000 eeverts CHS08 1111) dischargo is profuse and yollosvish, uloers 111 y and the inflammation fluty even extend to 1110 deeper S101.101111.0.S Of 1110 eye, and so destroy sight, Oile of the chronic: forms of conjunc- lit Ills is that known rei trachoma, or gennular lids. Ties is very diffictin to cute, met often results' in a permanent injury to vision. 11 ls also quite conta- gious. led.oed, ell forms' of 14100 eyes are prollubly Coningious, but aorne uris Mont) So than others, end for this reasoe the most scrupulous precautions should ha taketi to protect the other members of ihe family when olio has any form of cenjunetieilis. Tlie snfferer should sleep In a bed by himself, tind slimed letve 1115 own wesh-rog or spooge; and eandlserchiefs; and these, when Sotted, eheuld he thoeoughlY boiled in a septirnte vessel, end should /let go mlo the oeninion wash. Tim tecalinent of simple conjunctivitis Consists chictly in cleanliness. Tito oyes Should 110 bathed often in lukewarm Water containing a reach of salt, or in a &elution of leffie ache ond some of the S011111011 S110111d dr.l..ppe+1 11110 the OyO, 5) EIS 10 IWIS11 11Wily Ole 11110 etyee should be shielekel froni the light by smoked giussits or pggles. Little squares of cloth, cut large 011,111;11 to coves the ep, may bo 111wed on a entre of ice, When c del they can be lied on the eye. and changts1 SO011 1/.5 they beeent• War!». 1111e 15 often very grateful to the sufferer, and Is useful ill subduing the intlimmintimi, If tho 11'001/10 MOS 1191 quickly ,,1111side under this simple treatment, a physician should he consulted, for the eytt is o. very delieate organ, and irremediable Infs. abler may result if' Inflanimatien is al- lowed to riot 011. A very serimis form of sore eye Is sometimes seee 111 nee 1 glasses.--YtAlites n coniouleis.tre ealites. This 5110Illd 31oViIII trithet with, but the elector's atieutiou ,should be called to it saito.01,1)reejei suf or from 7.11)0/lit`ti lit - 100145 of conjunctivitis slanild he taken M Ilia oculist foe an examination of the e;,05, air It. may be that they need riempermint arylied al wee trill S40 114 0111-1.021r: t:(101;..S le01 1 :tete:3 ILLS. Bug Bite Cure -tem two /mimes of mitered eanmher 1111d le» drops of lawiammt. 113w .11.gg g\vf11- 14111115v 1;11111;1:1:v i(tIgg).4.111111S.11111;11•1;111.11'1iini,11 11.1;111111''';•.1 -se - lie tv ,e it. onimit Ntodiei Tido a ga,01-size:1 beet, sea,op oul venire. and till wdli rock' candy. Plno,., in oven unlit the randy Thls cure the worst cold in old or yo,1ng, (0,119e.1 110:11.14,1;;;;111 bOrecie reed beesher in a emelt bowl 01 cnillneldlu'ilre.tinoily,-.-'1'alse Lath. the eyes, utle meve peeling coriluily wet me peesne end pew.. on Mitchel port. 'this win drew off tho miplo,ration, rolloving 1110 soroness 111 rt few.' "1:011r);, 11usly Nail Mound. • Orate potal.t told thicken. over fire 111 vinegar 111)111 11 14^ - conics (Mt eonsisloncy of salvo. Apply us sa1ve 011 cloth and hind to any ett,,ty 11/111 woutui, wire od, etc. Thk known to prevent 1,6,111w and 111)331 poisoning n phy,ielin could be called 1-.1 give treatment, sore Throat Gergle.-81rong sage' One -11111 phil.; sttained honey, etnewei elite and etrong vinegar, of each two taldespoonfuls ; cayeime, reanding touspoonfiii. Steep the -any- 0»ne the sago; „Strain ; mix. 1111(1 bale for use. Burgle from four te dozen times daily, according to the severity of the ease. 'flume:11Mo Cures Onughing,--1111101se turpentine tie 1110011 t1S poss111111. 11.1 night saturate a folded -handkerchief wells turpentine 01111 pin to the pil1o9v. Place anothee bandkerchief ender well arm, and saltn,a10 the oontforbw in. places with the tipper sheet between la avoid the turpentine burning the nosh. A. flannel cloth, greased with Itirpentin4 and Jurd, laid on the °host .effeets on. im. mediate cure. enee of blond peisoning catised hy 1.1.kly nails, bits of earth, • threade, eles, getting into outs end sernlebes, tha CUL, or nlralell, 01' old Sore, begins to swell and pain, take n half leecurifol of ,sweel, and fl WOO 110111 0L11/1f10 light bread • boil it Mitt. \311e.c cooling add leilt tenspoonful ceminion 1 aldng soda. SU(' it won and. apply ns liot ,ren be borne, but first open the fostering PlaCe With a storilivied needle Or Ince, xam Ls. ec‘riton,iyis 0 uchr..aitge 111d poultice To purify tee air in R set a Pitcher of cold wilier 1» the riperlinen1 atilniel 1111101 aref scpwirlai 1111ftt\i'l% afthtlo, r,s1vrotil 110 11111011 purer, though the -water be- comes very impure. Tlic colder the water the greater the capacity for these imetrItteS. lthat is Av1111 reaRes covered walor 1)ecome "41.nie,' and is ohe or the reasons why the nir at the 'Sea shore is better than that intend. .1f water is carried lo Sleeping nprirlineels to be Used for drinking tIvough .1110 right, it should bo .kaut closely covered 113 glass or eerthen PUS. IMpure tenter is .mtith mo_re than impuee cfr. Slioreditch. Wiliest was slated that the heart Of 40o)eaSed, oliBil feUrt Nom lege* e.e,,ss, :eat of a mete.