The Brussels Post, 1907-9-12, Page 8Household Requirement
Not to be Overlooked
Pure Pickling Splees Fresh Baking Powder
If you ever use our Baking Powder
you will want to DSO it again.
55o par lb.
Both Ground and Whole,. We keep
all the commouer ,nee as well ae
then that are but seldom mated far.
Bottle Wax
For eealiug;bottles, &o. Conies in a
tiu dish—simply requires beating and
le ready for use.
All Sizes of Corks
for Piokle and Catsup Bottles, &o.
Rubber Rings
for Sealers.
Fly Polson
To enure comfort get rid of the flies
by using Lightning Fly Pads, So and
10o pkge., or Tanglefoot, 4 sheets 5c.
For a Good, Disinfectant Try
in 25a bottles and 50o cane, Goes a
long way. Also have Chloride of
Lime in metal oonteiuore at 100,
-ate £Et
Trains teave Brnaeele Station, North
and South, AS follows:
Goma Soma A Goran Norma,
Mail 7:Q5 a.m I Express ......1p:os can
Express 11:26 SAO...... 1:44 a.01
Express 3:02 p,m N.xprese...... 8:61p.m
racaZ Etta Jt.ezns
A ohiel'a amang ye fakir' 010188,
• An' faith he'll prent aa.
Ferrets are a good crop.
itlmatemer openings oome next.
THE Pose telephone ie No• 20. Send
ae the news,
Tao Ament heading faotory is very
busy these daye.
BeusseeS Fall Fair Oot. 1 and 4. It
will be a sweeper.
BaossitLB School Board will meet
Friday evening of this week.
FouRTH Division Court will be held in
Brueeele on Wednesday, 25th cast,
THE traine from bile East have been
very late daring the past week. Toronto
Fair is blamed for it.
OPENING ON OCT. leo. Mise Maggie
MoArter will re open her Dressmaking
department on Tnesday Oot, let.
WEDDINGS are nnmer318. Brussels le
on the program too. THE Poem printed
four supplies during the peat week.
OWING to a break in the Electric Light
machinery tbe town wee minus the arti.
heist illuminator on Monday night. It
was in running order for Tuesday.
TaeExoeleior HnittingFaotory is rush-
ed with orders and the hnetliog pro—
prietor, J. T. Wood, is finding some
diffioaity in enuring the extra employees
neoeeeary to keep op the supply,
Tno Wingham Advance has had an-
other birthday and grows brighter and
better as the years glide by. THE Poor
Wiehes Editor Hall increasing 8000880 as
repayment for the hard work he does.
-SEVERAL from this locality are away to
Goderioh today (Thursday) taking in the
official opening ceremonies of the new 0.
P. R. line to that town. Guelph was
taking a large part in the demonstration.
A purer wedding took plane on Tuesday,
Sept. Ord, at St. Peter's Cathedral, Lon-
don, when Mies Thorn Meadows, .far.
toady of Brueeele, was married to Adol-
phus Hennessy, of that maty. Rev. Father
Aylward officiated. Mise Pearl Men11888
ao:ed ae bridesmaid and James Hennessy
was groomsman. May their joys be
Davin Warne, of the firm of Walker
& Bleak, Brussels, spent the peat 4 weeks
in Loudon and Toronto securing pointers
on Undertaking and Embalming. He
elect attended the School of Embalming
at the Medioal College, Toronto, and
t aooeeded in taking hie Diploma as a
praotioal embalmer. We aongratalate
dispatch has the following in reference to
a young lady who was a former resident
of Brussels ; Mies Ferule Alija, daughter
of Rev, S. J. Allin, left for Toronto,
where she will engage in m0eioal studies,
Mies Allin hae been most popular in
obornb and eootal oirolee during ber
reeidenae here and before her departure
was presented with a handsome purse of
gold by her very many friends. P0580e-
eed already of melon] talent and the
spirit of determination Mise Allin should
have the moon which he frieuda believe
will attend her.
Committee ou Attraotlone for Brussels
Fall Fair hae closed a oontrent with the
celebrated 9185 Highland Regiment Band
of Hamilton to supply the mato at the
Fele ou Oat 8 and 4. They will oleo, ae
Dieted by well known vooaliste and
Soottieh danoer, take charge of the pro.
gram at the anneal Concert in the Town
Hall on the laet evening of the Fair.
While the expense 18 heavy the Directors
never do anything by halves and are de-
termined to provide the best to bet had
for the pleasure of the thousands who
attend the Fair. This well known Band
ander the leadership of Bandmaster
Stares. a talented manioc, f8 worth go.
ing many miles to heat. Sea the Fair
lithograph posters.
THE Clinton New Era Saye
Thareday Dr, Shaw drove down Victoria
Bt. on his way to make a oall, having
his eon, Reny, in the buggy with bim.
At the railroad be foetid a train ob•
strnobing the atoning. He waited
patiently forfifteen minotee, as the train
shunted batik and forth, hie horse in the
meantime b00oming so restive that the
boy was thrown out of the buggy and
trampled beneath^the horse's feet, though
very fortunately he WWI not badly in.
jured. Dr. Shaw then determined to
Melte an exempla; of the conductor, as it
was a Oom0a00 thing for the arming to
be 'blocked and, ao00rdingly laid infer•
oration against 000400tor Barney, The
0008 Dame before Magistrate Andrews,
on Saturday, several witnee•+e9 testifying
that the arming woe blocked for n 000
siderabta length of time, A fine of
510 and aoets, woo imposed aeoardingly,"
Dr. Shaw was a former Well know resi-
dent of Bennis,
GET an exhibit ready for Brussels Fall
Dn. Gamlen has returned from the
West and hae resumed preotioe as uenal.
Tux briok work on D. A. Lowry's new
residence ie completed. He will have a
fine home when iloiehed.
THE line rain Of the past week has
proved very beneficial to palatine,
oroharde and the root crop.
AN enjoyable afternoon was spent at
Blyth Thursday of Inst week by three of
oar bowling rinks. Brussels played with
three rinks from Wiogbani.
WEDNESDAY Of this week G. A. Beet
snipped a carload of stook steers and a
oar of lambs to Buffalo. The duty an
them wee Dearly 5300, 27% being °barge
VOTERS' List Court for the Municipal-
ity of Brussels wit( be held in the Town
Hall here on Toeeday, Oct. 8th at 9 a.
m., before Judge Doyle. There are a
number of appeals.
I, 0. RICHARDS has neural the services
of Wm. Tbompeou, of Theeealon,
Algoma, who is a shoe maker and will at•
tend to repairing of ehoeo in Mr.
Rioborde'harness shop,
Beam Jmaier0 crossed bate with the
juveniles -of this plane last Saturday in a
base ball match on Viotoria Park, The
visitors won by oat ran. This was the
return game, Brueeele winning at Blytb.
Gor Hes DlxLoiA—The Embalming
Board of the Canadian Embalmers' Ae.
800100ion met in the Toronto University
last week. In the list of eandi0ates wbo
neared diplomas we are pleased to notice
the name of David MoOall, who bait beef]
in the employ of R. Leatberdale & Sou,
Furniture dealers and undertakers,
for nearly three years. Mr. McCall is an
industrious, honorable, trustworthy
young man wbo should make a 8000088 iu
the world. He may take a trip to the
West this Fall. We wish him well.
EDITOR PoeT.—It affords me unlimited
gratification to convey through your
sporty paper my oongratalatione on the
neat Rod deoieive way the boys purloin-
ed the Western Intermediate and
Ontario obampionehip silverware, It is
e pieaeiog sensation to my auditory
nerve to listen to the favorable comments
paused on the merits of the team, nob as
their "wonderful passing," "neat dribbl-
ing" and their unerring, red hot ebote on
goal, together with "their gentlemanly
bearing," but knowing most of the play-
layere, I remain silent on their 0000003. I
remain Yours &o„ J. A. EoNeuoaxow,
Ex -Hon. Pres, B. F. B. C.
Fordwiob, Aug. 24011.
PIONEER Mits.—Wednesday afternoon
of last week the death occurred of one of
the old residents of Goderioh in the per—
son of john Walker, who had reaohed the
good old age of 89 years and 5 months.
Mr. Walker was a native of Trane, in
Ayreohire, Sootland. After coming to
this country he resided for four years in
Montreal. Moved to Hamilton and then
to Goderioh 55 years ago, where be had
resided ever eine. Mr. Walker is sur,
vived by three sone and three daughters,
J. A., of Goderioh ; B. F., of Tileouburg ;
Hugh, of British Columbia ; Mre. Hall,
of Toronto 1 Mies Janet, at home, and
Mre. G. F. Blair, of Goderioh, formerly
of Brunets. Deceased was a fine man
and very highly esteemed.
Regatta at Toronto those who witnessed
the result of the four.paired raoeefor the
Hammond oup between the Metropolitan
Bank orew and the Montreal Bank • orew
were unanimous that it wits one of the
prettiest and beet confuted ramie ever
held before the Argonaut Club. It was
agreed that the Metropolitan orew, which
was stroked by G. B, Taylor,made one of
the most magnificent amine that has
ever been seen on Toronto Bay and it ie
the opinion of the expert, that had
Taylor's orew emitted moment or two
sootier the race, which they loot by only
two feet, would have gone to the Metro.
politao Bank. This race lean annual at,
falx for Banka and Financial Inatitutione
and a bandoome oup le tbe gift of H. 0.
Hammond to the Argonaut Club.
HYn.ENEAL.—The Winnipeg Telegram
Speaks of a wedding in that olty an whiob
the bride was a former Brueeelite, being
a daughter of the late James Kelly, as
follows :—A quiet wedding took plane in
St, Matthews eburob on Tuesday after•
noon at 2,80 &,look, when Elizabeth
Jane ]felly was united in the holy bonds
of matrimony to William Reid Hill, of
Ching°, formerly of Glasgow, Scotland,
Rev, R. B. MoElberan, rector of St.
Matthews, performed the 05remony an
the preeenoe of the immediate relatives
and friends of the bride end groom.
The bride, who looked charming in a
travelling suit of navy bine silk, the met
opening over a white Balk embroidered
blouse, with whiob she wore a smart blue
tailored hat, was given away by her
brother, James Kelly, of Kenora, Ont.
The Wedding March from Lobengrin
and Mendelsoobn wag played by Prof.
P. F. Johnston ae the wedding party
entered and left the oharnb, Atter the
ceremony a reeoption wa8 held at the
regidetion of W. E. McLeod,
law to the bride, 201 Farby Street, The
happy 000ple left for the South on the
5.15 train and will gpend Some time
among friends in Minneapolis and Mil
Waukee before going to their home in
HOUGH it be only $1,00 a week, you will soon be on the
way to independence and wealth,
in the Savings Department of the METROPOLITAN BANK
$1.00 opens an account. interest is allowed from date of
deposit and compounded every three months.
We'll gladly handle your account and serve you with the same
courtesy and efficiency as if you were a large depositor,
Capital Paid Up, Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits,
$/,000,000.00 $1,183,713.23
BRoesELs Evaporator will oommenne
operations on Friday of next week.
Mr. Ounniogbam, the bustling proprietor,
has everything in good shape and is
prepared to bay all the apples bo can get,
See advt.
THE progressive management of the
Wingham Bneioese Oollege reports two-
thirds greater attendonoo at tbeir open•
ing this year than Iaet, They are ser•
taialy growing in the favor of the
people. Their new advertisement will
appear next week.
PD,NEER DIES.—One of the oldest and
moat reepeated residence of Seaforth
passed away Sunday night in tbe person
of Wm. Gillespie. Deceased had reaohed
the ripe age of 81 years and had been
enjoying wonderfully good health until
quite recently. The funeral took place
Monday at 2.80 p. m. from the residence
of Robb, Jones, Goderioh street East, to
Maitland cemetery. Deoeased was
grandfather to Wm. Gillespie, of Brus-
Business Locals.
TIMOTHY seed at MoCReasEN'e.
ONE good working horse for sale. Ap•
ply t0 Joon LONG, Brnesele.
BOGGY lap duster loot on Monday.
Finder will man oblige by leaving it ab
THE Pon.
To RENT.—A comfortable 7 roomed
dwelling, with both hard and soft water
on premises. Apply to Da. GRAHAH.
Fos SALE.—A quantity of slabs and
kindling as 52.00 per load of 2 cordo.
Also turners at 51.00 par load.
7-8 P. AHENT.
Hien goods at low prioe. If you need
baud, ernes out, rip book one or two men's
Bann you °all and see me as I have a
supply for sale and you are sure of get.
ting them in number one order. Yours
T. MCGREGOR, corner M111 and Main et.
Pe ople We Talk About.
Milton MoArter hae aooepted a position
in an Orillia Dry Goode etre and has
gone to it. The Orillia people will flue
him 0. k.—Mies Soon, of Mount Forest,
wae a visitor with Brussels friends,—
Misses Ella and Maggie MaArter have
been visiting in Toronto.—Mise Mabel
Celaiu returned to her millinery position
in Orediton on Friday of last week.—
Jno. F. McRae is home from a business
trip to the Pacific) Coast which inoluded
Port Royal, the terminus of the Grand
Trunk Paoifio, He °aye boom will not be
a big enough name for the sale of lots
there when the property is put on the
market.—Herbert Lowry is home from
Toronto for a while,—Mre, J. G. Skene
was holidaying at Toronto and looality
and while away attended two weddings.
— John Little, formerly of the Standard
Bank, Brussels, and who removed to
Bloomfield as teller, has been promoted
to Brantford.—Mre, A. Straoban Lae
been visiting Mre. Gray at Stonffville
former reeidente of Brussels, and with
Toronto frieuda—Postmaster Farrow
attended the Postmasters' Convention at
Toronto last week.—Robb. Thnell wee
home from Waterloo for a week. He
Saye the shop he is engaged in is a Baty
one, doing a big butanes. Mr, Thnell
will move his family to Waterloo this
Fall.—J, T. Wood and family were at
New Hamburg bast week attending an
Old Boys' reunion and had a moat eu•
joyable time. It was their former home,
— Ronald Sinclair was home for a few
days from Brantford.—Alvin Stamn, of
Stratford, was renewing old friendships
in town and looality,—Miee Ario0 Flem•
ing, of Paris, was a visitor with old
friende for a few daye.—Jas. and Mre.
MoOraokeo, of Goderioh, spent a few
Jaye with old friends in town,—Riobard
and Mrs. Hingeton visited relative° at
Wingham,—Oolin McArthur is baok
from a holiday visit with relatives near
Luoknow,—Jno. and Mre. Oarter have
gone to Owen Sound for aviett with their
daughter,—Mre. John White, of Hibbert
hae been renewing old friendships in
Brnaeele and looality. She was a former
resident of tbie plooe—B, Gerry arrived
home from an enjoyable trip with hie
sone at Port William Thursday of last
week,—Dr. Graham ie baok from the
West where be sp el; nearly two months.
He met with many old friends from
Huron County in hie joorneyinge.-
0ounoillor Plum and family attended the
Old Boys reunlon at New Hamburg,
where they have relatives and friends.—
We ale sorry to bear that Barrister G.
F. Blair, of Goderioh, formerly of Brute
eels, ie i11 with typhoid fever. Hie many
Mende here hops he will soon be as well
as ever.—Mise Annie -Swallow, of Mild•
may, is 010111ng her cousin, Mies Pearl
Lowry.—Woodley Beans, of Iugereoll,
is 018131ng ab Blair Athol.—Mre. John
White, of Mitchell, has been vielting
at Sarni, 0rawford'e,—Mies Kate Hewit•
tson, of Oherley, bas oome to l3raesele to
attend enbool and will make her
home at F, S. Soott'e, wbo are relative0,
—Station Agent Henry, has resumed
work after a lay off of seven weeks
through illness,—Mre, F. S. Scott, and
Walter are book from a three weeks'
visit at Ingersoll, Woodstock and other
pointe.—Edward Lowry le in London
this week aeeiotiog his brother Will,
Simon Grant is in nage of the North
stage. -Ws are pleased to trate that
Peter Wateon i0 making favorable pro.
pees from hie Meese and we hope he
will soon be fully restored—Mra,..MoLean
and Minn Brine, 01 Seafortb, were
visitors with thole deter, Mrs, P. Seat
last weak.—Chas. Ritchie wag visiting
his eon John at Welland.—Mrs, Angus
Campbell and Mies Marjorie 006 enjoy
ing a visit with relatives in London this
week,—Robert G: MoOraakeo, of Ron—
ester, N. Y., was a weloome visitor to
the parental home during the past week,
—Newton MoOanlay spent a few days
pleasantly visiting old tonnes at Granton
and looality.—Mines Anna, Mina and
Clara Hunter are home on a holiday
visit. The latter and her mother have
been Visiting relatives at $inoardine and
Beni(' during the past week.—Mrs. Jas.
Bella:Ayne end Mies Jean MaLauohlio
are on a holiday tinting with relatives
and old Mende at Loudon, Woodstock
and Innerkip.—B. G. and Aire. Wilson,
of London, were weloome visitors to
Brussels daring the Labor Day holiday.—
Mines Mary and Jean Ritchie, snow.
paused by their mother, arrived in Bowe
eels last week from an enjoyable vie•
it to the Weet. The first mentioned
aaoompanied by her Dieter, left for Tor-
onto ou Monday morning of this week.—
Stewart Scott has taken a position in
Alex. Straohan'e dry goods store, taking
the plane of Milton MoArter.—Mise
Annie Roes, who was visiting at Chaney,
had the mietortane to give one of her
ankles a bad twist shortly atter her
arrival home.—Mre. A. 0. Dames WAS
vieitiog old friends in Toronto.—N. S.
MoDoneld, of Antagonist), N. S., and B.
Ferguson, of Teeewater, were °aliere on
relatives and friends in Brussels laet
week,—Thomas Forrest, of Chicago, VMS
holidaying in this looality for a week or
so. He is a eon of Mre. Wm. Forrest
Brussels„ Mr, Forrest hae resided in
Chicago for a good many yeare.—Mre,
MUGaire and Mre. 51118, of Wingham,
was visiting Mre. Rogers and Mrs.
Dames in town. —Mies Nora Holmes its
back from a visit with relatives and
friends at Port Elgin, Southampton and
Herriatoo,—Mre, Robt Rom and obildren
of Kincardine, .were holidaying with
relatives in Brussels and 'entity.—
Mies Hnbkirk arrived home last week
from a very enjoyable trip to lbs West.—
Mrs. (Dr.) Oleland, of Vmtoria, B. C.,
end Mre, Campbell, of Port Elgin, were
Lha guests of their sister, Mrs. (Dr.)
Holmes. The former has just returned
from a moat delightful trip round the
world and gime a most interesting
sketch of the eights and Bones witnessed
on the long and eventful journey. She
wee absent about a year._ Fred. Wood,
of Chesterfield, Ont., was in town for a
day teat week 'letting bis brother, J, T.
The former has diepoeed of his furniture
and undertaking business in hie home
town and ie now on the look out for
another location,—MIs, D. Hain and
Mies Sereb were visiting in Wingham
for a few days. The latter's health is
greatly improved we are pleased to state.
—Tan POST has been favored tbie week
with the an0oanaemeut card of the
wedding of Alfred Ernest Mellish, of the
Metropolitan Bank, Petrolia, who was a
reeident of Brussels for several years, to
Mies Emily Matilde Brown, of Char
lottetown, Prince Edward Island. Tho
ceremony WEB performed on Wednesday
4th inst. Mr. Mellish and hie estimable
bride, will have many good wishes from
his many friends in Brussels and looality
for a long, happy and prosperous married
life, They will make their home in
Petrolia.—Mieees Laura Constable and
Margaret Hirone were 01013108 at Lon•
don for a few days.—B. and Mre. Gerry
spent a few days in Blyth with N.B.
and Mre, Gerry.—George Brown is
visiting in London,—S, and Mre. Askin,
of Teeewater, have been visiting relatives
and friends in Brussels end vicinity.—
Mre. Morgaeon and Miss Lena Arm-
atrong who were visiting with the family
of Wm. Pryor, Mill Street, for the past
4 weeks, left for their home in Toronto
on Wednesday.—Mies Mary Miller and
Miss Addie Lott are vieitiog Mre. Geo,
Miller, at Wingham,—Mies Beryl Porter,
of Coruna, is a visitor at the Methodist
Parsonage.—Miss Eva Glazier, of Tor.
onto, baa been engaged by Mrs, MoKiuley
to take ,barge of her millinery for this
season, She domes highly reoommended.
—Mies Sarah Dudley, of Toronto, who
was holidaying here and at St. Marys
left for tbe Queen City last Monday.—
Mre. Wright, who has been making her
home with her daughter, Mre. Graham,
for the past two years, left on Wedoes
day for visit to Chicago, Wisconsin
and other planes. Although 88 years of
age MCD. Wright enjoye the beat of
health and hae no fear of travel. Her
800, Jae. 0. Wright, of Alexia°, who was
'Meiling here for the past week, anion
ponied her to the Windy oily.—Mies
Emma Ransom and Mies Minnie Camp.
boll, Ethel, were guests of Mre, bl, Mo•
Cawley 31)10 weak.—A former well known
Brueeelite, in the person of Moo. H. J.
Morden, who- was Miss Bate Wilpon
before her marine, bee been °ailing OD
old frieade. Her home is now in Mexioo
city and incising by hen appearance the
8001b must aurae well with berg—S, O.
Wilson woe away to Essex Co, last weak
for a holiday visit,—Mre, Murphy and
children, wbo were visiting at Mre.
Walter Smith'e for the pant few months,
have returned to their home at Winnie
peg. Mrs, Murphy ie a daughter of Mrs,
Smith's.—Mrs. R, Peal has returned
from a vigitto'Toronto and Orangeville.
—Mies Nellie Grainger ie epending a
week with relative° near Molesworth,—
Raeeell Lowry le ill with typhoid fever
We are sorry to state but eve hope be will
soon be oonvaleeeont.W-Mks, ado,
Simmons Rod Hazel are visiting relating
in London.—Mrs. P, Ardent and throe
obildren 1 INrs, N. F, Gerry and Retold
Head Office - . - - Toronto
In our Savings Department. Deposits of $I and upwards are received,
on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed.
No Delays in making 'Mthdrawals
Interest added four times a year
Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches.
jr. F. Rowland, Manager
A. T. and Mrs. Ogrrie ; R. and Mrs'
Frenoie are among the Brusaeltteo wbo
are taking in the eights at London this
week,—Mrs, Thee. Ennis wits at Strut•
ford this Weak visiting her daughter wbo
is ill with typhoid fever in the hospital
we are sorry to state.
Tbree obildren of A. N. Green, of
Madno, were drowned by the upsetting of
a ehiff,
113om 310
BenLet:num—In Brunette, On Sept. 9th
to Mr, and Mrs. John Ballantyne
a Bon.
GRABBY—MICHIE.—In Morrie, on Sept.
- 4111, by Rev. J. J. Beetle, Mr. Jame°
D. Graeby to Mioe Lizzie, daughter
of Mr. and Mre. Wm. Millie, all of
OaTEa.—In Grey, 00 Sept. 9th, Mary E.
Hunter beloved wife of Joseph Oster,
in her 61st year.
SOHN00E. DI Grey, on Sept. 5th, Ohae.
Schnook, aged 86 yeare.
Fall Wheat 80 81
Barley 45 47
Peas 70
Oats 85 716
Batter, tube and rolle. 17 18
Eggs per dozen 16 17
Hay per ton 7 00 8 00
Floor, per bbl 4 50 5 20
Hogs, Live 6 25
Wool (washed) 20 22
Potatoes per bus 90 1 00
Apples (per bbl.) ...,1 00 1 25
Sa,t, per bbl., retail 1 25 1 25
t7 Brussels last week.Owner is request-
ed to prove property and pay for this ad-
vertisement. Apply at THE POST.
train between Elmira and Walton, a
King's Ohoioe spaniel. Owner may find it
In Brussels by paying for thin' notioe. Ap-
ply at THEPosx, Brussels. 10.4
►!r36J (_ REgiven forARinformatioInL thatBwll
lead to the conviotloe, of 5800008 molesting
my bees at Renfryn end otealing honey.
buy information atriebl confidential, Tres.
passing to apiary not
N, Brueeel&
known. utbe Hodder homestead,
Ni of WO of Lotto. Oo11..2, Morrie. There is
a frame house end barn, wells, orchards. &o.
Farm will s he Drente la if not sold. For
further particulars as to price, terms,&o.,
apply on thepr,misee to MRs, JOEL EL-
LERB, or Bluevale P. 0. 8-10
DEaoIaNED hae for sale, on Lot 21,
0on.10, Grey, three young brood sows with
litters at foot. If not sold together will
sell little pigs separate. The latter aro
cross bred. Also ere sow, due to farrow in
O otobor. Parties wishing to buy pigs should
o ail and get priooe before buying elsewhere.
For further particulars apply to JOHN P.
MoINT08H, .Shady Nook Farm," 0ran-
brook P. 0. 10-11
Voters' List Court.
NOTICE is hereby given that a Court will
be heldpursuant to the Ontario Voters' List
dot, by Hie Honour the Judge of the County
Court of the County of Huron, at the Town
Hall, Brussels, on Tuesday, the 8th day of
Ootober,1907, at nine o'clock in the fore-
noon, to hear and determine. oemplainto of
rrrore and omissions in the Voters' List of
the Municipality of Rrusaels for 1907.
Dated at Brussels this 11th day of Septem-
ber,1907. F. S. SCOTT,
Clerk of Brussels.
Voters' .List Court.
NOTICE ie boreby given that a Court will
be held, pursuant to the Ontario Voters'
Lists Act, by His Honour the Judge of the
County Court of the County of Huron, at
the Town Hall, Brussels, on Wednesday, the
18th day o1 September, A. D.1907, at 10 a. m.
to hear and determine the several emu -
plaints of errors and omissions in the Vot-
ers' List of the Municipality of Morris. for
1907. All persona having business at the
Court are required to attend at the said
time and plooe.
Dated this 9rd day of September A.D. 1007,
Clerk Morrie Township .
For whatever
Purpose wanted
R!dll Cnf Glass)
will meet the °all.
The Best for the home.
—Beet for the now home in a
Wedding Gift.
—Boat for a present or a gift of
any Isind—
Good enough to adorn the palace of a
King—Every article and at all tames the
best. Our stook is well assorted and we
know our prices will please-
strayed on the premises of the under.
signed, Ni Lot19, 0on.9, Morris, on or about
August 1st. Owner to requested to prove
property, pay expcooeu and take diem
away. WM. sOUGH,Broeeels P.O. 8.4
1 bogs, 9 weeks old, for Bale ; bred from
A 1 imported stook ou both aides, "Worse.
les Duke" =216500 and "Broombouee Girl"
22176=. Will also dispose of ix few tboro'-
bre d Yorkshire young sows. JAS. 81113R -
RID, "Maple Grove Farm," Lot 25, Oon.4,
Morrie, or Brussels P.O. 8.11
IBE9 of the undersigned, Ni Lot 00,
Con. 8, Morrie, on or about August let, a
small heifer, light red in color, The owner
is roqueeted to prove property, pay expeu-
sus and take her away. JOHN D. 800TT,
Brussels P.O. a.4
land for sale. Comfortable dwell.
ing ; hard and soft water under oover ; ap.
pie, plum and cherry trees, &o. Posseeoion
eau be given at o11oe. 1 or prioe, terins, &o.
call at THE POST,
me 26 acres lu the Township of Gray,
adjoining Oranbrook, Land all cleared and
under orop. There ie a comfortable frame
house, barn with atone stabling, orchard,
good well, &o. Possession given on Novem—
ber let. For further partioulare as to prion,
terms, &o , apply ou the premises to WW S.
ALDERSON ,Proprietor, or Oranbrook W.
Standard Bred Trotters
MIDNIGHT ORO—A blank stallion two
years old, by Oro Wilkes (2,11), dam by
Young Sid uey, Also the two year old 811y,
MISS BARB, by Monharo (2.115), dam by
Costumer Both are thoroughly broken to
harness and will be sold right for gnlok
sale, For further particulars apply to D. 3,
MOLAUGHLIN, Brussels P. 0. 10.01
Ladies', Misses' and Children's
Fail and Winter
We want you to see our new stock oaf Fall and Winter Coate for Ladies,
Misses and Children. We are showing a large assortment and our prioes
are the very lowest. Garments made by the best Canadian makers in the
business, as well as some German and English makes.
We Invite You to Call and See them
Fur 'tuffs, Muffs, Coats and. Fur Lined Coats
Just received.
Men's, Bods' & children's Overcoats
We also want you to see our new stock of Fall and Winter Overcoats- for
Men, Boys and Children. The largest stock we have ever shown. , PER-
FECT FITTING—PERFECT IN STYLES --and the prices are vary rea-
sonable. ,
Boys' and Men's New Fall Suits
We want -you to see them.
Goods Right or your Money Back,
Next door to American' Hotel,
G. N. McLaren