The Brussels Post, 1907-9-12, Page 611.,ighl have unnerved -Min loe the past he had resolved le play, for the real' -table. We have hypnotized ourselves test/110r WO5 no longer invalid; he hod ieto the belief that we rue really get- /assert away In les sleep, as the doctor ling What We pay for in god results was to discever some hours later, of eustenanee aed easy .digeelion., as The -few preparations required Mr aS in pleasure of the pelate. Frank's successfully carrying out the pert of 011 old man did not take long. A few dcfl Muches added lo his smooth remplexion the necessary wrinkles, over which he had no difficulty In bullying a deathly puller, in etriking contrast with the vigorous flush of 11001111 lhat had mantled there a few minutes be- fose. Then followed the addition of a wie and beard, both of long, etraggling grey bans, and his transformation was complete. Seal•eely 11Ls nrrangements come (pet pliely when lie heard the front door "Where is Mr. Frank?" lie heard hie en:ployee say in a loud yoice. "Ile hes gone to elethley, and won't be Mick till late." "How very enrol:Omelet He is Want," et lo witness Mr. Armstrong's With WO 514011 11C1V0 10 1.1.0 with you, Gorge. I will come for sem when ull is ready. This way, Ala Ifughes; take pare elf that step." "NI. Ilughe.s' eyesight \yes none of the beet. Ile did not know 11, but it, WaS that fact, and uot his iegel skill, that I-011 guided Air. Wayinan's choice. Ile look his place beside the bed, and put a question or two to the aged Man be saw lying ill it, who merely nodded in re- ply, In a few minutes the introdue- tery past of the Will Was. completed, and the writer now paused for definite instructions, "1 think you mentioned, Mr. Wayman, that the testator clesired to remember in hes will eome of the local chavities " "Yes, that is so. Acinstreing,, I think you satd a -Mutated pounds to each of Iliffins's Charities, the school and the almshouses? 15 that still your wish and intention?" A IR of cougleng inlereferd with a re - ley Joe some time, but at length the in- valid was heard to sere- heye always wished to do some- thing for my old school; put down five bundred." feere another spasm of eoughieg cheked his fernier utterance, during which the two lances regarded tech other significantly. Mr. Hughes thought also that there was a trace of annoyance on the otherls countenance. In a minute, however, he wes ready., 'I give and bequeath eve hundied peunds to the trustees of Billins's Charities,'" he rend, " 'free of legney duty, on behalf ol. lbe Billins's Cearity School under Mete charge and divec- tione Well?" 'rile same lo the trustee on behalf Cf: Ihs almshouses," canie in a low velce from the sle1( man. I wila now Mr. Wayman's turn to Wive a bad epasin of coughing. . "Thal Is a thousand you ere giving Blffinsis people," at -last he ejeculat.- eel. very red in the face. "1 always intended. to do something good for them," the invalid managed to say "'On behaif of 131ffins's Almshouses 1111(141' their charge and direction,'" read oft Ale. Hughes. sepal -citing les ear only expeneive hilt Naha:less hem a ')''',1,11ra`.01. a g`aal tura ll'''' wrIt' ' ca„.„.gleill be glad to help you in any se/telex-4] point ed view; that 200 eysters 'hese net Mc. snstaiiiing 11110)11y +LI 11 "I knew .-0.144 would. 'eerie remember pound of beef; that a pint of beer is an e.1,1 gentleman tailing last meek atel eN hen Dr. lves relents -1m said he would 110101:1 seen) nourishing than a sinail l'eavtug justru',11ons ror a ww he want- look in ugain in the evening -it wile be ed drawn 1.1Y: C1:8y fur 115 to have had the mattes 1 4--11Ie of ex•pensive claret, and that "Ate spa, A . i • 9,, 11111,1.4ing. contpleted, and 1110 elector none the -Mere is no differeicee, chemically speak- "Ah. llow do You eenie to icriaW his Wisise. NleanwhIle I shall to 14.wn and bring ten icone from Bedford , go up _ it wee peeteps wen see the due wee- iog, between a • 5 cent and a 50 cent name?" • "It was Inv grandfather who &reeled. e . , • , . Ing out of the scheme that Frank ffid ciger. flenceour error exlends not 1111 -ray . . - . , Me 4-1 elumeety Lane to draw up the tem to you, 'they wyre boys tegether wee 70 menu corm A, the meter or nol look lido his roam liefore he him - to the puffiative necessities but to the I, I ,e, ee, ern, t .„ we t, ea eel ee . ' • • ' sell nseumed the role of involid. It 7.- . , . s 1%, g n . • ‘' - 11-.A. ettlef legatee it is 1 eller that Illy - ' comparetive luxuries and vices of the Ci!rg,›.3.NT TOPICS. Pereetes 11 Is egetunale that we have 'Vie London eeneel and Other medical and scientific journals to hill back cm in our leieurely studious moments, or else wo should drift along in Missive ignoriince of our follies; our extrava- geaces, our disregard of the simplicity Mat is premounced ueeessary to health tind heppiee.ss, Oeensionedly the Lan - cite neognizing sityingly our Marmi- tes, uindeeeends eympatbize with human winikettess. and even. goes to the extremity of eneouraging us in our die - steatite's. Physiological seientiels tell us bent:ells' that in the _matter of nutrition we make serieus neetalei when Wi? eider ex- pensive food; that turtle soup is not t++++++++++++++++++++4+ - t MAKING SURE I ++++++++++++++++++++++ 1, "Yee, sir'," Mr. Ne union, the solicitor, we's sn engtoesed in his task that- be had not need hie head when his articled 104 whom he had Nene entered les reom in 01,,,,Ii•-ece to the sliiimions. nel mind your folding another Mem eend tor yourself, Thiak the matter over, Bellect, too, on what 1 have deno for you, and you w111 and you owe me much. Fleeee yeers ago 1 look you as office -boy, wheel you eould ltild thitig to do, Five emirs ago 1 guide you Mat be beld Me employer's consent In 11t, 110110 \I' 01 11114 bends, if he tally play- ed his cards well. The idleimoon dragged its slow length elong, too $!owly for Ihe main weer, whose feelings were now in 1.1 Mille ,f legit tension. .1 lis preparations heti a erteent of l'our ertlelee• I 'lee eelltre k.rig been made, even down to a 111.11e a a few nendlie. Now it rests with] perling gift foc ete, Walmaltes own yeueeelf to begets the weehe en yonr I hand, end he wailed expeetaney Mr the emu' piende." own areeunt with a capital of two Rem- 1 tierivio of the. hoiden train, Nothing had oecurred lo tus:use the sue -pie -ions The younger man's eyc•e sparkled, 11 lid , t .1 anyene in the lenise as to Ilie very eaw lie had gained. tlee $otieitor pees.sest Me atieeeitlee !lel eerions maitre of the ease lipetuies• Ile had beefed in meal the Patient more \\Men all le settle:I 1 sluill also make i teen once, only to find 111111 in a deel) !.4.11.1 a present iii telditien to what you li sew. 11 was understoect ihat elle erne tur 1° get ir-01 mr. Arill'Ir(410 Itik'n, S11,4,ng was on 114) aceonet to 1,0 dls- 0,011, are carried into effect." Imbed, that was nil, and nee if any - emits ho emit, te itist leeeitig tee One moineul, Ine ee amen. ee lit thing \vete weented Frank would attend yen, Franlo sit doevn foe et moment," 0-'0u tell me eelletle what it is Sou wish lo it. ele lo do? You have oille dleffilled e 11 • lel be dark sylien the train The e'thig me -11 the elleir 1""-- hint here and (here. I am unxioue reeehite‘nhe„ wheel, it wne yet SerWei you if it can Le donee without "I have eent for yen, Frank," the wreaging anyene, dusk the young mart left the house, be- , rue eepectally careful 111a1 the two tee -Yee went sm, "to heip me cell of a "Now, Diet listen. There I.s only Or. , ' • el fie:idly, and, while doing .se, to do Ives and yoll 111141 I who know that Mr. ceres buey in the office should see tem ge, and should be previously informed Arnistrengs te so set -Sous. .1 line he would not return till late, lle, nitly tell you now Mat his rec•overy hoiselese. 411111 Mat his condition Ls suet -- shortly aftee leaving, re-entered by 1110 teal he eennot make himself understood. side door, opening off a eaerow lane, aml tmnoliced by 4111y, Made his way to the room that had been nssigned Lim in lieu of the ene to which 11r, Armstrong had been conveyed in the alarm attendent on his sudden illness, ea, lo make his fortune us it turned out." "Well, I have been busy making a shipshape copy ef instriestions, I muy tell you, by the way, 11-011 you come in for a theusand pounds youeself---l" The youug num etartod, while the law- yer compineently watched the effect Ms words had preduced, "I was net aware that he knew of my existenee," said We Clerk. " "Well, he has Mit you a thousand. lee es I was obout M remark, a most unfortunate thing has occurred, Mr. Armstrong called en hour or two ago, 1 believe to have the matter carried through. but the excitement has proved ,I much for him, end I fear you will lese your legecy IndesS—" "Ale. Armstrong has been taken ill?" "Ile has had a seizure of some sort; we have him lying upstairs -it. was the tffing to do in the circumstances - end the doclee with Mtn now. Ahl that's hie step corning down. I will see what he has to say. You may glunce yeu wilt let them know. 1 shall be ewe the instructione lying there weile back from town In isse or (Mee hours. 1 am having. a weed with Min." I have arranged for you te have the Ile had not read far when the other T.4.10n1 next to your old One, where Mr. relurned seinewitut heatedly, Armstrong is lying. You elle of counce. The elocter'es report, it appeared, was ,have the blinds drawn, and only 01141 not of the most enceuraging description. jet burning:, !dr. Armetroug's advanced age wets de- "Well, as it is the only thing that can els:telly against recevery, and a second be done, I aln willing to take it in hand," $eizere, which he 'night bave at any "There, that's right; I vvas sine pett itionaml, would /member be fatal. weettee "Se that's an end ef my legacy," said "Shall specify the various sleeks ths yeung man. and ehares in „which, I presume, Ids "1 am afraid il is; and there are no n...„„ey 1, invested?" hdre• Tbe Crown will take- an, uvi" 'There is TIO med. I have the list, Icss—" , ;Ind vele see to that after. Yoe simply "enteee Me• Aerneleeng weevers?' wit' the whole estate over to Miss Way- elr. NN'ayman smiled almost compas- man. You Nvill feeget yOur ONvil nately al. the elivkius clutching at a legacy, and, by the way, appoint me us sham. Ile knew Men the doctor that scle, ex„uteee, reeovery was impessible. "I Mink Mr. ArMSITOng MenliOned 10 teetator bad devised end be" ne gientlfather that he intended le benefit largely a local clinrily." "Ah, did he? That would be flifens's Charity Seheol. He yens educated there," "Wlint figure ehould I any?" "Leave them a hundred -they don't look foe anything; and, yviille you aee mewl it, another hundred to the Rif- fles's Almshoures. " 11 will give the thing a good appearance." "And the two tImusand I OM to -get -Or wizS 1 three? -shall I leave that as a kgney to the grandson of the testa. ter's oid friend, Ianies Bradley?" asked tee young men, with a twinkle of his eyes. "II would. look w.ell." "It would look well enough, or, rather tit enough, to cause suspleion. What mai you be thinking about?" said the <Awe, lieslity. "Say one tlioneand, Mel leave me to do Ilea rest for you." "Well. I think I've got ley pert off.' replied Feank„enilling half grimly, for there was a omelet, of theught going ,0r, withen his brain. "And now to change Ilie subject, ehe Wayman. You know my feelinge regarding your daugh- ter, and Catherine's for me. We have .-erupulotisly deferred to yew' wishes In tills molter, but-bul-now, seeing what 1 have undertaken le do for you, might I hope—" The elder man looked annoyed for 0 moment. 11 lad that did not escape Beadle -ye, close scrutiny. "We ehall talk of Met when all the business is completed." he said. "You letew 1 had other piens for Catherine, Lnd row that elie is geing M be un heir- ees sshe herself limy have olive alibi- 11ens. For myself I will sny this inucli, Mal if all gees wen you put me under n liesevy debt of gratilede." "And pm Wei levoe sue?" wc11, let Ilie matter reel- \Ater° 11 is tit present., eliere will be time enaugh le discuss the question or Blur- ring t with elle Armstrong's win have flrSt lo do." Lend should not appear in It at all. )011 will have to represent the testator In his latices end, of couree, In his signalilre. St14'1, there it is. You heci eetter practice it a little." "It seeme very, very risky." "Thole is not the slighleet risk, man; and think what you make by it! Two thousned pounds -and if the estate turns out as well as I expect I shall add an- other thousand to that," "But, 11 is Miss Waymeres money, is It net?" "Yes, that is so; but I tun to be sole executor, and I am willing M hese a 1111.1e myeelf rather Man that iny daugh- tee should lose all." "And eliss Wayman and the servant: have you the/sight of the Ilicelihood of their gelling to know?" "They must net know, and there- 05 110 reason why they ehould, I lune) leld them that elie Armstrong, is going on well. and that y<411 51'e 10 see lo 111111 daring Ilie day. If anything Is wanted And here the Lancet comes ably to the rescue of the epicure, and the sci- entist, with hLe prosy discusslen +of pro - 'Min and nutritive values, is put to flight. It points 'mit consincingly, at least to ilio good Mice, that (he eperntion. of the Mind has not a little to do with good thgestion and, eensequently, with the eutrilien /Weeded. Of what value Is n eound Leef to the penesm whe ethers beef and whose palete craves oysters? Why should a man of adequate means &Ink the beer he may dislike when Le prefers a more expeneive potatien? in ehert, old Owls <If eliendeal aualysis do not take into consideration the met- ier of digestive opt -eaten as influenced ty Me 0 01) of the mind, for, as the 'Lancet says, in conclusion, "svhen feed eees net app4;al to the eye it is likely slot to appeal to the stomach," A majority of peeple in this worel do lieten to the warnings of the scien- tists -or read 1110 Laneet, but content 'themselves with eating and (kinking es their tastes dictate, and profiting or e.uf- lering nceordingly. 'Hence these (list:us- e/ens of food values never reach or ino- leet them. But to the sensitive few Who are anxious to do the right Ming queathed all hie preperly Nir. Way - end vet Wi.sh occasionally to indulge the caprices of the palnie there is a etore ef comfort in the onclusioes of ligs Lancet and in Ihe conlirmation of the ted snying that what may be one niame meat may be another man's poison. le is .plea•eant to know on high authority that the proscribed article willingly eat- en eerves a better purpose than the pre - seethed food swallowed with. a proteet. Again the mind aeserls itself over the betty and "geoel digestien waits oa ap- „petite.” ee-- COLD PL.e.TES AND 1101: PLATES. Many of the •Pormer Still round, nut the Letter, Ilappite•, Spreading. "Wo and," said etr. Pluggintnn. "many cold pluies. Lots of people stem to regurd het /AWN' as ti Superuily, or 4rVen as 101 affectation of style (lint is lee to be enisniraged, end so give you celd plates to eat hot food from ; thus really spoiling many a good meal. "I ate dinner yeetereay at a place where the toed exceilen1 Feel miner - :II -1y cooked, where everything ihey give yet) is geed anet appstieing ttiel /Ample in imp) ly, but where the joy of the need Ives ierneed by cold plates. • Just. why they give y(n1 eted plates at this pinee 1 don't irmee, lee it is eimply the survival 01 an ancient custom, 1 guess, "For hot. plates nee a meelern le.rmerly pro/ile get utong very well without Mein ; hut is Mee -rent now, when it is S41 (11,Y 10 provide them, Awl yet they toss le- re -i means, even toelay, everywheee In be "Yon /night eat teeley nt, the 0171111 - dent, the wen supplied and w.•11 -equip - pi -11 fable of a family svliese every mene err was the „ persaninenlion id kindly graeo and 110qpilitlily. and ye) Mid here yoUr 10041 served to yen on veld Melee; newel eenple, these, by whom, Olt of some feeling bred ln the clays when luxuries were Mss commie), hot plitles would still le tangelo:7ot els mork of conceseion egeminaey. Anil by steer a reasen, indeed, might the eat elates be acenunted for in emit., smell Neale, oil the benlen track, though in /01111y nnother hotel their presence, is due eine reuiee dello-leer-his only child, as it lappened to lie -with the exception ef a legetey to same charily of the Mee country town. "I do not eee my name at all." re- worked the cleric. niter he had limished perusing the document. "Er -no, that is an oversight of mine. He cLnly menliened it as he was going etee-ny. It can be put in at the encl. But lea( Ls not the veal difficulty. elr. Arm- elreng cannot. possibly put his signa- ture to the will, und with es thoueand peunds at stake I see nothing for it but Bee you— Here. let ine whisper le to you; ,sornetimes even walls have eare," The effect el 111e whisper witem start- ling one in all conselenee. The young num grew pale as death Enid scemsel on the point of tailing. "I cannot, eir. Wayinan," nt last he managed to :claimer, "I ceenot; such liting is inimeeible, quite impessibles" "New, listen to reason, Frank. ante abore tel. (beet give wee' to exellement. Let just put Um facts before you - ell the tects-and 1 feel sure emu will ugree with me. There can Le no crime Where no wrong is Ilene M unyonee' el dispum it, mr. Welynian, You are inwyer and can see Hie fallacy. Per. eenation and fergery-for it amounts to 111111..-0)1•0 Cri1110S—" "'A little iiqiriaug. is [t dangerous !lenge Frank. itS WO L111 know. Well, Well. yours comes...1,MM iny own teach- ing. and perhaps el eun elle leech yott something," "1 wise thie vilijeet neyer been. lacuelied," held the other; eit Inuy Mean ruin for us Isitle" "11 menne ruin for me if don't go on welt it. so Dow yoll Will perhaps lielen. What are the Nets? A week iige the old mull, now lying 111 your ro(.011 makers. came to this. <Alice to see 'red Mr, Wayneme 11 neptirently hadn't occurred to him that during the leet ferly yenre 1110 Wnymun whom be knew had groves] \Toy old and died. Boyle ver, in default of my lether, Whoin he had 11114.iwn fiS a y01141,1 Mail himself, 1te entrusts hie afters to the eurvivieg eepreseetative 1.4 LIW (11111, The fortune ed over 11 loindred thousand seetude that lie had mithered leg:eller In ameriea desiree le I:e tratieferred 14, English eecurilies. Ile has noither kith nor kin, met 11:- ishes 117)7 daughter to ittLerits-tor her grawiterettee sae., WA for mine, elte reminds. him of someone 11, • Dering 1he nbsenee of Ms principal, Mr, 111-111414 Bealley Ited antp147 eine end epportemily In review Me whole situe- le 11. Though apparently W11110111 1111.. Iasi( assigned him was ton4: !hitt 1111Ve notch preferred 14\ old. loWit(P)., It WaS 100 IMO to 111111 k Ma now. Probably, bad Me seelytioni steevil it11y 81}(11 Of relenting in le delerneentien frie as the .ply 10 slnelmess, milliferenee or a failure he sees travve,toci 111 beene he left 40 1,11,s. 1,,vv 1,114111' was concerned, Frank In rise It) inodeen ennelilione. would -helve ciebracee the scheme with "13111 Ile) lee hy no menne a eign 91.1°' . "V de what htie Impel . 11, 4, Dal, no, 40 lilt (11[1111SMSITI, nO felt • clegenerney, bu°, one markeng eimply rule eneeneey etetee tea, te Mose this moening to Mier] mullers cites n•nre Mau deelleful us to Mr. Arm- ' privileges, is everywhere mtnviiding it 110d 0 Slap 111r1lier, is seiZta.1 with n !if etieuses. uctunl ielortIons, Ile lind only • 0„11,0 (my teceyeliete nit of eeme sore leeeigill on lei eeellemetil. elie Way -males ;eaten/eat to go u1:011, ie new tying unconseeets upekdrs. and flemeli he was sure emoted' el mennelille W11011 WO 0113. W1101%. it lure not yet come let tie, I•e grnleful then km Put tr'r .'irl'ir11111*" 141.'s 111111°h' ho (11°11°1.;11°.' rt°1111ga as 1'40111°0 the food." \select have Innele a will in ttiv (laugh- whether she w ere AD 11011.(`SS 01' 1101, he TriThACCO 1311ITAIN. 'ffie) tented Ielneelem is Ile litel inne Let for ((deicer] in Ihe m•erld, Ils con - bun -mean in the Brinell Islee hag in- creesed 30 pee cent: In the lest lifleen eters, Yee there 177 censerie 11,4„c except 1110 Of10115 Of 11 1engue Incluse Inds to Meetatn feem cigneettes he a Ai • IMJS fa 1•44r. In sours too, though lo Iseser ex'ent. Now, whet po-sibles harm rim there be PI yen and me arranging lo 110Na, bis Walies carried 01,1 10 1110 fee, and liming the will Ile weeld im- doubleilly have neele isseettled in the teem -dime? Yen are in lite 11;11,11 of Mk - leg Wieling roles in Ilte An:alone Deis reale- Seelety's eittertaiemente 1,1 mir limn. 1 have seen you Wee, eld mores parts to the lac. Why ree venliii•e. rem 170111 iheY mach ge mete with eo 11111(11 ut stale'? 1 he las sane (leer le worthy. el his hive, antl I would as a riird, or lightning comes a LI 1 roug 1 eettle e•reeee geenier oppeeilion le tlie nue h in the oyes of her falter. Aiel thus it wee 11111111111 11101 les $ervice te only a halehearied one. "11 2:11 gree, 71,01 yo11 put ine under .1 Nov y debt. of gralittele," These were,. of Mr. WAystian's oc. innes1 eisnin end agent to him, but be se:eget le vain 10 extract ally hope (NMI Mom. Hes kneev that gentlemen 100 well roupd any delusive nuticipa• Lions iliereupore" And Men there cane, with his pen. "weep -ro Mr. Frank Bradley," saki the M- enthe whoee 1.0iC0 hal nerneulously impeeved in quality 12141 clearness, 'I wish to team three thousand pounds." '"I'liree thousand pounds." sad eir. Wnyin en. "Yee, three] thousand pounds " came simultaneously front the other t\vo, the sick mares intonation being the clocker and the mere preciee. "These is only the residue 110w," "'And the residne 11131 estate I give end beepicalle—" road Mr. Hughes, pausing, with pen to mouth. At this point the old man had.evidently gath- ered fresh strength; his breathing was hes laleired tnel les cough had quite gene. Mr. Metyman's wieldy Mr the end of 1110 will overcnine his annoyance at Ile heglening, and for a nuameet he hared 111111 the actor Wes 411)0111 to over- eo Ids pert and perhaps bring about a ea lash -mete, "'I'lte residue of mi., estate," lie elow- ly repeats -6, though clearly and distinct- ly, enough, "1 give- .and bequeuth Ceilliorine \Wyman, on condition ---e "'Olt condilione---" wrote Air. tingle -re "Oa conclitien?" gimped ele. \Wyman, as 110 enughl the back of a chair kr Meaty belt:301f. "Yes. to Catherine Wnyman, gond- daughter of my friend, the Into George Wayman, snlocitee, of Iles keen, thiva yti11 got all that down?" he aseed querti- muely. "One moment," said Mr• Hughes, "`On ceneillione—" "Are you glue you mean 'on condi- lien'?" prempled Mr, eVityman, who 1 egret to feet very anxious. "On condition that she merry Frunk 1101,111y, Dr110100 c10.11 w1111 rtcriry Wuys team seacitor, of this WWII, within six speechlees with belignallon and from poiley, and _mopped Ills bald head end fece with his red silk handkerchief. "1 Vs a, mercy 1140, 1,0011a don't kill said the Itsclutor to himself, very inuell totder Ills breath, "AIM failing the condition, Mr, Arm- strong?" aseed 1110 lewyee, looking im -Isom bis writing. 'It is usual to mulct) a bequest. (nee." "Nu need here," was the reffil'• know- -none better -the wishes; of the young temple; 1 Ithow their wishes as well iv levy do theineelves; reel, by the svny, mule: brank livedley eule expecte "George, come up and Melees the Mennen -el" en11/01 out Aft'. Waymen, voiee that George had difficulty in re- , When all had been duly execuled and e two laAvvers were taking their leave el the sick man, he menageel to raise himeelf slightly Mom the bed. Will) hurrird, IlerVoliS fiction he drew from his linger a heavy gold ring. "This 10 for 3,0u, Me, eVayttinn, mcinote, of von father's old friend." it WilS an net sig,neering. Me. Wily - man knew 11, well, On 11 was. eneraeed a hand hoeling a dagger, Will1 ilia le- gend, "I make anc."-London 'Tits1311s. _ ......._ _ ++++++++++++++++++++++ 4- • "?' About tho Noose 4 4 4 4+++4-4-4-4-44-4+-4-4-44.4; FAVORITE DISHES, Fullest Potatoes. -Cut baked potatoes in halves, lengthwise, and carefully re- 1110Ve 0011 lielitS; mash thoroughly, ]ads ding warm Milk butter, end sae; bent until light. the half shells heap- irie full and place on linking tM -in a hot oven until lightly browned. Canned Blueberrles.-Take one cup , btueberries to two cups of pleplant; cut in smell pieces; add three-quarter ellee of sugar, end stew until pleplant is soft. Put in cans, eirlight. lt is excellent frr pies .or table use, ILS pieplunt lakes away that flat Mete of the blue - buries. tett tt, Mayonnaise ee'ithout 011. -Fut one cup of mills and four toblespoonfuls of butler in a pan on the back of stove where the butter will melt, but ,ieot. cook. Bents three rggs, add one tea- spoonful of' salts one tnble.spoonful of Rene, one tablespoonful of sugnr, one teaspoonful of noistaed, and a dash of cayenne peppee. A.11x. thoroughly and strain into the milk. Put all: over a belles pliwo on the stove and aid a half cm) of vinegar slowly, stirring am - shuffle'. When thick -as eusterd, move nue the stove and beat, for a few moments. This dressing will keep 'or a month in a eool place. Surprise Salud.-elalte a jelly of sea- senedeVipegar and geletine, coloring it with green fruit coloring. Pour into saucers, hasing tumblers inverted epon them. Lel it sat, and then remove the isenlikes, Fill spaces with cabbage sa- lad tand chopped nuts or with celery, applos, end uuts, Attractive Lunch Dish. -Take nice, eweet salt pork and freshen. Place in spider find lry till brown. Remove from flee mid dip in batter made of one egg well beaten, half cup sweet milk, pineh salt,. baking powder and Rowe to make a good batter. Return to spider and fry a gulden brown. Spagliete.-13011 together one and 1 half pelmets of hambueger sleek, one can keriatees, Wo onions chopped fine, two large geeen Peeners clic:Peed, and pepper and salt to taste. Cook one and one -ling hours. 13011 one package of spaghetti in eeparaM 1c01115; cook until teneler; drain the spaghetti dry and pul oe a large meat platter, Spread elle pot of 1110111 and vegetables next, ns layer, and sprinkle grated cheese on lop. Novel Luncheon Course. -Lay on each Male leaf of lelluee. On this set a little cup matle of wheat fibre. FM with chopped pineepPle, -orange, cherries, 111' al.* fruit in season. Peur over all a good meyortnaise dressing. Luncheem Disb.-Pare four large, firm 'ettcumbers, cut lengthwise, and place in cold, sealed Wt110.1' for an hour. Stew tn efiallow slew pan in clew', boiling mater unlit transpneenl. LIM carefully so us not lo break or make mussyeand ley mil piece 011 a slice of brown, but- tered load. _eine a sauce or dressing pf und butter wills a little corn- slarele pour over end ,sesee hot. Salad Dreseing,-To four eges beffien light add one-half cup 111011,cd Meter, ono heaping teaspoon German prepared mustard. Ione tableepoons vinegar, one lablespeon sugar, one tablespoon sate nnd one -11011 tablespoOn black pepper, Doll an together or. ued cream tiller the rest is boiled. If it emetics (eke the egg lioder and heat Me anIxtuee WI 011100111. Preserve Eggs. -For every three gal - Isms cif water add ope pint of well slack- ed 1101e. oncehalf pint cenonen elix well, put hi a jae or keg, erel put In fresh eggs; the slices :must not 1 e cracked. \\Men fresh eggs npo put in leey will COMO 0111, 01'0011 it 1.:Opit SIX They 'must at ell hs m• ger. limes be kept under Me brine. Teneelmes loincle-Irry elices of ham as- for the table. Put through the mete chopper, then return to the frying pan welt 1110 drippings from 0141 frying. Ilent neel 11111X 11101.004.4111y, 3111(:k 111 it fruit jar or something convenient to eer- ie, rind you have material for sand- wiehes, Snlad.--Por dressing use four eggs, well bentee, with threeepenters eilp vinegar. Next, rillx one-half eup sugnr, erie teuepoonful sae, elle lea - 11,0011011 dry mustnrcl, one teaspoonful pepper, Add the eggs and vinegor the above 1111.xlin•e, with a lump of bet- eg% Geste et a double boiler 1111 1111011, Pour while hot over -creek cemenining lAvo-Ilitrde eat/Mtge and oneellited celery, Ceown await live pounds of Iareli lease euell as is ussd Mr chops, (Mee the bffieher leen ear 1)10 0flthr de Mr hence. chops, end fasten legethes le form a crown, Put an a roasting tem tlie trininwd riel up nee.) renet until leerier, When there Is delver -or the ouls beeleveleg too tench leen,: the teed is done wrap chein cloth atoned them, Pill lelluee 11 ayes in Ifie omen) 111(julli'et1,s1''; teem Mr, Illethee; whde Mr, of n philter lerge ctiongil ect the Vette-ellen threie7 bhueelf ihte a 33,11alry mem on; iine if. with large leauee • leaves to extend to the top, and fill 11 wile (Teemed green pens. Devorate the 1771tItIgIthpuolustlsolyel.o edges of the crown with rose radishe1s tuid gurnr.,11 ate elettee "liese thelishes."-Cut the skin from Mu -end lo lite top of 111e radis1150, MINIM strips, and put In lce Water 10r (1,111,)0,s11111. 05111 1111441eir oilienfooe1ecisuessi..11g. They will Bacon on Tousle -Toast $01110 Mead; keep hot, Fry bacon nnei pie one Mete en loose see, suers of tomato, salt, pep- per, an elms ;dire of toast. Fey an on- ion 111 the baoon deppings and pour in a pint oe Imre ;111114; thicken, pour QM' lonel, and SeITO a<J1-. Good Cup of Tele-isidi the teapot -Willi boiling wider ten 111111111e$ before 11 needed Pour out this wake, tend nut in a scare tecispoo»1141 of tea foe omit cup of belling \valet. poured 0Ver It, 1.1 11.11 wash 0111 a teapot, but 1.111SC 11. he pet should hold trema of the I Pao Dutch Stew,--'eake the smell pieces; ot a beef ronet, oe any hind of beef -2110111, cut In small pieces, add celery min er att onion, as desired, a einall lump I butler, and elew all together, es hen clone Ihtelcen; have some slices of bread loaslad, 111111 over the stew, and you hove an appetiziug dish. USEFUL HINTS, Drive eilee Away. --A bag covered with cayence peppers stuffed In a hole, well c1calusse ihe mice to migrate to other guar - To leeep Music Book Opere-Te keep a hymnbook or other 1)0014 of :music Operl 011 the plan° Mel:, lay atroSS tal,110111 a hal' Of Solder, eaVe.red W1111 ribben fringed and lied 01 each end. Be Your Own Carpettler.--Snve money ly buying a few carpenter's tools and make your own light furniture, such as magazine racks, umbrella stands, shirt waist, noising boards, and many other- useful articles. A neat. finish made by painting (lend or jet black. liome Made Inks -Take one 15 cent package of gray 51.11( dye; dissolve in one pant of boiling water, and mix thole ()uglily. Set aside to cool and the 111k Nev1.011111:se. ready foe use.. 11: is removed easily with hot water if spilled on one's Care of Umbrella -Always unroll (111 lentil -elle. when not in use. After 1.1 lie - comes wet open and dry. When thy, stand with handle down. This method prevents cracking Mlle Clogged Chfinney.-When your =Ale beard beoomes old, cut up the zinc, and 011 a day Mien you heve a good Ike, put it in. the stove, throw back all the dente- veg. and it. will clears oet all the soot. Teoublesome lelies.-When there ere children in the fatuity, have a carpenter delde the back semen deer at the (rose piece, near the centre of the door, so that only the lower part opens when the children go in or out. The lees set- tle near the top of the dor, so this ar- rangement keeps out a greet niany flies. These Ls a nareew strip of wood fasten- ed to the lower end of • the upper part of the deer, which overlaps the lower Ipianic.e: so Mot the whole door open$ when pushed or pulled above tho division 13ooklceeping for Housewife. -Young brides tied also housekeepers who find it hard lo llve within their incomes Will find this system helpful to them: elave a. book in which to keep account of OV- c,ryllling you buy each day. Start with pny day, and. on the right hand page mare C. O. 0., meaning "case on. hand," Llederneath write how much money yien have, and on the other side the date of the moeth and the day. Weite down everything you buy Mat clay. Also put nettle 10 cents each sley fee your gas LEI. Every week when you get your house /money put a While amount away Mc your rent, 111 this way you will neVer run short when rent day -comes, and the 1 0 cents each. (ley Oiliest will eay the gas bill and yoe never will mess the clime. The change that is lett at the end al the week put tway for your pin money. You mill Mel the syss tem•interesiing and .also ecoriomical, 10.- there are lots of little things a wo- :man will buy that she does not need so when you look your little book twee eneh evening you, will see them ane try to be more paving each day. • , SECRET CHEQUE SIGNS, 1101V IMILLIONAMEre, PROTECT TIIE1117 SIGNATtleate. The LIM of ate Man Is 310At Minty Not a Happy Otte, If Deports tie True. There is ffille doubt tied a cerlain elasa, o f criminals regard milLionnires he- ti/vale prey, und nellionulres, lotow- Ins 1111s, ore compelled 10 Contrive. sahenieS to thwart their cunning. The Modern method of doing buelness. by cheque bee te a lnege extent, Provided tho forger with opportunities for the ex- hibition of hie weeknianship. There- fore, many of the 11111110naireS schemes 014);. lciihsecproteet1401 relate Ur his Signature' 1110S and Mese schemes, whiell- &orally consis1 of eeeret marks (entirely apast from the signature) indicate lo the• lank the geneineness of the cheque, arid ate mostly of n simple eheracter. Far and away Ihe 2110St alever idea 101- Proleellalg cheque stgnature Is the one utilized by an American millionaire, weose name is well known in the Slates. llis idea Ls On exteemely simple one. It. is this : On the back of each ceeque• that he signs he inekes a tiny blot, which. 100145 so Innocent end natural. eue. &toted the blot, be missing, then the bank wilt decline to lionoe the cheque, This, Mlle blot saved the millienalre $50,000 on. o ne 001051011 1110110. Eaely one metering he was kidnapped. Ills captors threatened violence unless,/ thee received $50,000 immediately. THE MJLLIONAIRE TelOUGHle Then, after hesitating for a few minutes,. he offered to write out, a cheque kir lee. money then and there on the under- standing that, immediately the cheque - sees cashed, he was to bo released. Tho terms, were accepted, and the mil- lionaire wrote out the cheque. But he - left out the blot. He certainly had great confidence in les plan, for it, was impos- sible to tell what, might happen when 1110 cheque was presented and payment of it• refused. However, the kidnappers went, off to the bank and presented the cheque. or course the cashier looked for 1110 blele and, when he saw that. it W113 he suspeeled that something setts wrong._ Payment of the cheque was refused On the ground that 11 was incomplele, and the mon went away, followed by official& of the bank, who were fortimately tibia to rescue the tnillienalee from the des-- peendoee' hands. Another man of gseat wealth dispose& of the signature difficulty in a, different way altogether. Ile protects himself by never giving AN UNCROSSED CHEQUE, and this tact has duty been notated to- tlei bank. Each day his bank pass -book 1s exam- ined by his private secretary, and ill there i$ tin entry in We hook which lias- no business there, then the mailer can be looked inte al, (mete Of course, if the bankers pass a rorged cheque, then, gen- erally speaking, they must beat the loss• themselves. This system has many disadvantages. It means that the mail must never [Wove his choque-book out of his possessien,, and must place unreserved confidence in lee secretary and Ms staff. Tice private secietary supplies his em- ployer wills any cash required, receiving in exchange a duly crossed cheque for lee amount. It is the private:secretive. therefore, who has to looted les signa- ler:, limn forgery, and this he does in a very ingenious way. Ile has bad a copy of his signature cut out of cork. Thle ho- uses as he would an India rubber stamp, and he claims lint it is as impossible to - imitate the markings of the cork as it is iolflipossible lo duplicate the impressions 'THE FIUMAN THUMB. At nny rale, novelty, of the idea LABORER AND KING. An Incident Which Shows the Good Side et George III. When George 111. of England, in 1758, mecle his toue through the southeigi coenges, his. Pl'OPOSS VatS 71.4 1.1101 or 11 it -tonere!), but 05 a squire, M whom fresh ond -exercise wereenecessilies of daily life. "Society ill the Country llnusee narrates null. the .leing inquired about Addisnies• blethplace, and found les pietist's,: in visiting placer; enviched by literery associations, Ile refused lo be feted, and stipulated that, there should be no 011140 0010 1.1 ainineu Is. . 1)111411[4- Iles journey We King gore a peoof of his kindlines0 end courage. 11 0 ltad recently eleileti Bereeley Casee. In conversation wall his companion, on Edwerd lies murder In that building the King seemed preoCcugied. A. 111111)11G 01' 1.WO ‘1•1111 1110 re- mark that he woukl ride on a. little by himself, he spurted his berme and met n laborer riding lw the side of a \\Twin. Attempting k) steer les hover, between the rider 0011 lho eine, the king was somehow let on Ihe leg by Iles rider, and Pearly precipitated into lite wagon. elnmeses, Ills companion, seeing Ilve necident, quickly rode tip. Doubleig thong of his hunt -Mg -crop, he Mel it Against 1,11e liurn, exclaiming, "You scoundrel I Don't you See, it 15 1110 King?' The countrynum, pellitled with stir- pilso, reM0117ed speechless, and in b01111,- 110111 pore of the vourtieres las11, "Don't strike him on any neve-met 1" ex -111110100 the eaveteIgn. "Afy, Mice Is blue n 11111e, led it W11ti nllogether neelelent, ntel will do me no harm," On retelling the med, elage, les Majes- ty insisksil on himself applying they line 1110111 which hati been /woe -erect. 11 proved 10 be 0 eevore and manful contusion/. fed the lCing would no! 000- htSs himself disabled, and renlinued the journey ns rr nothing hail (recurred to lielerrept, H. -- CONTINUOUS. "Dote; ynur wife elsveys mating°. 143 1:42ve the 1114 word ?" "1 11111 1 I geese (heel Mine P. She, neveye 1111S 1110 111S1 000 010; then elutes again en the these" bar, semeed to eecese off wofficl-be forg- ers, foe 11 is slated that no one lias o'er alLempted eo copy the cork signature. Placing cc small geese spot on the cheque: is another protective idea, though the spot has, in this ease, to be mecisely in m prearranged posilleo, In a further case, the etteque is never tern out of the chequebook quite straight ; there is al- ways a 111110 piece tern Off down part of oee side, seetniegly in quite an nceiden- tel manner.. leet still, these devices may rail at times, and in every case the experience end cuteness of the bank officials afford additional protection. Indeed, this exper- iferee is, perhaps, 11 gseatest safeguard of 1111.-Pearsoit's Weekly, CHINESE AS SERVANTS. Mejority are Apt to - Disregard Con- tracts. These is no 410171)1 Ilia, with the 'shortage of 10 bole Chincee eervants have become Very execting, says Mc Victoria 111. C.), Colonist. They .all went to be- come cooks, and, ne every one knows, Mere are other household duties for which help is needed quite as much as fee Nicking, Besides, there is a distinct 'tendency on the part of Chinese ser - tante to disregard all conker:1s which lhey make with Men employers. l'hey leave en short, notice, and very marly of them are utterly MS011511)10 to any lerel of reeponeibffily. 'rue shortege ef lobor Ls enabling 05 10 S00 1110 Chinaman in Ills true light. and there is plenty or' evelenee 11011 If he 00 allowed to ems - hell the domestic eervice or lbe prov- Ince our hoine$ seould eoon- be In the Minds of 11 (neon ef Ovieeleis, well whom we helve 111most. nothing in com- mie, 11 would be a fool's Deputise, hi - ‘11111011 71/4111)(1 enter if the prnyer tor the free nffilession nf Cffirieece as SP1,0n1* Wet'r0 efill1P11(11 WW1). 01. pr0" Tel' nffil 111711 among Chinamen there ere many W110 11)110'0C1(110 111011' 01111[411. 14(4°9 10Wnrdt, 111V11' (111PIN'08, 1"'n 1.0 pod, 0101121g honeelye wlinet word cell Le n1 eel -Moly 1-011ed 13111 steel nre 10 the 8111111 minority. It would 17e creffingly bee i1C1110y TOD Ole Wi\T$ (11 (:olumbln to entrust lbele dos 1,11:11,isettenwhIr17115filneleoritrint,017,(1] 1111713inselsisof3114seifTe7177.--1111141-1- wenhl heppen 1110 rogriptir 1111,11, pod wIth, 71`00 11,11111001011 10 c011tIda Weal 00111.