The Brussels Post, 1907-9-12, Page 51 •r 4, a. GUELPH. M aaa A S!tnatinii et it good ealsry awaits every gratinab° of Tho Contra] Business 411e e g Pixperionce pravee this positively. Eater any time. Cahlloguo free. Write W. H. SHAW Prinoi al p Yougu & Gerrard ate„ Toronto BUSINESS CARDS. WM. SPENCE CON VEYANOER AND ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES 011lrts In 1110 Post Onicc, Ethel. 00.4 BERTEIA C. ARMSTRONG ie prepared to give Ieosouo on Piano or !toed Organ, Terms on application. PosteMao addroso-B reseals. Besidenee Lot 8, Oon.10, Grey, Pupils may have their louauna at their own hculae 11 preened, MISS LAURA SPENCE Teaoher of Piano or Organ ETHEL, ONT. MISS MARGARET M'LAUCHLIN TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared for the Toronto Conservatory of Music. JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Company Office )tuft Reeidituto- WALTON, ONT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM: INBnBANeg, FIRE AND MARINE. MONEY 70 LOAN ON FARM PROPERTY Bate of interest 01 Noupergats oast per annum , first LIFE AND FIRE INS. AGENT Excelsior Life Insurance Company The Equity Fire Insurance 0ompany All busiueee attended to promptly. H. R. BREWER, J. P. Clerk 4Eb Division oonrt. AUCTIONEERS. 1.11 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION. • Iran, will Boll for bettor prices, to urtter men, in leas time and lame charges than any other Auctioneer In East Huron or be won't charge anything. Dates andorders eau al)aye be arranged at tide offloe or by p drao0al application, ROBT. H. GARNISS BLUIIVALE - ONT, Auctioneer for Huron County. 'Parma reasonable, Sales arranged tot at tbit OMee 01 100 Poem, Bruesole, 22(1+ VETERINARY. C.1. A. CUNNINGHANM— VS..8 Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet- ormery College, is Ili epared to treat all dna- eases Of domesticated animate 1n a aompet- ant manner. - Parliontar attention paid to Veterinary lfoutletry and Milk Fever. Cane promptly attended to. OUioe audluarmary -Poor doors North of bridge, Tnrnherry et., Bruaools, Phone .4; It LEBAL AND CONVEYANCINL . AB. bkACDONALD— B • Barrister, Solicitor Notary, Rte. Successor bo G. F. Blair. Ohioe over Stan- dard Sank. Brussels. Solioitor for Metro- politauBank, `XT M. SINOLAIR— t V • Barrloter, tlulioitor, lOouvoyaneer, Wary l'nblio, &o, Office-43tewart'e Blook 1 door North 01 Ventral Hotel, Solicitor for the Standard Bauk. 1?tt0UDF00T, HAYS & BLAIR- LiAR1L78Tit71tS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES POBLIU, D'PO, W. Pnoun000T, II. 0. B, 0. HAYS - G. F, BLAIR. Offices -Those formerly coon led by Messrs Untitertu &Holt, Gonnmva, • ONTAmo. DENTISTRY DR, R, P. FE/LD, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal Soilage of Dental Su:goons of Ontario and Pirst.olaoe Honor Graduate of Toronto Uuivoretty. Chloe next to Hrower'e Photograph Gallery, X(RUBBELS• tri as of 1i=116T4i=t = gWAC TE �E TEACR LEQR PSY CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. 4( Wo have 8 departments : QoMEnnorxt, i•b 002117040)0 and TELEOnAr'nT. Wo d, itemploy the beet toachore that money oan. hire, Our ea:Madg aro thorough 10 nod Tactical and RR p od wo deslet o WItti II �., togou is to position e. who won. to got n moneyb Oot, g Education should Set 4 ino beat. Write for Dur' no{( ittaloguo and got parttb0180 (0 our of ssee, E Limo. of year to eu• ter our biasses', ELLIO, T St. MOLD t 'i tlHLi N , IIft D Pt•lubi ate q•1) p f tb ra t :di etzf 1,4 Ilea I Hotton` ra" goo '"Gnttn11114111111111t,lla2al ion at{t• 111041 {vinh. you had nYlorwnrdtr. Fall Term ft'om Sept. Bad id ATTEND "THPI /ELLIOTT dIf"�'. X44 TORONTO. ONT. QQ�� and you will uudonbledly got "goon•. rj jtins" bueinees training -not the lml• �fifttable:01:1nd. Out of two hundred end . y calls for bookkeepers, atouokab• ore, eta, wo tined only fifteen of the poeitioug. Clad uo ono else ready II when oalle Were rocdlyed. Yee, it pays I E o attend d thio school-itdBuhl d Ytrays. tit a6 Catalogue free. W. J. ELLXOTT, Principal. Oon, YONOa AND ALEXANDnn STs. rill 9 yy`` l rj:r 1 ;I.CiUt3 stone SUBSCRIPTION price to all United States eubeoribere is $1,60 a year, pay• able etriotly in advanoe. TE6IenEANOE reformers may (eel en• 0ouraged by the (act that not a solitary sett moment heti been Bighted this season. Fonqualioy and quantity ask your deal. er for the new big plume of "Bobo" "Stag" and "Currenoy" Chewing Tobao Bose. Goon advertising outs the oxpenee of eelltug goods to a minimum. Tbet is one 'ono why ib paye to buy from the liberal advertiser, DR. BUTLER'S VISIT. -Dr. Butler, the London Dye Bpeoiatist, will be at the Amorioau Hotel, Brneeole, ou Wedges. day, Sept. 26th, Glasses supplied. Tao 21101) who broke a 'Poronto police man's jaw by a kith, ought to be able to command a good eatery in the Rugby season. Jost think of it, a Toronto pulioentau'a jaw. Why guru Your Tees ? Stop tieing Mid Corn salves, use Putnam'e Pathless Extractor ; it conte a little more, bit it's lens, the beet. Cee only "Putuam's"-260 at'all dealers. CANADIANS during the year ended on Juue BOth, eowording to returns to the Dep,rtmeut of Inland Revenue smoked 882,000,000 eigare, the increase over the previous year being about 68,000,000, 1'he ooneumptioo was, therefore, over fifty per hewn of the population, and the increase folly ten per head. Timm (internal treatmootu aro being mailed out free, on request, by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. These teats are proving to the people -without a pen• ny'e cost -the great value of this eaten• tiflo preeoription known to droggiete everywhere 0a Dr. Sboop'e Catarrh Remedy. Sold by all dealers, Tan Outario School, law is baying 00 effect whatever in keeping male teoohere iu the profeeeioo. Any man who ie eoffioieutly olever to qualify for a teaoh• er in a pablio or separate school, is not likely to 0000p( even the highest salary a rural notion can pay when better pay- ing business nano await him on every hand, CITIZENS ebould remove moth nate from their trees and burn them other wire (be worms will keep up their work weakening the tree and in two or three years it will die. Take a rag on 8 pole Soak the rag iu coal oil and nearly every moth net oan be Searched, Now is the time to do it. Rua auywbere, pain in the head, pain- ful periods, neuralgia, toothache, all pains oan be promptly stopped by a thoroughly safe little Pink Candy Tablet, known by druggiete evorywbere ns Dr. Shoop's Headaoho Tab'ete, Pain simply means oougestion-undue blood pregame es the point wbere pain exists. Dr Whoop's Headaohe Tablets quickly equalize tbie unnatural blood prereure, and pain immediately departs, Write Dr, Shoop, Ranine, Wie., and get a trial paokage. Large box 25 ata -Druggists. STARTLED by (bo sharp ringing of a telephone ball near the mirror before wbiah she watt drooping for an automobile ride, Mrs. 0. G. Ferric', of Detroit, swallowed a hat pin five faohee long in her room at the auditorium Annex, Chicago, on Sunday night, For twenty four hone her husband and Mende fear- ed an operation would be necessary to save her lite. Phyaioians dieeovered with the aid of X rays that the pin bad passed barmleeely tlro0gh the esophagus. Remorse to the knife may beoome oeoeeeary. 5,000 FACTS ABOUT OANADA,-A new edilioa has already been called for of the booklet containing "5,000 Foote About Canada," complied by Frank Yeigb, of Toronto, and issued by the Canadian Piton Pobliebing Go., of that oity at 25 canto per copy. Nearly 20,000 have beau sold in the few weeks since its appearan- me, the demand (herefore coring not only train every part of Canada and the United States, bat the British Isles and Empire. The publioation oertainly measures n1)to its claim of being "worth weight weigbt in Yukon gold or Oobalt ether," and a oo yshould be in the hands of evry intelligent Canadian. TRE following is a fiat of Fall Fain, - London Sept. 6-14 Exeter., .., ..............Sept. 16-17 Walkerton Sept. 19-20 Seafortb... Sept. 19-20 Blyth Sept, 28-24 Mildmay Sept. 28-24 Ripley ..... .,..s , Sept. 24-25 Goderiob 'Sept. 26--26.27 Wiugharo Sept. 26-27 Luoknow Sept. 80-006, 1 Atwood T'eoswater Tivortou Brussels s&omaob troubles, heart and kidney ailments, oan be quiokly corrected with a preeoription known to druggists every. where as Dr, Shoop's Restorative, The prompt and surprising relief which title remedy immediately bringe is entirely due to its Restorative notion upon the controlling nerves of the stomach, etc, A weak stomach, caning dyopepeia, a' Week bears with palpitation or inter. miltent pulse, always mean weak Isom. ash nerves or weal( heart norvee. Strengthen those ineido or controlling nerves with Dr. sboop1e Restorative and eon how gnlokly these aiiroeute die. nppear. Dr. Shoop, of Racine, Wie„ 10111 mail samples free, Write fur them, eat will tell. Your health ie certain. worth tine simple trialSoid by all leve. Dot. 1-2 - Oot. 1 2 Oat. 2-8 "...Oct. 8-4 • ,,felettete•:tlMsest3 !furl twasai € eeirale44 u.sim Timed was a big Now of sato at the chances aro that general storms and Toronto Exhibition but the price hag almaepharin 1100001 will continue until. .rYrw �ctts �o�ttriin� lCrorr,�tl•$la tYOWNIii' +4R're.iS1N'??lh ".:ar"+m"�"/-.>• wag AR usual given the poet of honor, alter the Ranationary Storm Perlod Do not neglect I d y rad thus PALLING Peon Onnml,-Hneli Olark, f motion fortheWiiit start a at o , rt once taking P, al, 1, P„ and editor of Um Kineardlue Review, in epeelfing of the Standard 0.I Oo, being lined $20,000,000, aaye i1 he were fined that cum he uimply wouldn't pay It. We can't underetond why be would opoil hie past raaord by 0uah a refneal unlace be le drifting from the old IRndmarite altogether. To ohmic a cold quiokly, get from your. druggist Boma little Candy Cold 'Wahine called Preyetltiaa Dreggietg everywhere are now diepenoing i'reventioe, ter they aro not only safe, but decidedly certain and prompt. Preventioe oontain no Quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh nor wakening. Taken at the "sneeze stage" Prevention will prevent Pneumonia, i3rouobitia, La Grippe, no. Hone the name, Preventieo, Good for feverish children, 48 Prevention 25 conte, Trial Boxes 6 ole. Sold by alt dealers. Rev. T. Albert Moore 0)00 noon o0 Saturday as 000aeeoor to Rev, J. G. Shearer, D. D , io the °Moe of Secretary of the Lord'e Day Alliance of (Janda, wbiah the latter lately resigned to au - opt that of General Secretary of 'Tem- peronae and Moral Reform tor the Presbyterian oboroh of Canada. The selection of Rev, Mr,,Moore to fill the Ya0aney was nnanlmoe on the part o1 the Exeonbive Board. It takes effect on the let of November. Mr. Moore hat for Boma yearn pain been the Associate Secretary for Eastern Canada of the L. D. A , of Canada as well ae Beoretary of the Ontario Lord's Day Alliance, Hie work in these opacities bee been well known as tuorongli, painetaking and patine and hie wisdom and pereeveranee have aolnbined to win him high eeteem and genuine respect. His qualifications were thue considered ae emlueotly fitting him for the broader work of the Domin• Ion field. His successor in the Eastern Seoretaryebip for the Dominion and in the Provincial work has been ohoeeu ie the person of Rev. W. G. Hanna, B. D , Presbyterian minister at Mount Forest; Ont„ a former resident of this ooality, Your Wisest Plan II you are o0ught in the wet, get sore throat, neuralgia or mnaoalar pain, don't wait for worse troubles. Begin prompt treatment with Poleou'e Ner viliue. It drives away all trace of cold, eases rheumatism, neuralgia and pain, es eavyou from a layfip in bed, No 25o parohaee can bring more comfort than a bottle of Poison's Nerviline • it'd the cleanest, etrongoet liniment made, Sold everywhere in large 25a bottles, Brussels Council, The regular meeting of Broeeele Oounail was held Tneeday evening, Brd inn. Reeve in the chair and 0o0noillore Grabom end Bollantyne present. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. The following amounts were present- ed; J. T. Roes, assisting at eoalea....910 00 M. Niohol, to work 3. 76 W. O. Smith, kalaomining and pointing Town Hall 65 00 Geo. Lowry, repairs to Hall 5 50 Peter Oarr, to tile 19 36 Stubbs & MoArter, work at Ha:l,8 20 Robs, Oliver, on salary 88 38 Celebration Committee limber1160 Robt. Oliver taking down flag1 00 Movad by R. Graham, eeaonded by Jae. Ballantyne that above amounts be paid. Curried, A oommanioation was read from the Independent Telephone Co. The Olerlt ,tvae ivatroo(ed to write A. Hoover, Sreeideut of the Co, tithing him to pall at Brunets, at hie convenience, and ex plain the Rural telephone Ws. plan on motion of Jae. Ballantyne and R Graham. Moved by R. Graham eeoond• ed by Jae. Ballantyne that the Reeve write the Grand Trunk Co. protoeting Renton the delay in the building of the long promised cement ridewalk from Turnberry ot.eet to the depot, Carried. The gneetion of potting eleotrio light in the Town Hall wde dieaneeed and will likely result in the lights going in, Oounoil adjourned, .rust Where The Dan ger Lies In many catarrh entre, 00aaine fe the argely need ingredient; in aonsegnenee the drug habit may be formed. To be really cared of catarrh, to do so quiokly, safely and pleasantly, dootore say Ca(arrbozoneie superior to any other remedy. It heals sora places, etope dieoherge, prevents hawking, apittiog and bad broetb-dose this by first dee troying the cause of the disease. Oatarrbozone is 110 experiment, it is a tried and proven mire that is guaranteed for bronobial, throat, nose end long catarrh. Two eine 260 and $1,00 tip all dealers. FORECASTS FOR SEPTEMBER. A Regular Storm Period tweets the tint week ine S tem her being central on the 4111, A very threatening barometer, with high temperature will appear in Western extremes by the Bed and 4th, and storms of muoh energy will sweep progressively over the country from the 4011 to the 7th, The culmination will come ou and touching 701, Beitmio shakes will be probable in many ports of the globe within forty.eight hours of noon on the 7111. A reactionary Storm period cornea oleo after the oriole of the first period. It is antral on the 9613, 10th and 11th. Remember, thio fe an anneal 0riei0 of magnotio . unrest, added to all the other disturbing (motors.Heed all warnings and indioatione of growing norms, iulaud or on the node and on the Bea0, in the South eepooially, Heavy storms of rain, bail, wind and thunder will move out of the Northwest, also, and•bb followed by great bbange to cooter, with probable Ernie. A Reenter Storm Period the 14th to the 10th, ie one of great and almost oettain severity. It le at the arida of the autumnal equinox, The equinoxes of Jupiter and Saturn are in fall force, Vulcan, Venue and Memory areal! central in dietnrlling energy, with Noon paoomg from first quarter to full, at South doelinatioo Red In perigee. This period, and (hie whole central part of the month, to full of per. Ittrbinqgmine nadand en h m I p a oseibili lIe P e, Hurrfnan a and b oyolnnic storms obonld be anticipated about the Southern ooaote, with oympathetio, equinootial, tornadia storm over the interior, The whi0h le uontial on the 20th 21st and 'Atomic 22nd. Many voloania and il a a can vgioloaa will also be roporbrd wilbtiu + lorty•eight lmnro of Sunset on the 21st,, Al the windup of tine prolonged time of general and violent dieturbanoee, loolc for a phenomenally high barometer, tierce Northwesterly galoe, and a dash of al moat early Winter 001 of the North Treat. The boreal chongo will lie between 21st and 26th, The lost Norm period tor September oenlres on the 27th to 29th, The obanoeoare that September will be distarbeq, if not phenomenally 0tormy and out of joint, to the last, Snell may not be the ease -we do not nairm positive• ly that it will, Bat we do Bey that the astronomic outlook for this month strong• ly pointe to euoh reeulto, We do not mean that great calamities are inevitable, or that the foandatione of nature will be out of order t but uulees there is a corn - pouncing resultant of warring forties That we oaanot now ate, the meteorol ogioal reoord for September, taking the whole world over, will opproaob the phe0mneovI, DON'T PUT 1T 0Ell? LONGER.. flet Eid of Pkat Indigestion at Once 117 Using lilt -o -flu. Either though elael De00 or oarelese• nese huudrede of people slowly poison themselves by ob0ouio indignation. By neglecting to one at ooae a0y slog. giehnese of the important organs of digestion the eyetlm ie filed with feta meeting and decaying food that re. suite in sink headoobee, heartburn, bad taste in the month, coated tongue, spathe before the eyes, eleepleoeoeee, ninon troubles and the many other systema that are the direst result of iodigestlon. The want of a perfeotly tate yet el• tootive one for indigestion and atom• ash troubles in their many forme was telt op to the time of the e000eeeful investigations That re00lted in the produotlon of MI o-ne etomaob tablets. They gaitlily mire the worst oases of indigestion, and the pain and disuroee whiob are often felt after meals die. appear in a very few days-tuoh is the wonderful curative power of Mi o•na. The old•faebioned medicines for etomaob troubles merely digest the food, while MI o•na strengthens the di• geetive organs so that they Boon become able to Dare for the food that ie eaten. We abeolotely agree that your money will be refunded should yon buy a 50o. box of Mho na etoinaob tablets and not be satisfied with the results. Mi•o•Da is sold by druggists everywhere, or will be gent by mail on receipt of prime, 50 ciente. Booth's Mona, Company, Buffalo, N. Y. GREAT DEMAND FOR HARVEST HELP Western Farmers Want Alen for Late Harvest -0. P. IR. W131 Tian Extrn Excursion. Although eeveral thousand men have gone West on earlier exoureione the demand for harvest help still aoneider. ally exceeds the supply, latest advices from Winnipeg stating that farmers everywhere are shorthanded. Despite remora of frost and abort crape, there is well paid work in the field for ell roomers. A last opportunity ler laborers is offered by the Canadian Pacific:, whiob has ar• ranged to run an extra Farm Laborers' Exearsion to Winnipeg, leaving all Ontario stations, East end West, Toes. day, September 170, Same conditions will apply 0e oo earlier exoareiane, going trip $12 00, return for $18 00 additional, after at least 1 mouth's work harvesting. Fall900(10014re oan be obtained from 0. P. 11. (gents and from O. B. Foster, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. System Requires Frequent Cleansing Not only outeide but inside as well, your body meet be frequently cleaned, Otherwise it becomes loaded with waetee that clog op the wheelie of health. Much better to aot in time. Uee Dr, Hamil• tan's Pills ; they strengthen and regulate the bowels, aseiet digestion, anion the blood and thereby fortify the nerves and lay the foundation of lasting good bealtb, Dr. Hamilton's Pills bring vim and vitality so much sought for to day ; they Wage a feeling of freehnese and spirit in those who have been ailing for yore, Really no medicine so potent. Price 25o at till dealers. The Last of The Bees. The Xban, All over the grein.growing part of this continent the thresher ie an important person and a pioturesgoe figure. He ie now bard at work, for the new wheat and barley are in the barn, livery morning now you can hear the eorenm of hie ateam w1110(10 minding anon the1 tie da warning nmg out the bands and on every y aide line you pairs of men in overalle, pitohtork on ehonider, wending their way to help "thresh out" some neighbor. It is the last "bee" that's lett, The logging bee, and the ohopping bee, and the stumping bee, and the pio0ghiug bee are things of the past. Some farmers who are Balled big fermere have done away with the threshing bee aloe, and hire all their help, Sine the bee fell into innoonoua deeue• tude natal customs of the people of Southern Ontario have ebanged oar. leto . The u I mit n e the P Y q a le• at- m . oP Ing), the oorn•hnekinge, the soap' bib loge,' the angering offs and all the other events of pioneer life are no more, and the oordi chip, the sense of reliance on one another, and the oomradeehip bare also dieappoared largely, Farmers live aide by aide in parted friendship and scarcely know the insides of (nob other's hoaeoe. People ere wont to ash if it is much of an improvetnont, Any great eoafel obange among the people which preoindee the young people meet. ingfrequently on an equal footing and mixing MMEimotely bin a bad effect on the marriage returns. And this is 'Mown in this Province, for Southern Ontario is crowded with old bachelors and 0nnear, vied women peel thirty. The young folks 000009ly know non other any more, end some of them never get aognainted only when they moot away from home. They don't meet at each otherre homes rot a Sunday evening and Ding Moody add ou l n s r c a court the return o your old friend Ellen - p..i1 a wee finite and may certain food the minimum .ellotvarme $i0 anti th0 appealed to me. My oolor wag dull and maximum 91100. Tho present Seale le I looked gtnk, 1'errozouS (1000 me 0 10 per. oenb, mn tbo r0yenll It e a tb 0111004 a Ind lilt iii P ipe 0 l t,riw ebroggar day jf for wbi0iaforw0rd' duty i0 p0rtormod. by day, My uel'vou+nese and apprehen• I when the forwarding le done dtroot, and None disappeared, Micros me has given 6 per aunt, when IndirOot or through mom.me absolute, strong health and 1 om• another forward po8t0iboo, The new mend It highly.' scale hi 12 percent. for diroed and the autoNofor toolswomie en, 000gi00rleffs aneodtive.even cAbhildsolutelyren, same for indireot forward duty. good whenever there 1e weakness, de- . Greatest a'eniole l44tr•ertgthenbr (rn Earth bility, 0ervonen080 or 111 health. Try Thousands of woman ere won,pallid, Forrezoue,,600. per box at all draggieto, rundown and dispirited, Whet they and by Winter your Kidneys and System need le that uouriahtng tonio Ferrozone, will be fortified against Rheumatism or I Increase to Country Postmasters t Boon they 00010111 those laughing bright quite and oyes; pkosy aheeS, Ferro. any other Kidney trouble ' Boa. a box at Drug Stores or by Mall. 91 ' zone done thio and more as ]tire, L, F. She CLATLIN CBESIMAL CO, Limited, WINDSOR, OHL, The scale of wave to Gauntry poet' Adrt0Onoa, of Whitney Pier, 0. B., masters has boon fluidly panned upon by teetiliee. "lvfy daughter was very much the Postmaotoe.General and bis deport. run down and had considerable freebie(' went. In future the minimum Bantry of at timee, Often I woe at tt 1a99 t0 know a oounlry postmaster will be $36, while at whet to do, 1 wee advised to give her present the minimum salary is $26, On Ferrootone and I did so. Ferrozone gives Sankey's hymns, grouped around the old melodeon as they used to do. Even the pionio ie uo longer held in the bush, they must needs have rabber•tired buggies and drive long dietnooeo to the beach or the lake -a most formal, mirthieg) and frequently wearisome affair, The Damp meeting and the protracted meeting have been relegated to the limbo where repose the cornea of the Hindu oar of Juggernaut and the white dog of the Mohawks. In the old day the ohnrohee out in the nanny were demo tretia ; now they are 0utooretio except in mese where the ahurob is a deepotiem and ie run by some "big" man in the oommunity. In too many Ontario oom• mnni1100 the obarob is simply an annex to some big man's farm, store, sawmill, private bank or whatever else hie bast• nese happens to be. I don't know what an anti Christ really le but the big man in a oommunity who runt the preacher and the choir and the congregation mast be Bomething like it. The annual threshing is the only "bee" left. The people of a neighborhood don't meet together on an equal footing except at a fennel, and even funerals are going oat of faeleion. Folks don't Bee the sense of attending the funeral of a person whom they didn't know when he woe alive, and wbat'a more, didn't want to know. Morethan that, the pictoresgne fire•aud brimstone funeral , sermon is tabooed. An old time sermon, with its personal appeal to the weepers in the front pew, need to be a positive trout, It was ae hair,raieing and as Bhudderfal ae a loop•the•loop or a dash of death cot in a drama ; but now it is n very quiet affair. NERVELESS WOMEN No Animation, Lack Endurance, Weak, Unstrung, Tired. Ferrozone Will Cure, For nick women no remedy nista that uplifts like Ferrozone. No remedy exerts so profound an in- fluence upon the functions that eoppiy alearnees of akin, brightness of eye, elaetioity of spirit, abndaae of strength. Ferrozone fa a marvellous former of blood-riob, red nutritious blood, the kind that aironlatee life and activity to every organ in the body. Buoyantly, vigor and vim are restored, -to the nerves to given vitality,to weak plane is etrengtb sent. Wonderinl power in Ferro zone, and weak, pallid woman oan be quickly nourished bank tojoyous health if Fer. rozo0e is used. Won't you try Ferrozone 2 It will care you just as it did Aire. Abram Carley, of .Strange P. 0 , Ont. -who says :-"I consider that 1 should reoommend thie preparation beoaose I have proved it ie simply wonderful in building up. I was all ran down, r•offer• ed from au extremely 0ervoue and on. strung uouditio0. My sleep was broken end didn't rest me QS it should. My ap From Whom are You Going to Buy 7 Prom a reliable firm where you see what you are getting or from some agent who don't know one kind of Granite from u o another and oa1•es only for lits aommieaion as agent 7 We employ no agents and guarantee all 001• work for five years, �f 1� X013 & hunter It It U'8 3 1; 1. Weak Wot ,, v.;, g.en To weak and ailingwomen, there is at least ono ]era to. heir,. But y i twithtin twat', two is eon(nte. mast be binod. Ono is local, one 1e ssentitl• ,must but both are important both essential Dr, anion's Night Restorative, the important, Dr, Bhoo t' Dr, Shoo h p vo, t e Constitutional. The temembrane 8hoop'sNightC 1047,Aafoetal .m 009'obiv to wholly oll yremote, alt trent- anent. Restorative Restorative {vr ac s internal trout. monte Tho RoSeekingo readies ref all nt tit :entire oyaband allbloo the rana.r of an nerve, tali to "N ht all as nnanta. Tho 'Night Caro", as itantroo impltos, dorsa fie .Work while you Itsoothoo sore andesand e11eharge0 surfaces, heals leimi ,eases nee and leaeftnrgos, while the Ra1talntlro, eases nervous ;excltomont, gdveo sense, r vigor and trenewn strength, up wasted GndUot, bringing about reneworl latrongth, vigor, and on orgy, Take 710. 8hoon'11 Bostorativo-Tablets ol'Liquid-nee general tonic] ?to the 0ystem. For partitive local help, nee a0 well Dr.Shoop s Nightlght Cure "ALL DEALERS" the first $800 revenue the postmaster now gets 40 per cent. hereafter he will get 50 per vent. On the tiros $1,000 or ell over $800 and up to $10,000 110 now gets 26 per vent. In future he will get 30 per, pent on ell over $1,000 and up to 910,000. At present be to allowed 16 per vent on all over $10,000 and in future he will get '20 par own. An allowance for night duty hi now paid when a postmaster bas to be on duty after 10 p. m. or before 0 a. rn,, the minimum pay for this being 96 and the maximum $60, according to the time employed end the work done. It hes now been decided to obangethe hours to 9 p. in, and 7 a. m. and to make good appetite, regulates, gtreegibene. I consider it a medicine every woman ebould use regularly if ahe wants to feel bet best." Rebuild with Ferroa000, It ie the Xing of all ouroe. Prima 500 per box at otidealare. Ex—animate of the Goderiob Collegiate Inetttate presented Dr, Strang with a purse of $1,000. Thomas Davidson, a young Seaton - men, was beheaded by an elevator in the Traders Bank building, Toronto. Premier Guilin, of Quebn°, denies that be made any advances to Mr. Boorman*, in regard to a portfolio or anything else, Risinv mattanunieginEMIREBOSFONETINIFIRENNPAIEZPRERREIRSTMEn BRUSSELS r1.RAT On and after Friday, September 20th, 25c, per bag will be paid for Winter apples and 20c. for good paring Fall apples delivered at the Factory. No small or soft apples will be taken. J. CUNNINGHAM, Proprietor THE SEASONS our Single Harness bas be- come so popular is that it possesses the four distin- Inseincr guishing qualities to make it a general favorite:- 1st—Good Material 2nd—Good Workmanship 8rd—Neatnes8 4th—Durability We may add that it 18 the greatest value for your dollars that is obtainable. The balance of our Dilaters at Reduced rates. Your horse requires a Fly Net—we have them in leather or cotton. 'Trunks and Satchels at Lowest Prices. Repairs in Harness or Collars promptly clone. t 'Dwelling rooms to let above store. Also comfortable dwelling and a acre of land for sale. I. C. Y'ar.kaar.�s N�nu��l Roller Fleur dills Good Bread and Pastry are essential to good health, To'obtain good Bread and Pastry it iA necessary to have good Flour. White Loafp . 11A1r a osse,.geall .1 , s thequalities p that go to make these essentials 'Pry this, our special pro- duct, and it will please you, ta"All kinds of Feed kept constantly on handl. Ring up Telephone No. 4 if you desire alsytllin our line and have not time to calla g _ - . • • PRY BJ LJ.SSELS